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in the Elementary Classroom

hen we encourage children to be prob- 4. The multipliers are different numbers.
lem posers, we are inviting them to do 5. This is a multiplication problem.
what mathematicians do—that is, to look 6. The multipliers are consecutive counting numbers.
closely, seek patterns, offer conjectures, and set out 7. The difference between the multipliers is 1.
on paths that are not clearly marked (Brown and 8. One multiplier is even, the other is odd, and the
Walter 1990; NCTM 2000). In the process of their product is even.
investigations, mathematicians also develop atti- 9. The product is 4 more than a square number (16)
tudes about learning, such as perseverance, willing- and 5 less than another square number (25).
ness to revise their thinking, and appreciation for
the value of risk taking. This article invites readers Let’s stop there for now.
to go along on a problem-posing venture them- The art of problem posing starts with observa-
selves as a way to get a feel for these benefits. The tions. Once we have observations, we are ready for
article concludes with some suggestions for getting some adventuring. The observations above seem
started with problem posing in the classroom. rather obvious and in some cases redundant, such
Let’s see where this problem posing can lead us. as that the multipliers are consecutive numbers and
Take the statement 4 × 5 = 20. What do we notice have a difference of 1. However, each is a valuable
about this numerical statement? Let’s make a chart contribution, as we shall see. Next, the way we can
to record our observations. begin to engage in posing some problems ourselves
is to look at our observations and think about how
we can extend or modify them. The art of problem
Observations about posing is built around the idea of change: “The
4 × 5 = 20 more we change something, the better we under-
1. Two multipliers are involved. stand it” (Brown and Walter 1990, p. 123). So let’s
2. One multiplier is a multiple of 2. do some changing.
3. The other multiplier is a multiple of 5. We can pick any of our observations to start.
What intrigues us? How about the first one, namely,
that this problem has two multipliers? We can
By David J. Whitin extend this observation by asking ourselves, Do
David Whitin,, is a professor of elementary education any other sets of two multipliers equal 20? We can
at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. He has an interest in promot- think of 1 × 20 and 2 × 10. What about 20 × 1 and
ing inquiry-based learning in the classroom and views problem posing as an 10 × 2—do these variations count too? And what
important avenue for doing so.
about 40 × 0.5? Or 100 × 0.20? Or 8 × 2.5? We are
in charge of the problem, so it is up to us to deter-
mine what counts and what does not. One benefit

14 Teaching Children Mathematics / August 2006

Copyright © 2006 The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc. All rights reserved.
This material may not be copied or distributed electronically or in any other format without written permission from NCTM.
of problem posing is that it gives learners the own- 1×2=2
ership of the problem and with it the responsibility 2×3=6
for shaping the parameters of the problem. For 3 × 4 = 12
example, depending on the rules you set, can you 4 × 5 = 20
name all sets of two multipliers for 20? I leave that 5 × 6 = 30
question for the reader to pursue. 6 × 7 = 42
Next, let’s modify this question slightly and ask, 7 × 8 = 56
What about using three multipliers to equal 20? We 8 × 9 = 72
can come up with 2 × 2 × 5; 1 × 1 × 20. What about
4 × 10 × 0.5? Do we want to include decimals? If What do we notice about our findings? One obser-
so, how many other ways could we find to equal vation is the existence of a pattern of even differ-
20? Again, that direction is another for the reader ences among the products (6 – 2 = 4, 12 – 6 = 6,
to pursue. 20 – 12 = 8, and so on). This pattern makes me
Let’s return to our original list of observa- wonder what would happen if we used two multi-
tions and do some more changing. The difference pliers that have a difference of 2. Would this pattern
between the multipliers is 1. What if we extended of even differences in the products still occur?
that observation by looking at other sets of con- Before we explore this idea further, let’s men-
secutive numbers? For example, we might consider tion a few more benefits about problem posing.
the following: First of all, it develops a spirit of inquiry. Notice

Teaching Children Mathematics / August 2006 15

Notice some other benefits of problem posing. It
supports learners in asking the perennial question
that mathematicians pose: Is this always true? That
is, did this relationship occur fortuitously, or does
a pattern lurk behind these numbers? The other
benefit is that problem posing involves poking and
prying for patterns. This too is the daily work of
Let’s look at our original chart of observations
and pursue one more idea. What about the fact that
each product lies between two square numbers?

