Slab Bridge Eg Han - 2 - 150321122706

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Slab Bridge - Design Example


 Clear span = 12 m  Post height=0.6m

 Width of abutment shelf = 0.4 m  Post width=0.25m
 Roadway width = 7.2 m  Average C/C Post spacing=1.5m
 Curb width=0.8m  Total width of super structure =
 Curb height=0.25m 7.2+2*0.8=8.8 m
 Railing depth = 0.3m  C/C support span = 12 + 0.5 = 12.5 m
 Railing width=0.25m  Skewness angle = 0˚
 Post depth=0.25m  Wearing surface =75mm

Longitudinal Elevation

Cross sectional view Details of Curb, Post and Railing


 Concrete: f'c = 30 MPa  Es = 2 * 105 MPa;

 Unit weight of concrete = 24 kN/m3  Ec = 0.043 p1.5 fc’0.5 =27691 MPa;
 Steel grade =400 MPa
 Modulus of rupture = fr  0.63 f ' c =
3.45 MPa

Thickness of slab:

 Overall slab depth, D= 1.2(𝑆 + 3000)/30 = 1.2(12400+3000)/30 =616mm

Use D =620mm,
Use concrete cover =25mm and assume ∅28 steel bars
 Effective depth, d= 620-25-28/2 =581mm

Dead Loads

Slab self weight= 0.62*24 =14.88kN/m2

Curb =0.25*0.8*24 =4.8kN/m
Railing =0.25*0.3*24 =1.8kN/m
Posts = (0.25*0.25*0.6*24*10)/12.4=0.73kN/m (no of posts =12.4/1.5 +1 =10)
Weight of wearing surface = 0.075 * 22.5 = 1.6875 kN/m2

Live loads:

Equivalent strip width

I. Interior strip:

Equivalent width of longitudinal strips per lane for both shear and moment

a. Single lane loaded

o E1 = 250 + 0.42 √L1W1
L1= modified span length taken equal to the lesser of the actual span or 18 000 (mm)
W1= modified edge-to-edge width of bridge taken equal to the lesser of the actual width or 18 000 mm for multi-lane loading, or
9000 mm for single lane loading (mm)
W =physical edge-to-edge width of bridge (mm)
NL =number of design lanes
E1 = 250 + 0.42 √(12400*8800) =4637.34mm
b. More than one lane loaded
E1 = 2100 + 0.12 √L1W1 ≤ W/NL
E1 = 2100 + 0.12 √12400 * 8800 = 3353.5mm ≤8800/2
Use E interior =3353mm
II. edge strip = the distance between the edge of the deck and inside face of the barrier
+300 +1/2strip width < full strip or 1800
E edge = 800+300+0.5(3353) =2776 >1800mm
Use E edge =1800mm

Impact factor (Dynamic load allowance): (1 + IM/100) = (1+ 33/100) = 1.33

Live Load

Design truck load:

Front axle load = 35 kN; Load dispersed per m in transverse direction = 3.353 = 10.438 kN/m
Other axle loads = 145 kN
Load dispersed per m in transverse direction = 3.353 = 43.245 kN/m
Design tandem load:
Axle load = 110 kN; Load dispersed per m in transverse direction = 3.353 = 32.806 kN/m
Lane load:
Load = 9.3 kN/m; Load dispersed per m in transverse direction = 3 = 3.1 kN/m

Shear force calculation:

IL for maximum reaction at A
Design Tandem

Maximum shear at A due to tandem loads = 32.806 * 1 + 32.806 * 0.903 = 62.43 kN

Design Truck

Maximum shear at A due to truck loads = 43.243 *1 + 43.243 *0.653+ 10.438*0.306 = 74.675

Lane Load

Maximum shear at A due to lane load = 3.1 [½ * 12.4 * 1] = 19.22 kN

Design truck load governs.

