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About this Publication

Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov: Part II is the second volume in a major three-volume series
made unique by the fact that it records the greatest chess battles played by the greatest
chessplayer of all-time.

Kasparov’s series of historical volumes have received great critical and public acclaim for their
rigorous analysis and comprehensive detail regarding the developments in chess that occurred
both on and off the board.

Part I of this series saw Kasparov emerging as a huge talent and eventually toppling his great
rival Anatoly Karpov to gain the world title. This volume focuses on the period from 1985-1993
which witnessed three title defences against Karpov as well as a number of shorter matches
against elite players including Hübner, Anderssen, Timman and Miles.

This period also saw Kasparov achieve spectacular results in both individual and team events.
Kasparov won the board gold medal in three Olympiads (Dubai 1986, Thessaloniki 1988 and
Manila 1992). The late 1980s also saw the emergence of the World Cup series which Kasparov
utterly dominated, finishing either clear first or equal first at Belfort 1988 (11½/15), Reykjavik
1988 (11/17), Barcelona 1989 (11/16) and Skelleftea 1989 (9½/15). Other major tournament
victories include Brussels 1987 (8½/11), Amsterdam 1988 (9/12), Tilburg 1989 (12/14),
Belgrade 1989 (9½/11) and Linares 1990 (8/11).

During the late 1980s and early 1990s Kasparov emphasized his huge superiority over his
rivals. Despite generally adopting an uncompromising, double-edged attacking style he almost
never lost. The games in this volume feature many masterpieces of controlled aggression
played against the world’s absolute best.

Garry Kasparov is generally regarded as the greatest chess player ever. He was the thirteenth
World Champion, holding the title between 1985 and 2000. His tournament record is second
to none, featuring numerous wins in the world’s major events, often by substantial margins. As
well as his outstanding successes, Kasparov has constantly promoted the game; he has done
more than anyone to popularize chess in modern times.

Publisher Information

First published in 2013 by Gloucester Publishers plc.

Northburgh House, 10 Northburgh Street, London EC1V 0AT.

Copyright © 2013 Garry Kasparov

English translation © 2013 Ken Neat

The right of Garry Kasparov to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in
accordance with the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, without prior permission of the publisher.

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

All other sales enquiries should be directed to Everyman Chess, Northburgh House, 10
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EVERYMAN CHESS SERIES Chief Advisor: Byron Jacobs

Commissioning Editor: John Emms
Assistant Editor: Richard Palliser

Typeset and edited by First Rank Publishing, Brighton.

Cover design by Horacio Monteverde.

This second volume of the autobiographical trilogy Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov contains
one hundred of the most memorable games and endings played during the eight years when I
was FIDE champion (1985-1993). This period was the peak of my playing career, as is
confirmed by both my competitive results, and the quality of the games.

The era described was an extremely tense and most unusual one for me. In the first four years,
from the moment when I won the title of world champion (November 1985) until the
conquering of the 2805 rating (November 1989), a cosmic figure for those times, I consolidated
my domination in the world chess arena. I twice defended my champion's title in dramatic
matches with Anatoly Karpov (1986 and 1987), took or at least shared first place in all the
tournaments in which I participated, and convincingly won the tournament championship of
the planet - the World Cup (1988-1989).

However, the year 1990 began with tragic, extraordinary events. Returning to Baku after
lengthy wanderings abroad, I found myself in the very thick of an ethnic conflict - the
Armenian pogroms. My mother and I as well as our relatives had to take flight. Thus in the year
of the next match for the world championship I was suddenly deprived of both my native
home, and my long-standing training base in Zagulba. This was a severe psychological blow,
the collapse of my entire customary way of life.

Not surprisingly, at precisely that time my battle with FIDE for the rights of chess players and
with the USSR State Sports Committee for professional sport grew into a battle for changes in
the country. After settling in Moscow I became an active political figure, inspired by the ideas
of Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov (our acquaintance, unfortunately, was very short-lived).

There were also substantial changes to the composition of my training team, with which I
prepared for my fifth match with Karpov. Nikitin departed and, with the exception of Shakarov,
no one remained from those who were with me on my way to the chess crown. In this sense
too, the 1990 match also became an historic landmark. Despite all the upheavals, I managed to
win it, but the history of the legendary team of the 1980s had come to an end: from then on
completely new people appeared in it.

From the early 1990s talented young players began assuming the leading roles in chess
(Anand, Ivanchuk, Gelfand, Short, Kamsky, Shirov, Topalov), and Karpov and I were no longer
able to dominate as we had done before. Paradoxically, in 1991 in none of the super-
tournaments in Linares, Amsterdam and Reggio Emilia did either of us take first place! But by
effort of will I was able to break the negative trend. With the help of Sergey Makarychev I
renovated my opening repertoire - and I won not only Tilburg 1991, but also Linares two years
in succession (1992 and 1993).

On this occasion my domination in the chess arena lasted less than two years, but on the other
hand this time was perhaps the most fruitful in the creative respect. In clashes with young,
inventive and tenacious opponents, some brilliant and unforgettable games were created.

In February 1993 Nigel Short, the winner of the next qualifying cycle, unexpectedly suggested
to me that we should play our match for the world championship outside of the FIDE
framework. Thinking that this would be a convenient opportunity to at last put chess on a
professional basis, I agreed. Because of the rapid rehabilitation after the crisis of 1991, my
sense of danger had evidently been dulled. The moment chosen for the declaration of war on

FIDE was unfortunate, and the decision taken proved to be a mistake with far-reaching

In response FIDE President Campomanes took an unprecedented step: stripping me and Short
of our rights of champion and challenger, he arranged a match 'for the world championship'
between the two reserve candidates who had lost to Short in the qualifying cycle - Timman
and Karpov. A new spiral in chess history began...

I should like to express my gratitude to my former trainers Alexander Nikitin and Alexander
Shakarov, and also the chess compilers Vladislav Novikov and Yakov Zusmanovich, for their
help in preparing the manuscript for publication.


1. Match after Match ....................................................................7

2.1. At the Peak of my Career: 1988-1989 ................................ 109

2.2. At the Peak of my Career: 1990 ......................................... 179

3. Fall and Rise .......................................................................... 218

Index of Games ......................................................................... 284

Chapter One. Match after Match
1.1. Matches with Hübner and Andersson
2.1. Second Match with Karpov
3.1. Matches with Timman and Miles
4.1. Third Match with Karpov
5.1. For the First Time on Board 1
6.1. Tournament Debut as Champion
7.1. Winning 'to order'
8.1. Fourth Match with Karpov

1.1. Matches with Hübner and Andersson

Six-game training matches: Kasparov-Hübner (Hamburg, 27 May - 4 June 1985): 4½-1½;

Kasparov-Andersson (Belgrade, 12-20 June 1985): 4-2.

Preparations for the second match with Karpov began almost at once after Campomanes's
memorable February press conference, which forcibly terminated the protracted first match
'without a final result'.

Realising that time was short, we drew up a precise schedule for the next six months, including
both relaxation and independent work, two training matches (essential practice!), and three
twenty-day sessions with the whole training team. Initially we needed to rest on our own after
the months of close contact, and to cool down after the sharp and intense disputes. And we
separated for a time, each with his own home assignment. But early in May the team
assembled in Zagulba for the first session. We worked intensively, mainly on the
reconstruction of my opening repertoire and the improving of my positional technique. We
also did not forget about physical preparation, the conditions for which were simply ideal.

As far as I remember, the idea of short training matches belonged to Botvinnik, who regarded
them as a highly effective method of practical preparation (especially since no appropriate
tournaments were anticipated). And I decided to play two successive matches abroad, the
opponents and venues being carefully chosen with the future main match in mind. I was to
play the West German grandmaster Robert Hübner in Hamburg and the Swedish grandmaster
Ulf Andersson in Belgrade. I judged that West Germany and Yugoslavia were ideal places as
regards public interest, since, after my criticisms, the roles played by the German Alfred Kinzel
(co-chairman of the appeals committee) and the Yugoslav Svetozar Gligoric (the chief arbiter)
in the halting of the unlimited match had become topics of heated debate in their own

At the end of May I arrived in Hamburg, in order to contest a match of six games with the best
German player, conduct two unusual simultaneous displays (against chess computers and
blindfold) and to give an extensive interview to the well-known news magazine Der Spiegel -
the organiser of this entire enterprise. It was noteworthy that it was not a trainer who the
USSR Sports Committee sent me with, but my long-standing KGB guardian Viktor Litvinov,
furnished with instructions regarding the forthcoming interview (whereas Hübner was assisted
by a chess expert - none other than Spassky!). At that time such 'individual' foreign visits were
still unusual, and when we landed in Frankfurt we were anxious about whether anyone would
meet us. But our hosts received us very well, and the following day I was invited to the
editorial office of Der Spiegel for the interview.

I remember that Litvinov was terribly nervous, afraid that I would say something out of place.
This was the first appearance by a Soviet sportsman on the pages of a serious Western
publication, and I endeavoured to tell all: about the role of Campomanes and Karpov in the
scandalous ending of the first match, about the intrigues that then followed, and about the
campaign that had been launched against me on the threshold of the new match. The issue of
the magazine with my revelations came out while I was still in Hamburg - on 3rd June, on the
day of the 5th game of the match with Hübner. Although by present-day standards the
interview looks absolutely harmless, at the time it came like a bombshell and was reprinted in
dozens of publications around the world. As it transpired a couple of months later, it was not
without reason that Litvinov had been nervous...

Hübner was a player of solid positional style, with considerable match experience - in 1980 he
even got as far as the final Candidates match. And in the spring of 1985 he had won (together
with Ljubojevic) the super-tournament in Linares. I think that for the encounter with me he
prepared quite seriously. I did not need any special preparation: very many ideas had been
stored up for the matches with Karpov. By the summer I had already fully recovered from the
strain of the many recent months of combat. I was just 22 years old - I had energy in
abundance! Of course, this form of training put at risk my status as the no.1 contender to the
title (this aspect was discussed with Botvinnik), but I believed in myself.

The tone of the entire match was set by the first game: it stunned my opponent, who was
playing White. Although it lasted 28 moves, in reality the outcome was decided earlier, so that
in principle it can be regarded as a miniature. And this in the solid English Opening!

Game 1
R.Hübner-G.Kasparov, Training Match, 1st Game, Hamburg 28.05.1985
English Opening A21

1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 d6 I did not make any special preparations for the game, and since I wasn't very
keen on playing ...Nb8-c6 here, I employed a variation which I had studied with Timoshchenko
before my match with Korchnoi (1983). 3.d4 Hübner had already played this against Balashov
(Rio de Janeiro Interzonal 1979). [After 3.Nf3 there would have followed 3...f5 4.d4 e4 ,
seizing space – this complicated, fighting position appealed to me, even though it is
strategically dangerous for Black, who concedes the f4-square to the opponent. ; And if 3.g3 ,
then 3...f5 4.Bg2 Nf6 5.d4 (or 5.d3 (e3) 5...g6 , followed by ...Bg7, ...0–0 and ...c7-c6, also with
interesting play (as in Game No.82)) 5...Be7 .] 3...exd4 4.Qxd4 Nf6!? [More cunning than the
usual 4...Nc6 5.-- a), which leads after 5.Qd1 Nf6 6.e4 Be6 (preventing Nge2) 7.Nf3 g6 8.Be2
Bg7 9.0–0 0–0 to a well-known tabiya, favourable for Black (Kotov-Konstantinopolsky, Moscow
1940; Alatortsev-Boleslavsky, Moscow 1942).; b)5.Qd2 Nf6 6.b3 is more ambitious, although in
the afore-mentioned Hübner-Balashov game, after 6...Be6 (b)to the immediate 6...a5!? 7.Bb2
a4 there is the strong reply 8.Nd5! , L.Popov-Vaganian, Skara 1980) 7.e4 a5 8.Nge2 a4 9.Rb1
axb3 10.axb3 g6 11.g3 Bg7 12.Bg2 0–0 13.0–0 Nd7 14.Nd5 Nc5 15.b4 Na4 16.Qc2 Ne5 17.Nef4
Bd7 18.Re1 c6 19.Ne3 Black could have maintained the balance by 19...b5! (Hübner).; ] 5.g3 On
encountering a slight surprise, White chooses the most natural move. [In the event of 5.b3
there is no need to transpose into the variation from the previous note (5...Nc6 6 Qd2 etc.)
5...Be7 is possible, with a solid position,(but the main point is 5...g6!? (this is probably what I
would have played) 6.Bb2 Bg7 . After 7.g3 (nothing is given by 7.Nd5 Nbd7 8.Qe3+ Kf8
(Ornstein-Ree, Budapest 1977), since the black king calmly castles artificially) 7...0–0 8.Bg2 Re8
9.Qd2 Nbd7 10.Nf3 Nc5 11.0–0 both 11...Nfe4 Smejkal-Mokry, Trnava 1989)(and the more
aggressive 11...a5 (Miles-Smejkal, Bad Wörishofen 1985) are good.) ) ] 5...Nc6 6.Qd2 Be6 Of
course. Now, when g2-g3 has been played instead of b2-b3, the picture is altogether different.
7.Nd5 [Black is better after 7.e4 a5 (or 7...Be7 8.b3? Nxe4! 9.Nxe4 d5 10.cxd5? (10.Bg2 is

more resilient) 10...Bb4 11.Nc3 Bxd5 12.f3 Qf6! 13.Bb2 0–0–0 and wins (Benko-Psakhis, Aruba
1992)) 8.b3? a4 (8...Nxe4!? 9.Nxe4 d5) 9.Rb1 axb3 10.axb3 Nxe4! 11.Nxe4 d5 12.cxd5 Bb4
13.Nc3 Bxd5 14.f3 (Palatnik-Lputian, Irkutsk 1983) 14...Qf6! and wins (1985 analysis).] 7...Ne5
8.b3 Ne4! (the main move in this line) 9.Qe3 [If 9.Qd4 there is the tempting 9...Nc5 (or 9...f5
10.Bg2 g6 , when White loses ignominiously after 11.Bb2? c5! 12.Qd1 Bxd5 13.Qxd5 Qa5+
14.Kd1 Nd3!! (J.Kristiansen-Reinert, Denmark 1985)) 10.f4 Nc6 (10...c6!?) 11.Qe3 Be7
(Taimanov-Smyslov, 34th USSR Championship, Tbilisi 1966).] 9...Nc5!? An idea devised at the
board (I have to admit that I thought it was a novelty). [The variation 9...c6 10.Qxe4 cxd5
11.cxd5 Qa5+ 12.Bd2 is perfectly safe for Black in view of 12...Qxd5 (the same 1985 analysis),
(or 12...Bxd5 13.Bxa5 (13.Qf4 Qd8!) 13...Bxe4 14.f3 Bc6 (Ftacnik-Timman, Wijk aan Zee 1985),
but I was not interested in going into such a prosaic endgame: Hübner would surely have
steered his ship into a drawing haven. Therefore I decided to complicate the play – move my
knight from e4, only then play ...c7-c6 and, after driving the white knight from d5, obtain
certain tactical counter-chances.) ] 10.Bb2?! [Annotating this game in Informator, I rightly
recommended 10.Bg2 – it is important to free the f1–square for the king as soon as possible. If
10...c6 , both 11.-- a)11.Nc3 Qa5!? (a)the Informator suggestion 11...a5 is unclear because of
12.Ba3!) 12.Bb2 g6 (a)to Stohl's move 12...Be7 there is the good reply 13.Nf3 Nxf3+ 14.exf3!)
13.Nf3 (a)13.Rd1?! Bg7!) 13...Bg7 14.0–0 0–0 15.Rad1; b), and 11.Nf4 g6!? (b)my earlier move
11...Qf6 is parried by 12.Bb2 Ned3+ 13.exd3 Qxb2 14.Rd1) 12.Nf3 Nxf3+ 13.Bxf3 Bg7 14.Rb1 0–
0 15.Nxe6 Nxe6 16.0–0 are acceptable for White. Both lines lead to complicated, roughly equal
'King's Indian' play, where each side has his trumps.; ] The seemingly natural 10 Bb2
dangerously increases the dynamic possibilities in the position (the white king is after all stuck
on e1) – Hübner did not sense this in time. 10...c6 11.Nf4? [Again a natural move: if 11.Nc3
then 11...Qb6! is strong – the threat of ...Nxc4 (the bishop has moved prematurely to b2)
forces the awkward retreat 12.Nd1 , and after 12...Be7 13.Nf3 Ng4 Black has a slight initiative:
14.Qc1 (or 14.Qf4 Bf6 15.Bxf6 Nxf6) 14...0–0 15.Bg2 a5 16.h3 Nf6 17.Nd4 a4 . But now White
encounters real problems.] 11...Ng4! This is, indeed, a novelty! [White's idea is fully justified
after the passive 11...Be7? 12.Nxe6 Nxe6 13.Bh3 (Smejkal-Rogoff, Amsterdam 1980).] 12.Qd4
[After 12.Qf3 Ne4! 13.a3 d5 14.Nxe6 Qa5+! 15.Bc3 Nxc3 16.Nxf8 Na2+! 17.b4 Nxb4 18.Bh3
Nc2+ 19.Kf1 Nxa1; or 12.Nxe6 Nxe3 13.Nxd8 Nc2+ 14.Kd1 Nxa1 15.Nxb7 (weaker is 15.Nxf7?!
Kxf7 16.Bxa1 Be7) 15...Naxb3! 16.axb3 Nxb7 17.Bg2 Kd7 Black would have gained a material
advantage (although in this last variation the two bishops promise White some compensation
for the exchange).] At this point Hübner looked calm and confident: 13 Nxe6 is threatened,
and against the queen check on a5 there is the defence Bc3. But after my reply the opponent's
face changed and he even flinched. 12...Ne4!! (under attack by the queen!) 13.Bh3! The best
chance of retaining a not altogether clear situation. [13.Qxe4?? Qa5+; or 13.Ngh3? Qa5+
14.Kd1 d5! is fatal.; We will analyse three other continuations: 13.Nxe6 fxe6 14.Bh3 (14.a3
Nexf2) 14...Ngxf2 15.Bxe6 Be7! 16.Qxg7 Rf8 (Stohl) 17.Nf3 Nxh1 18.Kf1 Bf6 19.Bxf6 Rxf6
20.Qg8+ Ke7 21.Qxh7+ Kxe6 22.Qxe4+ Kd7 , and it is doubtful whether White can save the
game; 13.Nd3 , after which Black has two good options: 13...-- a)13...d5 14.cxd5 Bxd5 15.Nf3
(a)or 15.f3 c5 16.Qa4+ Bc6 17.Qc4 b5 18.Qc1 c4 with a powerful attack – 19.fxe4?! (a)and if
19.Bh3 , then 19...Qa5+ (a)or 19...h5!? ) ) 19...Bxe4) , and here instead of the unclear 15...c5
(a)there is the strong 15...Ngxf2! 16.Nxf2 Qa5+ 17.Nd2 Nxf2 18.Qe5+ Kd8! 19.Bc3 Bb4 and
wins) 16.Qa4+ Bc6 17.Qc4 b5 (At.Schneider-Z.Lehmann, Budapest 1995) 18.Qc1! .; b)13...f5 ,
and if 14.c5? (N.Maiorov-Votava, Pardubice 2001)(b)or my Informator suggestion 14.Bc1 (?),
then 14...Be7! is decisive; b)but also after 14.f3 c5 15.Nxc5 Qa5+! 16.Bc3 dxc5 17.Bxa5 cxd4
(Stohl) 18.fxe4 fxe4 19.Bg2 Bf5 20.Bd2 e3 21.Ba5 Nf2 22.Bxb7 Rc8! White is in trouble.) ; ;
13.b4!? – an interesting move, suggested by an unknown chess fan at one of my subsequent
lectures. However, after 13...Ngxf2 White loses a pawn: 14.Bg2 (or 14.Ngh3 d5! 15.cxd5 Qb6!!
(at the board it is not easy to 'unearth' this!) 16.a3 Bxh3 17.Bxh3 Qxd4 18.Bxd4 Nxh1 19.dxc6
bxc6 20.Bg2 0–0–0 21.Bxa7 Nhxg3 22.hxg3 f5 , and Black has every chance of converting his
exchange advantage) 14...Qb6! .] Instead, Hübner made the most obvious move, at last freeing

the f1–square for his king, and he appeared to calm down. 13...Qa5+ [13...Ngxf2 was also
possible, since 14.Bxe6? (for 14.Nxe6 fxe6 15.Bxe6 Be7! see above; but 14.Nf3!? Nxh3
15.Nxe6 Qa5+ 16.Kf1 is more resilient – see the next note) 14...fxe6 15.Nxe6 Qa5+! (and not
15...Qe7?! 16.Nh3!) 16.Kf1 would have led to a position from the game. (In my notes for
Informator I condemned this move order because of 16.Bc3 (?), overlooking the murderous
16...Qf5! 17.Nc7+ Kd7 18.Nxa8 c5! and ...Nxh1 – the black knight will escape from h1, but
White's will not escape from a8.) ] 14.Kf1 Ngxf2 15.Bxe6? The decisive mistake, [although
15.Nxe6 was also insufficient: 15...fxe6 16.Bxe6 Qe5! (my previous recommendation 16...Be7
(?) 17.Qxg7 Rf8 is worse because of 18.Nf3! Nxh1 19.Kg2) 17.Qxe5 (or 17.Qxf2 Qxe6 18.Qe3
d5 19.Kg2 Bc5 20.Bd4 Bxd4 21.Qxd4 dxc4 22.Qxc4 Qxc4 23.bxc4 0–0–0 24.Nf3 Nc3 , winning
one of the weak pawns) 17...dxe5 18.Bf5 Bc5 19.Bxe4 Nxe4 20.Nf3 (20.Nh3?! 0–0+ 21.Kg2 g5
22.Rhf1 g4 23.Ng1 Nd2 and wins) 20...Nf2 21.Ba3 Be3 22.Rg1 Ng4 with an obvious
advantage,(22...e4!? .) ; Two other continuations are better: 15.Nf3!? Nxh3 16.Nxe6 Nhf2
17.Nxf8 Qf5! 18.Rg1 Rxf8 19.Rg2 , and here 19...Ng4 (or 19...Nh3 20.Qxg7 h5 21.g4 Nd2+
22.Ke1 Nxf3+ 23.exf3 Qxf3 24.Re2+ Kd7 25.Qf6 Qxf6 26.Bxf6 Rfe8 27.gxh5 Nf4 28.Rxe8 Rxe8+
29.Kf2 Nxh5 etc) 20.h3 Ngf6 21.g4 Qe6 is satisfactory.; 15.Bg2!? – after which Black would
have replied either 15...Bf5 (or 15...d5 16.Bxe4 Nxe4 17.cxd5 cxd5 18.Nf3 0–0–0) 16.Ngh3
Nxh3 .] Although in all the variations given White would have remained a pawn down, he could
still have resisted. 15...fxe6 16.Nxe6 Kd7! A spectacular move, leading to a win, [but the no
less strong 16...Qf5! 17.Nc7+ Kd7 18.Nxa8 c5! was simpler, forcing 19.Qd5 Qxd5 20.cxd5 Nxh1
21.Nh3 Be7 22.Kg2 Nhxg3 23.hxg3 Bf6 and ...Rxa8 with a technically won endgame: it is not
just that White is a pawn down, but he also has chronic weaknesses.] 17.Nh3 This makes
things easier for Black. [However, he is also close to success after 17.Nxf8+ Raxf8 18.Nf3
a)18.Qxg7+ Kc8!; b)or 18.Kg2 Qh5! 19.Rf1 (b)19.Qxa7 Kc7) 19...c5 20.Qe3 Qg6 and wins;
18...Qh5 (Stohl gives only the less effective 18...Re8 19.Rg1) 19.Kg2 (now if 19.Rg1 there is
the thunderous 19...Rxf3! 20.exf3 Rf8!) 19...c5! 20.Qd5 Qxd5 21.cxd5 Nxh1 22.Rxh1 Rf7 .;
17.Kg2 Re8! .] 17...Nxh3! 18.Qxe4 For an instant it may seem that White has fortunately
extricated himself, but he is short of literally one tempo. 18...Re8 19.Nc5+ [It turns out that
19.Qg4 Rxe6 20.Qxh3 is not possible because of 20...Qd2 .] 19...Qxc5 20.Qg4+ Kc7 21.Qxh3
Be7! (simply completing Black's development and threatening ...Rhf8+) 22.Bxg7 Clearly
realising that all the same he was losing, Hübner decided to check whether there was a mate
here. [And indeed, both 22.Rg1 Qe3!; and 22.Kg2 Bf6 (Stohl) were hopeless; as was 22.Qg4
Rhf8+ 23.Kg2 Rf2+ 24.Kh3 Qe3! 25.Bc1 (25.Bxg7 h5!) 25...Qe5 26.Bf4 Qe4 .] 22...Rhf8+!
23.Bxf8 Rxf8+ 24.Ke1 Qf2+ 25.Kd1 Qd4+ 26.Kc2 Qe4+! (now mate is inevitable) 27.Kd2
[27.Kb2 Qxe2+; or 27.Kc3 Qe3+ 28.Kb4 d5+ was no better.] 27...Bg5+ 28.Kc3 Qe5+ [After
28...Qe5+ 29.Kb4 the quickest way to mate is by 29...Kb6! : for example, 30.a4 (and 30.Ka3
Qa5+ 31.Kb2 Qd2+ and ...Bf6) 30...Bf6 31.a5+ Ka6 .] 0–1

The psychological effect of this win was great. When in the 2nd game, in a quiet and roughly
equal Queen's Gambit position, I unexpectedly opened the centre, within a dozen moves it
again all concluded with a direct mating attack: 2-0! And after a draw in the very complicated
3rd game, I also won the 4th, in which I did not achieve anything from the opening, but I
gradually outplayed my opponent in an instructive knight endgame. Apparently Hübner
thought that he would gain a draw without difficulty, but I was able to exploit my spatial
advantage. The confident handling of endings had become a new feature of my play, acquired
in the battles with Karpov.

Thus I gained the desired 3½ points ahead of schedule, and fighting draws in the 5th and 6th
games determined the final score in the match: 4½-1½. A convincing victory over one of the
most successful western grandmasters increased my optimism. I felt that I was playing well.

Immediately after the match with Hübner, on 5th June, I gave a simultaneous display in
Hamburg against chess computers, in which 32 machines participated - eight from each of the
four leading production firms. I easily won game after game, but in one I ended up in a bad
position, precisely against a computer from the firm Saitek, with which I had an advertising
contract. Fearing that in the event of a loss or even a draw I would be accused of promoting
my 'own' product, I strained every sinew and in the end I also won this game. Five hours' play
produced a 32-0 result, which was not surprising for that stage in the development of chess
computer technology.

And on 7th June, also in Hamburg, I gave a blindfold simultaneous display on ten boards - for
the only time in my career (I considered the excessive strain experienced when playing
blindfold to be damaging to one's health). One of my opponents again turned out to be a
computer, and against it I announced a forced mate with sacrifices in 10 moves. The overall
score was +8=2.

Then Litvinov and I set off for Belgrade, where on 12th June my match with Ulf Andersson was
to begin, organised on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the well-known 'Partisan' sports
society. On the day before, the participants gave a press conference, conducted by an active
supporter of mine, grandmaster Milunka Lazarevic. As also in Hamburg, the journalists
peppered me with questions about the intrigues surrounding my past and future matches with
Anatoly Karpov, and when I was asked to assess my present opponent, I replied: 'Ulf has a
distinctive chess style, a very subtle positional feeling, and I think that a match with a player of
such a level and such a style may prove very beneficial to me before the meeting with Karpov.'

Although Andersson was not such an esteemed grandmaster as Hübner, he had the reputation
of being an opponent who was very hard to beat. It was not without reason that in the USSR v.
Rest of the World Match (1984) he was put on board 1 against Karpov. In 1985 he had won
tournaments in Rome and Rio de Janeiro, and the match with me was part of his preparations
for the forthcoming Biel Interzonal Tournament in July. Breaching Andersson's defences was a
psychologically difficult task: in our preceding seven meetings I had managed to do this only
once (Game No.61 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I).

On this occasion I had White in the 1st game and I employed a novelty in the Catalan Opening,
but Ulf managed to neutralise my initiative - draw. In the 2nd game after a quiet opening,
unpretentiously played by my opponent, a very serious battle flared up with chances for both
sides, but in the end it again all concluded in a draw.

At this point an old acquaintance arrived to help me - the Hungarian grandmaster Andras
Adorjan. We did not carry out any large-scale chess analysis, but he helped me with valuable
advice and created an optimistic mood. Adorjan gave me a taste for Schweppes tonic water,
and earlier, in Hamburg, I took to eating a steak before every game. Of course, this was not the
most diet-orientated food, but it seemed to give me energy, and things continued this way for
nearly ten years.

In the 3rd game I decided to improve on White's play compared with the 1st game.

Game 2
G.Kasparov-U.Andersson, Training Match, 3rd Game, Belgrade 15.06.1985
Catalan Opening E04

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.Bg2 dxc4 5.Nf3 c5 6.0–0 Nc6 (my opponent always employed this
system) 7.Ne5 [In my game with Andersson in Niksic (1983) the variation with a queen sacrifice

occurred – 7.Qa4 cxd4 8.Nxd4 Qxd4 9.Bxc6+ Bd7 10.Rd1 Qxd1+ 11.Qxd1 Bxc6 and here,
instead of 12.Qc2 , which was usual at that time, (I made the fresh move 12.Nd2!? . After
some thought Ulf chose the solid 12...b5 13.a4 Be7 , and after 14.axb5 Bxb5 15.Nxc4 0–0 16.b3
Rfd8 in the end Black was able to set up a fortress.) ] 7...Bd7 8.Na3!? A novelty from the 1st
game, which was prepared back in the summer of 1983, but in Niksic I decided to keep it for
the forthcoming match with Korchnoi. [For a long time before that they played 8.Nxc6 Bxc6
9.Bxc6+ bxc6 10.Qa4 cxd4 11.Qxc6+ Nd7 12.Qxc4 Bc5 13.Nd2 0–0 with an equal game (an
example: Petrosian-Andersson, Moscow 1981); or, more rarely, the gambit 8.Nxc4 cxd4 9.Bf4 .
Neither of these inspired me, and I devised 8 Na3, which for a long time became the main
move, although Black gradually found a way of neutralising it.] 8...cxd4 9.Naxc4 For the
sacrificed pawn White has dangerous pressure in the centre. 9...Nd5? [The 1st game went
9...Rc8 10.Qb3 Nxe5 11.Nxe5 Bc6 12.Nxc6 bxc6 13.Rd1 c5 14.e3 Bd6 15.exd4 c4 16.Qb5+ Qd7
17.a4! with some advantage for White, and I came to the conclusion that subsequently I could
have played more strongly. Andersson decided not to tempt fate and he deviated first, having
decided to simplify the position immediately at the cost of his extra pawn. But, as often
happens in little-studied situations, he went from the frying pan into the fire.; Six months later
the main continuation became 9...Bc5 (now 9...Be7 has also come into fashion) 10.Qb3 0–0
(Nogueiras-A.Sokolov, Montpellier Candidates 1985), returning the pawn for the sake of rapid
development. After 11.Qxb7 Nxe5 12.Nxe5 Rb8 13.Qf3 -- a), Serper's move 13...Bd6
(Kasparov-Deep Blue, 2nd match game, Philadelphia 1996) allows White slightly the better
chances – 14.Nxd7 Qxd7 15.Qd3 e5 16.b3 (Beliavsky-Pavasovic, Hungary 2008); b), but
13...Nd5 is perfectly safe, since the showy 14.Bg5 f6 15.Qg4!? is parried by 15...h5! 16.Qh3
fxg5 17.Bxd5 g4 18.Qg2 Rxb2 (Sulava-Dizdarevic, Cattolica 1993) (b)or 18...Bc8 .) ; ] 10.Nxc6
Bxc6 11.Qxd4 Nb4 12.Bxc6+ Nxc6 13.Qc3! The attack on the g7-pawn hinders the
development of the opponent's kingside. Now White has no need to devise anything: he has
the initiative for free with the material equal. [Much weaker is 13.Qe4? Qd5! , Cherniaev-
Janssen, Wijk aan Zee 2003.] 13...f6 This move would be good if Black were able to complete
his development, but alas... [However, it is already unclear what he should do: if 13...Rc8
there follows 14.Be3 (f4); if 13...Nd4 – 14.Qd3 (with the threat of Rd1) 14...Nc6 15.Qb3!;
while if 13...Qd4 14.Qb3 Qd5 , then 15.Qxb7 (more forceful than 15.Be3 , which has been
played) 15...Nd4 16.Qxd5 exd5 17.Ne5 with the better endgame.; Or 13...Qf6 14.Qb3 .;
Perhaps Black should have tried to confuse matters by 13...b5 14.Ne5 Nd4 , although here too
after 15.Qd3 he has an unpleasant position: 15...Bc5 (or 15...Qd5 16.Bf4 (16.Be3!?) 16...Rd8
17.Rac1 etc) 16.Rd1 f6 17.e3! .] 14.Be3 Be7 15.Rfd1 Qc7 [After 15...Qc8 16.Rac1 0–0 17.Na5!
Nxa5 18.Qxa5 Qe8 19.Qc7 b6 20.Qc4 White has such powerful pressure on the open files that
Black is obliged to try and relieve it by giving up his e6-pawn.] 16.Qb3! (gradually aiming at the
e6- and b7-pawns) 16...g5 Comparatively the best chance – already some sharp advance has to
be made. [16...Kf7? is weak because of 17.Bf4 Qc8 18.Bd6 and wins; while if 16...0–0?! the
simplest is 17.Nd6 .] 17.Rac1 A natural developing move, [but 17.f4!? at once is also strong,
aiming to open the position as soon as possible and create an attack on the weakened black
king.] 17...Rd8? [More saving chances were offered by 17...Kf7 18.f4 Rhd8 19.fxg5 fxg5 ,
although even here after 20.Rf1+ (or 20.Nd2 Rd5 21.Ne4) 20...Kg8 21.Na5 White has an
obvious advantage.] 18.Rxd8+ Bxd8 19.Qxb7! It is hard for a human to refrain from such a
pretty stroke, [but the computer rates highly the less aesthetic 19.Na3!? Qd7 20.Rd1 Qe7 (c8)
21.Nb5 , also winning a pawn, but keeping the queens on the board.] 19...Qxb7 20.Nd6+ Kd7
21.Nxb7 Bb6 22.Nc5+ Bxc5 23.Bxc5 An endgame has been reached with a mobile bishop
against a knight and a sound extra pawn for White. It was for this that I had aimed, wishing to
demonstrate that I had improved in technical endings. 23...f5 [23...a5 24.Rd1+ Kc7 was
somewhat more resilient, but this position is also hopeless for Black, since he is not helped by
the exchange of rooks.] 24.Rd1+ Kc7 25.Rd6 Re8 Passive defence makes things easier for me.
[25...Rb8 26.Rxe6 (26.b4!?) 26...Rxb2 was sharper, but nevertheless Black's downfall is bound
to be caused by the vulnerability of his kingside pawns.] 26.b4 a6 27.f3 h5 28.h4 (fixing the

weakness on h5) 28...gxh4 29.gxh4 Rg8+ 30.Kf2 Rg6 Now, when the black rook has moved
away to g6, White creates a passed pawn on the queenside. 31.a4 f4 32.b5 axb5 33.axb5 Ne7
34.Ra6 Nf5 35.Ra7+ Kc8 36.b6 Rg7 37.Ra4 Kb7 38.Rxf4 Kc6 39.Rc4 Kb5 40.Rb4+ . After almost
holding out until the time control, Black resigned. 1–0

This unpretentious game decided the outcome of this short match: after it Andersson
somehow drooped and did not demonstrate even a hint of aggression. In the 4th game against
the English Opening I chose the double fianchetto 'à la Adorjan' and easily gained a draw: 1 Nf3
Nf6 2 c4 b6 3 g3 c5 4 Bg2 Bb7 5 0-0 g6 6 b3 Bg7 7 Bb2 0-0 8 Nc3 Na6 (later Andras reproached
me for rejecting 'large-scale play' - 8...d6 and ...Nbd7) 9 d4 d5 etc.

The 5th game proved to be the longest and most difficult in the match. I methodically built up
the pressure and adjourned the game with a big advantage. It was resumed the day after the
drawn 6th game, and it brought me a second win, and with it overall success: 4-2.

My contests with Hübner and Andersson raised the public interest in my autumn match with
Karpov. At the same time, a considerable stir had been caused by my interview inDer Spiegel
and an open letter to the Belgrade newspaper Politika, where I revealed my dispute with
Gligoric regarding the events in February. In addition, I stated my point of view in several
letters to FIDE, without clearing these in advance with the USSR Chess Federation.

As was anticipated, Karpov's supporters tried to have me disqualified for my statements, which
were unpardonably audacious by Party standards. On 9th August, three weeks before the start
of the title match, they set a date for the reprisal - a special meeting of the USSR Chess
Federation Praesidium, at which my 'anti-State' behaviour was to be considered. There was
every likelihood that my punishment would be disqualification, but here an intervention was
made by one of Gorbachev's men, the new director of the Communist Party Propaganda
Department Alexander Yakovlev. When the problem was explained to him, he said, briefly and
clearly: 'The match must take place.'

I have to admit that I had to endure some unpleasant minutes: it was not until just before the
meeting that I learned that it had all been decided differently. Not even all the initiators of the
'reprisal' knew about the new Party directive, and so this 'historic' meeting of the USSR Chess
Federation Praesidium of 9th August 1985 resembled an absurd and at times comical play. And
it concluded with a recommendation that Soviet grandmasters should not give interviews to
the western media. That was all!

The summer months flew by very quickly. And by September, despite all the off-the-board
intrigues, I felt far more confident than a year earlier. I had become stronger and had more
stamina, and my style of play was more balanced and universal. My store of opening ideas had
been thoroughly replenished. In short, I was prepared for the new battle with my mighty

1.2. Second Match with Karpov

World Championship Match Karpov - Kasparov (Moscow, 1 September - 10 November 1985):


As though in confirmation of Karpov's words that 'opening preparation is the strongest aspect
of Kasparov's play', in the very first game I took my opponent aback with my choice of opening.

Game 3
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 1st Game, Moscow 03.09.1985
Nimzo-Indian Defence E20

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 [In my matches with Korchnoi (1983), Karpov (1984/85), Hübner and
Andersson (1985) I avoided the Nimzo-Indian Defence by 3.Nf3 ; or 3.g3 .] 3...Bb4 4.Nf3 A
surprise! [Earlier I normally played 4.e3 (Game No.26), for which Karpov would undoubtedly
have prepared before the first match. ; The immediate 4.g3 was rejected because of 4...d5 .]
4...c5 The most popular reply. [After 4...0–0 the pin 5.Bg5 is unpleasant (7th and 11th
games).; If 4...Ne4 , then 5.Qc2 (Game No.6). ; The Queen's Indian 'hybrid' 4...b6 5.Bg5 leads
to complicated play (Game Nos.9, 10, 11, 18, 20).] 5.g3 Here Karpov thought for nearly half an
hour. Strangely enough, the then fashionable Romanishin Variation had never occurred in any
of his or my games, although it was in the opening repertoire of several of the champion's
helpers, and most probably he would never have devoted much attention to it, reckoning that
I was unlikely to employ it in the match. Add to this the particular importance of the first
game, and it is not hard to understand why the initial five moves took Karpov 50 minutes (an
unprecedented occurrence in his games!).Although the great Rubinstein played it a couple of
times, the strategic defects of the variation are obvious and it is by no means suitable for
everyone. I reckoned that the resulting positions would not appeal to Karpov and that they
would be difficult for him to play. Here the rules that operate are poorly perceived by 'classical'
players, since one constantly has to operate with different values, exchanging material and
positional weaknesses for the initiative. And my reckoning was fully justified! In terms of
points, the effect of 4 Nf3 proved stunning: +3=2. 5...Ne4 [Subsequently my opponent played
only 5...Nc6 (13th and 17th games); or 5...cxd4 6.Nxd4 0–0 7.Bg2 d5 (Game No.13).] 6.Qd3
Qa5 [Avoiding both the tabiya of those years 6...cxd4 7.Nxd4 Qa5 ,(and also the present-day
tabiya 7...Bxc3+!? 8.bxc3 Nc5 .) ] 7.Qxe4 Bxc3+ 8.Bd2 Bxd2+ 9.Nxd2 Qb6 A rare move of the
Hungarian grandmaster Vadasz (usually 9...Nc6 10 dxc5 or 10 d5 is played – cf. Revolution in
the 70s, pp.277-278). On encountering a surprise, Karpov endeavoured to find the path which
he assumed had been least studied by the opponent in his preparation, and after lengthy
thought he chose a variation leading to simplification and a seemingly tenable endgame. As
our first match showed, the champion judged an exchange of queens to be a priori in his
favour, and this continuation stemmed from his general logic of taking decisions in non-
standard situations. 10.dxc5 [Nothing is promised by 10.0–0–0 cxd4 11.Nb3 , if only because
of 11...Qc6 (11...Nc6!? , Pinter-Vadasz, Budapest 1979) 12.Rxd4 b6 13.Bg2 Bb7 14.Kb1 Qxe4+
15.Bxe4 Bxe4+ 16.Rxe4 Nc6 with equality (Ubilava-Vyzhmanavin, Tashkent 1984).] 10...Qxb2
11.Rb1 Qc3 [11...Qxa2 is dangerous, and not only because of 12.Qd4 (but also in view of
12.Bg2 with a highly promising lead in development) 12...0–0 13.Qc3 Qa4 14.Bg2 Nc6 15.0–0
Qa5 16.Qxa5 Nxa5 17.Ra1 Nc6 18.Ne4 with the better ending.; If 11...Qa3 (Ubilava-Lerner,
Tallinn 1983), then 12.Qd4! is strong: 12...0–0 13.Bg2 Nc6 (the undeveloped state of Black's
queenside also tells after 13...Na6 14.Ne4 (14.Nb3!?) 14...Qa5+ (14...f5 15.Nd6 Rb8! is better)
15.Qd2 Qc7 16.Rb5 (Ubilava-Rozentalis, Kharkov 1985; Bluvshtein-Riazantsev, Khanty-
Mansiysk 2011)) 14.Qd6 Qxa2 15.0–0 Qa5 16.Ra1 Qd8 17.Rfb1 with serious pressure (Itkis-
A.Ivanov, Borzhomi 1984). ] 12.Qd3! (White is forced to offer the exchange of queens)
12...Qxd3 [12...Qa5?! could have ended in disaster: 13.Rb5 Qa4 14.Qc3 0–0 15.Bg2 Nc6
16.Bxc6! a6 17.Rb6! dxc6 18.Rb3 and wins.] 13.exd3 It was on this ending that Karpov was
pinning his hopes: he has retained material equality, his king is in the centre, and without the
queens, the problem of developing his queenside is hardly a fatal one. This was also played
occasionally after the match, Black apparently being guided by the same
considerations.White's separated pawns have been transformed into a dynamic pawn mass.
He has pressure on the b-file and the h1–a8 diagonal, while Black has a weak d6-point, for
where the white knight will aim, and a weak b7-pawn. And all because of the white c5-pawn!
Therefore it must be exchanged, but first Black has to develop his knight. 13...Na6 With an

attack on the c5-pawn. [After the natural 13...Nc6 14.Bg2 b6 I was planning 15.Ne4! (15.d4!?
bxc5 16.dxc5 is also interesting) 15...Ke7 16.Kd2 (or immediately 16.cxb6 axb6 17.Nc3 (not
exchanging the a2- and b6-pawns) 17...Ra6 18.Kd2 with pressure on the weak b6-pawn – Rb2,
Rhb1 and so on) 16...f5 17.cxb6 axb6 18.Nc3 .] 14.d4! [But not 14.Ne4 in view of 14...Ke7
15.d4 b6! 16.cxb6 Bb7! with counterplay.] 14...Rb8 Karpov again plays on the basis of general
logic. He hopes to free himself without resorting to extreme measures and without hurrying to
create new weaknesses in his position. But it soon transpires that the planned ...b7-b6 is
insufficient for equality. [This is precisely the kind of situation which demands a combination of
general strategy and concrete, dynamic play. The opponent's pawn mass could have been
broken up in a different way – 14...e5!? . Although after 15.Bg2! Rb8 (15...exd4 is weaker in
view of 16.Rxb7! Rb8 17.Rxb8 Nxb8 18.Ne4) 16.dxe5 Nxc5 17.0–0 b6 18.Bd5 (18.Nb3!?)
18...Bb7 19.f4 and Nf3-d4 White gains some clear targets to attack, there is less material left
on the board, which eases Black's defence.] 15.Bg2 Ke7?! [Missing the last chance to
undermine the centre – 15...e5 16.dxe5 Nxc5 , transposing into the previous variation.; 15...b6
is premature, since after 16.cxb6 axb6 (16...Rxb6 17.Ke2!?) 17.Ke2 Bb7 18.Bxb7 Rxb7 19.c5 and
Nc4 Black's b-pawn is too weak.] 16.Ke2 (?!) ['According to general endgame rules the king
should be in the centre, but here specific tactical features associated with the position of the
king at e2 prove more important, and by exploiting them Black could have gained good
drawing chances. 16.0–0! was correct,' I wrote in the book Dva matcha. Well, let's have a look.
16...-- a). After 16...d6 17.cxd6+ Kxd6 18.c5+ and Nc4 things are depressing for Black,
irrespective of the white king's position.; b). And if after 16 0–0 Black replies 16...Rd8 17.Ne4
b6 , as in the game, then again 18.Nd6! . In the event of 18...bxc5 (b)and the 'Karpov line' –
this is undoubtedly what he would have played – 18...Nc7 19.Rb4 Ne8 20.Nxe8 Kxe8
(b)without the king on e2 there is no point in playing 20...Rxe8 21.Rfb1 Ba6? in view of 22.c6!
dxc6 23.Ra4) 21.Rfb1 Ba6 (b)21...Bb7 22.d5) , now runs into 22.f4 (b)if immediately 22.a4 ,
then 22...Rbc8!) 22...Rdc8 23.a4 with a clear advantage to White: 23...d6 (b)23...Bb7 24.a5)
24.c6 Kd8 25.f5! (b)25.a5!?) 25...Kc7 26.fxe6 fxe6 27.d5 , creating a protected passed pawn)
19.Rxb8 Nxb8 20.dxc5 the piece sacrifice 20...Na6 (cf. the note to Black's 18th move) is no
longer so effective because of 21.Nxc8+ Rxc8 22.Bb7 Rxc5 23.Bxa6 Ra5 24.Bc8 Rxa2 (b)or
24...Rc5 25.Bb7 Rxc4 26.Re1 Ra4 27.Bd5 with real winning chances) 25.Rd1 d6 26.Rb1 .; c).
However, with the removal of the white king from the centre Black has acquired the possibility
of 16...b6! , which promises him better saving chances: 17.cxb6 axb6 18.Rb3 Bb7 19.Rfb1 (the
bishop on g2 is defended!) 19...Bxg2 20.Kxg2 Nc7 21.-- c1), while after 21.Rxb6 Rxb6 22.Rxb6
Ra8 23.Rb2 Ra4! and ...Na6-b4 Black is saved by his active rook. ; c2). The breakthrough 21.c5!
is much stronger, with the idea of 21...b5 (c2)but the clever manoeuvre 21...Nd5! makes things
difficult for White – after 22.cxb6 Rb7! (c2)the only way: 22...Rhc8? 23.b7!) 23.Nc4 Ra8 ,
despite his two connected passed pawns he may be unable to win) 22.a4 b4 23.Rxb4 .; ; ]
Therefore it is rather difficult to criticise 16 Ke2, although objectively it is not the best move.
16...Rd8 [Now the gambit 16...b6?! 17.cxb6 axb6 18.Rb3 Bb7 19.Bxb7 Rxb7 20.Rhb1 Nc7 (after
20...Rhb8 21.c5 b5 22.Nc4 Nc7 23.a4 all the same Black loses his b-pawn) 21.Rxb6 Rxb6
22.Rxb6 Ra8 23.Rb2 Ra4 is parried by the simple 24.Kd3 .; And if 16...e5 Averbakh suggested
the excellent centralisation 17.Kd3 exd4 18.Kxd4 Nc7 19.Rhe1+ Ne6+ 20.Kc3 f5 21.Re5 Kf6
22.f4 , restricting the opponent's actions.] 17.Ne4 b6 (this undermining move cannot be
delayed, as otherwise Rb2 and Rfb1 could lead to complete paralysis) 18.Nd6 The critical
position. 18...Nc7 [In aiming to exchange the powerful knight on d6, Karpov misses an
excellent tactical resource – 18...bxc5!? . 19.-- a). In the event of 19.Nxc8+ Rdxc8 20.Bb7 Black
sacrifices the exchange – 20...Rxb7 21.Rxb7 cxd4 22.Rxa7 Nc5 , obtaining good counterplay (
23.Rb1 e5 24.a4 e4 ).; b). At first sight 19.Rxb8 Nxb8 20.dxc5 is stronger, almost stalemating
Black, but an unexpected piece sacrifice – 20...Na6! 21.Nxc8+ Rxc8 22.Bb7 Rxc5 23.Bxa6 Ra5
leads to an unclear ending, since in contrast to the variation with 16 0–0 the a2-pawn is
captured with check: 24.Bb7 (b)or 24.Bc8! Rxa2+ 25.Ke3 Kd8 (b)more resilient than 25...Rc2
26.Rd1 d5 27.Ba6!? Ra2 28.Bb7 dxc4 (b)and 28...Rb2 29.Bc6 dxc4 30.Rd7+ and Rxa7) 29.Rd2!)

26.Bb7 Rc2 27.Ra1 Rxc4 28.Rxa7 Rc7 29.Ra8+ Ke7 30.Be4 h6 , and it is very difficult, if at all
possible, for White to win) 24...Rxa2+ 25.Ke3 Rc2 with good drawing chances ( 26.Ra1 Rxc4
27.Rxa7 Rc7 ).; ] 19.Rb4 (intensifying the pressure) 19...Ne8 Logical. [The variation 19...Ba6
20.Rhb1 Nd5 21.R4b3 bxc5 22.Rxb8 Nc3+ 23.Kd3 Nxb1 24.Rxd8 Kxd8 25.dxc5 ends with the
trapping of the knight.] 20.Nxe8! [The correct move: after 20.Nxc8+ Rdxc8! 21.Rhb1 Rc7
22.Kd3 (22.cxb6 Rxb6 is equal) 22...Rbc8! 23.cxb6 axb6 24.a4 Nf6 25.R1b2 d6 26.f4 Nd7 Black
could at last have breathed freely: he clearly has more chances of drawing than White of
winning.] 20...Kxe8? A critical moment. [Black misses another opportunity to exploit the king's
position on e2 – 20...Rxe8! 21.Rhb1 Bb7 22.d5 exd5 23.cxd5 Rec8! (not my previous suggestion
23...Kf8+?! 24.Kd2 Ra8 25.R1b2!) 24.cxb6 Ba6+ 25.Kd2 Rxb6 26.Rxb6 axb6 27.Rxb6 Bc4 28.a4
Rc5 with quite good saving chances (here d5-d6 is not threatened, in contrast to the variation
in the following note).] 21.Rhb1 Ba6 The bishop is finally developed, but... too late! [It is now
bad to play 21...Bb7 22.d5 (White has no reason to exchange the bishops, unless he gains
some clear plus – say, a pair of connected passed pawns) 22...exd5 23.cxd5 Rdc8 24.cxb6 Ba6+
25.Kd2 Rxb6 26.Rxb6 axb6 27.Rxb6 (27.d6!?) 27...Bc4 28.a4 Rc5 29.d6 (or first 29.Kc3! .) ]
22.Ke3?! The natural move, [but 22.Kd2! was more accurate, with the idea of 22...Rdc8
23.a4! , when 23...e5? loses to 24.cxb6 Rxb6 25.Rxb6 axb6 26.c5! bxc5 27.Rb6 etc.] 22...d5?
Cracking under the pressure. [22...Rdc8 was necessary 23.-- a), after which I recommended
23.Bf1 Ra8 24.Ra4 winning a pawn, although after 24...Bb7! 25.cxb6 axb6 26.Rxa8 Rxa8
27.Rxb6 Bc6 28.Rb2 Ra3+ 29.Bd3 f5 30.Kd2 Be4 there are serious problems with its conversion.
; b). And 23.a4 runs into 23...e5! with the threat of ...exd4+. ; c). Therefore 23.c6! is stronger:
23...Rc7 (c)23...dxc6? 24.Ra4) 24.d5!? Ke7 (c)24...dxc6? 25.d6) 25.Ra4 Bc8 26.Rd1 d6 27.f4 –
Black has a difficult but for the moment defensible position, and there is still a lot of play.; ]
23.cxd6! [After 23.cxd5 exd5 24.cxb6 axb6 25.Rxb6 Rxb6 26.Rxb6 Bc4 27.a4 Ra8 28.Rb4 Ra6
Black would have acquired hopes of a defence.] 23...Rbc8 [Black would have lost immediately
after 23...Rxd6 24.c5 Rdd8 25.c6 Rbc8 26.Ra4 .] 24.Kd3 The imminent prospect of taking the
lead in the match paralysed me, and I was no longer calculating variations, but aiming to play
as solidly as possible. [The game would have been quickly and spectacularly concluded by
24.Ra4! Bxc4 25.Bb7 b5 26.d7+! Kxd7 27.Bxc8+ Kxc8 28.Rxa7 .] 24...Rxd6 25.Ra4 b5 26.cxb5
Rb8 27.Rab4 [Averbakh and Taimanov recommended 27.Ke3 . In any event, White has no
reason to hurry: he can simply advance his queenside pawns.] 27...Bb7 28.Bxb7 Rxb7 29.a4
Ke7 30.h4 h6 31.f3 Rd5 32.Rc1 Rbd7 [Nothing would have been changed by 32...Kd6 33.Rbc4
(or 33.Rc6+ and Rc5.) ] 33.a5 The presence of all four rooks on the board does not help Black:
he is not only a pawn down, but also without counterplay. In time-trouble Karpov initiates
activity on the kingside, which leads merely to the exchange of a few pawns. 33...g5 34.hxg5
Rxg5 35.g4 h5 36.b6 axb6 37.axb6 Rb7 38.Rc5 f5 39.gxh5 Rxh5 40.Kc4! (this, the last move
before the time control, settles matters) 40...Rh8 41.Kb5 Ra8 42.Rbc4 . The sealed move. The
following day Black resigned without resuming. Times: 2.32–2.28. 1–0

Many were surprised by the outcome of the first game - after all, the previous match had
instilled the thought that decisive results in our games should not often be expected. Besides,
before this Karpov had never lost three games in a row (if one includes his two losses at the
finish of the previous match), just as he had never lost the first game in a world championship

Whereas I was somewhat perplexed and did not yet know how I would cope with the burden
of leading, which had been acquired so quickly, Karpov too found himself in the unaccustomed
role of pursuer. Therefore the second game had an obvious psychological implication: how
would the two contestants perform with these new roles and in an unfamiliar situation?

Game 4
A.Karpov-G.Kasparov, World Championship Match, 2nd Game, Moscow 5/6.09.1985

34...Qh6? [In time-trouble – Karpov and I each had about 3-4 minutes left – I was tempted by a
double attack and I missed an opportunity to bring the game to a rapid and highly spectacular
conclusion: 34...Rf8! 35.Kf2 (after 35.Bc7 Rxc7 White is two pawns down; while after 35.f6
Rc1! he loses a piece) 35...Rc3 36.Ne5 Rf3+!! (another combination on the theme of
overloading and diversion) 37.Kxf3 Qxe1 38.Bf2 Qd1 . However, 34...Qh6 does not throw away
the win.] 35.Bf2 Qc6! (into the endgame!) 36.Qxc6 [36.Nc5 Qxd7 37.Nxd7 Rc2 38.Nb6 h5 is
also hopeless for White.] 36...Rxc6 It turns out that the a4-pawn cannot be defended. 37.Rb1
(by now White had just one minute left) 37...Rc4 38.Rxb7 Rxa4 39.Be1 Ra3 40.Rd7 a4 41.Kf2
Here the game was adjourned. White has securely blockaded the e2-pawn, but it is obvious
that he is unlikely to be able to cope with the passed a-pawn without losing material, and Black
can expect to win. 41...Rb3 (5)My sealed move does not yet spoil anything, although before
the resumption it seemed to me to be second-rate. When he saw it on the board the following
day, Karpov breathed a sigh of relief. [White's position remains difficult, but if Black had
played 41...Ra8! ; or simply given his king an escape square with 41...h5! and only after 42.Nf4
gone 42...Rb3! 43.Ra7 (43.Nxh5? Ra8) 43...h4 44.gxh4 a3 , he would have won the game far
more easily.] 42.Nc1 [Weak is 42.Nf4? Ra8; or 42.Nc5? Rb5! 43.Nxa4 Rxf5+ 44.Kg2 Rf1 .]
42...Rb1! The correct move, but I had not fully evaluated all its consequences. [Initially my
trainers and I analysed 42...Rb5 43.-- a), and in the variations with 43.g4 Ra8! we found a clear
win: 44.Rd2 a3 45.Rxe2 Rb2 46.Bc3 (a)46.Na2 Re8) 46...Rxe2+ 47.Kxe2 a2 48.Ba1 Rb8
(a)48...Ra3!?) 49.Bc3 a1Q 50.Bxa1 Rb1 .; b). But literally two hours before the start of the
resumption, we suddenly discovered a strong reply for White – 43.Ra7! , immediately
beginning a battle with the dangerous a4-pawn. After 43...Rxf5+ 44.Kg2 Rf1 (b)44...Rd5
45.Na2!) 45.Nd3 Rd8 46.Rxa4 g5 47.Ra3 Rxd3 (b)47...f5 48.Bf2) 48.Rxd3 Rxe1 49.Re3 and 50 h4
at best Black would have obtained a drawn ending with f- and h-pawns. A feverish search for
other ideas began...; ] 43.Na2 [But not 43.Nxe2? Rb2 and ...a4-a3.] 43...Ra8? (5)This would
appear to throw away the win, although White still has considerable difficulties. [One of the
two continuations studied at home should have been chosen: 43...h5 44.Nc3 a3 45.Ra7 Rb3
46.g4 h4 , fixing the h3-pawn. Lack of time prevented us from evaluating this position exactly,
and only later did we establish that this would have promised Black a win, since it extends the
defensive front and White is unable to protect all his weaknesses; 43...Ra1 (this tempting
possibility was found 15 minutes before we set off for the resumption) 44.Nc3 (or 44.Nb4 h5
45.Ra7 Re4 etc.) 44...h5 45.Ra7 a3; Black also had a third way to win – 43...Rb5! : for example,
44.g4 Rb3 45.Nc3 a3 46.Ra7 h5! 47.gxh5 Re5! 48.f6 Rxh5 . But, alas, after a sleepless night
spent analysing, I was in a disorganised state and at the board I was unable to work out the

situation correctly.] 44.Re7! (15) 44...Rb2 45.Rxe2 Rxe2+ [45...Rab8! was stronger.] 46.Kxe2
Re8+ 47.Kf2 , and by accurate defence White gained a draw on the 65th move. Times: 3.50–
3.59. ½–½

For the win (and a score of 2-0!) I lacked just a little something... Failures such as this are
always vexing, but in a match for the world championship everything is perceived with
particular intensity, and Karpov seized the psychological initiative. After a quiet draw in the 3rd
game he scored two successive wins and took the lead: 3-2.

I needed, firstly, to regain my composure as quickly as possible; secondly, to play forcefully and
with the utmost self-discipline, so as not to allow Karpov a chance to build on his success; and,
thirdly, to go in for a complicated struggle, in order to regain the match initiative and if
possible wear out my opponent. This objective was achieved in the period between the 6th
and 10th games. All these five draws were tense encounters and they took a great deal of
effort. The character of the play began to change. I employed drastic measures - in all these
games I sacrificed a pawn: with Black in order not to concede the initiative, and with White in
order to seize it.

In the 10th game I saved myself, in the words of the commentators, 'with a series of stunning
sacrifices', as a result of which Karpov must have been left with a feeling a deep
disappointment. Of course, his oversight on the 22nd move in the next game, the 11th, was
something quite out of the ordinary, but it should not be forgotten that it came after ten very
tough battles, the last two of which (the 9th and 10th games) had demanded of him an
enormous expenditure of nervous energy. Besides, in the 11th game itself he was initially in
difficulties, and when the worst was over, it would seem that he prematurely relaxed. The
price of a moment's weakening proved very high.

The match score became level, and it remained so up to the 16th game, which for many years I
regarded as my best creative achievement.

