Python Memory

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Memory Management in

Nina Zakharenko - @nnja

use #nbpy
Why should you care?
Knowing about memory management
helps you write more efficient code.

What will you learn?
4 Vocabulary
4 Basic Concepts
4 Foundation

What won't you learn?
You won’t be an expert at the end of
this talk.

What's a variable?
What's a c-style variable?
Change value of c-style variables
Python has
How are Python objects
stored in memory?
names ➡ references ➡ objects

A name is just a label for an
In Python, each object can have lots of

Like 'x', 'y'

Different Types of Objects

Simple Container

numbers dict

strings list

user defined classes

Container objects can contain simple objects, or other

container objects.

What's a Reference?
A name or a container object that
points at another object.

Reference Count
Increasing the ref count

➡ Decreasing the ref count

Decrease Ref Count: Change the Reference
Decrease Ref Count: del keyword
What does del do?
The del statement doesn't delete objects.


4 removes that name as a reference to that object

4 reduces the ref count by 1

Decrease Ref Count: Go out of Scope

When there are no more references,

the object can be safely removed from

local vs. global namespace
If refcounts decrease when an object goes out of scope,
what happens to objects in the global namespace?
4 Never goes out of scope!
4 Refcount never reaches 0.
4 Avoid putting large or complex objects in the global

Every Python object holds 3 things

4 Its type
4 A reference count
4 Its value

>>> def mem_test():
... x = 300
... y = 300
... print( id(x) )
... print( id(y) )
... print( x is y )

>>> mem_test()

ℹ note: run this from a function in the repl, or from a file

What is Garbage
A way for a program to automatically
release memory when the object taking
up that space is no longer in use.
Two Main Types of Garbage
1. Reference Counting
2. Tracing
How does reference counting garbage
collection work?
1. Add and remove references
2. When the refcount reaches 0, remove the object
3. Cascading effect
4 decrease ref count of any object the deleted
object was pointing to

Reference Counting Garbage Collection:
The Good
4 Easy to implement
4 When refcount is 0, objects are immediately

Reference Counting:
The Bad
4 space overhead
4 reference count is stored for every object
4 execution overhead
4 reference count changed on every assignment

Reference Counting:
The Ugly
Not generally thread safe!

Reference counting doesn't detect

cyclical references
Cyclical References By Example

What's a cyclical reference?

Cyclical Reference

Reference counting alone
will not garbage collect
objects with cyclical
Two Main Types of Garbage
1. Reference Counting
2. Tracing
Tracing Garbage Collection - Marking
Tracing Garbage Collection - Sweeping
What does Python use?
Reference Counting &
(A type of Tracing GC)

Generational Garbage
Collection is based on the
theory that most objects
die young.
Python maintains a list of every object
created as a program is run.
Actually, it makes 3:
- generation 0
- generation 1
- generation 2

Newly created objects are stored in generation 0.

Only container objects
with a refcount greater
than 0 will be stored in a
generation list.
When the number of objects in a
generation reaches a threshold, python
runs a garbage collection algorithm on
that generation, and any generations
younger than it.

What happens during a generational garbage
collection cycle?
1. Python makes a list for objects to discard.
2. It runs an algorithm to detect reference cycles.
3. If an object has no outside references, add it to the discard
4. When the cycle is done, free up the objects on the discard

After a garbage collection cycle, objects
that survived will be promoted to the
next generation.

Objects in the last generation (2) stay

there as the program executes.

When the ref count reaches 0, you get
immediate clean up.

If you have a cycle, you need to wait

for garbage collection to run.

Objects with cyclical references get
cleaned up by generational garbage


Why doesn’t a Python
program shrink in memory
after garbage collection?

After garbage collection, the size of
the python program likely won’t
4 The freed memory is fragmented.
4 i.e. it's not freed in one continuous block.
4 When we say memory is freed during garbage collection, it’s released
back to Python to use for other objects, not necessarily to the system.

Quick Optimizations

Python instances have a dict of values
class Dog(object):

buddy = Dog() = 'Buddy'

{'name': 'Buddy'}

'Hello'.name = 'Fred'

Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 'Hello'.name = 'Fred'

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'name'

class Point(object):
__slots__ = ('x', 'y')

point = Point()
point.x = 5
point.y = 7 = "Fred"

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 8, in <module> = "Fred"
AttributeError: 'Point' object has no attribute 'name'

size of dict vs. size of tuple
import sys


sizeof dict: 232 bytes

sizeof tuple: 40 bytes
When to use slots?
4 Creating many instances of a class
4 Know in advance what properties the class should

Saving 9 GB of RAM with __slots__

4 A weakref to an object is not enough to keep it alive.
4 When the only remaining references are weak
references, the object can be garbage collected.
4 Useful for:
4 implementing caches or mappings holding large

python3 weakref docs

Only one thread can run in
the interpreter at a time.

Advantages / Disadvantages of a GIL
Reference counting is fast and easy to implement.

In a Python program, no matter how many threads
exist, only one thread will be executed at a time.
Want to take advantage of multiple
4 Use multi-processing instead of multi-threading.
4 Each process will have it’s own GIL, it’s on the
developer to figure out a way to share information
between processes.


If the GIL limits Python,
can’t we just remove it?

additional reading
For better or for worse, the GIL is here
to stay!

What Did We Learn?

Garbage collection is pretty

Now you know how
memory is managed.


For scientific applications,
use numpy & pandas.

Thank You!

Python @ Microsoft:


*Bonus material on the next slide

Bonus Material
Section ➡
Additional Reading
4 Great explanation of generational garbage collection
and python’s reference detection algorithm
4 Weak Reference Documentation
4 Python Module of the Week - gc
4 PyPy STM - GIL less Python Interpreter
4 Saving 9GB of RAM with python’s __slots__

Getting in-depth with the GIL
4 Dave Beazley - Guide on how the GIL Operates
4 Dave Beazley - New GIL in Python 3.2
4 Dave Beazley - Inside Look at Infamous GIL Patch

Why can’t we use the REPL to follow
along at home?
4 Because It doesn’t behave like a typical python
program that’s being executed.
4 Further reading

Python pre-loads objects
4 Many objects are loaded by Python as the interpreter starts.
4 Called peephole optimization.
4 Numbers: -5 -> 256
4 Single Letter Strings
4 Common Exceptions
4 Further reading

Attempting to remove the Gil - A
4 Larry Hastings - Removing Python's GIL - The
4 Larry Hastings - The Gilectomy, How it's going
4 Gilectomy on GitHub
4 A Gilectomy Update

4 weakref Python Module of the week
4 weakref documentation


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