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BU m
Y d


This report is published for educational purposes only by students competing in the
CFA Institute Research Challenge.


as of 29 Nov 2016
as of 29 Nov 2016
PHP22.91 34.00%

the ASEAN, consumer confidence is higher than ever, driving

NOURISHING BOUNTIFUL companies such as CNPF to shell out more products to feed
to the consumption-driven workforce.
OPPORTUNITIES Expanding Market Reach. Additional distribution channels to
We initialize coverage on Century Pacific Food, Inc. (CNPF) unpenetrated areas in Visayas, Mindanao and other parts of
with a BUY rating based on a twelve-month target price of Luzon are expected to improve the presence of CNPF’s prod-
PHP22.91 using the Discounted Free Cash Flow to Equity ucts across the country. Widening its market scope allows the
Method (DCFE). This presents an upside of 34.00% from its company to attain forecasted increase in revenues and build
closing price of PHP17.10 on November 29, 2016. The growth reliance on its products. The establishment of its coconut busi-
gained by CNPF is associated with emerging health and well- ness opens up more opportunities for growth in high-demand
ness trends and enthusiastic macroeconomic fundamentals areas globally.
fortifying earnings, both current and forecasted. With the
broadening market reach of the company and its employed Emerging Health and Wellness Trends. Influenced by the
brand building initiatives, CNPF’s potential to cater the coun- increasing want to look and feel good, the growing health
try’s rising working population strengthens the group’s cre- consciousness of consumers and their optimism towards a
dence towards the reassuring future of the company. healthier diet result to increase in demand for organic, healthy,
and convenient products.
Enter Premiumization. In search for brand heritage and lux-
urious experience at the right price, the earning middle class
has pushed a shift in the consumption of more exciting, spe- COMPANY OVERVIEW
cial products that signify their movement one income tier high- Century Pacific Food, Inc. (CNPF) is the Philippine’s largest
er, without too much of additional costs. CNPF’s portfolio of canned food company. Beginning its operations back in 1978
premium brands Is expected to greatly benefit from the rise of as a pioneering tuna canning facility engaged in processing and
the aspirational, driving strong growth beyond 2016. exporting tuna, tagged back then as Century Canning Corpo-
ration (CCC), the company eventually developed into expand-
Enthusiastic Macroeconomic Fundamentals. In spite of ing its distributions locally. Incorporated on October 25, 2013,
the global economic slack, the Philippines ranks first with CNPF is classified under the industrial sector of the Philippine
the largest GDP growth of 6.9% surpassing peer countries in Stock Exchange (PSE), under the subsector of Food, Bever-
the Asia-Pacific. Projected to be one of the top economies in age and Tobacco. The company has established reputation

Table 1. Market Profile, 2016 Figure 1. Share Price Movement Table 2. Target Price Breakdown
8000 18
Closing Price (PHP) 17.10
Component Value (PHP) Weight
52-Week Price Range (PHP) 9.81 - 18.60 7500 13.5
Marine 6.73 29.35%
Shares Outstanding (in Billions) 3.541
Meat 5.99 26.14%

7000 9
Market Cap (in PHP Billions) 61.260
Marine Exports 1.71 7.47%
Dividend Yield 0.39% 6500 4.5
Milk 4.65 20.30%
P/E 23.27x
6000 0 Coconut 3.83 16.73%
Free Float 20.00%
Target Price 22.91 100%
0 4

