Detailed Approach Document - Group1.

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Digital integration and Forecast automation.
Company Introduction...........................................................................................................................2
Figure 1..............................................................................................................................................3
Project Title and Scope:.........................................................................................................................3
Project Objectives & Problem Identification..........................................................................................3
Proposed Approach...............................................................................................................................4
Strategic Frameworks............................................................................................................................5
Figure 2..............................................................................................................................................5
Figure 3..............................................................................................................................................6
Expected Outcomes...............................................................................................................................6
Proposed Timelines...............................................................................................................................6
Budgetary Estimate...............................................................................................................................7

Company Introduction:
Gyma Food Industry is a global food processing corporation and is the regional leader in the category
of nuts, dried fruits, dates, spices and pulses, trading under the trade name Bayara. Founded in
1992, the company operates in the MEA region. Headquartered in Cyprus, it has served the markets
of the UAE, KSA, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Georgia,
Mauritius, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Senegal. Bayara strongly believes in an agile approach to conducting
its everyday activities and has a customer-centred business model driven by quality. Bayara has all
the relevant certificates issued by Bureau Veritas, such as the HACCP, ISO, and is also certified

With a vision of provide top quality products their customer Bayara operates in souk models,
finished and packaged consumer goods and caters to food services as their B2B clients. With over
1000 SKUs Bayara sources its raw materials from some of the world’s best in class pre-approved
farms and maintains best in class consistency in terms of quality in terms of processing packaging
and delivery. It has dedicated fleet to handle its distribution and storage needs. The company
follows a 12 months rollover forecasting model for demand planning and sales forecasting across all
its departments and channels.

The CEO Mr. Jean-Marc Lourau has been leading Bayara since 2001. He and his team is strongly
focussed towards sustainable sourcing of raw materials as well as using efficient manufacturing and
production processes to assure proper waste recycling methods. With the employee centric and
customer centric approach Bayara is looking forward to integrating and standardize its operations by
introducing automation reduce wastage and manual workload.
Figure 1:

Project Title and Scope:

Bayara a leading snacks and nuts FMCG supply chain has 17 categories operating in 10 different
regions supplies over 10,000 SKUs in the MEA region. The firm is working towards improving forecast
and building traceability and transparency across the supply chain by integrating its end to end
operations through digitalization. Along with this broad initiative it is also trying to automate its
sales forecasting process across region to derive more accurate sales forecasts while reducing the
manual work overload which is a major drawback of the current model of operation.

Project Objectives & Problem Identification:

Bayara’s current business model needs to be digitally integrated to enable transparency, traceability
and seamless information flow across their supply chain in the most cost effective and efficient way.
This would enable access to more real time relevant information across the supply chain and plan
their supply chain operations better by taking sound data driven decisions. Currently the firm uses
12 month rolling forecast and the whole process of data entry, data retrieval and demand
forecasting is manual and labour intensive which is increasing the workload on their employees and
also resulting in lesser control on sales forecasts. To overcome these challenges the primary
objectives of this project are:

 To study the various business processes of the firm and assess the feasibility and need for
the digitally integrating the operations using ERP tool.
 To suggest ways of automating the process of demand forecasting and improving sales
forecast accuracies by establishing more control in terms of error corrections across all
categories in all the regions of operations while reducing the manual workload.

The secondary objective includes.

 To suggest an ERP tools or other digitalizing tools which would fit into the current business
model with minimum modification to firm’s processes.
 To study the current forecasting methods and testing their suitability for Bayara’s

 Exploring the possibility of improving the quality of forecast with the current tool.

