Syed Ahmad Shaheed Braelvi

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Syed ahmad shaheed braelvi
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Published on Jan 28, 2017



Published in: Presentations & Public Speaking

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5 months ago

fahad faisal , Student at Institute of Business Management

is there another name of jihad movement? cause i might be confusing it with tehreek mujahideen

2 years ago

, Syed ahmad shaheed braelvi

1. Syed Ahmad Shaheed Braelvi
2. Early Biographical Details Beliefs Works Importance
3. Early Biographical Details 1: Birth 2: Education 3: Life after education
4. Birth Syed Ahmad was born near Lucknow in a small town of Rai Bareli in 1786. His father died when he was
5. Education In 1806, he went to Delhi and enrolled (joined) in MadrrassaRahimiya. For two years he studied under
the sons of ShahWali Ullah. He learned the HolyQuran and Hadith.
6. Life After Education • He was the man of action then a scholar. • In 1810, he joined the forces of
Nawab AmirKhan, a pathan military leader. • During this period of life he learned the use of European weapons.
7. Life After Education • He made himself so perfect that he was given the command of a group of soldiers. • Due to
his piety he was also made responsible for leading the troops in prayer.
8. Life After Education •In 1817, Syed Ahmad returned to Delhi, where his work became important in trying to restore
Islam to its original purity.
9. Beliefs • (a) He believed that freedom of Muslims could only come as a result of armed struggle against the foreign
and non-muslim forces which were oppressing them.
10. Beliefs (b) Syed Ahmad believed that there was need to end the evils that had corrupted Islamic society
11. Works/Efforts • In 1821 he went to Hajj, before going he held meeting with leaders and spread his belief • He
started JihadMovement against non-muslim oppression. He believed that once this was done Islam could be
12. Works/Efforts • He toured the Punjab and north frontier to enlist the man to fight with Sikh. • He travelled
thousands of miles to raise the Mujahideen. • Established headquarter near Peshawar, send massage to
13. Works/Efforts • He fought many battles against Sikhs. • His army was defeated because of bribery of Yar
Muhammad khan and his servant. • In 1831 he martyred at Balakot with six hundred Mujahideen.
14. The Mujahideen Movement Syed Ahmed Shaheed Brelvi started a great movement in the North of India; this
movement is known as “The Mujahideen Movement” or “The Movement o Jihad”. This movement arranged a power
for the struggle of freedom in Muslims which produced a spirit of survival and they started
15. The Mujahideen Movement Background of the Mujahideen Movement Syed Ahmed Shaheed Brelvi selected a
particular way on the command of his spiritual guide Shah Abdul Aziz and devoted himself in the preparation of the
holy war. He started a national movement for this purpose in 1818 and organized this movement after is arrival from
Hajj as the Mujahideen Movement in 1831.
16. Objectives of Mujahideen Movement •He wanted to make the Muslims as the true lover of Islam, for this purpose
he started the Mujahideen Movement. The main objectives of the Mujahideen Movement were following;
17. Objectives of Mujahideen Movement • To preach unicity of Almighty Allah. • To revive the teachings of Islam and
prepare the Muslims to pass their lives simply according to the teachings of Islam. • To protect the Muslims against
such acts and ideas which are contrary to Islamic values. • To protect the Muslims from the worship of other things
except Allah. • To preach Jihad because it was not possible to
18. Importance The defeat of the mujahideen in the Battle of Balakot, ‘was a serious setback for the Jihad
Movement and it struggled to survive in the following years. The movement continued on in the hills of the North
West Frontier until 1863 when the British sent a large army to deal with the mujahideen threat. Even then the
movement survived through the determination of its followers. The work of Sved Ahmad had been very important
because: It was the first example in Indian history of a
19. Importance • It was not a movement in order to place a particular leader in power but, instead, to achieve
religious and spiritual freedom. • The Jihad Movement was a uniting force for Muslims, Many of Syed Ahmad’s
soldiers had been spiritual leaders or teachers. The fact that they
20. Importance • The Jihad Movement is regarded by many historians as the fore-runner of the Pakistan Movement
in India. Syed Ahmad’s efforts were an inspiration to all Muslims in defending their religion, their culture and their
freedoms. Those Muslims who later campaigned for their own homeland saw Syed Ahmad as an example of a
Muslim fighting for the Muslim cause in much the same way,


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