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Grace McDonald

Week 7: (6/21/21 – 6/27/21)

Monday: 0 hours

No hours completed for today.

Tuesday: 7:30 – 12:00 pm; 1:30 – 7:00 pm; 10 hours

Today, I began working on my weekly planner. Instead of looking at articles like I have

been doing in previous weeks, I decided to listen to a couple podcasts. Each of these podcasts

were around 45 minutes. While I listened to each podcast, I took notes so I would be able to use

them in my planner for quick tips. One of the episodes focused on goal setting for arthritis pain

and another primarily focused on mental health with arthritis. The content provided was useful

for a couple days in varying weeks. I did not complete specific months but added to varying days

throughout months to spread out the content focused on certain health issues. As I worked on the

weekly planner for most of the day, I was also able to look at resources in the learning center

since I noticed it had been updated and I wanted to make sure to use anything that may have

been useful to the tangible content I am creating or even to the outreach that I had been

conducting within different settings.

Wednesday: 7:30 – 12:00 pm; 1:30 – 7:00 pm; 10 hours

Like yesterday, I primarily research information and contributed it to my weekly planner.

I was still focused on the first 6 months and being able to add content in areas that were missing

information. To take breaks from my project, I worked on my excel sheet of contacts and

reviewed information the other public health interns contributed to the document. Since I had not

worked on making new contacts but following up instead, I wanted to make sure I would not

duplicate any work. Throughout the day, I switched between both of the projects to keep myself

busy and motivated throughout the day.

Grace McDonald

Thursday: 7:30 – 12:00 pm; 1:00 – 6:30 pm; 10 hours

This morning, I continued to make follow up emails with contacts that I have built

relationships with. I emailed the senior living community in Milledgeville to make sure they

received the Walk with Ease program book. In addition to this, I began contacting Facebook

support groups by messaging their admin person. Hopefully, I will be able to make a post our

resources that will promote our INSIGHTS assessments. At 1:00 pm I attended our weekly

meeting with Carrie Mapp and the interns. We discussed our accomplishments along with the

pain app, learning center, and their new resources to promote the Arthritis Foundation with

employers and employees within businesses. We were also informed of the rheumatoid arthritis

webinar in early July so that we may continue to distribute this information to our contacts. After

our meeting, I made contact with one of the Crystal Ball auction chairs about how I can assist in

contacting donors and getting all the required information to them. She plans on calling me

tomorrow with more information. I continued to work on my weekly planner since my goal is to

finish the primary components of this assignment. With that being said, I have completed my

weekly planner from June – December, with plans to finish the remainder this week.

Friday: 9:30 – 2:30 pm; 5 hours

Today, I had plans on speaking with the Crystal Ball auction chair, but we had to

reschedule our meeting to next week to discuss my opportunity to help serve the organization

and donors. Although this was the case, I still reviewed the documents I had received earlier to

understand my role to prepare for the upcoming event. Since my goal is to finish the weekly

journal this week, I continued to work on and add to January and February. I gathered more

information from articles to contribute to both weeks I was working on and completed the week

for January and the week for February.

Grace McDonald

Saturday: 7:30 – 12:30 pm; 5 hours

This morning, I continued to make progress on my weekly planner by adding content to

March and April. I was able to creatively think of ideas to add information to each day of the

week to contribute variability and avoid repetition. In addition to this, I made sure to keep up

with the links and articles I found the information on within the Arthritis Foundation. I added

this information at the bottom of each day of the planner so it would be easily accessible for kids

to find more information and read more about each topic. I had to backtrack and add this to some

of the pages I have previously missed.

Sunday: 8:30 – 1:30 pm; 5 hours

Today, I finally finished my weekly planner! I only had to work on May for today and

once I finished finding my sources, adding the content, and sources, I was able to finish a week

for each month. Although I have finished the primary parts of the planner, I only need to add to

the introductory page which I have made progress on too but still need to add more content

depending on the tracking tools I plan on using. For that reason, I began planning the tracking

tools to track habits like water intake, emotional wellbeing, physical activity, and other habit

trackers which will be addressed once I finish the content for this section. This week was more

challenging when considering content to choose from. I did not feel comfortable using any

resources other than content from the Arthritis Foundation since it would be distributed to their

juvenile arthritis camps. I wanted all the information to be correct and to ensure this by only

using their information. Last week, my goal was to finish this big portion of the weekly journal,

so I was encouraged when I finished this aspect. I plan on sending the week of July to Carrie

Mapp along with the habit tracker I hope to complete depending on my assignments I am given

next week.
Grace McDonald

Weekly Hours: 45

Total Hours to Date: 277.5

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