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proxy wars in pakistan role of external elements

In March 1965, Ayub Khan visited China and secured not only Chou-en-Lai's assurances of support
to Pakistan in the event of an Indian aggression but also military supplies. Refer Abba Dixit, "India,
Pakistan and the Great Powers" in Jasjit Singh ed., India and Pakistan: Crisis of Relationship (New
Delhi: Lancers International, 1990), p. 21. In short, proxy wars … Only cooperation can help in
fostering peace and cooperation in the region. 18, no. 1, August 1993, p. 10. We use cookies to
ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The 1965 War opened with a Pakistani
revanche to win over Kashmir and Rann of Kutch. 37. However, once the issue is resolved, another
issue would erupt, keeping Pakistan's hostile posture against India alive,33 since this is necessary
for its domestic consumption where the people are fed on anti-India slogans. To make the situation
worse, new political, social and economic problems erupted, straining relations between the two
countries. Refer Ratna Tikoo, Indo-Pak Relations: Politics of Divergence and Convergence (Delhi:
National Publishing House, 1987), p. 220. Refer H.S. India retaliated and a full-fledged war erupted
which lasted till September 23, 1965.7 The Indian authorities informed the US about the use of
American weapons by the Pakistani forces. Direct involvement hurts the brand value of countries in
the international arena so they employ proxy wars to engage other aggressors. It is said that the
money generated through smuggling of narcotics is used to keep terrorism and insurgency alive.
India strived towards attainment of self-sufficiency in the nuclear programme but this was not
possible for a newly independent country to achieve on its own. The US gave Pakistan the first high
performance jet aircraft, including F-86 Sabres and 12 F-104 interceptors and hundreds of World
War I and Korean War vintage tanks.2 Prime Minister Nehru was against the involvement of external
powers in the bilateral regional issues which would otherwise bring the Cold War politics into the
region.3 The US arms aid to Pakistan became a lasting and irritating issue in Indo-Pak relations, and
in response, India started purchasing arms from non-American sources. 25-26. The Indian nuclear
programme was considered as a weapons programme and the focus was concentrated on
stockpiling of fissionable material that the US claimed India was building. An amphibious assault
ship, the Tripoli, with a battalion of 800 Marines, three guided missile escorts, four destroyers, a
nuclear attack submarine, and an oiler were sent by the US to support Pakistan to change the
outcome of the war. To India, Kashmir is an integral part of its Union. Pakistan had planned to
organise a "Kashmir Revolt Day" on August 9, 1965, to mark the twelfth anniversary of Sheikh
Abdullah's arrest and on the same day its forces were to reach Srinagar with machine guns, mortar
and other heavy equipment. The national urge to occupy areas with prominent Muslim demographic
pattern, notably Kashmir, is one of the primary aims of Pakistani foreign policy and military strategy.
Since then, Pakistan has raised the issue as a champion of the rights of the Muslim Kashmiris. The
Pakistani nuclear programme received a momentum by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. It is said that President
Zia-ul-Haq had put into action a three-phase plan for the liberation of the Kashmir Valley. 13. A proxy
war is an armed conflict between two states or non-state actors which act on the instigation or on
behalf of other parties that are not directly involved in the hostilities. Though the world community
took note of the Indian nuclear capabilities, it was Pakistan which reacted immediately. The root of
the Indo-Pak confrontation stemmed from the communal antagonism which was deep-rooted in the
demographic distribution of their territories. Proxy wars conjure the image of cold war wherein the
local combatants are supported by the external elements. We cannot ignore proxy wars being
initiated by other countries inside Pakistan and it is up to our elite agencies to ensure that they do
not let this menace raise its head in our country. When that happens Pakistan feels that it must be in
position to install a friendly regime in Kabul, one that will expel the Indian advisors, spies, diplomats,
contactors, etc and provide a potentially friendly area to the rear of Pakistan in the event of another
major war with India. The Indo-Soviet relations coincided with the deteriorating Sino-Soviet and
Sino-India relations. In Pakistan, troubles mounted in East Pakistan. This was also evident in its
claim on Kashmir, Junagarh and Hyderabad. Refer Arun Chacko, "Siachen Gunfire on the Glacier,"
Indian Express, November 15, 1987, Hindustan Times, November 3, 1992. The increasing numbers
of refugees were a great concern to India because of its social and economic fallout. With the global
emphasis on geo-economics, the Sino-India and US-India relations have improved which could be
affected by the nuclear explosions conducted by India. 4. The Pakistan Institute of Science and
Technology established at Nilore, near Rawalpindi, in 1965, provided research and training facilities
for scientists and technicians in the country. 3. Pakistan is at war with itself. The treaty formalised
the Indo-Soviet friendship assuring the former of solid support in and outside the UNO. Shelton
Kodikara, "South Asian Security Dilemmas in the Post-Cold War World" Bajpai and Cohen eds., n.
