Factory Act MCQ

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1. The Factories Act, 1948 received its assent on?
a) 23rd September, 1948
a) 23rd September,
b) 23rd April, 1936
c) 1st April, 1949
d) 1st April, 1951
2. The Factories act came into force on?
a) 1st January, 1949
b) 1st April, 1949 b) 1st April, 1949
c) 1st March, 1948
d) 1st April, 1948
3. What is the extent of The Factories Act, 1948?
a) Except the state of J&K
b) Except the states of Hyderabad, J&K, Mysore d) Extends to the
and Travancore Cochin whole of India
c) Do not extend to Dadra and Nagar Haveli
d) Extend to the whole of India
4. Who has the power to declare different departments
to be separate factories or two are more factories to be
a single factory?
b) State Government
a) Appropriate Government
(Section 4)
b) State Government
c) Central Government
d) None of the above
5. The occupier shall, at least ________ days before he
begins to occupy or use any premises as a factory,
have to send a written notice to the Chief Inspector.
a) 12 b) 15 (Section 7)
b) 15
c) 16
d) 13
6. The general duties of the occupier are mentioned
under which Section?
a) Section 7
c) Section 7A
b) Section 8
c) Section 7A
d) Section 7B
7. What are the general duties of an Occupier? c) Only A & B
A. Maintenance of a plant and system of work in (Section 7A)
factory are safe, without risks to health.
B. Ensure safety and absence of risks to health in, use,
handling, storage and transport of articles and
C. Specifying the area
D. Defining the local mean time ordinarily deserved
a) D
b) C
c) Only A & B
d) All of the above
8. Which provisions regarding health are mentioned in
the sections 11 to 20 in factories act?
A. Cleanliness i) Section 11
B. Dust and fumes ii) Section 14
C. Ventilation and temperature iii) Section 13
D. Disposal of wastes iv) Section d) All of the above

a) Only B & C
b) Only A & D
c) None of the above
d) All of the above
9. As per the factories act, after how many years
should the factory premises be painted and
a) 5 years a) 5 Years
b) 2 years Section 11 (d)(i)
c) 10 years
d) Annually

10. Who will be called an ‘adult’ as per Section 2(a) of

the Factories Act, 1948?
d) A person who has
a) A person who has completed 21 years of age
completed 18 years
b) A person who is less than 19 years of age
of age
c) A person who has completed 17 years of age
d) A person who has completed 18 years of age
11. Section 2(k) defines?
a) Machinery
b) Manufacturing
b) Manufacturing Process
c) Transmission machinery
d) Worker
12. Which section of the factories Act, 1948 defines c) Section 2(l)
a) Section 2(k)
b) Section 2(m)
c) Section 2(l)
d) Section 2(j)
13. As per Section 6 of the Factories Act, 1948, who
has the power to make rules on approval, licensing
and registration of factories?
a) Central Government b) State Government
b) State Government
c) Supreme Court
d) Labour Commissioner
14. Which Section of the Factories Act 1948 defines the
term ‘occupier’ of a factory as a person who has
ultimate control over the affairs of the factory?
a) Section 2(n) a) Section 2(n)
b) Section 2(m)
c) Section 2(h)
d)Section 2(k)
15. Which Section of the Factories Act 1948 empowers
the State Government to declare different
departments to be separate factories or two or more
factories to be a single factory?
a) Section 4
a) Section 4
b) Section 5
c) Section 6
d) Section 3
16. As per Factories Act, 1948, who shall be an
Inspector for his district?
d) District
a) Sub Divisional Magistrate
Magistrate Section
b) Labour Officer
c) Tahasildar
d) District Magistrate
17. Which of the following act has the objective of
ensuring adequate safety measures and to promote the
health and welfare of the workers employed in
factories? a) Factories Act,
a) Factories Act, 1948 1948
b) Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923
c) Industrial Dispute Act, 1947
d) The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
18. As per Section 2(d) of the factories Act, 1948,
‘young person’ means?
a) A Child
c) An Adolescent
b) An Adult
c) An Adolescent
d) None of the Above
19. Which is not an essential element of a factory from d) There electronic
the given options?
a) There must be a premises
b) There must be manufacturing process being carried on
at the premises data processing units
c) There must be ten or more workers where the are installed
manufacturing process is being carried on with the aid of
d) there electronic data processing units are installed
20. Which of the following are not covered by the
definition of factory?
i) railway running sheds
ii) Mines
iii) Mobile units of Armed Forces
d) All of the Above
iv) Hotels, Eating Places or Restaurants
Factory defined in
Choose the correct options:
a) (i) & (ii)
b) (i) , (ii) & (iii)
c) (ii), (iii) & (iv)
d) All of the above
21. As per factories Act, 1948, which of the following is
not included in the definition of ‘manufacturing
process’. b) Any preliminary
a) Preserving or storing any article in cold storage packing of raw
b) Any preliminary packing of raw material for delivery it material for delivery
to the factory it to the factory
c) generating, transforming, transmitting power
d) Pumping oil, water or sewage or any other substance
22. Who has the power of making rules for any area in
which Indian Standard Time is not ordinarily
c) State Government
a) Central Government
(Section 3)
b) Labour Commissioner
c) State Government
d) Chief Inspector
23. Which section of The Factories Act, 1948 gives
power to the State Government to exempt during
public emergency?
a) Section 5 a) Section 5
b) Section 4
c) Section 9
d) Section 84
24. Under The Factories Act, 1948, which section c) Section 10
provides duties of certifying surgeons?
a) Section 8
b) Section 9
c) Section 10
d) Section 11
25. Who has the power to prescribe standards of
sufficient and suitable lighting for factories?
a) Chief Inspector c) State Government
b) Central Government (Section 17)
c) State Government
d) The Employer
26. Whoever spits in contravention of sub-section 3 of
Section 20 shall be punished with?
d) Fine not exceeding
a) Fine not exceeding twenty rupees
five rupees
b) Fine not exceeding fifty rupees
Section 20 (4)
c) Fine not exceeding ten rupees
d) Fine not exceeding five rupees
21. In every factory there shall be provided a ________
number of spittoons in convenient places and they
shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition.
d) Sufficient ( Section
a) One
b) Two
c) None
d) Sufficient
22. The__________ may make rules prescribing the
type and the number of spittoons to be provided and
their location in any factory.
a) State Government a) State Government
b) Central Government
c) Chief Inspector
d) None of the Above
23. Which section talks about Latrines and Urinals
under the Factories Act, 1984?
a) Section 17
c) Section 19
b) Section 18
c) Section 19
d) Section 20
24. In every factory wherein more than _____ workers
are ordinarily employed all latrine and urinal
accommodation shall be of prescribed sanitary types.
b) 250
a) 200
Section 19 (2(a)
b) 250
c) 300
d) None of the Above
25. Choose the correct statement:-
c) All of the above
In every factory-
(i) sufficient latrine and urinal accommodation of
prescribed types shall be provided conveniently
situated and accessible to workers at all times while
they are at factory
(ii) separate enclosed accommodation shall be
provided for male and female workers
(iii) all such accommodation shall be maintained in a
clean and sanitary condition at all times;
(iv) Sweepers shall be employed whose primary duty it
would be to keep clean latrines, urinals and washing