1 4

1 4

0 5

0 5

1 5

1 5

0 6

0 6

5/ 6
09 /201

12 /201

03 /201

06 /201

09 /201

12 /201

03 /201

06 /201

09 /201

02 /201

EPS (in PHP) 0.61












Source: Bloomberg Source: Bloomberg Source: Team Estimates

in the market with their marine and meat segments, notching Milk. Snow Mountain Dairy Corporation (SMDC), a whol-
market-leader positions with familiar consumer brands such ly owned subsidiary of CNPF, focuses on the production of
as Century Tuna and Argentina corned beef. canned milk in liquid and powdered brands at its manufac-
turing facility in Taguig City, Metro Manila. The Milk segment,
President and CEO, Christopher Po, spearheads Century Pa- represented by its well-known brands such as Angel and Birch
cific Food, Inc., alongside EVP and COO, Teodoro Po, and Tree in the dairy market, is expected to be the main drivers of
CFO, Oscar Pobre, equipped with meaningful experience and growth for the following years supported by product innova-
their respective fields of expertise. The ownership structure tion and heavy marketing and advertising strategies. As of the
of the company is dominated mainly by the Po Family with first nine months of 2016, 11% of the company revenues is
69%. 21% of CNPF’s ownership rights is offered to the public associated with the Diary segment.
through PSE while GIC Private Limited possesses 10% of the
total ownership of the company (Figure 2). Marine Exports. Recognized as the leading tuna export for pri-
vately labeled tuna, the exports segment of the company has
The corporation presently operates six manufacturing facilities been a constant source of revenue since its inception. Majority
in the Philippines in four core-business segments: Marine (in- of the segment’s revenue is derived from the sales to original
cluding marine exports arm), Meat, Milk, and Coconut. equipment manufacturers (OEM) and branded tuna, which are
manufactured in its General Santos City plant. Over the years,
BUSINESS SEGMENTS CNPF has established close ties with international partners in
Marine. Engaged in the processing and manufacturing of fish, the production of private label and branded products for sale
bulk of the Marine revenue is attributable to the sales of Cen- in the international markets which has greatly supported the
tury Tuna and 555 Sardines whose raw materials are primari- business segment in terms of revenue generation. 13% of the
ly sourced from domestic and international fishing operators. company revenues for the first nine months of 2016 is gener-
Currently, CNPF is producing 54% (Figure 3) of the total pro- ated by the Exports segment (Table 3).
duction of canned and processed fish and essentially holds
84% of the total market share in canned tuna (Figure 4). Manu- Coconut. Century Pacific Agricultural Ventures, Inc. (CPAVI),
facturing plants for the Marine segment include one in General a newly acquired subsidiary, is primarily engaged in the oper-
Santos City with a size of 52,626 squared meters specializing ation of an integrated coconut facility in General Santos City
in tuna and two focusing in sardines located at Zamboanga producing organic-certified and conventional coconut prod-
and Cavite with sizes of 38,000 and 2,500 squared meters, ucts for both export and domestic markets. The company’s
respectively. This segment represents 38% percent of the recent endeavor of forming its own Coconut segment gives it
company revenues for the first three quarters of 2016 (Table 3) more opportunities to follow health and wellness trends which
and challenges the company to maintain its healthy operating are becoming prevalent both locally and globally. CNPF is at
margins in the coming years or so. an advantage in delivering demand in coconut products to de-
veloped economies such as US, Europe and the Middle East
Meat. CNPF leads the canned meat production market as well because of its abundant supply of coconut in the Philippines.
with a thriving share of 37% (Figure 5). The company’s Meat For the first nine months of 2016, the Coconut segment has
segment also flourishes in the canned meat segments market generated 10% of the total company revenues (Table 3).
boasting a 46% share in corned meat (Figure 6) and a 34%
share in luncheon meat (Figure 7). This division utilizes import-
ed raw materials from the United States, Brazil, and Argentina
and are processed in its manufacturing facility in Laguna. 28%
of the company revenues for the first three quarters of 2016 is
attributable to the Meat segment (Table 3).

Figure 2. Ownership Structure Figure 3. Canned and Processed Figure 4. Canned Tuna Market Share
GIC Private Equity Public Po Family
Fish Production











s r

0% 15% 30% 45% 60%

0% 22.5% 45% 67.5% 90%

Source: Company Data Source: Company Data Source: Company Data

CDO-Foodsphere, Inc., while key players in the milk segment
INDUSTRY OVERVIEW include Alaska Milk Corporation and Nestle Philippines.


