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Theoretical Terms in Science Theoretical Terms in Science
from the Fall 2017 Edition of the First published Mon Feb 25, 2013; substantive revision Thu Jul 20, 2017

Stanford Encyclopedia A simple explanation of theoreticity says that a term is theoretical if and
only if it refers to nonobservational entities. Paradigmatic examples of
of Philosophy such entities are electrons, neutrinos, gravitational forces, genes etc. There
is yet another explanation of theoreticity: a theoretical term is one whose
meaning becomes determined through the axioms of a scientific theory.
The meaning of the term ‘force’, for example, is seen to be determined by
Newton’s laws of motion and further laws about special forces, such as the
law of gravitation. Theoreticity is a property that is commonly applied to
Edward N. Zalta Uri Nodelman Colin Allen R. Lanier Anderson
both expressions in the language of science, and referents and concepts of
Principal Editor Senior Editor Associate Editor Faculty Sponsor
such expressions. Objects, relations and functions as well as concepts
Editorial Board thereof may thus qualify as theoretical in a derived sense.

Library of Congress Catalog Data Several semantics have been devised that aim to explain how a scientific
ISSN: 1095-5054
theory contributes to the interpretation of its theoretical terms and as such
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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Theoretical terms pertain to a number of topics in the philosophy of
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The Metaphysics Research Lab science. A fully fledged semantics of such terms commonly involves a
Center for the Study of Language and Information statement about scientific realism and its alternatives. Such a semantics,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
moreover, may involve an account of how observation is related to theory
Theoretical Terms in Science in science. All formal accounts of theoretical terms deny the analytic-
c 2017 by the author
Holger Andreas synthetic distinction to be applicable to the axioms of a scientific theory.
All rights reserved.
The recognition of theoretical terms in the language of science by Carnap
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Theoretical Terms in Science Holger Andreas

thus amounts to a rejection of an essential tenet of early logical empiricism 1. Two Criteria of Theoreticity
and positivism, viz., the demonstration that all empirically significant
sentences are translatable into an observation language. The present article 1.1 Reference to Nonobservable Entities and Properties
explains the principal distinction between observational and theoretical
terms, discusses important criticisms and refinements of this distinction As just explained, a theoretical term may simply be understood as an
and investigates two problems concerning the semantics of theoretical expression that refers to nonobservable entities or properties. Theoreticity,
terms. Finally, the major formal accounts of this semantics are expounded. on this understanding, is the negation of observabilty. This explanation of
theoreticity thus rests on an antecedent understanding of observability.
1. Two Criteria of Theoreticity What makes an entity or property observable? As Carnap (1966: ch. 23)
1.1 Reference to Nonobservable Entities and Properties has pointed out, a philosopher understands the notion of observability in a
1.2 Semantic Dependence upon a Scientific Theory narrower sense than a physicist. For a philosopher, a property is
2. Criticisms and Refinements of the Theory-Observation Distinction observable if it can be ‘directly perceived by the senses’. Hence, such
2.1 Criticisms properties as ‘blue’, ‘hard’ and ‘colder than’ are paradigmatic examples of
2.2 Refinements observable properties in the philosopher’s understanding of observability.
3. Two Problems of Theoretical Terms The physicist, by contrast, would also count quantitative magnitudes that
3.1 Theoretical Entities can be measured in a ‘relatively simple, direct way’ as observable. Hence,
3.1.1 The realist view the physicist views such quantities as temperature, pressure and intensity
3.1.2 Non-realist views of electric current as observable.
3.1.3 The Pythagorean view
3.2 Theoretical Functions and Relations The notion of direct perception is spelled out by Carnap (1966: ch. 23) by
4. Formal Accounts two conditions. Direct perception means, first, perception unaided by
4.1 The Ramsey Sentence technical instruments and, second, that the perception is unaided by
4.2 Indirect Interpretation inferences. These two conditions are obviously not satisfied for the
4.3 Direct Interpretation measurement of quantities like temperature and pressure. For the
4.4 Defining Theoretical Terms philosopher, only spatial positions of liquids and pointers are observed
5. Conclusion when these quantities are measured. To an even higher degree, we are
Bibliography unable to observe electrons, molecules, gravitational forces and genes on
Academic Tools this narrow understanding of observability. Hence, expressions referring to
Other Internet Resources such entities qualify as theoretical.
Related Entries
In sum, a property or object is observable (in the philosopher’s sense) if it
can be perceived directly, where directness of observation precludes the

2 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Fall 2017 Edition 3

Theoretical Terms in Science Holger Andreas

use of technical artifacts and inferences. Notably, Carnap (1936/37: 455; without using some axiom of this theory. Familiar methods make use of
1966: 226) did not think his explanation of the distinction to be Newton’s second law of motion, Hooke’s law, the law of gravitation etc.
sufficiently precise to result in a sharp line between observational and Likewise, virtually all methods of measuring temperature rest upon laws
theoretical terms. He rather views the theory-observation distinction as of thermodynamics. Take measurement by a gas thermometer which is
being introduced into a ‘continuum of degrees of observability’ by choice. based on the ideal gas law. The laws of scientific theories are thus essential
Prominent criticisms of the theory-observation distinction will be to our methods of determining the extension of scientific terms. The
discussed in Section 2.1. contextual theory of meaning, therefore, makes intelligible how students
in a scientific discipline and scientists grasp the meaning, or sense, of
1.2 Semantic Dependence upon a Scientific Theory scientific terms. On this account, understanding the sense of a term means
knowing how to determine its referent, or extension, at least in part.
The above explanation of theoreticity may be felt unsatisfactory as it
determines the property of being theoretical only via negation of the The contextual theory of meaning can be traced back at least to the work
property of being observable (Putnam 1962). This explanation does not of Duhem. His demonstration that a scientific hypothesis in physics cannot
indicate any specific connection between the semantics of theoretical be tested in isolation from its theoretical context is joined with and
terms and corresponding scientific theories. There is, however, also a motivated by semantic considerations, according to which it is physical
direct characterization of theoreticity that complements the criterion of theories that give meaning to the specific concepts of physics (Duhem
non-observability: an expression is theoretical if and only if its meaning is 1906: 183). Poincaré (1902: 90) literally claims that certain scientific
determined through the axioms of a scientific theory. This explanation propositions acquire meaning only by virtue of the adoption of certain
rests on what has come to be referred to as the contextual theory of conventions. Perhaps the most prominent and explicit formulation of the
meaning, which says that the meaning of a scientific term depends, in contextual theory of meaning is to be found in Feyerabend’s landmark
some way or other, on how this term is incorporated into a scientific “Explanation, Reduction, and Empiricism” (1962: 88):
For just as the meaning of a term is not an intrinsic property but is
Why adopt the contextual theory of meaning for scientific terms? Suppose dependent upon the way in which the term has been incorporated
the notion of meaning is understood along the lines of the Fregean notion into a theory, in the very same manner the content of a whole
of sense. The sense of a term be understood as that what determines its theory (and thereby again the meaning of the descriptive terms
reference (cf. Church 1956: 6n). It is, furthermore, a reasonable which it contains) depends upon the way in which it is
requirement that a semantic theory must account for our understanding of incorporated into both the set of its empirical consequences and the
the sense and, hence, our methods of determining the extension of set of all the alternatives which are being discussed at a given time:
scientific terms (cf. Dummett 1991: 340). For a large number of scientific once the contextual theory of meaning has been adopted, there is
terms these methods rest upon axioms of one or more scientific theories. no reason to confine its application to a single theory, especially as
There is no way of determining the force function in classical mechanics