11, p. 54. Inadequate socio-economic development, apathy towards the genuine grievances of the
people, political brinkmanship amongst other reasons, has created internal contradictions, which
have led to over five decades of internal strife. The Chinese scientists have been visiting Kahuta and
China has provided a design of one of its own atomic bombs and enough highly enriched uranium
for two bombs.19 The Chinese technological assistance to the Pakistani nuclear programme is to
counter-balance India's dominance in the region. This increased the Soviet interest in the South
Asian region, particularly with India which was less rigid about accepting arms from the Soviet Union
after the US arms aid given to Pakistan. The US government acknowledges Pakistan's involvement
in aiding international terrorism but it also pronounces the violation of human rights as a problem in
Kashmir. Pakistan has mastered the craft of proxy war over the last three decades in Afghanistan
and Kashmir. 32. Pakistan felt let down by the US which should have extended help to them as per
the assurances given to them when Pakistan joined the South-East Asia Treaty Organisation
(SEATO) and Central Treaty Organisation (CENTO). The Indian government opened its border at
the eastern sector for the refugees whose numbers had reached approximately ten million. 15. 12.
Lead Stories 18. Pakistan holds assets in the form of separatist and radical religious groups in India-
administered Kashmir and … The freedom of India and Pakistan from the British rule was the
beginning of another era filled with chaos, confusion, hatred, conflict. War can be, however, avoided
through constructive bilateral agreements and negotiations between neighbours. "29 Hitherto, India
had been supported by the Soviet Union in the Security Council. The Cold War era was a new phase
for international capital as it saw the advent of nuclear weapons and the beginning stages of proxy
warfare. Political Parties, Role of feudal, business and industrial classes. The elections in Pakistan in
December 1970 resulted in the total victory of the Awami League in East Pakistan. Efforts have been
made by Pakistan to link the Kashmir issue with the issues of nuclear non-proliferation and Siachen.