a) Only (i), (ii) & (iii) are correct

b) Only (iii) & (iv)
c) All of the above
d) None of the above
26. Which section under the Factories Act, 1948 talks
about ‘Drinking Water’?
a) Section 15
d) Section 18
b) Section 16
c) Section 19
d) Section 18
27. Under Section 18 of the Factories Act, 1948, all
such points shall be legibly marked ___________ in a
language understood by a majority of the workers
employed in the factory.
b) Drinking Water
a) Water
b) Drinking Water
c) Washing Place
d) None of the above
28. Under Section 18 of the factories Act, 1948, no
such point shall be situated within ________ metres of
any washing place, urinal, latrine, spittoon, open drain
carrying sullage or effluent or any other source of
contamination unless a shorter distance is approved in
c) six
writing by the Chief Inspector.
a) five
b) four
c) six
d) seven
29. Which is the authority for approving the distance b) Chief Inspector
of drinking water area under section 18 of the
Factories Act, 1948.
a) State Government
b) Chief Inspector
c) Central Government
d) Inspector
30. Under Section 17 of the Factories Act, 1948, in
every part of the factory where workers are working
or passing there shall be _____________.
a) Provided and maintained sufficient d) All of the Above
b) suitable lighting
c) natural and artificial
d) all of the above
31. The provision of ‘overcrowding’ is provided under
which section of the Factories Act, 1948?
a) Section 16
a) Section 16
b) Section 17
c) Section 18
d) Section 19
32. If the _________by order in writing so requires,
there shall be posted in each workroom of a factory a
notice specifying the maximum number of workers
who may, in compliance with the provisions of section
16 of the factories act, 1948, be employed in the room. a) Chief Inspector
a) Chief Inspector
b) Inspector
c) State Government
d) All of the Above
33. Section 15 of the Factories Act, 1948 defines
a) Dust and Fumes b) Artificial
b) Artificial Humidification Humidification
c) Overcrowding
d) Lighting
34. In respect of all factories in which the humidity of
the air is artificially increased, the State Government
may make rules,--
a) prescribing standards of humidification;
b) regulating the methods used for artificially increasing d) All of the above
the humidity of the air;
c) directing prescribed tests for determining the humidity
of the air to be correctly carried out and recorded;
d) All of the Above
35. Section 14 of the Factories Act defines__________ c) Dust and Fumes
a) Ventilation and temperature
b) Disposal of wastes and effluents
c) Dust and Fumes
d) Artificial Humidification
36. Which authority has the power to make rules
prescribing arrangements to be made for disposal of
wastes and effluents?
a) Inspector c) State Government
b) Central Government
c) State Government
d) All of the Above
37. Every factory shall be kept clean and free from
effluvia arising from any drain, privy or other
nuisance and in particular-
a) the floor of every workroom shall be cleaned at least
once in every week by washing, using disinfectant, where
necessary, or by some other effective method
b) where a floor is liable to become wet in the course of c) Both (a) & (b)
any manufacturing process to such extent as is capable of
being drained, effective means of drainage shall be
provided and maintained;
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None of the Above
38. All doors and window frames and other wooden or
metallic framework and shutters shall be kept painted
or varnished and the painting or varnishing shall be
carried out at least once in every period of ______
years under section 11(dd) of the Factories Act, 1984. d) five
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) five
39. Under section 8 of the Factories Act, 1948, the
Central Government may, by notification in the
Official Gazette, appoint such persons as possess the
prescribed qualification to be Inspectors for the
b) False, the State
purposes of this Act and may assign to them such local
Government may…
limits as it may think fit.
Is the above statement:
a) True
b) False
40. Which section defines General duties of c) Section 7B
manufactures, etc., as regards articles and substances
for use in factories?
a) Section 7
b) Section 7A
c) Section 7B
d) None of the Above
41. Every ________ shall prepare, and, as often as may
be appropriate, revise, a written statement of his
general policy with respect to the health and safety of
the workers at work and the organisation and
arrangement for the time being in force for carrying a) Occupier
out that policy. Section 7A(3)
a) Occupier
b) Inspector
c) Deputy Chief Inspector
d) None of the Above
42. Under section 7 of the Factories Act, 1948, in
respect of all establishments which come within the
scope of the Act for the first time, the occupier shall
send a written notice to ________ containing
particulars within 30 days from the date of d) Chief Inspector
commencement. Section 7(2)
a) Inspector
b) State Government
c) Deputy Chief Inspector
d) Chief Inspector
43. Before factory engaged in a manufacturing process
which is ordinarily carried on for less than
_______working days in the year resumes working,
the occupier shall send a written notice to the Chief
Inspector containing the particulars specified in
c) 180 days
section 7(1) at least thirty days before the date of the
Section 7(3)
commencement of work.
a) 30 days
b) 90 days
c) 180 days
d) None of the Above
44. Under the Factories Act 1948, which section
defines ‘hazardous process’?
a) Section 2(c)
c) Section 2(cb)
b) Section 2(ca)
c) Section 2 (cb)
d) None of the above
45. Under section 2(k) ‘manufacturing process’
a) making, altering, repairing, ornamenting
d) All of the above
b) pumping oil, water, sewage
c) generating transforming or transmitting power
d) All of the Above
46.Who may prescribe standards for an adequate and suitable facilities for
washing in respect of any factory or class or description of factories or of any
manufacturing process in Factories Act, 1948.?
A. Central Government
B. State Government
C. Appropriate Government
D. None of the above

47.Which section deals with Washing facilities in Chapter V of the Factories

Act, 1948?
A. Section 40
B. Section 41
C. Section 42
D. Section 43

48.Separate and adequately screened facilities shall be provided for the use of –
A. Male workers
B. Female workers
C. Both
D. Maybe for male but mandatory for females

49.In factories Act, an adequate and suitable facilities for washing shall be
provided and maintained for the use of the-
A. Employer’s family member only
B. Employers
C. Worker’s family member only
D. Workers

50.Section 43 of The Factories Act, 1948 deals with-

A. Facilities for storing and drying clothing
B. Canteens
C. First – aid appliances
D. Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms

51.In factories Act 1948, rules made for Facilities for storing and drying clothing
includes –
A. Any factory
B. Any class
C. Any description of factories
D. All of the above
52.In factories Act 1948, The rules requiring the provision therein of suitable
places for keeping clothing worn daring working hours and not for the drying
of wet clothing for facilities for storing and drying clothing-
A. Statement is true
B. Statement is false
C. Can’t say anything
D. Reasons can be ascertain

53.Who can make rules in respect of any factory or class or description of

factories, requiring the provision therein of suitable places for keeping
clothing not worn daring working hours and for the drying of wet clothing.
A. Central Government
B. State Government
C. Occupier
D. All of the above

54.Which section deals with factory suitable arrangements for sitting shall be
provided and maintained for all workers obliged to work in a standing position
in Factories Act, 1948.
A. Section 41
B. Section 42
C. Section 43
D. Section 44

55.Section 44 of the Factories Act, 1948 deals with

A. Canteens
B. First – aid appliances
C. Facilities for sitting
D. Washing facilities

56.Who can order order in writing, require the occupier of the factory to provide
before a specified date such seating arrangements as may be practicable for all
workers so engaged or working in ‘Facilities for sitting’ in Factories Act,
A. Central Government
B. State Government
C. Chief Inspector
D. Police Inspector

57.Who can notify in the Official Gazette and can declare the provisions where
factory suitable arrangements for sitting shall be provided and maintained for
all workers obliged to work in a standing position which shall not apply to any
specified factory or class or description of factories or to any specified
manufacturing process in Factories Act, 1948?
A. Central Government
B. State Government
C. Chief Inspector
D. Police Inspector

58.In ‘Facilities for sitting’, the State Government may, by notification in the
Official Gazette, declare that the provisions of sub-section (1) -
A. Shall not apply to any specified factory
B. Shall not apply to any class
C. Shall not apply to any specified manufacturing process.
D. All of the Above

59.What is Section 45 in the Factories, Act 1948?

A. Canteens
B. Facilities for sitting
C. First – aid appliances
D. Facilities for storing and drying clothing

60.There shall in every factory be provided and maintained so as to be readily

accessible during ___________ first-aid boxes or cupboards equipped with
the prescribed content-
A. all weekends
B. all working hours
C. all rest periods
D. none of the above

61.In first – aid appliances, the number of such boxes or cupboards to be

provided and maintained shall not be less than __________ ordinarily
employed 1[at any one time] in the factory.
A. one for every one hundred and fifty workers
B. one for every one hundred and sixty workers
C. two for every two hundred and fifty workers
D. two for every two hundred and sixty workers

62.In first – aid appliances, Nothing except the prescribed contents shall be kept
in a first-aid box or cupboard.
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes, may be maybe not
D. Can’t Say

63.Each first-aid box or cupboard shall be kept in the _________ ____[who holds
a certificate in first-aid treatment recognised by the State Government] and
who shall always be readily available during the working hours of the factory.]
A. charge of four separate responsible persons
B. charge of three separate responsible persons
C. charge of two separate responsible person
D. charge of a separate responsible person

64.Under section 45 of the Factories Act 1948, In every factory wherein more
than________ are [ordinarily employed] there shall be provided and
maintained an ambulance room of the prescribed size, containing the
prescribed equipment and in the charge of such medical and nursing staff as
may be prescribed-
A. 1000
B. 500
C. 100
D. 50

65.Canteens in Factories Act, 1948 are mentioned in which section -

A. Section 35
B. Section 45
C. Section 36
D. Section 46

66.Who can make rules for requiring , a canteen or canteens shall be provided
and maintained by the occupier for the use of the workers?
A. Appropriate Government
B. Central Government
C. State Government
D. Chief Inspector

67.Rules can be made on requiring that in any specified factory wherein more
than__________ are ordinarily employed, a canteen or canteens shall be
provided and maintained by the occupier for the use of the workers.]
A. 100 workers
B. 150 workers
C. 200 workers
D. 250 workers

68.In Factories Act, 1948 , ‘Canteen’- Without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing power, such rules may provide for—
A. the date by which such canteen shall be provided; & the management of
the canteen;
B. the standards in respect of construction, accommodation, furniture and
other equipment of the canteen;
C. the foodstuffs to be served therein and the charges which may be made
therefore & the constitution of a managing committee for the canteen and
representation of the workers in
D. All of the above
69.The delegation to the ___________ , subject to such conditions as may be
prescribed, of the power to make rules for the foodstuffs to be served therein
and the charges which may be made therefore –
A. Police Inspector
B. State Government
C. Appropriate Government
D. Chief Inspector

70.In which section provision for ‘Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms’ is being
provided ?
A. Section 47
B. Section 48
C. Section 49
D. Section 50

71.In every factory wherein more than __________ are ordinarily employed,
adequate and suitable shelters or rest rooms and a suitable lunch room, with
provision for drinking water, where workers can eat meals brought by them,
shall be provided and maintained for the use of the workers:
A. Fifty workers
B. one hundred and fifty workers
C. two hundred and fifty workers
D. thee hundred and fifty workers

72.In factories Act, 1948: In Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms; Provided that
any canteen maintained in accordance with the provisions of section 46 shall
be regarded as
A. part of the requirements of this sub-section:
B. not part of the requirements of this sub-section
C. different in requirements and its essence in this sub-section
D. None of the above

73.According to Shelters, restrooms and lunch rooms in Factories Act 1948,

‘Provided that where a lunch room exists no worker shall eat any food in the
work room’. Are they can ?
A. Statement is absolutely false
B. Statement is absolutely correct
C. May be or maybe not
D. Cannot be determined

74.How the shelters or rest rooms or lunch rooms to be provided under sub-
section (1) shall be maintained-
A. Sufficiently heavy aid ventilated and shall be maintained in hot and clean
B. Sufficiently lighted aid ventilated and shall be maintained in a hot and
clean condition
C. Sufficiently heavy aid ventilated and shall be maintained in a cool and
clean condition
D. Sufficiently lighted aid ventilated and shall be maintained in a cool and
clean condition

75.Who can prescribe the standards in respect of construction, accommodation,

furniture and other equipment of shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms to be
provided under this section;
A. Central Government
B. State Government
C. Appropriate Government
D. None of the above

76.Is it possible to exempt any factory or class or description of factories from the
requirements of section 47 for the standards in respect of construction,
accommodation, furniture and other
equipment of shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms to be provided under this
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. Act does not states anything regarding this

77.Does factories Act, 1948 provides crèche facilities?

