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9º Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência - 9th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference



Vinı́cius F. Montagner† Pedro L. D. Peres⋆

Power Electronics and Control Research Group
Federal University of Santa Maria
97105-900, Santa Maria - RS - Brazil

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Campinas
CP 6101, 13081-970, Campinas - SP - Brazil
e-mails: ,

Abstract— Two digital output feedback control laws are This paper aims on the use of quadratic Lyapunov
investigated in this paper aiming on the robust pole location functions to obtain the gains of two digital output feed-
for an electrical circuit commonly used in power electronics
back control laws applied to ensure robust pole location
and supposed here as affected by uncertain parameters. One
of the control laws has an unitary delay and the other for a second order electrical circuit commonly used in
is delay free. For each control law, a convex optimization power electronics applications. Differently from usual
problem based on a quadratic Lyapunov function is pro- approaches, the circuit parameters are supposed here as
vided, allowing to find the control gains which minimize the uncertain parameters. The first control law is not affected
radius of a circle, placed inside the unit circle, where the
poles of the uncertain closed-loop system are located. This by delay and the second control law is affected by an
ensures to the closed-loop system a transient response that is unitary delay on feedback. For each one of the control
the best approximation of a deadbeat response guaranteed laws, the design problem is to find the control gains which
by a quadratic Lyapunov function for the set of uncertain minimize the radius of a circle centered at the origin of
parameters under consideration. Numerical results illustrate
the efficiency of the proposed conditions. the complex plane and included in the unit circle which
contains all the poles of the closed-loop uncertain system.
Keywords – Convex optimization; Delayed systems; Lya- This problem can be recast as a convex optimization
punov functions; Output feedback control; Polytopic uncer-
problem for which the proposed conditions allow to get
tainty; Robust pole location.
the control gains which provide the global minimum value
of the radius of the circle for pole location under quadratic
stability. Numerical results illustrate the efficiency of the
The approach based on Lyapunov functions has a conditions given in the paper.
fundamental importance in system analysis and control. II. SYSTEM MODELING
From this approach, one has that the existence of a
positive function of the system state variables whose time- Consider the electrical circuit in Figure 1, which is used
derivative is negative (i.e. a Lyapunov function) ensures as a stage in several power electronics applications, as for
the system (open-loop or closed-loop) stability [8]. The instance in uninterruptible power supplies, in AC power
problem of searching a Lyapunov function, which is the sources and in DC-DC converters [7].
main difficulty with this methodology, can be regarded L
for many systems as a problem of solving linear matrix
inequalities [4], for which available interior point based
algorithms, as for instance [6], provide a solution in poly-
nomial time, whenever a solution exists. Since the linear u(t) y(t) C R
matrix inequalities used to search a Lyapunov function
must take into account the system dynamics, the solution
for the problem becomes more involved when the system
model incorporates, for instance, uncertain parameters and
nonlinearities [1, 3, 5, 8, 10–16]. Fig. 1. Second order electrical circuit.

† Corresponding author This circuit is the plant to be controlled here by

9º Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência - 9th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference

means of digital control techniques, where u(t) is the and (a0 , a1 , b0 , b1 ) ∈ Hd .