Game 5
A.Karpov-G.Kasparov, World Championship Match, 16th Game, Moscow 15.10.1985
Sicilian Defence B44

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 (a move order tested in the 12th game, and before that
in the 3rd game of the previous match) 5.Nb5 [So, not 5.Nc3 d6 6.g4!? (14th game). Instead,
Karpov felt prepared for a theoretical duel.] 5...d6 6.c4 Nf6 7.N1c3 a6 8.Na3 d5?! [This
departure from the standard 8...Be7 9.Be2 0–0 10.0–0 b6 (Game No.7 in Kasparov vs. Karpov
1975–1985), which first occurred in the 12th game, looked like a bolt from the blue. Many
journalists christened this pawn sacrifice the 'Kasparov Gambit' and 'novelty of the year',
although it first occurred in the old and well-forgotten game Honfi-Dely (Hungarian
Championship 1965). I did not know it and I found the idea 8...d5 in the spring of 1985, moving
the pieces on a pocket set during a flight between Baku and Moscow. I wanted to exploit the
unpretentious position of the white knight on a3.] 9.cxd5 exd5 10.exd5 Nb4 11.Be2 [This
move, which I considered to be harmless, was made instantly by the champion, rejecting the
line tested in the 12th game: 11.Bc4 Bg4! 12.Be2 (after 12.Qb3 Bd6; 12.f3 Bf5 13.0–0 Bc5+; or
12.Qd2 Qe7+ 13.Kf1 b5 Black has a comfortable game; while after 12.Qd4!? I was planning the
sharp 12...b5) 12...Bxe2 13.Qxe2+ Qe7 14.Be3 Nbxd5 with a quick draw.; Honfi played
11.Qa4+?! Bd7 12.Qb3 against Dely, but this was a loss of time.; For the sake of the rapid
development of his pieces White returns the pawn: 11.Be2 . 11...-- a). In the variations with
11...Nbxd5 he retains an advantage: 12.Nxd5 Qxd5 13.0–0 Qxd1 14.Rxd1 Bg4 (a)14...Bc5
15.Bf3!) 15.Bxg4 Nxg4 16.Re1+ Kd7 17.h3 Bxa3 18.bxa3 Nf6 19.Bb2 etc.; b). At our training

sessions we also analysed 11...Nfxd5!? . Now in the event of 12.0–0 (b)or 12.Nxd5 Qxd5 13.0–
0 Be6) 12...Be6 (b)12...Be7!?) 13.-- b1)13.Nxd5 Qxd5 the active knight on b4 helps Black to
equalise (Ernst-Brodsky, Helsinki 1992).; b2)13.Qa4+!? is more dangerous for him: 13...b5
(b2)13...Bd7?! 14.Qb3; b2)13...Qd7 14.Qxd7+ is also unattractive) 14.Naxb5 axb5 15.Bxb5+ Ke7
16.Nxd5+ Nxd5 17.Qe4 f5 18.Qf3 Kf7 19.Rd1 with two pawns for the piece and an attack (the
source game: Almasi-J.Horvath, Hungarian Championship 1993), although it is by no means
decisive: 19...Be7! 20.Bc6 (b2)20.Bc4 Ra5 21.Be3 Qa8!) 20...Ra5 21.Be3 (b2)21.g4?! is weaker:
21...Rf8! 22.gxf5 Kg8 23.Qe4 Bf7) 21...Qd6 22.b4 Qxc6 23.bxa5 Qb5 etc.However, already
before the match itself I had conceived an unexpected, genuine gambit idea, involving the
invasion of the knight from b4 to d3.; ; ] 11...Bc5?! This move, which we thought was very
good, was also made quickly and firmly, after which Karpov became anxious, on realising that
he had again not guessed the direction of our thorough home analysis, and that he would have
to carry out the main work at the board against a well-prepared opponent. 12.0–0?! (5)Natural
development. [12.Be3! Bxe3 13.Qa4+! and Qxb4 was far stronger. This was overlooked by me
and my trainers! Soon afterwards the Kiev master A.Kostyuchenko published a brief analysis
devoted to this improvement. 13...Nd7?! (while after 13...Bd7 14.Qxb4 Qb6 15.Qxb6 Bxb6
16.Nc4 Bc5 17.Bf3 (Karpov) (or 17.0–0 the endgame would appear to be tenable, although
Black is condemned to an unpleasant struggle for a draw. Thus the 11...Bc5 gambit turned out
to be not altogether correct) ) 14.Qxb4 Bc5 15.Qe4+ Kf8 16.0–0 leaves White with a clear
advantage (Karpov-van der Wiel, Brussels 1986).] Fortunately for me, I brought out my bishop
without thinking and did not notice the reply 12 Be3. And yet if my opponent had played this
or if I had avoided 11...Bc5, the match could have turned out differently. Fate decreed
otherwise... 12...0–0 White is at a crossroads. 13.Bf3 (13) [Karpov later claimed that he could
have gained an advantage by 13.Bg5 . However, in my view, in the ending after 13...Nbxd5
14.Nxd5 Qxd5 15.Bxf6 Qxd1 16.Rfxd1 gxf6 and ...Be6 Black should be able to draw without
particular difficulty: the two bishops compensate for his pawn weaknesses.But why should
White voluntarily part with his material advantage, at a time when Black does not appear to
have any threats, nor even any serious counterplay? And although he undoubtedly sensed that
I had made a through study of the resulting positions, Karpov nevertheless felt obliged to play
for a win. However, at that point he could hardly have imagined just how deep his opponent's
analysis had been.] 13...Bf5 Black's first achievement: it is now not easy for the knight on a3 to
come into play, and in addition the d3-square is weakened. [In the event of 13...h6? 14.Be3!
the knight would have escaped from a3.] 14.Bg5 [The attempt to activate the knight – 14.Nc4
is parried by 14...Bc2 15.Qd2 Bd3 .; Another tempting continuation – 14.Be3 Bxe3 15.fxe3
could have been answered by 15...Bd3 (or even 15...Qb6 16.Nc4 (16.Qd2 Bd3!) 16...Qc5
17.Qd4 Qxd4 18.exd4 Bd3 19.Nb6 Bxf1 20.Nxa8 Bxg2! with an unclear ending) 16.Re1 Qb6 ,
when the e-pawn becomes a target.Therefore Karpov simply develops his pieces, hoping that
subsequently his extra pawn will tell.Indeed, how can Black expect to create counterplay? He
does not have any lead in development, and, apart from the knight on a3, all the opponent's
pieces are quite reasonably placed. But Black's position contains colossal dynamic resources,
which are not easy to foresee. The main point is the immediate prospect of the black pieces
seizing all the dominating 'heights' in the position, and White, strangely enough, has to act
very energetically.On the other hand, it is not easy to force yourself to hurry, when you have
an extra pawn and, at first sight, a solid position. It is possible that, for the entire first half of
the game, Karpov was quite unable to escape from this psychological impasse.] 14...Re8 (17)It
is essential to take control of the e4-square. [It only needed some haste on Black's part –
14...b5? , and after 15.Be4 (or 15.d6 all his chances would have vanished. ) ; And the
immediate 14...h6 would have allowed White a loop-hole for the simplifying 15.Bxf6 Qxf6
16.Be4 .] 15.Qd2 (10) [There was no point in White sharply changing the character of the play
and returning the extra pawn by 15.Nc4 Bd3 16.a3 Bxc4 (16...Bxf1? 17.Kxf1) 17.axb4 Bxb4 ,
since in the complicated positions after 18.Qd4 (or 18.Re1 Rxe1+ 19.Qxe1 h6 the chances are
rather with Black) 18...Bxf1 19.Qxb4 Bb5! .] 15...b5! (depriving the knight on a3 of the c4-

square) 16.Rad1 (15)Again the most obvious continuation. [White would not have achieved
anything with 16.d6 Ra7 17.Rad1 Rd7; or 16.Qf4 Bg6 17.Bxf6 Qxf6! 18.Qxf6 gxf6 .] 16...Nd3!
(9)A cherished leap, which I first carried out earlier on my pocket set. The knight could not
have dreamed of a better career! It is destined to play a brilliant role in the ultimate victory.
With their excellent advanced outpost at d3, the black pieces are ready for a decisive invasion
of the enemy position.White must now recognise the threatened danger of complete
suffocation and urgently undertake something, decide on some form of action... 17.Nab1? (08)
[Another natural move (defending against the fork ...b5-b4: 17.Be2? Nxf2! 18.Rxf2 b4 ), which
proves to be a serious mistake. ; Indeed, 17.d6! was essential. 17...-- a). Now White has the
advantage after 17...b4 18.Bxa8 Qxa8 19.Bxf6 gxf6 20.d7! Rd8 21.Na4 bxa3 (a)21...Ba7
22.Nc4) 22.Nxc5 Nxc5 23.Qa5! axb2 24.Qxc5 b1Q 25.Rxb1 Bxb1 26.Rxb1 Rxd7 27.Qc4; b), or
17...Ra7 18.Be2! Nxf2 (b)18...Ne5 19.Nd5) 19.Rxf2 b4 20.Qf4 Bg6 21.Na4 Bxf2+ 22.Qxf2 with an
attack on the rook ( 22...Rd7 23.Bxf6 Qxf6 24.Nc4 , and if 24...Bc2 , then 25.Qxf6 gxf6 26.Rd2
Bxa4 27.Nb6 a5 28.Bg4 ).; c). He can also be satisfied with 17...Rb8 18.Nd5! (c)18.Be2? Nxf2)
18...Bxd6 (c)or 18...Qxd6 19.Bxf6 gxf6 20.Qc3 Ne5 21.b4) 19.Bxf6 gxf6 20.Nc2 .; d). However,
after 17 d6 I was planning a promising exchange sacrifice – 17...Qxd6! 18.Bxa8 Rxa8 with highly
tactical play in which Black has the initiative: 19.Bxf6 (d)19.h3 comes into consideration too;
d)but not 19.Ne2?! Ng4 20.Ng3 Qe5) 19...Qxf6 20.Nc2 (d)20.b4 Nxb4) 20...Nxb2 21.Qd5
(d)21.Nd5 Qd6) 21...Rc8 22.Rd2 Nc4 23.Re2 Be6 – Black has excellent compensation for his
minimal material deficit and after 24.Qf3 there is still all to play for.That which happened in
the game was far worse for White. By retreating his knight, Karpov was probably hoping soon
to evict the knight from d3 by Bf3-e2, but he is not in fact able to do this.; ] 17...h6 (4)At a
convenient moment Black succeeds in making an important move: it is useful to drive back the
bishop, so that it can never return to e3. 18.Bh4 [Both 18.Bxf6 Qxf6; and 18.Be3 Bxe3 (or even
18...Rxe3!? ) 19.fxe3 Qb6 are bad for White.] 18...b4! (5)Continuing his restriction strategy,
Black not only dislodges the knight on c3 from its good position, but also deprives the knight at
b1 of any future. 19.Na4?! (11) ['The second knight also has to move to the edge of the board'
(Dva matcha). Even so, 19.Ne2 was somewhat better – although 19...g5 (19...Ne5 20.Nd4! is
unclear; but 19...Qb6!? is of interest) 20.Bxg5 (after 20.Bg3 g4 21.Nc1 Nxb2 22.Qxb2 gxf3 he
has better chances of defending) 20...Nxf2 21.Rxf2 (21.Bxf6? Ne4+!) 21...hxg5! 22.Qxg5+ Bg6
23.Nd2 Nxd5 (23...Qb6 24.Qg3 Rac8 will also do) 24.Qxd8 Raxd8 cannot satisfy White.]
19...Bd6 (6)A position for which I had aimed in my home analysis! [19...Ba7 was also good.]
Now Black's achievements are patently obvious. White's minor pieces are scattered about,
stuck on both flanks, and are quite unable to coordinate, the placing of his knights being
particularly depressing. But Black's main achievement is the wonderful Bf5 and Nd3 duo, which
completely paralyses all three of White's major pieces (not without reason did Keene call the
knight on d3 an 'octopus'). A very rare occurrence in a practical game.Even so, despite the
paralysis of the enemy pieces, Black's ultimate success is by no means obvious, since for the
moment White has no glaring weaknesses, and if he should succeed in driving the knight on d3
from its dominating post, the worst for him will be over. Black, naturally, will want at any price
to maintain his bridgehead in the enemy camp. It is around this that the struggle revolves over
the next few moves, with Black proving his case with the help of various tactical means. 20.Bg3
(5)The only sensible move. Both ...Bf4 and 20...Bxh2+ 21 Kxh2 Ng4+ were threatened, [and if
20.Qc2? , then 20...Rc8 21.Qb3 Nf4 , with the threats of ...Bc2 and ...g7-g5-g4. But now White
is planning b2-b3 and Nb2.] 20...Rc8 (26)After a long think I found an interesting way of
forestalling White's plan. [20...Ne4 seemed very strong to me, but then I noticed that after
21.Bxe4 Bxe4 22.Qe3! White, by activating his queen, solves all his problems. ; On the other
hand, I would have retained the advantage after 20...Bxg3 21.hxg3 (21.fxg3?! Qd7! 22.b3
Qa7+ 23.Kh1 Qd4 is worse for White) 21...Qd6!? (21...Qa5 22.b3 Rad8 23.Na3!? Nxd5 24.Nc4
Qb5 25.Ncb2 is not so clear) 22.Be2 Ne5 , but I already had more ambitious plans.] 21.b3 (5)At
first sight it seems that Black cannot prevent the freeing manoeuvre Na4-b2, but now fresh
forces join the battle. 21...g5! (14) [The advance of this modest pawn looks more energetic

than 21...Be5!? 22.a3 a5 , and it finally tips the scales in Black's favour. ; In a normal situation
such a pawn thrust, weakening the king's position, would be anti-positional, but here, on the
contrary, it contains a profound positional point: 21...g5 22.Nb2? is not possible because of
the loss of a piece – 22...Nxb2 23.Qxb2 g4 ( 24.Be2 Rc2 ). The result is that for the moment
White is unable to get rid of the knight on d3 (22 Be2? Ne4!).] 22.Bxd6 (16) [The sharp 22.h4
would have run into 22...Ne4! (22...Nf4!? is also interesting) 23.Bxe4 Bxe4 with a very strong
attack: 24.Qe3 a)24.f3 Bh7!; b)24.Bxd6 Qxd6 25.Nb2 (b)25.hxg5 Nf4!) 25...Nf4 26.Nc4 Qg6 and
wins; c)or 24.hxg5 Bxg3 25.fxg3 Qxd5 26.Kh2 (c)not 26.Qe3 Bg6; c)or 26.gxh6 Re6!) 26...Qb7
with the idea of ...Ne5, and White cannot hold out; 24...Bf4! 25.Qd4 gxh4 26.Rxd3 hxg3 .]
22...Qxd6 23.g3 In solving the problem of the defence of his f4-point, White creates new
weaknesses in his position. [Again it was not possible to drive the knight from d3 – after
23.Be2? Nf4 Black's attack would have developed too swiftly. But now, at last, it appears that
nothing can prevent White from playing Na4-b2...] 23...Nd7!? (11)Black sends his second
knight to the support of his advanced outpost at d3. [A big advantage would also have been
retained by the quiet 23...Bg6 , with the idea of 24.Nb2 Ne5 25.Bg2 Ne4 and ...Nc3; or even
by relieving the guard – 23...Ne5!? 24.Bg2 Bd3 25.Rfe1 (25.Nb2? Ne4) 25...Rc2 26.Rxe5 Rxd2
27.Rxe8+ Nxe8 28.Nxd2 Qc7 , and White only has practical chances of a draw.] 24.Bg2?! (4)
[Missing the last opportunity to combat the outpost by 24.Nb2 . Because of the mass of
tempting possibilities, it is not so easy for Black to choose the correct course. 24...N7e5 is not
bad, (but the best is 24...Qf6! , for example: 25.-- a)25.Nxd3 Bxd3 26.Bg2 (a)fatal is 26.Bg4?
Ne5!; a)or 26.Qxd3? Ne5! , and the white queen is trapped in the middle of the board!)
26...Bxf1 27.Rxf1 a5 with the exchange for a pawn and a dominating position; b)25.Nc4 Rxc4!
26.bxc4 N7e5 , and my previous recommendation 27.Be2 (b)but a queen sacrifice is more
resilient – 27.Qe2 Nxf3+ (b)27...Nb2!?) 28.Qxf3 g4 29.Qxd3 Bxd3 30.Rxd3 with saving chances)
27...Nxc4 28.Qc2 Nf4 29.Bd3 (b)if 29.Qxc4 there is a pretty mate by 29...Nxe2+ 30.Kg2 Bh3+!
31.Kxh3 Qf3 32.Rde1 h5!) , is incorrect because of 29...Nh3+! 30.Kg2 Bg4 and wins.; ) ]
24...Qf6! The b2-point is now conclusively under Black's control. In contrast to the examined
variation with 24 Nb2 Qf6 25 Nc4, the knight at a4 does not in fact come into play. The fate of
the game is essentially decided – the white pieces are completely pinned down within their
own territory. 25.a3 a5 26.axb4 axb4 27.Qa2 [27.h3 N7e5! .] 27...Bg6! (4)Suppressing the
slightest attempt by White to free himself. [27...Ne1; or even 27...Re5 was also very strong.]
28.d6 (12)At last Karpov decides to give up his extra pawn, but now with a very modest aim –
to at least develop his pieces somehow: 28...Qxd6? 29 Nd2. [Bad alternatives were 28.Nd2?
Re2!; and 28.Bh3? Nf4! (or 28...N3e5 ) ; while if 28.h3 Black could have made the pretty and,
apparently, winning move 28...Ne1!? ,(or simply played 28...h5 29.Qd2 h4 , developing a
decisive attack: 30.Kh2 (30.gxh4 Nf4!) 30...N7e5! 31.Qe2 g4 32.hxg4 hxg3+ 33.fxg3 Qg5 .) ]
28...g4! (11)This position could be used as a striking example on the theme of 'domination' –
with the board full of pieces, White is practically stalemated! It is not surprising that on his
next six moves Karpov used up nearly all of his remaining time before the control. 29.Qd2 (8)
29...Kg7 30.f3 (4)In search of at least some air. [30.f4 was no better because of 30...Qd4+
31.Kh1 Bf5! .] 30...Qxd6 31.fxg4 [Nothing would have been changed by 31.Nb2 gxf3 32.Bxf3
N7e5 33.Nxd3 Qb6+ 34.Qf2 (34.Kh1 Bxd3) 34...Nxf3+ 35.Kg2 Re3 – complete domination!]
31...Qd4+ 32.Kh1 Nf6! (4)The start of a direct attack on the king. 33.Rf4 (5) [If 33.h3 , then
again 33...Ne4 is decisive, (but I was planning 33...Re3 – the powerful concentration of black
pieces in the centre demolishes White's position ( 34.Rf4 Qe5 ).) ] 33...Ne4 34.Qxd3 (3)The
knight, which has caused White so much trouble, nevertheless perishes. But it is perhaps
highly symbolic that for it White has to give up his queen. 34...Nf2+ 35.Rxf2 Bxd3 36.Rfd2
Qe3! (the most effective) 37.Rxd3 Rc1! White has lots of pieces, but there is still no
coordination. 38.Nb2 Qf2! (swift and pretty) 39.Nd2 Rxd1+ [39...Re2!? .] 40.Nxd1 Re1+ .
Times: 2.29–2.20. 0–1

Such victories are remembered for a long time. This game was judged to be the best in the
40th volume of Informator. None of my earlier creations on the chess board can compare with
it as regards the grandiosity of the overall conception.

I again took the lead: 8½-7½. The changed situation demanded a psychological adjustment: I
had to become accustomed to the role of leader. Indeed, after two tense draws, I was able to
win the 19th game in good style.

Game 6
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 19th Game, Moscow 24.10.1985
Nimzo-Indian Defence E21

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Nf3 Ne4 A very rare move. [On this occasion Karpov avoids both
4...c5 (Game Nos.3, 13); and 4...0–0 (7th and 11th games), already on the 4th move directing
the game along almost unknown lines. Black's idea is the same as in the variations with 4...c5:
to double the opponent's pawns on the c-file and then to attack them, especially the c4-pawn
(light-square strategy). However, in the aforementioned variation the d6-point was weakened,
and one of the white pieces was constantly aiming for there, whereas here, for the moment,
Black does not create any unnecessary weaknesses in his position.] 5.Qc2 f5 A move which has
been known since the late 1920s. [The 19th game of the Euwe-Alekhine return match (1937)
went 5...d5 6.e3 c5 7.Bd3 , and Black brought his knight back – 7...Nf6 , thus admitting the
failure of his idea. In his notes to this game Botvinnik wrote: 'In the spirit of the position, of
course, was 5...f5 followed by ...b7-b6 and ...Bb7.'] 6.g3 There is no reason for White to avoid
the fianchetto of his king's bishop. [6.e3 b6 7.Bd3 Bb7 would lead to a favourable variation for
Black of the Nimzo-Indian Defence: 4 e3 b6 5 Bd3 Bb7 6 Nf3 Ne4 7 Qc2 (the gambit 7 0–0!? is
more energetic) 7...f5 8 0–0 Bxc3 9 bxc3 0–0 with a complicated struggle – possibly this is what
Karpov expected of me (later I had to uphold Black's position against Graf, Geneva (rapid)
1996).; Knowing my disposition, he could also have expected the extravagant 6.g4 , although
such thrusts are suitable for less important events. 6 g3 is a sounder and more logical move,
but after it Karpov sank into thought...] 6...Nc6 A novelty. [6...b6 7.Bg2 Bb7 occurred back in
the first half of the 20th century, but then went out of fashion. The game Balogh-Keres
(correspondence 1936-7) continued 8.Nd2! (driving the knight from e4) 8...Bxc3 9.bxc3 Nd6 ,
and here White should have avoided the exchange of the light-square bishops – 10.d5! , with
some advantage.From this point, independent play began. Both players began thinking for a
long time and on the next seven moves they each spent a whole hour.] 7.Bg2 [The timid 7.Bd2
, with the aim of avoiding the spoiling of White's queenside pawn structure, would have made
things easier for Black: 7...Nxd2 8.Qxd2 0–0 9.Bg2 Qf6 10.a3 Bxc3 11.Qxc3 d6 intending ...e6-
e5.] 7...0–0 8.0–0 Bxc3 9.bxc3 Na5 Karpov carries out a plan which is an unusual hybrid of the
ideas in the 13th and 17th games. It appears that Black should easily achieve an excellent
game: the c4-pawn cannot be successfully defended, but after its advance there follows ...b7-
b6 or ...d7-d6, and after the exchange cxb6 or cxd6 – pressure on the open c-file. 10.c5! d6
[After 10...b6 , 11.c4! is also strong, when White is better after both 11...Ba6 (and 11...Bb7
12.Rd1 bxc5 (12...Qe8 13.Bf4) 13.Ba3!?) 12.Nd2 Nxd2 13.Bxd2 Nxc4 14.Bb4! (14.Bxa8?! Qxa8
gives Black excellent play for the exchange) 14...c6 15.cxb6 d6 16.bxa7 Rxa7 17.Rfc1 .] 11.c4!
Intuition suggested to me that this pawn sacrifice, opening up the game, was perfectly correct,
since after its acceptance the scattered nature of Black's forces and the absence of his dark-
square bishop are felt. [The routine 11.cxd6? would have justified the opponent's opening
plan: 11...cxd6 12.c4 Bd7 and 13...Rc8, with good counterplay.] 11...b6! A strong and forceful
reply (as we will see, I wrongly condemned it in the book Dva matcha). Karpov, also most
probably intuitively, does not capture the pawn and aims for clarity. His idea is to play ...Ba6
and nevertheless force the exchange of pawns on the c-file, in order to use it for active play.
[11...dxc5 would have led to a very complicated position, full of tactical nuances: 12.--

a)12.dxc5 Nc6 (a)12...Nxc5? 13.Ba3 and wins – Averbakh) 13.Rd1 Qe7 14.Ba3 , and now not
14...Nxc5? (a)but 14...a5 ; a)or 14...e5 with double-edged play) 15.Ne1!; b)12.Ba3 (this is
probably what I would have played) 12...Nc6 13.Rad1 , and the unexpected 13...e5?! (b)while
if 13...Qe8 White retains the initiative by 14.Qb2) , with the idea of 14.Nxe5 Nxd4 15.Qb2 Qf6
16.Bxe4 fxe4 17.Bxc5 Qxe5 18.Bxd4 Qe7 with equality (Moiseenko-Shulskis, Kharkov 2003), is
parried by 14 dxe5!.; ] 12.Bd2!? 'It is possible that Karpov underestimated the strength of this
subtle move.' (Averbakh, Taimanov). I even attached an exclamation mark to it, but in the light
of what follows I am not now sure that it is the best move. [However, little is also promised by
12.Nd2 d5 13.Nxe4 (13.cxd5 exd5 14.Nb3?! is weak: 14...Nc4 15.f3 Ng5!) 13...fxe4 14.Bf4 (or
14.cxd5 exd5 15.f3 exf3 16.Rxf3 Rxf3 17.Bxf3 Be6 18.Bf4 c6 19.Rf1 Qd7 followed by ...Rf8 and
...Nc4, and it is not possible to breach Black's defences) 14...Nxc4 15.Bxe4 dxe4 16.Qxc4 Rf7
17.Rfc1 Qd5 18.cxb6 Qxc4 19.Rxc4 cxb6 with a drawn ending.] Perhaps the only virtue of 12
Bd2 is that it led to the winning of the game! 12...Nxd2 [Black could hardly be satisfied with his
broken pawns after 12...dxc5?! 13.Bxa5 bxa5 14.Nd2! (more active than 14.Rfd1 ) 14...Bb7 (or
14...Nxd2 15.Qxd2 Rb8 16.d5 Ba6 (16...Rb4 17.a3! Rxc4 18.Rac1) 17.Qxa5 Bxc4 18.dxe6 Bxe6
19.Qxc5) 15.Nxe4 Bxe4 16.Bxe4 fxe4 17.Qxe4 cxd4 18.Rad1 c5 19.e3 Qf6 20.exd4 Rad8 21.d5
exd5 22.Rxd5 .] 13.Nxd2 The most important moment of the battle. 13...d5? A move which
was unconditionally condemned by the commentators. ['In the variation 13...Bb7 14.Bxb7
Nxb7 15.c6 Na5 16.d5 Qe7 17.Qd3 Black would have had more chances of obtaining
counterplay.' (Averbakh, Taimanov). After 17...e5 (or 17...Rae8 (for the moment not lifting the
pressure on the d5-pawn) he has a solid enough position. The out-of-play knight at a5 partly
ties down White's pieces by the need to defend the c4-pawn (if he rushes into an attack on the
kingside, Black will play ...a7-a6 with the idea of ...b6-b5, and after a2-a4 the knight will obtain
the b3-square). 16...Qf6 is also playable, or even the immediate 16...e5.13...d5? leads to far
more serious consequences, and it can be regarded as an irreparable positional mistake. But
its psychological implication is also interesting. Karpov did not like playing with bad pieces such
as the knight on a5, which altogether has no moves. After 13...Bb7 14 Bxb7 Nxb7 15 c6 Na5 16
d5 he may even have considered the idea of Nb3 to be unpleasant for Black, and if ...Nxb3 –
axb3 with pressure on the a-file. He thought in different concepts: this position did not suit
him, and in principle it seemed 'incorrect' to him. It was this approach that induced Karpov to
choose 13...d5, which, though bad, was a more understandable continuation. Here roles were
also played by his dislike of inferior, non-standard positions, his anxious match situation
('minus one' – he must not lose!), and the opponent's unpleasant initiative.) ] 14.cxd5 exd5
15.e3 The main defect of Black's position is his hopelessly weakened e5-point. However, it is
not possible to exploit this factor immediately – the knight on d2 must guard the c4-square.
Generally speaking, it is not so easy to find a clear plan for converting White's positional
advantage – for the moment Black is able to cover his weaknesses.On occasions I have failed to
win far more favourable positions. But in the given instance I understood exactly how to do
this. I needed, as Botvinnik taught, to play 'like Capablanca' – don't hurry, suppress active
attempts by Black, gradually increase the pressure, prepare an attack on the f5-pawn, and
above all – seek a favourable moment to transfer my knight to e5. 15...Be6 [Black cannot
establish his knight on c4: 15...b5 16.Qc3 Nc4 17.a4; or 15...Ba6 16.Rfc1 Nc4 17.Bf1 , and after
17...Nxd2 18.Bxa6 Ne4 19.cxb6 cxb6 20.Bb7! Rb8 21.Qc6 White is in charge on the queenside:
21...Nf6 22.Qe6+ Kh8 23.Ba6 b5 24.Rc6 Ne4 25.Rac1 etc.] 16.Qc3 (necessary prophylaxis
against ...b6-b5) 16...Rf7 17.Rfc1 Not only a demonstration of strength on the queenside, but
also a preparation for the transfer of the knight to e5. 17...Rb8 It is not altogether clear why
this was played, but in any case Black is condemned to waiting. 18.Rab1 Re7 [If 18...c6 there
would have followed 19.a4 Rfb7 (after 19...b5?! 20.axb5 the passed c5-pawn is too strong)
20.Bf1! , when ...b6-b5 is no longer possible, and 20...bxc5 21.Qxc5 is clearly advantageous to
White. But the regrouping in the game also makes things easier for him. Black should have
kept his rook on f7 and played ...g7-g6, in order only after h2-h4 to reply ...h7-h6.] 19.a4 Bf7
20.Bf1! (it is essential to keep control of the c4-point) 20...h6?! Karpov further weakens his

position – note that 21 Nf3 Nc4 22 Ng5 was threatened. [20...Bh5!? 21.Bd3 Qf8 was possible –
this would at least have forced White to devise something. Thus if 22.Kg2 (and it would
somehow be a pity to exchange the long-suffering knight at a5 with the unexpected move
22.Nb3!? , although this leads to the disintegration of the enemy queenside: 22...Nxb3
23.Rxb3 Bf3 24.a5 etc) 22...g5 23.h4 Black has the unclear 23...f4! .] 21.Bd3 [21.Nf3 Nc4
22.Bxc4 dxc4 23.Ne5 Bd5 24.cxb6 axb6 25.Qc2 was also sensible; or first 21.Qc2!? with the
intention of Nf3-e5.] 21...Qd7 22.Qc2 [In the press centre grandmaster Polugayevsky analysed
an 'interesting queen sacrifice' – 22.Qxa5?! bxa5 23.Rxb8+ Re8 24.c6 Qd6 25.Rb3 , but in the
computer age such things are not suggested (especially since Black has 25...f4!? 26.gxf4 Bg6 ).]
22...Be6 White has achieved his aim – he has not allowed the activation of the bishop. [22...g6
23.Nf3 also held little joy for Black.] 23.Bb5 [23.Nf3 Nc4 24.Bxc4 dxc4 25.Ne5 was already
possible, but I was not in a hurry.] 23...Qd8 [After 23...c6 24.Bd3 Black would merely have
acquired new weaknesses.] 24.Rd1! Intensifying the threat of 25 Nf3, [24.Rd1 since if 24...Nc4
there follows 25.Bxc4 dxc4 and the breakthrough 26.d5! .] 24...g5?! Karpov is tired of waiting
passively, and he launches a desperate counterattack, realising that the strategic battle has
been lost, but hoping in the approaching time scramble to obtain some tactical chances.
However, White is far better prepared for such a turn of events, and in the end Black's activity
on the kingside rebounds against him. [Therefore he should have stood still and 'done nothing'
– 24...Qc8! (also defending the f5-pawn), when after 25.Nf3 (25.Rdc1!?) 25...c6 26.Bd3 Nc4
27.Rb3 b5 Black's position is not easy, of course, but his knight has been switched to c4 and all
is not yet totally clear. But after this new weakening, created under serious pressure, it can be
said that the fate of the game is finally decided.] 25.Nf3! (now the Nd2-f3-e5 manoeuvre is
carried out under favourable circumstances) 25...Rg7 [After 25...Nc4 26.Bxc4 dxc4 27.d5!
Black's position collapses: 27...Bxd5 28.Qxf5 c6 29.e4! Qf8! (29...Rxe4 30.Qg6+ Kf8 31.Qxh6+ is
completely bad) 30.Qxf8+ Rxf8 31.exd5 Rxf3 32.cxb6 axb6 33.dxc6 Rd3 34.Rdc1 Rb3 35.a5! , a
precise deciding rejoinder. If 35...bxa5 (while if 35...b5 the simplest is 36.a6 Ra7 37.Ra1) ,
then 36.Rxb3 cxb3 37.c7 .] 26.Ne5 (the knight has safely arrived at its appointed place, while
the black bishop is still shut in) 26...f4 Activating the bishop in the hope of 27 exf4 gxf4
followed by ...Qd8-f6 and ...h6-h5-h4 with counter-chances, but, of course, White has no need
at this point to open the g-file. 27.Bf1 Having done its job on the a6-f1 diagonal, the bishop
returns to its lawful place (g2), where it will cover the king and prepare a decisive
breakthrough in the centre. [Previously I attached an exclamation mark to this move, but
27.Bd3!? with the idea of e3-e4 or exf4 was also strong; although the best was 27.gxf4! Qf6
(27...gxf4+? loses to 28.Kh1 and Rg1!) 28.Kh1! etc. But this demands accurate machine
calculation, whereas a human can win almost without calculating variations – therefore the
solid move 27 Bf1, made in a nervy atmosphere and when short of time, also deserves an
exclamation mark.] 27...Qf6 28.Bg2 Rd8 29.e4! dxe4 30.Bxe4 Now the knight at a5 is unable to
come into play, whereas the finely-placed knight at e5 will play one of the leading roles in the
imminent attack. 30...Re7 31.Qc3 [The all-seeing computer discovers 31.gxf4! gxf4 (or
31...Qxf4 32.Ng6 Qg4+ 33.Kh1 Rg7 (if 33...Ree8 (f7), then 34.f3 and Ne5) 34.d5 Bd7 (34...Bc8
35.d6!) 35.f3 Qh3 36.Ne5 , and Black is lost) 32.Kh1 Rg7 33.cxb6 cxb6 34.Rg1 and wins.]
31...Bd5?! A positional move – which loses the game: Karpov underestimated the threat of
Ng4. [True, 31...Bf5 32.Re1 was also insufficient; while after the most resilient 31...Ba2!
(creating a certain lack of harmony in the opponent's ranks) 32.Ra1 Bf7 33.Bg2 (33.f3!?;
33.Re1!?) 33...Nb3 34.Nxf7 Qxf7 (34...Nxd4? 35.Nxh6+) 35.Rab1 f3!? (35...Na5 36.d5!) 36.Bh1
Na5 37.Qxf3 White should convert his advantage, but not without some difficulties: the knight
escapes from a5.] 32.Re1 [There was an immediate win by 32.Ng4! Qg7 (or 32...Qc6 33.Bxd5+
Rxd5 34.Re1 Re6 35.h3! , defending the knight with the simple idea of 36 Rxe6 Qxe6 37 Re1)
33.Bxd5+ Rxd5 34.Re1 Rdd7 35.gxf4! gxf4 36.Kh1 .] 32...Kg7?! [Resistance would have been
prolonged by 32...Bxe4 33.Rxe4 Rde8 34.gxf4 (better than 34.f3 ) 34...Qf5 35.Rbe1 gxf4 36.Kh1
Rf8 (36...Kh7 37.Qf3) 37.f3 Rg7 38.Ng4 etc.] 33.Ng4! The consequences of the move ...g7-g5
begin to be distinctly felt – White creates an irresistible attack against the denuded black king.

33...Qf7 34.Bxd5 Rxd5 35.Rxe7 Qxe7 36.Re1 Qd8 37.Ne5 Black has seized control of the d5-
point, but the open position of his king causes his downfall. [Both 37.Re6!? ; and 37.gxf4! gxf4
38.Ne5 would also have won.] 37...Qf6 [If 37...fxg3 the simplest is the 'anti-positional' 38.fxg3
with the decisive opening of the f-file. But after 37...Qf6 I found another couple of 'anti-
positional' exchanges.] 38.cxb6! Opening another invasion line. The black queen is forced to
move away from its king. 38...Qxb6 [38...cxb6 39.Qc7+ Kg8 40.Ng4 etc.] 39.gxf4! Another
timely capture, opening up the play on the kingside. 39...Rxd4?! A blunder in severe time-
trouble, [but also after 39...gxf4 40.Qf3; or 39...c5 40.Qf3 Rxd4 41.fxg5 Black's agony would
not have lasted long.] 40.Nf3 Nb3 41.Rb1 Qf6 Here the game was adjourned, and the arbiter
invited me to seal my move. But in such a position it can also be made on the board...
42.Qxc7+ . This provoked a storm of applause in the auditorium: it was a unique occurrence in
matches for the world championship (and also a rarity in grandmaster play) for a sealed move
to be made openly. But what do you do, if the opponent does not find in himself the strength
to resign in a hopeless position? Karpov did this only the following morning, by phoning one of
the two chief arbiters. Times: 2.32–2.29. 1–0

The win in this game took the score to 10½-8½ and gave me very real chances of overall victory
in the match. However, at this difficult moment Karpov was able to display his will-power and
enormous match experience. As for me, I was even more oppressed by the 'champion
phenomenon': every now and then my chess calculations were affected by the thought that
for the moment I was still just the challenger.

The draw in the 20th game was the result of an exhausting nine-hour struggle. In the 21st
game I had an obvious advantage, but, stupefied by the proximity of victory in the match, I
missed some good winning chances. And in the 22nd game I got into time-trouble, blundered
and lost. It was as though I had set myself the aim of doing everything to ensure that the
competitive intrigue was retained to the very last second of the match! But Karpov should be
given his due: at a critical moment of the match he showed he had nerves of steel, and he was
rewarded for his patience and resourcefulness. The gap was reduced to one point, and after a
draw in the 23rd game I led 12-11.

And so, everything was to be decided in the final game. On the result of it depended the fate
of the entire marathon of 72 games, unparalleled in the history of chess. Today, after thorough
computer analysis, I realise particularly clearly that Karpov and I played this unforgettable
game each in his own style, each his kind of chess. This is a vivid example of a clash of different
playing conceptions! The game turned out to be not only uncommonly dramatic, but also
valuable in the theoretical sense, for a long time pointing the way in one of the main lines of
the Scheveningen. As for Karpov, after it he gave up playing 1 e4 and switched completely to
closed games.

Game 7
A.Karpov-G.Kasparov, World Championship Match, 24th Game, Moscow 09.11.1985
Sicilian Defence B85

1.e4 At the decisive moment Karpov remains true to his favourite (until that day!) first move.
When with exaggerated confidence he advanced his king's pawn, I felt glad: now the battle
would take place on my territory – my opponent was aiming not for protracted manoeuvring,
but for a hand-to-hand fight, which would give me a definite competitive advantage (and in
the end it was this that told). 1...c5 Black also sticks to his principles: he does not avoid the
Sicilian Defence, which nearly always leads to complicated, double-edged play. The well-known
'Capablanca rule' states: always employ those openings which bring good results, irrespective
of the positions arising. 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be2 e6 7.0–0 Be7 8.f4 0–0

9.Kh1 Qc7 10.a4 Nc6 11.Be3 Re8 A continuation of the opening debate begun back in the 5th
game of the previous match. [The arrangement of the white and black pieces after 19 Rad1,
which later became typical, first occurred in the game Velickovic-Jansa (Zrenjanin 1980), which
went 11...Bd7 12.Nb3 b6 13.Bf3 Rab8 14.g4 Bc8 15.g5 Nd7 16.Bg2 Re8 17.Qe2 Bf8 18.Rad1 Bb7
19.Rf3 (19.Qf2!? would have led to a position from our game) 19...Nb4 20.Rh3 g6 21.Rd4 Nc6
22.Rd2 Na5 with double-edged play.] 12.Bf3 Rb8 13.Qd2 Bd7 14.Nb3 b6 15.g4 [Instead of the
quiet 15.Bf2 (18th game), this move signals the start of an assault. The energetic 15 g4
occurred in the game A.Sokolov-Ribli (Montpellier Candidates 1985), played a couple of weeks
earlier, and, of course, both players were aware of it. Karpov evidently decided that this
attacking plan was most in accordance with the spirit of this last, deciding game.] 15...Bc8
16.g5 (½–½ Dely-Sax, Hungarian Championship 1974) 16...Nd7 17.Qf2!? And this was the move
that we expected, considering it to be a 'significant improvement'. [Sokolov played 17.Bg2 --
a)17...Na5 18.Qf2 (a)in addition, instead of 18 Qf2 there is the interesting 18.Nxa5!? bxa5
19.b3) 18...-- a1), and after 18...Bf8?! 19.Rad1 Nc4 20.Bc1 b5 21.axb5 axb5 22.Rd3 g6 23.Rh3
Bg7 24.f5! he won with a direct attack on the king.; a2)18...Nxb3 19.cxb3 Nc5 is also hardly
good in view of 20.Qc2; a3), but with the immediate 18...Nc4 Ribli could have hindered the
switching of the queen's rook to the kingside – both I and my trainers judged that this
manoeuvre would favour Black. However, experience showed that after 19.Bc1 Bb7
(a3)19...b5?! is weaker: 20.axb5 axb5 21.Ra7) 20.Nd4! Bf8 (a3)20...Rbc8 21.f5) 21.b3 Na5
22.Bb2 the initiative remains with White (Timoshenko-Lesiege, Koszalin 1999). ; ; b). A cunning
point of 17 Bg2 is also revealed in the spectacular variation 17...Bf8?! 18.Rf3! g6 19.Rh3 Bb7
20.Qf2 Bg7 (Hübner-Hjartarson, Munich 1988) 21.Qh4! Nf8 22.f5! Bxc3 23.f6!! with a powerful
attack. ; c)17...Bb7! is correct – after 18.Rf3 there is now the good reply 18...Na5 , and if
19.Qf2 Nc4 20.Bc1 d5! with sharp play.; ; Extolling 17.Qf2 , I wrote: 'But now in the event of
the slow 17...Na5 the white rook succeeds in crossing to d1 – 18.Rad1 Nc4 19.Bc1 .' But it
turned out that here after 19...b5! 20.axb5 axb5 21.Bg2 (White does not have 21 Ra7 – the
rook has moved off the a-file!) 21...b4 22.Ne2 Nc5 Black has sufficient counterplay: 23.f5 Bf8
24.g6 Nxb3 25.cxb3 Ne5 26.gxf7+ Qxf7 27.Nd4 exf5 28.exf5 Bb7 29.Ne6 Rbc8 with equality
(Topalov-Anand, Las Palmas 1996). Therefore it is better to play 18 Nd4!? or 18 Bg2!?,
transposing into a favourable position for White from the Sokolov-Ribli game.Well, in pre-
computer times, chess theory was sometimes truly 'short-sighted'. Today the moves 17 Bg2
and 17 Qf2 are considered equally good, since they are links in the same plan: the bishop
makes way for the rook to go to h3 and strengthens the threat of f4-f5, while the queen aims
for h4. But in the first case Black must reply only 17...Bb7! (although 17...Na5 suggested itself),
while in the second case both 17...Bb7 and 17...Bf8 are possible – it was this defensive set-up
that we had prepared.] 17...Bf8 (18)This solid move is the start of a universal plan with ...Bb7,
...g7-g6 and ...Nb4, pressing on the c2-pawn and controlling the d5-point, in order to answer
f4-f5 with ...exf5, opening up the position without having to fear Nd5. Black simply completes
his development, relying on the flexibility and solidity of his position, and also planning in the
future to meet White's attack with the counter-stroke ...f7-f5. 18.Bg2 [The direct 18.h4 Bb7
19.h5 is also interesting (Beliavsky-Kasparov, Barcelona 1989) – soon Black committed some
inaccuracies and ran into difficulties, although in the end he managed to win with a
counterattack on the kingside. In those years, under the influence of my wins over Karpov, I
sincerely believed that the g2-g4 thrust was ineffective, since Black could comfortably arrange
his pieces and then advantageously exploit the weakening of the white king's defences.
However, practice demonstrated that White's active resources cannot be underestimated.]
18...Bb7 19.Rad1 (8)White completes his development and takes aim at the d6-pawn. 19...g6
(4)A position that was little-known at that time has arisen: it had been reached by
transposition in only two previous games.Looking for ways to develop his initiative, Karpov
thought here for 44 minutes. For the greater part of this time I circled around the stage or sat
in the rest room. In the corridor leading to it I chanced upon a placard which had been made in
advance with the inscription: 'Anatoly Evgenevich, congratulations on your victory!' But this

creation had the opposite effect – not at all that for which it was hoping. 20.Bc1!? A new and
promising idea. The bishop retreat clears the third rank for the rook on d1 to switch to the
kingside, significantly strengthening White's attacking potential. [20.f5?! is clearly premature
because of 20...Nce5; but 20.h4!? comes into consideration (Radjabov-Babula, Saint Vincent
2005).] 20...Rbc8?! (19)A pointless waiting move. Although the rook stands better on the c-file,
a loss of time in such a tense situation often has unpleasant consequences. [Thus after
20...Ba8 21.Rd3 the optimistic 21...b5?! (it is better to play 21...Nb4!? 22.Rh3 (22.Rd4 Nc6)
22...Bg7 23.Be3 f5! 24.Qh4 Nf8 25.Bd4 e5 with chances for both sides) 22.axb5 axb5 23.Rh3 b4
24.Nd1 f5 (Berndt-Wahls, Bundesliga 2004) gives White a dangerous attack: 25.gxf6! Nxf6
26.f5 followed by Bg5 and Qh4.; I was not afraid of the Rd3-h3 manoeuvre, but following the
principle 'better safe than sorry' it made sense to prevent this – 20...Nc5! (the most precise).
Here it is far more difficult for White to build up his attack: 21.Nxc5 bxc5! (21...dxc5 22.f5!?)
22.Rd3 Nd4 23.Rh3 Qe7!? (intending 24.Qh4 h5 – a typical defensive idea), and Black has a
solid position with decent counterplay.; The unclear 20...Nb4 21.Rd4 d5 does not appeal to
me.] 21.Rd3 (4) 21...Nb4 Again underestimating the danger, although this is excusable: both
players are making their way through virgin territory, and each step they take has a
psychological implication. The 'sideways' knight move is not so bad, but it gives White the
chance of launching a swift, although not deadly attack. [Perhaps 21...Bg7!? should have been
preferred. 22.-- a). For example: 22.Rh3 f5 (a)22...Ne7!? with the idea of ...d6-d5 is also
interesting) 23.gxf6 Nxf6 24.f5 exf5 25.exf5 Ne7 26.fxg6 Nxg6 , and the queen's knight comes
to the aid of the king; b), or 22.Rfd1 d5!? (an unexpected break!) 23.f5 (b)23.exd5 Nb4!; b)or
23.e5 Ne7 is weaker) 23...Nce5 24.Rh3 dxe4 25.f6 Bf8 26.Bf4 Red8 27.Qh4 h5 28.gxh6 Kh7 with
double-edged play.; ] 22.Rh3 Bg7 There is no longer anything better. [22...Re7? will not do:
23.Qh4 (23.f5!?) 23...h5 24.gxh6 with the threat of f4-f5; while 22...f5?! is risky in view of
23.gxf6 Nxf6 24.f5 exf5 25.exf5 Bg7 26.Bg5! Nh5 (26...Ng4 27.Qh4! with a dangerous attack)
27.f6 Rf8 28.Rxh5! gxh5 29.Nd4 .] The critical moment of the game and of the entire match – it
was not surprising that this highly interesting position generated a great deal of debate. White
has concentrated a great amount of force on the kingside and he must find a way of decisively
strengthening his attack. The most obvious way is to make use of the resource f4-f5. 23.Be3?!
Here Karpov thought for just three minutes (!) and remained true to himself: he does not hurry
to force events, but prefers consistently to strengthen his position – he takes aim at the weak
b6-pawn and creates the unpleasant threat of Bd4. [In passing he sets a transparent trap –
23.Be3 Bxc3? (in addition, White prevents ...f7-f5: if 23...f5 , then 24.gxf6 Bxf6 (after 24...Nxf6
25.Bxb6 Ng4 26.Qg1 Black has insufficient compensation for the pawn) 25.Bd4 (or 25.f5!? exf5
26.Bd4 with the initiative) ) 24.bxc3 Qxc3 25.Bd4 Qxc2 26.Rxh7! with mate. ; Meanwhile, the
immediate 23.f5! was stronger. After the forced 23...exf5 24.exf5 White simultaneously has
two threats: 25 Qh4, with a double attack, and 25 fxg6.However, soon after the match I found
and then published the main variation of a successful defence: 24...Bxg2+ 25.Kxg2 Qb7+
26.Kg1 Rc4! 27.fxg6 Rg4+ 28.Rg3 Rxg3+ 29.hxg3! (but not 29.Qxg3 hxg6 30.Qf4 Ne5 31.Qxb4?
Nf3+) 29...Ne5! 30.gxh7+ (30.Ne4 Qxe4; or 30.gxf7+ Qxf7 31.Qxb6? Nf3+ is worse) 30...Kh8 ,
and for the sacrificed pawns Black has active counterplay.Under the watchful eye of the
computer let us analyse the three tempting possibilities for White, mentioned in the book Dva
matcha – 31 Bf4, 31 Nd4 and 31 Qf5: 31.-- a)31.Bf4 (not 31 Bd2 Nxc2!) 31...Kxh7! , eliminating
the insidious pawn and coolly parrying the threats: 32.-- a1)32.Bxe5 Rxe5 33.Qd4 Nd5 34.Nxd5
(a1)34.Qd3+ Kh8!) 34...Qxd5 35.Qxd5 Rxd5 36.Rxf7 Rxg5 with a probable draw; a2)32.Qe2
Kg8!; a3), or 32.Nd4 Nbd3! 33.Qh2+ (a3)33.cxd3 Ng4) 33...Kg8 34.Bxe5 Nxe5 35.Qh5 b5!
36.axb5 Qa7 37.Nce2 axb5 with counterplay; ; b)31.Nd4 Ned3! 32.cxd3 Nxd3 33.Qd2 Bxd4+
34.Kh2 Bxc3 35.Qxd3! (b)35.Qxc3+ Ne5) 35...Bg7 36.b3 b5 , and Black is close to the drawing
have; c)31.Qf5 Nxc2! 32.Qxc2 (c)or 32.Bd2 b5! 33.axb5 axb5 34.Qxc2 (c)34.Rf2 b4 35.Ne4
Qd5!) 34...Nf3+ 35.Kf2 Nh2 , gaining a draw) 32...Nf3+ 33.Rxf3 Qxf3 34.Qf2 Qd3 35.Bd2 Qc4!
36.Qxb6 Kxh7 with equality.As we see, in many variations Black is saved by the typical Sicilian
break ...b6-b5, opening the a7-g1 diagonal for his queen.But to judge by the speed with which

my opponent played 23 Be3, he did not even delve into the details of the complications arising
after 23 f5: here a mass of unclear variations would have had to be calculated. Tal would
certainly have gone 23 f5 (but against Tal I would have played differently!), whereas Karpov
evaluated the situation on the basis of his concepts. Even at critical moments he was unable to
change his character, and he always aimed to play 'Karpov-style' – strengthen the position, but
do not seek a denouement. It is probable that in the depths of his heart he was not convinced
about the correctness of the attack on the kingside and therefore he was unable to conduct it
boldly and firmly. Suppose that 23 f5 led only to premature simplification and a
draw?Considering that only a win would do for Karpov, his pressurising, strictly positional
move with the bishop looks very logical and strong: it is not immediately apparent how Black is
to defend against the threat of Bd4 with the exchange of bishops, since ...e6-e5 is bad because
of fxe5, when the f7-pawn is under attack (or, after ...Nxe5, the b6-pawn). But after a long
think I was able to find an unusual and, it would seem, the only defence. I am sure that if I had
not found it and I had lost this game, everyone would have attached two exclamation marks to
23 Be3 as being a 'brilliant, typically Karpov move'!; ] 23...Re7! (28)An original manoeuvre,
which for the moment has a very modest aim – to defend the f7-point in advance. In essence,
this is the most difficult move in the game, after which White's attack begins to peter out. Who
could then have thought that in time the ...Re8-e7 manoeuvre would become a typical idea in
such positions... 24.Kg1 (29) [Now if 24.Bd4 there is the simple 24...e5 25.fxe5 (25.f5? exd4
26.f6 dxc3 27.fxe7 Ne5) 25...Bxe5 26.Bxe5 dxe5 and ...Nf8. ; Little is also promised by 24.f5 exf5
25.exf5 Bxg2+ 26.Qxg2 (26.Kxg2? Bxc3! 27.bxc3 Qxc3) 26...gxf5 (or 26...Rce8 ) ; as well as
24.Nd4 e5 25.Nde2 exf4 (but not the reckless 25...Nxc2?! 26.f5!) 26.Nxf4 Rce8 27.Qh4 Nf8 and
Black's chances are not worse.] After a long think, having convinced himself that nothing
concrete could be achieved immediately, Karpov continued playing in the same unhurried,
positional manner – he made a prophylactic move of the category 'just in case', as though
inviting Black to declare his intentions. But this is not at all easy – at first sight White has
successfully restricted his opponent's active possibilities. 24...Rce8?! (14)The doubling of the
black rooks on the closed (!) e-file looks absurd, but to me it seemed well-founded: firstly, the
f4-f5 advance, which like a sword of Damocles has been hanging over Black's position, now
finally loses its strength, and, secondly, Black himself prepares for active play on the kingside.
[However, the waiting move with the rook (an unfortunate one, in contrast to that of its
workmate) allows White to intensify the pressure in the centre, whereas the immediate
24...f5! would have relieved Black of all difficulties. After 25.gxf6 (25.exf5 exf5!) 25...Bxf6 he
does not have to fear either 26.f5 (or 26.Qd2 Rf8 (26...Nc5?! 27.Nd4!) 27.Nd4 (or 27.Rd1 Bg7
and the weaknesses in White's position balance his pressure on the d6-pawn) 27...e5!
28.fxe5?! Nxe5) 26...exf5 (or even 26...gxf5!? 27.exf5 Rg7) 27.exf5 Bxg2 28.Qxg2 Qc6 .]
25.Rd1! White promptly probes a vulnerable point in the opponent's position (the d6-pawn),
again forcing him to solve some difficult defensive problems. 25...f5 (8)This activity is
practically forced, and from this moment the latent spring of Black's position gradually begins
to uncoil. 26.gxf6! (4) [After 26.Qd2 apart from 26...e5 (my previous recommendation) (Black
could also play 26...fxe4! 27.Qxd6 (27.Nxe4 Nd5!) 27...Qxd6 28.Rxd6 e5! , when it is now White
who has to concern himself with how to equalise) 27.exf5 Bxg2 28.Qxg2 gxf5 .; 26.exf5?! exf5!
.] 26...Nxf6 I don't know what evaluation sign to attach to this surprising move. [According to
higher chess mathematics, it would seem that 26...Bxf6 should be played, but with the
unexpected pawn sacrifice 26...Nxf6 I won the match!The faint-hearted 26...Bxf6 would after
27.Qd2! have left White with the initiative: 27...e5 (or 27...d5 28.e5 Bg7 29.Nd4 Nc6 30.Nce2
with quite persistent pressure. In view of the match situation, such a development of events
would have suited Karpov) 28.f5 gxf5 29.exf5! Rg7 30.Rg3 Rxg3 31.hxg3 Bxg2 32.Qxg2 .] The
consequences of 26...Nxf6 are far less clear. In addition, I made this move very confidently and
quickly – who knows, perhaps it was this confidence that disturbed my opponent. An
important moment arose, and an extremely interesting one from the standpoint of chess
psychology. 27.Rg3?! As if in unison, Karpov also replied quickly. [He hardly calculated the

variations with 27.Bxb6 , fearing 27...Ng4 (here there will be exchanges, and he needs to win),
and he made a move dictated by the logic of match play. Karpov took me 'at my word',
reckoning that the b6-pawn would not run away.a). However, only the immediate 27 Bxb6!
could have given him real chances of success. There seems to be an acceptable reply in
27...Qb8 28.a5! (recommended by Igor Zaitsev) 28...e5 (otherwise Black has insufficient
compensation for the pawn), and if 29.f5 (a)but White has a subtle tactical stroke – 29.fxe5!
Rxe5 30.Qd4 , forcing 30...Nxe4! (a)if 30...Nxc2? 31.Qd3! trapping the knight and securing the
desired win) 31.Qxb4 Rg5 32.Qc4+ Kh8 33.Nd5 Qa8 34.Ne3 Nf2! 35.Kxf2 Bxg2 36.Rg3 Rxg3
37.hxg3 Qf3+ 38.Kg1 Bh3 39.Qf4 Rxe3 40.Qxf3 Rxf3 41.Kh2 Bg4 42.Rxd6 Bxb2 43.Bd4+ Bxd4
44.Nxd4 Ra3 45.Rxa6 Kg7 with saving chances) 29...gxf5 30.exf5 (a)30.Qxf5? Bc8) , then
30...Bxg2 31.Qxg2 Kh8 with counterplay. ; b). And even the knight leap 27...Ng4! , the move
which concerned White, would also have led to an endgame a pawn down: 28.Bxc7 Nxf2
29.Bxd6! Nxd1 30.Bxe7 . 30...-- b1). In the event of 30...Rxe7 31.Nxd1 Nxc2 32.e5! Bxg2
33.Kxg2 g5! 34.Rc3! Nb4 35.fxg5 Rd7 (b1)or 35...Bxe5 36.Rc4) 36.Nf2 Bxe5 37.Rc4 Black's
position is dangerous. ; b2). On the other hand, excellent drawing chances are given by the
unexpected 30...Nxc3! 31.bxc3 Nxc2 – Black's activity compensates for the pawn deficit, and
the poor position of the white rook at h3 is also felt. For example: 32.-- b21)32.Bd6 e5! 33.f5
gxf5 (b21)or 33...Bc8!? 34.Nc5 (b21)34.Rg3 Bh6! 35.fxg6 Be3+ 36.Kh1 Rd8) 34...Rd8! 35.Be7
Rd1+ 36.Kf2 Rd2+) 34.exf5 (b21)34.Nc5 Bc8) 34...Bxg2 35.Kxg2 e4; b22)32.Bg5 presents Black,
apart from 32...e5 , (b22)with the additional idea 32...Bf8!? (planning ...Bc6) 33.e5
(b22)33.Nd4 Bc5; b22)or 33.Na5 Ba8 34.Kf2 e5 35.f5 gxf5 36.exf5 Bc5+ 37.Kg3 Bxg2 38.Kxg2 e4
39.Rg3 Kf7 40.Nb7 Re5 41.f6 Bf8 with equality) 33...Rb8) ; ; ; ] Thus Karpov was perhaps right
to intuitively avoid the simplification, being afraid of losing all his chances. Nevertheless, the
position after 27 Bxb6 would have been far better for White than that which he obtained in
the game. 27...Rf7! (4)Karpov underestimated the strength of this move: Black succeeds in
successfully regrouping his rooks. The similar manoeuvres in the 18th game (18...Rbd8 and
19...Rf8) come to mind. The preceding moves were not found easily by the two players and
had taken much time. The final, fifth hour of play in this match was beginning... 28.Bxb6 Qb8
29.Be3 [In contrast to the variation 27 Bxb6 Qb8 28 a5, White's weakened kingside has
become a source of constant concern for him: now if 29.a5 there is the good reply 29...Nh5
30.Rf3 Ref8 . It turns out that Black has very powerful compensation for the pawn, and to
avoid the worst White must now make a draw.] 29...Nh5 30.Rg4 [If 30.Rf3 Black can repeat
moves – 30...Nf6 (but it is far stronger to play 30...Bxc3! 31.bxc3 Na2 32.Ba7 Qa8 33.Nd2 Nxf4
.) ] 30...Nf6 Here the competitive factor came to the fore: a draw was equivalent to a loss for
Karpov, and he avoided 31 Rg3 Nh5 with a repetition of moves. 31.Rh4 After some hesitation.
[31.Rg5? is too dangerous in view of 31...Bh6 32.Rg3 Nh5 33.Rf3 Ref8 34.Bh3 Bc8! . In a
normal game Karpov would never have played 31 Rh4, but what was he to do?An amusing
detail: the two sides' rooks have moved between what look like unusual magic squares. Black's
via f8-f7-e7-f7, and White's via h3-g3-g4-h4. When they concluded their mysterious
manoeuvres, the evaluation of the position was decided.] 31...g5! (4)Black's initiative becomes
threatening, although the resulting irrational positions involve great risk for both sides. 32.fxg5
Ng4! Black pins his hopes on the strength of his two bishops and the poor placing of the white
knights. [It is more important to eliminate the opponent's dark-square bishop than his central
pawn by 32...Nxe4 . Here 33.Qxf7+ (?) (on the other hand, 33.Qe2! Nxc3 34.bxc3 Nd5
35.Bxd5 Bxd5 36.Qxa6 Bxc3 37.Qd3 leads to extremely double-edged play) 33...Kxf7 34.Nxe4
seemed to me to be 'absolutely unclear', but after 34...Nxc2 35.Nxd6+ Kg6 (g8) White's activity
comes to nothing and Black retains the advantage. ] 33.Qd2 (12)After this Karpov had only four
minutes left on his clock – very, very little for such a dangerous situation. The intensity of the
battle was approaching its peak... 33...Nxe3 34.Qxe3 Nxc2 35.Qb6! [Not conceding the a7-g1
diagonal and the b-file: 35.Qh3? would have lost to 35...Bc6! .] 35...Ba8! (3)I was proud of this
rapid reply, assuming that with the exchange of queens, the lack of harmony in the placing of
the white pieces should tell. [After 35...Be5 the balance would have been maintained by

36.Rc1! , but the unexpected bishop retreat caused Karpov to go wrong: in severe time-trouble
he quickly made the most obvious move.] 36.Rxd6? A blunder, which loses the game. [It was
essential to play 36.Qxb8 Rxb8 37.Bh3! with wild complications, such as one does not often
see even with the queens on. (37.Rd2? Ne3!) 37...-- . Had Karpov found this resource, it is not
clear how the time scramble would have ended. However, he would certainly have been able
to hold out to the adjournment:a)37...Rxb3 38.Bxe6 Bd4+! (now Black is one move closer to
the time control, and the white king is one move further away from the centre) 39.Kh1 Rxb2
40.Rf1 Bxc3 41.Rxf7 Nd4 42.Ra7+ (a)42.Bc4? d5!) 42...Nxe6 43.Rxa8+ (Averbakh, Taimanov)
43...Kg7 44.Ra7+ Kg8 with a draw; b)37...Re7 (a quieter course) 38.Rxd6 Rxb3 39.Rd8+
(b)39.Bxe6+ Rxe6 40.Rxe6 Nd4!) 39...Kf7 40.Rxa8 Rxb2 with sufficient compensation for the
pawn.Thus after 36 Qxb8 Rxb8 37 Bh3! Black would still have had good play, and a draw would
have been the logical conclusion of the game.; ] 36...Rb7! Up until now this rook has moved
only in small steps, uncharacteristic of such a powerful piece (...Rf8-e8-e7-f7), but its first 'long'
active move proves decisive. 37.Qxa6 Rxb3?! In his joy Black gets carried away. [There was an
immediate win by 37...Nb4! , whereas now the battle could have been prolonged.] 38.Rxe6
Rxb2? And this throws away the win, although it does not throw away the desired draw! In the
press centre this error was not noticed: there they were no longer calculating variations – they
were preparing for a change of world champion. [38...Ne3! 39.Rxe8+ Qxe8 would have been
decisive. White has three pawns for the piece, but in positions of this type (where both kings
are exposed) the piece is far more valuable, and in addition Black is better prepared for an
attack: 40.Qe2 (or 40.Bh3 Rxb2 41.Qe6+ (a forced exchange) 41...Qxe6 42.Bxe6+ Kh8 43.Nd5
Rg2+ 44.Kh1 Bxd5 45.exd5 Rf2 46.Bh3 Rd2 47.Kg1 Bd4 and Black wins) 40...Bd4 41.Kh1 Qf7 .]
39.Qc4 Kh8 (3) ['For a draw (and victory in the match!) 39...Qa7+ 40.Kh1 Rxe6 41.Qxe6+ Qf7
42.Qc8+ Qf8 was sufficient. But Kasparov is aiming for a win.' (Averbakh, Taimanov)] 40.e5?
This instantly-made move, the last before the time control, loses almost as instantly: when
there are only seconds left on the clock, all sorts of mistakes are possible. [For a long time I
thought that 40.Rxe8+ Qxe8 41.Nd1 Na3 42.Qd3 was also bad in view of 42...Ra2! (after
42...Rb1 43.e5! h6 44.Rd4! it is now Black who is forced to maintain the balance by 44...Rb8!)
43.Ne3 (in 2007 I discovered the following elegant computer geometry: 43.g6! h6 44.Rxh6+!
Bxh6 45.Qc3+ Bg7 46.Qh3+ Kg8 47.Qb3+ with perpetual check) 43...Qf8! etc.; In addition, I
examined 40.g6 h6 41.Rxe8+ Qxe8 42.Nd1 Na3 , thinking that in the endgame after 43.Qf7
(but here too White is saved by 43.Rxh6+! Bxh6 44.Qc3+ Bg7 45.Qh3+ followed by 45...Kg8
46.Nxb2 , and the black king cannot hide from the checks) 43...Qxf7 44.gxf7 Rb1 45.Bf3 Nc4
Black would gradually be able to convert his advantage.] 40...Qa7+ 41.Kh1 Bxg2+ 42.Kxg2
Nd4+ [Preferring to win a whole rook, rather than queen for rook after 42...Ne3+ 43.Kh3 Nxc4
44.Rxe8+ Bf8 .What different fates the black rooks have experienced! One, the queen's rook,
made a couple of awkward movements, and to the end of the game stood in its place, but the
other, the king's rook, conducted itself heroically and decided the outcome by giving the last
check.Karpov appeared to freeze. A few more agonising minutes passed, and finally he held
out his hand and congratulated me on my victory and on winning the title of world champion.
And the thunderous roar which broke out in the hall at that moment finally convinced me –
yes, yes, it was true! I had done it! I triumphantly raised my arms over my head... Times: 2.33–
2.25.] 0–1

The following day, 10th November, the closing ceremony of the match took place. I remember
the faces of Campomanes, Sevastyanov and Krogius. It was a piquant situation: I was crowned
with a laurel wreath by the very people who had done everything within their powers to try
and ensure that this did not happen.