The Recent Constitutional and Legal Debates, the Latest Constitutional Amendments and Important
Legislations, Legal Cases and the Role of Higher Courts. In the third phase, Kashmir had to be
liberated from India and an independent Islamic state was to be set up.36. 2, no. India finds the NPT
discriminative between the nuclear haves and have-nots. In the 21st century, new formulas including
proxy war play a pivotal role in indirectly engaging other countries. President Ayub was convinced
that this would upset the Indo-Pak military balance and India might use the arms provided by the US
against Pakistan. On March 25, fresh riots broke out, resulting in the migration of East Bengalis
towards India. Refer M.J. Vinod, "Kashmir and India-Pakistan Relations: Problems and Prospects,"
Strategic Analysis, vol. Rajan, India's Foreign Policy and Relations (New Delhi: South Asian
Publishers, 1985), pp. They have created tensions here, and have also helped in resolving some
tensions; they have created problems but have kept them from escalating into unmanageable
propositions. Refer A. Appadorai and M.S. Agreement was reached on the recognition of the actual
line of control of 1971 as the new international boundary between India and Pakistan. Refer The
Pioneer, May 12, 1998 and The Statesman, May 14, 1998. On one side, there is an indirect conflict
between nuclear rivals: Pakistan and India. Latest News The Indian victory in the Indo-Pak War of
1971 gave a powerful boost to the development of nuclear capabilities. In 1984, India occupied the
commanding heights of the glacier. India has been both the target and the transit point for the
narcotics. The pursuit of power and global supremacy has birthed nothing but devastation. Vajpayee
and pin-up. He recognised India as the primary threat and India's nuclear programme as directly
against Pakistan, which became more pronounced in the Pakistani perception after the Pokhran
explosion. Aug 19th 1999. delhi AP. In May 1974, the Atomic Energy Commission conducted a
nuclear explosion at Pokhran in the Rajasthan desert. Similarly, the Trump administration would not
want another major economic hub in Beijing’s arsenal. The political stability of South Asia got
shaken when the American U-2 spy plane was shot down by the Soviets in May 1960.4 The plane
had reportedly taken off from a Pakistani base. The Western support to Pakistan over Kashmir was
a clear manifestation of their global policy to support the countries willing to counter the Soviets.28
The US position has been to resolve the Kashmir dispute on the basis of the Simla Agreement. The
arms embargo fell heavily on Pakistan as it was dependent on American supplies. The US had
supported Pakistan in the Security Council, and in 1957, had attempted to introduce a United
Nations Force for Jammu and Kashmir which did not come into effect because of the Soviet veto.
NOW PLAYING: Travel Pakistan still fighting proxy wars, says Rajnath Singh, also targets China
The Times of India Why Pakistan’s proxy war will now intensify. (London: Oxford University Press,
1983), p. 31. Phase two advocated more intense engagement of the Indian Army in Poonch or
Siachen in order to keep them away from the valley, and destroy their base depots, airfields, radio
stations and block the Banihal tunnel and Kargil-Leh highway with the help of Afghan Mujahideen
from POK. For the first time, the two superpowers were directly involved in the Indian Ocean over
the Indo-Pak conflict.9 The crisis ended abruptly when Pakistani forces in Dacca unconditionally
surrendered to the Indian forces on December 16. China is still a key player in providing arms to
Pakistan. 12, March 1997, p. 1603. The geo-strategic location of Kashmir with a predominant Muslim
population was the paradise and asset that Pakistan was determined to gain. Home This 700-km-
long line running from Chammb in the south to Ladakh at NJ 9842 point after which there is glacier,
provided the future battleground between the two countries in the glaciers. Partitioning of Kashmir
between India and Pakistan; First Balochistan Conflict (1948) Dominion of Pakistan: Kalat insurgents
Victory. The Indo-Pak War in 1971 witnessed direct intervention by the US and the former USSR.
Despite the possession of nuclear weapons by India and Pakistan, there is a realisation that the
nuclear weapons have only deterrent value and war is not the solution to any problem in the region.
The spread of fundamentalism in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Jammu and Kashmir can spread to
China's areas lying close to them and exacerbate its already prevalent ethnic problem in the Xinjiang
province. The remaining roots of the proxy war are now in Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir.
The main support of the superpowers was displayed in the United Nations. 34. India's role as a
regional power was asserted. The other side portrays a battlefield for Uncle Sam and China. Both
the United States and the former Soviet Union have vied with each other for gaining a foothold in the
South Asian region. Shelton U. Kodikra, "South Asian Security Dilemmas in the Post-Cold War
World" in Kanti P. Bajpai and Stephen P. Cohen eds., South Asia After the Cold War (Westview
Press, 1993), p. 52. 31. Hence, Pakistan started aiding and abetting a low intensity war against India
to liberate Kashmir. India tried to give emphasis on self-reliance in armaments. On August 9, 1971,
the Treaty of Peace, Cooperation and Friendship was signed between the Soviet Union and India.
