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Bioresource Technology 191 (2015) 53–58

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Lactic acid production from acidogenic fermentation of fruit

and vegetable wastes
Yuanyuan Wu, Hailing Ma, Mingyue Zheng, Kaijun Wang ⇑
State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

h i g h l i g h t s

 Lactic acid with amount of 10–20 g/L was stably produced at pH 4.0.
 The fermentation type was finally converted into heterofermentation at pH 4.0.
 Hydrolysis was enhanced and lactic acid fermentation was improved at pH 5.0.
 Bifidobacterium played an important role for lactic acid production at pH 5.0.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This work focused on the lactic acid production from acidogenic fermentation of fruit and vegetable
Received 19 March 2015 wastes treatment. A long term completely stirred tank reactor (CSTR) lasting for 50 days was operated
Received in revised form 23 April 2015 at organic loading rate (OLR) of 11 gVS/(L d) and sludge retention time (SRT) of 3 days with pH controlled
Accepted 25 April 2015
at 4.0 (1–24 day) and 5.0 (25–50 day). The results indicated that high amount of approximately 10–20 g/L
Available online 7 May 2015
lactic acid was produced at pH of 4.0 and the fermentation type converted from coexistence of homofer-
mentation and heterofermentation into heterofermentation. At pH of 5.0, the hydrolysis reaction was
improved and the total concentration of fermentation products increased up to 29.5 gCOD/L. The hetero-
Lactic acid
fermentation was maintained, however, bifidus pathway by Bifidobacterium played an important role.
Anaerobic digestion Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Acidogenic fermentation
Fruit and vegetable wastes

1. Introduction treatment to keep the stability of whole system at high OLR

(Mtz-Viturtia et al., 1995; Bouallagui et al., 2004; Shen et al.,
In China, fruit and vegetable wastes (FVWs) are greatly gener- 2013). However, the OLR of two-phase anaerobic digestion were
ated approximately 1.3 million tons per day in Chinese cities, how- only reported with limited increase to 5.7–7.7 KgVS/(m3 d), which
ever, less than 20% were properly treated (Shen et al., 2013; Liu was summarized by Ganesh et al. (2014). In addition, the construc-
et al., 2012). Anaerobic digestion has been considered to be the tion and operational cost were also increased for the additional
most promising alternative technology for FVWs treatment. With reactors and alkaline addition.
the characteristics of high volatile solids and easy degradability, Recently the concept of VFAs platform has been proposed and
the FVWs could be rapidly hydrolyzed, which might lead to the based on that, several end products other than methane such as
acid accumulation and inhibition to methanogenesis if the reactor polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), medium chain fatty acids, biofuels
is overloaded. Ganesh et al. (2014) summarized the published lit- or hydrogen gas are being researched (Chang et al., 2010; Reis
eratures and concluded that the maximum OLR for single-phase et al., 2003; Agler et al., 2012; Steinbusch et al., 2000). There have
anaerobic digestion of FVWs was within 3.6 KgVS/(m3 d). been a lot of researches on the VFAs production from different
According to the study of Shen et al. (2013), volatile fatty acids wastes or wastewaters. Jiang et al. (2013) found that the optimal
(VFAs) would accumulate to 2.3 g/L and pH would decrease to condition for VFAs production were pH 6.0, 35 °C, 11gTS/(L d) from
6.8 if the OLR was increased to 3.5 KgVS/(m3 d). And then, food waste with acetate and butyrate accounting for 60%. Chen
two-phase anaerobic digestion technology was applied for FVWs et al. (2007) reported that alkaline pH (8.0–11.0) could signifi-
cantly improve the total VFAs concentration from waste activated
sludge and acetate, propionate and isovaleric acid were the three
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 62789411; fax: +86 10 62773065. main VFAs. Yu and Fang (2002) recommended that productions
E-mail address: (K. Wang).
0960-8524/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
54 Y. Wu et al. / Bioresource Technology 191 (2015) 53–58

