Now and Then v0.15

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Now and Then v0.

15 Walk-through
Choice walk-through by: Mordred93

The intent of this guide is to get you the most points with the
girls, but is primarily a Carol run-through. There are alternate
dialog trees throughout the game, however this walk-through will give
you the most points, and probably be more useful in the future as the
game develops. If you want to see it all, play the game with the
“bad” choices, in an alternate save, to see what happens in those
dialog trees. This Developer does a lot of work with the dialog, and
lots of changes to the dialog occur if you make particular choices.

As you go through the game, some choices will give you one or all of
these things; Points, Alternate Dialog, and Additional Dialog.

There are three types of points:

Love: This is, of course, a measure of each girl's feelings for the
MC (Jack). Right now, this doesn't have a noticeable impact on the
story. It will, in the future, help shape the course of the game's
endings. Also, there will be choices later in the story where you may
have to "spend" these points if you don't choose Carol.

Trust: This is earned by being honest with each girl about your
situation. The more you treat her like an adult, the more she trusts
you. Often, the decisions that earn Trust also earns Nerve. Trust
points will impact future conversations and actions.

Nerve: This is a measure of each girl's nervousness about the world

around her. The more you confide in her, or the more she sees the
dangers for herself, the more stress she'll feel. This may make her
more cautious, or more of a paranoid person depending on her

Alternate Dialog: Dialog that is different, and you wont get to see
any other way unless you make this choice. An example of this might
be if see the bandits in CH4 instead of going bra shopping. Later
you will have an internal dialog when you see them on the street at
night and you will be able to identify them since you saw them
earlier in the day.

Additional Dialog: This is dialog that is in addition to what is

normally said. For example, you have a scene, and then if you made
enough right choices, you will get some additional lines of dialog
which enhances or alters the conversation in some way.

Understanding the choices (IE. how to read this guide):

Choice Text (IE. what you are choosing)
Choice with most positive outcome
Choice with least positive outcome
Choice is a Coin Toss, you must choose your own path, no choice is
inherently better, but may provide drastically different outcomes.

"You can help around the building.":

You get Carol Trust and Nerve +1
"No, it’s not safe.":
You end up at the same place (she does the work) just
trusts you less

The End of Chapter 1

"Tell her.":
Longer talk & Carol Trust and Nerve +1
"Distract her.":
Shorter talk, no stats

"Fess up.":
Trust +1, Love +1
"Don't admit to anything.":
Trust -1

"Give her the details.":

Trust +1
shorter, alternate text, No stats

The End of Chapter 2

Carol is going to try on 4 outfits as part of this scene. If you
pick the right answer for all 4 correctly you get +1 love and some
additional dialog.
Correct Choice
"It's nice.":
No Points Awarded

"It's looks good.":

No Points Awarded
"You look wonderful in it.":
Correct Choice

"It's okay.":
Correct Choice
"It looks great":
No Points Awarded

"It looks nice.":

No Points Awarded
Correct Choice

You get a choice of outfits to wear home after this scene. It really
doesn’t matter you just get different random renders back home with
Carol wearing what you picked. Pick what you like.

You are now going to start an event, which starts with two choices
(left/right) which one way gets you more points, but the other may be
more important in the future (don’t know yet).

"Left: Start heading back now.":

See some bandits, alternate dialog later due to knowing who
the bandits are, and that they are working in your
"Right: See if I can get Carol something at Burgundy Petals.":
Go to the store to get a bra for Carol, and some points
"Check out the noise.":
Pick for possibility of Love +1 and Nerve +1
"Be smarter than the people in movies: Leave.":
You leave with nothing and go home

If you checked out the noise:

"Go to my right.":
You shoot an infected, and don’t end up bloody
(different dialog at home)
"Go to my left.":
You end up bloody and stab an infected with your
machete. You got a bra without making a lot of noise,
so you will get Love +1 and Nerve +1 when home. This
also helps with Sydney in Chapter 12.

The End of Chapter 3

"Stay here and tend to the stove.":
alternate dialog
"Send her to Roy’s to get supplies.":
Trust +1
"Let Carol choose.":
Trust +1 (if you followed this guide, and trust >=3,
additional dialog will be displayed)

"Take care of it in the morning.":

Tomorrow you will clean up the body on the street. You
miss out on a scene for getting food. If you are playing
for points with girls – don’t pick this.
"Maybe later. I have better things to worry about.":
You scrounge for food at the store, and may have future
impact based on usage of the flag being set that the body
is still there. You get a chance to clean it up in a few
days with zero impact, plus you get to see the food

This is a series event where you are drinking with Carol. One way
gives you more points, the other lets you just go and jerk off (which
you will do anyway)

"Gotta go before I go too far.":

Run to the bathroom to jerk off
"I can't help myself. It feels so good.":
You continue Making out
"I need to stop right here before we go too far.":
Run to the Bathroom to jerk off
"Just a little more. It feels so good.":
Make out more with Carol, and Love +1, you end up Jerking
off anyways

The End of Chapter 4

"Leave it alone.":
Alternate Dialog
"Try the door."
Additional Dialog and Nerve +1

"Be patient with her.":

Alternate Dialog, Nerve -1, Trust +1
“Try the door.":
Alternate Dialog, Nerve +1

"Fondle her.":
You grope her, Additional Dialog
“No, it’s not safe.":
You don’t grope her, Alternate Dialog

At this point you can have sex with Carol. The next section tells
you how to get the most bang for your buck. You cannot do an
infinite loop, so only pick Finger and Oral Sex one time (one run
through of each option), and then go on to the next. If she gets off
3 times (Oral, Fingering, Sex), there is an additional Love point +1
and additional dialog. So make her happy and make her cum a lot :)

"Go down on her.":

If you pick this you will go down on Carol, then have the
option to finger her. You will miss out on
additional/alternate dialog.

