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SOC101 Introduction to Sociology

Final Term Examination – Spring 2006

Time Allowed: 150 Minutes

Question No. 1 Marks :


Ahmar is a student of sociology. He is working on population study, name three significant areas of
population that he can study.
Question No. 2 Marks : 1

___________ is the property-less working class.

 Proletariat
 Bourgeoisie
 Mediocre
 Industrialists

Question No. 3 Marks : 1

Thomas Malthus’s theory of population growth summarizes that ________________________.

 Population increases geometrically while the available food supply increases arithmetically.
 Although population increases geometrically, technological innovation will guarantee adequate food
 Increase in the food supply inevitably lead to increase in population.
 Population increases in direct proportions to the available food supply.
Question No. 4 Marks : 1

In a traditional society, status and roles were characterized by few statuses, mostly ascribed and few
specialized roles.
 True
 False

Question No. 5 Marks : 1

The concept of social integration was proposed by ________________.
 Karl Marx
 mile Durkhiem
 Robert K. Merton
 Herbert Spenser

Question No. 6 Marks : 1

The adoptions of those social patterns that have resulted from industrialization are

Question No. 7 Marks : 1

_________ is a social bond that is based on blood, marriage or adoption that joins
individuals into families.
 Clan
 Kinship
 Tribe
 Class

Question No. 8 Marks : 1

The government of Pakistan, pursuing the policy of Education for All (EFA), expects that by
___________ all children will complete their primary education.
 2010
 2020
 2015
 2025
Question No. 9 Marks : 3

Ch. Ahsan is a well known land lord in his district, he has two children, one daughter and one
son. Both are competent, his son is studying in England; his daughter also wants to go
abroad for higher studies. When she tried to get permission from her father, he strictly refused
her. Moreover Ch. Ahsan does not give any importance to the females of his family and only
involves his son in any kind of decision making.
Keeping in view the above mentioned situation, explain the behavior of Ch. Ahsan according
to the gender stratification.

Question No. 10 Marks : 1

Cultural change means______________.

 Change in patterns of behavior
 Change in the laws of society
 Change in the technology of the society
 All of the given options

Question No. 11 Marks :

Asim and Atif are friends. Both are the student of sociology. Their teacher gives them an assignment on
“social stratification”. Asim favouring Karl Marx’s point of view about social stratification, which states
that social stratification is based on two classes. While Atif inclined towards Max Weber’s point of view
about social stratification. How Atif will explain Max Weber’s point of view?

Question No. 12 Marks : 1

___________ means assigning students to different types of educational programs.

Question No. 13 Marks : 1

__________ is the study of interaction of living organisms and their natural environment.
Question No. 14 Marks : 1

________________ stratification refers to society’s unequal distribution of wealth, power and

privilege between men and women.
 Caste
 Class
 Gender
 power

Question No. 15 Marks : 1

__________ of population refers to the dispersion of people in a territory, like rural-urban densities.
 Distribution
 Size
 Composition
 Migration

Question No. 16 Marks : 3

Zeeshan moved from rural to urban area in search of job. The available occupation in urban area
can cause mental illnesses and conflicts. What kind of fears he can face regarding the new

Question No. 17 Marks : 3

Ahmad is a student of sociology. He is conducting a research on “causes of social change”. Presently

he is working on one cause that “ideas can bring change”. To guide him, explain this cause of social

Question No. 18 Marks : 1

_________ is to occupy many statuses simultaneously.

 Role set
 Role conflict
 Role description
 Role exit

Question No. 19 Marks : 1

_____________ mobility is the up and down movement of individuals and groups in socio- economic
 Vertical
 Horizontal
 Latent
 Intra-generational

Question No. 20 Marks : 1

In Weber’s theory of social stratification, three overlapping elements are social class, status and

Question No. 21 Marks : 1

The shift from high to low mortality and fertility is known as the _______________.

Question No. 22 Marks : 1

Polyandry refers to a____________.

 Marriage joining two partners
 Marriage uniting three or more people
 Marriage uniting one male and two or more females
 Marriage uniting one female with two or more males

Question No. 23 Marks : 1

Endogamy is the practice that mandates marriage between different social categories.
 True
 False

Question No. 24 Marks : 1

The ________ is “Crude” because it does not take into account the risk of having births.
 Mortality
 None of the given option

Question No. 25 Marks : 1

Traditional societies are governed by heterogeneity in the cultural values.

 True
 False

Question No. 26 Marks : 3

Ali, Maham and Hamza took admission in the school at grade one; 50 percent of students dropped
out prior to completion of their primary stage from their school. There could be number of reasons,
enlist any three.

Question No. 27 Marks : 10

Ahmad is studying the links of birth rates and death rates to a society’s level of
industrialization. Keeping in view the Demographic Transition Theory, how will he explain
the four stages?
Question No. 28 Marks : 1
___________ is a system which traces kinship through males.
 Matrilineal
 Bilateral
 Patrilineal
 Neolocal

Question No. 29 Marks : 1

___________ societies actively encourage other societies to seek more efficient forms of energy and
convince people about new technologies.
 Caste
 Class
 Industrial
 Traditional

Question No. 30 Marks : 1

Sociologists are interested in studying the environmental problems that result from the
specific actions of individuals, so they are also social problems.
 True
 False

Question No. 31 Marks : 1

__________ is not related with the basic feminist ideas.

 The importance of change
 No choice of human expanding
 Eliminating gender stratification
 Existing sexual violence

Question No. 32 Marks : 1

Bourgeoisie welcomed the industrial revolution because the new technology increased the
productivity and profits.
 True
 False

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