control input, driven by a switching power electric circuit, Observe also that ∀(L, C, R) ∈ Hc , it follows that
considered as the actuator of the system, and y(t) is the a1 ∈ Ωa1 = {a1 ∈ IR : a1 ≤ a1 ≤ a1 }
controlled output. Differently from usual approaches, in a0 ∈ Ωa0 = {a0 ∈ IR : a0 ≤ a0 ≤ a0 }
this paper the parameters L (inductance), C (capacitance) b1 ∈ Ωb1 = {b1 ∈ IR : b1 ≤ b1 ≤ b1 }
and R (resistance) are assumed as uncertain parameters b0 ∈ Ωb0 = {b0 ∈ IR : b0 ≤ b0 ≤ b0 }
belonging to real compact intervals given by
which allows to include system (5)-(6) in the polytopic
L ∈ ΩL = {L ∈ IR⋆+ : L ≤ L ≤ L} system [4]
C ∈ ΩC = {C ∈ IR⋆+ : C ≤ C ≤ C} (1)
x(k + 1) = A(α)x(k) + Bu(k) (7)
R ∈ ΩR = {R ∈ IR⋆+ : R ≤ R ≤ R}
y(k) = C(α)x(k) (8)
for which the lower and upper bounds are known.
The transfer function of the system in Figure 1 is given where
by 16
X 16
A(α) = αj Aj , C(α) = αj Cj
Y (s) wn2 j=1 j=1
= 2 ,
U (s) s + 2ξwn s + wn2 and Aj and Cj , j = 1, . . . , 16 are the vertices of the
1 1 L polytopes of matrices A(α) and C(α). The vector of
wn = √ , ξ= (2)
LC 2R C uncertain parameters, α, belongs to the unit simplex
where wn and ξ also belong to real compact intervals. X
Assuming that u(t) is the average value of the voltage U = {α ∈ IR16 : αj = 1 , αj ≥ 0 , j = 1, . . . , 16}
pulse produced by the actuator during the sampling period (9)
T , one obtains, by means of the zero-order hold method Remark 1: Any property valid for the polytopic system
[2], the following discrete-time model of the plant (7)-(8) is also valid for system (5)-(6), since (5)-(6) is
Y (z) b1 z + b0 included in (7)-(8).
= 2 (3)
U (z) z + a1 z + a0 III. PROBLEM FORMULATION
where The main objective of this paper is to solve problems 1
wn and 2, described in the sequel.
a1 = −2αβ , a0 = α2 , b1 = 1 − α(β + ξ γ) , Problem 1: Consider the output feedback control law
wn p
b0 = α2 + α(ξ γ − β) , w1 = wn 1 − ξ 2 , u(k) = k0 y(k) (10)
α = exp (−ξwn T ) , β = cos (w1 T ) , γ = sin (w1 T ) which allows to write the control system (7)-(8) as
(4) x(k + 1) = Acl (α, k0 )x(k) (11)
Notice that ∀(L, C, R) ∈ {ΩL × ΩC × ΩR } , Hc , one
has that (a0 , a1 , b0 , b1 ) ∈ Hd , where Hd is the subset of 16
IR4 obtained from the nonlinear functions (4) applied to
Acl (α, k0 ) = αj Aclj (k0 ) , α ∈ U ,
every (L, C, R) ∈ Hc . j=1
The transfer function (3) admits the space state repre- Aclj (k0 ) = Aj + k0 BCj , j = 1, . . . , 16
Find k0 ∈ K0 , where
x(k + 1) = Ad (a0 , a1 )x(k) + Bu(k) (5)
K0 , {k0 , k0 + δ, . . . , k0 − δ, k0 } (12)
y(k) = Cd (b0 , b1 )x(k) (6)
for which there exists a quadratic Lyapunov function
where x(k) = [x1 (k) x2 (k)]′ , v(x(k)) = x(k)′ P x(k) (13)
0 1 ensuring the solution for the optimization problem2
Ad (a0 , a1 ) = ,
−a0 −a1
  rP∗ 1 , mink0 ∈K0 r s.t.
0   0<r≤1 (14)
B= , Cd (b0 , b1 ) = b0 b1
1 max |λ(Acl (α, k0 ))| < r , ∀α ∈ U
1 The symbol × between intervals represents Cartesian product and , 2 λ(.) represents the operator which extracts the eigenvalues of a
means equal by definition. square matrix.

9º Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência - 9th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference

Remark 2: Notice from Problem 1 that one must find Remarks similar to remarks 2 to 4 are applicable to
k0 in a finite set, defined by k0 , k0 and δ. These values Problem 2.
can be based, for instance, on the limits of precision of Remark 5: Observe that due to the unitary delay on the
the digital platform used to implement the controller. feedback, which can arise for instance from measurement
Remark 3: The optimization problem described in and processing delay, the closed-loop system (16) requires
Problem 1 can be read as find k0 ∈ K0 which minimizes one more state variable to be described when compared to
the upper bound for the maximum absolute value of the closed-loop system for the system without delay (11).
the closed-loop poles, based on quadratic stability. The
solution for this problem provides a controller which IV. MAIN RESULTS
ensures the minimum upper bound for the settling time of
Solutions for problems 1 and 2 are given in this section,
the state trajectories in the transient response of the closed-
based on the solution of convex optimization problems
loop system based on the quadratic Lyapunov function
called generalized eigenvalue problems [4]. This class
(13). Moreover, it is clear that the solution of (14) ensures
of optimization problems has the great advantage of
that max |λ(Acl (α, k0 ))| < 1, ∀α ∈ U, thus guaranteeing
being solvable by globally convergent algorithms, as for
the global asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system,
instance [6], which provide the global optimal solution in
that is, for any initial condition x(0), x(∞) = 0.
polynomial time.
Remark 4: From Remark 3, one has that the solution
Theorem 1: Given k0 ∈ K0 . If, and only if, there exists
for (14) guarantees the location of the poles of the closed-
a solution for the following convex optimization problem:
loop system inside a circle included in the unit circle for
the entire set of uncertain parameters, that is, the solution r∗ (k0 ) , minP =P ′ ∈IR2×2 r
for (14) provides robust pole location with respect to the s.t.
uncertain parameters α ∈ U. 0 < r ≤1
Aclj (k0 )′ P