of butyrate and acetate were favored at pH of 6.0–6.5 while etha- 2.3. Analytical methods
nol and propionate at pH 4.0–4.5 from dairy wastewater.
However, most of the studies focused on VFAs production (acet- The production of gas was flowed to the gas counters manufac-
ate, propionate, iso-butyrate, butyrate, iso-valerate, valerate), only tured by Bioprocess AB, Lund, Sweden. Gas samples were taken
a handful of studies paid attention to other fermentation products through the sampling port located on the top of the reactor while
such as lactic acid, ethanol or succinate. Lactic acid has been veri- effluent samples were collected from the draw-off materials every
fied as an available building block for PHAs and it is also widely day.
used in industries such as the pharmaceutical, biomaterial, deter- TS, VS, TSS and VSS were measured according to the standard
gent, leather, and textile industries (Jiang et al., 2011; Kim et al., methods (APHA, 1998). The tCOD and sCOD were determined by
2012; Mazzoli et al., 2014). Temudo et al. (2007) investigated the spectrophotometry (DR6000, HACH Company, Germany) and
influence of pH on glucose fermentation by mixed culture and indi- sCOD was measured after filtration (0.45 lm). The total COD of fer-
cated that lactic acid with low yield rate of 0.2 mol/mol glucose mentation products marked as tCODp was calculated by the sum of
was produced at pH of 4.0–5.0. Wang et al. (2014) evaluated the COD of individual fermentation product.
effect of pH on acidogenic end products from food waste in batch Volatile fatty acids (acetate, propionate, butyrate, iso-butyrate,
experiments and found that high concentration of 18 g/L lactic acid valerate, iso-valerate) and other fermentation products including
was produced at pH of 4.0. Selective production of lactic acid was caproate, lactate, succinic acid and formic acid were determined
tried with glucose as substrate by Itoh et al. (2012) and results by high performance liquid chromatography (SHIMADZU
showed that lactic acid was produced at low pH of 3.5, however, Company, Japan), using an Aminex HPX-87H column (T = 50 °C)
the lactic fermentation was not stable. Thus, the lactic acid could from Bio Rad coupled to an UV (210 nm) detector, while sulfuric acid
be produced from the acidogenic fermentation at low pH, however 5 mM was used as eluent at a rate of 0.5 ml/min. Ethanol was
further investigation such as the fermentation stability in long determined by gas chromatography (Agilent 7890A, Agilent
term operation, fermentation mechanism and bacterial community Technologies, America) equipped with a capillary column
are still necessary. (DB-FFAP, 30 m  0.53 mm  1 lm) and a flame ionization detec-
Therefore, a long term CSTR reactor was operated to investigate tor. The temperature of the injector and detector were both 230 °C.
the possibility and stability of lactic acid production from acido- The column temperature was increased from 70 °C to 180 °C at a rate
genic fermentation of FVWs treatment. The bacterial community of 20 °C/min and kept at 180 °C for an additional 5 min. The nitrogen
and fermentation mechanism for lactic acid fermentation were gas was used as carrier gas. Gas content (hydrogen gas, carbon
also investigated. In addition, the method of increasing pH was also monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane) was determined by gas
tried to improve the lactic acid fermentation. chromatograph (Agilent, 7890A) fitted with a thermal conductivity
detector and Agilent Carboxen 1000 column (4.5 m  2 mm; mesh
size 60/80). The argon gas was used as carrier gas with a rate of
2. Methods 30 mL/min. The temperature of injector, detector and column were
150 °C, 250 °C and 150 °C, respectively.
2.1. Inoculums and substrate
2.4. Bacterial community analysis
The seed sludge was taken from anaerobic digester in Xiao
Hongmen wastewater treatment plant in Beijing city, China. The 2.4.1. Clone library analysis
pH, total suspended solids (TSS) and volatile suspended solids To analyze the structure of bacterial communities in the CSTR,
(VSS) concentration of the sludge were 7.8, 8.66 g/L, and 4.86 g/L, the sludge of the 24th day in the CSTR was used for clone library
respectively. analysis and high throughput pyrosequencing. In addition, the
Simulated FVWs was used as substrate composing 57% water- sludge of the 50th day was used for high throughput
melon, 29% apple and 14% potato by wet weight. After crushed pyrosequencing.
by a food waste disposer (produced by In Sink erator company, The deoxyribonucleic acids (DNAs) of different sludge samples
Model 55, 410w) and fully mixed, the simulated FVWs was stored were extracted using the Fast DNA SPIN Kit for Soil (MP
at 20 °C in a refrigerator and the frozen FVWs was thawed at Biomedicals LLC., Califonia, USA). The primers 27F (50 -AGAGTTTGA
4 °C before use every day. Raw shredded FVWs were analyzed TCCTGGCTCAG-30 ) and1522R (50 -AAGGAGGTGATCCAGCCAGCCGC
more than ten times, and the initial total solids (TS) concentration A-30 ) were used for the amplification of bacterial 16S rRNA genes
and volatile solids (VS) were approximately 100 g/kg and 87 g/kg, (Fuller et al., 2003). The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was per-
respectively. The total COD (tCOD), soluble COD (sCOD) and formed in a final volume of 50 lL containing 5 lL of DNA buffer,
NH+4-N were 137.1, 79.3 and 0.07 g/kg, respectively, and the pH 4 lL of deoxy-ribonucleoside triphosphate (dNTP), 0.5 lL of each
was 4.5–4.8. primer, 1 lL of extracted DNA solutions, 0.5 lL Taq DNA polymerase
and 38.5 lL sterile water. The operations of amplification of bacte-
rial 16S rRNA genes were as follows: 94 °C for 2 min, 30 cycles of
2.2. Reactors operation design 94 °C for 1 min, annealing at 50 °C for 1 min and extension at 72 °C
for 1.5 min and final extension at 72 °C for 5 min. The PCR products
A CSTR reactor with a working volume of 1.5 L (total 2 L) was were purified with QIA quick PCR purification kit (Qiagen Company,
operated at a greenhouse maintained at 35 °C. The reactor was Hilden, Germany) and then cloned into PMD18-T vector (Takara
fully stirred by magnetically stirring. The SRT of the CSTR reactor Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Dalian, China). 50 Positive clones were
was set at 3 days and OLR was 11 gVS/(L d) by feeding diluted sequenced (completed by Takara Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Dalian,
FVWs (200 g raw FVWs diluted to 500 ml with tap water). The China), which were randomly chosen using a 3730XLDNAAnalyzer
pH of CSTR reactor was controlled at 4.0 (stage 1: 1–24 day) and (Applied Biosystems Company, USA) and all sequences were sub-
5.0 (stage 2: 25–50 day) by a pH controller with addition of HCl mitted to the BLASTN (NCBI, USA) to obtain the closest relatives.
(2 M) and NaOH (2 M). The reactor was fed and drawn off once a
day and the draw-off effluent was used for analysis. The character- 2.4.2. High throughput pyrosequencing and sequence analysis
istics of effluent were determined every day in the first 24 days and The samples were sent to GENEWIZ, Inc. (Jiangsu, China) for
every two days in the 25–50 day. DNA extraction and sequencing on the Illumina MiSeq
Y. Wu et al. / Bioresource Technology 191 (2015) 53–58 55

