Fang 2005

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Chemical Physics Letters 401 (2005) 271–275

The study of deposited silver particulate films by simple method

for efficient SERS
Jinghuai Fang *, Chonggui Zhong, Renwang Mu
Department of Physics, Nantong University, Nantong 226007, China

Received 8 September 2004; in final form 14 October 2004

Available online 8 December 2004


We present a study on the preparation of silver particulate films by simple depositing colloidal solution on mica and highly ori-
ented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), respectively. The morphologies of the deposits were revealed by atomic force microscopic obser-
vations. It has been shown that the deposition can preserve the disperse state as well as aggregation feature existed in colloidal
solution. Both silver particulate films were shown to be more activity than corresponding colloidal system for surface enhanced
Raman scattering (SERS). Compared with that on mica, the silver film on HOPG not only represents excellent SERS activity,
but also gives uniform spatial distribution for SERS signal measurement.
 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Among the methods employed to obtain silver colloids,

the chemical reduction of silver nitrate with sodium cit-
Since the observation of a surface enhanced Raman rate or sodium borohydride is frequently applied prepa-
scattering (SERS) signal from pyridine adsorbed on ration technique. SERS spectral measurements are
roughened silver electrodes, SERS has been observed routinely carried out on silver colloids aggregated by
in many systems of various configurations [1–7]. In gen- addition of an adsorbate or a pre-aggregating agent.
eral, the SERS effect emerges for three types of surface The aggregation of silver particles appears to be crucial
systems: (1) electrodes in electrochemical cells, (2) for strong SERS enhancement [9,10]. At the same time,
roughened metal films and (3) colloidal dispersions of the tendency for colloidal particles to aggregate sponta-
metal particles. It has been demonstrated that a surface neously upon addition of analytes leads to poor stability
roughness on the scale of submicrometers is required for of system and irreproducibility in the magnitude of
obtaining an appreciable enhancement of Raman scat- SERS signals. Especially, with respect to the applica-
tering [8]. tions of SERS, knowledge about the factors that domi-
Silver is one of the best materials for making SERS nate the sensitivity, stability, and reproducibility of
active surface. Colloidal dispersions of silver particles SERS is still not sufficient. It is also not easy to control
are the most widely used SERS substrates in various re- the experimental conditions of SERS such as the condi-
search works and represent the most favorable case. Be- tions for aggregation of silver colloid. Extensive efforts
sides the simplicity of preparation and characterization, have been made to aim toward higher enhancement
these systems exhibit remarkably strong enhancement. and greater reproducibility of SERS-active substrates.
The preparation of SERS-active colloids on a solid sup-
port becomes one of the focuses of the field [11–13].
Corresponding author. Many new solid substrates based on colloidal metal film
E-mail address: (J. Fang). have been developed which combines the advantages of

0009-2614/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
272 J. Fang et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 401 (2005) 271–275

the intense SERS effect of colloidal system and good sta-

bility of solid substrate.
In this Letter, we report simple procedures to fab-
ricate stable colloidal silver films on the surface of
mica and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG).
The surface morphology of prepared colloidal films
were investigated by tapping mode atomic force
microscope (AFM) that is useful in the study of
weakly attached deposit on substrate surfaces. The Fig. 1. The structure of crystal violet.
SERS activity of obtained thin films were tested by
measuring the SERS intensity when using crystal vio-
let as a probe, which is known to yield a high SERS 2.3. Fabrication of silver colloid deposited films
factor when adsorbed on silver colloids. The experi-
mental results have shown that colloidal silver films Silver particulate films were prepared under the fol-
prepared in such method not only preserve the neces- lowing procedure. A drop of silver colloidal solution
sary aggregation state produced in silver colloidal and dye-coated silver colloidal solution were directly ap-
solution, but also possess the stability needed in prac- plied to the basal plan of a freshly cleaved mica and
tical application. Meanwhile, these silver colloidal HOPG, respectively. Then, these dropped colloidal solu-
films show excellent SERS activity compared with tions were allowed to evaporate naturally in the air to
SERS exhibited by silver colloid. form corresponding colloidal particulate films deposited
on the surfaces of mica and HOPG.

2. Experiment 2.4. Apparatus and measurements

2.1. Materials The Morphology of the silver colloidal films were

examined with an AFM ( DICO, NanoScope 3). Raman
Silver nitrate and trisodium citrate were purchased scattering spectra were measured by a confocal micro-
from Aldrich and used as received without further puri- Raman spectrometer (Super LabRam II system, Dilor,
fication. All the other chemical reagents employed in the France). The excitation line is 632.8 nm radiation from
experiments were of analytical grade. Doubly distilled a 10 mW He–Ne laser. The signal integration was set
deionized water was used throughout the present at 1 s for measurement.