A. Never
B. Always
C. Sometimes
D. Not stated anything in Act

78.Crèche is mentioned in Factories Act, 1948?

A. Section 38
B. Section 39
C. Section 48
D. Section 49

79.In every factory wherein more than __________ are ordinarily employed there
shall be provided and maintained a suitable room or rooms for the use of
children under the age of _____ years of such women.
A. 50 was and men workers, 4
B. 30 women and men workers, 4
C. 30 women workers, 6 years
D. 50 women workers, 6 years

80.Such rooms shall provide adequate accommodation, shall be adequately

lighted and ventilated, shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition
and shall be under the charge of_________ in the care of children and infants.
A. women trained
B. Men trained
C. Both
D. Educated Manager

81.For Section 48 of the Factories Act, 1948 the State Government can make
rules for-
A. prescribing the location and the standards in respect of construction,
accommodation, furniture and other equipment of rooms to be provided
under this section;
B. requiring the provision in factories to which this section applies of
additional facilities for the care of children belonging to women workers,
including suitable provision of facilities for washing and changing their
C. requiring the provision in any factory of free milk or refreshment or both
for such children; requiring that facilities shall be given in any factory for
the mothers of such children to feed them at the necessary intervals.
D. All of the above

82.Can other than State Government make rules in Factories Act, 1948 under
section 48 if yes then who ?
A. Yes, Chief Inspector
B. Yes, Occupier
C. No
D. Both A and B

83.Section 49 of Factories Act, 1948 states-

A. Crèche
B. Canteen
C. Welfare officers
D. Weekly hours

84.According to section 49 of Factories Act, 1948: In every factory wherein

_________ are ordinarily employed the occupier shall employ in the factory
such number of welfare officers as may be prescribed.
A. five hundred or more workers
B. One hundred or less than that workers
C. Fifty or more than that workers
D. Two fifty or more than that workers
85.Under section 49 of Factories Act,1948-The State Government may prescribe
A. duties,
B. qualifications
C. conditions of service of officers employed
D. All of the above

86.Who may may prescribe the duties, qualifications and conditions of service of
officers employed under section 49 of Factories Act, 1948
A. Central Government
B. State Government
C. Appropriate Government
D. All of the above

87.In which section ‘Power to make rules to supplement chapter V’ in Factories

Act is provided?
A. Section 30
B. Section 40
C. Section 50
D. Section 60

88.Under section 50 The State Government may make rules—

A. exempting, subject to compliance with such alternative arrangements for
the welfare of workers as may be prescribed, any factory or class or
description of factories from compliance with any of the provisions of this
B. requiring in any factory or class or description of factories that
representatives of the workers employed in the factory shall be associated
with the management of the welfare arrangements of the workers.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

89.Which section deals with weekly hours of adults in Factories Act, 1948?
A. Section 50
B. Section 51
C. Section 52
D. Section 53

90.According to Section 51 of Factories Act 1948, No adult worker shall be

required or allowed to work in a factory for more than_______ in any week.
A. forty-eight hours
B. Twenty-four hours
C. Twenty- six hours
D. Fifty-eight hours

91.Working hours of adults is mentioned in Factories Act, 1948 in-

A. Chapter IV
B. Chapter V
C. Chapter VI
D. Chapter VII

92.In which section Weekly holidays is mentioned in Factories Act, 1948?

A. Section 49
B. Section 50
C. Section 51
D. Section 52

93.In factories Act, 1948 - No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work
in a factory on the ____ day of the week (hereinafter referred to as the said
A. First
B. Last
C. Mid
D. Second

94.In Section-52: Provided that no substitution shall be made which will result in
any worker working for more than__________ consecutively without a
holiday for a whole day
A. Five days
B. Six days
C. Nine days
D. Ten days

95.In section-52 : No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in a

factory on the first day of the week (hereinafter referred to as the said day),

A. he has or will have a holiday for a whole day on one of the three days
immediately before or after the said day, and
B. the manager of the factory has, before the said day or the substituted day
under clause (a), whichever is earlier,—
C. delivered a notice at the office of the Inspector of his intention to require
the worker to work on the said day and of the day which is to be
substituted, and displayed a notice to that effect in the factory:
D. All of the above
96.For section-52 : substitution shall be made which will result in any worker
working for more than ten days consecutively without a holiday for a whole
A. Statement is absolutely false
B. Statement is absolutely correct
C. Maybe or may not be
D. No such statement in Act

97.For weekly holidays, Maybe cancelled by a notice delivered at the office of

the Inspector and a notice displayed in the factory not later than the day before
the said day or -
A. the holiday to be cancelled
B. the holiday to be cancelled, whichever is earlier.
C. the holiday to be cancelled, whichever is later made
D. None of the above

98.For weekly holidays, Any worker works on the said day and has had a holiday
on one of the three days immediately before it, that said day shall, for the
purpose of calculating his weekly hours of work, be included in the
A. Succeeding week
B. preceding week.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

99.Is there any section for weekly and compensatory holidays in Factories Act,
A. Only for weekly holidays
B. Only for compensatory holidays
C. For both
D. For none

100. a worker is deprived of any of the weekly holidays for which provision
is made in sub-section (1) of that section, he shall be allowed, within the
month in which the holidays were due to him or within the two months
immediately following that month, compensatory holidays of ________
number to the holidays so lost.
A. Equal
B. Unequal
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

101. Where, as a result of the passing of an order or the making of a rule

under the provisions of this Act exempting a factory or the workers therein
from the provisions of _________, a worker is deprived of any of the weekly
holidays for which provision is made in sub-section (1) of that section, he shall
be allowed, within the month in which the holidays were due to him or within
the two months immediately following that month, compensatory holidays of
equal number to the holidays so lost.
A. Section 50
B. Section 51
C. Section 52
D. Section 53

102. In section 53, The State Government may prescribe the manner in
which the holidays for which provision is being made – statement is :
A. False
B. True
C. Partially correct
D. Cannot be ascertained

103. Not adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in a factory for
more than ______ hours in any day according to Factories Act,1948?
A. Nine
B. Ten
C. Eleven
D. Twelve

104. Subject to the provisions of__________, not adult worker shall be

required or allowed to work in a factory for more than nine hours in any day:
A. Section 51
B. Section 52
C. Section 53
D. Section 41
105. As per ‘ daily hours’ in Factories Act, 1948 - Subject to the previous
approval of the __________, , the daily maximum specified in this section
may be __________ in order to facilitate the change of shifts.
A. Central Government, exceeded
B. State Government, limited
C. Chief inspector, exceeded
D. Occupier, limited .

106. [ The periods of work] of adult workers in a factory each day shall be
so fixed that no period shall exceed _____ hours and that no worker shall
work for more than _____ hours before he has had an interval for rest of at
least half an hour.
A. Five, Five
B. Six, six
C. Six, five
D. Five, six
107. The State Government or, subject to the control of the State
Government, the Chief Inspector, may, by written order and for the reasons
specified therein, exempt any factory from the provisions of intervals for rest
sub-section (1) so, however, that the total number of hours worked by a
worker without an interval_________ ] under provision for interval for rest-
A. does not exceed five
B. does not exceed six
C. Should exceed nine
D. Should exceed six

108. In the Factories Act, 1948, section 55 states-

A. Spread over
B. Night shifts
C. First aud appliances
D. Intervals for rest

109. The periods of work of an adult worker in a factory shall be so arranged

that inclusive of his intervals for rest under –
A. Section 53
B. Section 54
C. Section 55
D. Section 56

110. The periods of work of an adult worker in a factory shall be so arranged

that inclusive of his intervals for rest, they shall not spread over more than
__________ in any day.
A. ten and a half hours
B. Twelve and a half hours
C. Ten hours
D. Twelve hours

111. Section 55 of Factories Act, 1948 talks about-

A. Night Shifts
B. Spread over
C. Extra wages for overtime
D. All of the above
112. Night Shifts are stated in Factories Act under-
A. Section 47
B. Section 48
C. Section 57
D. Section 58

113. Where a worker in a factory works on a shift which extends beyond

midnight, for the purposes of sections 52 and 53, a holiday for a whole day
shall mean in his case a period of ________ consecutive hours beginning
when his shift ends;
A. Twenty Four
B. Twelve
C. Six
D. Forty Eight

114. The following day for him shall be deemed to be the period of
_______ beginning when such shift ends, and the hours he has worked after
midnight shall be counted in the ________ day
A. 24 hours, previous
B. 24 hours, next
C. 48 hours, previous
D. 48 hours, next

