Wimp Final Assessment-1

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Mariana Hansen’s What is My Purpose:

Final Assessment Template (100 points)

This semester, you focused on a self-selected Christlike attribute. The intent of this
project was to help you discover your purpose in life and how that contributes to family
life in the Savior’s way. As you complete this assessment, consider the correlation
between your Christlike attribute and the truths you have studied about the family, as
taught in the Family: A Proclamation to the World.

What is the Christlike attribute you studied? Clearly state the attribute (5 points), why you chose it (5
points), and 3 specific ways you have efforted, grown, and/or changed (15 points). Write in complete
sentences. 25 points


WHY: I studied trust because I had a rough go of it these last couple of semesters. I had been trying to
do all the right things, but nothing was turning out or happening. I noticed I struggle with trusting the
Lord, and I hoped that if I could start trusting Him, things could get better, and I could see differences.


1. I have been able to see new and different ways the Lord speaks to me. It’s really shown me how He
really is always there.

2. I had a blessing from a friend, and it really blew my mind. I have been working to see the miracles in
my life since then.

3. I think I’ve been able to become more comfortable with everything that is going on in my life. Even
now with everything going on with Covid-19, I almost feel super calm about it all even though there is
not definite end to it in sight right now.

Identify 3 primary sources you used to study this attribute. Be specific. Include the statement or
scripture and citation and discuss the specific words or phrases that helped you to seek for your
attribute (5 points each, 15 total):

Statement/Scripture 1: “Marriage should be an eternal relationship bonded in trust and fidelity”

President Hinckley from General Conference 1987. It’s another reason why I want to build on trust
because I have a hard time trusting people, and if I can trust the Lord, I think I grow to trust others.

Statement/Scripture 2: 2 Nephi 4:19, “And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of
my sins; nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted.”

Statement/Scripture 3: Mosiah 4:6, “the atonement which has been prepared from the foundation
of the world, that thereby salvation might come to him that should put his trust in the Lord”
As you consider the teachings of the Proclamation, what is one truth that you have come to accept
and believe this semester (5 points)? Specifically state a line from the proclamation as your anchor
statement (5 points). Write a paragraph sharing how you have grown in this truth (15 points). You
may choose to share a belief or misunderstanding you had prior to studying this truth this semester
and how you have come to change and belief this truth. (Use complete sentences, proper sentence
structure and grammar, and a minimum of 250 words- 10 points) 35 points

One truth that I has really helped me this semester is, “in the premortal realm, spirit sons and
daughters knew and worshipped God as their Eternal Father and accepted His plan by which His
children could obtain a physical body and gain earthly experience to progress toward perfection and
ultimately realize their divine destiny.” The entire paragraph following the quote is all about how we
have accepted His plan, and we trusted Him in the premortal life. It’s been an important reminder for
me that we all trusted Him before this life, and we can trust Him now. I never really thought about our
premortal like that before. I only saw it as a time of preparing for this time and where we knew of Him
before. Learning from the family proclamation has shown me new ways to see how God really does
prepare us for everything, and we can truly trust in Him.

In what ways does this truth correlate to your self-selected Christlike attribute? Write a paragraph
connecting the truth you have identified from the proclamation with your attribute focus this
semester. (10 points)
I kind of touched on this, but using the truth as a reminder is how it’s helped me with trust. It
shows me that I have wholeheartedly trusted Him before, and He obviously came through with
sending us all here on earth. It’s been a real, nice foundation for building this attribute.

Now what? Our efforts for self-improvement and mastery are essential to defending and protecting
the family as the basic unit of society! I commend you for your efforts this semester in seeking to
grow and change. What will you focus on now? Share with me an attribute you feel inclined to
focus on for the next 100 days. (Think about President Nelson’s invitation to each of us to prepare
for April 2020 general conference. See closing remarks, October 2019). State a SMART goal you’re
comfortable sharing with me. SMART = Simple Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely. (15 points)

SIMPLE Goal: I think a good goal is reading more talks again. I would read them a lot last year, and I
felt like I have been slacking a bit.

Measurement: I think I’ll start off by reading one a week, and starting off from this conference.

How is it achievable? It’s pretty achievable because of the access we have to them on our phones. I
think it just needs to be accounted for, so I may create a chart and put it in my room to count off
every time I read a talk.

What makes it realistic: I was able to do it before, and I think just with everything that has been
going on, I started slacking and then dropped it. I think now, I can start again especially since I have
so much free time. Slipping in a talk every now and then will be good.

In what ways is it timely? It helps me use my time wisely since most of the time I’m watching
Netflix. I think it will help me be more cautious and useful of my time.

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