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Level 0 1 2 3 4
Points (%) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

0 1 2 3 4
Criteria Unacceptable Acceptable Moderate Good Excellent
Related Theory/ Introduction Lack of Introduction Background Give sufficient
Introduction and Related understanding contains very information is background
Theory is introduction does little not cleared but information &
absent. not state purpose information. purpose of clear purposes
of Lab work. Purpose of Lab Lab work is and reasons are
work is not clearly stated. mentioned.
Procedure Did not write Requirement and Procedure was Lack of Written all
the procedure. purpose was written in appropriate necessary
missing, not sufficient details, one or details, written
written in details but two in paragraph and
paragraph form. requirements requirements in full sentences.
are missing. of lab work
are missing.
Software Usage No software Improper use of Proper use of Proper method Records an
Used the software and the software; and all error-free set of
data recording is data recording available data relevant data
erroneous. is fairly is used in the only; perfect use
complete but software to of the software
needs obtain desired and results
counseling with complete obtained can be
from the understanding. applied to real
supervisor. situations.

Results, Results, data Figures, graphs, Most figures, All figures, All figures,
Figures, Tables figures are tables contain graphs, tables graphs, graphs tables
etc. missing. errors or are are alright but tables are are correctly
poorly missing some correctly drawn,
constructed. important drawn but numbered
points or have some properly and
features. minor flaws. contain
Conclusion & Conclusions Did not give Reported Given all the Reported all the
Comments and comments appropriate sufficient data appropriated appropriated
missing. analysis. but results are data but some data, tables and
not clearly conclusions graphs contain
stated. are missing. sufficient

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