1.3. Matches with Timman and Miles

Six-game training matches: Kasparov - Timman (Hilversum, 14-22 December 1985): 4-2;
Kasparov - Miles (Basel, 14-21 May 1986): 5½-½.

World champion! Initially the weight of this title had a paralysing effect, which kept me in a
state of euphoria (I should remind you that I was just 22 years old). We wildly celebrated the
victory over Karpov, and five days after the end of the match I gave talk at a packed
Sovremennik Theatre in Moscow which went on deep into the night.

After returning to Baku, I promptly set off to my training base in Zagulba and spent two weeks
annotating all the 24 games of the match for a book commissioned by an English publisher.
With Alexander Shakarov and Valery Tasturyan I worked furiously, literally day and night.
There were not yet any computers, and so my helpers used a typewriter, while my mother
glued in the diagrams by hand. To this day I am astonished by how quickly the book was
produced. But at that time all manuscripts were sent abroad via the All-Union Copyright
Agency, and it kept my book for four months - because, by Soviet standards, the introduction
was over-seditious.

After all this strain I was faced in December 1985 with playing a short match against the top
Dutch grandmaster Jan Timman, who was rated No.3 in the world. That year he had won
tournaments in Wijk aan Zee, Zagreb and the Interzonal in Taxco (with 12 out of 15!), then in
the autumn he shared 4th place with Tal in the Candidates Tournament in Montpellier, and
after an additional match (3-3) he broke through to the Candidates semi-finals.

For a champion who had won the title only a month earlier, it was an unusual action to contest
a match with such a strong opponent: I was risking my reputation and simply could not afford
to lose. But an agreement regarding this unofficial encounter had been reached early in the
summer in Hamburg. Every year the Dutch TV company KRO arranged such matches for
Timman in Hilversum, and before me he had already played Korchnoi, Spassky (both 3-3) and
Portisch (3½-2½). The organisers, naturally, wanted the 'descendent of Euwe' also to play me.
The prize fund was quite modest, but money wasn't the aim of my trip to Holland; rather a
desire to show the world how the new champion played.

At a press-conference before the start Timman admitted that he had made a careful study of
my play and had found a number of improvements in positions that had occurred in my games.
For my part, I said: 'Let's see what sort of champion I am.' On this occasion, instead of Litvinov,
I was accompanied by Yuri Mamedov, the leader of my delegation at the first and third
matches with Karpov. And Andras Adorjan arrived from Budapest - to play Timman not only
without any preparation, but also without the help of a second, would have been altogether
flippant. That said, in the openings I was relying mainly on the ideas accumulated in my
preparations for the world championship battles.

The match was opened by Anatoly Blatov, the Soviet ambassador in Holland. We played in a
television studio of the KRO company, which accommodated four hundred spectators, and a
further one and a half thousand followed the games in a neighbouring room, with
demonstration boards and commentators. Apart from the local media, the event was covered
by journalists from seven countries, including Soviet , French and Yugoslav TV.

Timman and I endeavoured not to disappoint the public. In the first game I drew the black

Game 8
J.Timman-G.Kasparov, Training Match, 1st Game, Hilversum 15.12.1985
Ruy Lopez C93

1.e4 e5 [Against my Sicilian with 1...c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 d6 my opponent
used to employ the variation 6.f4 Nf6 7.Be3 Be7 8.Qf3 , which on closer inspection did not
appeal to me. And an hour before the game started, I decided that a world champion should
play solid openings, and besides the Spanish had already occurred in my game with Timman
from the 3rd round of the USSR v. Rest of the World match (1984).] 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4
Nf6 5.0–0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0–0 9.h3 Bb7 10.d4 Re8 11.Nbd2 [Instead, in his
aforementioned game with me, after including the moves 11.Ng5 Rf8 12.Nf3 (12.a4) 12...Re8
13.Nbd2 Bf8 , he chose 14.Bc2 Nb8 15.b4 Nbd7 16.a4 Nb6 17.axb5 axb5 18.Rxa8 Qxa8 19.Bd3
, but after 19...exd4 20.Nxd4 Nxe4 Black obtained comfortable play.] 11...Bf8 12.a3 This could
have been expected: it was what Timman played against Karpov (Tilburg 1979). [I myself
preferred 12.a4 with White (Game Nos.16, 17, 69, 74).] 12...h6 13.Bc2 Nb8 14.b4 Nbd7
15.Bb2 g6 [I had also looked at 15...c5 16.bxc5 exd4 17.cxd4 dxc5 with a complicated game
(Karpov-Smejkal, Moscow 1981), although after 18.d5 I preferred White's position.] 16.c4 The
immediate opening of the position allows Black to maintain the balance. [After this match
White more often began playing 16.Qb1 (the source game: Romanishin-Timoshchenko, 49th
USSR Championship, Frunze 1981), reinforcing the e4-pawn and planning Nb3-a5, while if
16...Nb6 , then 17.Bb3 and at a convenient moment c3-c4.] 16...exd4 17.cxb5 axb5 18.Nxd4
c6 Not altogether aesthetic (the b7-bishop is blocked), but all Black's pieces are well
developed, he has acquired the ...d6-d5 resource, and the main thing is that for the present
White has no real threats. 19.a4 An attempt to probe the weaknesses in the opponent's
position. [No particular benefits are promised by either 19.Rc1 Qb6 20.Bd3 Bg7; or 19.N2b3
Rc8 (Chiburdanidze-Akhmylovskaya, Moscow 1983); while 19.N4b3 (Hübner-Kavalek, Tilburg
1979) allows 19...c5 .] 19...bxa4 [As the computer age has shown, 19...d5! is stronger, with a
very sharp, roughly equal game, Svidler-Bacrot, Poikovsky 2005.] 20.Bxa4 Timoshchenko and I
had studied this position in 1984. 20...Qb6 [Karpov defended more passively against Timman –
20...Rc8?! 21.Rc1 c5 22.bxc5 dxc5 23.N4f3 Bc6 and after 24.Bxc6 (but by 24.Bb3! Nh5
(24...Nxe4? 25.Qc2 and wins) 25.Qc2 Bg7 26.Bxg7 and Nc4 White could have placed his
opponent in a difficult position) 24...Rxc6 25.Nc4?! (25.e5! Nh5 26.Ne4 would still have
retained an advantage) 25...Nb6 26.Qxd8 Rxd8 he gained a draw.] 21.b5 The unsuccessful
result of a long think. [21.Qb3 d5! is also unconvincing (Maryasin-Dydyshko, Minsk 1983); but
in the 3rd game Timman played 21.Nc2! Qc7 22.Bb3 -- a), and after the superficial 22...Ba6?!
(Game No.95 in Revolution in the 70s), with 23.Ne3! he could have fought for an advantage.;
b)22...Rxa1 23.Bxa1 (b)23.Qxa1 Nh5!?) 23...Bg7 24.Ne3 c5 is more solid, intending 25.bxc5
(b)but here 25.b5! Nxe4 26.Nd5 Bxd5 27.Bxd5 Nef6 28.Rxe8+ Nxe8 29.Bc6 is more energetic,
with promising play for the sacrificed pawn) 25...Nxc5 with equality (Timman-Karpov, Bugojno
1986).; ] 21...cxb5 22.Bxb5 d5 23.Rxa8 Bxa8 24.Qa4 [It would appear that at this point
Timman wavered: he couldn't decide whether to curtail the game (say, by 24.exd5 Rxe1+
25.Qxe1 Bxd5 26.Qa1 with a quick draw), or nevertheless try to exploit the white pieces in the
first game with the new world champion. The queen thrust and the next few moves reflect this
wavering, which in the end leads to disaster.] 24...Nc5 25.Qc2 [25.Qa2 Rd8!? 26.e5 Nfe4
27.N2f3 Bb7 is somewhat better for Black.] 25...Rb8 Setting up an X-ray on the b-file. 26.exd5
[It would probably have been simpler for my opponent to play the roughly equal position with
a blockade of the isolani on d5 – 26.e5!? Nfe4 27.N2f3 Ne6 28.Rb1 etc.] 26...Nxd5 Now, when
both sides are left with just three pawns on one wing, White's pieces are somewhat
hanging.Whereas the black bishops are distantly placed and do not come under attack, the
white bishops are vulnerable, leaving Black with latent tactical threats. Therefore Timman has
to play accurately. 27.Nc4 'A rare instance – the four knights have come together in the centre
of the board' (Razuvaev). [One can understand White wanting to attack the queen, but

27.Ba1 Bg7 (27...Nb4 28.Qc3) 28.Bc4 Nf4 29.Ne2! was more appropriate – this far from
obvious move equalises, as it turns out that 29...Nxg2? is weak on account of 30.Rb1 Qa7
31.Rxb8+ Qxb8 32.Qxg6 .] 27...Qc7 28.Ne5 [The exchange of the active black rook would have
simplified the defence – 28.Re8!? Rxe8 29.Bxe8 Nf4 (29...Qe7 30.Qe2) 30.Ne3 , when it would
appear that Black has little serious prospect of an advantage: 30...-- a)30...Bxg2 31.Nxg2 Nxh3+
32.Kh1 Qe5 33.Nc6 Qxe8 34.Qc3 Nxf2+ 35.Kg1 f6 36.Qxf6 Ng4 37.Ne7+! Qxe7 38.Qxg6+ Bg7
39.Qxg4 with equality; b)30...Nfd3 31.Ba1 Bg7 (b)31...Qa7 32.Bc3) 32.Bb5 Qa7 33.Qd1
intending Ndc2 with equality; c)30...Be4! 31.Qc4 Qe7 32.Bc6 (c)32.Ba3 is also suitable)
32...Ncd3 33.Ba1 , and nothing is given by any of 33...Qa3 (c)33...Ne5 34.Qa4 Nxc6 35.Nxc6;
c)33...Bg7 34.Bxe4 Qxe4 35.Nb3 Ne2+ 36.Kf1 Ng3+ 37.Kg1; c)or the combinative 33...Nxf2
34.Kxf2 Qh4+ 35.g3 Nxh3+ 36.Ke2 Qxg3 37.Bxe4 Qf2+ 38.Kd1 Qxe3 39.Bd5 with an adequate
counterattack) 34.Qa4! .; ] 28...Bg7 After this it transpires that loss of material for White is
now inevitable – he has to give up two pieces for a rook (true, for the moment without ruinous
consequences). 29.Nec6? A serious oversight in an anxious position. [It was also bad to play
29.Bc6? Bxe5 30.Qxc5 (or 30.Bxa8 Bh2+ 31.Kh1 Nb4 32.Qe2 Nbd3 33.Nb5 Qd7 34.Kxh2 Qxb5 ,
winning a piece) 30...Rxb2 31.Qxd5 Bxd4 32.Qxd4 (32.Re8+ Kh7!) 32...Qxc6; And to Razuvaev's
recommendation 29.Nef3 there is the strong reply 29...Nf4! .; However, after the consolidating
move 29.Bf1! White could still have firmly counted on a draw: 29...-- a)29...Rxb2 30.Qxb2 Bxe5
31.Qa3! (the only move!) 31...Nb6 32.Nb5 Qe7 33.Qe3 White regains the material, exploiting
the pin on the e5-bishop; (a)33.Rc1 Nba4 34.Rxc5 is also not bad) 33...Be4 34.f3 Nd5 35.Qa3
Qh4 36.Rc1 Bf4 37.Rxc5 Be3+ 38.Kh2! Qf4+ 39.Kh1 Bxc5 40.Qxc5 Ne3 41.Be2 with a draw;
b)29...Bxe5 30.Nb5 Bh2+ 31.Kh1 Qc6 32.Kxh2 Rxb5 33.Bxb5 Qxb5 34.Kg1 Qc6 35.Qe2 , and the
power of the b2-bishop compensates White for his material deficit: 35...Nf6 (b)35...Ne6
36.Qe5 Nc3 37.Qg3! Ne4 38.Qb8+ Nf8 39.Rc1 Nc5 40.f3 etc) 36.f3 Ncd7 37.Rd1 .; ] 29...Bxc6
[Perhaps Timman had been counting on 29...Rxb5? 30.Re8+ (or 30.Nxb5 Qxc6 31.Na7! Qb7
32.Re8+ Kh7 33.Bxg7 Nb4 34.Rh8+! Kxg7 35.Qc3+ f6 36.Rxa8 with a draw) 30...Kh7 31.Rxa8 .]
30.Bxc6 Nf4! All three of White's minor pieces are under attack. 'Kasparov loves this sort of
play' (Razuvaev). 31.Bb5 [After 31.Qxc5 Rxb2 32.Nb5 Ne2+! 33.Kh1 Qa5! Black has a decisive
attack (was it this that my opponent had overlooked?), for example: 34.Rd1 Nc3 35.Be8! – a
clever reply, hoping for the pretty variation 35...Rxb5 (but the rigorous 35...Kh7! 36.Bxf7 Qxb5
refutes this idea) 36.Bxf7+ Kh7 37.Qc6 Rg5 38.Qe8 h5 39.Rd6 Qf5 40.h4 Rg4 41.Bg8+ Kh6
42.Rxg6+! Rxg6 43.Qe3+ Rg5 44.Qxg5+ Qxg5 45.hxg5+ Kxg5 46.g3 with a not altogether clear
endgame.; And in the event of 31.Re8+ Rxe8 32.Bxe8 Black wins prettily by either 32...Nce6
(or 32...Qd8!? 33.Qxc5 Qxe8 , when White unexpectedly loses a piece) 33.Nc6 (33.Qxc7 Nxc7
with the threats of ...Nxe8 and ...Bxd4) 33...Bxb2 34.Qxb2 Ng7! , trapping the bishop.]
31...Rxb5? [In my joy I quickly grabbed the bishop, missing a certain win: 31...Nce6! 32.Qxc7
Nxc7 33.Bc1 Nfd5 , winning a piece. It was not so difficult to calculate these variations;
31...Qb7!? 32.f3 Ncd3 33.Bxd3 Qxb2 34.Nc6 Qxc2 35.Bxc2 Rb2 was also good enough.]
32.Nxb5 Qc6 33.f3 Qxb5 34.Bxg7 Kxg7 35.Qc3+ Kg8! A position with two knights against a
rook has been reached by force. From afar I thought that, with the queens on the board, the
win for Black would be merely a question of time, but here I began to realise that the path to
the goal was a very difficult one. Black is not able to make a double attack with his knights on
the g2-pawn, whereas White can combine play against the enemy king with the threat of
exchanging queens, leading most probably to a drawn endgame. True, in practice it is not easy
for White to defend: he has to manoeuvre with great accuracy and caution. 36.Qe5 Nfe6
37.Ra1 Qb7 38.Qd6 h5! 39.Kh1 [39.Kh2!? .] 39...Kh7 40.Rc1 Qa7 The first time control was
reached, but the game was not adjourned: in my matches with Timman and Miles the time
control was 40 moves in 2 hours, then 20 moves in 1 hour, followed by an adjournment.
41.Rb1 This allows a favourable regrouping of the knights. [White should have tried to keep
the black knight on c5 by 41.Qd5 , after which I was planning the invasion 41...Qa3 and
...Qe3.] 41...Ng7! 'The knights are aiming for g3, the weakest point in White's position'
(Gipslis). Here I began to scent victory: the knight heads for f5, the other one will replace it at

e6, and after ...h5-h4 mating threats will be in the air. 42.Rb8 Nce6 43.Qe5? An error in a
difficult position. [43.Qb4 (b6) 43...Qa1+ 44.Qb1 was more resilient, although here too after
44...Qd4 Black has an escalating attack.] 43...Nd4! (this is the whole point: now both knights
are rampant) 44.Rb1 h4?! An obvious but over-hasty move. [Black gets slightly out of step –
the immediate 44...Ngf5! would have won more forcefully, for example: 45.-- a)45.Qd5 Ne2
46.Qe5 h4 (it was for this position that I was aiming: the knights are ideally placed, and the
rook can no longer be activated) 47.Kh2 (a)47.Ra1 Qb6) 47...Qf2 48.Qf6 Kh6 , and White has
no defence; b)45.Qb8 Nxf3! (a spectacular stroke, which immediately resolves matters)
46.gxf3 (b)if 46.Qxa7 Ng3#) 46...Qf2 47.Rg1 Qxf3+ 48.Kh2 Ne3 and ...Nf1+, regaining the
exchange and remaining two pawns up.; ] 45.Qb8 Qe7 46.Qb4 Qf6 47.Qf8?! An empty blow,
[but 47.Qb6 Nge6 followed by ...Nf5 would have led to a similar finish.] 47...Ne2 (launching a
mating attack) 48.Rd1 Nf5 49.Qb8 Ne3 50.Qd8 Qf4 51.Re1 Nf1 [Or 51...Nf5! .; But as it was,
after 51...Nf1 , White resigned ( 52.Rxf1 Ng3+ 53.Kg1 Qe3+ ).] 0–1

Success with Black in this exciting first game improved my mood. Whereas Timman, in the
opinion of Yuri Razuvaev, the Moscow commentator on the match, 'after his unexpected loss
in this game was certainly in a state of confusion, which was increased in the 2nd game.'

Game 9
G.Kasparov-J.Timman, Training Match, 2nd Game, Hilversum 16.12.1985
Queen's Indian Defence E13

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 [I think that after 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Nf3 (Game Nos.3, 7, 13) all the same
there would have followed 4...b6 .] 3...b6 4.Nc3 [4.a3 – Game No.32.] 4...Bb4 Playing Timman
at that time it was easy to guess the opening after 1 d4: either the Nimzo-Indian, or the
Queen's Indian, or a hybrid of these two defences. [In the event of 4...Bb7 I would have
chosen the 5.a3 system, with which I was familiar.] 5.Bg5 Bb7 [Nowadays, to avoid the reply 6
Nd2, many have reverted to 5...h6!? 6.Bh4 g5 7.Bg3 Ne4 (the source game: Gligoric-Taimanov,
Zurich Candidates 1953; recent examples: Bacrot-Topalov, Nanjing 2010, Nakamura-Anand,
Wijk aan Zee 2011).] 6.e3 [Later they also began playing 6.Nd2!? -- a), excluding the set-up
with 6...h6 7.Bh4 g5 and ...Ne4; b), and after 6...Bxc3 and ...d7-d6 immediately setting up a
'big centre' by f2-f3 and e2-e4. I also employed the knight move – against Psakhis (2nd match
game, La Manga 1990) and Onischuk (Tilburg 1997). True, with Psakhis after 6...Bxc3
(nowadays even 6...h6 7 Bh4 Nc6!? is being tried) 7.bxc3 h6 8.Bh4 g5 9.Bg3 d6 10.e3 the
normal position was reached (as in Game No.18),(b)but 10.f3!? was possible with the idea of
e2-e4.) ; ] 6...h6 7.Bh4 g5 [7...Bxc3+ 8.bxc3 d6 is more restrained – Game No.18.] 8.Bg3 Ne4
One of the tabiyas of the 'hybrid', in which for many years the automatic continuation was 9
Qc2 (Game Nos.10, 11). But I was able to surprise Timman with a gambit move. 9.Nd2 This
pawn sacrifice, known since the time of the game Stein-Langeweg (Amsterdam 1969), was one
that I looked at with Timoshchenko before my match with Korchnoi (1983). It was thought that
here Black had good play, but a promising idea had occurred to me (at that time I was literally
bursting with similar ideas).'Kasparov aims to "drag" his opponent out of his armour of
knowledge and experience, and into an open battle. He has an excellently developed feeling
for positions with disrupted material balance (which is practically impossible to cultivate – it
rarely occurs and it has to be inherently instilled in a player). For the moment only a pawn is
sacrificed...' (Razuvaev) 9...Nxc3 [9...Nxg3 is not so critical – Game No.20.] 10.bxc3 Bxc3 11.Rc1
Bb4 [In our preparations for the 4th game Adorjan and I did not like 11...Ba5 12.h4 Rg8
(Crouch-Harikrishna, London 2001), and I reverted to the classical lines (9 Qc2). However, after
13.Qh5 White has sufficient compensation for the pawn. Therefore even now, more than a
quarter of a century later, this gambit seems to me to be fully correct and safe for White.]
12.h4 gxh4?! [12...Rg8 is more solid, not exposing the weak h6-pawn.] 13.Rxh4! Here is the
fresh idea! [Stein played 13.Bxh4 Be7 14.Bg3 , which was a loss of time ( 14...d6 with

equality). The bishop at g3 is on its optimal square, and the rook must be brought into the
battle.] 13...Bd6 A controversial decision – in the words of Razuvaev, the exchange of bishops
'looks uncouth'. [However, after 13...Be7 14.Rh5 (14.Qh5!?) 14...-- a)14...d6 , in contrast to
the Stein game, White's rook is already on h5, and he has 15.c5! dxc5 16.dxc5 Bxc5 17.Rhxc5
bxc5 18.Rxc5 with excellent compensation for the exchange and a pawn (our preparation of
1983). ; b). In Gelfand-Vallejo (Moscow 2004), after some thought Black replied 14...Bd6 , but
after 15.Qg4 (b)15.Bxd6!?) 15...Qf6 16.c5 Bxg3 17.Qxg3 Na6 White could have retained some
advantage by 18.c6! dxc6 19.Bxa6 Bxa6 20.Rxc6 .; ; And in 1985 there was also the Informator
recommendation 13...Nc6 by Agzamov and Nadyrkhanov. After this I considered 14.d5 Ne7
15.Bd3 to be promising, (but there is also the interesting 15.dxe6 Nf5! (not 15...dxe6? 16.Qa4+
Nc6 17.Rd4 Qg5 18.c5! Bartel-Berkes, Istanbul 2005) 16.exf7+ Kf8 17.Rg4 (h3) 17...Nxg3
18.Rxg3 Qf6 19.c5! with a dangerous initiative.) ] 14.Qg4 The queen breaks out into the open,
at the same time defending the rook. From this point I was very happy with my position.
14...Bxg3 [In the event of 14...Qe7!? 15.Bxd6! (weaker is 15.c5 Bxg3 16.Qxg3 Nc6 and ...0–0–
0, Plaskett-Short, Brighton 1984) 15...cxd6 (15...Qxd6 16.c5!) 16.Qg3 (or 16.Qf4!? White would
also retain the initiative) 16...f5 17.c5 (Agdestein-Hellers, Gausdal 1987).] 15.Qxg3 Nc6?! After
a long think Timman makes the most natural move, [avoiding the known continuation 15...Na6
16.c5! . After 16...Qe7?! (Eingorn-Nadyrkhanov, Volgograd 1985) (the correct defence is
16...Nb4 17.a3 Nd5 18.e4 Ne7 , but after 19.Rh5 (or 19.Qg7 this is also favourable for White) )
, there is the strong reply 17.Rh5 (h3). ] 16.d5! (White has to hurry with his attack, as
otherwise Black will succeed in castling queenside) 16...Ne7 17.Bd3! Timman obviously did
not like this developing move: it turns out that he has a difficult choice. 'The light squares on
the b1–h7 diagonal are taken under control, and how is Black now going to complete his
development?' (Razuvaev). 17...d6 [If 17...Rg8 there would have followed 18.Qh2 exd5
19.Rxh6 .] 18.Qg7 Preventing the black king's flight to the queenside. [True, after 18.dxe6
fxe6 19.Be4! White also has sustained pressure: 19...Bxe4 (or 19...Nf5 20.Qg6+ Kd7 21.Bxf5
exf5 22.Qxf5+ Ke7 23.Ne4 Qf8 24.Qb5 a6 25.Qb4) 20.Nxe4 Kd7 21.Nf6+ Kc8 22.Re4 e5 23.c5! .]
18...Rg8 19.Qh7! [The simple-minded capture of the pawn – 19.Qxh6?! would have allowed
Black to solve all his problems: 19...Ng6! 20.Bxg6 (20.Rg4 Qf6) 20...Rxg6 21.Qf4 Qg5! .
However, the unexpected queen manoeuvre, of which I was very proud, confused my
opponent.] 19...Rf8? Timman decided to play 'safely', but he went wrong. [19...Qd7? 20.Ne4
Rg6 21.Qh8+ Ng8 22.Nxd6+! and Bxg6 was even worse; while 19...exd5? 20.cxd5 Bxd5 was
weak on account of 21.Ne4 Rg6 (21...Bxe4? 22.Rxe4 and wins) 22.Nc3! etc.; However,
19...Rxg2 was more resilient, after which White had two tempting continuations: the quiet
20.Rf4 (or the flamboyant 20.Be4!! Rg1+ 21.Ke2 Rxc1 22.dxe6 fxe6 23.Bxb7 Kd7 24.Ne4 Qh8
25.Bxa8 Rc2+ 26.Kd1 Qxh7 27.Nf6+ Kd8 28.Nxh7 Rxf2 29.Rxh6 Rxa2 30.Bf3 Nf5 (30...e5? 31.Nf6
and wins) 31.Rxe6 with a piece for two pawns and winning chances) 20...Nf5 21.Bxf5 exf5
22.Qxf5 Rg7 23.Nf3! Bc8 24.Qh5 Qe7 25.Qxh6 , regaining the pawn with unpleasant pressure.]
20.Ne4? Returning the favour. [Tempted by the threat of a pretty mate in one move (Nf6), I
overlooked the simple 20.Rxh6 with a decisive advantage after 20...exd5 (or 20...Qd7 21.dxe6
fxe6 22.Ne4 Bxe4 23.Qxe4 and Rxe6) 21.cxd5 Bxd5 22.Ne4 Bxe4 23.Qxe4 a6 24.Rxc7! .]
20...Nf5? [Timman also gains his 'revenge', missing the saving move 20...Ng8! (it is
psychologically difficult to return the knight to its initial square – I did not even consider it),
when 21.c5!? (while after 21.Rf4 e5 this way, ( rather than 21...Qe7? 22.c5!) 22.Rf3 Qe7 and
the unavoidable ...0–0–0 Black would have solved all his problems) 21...Bxd5! 22.cxd6 cxd6
23.Rf4 e5 is unclear.] 21.Rh3 [21.Rh5!? Qe7 22.g4 Nh4 23.Rxh6 was no less convincing, when
my Informator suggestion 23...Ng6 (while after 23...Nf3+ there is a win by 24.Ke2 Ng5 (or
24...Ne5 25.Nf6+ Kd8 26.g5 , when Black is helpless) 25.Nxg5 Qxg5 26.dxe6 Qxg4+ 27.Kd2 Qg5
(27...Qf3 28.Rf1) 28.f4) , is bad because of 24.Qg7! with the threat of Nf6+ (if 24...0–0–0 ,
then 25.Rxg6 ).] 21...Qe7 22.g4 Nh4 23.Qg7! A pretty move, which stunned Timman; [he was
counting on 23.Qxh6? Ng6 , when Black could at last breathe freely. But now the knight at h4 is
in danger – the interference move Nf6+ is threatened.] 23...0–0–0 Allowing the decisive

invasion of the knight on f6. [However, going into an ending would hardly have helped –
23...f5 24.Qxe7+ Kxe7 , after which I was planning 25.Nc3! Ng6 (25...Ng2+ 26.Ke2! fxg4 27.Rh2
, and the knight is trapped) 26.Rxh6 Ne5 (26...Rf6? 27.g5) 27.Rxe6+ Kd8 28.Bxf5 followed by
the victorious march of the kingside pawns ( 28...Bc8 29.f4! etc.).] 24.Nf6 A picturesque
situation: Black's army is completely paralysed, and with the board full of pieces he loses his
knight! 24...exd5 25.cxd5 Kb8 26.Rxh4 Bxd5 27.g5 [Here I relaxed slightly, whereas I should
have done a little calculation and played 27.Nxd5! Qxh4 28.Nxc7 with crushing threats:
28...Qe7 (or 28...Qh1+ 29.Kd2 Qb7 (f3) 30.Na6+ etc) 29.Na6+ .] 27...Bxa2 [27...hxg5 28.Nxd5
Qe5 would have sharpened the play somewhat, after which White has a choice between
29.Qxe5 (and the more energetic 29.Nf6! gxh4 (or 29...Qa5+ 30.Ke2 gxh4 31.Nd7+ Kb7
32.Nxf8 , and the curtain comes down) 30.Nd7+! Rxd7 31.Qxf8+ Kb7 32.Ba6+!) 29...dxe5
30.Nb4 Rxd3 31.Nxd3 gxh4 32.Nxe5 with a won endgame.] 28.gxh6 (there now follows a brief
agony) 28...d5 29.h7 Qa3 30.Rd1 Rh8 31.Ng8 Bb3 32.Ra1 [Or 32.Qxh8 Bxd1 33.Kd2! .]
32...Qc5 33.Qxh8 d4 34.Rxd4 [34.Qf6! .] 34...Qc3+ 35.Ke2 1–0

The score became 2-0, and after such a resounding win I was already beginning to think about
a maximum, 'Fischer' result.

Alas, the 3rd game brought me down to earth. The main events in it took place in a time
scramble. On the 31st move Timman went wrong, but instead of a winning queen move, I
made a dreadful move with my rook. My opponent could have gained an obvious advantage,
but he preferred to launch into an unclear attack with a knight sacrifice, and after my blunder
on the 35th move he also won in crushing style. 2-1! From the press: 'The Dutch fans were
unable to restrain their joy. Timman picked up his six-year-old daughter and carried her on to
the stage'.

The second half of the match was no less intense than the first. Both players played for a win
in every game, irrespective of the colours. And the best was the drawn 4th game, which was
uncommonly gripping and mind-boggling. Razuvaev: 'It is extremely hard to analyse, and in
general it is hard to believe that it was played now, and not in the time of La Bourdonnais.'

Game 10
G.Kasparov-J.Timman, Training Match, 4th Game, Hilversum 19.12.1985
Queen's Indian Defence E13

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.Bg5 Bb7 6.e3 h6 7.Bh4 g5 8.Bg3 Ne4 9.Qc2 [For this
game Adorjan and I did a little bit of preparatory work and as we were temporarily
disillusioned with 9.Nd2 (Game No.9), we reverted to a traditional set-up, which had occurred
several times in my opponent's games.] 9...Bxc3+ 10.bxc3 d6 [10...Nxg3 11.fxg3!? , Vaganian-
Timman, London 1984.] 11.Bd3 f5 [After 11...Nxg3 here too 12.fxg3!? is good (the source
game: Spassky-Polugayevsky, 29th USSR Championship, Baku 1961).] 12.d5 A position which
has been known since Alekhine's times. 12...Nc5 Timman's invention – on his advice this was
first played by Ribli against Vaganian in the USSR v. Rest of the World match (London 1984).
[12...exd5?! is weaker: 13.cxd5 Bxd5 14.Nd4 Nd7 15.f3 Nxg3 16.hxg3 Qf6 17.Bxf5 0–0–0
18.Qa4 a5 19.Kf2 with advantage in view of the weaknesses in Black's position (Keres-
Taimanov, 22nd USSR Championship, Moscow 1955).; However, things are unclear after
12...Nd7 (intending ...Ndc5) 13.Bxe4 fxe4 14.Qxe4 Qf6 15.0–0 0–0–0 16.Qxe6 Qxe6 17.dxe6
Nc5 18.Nd4 Rde8 19.f3 Ba6 (Ree-Taimanov, Hamburg 1965); or the fashionable 12...Na6!?
13.Bxe4 (13.Nd4 Nac5 14.0–0 Qe7! Bacrot-Topalov, Nanjing 2010) 13...fxe4 14.Qxe4 Qf6 15.0–
0 0–0–0 16.Qxe6+ Qxe6 17.dxe6 , and apart from 17...Nc5 (transposing into the 12...Nd7
variation), (there is 17...Bxf3! 18.gxf3 Nc5 with equality (Wang Yue-Adams, Baku 2008).) ;
Later, to avoid 12...Nc5 13 h4!, Timman twice played 12...Qf6 in order after 13 Nd4 Nc5 to

transpose into a position from the note to White's 13th move, but Salov (3rd match game,
Saint John 1988) and Adianto (Amsterdam 1996) retained the initiative by 13.Bxe4 fxe4
14.Qxe4 Qxc3+ 15.Ke2 Qb2+ 16.Nd2 Qf6 17.h4 g4 18.h5! Nd7 19.Bh4 Qf5 20.Qxe6+ Qxe6
21.dxe6 Nc5 22.e7 .] 13.h4!? Here is the novelty that we had analysed, hoping that Timman
would play 12...Nc5: he was always noted for his principled approach to the opening. [In the
Vaganian-Ribli game, after 13.Nd4 Qf6 14.f4 (an attempt to improve White's play with 14.h4
did not succeed in view of 14...Nba6 15.Nxe6 Nxe6 16.dxe6 Ke7 17.Bxf5 Nb4! with equality
(Kir.Georgiev-Kudrin, Amsterdam 1985)) 14...gxf4 15.exf4 Nba6 (15...Nbd7!? is more solid)
16.Nxe6 Nxe6 17.dxe6 (but there is an unpleasant piece sacrifice – 17.Bxf5!? Ng7 18.Bg6+ Kd7
(Ribli) 19.0–0! Raf8 20.f5) 17...0–0 18.0–0 Nc5 19.Rae1 (19.e7 Rf7) 19...Rae8 Black obtained
excellent play.] 13...g4?! A rather quick reply. Later too many blocked the flank, apparently
fearing the opening of the h-file. [Meanwhile, 13...Qf6!? 14.hxg5 (14.Nd4 Nba6 – cf. above)
14...hxg5 15.Rxh8+ Qxh8 , which occurred at the turn of the century, leads to complicated
play: 16.-- a)16.0–0–0 Qf6 17.Nd4 f4 18.Bh2 e5; b), or 16.Nxg5 and now White is better after
16...exd5 (b)but the sharp 16...Nxd3+!? 17.Qxd3 Qh1+ 18.Kd2! Qxa1 19.Nxe6 (with the threats
of Qxf5 and Nxc7+) 19...Qxa2+ 20.Ke1 Qa1+ 21.Ke2 (dreaming of hiding on f3) 21...Qa4!
22.Nxc7+ Kd8 23.Bxd6 Na6 24.Nxa8 Bxa8 promises a draw) 17.0–0–0! Bc6 18.Qd2 Qg8
(b)18...Qf6 19.Bh4) 19.cxd5 Qxd5 20.Bb1! .; ] 14.Nd4 Qf6 15.0–0 [After 15.Nxe6?! Nxe6
16.dxe6 Bxg2 17.Rg1 Bf3! 18.Bxf5 Na6 (c6) Black has a comfortable game.] 15...Nba6 [The
problems are not solved by 15...Nxd3?! (Game No.11). ] 16.Nxe6! (breaking up Black's pawn
chain and exposing his king) 16...Nxe6 17.Bxf5! [Of course, not 17.dxe6? 0–0 18.e7 Rf7 . My
idea was to sacrifice a piece for two pawns followed by f2-f3.] 17...Ng7 18.Bg6+ Kd7 19.f3! At
this Adorjan and I concluded our analysis. I believed in the power of the two bishops and I
assumed that I would cope after this on my own, by combining the attack with an advance of
the pawns. Although it all proved not to be so simple, my intuitive assessment of the position
was correct. 19...Raf8 20.fxg4 (for the piece White now has three pawns) 20...Qe7 21.e4 The
e4-e5 breakthrough is in the air. In this rather wild position White is threatening not so much a
direct attack on the king, but rather to transpose into an endgame, the outcome of which will
be decided by the passed pawns on the kingside. 21...Kc8 Aiming to remove the king from the
centre. [21...Rf6? would have lost ignominiously after 22.Rxf6 Qxf6 23.e5! Qe7 (or 23...dxe5
24.Rf1) 24.exd6 .; In Informator I gave 21...Nc5 22.-- a)22.Qe2 Rf6 (?) (a)he also has the
advantage after 22...Kc8 23.e5 Ba6?! 24.e6 (Ivanchuk-Anand, Monte Carlo (rapid) 1993); a)but
22...Ne8! retains an unclear situation) 23.h5 as being better for White.; b). But it is far stronger
to postpone the planned exchange of rooks for the sake of an immediate breakthrough –
22.Rfe1! (Yrjola) 22...Kc8 23.e5 Qd7 (b)23...dxe5 24.Bxe5! assists the bishops) 24.e6 Qe7
25.Rf1! Ba6 (b)25...Ncxe6?! 26.Qe2) 26.Rf7! Rxf7 27.exf7 Bxc4 28.Qf2 Nd7 (b)or 28...Qf8
29.Qd4 , and Black is in a bad way) 29.Re1 .; ] 22.Qd2 White intends to treat himself to the
weak h6-pawn. [Apparently the sharp 22.e5!? (activating the g3-bishop) was even better:
22...dxe5 23.Qe4 Ne8 24.Qxe5 Qxe5 (or 24...Qc5+ 25.Kh2) 25.Bxe5 with an overwhelming
position. But I decided to manage without therapeutic measures.] 22...Kb8 [Soon afterwards in
the game Miles-Timman (Tilburg 1986) Black tried 22...Nc5 , but after 23.Rxf8+ Rxf8 24.Qxh6
(24.Re1!?) 24...Qf6?! (24...Ba6 is more resilient) 25.Bf5+ (25.e5!? dxe5 26.Re1) 25...Nxf5
26.Qxf6 Rxf6 27.exf5 he was unable to restrain the pawn avalanche.] 23.Rxf8+ ['White needs
to play e4-e5, and this aim was best served by 23.Qd4 .' (Razuvaev). Indeed, after 23...Ne8
(23...Nc5 24.e5!) 24.Rf7! (the crux of the idea: in Informator I considered only 24.Rxf8 Rxf8
25.Rf1; while in New in Chess Timman gave the equally unclear 24.e5 dxe5 25.Qxe5) 24...Rxf7
25.Qxh8 Rf8 (25...Qf8 26.Qd4!) 26.Qxh6 Nc5 27.h5 Nd7 28.Bf5 White has a winning position
(Salov-Timman, 5th match game, Saint John 1988).] 23...Rxf8 24.Qxh6 I thought that four
pawns for the piece would be sufficient for a win, but now Black gains counterplay. 24...Bc8!
[24...Qf6? 25.e5! .] 25.Re1?! I suddenly got carried away by the unrealisable idea of a
'textbook-style' rout. The g4-pawn should not have been given away so lightly. [True, my
Informator suggestion 25.g5 Nc5 26.Rf1 Rxf1+ 27.Kxf1 Ba6 was altogether harmless. ; It was far

more interesting to transpose into an endgame by 25.Bf2!? Bxg4 26.Bd4 Ne8 27.Rf1! Rxf1+
28.Kxf1 Nc5 29.Qg5! Qxg5 30.hxg5 , although after 30...Bd7! and ...Kc8-d8 Black would have
retained drawing chances.; 25.Bf5! was a more suitable way of fighting for an advantage:
25...Nc5 26.Re1 (Timman gave only 26.Qg5?! ) 26...Nd3 (or 26...Nd7 27.Bxd7! Qxd7 28.g5)
27.Re3 Ne5 28.Bxe5 dxe5 29.Kh2 and the pawns are stronger than the piece.] 25...Bxg4
26.c5?! This 'brilliant' move strongly suggests itself, but, alas, I overlooked Timman's genuinely
brilliant reply. [The thematic 26.e5! was correct, and if 26...dxe5 – either 27.-- a)27.Bxe5 Nf5
28.Bxf5 (a)28.Bxc7+? Nxc7!) 28...Rxf5 29.Re4! Rh5 (a)29...Bd1 30.d6) 30.Qf6; b), or 27.Rxe5
Qc5+ (b)27...Qf6 is rather worse: 28.Qg5! Bf5 29.Qxf6 Rxf6 30.Bxf5 Nxf5 31.Bf2 Kc8 32.g4 Nd6
33.h5) 28.Kh2 Rf1 29.Qe3 Nf5 30.Qxc5 Nxc5 31.Bxf5 Bxf5 32.h5 , and everywhere it is most
probably a draw, although Black is the one in more danger of losing.; ] 26...Qf6! It
unexpectedly transpires that there are no crushing continuations for White, and he loses
material. [I had reckoned on 26...Nxc5 27.e5 -- a)27...dxe5? 28.Bxe5 Nf5 29.Bxc7+! Ka8
30.Rxe7 Nxh6 31.Be8 (a)31.h5!?) 31...Bc8 32.h5 with good winning chances.; b)27...Nd7?
28.exd6 Qf6 29.dxc7+ Kb7 30.Qg5 is even worse.; c). However, after the cool-headed 27...Kb7
28.exd6 Qf6 Black would have defended: 29.Re7 (c)or 29.Qh7 Bf5 30.Re7 Bxg6 31.Rxc7+ Ka6! ,
intending ...Qf1+ and ...Be4) 29...Nh5 (f5) 30.Rxc7+ Kb8! and ...Nxg3.; ; 26...bxc5? 27.e5! .]
27.cxd6 Bh5! Of course! This turn of events put me in a state of shock. Fortunately for me, a
saving pawn storm was brewing... 28.e5! [After 28.dxc7+? Kb7 the passed pawns lose their
strength: 29.d6 Qxg6 30.Qxg6 Bxg6 31.e5 Ne6 etc.; However, 28.d7 Qxg6 (28...Bxg6? 29.Re3!)
29.Qxg6 Bxg6 30.e5! Nc5 31.e6 would have led to a position from the game.] 28...Qxg6
29.Qxg6 Bxg6 'White is playing an endgame two pieces down! But how to assess such an
unusual position?' (Razuvaev). 30.e6! Nc5 31.d7 [The immortal McDonnell-La Bourdonnais
game comes to mind, although the creation of a third connected passed pawn – 31.dxc7+? is
bad due to 31...Kc8! and ...Rg8.] 31...Nxd7! The correct decision: such pawns cannot be
endured. [In the event of 31...Rd8? 32.Be5 (Stohl) the scales would again have tipped in
White's favour.] 32.exd7 Rd8 33.Re6? A flamboyant thrust, [but White should have
maintained the balance by 33.Be5! Rxd7 (or 33...Nf5 34.g4 Nxh4 35.Kf2 Bf7 (35...Rxd7 36.Kg3)
36.Bf6 Rxd7 37.Bxh4 Bxd5 38.a3) 34.g4 .] 33...Bh5? [After 33...Nxe6? 34.dxe6 it is Black who
would have had to attain a draw: 34...Be8 35.h5 Bxd7 36.Bh4 Bxe6 37.Bxd8 Bxa2 etc.; But
33...Bf5! leads to an advantage: 34.-- a)34.Re7 Rxd7 35.Rxd7 Bxd7 36.Be5 (a)or 36.Kf2 Nf5
37.Kf3 Nxg3 38.Kxg3 Kc8 39.Kf4 Kd8 40.g4 Ke7 with winning prospects; a)36.Kh2 Bg4!) 36...Nf5
37.h5 (Razuvaev) 37...Be8! 38.g4 Ne3 39.h6 Bg6; b)34.Rh6 Rxd7 (!) 35.Be5 (my Informator
recommendation) 35...Ne8 36.Rh8 Re7 37.Bf4 Kb7 38.Rf8 Bb1 39.a3 Ba2 40.g4 Bxd5 41.Kf2 Bf7
42.h5 Nf6 43.Kg3 Nxh5+ 44.gxh5 Bxh5 , and Black converted his extra pawn (Lerch-Helmreich,
correspondence 1986-87); c)34.Rf6 Rxd7 (!) 35.Be5 (Timman) (c)or 35.d6 cxd6 36.Bxd6+ Kb7
37.Be5 Bb1 38.a3 Re7 39.Bd6 Re4 40.Rf7+ Kc6 41.Bb8 Ne6 , and again things are not easy for
White) 35...Kb7! 36.g4 (c)36.c4 Re7! and ...Bd3) 36...Rxd5 37.Bd4 Bd7; ] 34.Be5 Rxd7 35.Rh6
Bf7 [Not the best move, which also applies to 35...Be2 (Keene) 36.Rh7 Re7?! (36...Bc4 is
correct) 37.d6! (37.Bxg7 Kb7! and ...Bd3) 37...Rxe5 38.d7 Rd5 (38...Ne6? 39.Re7! Timman)
39.Rh8+ Kb7 40.d8Q Rxd8 41.Rxd8 , when the rook and pawns are stronger than the two
minor pieces.; 35...Bd1! was more accurate. In time-trouble Timman was afraid of 36.Rh7 (?)
(the energetic 36.g4! would have sufficed to give me a draw (Stohl's move 36...Re7 is parried
by 37.d6! Rxe5 38.d7 )) , overlooking the reply 36...Re7! with the unexpected idea of 37.Bxg7
(or 37.Bf4 Kc8!) 37...Kb7! and ...Bc2. ] 36.Bxg7 Bxd5 'The pieces are now equal, but the
resulting endgame with opposite-colour bishops and passed pawns on opposite wings is
exceptionally interesting.' (Razuvaev) 37.Be5 [Black would have been caused more problems
by 37.Bf8! (to restrain the newly-created passed a-pawn) 37...Bxa2 38.g4 , but after 38...c5
39.h5 Kc7 he would nevertheless have gained a draw ( 40.Rf6 Rf7 ).] 37...Bxa2 38.h5 [The
assessment of this double-edged position as equal would not have been changed by 38.g4 Kb7
39.g5 a5 . As they used to say in the old days, one passed pawn advances more quickly than
two...] 38...Kb7 39.g4 [More ambitious than 39.Rg6 a5 40.h6 a4 41.Rg7 Rxg7 42.Bxg7 Bb1

43.c4 Kc6 44.Bd4 with a draw.] 39...Bc4 [In New in Chess Timman gave a different move order
– 39...a5 40.g5? (40.Rf6! is equal) 40...Bc4 , which, however, does not play any particular role.]
40.g5? The last move in time-trouble before the control. [In my pursuit of an ephemeral win I
missed clear equality: 40.Rf6 a5 41.h6 a4 42.Rf4 b5 43.Rd4! Rxd4 (43...Re7 44.Bg7) 44.Bxd4
Bd3 45.c4 with a drawn ending with opposite-colour bishops.] 40...a5 41.g6 (threatening Rh7)
41...Rd5! I overlooked this move, [expecting only 41...a4? 42.Rh7 , when in the event of
42...Kc6? (while after 42...Rxh7 43.gxh7 a3 44.h8Q a2 45.Qg7 a1Q+ 46.Kh2 Black is a pawn
down, but with drawing chances) 43.Rxd7 Kxd7 44.Bf4 a3 45.Bc1 a2 46.Bb2 Bd3 (46...Ke7
47.h6) 47.Kf2 Ke6 48.Ke3 White has a won bishop endgame.] 42.Bf4 [42.Bg7? Rf5! and ...a5-a4
would be fatal.] 42...Rf5 [After 42...a4? 43.Rh7 Rc5 44.Bc1! White would have stopped the
pawn, whereas now ...a5-a4 is threatened.] 43.Bg3 a4 44.Rh7 Rc5 45.h6 [But not 45.Bd6? a3!
.] 45...a3 'A fascinating pawn race!' (Razuvaev) 46.Re7! White finds the only moves to save
himself, by succeeding in returning his rook to a1 via the defended e1–square. [If 46.Rd7? ,
then 46...a2 47.Rd1 Rb5 48.h7 Rb1 and wins.] 46...a2 47.Re1 Rh5 48.h7 Bd3 49.Ra1 [49.Be5?
Rxe5! .] 49...Bxg6 50.Rxa2 Rxh7 The situation has cleared and an objectively drawn endgame
has been reached. Even so, it is not very pleasant to be a pawn down, and I was already
thinking that Timman would drag out the game until the adjournment, and then there would
be a lengthy resumption. However, all the problems were resolved surprisingly easily. 51.Kf2
Rd7 52.Ke2 Rd5 53.Ra4! [53.Rd2 Rc5! – Timman.] 53...c5 54.Rf4 Be8 [54...Rd3 55.Rf3 .] 55.Ke3
Rd1 56.Re4 Bb5 57.c4! (an important defensive resource: it is difficult for Black to exploit the
weakness of this pawn) 57...Bd7?! [After 57...Ba4! 58.Ke2 Rd7 , intending ...Bb3 and ...Ka6-a5-
b4, it was still possible for Timman, if not to win, then at least to torment White.] 58.Ke2 (the
king breaks across to the queenside) 58...Rg1 59.Re7! Rxg3 Apparently my opponent imagined
that there might be chances of success in the rook endgame. [True, little was also promised by
59...Kc6 60.Rg7; or 59...Kc8!? 60.Bf4! (but not 60.Rg7?! Be6! .) ] 60.Rxd7+ Ka6 61.Kd2 Ka5
62.Rd6 . Draw: there is no way for Black to improve his position. ½–½

Raymond Keene, who had arrived from London, declared: 'What a game! Sacrifices and
counter-sacrifices. The spectators were staggered'. Both players were left unhappy with the
outcome: each, not without justification, thought that he had missed good winning chances.

In the 5th game, after choosing the Exchange Variation of the Spanish, Timman obtained
somewhat the better endgame and he methodically built up his initiative. To maintain the
balance, I gave up the exchange for a pawn and with difficulty gained a draw on the 35th

The score became 3-2, and to win the match it was sufficient for me to draw the 6th,
concluding game. Ideally I should have played solidly, but everyone was expecting a grand
battle - not without reason were there 3,000 spectators at the match that day! And the game
turned out to be very sharp and entertaining, abounding in mutual blows.

Game 11
G.Kasparov-J.Timman, Training Match, 6th Game, Hilversum 22.12.1985
Queen's Indian Defence E13

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.Bg5 Bb7 6.e3 h6 7.Bh4 g5 8.Bg3 Ne4 9.Qc2 [9.Nd2 –
Game No.9.] 9...Bxc3+ 10.bxc3 d6 11.Bd3 f5 12.d5 Nc5 13.h4 g4?! 14.Nd4 Qf6 15.0–0 Nxd3?!
A novelty, but Adorjan and I had prepared for it. [Instead of 15...Nba6 – Game No.10.]
16.Qxd3 e5 17.Nxf5 [Of course, not 17.Nb5? Na6 .] 17...Bc8 At this point Timman looked very
content. [After sacrificing a pawn, Black eliminates the errant knight and would appear to
obtain a comfortable game: for example, 17...Bc8 18.e4?! Bxf5 19.f4 (19.exf5 Nd7! Miles-
Timman, Cologne 1986) 19...gxf3! 20.Rxf3 Nd7 21.Rxf5 Qg7 and ...0–0–0. But all is not so

simple...] 18.Nd4?! 'A piece sacrifice with the aim of improving the pawn structure!'
(Razuvaev). [Alas, this pretty idea contained a flaw. It is a pity that a 'simple' transposition of
moves did not occur to me – 18.f4!! Qxf5 (18...Bxf5 19.e4; or 18...gxf3 19.Rxf3 is no better)
19.e4 and fxe5 with crushing threats: Black is a piece up, but he does not manage to get
developed (Miles-Beliavsky, Tilburg 1986).] 18...exd4 19.cxd4 I thought that White had
excellent compensation for the piece in the form of his mobile pawn mass, but in fact the
position is completely unclear. 19...Qf5? Confusion: the queen voluntarily moves to where it
can be attacked, and White's idea proves fully justified. [19...Nd7?! was also not altogether
accurate on account of 20.f4! followed by e3-e4.; The correct reply was 19...0–0! 20.-- a),
since now if 20.f4 (?!) there is the undermining move 20...c6! .; b). And also after 20.f3 Qg7
Black has no reason for complaint: 21.Kh2?! (b)or 21.fxg4 and now not 21...Rxf1+ (b)but
simply 21...Nd7! ) 22.Rxf1 Bxg4 (Gligoric) because of 23.c5!) 21...Nd7 22.e4 Nf6 23.f4
(Gligoric-Popovic, Budva 1986) 23...Nh5!; c)20.e4 is preferable, but then after 20...Qg6 Black
has an extra tempo compared with the game.; ] 20.e4 Qg6 'For the moment the advance of
the dangerous pawn mass is halted, but for how long?' (Razuvaev). 21.Qc3 [21.Qa3 was also
not bad, but on c3 the queen is more solidly placed.] 21...0–0 22.Rfe1 A useful preparatory
move. [22.e5 at once would have allowed the freeing 22...dxe5 23.dxe5 Bf5! 24.e6 Na6 and
...Nc5.] 22...Nd7 [In the event of 22...Na6 23.e5 dxe5 (with the idea of 24 dxe5 Bf5!) there is
the good reply 24.Rxe5! Bf5 25.Rae1 Rae8 26.c5 , exploiting the remote position of the knight
on a6.] 23.e5 A critical position, in which I rated my chances very optimistically, in view of my
powerful centre and the weak defences of the black king. 23...Bb7?! (an unfortunate idea)
[23...Ba6 was better.] 24.Re3?! With the obvious intention of Rae1, [but after 24.exd6! cxd6
25.Re7 Black would immediately have encountered problems.] 24...b5? In my view, Timman
underestimated White's threats. The undermining of the pawn centre, planned with 23...Bb7,
creates fatal weaknesses in Black's own position. [Razuvaev preferred 24...Rf5 (?!) 25.Rae1
Nf8 , but after 26.exd6 cxd6 27.Qa3 White has very unpleasant pressure.; Apparently the best
move was the patient 24...Rae8 (c8).] 25.Qa5! (the attack changes direction!) 25...Nb6
[25...dxe5? 26.Qxc7 .] 26.Qxb5 Qc2 Black was relying on this thrust, but it leads to disaster.
However, what should he play instead? There is the impending breakthrough c4-c5. [If
26...Rad8 (e8), then for the moment 27.Rae1! .; If 26...Bc8 , then 27.e6! is strong; or if
26...dxe5 – 27.Rxe5! .; And even the cleverest defence – 26...Rac8!? (with the idea of 27
Rae1?! c6!) would have left Black with few saving chances after 27.exd6 cxd6 28.Re7! Rf7
29.Rae1 Qf5 30.R1e4 Rxe7 31.Rxe7 Ba8 32.Rxa7 Nxc4 33.Rxa8 Rxa8 34.Qxc4 .] 27.exd6 cxd6 [It
turns out that the alternatives are bad: 27...Qxc4? 28.Qb1! (an unexpected retreat: Black
perishes on 'his own' light squares!) 28...Rf7 29.Qg6+ (not my Informator suggestion 29.Re7
(?) because of 29...Qxd4!) 29...Rg7 30.Re8+ Rxe8 31.Qxe8+ Kh7 32.Qe4+ Kg8 33.Qe6+ Kh7
34.Qf5+ Kg8 35.Re1 with a mating attack; or 27...Nxc4 28.Qxb7 Nxe3 29.dxc7! Nf5 (Razuvaev)
30.Kh2! Qe4 (or 30...Nxg3 31.fxg3 and the passed pawns are irresistible) 31.Rb1 .] 28.Re7
[28.Rae1!? also came into consideration (after 28...Nxc4 29.R3e2 the bishop on b7 is lost); as
did 28.c5!? and now 28...Qc4 (or 28...dxc5 29.dxc5 Nc4 (29...Nxd5 30.Re2!) 30.c6 Bxc6
31.dxc6 Nxe3 32.fxe3 , and Black cannot hold out) 29.Qb1! Qxd5 30.Qg6+ Kh8 31.Qxh6+ Kg8
32.Qg6+ Kh8 33.Be5+! (in my old analysis I did not see this move, and I thought that White had
only perpetual check) 33...dxe5 34.Qh5+ Kg8 35.Qxg4+ Kh7 36.Qh5+ Kg7 37.Rg3+ Kf6
38.dxe5+ Ke7 39.cxb6 with a mass of pawns for the piece plus an attack. However, the move in
the game is also good.] 28...Rf7 [The attempt 28...Bc8 29.Qc6 Bf5 (29...Qg6 30.c5!) , did not
work on account of 30.Qxd6! Nc8 31.Qxh6 Nxe7 32.Be5 Kf7 33.d6 and wins.] 29.Rxf7
[29.Rae1!? was an alternative, with the idea of 29...Qxc4? (or 29...Raf8 30.Rxf7 Rxf7 31.Re6)
30.Qb1! .] 29...Kxf7 30.c5 [30.Re1!? Qd3 31.Bxd6 Bxd5 32.a4 ( 32...Qxc4 33.Qb1! ) would also
have been decisive, but in the fifth hour of play the idea of 30 c5 attracted me by its
comparative simplicity.] 30...Qc4 [After 30...Bxd5 , apart from the normal human continuation
31.cxb6 (there is the murderous computer move 31.Re1! ) 31...Qe4 32.Qf1 Bc6 (or 32...axb6
33.Re1! Qxd4 34.Qb5) 33.d5 Qxd5 34.Rd1 Qe4 35.f3 gxf3 36.gxf3 Qe3+ 37.Kh2 with a winning

attack.] 31.Qb1! The decisive stroke. 'White's entire play is based on this tempo!' (Razuvaev).
31...Qxd5 At last Black has created a threat – mate by ...Qxg2, but with checks White picks up
the g4-pawn and defends against the mate. [If 31...Kg7 there is a win by both 32.h5 (or 32.c6
Ba6 33.h5 Qd3 34.Qb4 Rd8 35.c7 Rd7 36.Bxd6 etc) 32...Qxd5 33.Qg6+ Kh8 34.Qxh6+ Kg8
35.Qg6+ Kh8 36.Qf6+ Kg8 37.f3] 32.Qh7+ Kf6 33.Qxh6+ Kf7 Here I got the feeling that Timman
was hoping for a draw by perpetual check, which would give me victory in the match. For an
instant the position still seemed not altogether clear, but... only for an instant. 34.Qf4+ Kg8
[34...Ke8 35.Re1+ .] 35.Qxg4+ Kh7 [35...Kf7 was worse in view of 36.Bxd6 Rg8 (36...Nc4
37.Re1) 37.Qf4+ and f2-f3.] 36.Bf4! A strong move, which gave me pleasure. All the threats are
parried (36...Rg8 37 Bg5), and White has a decisive advantage. 36...Bc8 37.Qg3 [Or 37.Qe2 Bb7
38.Qd3+ .] 37...dxc5 [If 37...Nc4 there would have followed 38.h5! Bf5 (38...Qxh5 39.Re1!)
39.Qg5 Re8 40.cxd6 , but now the rook is simply brought up.] 38.Re1! Qf7 39.Qg5 Nd5
(defending against Re7, but the attack again changes direction) 40.Qh6+ Kg8 41.Re5 . My
favourite construction has been achieved: all my pieces are in the attack, while nearly all the
opponent's army is stuck on the opposite wing and is unable to help its king. 'A brilliant finale
to a brilliant match!' (Razuvaev). 1–0

This spectacular win in the last game gave me victory by the convincing score 4 2. A worthy
debut by the young world champion! That same evening the closing ceremony took place, and
at night I urgently annotated the 1st game for the New in Chess magazine.

The next morning, 23rd December, at a two-hour press conference in Amsterdam, I spoke out
openly against the staging of the return match which was being imposed on me, and was being
planned by FIDE - an unprecedented occurrence! - for between 10th February and 21st April
1986. The arguments regarding this raged for a whole month. I was supported by the recently
founded European Chess Union and by grandmasters Timman, Larsen, Najdorf, Ljubojevic,
Seirawan and Short (who declared that 'the world championship cycle stinks'). But my
opponents firmly stood their ground, again threatening me with disqualification, and on 22nd
January Karpov and I reached a compromise to play this match no earlier than the end of the

Immediately after the Amsterdam press conference I flew to Hamburg and the same day I gave
an eight-board simultaneous display with clocks - against a professional team of the West
German Bundesliga! The score was 3½-4½ (more details of this and other unusual displays will
be given in the next volume). The next day I celebrated the Catholic Christmas as a guest of a
new friend, the Hamburg journalist and computer expert Frederic Friedel (we met during my
match with Hübner), and then I also gave a simul' in Munich...