2.2. Preparation of silver colloid 3. Results and discussion

The silver colloid was prepared by using the chem- 3.1. Morphologies of silver particulate films
ical reduction method according to the description of
Lee and Meisel [14]. The preparative procedure was The morphologies of silver particulate films on the
briefly described here. A stock 10 3 M AgNO3 aque- surface of mica and HOPG on the nanometer scale were
ous solution and a stock 1% trisodium citrate solu- presented by the tapping mode atomic force microscopic
tion were prepared first. 500 ml of AgNO3 aqueous (AFM) observations. The AFM image in Fig. 2a shows
solution was headed to boiling, and to this solution a surface morphology of silver colloid dried naturally on
10 ml of trisodium citrate solution was added drop the surface of mica, which exhibits that the silver parti-
by drop with vigorous magnetic stirring. Heading cles on the surface of mica are mostly spatially isolated,
and stirring were continued for 30 min, Green–gray single nanoparticles with a broad distribution of sphe-
silver sol was ready for use upon cooling. Dye-coated roidal particles sizes in the range of diameter from 80
silver colloidal nanoparticles were prepared by to 120 nm. Fig. 2b shows the AFM picture of silver col-
adsorbing crystal violet molecules, the molecular for- loid on the surface of HOPG. The main feature of the
mula of which was given in Fig. 1, on the surface morphology is the coexistence of large and small silver
of metal nanoparticles. This was performed simply islands that are in contact with each other. Compared
by mixing the colloidal solution and crystal violet with the image shown in Fig. 2a, there exists a clear dif-
aqueous solution. Before use, a 1 · 10 4 mol/L aque- ference between the coverage of silver particles depos-
ous solution of crystal violet was prepared. Ten ited on mica and HOPG. In consideration of the
microliters of the dye solution added to 1 ml of silver better hydrophilicity of mica, when a drop of silver col-
colloidal solutions to yield effective concentration of loidal solution is applied onto the surface of mica, it can
10 6 M. spread fully on the surface. This process significantly
J. Fang et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 401 (2005) 271–275 273

Fig. 2. AFM pictures of silver nanoparticles deposited on (a) mica, and (b) HOPG.

reduces the particle density on the mica surface, and the sol very stable against aggregation. Aggregation is
particles are randomly bound to the surface to form initiated by the addition of crystal violet to the silver col-
low-coverage silver colloid submonolayer. In contrast loidal solution. The effective adsorption of crystal violet
to the hydrophilicity of mica, HOPG takes on the on the surface of silver particles arising from the electro-
hydrophobic feature. The dropping silver colloid solu- static interactions of silver particles with crystal violet
tion keeps the form of bead and has a very little contact increases proton concentration at the surface which de-
interface with HOPG. With the natural evaporation of creases the effective electric charge existing on colloid
solution, silver nanoparticles can be gravitationally particles, reducing the repulsive interaction between
deposited on the surface, and form a high particle cov- the colloidal particles, and finally allowing them to ap-
erage submonolayer. Further, we study the pattern of proach each other and stick to form aggregates when
crystal violet coated silver nanoparticles deposited on they collide. As a result, the single silver particles disap-
the surface of mica. Large scale AFM observation pear from the colloidal solution and have been replaced
shows that some silver clusters in a few micrometers ap- by the silver aggregates induced by the adsorption of the
pear separated each other. Because crystal violet is a po- crystal violet. With the spreading and volatilizing of the
sitive charge dye, while silver, which is surrounded by a dropping colloidal solution on the surface of mica, those
layer of negative charge of citrate, usually has negative aggregates existing in the dropping colloidal solution are
potential [15]. The surface-adsorbed citrate causes the deposited on substrate in a separated pattern. Fig. 3a
silver particles to be highly charged and the resulting displays the representative AFM image of such silver
electric repulsive interaction between the particles makes colloidal aggregate. The aggregate is integrated by

Fig. 3. AFM pictures of silver particles aggregates induced by the addition of crystal violet in silver colloidal solution deposited on (a) mica, and (b)
274 J. Fang et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 401 (2005) 271–275

particles of a size similar to original particles. A clearly 60000

visible feature in the AFM image of the aggregate is that


the silver nanoparticles touch each other to form some 50000

branch pattern. The branches have their main stems

Intensity (CPS)

which interconnect with many small chain-like silver 40000

particles clusters. The morphology of resulting aggre-


gates suggests that the aggregate structure is characteris- 30000



tic of self-comparability tree-like fractal. Although the


aggregates were originally formed in suspension in three
dimensions, their deposition on the two dimensions ba- (b)
sal plan of support gives a structure that is very nearly
two-dimensional. This is apparent from the large (c)
amounts of open space and lack of overlapping among 400 800 1200 1600
the silver particles contacted each other. In the case of Raman shift/cm -1

