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SEEC FORM 20 Page tof 17 f eoyiad Itemized Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement SY io ree cin etn ELECTIONS ENFORCEMENT CONSSION wevwed nan 2018 bS€ od ZI Tne 202 YF79 NAO mons G HOG RUG NAME OF COMMITTEE Dean Esposito For Mayor 2c TREASURER NAME Richard -lawley 3: TREASURER ADDRESS Sie Al Gir se cae 3 Terrace Street Danbury cr 06811 “CFLECTIONREFERENDUM DATE [5 OFFICE SOUGHT (Conlon Conde Commi) & DISTRICT NUMER oman sor 1170272021 MAYOR CANDIDATE NAME Cont er Gio Epos Conte Fa har Ta ai Dean E Esposito RLAVPE OF REPORT Check Ono © danwaey 10 ting Orihday preceding primary Qn day precedingsefrendum Cal Contribution or Disbursement ACs ONL Odprit 10 ting O20. lowing primary O45 days fllowing fern O Anendment 0 duly 10 iting Orthday preceding lection Deficit mypoutRegoh: october 10 filing O2inday preceding section Termination Ste Cont Contes 0) O24 Hourindpendent Expendine Cs A ral a tye following election Cer 0 ‘not hel in November 9: PERIOD COVERED Beginning Date Ending Date 05/19/2021, th 06/30/2021 10, CERTIFICATION 1 hereby certify and state, under penalties of false statement, thatal of the information set forth on tis Hemized Campatga Fi Disclosure Statement for the period covered is true, accurateand complete, et = Roger A Patanzo Marna o Re cen KaaD MUTY TREASRER (SIGNATURE) FRNTWANEOF STONER DATE Goma “A person whois found fo have knowingly and villfly violated any provisions ofthe campaign finance statutes faces a civil penalty or imprisonment or bath. SEEC FORM 20 nized Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement (CONNECTICUT STATE ELECTIONS ENFORCESIENT COM Revised January 2018 10N Page 20117 SUMMARY PAGE TOTALS [GARR OF CONIMICCTE Pride Cone Nin md rn RTD TROP REFORT. [Dean Esposito for Mayor [SEC FOR 20 - JULY 10 REPORTING COLUMN A’ COLUMN B ‘This Period Aggregate 1H. Balance on hand danoary 7 of eurrent year for ongoing and party conimitees OR Balance an hand from day commites was formed for lather comnitees 12. Balance on hand atthe begining of Reporting Period 25, Loan Balance 13, Contibutons Received ffom Individuals (Sestions A and B) 180035.00 £80035.00 1M. Receipts fom Other Committees (Sections Cl and C2) 200.00 2500.00 15, Other Monetary Receipts (Sections D through K) 0.00 0.00 16a, Total Proceeds from Small Parciases (Section LI Subpart + Subpart 3) a hed 6b, Per Public Act 11-48, effective January 1, 2012 Section L2, removed 1c. Tota Purchases of Advetsing—Program Book or Sign (Section L3) 0.00 000 17, Total Monetary Receipts (ad tos for Lines 13 dough 160) 82535.00 2535.00, 18, Subtotals (add totals in Line 12+ 17 in Column A; and in Line 11 +17 inColumn B) — |82535.00 $2535.00 19, Expenses Pid by Commie (Section P) 2748.97 2745.97 20, Balance on hand at close of Reporting Peiod Subtet Lise 19 foe Line 18 beth Causes) |79789.03 7978903 21. In-Kind Donations not Considered Contributions Received (Section L4) 22. In-Kind Donations not Considered Contributions —~ Howse Parry (Section 1) 23, In-Kind Contributions Received (Section M) 24, Refundable Deposit o Telephone Company (Section N) 254, + Loans Received (Section D) 25b, + Interest and Penaltis on Loan 25e, = Payments on Loam 25¢, Total Outs snding Loan Amount 26, Campaign Expenses Paid by Candidate (Section Q) 27. Bxpenses Incured on Committee Credit Card (Seetion R) 28. Bspenses Incurred by Commitee Dating ths Period but Nat Paid (Section S) 28a, Tota Outstanding Expenses Incuned by Commitee sill Unpaid (SeetionS) THAME OF COMMITTEE dro Comper Rw RUST Ca Fag Ra I. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) FY OF REPORT. Page 3 0f17 Dean Esposito for Mayor ‘SEC FOR 20. JULY 10 REPORTING ‘A. Total Ce ‘butions from Small Contributors-Recelved this Period ONLY (ce hsrctons fr defini of Sal Contributor) 8 SUBTOTAL SECTION A ‘B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals TaN Ter wT [Palanzo Roger A ssl Set RS er Tae opto 45 Briarwood Drive anbury ct | c6ai0 [FinisTOpsor ro Eappr Director City of Danbury canna abby, pos, or doendent eld of abby Bs Tf conaon en exe of HOO wos sane Tors cet excotve officer «manga oes contr or business hse asia wt have a cytact with sid mail ‘Amount of Contribution ale oe han $5,007 Gre 25000 Ts tisconbaion salad whan ( Yes | Iscontibuoca principe ofa ab cna or rspeve scones? (Ves Gyretoen N° | aghenmenchecoumatnwite” Qeseuive layne ao Guat Dac Rashes Rese Como JOcath @revona check QcetieDeie cand Oat Dodson QMoney Over | 05/17/2021 | 1000.00 Dillon Mare enc RTS ee Bae [awe 190Cutlor Stroot East Watertown ct_| 06795 Pas Ose Rear Ea Project Manager City of Banbury is conibtora tabby pane, Jer dependent chil of lobbyist? 8x Tr conton in exes of 10 tot candi fr ait exci oT of @ wane, does cour or busines sah sean wih havea contact with said epalty vyahid at more than $5,000? Yes @ No events Seton L1? apes st Ewen etheconuibrion soca withan 8 ee Ne Tscontribtors principal afte contrat or prospective sate contacter? 1 ges.inicte which branch or braehes of govemmneat the contac ith No Executive © Lesishive Mtl of Combo lOc Orenon eck Cvetbit Cand CPaytltDeduton Cheney Over 05/19/2021 [essen Conta 25000 Kleinhans 2.Grove Avenue East Lyme ct | 06357 iin Oregon emo Eau Marketing Imageworks is contra akin, spose or dependcat hid ead? oe ‘conraton Ta exens of S400 wa ania ora cut excanive oa of manepaiy oer cnttor or tnos hath ieesoiaed wis have acgnact with si ipl “Amount of Contribution ‘ahd snore ta $5,000? yer @No 10000 {rth connbuton ecined witan 8 Ye Is contaatora principal ofa sat contactor er prospective ste contacte?— CQfes even repre in Sectian LI? No |) ify indicate whic branch o traces No enn Geom tecennr aie Oessonine Oreste Nea Ca Dac Rach Tatorpic Comins JO cist OPenorat Check @cresvDebit Cond CPayro Deducson QMoney Over | 05/19/2021 10200 TOTAL of aualt ‘SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page | 600.00 Section B Pages "TOTAL OF ALL, CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (ecllous AFB) (Cer ttl 0 Line 13, Cola A of Summary Page Totals) see Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE of [RAT OF COMA ia Ca Rone RST Rg Rpg OORT Dean Esposito for Mayor [SEC Form 20 JULY 10 Filing ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY | (See isractons for dinton of Sal Contbaor) SUBTOTAL SECTION A B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals Yamin Robert ee Sie RR lew Bae ertore 66 Barwum Road Banbury cr | oes rect cso Roms of Epon Attorney Yamin & Yamin LLP Is convibaora latin spouse, ‘Vex | ifcontbuton ra excess of SOD tos candid fora cle excoutve oto ofa munlpaliy, | Amount of Gontibuton Jocdependent child cfs tboyit? No | docs conibitr or siness hele aseciated wil havea eagtact wih sid munepally Yale at mare than 5,07 jes ONo 