Bearing in mind that there are numerous players in the food
PHILIPPINE ECONOMY OUTLOOK industry, the presence of substitutes is always prevailing, even
Rapid growth amidst a challenging global absolute. Assessing the country’s demand for food, CNPF’s
economic environment. products which are canned food are most likely be affected by
During the previous years, the Philippines is resilient despite effects of substitution. The company mitigates this impact with
the slowdown in the global economy. According to World their wide array of products offered in the market, alongside
Bank, the Philippines is currently the top growing country in effective marketing and branding strategies.
the East Asia and the Pacific region, outperforming its neigh-
boring countries like Vietnam, China, Indonesia and Malaysia Bargaining Power of Consumers
for the first half of 2016. Growing to 6.9% from 5.5%, this Consumers have and will always have a say on what produc-
surge is predominantly effects of increase in competitive labor ers should produce and sellers should sell. The pressure of
force and household expenditures. the consumers’ demand for higher quality products at a more
affordable price poses a moderate threat to CNPF as the com-
Rising Working Population. pany’s brand building initiatives to garner customer loyalty
The current population of the Philippines is around 102,900,000 strengthens the company from this. Undeniably, the compa-
as of November 2016. 63% of this bulk is considered to be the ny basically has the power to dictate the price on the market
country’s working population. According to Worldometers, the of their well-established brands, being the consumer brand of
average age of Filipinos this year will be at 24.4 years, which choice and leader in such.
means majority of the population will be in the age where they
are eligble and fit to work, translating to earned income and in- Bargaining Power of Suppliers
creased spending. The food and beverage sectors will certain- Since CNPF is comprised of many segments, the bargaining
ly reap benefits from this event due to the considerable share power of CNPF to suppliers is potent since any supplier would
of food in the total family expenditures (Figure 8). be enticed to be affiliated with CNPF, considering the benefits
it comes with in terms of product advertising and market. With
FOOD INDUSTRY OVERVIEW this, the company can easily put up strategies for cost reduc-
The food industry is primarily driven by consumer expenditure. tion and supply maintenance.
For the past years, it has buoyed following income increases
across the working population. Since bulk of the consumer’s Threat of New Entrants
wallet is allotted to food, an increase in buying power is be- Considering the current competition in the food industry, new
lieved to have a positive effect on the industry. entrants are likely to have a hard time establishing a position
in the market. The market is strictly regulated by laws and pro-
PORTER’S FIVE FORCES MODEL OF visions and requires certain certifications to verify the safety
THE INDUSTRY (FIGURE 9) of the consumers. CNPF is well-known in the Philippines and
Competitive Rivalry embodies a large portion of the canned food market, repre-
Normally in a food industry, competition will always be pres- sented by flagship brands such as Century Tuna and Argentina
ent regardless of the type of food you are engaged in man- corned beef. Because of this, the threat of new entrants has a
ufacturing. With this, Competitive Rivalry poses the greatest minimal, if not insignificant, effect on the company.
threat among industry players. CNPF’s main competitors
in the canned food segment are SMC’s Purefoods-Hormel,

Table 3. 9M16 CNPF Figure 5. Canned Meat Production Figure 6. Corned Meat Market Share
Revenue Breakdown

Segment Share 37% 46%



Marine 38%


30% 18%
Meat 28%



Milk 11%

13% 15%


Tuna OEM 13%


20% 11%
Coconut OEM 10%




0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 12.5% 25% 37.5% 50%

Total 100%
Source: Company Data Source: Company Data Source: Company Data

COMPETITIVE POSITIONING (TABLE 4) aggressive grooming of its brands is believed to have led the
The food industry competition is mainly driven by price, health market-leader statuses of its core-branded segments (Marine
benefits, product variety, market presence, and product ad- and Meat).
vertising. Pitted against the likes of San Miguel Purefoods
Company, Inc. and CDO Foodsphere, Inc., a thorough anal- Pricing
ysis of we rank CNPF first among them with a total score of Product prices dictate a significant role in customer’s decision
15. Purefoods garnered a total of 12 points while CDO earned making process of purchasing a commodity. If a product is
11 points. Armed with etsbalished consumer brands partnered priced higher than usual, it will probably cause a decrease in
with experience in brand-building, the group is confident that market share since consumers will patronize other products
CNPF can maintain the prominent position the company has of the same quality but at a lower price. On the other hand,
been always known for. if a product is priced lower than usual, it will affect the reve-
nue generating ability of a company which may possibly result
Variety of Product Portfolio to an operating loss. Since part of CNPF’s strategy is to offer
The food industry is constantly pressured by shifting prefer- products for all classes in the society, pricing of products is not
ences across consumer groups. In this environment, compa- a major problem. CNPF has a wide range of products to offer
nies create product portfolios that cater to different consumer to the mass market as well as the mass affluent.
groups to obtain more attractive positioning in the industry.
CNPF’s portfolio of established consumer brands that span Health Benefits
across almost all consumer groups ensure its place in the in- Health benefits derived from the consumption of a product are
dustry. CNPF currently has a portfolio of 387 SKUs compos- probably one of the factors which consumers decide before
ing of 44 Milk, 14 Branded Exports, 90 Meat and 239 Marine purchasing a product. Since the current trend of the genera-
products (Figure 10). tion today is inclined towards a healthier lifestyle, people are
seeking for products that can help them achieve a healthier
Market Presence and Strength Distribution Networks and fitter body. CNPF is well-known for their products that
Availability of products to the ultimate consumer is key in con- are made to cater these needs. With strategic marketing and
verting demand opportunities into real value. Consumers who advertising campaigns, such as Century Tuna Superbods to
are convinced to buy the product, and have the capability to promote a healthier lifestyle and nutrition, CNPF is evidently
do so must have easy access to the channels that deliver these seen investing heavily on promoting a healthier lifestyle for the
products—this determines the success of a brand. Currently, people which attributed to the success of CNPF in the tuna
CNPF has 652,000 points of sale locally, equivalent to 60% industry.
of all the points of sale in the Philippines. With the extensive
market distribution and strategy, CNPF can easily distribute its
product on the untapped areas of the Philippines which can INVESTMENT SUMMARY
be a driver for potential growth. Also, partnerships with mass The team issues a BUY recommendation on Century Pacific
outlets in both domestic and foreign markets give CNPF an Food, Inc. (CNPF) with a target price of PHP22.91, a 34.00%
edge in groceries and retail stores. upside from current price level of using a Discounted Free
Cash Flow to Equity (DCFE) Analysis. This recommendation is
Product Advertising and Brand Recognition supported by following:
Advertising and promotional strategies have been the focus of
CNPF’s brand-building initiatives. Unswerving marketing ac- PREMIUMIZATION: THE KEY TO
tivities have been integrated into the product life cycles that re- BOUNTIFUL OPPORTUNITIES
sult to highly recognized brands nationally, which in turn earns Rapid wealth creation in the Philippines has bridged the gap
the company brand loyalty and high churn. The company’s between simple and necessary commodity goods to more

