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Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University


Agoo, La Union



In a form of matrix, suggest educational reforms on the following issues in Higher education,
provide also the theoretical underpinning of your suggested reforms and the possible risk in the
implementation of these reforms.
Quality Education System Enhancement Systems Theory One of the most noticeable
of Quality Assurance in A theory of interconnected consequences of quality
Higher Education processes and how they implementation is that the
impact one another across institution must take the risk of
time in order to maintain the changing the entire system,
continuity of a greater whole. abandoning its existing methods
Systems function in such a and investing an endless
way that they can keep amount of time and resources in
going. Systems change the new. As their level of power
because their internal and teaching methods must
balances are out of whack or alter, faculty members may get
because they are impacted by alienated. Low morale and a
external forces. Like in the lack of concentration on the
system of sustaining quality new system may result in
assurance in higher negative outcomes.
education, in order to
improve the quality, we must
start with each system. For
example, information in cells
may be chemical and filtered
by cell walls; information in
people may be conceptual
and filtered by perceptions;
and information in
communities may be news
and filtered by censors.
Cells, people, and societies
all exist in connection to one
another, which confuses
things even further. Roles,
according to systems theory,
are social system structures
that are analogous to organs
in the physical/person
system; they are organized
ways of ensuring that some
critical function is carried
Accessibility of Unification of Affirmative Action Theory One of the most difficult tasks
higher education Admission Process to Affirmative action refers to facing higher education
Students in actions done to improve the institutions is to build strong
Universities (Human representation of minorities lifelong learners capable of
capital) and non-minorities in areas competing on an international
such as employment, level. With various risk factors,
education, and culture where including being a first-
they have traditionally been generation college student, an
underrepresented. The increasing number of at-risk
universities show that when students are enrolling in
student-applicants compete college. If instructors are to aid
for admission to a college, students in resolving their own
an academic quality– difficulties and limitations in
oriented college optimizes practical ways, they must guide
the test score of its incoming them in mastering crucial
class by implementing a approaches. This necessitates
minority-friendly educators to think and behave
admissions rule. differently in order to achieve
their educational goals, such as
identifying high-risk elements,
developing models to address
them, and documenting
effective tactics that challenge
students' thinking, reflection,
performance evaluation, and
self-growth. Continuously
developing one's capacity to
process, connect, and create
knowledge that enables skilled
performances in all areas of life
is what learning entails.
Interconnectivity of Intensifying Experiential Learning If experiential Learning will be
Higher Education Experiential Learning This considers the entire applied in universities, it
Institution Theory in Universities process of learning. necessitates patience and
Throughout the encounters, instruction from the instructor
all stages can be
or facilitator because requires
incorporated. A traditional
teacher-student lecture, for more preparation by the
example, can be both a instructor and may require more
concrete and abstract time for processing and there
experience depending on
how the learner interacts are frequently multiple correct
with it. Concrete learning, answers. If the learner does not
reflective observation, stay on target and the learning
abstract conceptualization,
and active experimenting are outcomes are not established, it
the four stages of the may result in a loss of
experiential learning theory. attention. Furthermore, it
Moreover, it is a very
necessitates extra preparation
effective way to learn. In its
most basic form, experiential on the part of the
learning implies learning leader/teacher, as well as
through experience or
additional processing time and
learning by doing (Lewis
&Williams, 1994). decentralized approach can
seem less orderly, and it may be
less comfortable to an
authoritarian-style teacher.
Globalization of Capacity building Educational Change Theory Increased globalization,
technological breakthroughs,
Higher Education among university This theory is based upon the and advances in research into
personnel premise that when staff teaching and learning
collaborates, the school methodologies are all reasons
why educational change theory
should be prepared for a
must be used. But the risk of
change in practice (Fullan, applying this theory might give
2007). This change is drastic impact not only for
initiated when the university educators in the universities but
also in funding the changes that
personnel increase their will be done. In order to do
capacity for shared meaning, these changes the universities
through the cultivation of must have sufficient funding in
order for them to uplift the
relationships, rather than morale of teachers in teaching
mandated reform imposed by learners with the used of
advance technology by sending
administrators. The essence them in seminar-workshops and
trainings in local and
of educational change theory international so that we can say
is putting the innovation into that the instruction that will be
practice. Like the use of new given to learners are set through
global standards.
or revised materials, the
probable use of new teaching
approaches and the
transformation of beliefs to
be called globalized
institution for life-long
Industry 4.0 in Initiated Trainings on Cognitive Development In pursuing industrialized
Theory tertiary education can cause a
Higher Education  Distance Learning Another area of adult lot of challenges like financial
Education among staff development focused on scarcity, homogenous cultures
of Universities cognitive/intellectual and resistance to change which
development. cognitive we have to be risk-taking,
development as conceptual flexibility, adaptability; lack of
levels with degrees in vision on technological
abstractness and development; Investing in the
interpersonal maturity. The right technology; lack of
low conceptual level was one knowledge on the strategic use
of concrete negativism, over of information; cybersecurity
generalization, and focused and quality control; and
on personal need. The sustainability challenges
second level was that of
categorical judgments,
acceptance of a single rule,
and reliance on external
standards. The third level
was one of awareness of
alternatives and sensitivity to
personal feelings. The fourth
and final level showed a
reliance on internal rather
than external standards,
working with others, and
seeing events from multiple

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