1,000 eae a sep aceropogmeaeconaan Q¥e iieanen = Bie Ye coven reported in Sesion LI? No | yes; indicate wih braneto: branches . pen hare ‘of government te eontact with Obscestve Orerisaive ‘sid of Comb Dae Ronee [aves Conan lOc Orenorst Check @credivDetit Cord QPayeltDedecion Money Over | 5/19/2021 1,000 Fe Ww Yamin Dianne earn see Aa Ie Sue [ance 66 Barnum Road Danbury er | ose oo Rem of Foye Atlomey/Judge State of Connecticut i conibtora abby pause, () Yor | Hconiiboon nia excess of 400 os candidate fora chef nective ocr ofa mania, Jorden child abbyist? — @) No. | docx coninbutr or bases elses sociated wl havea ggtact with sid municpality ie a sare tan 5,000? ver @ No eee ne sees re eee ee eee ce event reported in Seton LI? No |" ifyesndcate which banc or branches, No pee) ‘goverment thecanactbwih (Executive © tegiahve Taal Penasco JOcnn Orenonat eck QcrtivDatit card Ora Dedweton OMoney Over | 6/19/2021 4000 DeFazio Angelo Core ew Tae apie 120 indian Hill Road Canton cr | 06019 ory Ra of apap Pharmacist ANG, Inc Ts cnoora ai pos {-) Ver | 1 consibton in eee of 0 os candor it execu aTiow ofa manag oedpenden child ofsobbyis?—G)No. | dossconbutaror busines hese seine th ve a ac with sid maniipaty aed at mor tan 5000? OO she contibuion asocined wien (2) Yes is contributor a principal ofa ae contactor or prospective steconiactor? (Qos eve epoced in Seton LI? Wo | afyes indicate which brane or branches Ne Wests Event ‘gvemmen te cont sth O)eecuive Qtzysaive al of Connor acted Tae Conta JOcisn Orenonat Creek Oresivdeit Cd QPayrt Deduction OMoney Ove | 5/19/2021 4,000 SUBTOTAL Section B —This Page 3000 ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages ‘TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections A+) (tr ttl on Lina 13, Column A of Summary Page Totes) THAME OF COMMITTOE: Grol Cnplas Nanas eps wt Pag Ripa) Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE | of TREO ROR ‘Dean Esposito for Mayor SEEC Form 20 JULY 10 Filing ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Recelved this Period ONLY | (See sino for defen of Small Cotto) ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A B, Htemized Contributions from Individuals ors Pat wT DeFazio Michelle een ee A ie See age 120 Indian Hill Road Canton cr [06019 Fico Reno apne Retired Reticed scone igi pone, or dspendent chido abby? ‘Yer | iFeoniibiio sn eees oF 540010 ane Tra et oxen offer of mnie, | Aunt of Contribution No. | does consibuor or sine het is tocined mh have a gat with sid mip” ‘Af yes st Event ‘of government the contract is wit: Odéxceutive Cegistative |Ocash OCpsvsonat Check OCrevivPebit Card Cppayroil Deduction CMoncy Onder | 5/19/2021 4,000 _| = = Deni Qrescnat check Oevdivberi card Qrayet Duedon Oiooey Over | 6/21/2021 119000 [cutsumpas Thoedore err [ee Sue [apts 145 Dewey Lane Bennington vr 05201 rnc ese Roneot Eater cEO ESM Ty eon aby spon, oe dependent bl f= aby Vos] Weonsboon sn excess of $00 oe candi ora che ecutive ocr ofa municipal, | Anant of Conrbation No. | does connbitr or bases hi i esncoted wat havea cata wih ed mancpality vie 5,007 Yee ONO 500 ven spotd in Seton LI? Aye st ENC er cortenmthn Yer [casa apes Sogn ropes co? No] iyes,inaieate wich branch orbranhet ‘Sfaovenmenttocontactiwithy © Executive: OhLeiaatve No ‘Maal of Conbae JOcah Oversea check @exdivDeit card Quy Deacon OMerey Orr | 5/23/2021 Das Raed 500 [atsrpve Coan SUBTOTAL Section B—This