Figure 7. Luncheon Meat Figure 8. Breakdown of Figure 9. Porter’s Five Forces

Market Share Family Expenditures, 2014 Model of the Industry
5 - Highest; 1 - Lowest 100%


58% 5 3 1 1 4
0 3.5 7 10.5 14
15% Food Others
Competitive Rivalry

Bargaining Power of Consumer



Bargaining Power of Suppiler

Threat of New Entrants
9% Threat of Subsitutes

0% 10% 20% 30% 40%


Source: Company Data Source: PSA Source: Team Estimates

fine, premium products, as those offered by CNPF. With years
of building desire among consumers, the company is expected
to reap rewards off its established premium brands in the ma-
Focusing nowadays on mass market, the Milk segment of
rine and meat sector, particularly to the ever-wealthier middle
CNPF is optimistically in the position to provide further growth
class segment that is expected to shift from low-end protein
for the company. The formulation of Birch Tree Fortified, a
products to more luxurious tuna, and to some extent, beef.
cheaper alternative to Birch Tree Full Cream Milk, is focally
We have confidence in CNPF’s affordable premium products
promoted to families with limited budget and together with
and their capability to win over wallet share despite an influx
the significant share of children in the country’s population
of other premium goods in the market. With per capita GDP
which considers milk a normal good, exposes great potential
and consumer spending figures on the rise, premiumization is
increase in revenues. Also, the recent marketing strategies
expected to add more value in the long-term for CNPF.
employed by this segment successfully exceeded expected
demand for its commodities. The group is convinced this is
DIVERSE PRODUCTS CATERING TO A an indicator of an upcoming surge in the appetite for this seg-
BROAD CONSUMER BASE ment’s products and is positive about the potential growth the
The company’s familiar identity catering to a broad customer
Milk segment has in store for the company.
base and various tastes and needs indicates stronger market
presence compared to other competitive brands. We forecast
consistent, if not increasing, revenue growth with the company
capturing a larger share in consumers’ food expenditure due
The market of coconut products across the globe, especially
to the company’s multi-brand, multi-product portfolio. The rise
where coconut is atypical, is consistently rocketing and CN-
in revenues is also expected with multiple varieties of products
PF’s acquisition of Century Pacific Agricultural Ventures, Inc.
providing CNPF the agility towards unexpected consumption
(CPAVI) makes the company available to supplemental growth.
pattern changes and eliminating the risk of substitution alto-
The Philippines being one of the top coconut producing coun-
gether. We believe these abilities gained from the company’s
tries in the world (Figure 11) due to its geographical advantage
ultimate strength of miscellany is still expected to be a major
of having coconut readily available and the growing global
contributor of growth for the years to come.
demand for coconut products are expected to yield attractive
margins for the segment and improve margins for the com-
GROWING OPTIMISM TOWARDS pany as a whole. Moreover, with its recent experimentations
HEALTH, WELLNESS, AND ORGANIC TRENDS on coconut flour and coconut milk, the company also aims to
Established with health-conscious product categories, the
fill existing but unserved demands on organic products and
surging preference for healthier food choices influencing con-
healthier alternatives relative to the redefinition of food culture
sumer spending currently and anticipated to increase further
and optimism of consumers towards a healthier diet.
for the coming years holds favor for the company. Brands un-
der CNPF recognized as being the healthier option, perceiv-
ably the better pick among others, help maintain the compa-
Investors should be mindful of the market risks CNPF encoun-
ny’s position as being the consumers’ brand of choice and
ters in the course of its business such as unfavorable demo-
pose opportunities for challenged segments to solidify their
graphics shift and uprising of industry challengers. Tightening
shares in their respective markets. We also expect growth in
of food safety regulations also exposes the company to regu-
sales from marketing strategies banking on the health and
latory risk while the weakening of the Philippine Peso makes it
wellness trend as the company capitalizes on exhibiting their
vulnerable to foreign exchange rate risk. Shareholders should
products’ positive effects on healthiness and fitness on adver-
also be aware of the operational risks the company is put in
tisements. The group is utterly confident that the company’s
jeopardy of such as pressure on input prices in the commodity
growth is rest assured considering the consumers’ flourishing
interest on health and wellness.

