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(The Classroom AR Mobile Experience App)


Armand D Tatum, Technical Studies

Last Updated: 07/11/2021

Technical Field
This project involves the technical fields of Technical Studies.

Background Information
What inspired the creation of this project? Why are you pursuing this project?

My inspiration and creation of TCE (The Classroom Experience), is based on my own

individual experiences with having LD which is a Learning Disability. I was diagnosed having
LD when I was in second grade, and since then I have had a challenging time with
comprehending certain subjects from elementary school thru college. Consequently, there was
not any valuable resources or tools that could help me with my academics at the time and as a
result I struggled academically. However, I knew that I was not the only one with a learning
disability who experienced the in capabilities of learning. Therefore, I created TCE, to help those
individuals who lack the resources and tools to help increase their way of learning in a more
effective way.

Prior Art (legal term)

Prior art is a legal term from patents. It should describe any sources of inspiration for your
project, any sources currently on the market that might be considered competitors, and any
similar work that your SIP might build upon. By the end of this section, your reader should have
a clear view of the existing marketplace. Do not just list sources, but analyze their pros and cons.


The AR experience is thriving as a significant trend, and it is estimated that by 2023 there
will be 2.4 billion Augmented Reality mobile users worldwide. (Sinha, 2021)
AR in education allows students to gain knowledge through rich visuals and immersion into the
subject matter. Moreover, speech technology also engages students by providing comprehensive
details about the topic in a voice format. In short, the concept of eLearning with AR targets a
major information-gathering sense in humans. (Sinha, 2021) Augmented Reality can replace
textbooks, physical forms, posters, and printed brochures. This mode of mobile learning also
reduces the cost of learning materials and makes it easy for everyone to access. (Sinha, 2021)


Pros of AR (Augmented Reality) include enhanced experience, ease of use, social interaction,
learning and practice, and improved technology. With that being said, I feel that the TCE AR
Mobile App could be beneficial to billions of people in the near future. Since it has already been
estimated that 2. 4 billion augmented users will have access to AR Apps it inspires me to move
forward with the TCE AR mobile app knowing that it will be helpful for those who suffer from
learning disabilities. Unfortunately, AR has its cons too, which include, expensive, assaults
confidentiality, accidental situations, addiction, and psychological effects. (Acharya and
Poutintsev, 2020)

Project Description

What will your project entail? How will it benefit the users/consumers?

The TCE App allows users to choose a preferred language of their choice, while giving
them instructions in a virtual environment. Therefore, they have an opportunity to access an
environment portal from anywhere that allows them to have flexibility. This awesome app
includes three primary features. First, the Augmented Reality learning experience has a high-
resolution front- facing camera that brings printed materials to life, as well as show animated 3D
visual contents on printed pages. Second, mix reality virtual objects with real world views that
allows users to physically interact with a massive range of exciting 3D models. The cool part
about this feature is that it allows the user to create and upload their own 3D creations. Third, the
new explorable scenes allows the users to enter various virtual worlds and environments, which
include explorable scenes. This feature also, allows the user to freely immerse in a variety scene
while learning, as well as, researching. Therefore, disability learners can benefit greatly from this
app, and it can help enhance the way they learn by providing real life learning experiences on a
virtual platform.
Innovation Claim

One to two sentences to show your finely honed innovation claim. What, precisely, makes your
work innovative? Think of this like the thesis for the paper.
• TCE AR Mobile App is designed for individuals who have difficulties comprehending in
all subject areas. It allows an individual to just relax and learn on his or her own time in
an opened virtual platform ready to be explored.

Usage Scenario

The target demographics for this project would be for individuals, primarily who struggle
with learning comprehension. Although, there are various complex forms of learning
disabilities, statistics, show that those individuals who suffer from learning comprehension have
the most difficulties when it comes to learning subject areas. Therefore, the TCE AR Mobile
App, is designed for individuals who are seeking a more comprehensive way of learning outside
the classroom.

The primary objective of this app is to simplify instructions and provide examples in
which the user can comprehend the assignments and tasks. Consequently, it has been proven that
all individuals learn on different levels at their own pace due to various reasons. Therefore,
individuals who experience learning disabilities, also suffer from inabilities to perform tasks and
comprehend assignments in all subject areas. As a result, the TCE AR Mobile App could
provide more resource opportunities. The app is user friendly, and easily accessible. It consists
of four major components which include, language preferences to prevent language barriers, cost
effective- affordable for all users, flexibility- use anytime, and accessibility- for users with or
without learning disabilities. This app is created for ages 12 years old to 21 years of age.

Evaluation Criteria

Start this section with a statement like: “The following questions will identify the successful
completion of the project.”

1. Was the prototype/app user friendly?

2. We’re you able to move from frame to frame?
3. Was the content easy to follow and understand?
4. We're you able to interact with buttons?
5. Was the app straight forward?

Objectives and Tasks Associated with the Project

Goal: My goal is to create a VR (Virtual Reality) or AR (Augmented Reality) mobile app that
will help users with learning disabilities interact in an environment that will allow them to
complete and understand what they are learning.

