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Brani López Martínez.



Ingles 1


Historia del mercadeo en RD.



In the present works we will be looking at the history of marketing in the Dominican
Republic in which dates it began, the situations that our country was going through
during what was the era of Trujillo and in the last decades of past centuries, we will
also see how marketing was born in our country, as it has matured during the times
to which a professional level.
Dominican Republic Marketing.

The history of Marketing in the Dominican Republic begins with the American
occupation of 1916-1924 during the government of Ulises Heraux, since he is the
one who initiates, although in a preliminary way, a serious outline of industrialization
in the Dominican Republic.

Eminently rural society, with a population of less than half a million people
distributed throughout the national territory, with few communication channels
between the various communities and with an unstable political situation.

Hereaux in the year 1899 and until 1910 there were, in the Dominican Republic, a
total of six different governments in just eleven years; this created great uncertainty
for investors, both domestic and foreign.

Primitive marketing

The fact that most of the production was agricultural among other reasons, caused
that the products that were marketed were sold without brands and practically,
without any distinctive feature that was not the same seller.

Products such as: bacon, grain corn, rice, coconut candy, etc. Other non-agricultural
products that were sold unbranded were wax candles, shoes, perfumes, jewelry,
clothing, and hats. A fundamental characteristic of this stage was the limited quantity
of products produced in the country; According to Enrique Deschamps, in the city of
Santo Domingo there were, for the year 1907, a total of thirteen industries.

The first characteristic of this period is the massive introduction of foreign products; It
is from 1910 that it begins to function under the new tariff law, which favors the fact
that the Dominican Republic and the United States of America were motivated to
commercialize imported products.

This massive introduction of products implied the existence of a previously foreign

element to the consumer. Dominican and was the assignment of brands to
distinguish the product from another in the same category.

La primera
característica de este
periodo es la masiva
introducción de
productos extranjeros;
es a
partir de 1910 donde
empieza a funcionar
bajo la nueva ley de
aranceles, la cual
favorece que en
la República
Dominica y en los
Estados Unidos de
Norteamérica se
vieron motivados a
productos importados.
Esta masiva
introducción de
productos suponía
la existencia de un
extraño al consumidor
dominicano y era la
asignación de marcas
para distinguir en
producto de
otro en la misma

La primera
característica de este
periodo es la masiva
introducción de
productos extranjeros;
es a
partir de 1910 donde
empieza a funcionar
bajo la nueva ley de
aranceles, la cual
favorece que en
la República
Dominica y en los
Estados Unidos de
Norteamérica se
vieron motivados a
productos importados.
Esta masiva
introducción de
productos suponía
la existencia de un
extraño al consumidor
dominicano y era la
asignación de marcas
para distinguir en
producto de
otro en la misma
La primera
característica de este
periodo es la masiva
introducción de
productos extranjeros;
es a
partir de 1910 donde
empieza a funcionar
bajo la nueva ley de
aranceles, la cual
favorece que en
la República
Dominica y en los
Estados Unidos de
Norteamérica se
vieron motivados a
productos importados.
Esta masiva
introducción de
productos suponía
la existencia de un
extraño al consumidor
dominicano y era la
asignación de marcas
para distinguir en
producto de
otro en la misma
La primera
característica de este
periodo es la masiva
introducción de
productos extranjeros;
es a
partir de 1910 donde
empieza a funcionar
bajo la nueva ley de
aranceles, la cual
favorece que en
la República
Dominica y en los
Estados Unidos de
Norteamérica se
vieron motivados a
productos importados.
Esta masiva
introducción de
productos suponía
la existencia de un
extraño al consumidor
dominicano y era la
asignación de marcas
para distinguir en
producto de
otro en la misma

At this stage, the advertising element emerges as highly motivated to generate sales
and, hand in hand with advertising, although with a little less presence, we see what
we can call the Emergence of Sales Promotion in our country.


When Trujillo came to power in 1930, he found the country bankrupt and its most
urgent need; at that time it was to have capital to enter the business field. Its
monopolies were going to be the sources of its investment capital. Second World
War (1939-1945), The Dominican Republic, experienced a great economic
expansion, as a consequence of this warlike conflict.

This expansion was caused by the large amount of dollars that began to flow into
the country, because at that time, our main export products were priced at very good
prices in the foreign market. Monopoly would be enough funds to convert Trujillo
during the 1930s and 1960s, as the key entrepreneur of the Dominican industrial

The emergence of advertising (in the first steps) was another characteristic of this
Later, in the last years of the 1950s, companies dedicated to providing services for
the creation and placement of businesses began to be set up.


The end of the Era of Trujillo supposed an accelerated process of liberation of the
economic structures of the country and with it culminated the restrictions of business
development that, as seen in another segment, impeded the progress of the
marketing profession.

way more directly with the products, and thus impulse purchases were exploited on a
larger scale, the supermarkets and the producers themselves began to develop
techniques and materials that give life to the point of sale, but the supermarkets
developed one of the great wars of communication and communication among

Emergence of Market Research.

As the Trujillo era receded and we got further into this stage of Strategic Marketing,
entrepreneurs began to place consumers at the center of all their strategies;
therefore, they required knowing their needs, desires and preferences. It is in this
context that market research arises; few were those that were carried out before

We can hardly say that a few insignificant opinion polls. Market research that
marked a milestone in Marketing was presented at the beginning of the 70s and they
were preference studies that sought to determine the brands and companies favored
by consumers in different product categories Market research would thus become an
indispensable element for making strategic decisions.


It does not have a precise definition of what it consists of, since it is lived today. A
period that is characterized by a nation directed to progress by giant steps, in the
forms of free trade, market opening and commercial regulations in all its senses,
make economic growth to be appreciated in all possible lines.

The competition regarding the quantity and quality of the products has been
increasing, due to the presence of new products in the market. Now, more and more,
this process of launching a new product is aimed at satisfying the needs of different
specific segments, these needs are unconventional or not so obvious.

Advertising receives large investments from many industries, and is already more
effectively targeting a potential segment, thanks to selective ad placement. To give
advertising agencies greater strength and recognition, many of them join forces with
international agencies.

Finally, with the information previously given, we have been able to learn how
marketing in the Dominican Republic was born and in what period, how it has
developed, how it has evolved through time.

Personal opinion.

This work has seemed very interesting to me since I have learned about marketing in
my country and some new concepts that I was unaware of regarding its emergence,
its characteristics, how it has developed over time and how every day there are new
things to learn about marketing.

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