Page TOTAL of additional Section B Pages "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUATS (Seclions AB) Cate ttl 04 Lioe 13, Colin of Senmary Page Teel) 2500 oe: Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE 1¢ of, [ST A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY 5 La TTS B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals i cie execs oie ofa nical, | Ameunt af Contribution SSA goss Qi | Remini cers ota e saa frrstcsisarat a | accra onc ines gemanimaceany | 9 Searepesnsainc? QS |" ntattwat waco mcd eeneomecmnent | ye Wye ist Event ‘of exvernent he contest swith Obsceuive Oregistaive Nato tr Tae Raed [reece Connor JOcest @resowt creck QcretivOedie Cant Qrayoit Deduction Onorey ot | 5/27/2021 [mo avo Joseph Rena aS i a 2 Candlewood Drive Danbury cr | oes apr Ocon aaa Mayor City of Danbury I eonianion sf exes af S400 io anda fora chet excovtce al ota manisplig: | Amun of Cont Roxanne Qi Jor senensow eid ofa cbhyist? No. | does contibuter er busines ole is sociated wfstaveaganac wih sid msg ‘alc at one tu 5,002 er No 4,000 is wis conbion asioitd with an ‘Yes_]Iscontituor a priacit ofa sine contactor or prospective sine conten? (Yee even rpated in Seton U1? No | ipyes indicate wick brancto: branches No yess tat event ‘tgovenaenttheconiat wi (Executive C) Lepisative Mi of Gear a Raed [ert Coens Cersn_Orenonai check Beretidedi Cued Qeoyot Daiction QMiney Orter | 5/31/2021 1,000 Carpionato. Domenic Te Saat Ae ao Sine [ince 18 Bryan Lane Newtown cr_ | 06470 Fatal Opt Ticats Real tstate Carplonato Group Is consibaors abby poe, Yer | Treontibation in exces of 500 fo acania fora dicexcanive ofieer ofa munich, | Amount of Contnaion Jordopenden chika lobbyist? — @)No- | does contator or basics lhe x soclied wh tans uggtract th sad pat aed st ore te $5,000? "ves @No. 1,000 Te his contin associat whan Yes [is contituira principal ofa wate cantor orpespactive se contmcior? Ces even cepted in Seton U1? No. | “Wfses, indicate which rancher bsnches Ke I yessist oven ‘gavel the cota fh Obrceatie Opesaaine Och Oresonsi cheek Cciesvpesit cart Osyrll Detetion Coney Over | 6/3/2021 [een Cone 1000 SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (eellons AB) Eater alo Line 13, Colum of Summary Page Total) ena Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE !° of ANTE OF COMMITTEE i api no TP PSI TOTO Dean Esposito for Mayor SEEC Form 20 JULY 10Fing A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY s (Sento for dion of Sal Conner SUTOTAL SECTION A B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals ame Fa a Levy Warren 5 Pilgrim Drive Danbury cr | abst CeO Danbury Metal Finishing TFeoniibaton is cas of 400 os andes Tore et excel fie fe nalapaliy, | Amount of Contiouton is conibtora nti pone, does contr or busines beth is csaoeited wih hav a egract wih aid nity orepenéen bid ofa ebbyit? ‘alas! at more han 600? = Ox 1,000 Rinitewaoihes Qiu [howsiensmict te meommgarmmtmsincnima? Oe ent spot n Seton? No | U/yes.indaate ich banchor branches 5 yestan tant fememmenttheconaet aide Oxeenive OQeiive ‘Mat of Cot bac Raced neues Contos JOdcist renal check Oceans Coat OPerrlt Dedarion Money nk | 6/7/2021 7.000 Seabury Barbara aa NT ee Sa [eet 40 Moody Lane Danbury cr {oss TOR Rann Bogie Retired Reticed is contibutor» tobbyist spouse, Se Teontibton isa excess of 400 tos candi fora chief cxccotve ace oTa manipaly, | Amount of Canta