Table 4. Level of Figure 10. Stock Keeping Units Figure 11. Top Coconut
Competitiveness Producing Countries, 2016
Marine Meat Milk & Mixes Branded Exports


14 20

Price 3 2 3 15
Health Benefits 3 2 2
Product Variety 3 3 2 200 10 19.5 18.3
Market Presence 2 2 2
239 11.93
100 5
Product Advertising 3 3 2
Total 14 12 11 0
Indonesia Philippines India Brazil

Source: Team Estimates 5 - Highest; 1 - Lowest Source: Company Data Source: Perfect Insider in Million Metric Tons

markets and adverse reception on new coconut products. An are still expected to increase following CNPF’s plan to extend
elaborate discussion of the risks, mitigation factors and their its distribution channels in Visayas and Mindanao. Increased
impacts on value are discussed in the Investment Risks sec- sales in volume is also expected resulting from brand-build-
tion. ing initiatives focusing on the health-conscious positioning of
the brands. The segment revenue will primarily be driven by
VALUATION vigorous consumer spending with benefits derived from pre-
miumization, combining for a high single digit CAGR of 8.2%.
Using the Discounted Free Cash Flow to Equity Method
(DCFE), we arrived at a target price of P22.91 (34% upside) MEAT
per CNPF share. Given basic tenets in corporate valuation, the CNPF’s meat segment, which includes Argentina as its flagship
said model, compared to other valuation models, is the more brand, is also considered a market leader in the corned meat,
direct way to compute for share value since the free cash flows luncheon meat, and vienna sausage businesses, however
computed are expected in the long term to approximate the being less dominant than the marine segment. However, this
actual cash given to shareholders. CNPF, likewise, maintains allows the segment for more growth potential acquired from
a generally stable leverage, supporting our contention that the increased market share backed by established branding and
FCFE model is appropriate for the purposes of this valuation. affordability. Higher revenues are expected to result from the
growing Philippine household consumption, particularly the
CNPF’s segments were valued individually before being growing middle class segment opting for more protein-food.
pooled into a sole share price. A major contribution to com- Premiumization is also believed to support the introduction
pany value is the expected growth of its milk and coconut of the acquired brand Swift into the premium market. These
business, driven by possible increase in market share for milk growth indicators push the segments revenue to achieve a
and the perceived growth potential of the recently introduced forecasted CAGR of 9.2%.
coconut business. Stable demand for its established brands in
the marine and meat segment as well as continued support for MARINE EXPORTS
its tuna exports in key countries (Appendix 3) also contributes CNPF’s marine export, which delivers private label tuna and
to the anticipated increase in company value. OEM tuna to several countries around the globe, is the com-
pany’s export arm primarily dependent on global demand
The individual values of CNPF’s segments were combined to and supply forces. Following the recovery in 2016, revenues
arrive at a sole share price of P22.92 per CNPF share (Figure forward are projected to grow mostly due to consistent pref-
12). erence of foreign markets to the less pricey Philippine tuna.
Despite the challenge brought about by bigger market players,
REVENUES volume of exported tuna is still forecasted to increase follow-
The established segments – marine and meat – comprise the ing rising demand in the EU, US, and various parts of East
biggest share in the total company revenues, combining to a Asia. Forecasts for the years beyond 2017 are expected to sta-
forecasted 61%, on the average, of CNPF’s revenue. The milk bilize following near-optimistic projections of tuna supply in the
and coconut segments are expected to widen over the fore- Pacific seas and unthreatening market prices.
casted horizon while tuna exports account for a stable share in
revenues, averaging a 14% share. MILK
The milk segment, which has Birch Tree and Angel in its brand
MARINE portfolio, is seen as one of the main sources of increased com-
The marine segment, which features Century Tuna and 555 pany revenues along with the coconut segment due to the
Sardines as its most established brands, serves as the compa- market opportunities available to its milk business. More active
ny’s biggest segment averaging to a forecasted 34% share in investments in marketing and advertising, as well as promo-
revenues (Figure 13). As the industry leader for years, revenues tional strategies, are expected to raise public awareness on