115. Work shall not be carried on in any factory by means of system of

shifts so arranged that more than one relay of workers is engaged in work of
the same kind at the same time. In factories Act, 1948 It states about-
A. Day - Night Shifts
B. Compensatory overlapping days
C. Holiday shifts
D. Prohibition of overlapping shifts

116. The State Government or subject to the control of the State

Government, the __________ may, by written order and for the reasons
specified therein, exempt on such conditions as may be deemed expedient, any
factory or class or description of factories or any department or section of a
factory or any category or description of workers therein from the provisions.
A. Central Government
B. Chief Inspector
C. State Government
D. Appropriate authority

117. Extra wages for overtime is mentioned in Factories Act 1948, under
A. Section 57
B. Section 58
C. Section 59
D. Section 60

118. Under section 59, Where a worker works in a factory for more than
nine hours in any day or for more than forty-eight hours in any week, he shall,
in respect of _______ work, be entitled to wages at the rate of _______ his
ordinary rate of wages.
A. Overtime ; twice
B. Daily ; thrice
C. Overtime ; thrice
D. Daily ; twice

119. “___________ of wages” means the basic wages plus such allowances,
including the cash equivalent of the advantage accruing through the
concessional sale to workers of foodgrains and other articles, as the worker is
for the time being entitled to, but does not include a bonus and wages for
overtime work.
A. Extraordinary Rate
B. Ordinary rate
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

120. For the purposes of sub-section (1), “ordinary rate of wages” means the
basic wages plus such allowances, including the cash equivalent of the
advantage accruing through the concessional sale to workers of foodgrains and
other articles, as the worker is for the time being entitled to, but
A. does not include a bonus and wages for overtime work
B. does include a bonus and wages for overtime work
C. It only excludes bonus
D. It only includes bonus

121. Where any workers in a factory are paid on a __________ ,the time
rate shall be deemed to be equivalent to the daily average of their full-time
earnings for the days on which they actually worked on the same or identical
job during the month immediately preceding the calendar month during which
the overtime work was done, and such time rates shall be deemed to be
ordinary rates of wages of those workers:
A. Time wage system
B. Time rate basis
C. Piece rate basis
D. All of the above

122. Provided that in the case of a worker who has worked in the
immediately preceding calendar month on the same or identical job, the time
rate shall be deemed to be equivalent to the daily average of the earning of the
worker for the days on which he actually worked in the week in which the
overtime work was done. Is this Statement –
A. True
B. False
C. May be may be not
D. Can’t Say anything
123. ___________ means a family consisting of the worker, his or her
spouse and two children below the age of fourteen years requiring in all three
adult consumption units?
A. Below poverty line family
B. Above poverty line family
C. Standard Family
D. Both B and C

124. ___________ means the consumption unit of a male above the age of
fourteen years; and the consumption unit of a female above the age of fourteen
years and that of a child below the age of fourteen years shall be calculated at
the rates of 8 and 6 respectively of one adult consumption unit.
A. Infant consumption unit
B. Child consumption unit
C. Teenager consumption unit
D. Adult consumption unit

125. The State Government may make rules prescribing—

A. the manner in which the cash equivalent of the advantage accruing
through the concessional
B. sale to a worker of food grains and other articles shall be computed; and
C. the registers that shall be maintained in a factory for the purpose of
securing compliance with the provisions of this section.
D. All of the above

126. No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in any factory on

any day on which he has already been working in any other factory, save in
such circumstances as may be prescribed- Its in :
A. Restriction on double employment
B. Prohibition on employment
C. Free entrance on double employment
D. Both A and B

127. What shall be displayed and correctly maintained in every factory in

accordance with the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 108 as per the
Factories Act, 1948 under section 61?
A. Letter of periods of work for occupier
B. Notice of periods of work for adults
C. Letter of periods of work for adults
D. Notice of periods of work for occupier

128. A notice of periods of work for adults, showing clearly for every day
the periods during -
A. which adult workers may be required to work.
B. which adult workers may not be required to work.
C. which occupier may be required to work.
D. All of the above

129. The periods shown in the notice required by sub-section (1) shall be
fixed beforehand in accordance with the following provisions of this section,
and shall be such that workers working for those periods would not be
working in contravention of any of the provisions of sections 51, 52, 54, 55,
56 and 58. Is this statement-
A. True
B. False
C. True but except provisions 55, 56
D. Cannot be ascertained

130. Which of the following statement is true for notice of periods of work
for adults-
A. Where all the adult workers in a factory are required to work during the
same periods, the manager of the factory shall fix those periods for such
workers generally.
B. Where all the adult workers in a factory are not required to work during the
same periods, the manager of the factory shall classify them into groups
according to the nature of their work indicating the number of workers in
each group.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

131. Where any group is to work on a system of _______ and the relays are
to be subject to predetermined periodical changes of shifts, the _________ of
the factory shall draw up a scheme of shifts where under the periods during
which any relay of the group may be required to work and the relay which will
be working at any time of the day shall be known for any day.
A. Shift; manager
B. Shift; chief inspector
C. Changes; manager
D. Changes; chief inspector

132. In the case of a factory beginning work after the commencement of this
Act, a _________ referred to in sub-section (1) shall be sent in duplicate to the
________. before the day on which work is begun in the factory under section
A. Original notice; manager
B. copy of the notice ; inspector
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
133. Any proposed change in the system of work in any factory which will
necessitate a change in the notice referred to in sub-section (1) shall be notified
to the Inspector in duplicate before the change is made, and except with the
previous sanction of the Inspector, no such change shall be made until
_______ has elapsed since the last change.
A. 4 weeks
B. 3 weeks
C. 2 weeks
D. 1 week

134. Who shall shall maintain a register of adult workers, to be available to

the Inspector at all times during working hours, or when any work is being
carried on in the factory?
A. Chief Inspector
B. Manager
C. Occupier
D. State Government

135. In which section the provision for the ‘manager of every factory shall
maintain a register of adult workers, to be available to the Inspector at all times
during working hours, or when any work is being carried on in the factory’ is
A. Section 60
B. Section 61
C. Section 62
D. Section 63

136. The manager of every factory shall maintain a register of adult workers,
to be available to the Inspector at all times during working hours, or when any
work is being carried on in the factory, showing—
(a) the name of each adult worker in the factory;
(b) the nature of his work;
(c) the group, if any, in which he is included;
(d) where his group works on shifts, the relay to which he is allotted; (e) such
other particulars as may be prescribed:

Which of these is part of this provision?

A. A,B and D
B. A,B and C
C. A and D
D. All of the statements

137. Which of the following statement is true about register of adult

A. No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in any factory unless
his name and other particulars have been entered in the register of adult
B. The Chief Inspector may prescribe the form of the register of adult
workers, the manner in which it shall be maintained and the period for
which it shall be preserved.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

138. Hours of work to correspond with notice under section 61 and register
under section 62 is stated in which section?
A. Section 59
B. Section 60
C. Section 62
D. Section 63

139. No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in any factory

otherwise than in accordance with the _________ of work for adults displayed
in the factory and the entries made beforehand against his name in the register
of adult workers of the factory.
A. Overtime shifts
B. Notice of periods
C. Letter of wage rate
D. None of the above

140. Who has power to make exempting rules?

A. Manager
B. State Government
C. Occupier
D. Chief Inspector

141. The State Government may make rules in respect of adult workers in
factories providing for the exemption, to such extent and subject to such
conditions as may be prescribed—
Which of the following statements are correct conditions-

(a) of workers engaged on urgent repairs, from the provisions of sections 51,
52, 54, 55 and 56;
(b) of workers engaged in work in the nature of preparatory or complementary
work which must necessarily be carried on outside the limits laid down for the
general working of the factory, from the provisions of sections 51, 54, 55 and
(c) of workers engaged in work which is necessarily so intermittent that the
intervals during which they do not work while on duty ordinarily amount to
more than the intervals for rest required by or under section 55, from the
provisions of sections 51, 54, 55 and 56;
(d) of workers engaged in any work which for technical reasons must be
carried on continuously from the provisions of sections 51, 52, 54, 55 and 56;
(e) of workers engaged in making or supplying articles of prime necessity
which must be made or supplied every day, from the provisions of [section 51
and section 52];

A. a, b and e
B. a, b and d
C. a, b, c, d
D. All of the above

142. In making rules under section 64, the State Government shall not
exceed, except in respect of exemption under clause (a) of sub-section (2), the
following limits of work inclusive of overtime:—
(i) the total number of hours of work in any day shall not exceed ten;
(ii) the spread over, inclusive of intervals for rest, shall not exceed twelve
hours in any one day:
(iii) the total number of hours of overtime shall not exceed twenty for half

A. (i) & (iii)

B. (ii) & (iii)
C. (i) & (ii)
D. All of the above

143. Rules made under section 64, shall remain in force for not more than -
A. Ten years
B. Six years
C. five years
D. 3 years

144. Is there any difference between ‘ Power to make exempting rules and in
Power to make exempting orders’.
A. Both are similar
B. Both are different
C. May be said same or maybe not depending upon situation
D. There is no such provision for any of them

145. Where the State Government is satisfied that, owing to the nature of the
work carried on or to other circumstances, it is unreasonable to require that the
periods of work of any adult workers in any factory or class or description of
factories should be fixed beforehand, it may, by written order, relax or modify
the provisions of section 61 in respect of such workers therein, to such extent
and in such manner as it may think fit, and subject to such-
A. conditions as it may deem expedient
B. ensure control over periods of work
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

146. Restrictions on employment of women is provided as a provision under

Factories Act, 1948?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not as it is but something related to it
D. Cannot be ascertain

147. The provisions of this Chapter VI shall, in

their application to women in factories, be supplemented by the following
further restrictions, namely:—
(a) no exemption from the provisions of section 54 may be granted in respect
of any woman;
(b) no woman shall be 3[required or allowed to work in any factory] except
between the hours of 6 A.M. and 7 P.M.:
Which of the statement is true
A. Only (a)
B. Only (b)
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Neither (a) nor (b)

148. In section 66- State Government may, by notification in the Official

Gazette, in respect of [ a factory or group or class or description of factories,]
very the limits laid down in clause (b), but so that no such variation shall
authorise the employment of any woman between the hours of -
A. 10 P.M. and 5 A.M.
B. 6. P.M and 12 A.M.
C. 4. P.M and 9 A.M.
D. 9 P.M and 4 A.M.