"Finger her.":
If you pick this you will finger Carol, then have the
option to go down on her. You will get
additional/alternate dialog along the way to match the
choice pairing.

If you Go Down on Carol, and haven’t fingered her first, you get this
"Move on to fingering her.":
Best choice as you get her off again, and can get an
additional Love point after you have sex.
"Make love to her.":
You have sex, but she doesn’t get off 3 times, and less
Love points for you

If you Fingered Carol, and haven’t Gone Down on her first, you get
this choice:
"Go down on her.":
Best choice as you get her off again, and can get an
additional Love point after you have sex.
"Make love to her":
You have Sex, but she doesn’t get off 3 times, and less
Love points for you
At this point you have sex, you get Love +1 and Sex +1 (used later
for alternate/additional dialog). If Carol got off 3 times, you get
an additional Love +1

The End of Chapter 5

If you did not move the body in chapter 4, you will be asked:
"Yeah, go move him.":
You take care of the body, then have breakfast with Carol (just
like the other choice). While you don’t miss out on any dialog,
if you are playing for points with the girls, don’t pick this,
as you miss out on points in CH 7.
"Put it off. Breakfast is waiting to be made.":
You just go and have breakfast with Carol. There is no negative
at the moment for not doing it, and no flags set if you don’t.

You are given one of three options. They are separate scenes and
have different outcomes, and nested options. There is a flag set
about Naomi’s Guilt which can add additional dialog later. Remember,
the more gunshots (IE. loud) you create, the more infected that come.
Also later in the game – the more gunshots you shoot – the more the
bad things happen to your neighborhood.

"Wait for an opening.":

You wait a while, to assess the situation. You get the same two
choices as below (Rambo, Gunfire is bad) and you eventually get
Naomi Love +1 and Naomi Trust +1.
"Go Rambo: Fire on them.":
You open fire, and attract the Infected. The more bullets
in subsequent choices you fire, the more Infected that
come. If you straight up execute the bandit to ease his
pain, you get a Naomi Nerve +1. You get some additional
dialog later as well.
"Gunfire is a bad idea. Scare them off.":
Best choice as you scare off the bad guys, no bullets
fired, and no one is hurt.
"Go Rambo: Fire on them.":
You open fire, and attract the Infected. The more bullets in
subsequent choices you fire, the more Infected that come. If
you straight up execute the bandit to ease his pain, you get a
Naomi Nerve +1. You also get a Naomi Love +1. You get some
additional dialog later as well.
"Gunfire is a bad idea. Scare them off.":
You get Naomi Love +1, and scare off the Bandits

Alternate Dialog and Carol Trust +1, Carol Nerve +1
"No (lie).":
Alternate Dialog and Carol Nerve +1

"Tell her you’re proud of her.":

Alternate Dialog and Carol Nerve -1
"Tell her you love her.":
Alternate Dialog and Carol Love +1

You will now play a game of truth or dare (but mostly truth). Carol
and Naomi each have 4 questions, which you can pick in any order (no
difference, no points, etc). There are some questions you cannot ask
(only 6 rounds). Again it doesn’t matter in terms of points which
questions you ask (Naomi or Carols, etc.)

One Round – Carol will ask: "Okay .. uh .. What was the kinkiest
thing you ever did with Lori?"
"Incest Play":
This sets your preferred kink to Incest Play (Calling you
daddy during sex)
"Schoolgirl Play":
This sets your preferred kink to School Girl. You can get
cool school girl sex later in the game (IE. Chapter 12)
"Butt Stuff":
This sets your preferred kink to Anal Play
This sets your preferred kink to none

One Round Naomi will ask: "Okay .. [player_name]? Have you ever liked
someone older than you?"
Makes no Difference, Alternate Dialog
Makes no Difference, Alternate Dialog

Round Six comes and you get to pick 1 person to ask a question to.
"Ask Carol a question.":
Naomi asks the MC about the length of his hair and Carol Love +1
"Ask Naomi a question.":
Naomi asks Carol about the first time she masturbated and Naomi
Love +1

Naomi asks if you want to play a more R rated version of Truth or

dare. Your choices are to go down this path, or to go to bed.
"Sure, why not?":
Play a little more Risque version of Dare with Naomi and get
Naomi Trust +1
"Grab her boob.":
Umm – you grab Naomi’s boob and Naomi Love +1
"Better not.":
Alternate Dialog and no extra points
"Actually, better not.":
Quit playing the game

The End of Chapter 6

Additional dialog and get Naomi Trust +1
"Stay silent."

