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Life-Cycle Assessment of Office Buildings in Europe

and the United States

Seppo Junnila1; Arpad Horvath2; and Angela Acree Guggemos3

Abstract: Office buildings are thought to be significant sources of energy use and emissions in industrialized countries, but quantitative
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assessments of all of the phases of the service life of office buildings are still quite rare. In order to enable environmentally conscious
design and management, this paper presents life-cycle assessments of newly constructed European and U.S. office buildings from
materials production through construction, use, and maintenance to end-of-life treatment. The significant environmental aspects indicate
the dominance of the use phase in the quantified environmental categories, but draw attention to the importance of embedded materials
and expected maintenance investments throughout the assumed 50-year service life, especially for particulate matter emissions. The
relevance of the materials, construction, maintenance, and end-of-life phases relative to the use of buildings is expected to increase
considerably as functional obsolescence of office buildings becomes more rapid, and complete reconstruction and reconfiguration become
more frequent. By quantifying the energy use and environmental emissions of each life-cycle phase in more detail, the elements that cause
significant emissions can be identified and targeted for improvement.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1076-0342共2006兲12:1共10兲
CE Database subject headings: Life cycles; Service life; Europe; United States; Buildings, office; Air pollution.

Introduction Kernan 1996兲. Some studies have focused on energy use through
the evaluation of embodied energy of buildings. Embodied energy
Buildings are one of the largest energy consumers in any indus- for a building is typically defined as the energy used in the pro-
trialized country, and office buildings carry a significant share. As cessing of raw materials as well as in the manufacturing and
transformation of the world economy toward service industries installation of materials and products in buildings 共Treloar et al.
intensifies, so do the investments into office and other commercial 2001a兲. It does not include the energy expended in the use, main-
buildings. It is, therefore, important to study the energy and en- tenance, and end-of-life phases. Embodied energy can be 20–50
vironmental effects of office buildings throughout their life cycle. times the annual operational energy of commercial buildings
Some clear indications of the importance of office buildings are 共Treloar et al. 2001a兲 or as much as 67% of use phase energy over
appearing. For example, in the United Kingdom, some 25% of a 25-year period 共Yohanis and Norton 2002兲. The building struc-
the new office buildings acquire an environmental assessment ture can be a significant component of embodied energy 共Cole
and label 共Hasegawa 2002兲. The most appropriate method for a and Kernan 1996; Treloar et al. 2001a,b兲.
holistic assessment is life-cycle assessment 共LCA兲, a systematic Limited research has been published thus far on complete
study of the life-cycle 共materials manufacturing, construction/ LCA of office buildings, but the first attempts have started appear-
manufacturing processes, use, maintenance, renovation, and end- ing in print 共Junnila 2003; Junnila and Horvath 2003兲. A
of-life treatment兲 and supply-chain environmental effects of few studies of various building components have also been per-
products, processes, and services 共Curran 1996兲.
formed. For example, LCA was used to create an environmental
A single but significant impact, life-cycle energy use, has
assessment of steel piling and included the impacts from the
been studied for some office buildings. Energy for the use phase
construction process, energy use, recycling, and reuse of the piles
has been found to be the largest life-cycle component 共Cole and
共Gorgolewski 1999兲. Björklund et al. 共1996兲 have used LCA to
compare the environmental impacts of concrete and steel struc-
Senior Research Scientist, Faculty of Civil and Environmental tural building frames, although it did not include the impacts
Engineering, Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Finland. E-mail:
for some of the building and demolition activities. Another
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, LCA compared wood, steel, and concrete structural frames for an
Univ. of California, 215 McLaughlin Hall #1712, Berkeley, CA 94720- office building in Canada, but did not include the impacts from
1712 共corresponding author兲. E-mail: the end-of-life phase 共Canadian Wood Council 1997兲. LCAs of
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Construction Management, Colorado various types of German windows and curtain walls were per-
State Univ., 1584 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1584. formed as part of an overall assessment of construction materials
E-mail: 共IKP 1998兲.
Note. Discussion open until August 1, 2006. Separate discussions While the previously referenced studies describe in various
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
detail office buildings and their components in Europe, Australia,
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- and Canada, there are no comparable studies in the literature from
sible publication on December 3, 2003; approved on March 31, 2004. the United States.
This paper is part of the Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Vol. 12, No. This paper contributes to the nascent LCA literature by assess-
1, March 1, 2006. ©ASCE, ISSN 1076-0342/2006/1-10–17/$25.00. ing two comparable office buildings from Europe and the United