pyrosequencing platform. After primers was removed, the raw acidogenic bacteria. Jiang et al. (2013) reported that the VFAs
sequences was demultiplexed, qualified and then clustered to accounted for 6.6% at pH uncontrolled around 3.0 for food waste
operational taxonomical units (OTUs) except that the initial treatment in batch experiment. Doğan and Demirer (2009) found
removal of sequences was aimed at quality score <25. Total of that the ratio of acid produced to sCOD was approximately 19.1%
255980 (the sample in the 24th day) and 85514 (the sample in at pH uncontrolled for municipal solid waste treatment.
the 50th day) high-quality 16S rRNA gene sequences were However, in this study the concentration of tCODp was
obtained with average length larger than 400 bp, but less than 23.5 gCOD/L and then the ratio of tCODp/sCOD was high to
480 bp. 84.1%. Wang et al. (2014) found that the maximum VFAs concen-
trations at pH 4.0 was only 2.9 gCOD/L, however, high concentra-
tion of 18.50 g/L lactic acid was also produced at pH of 4.0. Lactic
3. Results and discussion
acid with concentration of approximately 9.0 g/L was also found
at uncontrolled pH in batch experiment (Kim et al., 2003).
3.1. Lactic acid fermentation
Therefore, lactic acid was an indispensable fermentation product
at pH of 4.0 for FVWs treatment and the acidogenic bacteria still
In stage 1, the pH in the CSTR reactor was controlled between
maintained relatively high activity at low pH of 4.0.
4.0 ± 0.1 by the pH controller lasting for 24 days. As shown in
Fig. 1, the total COD concentration of fermentation products
increased gradually from start-up to 7th day and then maintained 3.1.2. Bacterial community
relatively stable around 23.5 ± 2.5 gCOD/L till the end of stage 1. In To reveal the bacterial community’s structure of the lactic acid
the stable period, lactic acid, acetate and ethanol were the three fermentative CSTR, mixed liquor sample in 24th day was used for
main products. In addition, lactic acid was produced with high high through pyrosequencing and 16S rRNA clone library.
amount of 10–20 g/L. Obviously, the concentration of lactic acid According to the results of the high through pyrosequencing, genus
from the 16th day to 23th day was lower than the concentration Lactobacillus was observed with the largest proportion of 94.2%
from the 7th day to 15th day, however, for ethanol it was exactly (Fig. 3). In addition, according to the results of clone library analy-
on the contrary. Therefore, the whole operational time was sepa- sis, the Lactobacillus bacteria took a proportion of 72% and other
rated into three phases: phase 1 (1–7 day), phase 2 (7–15 day), bacteria uncultured were with a proportion of 28% (Fig. 4). Both
phase 3(16–24 day). the results of pyrosequencing and clone library indicated that the
The results of gas production rate and gas content during the Lactobacillus was the dominant bacteria in the CSTR reactor.
operation of stage 1 were shown in Fig. 2. It is obvious that the According to the literatures, Lactobacillus contains various different
gas production rate was higher in phase 3 than phase 2. The hydro- species (Hove et al., 1999). The main Lactobacillus in this study was
gen gas, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane were Lactobacillus points (32%), Lactobacillus frumenti (10%), Lactobacillus
determined in this study. As shown in Fig. 2, carbon dioxide took acidophilus (8%) and Lactobacillus amylovorus (6%) (Fig. 4).
the largest proportion of more than 99% and hydrogen gas less than
1% was produced. 3.1.3. Fermentation type
According to literatures, there are two major pathways of lactic
3.1.1. Hydrolysis and acidogenesis acid production occurring within lactic acid bacteria: homofer-
The average concentration of tCOD and sCOD of effluent in stage mentation and heterofermentation. Fermentation products of
1 were 40.7 g/L and 27.9 g/L, while the value of TS, VS, TSS, VSS and homofermentation are exclusively lactic acid, while heterofermen-
NH+4-N were 26.6 g/L, 18.9 g/L, 12.0 g/L, 10.3 g/L and 68.3 mg/L. The tation was with equimolar amounts of CO2, lactate and acetate or
ratio of tCODp to sCOD is important as it indicates the activity of ethanol except bifidobacteria (Kandler, 1983). Bifidobacteria was
total concentation of fermentation products(mgCOD/l)