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the boundaries of such a language or of such a theory are almost 2. Criticisms and Refinements of the Theory-
never well defined.
Observation Distinction
The accounts of a contextual theory of meaning in the works of Duhem,
2.1 Criticisms
Poincaré and Feyerabend are informal insofar as they do not crystallize
into a corresponding formal semantics for scientific terms. Such a The very idea of a clear-cut theory-observation distinction has received
crystallization is brought about by some of the formal accounts of much criticism. First, with the help of sophisticated instruments, such as
theoretical terms to be expounded in Section 4. telescopes and electron microscopes, we are able to observe more and
more entities, which had to be considered unobservable at a previous stage
The view that meaning is bestowed upon a theoretical term through the
of scientific and technical evolution. Electrons and α-particles which can
axioms of a scientific theory implies that only axiomatized or
be observed in a cloud chamber are a case in point (Achinstein 1965).
axiomatizable scientific theories contain theoretical terms. In fact, all
Second, assume observability is understood as excluding the use of
formal accounts of the semantics of theoretical terms are devised to apply
instruments. On this understanding, examples drawing on the use of cloud
to axiomatic scientific theories. This is due, in part, to the fact that physics
chambers and electron microscopes, which are adduced to criticize the
has dominated the philosophy of science for a long time. One must
theory-observation distinction, can be dealt with. However, we would then
wonder, therefore, whether there are any theoretical terms in, for example,
have to conclude that things being perceived with glasses are not observed
evolutionary biology which has as yet resisted complete axiomatization.
either, which is counterintuitive (Maxwell 1962). Third, there are concepts
Arguably, there are. Even though evolutionary biology has not yet been
applying to or being thought to apply to both macroscopic and
axiomatized, we can recognize general propositions therein that are
submicroscopic particles. A case in point are spatial and temporal relations
essential to determining certain concepts of this theory. Consider the
and the color concepts that play an important role in Newton’s corpuscle
following two propositions. (i) Two DNA sequences are homologous if
theory of light. Hence, there are clear-cut instances of observation
and only if they have a common ancestor sequence. (ii) There is an inverse
concepts that apply to unobservable entities, which does not seem
correlation between the number of mutations necessary to transform one
acceptable (cf. Putnam 1962).
DNA-sequence S1 into another S2 and the likelihood that S1 and S2 are
homologous. Notably, these two propositions are used to determine, These objections to the theory-observation distinction can be answered in
among other methods, relations of homology in evolutionary biology. The a relatively straightforward manner from a Carnapian perspective. As
majority of general propositions in scientific theories other than those of explained in Section 1.1, Carnap (1936/37, 1966) was quite explicit that
physics, however, have instances that fail to be true. (Some philosophers the philosopher’s sense of observation excludes the use of instruments. As
of science have argued that this so even for a large number of axioms in for an observer wearing glasses, a proponent of the theory-observation
physics [Cartwright 1983]). Formal semantics of theoretical terms in distinction finds enough material in Carnap (1936/37: 455) to defend her
scientific theories with default axioms are presently being developed. position. Carnap is aware of the fact that color concepts are not observable
ones for a color-blind person. He is thus prepared to relativize the

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distinction in question. In fact, Carnap’s most explicit explanation of language philosophy that Carnap proclaimed (see Lutz (2012) for a
observability defines this notion in such a way that it is relativized to an sympathetic discussion of artificial language philosophy.)
organism (1936/37: 454n).
There is another group of criticisms coming from the careful study of the
Recall, moreover, that Carnap’s theory-observation distinction was not history of science: Hanson (1958), Feyerabend (1962) and Kuhn (1962)
intended to do justice to our overall understanding of these notions. aimed to show that observation concepts are theory-laden in a manner that
Hence, certain quotidian and scientific uses of ‘observation’, such as makes their meaning theory-dependent. In Feyerabend’s (1978: 32) this
observation using glasses, may well be disregarded when this distinction is contention takes on the formulation that all terms are theoretical. Hanson
drawn as long as the distinction promises to be fruitful in the logical (1958: 18) thinks that Tycho and Kepler were (literally) ‘seeing’ different
analysis of scientific theories. A closer look reveals that Carnap (1966: things when perceiving the sun rising because their astronomical
226) agrees with critics of the logical empiricists’ agenda, such as background theories were different. Kuhn (1962) was more tentative when
Maxwell (1962) and Achinstein (1965), on there being no clear-cut theory- expounding his variant of the theory-ladenness of observation. In a
observation distinction (see also Carnap’s early (1936/37: 455) for a discussion of the Sneed formalism of the structuralist school, he favored a
similar statement): theory-observation distinction that is relativized, first to a theory and
second to an application of this theory (Kuhn 1976).
There is no question here of who [the physicist thinking that
temperature is observable or the philosopher who disagrees, H. A.] Virtually all formal accounts of theoretical terms in fact assume that those
is using the term ‘observable’ in the right or proper way. There is a phenomena that a theory T is meant to account for can be described in
continuum which starts with direct sensory observations and terms whose semantics does not depend on T. The counter thesis that even
proceeds to enormously complex, indirect methods of observation. the semantics of putative observation terms depends on a quotidian or
Obviously no sharp line can be drawn across this continuum; it is a scientific theory, therefore, attacks a core doctrine coming with the logical
matter of degree. empiricists’ and subsequent work on theoretical terms. A thorough
discussion and assessment of theory-ladenness of observation in the works
A bit more serious is Putnam’s (1962) objection drawing on the of the great historians of science is beyond the scope of this entry. Bird
application of apparently clear-cut instances of observation concepts to (2004), Bogen (2012) and Oberheim and Hoyningen-Huene (2009) are
submicroscopic particles. Here, Carnap would have to distinguish between entries in the present encyclopedia that address, among other things, this
color concepts applying to observable entities and related color concepts issue. Schurz (2013: ch. 2.9) defines a criterion of the theory independence
applying to unobservable ones. So, the formal language in which the of observation in terms of an ostensive learning experiment, and shows
logical analysis proceeds would have to contain a predicate ‘red1 ’ applying how such a criterion helps answer the challenges of theory-ladenness of
to macroscopic objects and another one ‘red2 ’ applying to submicroscopic observation.
ones. Again, such a move would be in line with the artificial, or ideal
2.2 Refinements

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There is a simple, intuitive and influential proposal how to relativize the upon ϕ if and only if the hypothetical assumption of ϕ being false or
theory-observation distinction in a sensible way: a term t is theoretical indeterminate would invalidate the use of m in the sense that we would be
with respect to a theory T, or for short, a T-term if and only if it is lacking the commonly presumed justification for using m. The
introduced by the theory T at a certain stage in the history of science. O- qualification ‘or some part of that extension’ has been introduced in the
terms, by contrast, are those that were antecedently available and present definition because we cannot expect a single measurement method
understood before T was set forth (Lewis 1970; cf. Hempel 1973). This to determine the extension of a scientific quantity completely. T-non-
proposal draws the theory-observation distinction in an apparently sharp theoreticity is the negation of T-theoreticity:
way by means of relativizing that distinction to a particular theory.
Needless to say, the proposal is in line with the contextual theory of Definition 2 (T-non-theoreticity)
meaning. A term t is T-non-theoretical if and only if it is not T-theoretical.

