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Data below are in $1000s

Field of Employment
Educational Services Financial Services
18 25
35 45
46 58
75 90

Anova: Single Factor

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3

Source of Variation
Between Groups
Within Groups


Thus, Julia concludes that there is no significant differe

of employment. So we cannot conclude that a
Medical Services

Count Sum Average Variance

4 174 43.5 573.6667
4 218 54.5 744.3333
4 241 60.25 1316.25

SS df MS F P-value F crit
579.5 2 289.75 0.32998 0.727281 4.256495
7902.75 9 878.0833

8482.25 11

oncludes that there is no significant difference among annual incomes by the field
employment. So we cannot conclude that average incomes differ by field
Data below are in $1000s

Field of Employment
Educational Level Educational Services Financial Services Medical Services
High School 18 25 26 23.00
Bachelor's 35 45 43 41.00
Master's 46 58 62 55.33
PhD 75 90 110 91.67
43.5 54.5 60.25 52.75

885.06 138.06 6.67 1514.51

SSR 7632.92

85.5625 3.0625 56.25

SSC 579.5

1207.56 770.06 715.56

315.06 60.06 95.06
45.56 27.56 85.56
495.06 1387.56 3277.56
SST 8482.25
SSE 269.83

Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication

SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance

Row 1 3 69 23 19
Row 2 3 123 41 28
Row 3 3 166 55.3333333333333 69.33333
Row 4 3 275 91.6666666666667 308.3333

Column 1 4 174 43.5 573.6667

Column 2 4 218 54.5 744.3333
Column 3 4 241 60.25 1316.25

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Rows 7632.91666666667 3 2544.30555555556 56.57505
Columns 579.5 2 289.75 6.442866
Error 269.833333333332 6 44.972222222222

Total 8482.25 11

Once we include the second factor, the value of SSE dramatically declines to 269.83 (from 7902).
By accounting for educational attainment, allows Julia to conclude that significant differences do
exist among incomes by field of employment
P-value F crit
8.595E-05 4.757063
0.032067 5.143253
Factor A High School




Factor B Means






Anova: Two-Factor With Replication

SUMMARY Educational Services

High School
Count 3
Sum 67
Average 22.3333333333333
Variance 6.33333333333333
Count 3
Sum 99
Average 33
Variance 7

Count 3
Sum 143
Average 47.6666666666667
Variance 4.33333333333333

Count 3
Sum 231
Average 77
Variance 7

Count 12
Sum 540
Average 45
Variance 465.090909090909

Source of Variation SS
Sample 20523.8888888889
Columns 916.222222222223
Interaction 318.444444444444
Within 249.333333333333

Total 22007.8888888889
Data below are in $1000s
Factor B
Field of Employment
Educational Services Financial Services Medical Services Factor A means
20 27 26 24.3
25 25 24 size = 9
22 25 25
30 44 42 40.8
35 46 43
34 48 45
46 50 62 53.9
47 58 56
50 56 60
79 90 90 89.2
78 92 100
74 95 105
45 54.6666666666667 56.5

1027.56 627.78 678.89

732.00 732.00 787.11
903.34 732.00 732.00
486.45 64.89 101.11
290.89 36.67 82.00
326.00 16.45 49.78
36.67 4.23 98.89
25.56 35.34 15.56
4.23 15.56 63.11
726.00 1439.78 1439.78
673.11 1595.56 2298.67
481.56 1844.23 2803.11

Factor A (SSA) Factor B
768.52 49.78 6.82 19.75
127.19 597.37 81.81 237.04
3.36 916.22
DOF = 3 DOF = 2
318.44 DOF = 6

20523.8888888889 3 6841.2962962963 658.520499108734

916.222222222223 2 458.111111111111 44.096256684492
318.444444444444 6 53.074074074074 5.10873440285204
249.333333333333 24 10.3888888888889

22007.8888888889 35

Financial Services Medical Services Total

3 3 9
77 75 219
25.6666666666667 25 24.3333333333333
1.33333333333333 1 4.5
3 3 9
138 130 367
46 43.3333333333333 40.7777777777778
4 2.33333333333333 38.6944444444443

3 3 9
164 178 485
54.6666666666667 59.3333333333333 53.8888888888889
17.3333333333333 9.33333333333333 33.6111111111113

3 3 9
277 295 803
92.3333333333333 98.3333333333333 89.2222222222222
6.33333333333333 58.3333333333333 108.694444444445

12 12
656 678
54.6666666666667 56.5
642.060606060606 810.272727272727

df MS F P-value
3 6841.2962962963 658.520499108734 3.58220346909791E-23
2 458.111111111111 44.096256684492 9.18265721733101E-09
6 53.074074074074 5.10873440285204 0.001659487976094
24 10.3888888888889

Field of Employment
Educational Services Financial Services Medical Services
High School 20 27 26
25 25 24
22 25 25
Group Means 22.3333333333333 25.6666666666667 25
Bachelor's 30 44 42
35 46 43
34 48 45
Group Means 33 46 43.33333333333
Master's 46 50 62
47 58 56
50 56 60
Group Means 47.6666666666667 54.6666666666667 59.33333333333
PhD 79 90 90
78 92 100
74 95 105
Group Means 77 92.3333333333333 98.33333333333