Jarno chisrattiyns Go| cerca orb mamta ae tac wa ran ‘sts morn 067 Ove" Ore 500 Frnmcoorimionsmcarawmse Yor [scoters pinpalofamnecoancera papesivesmecoeue? er fsensspned Sc it ips deste va of anees i isto gnc Gece CEsevine © tei [eats Orenenal check Ocresivosbit cars Qvayrat Dedeeion Ohteney Ores | 6/7/2021 7,900 Gallagher Roce 7 Sate [cone 32 Junction Road Brookfield cr | 06804 Ts conor a Tobby, pour "Yaz ] Teoma si eves af S400 To candidate fora hist exc ofa of auniipaliy, | Amount ef Contribution ordepenet chido eb) decibel ate geet id may Sehr an $500 Nan Oke 100 etisconteiopasacindwihon() Yes [lsconbworapecysl fa sus caanororpogesivesttocanncto? — CQve verre etn U1? No [Sipe nate stich anchor branches is Tes httsen ‘pwnmen becotacttw O)facete Olive er ofc Tact eos Conti [Orcas Orenonat creck @xetivDevit Card Opec Deduction QMoney Oke | 6/25/2021 100 ‘SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page TOTAL of additional Section B Pages "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Geel (inter ttl 04 Line 13, Colum A of Sumy Pag THAME OF COMMITTED, (nike Gps Main Read Fag ROOD) Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE |= of TOPREPORT Dean Esposito for Mayor SEC Form 20JULY 10 Filing, ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Recelved this Period ONLY | (See incr for definition of Small Conrbter) ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A ‘Itemized Contributions from Individuals oe dependent hil of aby? No | doer catntulr or busines hth stented wi ave acai! wih sid manip Bingham Ryan sca ae ETS lew Sa [apo 20 Spencer Brook Road New Hartford ct | 06057 rast Oeaa ae oF per Government Alfairs Sullivan & LeShane is connor a abby pane, "Yar | Weonibuion sin exces of S00 tos candids ara che execalive aco ofa mania, | Amount af Conebution Ocesn Opersorat Check Oereivdebc Cord OPayrtt Deduction Money Over | 6/11/2021 100 ‘edn more thin $5,000? es Oo, 100 Teil conbton aoe wih an ‘Yes | Irentbutor a prnsgl ofa sa contmetr or rospestive rte contaclor’ (Yee ven reported in Sesion LI? No | dyes indicate which branetor branches No yes st Exon ‘of goverment he contac Wilh Okrceative Oesisaive tal o Caner Dar Rooed Tans Coma Bingham Resi eee na ie ae Paper 20 Spencer Brook Road ‘Naw Hartford cr | 06057 ory Reno Eagoe Hairstylist, Roshambo Is conaior a aki, pow, Jr dspam child of ity? Yer ] Weoninbavon isin cxcen of OD tos canditate fora che active oiceroFa manip, | Amows Nov | doce conbutr or hosiness eh ie esacated wd havea santa! wih end nuicpay Oca Orenonat creck @eresivoait cad Opayrlt Deduction One Orter | 6/11/2021 100 ataod et mar thn 5,000? Yer No 400 shi conribton ssid witha Yer] Iecontibuora risipal ofa sae contactor or prospective sate contmcio?” (Yes event cepted in Section LI? No | ifgesintente which bronco tranches No Myer it Eee ‘ot goverment he conti ith LQ Exccative © Legistave Misa oweas Dae Roe Tagep Conan of Coneation Shortetl RTT HRA lew Sue [pcos (60 Hyde Road West Hartford crf o6n17 Fa Ope Ten of Eason Lobbyist Hillside Strategies LLC is convibatoraftbyist pane or dgpendot child af iby) Ne: | docs eantbutor or busts hei sealed wah ave agit Wh ed mpl Be | Lentini races of HR penn acon a Tam, | An ‘ah at mre than $5,000 Ye. ON 100 even epote it Section LI? vest Event avonsirimasssaesoatn Yer Tectia aera clr or prospective ste contacto?