The distinction between T-terms and antecedently available ones has two The concepts of classical particle mechanics (henceforth abbreviated by
particular merits. First, it circumvents the view that any sharp line between CPM) exemplify well the notions of T-theoreticity and T-non-theoreticity.
theoretical and observational terms is conventional and arbitrary. Second, As has been indicated above, all methods of determining the force acting
it connects the theory-observation distinction with what seemed to have upon a particle make use of some axiom of classical particle mechanics,
motivated that distinction in the first place, viz., the investigation how we such as Newton’s laws of motion or some law about special forces. Hence,
come to understand the meaning of terms that appear to be meaningful in force is CPM-theoretical. Measurement of spatial distances, by contrast, is
virtue of certain scientific theories. possible without using axioms of CPM. Hence, the concept of spatial
distance is CPM-non-theoretical. The concept of mass is less
A similar proposal of a relativized theory-observation distinction was straightforward to classify as we can measure this concept using classical
made by Sneed in his seminal The Logical Structure of Mathematical collision mechanics (CCM). Still, it was seen to be CPM-theoretical by the
Physics (1979: ch. II). Here is a somewhat simplified and more syntactic structuralists since CCM appeared reducible to CPM (Balzer et al. 1987:
formulation of Sneed’s criterion of T-theoreticity: ch. 2).

Definition 1 (T-theoreticity) Suppose for a term t once introduced by a scientific theory T1 novel
A term t is theoretical with respect to the theory T, or for short, T- methods of determination become established through another theory T2 ,
theoretical if and only if any method of determining the extension of t, where these methods do not depend on any axiom of T1 . Then, t would
or some part of that extension, rests on some axiom of T. neither qualify as T1 -theoretical nor as T2 -theoretical. It is preferable, in
this situation, to relativize Definition 1 to theory-nets N , i.e., compounds
It remains to explain what it is for a method m of determining the of several theories. Whether there are such cases has not yet been settled.
extension of t to rest upon an axiom ϕ . This relation obtains if and only if
the use of m depends on ϕ being a true sentence. In other words, m rests

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The original exposition of the theoreticity criterion by Sneed (1979) is a ‘nucleotide’. Second, non-unary theoretical predicates, such as ‘homology’
bit more involved as it makes use of set-theoretic predicates and intended in evolutionary biology and theoretical function expressions, such as
applications, rather technical notions of what became later on labeled the ‘force’, ‘temperature’ and ‘intensity of the electromagnetic field’ in
structuralist approach to scientific theories. There has been a lively physics. Sneed’s problem of theoretical terms, as expounded in (1979: ch.
discussion, mainly but not exclusively within the structuralist school, how II), concerns only the latter kind of expression. We shall now start
to express the relativized notion of theoreticity most properly (Balzer surveying problems concerning the semantics of expressions for
1986; 1996). As noted above, Kuhn (1976) proposed a twofold theoretical entities and then move on to expressions for theoretical
relativization of theoreticity, viz., first to a scientific theory and second to relations and functions.
applications of such theories.
3.1 Theoretical Entities
Notably, Sneed’s criterion of T-theoreticity suggests a strategy that allows
us to regain a global, non-relativized theory-observation distinction: A proper semantics for theoretical terms involves an account of reference
simply take a term t to be theoretical if and only if it holds, for all methods and one of meaning and understanding. Reference fixing needs to be
m of determining its extension, that m rests upon some axiom of some related to meaning as we want to answer the following question: how do
theory T. A term t is non-theoretical, or observational, if and only if there we come to refer successfully to theoretical entities? This question calls
are means of determining its extension, at least in part, that do not rest for different answers depending on what particular conception of a
upon any axiom of any theory. This criterion is still relative to our present theoretical entity is adopted. The issue of realism and its alternatives,
stage of explicit axiomatic theorizing but comes nonetheless closer to the therefore, comes into play at this point.
original intention of Carnap’s theory-observation distinction, according to
For the realist, theoretical entities exist independently from our theories
which observation is understood in the narrow sense of unaided
about the world. Also, natural kinds that classify these entities exist
independently from our theories (cf. Psillos 1999; Lewis 1984). The
instrumentalist picture is commonly reported to account for theoretical
3. Two Problems of Theoretical Terms
entities in terms of mere fictions. The formalist variant of instrumentalism
The problem of theoretical terms is a recurrent theme in the philosophy of denies theoretical terms to have referents at all. Between these two
science literature (Achinstein 1965; Sneed 1979: ch. II; Tuomela 1973: ch. extreme cases there is a number of intermediate positions.[1]
V; Friedman 2011). Different shades of meaning have been associated
Carnap (1958; 1966: ch. 26) attempted to attain a metaphysically neutral
with this problem. In its most comprehensive formulation, the problem of
position so as to avoid a commitment to or denial of scientific realism. In
theoretical terms is to give a proper account of the meaning and reference
his account of the theoretical language of science, theoretical entities were
of theoretical terms. There are at least two kinds of expression that pose a
conceived as mathematical ones that are related to observable events in
distinct problem of theoretical terms, respectively. First, unary predicates
certain determinate ways. An electron, for example, figures as a certain
referring to theoretical entities, such as ‘electron’, ‘neutrino’ and

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distribution of charge and mass in a four-dimensional manifold of real 3.1.1 The realist view
numbers, where charge and mass are mere real-valued functions. These
functions and the four-dimensional manifold itself are to be related to The descriptivist picture is highly intuitive with regard to our
observable events by means of universal axioms. Notably, Carnap would understanding of expressions referring to theoretical entities on the realist
not have accepted a characterization of his view as antirealist or non- view. According to this picture, an electron is a spatiotemporal entity with
realist since he thought the metaphysical doctrine of realism to be void of such and such a mass and such and such a charge. We detect and recognize
content. electrons when identifying entities having these properties. The
descriptivist explanation of meaning and reference makes use of
In sum, there are three major and competing characterizations of a theoretical functions, mass and electric charge in the present example. The
theoretical entity in science that are in line with the common theoreticity semantics of theoretical entities, therefore, is connected with the semantics
criterion according to which such an entity is inaccessible by means of of theoretical relations and functions, which will be dealt with in the next
unaided perception. First, theoretical entities are characterized as mind and subsection. It seems to hold, in general, that theoretical entities in the
language independent. Second, theoretical entities are mind and language sciences are to be characterized in terms of theoretical functions and (non-
dependent in some way or other. Third, they are conceived as unary) relations.
mathematical entities that are related to the observable world in certain
determinate ways. We may thus distinguish between (i) a realist view, (ii) The descriptivist account, however, faces two particular problems with
a collection of non-realist views and (iii) a Pythagorean view of theoretical regard to the historic evolution of scientific theories. First, if descriptions
entities. of theoretical entities are constitutive of the meaning of corresponding
unary predicates, one must wonder what the common core of
Now, there are three major accounts of reference and meaning that have understanding is that adherents of successive theories share and whether
been used, implicitly or explicitly, for the semantics of theoretical terms: there is such a core at all. Were Rutherford and Bohr talking about the
(i) the descriptivist picture, (ii) causal and causal-historical theories and same type of entities when using the expression ‘electron’? Issues of
(iii) hybrid ones that combine descriptivist ideas with causal elements incommensurability arise with the descriptivist picture (Psillos 1999: 280).
(Reimer 2010). Accounts of reference and meaning other than these play A second problem arises when elements of the description of an entity
no significant role in the philosophy of science. Hence, we need to survey given by a predecessor theory T are judged wrong from the viewpoint of
at least nine combinations consisting, first, of an abstract characterization the successor theory T ′ . Then, on a strict reading of the descriptivist
of the nature of a theoretical entity (realist, non-realist and Pythagorean), account, the corresponding theoretical term failed to refer in T. For if there
and, second, a particular account of reference (descriptivist, causal and is nothing that satisfies a description, the corresponding expression has no
hybrid). Some of these combinations are plainly inconsistent and, hence, referent. This is a simple consequence of the theory of description by
can be dealt with very briefly. Let us start with the realist view of Russell in his famous “On Denoting” (1905). Hence, an account of
theoretical entities. weighting descriptions is needed in order to circumvent such failures of

