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PART 1 – to be completed by student

Today’s date
Student number [FBTM21112] (stamp)
Assignment title

Module number


Module tutor DR YUSLI

Qualification aimed for

Date assignment due

Is this a resubmission of deferred work? Yes  No 

PART 2 – tutor’s comments

Introduction :

Content :

Deliver :

Conclusion :

References :

Marker’s Name Signature Date

STUDENT – Please note that this is a provisional grade only Grade Late submission grade
and is subject to examination board approval. The grade is
based on attainments in the specific learning outcomes outlined
in the assignment brief. Where appropriate, common/core skills
have been assessed.

RECEIPT – to be completed by student

Please retain this receipt when date stamped as proof of submission. The School will also keep a record of submission.

Today’s date
Student’s name DAANESH A/L (stamp)


Assignment title
Question 1

Cubic wood block

Side (a) = 3m
Pwood = 400 kg /m3
Immersed depth = 0.95m

Plastic Block
Pplastic =900 kg/m3
Side = 3m

A) The density of the fluid , pfluid ( kg/m3)

Weight of wooden block = w w = Pwood x g x v

w w = 400 x 9.81 x 33 = 105948 N
This weight is equal to buoyancy force F B
F B = Pfuid x g x V fuid displace
F B = Pfluid x 9.81 x A x X wood
F B = Pfluid x 9.81 x g x 0.95 =
(83.8755) pf
83.8755 pfluid = 105948
pfluid = 105948 / 83.8755
pfluid = 1263.16kg/m3
B) Immersed depth of plastic block weight of plastic block w p
= P plastic x g x v
= w p = 900 x 9.81 x 33 = 238140N
This weight in equal to Buoyancy force for plastic block

F B= Pfluid x g x V fluid displace

F B = 1263.16 x 9.81 x g x x p = (111524.396) x p
F B= w p
111524.396 x p=238140
x p = 238140/111524.396
x p = 2.135m

Question 2 .
Pg gℎ3 - Pm gℎ2 + Pw gℎ 1 + Pair = Pgly gℎ4 + Pa + m
Pair = Pa+m = p gly gℎ4 - Pg gℎ3 + Pmgℎ2
= Pw gℎ 1
Pair = patm = g ( Pgℎy ℎ4 - Pgℎ3 + Pm ℎ2 - Pw ℎ1)
= 9.81 [ (1200 x0.12) - (800x0.08) + (13600 x 0.05)-
= 6476.6 Pa
Gage pressure of air is 6476.6 N/m2 Pa

Question 3 .

Force exerted on Gate

dF = pgy (1.5) dy

F = ∫ 1.5 pgydy
F = (1.5) pg ¿/2] 0 ¿
F= 9.72 pg
F= 9.72 x 104 N

Torque about A=0

TA = 0

F ( z + 0.9 ) = ∫ ydF

F(z+0.9) = ∫ (1.5) pgy2 dy

(z + 0.9)9.72 x 104 = 1.5pg [ y 3/3] 0
Z + 0.9 = 2.4m from A
Z = 1.5m from water surface
Question 4

∑ Fx = ∑ βm ⃗v - ∑ βm ⃗v
out ¿

= 0- ∑ βm ⃗v
= -2 x 0.5
= -1 N
∑ F x = F ex + PA
= F RX + 0
= F RX
( β=1 ¿
Nearly uniform flow
F rx = 1 N

X - component force required to hold flat plate is 1N and acted in

-ve direction (against the water flow direction).

∑ Fy = ∑ βm ⃗v - ∑ βm ⃗v IF y = FR y + PA
out ¿

= ( βm v y 1 + βm v y 2) - 0 = FR y + 0
= 2 (0.5) + 2 (-0.5) = FR y
= 1-1
( β=1 ¿
Nearly uniform flow
Y-component force required to hold flat plate is zero.

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