In the spring of 1986 active preparations for the return match began. Nikitin: 'Beginning in
March, for three months and with only small breaks, the training base in Zagulba became the
home for our team.' At the same time, despite all the anxiety and being so busy, with the help
of Trades Union officials I resurrected the Botvinnik school, in which at one time I had begun
my way into top-class chess. Now it became known as the 'Botvinnik-Kasparov school', and in
April 1986, in Petsov on the outskirts of Moscow, Mikhail Moiseevich and I held its first
session, in which 13 young talents from the far corners of the country took part.

Prior to a battle for the world title I was not eager to play in tournaments, and I followed my
usual mode of preparation: why change a successful habit? In the middle of May I flew to Basel
in Switzerland, where I played another six-game training match, already the fourth that year,
with one of the top western grandmasters - this time the 31-year-old Englishman Tony Miles.

Razuvaev: 'The choice was not accidental and it did not surprise the chess world: Miles was the
leader of a powerful new wave, which had made England a chess power after an interval of
nearly a century. Like many young people of the 1960s and 70s, he was sympathetic to the
'hippy' movement. Eccentricity became his style both in life, and in chess (thus at the 1980
European Team Championship he inflicted a sensational defeat on Karpov, after replying to 1
e4 with the audacious 1...a6?! - G.K.). Tony plays sharply, powerfully, forcefully and without
prejudice, with something of a disregard for analytical principles and chess convention.
Everything is absolutely concrete - this is his creative credo. Journalists have given him the
nickname 'street-fighter', and Miles greatly values his status, missing no opportunity to
support the fame of chess nihilism. In September 1985, on the advice of a doctor, he
exchanged his chair at the chess table for a special couch, and from a prone position he won
the super-tournament in Tilburg'. More precisely, in 1985 Miles shared 1st-3rd places with
Korchnoi and Hübner, but in 1984 in Tilburg he had taken 1st place on his own.

Again I played a training match almost 'at sight', relying merely on the solid preparation for my
battles with Karpov. I was again helped by Andras Adorjan. In the 1st game Miles drew the
black pieces, and he endeavoured to avoid a theoretical duel.

Game 12
G.Kasparov-A.Miles, Training Match, 1st Game, Basel 15.05.1986
Czech Benoni A56

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 A surprise, although Miles often employed 'quirky' openings. Here I thought:
now it will be a Benko Gambit... 3.d5 e5 No, a set-up known as the Czech Benoni. This suited
me: I loved to seize space, and back in my youth I played a mass of training games on this
theme with Nikitin. If the opponent wanted to neutralise my preparation and create a position
that was unfamiliar to me, this was not the best decision. 4.Nc3 d6 5.e4 Be7 6.Nf3 0–0 7.h3!
Nbd7 8.g4 Setting up a typical bind. Razuvaev: 'With the centre closed, White begins a flank
attack. This method of play became popular after Spassky's games with Ghitescu (Beverwijk
1967) and Petrosian (9th match game, Moscow 1969).' 8...Ne8 [White is also slightly better in
the event of 8...a6 9.a4 Rb8 10.Bd3 Re8 11.Rg1 Nf8 12.g5 N6d7 (12...Nh5 13.Nxe5!) 13.h4 Ng6
14.Ne2 Bf8 15.Qc2 (Christiansen-Miles, New York 1987).] 9.Bd3 a6 [With the knight on e8,
9...g6 is logical, although after 10.Be3 (or 10.Bh6 Ng7 11.Qd2) 10...Ng7 11.Rg1 Nf6 12.Qe2
(Ivanchuk-Seirawan, Reykjavik 1990) all the same White has more space.] 10.a4 Continuing to
play for a bind. [10.Qe2 is also played, not weakening the queenside in anticipation of 0–0–0.]
10...Rb8 [Here too the traditional 10...g6 is more appropriate, but Miles has altogether
decided to avoid playing ...g7-g6 and ...Ng7, and instead is intending to transfer his e8-knight
to support ...b7-b5.] 11.Rg1! Nc7 12.b3 [12.a5!? came into consideration, with the idea of
12...b5 13.axb6 Rxb6 14.b3 and Bc2, killing Black's counterplay on the b-file and retaining good
prospects of an attack on the kingside. However, I had a more double-edged plan.] 12...Re8
13.h4!? b5! [Black avoids blundering a piece ( 13...Bxh4? 14.g5 ); and he does not wish to
conduct a tedious defence after 13...Nf8 14.h5 and g4-g5; or 13...h6 14.h5! Nf6 (14...f6 15.a5
and Nh4) 15.g5 Nxh5 (15...hxg5 16.Nxg5) 16.gxh6 g6 17.Nxe5 Bf6 18.Qxh5 Bxe5 19.Bd2 b5
20.Rb1 etc.] 14.g5!? Not responding to Black's actions! [Miles was counting on 14.cxb5 axb5
15.axb5 (15.Nxb5 allows the freeing 15...Nxd5! 16.exd5 e4 17.Bxe4 Bf6 18.Nxd6 Bxa1 19.Kf1
Nf6! 20.Nxe8 Nxe4 21.Bf4 Rb4 (or 21...Nc3 ) ) 15...Nf8 16.h5 Bd7 17.Qe2 Qc8 18.Nd2 Qb7
19.g5 Nxb5 with counterplay against the b3-pawn. But my unexpected reply confused him.]
14...Nf8?! A passive reply in anticipation of cxb5, but White avoids this. [14...bxc4! was
correct: 15.Bxc4 (or 15.bxc4 a5 16.h5 Na6 17.Nb5 Nb4 with complicated play) 15...f5 16.Bd3
(16.exf5 e4! 17.Nxe4 Nb6; or 16.gxf6 Nxf6 17.Ng5 Bf8 is no better) 16...fxe4 17.Bxe4 Rb4 .]
15.h5 Bd7 [15...bxc4!? 16.Bxc4 Nd7 .] 16.Nh2 [16.Nh4!? .] 16...bxc4 Alas, with a delay.
[However, 16...b4 17.Ne2; or 16...bxa4 17.Nxa4 a5 18.Bc2 also gave no joy.] 17.Bxc4! This is

the whole point: now, when the black knight has gone to f8 and the ...Nd7-b6 manoeuvre has
become more difficult, [the capture with the bishop promises more than 17.bxc4 Rb4 .]
17...f5 (a risky undertaking, but what else was there to do?) 18.exf5 Bxf5 19.Nf1?! 'The white
knight heads for an excellent post in the centre' (Razuvaev), [although 19.Ng4 ; or 19.Qf3 and
Ng4 was more energetic.] 19...Qd7?! [The bishop should have been preserved from exchange
– 19...Bc8 .] 20.Ne3 (now Qf3 is threatened) 20...e4 21.Bb2 [Even better than 21.Nxf5 Qxf5
22.Qg4 , transposing into a favourable ending.] 21...Bd8 22.Ne2?! [22.Qc2! Qf7 23.0–0–0 Nd7
24.f4! , depriving Black of his last hopes of counterplay, would have led to a strategically won
position. But I decided 'simply' to bring up my knight to the main battlefield.] 22...Qf7 23.Nf4
What tells, apparently, is the anxiety typical of the first game. [An advantage would still have
been retained by 23.Ng3 Bd7 24.Qd2 , although after 24...Qf3! (preventing queenside
castling) 25.Be2 Qf4! with the threat of ...Bxg5 (25...Qf7?! 26.Ra3! is less good) , nothing
terrible for Black is apparent – thus after 26.Bxg7?! Kxg7 27.Nef5+ Qxf5 28.Nxf5+ Bxf5
29.Qc3+ Re5 the white queen and pawn are hardly any stronger than the three minor pieces.]
23...Bc8 The knight at f4 is under attack! The rest took place in an escalating time scramble.
24.Rg4!? This spectacular move stunned Miles. 'In recent times Kasparov has begun often
employing Petrosian's favourite weapon – the positional exchange sacrifice.' (Razuvaev).
[Double-edged play would have resulted from 24.g6 Qxf4 25.gxh7+ Kh8! 26.h6 (or 26.Rxg7 Bf6
(to my Informator suggestion 26...Re5 27.Bxe5 dxe5 there is the good reply 28.Rg3) 27.Rf7
Nxh7 28.Bxf6+ Nxf6 29.Rxc7 Qe5) 26...Qxh6 27.Bxg7+ Qxg7 28.Rxg7 Kxg7 .] 24...Qe7? [In the
event of 24...Bxg4? 25.Qxg4 none of the following lines will do: 25...-- a)25...Nd7 26.g6;
b)25...g6 26.hxg6 hxg6 (b)26...Nxg6? 27.Nf5) 27.0–0–0; c), or 25...Qe7 26.Ne6 (c)or 26.Nh3!?
Qd7 27.Nf5 Re7 28.g6 and wins) 26...Nfxe6 27.dxe6 d5 (c)27...Nxe6 28.g6) 28.Nxd5 Nxd5
29.Bxd5 c4 30.Bf6!; ; Only the computer move 24...g6! (for a human it is hard to decide on
such a weakening of the long diagonal) offered a defence: 25.hxg6 (or 25.Qd2!? gxh5 26.Ne6
Ncxe6 27.dxe6 Bxe6 28.Qc3 Ba5! 29.Qxa5 Bxc4 30.Qc3 Ng6 31.Rf4! Rxb3! 32.Rxf7 Rxc3
33.Rg7+ Kxg7 34.Bxc3+ Kg8 35.Nxc4 d5 with sufficient compensation for the piece) 25...Nxg6!
26.Nh5 Ne5 27.Bxe5 Rxe5 28.Rf4 Qg6 29.Nf6+ Kg7 , and White has only perpetual check (
30.Nh5+ etc.).] 25.Rg3! Qf7 26.Nfg2! Na8 Again it is hard to offer Black any good advice. [Thus
26...g6 is fatal in view of 27.hxg6 hxg6 (or 27...Nxg6 28.Qh5 and 0–0–0) 28.Qd2 .] 27.a5? An
impulsive time-trouble move. [After 27.Be2! , with the threat of g5-g6, White would have
retained a big advantage.] 27...Nc7 (the knight has acquired the loop-hole b5-d4) 28.Nh4 Nb5
29.g6 [The activated knight should have been exchanged – 29.Bxb5! Rxb5 30.Nc4 (30.Kf1 c4!) ,
after which 30...e3! is acceptable: 31.fxe3 Qf4 32.Qf3 Qxf3 (or even 32...Qxh4 33.Nxd6 Re7)
33.Nxf3 Bc7 with a complicated endgame.] 29...hxg6 30.Nxg6? Allowing the knight to go to d4.
[30.hxg6?! Qf4 was also unfavourable for White ( 31.Neg2 Qh6 32.Bc1 Qh8! ); but 30.Bxb5!
would still have maintained equality: 30...Rxb5 (30...Bxh4 31.hxg6 Nxg6 32.Bxe8 Qxe8 33.Rg2
Bh3 (33...Ne5 34.Ra4) 34.Rh2 Nf4 35.Rxh3! etc) 31.Nxg6 Bf6 32.Qc2 .] 30...Bf6? An answering
error in time-trouble. [After 30...Nd4! the picture would have changed. 31.Kf1 (?) (and after
31.Bxd4 cxd4 32.Qxd4 Bf6 33.Qd1 Bc3+ 34.Ke2 Black could have won the exchange for a pawn
or retained his powerful dark-square bishop and an unpleasant initiative) , given by me in
Informator, is bad because of 31...Nxg6 32.hxg6 Qf4 33.Qh5 Qh4 and wins. ] 31.Bxb5! (finally it
dawned on me) 31...Rxb5 [31...Bxb2? 32.Bxe8 .] 32.Qc2 Bxb2? [After 32...c4! 33.Nxc4 Rxd5
Black would have been okay] 33.Qxb2 Nxg6 The assessment of the position has again swung in
White's favour. [33...c4 was too late in view of 34.Nxc4 e3 (34...Rxd5 35.Nf4!) 35.fxe3 Nxg6
36.hxg6 Qxd5 37.Qh2 Qh5 38.Qxh5 Rxh5 39.0–0–0! .] 34.Rxg6 Re5 35.0–0–0! 'It is not often
that you see castling on the 35th move!' (Razuvaev). In an instant White evacuates his king
from the centre and includes his queen's rook in the attack. I think that in the fourth hour of
play Miles simply forgot that this move was possible. 35...Rxh5 [35...Kh7 36.Rdg1 was no
better.] 36.Rdg1 Rh7 [36...Rb7 37.Rxg7+! (37.Rxd6!?) 37...Qxg7 38.Rxg7+ Rxg7 39.Qf6 Rh2
40.Kb2 Bd7 41.Ka3 followed by Qxd6 was also hopeless for Black.] 37.Nc4 [37.Rxd6!? Qf8
38.Rf6 Qd8 39.d6 would have won more simply.] 37...Qf4+ 38.Kb1 Rb7 39.Nxd6?! This move

suggests itself, [but 39.Rxd6 Rf7 40.Ka1! was correct.] 39...Bf5! A brilliant defensive resource –
a desperate and pretty attempt in time-trouble. 40.Rf6 [Also after 40.Nxb7 Bxg6 41.Rxg6 e3
42.Rg1 Qe4+ 43.Ka2 Qxd5 44.fxe3 Qxb7 45.Qe5 Qf7 46.Rg5 Rh1 Black could have fought for a
draw.] 40...Qh2? [With his last move before the time control Miles misses the only saving
continuation 40...e3+! 41.Nxf5 exf2 when 42.Rxg7+! Rhxg7 43.Ne7+ Rbxe7 44.Rxf4 Re1+!
45.Ka2 f1Q 46.Rxf1 Rxf1 would have led to an endgame with queen against two rooks, with an
extra passed pawn for White. My Informator moves 47.Qc2 (e5) (but also 47.d6 Kf8 with the
same idea of ...Rgg1 would have left Black with real saving chances) , are inaccurate in view of
47...Rgg1! .] 41.Rg3 (now it is all over) 41...Qh1+ 42.Ka2 1–0

A grand battle, despite the numerous mistakes. However, it was not this game that was Miles's
undoing, but the 2nd. In it he gained an advantage from the opening (a mixture of the
Grünfeld and the Slav), and for a long time he persistently played for a win, but after the first
time control, by then in an equal position, he overstepped the mark and again lost.

Whereas in the first two games there was a roughly equal battle, in the 3rd, after employing a
highly unusual defence (1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 c5 3 d5 b5 4 Bg5 Ne4) and obtaining an acceptable
position, Miles lost very quickly. In the 4th game with White, to avoid the worst, he made a
quick draw. But in the 5th, where at the board I devised a novelty in the Botvinnik Variation,
Miles resigned as early as the 28th move, and in the 6th he was unable to refute my defective
novelty in the Meran (15...Kf6?!), making a serious mistake on the 18th move and resigning on
the 30th.

After the last game Miles thanked me for the lesson, and in an interview he lamented: 'I
thought I would be playing the world champion, not a monster with a hundred eyes!'Yes, the
win of the match by 5½-½ (of course, not without some good fortune) created a furore, and
resembled the times of Fischer.

In Basel another noteworthy event occurred. The young founders of ChessBase, Frederic
Friedel (the driving force behind the project) and Matthias Wüllenweber (an expert
programmer), demonstrated the very first version of a chess database, created for the Atari ST
computer. This program greatly appealed to me, and from 1987 I began using it, foreseeing
that soon it would conquer the entire chess world.

Then in Frankfurt I gave a clock simul' against the West German junior team (6½-1½), in
Barcelona I received my third chess 'Oscar' (for 1985), and then I dropped in at London to see
how things were going with regard to the organisation of the first half of my return match with

On returning to Baku, I immediately shut myself away in Zagulba and concentrated entirely on
preparing for the main match. I was diverted only by the defence of my long-prepared diploma
work (earlier, because of the unlimited match, I had been given academic leave of absence),
and on 30th June 1986 I received the diploma after completing my course at the Azerbaijan
Institute of Foreign Languages.

There was little time left, but my team of trainers worked most productively. Remembering
the sad fate of Smyslov and Tal, and with Botvinnik's steely training behind me, I carried out an
enormous amount of preparatory work and I sensed that I had reached a new level of chess

1.4. Third Match with Karpov

Return match for the world championship Kasparov - Karpov (London - Leningrad, 26 July - 9
October 1986): 12½-11½.

My third match with Karpov began with three draws. In the 4th game I gained my first win, of
which I had every right to feel proud - unusual decisions in the middlegame and the confident
conversion of an advantage in the endgame enabled a complete game to be produced.

Game 13
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 4th Game, London 04.08.1986
Nimzo-Indian Defence E20

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Nf3 Once again, for the eighth time in our games, the Nimzo-
Indian Defence occurred, and each time in reply to 4 Nf3 Karpov chose a new variation. Such a
persistent avoidance of a theoretical duel was something of a record in matches for the world
championship. In this game my opponent finally employed a continuation which was soon to
kill my desire to play 4 Nf3 (and I would switch to 4 e3 or 4 Qc2). However, during the course
of the match the solidity of Black's defences was not yet obvious either to me or to Karpov.
4...c5 [4...Ne4 – Game No.6.] 5.g3 cxd4 For the first time Black chooses the main line of the
variation, [instead of 5...Ne4 (Game No.3); 5...Nc6 6.Bg2 Ne4 (Game Nos.65, 69 in Kasparov vs.
Karpov 1975–1985),(or 6...d5!? (Game No.2). To judge by Karpov's determined appearance,
there could be no doubt that here he had done some serious preparation.) ] 6.Nxd4 0–0 7.Bg2
d5 As we will see, in the third match Karpov played completely differently compared with the
second match, discarding the largely mythical idea of winning the white c-pawns (which
possessed him during the entire second half of our previous match), in favour of free
development. 8.Qb3 At that time this continuation was full of fresh ideas. [Two other moves –
8.0–0 dxc4 9.Qa4; and 8.cxd5 Nxd5 9.Bd2 (or 9.Qb3 – were hardly analysed at all in our
preparations.) ] 8...Bxc3+ 9.bxc3 The critical move: White spoils his own pawn structure in the
hope of exploiting dynamic factors, the pair of powerful bishops, and the threat of Nb5. [I took
notice of 9.Qxc3 -- a)9...e5 10.Nb3 only in the late 1990s.(a)I will explain the story of how
Black's next move came into being. Initially 10.Nb5 dxc4 was successfully played here, but
then Georgian players introduced 11.Qa3! , and after the game Georgadze-Polugayevsky
(Moscow 1983), which went 11...Nc6 12.Be3! Be6 13.Rd1 Qb8 14.0–0 Rd8 15.Qc5 Rxd1?!
16.Rxd1 a6 17.Nd6 Nd7 18.Qa3 Qc7 19.Qa4! , the evaluation of the variation changed in favour
of White.) ; b). Black had to seek a new way – 9...dxc4 , but here too 10.Qa3! is possible. It was
around this gambit idea that the main discussion developed. For the pawn White has sufficient
compensation, and games played in 1983-86 confirmed this assessment. The character of the
play appealed to me and could hardly satisfy Black.; c). Therefore in our preparations for the
match we looked for other ways of defending. Black's main problem is the development of his
queenside pieces, and an attempt to solve it suggested to us the idea of exploiting the
development of the queen at b3 by 9...Nc6! 10.cxd5 Na5! . But my opponent too was not idle,
especially since one of his trainers, Ubilava, was the 'godfather' of the 8 Qb3 variation.; ]
9...Nc6! Karpov made this move with lighting speed – apparently, with the aim of stunning me.
Obviously, the searches for the strongest continuation for Black had proceeded in parallel...
10.cxd5 Na5! The crux of Black's idea. [10...exd5 is weaker on account of 11.0–0! Re8 (or
11...h6 12.Bf4 (Jobava-Sturua, Tbilisi 2001) with pressure) 12.Bg5 (and if 12...Nxd4 13.cxd4
Rxe2 , then 14.Rfe1 ).] 11.Qc2 Nxd5 'With the c-file open and his pieces able to develop
normally, the weak c3-pawn alone should be sufficient for Black to gain good counterplay', I
wrote in Revolution in the 70s. Of course, we realised that this position looked very promising
for Black, and yet we had found a possibility of fighting for the initiative. 12.Qd3!? [After 12.0–
0 Black has two good replies: 12...Bd7 (and 12...Qc7!? 13.e4 (13.Re1 Bd7! 14.e4 Nb6 15.e5 Ba4
16.Qd3 Qc4 17.Qf3 Nc6 18.Re4 Nxd4 19.Rxd4 Bc6 with equality (Nakamura-Kramnik,
Dortmund 2011)) 13...Nb6 (Barlov-Stone, New York 1988), when if 14.f4 there is 14...e5

15.fxe5 Nac4 .It was this that gave rise to the unusual move 12 Qd3, but a mistake had crept
into our home analysis.) ] 12...Bd7? It is paradoxical, but true: this seemingly natural move,
which in our preparations we considered to be best, turned out to be second-rate, [and the
genuinely best reply 12...Qc7! , which was subsequently recommended by the commentators,
was not seriously examined by us! 13.-- a). After briefly assessing 13.Nb5 Qc4? (a)but later it
transpired that 13...Qc6! is far stronger, and if 14.Ba3 (a)nothing is also given by 14.a4 a6!
(Shchukin-Aseev, St. Petersburg 1998); a)or 14.0–0 Bd7 15.a4 a6! 16.e4 axb5 17.exd5 Qc4) ,
then 14...Rd8 15.e4 a6 (a)or 15...Nc4 with equality (Izeta-Smagin, Novi Sad 1986)) ) 14.Qxc4
Nxc4 15.Bxd5 exd5 16.Nc7 , we did not return again to this line; b). Soon in a game with Suba
(Dubai Olympiad 1986) I again chose this variation, hoping that my opponent would not know
the latest recommendations, but in fact he replied 12...Qc7!. I decided to avoid 13 Nb5 Qc6!
and take a risk (how else could I play for a win?): 13.0–0 Bd7 14.e4?! (b)14.Bxd5 exd5 15.Bf4
was more solid) 14...Nb6 15.f4 , but after 15...e5 16.fxe5 Nac4 17.g4?! Nxe5 18.Qg3 Nbc4
19.Bf4 Qc5 I ended up in an inferior position and gained a draw literally by a miracle.; ] This
was a very important moment in the match. 12...Qc7, solving all Black's problems, was
overlooked not only by me, but also by Karpov! We both considered the best move to be
12...Bd7, after which White retains the initiative. I was unaware of the improvement right up
to the time when we moved to Leningrad, when an exchange of information occurred and one
of the trainers said to me: 'In that line there is 12...Qc7 13 Nb5 Qc6!'. To all appearances,
Karpov also did not immediately learn about this: right to the end of the London half of the
match – in the 8th, 10th and 12th games – he avoided the Nimzo-Indian Defence, answering 1
d4 only with 1...d5.Thus we proceeded along parallel analytical courses. Our 'dispute by
correspondence' in this game concluded two moves later... 13.c4 [13.Ba3?! is weaker in view
of 13...Re8 .] 13...Ne7 [Also after 13...Nb6!? 14.c5 Nbc4 15.0–0! Rc8 16.Nb3 Bc6 17.Bxc6 Rxc6
18.Rd1 White would have had somewhat the better chances: for example, 18...Qxd3 19.exd3
Ra6 20.Rb1 Nxb3 21.Rxb3 Na5 22.Ra3 Nc6 23.Rxa6 bxa6 24.Be3 etc.; In our home analysis we
had planned 13...Ne7 14.Ba3 here, in order after 14...Rc8 (but at the board I saw that 14...Re8
15.0–0 Nec6! was far stronger – Black provokes favourable simplification ( 16.Nf3 e5 17.Qc3
Be6 ). Karpov was clearly aiming for this position! What was I to do? After some thought, I
devised a stronger move) , to play 15.Rc1 'with advantage'.] 14.0–0! For the present it is too
early to bring out the bishop to the vulnerable a3-square – it may also be developed at g5 or
e3, and it may also remain at c1.From this moment on both players began acting
spontaneously. And Karpov also sank into thought: Black has certain problems to solve.
14...Rc8?! This first move of his 'own' is seemingly the most consistent (it attacks the c4-pawn),
but it is not the best. [If 14...Nec6 both 15.Nf3 (and 15.Nb3 are unpleasant, since after
15...Ne5 16.Qc3 Nexc4 17.Nxa5 Nxa5 18.Bb2 f6 19.Rfd1 White has strong pressure for the
pawn) 15...e5 16.Ng5 .; The best chance was 14...Bc6!? (Gufeld). It is psychologically not easy
to present the opponent with two bishops against two knights – 15.Nxc6 (in my preparations
for the 8th game I was intending 15.Ba3! Bxg2 16.Kxg2 , retaining the initiative ( 16...Rc8
17.Nb5! )) 15...Nexc6 , but here the knights coordinate well, whereas it is hard for the white
bishops to expand their influence (say, 16.Bf4 Qxd3 17.exd3 Rfd8 18.Rfd1 Rd7 and ...Rad8). ]
'Everywhere White is a little better' – this was the conclusion we arrived at in London, not yet
being aware of 12...Qc7!, and we tirelessly analysed the position after 14 0–0. However, it was
never to occur again... 15.Nb3! A very strong move, forcing the opponent to agree to the
exchange of the weak c4-pawn for the pawn on b7. At the same time White not only rids
himself of a chronic weakness, but also evicts the black knight from c4 with an unusual bishop
manoeuvre. 15...Nxc4 16.Bxb7 Rc7 17.Ba6! [The light-square bishop has fulfilled its mission on
the long diagonal ( 17.Be4?! Ng6 does not give anything real), and it changes direction. The
knight at c4 is an outpost for Black, with which his hopes of counterplay are associated. From
this point on, with every move White confronts his opponent with direct threats.] 17...Ne5
[The little tactical trick 17...Ng6 (with the idea of 18 Bxc4 Ne5) runs into a strong rejoinder –
18.f4! .] 18.Qe3 [18.Qd6 also came into consideration, although it is unclear whether White

achieves anything after 18...N7g6 : for example, 19.Be3 Bc8 20.Qxd8 Rxd8 21.Bb5 Ne7 with a
slightly inferior, but perfectly tenable ending for Black.] 18...Nc4? A tempting, but in fact faulty
move. [The correct continuation was 18...f6! 19.Ba3 Bc8! , when White's advantage would
have remained minimal: 20.Rfd1 Nd5 21.Bxf8 Qxf8 22.Rxd5 exd5 23.Bxc8 Qxc8 24.Qd2 Rd7
etc. ] 19.Qe4! [Not 19.Bxc4 Rxc4 20.Qxa7 Nd5 with adequate counterplay. Now, though,
White achieves his aims: he either drives the knight from c4, or forces the exchange of queens
under very favourable circumstances.] 19...Nd6 [It is hard to say whether 19...Qa8 was any
better: 20.Qxa8 Rxa8 21.Bf4!? e5 22.Bg5 f6 23.Rfc1 fxg5 (23...Be6 24.Be3 leads to the loss of
material) 24.Rxc4 Rxc4 25.Bxc4+ Kf8 26.Nc5 , also with a great advantage.] 20.Qd3! The three-
move dance has concluded to White's clear advantage: the queen has returned with honour to
its chosen square, whereas the black knight is not destined to do the same. Apparently Karpov
was hoping to solve his problems thanks to the symmetry of the pawn structure, but he is let
down by his 'hanging' knights. 20...Rc6 [20...Bc8 21.Ba3 Bxa6 22.Qxa6 was no better for Black.]
21.Ba3 Bc8 [The attempt to exploit the 'errant' bishop on a6 does not succeed: 21...Qb6?
22.Nd4! Qxa6 23.Nxc6 and wins. ] 22.Bxc8 Ndxc8 23.Rfd1!? A psychologically unpleasant move
for Black – after the forced exchange of queens the rhythm of the play changes. [23.Qf3
suggested itself, but after 23...Qb6 24.Rfd1 Rd8! for the moment no direct gain is evident. In
the given specific instance it is with the queens off the board that the main drawback of Black's
position becomes apparent – the insecure, poorly coordinated placing of his pieces. It is very
important that White is able to gain complete control of the d-file.] 23...Qxd3 24.Rxd3 Re8
[After 24...Ra6 25.Nc5 Rc6 26.Rb1 Re8 27.Rb7; or 24...Rc2 25.Rd7 Re8 26.Nd4 Rc4 27.Rc1
Rxc1+ 28.Bxc1 Nd5 29.Bd2 , despite the pawn symmetry and the limited material, White has
considerable winning chances.] 25.Rad1 f6? Again seemingly the most natural move (creating
an escape square for the king), but it does not take into account the concrete nuances of the
position. For ...e6-e5 Black lacks just one tempo, and he loses. [25...h6?! 26.Rd8! was also bad
for Black; but 25...g6 would have enabled him to avoid loss of material – 26.e4 Rc2 27.Rd8
Rxd8 28.Rxd8+ Kg7 29.Re8 with the hope of exploiting the weakness of the dark squares:
29...Rc7 (or 29...f5!? 30.Nd4 (30.Bxe7 Kf7! is unclear) 30...Rc4 31.Nf3 fxe4 32.Ng5 , and
although Black is far from lost, his position is very dangerous) 30.e5! Rd7 31.Nc5 Rc7 32.Ne4 .;
That is also the case after 25...Nd5!? 26.e4 Nf6 (26...Nc3? 27.Rd8) 27.Nd4 (27.Rd8!?) 27...Rc4
28.f3 Nb6 29.Nb5 Rc2 30.Rd8 h6 31.Rxe8+ Nxe8 32.Rd8 Rc8 33.Rxc8 Nxc8 34.e5 etc.But here it
would still have been possible to defend, whereas now the issue is decided unexpectedly
quickly.] 26.Nd4! Rb6 [Or 26...Ra6 27.Nb5 .; The sacrifice of the e-pawn by 26...Rc4 27.Nxe6
Nc6 28.Nf4 was no worse than the game continuation, where the a-pawn was lost, but for the
moment it is not clear why Black should give up material.] 27.Bc5 Suddenly it transpires that
the rook has nowhere to go. 27...Ra6 [It was hardly any better to play 27...Rb2 28.Nxe6 Nc6
(but not 28...Rxa2? 29.Nc7 Rf8 30.Re3; or 28...Rxe2 29.Nc7 Rf8 30.Rd7 etc) 29.Nd8 Nxd8
(29...Ne5 30.R3d2) 30.Rxd8 Rbxe2 31.a4 a5 32.R1d7 , when the a5-pawn is doomed.] 28.Nb5!
Rc6 [28...Rxa2? was bad in view of 29.Nc7; but 28...Nd5 29.e4 Rc6 30.Bxa7 Ndb6 was
somewhat more resilient.] 29.Bxe7! Another non-routine decision, based on concrete
calculation. Now Black loses a pawn in an unfavourable situation. 29...Nxe7 [29...Rxe7?
30.Rd8+ Kf7 31.Rxc8 .] 30.Rd7 White creates the threat of 31 Nd6 and occupies the 7th rank,
retaining a positional advantage and winning material. The fate of the game is decided; with
desperate resistance Black merely succeeds in postponing his defeat. 30...Ng6 [If 30...Nc8 ,
then 31.Rc7 (as is the immediate 31.Nxa7 Rc2 32.Rb1 Rxa2 33.Nxc8 Rxc8 34.Rbb7 with a won
double-rook ending: 34...Kh8 35.Rxg7 Rxe2 36.Rxh7+ Kg8 37.h4 etc) 31...Rb6 32.Nxa7 is strong
( 32...Nd6 33.a4 ).] 31.Rxa7 Nf8 32.a4 Rb8 (temporarily preventing a4-a5) 33.e3 h5 34.Kg2 e5
[Or 34...Rc2 35.Rd3! .] 35.Rd3! [With the idea of Rc3 ( 35.Rd6 Rc2 is less convincing). The
exchange of a pair of rooks deprives Black of his last saving hopes.] 35...Kh7 [After 35...Ne6
there would have followed 36.Rd6 Rxd6 37.Nxd6 – Black is unable both to defend his
weakened kingside, and to prevent the advance of the a-pawn: 37...Rb2 38.a5 Ra2 39.a6 Kh7
40.Re7 Nd8 41.Rd7 Nc6 42.Ne8 Rxa6 43.Rxg7+ Kh6 44.Rf7 .] 36.Rc3 Rbc8 (forced) 37.Rxc6

Rxc6 38.Nc7 [38.a5 Ne6 39.h4 was also good.] 38...Ne6 39.Nd5 White activates his pieces, at
the same time creating tactical threats. 39...Kh6 40.a5 e4 Here the game was adjourned.
41.a6! The sealed move.[Black resigned without resuming: 41.a6 Rd6 (41...Nc5 42.Rc7) 42.Ne7
Rd1 43.Ra8 Kh7 44.a7 Ra1 45.Nc6 Ng5 46.Re8 and wins. Times: 2.39–2.29.] 1–0

I consider that this game, conducted consistently and energetically by White from beginning to
end, was one of the best that I played in my long-running duel with Karpov.

Alas, the scores were immediately levelled: in the 5th game, with a series of strong moves, my
opponent refuted the audacious plan prepared by me, which was based on an analytical
mistake. This opening disaster strengthened an unpleasant feeling, which first arose during the
4th game: that my opponent was following a parallel analytical course, as if he knew
beforehand what variation I was intending to employ. I became nervous and was tormented by
my doubts, since I trusted my trainers completely...

The psychological initiative in the match passed to Karpov, but after two fighting draws in the
6th and 7th games it again began to swing my way. The intensity of the struggle in these
encounters was high, but even so it was nothing compared with what happened in the
following game. One grandmaster said: 'The excitement of the time scramble gave me
stomach cramp. It was a ferocious game, but in the complications Kasparov's nerves proved

Game 14
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 8th Game, London 15.08.1986
Queen's Gambit Declined D35

1.d4 d5 I wanted again to test the solidity of the Nimzo-Indian Defence, but from that day
Karpov switched to his reserve opening (the improvement on the 4th game, 12...Qc7!, had not
yet come within our field of view). 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Be7 When it was necessary to hold out, the
Queen's Gambit also served me faithfully, but by the irony of fate, the overall result was in
favour of my opponent. By contrast, Karpov, who experienced greater problems with Black,
had until this game successfully avoided defeat. 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Bf4 A position from the
previous game has been reached – the opening duel is continued with a change of colours!
This occurred several times in our matches, but in the given instance the two players quickly
avoided 'repeating the past' and events developed far more dynamically than before. 5...Nf6
'My' move from the previous match, [instead of the approved 5...c6 6.e3 (Game No.73 in
Kasparov vs. Karpov 1975–1985)(or 6.Qc2 (7th game).) ] 6.e3 0–0 In the words of Pushkin 'We
all learned little by little...' In the 22nd game of the 1985 match Karpov had the white pieces
here, but now he is ready to defend the same position with Black. [Ubilava's gambit line –
6...Bf5 (with the idea of 7.Qb3 Nc6 8.Qxb7 Nb4 9.Bb5+ Kf8 ) had not yet acquired its 'seal of
approval'. Karpov was to employ it only in the 12th game of our next match, and after a quick
draw it began to come into fashion. Although Timoshchenko and I were already looking at
6...Bf5 in 1986, our team focussed on 6...0–0. This move also attracted my opponent.] 7.Bd3 It
is logical not to allow the development of the black bishop to f5. [In the event of 7.Nf3 c5?!
(but after 7...Bf5! his position is quite acceptable, and it is unlikely that Karpov was concerned
about the plan with 8.h3 and g2-g4, which he himself chose in the 22nd game of the previous
match) 8.dxc5 Bxc5 9.Be2 Nc6 (9...d4) 10.0–0 Black is left with an 'eternal' weakness at d5 (
10...d4? 11.Na4 ).In the 20th game he had prevented ...Bf5 by 6 Qc2 0–0 7 e3, weakening his
control over d4, which allowed the typical 7...c5! 8 dxc5 Bxc5 9 Nf3 Nc6 10 Be2 d4 etc.With 7
Bd3 White has also weakened his control over d4, which the opponent immediately exploits by
initiating play in the centre.] 7...c5 (this was planned by me back in the 1985 match) 8.Nf3 It is
advantageous for White to maintain the tension in the centre. [After 8.dxc5 Bxc5 he is unable

to prevent the simplifying ...d5-d4, for example: 9.Nf3 Nc6 10.0–0 d4 11.Na4 Bd6! 12.Bxd6
Qxd6 13.Nxd4 (13.exd4 Bg4; or 13.Nc3 Bg4 14.Nb5 Qd7 15.Nbxd4 Nxd4 16.exd4 Rad8
regaining the pawn with full equality) 13...Nxd4 14.exd4 Bg4! .; In our preparations we initially
studied 8.Nge2!? Nc6 9.0–0 . Now after 9...cxd4 (we preferred 9...Bg4 (even after 8 Nge2)
10.dxc5 Bxc5 11.h3 Bxe2 12.Nxe2 (12.Qxe2 d4!) 12...Bd6 , when after 13.Qb3 (Wojtaszek-
Fressinet, Wijk aan Zee 2011) Black has a slightly inferior but acceptable position, since it is
difficult for White to prevent ...d5-d4) 10.Nxd4 Nxd4 11.exd4 White has a small but enduring
plus.; We also analysed 8.Nf3 Nc6 9.0–0 c4 with the evaluation 'unclear', (and 9...Bg4 10.dxc5
Bxc5 11.h3 Bxf3 12.Qxf3 d4 13.Ne4 Nxe4 14.Bxe4 dxe3 , 'and Black is alright, since 15.Qh5
after 15...exf2+ 16.Kh1 f5 17.Bxf5 g6 18.Bxg6 hxg6 19.Qxg6+ gives only perpetual check.' Our
team analysis ended with this conclusion, and later Timoshchenko and I looked at these
positions separately. In the last variation Gennady found a serious improvement for White,
about which no one knew, apart from the two of us.) ] 8...Nc6 [8...b6 is more passive: 9.Ne5!
Bb7 10.Qf3 , Tal-Abramovic, Moscow 1982.] 9.0–0 [As has already been said, the exchanges
9.0–0 cxd4 10.Nxd4 Nxd4 (10...Bg4?! is weaker: 11.Qa4 Nxd4?! 12.Qxd4! Qd7 13.h3 Be6
14.Rfd1 Rfc8 15.Be5 , Kasparov-Tal, Skelleftea 1989) 11.exd4 favour White: for example,
11...Qb6 (or 11...Bg4 12.Qb3) 12.Re1 Be6 13.Na4 Qa5 14.a3 and b2-b4 with unpleasant
pressure.] 9...Bg4?! This move surprised me: in contrast to my opponent, I knew that it did not
promise Black an easy life. [9...c4 is better, stabilising the situation in the centre and
transferring the battle to the wings: 10.Bc2 (or 10.Bb1 Bg4 11.h3 Bh5 12.g4 Bg6 13.a3 Bxb1
14.Rxb1 Qd7 also with unclear play) 10...Bg4! 11.h3 Bh5 12.g4 Bg6 13.Ne5 Bb4! with the idea
of ...Bxc3, relieving the pressure on the d5-point (Vyzhmanavin-Timoshchenko, Irkutsk 1986).]
10.dxc5 (a forced exchange; it is impossible to maintain the d4-point) 10...Bxc5 [Nothing is
changed by 10...d4 11.Ne4! Nxe4 12.Bxe4 Bxc5 13.h3! , and since after 13...Bh5 (there only
remains 13...Bxf3 14.Qxf3 , transposing to the game) 14.Rc1 Bb6 15.g4 Bg6 16.Bxc6 bxc6
17.Nxd4 White has an obvious advantage.] 11.h3! Bxf3 [Maintaining the pin by 11...Bh5 was
not possible: 12.g4! Bg6 13.Bxg6 hxg6 14.g5 with the win of a pawn – 14...Nh5 (e4) 15.Qxd5
.; The retreat 11...Be6 would have led to a standard position with an isolani, where White has
gained a tempo with h2-h3 ( 12.Rc1! Janowski-Schlechter, Ostend 1905), but the move in the
game gives White the advantage of the two bishops.] 12.Qxf3 d4 For the moment all in
accordance with our analysis. After making this thematic advance, Black can normally regard
the future with equanimity. It would appear that this is also the case here, especially since it is
not apparent how White can gain any perceptible benefit from his two bishops. [After 12...d4
13.exd4?! Nxd4 14.Qxb7? Ne6! the bishops come under attack, and one of them is lost.
However, by exploiting tactical nuances associated with the presence of his light-squared
bishop, White avoids simplification and retains the initiative.] 13.Ne4! After this move Karpov
sank into thought for the first time. I was very pleased to have gained such a promising
position, and I was hoping to employ our home preparation. 13...Be7 (23) [The ex-world
champion's sense of danger did not betray him – at the last moment he avoided the 'drawing
possibility' 13...Nxe4 14.Bxe4 (threatening Bxh7+) 14...dxe3? (if 14...Qb6 15.Rac1; but the
gambit line 14...Bb6!? 15.Bxc6 bxc6 16.Qxc6 Rc8 is more resilient) 15.Qh5 (later 15.fxe3!? was
also successfully employed) 15...exf2+ 16.Kh1 f5 17.Bxf5 g6 (17...Rxf5 18.Qxf5 is insufficient,
since the f2-pawn inevitably falls) 18.Bxg6! hxg6 19.Qxg6+ Kh8 , for which he was unanimously
– and unjustly! – criticised by the commentators. 20.-- a). In fact White does not give perpetual
check, but includes his rook in the attack – 20.Rad1 (it was this that Timoshchenko discovered)
20...Qf6 21.Qh5+ Kg8 22.Rd5 Rf7 23.Bg5 Qh8 24.Qxh8+ Kxh8 25.Rxc5 Re8 26.Bd2 and g2-g4
with good winning chances; b), or, even stronger, 20.Qh5+ Kg8 21.Qg4+! Kh8 (b)21...Kh7
22.Rad1 Bd4 23.Be3 Qf6 24.Bxd4 Nxd4 25.Rxd4 Rf7 26.Qh5+ Kg8 27.Rg4+ Rg7 28.Qd5+ ,
winning the f2-pawn and the game) 22.Rad1 Qe7 (b)22...Qf6 23.Rd5) 23.Rd5! (b)but not
23.Rd7? Qxd7 24.Qxd7 Rxf4 25.Qxb7 Re8 26.Qxc6 Re1 with a draw) 23...Rf7 24.Bg5 Qf8
25.Qh4+ Kg8 26.Bh6 Be7 27.Qg3+ Rg7 28.Bxg7 Qxg7 29.Qb3 .; ; But now it was my turn to
think: how should White continue, to avoid his initiative petering out? In the event of 13...Be7

14.exd4 (White is slightly better after 14.Nxf6+ Bxf6 15.e4 Ne5 16.Bxe5 Bxe5 17.Qg4 (17.Qe2
Qg5!) 17...Qc8!? (17...Qe7 18.f4! Yakovich-Timoshchenko, Barnaul 1988) 18.f4 Qxg4 19.hxg4 ,
but this simplifies the game too much) 14...Qxd4 15.Rad1 Rad8 there is nothing real. ] I wanted
more: to concentrate my forces in the centre, quickly complete my development and switch to
an attack on the kingside. With this aim a rook move to d1 suggests itself. And again there is
the eternal dilemma – which rook to place on this square, the queen's or the king's? Reckoning
that after 14 Rad1 White would create a powerful piece grouping, I decided to retain for my
rook on f1 the prospect of coming into play on the kingside. 14.Rad1 (22) [If 14.Rfd1 , then
14...Qa5 would lose its point (the a2-pawn is not hanging),(but 14...Qb6 would gain in
strength, since now after 15.Bd6 (g5) (while 15.Ng3 g6 is unclear (but not 15...Rfe8?! 16.Nf5!
Milov-Toth, Liechtenstein 1996) ) , Black equalises by 15...Nxe4! 16.Bxe7 (16.Qxe4 g6 17.Bxe7
Rfe8) 16...Nxf2! .) ] 14...Qa5 (30)The queen takes control of the fifth rank and, in addition, an
attack on the queenside pawns forms the basis of Black's counterplay. [Therefore 14...Qb6
also came into consideration, although after 15.Bd6! Nd5 (15...Nxe4?! 16.Bxe7!) 16.Ng5! Nf6
(16...Bxg5? 17.Bxf8 Nxe3 loses to 18 Bxg7! etc.) 17.Bxe7 Nxe7 18.Ne4 Black remains under
positional pressure.] 15.Ng3! (17)An unusual and, at first sight, strange idea – White removes a
piece from the centre. But he prepares an attack on the kingside, in which the rook at f1 will
come in useful. [The 'obvious' 15.Bg5 is parried by the accurate 15...Nxe4! 16.Qxe4 (16.Bxe7?!
Nd2!) 16...g6 17.Bxe7 Rfe8 18.b4!? (18.Qh4 Rxe7 19.exd4 Qb4! 20.Be4 Rae8 21.Bxc6 bxc6 is
equal) 18...Qc7! 19.b5 Rxe7 20.Qh4 dxe3! , with the idea of 21.bxc6 e2 (here the rook at f1
'comes in useful' to the opponent). ; However, White would have retained some advantage
with 15.Bc4!? Rad8 (or 15...Nxe4 16.Qxe4 Bf6 17.exd4 Rfe8 18.Qf3) 16.exd4 Nxd4 17.Nxf6+
Bxf6 18.Qxb7 , and Black still has to think about how to regain the pawn.] Thus the variation
from my old analysis employed by Karpov – 9...Bg4?! 10 dxc5 Bxc5 11 h3 Bxf3 turned out to be
dangerous for Black (perhaps even more dubious than 11...Be6). To avoid being 'burned alive',
he had to display miracles of resourcefulness. 15...dxe3?! [15...Qxa2 16.Nf5 Qd5! is safer –
after 17.Qg3 (17.e4 Qe6) 17...Nh5 18.Qg4 g6 19.Bh6 Rfe8 20.Be4 Qe6 21.Bxc6 Qxc6 22.Nxe7+
Rxe7 23.Qxd4 White's pressure is still tolerable.] 16.fxe3! [This cool-headed capture is more
accurate than 16.Nf5 , although even here after 16...exf2+ 17.Kh1! Black's defence is difficult:
17...-- a)17...Qxa2 18.Bh6!; b), or 17...Bc5 18.Nxg7!; c), while if 17...Rfe8 (Gutov-Rustemov,
Moscow 1999), then simply 18.Qxf2 with dangerous threats – 18...Ne5 19.Bxe5 Qxe5 20.Rde1
Qc7 21.Rc1! etc.; d). White is also better after 17...Rad8! 18.Bh6! Ne8 (d)18...Rd5? 19.Nxg7!;
d)or 18...Qe5!? 19.Bxg7 Nd4 20.Nxd4 Bd6 21.g3 Kxg7 22.Nf5+ Kh8 23.Rxf2) 19.Qe4 Rxd3
(d)19...Nf6 20.Qh4!) 20.Rxd3 Bf6 21.Be3 .; ] 16...Qxa2! A highly practical decision and one
typical of Karpov. It is not only a matter of the a2-pawn, but the choice by Black of the shortest
path to e6, where the queen will cement the defence and control the strategically important
e5-point. [Neither 16...Kh8?! 17.Nf5; nor 16...g6?! 17.Bh6 Rfe8 18.Ne4? was any good.]
17.Nf5 Qe6 (5) 18.Bh6! (17)It was hard to refrain from such a spectacular move, beginning a
direct attack on the king. [Besides, it would be a pity for White to exchange his fine knight,
which later might play one of the leading roles – 18.Nxe7+?! Nxe7 (18...Qxe7? 19.Bd6!)
19.Qxb7 , especially since after 19...Ng6 his advantage evaporates.] 18...Ne8 [For the moment
Black is not able to launch a counterattack: 18...Ne5? 19.Qxb7 gxh6 (or 19...Nxd3 20.Nxe7+
Kh8 21.Bxg7+ Kxg7 22.Nf5+ Kh8 23.Rxd3) 20.Qxe7 and White must win.] 19.Qh5! (6)The
danger approaches ever closer to the black king. [19.Be4 was much weaker on account of
19...gxh6 20.Bxc6 bxc6 21.Qxc6 Nd6! .] 19...g6! (5)The only sensible decision – Black sacrifices
the exchange, but retains a defensible position. [19...Nf6? 20.Qh4! Nd5 21.Nxe7+ Ndxe7
22.Bxg7! .] 20.Qg4 (5) 20...Ne5! (7)'An excellent post for the knight! The position begins to
stabilise: Black loses the exchange (the rook on f8 cannot leave its post), but the pawn plus
two nimble knights will give him definite counterplay.' (Gufeld) [The knight move is necessary,
since otherwise the white bishop switches to the a2-g8 diagonal with decisive effect: 20...Bf6?
21.Bc4 Ne5 22.Bxe6! Nxg4 23.Ne7+! Bxe7 24.Bxf8 , and 24...Nxe3 is not possible on account of
25.Rxf7! with inevitable mate; or 20...Nd6?! 21.Nxe7+ Qxe7 22.Qf4! , and if 22...Rfe8?! (or

22...Ne5?! there is the murderous 23.Bb1! and Ba2; and therefore Black has to give up the
exchange – 22...Rfd8 23.Bg5 etc.Thus, in a desperate situation, when to many it appeared that
Black's defences on the kingside would be quickly swept aside, Karpov displayed admirable
tenacity in defence and with a series of brilliant moves succeeded in parrying the first wave of
the attack.) ] 21.Qg3?! (11) [White's striving at all costs to decide the game by a direct attack
on the king diverts him from the correct path – 21.Nxe7+ Qxe7 22.Bxf8 Kxf8 23.Qf4 , winning
the exchange and taking the game into a technical phase (say, 23...Kg7 24.Be4 Nd6 25.Bd5
Rd8 26.Qd4 ), although the conversion of the advantage is not easy. However, here it would
have been easier for Black to take decisions...] 21...Bf6! (17)This cool-headed reply came at a
high price to Karpov: he now had just 12 minutes left on his clock. 22.Bb5?! (10) [After
22.Bxf8 Kxf8 23.Nd4 Qe7 24.Be4 Nd6 25.Bd5 Black has obvious compensation for the exchange
– control over a complex of dark squares, centralised pieces, and weak pawns to target on e3
and b2. At the board I came to the conclusion that I had incorrectly assessed my possibilities
on the previous move, when I assumed that the opposite-colour bishops would help the
attack: the black bishop is too strong! Even so, White would still have had some advantage –
even with the opposite-colour bishops he would have chances of converting the exchange
after e3-e4, b2-b3 and Nf3, with the exchange of one of the black knights (against Andersson
in Moscow 1981 I tried for a long time to win a far less promising position).] After 22 Bb5 the
chances become objectively equal, but an already tense situation is sharply inflamed. It was
important that by this point both players (especially Karpov) were seriously short of time. I
realised that such tactics were risky, but I intuitively relied on the activity of my pieces. The
initiative at any cost – this is the keynote of White's subsequent play! 22...Ng7! (5) 23.Bxg7
[23.Nd4 Qe7 would have signified the collapse of White's hopes.] 23...Bxg7 24.Rd6 Qb3
[24...gxf5? 25.Rxe6 fxe6 26.e4 was bad for Black.] 25.Nxg7 Qxb5 26.Nf5 [26.Nh5 is parried by
26...Nf3+! 27.Qxf3 Qxh5 with an easy draw.] 26...Rad8 On this move Karpov used nearly all of
his already little remaining time, leaving himself with just one minute for 14 (!) moves. It would
seem that he was looking for winning chances – and could not find any. [A draw would have
resulted from 26...f6 27.Nh6+ (27.Nd4? Qxb2) 27...Kg7 28.Nf5+ Kg8! (after 28...Kh8?! 29.Nd4
White has a dangerous initiative.) ] 27.Rf6 (8)At this moment I was convinced that the conflict
was not yet exhausted. The rook move, increasing the tension, was unpleasant for my
opponent, who was in desperate time-trouble. 27...Rd2 Intuitively Karpov makes a speculative
move, which in itself does not spoil anything – Black trains his fire on the second rank, hoping
to create counterplay against the white king. But, in readjusting to playing for a win, Black
wastes his last seconds of precious time. [27...Qxb2; 27...Rd7 28.h4! Qxb2; and 27...Kh8!? (the
safest) were all perfectly possible too.] 28.Qg5?! The only moment in the game when White
overstepped the mark. [The surest way of maintaining the balance was 28.b4 , removing the
pawn from attack and hindering the activation of the black queen.] 28...Qxb2?! Black chooses
the wrong time to treat himself to a second pawn. Apparently the absence of real threats
dulled Karpov's vigilance. [By 28...Kh8! 29.Qh6 Rg8 he could have gained an advantage, for
example: 30.-- a)30.Ne7 Qxb2 (a)30...Rg7!?) 31.Qg5 Rg7! 32.Re6! . A spectacular reply, but
after 32...Nc6! 33.Rxf7 (a)alas, 33.Nxc6? fxe6! 34.Nd4 is bad because of 34...h6! 35.Qxh6+
Kg8 36.Qg5 Rxd4 37.exd4 Qxd4+ 38.Kh1 Qd5 39.Qg4 Qe5) 33...Rxg2+ 34.Qxg2 Qxg2+ 35.Kxg2
Rxf7 36.Nxc6 bxc6 37.Rxc6 Kg7 38.e4 White has only one hope – to save himself in a rook
endgame where he is a pawn down; b)30.Nd6 Qd5! (b)30...Qxb2 is weaker: 31.Qg5 Rf8
32.Nxf7+) 31.Qg5 Rf8! (now ...Nf3+ is threatened) 32.h4 Rd1 33.Nxf7+ Nxf7 34.Qxd5 Rxd5
35.Rxf7 Rxf7 36.Rxf7 Rb5 37.Rf2 Kg7 , and again White has an inferior rook endgame.; ]
However, in time-trouble such as Karpov was experiencing, an objective assessment of the
position was out of the question: at any moment White might surprise his opponent with an
unexpected move. 29.Kh1! This is essential prophylaxis and a strong psychological resource:
White 'stands still' – perhaps Black can do the same? 29...Kh8? An instantaneous reply and the
decisive mistake. The prolonged and unpleasant pressure finally disconcerted Karpov, and with
his flag about to fall he was unable to adjust to the rapidly changing situation, although he

could still have fought for a draw: [29...Rd7 30.Nh6+ Kg7 31.R6f5! f6 32.Rxf6 Nf7 33.Qf4! Qb3
34.Kh2 b5 35.e4 Qc4 36.g4! b4 37.g5 (threatening 38 Rxf7+ and Qe5+) 37...Qc7 38.e5 b3 39.e6
, and White nevertheless wins; 29...a5 30.Ne7+ Kg7 (30...Kh8? 31.h4!) 31.R6f4! h5! 32.Qf6+
Kh7 33.Rd4! Rxg2 (33...Rxd4 loses after 34.exd4 Qxd4 35.Nxg6! fxg6 36.Qxf8 Qd7 37.Rb1!)
34.Qxe5 f6 35.Qf4 Qe2 36.Rdd1 Rf7 37.Nd5 Rg5 38.Qf2 (or 38.Rg1 with winning chances.) ]
30.Nd4! Cutting off the black queen from the defence of the knight. Such unexpected
'backwards moves' are most easily missed in time-trouble. Now White's threats are irresistible.
30...Rxd4 [Alas, 30...Re8 would have led to a catastrophe on the f7-point – 31.Rxf7 Nxf7
32.Qf6+ , and mate in three.] 31.Qxe5! The final touch.[Here my opponent played 31.Qxe5
Rd2 , but – the flag on his clock fell and he overstepped the time limit. However, after 32.Qe7!
Rdd8 33.Rxf7 Rxf7 34.Rxf7 Kg8 35.e4 (or 35.Kh2 and e3-e4 all the same White would have won.
Times: 2.26–2.30.) ] 1–0

I again took the lead: 4½-3½. Overstepping the time limit 10 moves before the control in a lost
position was a shocking occurrence, a unique one both in matches for the world championship
and in Karpov's career (in Linares 1993 he broke his anti-record - cf. Game No.98). It is hard to
over-estimate the psychological significance of the 8th game for the entire subsequent
struggle. It was a defining moment: in contrast to earlier times, Karpov was unable to punish
me for my audacious, provocatively sharp play.

In the 9th game I succeeded in quickly equalising, and Karpov immediately forced a draw by
repetition. In the 10th game the ex-champion had to conduct a gruelling defence right from
the opening until deep into the endgame, but in the end, not wishing to adjourn the game
immediately after the time control on move 40, with a hasty pawn advance I missed some
winning chances.

