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Temperature Controller

P.O. Box 23686  Tempe, Arizona 85285 USA  Tel: (480) 456-0110  Fax: (480) 456-4727
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copied, reproduced, transmitted, or translated into another language, in any form or by
any method without the prior written consent of Geotechnical Consulting & Testing

GCTS makes no warranties with respect to this documentation and disclaims any
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Information in
this document is subject to change without notice. GCTS shall not be liable for errors
that may appear in this document.


Please read the safety practices and operating safety considerations before operating the
GCTS Testing equipment.

!!! WARNING !!!

Failure to read and understand the operations manual and/or follow the recommended safety
practices can result in serious personal injuries and damage to the equipment.


Review these guidelines to ensure that your current operating procedures do not result
in hazardous situations. Although not all hazards may be able to be eliminated, the following
guidelines can be used to identify hazards so that the proper training, operating procedures,
and safety equipment can be implemented.
System operators should fully review the documentation supplied to gain an
understanding of the system functions.
After the documentation for this software package has been reviewed, make
modifications to your current operating procedures which will minimize hazards. It may be
beneficial to make an adjustment checklist that corresponds to your specific hardware.

Operating Safety Considerations

The following operating safety considerations are applicable to most testing systems.
The user is required to read each item below and determine if it is applicable to the testing
system for which this software will be used. The user is also required to obtain and review all
safety instructions on specific testing equipment used in the system.

Stay clear of testing system

Never allow bystanders to touch specimens or equipment while the system is operating.

Protective enclosures
If testing with internally pressurized chambers or brittle materials, protective enclosures
and special laboratory layouts are recommended.
Effects of control adjustments
Do not make mechanical adjustments to system components unless you know exactly
how the adjustment will affect system operation. Consult an experienced user when in doubt
about any adjustment procedure.

Interlock devices
Interlock devices should always be used and properly adjusted. Test all interlock
devices immediately before each test. Because of the possibility of operator error, system
misadjustment, or component failure, interlock devices cannot be relied on to protect
personnel, test specimens, or test equipment.


The equipment warranty does not apply to damage due to accident, improper use, negligence,
or modification of any part of the testing system.

Geotechnical Consulting & Testing Systems, L.L.C. shall not be liable for any direct, indirect,
consequential or incidental damages resulting from the use or misuse of this product.

Customer Responsibilities:
The user requires to supply electrical power. Isolated and stable electrical ground is required.
A copper pipe buried 2 m into the ground nearby the lab can be used.

Copyright Geotechnical Consulting & Testing Systems. 1994-2008

Table of Contents
1.0 GENERAL OVERVIEW ......................................................................................... 1
2.0 OPERATING PROCEDURE ................................................................................... 3
GCTS HTC-250 Temperature Controller

1.0 General Overview

The HTC-250 Temperature Controller is an optional component to be

used with the GCTS Fredlund SWC-150. The external band heater and
fan mounted within the SWCC device can maintain the chamber
temperature constant and slightly above ambient temperature to help
prevent condensation of water vapor.

Figure 1 – HTC-250 (rear view)


Figure 2 – Fredlund SWC-150 Cell with heater

2.0 Operating Procedure

Please refer to the manufactures user guide accompanying the test

system on the safe and proper operation of the temperature/process
1) After a sample has been installed within the SWC-150 cell,
connect all cable connectors between the HTC-250 and the SWC-
150 cell.
2) Turn the power on to the HTC-250.
3) Adjust the temperature set point on the controller to the desired
test temperature. This temperature setting should be 5 deg C
higher than the ambient temperature for optimum temperature
4) Allow the temperature to equilibrate at the set point temperature.
5) Upon test completion, turn off the power to the HTC-250 and
disconnect all cable connectors to the SWC-150 cell.

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