There is a scene in Chapter 4 and Chapter 6 where you had the

opportunity to move a dead infected body from the street. I have
modified the “best” choices now that the outcome is fleshed out. It
is best that you don’t move the body if you want max love points.
Otherwise you should move it in Ch 6 when there is no penalty for
missing content.

If you didn’t move the body – you get a ton of nested choices which
you can get a few points for each girl.
"Be honest with them.":
You tell them about the body, get Naomi Love/Nerve +1 and Carol
Love/Nerve +1. You also get alternate dialog.
"Come clean.":
You get alternate dialog
"Tell Carol a half-truth.":
You lie to Carol and get Carol Trust -1
"Fudge the truth.":
You get alternate dialog and lie to them. You get Carol Trust -
1, Carol Nerve +1, Naomi Nerve +1.

If you moved the body – you get no points and alternate dialog.

If you followed this guide, you should have at least 3 (4 if you

picked Naomi in the Truths game a couple nights before) Naomi Love,
since you need at least 2 to get a goodnight kiss, and 3 to get the
following choice.
"Keep looking.":
Additional Dialog and scene plus Naomi Love +1, plus you get
alternate dialog the next day, and another scene is Ch 8. This
is not the best play if you are trying for a Carol only path.
"Probably best not to.":
You miss out, alternate dialog
If you fired 2 or more shots when saving Naomi, you get visited by
multiple infected, and get a Naomi and Carol Nerve +2. Otherwise you
get visited by a single infected and get a Naomi and Carol Nerve +1.

"Motion her in for a hug.":

Alternate dialog and you get Naomi Trust +1
"Maybe not. You've been too "touchy" with her lately.":
Alternate dialog and no points

"That's great, but not now.":

Alternate dialog and Carol Love +1
"(say nothing)":
Alternate Dialog and Carol Nerve +1

The End of Chapter 7

Carol Nerve +1 & Naomi Nerve +2
"A few":
Carol Trust -1 & Naomi Nerve +1

If you have Naomi Nerve >=3 you get an additional scene with choices
(You should get it if you follow this guide)

"Calm Naomi down yourself.":

Alternate Dialog & Naomi Trust +1
"Carol’s got it under control.":
Alternate Dialog

At this point you are getting to a conversation about moving to a

different location to live. If you followed this guide you should
get the option for the GREEN path Choices. If you don’t have Naomi
Trust at least 3 and Carol Trust at least 5, you get alternate dialog
and Naomi freaks out about having to move and not being safe, and
there are no choices in the dialog.

"Bring it up":
Additional Dialog and if Carol Trust >=5
"Put a hand on her shoulder.":
Alternate Dialog and Naomi Trust +1
"Maybe not.":
Alternate Dialog
"Put it off for tonight":
Alternate Dialog

"Wait the infected out.":

You wait for the Infected to leave and Alternate Dialog. It
initially is the best play but eventually you get Carol Nerve +1
and Naomi Nerve +1 as the Infected is still lingering around
later and scares the shit out of you.
"Go all Solid Snake and sneak up on it.":
You kill the Infected you come across and Alternate Dialog and
eventually Carol Trust -1. There are several mini things that
happen if you kill this guy (like an infected comes out of the
blue) but no other changes in stats.

If you talked about moving to a new place, the girls are less scared
when you leave to hunt for new housing. No points are give/taken but
it leads to different conversations based on talking to the girls the
night before.

"Put a comforting hand on her leg.":

Additional dialog and Naomi Trust + 1
"Maybe not.":
Small dialog and go to next scene

If Naomi flashed her boobs to you in the previous chapter (7) you get
this choice:

"Nah, don't be a creeper.":

You don’t see any naked Naomi
"Just a peek wouldn't hurt.":
You see a little Naomi skin while she sings in the shower.

You get 1 in a series of scenes based on your love points for each of
the girls. Each one is a different.

• If Carol’s Love is at least 5 and Naomi’s Love is at least 4,

Naomi messes around with you in your sleep.
• If Carol’s Love is at least 5 and Naomi’s Love is less than 4
Carol nestles up to you in bed
• If Carol’s Love is less than 5 and Naomi’s Love is at least 4
you all will sleep together and get the following choices when
Naomi starts to rub your dick:
"Shift about":
She stops playing with you and Alternate Dialog
"Say something":
She stops playing with you and Alternate Dialog
• If your Carol Love is less than 5 and Naomi’s love is less than
4 you sleep alone.

Okay – save here. Seriously in case I cannot read code right. If

you pick the green you go down a path of sexy time with the girls.
You can go through the process of watching Naomi masturbate and/or
fingering Carol. It doesn’t matter what order you pick, (all Carol,
all Naomi, C N C N C N, C C N N N C C, etc) you can see both scenes,
or one and go to dinner to not see the other’s scene. For ease it is
easiest to pick one girl, watch the scene through the 4 steps, then
go to the next girl.