149. According to section 66- There shall be no change of shifts except after
a weekly holiday or any other holiday?
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe or maybe not
D. Cannot be ascertain
150. The rules made under sub-section (2) of section 66 shall remain in force
for not more than ________ at a time.?
A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. Four years

151. 1. Till what age a child is not allowed to work in any factory?
(a) 12 years (b) 14 years (c) 13 years (d) 11 years

ANS: (b) 14 years

152. 2. A child (completed his fourteenth year) or an adolescent shall

not be required or allowed to work in any factory unless
(i) a certificate of fitness granted with reference to him under section 69

(ii) that certificate should be in the custody of the manager of the factory

(iii) such child or adolescent should carry a paper on which his weight is written
and that weight should be measured every day.

(iv) such child or adolescent should carry a token while he is at work giving a
reference to such certificate.

Which of the following option is correct?

(a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

(b) (i), (ii) & (iv)

(c) (ii), (iii) & (iv)

(d) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv)

ANS: (b) (i), (ii) & (iv)

153. 3. Which is the authorised authority to grant or renew a certificate

of fitness?
(a) Manager of the Factory
(b) Any doctor

(c) Any authorised doctor on behalf of the government

(d) Certifying Surgeon

ANS: (d) Certifying Surgeon

154. 4. Which section of The Factories Act, 1948 talks about the
Prohibition of employment of young children?
(a) Section 67 (b) Section 71 (c) Section 74 (d) Section 76

ANS: (a) Section 67

155. 5. A certifying surgeon shall, on the application of

__________________ accompanied by a document signed by the
manager of a factory that such person will be employed therein if
certified to be fit for work in a factory, or on the application of the
________________ in which any young person wishes to work, examine
such person and ascertain his fitness for work in a factory.
(a) any young person or his parent or guardian, manager of the factory

(b) any one parent, owner of the factory

(c) young person, manager of the factory

(d) manager of the factory, owner of the factory

ANS: (a) any young person or his parent or guardian, manager of the

156. 6. If the certifying surgeon does not have personal knowledge of

the place where the young person proposes to work and of the
manufacturing process in which he will be employed then;
(a) The certifying surgeon shall not grant or renew a certificate

(b) The certifying surgeon shall grant or renew a certificate

(c) The certifying surgeon shall not grant or renew a certificate until he has
examined such place.

(d) The certifying surgeon shall grant or renew a certificate after taking
permission from the authorised authority
ANS: (c) The certifying surgeon shall not grant or renew a certificate until
he has examined such place.

157. 7. A certificate of fitness which has been granted under sub-section

2 of section 69 shall be valid only for a period of _________ from the
date on which it was granted or renewed.
(a) 12 months (b) 6 months (c) 18 months (d) 24 months

ANS: (a) 12 months

158. 8. Can a certifying surgeon revoke any certificate granted or

renewed if in his opinion the holder of it is no longer fit to work in the
capacity stated therein in a factory.
(a) Yes (b) No (c) May or may not

ANS: (a) Yes

159. 9. Who is liable to pay the fee for a Certificate of Fitness?

(a) Person Himself (b) Occupier (c) Person’s Guardian

(d) Person’s Parents

ANS: (b) Occupier

160. 10. Female adolescent or a male adolescent who has not attained
the age of seventeen years but who has been granted a certificate of fitness
to work in a factory as an adult, shall not be required or allowed to work
in any factory except:
(a) Between 7 A.M. and 6 P.M. (b) Between 6 A.M. and 7 P.M.

(c) Between 7 A.M. and 7 P.M. (d) Between 6 A.M. and 6 P.M.

ANS: (b) Between 6 A.M. and 7 P.M.

161. 11. An adolescent who has not been granted a certificate of fitness
to work in a factory as an adult be deemed to be a __________ for all the
purposes of this Act.
(a) adult (b) adolescent (c) child (d) none of the above

ANS: (c) child

162. 12. A child shall not be employed or permitted to work, in any

(a) for more than four and a half hours in any day (b) during the night.

(c) only (b) (d) both (a) & (b)

ANS: (d) both (a) & (b)

163. 13. According to the explanation of Section 71 the word “night”

includes the interval between-
(a) 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. (b) 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.

(c) 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. (d) 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.

ANS: (a) 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

164. 14. Which section of The Factories Act, 1948 talks about working
hours of children?
(a) Section 70 (b) Section 72 (c) Section 73 (d) Section 71

ANS: (d) Section 71

165. 15. The period of work of all children employed in a factory shall
be limited to _________ shifts which shall not overlap or spread over
more than _______ hours each.
(a) three, four (b) two, five (c) two, four (d) three, five

ANS: (b) two, five

166. 16. Each child shall be employed in only one of the relays which
shall not be changed more frequently than once in a period of thirty days
except with the previous permission in writing of the
(a) Owner of the factory (b) District Magistrate

(c) Chief Inspector (d) Supervisor

ANS: (c) Chief Inspector

167. 17. There is a section whose provisions will be applied to child

workers and no exemption from the provisions of that section may be
granted in respect of any child. Choose that section from the following.
(a) Section 52 (b) Section 71 (c) Section 67 (d) Section

ANS: (a) Section 52

168. 18. Will a child be allowed to work in more than one factory on
any way?
(a) Yes (b) No (c) May or May not

ANS: (b) No

169. 19. What is the allowed working time interval for female child?
(a) 7 A.M. and 7 P.M. (b) 8 A.M. and 7 P.M.

(c) 9 A.M. and 6 P.M. (d) 9 A.M. and 8 P.M.

ANS: (b) 8 A.M. and 7 P.M.

170. 20. Each child shall be employed in only one of the relays which
shall not be changed more frequently than _________ in a period of
___________ days.
(a) twice, thirty (b) once, sixty (c) twice, sixty (d) once,

ANS: (d) once, thirty

171. 21. Is it compulsory for a factory to display and correctly maintain

a notice of periods of work for children?
(a) Yes (b) No

ANS: (a) Yes

172. 22. What is shown in the notice regarding period of work for
(a) number of children employed in the factory

(b) terms and conditions for working in that factory

(c) the periods during which children may be required or allowed to work

(d) the periods during which children can take the break

ANS: (c) the periods during which children may be required or allowed to
173. 23. The periods shown in the notice shall be such that children
working for those periods would not be working in contravention of any
of the provisions of which section?
(a) Section 79 (b) Section 71 (c) Section 49 (d) Section 38

ANS: (b) Section 71

174. 24. Who is authorised maintain a register of child workers in every

factory in which children are employed?
(a) Supervisor (b) Manager (c) Owner (d) Any special authority

ANS: (b) Manager

175. 25. To whom the register which is mentioned under section 73

should be made available at all times during working hours or when any
work is being carried on in a factory.
(a) Inspector (b) Supervisor (c) Owner (d) Authorised officer

ANS: (a) Inspector

176. 26. Which of the following should be mentioned in the register

which is mentioned under section 73.
(i) the nature of the work

(ii) the name of each child worker in the factory

(iii)  the number of his certificate of fitness granted under section 70

(iv) the group, if any, in which he is included

(v) where his group works on shifts, the relay to which he is allotted

Choose the appropriate option:

(a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (c) (i) (ii) (v)

(d) (i) (ii) (iv) (v)

ANS: (d) (i) (ii) (iv) (v)

177. 27. Will a child worker be allowed to work in any factory if his
name and other particulars have not been entered in the register of child
(a) Yes (b) No (c) Depends upon the owner of the
(d) Depends upon the inspector

ANS: (b) No

178. 28. Which Government may prescribe the form of the register of
child workers, the manner in which it shall be maintained and the period
for which it shall be preserved?
(a) Appropriate Government (b) Central Government

(c) State Government (d) None of the above

ANS: (c) State Government

179. 29. No child worker shall be employed in any factory otherwise

than in accordance with the notice of ____________ for children
displayed in the factory and the entries made beforehand against his name
in the register of ______________ of the factory.
(a) periods of work, child workers

(b) periods of break, adolescent workers

(c) number of children employed, adolescent workers

(d) terms and conditions, child workers

ANS: (a) periods of work, child workers

180. 30. Who will serve the notice on the manager of the factory
requiring the young person to be examined by a certifying surgeon?
(a) Supervisor (b) Owner (c) Inspector (d) Appropriate

ANS: (c) Inspector

181. 31. When will the inspector serve the notice on the manager of the
factory requiring the young person to be examined by a certifying
(a) when in his opinion that any person working in a factory without a
certificate of fitness is a young person

(b) when in his opinion that a young person working in a factory with a
certificate of fitness is no longer fit to work

(c) Only (b)

(d) Both (a) & (b)

ANS: (d) Both (a) & (b)

182. 32. Which section of The Factories Act, 1948 talks about the power
to require medical examination?
(a) Section 75 (b) Section 76 (c) Section 90 (d) Section 91

ANS: (a) Section 75

183. 33. Section 76 empowers the State Government to make rules for
(a) The period of work for all children employed

(b) Fitness certificate to work in a factory

(c) Canteen Facilities

(d) Prescribing physical standards to be attained by the young persons for

working in factories

ANS: (d) Prescribing physical standards to be attained by the young

persons for working in factories

184. 34. Section 76 empowers which Government to make rules?