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As is well known, Kripke (1980) set forth a causal-historical account of of phenomena; and (b) the core causal description of t ′ takes up the
reference as an alternative to the descriptivist picture. This account starts kind-constitutive properties of the core causal description associated
with an initial baptism that introduces a name and goes on with causal with t.
chains transmitting the reference of the name from speaker to speaker. In
this picture, Aristotle is the man once baptized so; he might not have been This account has two particular merits. First, it is much closer to the way
the student of Plato or done any other thing commonly attributed to him. scientists understand and use theoretical terms than purely causal
Kripke thought this picture to apply both to proper names and general accounts. Because of this, it is not only an account of reference but also
terms. It is hardly indicated, however, how this picture works for one of meaning for theoretical terms. In purely causal accounts, by
expressions referring to theoretical entities (cf. Papineau 1996). Kripke’s contrast, there is a tendency to abandon the notion of meaning altogether.
story is particularly counterintuitive in view of the ahistorical manner of Second, it promises to ensure a more stable notion of reference than in
teaching in the natural sciences, wherein the original, historical purely descriptivist accounts of reference and meaning. Notably, the kind
introduction of a theoretical term plays a minor role in comparison to up- of causation that Psillos’s hybrid account refers to is different from the
to-date textbook and journal explanations. Such explanations are clearly of causal-historical chains that Kripke thought responsible for the
the descriptivist type. The Kripkean causal story can be read as an account transmission of reference among speakers. No further explanation,
of reference fixing without being read as a story of grasping the meaning however, is given of what a kind-constitutive property is and how we are
of theoretical terms. Reference, however, needs to be related to meaning to recognize such a property. Psillos (1999: 288n) merely infers the
so as to ensure that scientists know what they are talking about and are existence of such properties from the assumption of there being natural
able to identify the entities under investigation. Notably, even for kinds.
expressions of everyday language, the charge of not explaining meaning
3.1.2 Non-realist views
has been leveled against Krikpe’s causal-historical account (Reimer 2010).
The same charge applies to Putnam’s (1975) causal account of reference
Non-realist and antirealist semantics for theoretical terms are motivated by
and meaning, which Putnam himself abandoned in his 1980.
the presumption that the problem of theoretical terms has no satisfying
A purely causal or causal-historical account of reference does not seem a realist solution. What does a non-realist semantics of theoretical terms
viable option for theoretical terms. More promising are hybrid accounts look like? The view that theoretical entities are mere fictions often figures
that combine descriptivist intuitions with causal elements. Such an account only in realist portrays of antirealism and is hardly seriously maintained
has been given by Psillos (1999: 296): by any philosopher of science in the twentieth century. Quine’s
comparison of physical objects with the gods of Homer in his 1951 seems
1. A term t refers to an entity x if and only if x satisfies the core causal to be an exception. If one were to devise a formal or informal semantics
description associated with t. for the view that theoretical entities are mere fictions, a purely descriptive
2. Two terms t ′ and t denote the same entity if and only if (a) their account seems most promising. Such an account could in particular make
putative referents play the same causal role with respect to a network heavy use of the Fregean notion of sense. For this notion was introduced,

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among other objectives, with the intent to explain our understanding of when dealing with the formal account by Carnap in Section 4. No causal
expressions like ‘Odysseus’ and ‘Pegasus’. One would have to admit, elements are needed in Carnap’s Pythagorean empiricism.
however, that sentences with names that lack a referent may well have a
truth-value and as such deviate from Frege. Causal elements do not seem It is fair to characterize the Pythagorean view in general by saying that it
of much use in the fiction view of theoretical entities. shifts the problem of theoretical terms to the theory of meaning and
reference for mathematical expressions. The question of how we are able
Formalist variants of instrumentalism are a more serious alternative to to refer successfully to electrons is answered by the Pythagorean by
realist semantics than the fiction view of theoretical entities. Formalist pointing out that we are able to refer successfully to mathematical entities.
views in the philosophy of mathematics are ones which aim to account for Moreover, the Pythagorean explains, it is part of the notion of an electron
mathematical concepts and objects in terms of syntactic entities and that corresponding mathematical entities are connected to observable
operations thereupon within a calculus. Such views have been carried over phenomena by means of axioms and inference rules. The empirical surplus
to theoretical concepts and objects in the natural sciences, with the of theoretical entities in comparison to “pure” mathematical entities is thus
qualification that the observational part of the calculus is interpreted in captured by axioms and inference rules that establish connections to
such a way that its symbols refer to physical or phenomenal objects. empirical phenomena. Since mathematical entities do not, by themselves,
Cognitive access to theoretical entities is thus explained in terms of our have connections to observable phenomena, the question of truth and
cognitive access to the symbols and rules of the calculus in the context of falsehood may not be put in a truth-conditional manner for those axioms
an antecedent understanding of the observation terms. Formalist ideas that connect mathematical entities with phenomenal events (cf. Section
were sympathetically entertained by Hermann Weyl (1949). He was driven 4.2). Carnap (1958), therefore, came to speak of postulates when referring
towards such ideas by adherence to Hilbert’s distinction between real and to the axioms of a scientific theory.
ideal elements and the corresponding distinction between real and ideal
propositions (Hilbert 1926). Propositions of the observation language were How do we come to refer successfully to mathematical entities? This, of
construed as real ones in the sense of this Hilbertian distinction by Weyl, course, is a problem in the philosophy of mathematics. (For a classical
whereas theoretical propositions as ideal ones. The content of an ideal paper that addresses this problem see Benacerraf (1973)). Carnap has not
proposition is to be understood in terms of the (syntactic) consistency of much to say about meaning and reference of mathematical expressions in
the whole system consisting of ideal and real propositions being asserted. his seminal “The Methodological Character of Theoretical Concepts”
This is the defining property of an ideal proposition. (1956) but discusses these issues in his “Empiricism, Semantics, and
Ontology” (1950). There he aims at establishing a metaphysically neutral
3.1.3 The Pythagorean view position that avoids a commitment to Platonist, nominalist or formalist
conceptions of mathematical objects. A proponent of the Pythagorean
We still need to discuss the view that theoretical entities are mathematical view other than Carnap is Hermann Weyl (1949). As for the cognition of
entities that are related to observable events in certain determinate ways. mathematical entities, Weyl largely followed Hilbert’s formalism in his
This theory is clearly of the descriptivist type, as we shall see more clearly later work. Hence, there is a non-empty intersection between the