| No | ipyes indicate wtih beanchor branches ‘af goverment te conta with Obecctive Qessaive [Ccas Oecsonal Creck OereaivBebit Cord CpPayrott Deduction CQMoney Onter | 6/11/2021 Bae Raed 100 SUBTOFAL Section B — This Page ‘TOTAL of addlttonal Section B Pages "TOTAL. OF ALL. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Secllong A+B) (Enter ttl on Line 13, Coluus A of Stnmany Page Tot) [essen Conan nt of Contebaton Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE of THAME OF CONMITTER ote Cnpias Nano Rea is ig Reng) [TYPE OF REPORT Dean Esposito for Mayor ‘SEC Form 20 JULY 10 Filing ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY: | (Gee sections for deat of all Conribesor) SUBTOTAL SECTION A ‘B, Mtemized Contributions from Individuals Pieta Ken, ors co Sue [Taco 89 Tyler Crossing Middlebury ct | 06762 Frm Osea ams oan Manager Daniury Sports Dome scotia Toba pone) Ve] contain a ees of 00 cai ra chief nav TTS ofa mI, | Raman oT COND fst ro’ | Sesemsrerpisbes canner agency | [ehiconiigsacnanwihan QQ Ys [omiwira pil afamaecataan orogens ssiccwracor? Ye eaten Ne | Gevcmenttecmmetivaiie Qéscenie Qlasisve et f Coton Tac iaahed [eenens Coane JOcan Orenanat creck: Octet cas QPayrl Detuston Ontony Over | 6/14/2021 300 Ianto ae carter Dan a a Rae a Bar [ea 14 Katrina Cicle Bathel ct | 6801 ent Oa RealEstate Ageny Carter McBride LLC is corairara biy pe [> dependent child oF tbbyin? 8 Yer TKeoniitnion in exces of SHO os sandsaa fora shit ecto offer of @ munepaiy, does contnbutror busines shee sabe wh have agonal with sid nui ‘aed at more than $5,007 ver. @No shi coneibtonesoiaed withan Yes] fecontbwtora principal ofasneconnctr or prospective sat contactr? (Yes event cepted Section LI? No. | ifyenindestwbich branch or branches, No Wes ta ent Cfgoemmenttheconracvwih ( Excouive ©) Leiiive Oct Orevorst creck Ceraivoesit cant Qpayet Dateion Ononey One| 6/15/2021 100 [cammisa Mark Rete AS ie Sas | aecore 21 Aunt Hack Road Danbury cr | 06811 Fail Oran CFO Stamford Tent & Equipment Company i conibatora bby panes, orspndent child aby? 8 Ye Tyeoaibaton fe cices of 100 oa candi fora Sef eave esr ofa manele does connor ce busines hehe esses wh havea gona whi mica ale at more than 5,000? ves @ No Sone i wibon Yor Tecra pinealoracan coor errepesivesecoanci?— Os event repre in Seton LI? No [Uses inate which branck or branches No Byes ist Event ‘tgpvermentthe contact iwithe C)Exentve: Cegisaive "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections AB) cast Oresant ence: evabi Cal Qrayt Deteeen Qvoney One | 6/16/2021 Da Rese [Rees Contain 100 SUBTOTAL Section B— "This Page TOTAL of additional Section B Pages (Enter ttel ot Line 13 Colunn A of Sonmary Page Totals) 100 Soo Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE 16 of. THAME OF COMMIT TER rid Comps Ran i an ATC FRG RSID FEOF REPORT, ean Esposito for Mayor SEEC Form 20,JULY 10 Filing ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Recelved this Period ONLY (ee lnsructons for defintion of Sal Comite) susroraLsectiona | S B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals ren reported in Section LT? Mfves st Even Ta Ta aT iCammisa Nancy 21 Runt Hack Road Danbury ct | 06811 rman Oa Rano Epa Accountant Pius Media is conitara aa. ouse, CD Yer | Henini a exes oF S00 oa can ora cit eevee of nial. | Amount of Conefoton Jedenenden chido bbyin? No. | doescontibuar or business heise s sociated wave aga wihsaidmaniipay ‘ht orem 83.0 es Oxe 100 