2 × 3 = 6 (the product is 2 more than the square

of 2 and 3 less than the square of 3)
3 × 4 = 12 (the product is 3 more than the square
of 3 and 4 less than the square of 4)
4 × 5 = 20 (the product is 4 more than the square
of 4 and 5 less than the square of 5)
5 × 6 = 30 (the product is 5 more than the square
of 5 and 6 less than the square of 6)
6 × 7 = 42 (the product is 6 more than the square
of 6 and 7 less than the square of 7)
that the more we observe, the more we want to find
out. Second, it leads us into unknown territory. Do Another benefit of problem posing is that it
I know what this next set of multipliers is going prompts us to ask, Why does this outcome occur?
to yield? No, I do not. If we want children to do This question also recurs constantly in a mathe-
what mathematicians do, then they must have the matician’s life. Uncovering patterns is certainly
opportunity to set out on journeys that are not well joyful, but even more rewarding is discovering
marked. Problem posing allows us to make those why those patterns are occurring. Let’s see what
journeys. we notice about our original problem: 4 × 5 = 20.
Let’s return to our problem and see what the dif- We see that 20 is 4 away from the nearest smaller
ference of 2 between the multipliers shows: square, 16, and is 5 away from the nearest larger
square, 25. Why? We notice that 4 × 5 is like 4 × 4,
1×3=3 or 16, but includes one more 4, or 5 × 4. Further,
2×4=8 4 × 5 is like 5 × 5, or 25, but lacks one 5.
3 × 5 = 15 Of course, we could pursue many other ques-
4 × 6 = 24 tions about our problem 4 × 5 = 20:
5 × 7 = 35
6 × 8 = 48 1. Do we always get an even product when multi-
7 × 9 = 63 plying an odd number by an even number?
2. What do we find if we multiply an odd number
Here the differences are odd (8 – 3 = 5, 15 – 8 = by an odd number? An even number by an even
7, and so on). We note with interest that when the number? What if we multiplied three odd num-
difference between the multipliers is even, such bers or three even numbers?
as this difference of 2, the difference among the 3. What if we continued to multiply by multiples
products is odd. And in our previous problem of of 2 and multiples of 5? What patterns might we
consecutive numbers, the results were the reverse: see?
An odd difference between the multipliers (in this 4. What if we tried using multipliers that are the
example, 1) yields an even difference among the same to make 20? Is this result possible? What
products. Is this outcome always true? What if we products are possible using multipliers that are
tried differences among the multipliers of 3, 4, and the same?
5? If that question is intriguing, the reader might 5. What if we tried adding two numbers to equal
want to pursue it. 20? How many ways could we do so? What do

16 Teaching Children Mathematics / August 2006

we notice about odd and even numbers when squares is the only solution. Teachers can encour-
adding to make 20? age further analysis by asking, “Does someone
6. Why, when we add an odd and an even number, see other squares?” One child may suggest 2 × 2
do we get an odd number, but when we multiply squares; another may include 3 × 3 squares. These
an odd number by an even number we get an additional solutions suggest a what-if question:
even number? “What if we counted same-sized squares?” Explor-
ing together what the problem is asking makes chil-
We could go on and on. The more we keep notic- dren better problem solvers and problem posers.
ing, the more we keep wondering. That cycle is the 3. Make the familiar strange. Look for familiar
life of problem posers. situations to demonstrate what problem posing
is. For instance, once children have analyzed the
familiar game of tic-tac-toe, change the rules.
Some Specific Suggestions Rules are nothing more than the attributes of a
As the previous example illustrates, problem pos- particular game. What if the object of the game is
ing encourages learners to look closely at the to avoid getting three in a row? That is, what if the
features of problems and mathematical situations. first person to get three in a row loses? What might
The strategy can involve children in becoming be effective strategies for playing this game under
more in charge of creating problem variations. the revised rules? In this way children are encour-
This sense of ownership engenders a deeper aged to use what they know about a familiar game
commitment to the task. It also stirs a spirit of and to change it in a new situation. Problem posing
inquisitiveness because new questions are being fosters this kind of flexible thinking.
raised all the time. Given these benefits, how can 4. Reverse the known and the unknown in story
today’s busy teachers incorporate problem posing problems (Moses, Bjork, and Goldenberg 1990).
in their classrooms? Some of these recommenda- Both the known and the unknown are two attributes
tions include the following. of a given problem that children can deliberately
change to create a slightly different problem. For
1. Demonstrate problem posing to students by example, consider this story problem:
modeling thinking-aloud behaviors. In this way
children can hear you ruminating about different  ary buys 15 marbles at the store. When she
possibilities to pursue. For instance, you might say, gets home, she discovers that she has a hole in
“I noticed that when we circled multiples of 4 and her pocket. She has only 8 marbles left. How
5 on the hundreds chart, we found five numbers many marbles did she lose?
that had double circles: 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100. I
wonder why only five numbers were circled. And I The known is the total number of marbles (as
wonder why it was those five. I wonder what other well as the number of marbles she had left); the
pairs of numbers might give us five numbers with unknown is the number lost. The teacher can then
double circles. I wonder what we would find if we demonstrate how to modify this problem: “What if
tried two other numbers that were consecutive?” we reverse the known and the unknown? What new
Teachers play a vital role in fostering this prob- problems could we create?” The students might try
lem-posing environment by suggesting options, the following:
pointing to new directions, and always asking,
“What next?” Such demonstrations by teachers  ary put some marbles in her pocket. Unfortu-
may encourage children to pose these kinds of nately, she had a hole in her pocket and discov-
questions on their own. ered that she had lost 7 marbles. If she started
2. Pose problems that invite children to exam- with 15 marbles, how many does she have left?
ine the implicit parameters of the problem. For
instance, consider the following problem: “How Teachers often give children a “problem of the
many squares are in a 4 × 4 square grid?” The day” to solve each morning. These problems can
teacher’s role is to draw out the assumptions in become a rich demonstration of problem posing by
such a problem. In this way students can become reversing the known and the unknown. An impor-
more proficient at analyzing these assumptions, or tant component of this approach is for teachers to
features, as part of the “given” of a problem. In the first ask children to identify the known and the
present example, some children may think that 16 unknown. As children become more adept at this