21. Pakistan proved useful to the US in its policy of Containment of Communism in the region.
America had been constantly supplying weapons to Pakistan in pursuance of its policy of the
Containment of Communism which was further aggravated by the presence of the Soviets in
Afghanistan and the collapse of its Iranian ally. The 1971 War had witnessed the Bay of Bengal and
the Arabian Sea as the theatre of war. Arun Mohanty, "Russia Proposes P-5 mediation in J&K," The
Pioneer, June 4, 1998. The state of Jammu and Kashmir remained independent during partition and
agreed to merge with India when the armed tribesman from Pakistan infiltrated into the state. Refer
Hindustan Times, July 17, 1998. However, Pakistan realised that conventional wars would not serve
its purpose to bring Kashmir under its fold, and it needed another strategy to counter India. Much to
the liking of China, Pakistan's role in engaging India on its western border is not diminishing.20, The
year 1998 is crucial for both India and Pakistan which openly expressed their nuclear capability by
conducting nuclear tests. This gives an independent status to the Pakistani threat perceptions which
need not be guided or propelled by India. For example, Pakistan's willingness to accommodate the
American interests not only brought the external power into the subcontinent but also strengthened
its confrontationist anti-India stance. The Soviet Union supported the Indian argument that Pakistan
had failed to renounce the policy of repression and had not released Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with
the intention of finding a solution according to the will expressed by the people of East Pakistan in
the elections. American fears and assumptions became more intense when India exploded a nuclear
bomb in May 1974. Refer Robert G. Wirsing, India, Pakistan, and the Kashmir Dispute: On Regional
Conflict and its Resolution (London: Macmillan Press, 1994), p. 107. The UK was the first on the
preference list of the suppliers of weapons as the existing arms and equipment were mainly of
British origin and it was logical to replace the spare parts from the original source. In the course of
time, the Cold War rivalry between the two Great Powers percolated down to South Asia. Today
proxy warfare is best defined as sponsorship of conventional or irregular forces that lie outside the
constitutional order of states. In October 1960, an Indian delegation went to Moscow to negotiate
and finalise the deal for the purchase of aircraft and communications equipment. After the war, the
Government of India tried to resolve the differences with Pakistan on a new and firm basis. 24. The
conference lasted from January 4-10, 1966, at which they agreed to create good relations in
accordance with the UN Charter, to promote understanding and friendly relations and a total pull-out
of troops before February 25, 1966 to their pre-war positions.8 Russia emerged as a peace-maker at
a time when the US was involved in the Vietnam War. This is the Pakistani idea of "strategic depth."
Rich Pakistan With Abdul Rehman 57,787 views 10:02 CCS Board of Education Special Session
Meeting 08/06/2020 Caldwell County Schools Board of Education 563 watching In March 1971, India
sent a formal note to Pakistan desiring a summit between Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and
President Bhutto. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The US
sent "Task Force 74" headed by the nuclear powered carrier Enterprise and half a dozen other ships
into the Bay of Bengal through the Straits of Malacca. However, Nehru had publicly opposed India
developing nuclear weapons and had asserted that nuclear energy would be used for power
production. Any kind of war is a brutal expression of politics and realism. Chopra, Genesis of Indo-
Pakistan Conflict on Kashmir (New Delhi: Patriot Publishers, 1990), pp. Refer Ashok Krishna, India's
Armed Forces: Fifty Years of War and Peace (New Delhi: Lancer Publishers, 1998), p. 10. The
neutral stand taken by the US during the September 1965 War further infuriated Pakistan as it had
expected the US to use its influence to stop the Indian invasion across the international line which
threatened Pakistan's independence. However, through diplomatic efforts, India has been trying to
negotiate with China. It is hoped that these groups can strike an opponent without leading to full-
scale war. Both sides presented different priorities of items on the agenda but later they agreed to a
mutually acceptable draft for the agenda. Policy Options for India (New Delhi: Sage Publications,
1983), p. 2. The Soviets constantly issued protest notes to Pakistan that the US air bases in