Tsihscenibaonavorined wih an Yes |Iscontnbutorprisipal ofa sas conker or prospective ste oniaor? OY Ne | Wer indicate wtih bunch or branches, No ‘of govemonent the contac wih scene OlLegsaive }Ocosh OPersonal Check @CredivDebic Cord C)Payzell Deduction CMoney Oxier eri6/2021 100 [Asem Cons Work Rete eee Ao 7 Bae aca “40 Middle Rivor Road Danbury cr | 06st ‘Manager Intersurface Dynamics Inc ie conboior»Takby pure, lo dope child byt TFeontcbaiont BE aces of S400 toe candidate fora hil ecole oicer oF a anata, “Armour of Contibation sts convibaion apple wi Joven reported Section LI? ‘yen st ese does constr or barnes beso rorited wh have agents with i mull ‘aod at mare than $.000? ves @No 250 ihn ‘Yer | leconibtoraprinial ofa sve contasior or prospective sateconrcin? (Yes No | °“ipyes.naeste wich brane. o branches No (of govemment the contac is ith LD xenive © Lositive tof Comin acai [Resce Coarbaoe Jean Orenoust creck @eresivosbi Cand Qvsyrtt Detwton Onteney Oner | 6/16/2021 260 Torz0lt Dean RS eRaT STATE = Sept 17/3 Tangle Street #2 Danbury cr | 06810 TT Oe Rane Ease HR Consultant Nuvance Health sarees, YS | Keown pco oS a ake fe Toe ene patey,Aronr Conran oedeerden ct ot aby (2 | does connbulr orbusness he iowa ih pal ‘oe at mor than 3 007 5 Te this conbuton azole wi evo cepted ia Section LI? ‘Bye st nent than Is conor a principal of sa entctr er prespestive state contactor? I/per.ndcaevehich beanchor ranches of gnvrnnet the contac wth 8x Oerccuive Oesisaive [Orcas Oersanat Check EcrediDebit Card C)Payrott Deduction CMoney Onker ae Raced 6/16/2021 8 SUBTOTAL Section B — "This Page ‘TOTAL of additional Secton B Pages "TOTAT. OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUATS (Sections A+B) (Eater ttl on Line 13,Colum A of Summary Page Totals) [aes Contbaos 37S =e Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE of SATE COM TET i ap RT ICT TOPO Dean Esposito tor Mayor ‘SEC Form 20 JULY 10 Filing ‘A. ‘Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY | (See insrutons for defiton of Salt Comber) SUBTOTAL SECTION A B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals ro Fit a Lombardi Craig earn eR [ew fie [areas 42 Abbott Avenue Danbury ct | o6si0 Fasc cr ear ataer Information Technology City of Danbury Library fra sak eects ace oF nieipais; | Avant of Contbaton rea egget wih said maniplty Fs cotibar a iyi, pose, or eperden child aby Yes ] Wonton ia excou of SOD 05 cond No } does color or busines hehe sented wi “valued at more than $5,000? Ores Io 100 fenaqunesiacnats QE |S peittrtstennnchortmnane mesma! Soe Goenttatrent ‘tvementtheceninetiwihs Ossetve Qi ‘at fot Bacal Fea com |Ocisis Orersonal Check Ered Debit Card C)Payroll Deduction CMoney Outer | 6/16/2021 100 cavo uz a ae ce ae [Rea 2Candlewood Drive Danbury ct [oven Fire Tae ioe Rogistered Nurse Danbury Surgical Center ico TFeonilinaion Taxco of 5000 oa cana fora chit exeaveofce oa Taanpaiy, | Amount of Contin mes, OTS Jor dependou eld ora atbyist? GY No. | docs conbatororbosiness elke is sociated wifvbaves cnt! wih sd muaspalty ‘lett nore ta 5,000? ves Oo 500 isis contbon aioli wih an Yer | lscomsibutr a principal of wat contac or prospective bc conacto? (CVs even cepted in Seetin LI? No] “Wyes indicate wtih banc or branches Ne Wpessot event ‘afeorerament hecontacs wih: (Executive © tegistave Oem Oversonsi Check Ocredivdsbt Card QPesst! 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