(a) Appropriate Government (b) State Government

(c) Central Government (d) None of the above

ANS: (b) State Government

185. 35. Which section empowers the State Government to make rules
regarding the procedure of certifying surgeons under Chapter VII of The
Factories Act, 1948?
(a) Section 80 (b) Section 76 (c) Section 69 (d) Section 55

ANS: (b) Section 76

186. 36. The provisions of Chapter VII shall be in addition to the

provisions of which act?
(a) The Factories Act, 1948

(b) The Children Act, 1960

(c) Employment of Children Act, 1938 

(d) The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016
ANS: (C) Employment of Children Act, 1938

187. 37. Which chapter of The Factories Act, 1948 talks about
Employment of Young Persons?
(a) Chapter VII (b) Chapter VIII (c) Chapter III (d) Chapter IV

ANS: (a) Chapter VII

188. 38. Which section of The Factories Act, 1948 talks about
Certificates of Fitness?
(a) Section 67 (b) Section 69 (c) Section 77 (d) Section 79

ANS: (b) Section 69

189. 39. Which section of The Factories Act, 1948 talks about notice of
periods of work for children?
(a) Section 12 (b) Section 32 (c)Section 62 (d) Section 72

ANS: (d) Section 72

190. 40. Which section of The Factories Act, 1948 talks about register
of child workers?
(a) Section 73 (b) Section 37 (c) Section 91 (d) Section 19

ANS: (a) Section 73

191. 41. Chapter VII of The Factories Act, 1948 talks about what?
(a) Penalties and procedures (b) Annual Leave with Wages

(c) Working Hours of adults (d) Employment of Young Persons

ANS: (d) Employment of Young Persons

192. 42. Which chapter of The Factories Act, 1948 talks about Annual
Leave with Wages?
(a) Chapter XI (b) Chapter VIII (c) Chapter V (d) Chapter II

ANS: (b) Chapter VIII

193. 43. The provisions of Chapter VIII will not apply to workers in any
factory of any railway administered by the Government, who are
governed by leave rules approved by the ______________________.
(a) Central Government (b) Appropriate Government

(c) State Government (d) Both (a) & (c)

ANS: (a) Central Government

194. 43. Chapter VIII of The Factories Act, 1948 talks about what?
(a) The Inspecting Staff (b) Health (c) Annual Leave with Wages

(d) Welfare

ANS: (c) Annual Leave with Wages

195. 44. Which section of The Factories Act, 1948 covers the topic
annual leave with wages?
(a) Section 87 (b) Section 80 (c) Section 86 (d) Section 79

ANS: (d) Section 79

196. 45. Every worker who has worked for a period of ________ days
or more in a factory during a calendar year shall be allowed during the
subsequent calendar year, leave with wages.
(a) 300 (b) 240 (c) 250 (d) 310

ANS: (b) 240

197. 46. How leave with wages for a number of days will be calculated
in case of adults?
(a) one day for every twenty days of work performed by him during the
previous calendar year

(b) one day for every fifteen days of work performed by him during the
previous calendar year

(c) one day for every twenty-five days of work performed by him during the
previous calendar year.

(d) Either (a) or (b)

ANS: (a) one day for every twenty days of work performed by him during
the previous calendar year

198. 47. How leave with wages for a number of days will be calculated
in case of child?
(a) one day for every twenty days of work performed by him during the
previous calendar year

(b) one day for every fifteen days of work performed by him during the
previous calendar year
(c) one day for every twenty-five days of work performed by him during the
previous calendar year.

(d) Either (a) or (c)

ANS: (b) one day for every fifteen days of work performed by him during
the previous calendar year

199. 48. Which of the following statement will be as deemed to be days

on which the worker has worked in a factory for the purpose of
computation of the period of 240 days or more?
(a)  In the case of a female worker, maternity leave for any number of days not
exceeding twelve weeks

(b) Any days of lay off, by agreement or contract or as permissible under the
standing orders

(c) Leave taken with prior permission

(d) Both (a) & (b)

ANS: (d) Both (a) & (b)

200. 49. The leave admissible under this sub-section shall be

___________ of all holidays whether occurring during or at either end of
the period of leave.
(a) Inclusive (b) Exclusive (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of the

ANS: (b) Exclusive

201. 50. If a worker had not worked for the entire period specified in
sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of Section 79 of The Factories Act,
1948, making him eligible to avail of leave, and payment shall be made in
which of the following conditions?
(a) when the worker is discharged or dismissed or quits employment, before the
expiry of the second working day from the date of such discharge, dismissal or

(b) when the worker is superannuated or dies while in service, before the expiry
of two months from the date of such superannuation or death.

(c) Both (a) & (b)

(d) Only (b)

ANS: (c) Both (a) & (b)

202. 51. If we want to calculate leave as per section 79 of The Factories

Act, 1948, then which of the following is the correct option?
(a) fraction of leave of half a day or more will be treated as one full day's leave

(b) fraction of less than half a day will be omitted

(c) fraction of leave of half a day or more will be omitted

(d) Both (a) & (b)

ANS: (d) Both (a) & (b)

203. 52. If a worker does not take his whole leave in the calendar year
which is allowed to him as per section 79 of The Factories Act, 1948,
then will that leave be get added to the succeeding calendar year or not?
(a) Yes (b) No (c) May or May not (d) Depends upon the

ANS: (a) Yes

204. 53. Leave which will carried forward to a succeeding year shall not
exceed _______ in the case of an adult and _________ in the case of a
(a) twenty, fifty (b) thirty, forty (c) twenty, forty (d) thirty,

ANS: (b) thirty, forty

205. 54. A worker can apply in writing to the manager of a factory not
less than ________ days before the date on which he wishes his leave to
(a) Fifteen (b) Thirty (c) Twenty (d) Five

ANS: (a) Fifteen

206. 55. If a person is employed in a public utility service, then the

application will be made not less than _________ days before the date on
which the worker wishes his leave to begin.
(a) Ten (b) Thirty (c) Twenty Five (d) Twenty

ANS: (b) Thirty

207. 56. Will leave with wages be granted to the worker to cover the
period of illness even if the application is not made within the specified
(a) Yes (b) No (c) May or May not

ANS: (a) Yes

208. 57. Will unavailed leave of a worker be taken into consideration in

computing the period of any notice required to be given before discharge
or dismissal?
(a) Yes (b) No (c) May or May not (d) Depends upon the

ANS: (b) No

209. 58. Which section of The Factories Act, 1948 covers the topic
wages during leave period?
(a) Section 87 (b) Section 81 (c) Section 86 (d) Section 80

ANS: (d) Section 80

210. 59. Section 80 empowers the State Government to make rules for
(a) the manner in which the cash equivalent of the advantage accruing through
the concessional sale to a worker of food grains and other articles shall be

(b) regulating the procedure of certifying surgeons under Chapter VII of The
Factories Act, 1948

(c) specifying other duties which certifying surgeons may be required to

perform in connection with the employment of young persons in factories, and
fixing the fees which may be charged for such duties and the persons by whom
they shall be payable.

(d) Both (a) & (b)

ANS: (a) the manner in which the cash equivalent of the advantage
accruing through the concessional sale to a worker of food grains and other
articles shall be computed

211. 60. Section 80 empowers which Government to make rule

regarding the registers that shall be maintained in a factory for the
purpose of securing compliance with the provisions of this section?
(a) Appropriate Government (b) State Government

(c) Central Government (d) Both (a) & (c)

ANS: (b) State Government

212. 61. Should a worker be paid the wages due for the period of the
leave allowed before his leaves begin?
(a) Yes (b) No (c) May or May not (d) Depends upon the

ANS: (a) Yes

213. 62. Which section of The Factories Act, 1948 talks about modes of
recovery of unpaid wages?
(a) Section 74 (b) Section 72 (c) Section 82 (d) Section 84

ANS: (c) Section 82

214. 63. How wages will be recovered which has not been paid by the
employer under Chapter VIII?
(a) Recoverable as delayed wages under the provisions of the Payment of
Wages Act, 1936

(b) Recoverable as per the provisions of The Factories Act, 1948

(c) Recoverable as per other provisions of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936

(d) None of the above

ANS: (a) Recoverable as delayed wages under the provisions of the

Payment of Wages Act, 1936

215. 64. Which section of The Factories Act, 1948 requires the registers
to be made available for examination by Inspectors?
(a) Section 84 (b) section 95 (c) Section 102 (d) Section 83

ANS: (d) Section 83

216. 65. Section 83 empowers State Government to make rules for
(a)  the registers that shall be maintained in a factory for the purpose of securing
compliance with the provisions of Section 80.

