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12/12/2020 7 Steps To Export SQL Statements From Tableau | by Thomas Spicer | Openbridge

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She is wondering “Hmm, how do I export SQL?”

7 Steps To Export SQL

Statements From Tableau
Thomas Spicer Follow
Mar 13, 2017 · 5 min read 1/13
12/12/2020 7 Steps To Export SQL Statements From Tableau | by Thomas Spicer | Openbridge

Sometimes you just

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user SQL used
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to our Tableau!Policy,Maybe
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you want to use the SQL with SQL Workbench or a different query or
business intelligence tool. However, Tableau does not make it easy to see
what is happening under the hood.

We have launched a code-free, zero-admin, fully automated data

pipeline for Tableau to leading cloud warehouses and data lakes.

Get started with Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, Redshift

Spectrum or Amazon Athena for free!

Exporting SQL From Your Workbook

Let’s say you have created a data visualization in Tableau like the simple
example below. 2/13
12/12/2020 7 Steps To Export SQL Statements From Tableau | by Thomas Spicer | Openbridge

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Simple data viz in Tableau

You would like to be able to run the SQL statement used to generate this
visualization in a different query tool. Seems like that should be simple
enough, right? Well, it turns out to be a little more complicated than you
would think.

Let’s Get Started: Step-By-Step Guide

We created this step-by-step guide to save you time and finally get a peek
under the Tableau covers. Note: This guide covers Tableau v9.x, there might be
slight variations for new versions. You may want to check these steps too!

Step 1: Pick Your Visualization

Once you have the desired visualization created in Tableau, the first step is
to select Help → Settings and Performance → Start Performance
Recording from the Tableau toolbar. 3/13
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Select Performance Recording

Step 2: Refresh Your Data

Then right click on the source in the Data toolbar and select ‘Refresh’. This
will force Tableau to re-run the query. 4/13
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Select Refresh to re-run the query

Step 3: Stop Performance Recording

Once the query completes, select Help → Settings and Performance → Stop
Performance Recording from the Tableau toolbar.

Stop Performance Recording 5/13
12/12/2020 7 Steps To Export SQL Statements From Tableau | by Thomas Spicer | Openbridge

This should resultwork,

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— PerformanceRecording’

Performance Recording Summary

Step 4: View Your Data

Right-click anywhere in the bar next to ‘Executing Query’ and select ‘View
data’ 6/13
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Select ‘View data…’

Step 5: Grab The SQL Query

If you click the ‘Underlying’ (Tableau v9.x) or ‘Full Data’ (Tableau v10.x)
tab in the resulting pop-up window, you will see the SQL for the query in
the ‘Command’ field. 7/13
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Query View

You can select statement by highlighting the text in that field, select ‘Copy’
and either paste it directly into the SQL tool of your choice or into a text file
for the time being.

Copy query 8/13
12/12/2020 7 Steps To Export SQL Statements From Tableau | by Thomas Spicer | Openbridge

In ourToexample,
make MediumTableau SQL
work, we log statement
user data. looks like
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SELECT (((CAST(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM CAST(“sz_ad_report”.”delivery_date”

(CAST(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM CAST(“sz_ad_report”.”delivery_date” AS
FROM CAST(“sz_ad_report”.”delivery_date” AS TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME
ZONE)) AS INTEGER)) AS “md_delivery_date_ok”,

SUM(“sz_ad_report”.”impressions”) AS “sum_impressions_ok”

FROM “public”.”sz_ad_report” “sz_ad_report”

WHERE ((“sz_ad_report”.”delivery_date” >= (TIMESTAMP ‘2017–01–26

00:00:00.000’)) AND (“sz_ad_report”.”delivery_date” < (TIMESTAMP
‘2017–02–25 00:00:00.000’)))


Step 6: Test Your SQL Query

You can then connect to a SQL tool like SQL Workbench using the same
connection details you used in Tableau, paste the SQL statement into the
‘Statement’ tab and click the ‘Execute’ button. 9/13
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Test query

Step 7: Celebrate!
Voila! You should now see all the data used for the Tableau visualization in
the ‘Results’ tab. 10/13
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To make Medium work, we log user data. By using Medium, you agree to our Privacy Policy,
including cookie policy. Query results

Now you can use this statement in other query tools without the need to
worry about how to write SQL in Tableau from scratch, and save time!

We have launched a code-free, zero-admin, fully automated data

pipeline for Tableau to leading cloud warehouses and data lakes.

Get started with Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, Redshift

Spectrum or Amazon Athena for free!

Want to discuss how to optimize Tableau for your organization?

Need a platform and team of experts to kickstart your data and
analytic efforts? We can help! Getting traction adopting new
technologies, especially if it means your team is working in different and
unfamiliar ways, can be a roadblock for success. This is especially true in a
self-service only world. If you want to discuss a proof-of-concept, pilot, 11/13
12/12/2020 7 Steps To Export SQL Statements From Tableau | by Thomas Spicer | Openbridge

project or any
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experts are ready to help.

Reach out to us at Prefer to talk to someone? Set

up a call with our team of data experts.

Visit us at to learn how we are helping other

companies with their data efforts.

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