"Check up on Carol":
You check on Carol and calm her down by fingering her, get Carol
Nerve -1
"See what Naomi is doing":
You can watch Naomi masturbate, then do the Carol Path.
"Continue with Carol"
You get Carol off, you can then do the Naomi path.
"Head onto the kitchen":
You don’t get to see any sexy with the girls and just go to

You get to deal with an Infected. If you beat it 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 25

times (no points penalty) you get different funny dialog:

"Give him another one.":

Alternate dialog
"He's dead. No need to drag this out.":
Alternate dialog

The End of Chapter 8

Part 2
Note: I noticed during Part 2 that more and more choices are not
“right and wrong” but you are “Choosing your own adventure”. You
pick one girl or the other, or other things so there are not as many
clear cut choices (thus a lot of gold colored choices).

"Be brutally honest.":

Carol Trust +1, Naomi Trust +1, Naomi Nerve +1, Alternate Dialog
"Fudge the truth a little.":
Alternate Dialog

If your Carol Trust is >= 4 you get some happy time with Carol which
leads to the following choices:
"Pull out.":
Alternate Dialog
"Cum inside.":
Alternate Dialog, and the game remembers your choice to cream-
pie (possibly for future ramifications)

If your Carol Trust is < 4 your very presence angers Carol, get Carol
Love -1, and will get no happy time in the showers, and some other
passive/aggressive dialog about the MC throughout the chapter.

"Yeah, it was nothing.":

Alternate Dialog
"Just smelled something odd.":
Alternate Dialog here and in the future chapters.

"Pull her in for a hug.":

Naomi Nerve -1 and Alternate Dialog
"Let's sit down for a bit.":
Alternate Dialog

Alternate Dialog
"Probably not.":
Alternate Dialog

"Check on Carol":
Carol Nerve -1, the game remembers your choice, you sleep with
Carol and provides alternate dialog.
"Check on Naomi":
Naomi Nerve -1, the game remembers your choice, you sleep with
Naomi, and proves alternate dialog

"SHOWBOAT! Nothing but net.":

Alternate Dialog
"Nothing fancy! High-percentage jump shot!":
Alternate Dialog

"It looks wonderful on you Carol.":

Carol Love +1 and Alternate Dialog
"You did great, Naomi.":
Naomi Love +1 and Alternate Dialog

End of Chapter 9
"Tell them everything.":
Carol Trust +1, Carol Nerve +1, Naomi Nerve +2 and Alternate
Dialog and lots of Additional Dialog throughout the chapter
"Wait until you're alone with Carol.":
Carol Nerve +1, Naomi Nerve +1 and Alternate Dialog and
Additional Dialog throughout the chapter
"I'm not sure how I feel, yet.":
Alternate Dialog later in Chapter
"I don't know that I could cheat on you.":
Alternate Dialog later in Chapter
"I'm not entirely opposed, I guess.":
Alternate Dialog later in Chapter

"Talk with her. See where it leads.":

You open up the possibility of a relationship with Naomi
"I don't really feel comfortable about this.":
You basically shutdown a relationship with Naomi

"No time like the present.":

You have a talk, start a relationship with Naomi, and can have
sex with her.
"Let her down easy.":
Shut down the Naomi relationship plus Naomi Nerve +1, Naomi
Trust -1
"We can see what happens.":
Have Sex with Naomi, Naomi Relationship Tier +1, Naomi Sex
+1, Naomi Love +1
"Get her to orgasm.":
Oral on her gets her off, and Alternate Dialog later
"Sex time.":
Skip directly to sex and Alternate Dialog later
"Let me see if I can find Carol.":
Sexy time with Carol, Carol Sex +1, Carol Love +1,Naomi Love -1
"By all means. Suck away.":
Blowjob from Carol, then sex, Alternate Dialog
"Nah. Let's move on to the main event.":
Go right to sex, Alternate Dialog, another quickie for
round 2 after you finish round 1 sex.

"Pervert? I just want a pizza.":

You get dinner and no sex
"Like you haven't considered having sex at school.":
You have sex in school

"Try the door. See if I can get inside.":

Sydney Nerve +1 and Alternate Dialog
"Talk to them.":
Sydney Trust +1 and Alternate Dialog
"Leave them alone.":
Alternate Dialog

End of Chapter 10
"Maybe, but we should be careful.":
Alternate Dialog, Naomi Nerve +1
"Nothing to worry about.":
Alternate Dialog, Naomi Nerve -1

"See if Naomi's up and around.":

You see what Naomi is up to, Alternate Dialog, Naomi Sex +1,
Naomi Love +1
"Nah. Get dressed. I have things to do right now.":
Umm – It is a porn game – Why?
"Have a little fun. See if it goes anywhere.":
Umm – It is a porn game – YES!!
"Get her to orgasm.":
Alternate Dialog – more sex
"Sex time.":
Alternate Dialog – less sex – Why?
"See what Carol's up to. If that {b}is{/b} her.":
You see what Carol is up to, have sex, Alternate Dialog, Carol
Sex +1, Carol Love +1, Naomi Love -1
"Get a change of clothes, then finish my rounds.":
You don’t have fun with the girls, Alternate Dialog and Patrol

"Order her to run.":

Naomi Nerve +1 and Alternate Dialog
"Leave her. I need to cut off the intruders.":
Alternate Dialog

"To the left.":

"Try to shoot him.":
Game Over
"Retreat and regroup.":
You go to the gym for the next part of the fight
"To the right.":
"Turn and fire on him":
Game Over
"Run for cover":
"Hide in one of the stalls.":
You go to the gym for the next part of the fight
"Get to the end.":
Game Over

"Back away.":
"Go for your pistol":
Alternate Dialog
"Dodge back":
Injured Ribs, Alternate Dialog
If Carol Nerve <= 6 she kills Chaz, otherwise it is Naomi
"Whip the shotgun around.":
Game Over

"Check on the library.":

Sydney Trust +1, Alternate Dialog
“Don't have it in me.":
Alternate Dialog

You can only get this if you have had sex with Naomi in Chapter 10
and 11, and the MC has injured ribs from your fight in the gymnasium.