Problem 2: Consider the output feedback control law rP
> 0 , j = 1, . . . , 16
with unitary delay P Aclj (k0 ) rP
u(k) = k1 y(k − 1) (15) then (13) is a quadratic Lyapunov function ensuring that
max |λ(Acl (α, k0 ))| < r∗ (k0 ), for all α ∈ U.
which allows to write the control system (7)-(8) as
Proof: For a given k0 ∈ K0 and for a given 0 < r ≤
x̃(k + 1) = Ãcl (α, k1 )x̃(k) (16) 1, one has that the existence of P = P ′ > 0 solving the
linear matrix inequality
where x̃(k) = [x0 (k) x1 (k) x2 (k)]′ and
Acl (α, k0 )′ Acl (α, k0 )
P − P < 0 , ∀α ∈ U (21)
X r r
Ãcl (α, k1 ) = αj Ãclj (k1 ) , α ∈ U , is necessary and sufficient for max |λ(Acl (α, k0 ))| < r,
j=1 for all α ∈ U, under quadratic stability [9]. By applying
Ãclj (k1 ) = Ãj + k1 B̃ C̃j , j = 1, . . . , 16 Schur complement and by taking into account the con-
vexity of U, one has that the matrix inequality in (20)
  is necessary and sufficient to ensure (21). The global
0 L   minimum value of r solving the matrix inequality in
Ãj = , L= 1 0 ,
M Aj (20), defined as r∗ (k0 ), can be obtained by means of the
solution of the generalized eigenvalue problem (20) [4].
0 0  
M= , B̃ = , C̃j = 0 Cj
0 B
Corollary 1: From all k0 ∈ K0 which fulfill (20), the
Find k1 ∈ K1 , where
solution of Problem 1 is given by k0 which provide the
K1 , {k1 , k1 + δ, . . . , k1 − δ, k1 } (17) minimum value of r∗ (k0 ), called rP∗ 1 .
Theorem 2: Given k1 ∈ K1 . If, and only if, there exists
for which there exists a quadratic Lyapunov function a solution for the following convex optimization problem:
v(x̃(k)) = x̃(k)′ P̃ x̃(k) (18) r∗ (k1 ) , minP̃ =P̃ ′ ∈IR3×3 r
ensuring the solution for the optimization problem:
0 < r ≤1
rP∗ 2 , mink1 ∈K1 r s.t. Ãclj (k1 )′ P̃

0<r≤1 (19) > 0 , j = 1, . . . , 16
P̃ Ãclj (k1 ) rP̃
max |λ(Ãcl (α, k1 ))| < r , ∀α ∈ U (22)

9º Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência - 9th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference

then (18) is a quadratic Lyapunov function ensuring that under quadratic stability for the uncertain system (robust
max |λ(Ãcl (α, k1 ))| < r∗ (k1 ), for all α ∈ U. pole location). Numerical comparisons illustrate that the
Proof: Follows the ideas in the proof of Theorem 1. control law subject to delay provides better robust pole
location under quadratic stability. The proposed conditions
Corollary 2: From all k1 ∈ K1 which fulfill (22), the can also be used to solve the output feedback design
solution of Problem 2 is given by k1 which provide the problems given here when the system is not affected by
minimum value of r∗ (k1 ), called rP∗ 2 . uncertainties, by simply employing fixed matrices Acl (k0 )
and Ãcl (k1 ) in the related theorems, instead of sets of
V. NUMERICAL RESULTS matrices. The proposed synthesis conditions can also be
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parameter in the plant, lying on a wide interval. In the delay, the methodology can be extended to other circuits
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parameters with 10% of perturbation around their nom- delays affecting the output feedback.
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