Naturally, everyone expected that in the 11th game there would be a large-scale battle:
playing White, Karpov was obliged to make use of his last real chance to level the scores in the
London half of the match. By that time the queues for tickets had turned into crowds, and in
Green Park an enormous demonstration board was set up for those who were unable to gain

Game 15
A.Karpov-G.Kasparov, World Championship Match, 11th Game, London 25.08.1986
Grünfeld Defence D93

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Bf4 Bg7 5.e3 c5 6.dxc5 Qa5 7.Rc1 dxc4 8.Bxc4 0–0 9.Nf3 Qxc5
10.Bb3 Nc6 11.0–0 Qa5 12.h3 Bf5 13.Qe2 [On this occasion, instead of 13.Nd4 Bd7! (9th
game), Karpov chooses the main, more critical continuation.] 13...Ne4 (otherwise White plays
e3-e4 and becomes active in the centre) 14.Nd5 [Nowadays 14.g4 is fashionable; and 14.Nxe4
is also played.] 14...e5 Practically forced, since 15 Bc7 was threatened. [A position known since
the early 1970s, and a key one for the evaluation of the entire variation. Before this 14...e5
15.Bh2 Be6! 16.Rfd1 Rfd8! 17.Qc4 Nf6 a double-edged struggle developed. In our preparations
we studied the continuation 18.e4 Rac8 19.Ng5 Nd4 20.Ne7+ Kf8 21.Nxe6+ Kxe7 22.Nxd8 Rxc4
23.Bxc4 from the game Smejkal-Saidy (Tallinn 1971), which went 23...Kxd8? (and before the
7th game we essentially killed the variation, by discovering 23...Nxe4 24.Nxf7 Qb6! 25.Nxe5
Bxe5 26.Bxe5 Nf3+! 27.gxf3 Qxf2+ with perpetual check (Timman-Ivanchuk, 5th match game,
Hilversum 1991); or 23...Ne8 24.Nxf7 b5! (Kramnik-Kamsky, Moscow 2008); 23...Bh6 is also not
bad (Huzman-Dorfman, Lvov 1988)) 24.b4! Qc7 25.Rxd4+ with advantage to White.] After the
14th move I was hoping that at last I would be able to surprise Karpov with something in the
opening. But, alas, in this match only he was able to spring any surprises... 15.Rxc6! A shock!
The main virtue of Karpov's novelty was that it was dramatic and unexpected (for which it

deserves an exclamation mark). It enables White to sharply change the character of the play,
disrupting both the material and the positional balance, while for the moment not straying
beyond the risk zone. But the main thing is that it proved profitable in the psychological sense:
I involuntarily took my opponent 'at his word' – just imagine, Karpov himself sacrifices the
exchange! 15...exf4?! (5) [Instinctively I did not like the fact that after 15...bxc6! 16.Ne7+ Kh8
17.Nxc6 (it is amusing that the line 17.Nxe5?! Bxe5 18.Nxc6 Qd2! , which was condemned by
me, nevertheless occurred later in the game I.Sokolov-Shirov, Wijk aan Zee 1999) 17...Qb6
18.Ncxe5 with pretty knight leaps White picks up two pawns. However, as the future showed,
18...Be6! gives Black good play – we arrived at this conclusion before the 13th game.
Everywhere White has sufficient compensation for the exchange, but also Black, whose pieces
are active, has no reason for complaint – his rooks may be able to display their strength. And it
was not without reason that Karpov never played 15 Rxc6 again, nor indeed the variation with
4 Bf4 Bg7 5 e3.After 15...exf4 Black also has a defensible position, and yet White now has clear
play with various threats, which at the board are not so easy to parry.] 16.Rc7! Be6
(37)Beginning an operation to drive out the rook from c7 [If 16...fxe3? 17.Qxe3 Be6 18.Qe1!
White has an obvious advantage: 18...Nc3 (or 18...Qxe1 19.Rxe1 Bxd5 20.Bxd5 Nd6 21.Bxb7)
19.Ne7+ Kh8 20.Rxc3 .] 17.Qe1! To judge by the speed with which Karpov made this move, this
was all prepared in his home laboratory and the unexpected queen manoeuvre was the point
of White's plan. [In the event of 17.Ne7+ Kh8 18.Rfc1 Bxb3 19.axb3 fxe3 20.Qxe3 Nd6 21.Qf4
Rad8 the chances are equal.; But not 17.Rxb7? Nd6! .] 17...Qb5 (5) [The only move: the
endgame after 17...Qxe1? 18.Rxe1 is obviously advantageous for White. Here, for the first
time, Karpov thought for a long time, which is quite understandable: the variation with the
exchange sacrifice only arose in the course of the match and there simply wasn't time to
analyse in detail all the subsequent complications.] 18.Ne7+! (27) 18...Kh8 19.Bxe6 fxe6 (7)
[After 19...Qb6? 20.Nd5 Qxe6 21.Nxf4 White's deeply entangled knight escapes, and he
retains a clear advantage: 21...Qxa2 (or 21...Qb6 22.Qc1) 22.Qb4 .] 20.Qb1 (5)An ambitious
plan of attack – the queen stands in ambush, aiming from afar at the g6-point and supporting
the rook on c7 and knight on e7. [But 20.Qc1! Qxb2 21.Qxb2 Bxb2 22.Rxb7 was objectively
stronger, with a somewhat better endgame.] 20...Ng5! (12)This is the safest, since it forces
drawing simplification. 21.Nh4! (28)To judge by the time spent by Karpov, my 20th move came
as an unpleasant surprise to him, but he nevertheless found the best practical chance,
guaranteeing White at least a draw by perpetual check. [After 21.Nxg5 Qxg5 22.exf4 (22.Qe4
fxe3 is equal) 22...Rxf4! 23.Rxb7 Raf8 (or 23...Bd4 Black has excellent compensation for the
pawn; but not Dlugy's move 23...Re8?! because of 24.Qc1! .) ] 21...Nxh3+ (12)I could not
resist the temptation to make this showy move, [although by 21...fxe3! I could have forced a
draw: 22.-- a): since Black is better after 22.fxe3? Nxh3+! 23.gxh3 Qg5+ 24.Ng2 Be5! 25.Nxg6+
(a)25.Rd7?! Qg3) 25...hxg6 26.Rcf7 Rxf7 27.Rxf7 Kg8!; b), all that remains for White is to give
perpetual check with the sequence 22.Nhxg6+ hxg6 23.Nxg6+ Kg8 24.Ne7+ etc.(b)24.Nxf8? e2
25.Re1 Rxf8 .) ; ] 22.Kh2! [The knight is taboo: 22.gxh3? Qg5+ 23.Ng2 f3 and wins. But now
Black has some problems.] 22...Qh5? A small mistake gives rise to a bigger one. [Here, to
maintain equality, Black by now had to display some resourcefulness: 22...Nxf2!? (a
provocative sacrifice) 23.Rxf2! (23.Nexg6+ hxg6 24.Nxg6+ (but not 24.Qxg6? Qe5!) 24...Kg8
25.Ne7+ with perpetual check) 23...fxe3 24.Rxf8+ Rxf8 25.Kh3 (again avoiding the draw after
25.Nhxg6+ ) 25...e2 (25...Qh5 26.Nexg6+ hxg6 27.Qxg6 Qh6 28.Re7 Kg8 29.Rxe6 Qxg6 30.Nxg6
Rf2 is also sufficient; or 25...Rf1 26.Rc8+ Bf8 27.Rxf8+ Rxf8 28.Nhxg6+ Kg7! 29.Nxf8 Qh5+) ,
nevertheless forcing White to sue for peace – 26.Nexg6+ (26.Qe4? Qh5 with the threat of ...g6-
g5) 26...hxg6 27.Nxg6+ Kg8 28.Ne7+; 22...fxe3! (an invitation for White to play 23 Nhxg6+)
23.Kxh3! hoping for 23...e2? (but the accurate 23...Rxf2! again forces 24.Nhxg6+ hxg6
25.Nxg6+ Kg8 26.Ne7+ Kh8! 27.Ng6+ with a draw) 24.Rh1! (24.Qe4? , with the mating idea
24...exf1Q? (loses to the very pretty stroke 24...Rf3+!! – a unique diversion sacrifice!)
25.Nhxg6+) 24...Qh5 25.Nexg6+ hxg6 26.Qxg6 Qe5 27.Rxb7 Rxf2 28.Rxg7 Qxg7 29.Kg3 with
winning chances. ] 23.Nexg6+ (4) [It would have been naïve to expect 23.Kxh3? g5! .; Which

knight White captures with on g6 is of no particular importance (slightly later he can reach the
same position), but even so 23.Nhxg6+ hxg6 24.Qxg6! was more precise, maintaining the
attacking construction with the knight on e7. 24...-- a). Now 24...Qa5? 25.Nd5 is bad for Black;
b), as are 24...Qe5? 25.Qg4 (b)or the brilliant 25.Kxh3 Rf6 26.Kg4!!) ; c), and 24...Qh7
(Polugayevsky) 25.gxh3! Rf6 26.Qg4 fxe3 27.fxe3! .; d). The only defence is 24...Rf5! , although
after 25.Qxh5+ Rxh5 26.gxh3 fxe3 27.Ng6+ Kg8 28.fxe3 Rg5 (d)28...Bxb2?! 29.Rg1!) 29.Rg1
Rxg1 30.Kxg1 Bxb2 31.Rxb7 Bf6 followed by ...a7-a5 and ...Rc8 Black faces a difficult fight for a
draw in an ending a pawn down.; ] 23...hxg6 Another critical moment. 24.Qxg6? (3)An obvious
oversight, overlooking my reply. [24.Nxg6+ Kg8 25.Ne7+ Kh8 (25...Kf7? is bad because of
26.Nf5+ Kf6 27.Nxg7 Qe5 (or 27...Qh4 28.g3! Qh6 29.g4! and Nh5+) 28.Qh7!) 26.Qg6! was
correct, transposing into the advantageous position which could also have arisen from 23
Nhxg6+.] 24...Qe5! (3)The only reply, but an adequate one. Black eliminates all the danger, and
it is now White who has to play accurately. 25.Rf7?! (41)This move came as a complete
surprise to me. [My calculations involved White's numerous other possibilities: 25.Rfc1 fxe3+
26.Kxh3 exf2 27.Qg4! Kg8 (or 27...Qe3+!? 28.g3 Qh6 with the idea of a counterattack by ...Rf6
and ...Rg8) 28.Nf3 (28.Ng6? loses to 28...Qe3+ 29.g3 f1Q+! 30.Rxf1 Rxf1) 28...Qf6 29.Kg3 Rad8
with equality.; not 25.Rxg7? fxe3+ and ...Qxg7; 25.Qc2 fxe3+ 26.Kxh3 Kg8 27.f4 (27.Rxb7 Rad8)
27...e2 28.Re1 Rxf4 29.Rxe2 Qh5 30.g3 Rxh4+ 31.gxh4 Qf3+ 32.Kh2 Qf4+ with perpetual check;
25.Rxb7 Nxf2! 26.Nf3 Qf6 27.Qh5+ Kg8 28.Rxf2 fxe3 29.Re2 Rab8 with equality.] Now,
however, the initiative passes to Black, and he is the one who is thinking of winning. Why did
Karpov spend so much time and still commit an oversight? Perhaps he was reproaching himself
for his mistake on the previous move... 25...Rxf7! (13) 26.Qxf7 Ng5! (forcibly transposing into
a favourable endgame) 27.Ng6+ [27.Qxb7? fxe3+ .] 27...Kh7 28.Nxe5 Nxf7 29.Nxf7 Kg6! It is
probable that this important move was also overlooked by Karpov (not surprising in such a
tense battle), [and that he was expecting only 29...fxe3 30.Ng5+ Kg6 31.Nxe6 with equality.]
30.Nd6 fxe3 (the bishop, which for a long time has been asleep, finally wakes up) 31.Nc4!
Already the only move: White must get rid of the insidious pawn on e3. [After 31.f4? Rd8; or
31.Nxb7? Rf8 32.Nc5 (32.Kg3 Be5+) 32...Bxb2 33.Ne4 Bd4 it would have become a powerful
passed pawn.] 31...exf2 (6) 32.Rxf2 b5 33.Ne3 a5 [33...Rd8 34.Re2 was no better.] 34.Kg3 (8)
34...a4 35.Rc2 Rf8 36.Kg4 (5) 36...Bd4 (7) 37.Re2 Bxe3?! (9)With this exchange, which
effectively signifies an agreement to a draw, I hurried to secure victory in the London half of
the match (after all, in the 12th game I had the white pieces). [I should have displayed greater
persistence, although with accurate play White would still have gained a draw: 37...e5 38.g3
Rf7 39.Nd5 Rf1 40.b3! (40.Nc7?! is weaker: 40...b4 41.Nb5 Kf6 42.Rd2 Bc5) 40...Rc1 (or 40...a3
41.Rc2 Kf7 42.Nc7 b4 43.Nd5) 41.Rh2; 37...Rc8!? 38.Kf4 Bg7 39.Ke4 (39.Rd2!?) 39...Rd8 40.g3
Rd4+ 41.Kf3 Kg5 42.Rc2 Rb4 43.Nd1! (but not 43.Rc5+? Kg6 44.Rc6 Rxb2 45.Rxe6+ Kf7 46.Rb6
Bd4! 47.Rb7+ Ke6 48.g4 Bxe3! 49.Kxe3 Kd6 and wins) 43...Bd4 44.Nc3 Kf6 (44...Kf5 45.g4+; or
44...Bxc3 45.bxc3 Rc4 46.Ke3 Kg4 47.Kd3 Kxg3 48.Re2) 45.Nd1 e5 46.Re2 Ke6 47.Rc2 .] 38.Rxe3
Rf2 39.b3 [39.Rxe6+ Kf7 40.Rb6! Rxb2 41.a3 would also have done.] 39...Rxg2+ 40.Kf3 Rxa2
41.bxa4 . The resources are exhausted. 6-5! Times: 2.27–2.26. ½–½

The organisers of the London half of the match put up a special prize from the firm Save and
Prosper (£10,000 in gold sovereigns) for the best of the 12 games. The jury was made up of
members of the English team, headed by Tony Miles. By awarding this prize to both players for
the 11th game, the English displayed their customary tact and political correctness, once again
confirming their neutrality. And as a result Karpov and I each received 64 gold sovereigns from
the time of Queen Victoria!

After a quiet draw in the 12th game the match moved on to Leningrad, where a week later the
13th game took place. Although it also ended in a draw, it was a fighting, tense game, and it
set the tone for the second half of the match.

The next few games showed that Karpov was aiming at any cost to seize the match initiative.
Behind on points and with his unprecedented opening preparation, he was induced into
extremely risky and vigorous action. This was most certainly apparent in 14th game.

Game 16
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 14th Game, Leningrad 08.09.1986
Ruy Lopez C92

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 [I was intending once again to test Black's defences in the Petroff Defence –
against 2...Nf6 (6th game) a new conception with 3.d4 had now been prepared. But Karpov
pleasantly surprised me...] 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0–0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0–0 9.h3 The
classical Spanish, that inexhaustible mine of original strategic plans, subtle positional
manoeuvring, swift attacks and counterattacks, was Karpov's favourite opening. Since his
youth he felt confident in it, irrespective of what colour he was playing. The range of openings
played in our games was quite diverse, but up until then in the Spanish I had not managed to
win: in three games I achieved highly promising positions, but they all ended in draws, and one
game I even lost. Therefore this next dispute was of a crucial nature, and we had prepared
very seriously for it. 9...Bb7 10.d4 Re8 11.Nbd2 Bf8 12.a4 The main line; [12.a3 – Game No.8.]
12...h6 13.Bc2 One of the tabiyas simultaneously of two variations – the Smyslov and the
Zaitsev. 13...exd4 [In the 9th game of the 1985 match Karpov chose the solid but passive
13...Nb8 14.Bd3 c6 , but now he goes in for the most topical and sharp continuation: Black
concedes the centre, obtaining in return the b4-square for his knight, and the possibility of
beginning active play on the queenside and then attacking the opponent's pawn centre.]
14.cxd4 Nb4 15.Bb1 c5 The main reply, [although we also already had experience of playing
the variation with 15...bxa4 (Game No.69). ] 16.d5 (to fight for an advantage, the centre has to
be closed) 16...Nd7 Hoping to exploit the position of the knight on b4 to undermine the centre
by ...f7-f5, or, after ...c5-c4, to occupy the d3-point. [After 16...g6 17.Nf1 (Sax-Greenfeld,
Lucerne Olympiad 1982) ; or 16...bxa4?! 17.Rxa4 (Grünfeld-Frey, Lucerne Olympiad 1982) it is
more difficult to create counterplay.] 17.Ra3! Preparing for ...f7-f5 and the switching of the
rook to the kingside. [The routine 17.Nf1?! prevents the plan with ...c5-c4 and ...Nc5, but
encourages 17...f5! 18.exf5 Nf6 (Gavrikov-Razuvaev, 52nd USSR Championship, Riga 1985, De
Firmian-Beliavsky, Tunis Interzonal 1985).] 17...c4 [17...g6 is weaker: 18.Nf1 Bg7 19.a5!
(Gufeld-Timoshchenko, Kislovodsk 1982).; In our 1990 match Karpov was to try against me the
alternative 17...f5 (Game No.74).Of course, the move ...c5-c4 has a drawback – White obtains
the d4-square for his knight, but also Black gains the opportunity of invading at d3.] 18.axb5
(15)A new idea, found in preparation for the match: the knight will go to d4 with gain of
tempo, by threatening the b5-pawn. [At that time the experience with this variation was
limited to the game A.Sokolov-Psakhis (Volgograd 1985), where after 18.Nd4 Ne5 (18...Qf6! –
Game No.17) 19.axb5 Qb6 20.N2f3 Nbd3 21.Be3 Nxe1 22.Nxe1 Qc7 a complicated battle
developed.] 18...axb5 19.Nd4 Rxa3!? An unexpected reply, which – and this was also
psychologically important – was made instantly. [We had looked at a different pawn sacrifice
– 19...Ne5 20.Rxa8 Qxa8 21.Nxb5 (Anand-Kamsky, 7th match game, Las Palmas 1995); but we
considered it insufficient and concluded that Black should go in for 19...Qb6!? 20.Nf5 . 20...--
a). Now 20...Ne5?! is dangerous for him: 21.Rg3 g6 22.Nf3 Ned3 23.Be3! (a)if 23.Qd2 , then
23...Nxe1 (a)but not 23...Bxd5? 24.Nxh6+! Anand-Adams, San Luis 2005) ) 23...Qd8 24.Bxh6
Qf6 (a)24...Nxe1 25.N3h4!) 25.N3h4! Bxd5 (a)or 25...Nxe1 26.Bg5! Qxb2 (a)26...Qh8 27.Bd2!)
27.Nxg6 fxg6 28.Bh4! with crushing threats) 26.Bd2! (Kotronias-Berend, Heraklion 2007).; b).
However, after 20...g6 21.Nf1! Rxa3! (b)only not 21...gxf5? 22.Rg3+ Kh8 (b)or 22...Kh7 23.Qh5
Ne5 24.exf5) 23.Bxh6!) 22.bxa3 Nxd5 23.exd5 Rxe1 24.Qxe1 gxf5 no advantage is apparent:
25.Be3 (b)25.Bxf5 Ne5 (Volokitin-Azarov, Moscow 2007); b)25.Ne3 Qd4 26.Nxf5 Qxd5 27.f3 – it
seemed to us that here Black's defence was difficult, but after 27...Qe5 he holds on) 25...Qd8
(De Firmian-A.Ivanov, Las Vegas 1996).Nevertheless, in his 'parallel' analysis Karpov rejected

this line and prepared a far from obvious pawn sacrifice, which I had overlooked. It was clearly
aimed at unsettling me, but here he was unlucky: on encountering a new position and forced
to work out its subtleties directly at the board, I did not become flustered and, despite a
couple of slips, I played one of my most subtle positional games.; ] 20.bxa3 Nd3 21.Bxd3 cxd3
Here I thought for a long time, searching for a way to retain the initiative. 22.Bb2 (17) [White
sets his sights on the opponent's kingside. He has two other possibilities: 22.Nxb5 Qa5! –
although I took my opponent 'at his word', Black does, indeed, have good compensation for
the pawn (an example: Shirov-Karjakin, Bilbao 2009); or 22.Re3 (before the 1987 match we
thought this was the main way to fight for an advantage) 22...Nc5 (22...Ne5 23.N4f3!) 23.Bb2
Qa5 (23...Bc8?! 24.Nc6 , Anand-Beliavsky, Madrid 1998) 24.Nf5! g6 25.Ng3 b4! 26.Nh5 bxa3
27.Nf6+ Kh8 28.Ba1 Rc8 29.Nh5+ Kg8 30.Nf6+ with a draw (Volokitin-Kasimdzhanov, Wijk aan
Zee 2009).] Thus White's three continuations are roughly equivalent. However, 22 Bb2 proved
to have one undoubted virtue: Karpov thought for a long time over his reply, and it became
clear that he had not considered this move at home (years later Igor Zaitsev confirmed that the
ex-champion had focused all his attention on the variations with 22 Re3 and especially 22
Nxb5). 22...Qa5 (45) [22...Nc5 (a move that suggests itself) could have led to a position from
the previous note after 23.Re3 .] 23.Nf5! (30)Forward! A 'squabble' over the winning of the
far-advanced black pawn would be inappropriate. 23...Ne5 (20)On his last two moves White
had spent nearly an hour, and Black even more: in a critical position the choice of a move is
always difficult. Karpov intuitively chose a solid move – he blocked the dangerous diagonal
with his knight. [Also good and 'in accordance with the spirit of fighting for the initiative' was
23...g6 , which I recommended in the book Dva matcha: after 24.Ne3! Ne5! 25.Nb3 Qa4
26.Bxe5 Rxe5 27.Ng4 Re7 28.Nf6+! Kh8! 29.Qxd3 Bg7 30.Qf3 (30.Qc3 Qa8!) 30...Qxa3 Black is
okay (Grischuk-Karjakin, Bilbao 2009). ] 24.Bxe5! I replied very quickly, although in such
positions one's hand naturally reaches out towards the f-pawn. [However, after 24.f4 Nc4!
White would have had only a draw: 25.Nxc4 (25.Bxg7? Qxd2; or 25.Nb3 Nxb2 26.Nxh6+! Kh7!
27.Nxa5 Nxd1 28.Rxd1 gxh6 29.Nxb7 Rxe4 30.Rxd3 Rxf4 31.Rb3 Ra4 with equality) 25...bxc4
26.Nxh6+ (26.Bxg7? Bc8! 27.Bxf8 Kxf8 and wins) 26...gxh6 27.Qg4+ Kh7 28.Qf5+ with perpetual
check.] 24...dxe5 (14) [After 24...Rxe5 25.Nf3 Rxf5 26.exf5 Bxd5 27.Re3 Bc4 28.Qe1! Black
does not have sufficient compensation for the exchange (if 28...Qxa3 the invasion 29.Re8 is
decisive).] 25.Nb3 The paradoxical exchange of bishop for knight had a solid positional basis:
White has obtained a protected passed pawn in the centre (which, incidentally, will decide the
game), the d5-e4 pawn wedge restricts the bishop on b7, and both his knights are well placed.
The knight on b3 deprives Black of active counterplay on the queenside (where the b5-pawn
may be vulnerable), while the knight on f5 is potentially dangerous on the kingside (where
Black may possibly have to weaken himself with ...g7-g6). For such obvious pluses – a
favourable combination of dynamic and strategic factors – White does not begrudge allowing
his opponent the two bishops, especially since for the moment the position is rather blocked.
In addition, I had the feeling that such a development of events would not be to Karpov's
liking. 25...Qb6 (24)An aggressive idea: Black intends to eliminate the a3-pawn with another
piece. Karpov is still hoping to seize the initiative, thinking that White's activity is only
temporary, and relying on his two bishops. [Meanwhile, 25...Qxa3 , a move unjustly
condemned by the commentators, was quite acceptable: for example, 26.Qxd3 g6 (if 26...Qb4 ,
then 27.Rb1 is strong) 27.Qxb5 (27.Ne3 Qa6 , and if 28.Qd2 , then 28...h5 with equality)
27...Qb4! , forcing a draw – 28.Nxh6+ Kg7 29.Qxe8 Qxe1+ 30.Kh2 Qxf2 31.Qxe5+ Kxh6!
(31...f6? 32.Ng4) 32.Qh8+ Kg5 33.Qxf8 Qf4+ .; The balance would also have been maintained
by 25...Qc3!? 26.Re3 Qc2 27.Rxd3 Qxd1+ 28.Rxd1 Bc8! 29.Na5 Bxf5 30.exf5 Ra8 31.Nc6 Bd6
.This analysis shows that White has lost his opening advantage (possibly already with 18
axb5).] 26.Qxd3 Ra8?! [26...Bc8! was correct, and if necessary ...Bxf5 or ...Bd7, defending the
b5-pawn and blocking the enemy passed pawn. This multi-purpose move would have enabled
Black to regroup successfully and organise a defence: 27.Nd2 (27.Na1 Bxf5 28.exf5 Bc5 29.Re2
e4 with equality) 27...Bd7 with counterplay against the a3-pawn, compensating for the slight

material deficit. After missing this chance, Karpov could have ended up in a difficult position.]
27.Rc1?! (30)I was very proud of this move (later I was told that the manoeuvres of the white
rook in this game created an enormous impression on Karpov), and in the book Dva matcha I
attached an exclamation mark to it, with the following commentary: 'One of the most difficult
prophylactic moves in the game. Now the bishop dare not leave the c6-square undefended.
[27.d6 was premature in view of 27...Rd8.'However, in the computer era it is not difficult to
establish that the energetic 27 d6! was the only way to retain the advantage: 27...-- a)27...g6
28.Ne7+ Kg7 29.Rc1 Rd8 30.Qg3 Kh7 31.Nc5 Rxd6 32.Nxb7 Qxb7 33.Nd5 Rc6 34.Rb1! and with
queens and rooks on the board, the 'eternal' knight on d5 makes it hard for Black to defend;
b)27...Rd8 28.Qg3 g6 29.Re3! Re8 (b)29...Bxd6?! 30.Nxh6+ Kg7 31.Rf3!) 30.h4! Kh7 (b)30...Re6
31.h5) 31.Qf3! with the initiative.And today, taking into account the objective evaluation, I am
reluctantly forced to assess the move 27 Rc1 as dubious.; ] 27...g6 The normal reply.
[27...Rxa3? (weakening the back rank) would have lost after 28.d6 (28.Ra1 Ra8 29.Qc3)
28...Ra8 (or 28...g6 29.Ne7+ Kg7 (29...Kh8 30.Rc7!; while if 29...Kh7 , then 30.Qf3 f5 31.Nxf5! is
also good) 30.Qg3 Kf6 31.Rd1) 29.Nc5 Rc8 30.Kh2! .; But 27...Bxa3 was not as bad as I thought,
for example: 28.Ra1 (or 28.Qg3 Qf6 29.Ra1 Bxd5) 28...Bf8 29.Rxa8 Bxa8 30.Qc3 Qb8 , and
Black's fortress is difficult to approach.] 28.Ne3 Bxa3! The best move. [28...h5 was
recommended, but after 29.Nc2 it is now bad to play 29...Bxa3? because of 30.Nxa3 Rxa3
31.d6! , and otherwise there follows Rb1 and Nd2-f3, when Black has no compensation for the
pawn. ; However, 28...Rxa3 was acceptable: 29.Qc2 (29.Ng4 f6! 30.Qc2 h5 is equal) 29...Ra8
30.Ng4 Qd6 31.Qd2 f5 32.Nxh6+ Bxh6 33.Qxh6 fxe4 and ...Bxd5 with good drawing chances.]
29.Ra1 Ra4 [29...Bd6? is weak: 30.Rxa8+ Bxa8 31.Ng4 h5? 32.Nf6+ Kh8 (32...Kg7 33.Ne8+ ,
Nxd6 and Qxb5) 33.Qd2 with a decisive attack. ; White would have been left with some
advantage after 29...Bf8 30.Rxa8 Bxa8 31.Qc3 Qb8 32.Ng4 Bg7 33.Qe3! (33.Nc5 h5 34.Ne3 Qc8
is less good) 33...h5 (or 33...Kh7 34.Qf3 Qa7 35.Nf6+ Kh8 36.Ne8) 34.Nh6+! Bxh6 35.Qxh6 .;
Therefore the most accurate continuation would have been to restrict the knight by 29...h5!
30.Qc3 f6 . 31.-- a). Now in the event of 31.d6 Qc6! it is unclear how White can strengthen his
position; b), while after 31.g4!? (breaking up the opponent's defences on the kingside)
31...hxg4 32.Nxg4 Ra4! (b)but not the passive 32...Be7?! 33.Rxa8+ Bxa8 34.Qc8+ Qd8 35.Qa6)
33.-- . Black has an equal game:b1)33.Rd1 Qd6; b2), or 33.Qg3 Bf8 34.Re1 Bc8; b3), while if
33.Rxa3 there can follow 33...Rxa3 (b3)or even 33...b4 34.Qf3 Rxa3 35.Nxf6+ Kg7 36.Ne8+
Kg8 , forcing a draw) 34.Qb4 Rxb3 35.Qxb3 Bc8 .; ; ] After 29...Ra4 the position remains roughly
equal, but Black has some problems to solve. 30.Ng4 Bf8? [Simple solutions no longer work
and Black needed to display some ingenuity – 30...h5! 31.Nxe5 Bb2! , when 32.Rxa4
(32.Nd7?! Rxa1+ 33.Nxa1 Qa5 34.Nc2? (or 34.Nb3 Qe1+ 35.Kh2 Bc8! is unfavourable for White)
34...Qc7 35.Qb3 Bg7 36.Qxb5 Bc8) 32...bxa4 33.Nc4 Qxb3 34.Qxb3 axb3 35.Nxb2 h4! (fixing the
enemy pawns on light squares) would have led to a study-like endgame with knight against
bishop, where White is unable to convert a sound extra pawn: 36.f3 Kf8 37.Kf2 Ba6 38.Ke1
Ke7 39.Nd1 Kd6 40.Kd2 f5! 41.Kc3 Be2 42.Ne3 f4 43.Ng4 Bf1 44.Kxb3 Bxg2 45.Nf2 Bxf3 with a
draw.; However, Karpov did not yet see the need to find a way to save the game – with
30...Bf8 he was undoubtedly pinning his hopes on 31.Nxe5? Bg7 32.Nd7 Rxa1+ 33.Nxa1 Qc7 ,
but...] 31.Rc1! Here this move is indeed strong. With subtle manoeuvres White has
imperceptibly achieved complete domination – the rook 'pendulum' has disrupted the
harmony in the opponent's ranks. Black's defensive problems were also aggravated by severe
time-trouble. 31...Qd6? (8)Worn out by the complicated struggle, Karpov makes a decisive
mistake. However, it was not easy to find the correct move. [The comparatively best chance
was 31...f6! , although even here after 32.d6! (if 32.Qf3 there is the saving reply 32...Ra6!)
32...Qxd6 33.Qxb5 Ra7 (33...Rb4?! 34.Qe8 Bxe4 35.Nc5 is dangerous for Black) 34.Qe8 Bxe4
35.Nc5 Qe7 36.Qxe7 Bxe7 37.Nxe4 f5 38.Nxh6+ (38.Rc6!?) 38...Kg7 39.Ng4 White obtains an
ending with an extra pawn and winning chances.] 32.Nc5! (11)Forcibly transposing into a won
endgame. [Karpov was probably hoping for 32.Qxb5?! Rb4 with counterplay: if 33.Qe8?!
(while after 33.Qd3 h5 34.Ne3 Ba6 Black has some compensation for the pawn) 33...Rxb3

34.Nxh6+ Kg7 35.Nxf7 Qe7 36.Qxe7 Bxe7 37.Nxe5 Bd6 38.Ng4 Kf7 39.e5 Be7 the bishops
should be able to cope with the white infantry.] 32...Rc4 (there is nothing else) 33.Rxc4 bxc4
34.Nxb7 cxd3 [If 34...Qb4 the simplest is 35.Qd1 Qxb7 (or 35...Qb3 36.Ne3) 36.d6 .] 35.Nxd6
Bxd6 36.Kf1! Heading for the d3-pawn. [The h6-pawn does not tempt White: 36.Nxh6+?! Kg7
37.Ng4 f5 , and the win becomes problematic.] 36...Kg7 [Here it was possible to set an
interesting trap: 36...h5 37.Ne3 Bc5 in the hope of 38.Ke1? (the accurate 38.Nd1! would have
deprived Black of his last hopes: 38...f5 39.f3 Bd4 40.Ke1 with the inevitable fall of the d3-
pawn) 38...Bxe3 39.fxe3 f5 40.exf5 gxf5 41.e4! (the only move) 41...h4 (instead of 41...fxe4?
42.g4 Black fixes the white pawns, devaluing the opponent's material advantage) 42.exf5 e4 ,
unexpectedly saving the pawn ending.] 37.f3 f5 38.Nf2 d2 39.Ke2 Bb4 40.Nd3 Bc3 (here the
game was adjourned) 41.Nc5 The sealed move.Now Nb3xd2 is inevitable, with the threat of
playing the king to b5 and the knight to e6 – Black cannot simultaneously combat the d6-pawn
and defend his kingside pawns. [And after the active 41.Nc5 Kf6 42.Nb3 Kg5 43.Nxd2 Kf4 the
simplest is 44.d6! Ba5 (or 44...Bb4 45.d7 Be7 46.Kd3 Kg3 (46...Kg5 47.Kc4) 47.Nc4 etc) 45.Nc4
Bd8 46.g3+ Kxg3 47.Nxe5 . Black resigned without resuming the game. Times: 2.32–2.28.] 1–0

Even today I rate this win among my best creative achievements, especially since it was gained
on Spanish territory. Yes, Karpov made a few errors, and on the 27th move I also played
inaccurately, but in general to obtain decisive positional gains original play was demanded of

Thus I was able to increase my lead to two points (8-6), although my opponent again easily
found his bearings in an opening position that was new to him and skilfully avoided my home
preparation. Therefore the joy of victory was tinged with a feeling of alarm...

I think that Karpov was very disappointed with the draw in the 15th game: even after
employing a high-quality novelty against the Grünfeld, he was unable to set Black any real
problems. The forecasts regarding the 16th game were unanimous: a fierce battle was to be
expected. However, it was not hard to predict this, bearing in mind how uncompromising the
Leningrad encounters had been, and - the number of the forthcoming game! After all, it was in
the 16th game of the previous match that the conclusive turning-point had occurred. There is
no doubt that such crushing defeats are remembered for a long time not only by the winner,
but also by the loser...

And for this game, despite the disappointments of the two previous ones, Karpov arrived
aiming for full-scale revenge. He decided to fight in an untraditional way for him, by not
avoiding the most forceful and risky continuations. As for myself, it is not in my nature to avoid
an open battle. Besides, I believed in the lucky star of the 16th game, and I was dreaming of
creating another masterpiece.

Game 17
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 16th Game, Leningrad 15.09.1986
Ruy Lopez C92

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 [Of course, not 2...Nf6 .] 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0–0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6
8.c3 0–0 9.h3 Bb7 10.d4 Re8 11.Nbd2 Bf8 12.a4 h6 Black demonstrates his readiness to
continue the analytical debate begun in the 14th game. 13.Bc2 exd4 14.cxd4 Nb4 15.Bb1 c5
16.d5 Nd7 17.Ra3! c4 And this is a familiar motif, evoking memories of the previous year's
16th game: the black knight intends to establish itself at d3, causing confusion in the white
ranks. We made these opening moves quickly, virtually at blitz speed. 18.Nd4 [Abandoning
18.axb5 (Game No.16) for the moment, I followed the aforementioned A.Sokolov-Psakhis
game, where I was intending to demonstrate an improvement that had just been found for

White.; After 18.Nd4 Ne5 19.axb5 Qb6 . I had devised an unexpected knight sacrifice –
20.Nxc4!! (instead of the modest 20.N2f3 Nbd3) 20...Nxc4 21.Rg3 , cutting the Gordian knot.
This idea came to me during the night after the 15th game, and our entire team began looking
at it the day before the 16th. And our collective analysis showed that White's attack is very
dangerous – his well-coordinated pieces literally demolish the black king's position. After
21...axb5? (after the best reply 21...Bc8 we initially looked at 22.Bxh6 (but in the end we
deemed the strongest to be 22.b3! Ne5 23.Be3 , when Black's defence is difficult (A.Sokolov-
Portisch, Brussels 1988)) 22...axb5 23.b3 with sufficient compensation for the piece) 22.Nf5 g6
23.Qh5! Black is in a sorry state. ] After checking our old analyses, I have again ascertained that
this sacrifice is very favourable for White, since it gives him several important pluses. His rook
instantly swings across to g3, while the black knights are deprived of their strong point at d3,
and the knight on b4 begins to 'hang', coming under attack with gain of tempo (Qd2). For the
moment the extra piece does not play any particular role – White continues to build up the
pressure on the kingside, and in some cases he can even switch to a purely positional course.I
remember my joyful anticipation: would I succeed at last in employing in this match a
genuinely destructive novelty? Before the game I warned my mother: 'Today I'm going to
sacrifice a knight, so don't faint.' But my opponent proved ready for this and he was the first to
employ a novelty... 18...Qf6! (6)This apparently pointless attack on the knight at d4, dislodging
White from his home analysis, left me slightly shocked – again Karpov avoided a 'mine'! True,
he made the queen move without enthusiasm, and soon the impression was gained that he
had prepared the entire variation in a hurry. 19.N2f3 (33)White does not want to remove his
knight from the centre and lift the attack on the b5-pawn, and therefore he is forced to block
the rook's access to g3. Now, having safeguarded his king, Black can make use of his trumps,
associated in particular with his outpost at d3. 19...Nc5 For the second time in succession in a
similar position, Karpov goes in for a pawn sacrifice, hoping in return for indefinite positional
compensation. Such an occurrence, frankly speaking, was very rare for him: 'pawn sacrifice for
the initiative' was never one of Karpov's favourite chess procedures. And over the long history
of our encounters he showed himself to be a staunch supporter of a material advantage and at
any convenient moment he would accept pawns sacrificed by me. Now the eternal creative
debate – 'material or the initiative?' – is given a new impulse, but unexpectedly with reversed
colours. It is apparent that Karpov was eager at any price to provoke a crisis in the match...
[The move 19...Nc5 was made without hesitation, which looks intriguing, since here Karpov
disregarded another, no less interesting possibility, which was more in accordance with his
style: 19...Nd3!? 20.Bxd3 b4! . At the board this variation concerned me, after the game I
discussed it with my trainers, and later, before the 1987 match, I devised a pretty exchange
sacrifice: 21.Rb3! (21.Bxc4 bxa3 with equality, Anand-Kamsky, 5th match game, Las Palmas
1995) 21...cxb3 22.Nxb3 – White has enduring compensation for the exchange and
comfortable play, but objectively the position is bordering on equality.] To judge by Karpov's
speed of play, the plan with 18...Qf6 had been worked out at home, and it is hard to imagine
that both he and his helpers had failed to see 19...Nd3. Although, as I know from my own
experience, in the commotion of a match (when dangers seem exaggerated) oversights occur
both in analysis and in the assessment of a position, especially when work has to be done
hastily... 20.axb5 If White is to suffer, then at least he'll have a pawn. [After 20.Rae3?! Nbd3
(20...bxa4!?) 21.Bxd3 Nxd3 22.Rxd3 cxd3 he merely has compensation for the exchange
(Timofeev-Yakovenko, Oropesa del Mar 2001). ; And in the event of 20.Ree3 Nbd3 (20...bxa4?!
21.Rac3! A.Sokolov-Karpov, Rotterdam 1989) 21.axb5 axb5 22.Nxb5 Rxa3 23.Nxa3 Ba6!? (not
23...Rxe4 24.Nxc4 Anand-Kasimdzhanov, Bastia (rapid) 2006) 24.Bxd3 cxd3 Black has good play
(cf. the note to Black's 23rd move).] 20...axb5 21.Nxb5 (15)Now the white knight will have to
take up a poor post at a3. [This could have been avoided by 21.Rxa8!? Rxa8 22.Nxb5 . Here
22...Nbd3 is good, (but I did not like the invasion of the rook – 22...Ra1 , when 23.Be3 (while
23.Nc3 Nbd3 24.Rf1 seems passive, although in fact after 24...Nb3 (but after 24...Rxb1!?
25.Nxb1 Nxe4 26.b3 the position is roughly equal) 25.Be3! Nxb2 26.Qc2 Nd3 27.Rd1 White

seizes the initiative) 23...Nbd3 24.Bd4 Qg6 promises no more than a repetition of moves (
25.Nh4 Qg5 26.Nf3 Qg6 ).) ] 21...Rxa3 22.Nxa3 [After the alternative 22.bxa3?! Nbd3 Black
quickly regains the pawn and he has the resource ...Qa1.] 22...Ba6 Before the invasion on d3
Black strengthens his position to the maximum, [although 22...Nbd3 23.Bxd3 cxd3 would also
have given him good compensation for the pawn. (However, here 23...Nxd3?! would allow
White to consolidate successfully – 24.Re3! Ba6! (after 24...Nxb2 25.Bxb2 Qxb2 26.Nxc4; or
24...Nc5 25.Qc2 Black is simply a pawn down) 25.Qa4 Ra8 26.Qc6 with a dangerous initiative.) ]
23.Re3! Essential prophylaxis. White prepares in advance for the appearance of a black knight
at d3. 23...Rb8 The final preparation for the invasion. Karpov played this move (which was not
possible after 20 Ree3) without particular thought, and later it became the standard one.
[Meanwhile, Black had several other tempting moves, in particular 23...Nbd3 . This was
wrongly criticised by the commentators, including myself in Informator No.42, since after
24.Bxd3 cxd3 (24...Nxd3?! 25.Qa4! , as in the note to Black's 22nd move) 25.b4 (25.Qe1 Nb3;
or 25.Nd2 Qd4 is less good for White) 25...Nxe4 26.b5 (26.Qa4? Rc8) 26...Bb7 27.Qxd3
(27.Rxd3 Rc8! , and White's extra pawn is not felt) 27...Qa1 28.Qb1 (28.Re1?! Nxf2!) 28...Qxb1
29.Nxb1 Rc8 an equal ending is reached.But this assessment is of purely theoretical interest,
since Karpov was aiming for more, as he was well ahead on the clock and he thought that he
had caused me definite discomfort. Even so, Black's pressure is not so strong as to force White
to passively await the development of events. 'There is no need to panic', I said to myself. 'I
must boldly press forward: in the resulting complications everything will be decided by
enterprise and ingenuity.'] 24.e5! (19) [Black would have been quite satisfied with 24.Rc3
Nbd3 25.Bxd3 (when if 25.Nxc4?? he has 25...Qxc3! . On observing this simple trap, for a
moment I felt sad: the black knight on d3 reminded me too strongly of the events in the 16th
game of the previous match. Besides, the time showing on my opponent's clock clearly
demonstrated that this was not the first time he had seen this position) 25...cxd3 26.Be3
(26.Nd2 Qd4!) 26...Nxe4 27.Rc6 Ra8 (Anand-Timoshchenko, Frunze 1987).; White is not
promised anything by 24.Ne1 Nbd3 25.Nxd3 cxd3 26.Bxd3; or 24.Nd4 Nbd3 25.Bxd3 Nxd3
(Shirov-Anand, Moscow (blitz) 2007); but 24.Nh2!? deserved some consideration: 24...Ncd3
25.Ng4 Qd4 26.Nc2 Nxc2 27.Bxc2 h5 28.Nh2 g6 29.Nf3 (Milos-Mecking, Buenos Aires 2001)
29...Qc5 with a double-edged game.In my view, 24 e5 was the most correct move, from both
the chess (opening lines for attack) and the psychological point of view – it came as a surprise
to Karpov.] 24...dxe5 25.Nxe5 By exploiting the removal of the black rook from the e-file,
White has radically changed the character of the play. True, he has had to part with his strong
pawn centre (which has lost its original value, since Black has managed to get round it from the
flank), and for the moment the d5-pawn is more of a weakness than a strength. In return
White has sharply activated his pieces and, given the opportunity, he is ready to create threats
against the black king. I felt that I would always have sufficient counterplay against the
opponent's actions in the centre and on the queenside: nearly all my pieces are eyeing the
kingside, whereas most of the opponent's are on the other side. The position is one of dynamic
balance.Here, to my surprise, Karpov thought for more than an hour! This is another point in
the game which is hard to explain. Given thorough home preparation it is hardly possible to
overlook the e4-e5 break (it is a very obvious idea), but if it is assumed that the entire analysis
of the plan with 18...Qf6 was made in great haste, the picture begins to become clear. At any
event, the fruit of this long think (which, incidentally, equalised the reading on our clocks) was
a move which immediately placed Black in a critical position... 25...Nbd3? (63)The start of a
comedy of errors, which pursued the two players for three moves in succession. Of course, at
first sight 25...Nbd3 looks more logical – all other things being equal, simultaneously Black also
includes his rook in the play. [However, here 25...Ncd3! was necessary, retaining control of
c2. 26.-- a). White does not have a great choice, and the simplest is to force an immediate
draw by 26.Bxd3 Nxd3 27.Rxd3 cxd3 28.Nd7 Qd6 29.Nxb8 Qxb8 30.Nb1 (a)30.Qa4 is also
possible) 30...Qe5 31.Nc3 Bb4 32.Bd2 Bxc3 33.Bxc3 Qxd5 .; b). But I was intending the fighting
26.Ng4 . Now where should the queen move? 26...-- b1)26...Qh4 is not bad – 27.Rg3 Kh8

28.Bd2 (Nunn-Psakhis, Hastings 1987/88) 28...Bc5! , prettily forcing a draw: 29.Qf3 f5! 30.Ne3
f4 31.Nf5 Qxg3 32.Nxg3 fxg3 33.Qe4 Rf8 34.Bxb4 Bxf2+ 35.Kf1 Bc5+ 36.Ke2 Rf2+ 37.Kd1 Rf1+ .;
b2). However, 26...Qd4! is stronger – in the centre the queen occupies a far more aggressive
position and controls the key a1–h8 diagonal. White has two main continuations: 27.--
b21)27.Rg3 Kh8 (b21)the sharp variations with 27...Bd6 also lead to a draw; b21)whereas
27...Nxc1? loses: 28.Nxh6+ Kh8 29.Nxf7+ Kg8 30.Qh5) 28.Be3 Qxb2 29.Nxh6 gxh6 30.Qh5 Qf6
31.Rf3! Qg6 32.Bd4+ Bg7 33.Bxg7+ Qxg7 34.Rxf7 Qg5 35.Qf3 Kg8 36.Rf5 Qg7 37.Qe3 , and
White's attack is nevertheless sufficient for a draw; b22)27.Nc2! (a more positional method – a
bad piece is exchanged, and in addition the annoying knight at d3 is deprived of support)
27...Nxc2 (b22)27...Qxd5 28.Nf6+!) 28.Bxc2 , when 28...Bc5? b221)but Black has a reasonable
choice: 28...Bd6!? 29.b3 Qa1 30.bxc4 Bxc4 31.Bxd3 Bxd3 32.Re1 Bg6 with a rapid draw
(Dvoiris-Timoshchenko, Naberezhnye Chelny 1988); b222)or 28...h5! 29.Nh6+! (b222)29.Ne5
Qxd5 , which has occurred in the 21st century, is less good) 29...gxh6 30.Rg3+ Bg7 (b222)or
30...Kh7 31.Qf3! Bg7! 32.Qxf7 , in each case with a draw) 31.Bxd3 h4! 32.Rxg7+ Kxg7 33.Qh5; ,
is bad because of 29.Qf3! Rd8 (b22)29...Nxc1 30.Nxh6+! Dvoirys-Timoshchenko, Barnaul 1988)
30.Re4 Qxd5 31.Nxh6+! gxh6 32.Rg4+ Kh7 33.Qf6 Bf8 34.Qxa6 and wins. Thus 25...Ncd3! would
have fully justified Black's opening idea and given him a good game, whereas after 25...Nbd3?
the scales could have tipped in White's favour.; ; ; ] 26.Ng4? (14)This places White on the verge
of defeat! The problem was that for me Black's 25th move came as something of a surprise.
Awaiting Karpov's reply, I sat in my rest room, mentally calculating the unclear variations with
25...Ncd3 26 Ng4. Therefore, when I encountered a surprise, I did not instantly readjust, but
decided to continue as planned. Of course, the opened b-file and the agile knight on c5 are
serious arguments for Black in the coming battle, changing the situation to his advantage, but
nevertheless I was hoping that the imminent attack on the king would safeguard White, even if
his queenside were to be completely destroyed. [However, with an hour for thought, I should
have found both the drawbacks to the planned move, and the best decision – 26.Qc2! . After
other moves Black is alright, whereas with this brilliant reply White could have gained a clear
advantage, although on the way to his goal he would have had to display considerable
resourcefulness: 26...Rb4 the only move; (26...Nb3? 27.Nd7!) 27.Nc6! (27.Re2? Nb3) 27...Rb6!
28.Re8! Rxc6 (this exchange sacrifice is forced: after 28...Nd7? both 29.Ne7+ (and 29.Na5 are
strong) ) 29.dxc6 Qxc6 30.Rd8! . White's idea is to return the exchange at a convenient
moment and obtain an extra passed pawn. And he achieves this: for example, 30...Qe4
(30...Bb7 31.f3; or 30...Qb6 31.Ra8 is no better) 31.Bd2 Bb7 32.f3 Qh4 33.Ba5! Ne6 34.Nxc4!?
Nxd8 35.Qxd3 Bc5+ 36.Kh2 Ne6 37.Bd2 .; The other question is how great are White's chances
of converting his material advantage. Black may be able to save himself (although at the board,
with the clock ticking away, this is highly problematic), but in any case he would have faced a
difficult struggle for a draw.It is probable that, when he played 25...Nbd3?, Karpov simply
overlooked the move 26 Qc2! and he found it only after the conclusion of the game – just as I
did, and also all the commentators. Perhaps he was expecting 26.Bxd3? , Karpov simply
overlooked the move 26...cxd3 (avoiding 26...Nxd3 27.Rxd3 cxd3 28.Nd7 with the same forced
draw as after 25...Ncd3) , but after 27.Nb1 (intending Nc3) 27...Bd6 28.Nc6 Ra8 29.b4 Nd7
30.Qb3 Qh4 (or 30...Bb5 he would merely have achieved a dynamic balance. At any event, his
risk almost proved justified: now the scales could have tipped in favour of Black.) ] 26...Qb6?
After this quick and obvious reply everything fell into place: Karpov began preparing to win
material, while I set about assembling a striking force for storming the king's fortress; i.e. each
was engaged in his favourite business! [Meanwhile, 26...Qf5! was stronger, not moving the
queen away from the kingside. 27.-- a). In previous analyses I considered only variations that
are obviously favourable for Black after 27.Rf3 (?) 27...Qxd5; b), and 27.Rg3 (?!) 27...Kh8
28.Rf3 Qxd5 29.Ne3 Qd7! etc.; c). But things are far harder for him after 27.Bxd3!? cxd3 (c)or
27...Nxd3 28.Rf3 Qd7 (c)28...Qxd5? 29.Nf6+) 29.Rg3 Kh8 30.Bxh6 Qxd5 (c)30...f5 31.Ne3)
31.Ne3 Qe6 32.Naxc4 Bxc4 33.Nxc4 Qxc4 34.Bxg7+ Bxg7 35.Rxd3 Bxb2 36.Qh5+ Kg8 37.Rg3+
Kf8 38.Qh6+ Ke7 39.Re3+ Kd7 40.Qg5 , and White has good drawing chances) 28.Nb1! Ne4

29.Nc3 Nxc3 30.bxc3 Bd6 31.Qa4 Qc8 32.Bd2 Bc4 33.Re1 Ra8 34.Qc6 Qxc6 35.dxc6 .; ] Karpov
could, nevertheless, have set me serious problems, whereas now... 27.Rg3 (14)An unequivocal
hint at a direct attack. It is interesting that at this very important moment Karpov replied
largely intuitively, almost without thinking. 27...g6 (4) [All the same Black could not avoid a
weakening of his king's pawn screen: 27...Kh8 28.Nxh6! Ne4! (forcing White to think also
about defence) 29.Nxf7+ Kg8 30.Re3 (or 30.Be3 Qxb2 31.Qh5 Nxg3 32.fxg3 Bxa3! (as in the
following variation)) 30...Nexf2! 31.Qh5 Bc5! with equality.; 27...Ne4 is also possible:
28.Nxh6+! Kh7 29.Be3! Qxb2 30.Nxf7 Nxg3 31.fxg3 with an attack, good enough to save the
game: 31...Kg8 (or, alternatively, 31...Bxa3! 32.Qh5+ Kg8 33.Bxd3 cxd3 34.Ng5 d2 ,
immediately forcing perpetual check) 32.Qh5 Bxa3! .] Black eliminated the threat of the
sacrifice on h6 in the most radical way – he removed the pawn from g7, rightly assuming that it
would not be easy for White to redirect the fire of his attack against the g6-point. With his
cool-headed decision Karpov clearly let it be known that he considered White's attack to be
short-lived, and he was ready (guided by Capablanca's well-known principle – the minimum
number of pieces in defence) to assail the opponent's defenceless queenside. 28.Bxh6!
(14)Here the knight is a far more valuable attacking piece than the dark-squared bishop. [After
28.Nxh6+? Bxh6 29.Bxh6 Qxb2 30.Bxd3 cxd3 nothing comes of the attack.; 28.Nxc4?! Bxc4
29.Bxd3 Nxd3 30.Rxd3 Bxd3 31.Qxd3 h5! is also unfavourable for White.] 28...Qxb2 (7)It would
seem that Black has clearly been more successful: he has already broken through on the
queenside and is ready to win the knight on a3, whereas White has not yet created any real
threats against the king. 29.Qf3! The inclusion of White's strongest piece sharply changes the
situation on the kingside. The black king begins to feel uncomfortable – the defensive lines
around it look unconvincing compared with the opponent's powerful piece grouping. 29...Nd7
(7)By covering the f6-square, Karpov follows his conception (defence with minimal means), but
underestimates the opponent's attacking potential. Strangely enough, this natural move,
which in itself is not bad, hinders Black's subsequent play: his control of the d3-point is
weakened, and now at an appropriate moment White can get rid of the knight on d3. [After
29...Qxa3 30.Nf6+ Kh8 the attack and the material advantage would have balanced each other:
perpetual check results from both 31.Bxf8 (and the spectacular 31.Qh5!? Rxb1+ 32.Bc1+ Kg7
33.Ne8+ Kg8 34.Nf6+) 31...Rxf8 (not 31...Rxb1+? 32.Kh2 Qc1 because of 33.Qh5+!!) 32.Rg4!
Qc1+ 33.Kh2 Kg7! 34.Nh5+ Kg8 35.Nf6+ .; It is not possible to gain an advantage by 29...Rb6 on
account of 30.Kh2! Bd6 31.Be3!? with the threat of Nh6+; (31.Bxd3 with equality is more
modest) 31...Kg7 and here 32.-- a), apart from the prosaic 32.Nxc4 Bxc4 33.Bxd3 Bxd3 34.Bxc5
Bxc5 35.Qxd3 with equality; b), there is the incredible resource 32.Ba2!! with a spectacular
knock-out in the event of 32...Bxg3+ (b)therefore 32...f5!? is correct: 33.Nxc4 Bxc4 34.Bxc4
Ne1! 35.Qd1 Nc2 36.Bxc5 Bxc5 37.Bd3 Bd6! 38.Bxc2 fxg4 with equality) 33.fxg3 Qxa2?
34.Bh6+! Kg8 35.Qe3! Re6 36.Qd4! Qb2 37.dxe6!! Qxd4 38.e7 – Black is now a queen up, but
he is absolutely helpless: 38...Qd7 (e4) (b)while the defence 38...Bb5 is killed by the 'dead'
knight on a3!) 39.Nf6+ .; ; If immediately 29...Bd6 (?), attacking the dangerous rook, then
30.Be3! is even more successful: 30...Bxg3 31.Nh6+! (instead of my previous 31.Nf6+ Kg7
32.Qxg3 , which only promises a draw) 31...Kh7 32.Qxg3 , and Black has great problems:
32...Ne4 (or 32...Qe5 33.Qh4 Qh5 34.Qf6 (e7) 34...Qe5 35.Qxf7+ Qg7 36.Qf3! with an
unceasing attack) 33.Qh4 .] But Karpov still did not believe in the seriousness of White's attack,
and he was dreaming of calmly picking up the lone knight on a3 and then converting his
material advantage. 30.Bxf8 Kxf8 [In the event of 30...Rxf8 31.Nh6+ Kg7 (31...Kh7? 32.Nxf7)
32.Nf5+ Black would have been fighting only for a draw. But what can White do now?] 31.Kh2!
This important prophylactic move is one which has occurred in many branches of this game:
before the assault the king must move off the weakened back rank. It transpires that Black has
definite problems which are beginning to unnerve him. However, he has an energetic
manoeuvre. 31...Rb3 [31...Qd4 was also not bad. After making his move, Karpov calmly stood
up and began leisurely strolling up and down the stage, transferring his triumphant glance
from the board to the auditorium and back again. Indeed, the rook comes into play with great

effect, creating an unpleasant 'X-ray' along the third rank, the aim of which is to reach the rook
standing in ambush at g3 (with its exchange, the potential of White's attack will be exhausted).
And after safeguarding himself against the combined threats, Black will at last be able to pick
up the stray knight on a3.The the grandmasters watching the game were sure that I was losing.
White has no choice, but his only sensible reply radically changes the situation.] 32.Bxd3! By
this point I had less than 10 minutes left on my clock, whereas Karpov had slightly more than
half an hour, but after 32 Bxd3 I became absolutely calm, since I felt intuitively that White had
nothing to fear. Of course, Black can win a piece, but on the other hand the white queen can
steal right up on the enemy king.To all appearances, this turn of events came as a surprise to
Karpov. His expression changed and he spent nearly all his remaining time, trying to choose
the best of the four possible captures (a unique instance: two pieces are en prise – and both
can be captured in two ways!), but after any one of them White's threats were by now very
obvious. Stupefied by the mass of highly complicated variations, which were hardly possible to
calculate, Karpov lost control over the position and in pursuing the mirage of victory he
overstepped the fatal mark... 32...cxd3?! (27)And Karpov now had just three minutes left...
[The move made by him aggravates Black's problems, but 32...Rxa3 33.Qf4 Rxd3 (33...cxd3?
34.Rf3!) 34.Qd6+ etc. looked dangerous; while the obvious 32...Rxd3 would have led by force
to an endgame a pawn down – 33.Qf4 Qxa3 34.Nh6 Qe7 35.Rxg6 Qe5 36.Qxe5 Nxe5 37.Rxa6
Rxd5 , although White's winning chances would be very limited: 38.Ra8+ (38.Nf5?! Nf3+!)
38...Ke7 39.Nf5+ Ke6 40.Ne3 Rc5 41.Ra2 f5 42.f4 Nd3 43.Rc2 c3 44.Nd1 Nxf4 etc. But such a
metamorphosis obviously could not satisfy Karpov: effectively a piece up, to go into a
colourless ending? And he chose the sharp capture with the pawn, hoping to queen it in the
time scramble.] 33.Qf4 Of course! 33...Qxa3? In the end, now in desperate time-trouble,
Karpov loses his nerve and grabs the knight which has plagued him for so many moves.
However, this loss of tempo allows White to whip up a decisive attack with lightning speed.
[Immediately after the game some of the commentators recommended 33...Rxa3 (?), but
after 34.Rf3! Black's position collapses.; The only correct continuation was 33...d2! 34.Nh6
Nf6! , when Black holds on literally by a thread: 35.-- a)35.Rxb3 Qxb3 36.Qxf6 Qxd5 37.Nxf7
(a)after 37.Qh8+ Ke7 38.Ng8+ Kd6 39.Qf6+ Kc5 the king escapes) 37...d1Q (a)37...Ke8?
38.Nb1! d1Q 39.Nc3! – a fork of both queens!) 38.Nd6+ Kg8 39.Qxg6+ Kf8 40.Qf6+ Kg8 41.Nf5!
Qxf5! 42.Qxf5 Qd6+ 43.f4 Qxa3 , and the three pawns for the piece give White no more than a
moral advantage; b)35.Qd6+ Ke8 (b)35...Kg7? 36.Nf5+ Kh7 37.Qf8 etc) 36.Qxa6 d1Q 37.Qc8+
Ke7 38.Qc5+ (b)against two queens one cannot take liberties: 38.Nc4 Qxf2! 39.d6+? Qxd6)
38...Kd7! 39.Qc6+ Ke7 40.d6+ Kf8 (b)40...Ke6 41.Qc8+ Nd7 42.Qe8+ Kd5 43.Qxf7+ Kc6 44.Nc4
Qf6 is also possible) 41.Qc8+ Kg7 42.Nf5+ Kh7 43.Qf8 Ng4+ 44.Rxg4 Rxh3+!! (grandiose!)
45.Kxh3 Qh1+ 46.Kg3 Qe5+ 47.Rf4 g5 48.Qxf7+ Kh8 49.Qf8+ Kh7 , and the desperate attempt
to play for a win – 50.Qe7+ Qxe7 51.dxe7 gxf4+ 52.Kxf4 , is most simply parried by exploiting a
study-like motif: 52...Qxg2! (b)after all, it is not easy for the black queen to battle on its own:
52...Qc1+? 53.Kg4 Qc8 54.Nb5 Qc4+ 55.Nbd4) 53.e8Q! Qg4+ 54.Ke5 Qe4+ 55.Kxe4 –
stalemate!; ] 34.Nh6 Qe7 35.Rxg6 Qe5 For an instant Black has everything in order – White's
strongest piece is crippled. 36.Rg8+ Ke7 37.d6+! When I landed this deadly blow with an
undefended pawn, a storm of applause broke out in the auditorium. The chief arbiter Lothar
Schmid vigorously waved his arms, calling on the spectators to be quiet, and for a time he
succeeded. 37...Ke6 (time-trouble agony) 38.Re8+ Kd5 39.Rxe5+ Nxe5 40.d7 Rb8 41.Nxf7 .
After making this move, I went off to the rest room for a short time, and when I returned to
the board to sign the scoresheets the spectators again rewarded me with an ovation. From
force of habit Karpov could have adjourned the game, but in such a position he decided not to
and he left the stage without the traditional handshake. Times: 2.25–2.29. 1–0

In my view, for all the mistakes by both sides, this game is unique as regards the intensity and
scale of the problems which the players faced in a new, very complicated position, which later
became one of the fashionable tabiyas of the Ruy Lopez (incidentally, Karpov's desire to get

even in this opening was to cost him our 1990 match, where he suffered two crushing defeats
in the Zaitsev Variation - Games 69, 74).

The outcome of this grandiose battle essentially symbolised the collapse of Karpov's hopes of
revenge. The knock-out in the 16th game practically decided the match - my enormous lead
(9½-6½) and my obvious playing advantage did not leave this in any doubt, but, alas, after the
great emotional stress a distinct slump occurred in my play.

After declining to take my last time-out, I went along to the 17th game in a disorientated state
and failed to cope with another novelty by the opponent. This failure did not yet greatly
distress me: 'Well, what can be done - an opening disaster!' Such things happened - it was
something that had to be expected. The match situation remained favourable, one win by me
could effectively settle the outcome, and in the next 'White' game I was in the mood to engage
my opponent in a decisive battle, assuming that Karpov would not avoid one.

And a battle took place! In the 18th game, in the words of the observers, I played 'brilliant and
original chess'. Two of my moves especially staggered the commentators. One of them wrote:
'Typical Kasparov! The entire board was in flames.' This unforgettable game, which Taimanov
called 'the pre-finishing culmination of a fascinating duel', nearly became my best creative
achievement in our matches. Alas, only nearly...