"Try to wake up.":

You unlock blow jobs from Naomi
"Roll over and catch another 15 minutes.":
Alternate Dialog and you sleep more

End of Chapter 11
There are a few places where you have a series of conversations and
if you get enough points, you will get some points with girls.
I have the math laid out after the section:

"She's my adopted daughter.":

Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +1
"She's long gone.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +1
"Lori passed away before I adopted Carol.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +2
"No one else.":
Alternate Dialog
"I'm the only family she has.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +1
"She's long gone.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +1
"Lori passed away before I adopted Carol.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +2
"No one else.":
Alternate Dialog
"Yeah, she's been through a lot.":
Alternate Dialog
"No one but those here.":
Alternate Dialog
"My wife passed away a while back.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +2

"Separated. Don't know a lot more than that.":

Alternate Dialog
"Believed to be dead.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +1

"Maybe not yet.":

Alternate Dialog
"Push her on it.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney Nerve +1, Sydney talking point -1

if Sydney talking point >= 4

Sydney Like +2, Sydney Trust +1
Sydney talking point = 3
Sydney Like +1, Sydney Trust +1
Sydney Nerve +1

"Mention her smoking.":

Alternate Dialog, Sydney Nerve +1
"Let it go.":
Alternate Dialog

"Be stern.":
Alternate Dialog
"Let her off the hook.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney Trust +1, Sydney Nerve -1

"Nah, we didn't.":
Alternate Dialog
"Oh, yeah.":
Alternate Dialog

The next section that gives you points with Sydney if you pick the
right choices:

"Well, I could cut this visit short.":

Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +1
"I got lucky, I guess.":
Alternate Dialog

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.":

Alternate dialog
"Oh, I know. I've seen it firsthand.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +1

If in Chapter 3 you got a bloody shirt at the lingerie store, you get
the first option, otherwise you get just the last 2:
"Tell her about your own experience.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +1, Sydney Nerve +1
"Tell her about Carol.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +1, Sydney Nerve +1
"Nothing. Just curious.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney Trust -1

"Ask about her family.":

Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +1
"Ask her how long she plans to stay in the city.":
Additional Dialog
"We'll have to move along before too long.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +1
"No concrete idea, yet. (lie)":
Alternate dialog
"Don't. Best not to pry.":
Alternate dialog
"Don't. Best not to pry.":
Alternate Dialog

"Sure thing. Drop a line, just to let us know you're okay, all
Alternate Dialog, Sydney talking point +1
"Yeah, later.":
Alternate Dialog

if Sydney talking point >= 5

Sydney Like +2, Sydney Trust +1
if Sydney talking point = 3 or 4
Sydney Like +1, Sydney Trust +1
Sydney Nerve +1

Naomi Nerve -1
Naomi Trust +1

You have a nightmare while sleeping, you will be comforted by the

girl that has the highest love (Naomi or Carol). You have the same
conversation with either girl.

"That monster came back.":

Alternate Dialog, Carol/Naomi Trust +1
"Just random images.":
Alternate Dialog
"Let them enjoy the moment.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney Nerve +1
"Tell them to take it down a notch.":
Alternate Dialog

"Bring up the unlocked doors.":

Alternate Dialog, Sydney Nerve +1
"Let it slide.":
Alternate Dialog

"Just missing out on a creature comfort.":

Alternate Dialog
"I may self-medicate.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney Nerve +1

"Better not.":
Alternate Dialog
"Offer her one.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney Nerve +1, Sydney Trust +1

The next choice is a biggie. You basically have three choices. Have
sex with Naomi, Carol, or neither. When you pick a girl (or
neither), you still see the other girl and talk, but just no sex with
the other one. If you picked schoolgirl as your kink you selected
during the truth or date game in Chapter 7, it will play out if you
pick Carol.

"Head to the gym (Naomi).":

Alternate Dialog, Naomi Sex +1, Carol Love -1, Naomi Love +1,
Sydney also catches you, which can lead to additional dialog in other
"Head to the West Wing (Carol).":
Alternate Dialog, Carol Sex +1, Carol Love +1, Naomi Love -1
"Check the building first.":
Alternate Dialog

"Love you, too.":

Alternate Dialog and Naomi Love +1
"You're so very special to me.":
Alternate Dialog

"She seems all right.":

Alternate Dialog
"I still don't know.":
Alternate Dialog
"I'd rather keep you all to myself.":
Alternate Dialog, you keep Naomi all to yourself, no sharing.
"Your call. You're a grown woman.":
Alternate Dialog, you let Naomi explore her bisexuality, and
opens a route with Naomi.