phase 1 phase 2 phase 3

concentration of fermentation products(mg/l)

30000 30000
28000 ethanol
26000 lactic acid
24000 tCODp
20000 20000
10000 10000
0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
time (d)
Fig. 1. Results of total and individual concentration of fermentation products in stage 1.
56 Y. Wu et al. / Bioresource Technology 191 (2015) 53–58

phase 1 phase 2 phase 3

gas volume 100
800 H2

gas production rate (Nml/d)


gas content(%)


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
time (d)
Fig. 2. Results of gas production rate and gas content in stage 1.

of obligately heterofermentation and obligately homofermentation

proportion of bacterial community in CSTR(%)

took proportion of 69% and 25%, respectively, while the left 6% was
100 facultatively heterofermentation.
90 Myroides The average concentrations of lactic acid, ethanol and acetate in
Tissierella_Soehngenia phase 2 were 191.3, 37.0 and 42.3 mM, while in phase 3 were
80 Clostridium
Fructobacillus 114.8, 86.9 and 43.7 mM. The ratio of lactic acid to the sum of etha-
Pediococcus nol and acetate in phase 2 was 2.4 while in phase 3 was 0.9.
Bacillus Therefore, the fermentation type in phase 2 may be the coexistence
60 Chloroplast of heterofermentation and homofermentation, however, heterofer-
50 Acinetobacter mentation was very likely to be the dominant fermentation route
Flavobacterium in phase 3. In addition, the ratio of acetate to ethanol was 0.5,
40 Bacteroides
Leuconostoc meaning that the heterofermentation was mainly by fermentation
Dialister with equimolar amounts of CO2, lactate and ethanol.
Alloscardovia As shown in Fig. 2, the gas production rate was between 140–
20 Aeriscardovia 250 NmL/d in phase 2 and between 300–760 NmL/d in phase 3.
10 Bifidobacterium The gas production rate could be considered as approximately
Lactobacillus the carbon dioxide production rate due to carbon dioxide took
the proportion of more than 99%. The carbon dioxide increased
stage 1(pH=4.0) stage 2(pH=5.0)
from phase 2 to phase 3, which was in accordance with the conver-
Fig. 3. The structure of bacterial community in stage 1 and stage 2 based on high sion of fermentation type from coexistence of homofermentation
throughout pyrosequencing. and heterofermentation to heterofermentation.