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2006, 12(1): 10-17

States throughout their full life cycle. No studies thus far have 共CMU兲 2003兴 that utilizes data from the U.S. Department of
analyzed simultaneously and holistically similar office buildings Commerce’s commodity-by-commodity input-output matrix aug-
on two continents. The objective of the study was to find the mented by various resource use, waste, and emissions factors.
relative contribution of each building life-cycle phase to the total
energy and environmental effects over a 50-year lifetime in order
to focus attention on the life-cycle phases that demand further Presenting the European Case Study
study and improvement, and promote design for environment
practices for buildings. The study continues the tradition of esti- The European building chosen for the study is a new office build-
mating the significant aspects of buildings, but broadens it to a ing in Southern Finland 共Junnila 2003兲. The building has
comparison where different conditions 共building designs, material 4,400 m2 of gross floor area and a volume of 17,300 m3. Roughly
choices, energy types used, maintenance practices兲 may make a two hundred persons work in the building, which has four floors
great deal of impact on the total energy and environmental effects of mainly office space and some commercial and laboratory
throughout the building life cycle.
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space. The structural frame is a steel-reinforced concrete beam-

and-column system. The overall mass of the materials used in
the building is 1,190 kg/ m2 in the original construction phase and
Study Method 240 kg/ m2 in the maintenance phase. The heat energy consump-
tion of the building is estimated at 141 kWh/ m2 / year, or on
LCA has emerged as the method for the holistic assessment of the average 6% above the heat consumption of energy-audited
environmental impacts of products, processes, and services. When office buildings in Finland. The electricity consumption is esti-
done correctly, LCA quantifies the energy and material inputs and mated at 70 kWh/ m2 / year, which is some 30% below the
the various emission and waste outputs from an entire life cycle, average in Finland 共Motiva 2001兲. The life-cycle phases studied
including raw material acquisition, materials production, use/ included materials manufacturing, construction, use, maintenance,
operation, maintenance/repair, and end of life. The ISO 共1997兲 and end of life. Each life-cycle phase accounted for the transpor-
standard can be used as guidelines. Typically, the LCA process tation of materials. Transportation to the wholesaler’s warehouse
has three stages after the goals and scope have been determined: was included in the building materials phase. Transportation from
inventory analysis, impact analysis, and improvement analysis. the warehouse to the site was counted among the construction
Inventory analysis identifies and quantifies resource and energy phase effects.
inputs as well as the product, waste, and emission outputs of the
system. Impact analysis uses the data from the inventory analysis
to determine the environmental and health effects associated with
a product’s life cycle 共Rice et al. 1997兲. Through improvement The study included the substructure, foundation, structural frame,
analysis, the major impacts are identified and evaluated for pos- external envelope, roof, internal complementary elements 共e.g.,
sible reduction. In this study, the focus is on inventory analysis doors, partition walls, suspended ceilings, railings兲, internal sur-
for quantifying resource inputs and emissions and wastes, and faces, elevators, mechanical services, and electrical services, or
interpretation for identifying environmental “hot spots.” 69 different building elements. This is in accordance with the
The LCA framework was selected to analyze the environmen- Finnish building classification system 共Kiiras and Tiula 1999兲.
tal aspects of two office buildings: a typical new office building The categories not included in the study were the construction
in Southern Finland and a typical new office building in the site 共e.g., fence and lighting兲 and internal equipment 共e.g., re-
Midwest region of the United States. Fifty years of use was as- frigerators in the building’s lunch areas兲. The bill of quantities,
sumed to be the life cycle. architectural and engineering drawings, and the architect’s speci-
For the European building, material and energy flows were fications served as sources for calculating the amount of each
quantified primarily based on design and construction plans and building material 共42 different building materials in total兲.
specifications in cooperation with the designers. The processes
related to different energy and material flows were studied, and
the emissions data were largely collected from the actual materi-
als manufacturers and energy providers in Finland. The emissions Electricity, heat, and steam used on site, equipment utilization,
data include process and supply-chain emissions, which were transportation of building materials to site 共average distance was
typically less than three years old at the time of the research, and 50 km兲, and materials used on site in the construction processes,
have been verified by an independent third-party organization but not permanently attached to the building, such as formwork,
共Neuvonen 2000兲. As is typical in Finland, combined heat and temporary structures, etc., were estimated in this phase.
power production were used to supply the building, and the envi-
ronmental effects were allocated equally to heat and electricity.
Use Phase
For the U.S. building, identification and quantification of ma-
terial and energy flows were performed based on design estimates The use of the building included heat and electricity for 50 years.
and estimates of the construction work involved for a typical The energy calculations in the design phase were performed using
U.S. office building. Process-based emissions data were used the WinEtana energy simulation program 共WinEtana 2001兲 by
for all life-cycle phases, except for the materials manufac- HVAC and electrical engineers.
turing phase, and the material and electricity components of
the other phases. Material emissions data include manufac-
turing process 共direct兲 as well as supply-chain 共indirect兲
emissions. This is achieved by quantifying the life-cycle impacts The use of building materials and the corresponding construction
of the materials using economic input-output analysis-based activities were estimated for 50 years of maintenance. However,
LCA 关Hendrickson et al. 1998; Carnegie Mellon University modernization, expansion, reconstruction, or other similarly fun-