Game 18
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 18th Game, Leningrad 19/20.09.1986
Queen's Indian Defence E13

1.d4 It would appear that both my first move and the position soon reached did not come as a
surprise to Karpov. As the 14th and 16th games had shown, he was well prepared for the Ruy
Lopez. The other reason why I played 1 d4 was that I had something in store for my opponent
in the set-ups he usually employed: I had prepared an improvement in the Queen's Gambit
and I was now ready for the Queen's Indian Defence. In addition, a change of approach usually
produces a certain psychological effect. But not in this case! 1...Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 [Avoiding
3.Nc3 – I should remind you that in the variation from the 4th game we both now knew about
the move 12...Qc7!.] 3...b6 And here is confirmation of Black's striving for a large-scale battle –
the Queen's Gambit is given a rest. 4.Nc3 [After 4.g3 Ba6 at that time I did not see any
particular prospects for White.] 4...Bb4 [Earlier, in the 10th and 32nd games of the first match,
Karpov preferred 4...Bb7 5.a3 d5 6.cxd5 Nxd5 – here we both had great experience. But now
he chose one of the most complicated variations – the 'hybrid', which I had successfully tested
with White in my match with Timman (1985). Again with unusual boldness he challenged me
on my own territory!] 5.Bg5 Bb7 [5...h6!? .] 6.e3 [6.Nd2!? .] 6...h6 7.Bh4 Bxc3+ [But not
immediately 7...d6? because of 8.Qa4+ Nc6 9.d5 .; Here Timman and Miles acted more
'sweepingly' – 7...g5 8.Bg3 Ne4 (Game Nos.9–11, 20). ] 8.bxc3 d6 Black has quite a flexible
position, and it has to be ascertained what in fact are more important – the defects in White's
pawn chain or the strength of his centre, and whether the white bishops are 'dangerous' or
'lack scope'. 9.Nd2 [9.Nd2 A logical plan, known since the game Botvinnik-Keres (12th USSR
Championship, Moscow 1940): 9...e5 10.f3 Qe7 11.e4 Nbd7 12.Bd3 g5 13.Bf2 etc.] 9...g5 At
that time this half-forgotten move had only just once again appeared on the scene. The bishop
is driven away from h4 before White prepares a retreat for it at f2, and now carrying out the
'Botvinnik plan' will involve the loss of a tempo. But White can change his plan: the early ...g7-
g5 allows him to seize the h-file by h2-h4. [Therefore it is better not to hurry with either 9...e5 ;
or 9...g5 ; later games showed that 9...Nbd7 10.f3 Qe7 is more flexible, and then 11.e4
(11.Qa4 e5 12.e4 0–0) 11...g5 12.Bf2 Nh5 ( 13.g3 f5 ) with roughly equal play] 10.Bg3 The first
critical moment. [10.Bg3 -- a). After the usual 10...Nbd7 I was planning to play 11.h4! Rg8

12.hxg5 hxg5 , and now (instead of 13 Qc2 or 13 f3 which had previously occurred) to prevent
queenside castling by 13.Qb3!? (with the idea of 13...Qe7 14 c5)(a)or 13.Qa4!? (Bareev-
Gavrikov, 54th USSR Championship, Minsk 1987), judging the position to be in favour of
White.) ; b). Similar motifs are in evidence after 10...Nc6 11.h4! Rg8 12.hxg5 hxg5 13.Rh6 Qe7
14.Qf3! Rg6 (b)14...Nd7 15.c5!) 15.Rxg6 fxg6 (Bacrot-Adams, Sarajevo 2000) 16.Ne4
(b)16.c5!?) 16...Nxe4 17.Qxe4 Qf6 18.c5! .; ] 10...Qe7!? Also a rapid reply, but an unexpected
one for me – and yet another novelty by Karpov in this match! By retaining the option of
...Nb8-c6, he diverts me from my intended new plan of attack. It can be imagined how shocked
I was: 'Again the opponent anticipated an improvement on my part! From where does he get
such insight?'Light on the origin of this phenomenon was shed by an article entitled 'Autumn
on Kamenny Island' by a member of Karpov's team, the psychologist and journalist Igor
Akimov, published soon after the match in the magazine Studenchesky Meridian. Here there is
some amazing evidence – it turns out that on the eve of the game Karpov spent a sleepless
night analysing the position after 10...Qe7, since he was completely sure that it would
occur!But why after two crushing wins in the Ruy Lopez should I change tack, and begin the
game not with the king's pawn, but the queen's pawn? Let us suppose that Karpov made a
brilliant guess. But, even knowing the opening, how could he picture in such detail the
structure of the opponent's preparations? How could he possibly foresee exactly what would
be 'on the board tomorrow', if I was intending to employ a continuation that I had never
played before?! And at the same time to be sure that I had 'honed this position at home', and
that 'it was familiar to me' (indeed, we had several pages of analysis), and that Black's 10th
move would come as a surprise to me! It has to be agreed that there is only one sensible
explanation...On the day of the game the incredible happened: from Karpov's chess table at
home the position migrated on to the stage of the concert hall of the Leningrad Hotel. Instead
of the natural 10...Nbd7, Black preferred the clever 10...Qe7 – what Karpov was avoiding, no
one realised, apart from he and I. 11.a4 A useful move, directed against Black's queenside
castling, but with an accurate reply he can solve his opening problems. [Therefore later the
main line became 11.h4 Rg8 12.hxg5 hxg5 . 13.-- a). Here 13.a4 is now weaker in view of
13...Nc6! (with the idea of ...0–0–0 and ...Rh8) 14.Nb3 Ne4 – the g3-bishop has been
prematurely deprived of support.; b). If 13.Be2 again there is the sound reply 13...Nc6!
(b)13...Bxg2?! 14.Rh6! Bareev-Dolmatov, 54th USSR Championship, Minsk 1987) 14.Qc2 0–0–0
15.0–0–0 Rh8 with equality (Kasparov-Psakhis, 2nd match game, La Manga 1990). ; c)13.Rh6
Nbd7 14.Qa4 is more topical, but here too White has not achieved any tangible results.; d).
The unclear gambit 13.c5!? dxc5 14.Bb5+ has also occurred (V.Mikhalevski-Ligterink,
Leeuwarden 1995) ; ; or immediately 11.c5!? dxc5 12.Bb5+ (Zviagintsev-Solozhenkin, Elista
1995). Generally speaking, pawn sacrifices and other 'drastic' measures are typical of White's
play in this set-up. And this is understandable: the static elements of the position (such as the
integrity of the pawn structure) 'vote' for Black, and White has to play energetically.] 11...a5
'This contradicts the idea of 10...Qe7. Karpov played 11...a5 very quickly, having probably
decided that the inclusion of 11 a4 a5 does not greatly change the situation on the board.
However, this is not so. [11...Nc6! was more logical.' (Makarychev). Apparently Karpov was
concerned about 12.Nb3 with the threat of a4-a5, but after 12...h5! 13.f3 (13.h4 Ne4 with
equality) 13...h4 14.Bf2 a5 and ...0–0–0 Black has a good game (Dokhoian-Lerner, Lvov 1990).It
would appear that during his urgent night-time analysis my opponent simply did not have time
to delve into certain nuances of an unfamiliar position.] 12.h4 'Play over the entire front,
emphasising the insecure position of the black king. White's desire to open the position is
associated with the presence of his two bishops.' (M.Gurevich) 12...Rg8 [As yet no one has
tried 12...g4 (avoiding the opening of the h-file) 13.h5 Nbd7 (if 14.Bh4 Gurevich
recommended 14...Qf8 ).] 13.hxg5 hxg5 14.Qb3! A very important moment – White tries to
prevent the opponent from completing his development. 'The main attacking resource is the
c4-c5 breakthrough, and operations on the h-file are kept in reserve.' (Taimanov). [The modest
14.Rh2 Nbd7 15.Be2 (Kozlov-Tukmakov, Novosibirsk 1986) would have allowed 15...0–0–0 and

...Rh8.] 14...Na6 'A courageous decision, signifying an almost complete rejection of active
counterplay for the sake of erecting a powerful defensive wall.' (Makarychev). [14...Nbd7? is
weak: 15.c5! dxc5 16.Bxc7; and 14...Ne4?! is also insufficient on account of 15.Nxe4 Bxe4
16.c5! dxc5 17.Rd1 .; After 14...Nc6 15.c5! (otherwise 15...0–0–0) 15...dxc5 16.dxc5 Qxc5
17.Bxc7 Nd5 18.Ne4 (Makarychev) 18...Nd4! (18...Qe7? 19.Bd6) 19.cxd4 Qxc7 20.Kd2 and Rac1
the initiative is again with White.; However, 14...Bc6!? would have retained the possibility of
the normal development of the knight at d7. After this the immediate 15.c5 (but 15.Rb1 Nbd7
16.c5 bxc5 17.Bb5! is more interesting, with sharp play (Rashkovsky-Dolmatov, 54th USSR
Championship, Minsk 1987)) , is not very dangerous for Black in view of 15...bxc5 (15...dxc5?!
16.Bb5!) 16.dxc5 d5 (Makarychev).] Of course, at a6 the knight is not very well placed.
However, Karpov is hoping to castle and then seize the h-file. 15.Rb1! 'This rook will exert
considerable (although indirect) pressure on the black king, bishop and knight at a6, and will
make the c4-c5! breakthrough possible. Kasparov's play in a very complicated position just
after the opening creates a strong harmonious impression – a combination of a deep strategic
plan with controlled concrete decisions. However, the world champion soon began to run
seriously short of time.' (Makarychev) 15...Kf8! [15...0–0–0? is too dangerous: 16.c5! dxc5
17.Nc4 with the threats of Nxa5 and Qxb6!. ; It is also unfavourable for Black to play
15...Ne4?! 16.Nxe4 Bxe4 17.Rd1 (or even 17 c5 immediately), since after exchanging the
passive white knight on d2 he remains with the same unresolved problems: where to hide his
king, and how to coordinate his forces?; And if 15...Bc6 the thematic 16.c5! is good.White's
achievements are evident: Black has a bad knight at a6 and his king is still insecurely placed on
the kingside. However, if Black should succeed in playing ...Kg7 and ...Rh8, the bishop on g3
will begin to come under threat by ...Nh5. Therefore White must act!] 16.Qd1! Clearly
demonstrating to the opponent the gravity of the problems facing him. If 16...Kg7 there
follows 17 Rb5!, but that is not all: White has taken control of the g4-square and outlined a
plan of mobilising his forces on the kingside (Rh2!, Bd3, then e3-e4-e5, etc.). ['One of the
strongest moves of the entire return match, disclosing the colossal resources concealed in the
position. Sometimes it is unexpected moves such as this that sharply change the picture of the
battle! If 16.Qc2 there could have followed Yudasin's suggestion 16...Re8 with the idea of
17.e4 (?) 17...e5 18.f3 (?) 18...exd4 19.cxd4 Nb4 , and the black pieces come alive.' (Gurevich).
Or, as in the game, 16...Bc6.] 16...Bc6! Preventing Rb5 (in order to play ...Kg7) and at the same
time aiming at the a4-pawn. [If 16...e5?! (in order after 17...exd4 18 cxd4 to regroup the knight
by 18...Nb4) White has the strong reply 17.c5! exd4 18.cxd6 cxd6 19.Nc4! dxe3 20.fxe3 (not
20.Bxd6? exf2+ and 21...Ne4+) 20...Ne4 (20...Kg7? 21.Rxb6) 21.Bxd6 Nxd6 22.Qxd6 Nc5
23.Rxb6 with an extra pawn and winning chances.] 17.Rh2 'Having delayed the plan of ...Kg7
and ...Rh8, White prepares the development of his f1–bishop (the g2-pawn is defended)
followed by e3-e4-e5. It is clear that Black cannot wait.' (Makarychev) 17...Kg7?! Now it only
remains for the rook to be played to h8. ['In the event of 17...Nb8?! 18.Bd3 Nbd7 19.e4
Black's strategic problems would merely have been aggravated: 19...Kg7? (while if 19...e5 ,
then 20.f3 followed by Nf1–e3-f5) , is still dangerous on account of 20.e5 dxe5 21.dxe5 .'
(Makarychev); But 17...Qd7! with the idea of ...e6-e5 was more accurate: for example,
18.Rb5!? (Gurevich) a)or 18.Bd3 e5! 19.Kf1 (a)19.c5 exd4!) 19...Kg7 20.c5!? Rh8! and ...Rxh2
with good counter-chances; b)and if 18.c5 bxc5 19.Bb5 there is time for 19...cxd4! , when
after 20.exd4 Nb8 Black has a solid pawn chain; 18...e5! 19.dxe5 dxe5 , and the e5-pawn is
taboo on account of 20...Ng4!.] 18.c5! 'Once again we see Kasparov's favourite idea – a pawn
sacrifice for the initiative.' (Gurevich). This sacrifice is very timely: Black, who was all ready to
neutralise the consequences of his dangerously-played opening, now faces new problems.
18...bxc5 [It is easier for White to attack in the event of 18...dxc5?! 19.Be5! (threatening Qh5)
19...Kf8 (19...Rh8? 20.Qg4) 20.Bb5 : for example, 20...Nb8? (or the more resilient 20...Bb7
21.Rh6 Rg6 22.Rxg6 fxg6 23.Nf3! Ng4 (e4) 24.Qd3 etc) 21.dxc5 bxc5 (21...Bxb5 22.Rxb5!)
22.Rh6 Ne8 (22...Nd5? 23.c4! Bxb5 24.cxd5) 23.Qh5 f6 24.Rh7! Ng7 (24...Rg7 25.Qh6) 25.Qh3!
and wins.] 19.Bb5 (the Ruy Lopez!) 19...Nb8? Now White's initiative becomes threatening.

[However, he also has the better chances after 19...Qd7 20.f4! (exploiting the king's position
on g7); or 19...Bxb5 20.axb5 Nb8 21.b6; and after retreats by the bishop – 19...Bd5 20.Qe2
cxd4 (20...Nb8?! 21.e4!) 21.exd4 Nb8 22.f4!; or 19...Bb7 20.Qe2! (not my earlier move 20.Bd3
because of 20...cxd4! 21.exd4 Bc6) 20...Rh8 21.Bd3 , creating problems for the opponent with
the bishop on b7.] 20.dxc5 d5?! It is now hard to offer Black any good advice. [After 20...Bxb5
21.Rxb5! dxc5 22.Qf3 Nbd7 23.Bxc7 the bishop also breaks free with destructive effect. ;
20...dxc5 also does not help in view of 21.Be5! Kf8 22.Rh6 with crushing threats (as in the note
to Black's 18th move).; And after the restricting 20...e5 there is the strong reply 21.Nc4! Rd8
22.cxd6 cxd6 23.f3! Bxb5 24.Rxb5 Qc7 25.Qd3 Ra6 26.e4 and Ne3.The move made by Karpov
does not spoil his pawn chain, but it so weakens the dark squares (around his king!) that it
induces White to search for decisive continuations. Was this a lure on the part of my
opponent? If so, it hit the target: here I spent much time seeking a clear way to win, but failed
to find one – in the position it turned out that there were too many complicated tactical
nuances, too many tempting possibilities...] 21.Be5 Kf8 22.Rh6 Ne8 23.Qh5! The strongest
move (also involving a trap – 23...Bxb5? 24 Rh7! and Qh6+), although the variations after it are
mind-boggling, and I already had little time left. 23...f6 24.Rh7 Ng7 [There is also no defence
after 24...Rg7 25.Qh6 fxe5 (25...Bxb5? 26.Rh8+! Kf7 27.Qh5+ Rg6 28.Rh6 Bd3 29.e4) 26.Rh8+
Kf7 27.Nf3 Qf6 28.Qh5+ Rg6 29.Rh6 e4 (29...Kg7 30.Rh7+ Kf8 31.Nxe5! etc) 30.Rxg6 Qxc3+
31.Nd2 Ng7 32.Rxg7+ .] 25.Qf3! [Alas, here I grew nervous and I spent 9 out of my remaining
15 minutes to the time control (how I missed them later!) calculating a bishop sacrifice –
25.Qh6? fxe5 26.Nf3 , leading after 26...Bxb5 merely to complications and a draw: 27.--
a)27.axb5 Nd7 28.c6 g4!; b)27.Nxe5? Be8 and wins; c), or 27.Rxb5 Nc6 28.c4! winning the e4-
square for the knight; (c)28.Nxg5 Ke8!) 28...dxc4 29.Nxg5 Ke8 30.Ne4 Kf7 (f8).; ] 25...Kf7
26.Qh5+ Kf8 27.Qf3! Kf7 28.Rh6?! After repeating moves to save time, I took a decision which
was far from best. [I could have won by the unexpected 28.Be2 (and then on to h5); the sharp
28.e4 ; the cool-headed 28.Ke2 ; or the lethal 28.c4! – now 28...Nd7 (28...Bxb5 29.axb5; and
28...g4 29.Qf4 Bxb5 30.axb5 are all hopeless for Black) 29.Bxc6 Nxe5 30.Qh5+ Kf8 31.Bxa8
Nxh5 32.Rb8+ .] 28...Ne8 [Not 28...Nd7? because of 29.Bxf6! (or 29.Bxc7! Qxc5 30.Be5!)
29...Nxf6 30.Bxc6 .] 29.e4? A pawn joins the attack (30 Bxf6 Nxf6 31 e5 is threatened), but –
the wrong one! [29.c4!? was far stronger. After 29...g4 (while if 29...Bxb5 there is the decisive
30.cxd5! Bd3 (or 30...exd5 31.Qxd5+ Kg7 32.Rxb5 Kxh6 33.Qxa8 Qxe5 34.Rxb8 Qa1+ 35.Ke2
Qxa4 36.Qd5) 31.d6! (Makarychev) ) 30.Qf4 Bxb5 31.Rxb5 Nd7 32.Bb2! e5 33.Rh7+ Rg7 34.Qh6
Black is helpless.] 29...g4 30.Qf4 Bxb5 31.Rxb5 [After the hasty 31.Bxf6? Nxf6 32.e5 Black had
prepared 32...Bd3! (covering the h7-square) 33.Rxf6+ Ke8 .] 31...Nd7 Karpov has almost
defended himself. [Instead, 31...Nc6? would have allowed a destructive piece sacrifice:
32.Rh7+ Rg7 33.Rxg7+ Nxg7 34.Bxc7 e5 35.Qxg4 Qxc7 36.exd5 and wins.] 32.Bxc7!?
Desperately fighting for the initiative. [32.Bxf6 also looked tempting, but after 32...Ndxf6!
33.e5 Rg6 34.Rh8 Rg8 Black would have retained possibilities of resisting.] 32...Nxc5 [If 32...e5?
the simplest is 33.Rh7+ Rg7 34.Qh6! Nxc5 35.Qh5+ Kf8 36.Rh8+ Rg8 37.Bxa5 Nd3+ 38.Kf1 .]
33.Qe3! Both forced and strong. In principle White's chances are better, but the position is
now close to dynamic equilibrium: Black has managed to develop his pieces. 33...Nxe4? A
losing move! [33...Nxc7?! 34.Rxc5 Rg7 35.g3 was also insufficient; but the fearless 33...Nxa4!
34.Bxa5 Qd7 would have retained real hopes of saving the game, although after both 35.--
a)35.Qd3 Nb2 (a)or 35...Rc8 36.c4! Nc5 37.Qd4 dxc4 38.Qxd7+ Nxd7 39.Rb7 Ke7 40.e5 fxe5
41.Bb4+ Kd8 42.Rxe6) 36.Rxb2 Rxa5 37.Nc4!; b), and 35.exd5 exd5 (b)35...Qxb5? 36.Qxe6+ Kg7
37.Rh4! Kf8 38.Rh7! Ng7 39.Qxf6+ Ke8 is bad because of 40.Qg6+! Kf8 41.Ne4! Qb1+ 42.Kd2)
36.Qd3 Nb2 37.Rxb2 Rxa5 38.Nb3 Black would have had to defend accurately.; ] 34.Nxe4 dxe4
35.Bxa5 f5 (Black does not want to lose his e4-pawn, but this catastrophically weakens the
dark squares) 36.Bb4 [The immediate 36.Qd4! was even better. In any event, White has an
irresistible attack. However: 'The group of pawns in the centre and the opponent's severe
time-trouble give Black definite counter-chances.' (Gurevich).] 36...Qd7 37.Qd4! (centralisation
– and a trap: 37...Qxd4? 38 Rb7+!) 37...Ra7 [The only defence against a rapid rout: 37...Rd8

38.Rb7! Qxb7 39.Qxd8 g3 40.Qh4! gxf2+ 41.Kxf2 Qa7+ (41...Rg6 42.Rh8) 42.Kf1 Ng7 43.Rf6+!
Ke8 44.Qh7 .] 38.Rh7+? Even now, more than a quarter of a century later, I cannot look at this
and my next move without a shudder – a 'combination' of the two weakest moves in my
career! They disrupt the entire harmony of White's position, and no time-trouble can excuse
them. [And yet there were just three moves to make before the time control – any three
normal moves, and that would have been the end both of the game, and of any struggle in the
match! The most practical was 38.Bc5 Qxd4 (or 38...Rb7 39.Rh7+ Rg7 40.Rxg7+ Nxg7 41.Qxd7+
Rxd7 42.a5 with an elementary win) 39.Bxd4 Rd7 (39...Rc7 40.a5) 40.Rb8 (precisely three
moves).; The most surprising – 38.Bd6!? Rg6 39.Rh8 Rg8 40.Rb8!; and the most 'attacking' –
38.Qe5!? Rg6 (38...Rxa4? 39.Rb7!) 39.Rh7+ Rg7 40.Rxg7+ Nxg7 41.Rb8 Ne8 42.Qh8! and wins.I
cannot find any explanation for what happened. For 37 moves in this game Black has not once
'raised his head', and suddenly he receives an enormous gift!] 38...Ng7 I overlooked this
defence. 39.a5?? During the last few seconds before the fall of my flag I completely lost my
head. [39.Bc5! (Gurevich) would still have won after 39...Qxd4 (there is nothing better)
40.Bxd4 Rd7 (or 40...Kg6 41.Bxa7 Kxh7 42.Rb7 (b8)) 41.Rh6 and a4-a5. Instead of this White
even manages to lose!] 39...Kg6?! Karpov had about two minutes left and in the time scramble
he hurried to exchange the queens, [although he could have gained a decisive attack by
39...Qxb5! 40.Qxa7+ Kg6 41.Rh4 Rd8! Makarychev; (41...Qd3?! 42.Qd4!) 42.Qe3 Nh5 etc. After
39...Kg6 the win for Black is by no means so obvious.] 40.Qxd7 Rxd7 Here the game was
adjourned. For some ten minutes I stared at the board, trying to understand what had
happened in the time scramble and what had become of White's advantage.Initially I wrote on
my scoresheet the panicky 41 Rxg7+?, in order to rid myself of the ill-starred rook which was
now out of play (the conversion of the exchange advantage would not have presented a
difficult problem for Black). But then I managed to take myself in hand and I realised that I
could still fight for a draw: in the end, material was still equal, and White also had his trumps –
the passed pawns on the queenside. 41.Rh4 The sealed move. 'From h4 the rook is able to
prevent the activation of Black's pawn phalanx.' (Makarychev)Our team analysis went on until
six in the morning. It was established that, of the main possibilities available to Black, two were
the most unpleasant – 41...Nh5 and 41...Rgd8.On the resumption, miracles with 'parallel
analysis' again began to occur – identical key ideas and even oversights by the two players.
41...Rgd8! [The first coincidence: we also came to the conclusion that 41...Nh5 was weaker.
However, in the variation 42.g3 (forced) 42...e3 43.Rb6! exf2+ 44.Kxf2 Kg5 we only considered
45.Bd6?! (45.Rxe6? Nxg3; 45.Rxh5+?!; whereas after 45.Rh1! Nf6 46.Re1 Ne4+ 47.Rxe4 fxe4
48.Rb5+ Kf6 49.Ke3 and Kxe4 White does, indeed, have better drawing chances than in the
game) 45...Rgd8 46.Rxh5+ .] 42.c4 Preventing the invasion of both black rooks. [After 42.Bc5?
both 42...Rd1+ (and the preparatory 42...Kg5 would have been decisive) 43.Ke2 R8d2+ 44.Ke3
g3 45.fxg3 Rxg2 .] 42...Rd1+ 43.Ke2 The key position of this variation: which of the white
pawns should Black first take under control – 'a' or 'c'? 43...Rc1? Our analysis of this second-
rate continuation turned out to be deplorable – and Karpov once again struck at the most
vulnerable point... [The a-pawn is more dangerous (it is closer to the queening square), and
therefore our main attention had been focused on 43...Ra1! . 44.-- a). Now White loses after
both 44.g3? Ra2+ 45.Ke1 e3 46.fxe3 Rd3 47.Bc5 Nh5; b), and 44.Bc5? g3! followed by ...Nh5. ;
c). We were counting on 44.Bc3 Rc1! 45.Be5 (c)45.Bxg7 Rc2+ 46.Ke3 (e1) 46...Kxg7 is
insufficient) 45...Rc2+ 46.Ke1 Rdd2 (?) (c)but many years later it transpired that here too after
46...Nh5! (with the threat of ...Rdd2) 47.Rb2 Rxc4 things are bad for White) 47.Rh6+! Kg5
48.Rh7 with a draw.Thus, after 43...Ra1! only a miracle could have saved White. But in our
analysis of the drawing move 43...Rc1? a 'hole' had crept in on the very first move! Karpov was
about 10 minutes late for the start of the adjournment session. According to his second,
Sergey Makarychev, in analysis a win for Black had not been found and which of the two
continuations (43...Ra1 or 43...Rc1) to choose was decided by the ex-world champion only five
minutes before the start of play. And the move he chose was obviously the weaker one!; ]
44.a6? A blunder – it was on this terrible 'hole' that our conclusions were based. And yet

White's problem was not in fact so difficult: he needed to activate his unfortunate rook on h4.
[This idea is realised by the obvious 44.Bc5! (to e3 as quickly as possible – it would have been
impossible to set up this ideal construction after 43...Ra1!), and things head for a draw:
44...Nh5 45.g3 (but not immediately 45.Be3? because of 45...Rc2+ 46.Ke1 g3! 47.a6 Rd3! 48.a7
Ra3 and wins) 45...Rc2+ 46.Ke1 Rxc4 47.Be3! (a fortress!) 47...Ra4 48.Rb6 Ra1+ 49.Ke2 Rd3
50.Rxh5 (or even 50.Rxe6+!? Kf7 51.Ra6 Nxg3+ 52.fxg3 Ra2+ 53.Bd2 Raxd2+ 54.Ke1 Rd1+
55.Ke2 R3d2+ 56.Ke3 Rd6 57.Rb6 Kf6 58.Rh6+ Ke5 59.Rhxd6 Rxd6 60.Rb3 Rd1 61.Ra3 Rf1
62.Ra4 with a draw) 50...Kxh5 51.Rxe6 Ra2+ 52.Kf1! .] Unfortunately, I bashed out 44 a6 at
blitz speed, whereas I should have stopped to think at the board... 44...Rc2+! In our analysis
we overlooked this intermediate check. [44...Ra1 was also good, since 45.Rb6 (while after my
planned 45.Bd2 Black could have increased his advantage by 45...Nh5 46.Rb2 Ra8) 45...Ra2+
46.Ke1 would have led to a position from the game.] 45.Ke1 [If 45.Ke3 Black decides matters
with 45...Rd3+! 46.Kf4 Rxc4 , when ...e4-e3 cannot be prevented.] 45...Ra2 46.Rb6 [After
46.Bc5? Rxa6 47.Be3 Ra1+! 48.Ke2 Ra2+ 49.Ke1 Nh5 (shutting in the rook) 50.g3 Rd3! with the
threats of ...Nxg3 and ...Rxe3 White's fortress would have quickly collapsed. ; And if 46.Ba5 ,
then 46...Ra8! . Therefore White is forced to waste time on the defence of his a6-pawn, and
Black activates his second rook.] 46...Rd3 Preparing a decisive attack. The mistakes on moves
38-39 and in the analysis of the adjourned position had demoralised me, and during the
resumption I played with a feeling of doom. I was especially vexed by the fate of my once
formidable king's rook. 47.c5? Too submissive! [47.Bc5! g3! 48.fxg3 Rxg3 49.Kf1 was more
resilient, although after 49...Rgxg2! 50.a7 Rgc2 51.Rb1 Rxc4 52.Be3 Nh5 53.Rh2! Ra3! 54.Rg2+
Kf6 55.Bb6 Nf4 56.Rg8 Rca4 it is doubtful whether White can save the game.] 47...Ra1+ 48.Ke2
Ra2+ 'With the aim of keeping a large reserve of time for the last moves before the time
control, which had extended beyond our home analysis.' (Makarychev). One senses that
Karpov too had not analysed 43...Rc1 very thoroughly. 49.Ke1 g3 [49...Kg5! would have won
much more simply, including all the forces in the attack: 50.c6 (50.Rh7 Nh5; or 50.g3 Ra1+
51.Ke2 f4) 50...Kxh4 51.c7 Ra1+ 52.Ke2 f4 with unavoidable mate.] 50.fxg3 Rxg3 51.Kf1 'An
interesting idea, which almost proved successful. [If 51.Rh2 , then 51...f4 would have been
decisive.' (Makarychev)] 51...Rgxg2 52.Be1 Rgc2 (combining an attack with prophylaxis) 53.c6
Ra1 54.Rh3 f4 [54...Ne8!? .] 55.Rb4 [Also after 55.Rhb3 Nf5 (55...Rcc1? 56.Rb1!) 56.Rb1 Raa2
there is no way of saving the game.] 55...Kf5 [55...Nh5 (f5) was simpler: 56.Rxe4 Ng3+
57.Rxg3+ fxg3 58.Rg4+ Kf5 59.Rxg3 Rxc6 , and White can resign.] 56.Rb5+ e5 [Not 56...Kg4?
57.Rh4+ with perpetual check.] 57.Ra5 Rd1 [The next time control had been reached, and
Black could have played more accurately: 57...Rac1! 58.c7 (a7) 58...e3! .] 58.a7 [58.c7! was
better 58...-- a), with the idea of 58...Rxc7 59.a7; b), but after the subtle 58...e3! 59.Rh2!
Rcc1! 60.c8Q+ (b)or 60.Re2 Ne6! 61.a7 Nxc7 62.a8Q Nxa8 63.Rxa8 Ke4 64.Ra4+ Rd4 65.Ra3
Rd3 66.Ra4+ Kf5 67.Rh2 Rd2 68.Re2 Rcc2 all the same Black would have won) 60...Rxc8 61.a7
f3! (with the threat of ...Rxe1+).; ] 58...e3! . Mate is unavoidable, and White resigned. Times:
3.39–3.42. 0–1

All I could do was bitterly regret that I had ruined a masterpiece. And it brought to mind the
tragic 6th game of the first match, where I also unexpectedly returned my queen to d1, then
failed to find the murderous 25 Qh5! and also contrived to lose (Game No.94 in Kasparov vs.
Karpov 1975-1985). The situation in the match again changed - my lead was reduced to the
minimum and the psychological initiative had obviously passed to my opponent.

Playing after two successive defeats is very difficult; in fact it's pretty terrible: you imagine
cracks appearing in the most reliable set-ups. In the 19th game I again went down in flames in
the Grünfeld Defence - and earned my third successive nought! My recent enormous
advantage had evaporated like the morning mist. The score was now equal: 9½-9½. In this
desperate situation my trainers and I decided to aim for a short draw in the 20th game, in the

21st to parry the opponent's onslaught, and to make the 22nd the 'retribution game'. And that
is what happened.

On the day of the 22nd game it rained incessantly, but as we set off for the start it suddenly
stopped. And when I got out of the car, over the Leningrad Hotel was the most brilliant
rainbow I had ever seen in my life. It was wonderful! For my romantic and rather superstitious
nature, this was like a sign from on high. And indeed, this game granted me some
unforgettable moments...

Game 19
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 22nd Game, Leningrad 3/4.10.1986

The time scramble had just come to an end and here the game was adjourned. Having just
played ...Rc2-d2, Karpov looked very content: in a difficult battle for equality he appeared to
have achieved much. I sank into thought... The most natural move for White is 41 Rb4, but
after 41...f6! 42 Nxg6 Qxg6 43 Qxg6+ Kxg6 Black has excellent chances of saving the rook
ending. At the adjournment it was this development of events that was predicted by all the
commentators.However, I did not consider any move other than 41 Nd7 (which had been
conceived 'in rough' on the 37th move). Delving into the position, fairly soon I also discovered
the third move of the combination (43 Rb4). Staggered by its beauty, for 17 minutes I checked
and re-checked the variations, not believing my own eyes and gaining enormous aesthetic
pleasure. Then I wrote down 41 Nd7, but within a short time I again picked up my pen. Many
thought that I had changed my initial decision. Nothing of the sort! It was simply that 'for
safety's sake' I decided once again to overwrite the sealed move (a photocopy of the
scoresheet was published soon afterwards in Literaturnaya gazeta), and only then did I seal my
scoresheet in the envelope.'Either I am going mad, or else I have a forced and very pretty win' I
informed my trainers, who, incidentally, were looking rather despondent (they too had been
analysing only 41 Rb4). I remember their first reaction: 'No, that sort of thing doesn't happen.'
But it turned out that it does happen! We analysed the position for a long time: we had to
check over and over again that our eyes were not deceiving us.My opponent arrived for the
adjournment session with a heavy heart. It stands to reason that he had found the
combination, and one can imagine with what feelings he awaited the revealing of the sealed
move, and with what difficulty he appeared to remain completely calm. When the arbiter was
opening the envelope, Karpov stared into the audience, but even so he was unable to restrain
himself and he cast a glance at Schmid's hand, when the latter was taking the scoresheet out
of the envelope. Even before the move was reproduced on the board, Karpov saw it and
understood everything... 41.Nd7!! 'The grandmasters unanimously called this move a study-

like solution.' (Keene) 41...Rxd4 It is not a matter of the pawn, but of the exchange of queens,
which Black wishes to offer (from f4). How to defend against this? 42.Nf8+ Kh6 43.Rb4!! The
crux of the combination! White's small army operates so harmoniously that Black is unable to
break up the mating net without great loss of material. 43...Rc4 Here Karpov thought for no
more than a minute. [The following variation is especially pretty: 43...Rxb4 44.axb4 d4 45.b5
d3 46.b6 d2 47.b7 d1Q 48.b8Q (threatening check and mate from f4) 48...Qc1 49.Nxg6 Qxg6
50.Qh8+ Qh7 51.Qgxg7# .; He would also have lost after 43...Rd3 44.-- a)44.a4 the simplest,
44...Re3 (a)not 44...d4? 45.Rb5; a)or 44...Ra3 45.Rd4! Qf6 46.Rxd5) 45.Rb8 Bh7 (a)45...Qe5
46.Qxe5 Rxe5 47.Nd7 with the mating threat Rh8+ and Nf8) 46.Qg5+ (a)46.a5!?) 46...Qxg5
47.hxg5+ Kxg5 48.Nxh7+ etc.; b), but 44.Rb8 is also good; c). Botvinnik: 'After 43...Rd3 in his
adjournment analysis Kasparov was not satisfied with the simple win of a piece, but sought a
problem-like continuation of the attack with 44.Qe1 . Capablanca thought that it was
unaesthetic to play for brilliancy, if there was a simple win. And in the given instance he was
proved right: candidate master M.Chudakov (and after him grandmaster J.Nunn) showed that
44...Qc8! 45.-- c1)45.Qe7 Qf5 46.f4 (c1)46.Qc7! – G.K.) 46...Qf6 would have repelled the attack.
Yes, a striving for brilliancy sometimes prevents Kasparov from reaching the truth... Here with
experience everything should come right.'; c2). Instead of 45 Qe7, White has the crushing
stroke 45.Qe5! , since the knight cannot be taken – 45...Qxf8? (c2)while if 45...Qf5 there
follows the unexpected 46.Qg3! Rxa3 47.Rd4!! (a study-like move: the threat is Rxd5!)
47...Ra5 48.Qc7 with the threat of Qc1+ and an irresistible attack. It is not often that one
encounters such a 'box' as the one in which the black king found itself. It is greatly hindered by
its own pawns on g7 and h5 as well as the ill-starred bishop, and the role of the key to this
construction is played by the white knight) , because of 46.Rb8 Qxb8 47.Qxb8 Rxa3
(c2)47...Kh7 48.Qb2 and a3-a4) 48.Qh8+ Bh7 49.Qc8! (pretty geometry: the threat is Qc1+ and
Qxa3 or Qg5 mate) 49...Ra1 50.Qc3 and wins.; ; ; 43...Rd1 44.a4! .] 44.Rxc4 dxc4 45.Qd6! c3
(the only defence against 46 Qd2+) 46.Qd4 Now 47 Qe3+ is threatened;[and if 46.Qd4 Bh7
(46...Qd3? 47.Qf4#) , then 47.Qxc3 Bg8 (or 47...g5 48.Qd4) 48.Qe3+ g5 49.Qxg5+ with a
straightforward win. Times: 2.42–2.32.] 1–0

Thanks to its study-like finish, this game, which was of colossal competitive importance and
which essentially decided matters, was simultaneously the best in the match, and also in the
42nd issue of Informator.

In the remaining two games I needed half a point to retain the title of champion, but I made
two draws. As the sports commentator Kote Makharadze remarked, 'the victory of one Soviet
grandmaster over another was reported on television in such a voice that you'd think the
commentator had just lost a close friend.' The closing ceremony also resembled a funeral, with
many of the 'select' audience wearing mournful expressions. There were few people on the
stage, and the senior officials of the Sports Committee, and even Sevastyanov, the chairman of
the Chess Federation, were absent. The lavish celebrations that had been planned for a
different outcome were put off for another occasion.

By winning a second match against Karpov, for the first time I took the lead in the overall
number of wins in our matches (13-12). Psychologically this was an important turning-point: I
was no longer in any doubt that I was a better player than my opponent. Everything suggested
that I was beginning to feel comfortable as champion. I experienced joy and relief, little
suspecting that a year later a genuine return match awaited me.

1.5. For the First Time on Board 1

27th World Chess Olympiad (Dubai, 14 November - 2 December 1986): 1. USSR - 40 out of 56;
2. England - 39½; 3. USA - 38½; 4. Hungary - 34½; 5-7. Iceland, Bulgaria and China - 34; 8-12.

Czechoslovakia, Cuba, France, Argentina and Peru - 33, etc. (altogether 108 teams). The
winning team comprised Kasparov (8½ out of 11), Karpov (6 out of 9), A.Sokolov (6 out of 9),
Yusupov (10 out of 12), reserves Vaganian (7 out of 10) and Tseshkovsky (2½ out of 5).

Immediately after the return match I an-notated all the games from it, and whereas my book
about the 1985 match appeared only in England (1986), the collection Dva matchawas
published in Moscow (1987). In October 1986 I also began working on the book Child of
Change (co-authored by Donald Trelford, a prominent English political commentator, and
editor-in-chief of the Sunday Observer).

Then in November Karpov and I headed the Soviet team at the next Olympiad. We had missed
the previous one, which took place during the unlimited match of 1984/85, but even without
us the USSR team had taken first place, ahead of England, USA, Hungary and so on. These
same teams were also our main rivals on this occasion, in the sultry heat of Dubai, to where
the flight from the cold of Moscow took more than seven hours.

This Olympiad was a difficult test for me: for the first time I appeared on board 1 and at the
same time I took part in the work of the FIDE Congress, lobbying delegates late into the night
to get them to vote against Campomanes in the forthcoming presidential election. Inspired by
the recent removal of Vitaly Sevastyanov from the post of Chairman of the Soviet Federation, I
was hoping also to overcome my opponent in FIDE. However, I completely overlooked the
strength of the alliance between the Sports Committee and Campomanes, forged by the
participation of both sides in the events of February 1985. The official announcement of the
USSR's position predetermined the results of the votes. All the pro-Soviet countries voted for
Campomanes, which also influenced the delegates who had been wavering. Also solidly behind
the Filipino were the Arab states and the delegates of those Third World countries who had
travelled to the Olympiad at the organisers' expense. In the end Campomanes was
triumphantly elected for a second term, and I promptly set about creating an independent
organisation - the Grandmasters Association (GMA).

This late-night campaigning did little to help my chess, and in the middle of the Olympiad I
suffered a serious slump. But I started well, as did the team as a whole: we defeated Lebanon
4-0, dropped just half a point in each of the matches with Peru and Czechoslovakia (I won
against Granda and Smejkal) and overcame Hungary by the minimum margin (I let Portisch off
the hook, but Karpov beat Ribli).

However, the next five days turned out to be the most agonising period of our stay in Dubai: of
the four matches, we drew three and did not win a single one! In the 5th round there was a
difficult drawn match with Yugoslavia (I was rested, and Karpov lost to Ljubojevic). In the 6th
round we met the unprecedentedly strong English team and within two hours (!) we had
already lost the two 'Black' games: Sokolov to Nunn and Vaganian to Chandler. Fortunately,
Yusupov methodically outplayed Short, while 'by tradition' I overcame Miles.

Game 20
G.Kasparov-A.Miles, World Chess Olympiad, 6th Round, Dubai 21.11.1986
Queen's Indian Defence E13

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 [On this occasion, instead of 2...c5 (Game No.12), Miles decided to play as
Timman did in his match with me.] 3.Nf3 b6 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.Bg5 Bb7 6.e3 h6 7.Bh4 g5 [7...Bxc3+
8.bxc3 d6 – Game No.18.] 8.Bg3 Ne4 9.Nd2!? Although the opponent's choice came as a
surprise to me, [I again preferred the pawn sacrifice ( 9.Qc2 – Game Nos.10, 11). ] 9...Nxg3
[Rejecting 9...Nxc3 10.bxc3 Bxc3 – Game No.9.] 10.hxg3 Bf8!? An original novelty. [Avoiding

the usual 10...Bxc3 11.bxc3 d6 , Black asserts that with two bishops he can afford to play
recklessly.; A similar plan – 10...Nc6 11.Qc2 Bf8 had already been employed by Miles against
Schussler (Reykjavik 1986), and after 12.a3 Bg7 13.Be2 Qe7 14.g4 0–0–0 15.0–0–0 Kb8 he
achieved a good game. Even so, this is not the most appropriate idea.] 11.f4?! A completely
unnecessary move: I did not immediately grasp what I should do, and I was afraid of taking my
king to the queenside, because of the illusory counterplay with ...Bg7 and ...c7-c5. [11.Qa4!?
followed by 0–0–0, Kb1 and Rc1 was correct, planning after ...0–0–0 an attack with c4-c5 and
Ba6.] 11...Bg7 12.Qa4 [I was even thinking about 12.Kf2 , but after 12...Nc6 13.Be2 Qe7 14.d5
Na5 (intending ...0–0–0) the king on f2 is not best placed.] 12...Nc6 Yefim Geller, the chief
trainer of our team, criticised this move for its rejection of the idea of ...c7-c5, and he
recommended 12...c5 or the preparatory 12...Qe7. [However, if 12...c5 there would have
followed 13.d5! , when 13...Bxc3 14.bxc3 exd5?! 15.cxd5 Bxd5 16.0–0–0 is advantageous for
White; while if 12...Qe7 13.0–0–0 c5 , then again 14.d5! Bxc3 15.bxc3 exd5?! 16.cxd5 Bxd5
(16...Qxe3? 17.Qe4+) 17.e4 Bc6 18.Qc2 (b3) with excellent play for the pawn: it is not easy for
Black to safeguard his king.] 13.0–0–0 Qe7?! [The drawback to f2-f4 would have been
emphasised by 13...Ne7! (in order by ...Nf5 to attack the weakened pawns on e3 and g3)
14.Bd3!? (essentially a forced pawn sacrifice) 14...Bxg2 15.Rh2 Bb7 16.Qc2 with unclear play.
But Miles sticks to the plan with ...0–0–0.] 14.Be2 0–0–0 15.Kb1 Kb8 16.Rc1 This move
suggests itself. 'Black has a solid, but passive position' (Geller), and White tries to develop his
initiative, by concentrating his forces on the queenside with the idea of c4-c5 and Ba6.
16...Qb4 Miles drives the white queen away from his king. [The defensive try 16...f5 17.a3 g4
18.Nb3 a6 19.c5 b5 would have been refuted by 20.Bxb5! axb5 21.Nxb5 with the decisive
threat of Na5 (and if 21...d6 , then first 22.Rc3! ).] 17.Qd1 Qf8 (intending ...Ne7-f5) 18.Bf3
[18.Nb3 f5 (18...Ne7 19.Bf3!) 19.c5 was also possible, but I did not want to block the queen's
path to a4.; But not 18.d5?! Ne7 .] 18...f5 [Now 18...Ne7?! is dangerous on account of
19.Bxb7 Kxb7 20.c5! .] 19.Qa4 The reply 19...Qb4 is ruled out, and again c4-c5 is threatened.
19...g4 [19...a6 20.Bxc6! (Miles blocked the kingside, probably in the expectation of 20.Be2?!
h5! with good counterplay, but I had prepared a surprise for him) 20...dxc6 21.c5 e5 22.fxe5
Bxe5 23.Rhf1 is also unclear, but the weakening ...a7-a6 is not to everyone's taste.] 20.Bxc6!
dxc6 [20...Bxc6 is no better in view of 21.Nb5 Bxb5 (forced: 21...a5? 22.c5!) 22.cxb5 (22.Qxb5
also gives a small plus) 22...Qd6 (my Informator recommendation with the idea of ...Qd5 'with
equality') 23.Rc3! Qd5 24.Rhc1 Rc8 25.Qc2 Qb7 26.a4 Bf8 (otherwise a4-a5) 27.Nc4 , and
White retains the initiative (here the knight is somewhat more active than the bishop).] 21.c5!
(restricting still further the actions of the black bishops) 21...e5! A counter-breakthrough in
the centre. [21...bxc5?! is too risky in view of 22.Nb3! cxd4 23.exd4 with an attack.] 22.fxe5
Bxe5 23.Ne2! A highly unusual semi-open position has arisen. Miles was relying on his two
bishops, but the white knights have more prospects: for the moment one of them goes to f4,
while the other, after Rc3 and Rhc1, may be able to worry the black king. Nevertheless, all the
play still lies ahead. 23...Bf6 24.Nf4 Qe8 25.Rc3 b5 [All the same Black cannot avoid this – say,
25...Rh7 26.Ra3 a6 27.Qb3 (27.Qc2 Re7!) 27...b5 28.Qd3 Bc8 etc.] 26.Qc2 Bc8 27.a4 Rh7 A loss
of time. [If 27...a6 in Informator I recommended 28.Nb3 – and indeed, after 28...Bg5 29.Nd3!
Be6 30.Nb4 White has a dangerous attack. ; However, the immediate 27...Bg5! with the idea
of ...Bxf4 (now 28.Nd3? is not possible because of 28...Bxe3 ) would have retained
approximate equality.] 28.axb5 cxb5 29.c6 [29.Rd3 Re7 30.Qb3 Bg5 31.d5 a6 is unclear.]
29...a6 30.Rc1 Rd6? [And this is already the decisive mistake ( 30...Re7?! 31.Qb3! was also
weak). ; Again 30...Bg5! and ...Bxf4 was the correct defence, but Miles stubbornly does not
want to part with his active dark-squared bishop.] 31.Qb3! [If 31.Qd3 , then 31...Re7 32.Nf1
was now suitable, provoking the far more modest move] 31...Re7? A time-trouble error, which
hastens the end. [In avoiding the fatal 31...Ka7? (a8) 32.Rc5! Re7 33.R1c3 , Miles allows a
combination which in fact exploits the position of the rook on e7. ; The only chance of
complicating matters was 31...h5 32.Rc5! h4 33.gxh4 Bxh4 , in the hope of the unclear
34.R1c3?! (although after 34.Nd5! (with the terrible threat of 34...-- 35.Rxb5+! axb5 36.Qxb5+

Ka7 37.Nb4 ) Black has a barely defensible position) 34...Ka7 35.Qa3 Be1! 36.Re5 Qf8 .] 32.Nc4!
(a mating attack has suddenly arisen) 32...Rxc6 [If 32...Rd8 , then 33.Nb6 is possible,(but
33.Na3 Qf7 34.Qb4 with the threat of Nxb5 wins outright.) ] 33.Na5 Rxc3 [If 33...Rd6 , then
34.Nd5! Red7 35.Nxc7 Qe4+ 36.Ka1 Bb7 37.Nxb7 Kxb7 (or 37...Qxb7 38.Ne8! Rb6 39.Rc7 and
wins) 38.Nxb5! .] 34.Qxc3 Bb7 35.Nxb7 Kxb7 36.Nd5 (after 31...h5 this would not have worked
because of the reply 36...Qe4+) 36...Rf7 [If 36...Bg5 it is possible to take the exchange –
37.Nxe7 (but 37.Nxc7! Qd7 38.Qa3 is more forceful.) ] 37.Nxf6 [There was a win by direct
attack after 37.Nxc7! Qe4+ 38.Ka1 with the threats of Qa5 and Nxb5, but in time-trouble I
played more simply, taking the game into a technical phase.] 37...Rxf6 38.Qxc7+ Ka8 39.Rc5!
(this invasion leads to the gain of material; Re5 is threatened) 39...Qb8? This loses
immediately, [but 39...Rf7 40.Qb6 Qe4+ 41.Ka2! Qb7 42.Qxh6 Ka7 43.Qg6 was also
insufficient.] 40.Qd7 Rf8 [40...Rd6 41.Qxf5 .] 41.Rc6 [If 41.Rc6 Qb7 42.Qd6 (d5).] 1–0

My win enabled us to save the match with the English. The paradoxical feature of this
important game was that Miles usually preferred knights, while I preferred bishops, but here it
all turned out the other way round: I successfully, 'in Chigorin style', manoeuvred with my
knights, while Miles suffered with his bishops.

In the 7th round the Soviet team was unable to beat Iceland: I won against Helgi Olafsson, but
Karpov failed to finish off Hjartarson, and Tseshkovsky lost to Petursson. And half way through
the tournament we lost the lead: England and USA - 20 out of 28, USSR - 19½.

It was hard to overestimate the importance of our match with the Americans in the 8th round.
In the fourth hour Yusupov and Vaganian drew, Sokolov lost an obvious advantage in his game
with Christiansen, while I was continuing to seek a way to win against the desperately resisting
Seirawan. But on the neighbouring boards the English crushed Iceland 4-0, threatening to burst
ahead, and at the end of the fifth hour my nerve failed me: I made an untimely exchange of
bishop for knight, blundered in a sharp rook ending, and suffered a painful defeat. As a result
we lost the match (1½-2½), which had a considerable psychological effect: the US President
Reagan even sent his compatriots a congratulatory telegram!

The Soviet team unexpectedly dropped to 6th place, now 2½ points behind England. The
situation was desperate, but not hopeless. In the 9th round we crushed France (3½-½),
although I again slipped up: playing White against Spassky, in the opening I incorrectly
sacrificed a pawn, ran into an improvement, and to avoid the worst I accepted the draw
offered by my opponent. The gap between us and the leaders was reduced by just half a point.

In the 10th round came an uncommonly dramatic match with Romania. After playing what was
then my main variation against the Nimzo-Indian Defence, I encountered a novelty 12...Qc7!
(cf. Game No.13, note to Black's 12th move), immediately ended up in a difficult position, for a
long time fought for equality and only by a miracle gained a draw. Fortunately, Yusupov
defeated Ghinda in a subtle endgame with opposite-colour bishops, and we won the match
(2½-1½). That day the English suffered a sensational defeat against the young Spanish team
(3½-½!), and we at last caught up with them. However, four rounds before the finish we were
still a point behind our 'offenders' - the Americans.

On the day of the 11th round match with Bulgaria I entrusted board 1 to Karpov and spoke at a
meeting of the FIDE Central Committee, where its attitude to the creation of the Grandmasters
Association was considered: we invited the FIDE leadership to hold a joint meeting in Brussels
early in 1987. One of the officials asked indignantly: 'What's all this about - today the
grandmasters set up an association, tomorrow it'll be international masters, and then
something else for arbiters?' I replied: 'These are people who represent chess. But what you

represent, I don't know. It's of no importance whether or not you exist, but it's on them that
the development of chess in the world depends!' (Not so long ago, at the 2010 Congress in
Khanty-Mansiysk, I again encountered such officials who effectively control world chess, and
this depressed me). Campomanes seemed to be interested in our project - at any event he
agreed to hold a special meeting of the FIDE Executive Council in Brussels, to discuss the
founding of the GMA and meet its leaders.

Meanwhile, the match with Bulgaria took a difficult course: again Tseshkovsky could not cope
with his nerves, Karpov failed to win with White against the young Kiril Georgiev, and yet wins
by Yusupov and Vaganian tipped the scales in our favour: 2½-1½. But the gap between us and
the leading Americans rose to one and a half points.

We needed to increase the tempo, and we managed to pull ourselves together. In the next
two rounds we defeated the tiring Spanish (3½-½) and the Italians (3-1), matches in which I
won against Fernandez and, not without difficulty, Tatai. Before the finish there was an
extremely tense situation in the leading group: USA - 36½ out of 52, USSR - 36, England 35½.
Some were already calculating the tie-break scores, as in the 1980 Olympiad.

It stands to reason that I was anxious: had we lost the Olympiad, there would no doubt have
been recriminations against me for engaging in chess politics rather than upholding the honour
of Soviet sport. In the last round we were paired against Poland, the English against Brazil, and
the Americans against the more solid Bulgarian team. In view of the fact that England might
win 4 0, we decided to play for a win in all the games: 'And the last fight let us face!' (words
from The Internationale - Translator's note).

But to play for a win with White is one thing (thus, Karpov and Vaganian successfully employed
important novelties), whereas with Black it is quite another, especially when you feel terribly
tired. And my opponent Wlodzimierz Schmidt was quite a solid grandmaster. On looking at his
games, I discovered that in the Benko Gambit he did not capture the pawn on b5. This is
something Black can only dream of! After consulting with Nikitin, who was helping me for the
first time at the 'Tournament of Nations', I therefore decided to play the Benko.

Game 21
W.Schmidt-G.Kasparov, World Chess Olympiad, 14th Round, Dubai 1.12.1986
Benko Gambit A57

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.a4 Schmidt was surprised by my choice, but he did not take the
pawn. [I employed the Benko Gambit very rarely, precisely because of 4.cxb5! . Now Black has
far fewer problems.] 4...b4! Blocking the queenside. [After 4...bxc4 5.Nc3 and e2-e4 White has
too easy a game.] 5.Nd2 g6 Strangely enough, a novelty. [I considered this to be more dynamic
than 5...e5 6.e4 d6 followed by ...g7-g6 and ...Bg7 (which, however, is also not bad).] 6.e4 d6
7.Ngf3 [Later various moves occurred here, and the best of them, in my view, is 7.b3!?
followed by Bb2, immediately opposing the powerful bishop on g7.] 7...Bg7 8.g3?! [8.Bd3 0–0
9.0–0 is obviously better, after which there is a choice between ...e7-e5 and ...e7-e6.] 8...e6!
Very timely: after the opening of the centre White already has to think about how to complete
his development. 9.Bh3?! The exchange of the light-squared bishops favours Black. [But after
the natural 9.Bg2 exd5 10.0–0! 0–0! (10...dxe4?! 11.Nxe4! Nxe4 12.Qd5) 11.cxd5 (and also in
the event of 11.exd5 Re8 12.Re1 Nbd7 White can only think in terms of maintaining equality
(by 13.Ra2 with the same idea b2-b3)) 11...Ba6 12.Re1 Nbd7 he has a comfortable variation of
the Modern Benoni (which I used to play in my youth).; Not 9.dxe6?! Bxe6 and ...Nc6.] 9...exd5
10.Bxc8 Qxc8 11.cxd5?! [In the event of 11.exd5 Qh3 (or 11...0–0 12.0–0 Qf5 and ...Nbd7
Black would have had an excellent position, and yet this was the lesser evil.) ] 11...0–0?! The

intense pressure of the last round tells. [A clear advantage in the endgame would have
resulted from 11...Qa6! 12.Qe2 (there is nothing else) 12...0–0 (more accurate than my
Informator suggestion 12...Qxe2+ ) 13.Qxa6 Nxa6 , and White's e4-pawn is extremely weak.]
12.0–0 c4 Showy, but not very effective. [The developing 12...Nbd7 and ...Re8 was more
solid.] 13.Qc2? Now my idea proves justified. [White should have attacked the c4-pawn by
13.Qe2! – then after 13...c3 14.bxc3 bxc3 (14...Re8 15.cxb4 Nxd5 16.Nc4! is no better) , he
would have the forceful reply 15.Nc4 Qa6 16.Nd4! with chances for both sides: 16...Re8 (or
16...Nxd5 17.Nb5!) 17.f3 Nxe4 18.Nb5! Nf6 19.Qa2 Nbd7 20.Nc7 Qb7 21.Nxa8 Rxa8 22.Ba3 ,
and although Black has obvious compensation for the exchange, it is hard to speak of any
advantage for him.] 13...c3 14.bxc3 bxc3! [This capture was underestimated by Schmidt, who
was hoping to defend the inferior position after 14...Qxc3 15.Ra2! .] 15.Nb3 Qg4! 'An early
mopping-up begins.' (Nikitin) 16.Nfd4 Qxe4 17.Qxc3 Nxd5! [After 17...Qxd5 18.Bb2 White has
more chance of compensating for the loss of the pawn.] 18.Qd2 Nb6! (making way for the
queen and aiming for the c4-point) 19.Re1 Qd5 20.Qd1 N8d7 21.Ra2?! [21.Bf4 (e3) 21...Rfb8!
etc. was somewhat more resilient.] 21...Bxd4?! After easily achieving an overwhelming
advantage, I decided that Black could win as he pleased, and I relaxed. [Such a bishop should
not have been exchanged – after 21...Nc5! a second pawn could simply have been won. I think
that in this case I would have been the first of the Soviet grandmasters to finish, not the last.]
22.Rd2 Ne5 [Again missing an opportunity to win a second pawn: 22...Bxf2+!? 23.Kxf2 Qf5+
24.Kg1 Ne5 25.Rf1 Qh3 (d7) with winning prospects.] 23.Nxd4 Nbc4?! [23...Rfe8! was more
accurate.] 24.Rc2 [If 24.Rde2? , then 24...Qxd4 25.Qxd4 Nf3+ 26.Kg2 Nxd4 27.Re4 Nc2 and
wins.] 24...Rac8 25.Rc3! The only chance of holding on. [I was counting on 25.Be3? Nxe3
26.fxe3 Nf3+! .] 25...Nb6?! [A more appreciable advantage would have been retained by
25...Qa5!? ; or 25...Rfe8! 26.Rf1 Qa5 . However, here I grew nervous and I immediately began
chasing the a4-pawn.] 26.Bb2 Rxc3 [26...a5!? .] 27.Bxc3 Rc8 [27...Qc4 28.Nb5 a6 29.Bxe5! dxe5
30.Nd6 is also not altogether clear.] 28.Ba1 Compared with a few moves ago, White has
achieved a great deal: after the inevitable f2-f4 he will gain counterplay. 28...Rc4 This looks like
a decisive invasion, [but more chances of converting the extra pawn were promised by
28...a6!? (preventing Nb5) 29.f4 Ned7 .] 29.Nb5 [29.f4!? was more resilient 29...-- a), after this
I could have fought for victory by 29...Ned7 30.Nb5 Rxa4 31.Qxd5 Nxd5 32.Nxd6 f6; b), or
29...Qc5!? 30.a5 Nbd7 31.Kg2 Nc6 (b)31...Qd5+ 32.Kh3!) 32.Re8+ Nf8 33.Nb3 Rc2+ 34.Re2
Rxe2+ 35.Qxe2 Qd5+ 36.Qf3 Qxf3+ 37.Kxf3 f5 .; ] 29...Rxa4? [Only here did I see that
29...Nf3+? would be refuted by 30.Qxf3! (the weakness of the a1–h8 diagonal and the back
rank!), and in my 'grief' I simply captured the pawn, throwing away the greater part of my
advantage. ; 29...Re4! was correct, and only after 30.Rf1! , 30...Rxa4 31.Qxd5 Nxd5 32.Nxd6
Nd3 , reaching an endgame far more favourable for Black than in the game.] 30.Qxd5 Nxd5
31.Bxe5? An error in reply in time-trouble – exchanging this powerful bishop. [Real saving
chances were offered by 31.Kg2! f6 32.Nxd6 Nd3 33.Rb1 .] 31...dxe5 32.Rxe5 Nf6 33.Re7 a5
34.Nd6 [After 34.Ra7 Ne4! things are also not easy for White.] 34...Rd4! 35.Nxf7 Kf8 36.Ra7
Rd7 37.Rxd7 Nxd7 38.Nd6 'The resulting knight endgame is won for Black. Matters are decided
by the outside passed pawn and the active king, but in view of the small number of pawns a
certain accuracy is required. Despite some annoying errors, Kasparov did not display signs of
confusion. After the game he thanked Karpov for the winning method, which he demonstrated
in a similar situation against Gheorghiu (Lucerne 1982).' (Nikitin)From this point my game was
the only remaining unfinished one in the leading group, and was the focus of attention for
several thousand spectators, who were assembled in the enormous hall of the exhibition
pavilion. The Americans had already bowed out of the battle for 1st place, after drawing 2-2
with the Bulgarians. But the English quickly crushed the Brazilians 4–0 and were anxiously
following the decisive USSR-Poland match. To our opening triumphs by Karpov and Vaganian
had been added another with Black by Yusupov, who played brilliantly in Dubai. The score
became 3–0, and now we were half a point behind the English, but with this ending in
reserve.As it transpired, a draw would have been enough for us: in the event of a share of 1st-

2nd places with the English, the USSR team would have the better tie-break score. But I was
continuing to fight for a win, and was not even contemplating a draw. True, this endgame,
despite the generally-accepted precept 'knight endings are like pawn endings', proved to be far
more complicated than I imagined at the time. 38...Ke7 39.Nc4 a4 40.Kf1 Ke6 41.Ke2 Kd5
42.Ne3+ [42.Na3?! Kd4 .] 42...Kd4 43.Kd2 [Weaker is 43.Nc2+ Kc3 44.Na3 (44.Kd1 Kb2)
44...Nf6 45.f3 (or 45.f4 Ne4) 45...Nd5 46.Kd1 Kb3 etc.] 43...Ne5! 44.Kc2 [For the moment
everything is more or less forced: if 44.Nc2+ , then 44...Ke4 45.Ke2 Nf3 with the threats of
...Nxh2 and ...Nd4+ is decisive. White's only chance is to meet the a-pawn with his king and try
to eliminate both black pawns on the kingside by means of exchanges and the sacrifice of his
knight. For his part, Black must prevent this.] 44...Nd3 Forcing the opponent to retreat his
knight to d1, but is this so important? [44...Ke4! (with the threat of ...Kf3) 45.f4 Nf3 was more
accurate, when there is no way of saving the game: 46.-- a)46.Nf1 (in Informator I wrongly
attached an 'unclear' assessment to this move; White also loses after 46 Nc4 Nxh2) 46...h5
47.Kc3 (a)47.Kb2 Kd3 is no better) 47...a3 48.h3 Ng1 49.g4 Kxf4 50.gxh5 gxh5 51.Kb3 Nxh3
52.Kxa3 Kf3 and wins; b)46.Ng4 h5 47.Nf2+ Kf5! (b)not my Informator suggestion 47...Ke3 (?)
48.Nd3 Nxh2 because of 49.f5! gxf5 50.Nf4 Nf1 51.Nxh5 Kd4 52.Kb2 Kc4 53.Ka3 Kb5 54.Kb2
Kb4 55.Ka2 with a draw) 48.h3 Nd4+ 49.Kb2 Ne2 50.g4+ Kxf4 51.gxh5 gxh5 and wins.; ] 45.Nd1
Ne1+ 46.Kb2 Nf3?! [Here too Black would have won by 46...Ke4! (with the same idea of ...Kf3;
46...Kd3!?) 47.f4 Nf3 48.Nc3+ Kf5! , for example: 49.-- a)49.h3 Ng1 50.Nxa4 (a)50.h4 h5!
51.Ka3 (a)or 51.Nd5 Ne2!) 51...Kg4) 50...Nxh3 51.Nc3 Nf2! 52.Nd5 Ng4 53.Kc3 Ke4 54.Ne7 Ne3
55.Ng8 Nd5+ 56.Kc4 h5 with the deadly threat of ...Nxf4 and ...h5-h4; b)49.h4 h5 50.Ka3 Kg4!
(b)50...Nd4 will also do) 51.Ne2 Nxh4! (b)not satisfying himself with the simple 51...Nd2 and
...Ne4 ; b)or 51...Nh2 and ...Nf1) 52.gxh4 Kxh4 , and again the h-pawn cannot be stopped.; ]
47.h4 Ne5 [In the event of 47...Kd3?! 48.Ne3 Ke2 both 49.h5 (and 49.Ng4 h5 50.Nf6 Ne5 (or
50...Kxf2 51.g4 hxg4 52.Nxg4+ Kg3 53.Nf6 Kxh4 54.Ka3 would have led to a draw) 51.f4 Nc4+
52.Kc3 Ne3 53.f5 Nxf5 54.g4 hxg4 55.Nxg4 Nxh4 56.Nf6 Nf5 57.Nh7) 49...gxh5 50.Nd5 Kxf2
51.Nf6 (given by me in Informator) 51...Nd2 52.Ka3 Kf3 53.Nxh5 Ne4 54.Kxa4 Nxg3 55.Nf6 h6
56.Kb4 .] The last critical position has been reached. 'The whole question is whether with his
knight alone White can manage to eliminate the black pawn pair. The white pawns are
doomed.' (Nikitin). 48.Ka3?! Moving the king away loses quickly, [whereas 48.Nc3! (neither of
us saw this brilliant resource) could have complicated my task – 48...Nc4+! 49.Kc2 a3 , for
example: 50.-- a)50.Kb3 Nd2+ 51.Kc2 Ne4 52.Nb5+ Ke5 53.Nxa3 Nxf2 54.Nc4+ Kf5 55.Nb6 Ne4
56.Kd3 Nxg3 57.Nd7 h6! 58.Nf8 Nh5 59.Ke3 Nf4 60.Kf3 Nd3 61.Kg2 Nc5! with the decisive
threat of trapping the white knight; b)50.g4 Ne5 51.Nb5+ (b)51.g5 Kc4!) 51...Ke4 52.Nc3+ Kf3!
53.g5 Kf4 54.Nd5+ Kf5 55.Kb3 (b)55.Ne3+ Ke4 56.Kb3 Nf3 57.Ng4 Kf5! is no better for White)
55...Nf3 56.Kxa3 (b)in the event of 56.Ne3+ Kf4 57.Nd5+ Ke5! 58.Nb6 Kf5 59.Nd7 there is the
decisive 59...Nxg5!) 56...Nxh4 57.Kb3 Kxg5 58.Kc2 Ng2 59.Kd2 h5 60.Ne7 Nf4 61.Ke3 Kg4 , and
nevertheless Black should be able to convert his extra pawn.; ] 48...Ke4 (at last!) 49.h5
[Desperation: 49.Kxa4 Kf3 50.Kb3 Ng4 and ...Nxf2.] 49...gxh5 50.Ne3 Kf3 51.Nd5 [Or 51.Nf5
Ng4! 52.Ng7 Nf6 and ...Kxf2.] 51...Ng4! 52.Ne7 [52.Nf4 is also pointless in view of 52...h4 (or
52...Nf6 .) ] 52...Nxf2 53.Nf5 Ne4 54.Kxa4 Nxg3 55.Nh4+ Ke4 56.Kb4 Nf5 . When Schmidt
raised his hands in a sign of capitulation, a storm of applause broke out in the hall. I was
mobbed by a crowd of excited spectators, and my colleagues with difficulty brought me out of
the 'encirclement'. 0–1

This memorable game was not without its faults, but it was of great competitive importance.
By winning 4-0, the USSR team nevertheless took sole first place, which had been hard to
imagine a few days earlier. And by winning my last three games, I achieved a score of +7-1=3
and simultaneously won three gold medals (true, the metal out of which they were made did
not even look precious): for the team victory, for the best score on board 1, and for the
absolute best score at the Olympiad!