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Pythagorean view and the formalist view of theoretical entities. Unlike impossible, to have evidence for ϕ being true in any of its applications (cf.
Carnap, Weyl did not characterize the interpretation of theoretical terms by Andreas 2008).
means of model-theoretic notions.
We could, of course, use an alternative measurement method of t, say one
3.2 Theoretical Functions and Relations resting upon an axiom ψ of T, to gain evidence for the axiom ϕ being true
in some selected instances. This move, however, only shifts the problem to
For theoretical functions and relations, a particular problem arises from applications of another axiom of T. For these applications the same type of
the idea that a theoretical term is, by definition, semantically dependent difficulty arises, viz., mutual dependency of the semantic values of ψ and
upon a scientific theory. Let us recall the above explanation of T- t. We are thus caught either in a vicious circle or in an infinite regress
theoreticity: a term t is T-theoretical if and only if any method of when attempting to gain evidence for the propriety of a single
determining the extension of t, or some part of that extension, rests on measurement of a theoretical term. Sneed (1979: ch. II) was the first to
some axiom of T. Let ϕ be such an axiom and m be a corresponding describe that particular difficulty in the present manner and termed it the
method of determination. The present explanation of T-theoreticity, then, problem of theoretical terms. Measurement of the force function in
means that m is valid only on condition of ϕ being true. The latter classical mechanics exemplifies this problem well. There is no method of
dependency holds because ϕ is used either explicitly in calculations to measuring force that does not rest upon some law of classical mechanics.
determine t or in the calibration of measurement devices. Such devices, Likewise, it is impossible to measure temperature without using some law
then, perform the calculation implicitly. A case in point is measurement of that depends upon either phenomenological or statistical thermodynamics.
temperature by a gas thermometer. Such a device rests upon the law that
changes of temperature result into proportional changes in the volume of Though its formulation is primarily epistemological, Sneed’s problem of
gases. theoretical terms has a semantic reading. Let the meaning of a term be
identified with the methods of determining its extension, as in Section 1.2.
Suppose now t is theoretical with respect to a theory T. Then it holds that Then we can say that our understanding of T-theoretical relations and
in order to measure t, we need to assume the truth of some axiom ϕ of T. functions originates from the axioms of the scientific theory T. In standard
Suppose, further, that t has occurrences in ϕ, as is standard in examples of truth-conditional semantics, by contrast, one assumes that the truth-value
T-theoreticity. From this it follows that, in standard truth-conditional of an axiom ϕ is determined by the semantic values of those descriptive
semantics, the truth-value of ϕ is dependent on the semantic value of t. constants that have occurrences in ϕ . Among these constants, there are
This leads to the following epistemological problem: on the one hand, we theoretical terms of T. Hence, it appears that standard truth-conditional
need to know the extension of t in order to find out whether ϕ is true. On semantics does not accord with the order of our grasping the meaning of
the other hand, it is simply impossible to determine the extension of t theoretical terms. In the next section, we shall deal with indirect means of
without using ϕ or some other axiom of T. This mutual dependency interpreting theoretical terms. These proved to be ways out of the present
between the semantic values of ϕ and t makes it difficult, if not even problem of theoretical terms.

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4. Formal Accounts 4.1 The Ramsey Sentence

A few notational conventions and preliminary considerations are necessary The Ramsey sentence of a theory TC in the language L(Vo , Vt ) is obtained
to explain the formal accounts of theoretical terms and their semantics. by the following two transformations of the conjunction of T- and C-
Essential to all of these accounts is the division of the set of descriptive axioms. First, replace all theoretical symbols in this conjunction by higher-
symbols into a set Vo of observational and another set Vt of theoretical order variables of appropriate type. Then, bind these variables by higher-
terms. (The descriptive symbols of a formal language are simply the non- order existential quantifiers. As result one obtains a higher-order sentence
logical ones.) A scientific theory thus be formulated in a language of the following form:
L(Vo , Vt ). The division of the descriptive vocabulary gives rise to a related
(TCR) ∃X1 … ∃Xn TC(n1 , … , nk , X1 , … , Xn )
distinction between T- and C-axioms among the axioms of a scientific
theory. The T-axioms contain only Vt symbols as descriptive ones, while where X1 , … , Xn are higher-order variables. This sentence says that there
the C-axioms contain both Vo and Vt symbols. The latter axioms establish is an extensional interpretation of the theoretical terms that verifies,
a connection between the theoretical and the observational terms. TC together with an antecedently given interpretation of the observation
designates the conjunction of T- and C-axioms and A(TC) the set of these language L(Vo ), the axioms TC. The Ramsey sentence expresses an
axioms. Let n1 , … , nk be the elements of Vo and t1 , … , tn the elements of apparently weaker proposition than TC, at least in standard truth-
Vt . Then, TC is a proposition of the following type: conditional semantics. If one thinks that the Ramsey sentence expresses
the proposition of a scientific theory more properly than TC, one holds the
(TC) TC( n1 , … , nk , t1 , … , tn ) Ramsey view of scientific theories.
As for the domain of interpretation of L(Vo , Vt ), Ramsey (1929) assumes
Why should one prefer the Ramsey view to the standard one? Ramsey
there to be only one for all descriptive symbols. Carnap (1956, 1958), by
([1929] 1978: 120) himself seemed to have something like a contextual
contrast, distinguishes between a domain of interpretation for
theory of meaning in mind when proposing the replacement of theoretical
observational terms and another for theoretical terms. Notably, the latter
constants with appropriate higher-order variables:
domain contains exclusively mathematical entities. Ketland (2004) has
emphasized the importance of distinguishing between an observational Any additions to the theory, whether in the form of new axioms or
and a theoretical domain of interpretation, where the latter is allowed to particular assertions like α(0, 3) are to be made within the scope of
contain theoretical entities, such as electrons and protons. the original α, β, γ. They are not, therefore, strictly propositions by
themselves just as the different sentences in a story beginning
TC is a first-order sentence in a large number of accounts, as in Ramsey’s
‘Once upon a time’ have not complete meanings and so are not
seminal “Theories” (1929). Carnap (1956; 1958), however, works with
propositions by themselves.
higher-order logic to allow for the formulation of mathematical
propositions and concepts.

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α, β, and γ figure in this explanation as theoretical terms to be replaced by Hence, the Ramsey sentence cannot be true in case the original theory TC
higher-order variables. Ramsey goes on to suggest that the meaning of a is not consistent with the observable facts. For a discussion of empirical
theoretical sentence ϕ is the difference between adequacy and Ramsification see Ketland (2004).

1. (TC ∧ A ∧ ϕ)R One difficulty, however, remains with the Ramsey view. It concerns the
representation of deductive reasoning, for many logicians the primary
and objective of logic. Now, Ramsey ([1929] 1978: 121) thinks that the

2. (TC ∧ A)R
‘incompleteness’ of theoretical assertions does not affect our reasoning.
No formal account, however, is given that relates our deductive practice,
where A stands for the set of observation sentences being asserted and (...) in which abundant use of theoretical constants is made, to the existentially
R for the operation of Ramsification, i.e., existentially generalizing on all quantified variables in the Ramsey sentence. One thing we lack is a
theoretical terms. This proposal of expressing theoretical assertions clearly translation of theoretical sentences (other than the axioms) that is in
makes such assertions dependent upon the context of the theory TC. keeping with the view that the meaning of a theoretical sentence ϕ is the
Ramsey ([1929] 1978: 124) thinks that a theoretical assertion ϕ is not difference between (TC ∧ A ∧ ϕ)R and (TC ∧ A)R . As Ramsey observes,
meaningful if no observational evidence can be found for either ϕ or its it would not be correct to take (TC ∧ A ∧ ϕ)R as a translation of a
negation. In this case there is no stock A of observation sentences such theoretical sentence ϕ since both (TC ∧ A ∧ ϕ)R and (TC ∧ A ∧ ¬ϕ)R
that (1) and (2) differ in truth-value. may well be true. Such a translation would not obey the laws of classical
logic. These laws, however, are supposed to govern deductive reasoning in
Another important argument in favor of the Ramsey view was given later science. A proper semantics of theoretical terms must take the peculiarities
by Sneed (1979: ch. III). It is easy to show that Sneed’s problem of of these terms into account without revising the rules and axioms of
theoretical terms (which concerns relations and functions) does not arise in deduction in classical logic.
the first place on the Ramsey view. For by TCR it is only claimed that
there are extensions of the theoretical terms satisfying each axiom of the There thus remains the challenge of relating the apparent use of theoretical
set A(TC) under a given interpretation of the observational language. No constants in deductive scientific reasoning to the Ramsey formulation of
claim, however, is made by TCR as to whether or not the sentences of scientific theories. Carnap was well aware of this challenge and addressed
A(TC) are true. Nonetheless, it can be shown that TCR and TC have the it using a sentence that became labeled later on the Carnap sentence of a
same observational consequences: scientific theory (Carnap 1958; 1966: ch. 23):