Proposed Approach:
To address the objectives of this project we going to start with detailed process mapping of the
supply chain where the key stakeholders will be mapped on to each of the of the process for this we
would be leveraging the value stream mapping approach so that each of the value adding processes
are mapped very diligently. This would help us understand the various process intricacies in a
spectacular manner. Now having understood the various process intricacies and the complexities we
would map out the current architecture of the firm and asses the feasibility and the need for digital
integration. This would help us suggest the way forward for automating the process of forecasting.
Our team would then suggest how the firm should go about choosing the best forecasting algorithm
or the formula for a given department and a given region after studying the demand patterns and
how they can go about tweaking their models to stay in line with the market scenario. We propose
to start off with a single region to gain a sense of validation and to better understand the
shortcomings of the approach taken up.

Our primary research would include in depth interviews with the various key process stake holders
across the supply chain. This would help us understand the current scenario in terms of capability of
digital transformation. The interviews could be personal or through email whichever is deemed
necessary and feasible. Moving forward we would be carrying out secondary research or online
research to suggest ways of digitalizing and automating the process of forecasting and finally the
team would carry out secondary research and suggest the key considerations to be considered while
choosing an algorithm and how to go about tweaking or modifying it with respect to the changing
Strategic Frameworks:
Value Steam Mapping is a lean management approach to analyse the current state of the processes
from the suppliers to the customers and how the flow of material and information takes place across
the supply chain. This would also help us to redesign the processes to achieve the objectives.

Figure 2:

Enterprise architecture is very effective framework that can be leveraged to address the need and
the feasibility of digital integration or ERP implementation. The framework has a proactive and
holistic approach to assessment of feasibility of IT initiatives which would be necessary in achieving
our project objectives.
Figure 3:

Expected Outcomes:
 Bayara would be understand the feasibility and need for digital integration.
 Understand the various ways automating the forecasting operation.
 Understand the process of choosing most suitable algorithm/formula to achieve the higher
forecasting accuracy.

Proposed Timelines:
Dates Activity Status
Introduction - briefing by IIP office
12/10/2020 Completed
13 to 25- Project kick off meeting with Rameez corporate mentor
10-2020 Completed
25 to 30- Project Scope finalization and internal work breakdown
10-2020 Completed
Meeting with mentors
Literature Review and Academic Study On going Project Framework and Completed
structure finalized
Project activities Completed
1/11/2020 1st Deliverable – Detailed Approach document Pending
2 to 24-11- Project activities On going
2020 On-going Project activities On going
Client discussion for process mapping On going
Meeting with mentors Pending
Interaction with other key stake holders. Pending
Detailed value stream map and enterprise architecture with feasibility Pending
25 to 30- Mid review Presentation with mentors Pending
30 to 9-12- Interaction with Bayara to discuss forecasting automation. Pending
2nd Deliverable - Submission of Mid review report to Bayara. Pending
11 to 27- On-going project activity and Meeting the mentors Pending
12-2020 On-going project activity and Meeting the mentors Pending
27 to 12-1- Finalized Recommendations and Limitations Pending
14 to 21-1- Project Report Finalization - Mentor’s approval Pending
2021 3rd Deliverable - Final GIP III presentation - Client & Mentor Pending
31/1/2021 4th Deliverable - Final Project Report - Client and Mentor Pending

Budgetary Estimate:
The suggestions provided by the team would be under the assumption that 150,000 AED has been
allocated for the initiative, however we feel that the project as such would incur minimal costs as
most of the costs would be incurred during the implementation which exceeds the scope of the
project as the projects approach is advisory in nature. However, as we have proposed in depth
interviews as our primary research methodology, we have allocated 400 AED per personal interview
as it would cover the travel expenses if and when deemed necessary. We estimate a total of 5
interviews which would require 2000 AED.

 Availability of time- As the time available to complete the project is short, we feel achieving
the objectives across the firm would not be possible.
 Change management- If implementation requires process reengineering to a substantial
extent, this could hinder the progress of the project.
 Budget constraints- Implementation of ERP solution is very cost intensive the budget
allocated for the initiative could be a roadblock in achieving digital integration.
 Availability of data with current process is not known and could cause problems to
development of forecast modelling.
 Execution: The implementation exceeds the scope of the project.

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