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1. Announcement
Announcement (Pengumuman) adalah sesuatu yang tertulis untuk memberitahukan apa yang telah
terjadi dan akan terjadi .
Jenis pengumuman : a) tertulis b) lisan .

Points of announcement are:

1. Head (the title or type of event)
2. Body or content (date, place, program, etc)
3. Closing (For more information,….)
4. Writer (someone or an institution who make the announcement)

Example of Anouncement

Pesantern Kilat plus excursion for school age year 13.

Excursion to museum, pool, park, every Thursday, 9, 16, 23 June from 10 – 5pm.
Cost: $5 per day
Place: SMP N 1 Salaman

Lots of fun things to do!

But you need to hurry!
Limited places available!

To register, please contact

Chakim Muqtada 085765875975, or
Nur Hestiningsih 081328444555

a) Struktur teks
1) Tujuan
• To announce about school holiday program: pesantern kilat and excursion
• To inform about school holiday program: pesantern kilat and excursion.
2) Isi
• Who – the announcement maker/ contact person
Chakim Muqtada & Nur Hestiningsih
• What – the content of the announcement/ agenda
Pesantren Kilat and excursion
• When – the time of the agenda/ announcement
Thursday 9, 16 and 23 june 2016
• Where – the place of the agenda/ announcement
SMP N 1 Salaman
• Whom – the people who are given the announcement
The students of the school
• Other messages
b) Unsur kebahasaan
• Kata terkait dengan teks announcement
Kata Terjemahan
Register mendaftar
contact menghubungi
cost biaya
hurry segera
limited terbatas
available tersedia

• Kalimat imperatif positive/ negative

Please Contact
• Penggunaan nominal singgular/ plural
Nominal plural = lots of (banyak)
c) Fungsi sosial
Menjalin hubungan antar pribadi (teman) dan guru

Text for questions 1 to 4

Holiday classes at a learning center for nursery,

kindergarten and primary school children

• Supervised reading program

• Creative writing
• Poetry appreciation
• Art in action
• Speech in action
• Grooming and etiquette

- Qualified teachers
- Friendly atmosphere
- A two-hour class twice a week

Call 03-2386-0505
Vocabulary List :

- Nursery : Taman kanak – kanak

- Poetry : Puisi
- Etiquete : Tata cara

1. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT according to the announcement above?
NOT CORRECT = tidak benar
A. Only kindergarten students can attend the class.
B. There are six programs for the holiday classes.
C. Each session will last for two hours.
D. Classes are held twice a week.

2. How many programs does the learning centre offer?

How many = berapa banyak
A. One
B. Three
C. Six
D. Nine

3. Friendly atmosphere.What does the underlined word mean?

Underline =garis bawah
A. Easy
B. Dull
C. Helpful
D. Pleasant
4. “A two-hour class twice a week”. What does the sentence mean ?
A. The students will study in two classes.
B. The students will study for two hours in a week.
C. The students will study on Tuesdays and Fridays.
D. The students will study for four hours in a week.
Text for questions 5 to 7

Read the text and answer the questions

Student Writing Contest

THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY invites submissions of poetry, fiction, and

personal or journalistic essays for this year’s Student Writing Contest.

Poetry, fiction, and journalistic essays.

MANUSCRIPTS should be typewritten ( one side only, please) double-

spaced, and accompanied by a cover sheet with the following information :
title, category, word count, author’s name, address, phone number, e-mail
address ( if available), and academic institutions.
Of this information, only the title should appear on the manuscript itself.


Student Writing Contest
The Atlantic Monthly
77 N. Washington Steer
Boston, MA 02114


Vocabulary List:
• Submission : Pengumpulan
• Essay : karangan
• Manuscript : Naskah
• Outhor : Pengarang

5. What is the purpose of the text?

• Purpose : maksud
A. To describe the student writing contest.
B. To announce the student writing contest.
C. To amuse the students with writing contest.
D. To retell the students about writing contest.

6. From the text we can conclude that . . .

• Conclude = menyimpulkan
A. The participants must send their work in begining on December
B. There are more than 3 categories in Student Writing Contest
C. Student Writing Contest is held every year
D. The sender must not put their personel identity.