To do list consists of:

A. Decide on choosing VR or AR to be considered for mobile app.

I. Making a choice on which VR or AR I really want to pursue as AR can have a mobile
application setup, VR cannot at this point in time. -Already completed

B. Research mobile glasses

II. I intend on my app using glasses. So, If I am pursuing the mobile version with glasses, I
need to be sure to do more research on that specific technology as it is in circulation right
now. In progress, completion date expected 7/5/21
a. In 2013, Google was the first company that launched the Google Glass. They look
like a regular pair of glasses, with a small screen projected onto your vision, so
the user could read notifications, check weather and other simple apps. It also had
a camera to take photos and record video. (Caddy, 2021). Unfortunately, Google
Glass faced many problems due to privacy and safety concerns, therefore, they
never made it to mainstream success. (Caddy, 2021) Today, several major tech
brands, like Apple and Facebook, are allegedly working on AR hardware projects
at diverse levels of secrecy and development. (Caddy, 2021) However, we can
look forward to further innovation and more consumer-friendly devices from
companies that currently have AR wearables on the market, such as: Epson,
Vuzix , Magic Leap and Microsoft (Caddy, 2021)

C. Targeting

III. Targeting this education-based I will have to navigate FERPA education-based and IP
(Intellectual Property) privacy of the institutions running it. If I choose to have
institutions use this app. Already completed, I chose to stick strictly to mobile

D. Security
IV. security through a phone app raises a lot of questions on security and delivery of
educational material so I will have to research and find or add more detail on how my app
will be safe regarding security. In progress, estimated date of completion 7/9/21
a. McAfee Security comes highly rated as an excellent choice for device and
software protection. McAfee has an excellent reputation as being the most
secured security solutions specifically for education customers, as well as limited
budgets for customers.

b. McAfee protection include:

• Personal devices, mobile phones, iPad, computers.

• Personal information, online accounts

• Protection from hackers and data breaches

• Screens early detection up to 10 months earlier than similar monitoring services.

• Affordable packages prices

E. Open-source learning platforms

V. I intend to look for open-source learning platforms that are not regulated by agencies or
the government.
VI. I would not want my user's information getting out, so it is only right to identify the
proper platforms that are not regulated by agencies or the government. But open to the
app only. So, I would research looking Into AR Toolkit+ AR SDK (Software
Development Kits). Currently in progress, estimated date of completion 7/10/21
a. The AR Toolkit+, would be the most likely choice I would choose for the TCE
AR App. It is an AR software that helps solve the fundamental problems in
augmented reality that includes geometric and photometric registration. This free
augmented reality software uses scalable AR solutions to solve real world issues.
The core functionalities have the same applications as TCE AR App.

F. Prototype of TCE AR Mobile application- in progress estimated completion 7/14/21

VII. I already have a working prototype of my app in Figma. I plan to rearrange a few
things here and there but will be set to go.

Objective 1: Completed- Create Blueprint/Sitemap displaying the interactions of the app that

• Dashboard
• Login/logout option
• Subject/content selection
• Cost
• User setting/Preferences
• Language selection
• Light sensory
• Size structure Frames
• Facial Size Dimension
• Learn Now

Objective 2: Create Blueprint/Wireframe- completed

• Welcome screens create/click to login, if not working, click next to create new account-
• Create button for new account/Password click submit
• Create a Enter button When Ready!!!
• Set up Wireless Motion Sensor button
a) Create a Light sensory selection
b) Create a Time mode selection
c) Create Eye sensitivity
d) Create a color indicator guide- green, yellow, red
• Next, select language preference (6500 languages)
• Select size frame dimension
• Flexibility power mode
• Subject content includes Select subjects ELAR, Math, Science, Social Studies, Physical
Education, Art, Music. User will select the content before moving on into the
• Create button for LET'S LEARN!!!!

Note: This section will be drafted in SIP311, but must be revised prior to SIP403(or SIP409) to
describe tasks as they actually occurred.

Description of Design Prototype

The TCE AR Mobile App which include the wire frame, is created on FIGMA, which is a web-
based graphics editing and user interface design app. The prototype design includes two
components, The site Map Sketch and The Wireframe.

The Site Map Sketch consists of...

• subject content

• language selection

• size structure of frames

• light sensory, flexibility, and power mode.

The Wire Frame demonstrates...

• how to log on

• create an account and password

• accessibility

The prototype has a colorful frame that prompts the user to make selections with ease.
The font is visible while hovering over detailed buttons and going in between interactions
without pause. The user is introduced to the app with a welcome before proceeding to the
username and password information. After either already having an existing account or creating
a new account the user will press enter and proceed with selecting choice settings, subject, and
environment before learning.
Note: This section will be drafted in SIP311, but must be revised prior to SIP403 (or SIP409)
to describe the design prototype in its final form.

Evaluation Plan

The Evaluation Plan include a research study that consists of demographics, education, median
household income, age groups, and cost, that would determine how effective the TCE AR App
could be beneficial to individuals, and students who have learning disabilities. This plan will
include an interview process which will allow participants to provide their feedback regarding a
questionnaire based on the pros and cons of AR Learning. The target demographics include:

• Education (Elementary, Middle School, Highschool, and College)

• Students ranging from 12 years old to 21 years of age.

• Median income household, $22,000. - $50,000/ year. Less than $22,000/ year.

Note: This section will be drafted in SIP311, but must be revised prior to SIP403 (or SIP409)
to describe the full evaluation plan as it was actually implemented.

Project Completion Assessment: N/A


Sinha, S., 2021. Augmented Reality In Education - eLearning Industry. [online] eLearning Industry. Available

at: <>

[Accessed 11 July 2021].

Acharya, A. and Poutintsev, F., 2021. 10 Pros and Cons of Augmented Reality. [online] Honest Pros and Cons.
Available at: <> [Accessed 10 July 2021].

Caddy, B., 2021. AR smartglasses in 2021: the devices, apps and new tech coming. [online] Wareable.

Available at: <> [Accessed 11 July 2021]. 2021. The Best 7 Free and Open Source Augmented Reality Software. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 11 July


McAfee. 2021. McAfee Total Protection 2021 | Beyond Antivirus. [online] Available at:






eJXJpFsaAkJjEALw_wcB> [Accessed 11 July 2021].

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