End of Chapter 12
I cannot emphasize how many details are in this game, and my walk-
through will not address them all. Like for example, for almost
every choice, there are changes in dialog throughout the game based
on the choices you made. Another example, is if you picked Naomi in
Chapter 12 to have sex with, you get a nice little scene where she
takes a pregnancy test, and have additional dialog if you chose her
again in Chapter 13.

"Yeah, she was heavier than I expected (lie)":

Alternate Dialog and Sydney Trust -1
"I took a little detour before coming back.":
Alternate Dialog and Sydney Trust +1

"A couple and only when I had to.":

Sydney Nerve -1, Alternate Dialog
"That one makes five/four (this # depends on previous factors).":
Alternate Dialog

"Yes, I have the room.":

Sydney Like +1 and Alternate Dialog
Alternate dialog

"Let me see if I can get that door in the locker room open (Naomi).":
Sex with Naomi, Naomi Sex +1, Naomi Love +1, Carol Love -1,
Sydney catches you, and leads to Alternate Dialog later. If you
chose this, and chose Naomi in chapter 12, Sydney will only know
about MC and Naomi.
"Cum on her face.":
Alternate Dialog and Pictures
"Cum on her breasts.":
Alternate Dialog and Pictures

"I love you, too.":

Alternate Dialog
" ":
Naomi Trust -1, Alternate Dialog
"See if I can find Sydney in the library (Carol).":
Sex with Carol, Carol Sex +1, Carol Love +1, Naomi Love -1,
Sydney catches you, and leads to Alternate Dialog later. If you
chose this and chose Naomi in chapter 12, Sydney will know about the
MC, Naomi, Carol all fucking. If you chose something else, Sydney
will only know about Carol and MC fucking.
"Head up to the roof.":
Conversation on the roof with Sydney, which changes depending on
if you got smokes for her or not. No sexy time with the girls, and
Sydney doesn’t know about MC and girls unless you chose Naomi in CH

"We won't be able to use it.":

Alternate Dialog
"I could hold off for right now.":
Alternate Dialog, Carol Trust +1, (For now – another variable
was set and we shall see how this plays out)

"No, I just need to move quickly.":

Alternate Dialog
"It might be.":
Alternate Dialog, Naomi Nerve +1

If you told Naomi she can explore being Bi, she will have a scene
with Sydney here. Otherwise you will get a small apology for a prank
earlier in the Chapter and move along. If you are going the Bi route
with Naomi – you will see the following:

"Want to continue?":
You watch Naomi have sex with Sydney
"See what [player_name]'s up to (scene end)":
You go back to the main path of the game, no sexy time.

"Hell no. GTFO.":

Alternate Dialog and you leave
"Just a short peek will do.":
Alternate Dialog and you find an infected

At this point Sydney and Naomi have a heart to heart. Sydney asks
questions about the relationships between the girls and the MC.
Sydney can know nothing about the girls and the MC (depending on
choices in Chapter 12 and 13), about Naomi, or about both Carol and
Naomi fucking the MC. I have highlighted the choices in the WT. If
Sydney likes MC > 1, a flag is set that she will ask the MC for some
sexy time (in a later chapter, as not in Ch 13)

"More of the same.":

Alternate Dialog
"Talk about the fire.":
Alternate Dialog

End of Chapter 13

"One more building it is.":

Alternate Dialog
"Better to head back.":
Alternate Dialog
"Your call.":
Carol Trust +1, Alternate dialog. If Carols Trust is >=10, You
get a Carol Nerve -1

If you have had sex with Naomi 3 times, you get a small scene where
you can get this choice (otherwise, you get just the vanilla scene):
"Slap her butt.":
Naomi Love +1, Alternate dialog
Alternate Dialog

There is a ton of variations of scenes based on what Sydney knows, if

Naomi is Bi, and how many times people have slept with whom. Just
know that each play through might be different but no different
values are assigned, just different dialog.

"Ignore it (end scene).":

You go and have breakfast (boring)
"Ask her about it.":
Carol Love +1, and sex

"I don't have the time.":

Alternate Dialog
"No interest in dating again.":
Alternate Dialog
"Why would I when I have you?":
Alternate Dialog

If Sydney only knows about Carol you get a dialog and the following
"I don't know, yet.":
Carol Nerve + 1, Alternate Dialog
"I'll probably shoot her down":
Alternate Dialog

"We should head on back.":

You leave and have a meal with Naomi
"Hug Naomi.":
Naomi Love +1, Sex with Naomi

Alternate Dialog
"Vote aye":
Sydney Like +1, Carol Love +1, Naomi Love +1, Alternate Dialog

If Sydney knows about both Carol and Sydney you have a conversation
where if Naomi is Bi, and you have less than 2 Sydney like, you get
the following choice:
"I care very deeply for both of them.":
Alternate Dialog
"We're making the best of our situation.":
Sydney Trust -1, Alternate Dialog

If Sydney and Naomi did the deed, you get the following choice.
"She's a big girl.":
Alternate Dialog and Sydney Like +1
"I hope you aren't stringing her along.":
Alternate Dialog and Sydney Nerve +1

"Do you have any leads on them?":