7. The following information are needed to be put on the cover sheet except. . . .
are needed = dibutuhkan,
except. . = kecuali
A. Title
B. Category
C. E-mail address
D. Curriculum vitae

Text for questions 8 – 10


To celebrate the fifth anniversary of Ayah Bunda Hospital, we will hold a

family gathering for all employees on August 5, 2015 in the jungle of Punti
Kayu, Palembang.

Please join us and bring your family along. For more information, contact
Tanawiro at the HRD Office.

Human Resources

Vocabulary List :

• Celebrate : merayakan
• Anniversary : ulang tahun
• Employee : pegawai

8. “...we will hold a family gathering....” . The underline word can be replaced by...
Ganthering = perkumpulan
A. Put
B. Have
C. Take
D. Carry

9. When will they have a family gathering?

A. On August 5, 2015
B. On August 6, 2016
C. On August 7, 2015
D. On August 8, 2016

10. The family gathering will be held in...

A. In the zoo
B. In the Mall
C. In the beach
D. In the forest

Text for questions no 11 – 15



DAFFA 0856 789 1234
Vocabulary List:

• Essential : penting
• Course : kursus
• Expand : mengembangkan
• Horizon : masa depan
11. From the text we can infer ...
Infer = menyimpulkan

A. Daffa is one of the teacher in the course.

B. The course will be begun in the end of week.
C. We should go to Daffa to get the informations.
D. The courses is only for the Junior High Students.


The underlined word is synonymous with...
Synonymous = persamaan arti
A. Useless
B. Important
C. Unnecessary
D. Beneficial

13. When will the course start?

Start = mulai
A. On Sunday
B. On Monday
C. On Tuesday
D. On Wednesday

14. “Join us to expand your horizon.”

The underlined has the same meaning with the word...
Underline = garis bawah
Same meaning = arti yang sama
A. Thinking
B. Benefit
C. Smart
D. Future

15. What does the text tell us about ? It tells about...

Join = bergabung

A. The price of making blog.

B. The opening of short courses
C. The announcement of short making blog course
D. Information of making blog.

This text is for questions 16 to 18

To students of SMP Bintang Kejora,

To celebrate school anniversary, we will held a ceremony on Wednesday, 23 March and a Choir Competiton right
after the ceremony.Each class may send one team consisting 15 students for the competition. Three winning teams will be
awarded cash prize and trophies.

For more information, meet Ms. Andini.

Vocabularies List :

celebrate : merayakan may : boleh be awarded : diberi hadiah

anniversary : hari jadi send : mengirim cash prize : uang tunai
held : mengadakan consisting : terdiri dari more : lebih banyak/lebih
ceremony : upacara competition : lomba meet : temui
choir : paduan suara winning team : tim juara principal : kepala sekolah

16. According to the text, 23 March is commemorated as ...

A. Choir Day Anniversary. C. the school’s anniversary.
B. the school’s pricipal birthday. D. Ms. Andini special day.

according to : menurut is commemorated : diperingati as : sebagai

17. To whom should we meet to get the detailed information?

A. Ms. Andini. C. The winning teams.
B. The principal. D. The students of SMP Bintang Kejora.

to whom : kepada siapa

get : mendapatkan
18. “Three winning teams will be awarded cash prize and trophies”. The underlined word is closest in meaning
to ....
Underline : garis bawah Closest meaning : arti yang sama

A. given C. covered
B. asked D. delivered

the underlined word : kata yang digarisbawahi asked : diminta

closest meaning : arti yang paling dekat covered : disampuli
given : diberi delivered : diantar

This text is for questions 19 to 20


To all students of grade VIII.

There will be a school holiday for two weeks. Please do a project of descriptive text in writing. It should be about
any animal around your house. You can describe your own pet or your neighbour’s. Don’t forget to put the animal’s
photo in your writing. You have to submit it on the first day of the second semester.