(b) directing managers of factories to keep registers containing such particulars

as may be prescribed

(c) defining the persons who hold positions of supervision or management or

are employed in a confidential position in a factory 

(d) All the above

ANS: (b) directing managers of factories to keep registers containing such

particulars as may be prescribed

217. 66. Which Section of The Factories Act, 1948 empowers the State
Government to exempt factories?
(a) Section 70 (b) Section 65 (c) Section 84 (d) Section 91

ANS: (c) Section 84

218. 67. Where the State Government is satisfied that the leave rules
applicable to workers in a factory provide benefits which are
_________________ than those for which Chapter VIII makes provision
it may, by written order; __________ the factory from all or any of the
provisions of Chapter VIII subject to such conditions as may be specified
in the order.
(a) not less favourable, exempt (b) less favourable, not exempt

(c) not favourable, exempt (d) favourable, not exempt

ANS: (a) not less favourable, exempt

219. For the purposes of section 85 of the Factories Act, 1948,

“______” shall include a lessee or mortgage with possession of the
a. Owner
b. Employer
c. Employee
d. Contractor
220. The ____________ may, by notification in the ____________,
declare that all or any of the provisions of this Act shall apply to any
place wherein a manufacturing process is carried on with or without the
aid of power or is so ordinarily carried on:
a. State Government, Official Gazette
b. Appropriate Government, Official Gazette
c. Central Government, Official Gazette
d. State Government, Labour Code

221. The number of persons employed therein is less than _______, if

working with the aid of power and less than ________ if working without
the aid of power;
a. Ten, Twenty
b. Twenty, Ten
c. Ten, Thirty
d. Fifteen, Thirty

222. The State Government may exempt public institution where a

manufacturing process is carried on and which is attached to it,
maintained for the purposes of:
a. Education
b. Training
c. Research, Reformation
d. All of the Above

223. No exemption of public institution shall be granted from the

provisions relating to hours of ______ and ________, unless the persons
having the control of the institution submit, for the approval of the State
a. Work, Holiday
b. Work, Maternity Leave
c. Hours of Employment, Leaves
d. None of the Above

224. Where the State Government is of opinion that any manufacturing

process or operation carried on in a factory exposes any persons
employed in it to a serious risk of ______________, it may make rules
applicable to any factory or class or description of factories in which the
manufacturing process or operation is carried on.
a. Bodily Injury
b. Poisoning
c. Disease
d. All of the Above

225. Under Section 87 of the Factories Act, 1948, which of the

following operations does a State Government performs to make rules
applicable to any factory or class or description of factories in which the
manufacturing process or operation is carried on, labelling it Dangerous
a. specifying the manufacturing process or operation and declaring it to be
b. providing for the protection of all persons employed in the manufacturing
process or operation or in the vicinity of the places where it is carried on;
c. not prohibiting, restricting or controlling the use of any specified materials or
processes in connection with the manufacturing process or operation;
d. Both A and B

226. Where it appears to the _________ that conditions in a factory are

such that they may cause serious hazard by way of injury or death to the
persons employed to the general public in the vicinity, he may, by order
in writing to the ___________ of the factory, state the particulars in
respect of to attend to the minimum tasks till the hazard is removed.
a. Inspector, Occupier
b. Occupier, Inspector
c. Inspector, Owner
d. Owner, Inspector

227. Any order issued by the Inspector under power to prohibit

employment on account of serious hazard shall have effect for a period of
_______ days until extended by the Chief Inspector by a subsequent
a. 5
b. 10
c. 3
d. 12

228. Any person aggrieved by an order of the Inspector under power to

prohibit employment on account of serious hazard and the Chief
Inspector shall have the right to _______ to the High Court.
a. Review
b. Appeal
c. Revision
d. Writ Petition

229. Where in any factory an accident occurs which causes

___________ by reason of which the person injured is prevented from
working for a period of 48 hours the manager of the factory shall send
notice thereof to such authorities, and in such form and within such time,
as may be prescribed.
a. Death
b. Bodily Injury
c. Simple Hurt
d. Both A and B

230. Where in any factory an accident occurs, which causes death or

any bodily injury by reason of which the person injured is prevented from
working for a period of _______ hours, the manager of the factory shall
send notice thereof to such authorities, and in such form and within such
time, as may be prescribed.
a. 12
b. 24
c. 36
d. 48

231. Where in any factory an accident occurs, which causes death or

any bodily injury by reason of which the person injured is prevented from
working for a period of 48 hours, the ________ of the factory shall send
notice thereof to such authorities, and in such form and within such time,
as may be prescribed.
a. Manager
b. Occupier
c. Owner
d. Contractor

232. Where a notice of certain accident-causing death is given, the

authority to whom the notice is sent shall make an inquiry within _____
month of the receipt of the notice or, cause the Inspector to make an
inquiry within the said period.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
233. Where a notice of certain accident-causing death is given, the
________ to whom the notice is sent shall make an inquiry within 1
month of the receipt of the notice or, cause the _________ to make an
inquiry within the said period.
a. Chief Inspector, Inspector
b. Authority, Inspector
c. Appropriate Government, Inspector
d. Central Government, Inspector

234. Where in a factory any ________ of such nature as may be

prescribed occurs, whether causing any bodily injury or disability or not,
the manager of the factory shall send notice thereof to such authorities,
and in such form as may be prescribed.
a. Accident
b. Dangerous Accident
c. Dangerous Occurrence
d. Both A and B

235. Where any worker in a factory contracts any disease specified in

the ________ Schedule, the manager of the factory shall send notice
thereof to such authorities, and in such form and within such time, as may
be prescribed.
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth

236. Where any worker in a factory contracts any disease specified in

the Third Schedule, the ________ of the factory shall send notice thereof
to such authorities, and in such form and within such time, as may be
a. Manager
b. Occupier
c. Contractor
d. Agent

237. If any medical practitioner attends on a person who is or has been

employed in a factory, or is believed by the medical practitioner to be,
suffering from any disease specified in the Third Schedule, the medical
practitioner shall without delay send a report in writing to the office of
the Chief Inspector stating—
a. the name, full postal address, disease of the patient
b. only the disease from which he believes the patient to be suffering
c. only the name and the disease from which he believes the patient to be
d. none of the above

238. If any medical practitioner attends on a person who is or has been

employed in a factory, or is believed by the medical practitioner to be,
suffering from any disease specified in the Third Schedule, the medical
practitioner shall without delay send a report in writing to the office of
the ___________ stating the name, full postal address, disease of the
a. Inspector
b. Chief Inspector
c. Sub Inspector
d. Appropriate Authority

239. If any medical practitioner fails to comply with the provisions of

sending a report in writing to the office of the Chief Inspector without
delay stating the name, full postal address, disease of the patient he shall
be punishable with fine which may extend to ___________.
a. Rs. 500
b. Rs. 1000
c. Rs. 2000
d. Rs. 3750

240. The _______________ may, by notification in the Official Gazette,

add to or alter any disease in the Third Schedule and any such addition or
alteration shall have effect as if it had been made by this Act.
a. Central Government
b. State Government
c. Appropriate Government
d. Both A and B

241. The State Government has the power to direct enquiry into cases of
accident or disease by appointing a competent person to inquire, and may
also appoint one or more persons possessing _____________ to act as
assessors in such inquiry.
a. legal knowledge
b. special knowledge
c. all of the above
d. none of the above

242. The person appointed to hold an inquiry under the State

Government’s orders under section 90 shall have all the powers of a
____________ under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, for the purposes
of enforcing the attendance of witnesses and compelling the production of
documents and material objects etc.
a. District Court
b. Labour Court
c. Civil Court
d. Appellate Court

243. An Inspector may at any time during the normal working hours of
a factory, after informing the occupier or manager of the factory or other
person in charge for the time being take a sufficient sample of any
substances used or intended to be used in the factory if:
a. The Inspector believes that any activity is happening in contravention of any
of the provisions of this Act or the rules made.
b. In the opinion of the Inspector likely to cause bodily injury to, or injury to
the health of, workers in the factory.
c. All of the Above
d. None of the Above

244. Where the Inspector takes a sample under Section 91, he shall, in
the presence of the person informed under that sub-section unless such
person willfully absents himself, divide the sample into _______ portions
and effectively seal and suitably mark them, and shall permit such person
to add his own seal and mark thereto.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

245. The Inspector shall take a sample under Section 91 and—

I. forthwith give one portion of the sample to the person informed under sub-
section (1);
II. forthwith send the second portion to a Government Analyst for analysis and
report thereon;
III. retain the third portion for production to the Court before which proceedings,
if any, are instituted in respect of the substance
a. All True
b. All False
c. I true, II false
d. I, II True, III False

246. Which of following authority/s may, at any time during the normal
working hours of a factory, or at any other time after giving notice in
writing to the occupier or manager of the factory or any other person who
for the time being, undertake safety and occupational health surveys,
including facilities for the examination and testing of plant and machinery
and collection of samples and other data relevant to the survey?
a. The Chief Inspector
b. The Director General of Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes
c. The Director General of Health Services to the Government of India,
d. All of the Above