5.44444444444444 1.77777777777777 1
7.11111111111112 0.44444444444445 1
0.11111111111111 0.44444444444445 0
9 4 1.777777777778
4 0 0.111111111111
1 4 2.777777777778
2.77777777777777 21.7777777777778 7.111111111111
0.444444444444441 11.1111111111111 11.11111111111
5.44444444444446 1.77777777777778 0.444444444444
4 5.44444444444442 69.44444444444
1 0.11111111111111 2.777777777778
9 7.11111111111114 44.44444444444
DOF = 12*2

Location Factor A_means
Industry Location 1 Location 2 Location 3
I1 12.1 11.8 12.9
I1 11.8 11.2 12.7
I1 12.10 12.00 12.20 12.09

I2 12.40 12.60 13.00

I2 12.50 12.00 12.10 12.42
I2 12.00 12.50 12.70

Factor B (means) 12.15 12.02 12.60

Grand mean 12.26

SST is computed by squaring the deviation of each score from

the grand mean and then summing the squares

SST 0.02 0.207025 0.416025

0.207025 1.113025 0.198025
0.024025 0.065025 0.003025
0.021025 0.119025 0.555025
0.060025 0.065025 0.024025
0.065025 0.060025 0.198025
SST 3.42

SSB 1.99 (SST - SSE)

Industry Location 1 Location 2 Location 3
I1 12.1 11.8 12.9
I1 11.8 11.2 12.7
I1 12.1 12 12.2
Group Means 12 11.67 12.6
I2 12.4 12.60 13
I2 12.5 12.00 12.1
I2 12 12.50 12.7
Group Means 12.3 12.37 12.6

SSE is the variability that we observe within each group, and is

calculated by squaring the deviation of each score from its group
mean and summing these scores

SSE 0.01 0.02 0.09

0.04 0.22 0.01
0.01 0.11 0.16

0.01 0.05 0.16

0.04 0.13 0.25
0.09 0.02 0.01

SSE 1.43
Corresponding df 12
SSB is the variability of the group means around the grand mean
and is calculated by squaring the deviation of each group mean
from the grand mean, multiplying by the number of items in the
group and summing these scores.

We need to compute sum of squares for Factor A and for Factor B

and Interaction terms

Sum of Squares (Factor A)

0.248 0.252
SSA (Factor A) 0.500
Corresponding df 1

Sum of Squares (Factor B)

0.06615 0.34081667 0.71415
SSB (Factor B) 1.12
Corresponding df 2

Interaction SSB - SS (Factor A) - SS (Factor B)
Corresponding df 2

Finally, compute corresponding F ratios and compare with F critical values

Anova: Two-Factor With Replication

SUMMARY Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Total

Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 36 35 37.8 108.8
Average 12 11.66667 12.6 12.08889
Variance 0.03 0.173333 0.13 0.251111

Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 36.9 37.1 37.8 111.8
Average 12.3 12.36667 12.6 12.42222
Variance 0.07 0.103333 0.21 0.114444

Count 6 6 6
Sum 72.9 72.1 75.6
Average 12.15 12.01667 12.6
Variance 0.067 0.257667 0.136

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Sample 0.5 1 0.5 4.186047 0.063319 4.747225
Columns 1.121111 2 0.560556 4.693023 0.031211 3.885294
Interaction 0.37 2 0.185 1.548837 0.252132 3.885294
Within 1.433333 12 0.119444

Total 3.424444 17
Industry Location 1Location 2Location 3
I1 12.1 11.8 12.9
I1 11.8 11.2 12.7
I1 12.10 12.00 12.20
I2 12.40 12.60 13.00
I2 12.50 12.00 12.10
I2 12.00 12.50 12.70
Anova: Two-Factor With Replication

SUMMARYOne - Twetwenty onemore than Total

Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 11.5 6.5 5 23
Average 3.833333 2.166667 1.666667 2.555556
Variance 0.583333 0.083333 0.583333 1.277778

Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 13.5 6.5 3.5 23.5
Average 4.5 2.166667 1.166667 2.611111
Variance 0.25 1.083333 1.083333 2.798611

Bulk Storage
Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 9 5.5 11 25.5
Average 3 1.833333 3.666667 2.833333
Variance 0.25 1.083333 0.083333 1

Cold Storage
Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 7 12 13.5 32.5
Average 2.333333 4 4.5 3.611111
Variance 0.333333 1.75 0.25 1.548611

Count 12 12 12
Sum 41 30.5 33
Average 3.416667 2.541667 2.75
Variance 0.992424 1.520833 2.431818

Source of VariationSS df MS F P-value F crit
Sample 6.409722 3 2.136574 3.456929 0.032205 3.008787 Warehouse has an effect
Columns 5.013889 2 2.506944 4.05618 0.030372 3.402826 duration also has an effect
Interaction 33.15278 6 5.525463 8.940075 3.541E-05 2.508189 Interaction is significant
Within 14.83333 24 0.618056 Some workers show less absenteeism d
so effect of the warehouse type depend
Total 59.40972 35
Length of Training Session (Days)

Types of Warehouse One - Twenty twenty one - fifty more than 50

General 3 2 2.5
Merchandise 4.5 2.5 1
4 2 1.5
Commodity 5 1 0
4.5 3 1.5
4 2.5 2
Bulk Storage 2.5 1 3.5
3 3 3.5
3.5 1.5 4
Cold Storage 2 5 4
2 4.5 4.5
3 2.5 5
se has an effect
also has an effect
n is significant
rkers show less absenteeism depending on type of warehouse and the training hours
of the warehouse type depends on the training hours

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