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Name: Christ Cano Garcia


Clearly, Abortion is one of the most controversial issues in America today. Abortion is
the ending of pregnancy before birth. There are approximately 1.5 million abortions every
year in this country. Basically, I am against abortion, but I know there are cases where
a woman can do it. From my viewpoint, aborting is the result of an irresponsible act of
men and women who do not want to take responsibility of their acts. However, there
are men and women who don’t just are in favor, but they have good reasons for it.
Lamentably, most of the people who are in favor of abortion are just teenagers who
want to do what they want. Seldom have I heard good reasons to approve Abortion. In
the following paragraphs, I will explain why I am against abortion.

First of all, it has many disadvantages. Unfortunately, an abortion results in the death
of an embryo or a fetus. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children. In
many countries, abortion is illegal. By aborting these unborn infants, humans are
hurting themselves; they are not allowing themselves to meet these new identities and
unique personalities. Abortion is very simply wrong. The Vatican teaches that all
humans have a right to life, from the moment of conception until the natural moment of
death, but many persons claim that is their body and only they can decide over it.

Actually, when humans cannot control their careless sexual drives it leads them to
pregnancy. Certainly, if humans are responsible enough to be sexually active, they
should also be responsible to accept consequences, and if those consequences
include becoming pregnant and creating a life like no other, then that life should have
the chance to live. Whether born or unborn, there should be a bond or relationship
between a mother and child.

Not only are children affected by abortion, but also women. Some states require
women seeking abortions to be counseled that they might develop mental health
problems. Now a new study, considered to be the most rigorous to look at the question
in the United States, undermines that claim. Researchers followed nearly 1,000 women
who sought abortions nationwide for five years and found that those who had the
procedure did not experience more depression, anxiety, low self-esteem or
dissatisfaction with life than those who were denied it.

In conclusion, not only does abortion affect children life, but also women’s mental
health. Because abortion causes a lot of mental conflict before and after a woman do it.
Curiously, there are three grounds that allow abortion to be legal: When there is risk to
the life of the mother. When the fetus is unviable or when the pregnancy resulted from
rape and no more than 12 weeks of gestation have passed
Name: Christ Cano Garcia
A compassionate act you’ve witnessed

After finishing my classes in my university, one day, I headed back home.

Going back home, I realized a boy was crying in the middle of the square.

Seeing that scene, I decided to go and figure out what was going on. While

getting close, I could notice that boy was completely alone. On arriving there, I

noticed a boy that was very scared asking everybody where her mother was.

Having had a completely tired day, I wondered what I could do to help him. I

didn’t know the boy, and I have heard a lot of speculations about the technique

of the crying boy, so I thought it was a trap. After taking a minute to think about

it, finally I decided to take him to the police station. Before leaving that square,

I made sure that boy weren’t lying. Being so scared and crying a lot, I couldn’t

stand more the situation and we went to the police station. Arriving there, I

was a witnessed of ana amazing thing. Seeing her son, a woman said “He is

my son, thank you very much”. I couldn’t feel more happy.

Name: Christ Cano Garcia

I have a friend name Lizeth who perfectly fits the category of special-interest

friends. Even though I had been studying with her for almost two years, we

recently started to talk to each other five months ago, ever since Lizeth and I

became friends. Cooking is our passion, so we are taking cooking classes

every day and we often spend time looking for good dishes to cook. Our

problem is deciding what to cook, I mean, yesterday, I wanted to cook rice and

chicken and she was insisting on cooking any other thing. I could say we love

arguing. However, having met her was a nice experience that could have

passed. Moreover, we love watching movies and playing videogames. Every

time when a new film is released, we often go to watch it. Then, when we have

free time, we are used to playing videogames as much as we can. Our parents

are worried about our staying too much time playing videogames, but as I said,

we only play when we have free time so our parents have to be relaxed.

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