Kasturi Ram College of Higher Education, Narela, Delhi-110040

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Kasturi Ram College of Higher Education, Narela, Delhi-110040

(College affiliated to GGSIPU, Dwarka, Delhi)

Internal Examination (July 2021)

Question Paper
Program: Bachelor of Education Semester : II
Course Code: BED 106 Duration : 2 Hour 30 min
Paper Title: Assessment of Learning Max Marks : 75

Note: Read the instruction carefully. Attempt any three questions. Question No. 1 is
compulsory. Internal choice is indicated. Each question carries 25 marks.

Q1. Answer any five of the following questions: (5*5=25)

a) What do you mean by assessment?

आकलन आप ?
b) What do you mean by rating scale?
कल आप ?
c) Write a short note on Credit System.
ल प एक प ल ए
d) Write short note on Grading System.
प प ल ए
e) What do you mean by instructional objectives in education?
न क आप ?
f) What do you mean by cumulative records? Write the characteristics of cumulative
ल आप ? ल क ए ल ए

Q.2. State the difference between assessment, evaluation and measurement. Describe the
importance and principles of assessment.
कन, कन औ पक ए कन क औ क नक

Q.3. Define measurement instruments in educational evaluation. Write the characteristics of a

good measuring instrument and the factors which affect a test.
न ३. क कन प पक क प क ए एक पक क
एऔ प क क न लक क ल ए

Q.4. What do you mean by informative and summative evaluation? Describe the
characteristics and uses of formative and summative evaluation.
न कऔ क कन आप ? न कऔ क कन
क औ प क नक

Q.5. What do you mean by online examination? Discuss with appropriate example. Explain
the advantages and limitations of open book examination.
नल न प आप ? प क ए प क
प कल ए क क ए

Q.6. What is a question bank? Detailed out the concept, advantages and limitations of “Exam
on Demand”.
न क ?" प प "क ,ल औ क नक

Q.7. What is CCE? Discuss its needs and relevance in teaching learning process.
? क आ क औ क क क ए

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