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Basic Influencing Skills

Communication and Reasoning Skills

Logical reasoning
The ability to think logically, to analyze problems and identify logical solutions to them.

Analyzing and displaying data visually

Skill at creating charts, graphs, illustrations, and other visuals that clearly convey the

relationships among data points and communicate ideas and conclusions clearly in

visual form.

Finding creative alternatives

Being creative and innovative; the ability to see alternatives and solutions where others

haven’t; skill at “thinking outside the box.”

Skill at asking insightful questions that lead others to the heart

of the problem or issue.

Speaking conversationally
The ability to engage people in casual conversation; skill at

conversing on a number of topics; being a skilled


Conveying energy and enthusiasm

Bringing energy and enthusiasm to interactions and situations;

being naturally energetic and engaged; the ability to get others

Skill at actively listening to others; being engaged in others

when they are speaking and accurately hearing and retaining

the essence of their thoughts.

Assertiveness Skills

Skill at stating an opinion with confidence or force; presenting

ideas strongly and affirmatively; maintaining one’s position

without becoming aggressive.

Skill at enduring steadfastly; continuing on one’s course

despite opposition or resistance; being insistent and


Behaving self-confidently
Having faith in one’s own judgment, abilities, and rights;

projecting firmness and steadfastness in one’s purpose,

directions, and goals.

Behaving authoritatively
Skill at projecting authority; behaving as though one has the

legitimate right to use authority; clearly stating a decision,

conclusion, or course of action.

Using a compelling tone of voice

Having a strong, firm, and resonant voice; the ability to

command attention when one speaks.

Using assertive non-verbals

Skill at using strong and confident gestures, facial

expressions, and body language; projecting confidence and

assurance through all the non-verbal aspects of


Using authority without appearing heavy handed

The ability to command others and use legitimate authority

without being overbearing, clumsy, oppressive, or harsh. A

key skill in using the influence technique stating.

Interpersonal Skills

Being friendly and sociable with strangers

Skill at opening up to and engaging with people one does not

know; being outgoing and conveying warmth, acceptance, and

interest in strangers. A critical skill in the influence technique

of socializing.

Showing genuine interest in others

Skill at conveying genuine interest in other people; being

authentic in showing care, concern, and curiosity in other

people; skill at making others feel important. A critical skill in

socializing and appealing to relationship.

Having insight into what others value

Having a strong, intuitive understanding of other people and

what is important to them; skill at discerning what others value

without them having to say what it is; interpersonal


Being sensitive to others’ feelings

Skill at understanding others’ emotions and empathizing with


Building rapport and trust

Skill at building harmonious and sympathetic relationships with

others; skill at conveying trust in others as well as causing

them to feel that one can also be trusted; establishing trustful

connections with others.

Building close relationships

The ability to create trusted friendships and close relationships

with other people; skill at sustaining intimate and friendly

relationships with others over a period of time.

Supporting and encouraging others

Skill not only at helping and encouraging others but conveying

that attitude as well; giving aid or assistance to others; and

promoting, advancing, inspiring, or stimulating others and

encouraging them to forge ahead.

Interaction Skills

Convincing people to help you influence others

Skill at enlisting others’ support and assistance in influencing

others; skill at building agreement and cooperation and a

unified sense of purpose, particularly in approaching others

and trying to persuade them as well. The most critical skill in

the influencing technique of alliance building.

Resolving conflicts and disagreements among others

Skill at managing conflict; the ability to identify core issues,

find creative and mutually acceptable solutions, and reduce

the emotion in situations that prevents resolution; skill at


Building consensus
The ability to mediate differences of opinion and reach

solutions that others can accept; skill at creating harmony and

agreement among people who initially disagree.

Taking the initiative to show others how to do things

A strong interest in and desire to teach others; skill at

coaching, teaching, advising, and helping others in developing

their skills and abilities. An essential skill in the influencing

technique modeling.

Bargaining or negotiating
Skill at reaching agreement with others over an exchange of

things of value; skill at discussing terms and reaching a

satisfactory agreement in a settlement, bargain, or deal.

Crucial to the influencing technique of exchanging.

Willingness to ask others for favors

The ease and comfort with which one is willing to ask other

people for something done or granted out of kindness or good

will. An essential ability in appealing to relationship.

Willingness to do favors for others

One’s willingness to do something or grant something to

others out of kindness or good will and with no expectation of

renumeration. An essential ability in appealing to relationship.

1. The Art of Persuasion

Persuasion is the act of convincing someone to change their beliefs or do something

you suggest. Persuasion has often been described as a delicate form of art, but what
exactly makes it so powerful? Understanding the art of persuasion can not only help you
learn how to influence others; it can also make you more aware of the techniques others
might use to try and change your beliefs and behaviors.