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2006, 12(1): 10-17

damental improvements were excluded from the analysis. The End of Life
building plans and specifications served as sources for building
material quantity estimations, and appropriate guidelines 共Build- The use of demolition equipment is the most significant source
ing Information 1998; CEM/HUT 1993兲 were used to estimate the of emissions with 61–94% of the total in this life-cycle phase,
service lives of each material. followed by transportation of demolition materials to a landfill
with 6–39% of the emissions.

End of Life
Assuming that the entire building would be demolished, the end- Presenting the U.S. Case Study
of-life phase included demolition activities and transportation of
waste building materials to a landfill 50 km away. A similar case The U.S. building chosen for the study is a typical office building
study 共Junnila and Saari 1998兲 served as a basis for estimating the in the Midwest region. The location and size was selected to
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energy needed for demolition. match as closely as possible the climatic conditions in the Euro-
pean case study. The five-story building has 4,400 m2 of gross
floor area, and a volume of 16,400 m3. The structural frame is a
European Case Study Results steel-reinforced concrete beam-and-column system with shear
walls at the core. The exterior envelope of the building consists
Table 1 shows the life-cycle emissions, while Fig. 1 presents the of an aluminum curtain wall. The overall mass of the building
proportions of the respective life-cycle phases in total energy use materials used in construction is 1,290 kg/ m2 and in maintenance
and emissions. The use of the building is clearly the most signifi- 70 kg/ m2. The life-cycle phases used for the U.S. building are
cant phase with 50–90% of all emissions, especially dominant in identical to the European case: materials manufacturing, con-
energy use and CO2 emissions with 87 and 83%, respectively. The struction, use, maintenance, and end of life. The effects of mate-
next most important life-cycle phases are the materials 共6–28%兲 rial transportation were included in each life-cycle phase. All
and maintenance 共4–15%兲, particularly in terms of emissions of transportation effects from material extraction to product manu-
particulate matter smaller than 10 ␮m 共PM10兲. The construction facturing were included in the materials phase, while the effects
and the end-of-life phases cause fewer emissions than the other of transportation of materials from the supplier to the construction
life-cycle stages. site are included in the construction stage.
As Table 1 shows, each life-cycle phase has been divided into
subcategories or life-cycle elements. The most significant life-
cycle elements are in the use phase. Electricity and heating each Materials
cause roughly 30–45% of the overall emissions. All the other This phase included the analysis of the following building
identified life-cycle elements produce significantly less emissions. elements: foundation, structure, roof, external envelope, interior
finishes 共e.g., partition walls, ceilings, doors, floor covering兲,
Materials elevator, stairs, mechanical and electrical services. The amount of
each material studied is derived from a quantity takeoff of the
A few life-cycle elements cause most of the emissions in this design. The study includes 54 different building elements consist-
phase. Concrete and steel are each responsible for more than 20% ing of 23 different building materials. The environmental effects
of the emissions in every studied impact category. Concrete of the building materials include the effects of their respective
causes 12–40% and steel 14–34% of the emissions in various supply chains 共CMU 2003兲. The transportation effects from ma-
categories. Also, building boards and paper and insulation cause terial extraction through the storage of the supplier’s finished
over 15% of the emissions in several emission categories. product are also included in this phase.

