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Lesson 1: Self- esteem

Self- esteem is used to describe a person’s overall sense of self-worth or personal value.

 It is often seen as a personality trait, which means that it tends to be stable and enduring.
 It involves a variety of beliefs about yourself, such as the appraisal of one’s own
appearance, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors.
 Self-esteem also means self-worth, self-respect, and self-value.
 Help yourself develop high self-esteem.

Activity #1: Self- esteem

The purpose of this activity is to encourage you to start thinking about what makes you the
unique person that you are.

Complete the following:

My favorite food


My favorite song/music


My favorite place

An important person in my life


Something I’m good at


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Assignment #1: Self- esteem

A. Think of a symbol that you think represents you. This could be anything — an animal,
object or other representation that you think defines and describes you.

B. Complete the following

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Seatwork #1: Self- esteem

Fill in the Hand Drawn Photo Frames with words that give you encouragement and lead you to
have high self-esteem.

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Quiz #1: Self- esteem

Instructions: Using magazine pictures, images printed from the Internet, or your own drawings,
create a collage inside this mirror that shows what you see when you see your reflection: your
interests, skills, and accomplishments.

Lesson 2: Self-confidence

Self- confidence means confidence in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities.

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 Always show self-confidence wherever you are. Believe in yourself that you can do
something great by yourself.
 Be a person with self-confidence.

Listen carefully to teacher Alex.

The Artist and His Son (Adapted from Ecookie)

Activity #2: Self-confidence

Answer the following questions.

1. Who painted pictures of wondrous things?

2. What did he tell to his young son?
3. What did his son paint?
4. Was his father pleased with the things he painted? Why?
5. Why is self-confidence important?

Assignment #2: Self-confidence

Explain this meaningful saying about the importance of confidence to a child like you.

“The real beauty of a person comes from standing tall for what you believe in and showing
confidence in yourself that you can make a difference. “

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It means that __________________________________________________________


Seatwork #2: Self-confidence

Fill in the hearts with words that encourage you to show or express self-confidence.

Quiz #2: Self-confidence

Climb up the ladder toward self-confidence by writing the things that you can confidently do.

I can _________________________________________


I can ______________________________________________
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I can ___________________________________________________
Lesson 3: Fortitude

Fortitude refers to the strength in the face of adversity or difficulty. In simple words, it means
bravery and courage.

 Being courageous is being brave in facing problems, dangers, or difficulties in life.

 A courageous child tells the truth at all times. He is not afraid to be punished or scolded.
He admits his mistakes and knows how to say sorry for what he had done. He reports
wrongdoings to proper authorities. He helps those who are in danger.

Activity #3: Fortitude

Five ways I can practice Fortitude

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Assignment #3: Fortitude

Who is your favorite Filipino hero? Paste or draw a picture of him below. Then, write a short
explanation on how he showed fortitude or bravery.

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Seatwork #3: Fortitude

A. Write yes or no on the lines to determine how brave you are.

_________1. Do you accept your fault?

_________2. Can you talk in front of many people?

_________3. Do you help others in times of need?

_________4. Do you fight with weak or small opponents?

_________5. Do you tell the truth even if you will be punished?

_________6. Can you sleep alone?

_________7. Can you sleep in a dark room?

_________8. Do you tell the true incident when asked by a teacher or a policeman?

_________9. Are you afraid of darkness?

_________10. Are you afraid of ghost?

Quiz #3: Fortitude

Complete the following.

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Lesson 4: Good Health

 Always practice ways that will make you healthy and strong.
 Have enough rest, eat fruits and vegetables, drink at least eight glasses of water, and have
a regular exercise. Avoid junk foods and soft drinks.
 Having a good health is a priceless wealth that you can possess.
 Always be a health-conscious child.

Activity #4: Good Health

Cross out the unhealthy foods. Color the healthy foods.

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Assignment-Seatwork #4: Good Health

Are these healthy habits? Color the correct hands.

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Quiz #4: Good Health

A. Make a pie graph showing how much of the following needs you must provide yourself.
a. Nutrition
b. Exercise
c. Sleep

B. Write a short but meaningful explanation on this saying about the importance of good

“Good health is truly one’s wealth”

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