2% 2% 3.2. Improvement of lactic acid fermentation

4% 2% 2% 4%
In order to improve the lactic acid fermentation, the pH of the
CSTR reactor was adjusted to 5.0 from the 25th day and the con-
centrations of fermentation product were shown in Fig. 5. The total
COD concentration of fermentation products increased gradually
from the 25th to 31th day and then maintained relatively stable
around 32.1 ± 4.8 gCOD/L from the 31th to 49th day. Therefore,
32% the total concentration of fermentation products was improved
Lb. pontis Lb. frumenti Lb. acidophilus compared with stage 1. For individual fermentation product, lactic
Lb. amylovorus Lb. amylolyticus Lb. reuteri acid was produced with high amount of around 15.0 g/L. And the
Lb. secaliphilus Lb. gastricus Lb. coleohominis concentration of ethanol was between 0.8 and 1.5 g/L while acetate
bifidobacterium others
was approximately between 2.5–10.0 g/L. In addition, the gas vol-
Fig. 4. Abundance of bacterial community by clone library analysis in stage 1. ume was increased to 637.5 NmL/d and carbon dioxide was still
with high average proportion of 99.2%.
certified via the ‘bifidus pathway’ to produce 1.5 molecules of acet-
ate and one molecule of lactic acid per molecule of glucose. The fer- 3.2.1. Hydrolysis and acidogenesis
mentation types of lactobacillus involved in this study were The average concentration of tCOD and sCOD of effluent in the
summarized according to Holzapfel and Wood (2014). The bacteria stable period of stage 2 were 43.7 and 35.0 g/L. Therefore, the ratio
Y. Wu et al. / Bioresource Technology 191 (2015) 53–58 57

total concentration of fementation products(mgCOD/l)

concentration of fementation products(mg/l)
40000 40000

35000 35000

30000 30000

25000 25000

20000 20000

15000 15000

10000 10000

5000 5000

0 0
24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
time (d)
butyrate propionate acetate ethanol lactic acid tCODp
Fig. 5. Results of total and individual concentration of fermentation products in stage 2.

of sCOD/tCOD was 80.0%, which was obviously higher than 68.6% amount of more than 96% (based on mol concentration). The aver-
when in stage 1 with pH controlled at 4.0. It indicated that the age concentration of lactic acid, ethanol and acetate were 172.8,
hydrolysis reaction was obviously improved with the increase of 28.4 and 131.1 mM. Thus, heterofermentation was still the domi-
pH from 4.0 to 5.0. Bouallagui et al. (2004) also reported that the nant fermentative route when pH was increased to 5.0. In addition,
optimal pH for better hydrolytic bacteria activity was between the ratio of acetate to ethanol changed from 0.5 at phase 3 of stage
5.0 and 6.0. The average concentration of total COD of individual 1 to 5.0 at stage 2. The high amount of Bifidobacterium with ‘bifidus
fermentation product was 29.5 gCOD/L and thus the ratio of pathway’ fermentation in the CSTR may be responsible for the
tCODp/sCOD was 84.5%, which was almost same with the ratio of greatly increase of the ratio of acetate to ethanol.
84.1% in stage 1. Therefore, the improvement of lactic acid fermen-
tation was mainly because of the enhancement of hydrolysis
4. Conclusions
At pH 4.0, lactic acid with amount of 10.0–20.0 g/L was stably
3.2.2. Bacterial community
produced from the FVWs treatment. The fermentation type was
As shown in Fig. 3, the bacterial community in stage 2 was more
converted from coexistence of homofermentation and heterofer-
diversity than in stage 1. Lactobacillus was still the most abundant
mentation into heterofermentation. At pH 5.0, the hydrolysis reac-
(45.7%), followed by Bifidobacterium (22.3%), Prevotella (17.4%) and
tion was enhanced and thus the lactic acid fermentation was
Aeriscardovia (1.2%). The genus Bifidobacterium is traditionally con-
improved. The heterofermentation was maintained as dominant
sidered to be part of the lactic acid bacteria forming acetate and
fermentation type, however, bifidus pathway by Bifidobacterium
lactic acid in 3:2 molar ratio (Holzapfel and Wood, 2014). The acid
played an important role.
susceptibility of Bifidobacterium is dependent on the strain, how-
ever, in general, it can be considered that bifidobacteria have a
weak acid tolerance (Maus and Ingham, 2003). Rasic and Acknowledgements
Kurmann (1983) reported that the numbers Bifidobacterium rapidly
declined at pH < 4.3. Therefore, the increase of pH to 5.0 benefited This work was financially supported by National Natural
the growth of Bifidobacterium. Prevotella were reported to be able Science Foundation of China (21206084) and Program for
to grow at pH as low as 5.0–5.5 and could utilize glucose to pro- Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University
duce organic acids such as formic acid, acetate, fumaric acid suc- (No. IRT1152).
cinic acid (Takahashi, 2003). Aeriscardovia as a kind of
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