Figure 12. Target Price Breakdown Figure 13. Average Market Share over
Forecasted Horizon

4.65 Milk
12% 34%
15 Marine Exports Marine
1.71 Meat Meat
Marine Marine Exports
5.99 14% Coconut

Source: Team Estimates Source: Team Estimates

its brands, consequently resulting to higher sales volumes and tain its leadership positions in its marine and meat segments
increased market share, especially to untapped areas in rural while continuing to diversify its product portfolio by pushing its
Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Product innovation is loom- milk and coconut segments.
ing in the horizon given highly competitive market, with the
segment being the most flexible in terms of possible product Moreover, the company’s products are staple goods that con-
varieties to be introduced. This, along with sustained expected stitute an average Filipino’s market basket. Not to mention, its
demand for products in this price tier, are projected to back up ever-growing market presence in its established brands, and
its double-digit growth with a CAGR of 15.2%. the continuous introduction of successful private labels. The
company’s active positioning in its industry sector justifies the
COCONUT terminal growth of CNPF.
CNPF’s recently acquired coconut segment, with efforts fo-
cused on the distribution of input coconut water abroad and With the GDP forecasted to grow by 6.9% on average, con-
the sale of various coconut water by-products such as coco- sumer spending by 12%, and the anticipated move towards
nut oil to several other countries, also present a strong posi- premiumization, we have supreme confidence that not only
tive double-digit growth following its first-time contribution to its core branded segments (marine and meat), but also its
revenues in 2016. Increasing market presence is observable emerging segments (milk and coconut), can sustain long term
supported by the completion of plant expansions commenced growth.
in 2015 and the anticipated introduction of coconut flour and
other coconut products to the Philippine market. It is believed We believe that this rate still has a lot of upside potential as the
that the segment under the brand-building mogul that is CNPF company’s historical growth outpaces the historical growth of
is in perfect position to capture untouched commercial coco- PSEi. (Appendix 5).
nut milk segment locally. With these, rapid growth is expected
come 2018. COST OF EQUITY
The cost of equity is used to discount the computed free cash
EXPENSES flows to the equity since this rate reasonably measures the
Costs of sales and operating expenses, except for marketing appropriate rate that the stockholders expect to obtain. We
and advertising expenses, are forecasted as a percentage of computed an overall base cost of equity amounting to 8.20%
revenues guided by appropriate company disclosures and ex- using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) (Table 5).
pectations (Appendix 1).
The beta used in the valuation was derived using the
CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Bloomberg beta function. We extracted the company’s raw
According to the publicly available information of the com- beta of 0.67 and assumed that this beta will move towards the
pany, together with their guidance, the company intends to market average over time. An average market return of 9.54%
spend PHP650 million of minimum maintenance CAPEX every and a risk-free rate of 4.54% were used based on Bloomberg
year, funded both internally and externally (Appendix 4). guidance.