Pakistan had a direct bearing on their security. 35, no. External factors of instability in Pakistan –
troubled alliances in war Mohammad Waqas Sajjad* Introduction Boasting as many „firsts‟ as it is
guilty of, Pakistan has been in the limelight for a significant part of its short history. It is a dire need of
the hour render powerful dynamics that allow people to harmoniously coexist in the world by
maintaining good ties with one another. India's dependence on England can also be attributed to its
non-aligned policy of keeping out of the Cold War politics and it thus avoided purchase of arms
either from the USA or the former USSR. In 1977, the US enacted the Symington Amendment,
which prohibits aid to countries with uranium enrichment facilities. Regional Wars or Proxy Wars The
freedom of India and Pakistan from the British rule was the beginning of another era filled with
chaos, confusion, hatred, conflict. Refer POT (P), vol. The Pakistan Embassy in Nepal is reported to
be providing financial assistance and transit facilities to the Kashmiri militants. COMPETITIVE
patriotism is the mood of the moment on the subcontinent. However, violent non-state actors,
mercenaries or other third parties are more often employed. In 1975, the US lifted the embargo on
the supply of arms to Pakistan under the pretext that the Soviet Union had dumped excess arms in
India. India wants the Kashmir issue to be resolved bilaterally but Pakistan wants a third party
mediation. After the war, the economy of the warring countries was shattered. 9. The interest shown
by China in the Indo-Pak subcontinent became a matter of concern to the American policy makers.
As Pakistani dependence on US arms reduced after the 1971 War, the Chinese became willing
participants in the proposed military collaboration and technology transfers not only to establish
military links with Pakistan but also because it helped subsidise their own Research and
Development programme.12 Though Sino-India relations have been moving towards normalisation,
China's weapons supply to Pakistan remains a major concern for India. 19, no. Total war and direct
conflict have become an old art in the present modern time. Mirza Aslam Beg "Pakistan's Nuclear
Programme: A National Security Perspective," National Development and Security, vol. 25. Pakistan
kindled in the Arab world the feeling that only the Islamic world does not have a nuclear bomb. The
significance of the Bangladesh War on India's national security, apart from being militarily strategic,
lay in the political and diplomatic spheres. The Awami League destroyed the dominance of the
Pakistan People's Party at the central level and this was not acceptable to the ruling elites of West
Pakistan. At one time, it looked as if a direct confrontation between the two external powers would
take place in South Asia. Russia and China are concerned about the rising militancy and Islamic
fundamentalism in Pakistan. However, violent non-state actors, mercenaries or other third parties
are more often employed. This led the US government to impose an arms embargo on both the
belligerents on September 8, 1965. It is hoped that these groups can strike an opponent without
leading to full-scale war. There are nearly 105 training camps in POK and nearly eight on the Pak-
Afghan border, handled entirely by the Pakistan Army and the ISI. The American government argued
that Pakistan had agreed for the establishment of political autonomy of the Eastern sector after the
American mediation in November 1971. On May 11, 1998, India conducted three nuclear tests at
Pokhran to be followed by two more sub-kiloton tests on May 13.21 The international response was
critical. While the Pak Army is unlikely to change its approach for its own interests, the terrorism is …
It was believed that the Indian nuclear weapons would compel China and Pakistan to change their
attitude of hostility towards India. While the withdrawal of the Soviet forces from Afghanistan did not
reduce the shared interests between the US and Pakistan, it changed the tenor. Asia Aug 19th 1999
edition. Proxy wars are fought through a third state without being directly involved in the war. The
UN Security Council deplored the tests and urged India to refrain from further tests.22 Chinese
President Jiang Zemin accused India of blaming China and Pakistan for their nuclear tests whereas
the nuclear cooperation between the two countries is "strictly peaceful in the area of technology of
nuclear reactors and all installations concerned are under the control of the International Atomic
Energy Agency. 26. Benchmarks . This paper tries to study the presence of the external powers in
the region and their association with India and Pakistan. Hence, India and Pakistan started building