Construction Construction
In the construction phase, equipment use produces most of the The effects of the construction phase of the building are from
emissions, contributing between 24 and 60% of the total. Other materials transport from the supplier to the job site, as well as
life-cycle elements with notable emissions are the materials used from the use of construction equipment on site. Transportation
at the construction site and the use of electricity.
data for each material are based on estimated round-trip distances
for a delivery truck. Round-trip distances range from 20 共for con-
Use Phase crete兲 to 3,000 km 共for carpet兲. Assuming diesel consumption of
0.25 L / km, CO2 emissions are calculated as 670 g / km 共EPA
In the use phase of the building, all the studied life-cycle elements 1996兲. Energy use is estimated at 9 MJ/ km. Transportation emis-
共electricity and heating兲 dominate the overall LCA results. sions of NOx are 5.1 g / km 共EPA 1995兲.
Construction equipment emissions are based on the average
hours of operation and the equipment horsepower. The equipment
type and duration of use are estimated using R. S. Means 共2001兲.
The most significant maintenance stage emissions are due to the Equipment horsepower is estimated from a sampling of typical
paints, steel, and insulation. They all produce more than 20% of diesel engine sizes. Energy use is 7.5 MJ/ hp· h 关Intergovernmen-
the emissions in several emission categories. Building boards and tal Panel on Climate Change 共IPCC 1996兲兴. Equipment emissions
glass both have a relatively high 共15%兲 proportion of emissions in of CO2, NOx, SO2, and PM10 are 522, 14.1, 0.9, and 1.0 g / hp· h,
a single emission category. respectively 共EPA 1996兲.


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2006, 12(1): 10-17

Table 1. Environmental Emissions and Energy Use of an Office Building in Southern Finland with 50 Years of Service Life
Energy CO2 SO2 NOx PM10
Phase 共GJ兲 共Mg兲 共kg兲 共kg兲 共kg兲
Materials 共total兲 15,000 1,300 2,300 4,000 2,100
Landscaping 共gravel, etc.兲 2 0 0 1 0
Concrete 4,200 450 280 1,600 760
Steel, reinforcing 1,000 47 64 110 35
Steel, cast iron 3,900 440 530 540 440
Nonferrous metals 1,300 82 340 310 190
Masonry 230 25 82 87 NA
Timber 80 0 0 14 3
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Plastic, rubber, etc. 390 21 120 120 36

Building boards, paper 890 56 360 350 110
Insulation 1,500 76 310 260 360
Waterproofing 22 1 4 7 1
Glass 850 58 84 410 10
Finishing 共flooring, glues, etc.兲 320 18 40 89 150
Paints 300 12 82 45 13
Others NA 2 NA 24 NA

Construction 共total兲 4,800 200 500 1,800 400

Materials in construction 1,300 45 220 310 75
Electricity 1,700 46 87 100 140
Heat 320 22 29 41 66
Machinery 1,200 92 110 1,100 140
Steam NA 4 0 8 0
Transport of building materials 310 22 5 270 10

Use phase 共total兲 204,000 11,000 9,900 20,000 3,700

Electricity, others 共e.g., outlets, HVAC兲 74,000 3,300 3,300 6,200 2,000
Electricity, lighting 30,000 1,400 1,400 2,500 830
Heating 100,000 6,200 5,200 11,000 820

Maintenance 共total兲 9,500 700 2,300 2,500 1,100

Landscaping 共gravel, etc.兲 2 0 0 1 0
Concrete 360 32 26 110 25
Steel reinforcing 1 0 0 0 0
Steel, cast iron 1,300 230 290 290 240
Nonferrous metals 930 52 210 110 93
Masonry 240 25 82 87 NA
Timber 76 0 0 14 3
Plastic, rubber, etc. 160 8 52 50 14
Building boards, paper 890 56 360 350 110
Insulation 1,000 60 260 190 290
Waterproofing 22 1 4 7 1
Glass 850 58 84 410 10
Finishing 共flooring, glues, etc.兲 320 18 40 89 150
Paints 3,000 120 820 450 130
Construction and transportation of materials 350 29 23 338 31

End of life 共total兲 800 60 50 700 90

Equipment 510 37 45 430 80
Transportation of materials 300 22 4 270 5

Total 234,100 13,260 15,050 29,000 7,390

Note: NA⫽not available.