TERMINAL GROWTH Certain adjustments to the computed cost of equity were ap-
A 3.00% terminal growth rate was applied in the valuation. plied in order to factor in different risks associated to the dif-
This terminal growth rate is justified based on the assumption ferent segments of the company, as well as of the company
that the company, as the country’s market leader in a number as a whole. We used the computed cost of equity for the core
product segments, top tuna exporter, and an established con- business segments of marine and meat since both are seg-
sumer brand, will have consistent and steady growth in the fu- ments with which CNPF is, currently, the market leader, and
ture. This is also supported by the company’s efforts to main- thus, have relatively more secure positions the industry. The

Table 5. Sensitivity Analysis

5.22% 6.22% 7.22% 8.22% 9.22% 10.22% 11.22%
5.00% 531.25 95.67 51.97 35.41 26.70 21.33 17.70

4.00% 99.40 53.96 36.74 27.69 22.11 18.33 15.61

3.50% 71.43 44.60 32.19 25.05 20.42 17.17 14.77
3.00% 56.05 38.14 28.72 22.92 19.00 16.16 14.03
2.50% 46.31 33.41 25.98 21.16 17.79 15.30 13.37
2.00% 39.60 29.80 23.77 19.69 16.74 14.52 12.79
1.00% 30.94 24.66 20.41 17.35 15.04 13.24 11.79
Source: Team Estimates

adjusted discount rates for the milk and coconut segments are are confident of CNPF’s leverage using internally generated
8.25% and 8.30% respectively. Additional adjustments were funds, and subsequently, its attractiveness as an entity to take
factored in to these segments as they face certain risks that up additional debt in the future.
the other two segments do not. Thusly, the milk and coconut
segments are implied to be riskier ventures than the other core CNPF’S PH SEGMENTS PEAKING
brand segments (Appendix 6). CNPF’s branding initiatives on its locally sold product lines is expect-
ed to reap rewards for the company come 2017 onwards, as shown
by the general increase in total segment revenues of its meat and
FINANCIAL ANALYSIS milk segments as per these segments active release of new offer-
ings (i.e. Bacon Norte, Birch Tree Fortified, among others). Also, the
COMPANY INITIATIVES AND ECONOMY REWARD development of new coconut products in the Philippine market to be
REVENUE GROWTH pioneered by CNPF around 2018 is expected to further support the
With strong GDP per capita and bolstered consumer spending, we
segments very optimistic growth at 18.83% 5-year Revenue CAGR
anticipates double-digit growth in revenues with forecasted recurring
beginning 2016. In totals, CNPF’s legacy in building brands that suc-
income CAGR expected at 10.02%, mostly driven by continued suc-
ceed locally indicates its ability to deliver the demands of the Philip-
cess of CNPF in its branded segments. The marine and meat seg-
pine consumer market.
ments are expected to sustain strong single-digit growth (on average
8.5% and 9.3%, respectively) being market leaders in their product
segments. Meanwhile, double-digit revenue growth is forecasted
from the milk and coconut segments for the next periods following
major brand-building initiatives in the former (14.7% on average), and MARKET RISK | UNFAVORABLE DEMOGRAPHICS
first-time contributions of the latter (26.3% on average). SHIFT (MR1)
The norm towards catering to a wide audience was to focus on price.
STABLE MARGINS SIGNIFY HEALTHY OPERATIONS However, perceptions of value are now broadening to encompass
Taking advantage of favorable input prices and streamlined opera- additional factors. While it is strongly believed that CNPF will benefit
tions, CNPF’s improving margins from 2015 (Operating margin: 27%; from anticipated shift in customer dynamics (towards premiumiza-
Net income margin: 9%) evidence efficiency in operations, with ex- tion), uncertainty on whether this will hold is a risk to take in all cus-
pectations optimistic at it following an upward trend in both operating tomer goods companies, as this is mostly unprecedented. CNPF’s
margin (to average 29% from 2016 to 2021) and net income margin highly diversified portfolio of consumer brands ensure a capture of a
(to average 12% from 2016 to 2021). portion of the market regardless of the demographics shift. Also, as
industry leader in its core brand segments, CNPF is in perfect posi-
ENHANCING MANUFACTURING EFFICIENCY tion to steer the market by educating consumers towards loyalty to
Supported by stable maintenance cost allotment and in- its brands.
creasing capital expenditures (PHP1.1B for 2016 compared to
PHP500M in 2015) for manufacturing facilities, we believe that MARKET RISK | ADVERSITY FROM ANTI-PRO-
CNPF is enhancing its operating efficiency and will continu- CESSED FOOD ADVOCATES (MR2)
ously have improvements on its manufacturing process over Following millennial trends such as veganism and organic living, more
the years to maximize its generation of revenue. consumers are expressing concerns over processed products and
the health risks that go alongside them. As people get more informed
DEBT AND LIQUIDITY RATIOS of these risks in processed food, CNPF’s entire line of products may
Looking at CNPF’s forecasted liquidity ratios nearly at 2x and be threatened. However, we believe that the company’s early estab-
1x for current and quick ratios, respectively, strength would be lishment of its position towards healthier and more balanced diet-ori-
seen in its capability to internally finance new business proj- ented options for consumers protects the company from this risk.
ects in the future. With stable cash positions over the years, we

