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Determination of Dead Times in the Recently

Introduced Hybrid G-M Counter Dead Time Model

Sang Hoon Lee, Robin P. Gardner & Moosung Jae

To cite this article: Sang Hoon Lee, Robin P. Gardner & Moosung Jae (2004) Determination of
Dead Times in the Recently Introduced Hybrid G-M Counter Dead Time Model, Journal of Nuclear
Science and Technology, 41:sup4, 156-159, DOI: 10.1080/00223131.2004.10875643

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Journal of NUCLEAR. SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, Supplement 4, p. 156-159 (March 20(4)

Determination of Dead Times in the Recently Introduced Hybrid

G-M Counter Dead Time Model

Sang Hoon LEE 1,', Robin P. GARDNER2 and Moosung JAB 1

llnnovative Technology Center for Radiation Safety (iTRS), Hanyang University
17 Haengdang, Sungdong, Seoul 133-791, Korea
2Center for Engineering Applications ofRadioisotopes (CEAR), Dept. ofNuclear Engineering
North Carolina State University, Campus Box 7909, Raleigh, NC 27605-7909, USA

To extend the usable range of the G-M counters the hybrid G-M counter dead time model adopting paralyzable and
non-paralyzable dead times (Tp and 'iNP ) at the same time has been introduced and the relationship between true and
observed counting rates (n and m) is more accurately expressed in the hybrid model. Other than the decaying source
method, which requires a research reactor, the usual way of detennining G-M counter dead time is the split source
method. To find two dead times of the hybrid model a modified split source method was suggested. The major
modification to the original method includes adoption of two split sources and iterative scheme due to transcendental
nature of the hybrid model. The modified split source method was tested using Monte Carlo G-M counter simulator,
GMSIM, based on ideal hybrid dead time model. Possibility of using interval distribution between observed events and
non- Poisson variance characteristics of G-M counters in finding the dead times was also presented.
KEY WORDS: G-M counter dead time, paralyzable model, non-paralyzable model, hybrid model, Monte Carlo

I. Introduction In the paralyzable modeI 9- 12), or Type II model as given

in Feller and Evans, when a radiation event occurs during
The G-M counter is widely used in monitoring radiation the detector dead time, the event is not counted but the
fields since it is inexpensive and versatile in detecting dead time is extended. The relationship between true and
radiations. It only suffers from the disadvantages that it is observed counting rates is given by:
not capable of spectrometry and high counting rates. The
first disadvantage comes from the basic detection (2)
mechanism of the G-M counter which cannot be modified.
However, it is possible that the accurate useful counting where 'ip . is the paralyzable counter dead time in s.
rate range of G-M counter systems can be extended if the The paralyzable and non-paralyzable models have been
high counting rate behavior due to dead time effects can be successful in a limited fashion and it has been suggested
accurately described (Lee and Gardner, 2000, 1)). that the true dead time characteristics of the G-M counter
Relatively long dead time of the G-M counter sets major falls somewhere between them.
drawbacks on the use of the counter at very high radiation There have been a few tries to extend the useful
counting rates. The deviation between true and observed counting rate range of the G-M counter further by
counting rates are usually explained in limited ways with introducing refined dead time correction models. Gardner
the paralyzable or the non-paralyzable model 2). and Liu (1997, 13)) proposed a modified dead time for the
In the non-paralyzable model, or Type I model as given paralyzable model that is expressed as a function of true
in Feller (1948, 3)) and Evans (1955, 4)), the dead time is counting rate. It is
non-extended and radiation events occurring during the
detector dead times are not counted. The important (3)
relationship between true and observed counting rates is
given by: where a and b are fitting parameters. Albert and Nelson
(1953, 14)) introduced a probability p and assumed that an
m=--- extension of the dead time takes place with this probability.
l+n'fNP These trials contributed in extending the useful range of
where m is the observed counting rate in counts/s, n is the the G-M detector, but their application to very high
true counting rate in counts/s, and 'i p. is the non- counting rates is still limited.
paralyzable counter dead time in sec H:
The detailed
characteristics of the model has been investigated in the II. New Hybrid Dead Time Model
references 6), 7) and 8).
To extend the useful range of the G-M detector a new
•Corresponding Author, Tel: +82-2-2290-1792, Fax: +82-2-2296- hybrid G-M counter dead time model (Lee and Gardner,
8154, E-mail: 2000, 1)) with two dead times has been introduced recently.
The new combined hybrid model is