1.6. Tournament Debut as Champion

Double-round super-tournament in Brussels (9-21 December 1986): 1. Kasparov - 7½ out of 10;

2. Korchnoi - 5½; 3-4. Nunn and Hübner - 5; 5. Short - 4; 6. Portisch - 3.

In my first individual tournament as world champion, played after a three-year break from
tournament appearances, I began with a cold and tiredness, which was the result of the
nervous strain in Dubai, lengthy flights and the abrupt change in climate. For almost a week in
Moscow I fought a bad cold with all possible means, and initially in Brussels I wanted more
than anything to sleep. Meanwhile, I faced a double-round battle with five top-class
grandmasters - for the first time the organisers had succeeded in assembling a category 16
tournament, at that time the highest category.

We played to the newly-fashionable six-hour time control: 40 moves in 2 hours, plus 20 moves
in a hour, followed by adjournment. Nikitin: 'It was suggested that play should begin at 13.00
hours, and that adjourned games be resumed the following day from 9.00 to 11.00. All the
remaining time before the start of the first round was spent seeking an acceptable
compromise, and the meeting of the six super-grandmasters would have produced no result
had not the champion stood up and announced that he would not sit down at the chess board
earlier than 15.00. The rounds began at 15.00. The start time to which all were accustomed
was restored.'

In the 1st round I won surprisingly easily with Black against Nunn in the Poisoned Pawn
variation of the Sicilian Najdorf. Nunn chose a dubious plan of attack - he sacrificed a second
pawn, to prevent my king from castling, but I was able to walk the king into the corner and
soon it was all over.

In the 2nd round I gained a very difficult draw against Korchnoi. In the original variation 1 d4
Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3 Bb4+ 4 Bd2 c5 5 g3?! he employed a novelty - 5...Qb6!, which unsettled me.
After sacrificing a pawn, I played unconvincingly and ended up in a hopeless position, but in a
wild time scramble Korchnoi missed a certain win.

Inspired by this miraculous save, I played with great determination in the 3rd round against

Game 22
R.Hübner-G.Kasparov, Brussels, 3rd Round, 12.12.1986
Grünfeld Defence D90

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 (at that time this was my main fighting opening) 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.Qa4+
My opponent decided to surprise me with a rare variation, but I had studied it before my
match with Korchnoi (1983), when we were looking for a 'refutation' of the Grünfeld Defence.
5...Bd7 6.Qb3 dxc4 7.Qxc4 0–0 8.e4 [Nowadays 8.Bf4 Na6 9.e4 c5 10.e5 is sometimes
employed, exploiting the fact that the bishop on d7 deprives the f6-knight of its ideal retreat
square.At this moment Hübner looked content, assuming that he had restricted Black's
possibilities to just 8...Bg4 (with a transposition into the variation 5 Qb3 dxc4 6 Qxc4 0–0 7 e4
Bg4 from the 15th and 17th games of my recent match with Karpov). But now came a little
surprise.] 8...b5! Played without particular hesitation, although I had not looked at this
position in detail. [There is no time for 8...a6?! because of 9.e5 , and so Black sacrifices a
pawn to create counterplay, exploiting the position of the bishop on d7 and his lead in
development, aiming to attack the white king!] 9.Qb3 The first sign of confusion. [9.Nxb5 is
more critical, although after 9...Nxe4 10.-- a), Black has the advantage after 10.Nxc7?! Nc6!

11.Nxa8 Qa5+ 12.Bd2 Nxd2 13.Nxd2 Nxd4 (Bönsch-Jasnikowski, Harkany 1985); b)10.Qd5?! c6
11.Qxe4 Bf5; c), or 10.Bd3?! Nd6! 11.Nxd6 cxd6; d), while after the best move 10.Qxc7 Nc6
11.Bd3 Nb4 12.Bxe4 Bxb5 13.Qxd8 Raxd8 14.Bd2 f5 (d)14...Nd3+!? 15.Bxd3 Bxd3 , Giorgadze-
Stohl, Senek 1998) 15.Bxf5 Rxf5 16.Bxb4 (Giorgadze-Khalifman, Bundesliga 1997/98) 16...e5
(d)or 16...Bc6 and ...Bxf3! he has full compensation for the pawn. But the position is simplified,
and White is not in any danger.) ; ] 9...c5! (already seizing the initiative) 10.e5?! A dubious
novelty. [10.Bxb5?! is weak: 10...Bxb5 11.Nxb5 Nxe4 12.0–0 cxd4 13.Qc4 Nd6 14.Qd5 Nd7
15.Nbxd4 Nb6 16.Qb3 Nbc4 (Anikaev-Malisauskas, Klaipeda 1983); but 10.dxc5 Na6 11.e5 Ng4
(Ubilava-Kengis, Kiev 1984) 12.Bxb5! Nxc5 13.Qc4 Rc8 14.0–0 is more solid, although here too
Black has a comfortable game.] 10...Ng4 11.Bxb5?! Another small step towards the precipice.
[11.Qd5?! cxd4! was also bad for White: 12.Qxa8 (or 12.Nxd4 Qb6! 13.Bxb5 Bxe5 14.Bxd7
Nxd7 15.Qxd7 Nxf2! and wins) 12...dxc3 .; 11.dxc5 was necessary, even though, apart from
11...Na6 (cf. the note to 10 e5), (Black has acquired the resource 11...a6! , when he inevitably
regains the pawn while retaining the initiative.) ] 11...cxd4 12.Nxd4 Bxb5 [12...Bxe5 also
deserved consideration: for example, 13.Nf3 (13.Qd5?! Qb6! , as in the note to 11 Bxb5)
13...Bxc3+! 14.bxc3 Qb6 15.Nd4 (Stohl) 15...e5! 16.Bxd7 Nxd7 17.Qxb6 Nxb6 with a favourable
endgame. However, I wanted more.] 13.Ndxb5 a6 14.Na3 [With 14.Qa4 White would have
avoided the sufferings with his bad knight on a3, but after 14...Nc6 15.0–0 (or 15.Qxg4 Nxe5)
15...Nxh2! 16.Kxh2 axb5 17.Qxb5 Nxe5 he would not have escaped from the pressure.]
14...Qd4! [Preventing castling: in the variation 14...Qd4 15.0–0?! Qxe5 16.g3 Qh5 17.h4 Nc6
Black builds up a fearfully strong attack.] 15.Qc2 Nc6 (now ...Nb4 is also threatened) 16.Qe2
[Again 16.0–0?! Qxe5 17.f4 Qc5+ 18.Kh1 Rfd8 is unsatisfactory for White.] 16...Qxe5 There is
no longer any point in Black avoiding the exchange of queens: his aim is to establish his knight
on d3. [16...Ngxe5 17.0–0 Qd3 (Stohl) was a worthy alternative.] 17.Qxe5?! [17.Nc4?! was
weak: 17...Qxe2+ 18.Nxe2 Nb4 19.0–0 Rac8 .; But 17.Nc2 would have caused more problems –
after, say, 17...Nxh2 (and therefore 17...a5!? is interesting, with the idea of 18.h3 Nb4!)
18.Qxe5 Bxe5 19.f3 (Stohl) 19...Bg3+ 20.Ke2 f5 it is not to easy to convert the extra pawn.]
17...Ngxe5 18.0–0 Nd3 Evoking pleasant associations with a memorable game (Game No.5).
However, Hübner was hoping to hold out – in the last resort, with three pawns against four on
the same wing. 19.Rb1 Rab8 20.Rd1 Rfd8 [Or 20...Ncb4!? and ...Rfc8.] 21.Kf1 f5! 22.Ke2 Nce5
[It was possibly better to win a pawn immediately – 22...Nxc1+ 23.Rdxc1 Nb4 24.Nc4 Bxc3
25.Rxc3 Nxa2; or to build up the pressure by 22...Ncb4!? (Stohl) 23.Nc4 (23.Bd2 Rbc8)
23...Rd4! 24.Na5 Nxc1+ 25.Rdxc1 Rc8 26.Nb3 Rd6 etc. But the move in the game, maintaining
the tension, is also quite unpleasant for White.] 23.Na4 A difficult choice. [There is no sense in
23.Bg5 h6! ( 24.Bxe7? Rd7 ); and 23.Be3 f4 24.Ba7?! Rb7 25.Bc5 f3+! is also cheerless for
White; while if 23.g3 there is the simple 23...Nxc1+ 24.Rdxc1 Nd3 25.Rd1 Nxb2 .] 23...Rd6
With the ideas of ...Re6 and ...Rbd8 or ...Rb4 – Black continues playing for an attack, which in
the end brings him success. 23...Nb4!? was also good. 24.Be3 Again a difficult choice. [White
would like to drive away the knight by 24.f4 , but after 24...Rd4! 25.fxe5 (Stohl's move 25.Nc5
is worse because of 25...Nxf4+!) 25...Nxc1+ 26.Rbxc1 Rxa4 he loses a pawn. ; Against the
attempt to solve the problem of the a3-knight by 24.Nc4 I was planning the spectacular
24...Nxc4 (24...Rd4!?) 25.Rxd3 Rxd3 26.Kxd3 Na3 27.Ra1 e5! 28.f3 (28.Ke2 e4!) 28...e4+!
29.fxe4 fxe4+ 30.Ke2 e3! , when White is completely paralysed.; 24.g3 Rb4 25.b3 Re4+ 26.Kf1
Nxf2! 27.Rxd6 exd6 28.Kxf2 Nd3+ 29.Kf3 Bd4! is also dangerous; while after my Informator
suggestion 24.b3 there is 24...Nb4! , regaining the pawn with chances of success.] 24...f4
25.Bc5 f3+?! My plan of attack goes into operation! [True, first 25...Rd5! was more accurate,
when after both 26.Bxe7 (and 26.Bb6 f3+! 27.Kf1 fxg2+ 28.Kxg2 Nf4+ 29.Kh1 Rxd1+ 30.Rxd1
Ned3; or 26.b4 f3+! 27.gxf3 Nf4+ 28.Kf1 Nxf3 29.Rxd5 Nxh2+ 30.Kg1 Nf3+ and ...Nxd5 Black has
a big advantage) 26...Re8 27.Bc5 Rxc5 28.Nxc5 Nxc5 29.Kf1 f3! .] 26.gxf3 Nf4+ 27.Ke3
[Consideration should have been given to 27.Kf1!? Rxd1+ (27...Rc6!?) 28.Rxd1 Nxf3 : for
example, 29.h3?! (or 29.Bxe7 Nxh2+ 30.Kg1 Nf3+ 31.Kf1 h5 32.Nc4 (32.Rd8+?! Rxd8 33.Bxd8
h4!) 32...Bf8! 33.Bf6 Re8 – the passed h-pawn is strong, but the outcome is still far from clear)

29...Bxb2 30.Bxe7 Nd2+! (Stohl's move 30...Re8 is worse in view of 31.Bc5) 31.Ke1 Ne4 32.Nc4
Re8 with a dangerous initiative.] 27...Rf6 28.Bxe7? An oversight on the threshold of time-
trouble. [28.Bd4! was more resilient: 28...Rf5! 29.Bxe5 Rxe5+! (my earlier 29...Bxe5 30.Nc4
Rbf8 is unclear because of 31.Rd7) 30.Kxf4 Rb4+ 31.Kg3 Rg5+ 32.Kh3 Rxa4 33.Rbc1! (33.Nc2
Be5!; or 33.Rd3 Rh5+ 34.Kg2 Rah4 is worse for White) 33...Rf4 34.Rd3 Bxb2 35.Rc4! , and after
35...Be5 36.Rxf4 Bxf4 37.Nc4 Rh5+ 38.Kg4 Rxh2 39.Kxf4 Rh4+ 40.Kg3 Rxc4 even a pawn down
White would retain chances of a draw. Now things are difficult for him.] 28...Ng2+ [Black also
has a great advantage after 28...Rf7 29.Rd8+ Rxd8 30.Bxd8 Nfd3 , but I decided to continue
the attack.] 29.Ke2 Rxf3 30.Bd6 [It would not have helped to play 30.Rd8+ Rxd8 31.Bxd8 Nf4+
32.Kf1 Ng4 33.Bb6 Nxh2+ (33...Rh3!?) 34.Ke1 Nd3+ 35.Ke2 Nxb2 36.Nxb2 Rxa3 and wins.;
30.Bg5? Rbf8 .] 30...Nf4+ 31.Kf1 Ng4! 32.Rd2 [The rook cannot be taken: 32.Bxb8? Rxf2+
33.Kg1 Rg2+ with mate.] 32...Re8 33.Nc4 [After 33.Bxf4 Rxf4 34.Nc3 (c5) 34...Nxh2+ 35.Kg2
Nf3 Black has a decisive attack.] 33...Nxh2+ [Apart from this obvious move there was
33...Re4!? 34.Bxf4 (34.b3 Bd4!) 34...Rxc4 35.Rd8+ Bf8 36.Bd6 Rxa4 winning a piece, but after
37.h3! I would still have had to overcome technical problems: 37...-- a)37...Nh6 38.Rc1 Ra5
39.Rcc8 Raf5 40.Bc5 is not altogether clear; b), and therefore Black does better to go into an
endgame with an extra pawn – 37...Rxf2+ 38.Kg1 Rf6 (b)or 38...Rd4 39.hxg4 Rf7 40.Rxf8+ Rxf8
41.Bxf8 Rxg4+ 42.Kh2 Kxf8) 39.Rf1 Rxd6 40.Rfxf8+ Kg7 41.Rg8+ Kf7 42.Rgf8+ Ke6 43.Rde8+ Kd5
44.hxg4 Rxg4+; c), or 37...Nxf2 38.Rxf8+ Rxf8 39.Bxf8 Nxh3 40.Bh6 Rh4 41.Bd2 Nf4 etc.; ]
34.Kg1 Ng4 35.Rf1?! The final time-trouble error. [35.Bc5 was essential, although after 35...h5
(Stohl) White would still have had a difficult position.] 35...Bd4 [35...Nxf2!? would also have
been decisive after 36.Rdxf2 (or 36.Bxf4 Rxf4 37.Rfxf2 Rxc4) 36...Bd4 .] 36.Bc5 [There would
have been a no less spectacular mating finish after 36.Nc5 Bxf2+! 37.Rdxf2 Rg3+ 38.Kh1 Nxf2+
39.Rxf2 Re1+; or a more prosaic end after 36.Bxf4 Rxf4 37.b3 Ref8 , picking up the f2-pawn.]
36...Rg3+ 37.Kh1 Rh3+ 38.Kg1 Nh2! [Or 38...Ne5! with the same threat of ...Nf3 mate.] 0–1

With a score of 2½ out of 3 I took the lead. But in my 'black' game with Short in the 4th round I
encountered for the first time the English Attack, which was still then an exotic line (1 e4 c5 2
Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 a6 6 Be3 e6 7 Qd2 b5 8 f3 etc.), expended a lot of time and
after a time-trouble blunder on the 38th move I suffered a painful defeat. From the press:
'Short was happy: he was the first English grandmaster to defeat Kasparov'.

The tournament situation became sharper, but not for long. In the next round, which
concluded the first cycle, I was able to outwit the highly experienced Portisch.

Game 23
G.Kasparov-L.Portisch, Brussels, 5th Round, 15.12.1986
Queen's Gambit Declined D61

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 Be7 5.Bg5 0–0 [5...h6 – Game No.25.] 6.e3 Nbd7 Portisch
slightly surprised me with his choice of the classical Queen's Gambit – possibly he was afraid of
allowing me a mobile pawn centre, with memories of Niksic 1983 (Game No.85 in Garry
Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I). 7.Qc2 h6 Forcing White to make up his mind. [Very unclear
play results from 7...h6 8.h4 (while in the event of 8.Bh4 c5 9.cxd5 Nxd5 10.Bxe7 Qxe7
11.Nxd5 exd5 12.dxc5 (12.Bd3 no longer gains a tempo – the pawn has moved from h7)
12...Nxc5 Black maintains equality) 8...c5 9.0–0–0 Qa5 10.g4 (or 10.Kb1 (Game No.33 in Garry
Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I).) ] 8.cxd5!? I had looked at this piece sacrifice a few years
earlier with Yusupov and Geller. We didn't analyse it seriously, but the idea itself greatly
appealed to me. And, after overcoming my hesitation (after a loss one should really play more
solidly), I decided on it. The unexpected intermediate move dumfounded the maestro. 8...exd5
Played without any particular thought. [Taking me 'at my word', Portisch rejected the
variation 8...hxg5! 9.dxe6 fxe6 10.Nxg5 Nb6 11.h4! with two pawns for the bishop, a

dangerous attack and at least equal chances: 11...-- a)11...Nbd5 12.h5 Qe8 (a)12...Nxc3?
13.bxc3 is weak) 13.a3 Kh8 14.Bc4 c6 15.Ne2; b), or 11...c5 12.h5 cxd4 13.h6 (b)13.0–0–0!?)
13...dxc3 14.Rd1 Qe8 15.hxg7 Kxg7 16.Rh7+ Kg8 , and here a draw results from both 17.Rd4
(Portisch) (b)and 17.Bb5 Bd7 (b)17...Nbd7? 18.f4! and wins) 18.Bxd7 Nbxd7 19.Rxd7! Nxd7
20.Rh8+! Kg7 21.Rh7+) 17...Bd7 18.Rdh4 cxb2 19.Rh8+ Kg7 20.Nxe6+! Kf7! (b)but not
20...Bxe6? 21.R4h7+! with mate in 9 moves) 21.Ng5+ .; ] And, indeed, who wants right from
the opening to have to seek a defence against mate? Portisch's move is supposedly safer, but
now White acquires a favourable version of the system with the bishop on f4. 9.Bf4! The point!
[Instead, if 9.Bh4 Black replies in 'Carlsbad' style – 9...c6 followed by ...Re8 and ...Ne4, when
the move ...h7-h6 may prove useful for him.] 9...c5 A quick and natural reaction. [In the event
of 9...c6 10.h3! against the typical 10...Re8 11.Bd3 Nf8 both 12.0–0 (and especially 12.0–0–0
(Marshall-Thomas, Folkestone 1933) are good, since ...h7-h6 becomes a weakening of the
king's defences and the loss of an important tempo (compare with Portisch-Larsen, Game
No.42 in Part III of My Great Predecessors). Therefore in search of counterplay Black is forced
to weaken his d5-pawn.) ] 10.Be2 b6 11.0–0 Bb7 12.Rfd1 Rc8 13.dxc5 bxc5 [Rather than a
depressing position with an isolani ( 13...Nxc5 14.Qf5 etc.), Portisch prefers sharper play with a
hanging pawn pair.] 14.a4! With the obvious intention of a4-a5.Here my opponent became
perceptibly nervous and he made a serious mistake. 14...Qa5? [If Black found it psychologically
difficult to decide on 14...a5 (in view of the 'eternal' weakness of the b5-point); he should
have played 14...Qb6 with the idea of ...Qe6. On a5, although it blocks the a4-pawn, the queen
is too distant from the key squares.] 15.Nh4! I was terribly proud of this sudden thrust on the
opposite side of the board. Exploiting the drawback to ...h7-h6 (Black does not have the reply
...g7-g6), White invades at f5 with his knight and stretches the opponent's defences. 15...Rfd8
16.Nf5 Bf8 17.Nb5 (the white knights are attacking from both sides!) 17...Ne8?! On rapidly
encountering difficulties, Portisch tries to defend the squares d6 and c7, but he weakens the
defence of the d5-pawn. [True, it is hard to offer Black good advice: 17...c4 18.Nbd6 Rb8
19.e4! with a powerful initiative; or 17...Ba8 18.Qd2! (more accurate than the Informator
suggestion 18.Qc3 ) , when both 18...Qb6 (and 18...Qxd2 19.Rxd2) 19.Nfd6 followed by a4-a5
are unpleasant.] 18.Bd6! Another surprise: both knights wanted to jump to d6, but it is a
bishop jump that proves decisive! The threat is Ne7+. 18...Nxd6 [The penitential 18...Nef6
would have lost the exchange after 19.Ne7+ Bxe7 20.Bxe7 Re8 21.Bxf6 Nxf6 22.Nd6 .; Material
equality could still have been maintained by 18...Ndf6 19.Ne7+ Bxe7 20.Bxe7 Rd7 21.Bxc5 a6
22.b4! Qxb4 23.Bxb4 Rxc2 24.Nd4 , but this endgame is extremely difficult for Black: apart
from his isolani, he also has a weakness on a6, and White has two powerful bishops. Therefore
Portisch preferred to give up a pawn, regarding this as the lesser evil.] 19.Nfxd6 Rb8 20.Nxb7
Rxb7 21.Rxd5 Rdb8 With the idea of somehow activating the pieces after ...a7-a6. Just six or
seven moves ago Black was preparing for a protracted battle with hanging pawns – and
suddenly his hopes are dashed. The phase of converting the material advantage begins.
22.Qd2! (an important move: it turns out that Black is unable to exploit the weakness of the
b2-pawn) 22...Qxd2 23.Rxd2 Nf6 Moving the knight out of range of the rook. [If 23...Ne5 there
would have followed 24.f4 Nc6 (g6) 25.Bf3 etc.] 24.Ra2 [In principle 24.Bf3 Rd7 25.Rad1 Rxd2
26.Rxd2 was also good, but to me it seemed useful for the moment to keep both rooks on the
board: Black's activity is only temporary.] 24...Ne4 25.Rc2 Rd7 26.g3 a5 [After 26...Rbd8 , 27.a5
(or 27.Kg2 and Bf3 is strong, and if 27...Rd2 28.b3! .) ] 27.Kg2 g6 28.Bf3 Nf6 29.Na3 After
making all the consolidating moves, I decided to place my knight on c4 (to attack the a5-pawn),
and my bishop on b5 (to block the b-file). 29...Bd6 30.Bc6 Rdd8 31.Ra1 Be5 32.Bb5 Nd5
[32...Ne4 33.Kf3! f5 34.Ke2 with the threat of f2-f3.] 33.Rb1 Bd6 In any event, White has a
technically won position. [If 33...Nb6 , in order after 34.Rxc5 (the simple 34.f4 Bg7 35.Kf3 etc.
was possible) 34...Bxb2! 35.Rxb2 (35.Nc4 Bf6 to obtain saving chances) 35...Nxa4 .] 34.Rd2 Nb6
35.Rc1! [The rook exchanges after 35.Rbd1 Be7 would be to Black's advantage, in view of the
opposite-coloured bishops.] 35...Be7 36.Re2! Rbc8 37.Nb1 Now, when the knight on b6 is
guarding the c4-square, the white knight heads via d2 to b3. 37...Kg7 38.Nd2 Ra8 39.Nb3 Rdc8

40.Rec2 c4 [A second pawn has to be given up – the tactical trick 40...Ra7 41.Nxc5 Rac7 (?)
does not work, mainly because of 42.Ne6+ .] 41.Nd2 Ra7 42.Nxc4 Nxc4 43.Rxc4 Rxc4 44.Rxc4
With two extra pawns and with rooks on the board, White need not fear the opposite-colour
bishops. He is threatening, beginning with e3-e4, to begin advancing his kingside pawns. 44...f5
45.h3! h5 46.g4 hxg4 47.hxg4 fxg4 48.Kg3 Bd6+ 49.Kxg4 Rc7 50.Bc6 [Of course, not
50.Rxc7+?! Bxc7 .] 50...Rf7 [Portisch avoided 50...Kf6 in view of 51.f4 followed by e3-e4-e5
and Kf3-e4-d5.] 51.f4 Kh6 52.Bd5 Rf6 53.Rc1 Kg7 54.b3 Rf8 55.Rd1 Bc5 56.Rd3 Ba3 57.Bc4 Bc1
58.Rd7+ Kh6 59.Re7 Bd2 60.Kf3 Expecting Black to capitulate at any moment, I relaxed
somewhat. [60.Re5 (e6) was better.] 60...Bb4 [60...g5!? 61.Rd7 Bb4 62.Bd3 gxf4 63.exf4 Rh8
was more resilient.] 61.Rb7 With the ephemeral threat of Rxb4, [but again 61.Re5 (e6) was
better.] 61...Bc3 [61...g5!? .] 62.Bd3 Here I remembered that I ought to try and win before the
adjournment, and I finally set my sights on the weak g6-pawn and the vulnerability of the black
king. 62...Rf6 63.Kg4 Bd2?! [After 63...Rd6 64.Bc4 it would not have been possible to avoid an
early morning adjournment session.] 64.f5! The finishing stroke:[both 64.f5 Bxe3 (and
64...gxf5+ 65.Bxf5) 65.fxg6 Rf4+ 66.Kg3 followed by Rh7+ and g6-g7 are hopeless for Black.] 1–

A good game, and an important one in the competitive sense. With a score of 3½ out of 5 I
concluded the first cycle as the sole leader.

In the 6th round I again easily, and for the third successive time, defeated Nunn, who suffered
an opening disaster in the Grünfeld (cf. Game No.13 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1986-1987, note to
White's 10th move). In the 7th round came a short but fighting draw with Korchnoi, and in the
8th round it was Hübner who crossed my path.

Game 24
G.Kasparov-R.Hübner, Brussels, 8th Round, 19.12.1986
Semi-Slav Defence D46

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e3 e6 5.Nf3 Nbd7 6.Bd3 Bb4 [The main line of the Meran, 6...dxc4
, is safer.] 7.a3 Bd6 With his choice of a rare variation, my opponent wanted to avoid my
preparation. [If 7...Ba5 , then 8.0–0 0–0 9.Qc2 (Korchnoi-Hübner, 1st round; Kasparov-van der
Wiel, Brussels 1987).] 8.e4 dxe4 9.Nxe4 Nxe4 10.Bxe4 e5 11.0–0 [11.Bg5 Be7 is no better.]
11...0–0 A well-known pawn sacrifice, justified by the move a2-a3 (which weakens the light
squares on the queenside). 12.Bc2! A novelty, devised at the board. Intuitively I sensed that
White could gain the initiative, and I was not mistaken. [In the event of 12.dxe5 Nxe5 13.Nxe5
Bxe5 14.Bxh7+ Kxh7 15.Qh5+ Kg8 16.Qxe5 Qd3! 17.c5 (with the pawn on a2, in the similar
variation with 6...Bd6, here there would be the simple reply b2-b3) 17...Be6 18.Bf4 (or 18.Be3
(Nikolic-Hübner, Tilburg 1987) 18...Rfd8! the opposite-coloured bishops compensate Black for
the pawn deficit and give him good drawing chances – he is not thinking of anything more)
18...Bd5 (18...Rfd8!? – Sorokin) 19.Rfe1 f6 20.Qh5 Bf7 21.Qg4 Rfe8 22.h3 Qc4 (Larsen-Bisguier,
San Juan 1969).] 12...Re8 [Not all the problems were solved by 12...exd4 13.Qxd4 Bc5 14.Qc3 .]
13.Re1 exd4 14.Rxe8+ Qxe8 15.Qxd4 Be7 [White is better after 15...Bc5 16.Qd3 Nf8 17.b4
Be7 18.Bb2; or 15...Bc7 16.Bd2 Nf8 17.Re1 Be6 18.Bc3 f6 19.Bb4 (Kupreichik-Sorokin,
Blagoveshchensk 1988).] 16.Bg5 A natural developing move – in Informator I even attached an
exclamation mark to it. [But the unexpected 16.Qe3!? followed by Bd2 and Re1(d1) could
have proved more unpleasant for Black (the queen on e3 both presses on the e-file, and trains
its sights on the a7-pawn).] 16...Bxg5? An imperceptible, but serious mistake. [The correct
defence was 16...Nf8! 17.Re1 Be6 18.Qh4 Bxg5 19.Nxg5 h6 20.Nxe6 Nxe6 21.Qe4 (21.Bf5
Qd8!) 21...g6 22.Qe3 (22.h4 Ng7!) , and now not my Informator suggestion 22...Kh7?! (or
22...Ng7 23.Qc1 and Qxh6; but 22...Nc7! 23.Qd2 Qf8 with hopes of full equality) 23.h4! .]
17.Nxg5 Nf6 [Black's position has obviously deteriorated: for example, 17...Nf8 18.Ne4 Be6

19.Nd6 Qd7 20.Rd1 b6 21.b4 Rd8 22.Be4 Qc7 23.c5 , reinforcing the powerful outpost at d6.]
18.Rd1! The white army is fully mobilised, and Black must urgently develop his queen's bishop.
18...Be6 Hübner decided to allow the exchange of knight for bishop and the creation in his
position of a weak pawn on e6. [This could not have been avoided by 18...h6? on account of
19.Ne4! Nxe4 20.Qxe4 Qxe4 (20...Be6 21.Qh7+) 21.Rd8+ Kh7 22.Bxe4+ g6 23.g4 , when Black is
paralysed. ; But perhaps the best practical chance was 18...Bg4!? 19.Bxh7+! (19.f3 Bh5)
19...Nxh7 20.Qxg4 Nxg5 21.Qxg5 Qe2 22.Qc1 Re8 with some compensation for the pawn.]
19.Re1 (with the threat of 20 Nxe6 fxe6 21 Bf5) 19...Qd8 [After 19...Qd7 apart from 20.Nxe6
,(White can also win a pawn by 20.Bxh7+ Nxh7 21.Nxe6 .) ] 20.Nxe6 fxe6 21.Qe3 Kh8 22.h3!
[Possibly Hübner was hoping for 22.Qxe6?! Qd4! with definite counterplay, but it is far better
to increase the pressure – Black now has a difficult position. An analogous pawn structure,
with similar material, was soon to occur in two of my games with Karpov (Game Nos.31 and
34), but there the knight was better placed – on f8, defending the e6-pawn and the weakened
light squares.] 22...Qd7 23.g4! Combining a pawn offensive on the kingside with an attack on
the e6- and a7-pawns. 23...Re8 [In avoiding the loss of the e6-pawn in variations such as
23...a5 24.g5 Nh5 (24...Ng8 25.Qe4) 25.Bd1; or 23...h6 24.Kg2 Kg8 25.Bg6 , Black gives up his
a7-pawn.] 24.Qe5?! [24.Rd1! suggests itself: 24...Qc7 (24...Qf7 25.Qxa7 e5 26.b3 e4 27.Qe3)
25.Qxa7 c5 – this looked unclear, but after 26.Qa4! Qf4 27.Qb3 the queen successfully returns
home. However, as before I did not want to allow Black any counterplay.] 24...Qd8 25.Kg2
Qb6? [Hübner cracks under the pressure and misses a chance to create a last line of defence
with gain of tempo – 25...Nd7! and ...Nf8.] 26.Rd1! (now the queen on b6 is out of play and
Black has no defence) 26...c5 [The potential attack on the f2-point – 26...Rf8 would have been
parried by the simple 27.Rd2 (or the forceful 27.Qd6! Rg8 (27...Rf7 28.Qxe6) 28.g5 Nh5
(28...Qxb2 29.Qd3) 29.Qe5 c5 30.Be4 and wins.) ] 27.Ba4! (unexpectedly the bishop attacks
from the other side) 27...Rf8 28.Rd6 Qc7 [28...Qa5 29.Bc2 was also hopeless.] 29.Rxe6 Qf7 (a
desperate attempt to confuse matters) 30.Qxc5 Nxg4 [Also after 30...Ne4 the simplest is
31.Qxf8+! Qxf8 32.Rxe4 b5 33.Bxb5 Qa8 34.f3 and Re8+.] 31.Qxf8+ Qxf8 32.hxg4 1–0

After this confident win I had 6 out of 8, and two rounds before the finish the lead over my
pursuers had reached two points.

However, at this I did not calm down: in the 9th round I faced a critical, psychologically
important duel with Short - I needed to gain revenge for my failure in the first cycle!
Incidentally, in classical play Nigel gained only one more win against me (in the 16th game of
our 1993 match), with 27 draws and 21 defeats...

Game 25
G.Kasparov-N.Short, Brussels, 9th Round, 20.12.1986
Queen's Gambit Declined D55

1.d4 e6 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.c4 d5 4.Nc3 Be7 5.Bg5 h6 [5...0–0 – Game No.23.] 6.Bxf6 Bxf6 7.e3 0–0
8.Rc1 c6 9.Bd3 Nd7 10.0–0 dxc4 11.Bxc4 e5 12.h3 A system which I tested in my matches with
Karpov (1985 and 1986). 12...exd4 13.exd4 Nb6 14.Bb3 Bf5 [Weaker is 14...Bg5 15.Rc2 Bf5
16.Re2 and Rfe1, Ribli-Short, Dortmund 1986.] 15.Re1 Bg5 (now White does not have 16 Rc2,
but Nigel underestimated my reply) [Previously White retained some advantage after 15...Re8
16.Rxe8+ Qxe8 17.Qd2 Qd7 18.Re1 Rd8 (18...a5!?) 19.Qf4 (23rd game of the 1985 match); or
15...a5! 16.a3 Re8 (if 16...Qd7 , then 17.Ne5! Bxe5 18.Rxe5 Rfe8 19.Qe2 , Karpov-Beliavsky,
Moscow 1986) 17.Rxe8+ Qxe8 18.Qd2 -- a)18...Nd7?! 19.Qf4 Bg6 20.h4! Qd8 21.Na4! h5
22.Re1 (22nd game of the 1986 match).; b). But a game played in November, M.Gurevich-van
der Sterren (Baku 1986), changed the assessment: 18...Qd7! 19.Re1 Re8 20.Rxe8+ Qxe8 21.Qf4
Be6! 22.Bxe6 Qxe6 (without the moves 15...a5 16 a3 a pawn would now be lost – 22 Qb8+ and
Qxa7) 23.Qb8+ (b)23.Ne4 Be7; b)or 23.Qc7 Nc4 24.Qxb7 Bxd4! with equality is no better)

23...Qc8 24.Qa7 Nc4 25.b3 Nxa3 26.Qxa5 Be7 with a quick draw.According to Short, he didn't
yet know of this improvement, and on the morning before the game he devised his own
novelty.; ] 16.Ra1 [Little was promised by 16.Nxg5 Qxg5 , 'While losing time on moving his
rook, Kasparov forces Black to seek an acceptable defence against the knight invasion on e5
and to solve the current problems of the g5-bishop.' (Nikitin)] 16...Nd7?! This was my
opponent's idea. [After 16...Bf6 (f4) 17.Ne5 Bxe5 18.Rxe5; or 16...a5 17.Re5 Bg6 18.Nxg5
hxg5 19.Rc1 Nd7 20.Re3 White has a minimal advantage and it is not clear why 15...Bg5 was
played. But with the move in the game Black loses control over the d5-point.] 17.d5! (this
reaction came as a surprise to Short, and he stopped to think) 17...Rc8? Probably already a
losing move, [as was 17...cxd5? in view of 18.Qxd5 Be6 19.Rxe6! fxe6 20.Qxe6+ Kh8 21.Rd1 .;
17...Nc5! was essential – after 18.Bc2 (or 18.Re5!? Bg6 (18...g6?! 19.g4! Nxb3 20.axb3 is
dangerous for Black) 19.Nxg5 hxg5 20.dxc6 Nxb3 21.Qxb3 (21.Nd5!?) 21...bxc6 22.Qc4 (a3)
White has the initiative, but Black can put up a tenacious resistance) 18...Bxc2 19.Qxc2 and
Rad1.] 18.Nd4! Bg6 [Of course, not 18...Qf6? since the reply 19.dxc6 bxc6 20.Nxf5 Qxf5 21.Bc2
wins the knight.] 19.Ne6! 'An unexpected turn of events! White opens the centre in very
favourable circumstances. His bishop becomes enormously strong, and cracks appear in the
black king's fortress.' (Nikitin) 19...fxe6 20.dxe6 Kh7 Defending the bishop on g6. [If 20...Kh8?
there is the decisive 21.exd7 Rc7 22.Qd6! Kh7 (both 22...Bf6 23.Re8!; and 22...Rf6 23.Qxc7!
Qxc7 24.Re8+ are bad for Black) 23.Rad1 etc.] 21.Qxd7! Accurately calculated. [Now in the
event of 21.exd7? Rc7 White would have to play 22.Be6 , when Black is saved by 22...Bf5!
23.Bxf5+ (or 23.Ne4 Bxe6 24.Nxg5+ hxg5 25.Rxe6 Rxd7 26.Qc2+ Kg8) 23...Rxf5 24.Qc2 g6 and
...R(Q)xd7.] 21...Qb6! A clever resource, creating the maximum difficulties for me. [The ending
after 21...Qxd7 22.exd7 Rcd8 23.Rad1 Bf5 (23...Bf7 24.Bc2+) 24.Be6 Bxe6 25.Rxe6 Rf7 26.Red6
is altogether unattractive for Black.] 22.e7! (otherwise 22...Rfd8) 22...Rfe8 [Seeing that in the
variation 22...Qxf2+ 23.Kh1 Rfe8 24.Ne4 neither 24...-- a)24...Bxe4 25.Rxe4; b)24...Qxb2
25.Nd6; c), nor 24...Qh4!? 25.Nxg5+! (c)25.Nd6? Rcd8!) 25...Qxg5 26.Qxb7 will do, Black
creates the threat of winning the e7-pawn by 23...Rc7. He is literally a smidgen away from
equalising.; ; 22...Rxf2? 23.Na4 .] 23.Qg4! The only path to the goal! [There is now the serious
threat of h3-h4: for example, 23.Qg4 Rc7 (or 23...Qa5 24.h4! Bf6 (24...Bf5 25.Qf3!) 25.Ne4!
Bxb2 (25...Bxe7 26.Bc2!!) 26.Rad1 etc) 24.h4! Rcxe7 25.Rxe7 Bxe7 26.h5 Bd3 27.Qf3 Rd8
28.Rd1 winning a piece.] 23...Qc5 [The alternative defence 23...Bf6 (with the idea of 24 h4?
h5) did not help because of 24.Re6! (at this point Short looked full of optimism: now 24.h4? is
parried by the simple 24...Bxe7 25.Ne4) 24...Rc7 25.Ne4 (d5).But White continues his brilliant
series of forcing moves.] 24.Ne4! [24.Be6? Rc7 25.Ne4 Bxe4 26.Rxe4 Rcxe7 was far weaker.]
24...Qxe7 25.Bc2!! Such a 'quiet stroke' is easy to miss in advance. 'Black suddenly ends up in a
high-tensile web of diagonal and vertical pins.' (Nikitin). 25...Rf8 [25...Rcd8 26.f4; or 25...Qe5
26.h4 , and after the bishop moves – 27 Ng5+, was equally dismal.] 26.g3 Calmly preparing h3-
h4 or f2-f4. [26.h4!? Bxh4 27.Ng3! would have won more quickly: for example, 27...Bxc2 (or
27...Qg5 28.Bxg6+ Kxg6 29.Qe4+) 28.Rxe7 Bxe7 29.Qe2! . On the other hand, now the finish of
the game turns out to be even prettier.] 26...Qd8 [26...Bf5 would have been met by the
thunderous 27.Nd6!!; and 26...Rce8 27.h4 Bd2 28.Ng5+ Qxg5 29.hxg5 Bxe1 30.gxh6! Bxf2+
31.Kg2 Rf6 32.Qd7 Rg8 33.Bxg6+ was equally depressing.] 27.Rad1 [Or immediately 27.h4!?
Be7 28.h5 Bf5 29.Nf6+ .] 27...Qa5 28.h4 Be7 29.Nc3! [This is more flamboyant than 29.Nd6 :
up until now all White's threats have been on the light squares, but in the end mate is given on
the dark squares.] 29...Bxc2 30.Rxe7 Rg8 31.Rdd7 Bf5 [31...Bg6 32.Qd4! .] 32.Rxg7+ Kh8
33.Qd4 . Probably the best of my wins in this tournament. 1–0

Before the last round I was 2½ points ahead of a trio of leading rivals, and I was very happy
that neither my cold coupled with fatigue, nor my involvement in the creation of the
Grandmasters Association, prevented me from performing successfully in Brussels.

After playing a draw with Portisch, I finished with a 'plus five' result and drew close to a new
rating peak - 2750! It was after this tournament that they began saying it was time to take bets
on whether the current world champion would beat Fischer's old record. For the first time in
14 years the 2780 mark no longer seemed unattainable.

Such was the outcome of this complicated, nervy year - my first year as champion.

1.7. Winning 'to order'

International tournament in Brussels (10-24 April 1987): 1-2. Kasparov and Ljubojevic - 8½ out
of 11; 3. Karpov - 7; 4-5. Korchnoi and Timman - 6½; 6. Tal - 6; 7. Larsen - 5½; 8-9. Torre and
van der Wiel - 5; 10. Winants - 3½; 11. Short - 3; 12. Meulders - 1.

I began the fourth year of battles for the title with an unusual rapidplay match with Nigel Short
(London, 4-5 February 1987). We played in white and black dinner suits on the stage of a
popular rock club, and this spectacle was broadcast on commercial TV - hence the time control
of 25 minutes each for the entire game: this made a total of 50 minutes, and in a program
lasting an hour this left time for advertisements and commentary. I won 4-2 (with no draws).
This was an entertaining, but also a highly unusual spectacle. And when my manager Andrew
Page suggested organising a series of rapidplay tournaments, many fellow-grandmasters
rejected the idea - it had not yet attracted the masses! It was only several years later that
everyone saw the wonderful prospects available to rapid chess thanks to the appearance of
electronic demonstration boards.

At that time the shortening of the time control was, indeed, an urgent question. Obvious
progress in the study of the openings and the analysis of adjourned games demanded a
reduction in thinking time and a longer playing session without adjournments. The classical
five-hour time control (40 moves in 2½ hours with an adjournment, and then 16 moves in
every hour) gave way to a six-hour control (40 moves in 2 hours plus 20 moves in an hour
followed by an adjournment). When the GMA began functioning, the new control finally
gained acceptance, gradually changing the pace at which chess developed.

All the indicators were that a new era was beginning in chess, and many were full of the most
optimistic hopes. Those elected on to the board of the newly-formed Grandmasters
Association were Garry Kasparov (president), Anatoly Karpov and Jan Timman (vice-
presidents), Ljubomir Ljubojevic, Lajos Portisch, Yasser Seirawan, John Nunn and the
businessman Bessel Kok (chairman and chief sponsor). The emergence of the GMA was
marked by an amazing coincidence: on 15th February 1985 Campomanes cut short my first
match for the world title, and exactly two years later in Brussels our Association was founded.
The date of an unprecedented act of tyranny in the chess world coincided with the starting
date of an organised resistance to the forces which had been behind it.

Around then there was a joint meeting, unique in its way, of the leaders of the GMA and FIDE,
which discussed the conditions proposed by the Association for a new competition of leading
grandmasters - a World Cup coordinated with the next three-year world championship cycle,
and a common schedule of events for 1987-1990 was compiled. Subsequently, to all
appearances, the Soviet Chess Federation interfered - or rather, the Sports Committee (or
perhaps even another Committee), and our collaboration with FIDE did not in fact come to
fruition. A pity, since it could have radically changed the entire modern map of the chess

From Brussels I travelled to Hamburg, where I gave a repeat clock simul' against the local
Bundesliga team and gained convincing revenge (7-1) for my defeat in December 1985 (the
only one I ever suffered in a simul'). A little later, in May, in a similar simul' I was able to crush
the Swiss national team (5½-½).

I spent the whole of March in my native Baku: first I instructed juniors at a session of the
Botvinnik-Kasparov school, and at the end of the month, during the spring school holidays, I
gave simuls' with clocks in the national final of the tournament of Pioneers Palaces. Again, for
the third time, I made the best score among the captains, and for the first time this secured
victory for the Baku team.

In the meantime it transpired that in the autumn I again faced a match with Karpov - already
the fourth since 1984! In the Candidates super-final the former champion confidently defeated
Andrey Sokolov, the winner of the qualifying cycle, by 7½-3½. However, before the next match
for the title, fate finally granted Karpov and me a tournament game, the first for six years. This
occurred in April, at the excellent SWIFT Tournament in Brussels, organised for the second
successive year by the indefatigable Bessel Kok.

The tournament was an important landmark in the establishment of the young Grandmasters
Association. New technology was tried - electronic demonstration boards, first tested in my
match with Karpov in London (1986), as well as the new, six-hour time control, which was later
used in the World Cup tournaments. There was a marked change in the atmosphere in the
auditorium: the spectators watched the games with a kind of reverence and in complete
silence. Nearly all the founders of the GMA were in Brussels, and so every day we had lively
discussions about what to do next and how. It was a turbulent, interesting time, full of
optimism: chess was obviously moving on to a different qualitative level. True, apart from
debates there was also the small matter in the evenings of 'moving the pieces'.

The field of 12 players was very strong, although uneven - the concept of super-tournaments
was only then being developed. Ten grandmasters, seven from the world's elite, and one
(Short) with the reputation of a rising star, were set loose on two Belgian masters, Winants
and Meulders. And, incidentally, Tal, who was working as chief consultant in the press centre
and was brought in at the last minute to replace the indisposed Hübner, in the end defeated
only these two. By the will of the pairings I began with wins over them, van der Wiel and Short
(although I played badly against Nigel), then I had something of a skid - draws against Torre,
Timman and Korchnoi, before winning with Black against Larsen (in the good old Tarrasch
Defence!) to reach 6½ out of 8. Usually in 11 rounds a score of 'plus five' is quite sufficient for
first place, but in this tournament Ljubojevic was playing brilliantly: by defeating Korchnoi in
the 8th round, he kept level with me.

In the 9th round, in order to take first place on my own, I needed without fail to beat my rival
with White. Alas, things didn't work out: Ljubojevic unexpectedly employed the Slav Defence
with ...g7-g6, and I responded badly. Black achieved a comfortable game and drew easily.

My strict teacher Botvinnik wrote about this: 'The world champion still needs to improve. This
was confirmed at the finish of the tournament in Brussels (1987), where Kasparov was
competing with Ljubojevic. The culmination came in the 9th round, when Kasparov had White
against his main rival. The game ended in a draw, and as a result Kasparov and Ljubojevic
shared 1st place. This episode indicates that the present champion has not yet achieved the
highest mastery in tournament play. Meanwhile, Lasker (remember, among others, his famous
game with Capablanca, St. Petersburg 1914), Capablanca, Alekhine, and the author of these
lines (I can point to my game with Keres, Leningrad 1941) all demonstrated their ability to win

"to order" at decisive moments in a tournament. Yes, Kasparov still is able to and needs to
progress, but we should not be too severe on him, since there are spots even on the sun...'

But let's see what happened then in Brussels. In the next, penultimate, round I had Black
against Karpov, who was a point behind me and Ljubojevic. For the ex-champion this was the
last chance to interfere in the fight for 1st place: he needed to beat me (and then also
Ljubojevic) in his individual games. But for me, by contrast, it was essential not to lose: both to
avoid spoiling the picture of our long-standing duel, in which I was then leading by 'plus one',
and to surpass Karpov - the winner of SWIFT-1986 - not only in a match, but also in a
tournament. This duel was a notable event, especially before the impending match in Seville.
For some reason Karpov played passively, uncertainly and got into an inferior endgame, but he
nevertheless held on (Game No.25 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1986-87).

When I was making my last few moves, I was already thinking about how to catch up with
Ljubojevic, who that day defeated Larsen and, with 8 out of 10, burst half a step ahead. In the
last round he drew with Karpov, and now I had to win 'to order' against Mikhail Tal.

Game 26
G.Kasparov-M.Tal, Brussels, 11th Round, 24.04.1987
Nimzo-Indian Defence E48

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 ['The first surprise: I had prepared for 3.Nf3 b6 .' (Tal). To be honest, I
didn't know exactly where to fight for an advantage, and after consulting with Nikitin I decided
to go in for comparatively complicated play in the Nimzo-Indian.] 3...Bb4 4.e3 'The second
surprise: Kasparov once made this move against Yurtaev (Moscow 1981) and since then he had
not employed it again.' (Tal). [Soon I also adopted 4.Qc2 (Game Nos.63, 65); whereas I had
already given up the line 4.Nf3 c5 5.g3 (cf. Game No.13).] 4...0–0 [4...c5!? 5.Nge2 – Game
No.39 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I.] 5.Bd3 [In an old training game between us
(1st match game, Baku 1980) Tal gained equal chances after 5.Nge2 d5 6.a3 Be7 7.cxd5 Nxd5
8.g3 Nxc3 9.Nxc3 c5 .] 5...d5 (this is how my opponent played since the times of his matches
with Botvinnik) 6.cxd5 'This simple and logical move had not previously occurred in my games,
which is simply amazing. Here doubts began to creep in: had all this been prepared in advance
for a meeting with me? Alas, this turned out to be so...' (Tal) 6...exd5 7.Nge2 c5 [In the
aforementioned game with me, Yurtaev experienced difficulties after 7...Nbd7 8.0–0 c6 9.f3 c5
(9...Re8!?) 10.a3! .; Today, after a good thousand games have been played with this variation,
7...Re8! 8.0–0 Bd6 (f8) is considered safe. But Tal, without any particular thought, made the
most natural moves.] 8.0–0 Nc6 [8...b6 9.a3 Bxc3 10.bxc3 Ba6 would have led to a position
from the famous Botvinnik-Capablanca game (Game No.37 in Part II of My Great
Predecessors), when I would have replied 11.f3! and Ng3, preparing e3-e4, as I had already
done against Ivanovic (Niksic 1983).] 9.a3 cxd4 10.exd4!? [10.axb4 dxc3 11.b5 Ne5 12.Nxc3
retains a small plus, but I thought that here Black would have an easier game. However, in the
event of 12...Bg4 (the alternative is 12...Qc7 (d6) ; or 12...Nxd3 13.Qxd3 Be6) 13.f3 Bh5? (but
he is also better after 13...d4 14.Bxh7+! Nxh7 15.Qxd4 Nxf3+ 16.gxf3 (Kir.Georgiev-Spasov,
Sofia 1984)) 14.Be2 with the threat of g2-g4 (D.Gurevich-Tal, Saint John (blitz) 1988), White
already has an obvious advantage.] Besides, I liked the structure that arises after 10 exd4 with
the knight on e2 and a rapid f2-f3. 'What should Black do now? After the retreat 10...Bd6 there
follows 11 f3, and the position takes on the contours of the exchange variation of the French
Defence, with two (!) extra tempi for White. At the board I did not in fact find an acceptable
plan.' (Tal). 10...Bxc3?! Again the most natural reply. [After 10...Be7 11.f3 and Kh1 White can
calmly prepare an attack with g2-g4. ; But 10...Bd6! (controlling the dark squares) was
nevertheless better, as played back in the games Stolberg-Botvinnik (12th USSR Championship,
Moscow 1940) and Gligoric-Smyslov (Palma de Mallorca Interzonal 1970). Later Tal himself

upheld this variation as White against Sax (Subotica Interzonal 1987) – 11.f3 (11.Bg5? Bxh2+)
11...h6! 12.Kh1 Nh5 (12...Re8!?) 13.Qe1 f5 14.Nxd5 Bxh2 15.Kxh2 Qxd5 16.Qh4 and himself
indicated 16...Qf7 with 'equality'.] 11.bxc3!? A novelty devised at the board. [Black is also
slightly worse after 11.Nxc3 Bg4 (11...Nxd4?! 12.Bxh7+ and Qxd4) 12.f3 Be6 (Porath-Pachman,
Amsterdam Olympiad 1954) 13.Be3 , but I decided to support the d4-pawn and then create an
attack on the king. 'One surprise after another! It somehow escaped my memory that
Kasparov was a pupil of Botvinnik, who possessed a truly encyclopaedic knowledge of opening
theory. It was no wonder that the pupil proved fully worthy of his teacher.' (Tal).] 11...Ne7?!
With the obvious intention of ...Bf5, but White easily prevents this. [After 11...h6 12.f3 the
attack with Kh1, Rg1 and g2-g4 would have gained in strength. ; Nikitin suggested solving the
problem of the c8-bishop's development by 11...Bg4 , but after 12.f3 (12.Bg5 h6 13.Bh4 Na5
14.f3 Bd7 is not so clear) 12...Bh5 13.Rb1 Na5 14.Bg5 Bg6 15.Nf4 Black is tied down by the pin
on the f6-knight and the weakness of the d5-pawn. ; Apparently the best is 11...Re8!? (Savon)
12.f3 (or 12.Bg5 h6 followed by ...Na5 and ...Bd7) 12...Na5 and ...Bd7.] 12.Qc2 Of course!
[12.Bg5?! was much weaker in view of 12...Ne4 .] 12...Bd7?! Black wants to develop his
bishop, [but 12...Ng6 was more resilient, in order after 13.Bg5 h6 14.Bd2 (14.Bc1!?) , to
sacrifice a pawn – 14...Ne4 15.Bxe4 dxe4 16.Qxe4 Re8 , although after 17.Qd3 Be6 18.Rfe1
Rc8 19.Ng3 the compensation for it is insufficient.] 13.Bg5! With the threat of Bxf6. [It would
appear that Tal was preparing for a positional battle after 13.f3 , but White unexpectedly
launches an assault on the king's fortress.] 13...Ng6 [Now the pawn sacrifice 13...Ne4 14.Bxe4
dxe4 15.Qxe4 f6 16.Bd2 would be even less correct.] 14.f4! It turns out that White also has this
plan, the idea of which I grasped quite quickly. Without making a single serious mistake, Black
ends up in a difficult position. 14...h6 [Forced: in the event of 14...Re8 15.f5 Nf8 16.Nf4 Bc6
17.Nh5 N8d7 18.Rf3 the pin on the f6-knight is too unpleasant.] 15.Bxf6 Qxf6 16.f5! 'With a
powerful and virtually irresistible attack. I would have been happy to play this position with
White.' (Tal) 16...Ne7 17.Ng3 It suddenly transpires that Black has no good defence against the
threat of Nh5 and f5-f6. 17...Nc8?! [This manoeuvre of the knight to d6 is too slow, as is
17...Kh8?! 18.Nh5 Qg5 19.f6! gxf6 (19...Qxh5? 20.fxe7 Rfe8 21.Rae1 and wins) 20.Nxf6 Bf5
21.Bxf5 Qxf6 22.Rae1 Nxf5 23.Rxf5 Qg6 24.Qf2 etc. ; However, even after the more resilient
17...Qg5 18.Rf3! Rae8 (or 18...h5 19.f6 gxf6 20.Nf5) 19.f6 gxf6 20.Raf1 Black's position is
extremely dangerous.] 18.Rf4? This move suggests itself and in Informator I attached an
exclamation mark to it, underestimating Black's possible reply, [and I rejected the strongest
move 18.Rf3 (!) because of the 'unclear' 18...Kh8 . But in fact after 19.Nh5 Qg5 20.Nf4 Black is
in trouble: he has to bring his knight back – 20...Ne7 , and in the event of 21.f6 (after the
unexpected 21.Qf2!? Bxf5 22.Bxf5 Qxf5 (after 22...Nxf5? 23.Nh3 a piece is lost) 23.Re1! Ng6
(and after 23...Qd7 24.Ne6! – the exchange) 24.Ne6! Qxe6 25.Rxe6 fxe6 26.a4 these chances
vanish) 21...Qxf6 22.Ng6+ fxg6 23.Rxf6 Rxf6 there are still chances of setting up a fortress with
rook, knight and pawn for the queen. ] 18...Nd6? Returning the favour – we both thought that
this was the only move! [Black would have lost ignominiously after 18...Qd6? 19.f6!! Qxf4
(19...g6 20.Raf1) 20.Bh7+ Kh8 21.fxg7+ Kxg7 22.Nh5+ and Nxf4.; However, the latent computer
resource 18...g5! (it is not easy for a human player to venture such a committal looking move)
would have given Black a defensible position, although after both 19.Nh5 (and 19.Rf2 Nb6 (or
19...Nd6 20.Nh5 Qd8 21.Qa2 Bc6 22.h4 White would retain the initiative) 20.Nh5 Qc6 (20...Qd6
21.f6!) 21.Rb1 Rad8 (21...Rac8 22.Bb5!) 22.a4) 19...Qd6 20.Rf2 f6 21.Qb3 (or 21.c4!? dxc4
22.Bxc4+) 21...Nb6 22.a4 .] 19.Qf2! 'Finishing the last preparations for driving the black queen
out of f6.' (Stohl) 19...Rfe8 This leads to a crushing defeat (again a 'natural' move!), but what
should Black do instead? [After the voluntary retreat 19...Qd8 there is the decisive 20.f6! Ne8
(20...g5 21.Qf3! and Qh5 ; or 20...g6 21.Rf1! is no better) 21.fxg7 Nxg7 22.Rf6! .; And in the
event of 19...Ne8 20.Nh5 Qd6 (but not 20...Qg5 21.h4! Qxh5 22.g4 – a key idea!) 21.f6! g5
(21...g6 22.Rf1 (e1) with an irresistible attack) 22.Bb1! (threatening Qc2) 22...Qe6 23.Rf5! Nd6
24.Ng7 Nxf5 25.Nxe6 fxe6 26.c4! Black does not have sufficient compensation for the queen.;
Things are also very dismal for him after the more resilient 19...Kh8 20.Nh5 Qg5 21.h4! Qd8

(21...Qxh5? 22.g4) 22.Rg4 Rg8 23.Qf4 Ne4 24.Bxe4 dxe4 25.Re1 etc.] 20.Nh5 Qd8 [After
20...Qg5 21.h4! Qd8 (21...Qxh5 22.g4) , both 22.Qg3 (and 22.Rg4 are strong.) ] 21.Nxg7!
[21.f6? no longer makes sense in view of 21...g5 .] 21...Ne4 Despair. [Black would have lost
immediately after 21...Kxg7 22.f6+ Kh8 23.Qh4 . But now too it all concludes with a swift attack
on the king.] 22.Bxe4 Rxe4 23.f6 Kh7 24.Rxe4 dxe4 25.Qf4 Bc6 26.Re1 [26.Rf1!? .] 26...Qf8
27.c4 [The immediate 27.Nf5! and Re3 was also possible.] 27...Qxa3 28.Nf5! Qf8 29.Re3 Bd7
30.Rg3 Bxf5 31.Qxf5+ . This was my only tournament win against Tal. 1–0

As a result I caught Ljubojevic and shared 1st-2nd places with him, and I finished one and a half
points ahead of Karpov, gaining revenge for the 1981 Moscow 'Tournament of Stars'. As for
what Botvinnik said about me being unready to win decisive games, I quickly 'corrected' this,
by winning in the final rounds not only against Tal, but also against Karpov in Seville 1987
(Game No.31), and against Spassky in Barcelona 1989 (Game No.51).

The day after the conclusion of the main tournament, the organisers staged a 'world blitz
championship' - a grandiose double-round event. To increase the competitive intrigue, an
additional match of two games was included between the players who finished first and
second. The composition of the tournament was also strengthened: the Belgian masters
Winants and Meulders were replaced by Sosonko and the convalescent Hübner. The twelve
contestants played two successive games against one another, with White and with Black.
Instead of drawing lots, the players were arranged in order of rating, with No.1 on the rating
list playing first against No.12, then No.11, and so on. Thus Karpov and I were to meet at the
very finish.

After an ultra-successful start (11 out of 12!) I was practically assured of a place in the first two
and I reduced the tempo somewhat. Before the last round the leading trio was Kasparov - 15½
out of 20, Timman - 13, Karpov - 12. There was hardly any chance of an additional match with
Karpov, since it would have taken a miracle for him to overtake Timman. Due to our weak
motivation and accumulated fatigue, both my blitz games with Karpov were of very poor
quality (Game Nos.26 and 27 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1986-87). Luck was on my side: 1½-½.

Results of the experimental SWIFT World Blitz Championship: 1. Kasparov - 17 out of 22; 2.
Timman - 15; 3-4. Karpov and Ljubojevic - 12½; 5. Hübner - 12; 6-7. Korchnoi and Short - 11; 8.
Tal - 10½, etc. In the additional mini-match with Timman, a draw would have satisfied me
(thanks to my first place in the tournament), but, summoning my remaining strength, I
nevertheless won: 1½-½.

In the next six months before the match with Karpov I limited myself to participating in
another interesting experiment - a televised match-tournament of three USSR teams (Moscow,
8-10 May), with a time control of 45 minutes for a game. Leading the 'young generation' team,
I scored 2½ out of 4 against Beliavsky and Tal, and my team also won. It was then, for the first
time in history - a sign of the times - that nearly fifty Soviet grandmasters assembled for a
meeting chaired by Botvinnik. Apart from me, among those who spoke were Tal, Geller,
Polugayevsky, Razuvaev, Psakhis and many others. In a unanimously agreed resolution, those
present stated that 'the structure of the chess movement in the country is out of date and
requires radical reform', they approved 'the participation of world champion Kasparov and ex-
world champion Karpov in the international Grandmasters Association', and they
recommended that their colleagues should join this organisation on an individual basis.