Why Persuasion Is An Art

● To understand the art of persuasion, you must first understand the broader
definition of art. Art is both a process and product that:
● Expresses strong emotion
● Is intellectually challenging
● Is complex and coherent
● Conveys complex messages
● Shows an individual point of view
● Is original
● Produces an object or performance that requires a high degree of skill

2. The Principles of Influence

One of the most basic principles of influence is to simply give that which you want to
receive. Six universal principles of influence: reciprocation, scarcity, authority,
commitment, liking, and consensus.

3. Creating an Impact
In creating an impact you must: 1. Know your team. 2. Encourage creativity. 3. Ask for
feedback. 4. Learn to follow. 5. Maintain a positive attitude. 6. Develop situational
awareness. 7. Encourage team collaboration. 8. Let them work.
4. Creating SMART Goals
SMART is a well-established tool that you can use to plan and achieve your goals.
While there are a number of interpretations of the acronym's meaning, the most
common one is that goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and
When you use SMART, you can create clear, attainable and meaningful goals, and
develop the motivation, action plan, and support needed to achieve them.

1. Specific

Your goal should be clear and specific, otherwise you won't be able to focus your efforts
or feel truly motivated to achieve it. When drafting your goal, try to answer the five "W"

● What do I want to accomplish?

● Why is this goal important?
● Who is involved?
● Where is it located?
● Which resources or limits are involved?

Imagine that you are currently a marketing executive, and you'd like to become head of
marketing. A specific goal could be, "I want to gain the skills and experience necessary
to become head of marketing within my organization, so that I can build my career and
lead a successful team."
2. Measurable

It's important to have measurable goals, so that you can track your progress and stay
motivated. Assessing progress helps you to stay focused, meet your deadlines, and feel
the excitement of getting closer to achieving your goal.

A measurable goal should address questions such as:

● How much?
● How many?
● How will I know when it is accomplished?

You might measure your goal of acquiring the skills to become head of marketing by
determining that you will have completed the necessary training courses and gained the
relevant experience within five years' time.

3. Achievable

Your goal also needs to be realistic and attainable to be successful. In other words, it
should stretch your abilities but still remain possible. When you set an achievable goal,
you may be able to identify previously overlooked opportunities or resources that can
bring you closer to it.

An achievable goal will usually answer questions such as:

● How can I accomplish this goal?

● How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as financial factors?

You might need to ask yourself whether developing the skills required to become head
of marketing is realistic, based on your existing experience and qualifications. For
example, do you have the time to complete the required training effectively? Are the
necessary resources available to you? Can you afford to do it?

Beware setting goals that someone else has power over. For example, "Get that
promotion!" depends on who else applies, and on the recruiter's decision. But "Get the
experience and training that I need to be considered for that promotion" is entirely down
to you.

4. Relevant

This step is about ensuring that your goal matters to you, and that it also aligns with
other relevant goals. We all need support and assistance in achieving our goals, but it's
important to retain control over them. So, make sure that your plans drive everyone
forward, but that you're still responsible for achieving your own goal.

A relevant goal can answer "yes" to these questions:

● Does this seem worthwhile?

● Is this the right time?
● Does this match our other efforts/needs?
● Am I the right person to reach this goal?
● Is it applicable in the current socio-economic environment?

You might want to gain the skills to become head of marketing within your organization,
but is it the right time to undertake the required training, or work toward additional
qualifications? Are you sure that you're the right person for the head of marketing role?
Have you considered your spouse's goals? For example, if you want to start a family,
would completing training in your free time make this more difficult?

5. Time-bound
Every goal needs a target date, so that you have a deadline to focus on and something
to work toward. This part of the SMART goal criteria helps to prevent everyday tasks
from taking priority over your longer-term goals.

A time-bound goal will usually answer these questions:

● When?
● What can I do six months from now?
● What can I do six weeks from now?
● What can I do today?

Gaining the skills to become head of marketing may require additional training or
experience , as we mentioned earlier. How long will it take you to acquire these skills?
Do you need further training, so that you're eligible for certain exams or qualifications?
It's important to give yourself a realistic time frame for accomplishing the smaller goals
that are necessary to achieving your final objective.

5. Creating a long-term Plan

● 1. Write down your mission. 2. Set goals for your business. 3. Identify broad key
strategies. 4. Measure Ongoing Results. 5. Stay positive

6. Creating a Support System

● Support system is made up of individual people who provide support, respect,
and care. These are people who are in your corner. They do not judge you or
ridicule you. They provide feedback that is genuine and in your best interest.
Their support is not self-serving

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