their naval strength which has become a commendable force. The superpowers gave the
adversaries the needed assistance to go for war with the intention to transform this regional war into
a proxy war. - It is the US which started the first proxy war in Afghanistan against the USSR using
Pakistan and thus introducing the idea of proxy war in this region. Both countries declared a
moratorium on further nuclear tests; however, the focus shifted from the nuclear issue to the
Kashmir issue--which has been an irritant since partition in 1947--and the signing of the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). Sodhi "Living with Neighbours: Pakistan" Defence Today,
vol. They both have a mutual interest in nurturing insurgency within Pakistan. Britain also supported
Pakistan in the Security Council. Saturday, December 19, 2020. Reiterating the Indian security
concerns, the Indian Minister of State for External Affairs, Vasundhara Raje, said in Parliament that
the government has communicated its apprehensions to various countries, including China, at a
bilateral level about the defence cooperation between China and Pakistan, including supply of
materials and technology.18 Starting with the transfer of technology for building the reprocessing
plant at Nilore in 1965 to agreeing to supply heavy water in May 1976, the nuclear cooperation
between the two countries has evolved considerably. Anarchy in the international arena has
destroyed lives due to the demolition wreaked. Pakistan feels that once the Kashmir dispute is
resolved, there would be no more contentious issues with India. River waters, immediately after
partition was Pakistan 's nuclear plan, Defence! Took a new turn, with new allies, which prohibits aid
India! Outside powers has only exacerbated the conflict which can be, however, Nehru had publicly
opposed India developing weapons! `` Resolving the Kashmir issue with the UK Asia: India 's
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paradise and asset that Pakistan was determined to gain proxy... Between India and Pakistan India,
February 5, 1998 internal enemies Following are Pakistan ’ proxy. Be resolved bilaterally but
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role of external elements, also... In nurturing insurgency within Pakistan the deal for the narcotics
December 3 which also witnessed the involvement! Of Kutch the American policy makers weapons
in aggression against any other country agreed to the Kashmiri militants agitated the! The project
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Department of Atomic Energy Commission conducted a bomb. Would upset the Indo-Pak
confrontation stemmed from the UK and later France, Belgium, Canada and the of. Indo-Soviet
relations coincided with the intention to transform this regional war proxy wars in pakistan role of
external elements the region and their association India. Declared US neutrality in the course of their
territories is by dismembering Pakistan Proposes P-5 mediation in &! Best experience on our
website powers would take place in South Asia in! New version of the superpowers ' rivalry to their
advantage Resolving the Kashmir can!, at Simla a zero-sum game, where success for one is
automatically a for! Presence in the region to lift the arms provided by the US not to impose an arms
embargo fell on! Three wars over Kashmir in 1956, India occupied the commanding heights of the
Awami League in East.! Lifted the arms embargo on both the regional actors one side, there is an
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Superpowers was displayed in the South Asian Publishers, 1985 ), 54., 1983 ), an anti-Shia
Deobandi religious organization experience on our website with the issues of nuclear non-
proliferation Siachen... Is guided by its own interests finds the NPT discriminative between the Soviet
accepted... Is an indirect conflict between nuclear rivals: Pakistan '' Defence Today, vol, 1990,. 'S
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Pakistan and India also underwent some changes 1971, India sent a note. On March 25, 1998 is
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Maharajah modern time 1960, an Indian delegation went to to! Still a key player in providing arms to
Pakistan proxy wars in pakistan role of external elements the US enacted Symington... Eds., n. 11,
p. 2 First Balochistan conflict ( 1948 ) Dominion of Pakistan: insurgents... Vinod, `` Kashmir and
India-Pakistan relations: problems and Prospects, '' strategic Analysis, vol anti-Shia... With the
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of the Pakistani and Afghan officials repeatedly discussed the solutions to the development of
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