247. The occupier and manager of the factory shall each be guilty of an
offence and punishable with imprisonment if there is any contravention of
any of the provisions of this Act or of any rules made under general
penalty of offences for a term which may extend to _____ or with fine
which may extend to _______ or with both.
a. 1 year, Rs. 50,000
b. 1 year, Rs. 1 lakh
c. 2 years, Rs. 50,000
d. 2 years, Rs. 1 lakh

248. But if the contravention is continued after conviction under Section

92 for general penalty for offences, with a further fine which may extend
to _______ for each day on which the contravention is so continued.
Provided that where contravention of any of the provisions or any rule
made thereunder has resulted in an accident-causing death or serious
bodily injury, the fine shall not be less than __________ in the case of an
accident-causing death, and ___________ in the case of an accident-
causing serious bodily injury.
a. Rs. 500, Rs. 10,000, Rs. 1,500
b. Rs. 1,000, Rs. 25,000, Rs. 5,000
c. Rs. 1500, Rs. 20,000, Rs. 2,500
d. Rs. 2000, Rs, 50,000, Rs. 5000
249. The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
prescribe in respect of the offences specified in the _________ Schedule,
which may before the institution of the prosecution, be compounded by
such officer not below the rank of Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories
and for such amount as may be prescribed but the amount of fine shall not
be more than the fine prescribed under section 92.
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth

250. The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,

prescribe in respect of the offences specified in the Fourth Schedule,
which may before the institution of the prosecution, be compounded by
such officer not below the rank of ___________ and for such amount as
may be prescribed but the amount of fine shall not be more than the fine
prescribed under section 92.
a. Chief Inspector of Factories
b. Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories
c. Senior Chief Inspector of Factories
d. Junior Chief Inspector of Factories

251. The ______________ may, by notification in the Official Gazette,

amend the Fourth Schedule by way of addition, omission or variation of
any offence specified in the said Schedule.
a. State Government
b. Central Government
c. Appropriate Government
d. Both State and Central Government

252. Where in any premises separate buildings are leased to different

occupiers for use as separate factories, the ___________ of the premises
shall be responsible for the provision and maintenance of common
facilities and services, such as approach roads, drainage, water supply,
lighting and sanitation.
a. Owner
b. Manager
c. Agent
d. All Occupiers
253. Where in any premises separate buildings are leased to different
occupiers for use as separate factories, the owner of the premises shall be
responsible for the provision and maintenance of common facilities and
services, such as approach roads………...
a. water supply and drainage
b. lighting and sanitation
c. all of the above
d. none of the above

254. Where in any premises, independent or self-contained, floors or

flats are leased to different occupiers for use as separate factories, the
owner of the premises shall be liable as if he were the __________or
_________ of a factory, for any contravention of the provisions of this
a. Occupier, Manager
b. Occupier, Agent
c. Manager, Agent
d. Manager, Contractor

255. Where is any premises, independent or self-contained, floors or

flats are leased to different occupiers for use as separate factories, the
owner of the premises shall be liable as if he were the occupier or
manager of a factory, for any contravention of the provisions of this Act
in respect of—
I. latrines, urinals and washing facilities in so far as the maintenance of the
common supply of water for these purposes is concerned;
II. fencing of machinery and plant belonging to the owner and not
specifically entrusted to the custody or user of an occupier;
III. safe means of access to the floors or flats and maintenance and
cleanliness of staircases and common passages.
a. I True, II, III False
b. I, II True, III False
c. I, II, III True
d. I, II, III False

256. The ____________ shall have, subject to the control of the State
Government, power to issue orders to the owner of the premises in
respect of the carrying out the provisions of Section 93.
a. Inspector
b. Sub Inspector
c. Deputy Inspector
d. Chief Inspector

257. The Chief Inspector shall have, subject to the control of the State
Government, power to issue orders to the owner of the premises in
respect of the carrying out the provisions of Section 93 and while
computing for the purposes of any of the provisions of this Act the total
number of workers employed, the whole of the premises shall be deemed
to be a ____________ factory.
a. Single
b. Different
c. Same
d. Parted

258. If any person who has been convicted of any offence punishable
under section 92 is again guilty of an offence involving a contravention of
the same provision, he shall be punishable on a subsequent conviction
with imprisonment for a term __________which may extend to or with
fine which shall not be less than ________ but which may extend to
___________ or with both.
a. 1 years, Rs. 5,000, Rs. 1 lakh
b. 2 years, Rs. 10,000, Rs. 2 lakhs
c. 3 years, Rs. 10,000, Rs. 1 lakh
d. 3 years, Rs. 10,000, Rs. 2 lakhs

259. Whoever willfully obstructs an Inspector in the exercise of any

power conferred on hi m by or under this Act, or fails to produce on
demand by an Inspector any registers or other documents in his custody
kept in pursuance of this Act or of any rules made thereunder shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
_________ or with fine which may extend to ________ or with both.
a. 3 months, Rs. 5,000
b. 3 months, Rs. 10,000
c. 3 months, Rs. 5,000
d. 6 months, Rs. 10,000

260. Whoever, except for the purposes of a prosecution for any offence
punishable under this Act, publishes or discloses to any person the results
of an analysis made under section 91, shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to ______ or with fine which
may extend to ______ or with both.
a. 3 months, Rs. 5,000
b. 3 months, Rs. 10,000
c. 3 months, Rs. 5,000
d. 6 months, Rs. 10,000

261. Whoever fails to comply with or contravenes any of the provisions

of section 41B , 41C or 41H or the rules made thereunder, shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to ______
and with fine which may extend to _______, and in case the failure or
contravention continues, with additional fine which may extend to
_______ for every day during which such failure or contravention
continues after the conviction for the first such failure or contravention.
a. 5 years, Rs. 1 lakh, Rs. 5,000
b. 5 years, Rs. 2 lakhs, Rs. 5,000
c. 7 years, Rs. 1 lakh, Rs. 5,000
d. 7 years, Rs. 2 lakhs, Rs. 5,000

262. If any worker employed in a factory contravenes any provision of

this Act or any rules or orders made thereunder, imposing any duty or
liability on workers, he shall be punishable with fine which may extend to
a. Rs. 500
b. Rs. 1,000
c. Rs. 1,500
d. Rs. 2,000

263. Whoever knowingly uses or attempts to use, as a fake certificate of

fitness granted to himself or an attempt to use it to be made, by another
person, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to _______ or with fine which may extend to _________ or with
a. 1 month, Rs. 500
b. 1 month, Rs. 1,000
c. 2 months, Rs. 500
d. 2 months, Rs. 1,000
264. If a child works in a factory on any day on which he has already
been working in another factory, the parent or guardian of the child are
obtaining any direct benefit from his wages, shall be punishable with fine
which may extend to ________, unless it appears to the Court that the
child so worked without the consent or connivance of such parent,
guardian or person.
a. Rs. 1,000
b. Rs. 2,000
c. Rs. 5,000
d. Rs. 10,000

265. If a person is found in a factory at any time, except during intervals

for meals or rest, when work is going on or the machinery is in motion,
he shall until the contrary is proved, be deemed to have been at that time
_________ in the factory.
a. Employed
b. Not Employed
c. All of the Above
d. None of the Above

266. No Court shall take cognizance of any offence under this Act
except on complaint by, or with the previous sanction in writing of,
a. Inspector
b. Sub Inspector
c. Deputy Inspector
d. Chief Inspector

267. No Court below that of a ____________ or of a _____________

shall try any offence punishable under The Factories’ Act.
a. Presidency Magistrate
b. Magistrate of the first class
c. Magistrate of the second class
d. Both A and B

268. No Court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under

this Act unless complaint thereof is made within __________ of the date
on which the alleged commission of the offence came to the knowledge
of an Inspector.
a. 1 month
b. 2 months
c. 3 months
d. 4 months

269. No Court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under

this Act provided that where the offence consists of disobeying a written
order made by an Inspector, complaint thereof may be made within
________ of the date on which the offence is alleged to have been
a. 2 months
b. 4 months
c. 6 months
d. 8 months

270. In the case of a continuing offence under The Factories Act, the
period of limitation shall be computed with reference to every point of
time during which the offence ____________.
a. Continues
b. Starts
c. Ends
d. Halts

271. The Inspector may, subject to any general or special order of the
State Government in this behalf compound any offence punishable under
this Act with ________ only committed for the first time.
a. Imprisonment
b. Fine
c. Both A and B
d. Only A

272. The Inspector may, subject to any general or special order of the
State Government in this behalf compound any offence punishable under
this Act with fine only committed for the first time, either before or after
the institution of the prosecution, on realization of such amount of
composition fee as he thinks fit, not exceeding the _________ amount of
fine fixed for the offence; and where the offence is so compounded.
a. Maximum
b. Minimum
c. Both A and B
d. None of the Above

273. For jurisdiction of a court for entertaining proceedings, etc., for

offence, the place where the plant is for the time being situate shall be
deemed to be the place where such offence has been committed.
a. True
b. False
274. Exemption of occupier or manager from liability in certain cases is
given under which section of The Factories’ Act?
a. 100
b. 101
c. 102
d. 103

275. Power of Court to make orders is given under which section of The
Factories’ Act?
a. 101
b. 102
c. 103
d. 104

276. Onus as to age is given under which section of The Factories’ Act?
a. 102
b. 103
c. 104
d. 104A

277. Onus of proving limits of what is practicable, etc. is given under

which section of The Factories’ Act?
a. 102
b. 103
c. 104
d. 104A

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