At Coffee Shop: Vocabulary Tellin The Time Reading

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At a coffee shop

1 VOCABULARY Telling the time 4 READING

Wri te che t im es. a Read ab our some coffee shops in Seacde, Washi ngeon .
In which shop can you ... ?

.910" ~3'1:' '!1
1 .11 1 cele bra re a friend's birthd ay D
, 3'
'8 4 ,. , 2 pay nothin g ro hear music B
:.. '( 6 5 / '
"-'-"' 3 get you r coffee veey guickly E
1 lt's tWQ 2 It's five 3 It's five 4 It's 4 buy t h ings for your house A
tILirO'. after ten. o'clok. twenty to 5 lea r n abo ue di ffere nt ki nd s of coffee C

t'J BAUHAUS BOOKS AN O COFFEE 301 East Pine Street

O. ~
i~'\ This caffee shop serves sorne of the best coffee in Seattle. It
also se 115 books and pa int ings-you can shop and drink coffee
' -.1 4/.
6 5 .~ at the sa me time! Not interested in shopping? Sit at atab le and
use the wi -fi connection.
5 It's quater 6 It's 7 It's twenty 8 It's ten
after six. twenty to five after to one.
twelve eight. llJ VlCTROLA COFFEE ANO ART 41115th Avenue East
A big caffee sh op w it h a lot of space and beautifu l art on the
wall s. There is free live mus ic t wo or three times a week. Th e
2 BUYING A COFFEE barist as are friendly and t he coff ee is great. So is th e carrot
Order rhe dialogue.
[TI A Can 1help you?
D8 B No thanks . How much is that? liI TRABANT COFFEE ANO CHAl 1309 Northeast 45th Street
Trabant Coffee and Chai is open every day for breakfast,
D7 A Anything else?
brun ch, snacks, lu nch, and dinner. AII the food is homemad .
12 B Thanks.
and vegan food is available, too . This coffee shop also gives
D A $3.65. Thank yau. And your change. classes about coffee.
10 B Sorry, how much?
D3 A Regular or large?
[I] B YesoCan 1have a latte, please? mC&P COFFEE COMPANY 5612 California Avenue
D9 A That's $3.65, please. Southwest
D6 B To take away. A husband and wi f e ru n this caffee shop. It is in a beautiful,
D5 A To have here or to go? old house. lt's a very ca lm and relaxing place, and the coffee is
delicious. You can have a party or meeting in t his coff ee shop.
D4 B Large, please.


Th is coffee shop is popular because it serves great coffee. The
Com plere th e sentences w irh rhe word s in che box. friendly baristas can make drinks very fast. And they don't make
mistakes. Zei t geist is also a fun place t o be with fr iends. There's a
a seat first time to drink to you we are lot of space and many comfortable chairs.
1 Here we are . T his is che office.
2 Is chi s your first time in Brazil? b G uess rhe mea nin g of rhe hign ligFirea foo d words.
3 Wo uld you li ke somedúng _ _ _ to _
_ _ _1 C heck che mea nin g and pro nunciar ion in your d ictio na ry.
4 Ta lk to you latero
5 Take _ _a_seat
_ __

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