Inference Activity Book Covers

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Inference = working things out based on evidence- educated guesses

TASK 1b: Study the book covers below. What can you infer about the novel’s plot,
characters and themes
(ideas) based on the colours, content and composition (size/layout) of the covers?
Label your ideas.

It shows strips hinting towards the meaning behind boy in the stripped pyjamas possibly
being a prisoner

it shows a fence diving 2 different people. One of the boys seem to be in cleaning nicer looking clothes whereas the
other boy seems to be wearing dirtier raggy clothes.

it shows a fence diving 2 different people. One of the boys seem to be in cleaning nicer looking clothes whereas the
other boy seems to be wearing dirtier raggy clothes. It also appears to have 2 different coloured grass with the grass on
one side of the fence being brown and dead looking whereas the other green and more lifelike

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