Maximum Shear with dynamic load allowance = (74.675 * 1.33) + 19.22= 118.538kN

Bending moment calculation: Absolute maximum bending moment due to moving loads is
found by placing one of the axle loads and the resultant of the system at equidistant from the

For design truck load:

For this moving load of design truck, absolute maximum bending moment occurs at
section D, for the load position shown .

ILD for bending moment at D

BM at D = 43.243 (3.057 + 1.16)+10.438*0.6315 = 188.95 kN m

For Design Tandem Load:

Load position for absolute maximum BM to occur at D, a section 0.3 m from mid span
section is shown below.

Maximum BM at D = 32.806 * (3.093 + 2.521) = 184.173 kN m

Hence the BM is governed by design truck load

For Design Lane Load:

Lane load BM is determined at the section of maximum BM, section D, of design truck loading

Lane load BM at D = 3.1*(12.4 * 3.057)/2 = 58.756 kN m

Total maximum BM

Total maximum BM with IM = (188.95*1.33) + 58.756 = 310.06 kN m

Dead Load shear force and bending moment

Maximum shear due to DC = VDC = 14.88 * 12.4/2 = 92.256 kN/m width

Maximum Shear due to DW = VDW = 1.6875 * 12.4 */2 = 10.463 kN/m width

Maximum bending moment at the section of maximum LL BM

DC or DW

6.93m 5.47m
m m
6.9 3*5.47/ 12.4 = 3.057
BM at the section D due to the load DC = 14.88 [½ * 12.4 * 3.057] = 282.03 kNm

Maximum BM due to DW at the section of maximum LL BM = 1.6875 [½ * 12.4 * 3.057] =

31.984 kNm

Edge Strip

Live Load

Design truck load:

Front axle load = 35 kN; Load dispersed per m in transverse direction = 1.8 = 19.444 kN/m
Other axle loads = 145 kN Load dispersed per m in transverse direction = = 80.556 kN/m

Design tandem load:

Axle load = 110 kN; Load dispersed per m in transverse direction = = 61.111 kN/m

Lane load:

Load dispersed per m in transverse direction = 3.1 kN/m

Shear force calculation

For one line of wheels and a tributary portion of the 1.8m design lane load the shear and moment per m
width of strip are

IL for maximum reaction at A

Maximum shear at A due to truck loads = 0.5*[80.556 *1 + 80.556 * 0.653+

19.444*0.306] = 69.56 kN

Maximum shear at A due to tandem loads = 0.5[61.111 * 1 + 61.111 * 0.903] = 58.15 kN

Maximum shear at A due to lane load = 19.22 kN

Design truck load governs.

Shear with dynamic load allowance = (69.56 * 1.33) + 19.22= 111.735kN

Bending moment calculation:

For design truck load:

BM at D = 0.5*[80.556 (3.057 + 1.16)+19.44*0.6315] =176 kN m

For Design Tandem Load:

Maximum BM at D = 0.5[61.111 * (3.093 + 2.521)] = 171.54 kN m

Hence the BM is governed by design truck load

For Design Lane Load:

Lane load BM at D = 3.1*(12.4 * 3.057)/2 = 58.756 kN m

Total maximum BM

Total maximum BM with IM = (176*1.33) + 58.756 = 292.84 kN m

Dead Load shear force and bending moment

Modified curb, railing and post load = (4.8+1.8+0.73)/1.8 =4.0722kN/m2

DC =14.88+4.0722=18.9522kN/m2

DW= (1.8 -0.8)*0.075*22.5 /1.8 =0.94kN/m2

Maximum shear due to DC = VDC = 18.9522 * 12.4/2] = 117.5 kN/m width

Maximum Shear due to DW = VDW = 0.94 * 12.4 */2 = 5.828 kN/m width

Maximum bending moment due to DC at the section of maximum LL BM

BM at the section D due to the load DC = 18.9522* [½ * 12.4 * 3.057] = 359.21 kNm

Maximum BM due to DW at the section of maximum LL BM = 0.94* [½ * 12.4 * 3.057] =17.816


Design load combination for strength I limit state

Q = ηiγiQi

Consider the design to be of conventional one, non-redundant and important bridge, for these

