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Name: Bravo, Ma. Lourdes F.

Date: June 15, 2021

Course & Year: Bachelor of Elementary Education-1A Student No. 20-00047

Gec 5: Purposive Communication (Module 6: Week 10-11)

3. Prepared a detailed outline for your research-based argumentative essay by filling in the
table below.

Research Question

Why does the society let LGBT couples adopt a child?

Thesis Statement

With the increasing number of population in society, letting the LGBT couples adopt a child is a good idea
for giving them a good life.


I. Introduction Paragraph
a. “Not being biologically related to a child, doesn’t make you any less of a parent. Being a real
parent isn’t in a DNA, it’s in the heart. “- Anonymous
b. The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community has experienced a lot in the
last five years. Only then did the Supreme Court rule that LGBT couples can legally marry.
They are constantly hurt by others, and many members of this community may suffer doubts
as a results. However, in terms of adoption, they are one of the most popular couples and
personal types that birth mothers choose when considering adoption.
c. With the increasing number of population in society, letting the LGBT couples adopt a child
is a good idea for giving them a good life
II. Body
a. The two parents of the same sex can be good for development of child because they actively
choose and had to work hard to be parents.
b. The baby can grow up to be understanding because they are more apt to think outside of the
societal box.
c. Same-sex relationships have been proven to be more stable than many heterosexual
relationships, providing a better example of a healthy relationship for the child involved.
d. People will assume your baby is also a member of the LGBT community and a virus.

III. Conclusion
a. There is so much to keep in mind regarding LGBT adoption, and the pros of LGBT adoption
far outweigh the cons. The cons of LGBT adoption that listed can easily be overcome, and
the adoptive parents that is select the child will do their best to provide them with the most
loving and successful life possible. LGBT couples are wonderful to work with simply
because of how understanding and accepting they are about life. 

List of Sources

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