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2006, 12(1): 10-17

Table 2. Environmental Emissions and Energy Use of Different
Life-Cycle Elements of a U.S. Office Building
Energy CO2 SO2 NOx PM10
Phase 共GJ兲 共Mg兲 共kg兲 共kg兲 共kg兲
Materials 共total兲 31,100 2,000 9,300 8,000 2,700
Aluminum 79 4 63 25 7
Bitumen 69 4 15 19 5
Carpet 1,303 80 308 295 136
Ceramic tile 1,122 79 130 224 39
Concrete 3,084 213 1,308 1,593 309
Elevator 502 32 140 118 23
Mineral fiber board 942 65 324 257 107
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Fig. 1. European case study proportions of emissions attributed to ceiling tile

each life-cycle phase Glass 3,432 236 647 1,196 185
Gypsum board 892 62 104 148 63
Insulation—extruded 90 5 18 18 3
Use Phase Insulation—fiberglass 3,118 216 631 705 827
The use phase of the building includes the effects of heating, Paint 99 6 20 25 6
cooling, lighting, and electricity use. The energy use and emis- Steel—metal stairs 856 54 239 161 43
sions are estimated based on data for electricity and natural gas Steel—studs, doors, 2,302 146 642 432 115
use for typical office buildings 关Energy Information Administra- frames, grid
tion 共EIA兲 1998兴 and commercial lighting energy consumption Steel—reinforcement bar 3,916 248 1,092 736 196
共Vorsatz et al. 1997兲. For a Midwest office building, yearly elec- Water heater 12 1 3 3 1
tricity use is estimated as 184 kWh/ m2 and natural gas use is HVAC multizone units 1,842 120 579 543 109
17.5 m3 / m2 共EIA 1998兲. The annual lighting energy use is as- Switchgear 67 4 21 18 3
sumed to be 56 kWh/ m2 共Vorsatz et al. 1997兲. Emissions from Emergency generator 50 3 15 13 3
electricity and lighting are calculated using CMU 共2003兲. Emis- Copper—tubing and wire 1,083 76 1,298 303 204
sions of CO2, NOx, SO2, and PM10 from natural gas combustion Steel—piping, ductwork 6,218 394 1,734 1,168 311
are 1,922, 1.6, 0.01, and 0.1 g / m3, respectively 共EPA 1998兲.
Polypropylene—piping 1 0 0 0 0

Maintenance Construction 共total兲 5,500 400 800 8,300 700

Materials 1,005 64 224 420 166
The maintenance phase includes the materials, equipment, and
Transportation 253 19 9 114 26
transportation used in standard building upkeep during the as-
sumed 50-year service life, including maintenance on the follow- Equipment 4,199 293 526 7,787 552
ing building elements: roof, carpet, elevator, ceiling tile, interior
partitions, and paint. The environmental effects of materials are Use phase 共total兲 297,600 22,200 82,700 48,500 3,400
determined based on service life as well as the estimated quanti- Lighting 46,567 4,487 25,137 12,862 886
ties and values of all maintenance materials. The service life Electricity 106,628 10,274 57,560 29,451 2,030
for each element was estimated based on experience and expert Natural gas 144,375 7,401 37 6,167 469
opinion, and ranged from 4 years for the carpet to 25 years for
the elevator. The energy use and emissions associated with the Maintenance 共total兲 21,600 1,300 5,200 5,000 2,100
maintenance materials are calculated using CMU 共2003兲. The Bitumen 137 8 30 37 11
effects from transportation are based on type of truck and typical Carpet 15,637 955 3,693 3,535 1,633
distance for materials procurement. The emissions from con- Elevator 502 32 140 118 23
struction equipment are based on equipment type, hours operated, Mineral fiber board 1,885 129 648 513 214
and engine size. The emissions from transportation and construc- ceiling tile
tion equipment use are calculated as described previously in the Gypsum board 621 43 73 103 44
Construction section. Paint 989 58 199 249 56
Steel—studs, doors, 1,620 103 452 304 81
End of Life frames, grid
Transportation 116 9 4 52 12
The end-of-life phase includes the demolition of the building and Equipment 47 3 6 89 6
transport of the demolished materials to a landfill. The entire
building is assumed to be demolished after 50 years. The trans- End of life 共total兲 3,300 200 400 5,800 400
portation environmental effects are based on an average round Equipment 3,065 212 378 5,717 406
trip distance of 64 km from the site to the landfill. The construc-
Transportation 188 14 7 85 19
tion equipment emissions are based on the equipment types, of materials
duration of work, and engine horsepower. The equipment types
and duration of work are estimated using R. S. Means 共2001兲.
Total 359,100 26,100 98,400 75,600 9,300
Engine horsepower is based on typical diesel equipment size.