Teaching Children Mathematics / August 2006 17

kind of analysis, they can be challenged to create share these cookies. Teachers have modified these
such alternative problems on their own. features of the story to create alternative scenarios:
5. Pose problems that have various solutions and What if there were still twelve cookies but now
then use those solutions to make new extensions. there were twenty-four children? How might they
For instance, in a second-grade classroom children share the cookies? Or what if two children were
brainstormed properties and representations for 52, trying to share eleven cookies; how could they
which was the number of days they had been in share them fairly? Teachers have also used 26 Let-
school. Some of their solutions included these: ters and 99 Cents (Hoban 1988) to do some prob-
lem posing. One half of the book shows different
“5 tens and 2 ones” combinations of coins to make certain amounts of
“It’s an even number.” money. For instance, readers see twenty-five cents
“If you reverse the digits, it’s odd (25).” as two dimes and a nickel. Teachers can extend this
“It’s 100 – 48.” initial solution by asking, “What if we use pennies,
“25 times 2, plus 2” as well as nickels and dimes? What other solutions
could we find?” Much good children’s literature
Teachers can extend any of these observations as a is available that invites this kind of mathematical
further challenge: What if we tried making 52 using musing (Whitin and Whitin 2004).
a different number of tens? What other numbers in
the 50s are even? Does that tactic of reversing the
digits and changing an even number to an odd num- Conclusion
ber work with all numbers? How else can we use Problem posing is an adventure waiting to happen.
subtraction to make 52? How else can we use two Teachers can foster these mathematical journeys by
operations to make 50? In this way teachers build encouraging their students to notice, wonder, mod-
on the mathematical insights of their students. ify, and extend. In the process of these problem-
6. Encourage children to record “wonders” posing experiences, children can learn to persevere,
about their mathematical observations (Whitin and postpone judgment, tolerate a sense of ambiguity,
Whitin 2000). Teachers can explain wonders to and ask important questions about problems and
children by saying, “A ‘wonder’ is something you their solutions. In these ways teachers can help
are thinking about next. Just think to yourself, ‘Now their students live rich mathematical lives.
that I know this, what do I want to know next?’ ”
Children might record these ideas in their mathemat- References
ics journals, share them aloud, and then post them Brown, Stephen, and Marion Walter. The Art of Problem
in the classroom for other students to pursue. For Posing. 1983. Reprint, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erl-
instance, a graph about plant growth might cause baum Associates, 1990.
children to wonder, “What if we didn’t water our Moses, Barbara, Elizabeth Bjork, and E. Paul Golden-
berg. “Beyond Problem Solving: Problem Posing.”
plants as often; would they grow just as tall?” The In Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the 1990s,
children could graph the growth rate of two sets of 1990 Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of
plants. One set might be watered every other day, Mathematics (NCTM), edited by Thomas J. Cooney,
and the other set might be watered every other week. pp. 82–91. Reston, VA: NCTM, 1990.
What differences do the children see in the growth Hoban, Tana. 26 Letters and 99 Cents. New York: Green-
willow Books, 1988.
of these plants? Or an investigation about fractions Hutchins, Pat. The Doorbell Rang. New York: Greenwil-
using pattern blocks might prompt some children low Books, 1986.
to wonder, “What other fractions can we make that National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).
are equivalent?” Wonders are a natural way to invite Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
extensions and often suggest to teachers the next Reston, VA: NCTM, 2000.
Whitin, David J., and Phyllis Whitin. New Visions for
steps in their curriculum planning. Linking Literature and Mathematics. Urbana, IL: Na-
7. Use children’s literature as a context for tional Council of Teachers of English; Reston, VA:
problem-posing investigations. For instance, teach- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2004.
ers have examined The Doorbell Rang (Hutchins (Available from NCTM)
1986) with their students as a springboard to Whitin, Phyllis, and David J. Whitin. Math Is Language
Too: Talking and Writing in the Elementary School
­problem-posing activities. The distinguishing fea- Classroom. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers
tures of this story include a set of twelve cookies of English; Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers
and a growing set of children (2, 3, 4, 6, 12) who of Mathematics, 2000. (Available from NCTM) ▲

18 Teaching Children Mathematics / August 2006

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