Alternate Dialog
"And you haven't gone looking for them since?":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney Like -1, Sydney Nerve +1
"I should just let this go.":
Alternate Dialog – Keep the peace
"Have you tried to go out and locate them?":
Alternate Dialog
"And you haven't gone looking for them since?":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney Like -1, Sydney Nerve +1
"Let it go.":
Alternate Dialog – Keep the peace

"I want to help.":

Alternate Dialog
"Ask why she isn't going out.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney Like -1, Sydney Nerve +1

"You're refusing to consider your family might be dead.":

Alternate Dialog, Sydney Like -2, Sydney Nerve +2
"Drop the matter.":
Alternate Dialog

"Tell her everything.":

Alternate Dialog, Carol Nerve +1 if you went with the red dialog
above with Sydney
"It went all right (white lie)":
Alternate Dialog, Carol Trust -1

"…Carol with me.":

Carol Trust +1, Alternate Dialog
"…Naomi with me.":
Naomi Trust +1, Alternate Dialog

"Knock again.":
Sydney Nerve +1, Alternate Dialog
Alternate Dialog

If your Sydney Like is 2+, you get the following:

"Tell her there's a chance they're still alive.":
Sydney Like +1, Alternate Dialog
"Tell her you're there for her.":
Sydney Nerve +1, Alternate Dialog

If Naomi is Bi, and Sydney has asked about Carol in Chapter 13, and
Sydney’s like is 3+, you can have sexy time with Sydney.

"Pull away and say good night.":

Duh, no sexy time and you go to bed
"Hold her a little longer.":
You progress into the story

"I should go.":

Duh, no sexy time and you go to bed
Sex with Sydney, Sydney Like +1

"If it comes up.":

Sydney Nerve +1, Alternate Dialog
"I did promise to be honest with her.":
Alternate Dialog

You spend the night and have morning sex with Sydney, Sydney
Like +1, Carol Love -1
"I should get back.":
You leave and go back to the other two girls

End of Chapter 14
Chapter 15 has the opportunity to sleep with all 3 of the girls, so
far they are penalty free flings. There might be alternate dialog,
but no points are lost for choosing to sleep with all three girls.

"Tell her.":
Alternate Dialog
Carol Trust -1

"Stay with Carol":

Carol Love +1, you have sex with Carol, and Alternate Dialog
"Go check on Naomi":
Alternate Dialog and you find Naomi taking a pee (no
interaction, just hear her)
"Go on a patrol":
Alternate Dialog

The following choice is that you are taking a girl out for a patrol.
Each girl gets the opportunity to shoot an infected (if their nerve
is low enough) and also have some time talking time with the girl.
No matter what girl you take, If their nerve is >=6, they get a Trust
point, otherwise, their Nerve is raised by 1.

Take Carol on patrol
Take Naomi on patrol

"Take the long way back to the infirmary.":

Sexy time with Naomi, Naomi Love +1
"End your patrol.":
End Patrol, no sex, Go back to Infirmary to sleep

"You first.":
Sydney Like +1, Alternate Dialog
"I have something I needed your help with":
Alternate Dialog

"Wait it out.":
You wait it out, and the infected goes away, Alternate Dialog
"Kill it now.":
You kill the infected, Sydney Nerve +1, Alternate Dialog

The following is a hard choice as no matter what you pick – someone

loses trust. Since this WT is primarily a Carol/Naomi run through –
I would pick the top choice as the pick. If you are going on a
Sydney run – pick the second.
"Yes. They should know.":
Alternate Dialog, Carol Nerve +1, Naomi Nerve +1, Sydney Trust
"Maybe not now. Later.":
Alternate Dialog, Sydney Nerve +1, Carol Trust -1, Naomi Trust -

"Wrap up the patrol and head back.":

You wrap your patrol and head back.
"Stop by the library.":
You go to the Library and see Sydney (possibility for sex)

"No, I should get back.":

You Leave and go back to the Infirmary for sleep
"Who am I to turn you down?":
You have sex with Sydney, Sydney Like +1

End of Chapter 15
Unfinished Alternate Run:
So far this walk-through has been mostly about getting the most
points with the girls, and not screwing up your relationship with
Carol. You can make a different run that is not fully implemented in
the game yet (without developer console access, graphics not
rendered, dialog not finished, etc.). This run is the Naomi Love
Interest run.

To get this, and access the scenes you have to have Carol’s love 2 or
less and Naomi’s Love 4 or more. You also have to set a flag in the
ren’py dev console (do a search) and set
“persistent.ch8naomi_alt_unlock = true”,“naomi_relationship_tier =
1”, “persistent.ch11_alt_unlock = true”

Chapter 12 has some code for Alternate Scenes, but it is not

finished. The flags are: persistent.ch12s08naomi_alt_unlock,

Chapter 13 has some code for Alternate Scenes, but it is not

finished. The flags are: persistent.ch13s08naomi_alt_unlock,

Chapter 14 has some code for Alternate Scenes, but it is not

finished. The flags are: persistent.ch14s02naomi_alt_unlock,

Chapter 15 has code for Alternate Scenes, but it is not finished.