Figure 14. Risk Matrix






Source: Team Estimates


2015 2016F 2017F 2018F 2019F 2020F 2021F

Gross Profit Margin 27% 27% 28% 29% 28% 29% 29%
Operating Profit Margin 12% 13% 15% 15% 16% 17% 17%
Net Profit Margin 8% 9% 10% 11% 11% 12% 12%
Return on Equity 23% 23% 25% 25% 25% 28% 33%
Return on Assets 14% 15% 17% 18% 18% 20% 22%
Revenue Growth 14% 20% 11% 9% 10% 10% 10%
Net Income Growth 21% 34% 24% 14% 13% 15% 15%
Current Ratio 2.62 2.47 2.33 2.40 2.37 2.18 2.08
Quick Ratio 1.07 0.99 0.96 1.08 1.11 0.97 0.91
Cash Ratio 0.18 0.12 0.12 0.25 0.31 0.19 0.15
Debt to Equity 62% 55% 40% 40% 41% 45% 49%
Net Debt to Equity 18% 2% -7% 4% 4% 4% 4%
Debt Ratio 38% 36% 29% 28% 29% 31% 33%
Assets to Equity 1.62 1.55 1.40 1.40 1.41 1.45 1.49
Receivable Turnover 7.58 7.16 7.02 7.05 7.20 7.48 7.77
Fixed Asset Turnover 10.24 8.26 8.27 8.53 8.75 9.00 9.28
Inventory Turnover 3.08 3.39 3.24 3.33 3.44 3.59 3.77
Payables Turnover 4.30 5.06 4.53 4.40 4.35 4.35 4.39
Asset Turnover 5.92 4.30 4.47 4.68 4.89 5.15 5.43
Receivable Collection Days 48.15 51.01 52.01 51.75 50.72 48.82 46.95
Inventory Processing Days 118.49 107.77 112.75 109.47 106.00 101.54 96.91
Payables Payment Period 84.85 72.19 80.61 82.99 83.85 83.83 83.10
Cash Conversion Cycle 81.79 86.59 84.14 78.23 72.88 66.53 60.76
EARNINGS PER SHARE 0.58 0.77 0.96 1.09 1.22 1.40 1.61
DIVIDENDS PER SHARE 0.13 0.20 0.29 0.33 0.37 0.42 0.48

Source: Team Estimates

IN THE COMMODITY MARKETS (OR1) The inherent risk in having to actively develop new brands is the un-
Consumer products companies have experienced volatile input pric- certainty on consumer reception of the brand. Failures in are not to
es over the past few periods due to the upward pressure placed by be counted out especially since CNPF’s 2018 plans include introduc-
global demand-supply factors on the commodity markets, particular- tions of coconut products to the market. Despite this, we are con-
ly to agricultural commodity prices. However, as the industry leader fident that the expertise of CNPF in developing brands will greatly
in its core branded segments, CNPF hedges this risk by investing in reduce the impact of this risk in the future. It is also important to note
its brands to further increase brand equity, and, in turn, have more that the undelivered demand for innovative coconut by-products lo-
autonomy to pass these costs to the consumers without losses in cally support the success of future brands by CNPF.
With far-flung plants and manufacturing facilities, coupled with for- Since for the most part CNPF’s inputs are imported and paid for in
eign suppliers of input products, CNPF’s inbound and outbound lo- USD, PH Peso depreciation can have material effects to the charges
gistics is at risk of delays and delivery failures which could take-up per unit of output. Further aggravating this risk are the consistent rev-
more costs. Additional costs (or losses) in the future could have ma- enues derived from export sales. To mitigate this risk, CNPF engages
terial adverse effects on company operations as a whole. To minimize in hedging of input inventory prices to take advantage of favorable
this risk, CNPF has developed clearly laid out systems for logistics exchange rates when possible, and turning much attention to local
and implements smart network plans across its plants and facilities. sales than export transactions.

Ongoing advocacies of the Food and Drugs Authority with the Department of Health towards more stringent food processing regulations to
foster safety in consumption is expected to push manufacturing companies such as CNPF to at most revise food processing systems, partic-
ularly in canning and packaging. That being said, it is believed that CNPF’s operations is not so much as threatened as its current systems are
perceived to be conforming to international standards.


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