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Controlled Delivery of Components

from CranMax-an In vitro Study

Doddabele Madhavi, Ph.D, BioActives, Inc., Worcester, MA

The objective of this study was to simulating the residence time in the gastric
determine the efficacy of CranMax matrix lumen. The suspension was cooled to room
in reducing/inhibiting the release of the temperature and centrifuged. The clear
polyphenols and anthocyanins in the supernatant was used to determine the total
gastric milieu. The delayed release ensures anthocyanins and polyphenols. One ml of the
the transfer of intact compounds to the solution was diluted to 5ml with methanol
absorption sites in the gastrointestinal tract. containing 1.5N HCl. The absorbance was
The bioactivity of the cranberry juice has measured at 535nm for total anthocyanin
been attributed to higher molecular weight determination. Total polyphenols were
polyphenols such as proanthocyanidin determined by the Folin's method. Gallic acid
trimers (Yeap Foo et al., 2000). It is also (Sigma) was used as the standard. The control
reported that the polyphenols are sensitive values were determined after extraction of the
to the acidic environment in the gastric samples with 50% methanol. The samples
lumen and are hydrolyzed to mixtures of (0.25g) were repeatedly extracted with 50%
small molecular weight components methanol and the volume was made up to
(Spencer et al., 2000). 50ml. The solution after centrifugation was
The release of polyphenols was used for analysis as before.
determined in an in vitro system using
simulated gastric fluid. The in vitro system Results
has been extensively used to determine the
controlled delivery of pharmaceuticals and Figures 1 and 2 present the comparison of
in dissolution studies (Bernkop-Schurch et the percentage of total anthocyanins and
al., 1999; Ofoefule and Chukwu, 1999; polyphenols released in the in vitro system
Cole et al., 2002). by the samples. The CranMax-gastric fluid
showed the lowest percentage of anthocyanins
Materials and Methods and polyphenols as compared to CranActin
and the juice powder. The CranActin-gastric
CranMax was compared with cranberry fluid sample showed nearly twice the amount
juice powder and CranActin, a commercially of release of active components as compared
available cranberry concentrate. to CranMax.

Methods Conclusions
Simulated gastric fluid containing per liter, The results clearly indicate that the CranMax
2g NaCl, 7ml HCl and 3.2g pepsin (Sigma) matrix functions as a natural controlled
was prepared according to the United States release delivery system as compared to
Pharamacopea (USP 25). A 10% suspension CranActin or the cranberry juice.
of the samples was incubated in the gastric
fluid at 37oC on a shaker at 95rpm for 1hr
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HPMC capsules designed to achieve
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Ofoefule, S.I., and Chukwu, A., Use of
acrylic and methacrylic acid derivatives as
sustained release matrices for theophylline
hydrate tablets, Boll. Chim. Farm., 138:
526-530, 1999.
Spencer, J.P., Chaudry, F., Pannala, A.S.,
Srai, S.K., Debnam, E., and Rice-Evans, C.,
Decomposition of cocoa procyanidins in the
gastric milieu, Biochem Biophys Res
Commun., 272: 236-41, 2000.
Yeap Foo, L., Yinrong Lu, Howell, A. B.,
and Vorsa, N., A-type proanthocyanidin
trimers from cranberry that inhibit
adherence of uropathogenic P-fimbriated
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