decaying source method. However, the decaying source

nexp(-n'fp ) method of dead time determination requires a research
m= (4) reactor available nearby for irradiation, which is rarely the
case for radiation researchers. The other usual way of
determining G-M counter dead time is the split source
where 'fp and 'fNP represent the paralyzable and non- method. The usual split source method can be used in
paralyzable dead times and it should be recognized that finding one dead time, either paralyzable or non-
similar models combining two dead times has already been paralyzable. To find two dead times of the hybrid model a
derived mathematically by Mueller 5). When, in a G-M tube, modified split source method is suggested. The major
an electron-ion pair is produced by an ionizing radiation, modification to the original method includes adoption of
the electron is accelerated toward the anode and Townsend two sets of split sources and iterative scheme due to
avalanches are created enveloping the entire anode wire. transcendental nature of the hybrid model. The validity of
While electrons are gathered in the anode quickly, ions the dead time determination procedure according to the
tend to stay longer around the anode due to their low new split source method is analyzed numerically and
mobility. The ion space charge blocks the electric field cautions in following the new split source method are
needed in developing avalanches and essentially terminates presented. Possibility of using non- Poisson variance
the G-M discharge for a time. As the positive ions drift characteristics of G-M counters in finding their dead times
toward the cathode, the space charge becomes more dilute is also discussed.
and the electric field recovers gradually its original value. If
the second radiation event occurrs during the recovery of HI. Monte Carlo G-M Simulator: GMSIM
the electric field, a partially developed pulse will be
generated and it mayor may not be registered by the To numerically simulate the dead time behavior of a G-
counting system depending on the discriminator level of M counter, the Monte Carlo G-M counter simulator,
the system. When this recovery process is monitored on an GMSIM, has been developed. As shown in the Table 1,
oscilloscope, the typical dead time behavior of a G-M GMSIM requires detector dead time characteristics and
detector can be sketched as shown in Fig. 1. measurement parameters as input data and produces
observed counts or counting rate as output. Inside the
Non-paralyzable Paralyzable GMSIM code an interval (At;) between two radiation
Dead Time Dead Time events are randomly sampled from the well-know interval
distribution (p.d.f.), which is

f(M) = n exp( -nM) (5)

and its c.d.f., which is

F(M) = 1- exp( -nM) (6)

Initial Possible
Full Second
Discharge Events Then the sampled interval is compared with the dead
times, paralyzable and non-paralyzable, to determine if the
radiation event is observed or not and also to detelTIline if
the dead time is newly extended or not.
Fig. 1 Illustration of the dead time behavior of a G-M To check the validity of the code it has been applied for
counter on an oscilloscope three ideal G-M counters, one with a dead time TNP = 300
f!sec (non-paralyzable model), the second with dead times
The non-paralyzable dead time in this model is defined T NP =250 f!sec and Tp = 50 f!sec (hybrid model), and the
to represent the physical dead time of a G-M tube during last with Tp = 300 f!sec (paralyzable model), and the
which development of the next radiation detection event is calculated counting rates were compared with the theories
completely suppressed. The paralyzable dead time is the given in equations (1), (2) and (4). According to the
time duration between the end of the non-paralyzable dead comparison results shown in Figure 2 it is clear that
time and a resolving point at which a pulse larger than the GMSIM can accurately simulate three ideal model counters
discriminator level can be developed. If a radiation event as far as dead time effects are concerned.
occurs inside the G-M tube during the paralyzable dead
time, a smaller pulse is generated and the detector dead
time is extended. But the pulse will not be counted because
it will be below the discriminator level.
The dead times in the hybrid model can be easily
detelTIlined through least squares fitting for the case of the



e nputand output 0 fGMSIM code

T a bill
GMSIMinput GMSIM output (10)

