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IPC Unit 5 Summative Rubric

Needs Work Developing Meets

Message Unrelated ideas or Topic may not be clear. Topic is clear and
Piece has a clear major drift from focus There is not a clear maintained throughout.
message and focus. occurs. Overall “call to action” for the PSA clearly communicates
PSA communicates to purpose of the video is audience. what the audience needs
the audience what they unclear. to do/think to create
should do. change.

Creative techniques Piece uses little to no Piece utilizes creative Piece utilizes creative
Piece utilizes creative creative techniques or techniques but doesn’t techniques throughout that
techniques that fit the doesn’t tailor the always appeal to the appeal to the intended
audience and the techniques to an intended audience. The audience. The techniques
message. intended audience. The techniques might highlight the intended
message might get distract from the message.
lost. intended message.

Development of ideas There is little The overall The piece is well

The message is well development to the development could be developed using a variety
developed through a piece. improved. of techniques.
variety of methods-
including details,
examples, and
evidence from cited

Digital Media Frequent errors or Response includes Response shows excellent

Digital media and awkward use of technology but there use of technology to
technology is used technology weakens are some noticeable effectively communicate
strategically to enhance
the message. errors.
understanding of the and enhance the message.
overall message and
add interest.

Typed Explanation Missing or incredibly Included but Included, and covers all
Indicates a careful basic or incomplete. incomplete. Does not required elements fully
analysis was involved analyze all required with complete detail and
with specific details No analysis. elements. elaboration.
and elaboration to Demonstrates a thorough
describe what was level of analysis.
created and why.

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