Mr. Hasan

19. What is the announcement about?

A. Semester holiday . C. Writing project.
B. Neighbour’s pet. D. Picture description.

what is ... about? : tentang apa?

neighbour’s pet: binatang peliharaan milik tetangga

there will be : akan ada any animal : binatang apa saja neighbour : tetangga

holiday : hari libur around : sekitar forget : lupa

week : minggu your : kepunyaan mu put : meletakkan
do : kerjakan can : bisa/boleh have to : harus
project : tugas own : milik sendiri submit : menyerahkan
should be about : harus pet : binatang peliharaan first : pertama
20. “You have to submit it on the first day ...”. What does the underlined word mean?
A. Bring. C. Take.
B. Collect. D. Send.
mean : arti collect : mengumpulkan send : mengirim
bring : membawa take : mengambil

This text is for questions 21 to 23

Scout Association of SMP 1 Mungkid

To : All members

In order to celebrate our Independence Day, we are going to go camping at Merbabu mountain from 14 to 16 August 2016.
The contribution is Rp 50.000,-. Those who want to join this activity please contact Mr. Agus. Registration will be opened
starting from 5th August 2016.

For further information, please contact the commitee.

The chairman,


scout : pramuka be (is/am/are) going to : akan contact : hubungi

all : semua contribution : iuran/ sumbangan registration : pendaftaran
member : anggota those who : bagi yang will be opened : akan dibuka
in order to : dalam rangka want : ingin commitee : panitia
Independence Day : hari kemer join : ikut serta chairman : ketua

21. The camping will start on ....

A. 5 August 2016. C. 15 August 2016
B. 14 August 2016. D. 16 August 2016.

22. Whom should you meet to register for the program?

A. The chair person. C. Mr. Agus.
B. The commitee. D. Faras.

23. The contribution is Rp 50.000,-. The word “contribution” means ....

A. debt. C. fee.
B. credit. D. salary.

debt : uang masuk fee : beaya/ongkos/upah

credit : uang keluar salary : gaji

24. The word “we“ in the text refers to ....

A. Scout Association. C. The chair person.
B. Camping Commitee. D. All Scout members.
refer : merujuk chair person : ketua

This text is for questions 25 to 27

To All Third Grade Students

All library books have to be returned on the twenty-second of May, 2016. They should be covered with non-colorful
wrapping plastic. Lost books must be replaced with the ones of similar subjects. Fine will be charged to the late return of the
books. Students who have handed on all books will get receipts that have to be submitted to the administration officers.


Ms. Lia

be returned : dikembalikan be replaced : diganti get : memperoleh

be covered : disampuli fine : denda receipts : kwitansi
wrapping : pembungkus late : terlambat submitted : menyerahkan
lost : hilang handed on : menyampaikan librarian : pustakawan
25. The announcement is written for ....
A. Ms. Lia C. Librarian.
B. All students. D. All 3rd grade students.

is written : ditulis

26. The announcement tells us that ....

A. the students must return the library books on time
B. the students will get receipt if they return the books late
C. the books must be covered with colorful wrapping plastic
D. the lost books must be replaced with the ones of different subjects

tell : menceritakan return : mengembalikan similar : serupa/mirip

us : kita (obyek) on time : tepat waktu different : berbeda
that : bahwa/itu colorful : warna-warni subject : pelajaran/judul
must : harus the lost books : buku yang hilang

27. “The lost books must be replaced with the ones of similar subjects”. The underlined
word refers to ....
A. Books. C. Wrapping plastic.
B. Subjects. D. All library books.
28. What will the students get for the late return of books?
A. Fine. C. Similar subject.
B. Receipt. D. non-colorful wrapping plastic.

This text is for questions 29 to 15


Dear students,
It is kindly informed to 9A to 9H class, those who got under 8.0 on the last daily English test should go for remedial.

The activity will be done tomorrow afterschool at the language laboratory.

Don’t forget to bring your 2B pencil and the other utensils.

Please be there on time

Your English teacher,


is informed : diinformasikan will be done : akan dilakukan utensils : peralatan

last : yang lalu forget : lupa on time : tepat waktu
daily : harian other : yang lain

29. What is the announcement about?

A. English Program. C. Language laboratory.
B. Remedial Activity. D. The last daily English test.

30. Who should go for remedial?

A. All students. C . Students of 9A to 9H.
B. All students of 9 grade. D. Students who got under eight

Kunci jawaban

1. A 26. A
2. C 27. A
3.D 28. A
4.B 29. B
5.B 30. d
21. B
22. C
24. D
25. D

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