Proposition 1 For all L(Vo ) sentences ϕ , TCR ⊢ ϕ if and only if (AT ) TCR → TC
TC ⊢ ϕ, where ⊢ designates the relation of logical consequence in
This sentence is part of a proposal to draw the analytic-synthetic
classical logic.
distinction at the global level of a scientific theory (as this distinction
proved not to be applicable to single axioms): the analytic part of the

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theory is given by its Carnap sentence AT , whereas the synthetic part is ‘R’ designates the property of being rational.
identified with the theory’s Ramsey sentence in light of Proposition 1.
Carnap (1958) wants AT to be understood as follows: if the Ramsey ‘A’ designates the property of being an animal.
sentence is true, then the theoretical terms be interpreted such that TC
The predicate ‘H’, by contrast, is interpreted in an indirect manner by a
comes out true as well. So, on condition of TCR being true, we can recover
definition in the object language:
the original formulation of the theory in which the theoretical terms occur
as constants. For, obviously, TC is derivable from TCR and AT using ∀x(Hx ↔ Rx ∧ Ax)
modus ponens.
Interpretation of a symbol by a definition counts as one type of indirect
From the viewpoint of standard truth-conditional semantics, however, this interpretation. Another type is the interpretation of theoretical terms by the
instruction to interpret the Carnap sentence appears arbitrary, if not even axioms of a scientific theory. Carnap (1939: 65) remains content with a
misguided. For in standard semantics, the Ramsey sentence may well be merely syntactic explanation of indirect interpretation:
true without TC being so (cf. Ketland 2004). Hence, the Carnap sentence
would not count as analytic, as Carnap intended. Carnap’s interpretation of The calculus is first constructed floating in the air, so to speak; the
AT receives a sound foundation in his (1961) proposal to define theoretical construction begins at the top and then adds lower and lower
terms using Hilbert’s epsilon operator, as we shall see in Section 4.3. levels. Finally, by the semantical rules, the lowest level is anchored
at the solid ground of the observable facts. The laws, whether
4.2 Indirect Interpretation general or special, are not directly interpreted, but only the singular
The notion of an indirect interpretation was introduced by Carnap in his
Foundations of Logic and Mathematics (1939: ch. 23–24) with the The laws A(TC) are thus simply adopted as axioms in the calculus without
intention of accounting for the semantics of theoretical terms in physics. It assuming any prior interpretation or reference to the world for theoretical
goes without saying that this notion is understood against the background terms. (A sentence ϕ being an axiom of a calculus C means that ϕ can be
of the notion of a direct interpretation. Carnap had the following used in any formal derivation in C without being a member of the
distinction in mind. The interpretation of a descriptive symbol is direct if premises.) This account amounts to a formalist understanding of the
and only if (i) it is given by an assignment of an extension or an intension, theoretical language in science. It has two particular merits. First, it
and (ii) this assignment is made by expressions of the metalanguage. The circumvents Sneed’s problem of theoretical terms since the axioms are not
interpretation of a descriptive symbol is indirect, by contrast, if and only if required to be true in the interpretation of the respective language that
it is specified by one or several sentences of the object language, which represents the facts of the theory-independent world. The need for
then figure as axioms in the respective calculus. Here are two simple assuming such an interpretation is simply denied. Second, the account is in
examples of a direct interpretation: line with the contextual theory meaning for theoretical terms as our

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understanding of such terms is explained in terms of the axioms of the postulates suggests the following explanation: a set A(TC) of axioms that
respective scientific theories (cf. Section 1.2). interprets a set Vt of theoretical terms on the basis of a language L(Vo )
imposes a constraint on the admissible, or intended, interpretations of the
There are less formalist accounts of indirect interpretation in terms of language L(Vo , Vt ). An L(Vo , Vt ) structure is admissible if and only if it (i)
explicit model-theoretic notions by Przelecki (1969: ch. 6) and Andreas satisfies the axioms A(TC) and (ii) extends the intended interpretation of
(2010).[2] The latter account proves to formally work out ideas about L(Vo ) to include an interpretation of the theoretical terms.
theoretical terms in Carnap (1958). It emerged from an investigation into
the similarities and dissimilarities between Carnapian postulates and In more formal terms (Andreas 2010: 373; Przelecki 1969: ch. 6):
definitions. Recall that Carnap viewed the axioms of a scientific theory as
postulates since they contribute to the interpretation of theoretical terms. Definition 3 (Set  of admissible structures)
When explaining the Carnap sentence TCR → TC, Carnap says that, if the Let o designate the intended interpretation of the observation
Ramsey sentence is true, the theoretical terms are to be understood in language. Further, MOD(A(TC)) designates the set of L(Vo , Vt )
accordance with some interpretation that satisfies TC. This is the sense in structures that satisfy the axioms A(TC). EXT(o , Vt , Dt ) is the set of
which we can say that Carnapian postulates contribute to the interpretation L(Vo , Vt ) structures that extend o to interpret the theoretical terms,
of theoretical terms in a manner akin to the interpretation of a defined term where these terms are allowed to have argument positions being
by the corresponding definition. Postulates and definitions alike impose a interpreted in a domain Dt of theoretical entities.

MOD(A(TC)) ∩ EXT(o , Vt , Dt ) ≠ ∅ ,
constraint on the admissible, or intended, interpretation of the complete
1. If then
language L(V) , where V contains basic and indirectly interpreted terms.
 := MOD(A(TC)) ∩ EXT(o , Vt , Dt );
Yet, the interpretation of theoretical terms by axioms of a scientific theory 2. If MOD(A(TC)) ∩ EXT(o , Vt , Dt ) = ∅ , then
differs in several ways from that of a defined term by a definition. First,  := EXT(o , Vt , Dt ).
the introduction of theoretical terms may be joined with the introduction
Given there is a range of admissible, i.e., intended structures, the
of another, theoretical domain of interpretation, in addition to the basic
following truth-rules for theoretical sentences are intuitive:
domain of interpretation in which observation terms are interpreted.
Second, it must not be assumed that the interpretation of theoretical terms Definition 4 (Truth-rules for theoretical sentences)
results in a unique determination of the extension of these terms. This is an ν : L(Vo , Vt ) → {T, F, I}.
implication of Carnap’s doctrine of partial interpretation (1958), as will
become obvious by the end of this section. Third, axioms of a scientific 1. ν(ϕ) := T if and only if for all structures  ∈ ,  ⊨ ϕ ;
theory are not conservative extensions of the observation language since 2. ν(ϕ) := F if and only if for all structures  ∈ ,  ⊭ ϕ;
they enable us to make predictions. Definitions, by contrast, must be 3. ν(ϕ) := I (indeterminate) if and only if there are structures
conservative (cf. Gupta 2009). Taking these differences into account when 1 , 2 ∈  such that 1 ⊨ ϕ but not 2 ⊨ ϕ.
observing the semantic similarities between definitions and Carnapian