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2006, 12(1): 10-17

Equipment use accounts for the majority of energy use and emis-
sions in the construction stage.

Use Phase
The use phase is the largest contributor to overall energy use and
emissions. Lighting and electricity have significant impacts in all
five categories, while natural gas has significant impacts in four
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Fig. 2. U.S. case study proportions of emissions attributed to each Compared to transportation and equipment use, materials are re-
life-cycle phase sponsible for the majority of the energy use and emissions in the
maintenance phase. By far, carpet has the greatest impact in all
five categories. This is aided in part by the short 共4 year兲 assumed
service life of carpet, explained by wear and tear, but also fre-
Emissions from transportation and equipment use are calculated quent replacement due to tenant changes. The steel components,
as described previously in the Construction section. mineral fiber ceiling tiles, and paints also have significant impact
in at least four of the categories. Their service lives are 25, 17,
and 4.5 years, respectively.
U.S. Case Study Results
End of Life
Table 2 presents the life-cycle energy needs and emissions, while
Fig. 2 shows the proportions of the respective life-cycle phases in Although the end-of-life phase contributes minimally to the over-
total energy use and emissions. While the use phase dominates all life-cycle energy use and emissions, the demolition equipment
all categories but PM10, most of the life-cycle phases, especially emissions are notable. In fact, it is slightly more than the energy
materials and maintenance have significant values in at least one use and emissions from equipment used in the construction stage.
of the environmental aspects. In each energy and emissions cat- The energy use and emissions from the demolition equipment are
egory, the three highest values account for at least 89% of the on the same order as concrete, glass, and insulation materials in
total. The use phase has at least a 46% share in all categories. the building.
Materials and maintenance phases each have a proportion of 22%
or more in a single category. Construction and end-of-life phases
have relatively small impacts overall. Data Quality Assessment
By analyzing the energy use and environmental emissions
of each life-cycle phase in more detail 共Table 2兲, the elements Assessment of the quality of data used in the analysis is very
that cause significant emissions can be identified and targeted important in LCA interpretation as higher quality lends more
for improvement. credibility to the results, increases the robustness of the findings,
and gives more confidence to the LCA practitioner to draw cor-
rect conclusions and eventually make defensible decisions using
the results. The secondary, i.e., emission, data used in this study
For building materials, the largest contribution to energy use and were targeted at the level of good, which corresponds to number
emissions comes from steel products 共in piping, steel reinforcing two in the used data quality assessment framework 共Lindfors et
of concrete, metal studs, HVAC units, etc.兲. Other significant ma- al. 1995兲. 关Details of the data quality assessment matrix are found
terial groups include concrete, glass, insulation, and copper. All in Junnila and Horvath 共2003兲.兴 In practice this means that data
these materials have significant impacts in all categories. Copper should have at least the following qualities: should be calculated
tubing and wire are used for plumbing and electrical systems, and data based on measurements, verified information from an enter-
have significant impacts in four of the categories. prise that might have an interest in the study, representative data

Table 3. Data Qualitya Assessment of the European Building Case Study

Acquisition Independence Geographical Technological
Phase method of data supplier Representativeness Data age correlation correlation
Building materials 2 1 2 2 2 2
Construction 3 1 2 2 3 4
Use 2 2 1 1 1 1
Maintenance 2 1 1 2 2 2
End of life 2 1 2 1 2 3
Maximum quality= 1, minimum quality= 5.


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2006, 12(1): 10-17

Table 4. Data Qualitya Assessment of the U.S. Building Case Study
Acquisition Independence Geographical Technological
Phase method of data supplier Representativeness Data Age correlation correlation
Building materials 1 1 2 3 2 2
Construction 3 1 2 3 2 3
Use 1 1 2 1 1 1
Maintenance 3 1 2 3 2 3
End-of-life 2 1 2 1 2 2
Maximum quality⫽1, and minimum quality⫽5.

