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Brandon Alejandro Constante Casas

You are going to listen to a story about former Canadian College of

English Language student Hiromaru Sasazaki’s experience with
Japan’s great earthquake and tsunami of 2011. As you listen, answer
the following questions:

a. What did the earthquake measure on the Richter Scale?

it has been undersea earthquake measuring 9.0

b. Where was Hiromaru when he heard the tsunami alarm?

he was looking at the damage in his fishing shop. he was working

c. Why didn’t he worry about the alarm?

because there had already been an alarm two days ago waves of 60

d. Where was Hiro when he saw the helicopter?

he was above his house
e. In addition to the objects hitting him in the water, why was it difficult for Hiro to
swim in the ocean?
because he had hit objects like wood, , cars, and other things
f. Where did his wife, Nobuko, find him?
he saw her from window on the ground floor
g. How many people died in Japan’s great earthquake and tsunami of 2011?
the tsunami caused more than 15.000 deaths

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