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The idea lying behind these rules comes from supervaluation logic (van a distinctive merit of the indirect interpretation semantics of theoretical
Fraassen 1969; Priest 2001: ch. 7). A sentence is true if and only if it is terms is that theoretical constants need not be recovered from the Ramsey
true in every admissible structure. It is false, by contrast, if and only if it is sentence in the first place.
false in every admissible structure. And a sentence does not have a
determinate truth-value if and only if it is true in, at least, one admissible The label partial interpretation is more common in the literature to
structure and false in, at least, another structure that is also admissible. describe Carnap’s view that theoretical terms are interpreted by the axioms
or postulates of a scientific theory (Suppe 1974: 86–95). The partial
A few properties of the present semantics are noteworthy. First, it accounts character of interpretation is retained in the present account since there is a
for Carnap’s idea that the axioms A(TC) have a twofold function, viz., range of admissible interpretations of the complete language L(Vo , Vt ).
setting forth empirical claims and determining the meaning of theoretical This allows for the interpretation of theoretical terms to be strengthened
terms (Carnap 1958). For, on the one hand, the truth-values of the axioms by further postulates, just as Carnap demanded in his 1958 and 1961. To
A(TC) depend on empirical, observable facts. These axioms, on the other strengthen the interpretation of theoretical terms is to further constrain the
hand, determine the admissible interpretations of the theoretical terms. range of admissible interpretations of L(Vo , Vt ).
These two seemingly contradictory properties are combined by allowing
the axioms A(TC) to interpret theoretical terms only on condition of there 4.3 Direct Interpretation
being a structure that both extends the given interpretation of the
Both the Ramsey view and the indirect interpretation semantics deviate
observation language and that satisfies these axioms. If there is no such
from standard truth-conditional semantics at the level of theoretical terms
structure, the theoretical terms remain uninterpreted. This semantics,
and theoretical sentences. Such a deviation, however, was not felt to be
therefore, can be seen to formally work out the old contextual theory of
necessary by all philosophers that have worked on theoretical concepts.
meaning for theoretical terms.
Tuomela (1973: ch. V) defends a position that he calls semantic realism
Second, Sneed’s problem of theoretical terms (Section 3.2) does not arise and that retains standard truth-conditional semantics. Hence, direct
in the present semantics since the formulation of this problem is bound to interpretation is assumed for theoretical terms by Tuomela. Yet, semantic
standard truth-conditional semantics. Third, it is closely related to the realism for theoretical terms acknowledges there to be an epistemological
Ramsey view of scientific theories as the following biconditional holds: distinction between observational and theoretical terms. Tuomela’s (1973:
ch. I) criterion of the theory-observation distinction largely coincides with
Proposition 2 TCR if and only if for all ϕ ∈ A(TC), ν(ϕ) = T . Sneed’s above expounded criterion. Since direct interpretation of
theoretical terms amounts just to standard realist truth-conditions, there is
Unlike the Ramsey account, however, the present one does not dispense
no need for a further discussion here.
with theoretical terms. It can be shown rather that allowing for a range of
admissible interpretations as opposed to a single interpretation does not 4.4 Defining Theoretical Terms
affect the validity of standard deductive reasoning (Andreas 2010). Hence,

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In Weyl 1949, Carnap 1958, Feyerabend 1962 and a number of further Lewis (1970) introduced a number of modifications concerning both the
papers we can identify different formulations of the idea that the axioms of language of the Carnap sentence and its interpretation in order to attain
a scientific theory determine the meaning of theoretical terms without proper definitions of theoretical terms. First, theoretical terms are
these axioms qualifying as proper definitions of theoretical terms. This considered to refer to individuals as opposed to relations and functions.
idea has become almost constitutive of the very notion of a theoretical This move is made coherent by allowing the basic language L(Vo ) to
term in the philosophy of science. Lewis, however, wrote a paper with the contain relations like ‘x has property y’. The basic, i.e., non-theoretical
title “How to Define Theoretical Terms” (1970). A closer look at the language is thus no observation language in this account. Yet, it serves as
literature further reveals that the very idea of explicitly defining theoretical the basis for introducing theoretical terms. The set Vo of ‘O-terms’ is best
terms goes back to Carnap’s (1961) use of Hilbert’s epsilon operator in described as our antecedently understood vocabulary.
scientific theories. This operator is an indefinite description operator that
was introduced by Hilbert to designate some object x that satisfies an open Second, denotationless terms are dealt with along the lines of free logic by
formula ϕ . So Dana Scott (1967). That means denotationless terms, such as an improper
description, denote nothing in the domain of discourse. Atomic sentences
εxϕ(x) containing denotationless terms are either true or false. Most notably, the
free logic that Lewis refers to has it that an identity that contains a
designates some x satisfying ϕ(x) , where x is the only free variable of ϕ denotationless term on both sides is always true. If just one side of the
(cf. Avigad and Zach 2002). Now, Carnap (1961: 161n) explicitly defines identity formula has an occurrence of a denotationless term, this identity
theoretical terms in two steps: statement is false.
(AT(0) ) t̄ = εX̄TC(X̄, n1 , … , nk ) Third, Lewis (1970) insists on a unique interpretation of theoretical terms,
where X̄is a sequence of higher-order variables and t̄ a corresponding thus rejecting Carnap’s doctrine of partial interpretation. Carnap (1961) is
instantiation. So, t̄ designates some sequence of relations and functions most explicit about the indeterminacy that this doctrine implies. This
that satisfies TC, in the context of an antecedently given interpretation of indeterminacy of theoretical terms drives Carnap to using Hilbert’s ε -
Vo . Once such a sequence has been defined via the epsilon-operator, the operator there, as just explained. For Lewis, by contrast, a theoretical term
second step of the definition is straightforward: is denotationless if its interpretation is not uniquely determined by the
Ramsey sentence. For a scientific theory to be true, it must have a unique
(AT(i) ) ti = εx(∃u1 … ∃ un (t̄ = ⟨u1 , … , un ⟩ ∧ x = ui )) interpretation.