from smaller number of sites but for adequate periods, less than dissimilar operating and maintenance schedules with different
5 years old, average data from a larger area in which the area input energy mixes, the proportions of emissions associated with
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under study is included, and from processes and materials under the different life-cycle phases of the two buildings are similar.
study but maybe from different enterprises. The use phase dominates energy consumption 共70%兲 and all
Tables 3 and 4 show the results of data quality assessment for of the emissions except PM10. Materials production and mainte-
the European and U.S. case studies. Of the 30 categories assessed nance are significant in PM10 emissions, especially for the U.S.
based on the guidelines from Lindfors et al. 共1995兲, only four in case. In general, the maintenance phase 共which includes the
the European and seven in the U.S. case study were considered to manufacturing and transportation of maintenance materials, and
have average or lower-than-average data quality. While compari- the construction involved in building upkeep兲 has a larger en-
son with other LCA studies is impossible given that data quality vironmental burden than the construction phase 共which only
assessment is still not widely practiced, data quality in this study includes the use of temporary materials and equipment on the
can be considered relatively good. The category that deserves the construction site兲. End-of-life treatment is only somewhat rel-
most improvement in both cases is technological correlation that
evant for overall NOx and PM10 emissions. Construction and
gauges the similarity of the technology for which data were found
demolition are relatively more important for NOx emissions
to the technology used in the current LCA study. For example,
and PM10 emissions in the United States than in Finland, while in
in lieu of specific data on office building construction, data on
addition to the use phase, SO2 emissions from materials manufac-
typical construction processes were utilized in both countries, an
turing and maintenance should be targeted for reduction in the
acceptable but not perfect solution. Similarly, maintenance data
are sparsely documented in the United States 共“acquisition Nordic country. Maintenance appears to carry a more significant
method” category兲. Data age is a perennial problem in LCA. PM10 burden in the United States.
In the European case study, the life-cycle phases that scored Even though the two buildings are in somewhat different
less than targeted 共less than 2兲 were the construction phase with climates and are dissimilar in geometric design and material
the acquisition method, geographical correlation, and techno- composition 共though both use a comparable total amount of
logical correlation, and the end-of-life phase with technological materials兲, it is worth noting the differences in the absolute values
correlation. The construction phase did not score quite as targeted of energy use and emissions. Overall, the Finnish building uses a
because it included calculated data partly based on assumptions third less energy, and emits half the CO2, a third of NOx, and a
instead of only calculated data 共the unit data were taken from fifth of PM10 associated with the U.S. building’s life cycle mainly
another similar case study兲, some of the data were collected due to the differences in the use phase. The energy used for the
from another area with similar production conditions instead of operation of the Finnish building is only one-half of the U.S.
the area under study 共data for energy used on site were collected building, and the emission profiles of energy carriers in Finland
from another city in Southern Finland兲, and the data were col- are less intensive due to combined heat and power production.
lected from related processes instead of processes under study As well, there are differences between the two continents in
共the unit data were collected from a similar office case study in energy mixes for electricity generation that help explain the
Southern Finland and from an all-purpose landfill instead of a different emission intensities. In Finland, the energy mix in the
construction waste landfill兲. In the end-of-life phase the data combined heat and power plants is 67% natural gas, 32% coal,
were collected from related processes instead of processes under 0.2% oil, and 0.3% biogas 共Vantaa Energy 2000兲. In Minnesota
study 共the secondary data were taken from an all-purpose landfill 共a state where the U.S. building could be located兲, the electricity
instead of construction waste landfill兲. However, the lower mix is composed of 40% petroleum, 21% coal, 22% natural
than expected data quality in the construction and end-of-life gas, 7% nuclear, 5% hydropower, 5% wood and waste, and 0.1%
phases should not have any major impact on the overall result geothermal, wind, and solar energy 共EIA 2001兲.
since the contribution of those two phases together is only A 50-year service life was assumed in this paper, but there are
between 2 and 9%. indications that the average service life of office buildings is de-
In the U.S. case study, the data acquisition method, the data creasing. For example, there is a recent trend on both sides of the
age, and the technological correlation categories had scores less Atlantic to completely reconstruct and reconfigure office build-
than 2, primarily because of the use of estimated data in the ings from the 1960s that do not meet the functional and esthetic
analysis that were on occasion more than 5 years old, and the lack criteria of the current and future tenants. Therefore, the relevance
of collected information specifically for this research. of the nonuse phases, i.e., the materials, construction, mainte-
nance, and end-of-life stages relative to the use phase of buildings
Interpretation of Results is expected to increase as functional obsolescence of office build-
ings becomes more rapid, and complete reconstruction and
Even though the buildings are on two different continents and the reconfiguration become more frequent. Knowing the expected en-
case studies include comparable construction technologies but ergy and emissions profiles of the life cycle of current and future


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2006, 12(1): 10-17

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