The flags are: persistent.ch15_carol_alt_unlock,

You need to get these variables set just after she sings in the
shower above. You will see these alternate/additional choices after
that point.

"Pull her in for a hug":

You hug her, and get Naomi Love +1
No hug – I mean why are you on this route?

"Try the door. See if I can get inside.":

Sydney Nerve +1 and Alternate Dialog
"Talk to them.":
Sydney Trust +1 and Alternate Dialog
"Leave them alone.":
Alternate Dialog
Halloween Special
"Suckerpunch this dumbass.":
You punch the dude and have some alternate dialog
"Tell him off.":
You have some witty repartee with the dude and some alternate
dialog from the girls

Christmas Special
There are no choices – Just enjoy the story !!
Gallery Unlocks
Green: Happens without a choice
Red: You need to make a choice(s) to make the unlock happen

1. Chapter Two: Oops When you come back home after a patrol, you
peek on Carol in the bathroom and see her naked.
2. Chapter Three: Hot Shower Carol peeks on you in the shower.
3. Chapter Three: Lori You dream of Lori and Carol peeks at your
4. Chapter Four: Night Time Visit You visit Carol in her sleep.
5. Chapter Four: Scotch O’clock You have to pick "I can't help
myself. It feels so good." when you are drinking with Carol.
6. Chapter Four: A Dream of Alice You screw Alice at a cookout.
7. Chapter Four: Carol’s Visit Carol gives you a blow job at
8. Chapater Five: Carol’s First Time (Full) First time you have
sex with Carol.
9. Chapter Five: Carol’s First Time First time you have sex with
10. Chapter Six: Sex Montage Montage of times you have sex with
Carol in this chapter.
11. Chapter Six: A Round of Dares When you play truth or Date, you
select "Sure, why not?".
12. Chapter Six: Good Night BJ Carol gives you a blowjob, Naomi
13. Chapter Seven: Sexy Naomi Dream Dream of sexy Naomi.
14. Chapter Seven: Carol Raw Have sex with Carol
15. Chapter Eight: Two Girls, Two Rooms Get to play with Carol
and watch Naomi get herself off. Must chose "Check up on Carol"
16. Chapter Nine: High School Shower If Carol’s trust is > 3, you
will have happy time with her in the shower.
17. Chapter Ten: With Naomi Have sexy time with Naomi by selecting
"We can see what happens."
18. Chapter Ten: Carol Instead Have sex with Carol by selecting
"Let me see if I can find Carol."
19. Chapter Ten: Lori Flashback Have sex with Lori at school by
selecting "Like you haven't considered having sex at school."
20. Chpater Eleven: Carol Quickie Have sex with Carol if you select
"See what Carol's up to. If that is her."
21. Chapter Eleven: Legitimate Massage Have sex with Naomi, if you
have had sex with her in Chapter 10 and selected "Well, best see
if Naomi's awake. If not Oh well"
22. Chapter Eleven: Naomi’s Virginity (Chapter 11) Have sex with
Naomi, if you have not had sex with her in Chapter 10, and
selected "Well, best see if Naomi's awake. If not Oh well"
23. Chapter Eleven: Good Morning BJ You need to have had sex in
Chapter 10, 11, and broke your ribs in the fight with the dude.
Then select "Try to wake up."
24. Chapter Twelve: Teacher’s Office You get some sexy time with
Carol if you selected “head to the West Wing (Carol).”
25. Chapter Twelve: Schoolgirl (Alt.) You get some sexy time with
Carol if you selected “head to the West Wing (Carol).” This
unlocks the same as #24, but to see in the game, you had to have
picked “schoolgirl” in the truth or dare game in Chapter 6.
26. Chapter Twelve: Cheerleading You get some sexy time with Naomi
(if she is not a virgin) if you select "Head to the gym
27. Chapter Thirteen: Going Commando When you get the choice to
find a girl, you chose to go to Naomi in Chapter 13.
28. Chapter Thirteen: Library Time When you get the choice to
find a girl, you chose go to the Library in Chapter 13.
29. Chapter Thirteen: Sydney and Naomi You have to choose “Your
call. You’re a grown woman.” in Chapter 12, and “Want to
continue?” in Chapter 13.
30. Chapter Fourteen: Carol on the Rooftop You have to choose to
“Ask her about it”
31. Chapter Fourteen: Adult Swim You have to choose to “Hug Naomi”
32. Chapter Fourteen: Sydney’s Comfort You have to choose “Sure”
33. Chapter Fourteen: The Morning After You have to spend the
night with Sydney after having sex with her
34. Chapter Fifteen: Alone Time Choose Carol in Chapter 15 when
you get the chance to have sex with her.
35. Chapter Fifteen: Bathroom Sex Choose Naomi in Chapter 15 when
you get the change to have sex with her.
36. Chapter Fifteen: Butt Stuff (Alt) Choose Naomi in Chapter 15
when you get the chance to have sex with her. You also have had
to have picked Anal as your kink in Truth or Dare (Chapter 7),
and have had to have at least had sex with Naomi twice. This
technically unlocks in the gallery if you unlock #35 above, but
this is how you unlock it in the game.
37. Chapter Fifteen: Funeral Sex Choose Sydney in Chapter 15 when
you get the chance to have sex with her.

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