crystal violet coated silver particles deposited on the

HOPG, the examination of the image in Fig. 3b exhibits Fig. 4. SERS spectra of crystal violet from (a) silver film on HOPG,
(b) silver film on mica and (c) silver sol.
that the silver particles touch each other to form some
dense clusters and small clusters are linked by the chains
of individual particles of silver to produce a large web- very nearly two-dimensional form. Thus, compared with
like network of connected silver particles, behaving the the aggregate in the silver colloidal solution, a more
feature of fractal cluster–cluster aggregation. Compari- compact aggregate on mica can be obtained and the
son of these two crystal violet coated silver particulate number of crystal violet molecules in the probed volume
films reveals the clear differences in particle coverage. decided by confocal micro-Raman system is obviously
Namely, silver particulate film deposited on mica con- increased. Maybe, these two factors contribute to the
sists of small discrete segregated areas of aggregates with remarkably enhanced SERS effect observed from silver
low particle coverage. However, the film deposited on aggregate on mica. Likewise, very large, high-density
HOPG represents a homogeneous particle aggregation fractal cluster–cluster weblike aggregation structure on
pattern concentrated on the contact interface of the HOPG is responsible for the significantly improvement
dropping colloidal solution and HOPG with high parti- of its SERS response relative to that on mica. In order
cle coverage. to test the spatial uniformity in signal intensity of depos-
ited silver particle film on the surface of HOPG, we mea-
3.2. SERS activity of silver colloid deposited films sure SERS spectra at least five different locations at the
edges and in the center of the sample. The result exam-
Using crystal violet as a molecular probe, we checked ined indicates that the SERS signal intensity recorded at
the SERS activity of the above silver colloidal films. For different locations is almost same. We could reasonably
the case of silver film consisted of small separated aggre- think from the above that the silver particle film ob-
gates with scale of a few micrometers on mica, we can tained by depositing aggregated silver colloids on
make use of the advantage of laser beam spot focusing HOPG behaves better homogeneity on a larger scale
at the surface with scale of about 1 lm and optical in space for SERS effect.
microscopy provided by confocal micro-Raman system We further study the influence of silver particles
to focus the laser beam on the aggregate directly to ob- arrangement on SERS activity. A drop of crystal violet
tain a SERS spectrum from silver aggregates. This solution was drop coated on above pure silver particle
means that the Raman signal and the AFM images are film prepared on mica and HOPG, respectively. The
correlated to a large extent. Fig. 4a and b are SERS concentrations of crystal violet used on the silver films
spectra of crystal violet obtained from the silver nano- in this case are higher than that used on the deposited
particles aggregates deposited on HOPG and mica, crystal violet coated silver films. However, AFM analy-
respectively. For the sake of comparison, the SERS sis indicates that morphologies of this kind crystal violet
spectrum of crystal violet from the corresponding silver modified silver films preserve the basic same as original
colloidal system is also given in Fig. 4c. The result re- films. The SERS measurements show that high-density
corded shows that the silver film on HOPG offer a high- silver film on HOPG exhibit a weaker SERS signal than
er SERS signal than that of silver film on mica and both silver colloidal system, and no SERS spectrum was ob-
types of silver films are very active and exhibit strong served from crystal violet on low-density colloidal film
SERS effect compared with the silver colloidal system. on mica. It is known that the SERS activity depends
Considering that the aggregates are originally formed strongly on the geometry of the aggregates and the
in suspension in three dimensions, their deposition on strongest enhancement comes from the molecules situ-
the surface of mica gives an aggregation structure in a ated between particles of the fractal colloidal silver
J. Fang et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 401 (2005) 271–275 275

clusters [16]. Therefore, the molecules involved in the the silver film on HOPG not only represents excellent
SERS effect are predominantly those adsorbed on aggre- SERS activity, but also gives uniform spatial distribu-
gates that are favorable for surface plasmon resonances. tion for SERS signal measurement. This study provides
Further, the dependence of SERS intensity on surface a framework of fabricating the colloidal particulate film
morphology is predicted by the electromagnetic by preserving the celebrated fractal structures that have
enhancement mechanism [17]. A resonant fractal theory peculiar enhancing properties produced in colloidal
about effect of the aggregate state on SERS activity solution to achieve the further improvement of SERS
shows that the surface Raman enhancement of a collec- activity.
tion of analyte-covered colloidal particles exhibiting
fractal properties will be greatly enhanced over the
equivalent number of analyte-covered spatially isolated References
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