- Measurement time [sec] - Observed Counts

- True Counting Rate (11)
[counts/sec] - Observed Counting
Rate [counts/sec]
- Non-paralyzable Dead
Time [sec]

- Paralyzable Dead Time (12)


From these set of system equations, answers to the six

unknowns, which are two dead times (Tp and TNP) and
o 0 GMSIM: Nonparalyzable
four split true counts (n al , n a2 , nbl andnb2 ), can be found.
o 0 GMSIM: Hybrid Due to the transcendental nature of the equations numerical
<> <> GMSIM: Paralyzable
Theory: Three Models
iterative scheme should be used. In this paper, successive
under-relaxation technique has been used for improved
stability of the process.
To test the dead time determination procedure, GMSIM
simulator was used instead of real G-M counters. For a
given ideal G-M counters and assumed source intensities,
observed counting rates are calculated with the help of
GMSIM. Then from the six measurement data (output of
GMSIM) dead times that satisfies the equations (7) through
(12) were calculated by iterative methods. The calculated
dead times were compared with the original ideal G-M
counter characteristics. The procedure was tested
1O''''7-~~~~-'-:-~~~~-'-:-~~~~'-'--:-~-'-'--~~ numerically using GMSIM and the test results showed
101 102 103 105
True Counting Rate (counts/sec) good agreements with the original dead times as shown in
the table 2. The results implies that two split sources
method can be used in finding two dead times of G-M
Fig. 2 Observed counting rates as a function of true counters for hybrid dead time model.
counting rates for a G-M counter with 300 Ilsec dead time
Table 2 Dead times calculated for an ideal G-M counter
IV. Two Split Sources Method Unit
[rnicrosec] True Calculated S.D.
Two split sources method is suggested for dead times
determination of the hybrid model. Since hybrid model Non-
involves one more parameter, it is essential to have one paralyzable 250.0 243.3 7.8
more split source than usual split source method. Let a and Dead Time
b denote each set of split sources and 12 mean the Paralyzable
Dead Time 50.0 52.2 2.9
combined sum source and 1 or 2 indicate individual split
source. Since true counting rates should conserve, the
following six formulae hold true for six measurements of
split and combined sum sources. V. Interval Distribution Method
Inspired by the research work Denecke and De Jonge 15),
dead times determination method using interval
(7) distribution between observed counts is suggested. For a
Poisson random events the theory tells that the interval
between two adjacent events is exponentially distributed as
given in equations (5) and (6). Due to the dead time effects
(8) ofthe counter the ideal interval distribution is distorted and
the distortion is well described in figure 3 with GMSIM
for the cases of paralyzable and non-paralyzable models
with dead time of 300 Ilsec, and for the true counting rate
m = (nal +na2)exp(-[nal +na2 ]Tp )
(9) of 2.0e+03 counts/so For the hybrid model interval
a12 l+(nal +na2 )TNP distribution can be used in finding two dead times since, as



shown in figure 3, the first local maximum indicates derivation for the hybrid model is needed to complete the
( 7p + TNP ) and the first local minimun indicates statistics. Once the variance model is available, it is
(7p +7NP )+ 7 p . possible that dead times could be estimated by simply
repeating measurements at various counting rates and using
the variance model.
Nonparalyzable Deadtime Counter
Paralyzable Deadtime Counter

Hybrid Oeadtime Counter Acknowledgement
This project has been carried out under the financial
support from Innovative Technology Center for Radiation
CHaO Safety (iTRS) and Center for Engineering Applications of
~ 1200 Radioisotopes (CEAR).
"a 1000

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