Carnap could show these definitions to imply the Carnap sentence AT . Using these modifications, Lewis transforms the Carnap sentence into
Hence, they allow for direct recovery of the theoretical terms for the three Carnap-Lewis postulates, so to speak:
purpose of deductive reasoning on condition of the Ramsey sentence being

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(CL1) ∃y1 … ∃yn ∀x1 … ∀ xn CL1–CL3 are equivalent, in free logic, to a set of sentences that properly
(TC(n1 , … , nk , x1 , … , xn ) ↔ y1 = x1 ∧ … ∧ yn = xn ) → define the theoretical terms ti (1 ≤ i ≤ n):
TC( n1 , … , nk , t1 , … , tk )
(Di) ti = ιyi ∃y1 … ∃yi−1 ∃ yi+1 … ∃yn ∀x1 … ∀xn
(CL2) ¬∃x1 … ∃xn TC(n1 , … , nk , x1 , … , xn ) → (TC(n1 , … , nk , x1 , … , xn ) ↔
¬∃x(x = t1 ) ∧ … ∧ ¬∃x(x = tn ) y1 = x1 ∧ … ∧ yi = xi ∧ … ∧ yn = xn )

ti designates, according to this definition schema, the i-th component in

(CL3) ∃x1 … ∃xn TC(n1 , … , nk , x1 , … , xn ) ∧ that sequence of entities that uniquely realizes TC. If there is no such
¬∃ y1 … ∃yn ∀x1 … ∀xn
sequence, ti (1 ≤ i ≤ n) is denotationless. Even so, the definitions of
(TC(n1 , … , nk , x1 , … , xn ) ↔ y1 = x1 ∧ … ∧ yn = xn ) →
theoretical terms remain true if the complete language L(Vo , Vt ) is
¬∃x(x = t1 ) ∧ … ∧ ¬∃x(x = tn )
interpreted in accordance with the postulates CL1–CL3, thanks to the use
of free logic. Hence, all L(Vo , Vt ) interpretations that extend the
antecedently given interpretation of L(Vo ) can be required to satisfy all
definitions Di .

A few further properties of Lewis’s definitions of theoretical terms are

noteworthy. First, they specify the interpretation of theoretical terms
uniquely. This property is obvious for the case of unique realization of TC
but holds as well for the other cases since assignment of no denotation
These postulates look more difficult than they actually are. CL1 says that,
counts as interpretation of a descriptive symbol in free logic. Second, it
if TC has a unique realization, then it is realized by the entities named by
t1 , … , tk . Realization of a theory TC, in this formulation, means
can be shown that these definitions do not allow for the derivation of any
L(Vo ) sentences except logical truths, just as the original Carnap sentence
interpretation of the descriptive terms under which TC comes out true,
did. Lewis, therefore, in fact succeeds in defining theoretical terms. He
where the interpretation of the Vo terms is antecedently given. So, CL1 is
does so without attempting to divide the axioms A(TC) into definitions
to be read as saying that the theoretical terms are to be understood as
and synthetic claims about the spatiotemporal world.
designating those entities that uniquely realize TC, in the context of an
antecedently given interpretation of the Vo terms. CL2 says that, if the The replacement of theoretical relation and function symbols with
Ramsey sentence is false, the theoretical terms do not designate anything. individual terms was judged counterintuitive by Papineau (1996). A
To see this, recall that ¬∃x(x = ti ) means, in free logic, that ti is reformulation, however, of Lewis’s definitions using second- or higher-
denotationless. In case the theory TC has multiple realizations, the order variables is not difficult to accomplish, as Schurz (2005) has shown.
theoretical terms are denotationless too. This is expressed by CL3. In this reformulation the problem arises that theoretical terms are usually
not uniquely interpreted since our observational evidence is most of the

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time insufficient to determine the extension of theoretical relation and logicians started to investigate the distinct semantics of theoretical terms.
function symbols completely. Theoretical functions, such as temperature, Various formal accounts resulted from these investigations, among which
pressure, electromagnetic force etc., are determined only for objects that the Ramsey sentence by Ramsey (1929), Carnap’s notion of indirect
have been subjected to appropriate measurements, however indirect. In interpretation (1939; 1958) and Lewis’s (1970) proposal of defining
view of this problem, Schurz (2005) suggests letting the higher-order theoretical terms are the most prominent ones. Though not all
quantifiers range only over those extensions that correspond to natural philosophers of science understand the notion of a theoretical term in such
kind properties. This restriction renders the requirement of unique way that semantic dependence upon a scientific theory is essential, this
interpretation of theoretical terms plausible once again. Such a reading view prevails in the literature.
was also suggested by Psillos (1999: ch. 3) with reference to Lewis’s
(1984) discussion of Putnam’s (1980) model-theoretic argument. In that The theory-observation distinction has been attacked heavily and is
paper, Lewis himself suggests the restriction of the interpretation of presumably discredited by a large number of philosophers of science. Still,
descriptive symbols to extensions corresponding to natural kind this distinction continues to permeate a number of important strands in the
properties. philosophy of science, such as scientific realism and its alternatives and
the logical analysis of scientific theories. A case in point is the recent
One final note on indirect interpretation is in order. Both Carnap (1961) interest in the Ramsey account of scientific theories which emerged in the
and Lewis (1970) interpret theoretical terms indirectly simply because any wake of Worral’s structural realism (cf. Ladyman 2009). We have seen,
definition is an instance of an indirect interpretation. For this reason, moreover, that the formal accounts of theoretical terms work well with a
Sneed’s problem of theoretical terms (Section 3.2) does not arise. Yet, the theory-observation distinction that is relativized to a particular theory.
pattern of Carnap’s and Lewis’s proposals conforms to the pattern of a Critics of that distinction, by contrast, have commonly attacked a global
definition in the narrow sense and not to the peculiar pattern of indirect and static division into theoretical and observational terms (Maxwell
interpretation that Carnap (1939) envisioned for the interpretation of 1962; Achinstein 1965). Note finally that Carnap assigned no ontological
theoretical terms. This is why the indirect interpretation semantics has significance to the theory-observation distinction in the sense that entities
been separated from the present discussion of defining theoretical terms. of the one type would be existent in a more genuine way than ones of the
5. Conclusion
The claim that there are scientific terms that are semantically dependent
upon a scientific theory goes back to Duhem and Poincaré. Such terms Achinstein, Peter, 1965, “The Problem of Theoretical Terms”, American
came to be referred to as theoretical terms in twentieth century philosophy Philosophical Quarterly, 2(3): 193–203.
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Frankfurt a. M.: Ontos, pp. 271–284.
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Physics, second edition, Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company; analytic/synthetic distinction | Carnap, Rudolf | definitions | empiricism:
first edition, 1971, doi:10.1007/978-94-010-3066-3 logical | epsilon calculus | incommensurability: of scientific theories |
Suppe, Frederick, 1974, “The Search for a Philosophical Understanding of natural kinds | physics: structuralism in | reference | science: theory and
Scientific Theories”, in The Structure of Scientific Theories, F. Suppe observation in | scientific realism | structural realism | Vienna Circle
(ed.), Urbana: University of Illinois Press, pp. 3–232.
Tuomela, Raimo, 1973, Theoretical Concepts, Wien: Springer. Notes to Theoretical Terms in Science
van Fraassen, Bas, 1969, “Presuppositions, Supervaluations and Free
Logic”, in The Logical Way of Doing Things, K. Lambert (ed.), New 1. To mention only two of these intermediate positions: van Fraassen
(1980) accepts a realist semantics for scientific statements but contests that

42 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Fall 2017 Edition 43

Theoretical Terms in Science

science is aiming at true theories. Dummett’s antirealism suggests

replacing the notion of truth by provability or warranted assertibility
(Dummett 1978; Wright 1993). This alternative to realist semantics has
never been worked out for scientific theories in due detail, however.

2. An important difference between Przelecki (1969: ch. 6) and Andreas

(2010) is that only the former requires those sentences that indirectly
interpret a symbol to be analytic. This requirement is not in line with
Carnap’s (1958) view that the analytic-synthetic distinction is not
applicable to the single axioms of a scientific theory. Przelecki’s (1969)
account, however, is more general than that of Andreas (2010) in that it
does not assume a complete interpretation of the basic language L(Vo ) .
The merits of both accounts can easily be combined.

Copyright © 2017 by the author

Holger Andreas

44 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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