ηD = 1.00 ηR = 1.05 ηI = 0.95

h =1.0

Factored resistant moment

Strength I limit state: Mu = h[1.25 MDC + 1.5MDW + 1.75MLL+IM]

Interior Strip

Mu= 1.0[1.25 (282.03 ) + 1.5(31.984 ) + 1.75(310.06)] = 943.12kNm

Vu=1.0[1.25(92.256 ) + 1.5(10.463 ) + 1.75(118.538)]= 338.456 kN

Edge Strip

Mu= 1.0[1.25 (359.21 ) + 1.5(17.816 ) + 1.75(292.84)] =988.2 kNm

Vu=1.0[1.25(117.5 ) + 1.5(5.828 ) + 1.75(111.735)]= 351.153 kN

As per ERA bridge design manual LRF design procedure, factored resistant moment M u = фMn

Where, Mn = Nominal resistant moment,

Ф = Resistance factor =0.9 for flexure


2𝑀 𝑓′
ρ =[1 − √1 − ∅𝑏𝑑2𝑢𝑓′ ] 𝑓𝑐
𝑐 𝑦

I. Interior strip

2∗943.12∗106 30
ρ = [1 − √1 − 0.9∗1000∗5812 ∗30] 400 = 0.00821> ρmin

ρmin = 0.03 * (30/400) = 0.0025 < 0.00821

As = 0.00821 * 1000 * 581 = 4770.18 mm2

𝜋∗282 ∗1000/4
Spacing of 28 mm diameter bars = = 129.1mm

Provide 28 mm diameter bars at 120mm c/c as main flexural reinforcement along the span.

 * (28) 2 *1000 / 4
As provided =  5131.3mm2
For ductility requirement, 𝑑 < 0.42

B1=0.85 for fc’≤28MPa but =0.85minus 0.05 for each 7 MPa increments
𝐴𝑠𝑓𝑦 5131.3∗400
C= 0.85𝐵1𝑓𝑐 ′ 𝑏 = 0.85∗0.8∗30∗1000 = 100.6𝑚𝑚
= 100.6/581 = 0.173 < 0.42 ok!
II. Edge strip

2∗988.2∗106 30
ρ = [1 − √1 − 0.9∗1000∗5812 ∗30] 400 = 0.00863> ρmin=0.0025

As = 0.00863 * 1000 * 581 = 5013 mm2

𝜋∗282 ∗1000/4
Spacing of 28 mm diameter bars = = 122.8mm

Provide 28 mm diameter bars at 120mm c/c as main flexural reinforcement along the span.

 * (28) 2 *1000 / 4
As provided =  5131mm2
For ductility requirement, 𝑑 < 0.42
𝐴𝑠𝑓𝑦 5131∗400
C= 0.85𝐵1𝑓𝑐 ′ 𝑏 = 0.85∗0.8∗30∗1000 = 100.6𝑚𝑚
= 100.6/581 = 0.173 < 0.42 ok!

Distribution reinforcement

For primary reinforcement parallel to traffic, % of main reinforcement as distributor

reinforcement =

1750 / s  50%
Where S = Span length = 1240 mm

1750 / 1240  49.7%

49.7% of main reinforcement = (49.7/100)*5131 = 2550 mm2
𝜋(202 )1000/4
Spacing of 20 mm dia bars = = 123 mm <250mm

Provide 20 mm diameter bars at 120 mm c/c as distribution reinforcement

Temperature and shrinkage reinforcement

Temperature and shrinkage reinforcement As  0.75 Ag/fy

As = 0.75 * 1000*620/400 = 1550 mm2 for both direction

For top layer alone: As = 1550/2 = 775 mm2

𝜋(162 )1000/4
Spacing of 16 mm dia bars = = 259 mm <450 or3D

Provide 16 mm dia bars at 250 mm C/C in both direction at the top as temperature and
shrinkage reinforcements.

Shear (

Slabs and slab bridges designed for moment in conformance with article may be
considered satisfactory for shear.

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