And so, my new match with Karpov was to start on 10th October 1987 in the Spanish city of
Seville. At the end of May, after returning from Barcelona, where I had been presented with
what was by then my fourth chess 'Oscar', I began my preparations for the match (which were

interrupted only in August for a familiarisation visit to Seville). The training sessions were held,
as usual, on the banks of the Caspian Sea, at the Zagulba sanatorium.

After the 1986 match a difficult problem arose with my group of trainers, since, with the
departure of Timoshchenko and Vladimirov, only three remained of those with whom I had
begun the struggle: Nikitin, Shakarov and Dorfman. Therefore in March I entered into
discussions with the young Georgian master Zurab Azmaiparashvili (within a year he became a
grandmaster), who immediately joined our preparation work and, in particular, helped me to
master a new match opening - the English Opening. Even so, the team still lacked a strong
grandmaster. At the end of August I approached Sergey Dolmatov, and, fortunately for me, he
agreed to help. Sergey's arrival ensured that in Seville we would have a marked advantage in
the analysis of adjourned games.

The trials which I endured in those months are described in detail in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1986-
87. For me the match in Seville was psychologically the most difficult of all my five duels for
the title with Karpov. To some extent, my win in the 1986 match had disarmed me, since it
seemed like the final victory.

And in 1987, in addition to my fight with the FIDE and Sports Committee bureaucracy, I was
busy with numerous other important matters: work at the junior chess school (six weeks
before the match Botvinnik and I held our last joint session), trying to set up a Soviet-British
chess publishing house and a chess magazine, the creating and leading of the GMA in Brussels,
and the founding of a junior computer club in Moscow. Incidentally, the games in the first-ever
'Star chess' display (with a centre in Cannes), in which I played simultaneously with ten cities in
various parts of the world, were transmitted from the junior computer club via a
telecommunications link.

Continuing work on my autobiography Child of Change, which began at the end of 1986, was
another distraction. As the work progressed, it was hard to shake off the feeling that the main
fight for the world title was already behind me. Not long before the match, the book was
published in London, and then in another five European languages, and in Seville I arranged for
it to be launched.

Numerous problems prevented me from focusing on the main thing, which was psychological
preparation for the next match with Karpov. The forthcoming clash was somehow very remote
from my mind, and I couldn't help wishing that I didn't have to go through with it. Why did I
have play again? I'd already proved my superiority - I'd already won and then defended my
world title... Although I realised that far more was at stake this time than in the previous
matches, I really didn't want to play the match, and my whole being rebelled against the very
thought that I must once again (for the umpteenth time!) mobilise myself for battle.

1.8. Fourth Match with Karpov

Match for the World Championship Kasparov - Karpov (Seville, 10 October - 19 December
1987): 12-12.

After an easily gained draw with Black at the start of the Seville match I felt the desire to
engage in an immediate large-scale battle and in the 2nd game to demonstrate all I was
capable of with White. But already in this game it became evident that on this occasion my
nervous system was not ready for the severe pressure of a world championship match. On
encountering a novelty in the English Opening, I 'fell asleep' for 83 minutes, blundered on the
20th move, forgot to press my clock on the 26th, and lost on time on the 33rd, without even

managing to resign. It need hardly be said what a state of shock I was in, having at the start
practically repeated Karpov's anti-record, established by him in the 8th game of the previous
match. My failure in the opening was also painful and left me feeling desperately disillusioned.

However, I managed to pull myself together and by confidently gaining a draw in the 3rd game
I seemed to have overcome the crisis. On the Saturday and Sunday I relaxed and prepared,
tuning myself up for a large-scale battle in the 4th game. And my expectations were justified.

Game 27
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 4th Game, Seville 19.10.1987
English Opening A29

1.c4 Played without any doubts! We didn't prepare 1 c4 for the match in order that one
novelty from the 2nd game, prepared by the opponent for his battles with Korchnoi, should
scare me away from the move. Of course, the struggle with the black e3-pawn (cf. the note to
Black's 9th move) contained a considerable risk, but how do you win without taking risks?
1...Nf6 2.Nc3 e5 I think that Karpov was expecting a repetition of the opening duel (in our
matches I always began by playing the main system I had prepared with White), and he did not
arrive for the game empty-handed. 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.g3 Bb4 5.Bg2 0–0 (4) 6.0–0 e4 (10)Again, as in
the 2nd game, this came after some hesitation, [perhaps 6...Re8 should be played (16th
game)?] 7.Ng5 Bxc3 8.bxc3 Re8 (4) 9.f3! exf3?! (3) [In the press centre this exchange
provoked a lively debate: many were perplexed as to why Black should avoid the new – and
better! – move 9...e3 , which had been successfully tried in the 2nd game. It seems to me that
the sharp position after 10.d3! d5 11.Qb3 Na5 12.Qa3 c6 13.cxd5 cxd5 14.f4 Nc6 15.Rb1 Qc7
16.Bb2 Bg4 was not to Karpov's taste. He did not want to check what improvement the
opponent had prepared instead of 17.c4?! (namely 17 Nf3!), and already in the course of the
match, with limited time for preparation, he found an interesting palliative (although he did
not play 9...exf3 immediately, and somehow not very confidently).] 10.Nxf3 Pleased by my
opponent's choice, I froze in anticipation of the usual reply 10...d5: 'At last I'll be able to
employ my novelty!' But my joy lasted just a few seconds... 10...Qe7 An instantaneous reply,
which at that time occurred rarely, [since Black was happy with 10...d5 11.cxd5 Qxd5 . But it
was here that I had prepared a novelty – 11 d4!, with which my 'searches' in the English
Opening began. I was able to play this nearly a year later against Ivanchuk, and Black failed to
cope with the new problems (Game No.41). Apparently in their preparations for the 4th game
Karpov and his trainers had discovered this move and he sensibly decided to avoid it, doing so
by preparing an interesting counter-idea.] 11.e3 (4)'Such a pawn grouping in the centre is a
favourite weapon with Kasparov. These pawns and the bishops lurking behind them contain a
powerful attacking potential.' (Suetin) 11...Ne5 (2)A novelty with a deep positional point: the
exchange of knights is aimed at disarming White and reducing the dynamic potential of his
position. [In the event of 11...d6 (Kapengut's move 11...Qc5 is little better) 12.d3 he retains
active possibilities: 12...Bg4 (12...Ne5 13.Nd4) 13.h3 Bd7 14.e4 h6 15.Rb1 Rab8 16.Nh4
(Smyslov-Peev, Cienfuegos 1973).] 12.Nd4! (31)An unexpected pawn sacrifice – the knight is
aiming for f5 (my favourite square for a knight). [The alternatives were harmless: 12.Nxe5
Qxe5 13.Rb1 (13.e4 d6! 14.d4 Qe6) 13...Rb8 14.Rb5 Qe7 15.d3 d6 16.e4 Nd7; or 12.d3 Nxf3+
13.Qxf3 d6 14.e4 Nd7 15.d4 Rb8 16.Rb1 b6 , and there are no defects in Black's defences. And
without dynamism, White's central pawns are not so much a strength, as a weakness (this also
happens with Black in the Sicilian Defence with 2...Nc6 3 Bb5 and 4 Bxc6 bxc6).Therefore the
only chance of exploiting Black's retarded development is to avoid the exchange of knights,
even at the cost of a pawn. In addition, my move made Karpov feel uncomfortable: it would
appear that he thought I would not risk giving up a pawn in an unfamiliar position when I was
already one down in the match.] 12...Nd3?! (19)In aiming to eliminate the potentially
dangerous bishop on c1, Karpov loses precious time. [Perhaps he should have ventured

12...Nxc4 (Korchnoi would certainly have taken the pawn!) 13.Nf5! Qe6 14.d3 Nd6 (or
14...Ne5 15.d4 (or 15.e4 (Dlugy) 15...d5! 16.d4! , and White retains somewhat the better
prospects) 15...Ng6) 15.Nd4 Qe5 (15...Qe7? 16.e4 c5 17.Nf3 is worse) 16.Bd2 with excellent
compensation for the pawn.; The quiet 12...d6!? 13.d3 c5 was also suitable, although here too
after 14.Ne2!? with the idea of Nf4, e3-e4 and h2-h3 White's chances are rather better.]
13.Qe2 (34) [13.Nf5!? was also unpleasant for Black. Where should the queen go? 13...-- a). If
13...Qc5? there is 14.Nh6+! . This means that the queen must keep the knight at f6 covered.;
b). However, 13...Qd8 leaves the bishop alive – 14.Ba3! (Dlugy) 14...d6 15.Qe2 Nc5 16.d3
with an obvious advantage. ; c). If 13...Qe6 there is the strong reply 14.Qe2! Nxc1
(c)14...Qxc4? 15.Nh6+ Kf8 16.Rxf6 gxf6 17.Bf1! – Najdorf) 15.Raxc1 , when White's position is
even better than in the game. ; d). And if 13...Qe5 , then 14.Qc2! Nxc1 15.Raxc1 d5 (d)15...d6
16.Rf4) 16.cxd5 Nxd5 17.e4 Ne7 18.d4 , and under the cover of his powerful pawn centre
White begins preparing an attack on the kingside.; ] 13...Nxc1 (2) 14.Raxc1 d6 15.Rf4!
(10)White doubles rooks on the f-file, hoping to prevent the knight from redeploying from f6
and to gradually destroy the black king's fortress. 15...c6 (2)Preparing the development of the
c8-bishop. ['For carrying out a regrouping Black is all the time one tempo short: if 15...Nd7
there follows 16.Nf5 , and there is no better reply than 16...Qf8 ' (Makarychev). And then
17.Rcf1 with increasing pressure. ; In the press centre 15...c5?! 16.Nf5 Bxf5 17.Rxf5 was
studied, but 'the weakening of the d5-square is fatal' (Andersson).] 16.Rcf1 (4) 16...Qe5
(18)Prophylaxis against the capture on f6. [If 16...Be6 there could follow 17.Rxf6! gxf6 18.Be4!
with a dangerous attack: 18...f5 (but not 18...Bxc4? 19.Bxh7+!; or 18...Qf8?! 19.Rf4!) 19.Bxf5
Bxf5 20.Nxf5 Qf6 21.Qh5 (Dorfman).; In the event of 16...Bd7 nothing is given by 17.Rxf6 (but
17.Nf5 Bxf5 18.Rxf5 is good; as is Makarychev's suggestion 17.g4!? with the threat of g4-g5
(exploiting the fact that the bishop at d7 is occupying the knight's retreat square)) 17...gxf6
18.Qh5 , in view of 18...Kh8! 19.Rf4 Rg8 .] 17.Qd3! (14)The queen joins the attack. To judge by
the time spent on his reply, Karpov had underestimated this manoeuvre. It turns out that Black
faces difficult problems. 17...Bd7 (17)Black completes his development. [17...Qh5 is too risky –
18.Nf5! (18.Rxf6 gxf6 19.Rxf6 merely gives White solid compensation for the exchange)
18...Bxf5 19.Rxf5 it becomes uncomfortable for the queen on the kingside: 19...-- a)19...Qg4
20.e4!; b), or 19...Qg6 20.Qxd6 (b)20.Qd4 Re6 21.a4 is steadier) 20...Ne4 (b)not 20...Rad8?
21.Qf4 Rxd2 22.Rg5) 21.Qf4 Nxd2 22.Rf2 Rad8 23.Rxf7 Qb1+ 24.Bf1 , and Black faces a battle
for a draw.; ; In Informator Dorfman suggested 17...Rf8!? with the idea of 18.Nf5 (in addition,
18.a4 is possible, not hurrying with Nf5) 18...Bxf5 19.Rxf5 Qe7 and ...Nd7. Then White could
have chosen between the standard exchange sacrifice 20.Rxf6!? (and 20.R1f4! , in order after
20...Nd7 to retain the initiative by 21.Re4 Ne5 22.c5!) 20...gxf6 21.Rf4 with quite good
compensation.] 18.Nf5 (6) 18...Bxf5 (2) 19.Rxf5 Qe6 A quick reply. [If 19...Qe7 , then
20.R1f4! is strong. 20...-- a). Now 20...Rf8? is not possible on account of 21.Rxf6 gxf6 22.Re4!
Qd7 23.Rh4 f5 24.Bh3 and Bxf5, winning; b), nor 20...Qf8? in view of 21.Rh4! and Rxf6. ; c).
And in the event of 20...h6 White continues to build up the pressure: 21.Qe2 (c)21.Qf1!?)
21...Kh7 (c)21...Nd7 22.Rxf7 can hardly be correct) 22.e4 Rad8 23.d4 b6 24.Qe3 etc.; ] 20.Qd4!
(4) 20...Re7? (7)With the vain hope of solving Black's problems by ...Nd7. [It was
psychologically difficult to decide on a second successive queen move, but 20...Qe7 was
necessary. Since the white queen has left the d3-square, 21.R1f4 is no longer so terrible,
although even here the threat of Rxf6 condemns Black to a difficult defence. (The immediate
21.Rxf6!? gxf6 22.Rxf6 is also interesting: for example, 22...Rad8 (or 22...Qe5 23.Qg4+! Kh8
(23...Kf8 24.Rh6) 24.Rxf7 Re7 25.Rf5 Rg7 26.Qf3 with excellent play for the exchange – but not
yet a win) 23.Bf3!) ; 'After 20...Re7 the press centre began buzzing like a beehive. Najdorf
insistently suggested 21.Rxf6?! gxf6 22.Rxf6 Qe5 23.Rxd6 . After heated debates it was decided
that here it would have been very hard for White to convert his advantage. Kasparov's reply is
much stronger.' (Suetin)(If 23.Qg4+ there follows 23...Kf8! 24.Rf5 Qg7 25.Rg5 Qh8 26.Qf4 Re5
– G.K.) ] 21.Qh4! (8)It would appear that Karpov had only expected the exchange sacrifice.
Now, however, White has decisive threats. 21...Nd7 (24)The result of an agonising think.

[There is nothing better: if 21...Ne8 , then here too 22.Bh3 ( 22...h6 23.Rb5! ); after 21...Rae8
apart from the simple 22.R1f4 (White now wins by 22.Rxf6 gxf6 23.Rxf6 Qe5 24.Bh3!) ; and it
is also hopeless to play 21...Ne4 22.Bxe4 Qxe4 23.Qxe4 Rxe4 24.Rxf7 Rb8 25.Rc7 Rxc4 26.Rff7
Rg4 27.Rfd7 d5 28.Kg2 a6 29.h3 Rg6 30.Rxb7 etc.] 22.Bh3! (3) 22...Nf8 23.R5f3 (4)'An accurate
and rational decision – White transposes into a winning endgame, although the mass of
tempting possibilities was simply dazzling!' (Suetin). [And indeed, I also wanted to play for an
attack: 23.Rg5!? Qe4 24.Rg4 Qe5 25.Rf5! Qe6 (25...Qxf5 26.Rxg7+ and Bxf5) 26.Rxg7+ Kxg7
27.Rg5+ Qg6 28.Bf5 etc.] 23...Qe5 (3) 24.d4 Qe4 (2) 25.Qxe4 Rxe4 (3) 26.Rxf7 Rxe3 27.d5!?
(2)This leads to a clear win, [but 27.Rxb7! would have been more quickly decisive: 27...Rxc3
28.Rbf7! with the threat of Rxf8+ and Be6+; (the alternative 28.Rc7 is also good: 28...Rxc4 (or
28...Rd3 29.Rxc6 Rxd4 30.Bg2!) 29.Rcf7!) 28...g5 (28...Ng6 29.Rc7!) 29.d5! etc.] 27...Rae8 (6)
[Black would also not have saved himself with 27...cxd5 28.Bg2!; 27...Rxc3? 28.Rxf8+; 27...c5
28.Rxb7 Rxc3 29.Rff7; or 27...Rb8 28.c5! dxc5 29.d6 g5 (29...Rd8 30.Re7! – cf. the following
note) 30.Rc7 Rd8 31.d7 Kg7 32.Rc8 .] 28.Rxb7? (5)It was a pity that in impending time-trouble I
did not take my idea to its logical conclusion (yet another sign of my indifferent form!). [28.c5!
dxc5 29.d6 was correct, with a straightforward win: 29...Rd8 (29...Rd3? 30.Rxf8+; or 29...g6
30.d7 also loses) 30.Re7! Rd3 31.d7! Nxd7 32.Be6+ Kh8 33.Bxd7 . Now, however, the battle
continues.] 28...cxd5 29.cxd5 R3e7! 30.Rfb1 h5? (2) [30...Kf7! was more resilient, with the idea
of 31 Kf2 Kf6! – here Andersson assessed the chances of White winning and of Black drawing
as 'fifty-fifty'. Of course, White has numerous technical difficulties to overcome, but after
31.a4!? Rxb7 32.Rxb7+ Re7 33.Rb8 Rc7 34.a5 he would have advanced his pawn to a6 and
could have hoped to win.] 31.a4! (3) 31...g5 (2) [It is now too late for 31...Kf7 because of
32.a5 Rxb7 33.Rxb7+ Re7 34.a6! (Dlugy) 34...Ng6 35.c4! Ne5 36.c5 etc.] 32.Bf5 I did not want
to allow ...g5-g4, [but 32.a5!? g4 33.Bf1 (Dorfman) was more energetic – in addition the h5-
pawn is a weakness.] 32...Kg7 33.a5 (4) 33...Kf6 (2) 34.Bd3 Rxb7 (2) 35.Rxb7 Re3! Using the
tempo granted, Karpov tries to create at least some counterplay. [35...Re7 36.a6 Rxb7 37.axb7
Nd7 38.h4! was completely hopeless.] 36.Bb5 Rxc3 37.Rxa7 Ng6 38.Rd7 [The immediate
38.a6! was more accurate, although even here White would still have had to demonstrate
some endgame technique: 38...-- a)38...Rc1+ 39.Kf2 Rc2+ 40.Ke3! Ne7 (a)40...Rxh2 41.Rd7)
41.Ke4 Rxh2 42.Ra8 Ra2 43.Rd8 and wins; b)38...Ra3 39.Rb7 h4 40.Kf2! hxg3+ (b)40...h3 41.a7
etc) 41.hxg3 Ne7 42.Bc4 g4!? (b)42...Nf5 43.g4 Nh6 44.Be2 and wins) 43.Rb2 Ra4 44.Ra2 Rxc4
45.a7 Rc8 46.a8Q Rxa8 47.Rxa8 Nxd5 48.Ra5 Ke5 49.Ke2 Ke4 50.Ra4+ Kf5 51.Rd4 Nf6 52.Rxd6
Ne4 53.Rd3 etc. ; ] 38...Ne5? An empty blow. A paradox: starting with 35...Re3, Karpov had
about 10 minutes left to the time control, but for some reason he made all his moves at blitz
speed (apparently, what told was fatigue). [And in his haste he missed the best chance –
38...Ke5! , forcing White to find 39.Rg7! Kf6 40.Rb7! -- a), and if 40...Ne5 41.a6 Rc2 , then
42.h3! (Dlugy). ; b)40...Ke5 is no longer possible because of 41.Be8!; c), while 40...Ra3 41.a6
leads to a position from the previous note. ; d). The march of the a-pawn is also decisive
against other possible replies: 40...h4 41.a6 hxg3 42.a7! gxh2+ 43.Kxh2 Ra3 44.Rd7; e), or
instead 40...Rc1+ 41.Kf2 Rc2+ 42.Ke3 Ne7 43.a6 Rxh2 44.Be2! Nf5+ 45.Kd3 Rh1 46.a7 Ra1
47.Bxh5 Ke5 48.Kc4 Ne3+ 49.Kb3 Nxd5 50.Be8 .(e)50.--) ; ] In this case the game could have
been not only adjourned, but most probably also resumed, since definite accuracy would still
have been required of me. However, the advantage of the move 38 Rd7 was that, by marking
time for a couple of moves, White gained the opportunity to take important decisions after the
time control. 39.Rxd6+ (with two passed pawns, the win for White is obvious) 39...Kf5 40.a6
Ra3 41.Rd8 This move was sealed. [The following day Black resigned without resuming:
41.Rd8 Nf3+ (or 41...Ra2 42.Rf8+ Ke4 43.d6 Nf3+ 44.Rxf3 Kxf3 45.d7) 42.Kf2 Nxh2 43.d6 .
Times: 2.38–2.22.] 1–0

The score in the match became equal: 2-2. In order to regain his composure after such a
painful defeat, Karpov took his first time-out.

The 5th game was extremely tense and nervy. Alas, on encountering another surprise by the
opponent, I again ended up in terrible time-trouble, which decided the outcome of the battle.

Game 28
A.Karpov-G.Kasparov, World Championship Match, 5th Game, Seville 23.10.1987
Grünfeld Defence D87

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 I was curious to know what variation my opponent would employ after his
'limbering up' with 3 g3 (1st and 3rd games). It appeared that I was beginning to run into form,
and I wanted to aim for counterplay. 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 A match novelty – the main variation!
[Up until then Karpov had played only 4.Bf4 ; or 4.Nf3 (which we looked at in the first
instance).] 4...Nxd5 5.e4 Nxc3 6.bxc3 Bg7 7.Bc4 c5 8.Ne2 We analysed this line in our
preparations for the third match, but we thought that it was not the most appropriate weapon
for Karpov: the positions that result here are too complicated and unclear. Besides, as
Makarychev aptly commented, 'towards the mid–1970s the variation with 7 Bc4 and 8 Ne2
went out of fashion for a long time, its status remaining unchanged.' 8...Nc6 9.Be3 0–0 10.0–0
Bg4 [A worthy alternative to Smyslov's plan with 10...Qc7 .; The idea of the immediate bishop
move to g4 belongs to Timman – earlier they played 10...cxd4 11.cxd4 Bg4 12.f3 Na5 , and
after 13.Bd3 (while the rare continuation 13.Bxf7+ Rxf7 14.fxg4 was considered harmless (cf.
the note to White's 12th move)) 13...Be6 one of the main tabiyas was reached. The presence
on the board of the c5- and c3-pawns increases Black's defensive resources somewhat and
reduces White's attacking potential.] 11.f3 [I would have been quite happy with the gambit
variation 11.d5 Na5 12.Bd3 c4 13.Bc2 Bxc3 14.Rb1 , Polugayevsky-Timman, 6th match game,
Breda 1979.] 11...Na5 12.Bxf7+!? But here is a surprise – the old 'harmless continuation',
revived in a new version by Igor Zaitsev. [Previously only 12.Bd5 Bd7 occurred, as in Timman's
games with Hort (Niksic 1978), Spassky (Montreal 1979) and Polugayevsky (Tilburg 1985); or
12.Bd3 cxd4 13.cxd4 Be6 , transposing into the main lines. Here we had looked at both the
exchange sacrifice – 14.d5 (and the sacrifice of the a2-pawn – 14.Rc1 Bxa2 15.Qa4 Be6 16.d5
Bd7 17.Qb4 e6 – these analyses later came in useful in my games with Beliavsky and Yusupov
in the 55th USSR Championship, Moscow 1988) 14...Bxa1 15.Qxa1 f6 .] The capture on f7
surprised me, of course. All of us Soviet players grew up on Kurs Debyutov by Panov and Estrin,
where in black on white it was written that 13 Bxf7+ (after the exchange of pawns on d4) 'does
not give any advantage', and 'Black's position fully compensates for the sacrificed pawn'. The
same verdict was given by Botvinnik and Estrin in their monograph on the Grünfeld Defence
(1979), and by Karpov himself in the Yugoslav Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings (1976). And
now at the board I was forced to try and understand why Karpov had nevertheless captured on
f7. 12...Rxf7 13.fxg4 Rxf1+ (3) 14.Kxf1 (3)Here I 'went to sleep' for more than an hour – the
second longest think in the match after my 83-minute record in the 2nd game. And again I
managed to find the best plan! 14...Qd6 (64)A new direction. I decided fairly quickly not to
relieve the pawn tension in the centre, but a mass of time was taken up by all kinds of doubts
and hesitations, typical of an unfamiliar situation. [14...cxd4 15.cxd4 could have led to a
position that had been known for a long time.At one time they played 15...Qd7 (thinking
about how to deviate from theory, I also examined both the currently fashionable 15...e5 ;
and 15...Qb6 – 9th game) 16.h3 Qe6 17.Qd3 Qc4 18.-- a)18.Qd2 Qa6! 19.Qc2 Nc4 20.Qb3 Kh8
with good counter-chances for Black (Spassky-Korchnoi, 22nd USSR Championship, Moscow
1955); b), or 18.Qxc4+ (!) 18...Nxc4 19.Bg5 e6 (b)19...e5 20.d5 h6 21.Bc1 Nd6 22.Ng3 Rc8
(Dlugy-Nickoloff, Toronto 1989) is hardly any better in view of 23.Ba3! and Rc1) 20.Rd1 (b)but
this last assessment seems rather questionable: after 20.e5!? ; b)or 20.Rb1!? with the idea of
e4-e5 it is not so easy for Black to find sufficient compensation for the pawn) 20...b5 with
equality (Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings). And besides, instead of 16 h3 there is the logical
move 16 g5!?, which had already occurred but was not yet favoured by theory.; ; After the
immediate 14...Qd7 (or 14...Qc8, Portisch-Korchnoi, Reykjavik 1988) again 15.g5 is not bad:

for example, 15...Qe6 16.e5 (shutting in the bishop at g7) 16...Qc4 17.Kg1 Rd8 18.Qe1 with a
complicated game (Karpov-Gavrikov, Gijon (rapid) 1988). Today, casting my eye over the entire
tree of variations which developed after 12 Bxf7+ became popular, I come to the conclusion
that the best reply was 'articulated' in this, the very first published game.'The world champion
devised a plan which exploits an important nuance – the presence of the c-pawns (for the
moment the exchange on d4 has not been included). With the position more closed, Black was
able to keep control of all the points of potential counterplay for the opponent, thus retaining
excellent compensation for the pawn. And although many commentators saw the reason for
Kasparov's defeat to be his hour-long think, I find it hard to suggest that the loser acted
unwisely. The favourable character of the subsequent middlegame was worth the boldly
sacrificed time.' (Makarychev)] 15.e5 (11)The opponent's hesitation was probably caused
precisely by the fact that the c5- and c3-pawns had remained on the board. [In the 11th game
Karpov also introduced 15.Kg1 ; 15.Qa4 Qxh2!? 16.Qxa5 Rf8+ 17.Ke1 Qh1+ 18.Ng1 Qxg2
(Zakharov-I.Khenkin, Smolensk 1989) is excessively sharp.] 15...Qd5 (10) [In Informator Zaitsev
recommended 15...Qe6 (?!) with the idea of 16.g5 (but 16.Nf4 Rf8 (16...Qc4+ 17.Qe2) 17.Kg1
Qc4 18.g5 is stronger) 16...Nc4 .; But now after 15...Qd5 16.Nf4 Black has the equalising
16...Rf8 17.Kg1 Qe4! . The black queen controls the important light squares, and I was
intending to exploit this factor, although as yet I had only a vague impression of what would
happen next: the position is very unclear.] 16.Bf2 (10)By our fifth match (1990) this variation
had already been thoroughly studied, but it did not in fact occur there, [although against
Beliavsky (Linares 1992) I was able to demonstrate a clear-cut draw after 16.g5 Qe4! 17.Bf2
Rf8 18.Ng1 (18.Kg1 Qf5!) 18...Nc4 19.Nf3 Ne3+ 20.Bxe3 Qxe3 21.Qb3+ Kh8 22.Re1 Qxg5
23.Qxb7 Qd2! 24.dxc5 (24.Qxe7 Qxc3 with equality, Onischuk-Grischuk, Poikovsky 2005)
24...Qxc3 25.Qd5 Bh6 etc.] 16...Rf8 (12)Probably the strongest move. [However, during the
match we had doubts about this, and I switched to 16...Rd8 , after which Karpov tried against
me 17.Qe1 (7th game), (17.Qc2 (Amsterdam 1988); and 17.Qa4 which had become popular
(Belfort 1988).) ] 17.Kg1 (5) 17...Bh6! (1)'Strangely enough, Black's 14th move determined the
actions of the two sides up to the 20th move. White was threatening to shut the g7-bishop out
of the game by g4-g5. In defending against this threat, Black, in turn, threatens to achieve
domination in the centre. Thus 18 Qd3 is weak because of 18...Nc4, intending ...Nxe5.
Therefore, by renewing his previous threats, White temporarily forces his opponent to move
away from the centre, i.e. to carry out an unusual, active defence.' (Makarychev) 18.h4 (18) [It
is not in Karpov's style to voluntarily spoil his pawn structure – 18.dxc5!? Qxe5 19.Qd3 , but
for a long time it seemed to me that this would give White an unpleasant initiative (as a result
of which I stopped playing 16...Rf8): for example, 19...Qf6 20.Rf1 e5 (?) (after 20...Qe6!
21.Nd4 Qxa2 22.Qe4 I underestimated the simple 22...Rf7 23.h4 Qc4 with equality (it only
remains for Black to bring his knight to the centre)) 21.Ng3 Qe6 22.Ne4! (Razuvaev-Andersen,
Dortmund 1992). The course of opening theory is truly inscrutable. Had it not been for my
groundless fears regarding 18 dxc5, which arose before the 7th game, it is possible that the
entire variation with 12 Bxf7+ would have had a different fate.] 18...Qf7 (2) 19.Bg3 [The
further activation of the enemy pieces has to be allowed: in the event of 19.Qf1? (into a pin!)
19...Bd2! 20.Rd1 (or 20.dxc5 Nc6) 20...Nc4 21.Ng3 Ne3 22.Bxe3 Bxe3+ 23.Kh2 Qxa2 Black
simply dominates.] 19...Be3+ 20.Kh2 Qc4! (16)An important move, but it should have been
made automatically. It is now evident that the retention of the c5- and c3-pawns has been to
Black's advantage. 21.Rb1 (32) [The reckless 21.d5?! Qxg4 22.d6 (or 22.Ng1 Qe4! was
dangerous) 22...Bf2 (Zaitsev) ; but 21.dxc5! was sufficient for a draw: 21...Qxg4 (21...Bxc5 is
also not bad) 22.Nd4 Qxd1 23.Rxd1 Rd8 24.e6 (or 24.Rb1 Bxd4 25.cxd4 Rxd4 26.Be1 Ra4)
24...Rd5 (Lerner-Pribyl, Prague 1988).] '21 Rb1 is hardly a good idea. However, in assessing
Karpov's decision one has to take psychological factors into account. Already in his choice of
the opening variation with 12 Bxf7+ he was aiming not only to avoid the well-trodden
theoretical paths, but also, knowing Kasparov's competitive nature, to create a complicated
position on the board. I think that the main thing for Karpov was to "drive" his opponent into

time-trouble. There was a clash between two fundamentally different approaches to the fight
– the classical and the purely competitive. At the same time Karpov was relying on his
defensive skill and, of course, was taking a risk (in fact he was in the "danger zone" almost to
the very end of the game). But he was very consistent in the implementation of this strategy.'
(Suetin) 21...b6 (5) [Of course, not 21...Qxa2? 22.Ra1 Qb3 23.Qd3 Nc4 24.dxc5 when White
wins. ; And after 21...Rd8 22.Qe1! all the same Black has to play 22...b6 , defending his knight.]
22.Rb2? (5)'A critical decision. White defends his a2-pawn, continuing a full-blooded struggle.
As Karpov said after the game, he "all the time was in control of events and at no point did he
see any serious danger for himself." I think that Karpov took into account both his opponent's
shortage of time, and the psychological aspect of the struggle: considering his position to be
objectively better, Kasparov spent his remaining minutes searching for ways to strengthen it.'
(Makarychev) [From the standpoint of chess truth, 22.dxc5 was now necessary, with a roughly
equal game after 22...Bxc5 23.-- a)23.Nd4 Qxa2 (and if 24.h5 , then 24...Qd5! ); b), or 23.Ng1
Qe4! (b)but not Zaitsev's recommendation 23...Bf2? because of 24.Bxf2 Rxf2 25.Nh3 Rf8
26.Qd7 and wins) 24.Nf3 Nc4 . Although the 'psychological' rook move maintains the intensity
of the struggle, it does not take into account the dynamics of the position and places White on
the verge of defeat. I think that Karpov underestimated the strength of my reply.; ] 22...Qd5!
(8) 23.Qd3 Nc4 24.Rb1 The critical moment of the game and of the entire initial stage of the
match. 24...b5? (2)A tactical trick which loses Black his advantage. [24...Nxe5? 25.Bxe5 Rf2 was
incorrect because of 26.Rg1 (this was why the rook returned to b1); while the immediate
24...Rf2 would have been parried by 25.Bxf2 Nxe5 26.c4! (Zaitsev).; But it is surprising that
both the players and the analysts in the press centre overlooked the excellent move 24...g5! ,
which I discovered only after the game. Black takes control of the f4-point and intends ...Bf2!.
It would be interesting to know how in this case Karpov would have 'controlled events'. 25.--
a)25.Kh3 Bf2 26.Bxf2 (a)26.Nf4 Rxf4!) 26...Rxf2 27.Rg1 Nxe5 (a)or 27...gxh4 28.Kxh4 Nxe5 is
clearly to Black's advantage.) ; b). White would have had to find the only reply 25.Rd1! with
the sequel 25...gxh4 26.Bxh4 Bf2 27.Qh3! Qe4! 28.Bxe7! (b)but not 28.Ng3 Qf4! 29.Bxe7 Ne3!
, winning.) 28...-- b1). Here in Informator Zaitsev gave the very interesting variation 28...Rf7
29.Bf6 Ne3! 30.g5! (threatening perpetual check – 31 Qc8+ Rf8 32 Qe6+) 30...Ng4+! 31.Kh1
Bxd4! 32.Ng3! Qf4 33.Qh5! Qxg3 34.cxd4 Nf2+ 35.Kg1 Nxd1 36.Qxd1 Qe3+ 37.Kh1 Qxd4
38.Qh5 (?) (b1)the computer suggests that after 38.Qf3! Qh4+ (b1)or 38...Rf8 the menacing e-
pawn guarantees White a draw) 39.Kg1) 38...Qd2! 39.g6 Rd7 'with advantage to Black'. ; b2).
This variation can be avoided by 28...Re8 (L.Silaev, Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1988, No.3) 29.Rf1
Nxe5 30.dxe5 Qxe5+ 31.Ng3 Bxg3+ 32.Qxg3 Rxe7 , and Black is effectively a pawn up in the
rook ending, but his winning chances are slight.; b3)28...Qxe2!? also comes into consideration.
The forced 29.Qh6! Rf7 30.e6 Qxd1 31.exf7+ Kxf7 32.Qf8+ Ke6 33.Qxf2 Kxe7 34.Qh4+ Ke6
35.Qh6+ Kd5 36.Qh5+ Ke4! (b3)36...Kd6 37.Qh6+) 37.Qxh7+ Ke3 leads to a position which I
have analysed a great deal. After 38.dxc5 (b3)but with the accurate 38.g5! Nd2 39.Qh3+ White
should be able to save the game) 38...Qxg4 39.c6 Qf4+ 40.Kh3 Nd6 Black succeeds in
converting his extra piece ( 41.c7? Nf5 ).In an interview after the match I claimed that 24...g5
would have won the game. This was probably an exaggeration, but the resulting difficult
problems would have demanded enormous inventiveness on White's part. In my opinion, it
would have been unrealistic to find all the best moves with the clock ticking away.; ; ] 25.Kh3?!
(17) [It would appear that Karpov 'took me at my word' and decided that 25.Rxb5 would not
do. In fact it was a sure way to equalise: 25...Nxe5 26.Rxc5! (of course, not 26.Bxe5? Rf2)
26...Nxg4+ (and not 26...Qxc5? 27.Bxe5) 27.Kh3 Qe6 28.Qc4 (28.Qb1? Bg1!) 28...Nf2+ with
perpetual check. But now the chances are again on Black's side.] 25...a6 A continuation of the
light-square strategy. [Georgadze in the match bulletin and Suetin in Shakhmaty v SSSR
recommended the 'energetic' 25...b4 , but after 26.cxb4 cxd4 27.Re1 White could have
defended by keeping an eye on the newly-created passed pawn on d4.] 26.Ng1! (4)Probably
the best decision – an attempt to create at least some counterplay and 'an unexpected
resource, particularly in view of the lack of time for the opponent, who of course wanted to

refute this strategy.' (Makarychev) 26...cxd4 (11)'It was here that Kasparov made a mistake.
No, not on the board: on this move he spent 11 minutes, when he was already seriously short
of time.' (Suetin). Unfortunately, I was carried away by ideas of an attack on the king (...Qe6,
...h7-h5, ...Nd2 and so on), and after this I had just 10 minutes left for 14 moves (whereas
Karpov had 34). 27.Nf3 (22) 27...Rd8 Black has regained the pawn with a good position, but
time, time... [After the reckless 27...Rxf3? 28.gxf3 Nd2 White would have won by both
29.Rd1 (Zaitsev),(and 29.Re1! Nxf3 30.Rxe3 .) ] 28.a4!? (2)Adding fuel to the fire. 'The best
move and a psychologically interesting one, giving the game an unexpected turn. After all,
Black is in time-trouble...' (Suetin). [In the press centre they were expecting 28.cxd4 Bxd4 , but
here Black's chances are somewhat better: 29.Re1 (29.Rd1? Nb2!) 29...Bc5! etc.] 28...dxc3 It is
curious that by this point Karpov had caught up with me on the clock, and we each had less
than 10 minutes for 12 moves. 29.Qxc3 Qe6! (2)A very strong move, with which Black retains
hopes of an advantage. [I had no desire to switch on to a drawing path by 29...Qd3 .] 30.Kh2!
(2)The only move; [after 30.axb5?! h5! 31.Kh2 hxg4 32.Ng5 Bxg5 33.hxg5 Nd2 White has a
difficult position. Now, however, Black 'is again forced to change his plans' (Makarychev).]
30...bxa4? This almost instantaneous reply is, alas, a serious mistake, changing the character of
the play. [The seemingly tempting 30...Nd2? would have run into 31.Qxe3! Nxb1 32.axb5
axb5 33.Qc1! Qa2 (b3) 34.Qh6! and Ng5, winning.; In the press centre they mainly looked at
the drawing variation 30...Qxg4 31.axb5 axb5 32.Rxb5 – here the simplest is 32...Rc8 .;
However, 30...Rd5! (crowning Black's light-square strategy!) would have retained the extra
pawn on the queenside and a clear advantage: for example, 31.axb5 axb5 32.g5 Bb6 33.Ra1
Ne3 . Black's pieces are still dominant, and White has no real counterplay.] 31.Rb4 For the first
time since the 22nd move White can feel comfortable. 31...Nd2 'Black had based his tactical
operation on this manoeuvre. The threat is 32...Nf1+ 33 Kh3 h5. But for the moment the g4-
pawn is defended by the rook along the 4th rank.' (Suetin) 32.Rxa4 Nf1+ (1) [I should have
reconciled myself to a draw – 32...Nxf3+ 33.gxf3 Bd2 34.Qa1 (or 34.Qc4 Qxc4 35.Rxc4) 34...a5
35.Rd4 Rxd4 36.Qxd4 Bb4 , but I was loathe to deviate from the planned course.] 33.Kh3 Rd1?
Again a rapid reply 7 moves before the time control, and a completely senseless move, which
simply blunders a pawn. 'In severe time-trouble even the world champion has the right to lose
his bearings' (Makarychev). Which is exactly what happened! [In any sort of time-trouble Black
should have played 33...h5! , easily maintaining the balance: 34.Qc4 (34.Be1?! Rd5!; 34.Qa1
Nd2) 34...Qxc4 35.Rxc4 Nxg3 36.Kxg3 a5 .; 'The press centre froze: everyone saw that White
had 33...Rd1 34.-- a)34.Rxa6 Qxa6 35.Qb3+ Kg7 36.Qxd1 Nxg3 37.Kxg3 with an extra pawn and
quite good winning chances. To universal surprise, Karpov played differently.' (Suetin). ; b). The
ex-champion also rejected another endgame with an extra pawn – after 34.Bf4 (winning the
g5-square for the knight) 34...Bd2! 35.Bxd2 Nxd2 36.Ng5 Qb3 37.Qxb3+ Nxb3 38.Rxa6 .It is
probable that this advantage seemed insufficient to Karpov, and – leaving himself with just a
couple of minutes for 6 moves! – he made a move that was far more dangerous and
unpleasant for Black, exploiting the 'hanging' state of his pieces.(b)38.--) ; ] 34.Qc2! (7)
34...Rc1 [34...Rd8 35.Qe2! .] 35.Qe2? A typical time-trouble error. [White could have gained
an almost decisive advantage by 35.Qd3! h5 36.Be1 g5! (there is nothing else) 37.hxg5 Ra1!
38.Qc4! , transposing into an endgame with an extra pawn, which, moreover, is passed.]
35...h5 36.Be1 Qd7? (1)Black loses control. [He could have saved himself with the unexpected
tactical stroke 36...Ra1! . White would have instantly had to find the only reply 37.Qc4! , and
after 37...Qxc4 38.Rxc4 Rc1! 39.Ra4 hxg4+ 40.Rxg4 Rc6 followed by ...Bb6(a7) and ...Ne3
things would have ended in a draw.] 37.Qxa6 Ra1?? A final blunder (and yet if the king had
been on g7, this move would even have won the game!). [Strangely enough, 37...Kg7 38.e6
Qc6 still offered chances of a draw.] 38.Qxg6+ . Times: 2.29–2.28. 1–0

My state of shock after this tragic game was even stronger than after the 2nd. Again time-
trouble, again serious blunders... And yet I had managed to outplay Karpov, by solving difficult
opening problems at the board, and in an unexplored position finding new, very interesting

ideas. And had it not been for the missed opportunities (24...g5!; 30...Rd5!), the entire match
could have turned out quite differently. But, thinking only about winning, I overstepped the
mark and missed even a draw, since I was not ready for an ultra-tense struggle.

Thus Karpov again took the lead: 3-2. I urgently had to compose myself and cast off the burden
of negative emotions. In the next phase of the match, albeit not without my opponent's help, I
managed to solve these problems. It began with a draw in the 6th game. A surprise in the
opening of the 7th game again caused me to think for a painfully long time, and after a
grandiose two-day battle, with difficulty I gained a draw on the 80th move. Naturally I was very
pleased with that: after all, had I lost, the match score would already have been 'plus two' in
Karpov's favour.

'It can be imagined how the ex-world champion was feeling, when he arrived for the 8th game.
After all, in the preceding game the bird of fortune, as though teasing him, had time after time
itself flown into his hands, but he was unable to grasp it.' (Makarychev)

Game 29
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 8th Game, Seville 02/03.11.1987
English Opening A36

1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 d6 [Instead of the usual 2...Nf6 (Game No.27) ; or 2...Nc6 , Karpov springs a
surprise – a move from my 'black' repertoire. He himself had made this move only once in his
early youth.] 3.g3 (2) [I don't known what would have followed after 3.Nf3 (logically, 3...f5 (or
3...c5 )) ; but in the event of 3.d4 my opponent could have been using 3...exd4 4.Qxd4 Nf6 as
a guideline (Game No.1).] 3...c5?! (1)'A rare and highly questionable continuation: Black sets
up a powerful pawn centre, but weakens the d5-point' (Suetin). In the given version this idea is
not new: Botvinnik tried it both with White against Smyslov (Game No.109 in Volume II of My
Great Predecessors), and with Black against Pachman (Moscow 1956) – 1 c4 c5 2 Nc3 g6 3 g3
Bg7 4 Bg2 Nc6, followed by ...e7-e5, ...Nge7, ...0–0 and only then ...d7-d6. Much earlier, Karpov
had also played it successfully – against Donchenko (Leningrad 1969), Barcza (Caracas 1970)
and Veselovsky (Rostov-on-Don 1971).But after 2...d6 this set-up is positionally dubious: this
move order allows White immediately, without Rb1 and with his knight on g1, to begin an
offensive on the queenside, emphasising the weakness of the d5-point (2...c5 and 3...Nc6
really is better). But the main thing is that, being a player of classical style, Karpov did not
much like playing ...g7-g6 and ...Bg7 – these positions were alien to him and he handled them
uncertainly. [Not without reason did he avoid both 3...g6 (Levy-Karpov, Groningen 1967/68);
and 'my' plan 3...f5 4.Bg2 Nf6 followed by ...g7-g6, ...Bg7, ...0–0 and ...c7-c6 (cf. Game No.82),
and after the 8th game he altogether ceased such experiments.] 4.Bg2 Nc6 5.a3! (6) ['The
game Uhlmann-Pietzsch (Gröditz 1976) went 5.e3 Bf5 6.a3 Nf6 7.d3 Qd7 8.h3 g6 9.Nge2 Bg7
10.Rb1 0–0 11.b4 with the initiative for White. The world champion chooses a more active
plan.' (Suetin)] 5...g6 (5) [Many commentators recommended the blockading 5...a5 .
Makarychev said that although it was 'quite possible', it was 'clearly unaesthetic', and pointed
out that in this case White would have gained a tempo compared with the variation 5 Rb1 g6 6
a3 a5. Indeed, after 5...a5 White is no longer obliged to play Rb1 and proceed with b2-b4.
Black has acquired a second 'hole' – the b5-point, and it is possible to continue simply 6.e3 g6
7.Nge2 Bg7 8.d3 and 0–0 with a slight but enduring advantage.Karpov did not want to give
himself additional weaknesses, and he refrained from action on the queenside. But this game
showed that one should not play English-cum-King's Indian set-ups using the criteria of the
Queen's Gambit.] 6.b4 (3) 6...Bg7 Black sticks to his solid but passive plan. [6...cxb4?! 7.axb4
Nxb4 was dangerous, as after this White has two good continuations: 8.Qa4+ (and the gambit
line 8.Nf3 ; or 8.Ba3 Nc6 9.Nf3 , when the weakness of the d6-pawn prevents Black from
developing his bishop at g7) 8...Nc6 9.Bxc6+ bxc6 10.Qxc6+ Bd7 11.Qb7 , regaining the pawn

with unpleasant pressure ( 11...Rc8 12.Rxa7 Rxc4 13.Nf3 – Dorfman).] 7.Rb1 (2)'Now, when the
pawn has already advanced to b4, this move, taking control of the b4-point and, "by X-ray",
the b7-pawn, is quite appropriate.' (Makarychev) 7...Nge7 After this move the two players
began spending a lot of time on the opening, which is not surprising: this non-standard
position was unfamiliar to both of us, and we were trying to play 'by logic', on the basis of
general considerations. 8.e3 (24) [If 8.Nf3 there could have followed 8...f5! , hindering White's
development ( 9.d3? e4 ); while 8.d3 0–0 9.Nf3 (with the idea of 9...f5 10 Bd2) would allow the
freeing 9...cxb4 10.axb4 d5 . And, so that Black should not be able to free himself (for Karpov
this was the most unpleasant thing!), I decided not to weaken my control of d5 and to develop
my king's knight at e2.] 8...0–0 (5) 9.d3! (5) [After 9.Nge2 cxb4 (or first 9...Be6 – G.K.) 10.axb4
Be6 White would have had to reckon with numerous tactical possibilities for the opponent: for
example, 11.b5 (or 11.Nd5 b5!?) 11...Na5 12.d3 d5 . Kasparov does not intend to occupy d5
with his knight, which is a very unusual way of playing this set-up.' (Makarychev)] 9...Rb8 (21)
[Now in the event of 9...cxb4?! 10.axb4 Be6 the c4-pawn is defended and White is able to
prevent ...d6-d5 by 11.b5 Na5 12.Ba3 .] 10.Nge2 Be6 (9) [In Suetin's opinion, ' 10...a6 came
into consideration, and if 11.0–0 (11.bxc5! dxc5 12.0–0 Bf5 13.Ne4 is stronger – White has an
extra pawn in the centre and the better prospects: 13...b6 14.Qc2 Qd7 15.N2c3 etc) , then
11...cxb4 12.axb4 b5 '.] 11.b5?! (10)Georgadze and Makarychev attached an exclamation mark
to this move: 'In this way (rather than 11 Nd5) White defends against ...d6-d5'. [But I have
come to the conclusion that the cool-headed 11.0–0 was more accurate, when Karpov would
hardly have ventured 11...cxb4 12.axb4 d5 , since after 13.b5 Na5 better chances are
promised by all of 14.c5 (14.cxd5; and 14.Ba3 dxc4 15.dxc4 Re8 16.c5 Nc4 17.Qa4 .) ] As for 11
b5, although it does not squander White's entire advantage, it gives Black a simple and
understandable game. But, paradoxically, this move, although not the best, wins the game!
Here we are already in the realms of psychology, which is not directly related to the quality of
moves. Karpov did not like playing with bad pieces. Indeed, the knight on a5 became a curse
for him and it vegetated out of play right to the moment of capitulation... 11...Na5 12.Bd2!
[The commentators approved of this move for preventing 12.Bd2 d5?! in view of 13.cxd5
Nxd5 14.Nxd5 Bxd5 15.Bxd5 Qxd5 16.0–0 (but not 16.e4?! Qd8 17.Qa4? , as recommended by
Makarychev and Suetin, because of 17...Qxd3 , winning) 16...Qd8 (or 16...b6 17.Bxa5 bxa5
18.Nc3 (Dorfman) 18...Qd7 19.Qc2 and Rfd1 with an obvious advantage to White) 17.Qc2
(Dlugy).; In fact 12.0–0 d5?! (but after castling the undermining move 12...a6! was possible –
in the event of 13.a4 (while the exchange 13.bxa6 , although it retains a slight plus, releases
the knight on a5 from captivity) 13...axb5 14.axb5 d5 Black would have finally freed himself (
15.cxd5 Nxd5 16.Nxd5 Bxd5 17.Bxd5 Qxd5 18.Bd2 Ra8 with equality)) 13.cxd5 Nxd5 14.Nxd5
Bxd5 15.Bxd5 Qxd5 16.Bd2! would have led to a simple transposition of moves.] 12...b6! (6)
[Now 12...a6?! is weak because of 13.Nd5! (with the threat of Nxe7+) 13...Bxd5 14.cxd5 c4
15.b6 cxd3 16.Bxa5 dxe2 17.Qxe2 Rc8 18.0–0 Rc5 19.Qd2 and Rfc1. Therefore Black prepares
...d6-d5.] 13.0–0 (4) 13...Nb7 (9) 14.e4 (14)A radical solution to the problem. [I did not play
this willingly, but after 14.Qb3 Qd7 and ...Rfd8 all the same ...d6-d5 would have been
threatened, and 15.Nd5 Nxd5 16.cxd5 Bh3 would not have brought White any real gains. Now,
however, he has a 'small but persistent positional advantage' (Suetin), which 'is not really so
great: Black's position is solid' (Makarychev).] 14...Kh8 (13) [Most of the commentators
condemned this slow move and, fearing 14...f5 15.Bg5; suggested the 'more useful' 14...h6 .]
15.Qc1 (9) 15...f5 (4) 16.Bg5 (6)White fights for control of the key d5-square – I did not see
anything better. 16...Qe8 (5) [16...Bf6 17.Bxf6+ Rxf6 18.f4; or 16...fxe4 17.Bxe4! Bf6 18.Bxf6+
Rxf6 19.f4 would have favoured White – in the resulting play on the kingside he effectively has
an extra piece.] 17.Bxe7 (3) 17...Qxe7 18.exf5 A turning-point of the game. 18...Bxf5? (7)This
conceding of the light squares is a positional blunder. [However, this mistake is psychologically
explicable: Karpov did not want to play 18...gxf5 – creating 'King's Indian' weaknesses for
himself was not to his taste. It is interesting that after this the commentators recommended
19.f4 (?!) (I would have had to try and demonstrate an advantage for White by 19.Nd5 Bxd5

20.Bxd5 Nd8 21.Nc3 Ne6 22.Bxe6 Qxe6 23.f3 and Nd5, but in this case Black would have got rid
of his hapless knight and retained counterplay on the kingside) , ignoring the reply 19...e4!
which disrupts all White's plans.] 19.Nd5 Qd7 20.Qd2 Na5 (7) [According to Suetin, 'this move
is the cause of Black's later difficulties – 20...Nd8 suggested itself.' Dorfman was of the same
opinion, indicating the variation 21.a4 Nf7 22.a5 (22.Nec3! Bh6 23.Qd1 Ng5 24.h4 Nh3+
25.Kh2 is more accurate, killing Black's initiative on the kingside. Then White carries out a4-a5
and breaks through on the a-file) 22...Bh6 with the idea of ...Ng5-h3+. Instead of this Karpov
took the bold decision to 'stand still', endeavouring not to allow the opening of the position.
Indeed, although White is completely dominant in the centre, the opportunities for breaking
through are very restricted. He needs to play f2-f4, but this demands serious preparation, since
it activates the bishop on g7. A phase of prolonged manoeuvring begins – White gradually
strengthens his position.] 21.Nec3 (3) 21...Rbe8 22.Ne4 (5) 22...Nb7 23.a4 Na5 (5) 24.h4 (3)
24...Nb7 (4) 25.Kh2 Rb8 26.Ra1 (8) 26...Na5 27.Ra3 'The rook replaces the queen in guarding
the b3-square, via which the black knight dreams of jumping to d4.' (Makarychev) 27...Rf7
28.Qc3 (8) 28...Rd8 (4) 29.Ra2 Bh6 (3) 30.Ng5 Rff8 31.Re2 Bg7 32.Qc2 Rde8 33.Ne3 Bh6 (4)
[33...h6 34.Ne4 Be6 35.Nc3 and Be4 would not have changed the character of the play.]
34.Bd5 (3) 34...Bg7 (4) [The exchange 34...Bxg5? 35.hxg5 would have substantially weakened
the black king's defences and facilitated the f2-f4 advance ( 35...Qe7?! 36.Nxf5 and 37 f4!).]
35.Qd1 White's pieces are harmoniously placed, and the time for decisive action is
approaching. 35...h6 'A serious weakening of the light squares, probably provoked by Karpov's
desire to change the position before the adjournment.' (Makarychev). Dlugy was also doubtful
about this move, although he noticed the strong threat of 36 Rh1, Kg2 and h4-h5. 36.Ne4 Qd8
(4) [After 36...h5 37.Nxf5! Rxf5 (37...gxf5? 38.Rb2 with the threat of Qxh5+) 38.Nc3 Rff8
39.Be4 Black has no defence: 39...Qe6 40.Nd5 Rc8 (b8) 41.f4 etc.] 37.Ra2? (3) [Carried away
by manoeuvring, I missed an excellent opportunity to immediately create a target – 37.h5!
(this was also not noticed by the commentators): for example, 37...gxh5 (37...Bxe4 38.dxe4 is
also unsuitable; Black can put up a tougher defence with 37...g5 38.Nxf5 Rxf5 39.Rb2 Qd7
40.Qg4 , but here too he stands badly – it is merely a question of what plan White should
choose, and this question would have been resolved in adjournment analysis) 38.Nxf5 Rxf5
39.Re3! h4 (or 39...Qe7 (d7) 40.Rh1! and Kg1, winning) 40.Qg4 .] 37...Bc8! (4)By removing this
bishop from exchange, Black is able to neutralise 38 h5 with 38...g5. 38.Nc3 A necessary
regrouping: the bishop goes to e4 (to attack the g6-pawn) and the knight to d5. [After 38.Ng2
Qd7! the planned f2-f4 advance is hindered.] 38...h5 (2)A new weakening – but an outlet for
the bishop on g7. Black also regroups, exploiting the remoteness of the white knight from g5.
39.Be4 Re6 40.Ncd5 (4) 40...Bh6 The control was reached, but since we had 20 minutes in
hand and I did not want to seal my 41st move, I continued playing. 41.Ng2 (2)Preparing f2-f4.
In reply Karpov also decided not to adjourn the game for the moment – and he committed a
serious mistake. 41...Kg7? (5) [41...Bb7! (aiming to eliminate the knight on d5) would have
made things much harder for me 42.-- a), since the immediate 42.f4?! no longer achieves its
goal on account of 42...Bxd5 43.Bxd5 Ref6 44.Raf2 exf4 45.gxf4 Qd7 .; b). Of course, here
Karpov should have remembered about the 'Botvinnik rule' – have a good think, find the move
41...Bb7, and seal it in the envelope, taking on his clock the time remaining. In this case there
would have been a lengthy adjournment session in prospect. No direct way for White to win is
apparent, and I would again have had to manoeuvre, preparing a breakthrough (for example,
42.f3 Kg7 43.Raf2 Bxd5 44.Bxd5 Ref6 45.Be4 Qd7 46.f4 , although this is not yet the end of
things).(b)46.--) ; ] 42.f4! (11)My opponent was probably hoping that I would not enter into an
open battle before the adjournment. But I had no doubts about the move chosen: Black's
position is on the verge of cracking up – such a chance could not be missed! And I made the
move when the five hours of play had almost expired and the time had come to adjourn the
game. Karpov had to find the best reply on the stage, with his clock ticking away. 42...exf4?
(7)The sealed move, for which I was not even hoping: now Black loses very quickly. [He had
two ways of prolonging the resistance: 42...Ree8 43.Raf2 (with the threat of f4-f5) 43...Bf5

(43...Bg4 44.Qc2) 44.Bxf5 Rxf5 45.Nge3 Rf7 46.f5 Bxe3 (46...Ref8 47.f6+ Kh8 (or 47...Kh7
48.Nf5! is no better) 48.Ne7) 47.f6+ Kh7 48.Nxe3 e4 49.Rf4 Re6 50.Nd5 , and White must win,
although not as easily as in the game; 42...Bb7! (alas, with a delay of one move) 43.f5 (or first
43.Raf2!? ) 43...Bxd5 (43...Ree8? 44.f6+!; while 43...gxf5 44.Bxf5 leads to the loss of the h5-
pawn) 44.fxe6 Rxf1 (44...Bxe6 45.Raf2) 45.Qxf1 Bxe6 46.Qe1! and Ne3 with good chances of
converting the exchange advantage.The difficult defence over the entire game had evidently
so tired Karpov, that he decided 'simply' to get rid of the threat of f4-f5, by playing 42...exf4.
But he went from the frying pan into the fire...] 43.Ngxf4 Re5 [43...Bxf4 was also hopeless:
44.Nxf4 (but not Dlugy's move 44.Rxf4? because of 44...Nxc4!) 44...Ref6 45.Qd2 (more subtle
than 45.Raf2 ) 45...Kg8 (45...Bg4 46.Qc3! and Raf2) 46.Qe1! Kg7 (the threat was Bxg6) 47.Raf2
Nb3 48.Qe3! with the threats of Nxh5+ and Bxg6.] 44.Nxg6! (5)This combinative solution was
accurately calculated during our analysis, [although 44.Raf2 would also have won easily.]
44...Rxf1 (2) 45.Qxf1 Rxe4 46.dxe4 Kxg6 47.Rf2 Qe8 (12) [The only move: if 47...Bg7 , then
48.Rf7! .] 48.e5! (1)A pretty stroke, which stunned Karpov. [The machine 'sees' it immediately,
but it also indicates another, computer line – 48.Rf6+ Kg7 49.Rxd6 Qe5 50.Rd8 Be6 51.Re8!
Nxc4 52.Qf2! Nd6 53.Re7+ Kh8 54.Qf6+ Qxf6 55.Nxf6 Bg8 56.e5 and wins.] 48...dxe5 [48...Qxe5
49.Re2 .] 49.Rf6+ Kg7 50.Rd6! [The threat of 51 Qf6+ forces the fatal 50.Rd6 Qf7 51.Qxf7+ and
Rxh6. After thinking for nearly 10 minutes, Black resigned. The brief and spectacular
adjournment session provoked a lengthy ovation by the spectators. The game was judged to
be the best in Informator Volume 44. Times: 2.45–3.02.] 1–0

This difficult win enabled me to again level the scores (4-4) and, it would appear, seize the
initiative in the match. But, alas, my psychological problems had not gone away - moreover, in
the second half of the match they began to dominate...

After two draws, Karpov lost the 11th game with a blunder on the 35th move. I think that this
'gift' did me a bad service: after finally taking the lead (6-5) I completely 'fell asleep'. I was
seized by a sub-conscious desire to curtail the play and eliminate any risk. The opponent needs
to win two games - let him come at me. Play was transformed into torture, and my dream was
that it would all end as soon as possible. The typical syndrome of a return match! It is hardly
surprising that the psychological initiative soon passed to Karpov, and after four draws I lost
the 16th game with White in undistinguished fashion - on this occasion the magic of numbers
did not work.

After this there followed a further six draws: 11-11! Now the fate of the chess crown was to be
decided by the last two games. The anticipated full-blooded battle in Seville may not have
occurred, but the finish to the match left no one indifferent. It was an incredible, simply
fantastic denouement! 'The intensity of the fight in the two unprecedentedly dramatic games
at the finish exceeded anything observed in all the preceding matches for the world
championship' (Makarychev).

In the 23rd game I had to mount a lengthy and tenacious rearguard action. The crisis ensued
during the resumption, not long before the second time control.

Game 30
A.Karpov-G.Kasparov, World Championship Match, 23rd Game, Seville 16/17.12.1987

50.Rc6 Here I suddenly became feverish, and I ceased to understand what I should do next.
The result of this time-trouble panic was a 'powerful tactical stroke'. 50...R7f3?? (2)Completely
losing control! I suddenly suffered one of the most nightmarish hallucinations in my career,
and I made an error that lost immediately. I had hardly pressed the clock button, when I
immediately saw the simple refutation of my move, and I remembered that we had found it at
home in our adjournment analysis... [As Nikitin later reminded me, we had also examined the
best reply – 50...Bb4! 51.-- a), with the idea of 51.Bg5?! Be1!; b), or 51.Bxb4 Rxg1+ 52.Kxg1
Qxb4 53.Qd1 Rf4! with a draw. ; c). Karpov writes: 'However, now 51.Ra6! is good,
maintaining the pressure'. And in Informator together with Zaitsev he specifies: after 51...Bc5
.(c)But, in my opinion, it is simpler to play 51...Bxd2 52.Qxd2 Qc8 53.Ra4 (c)or 53.Rc6 Qb8
54.Qg5 Rxg1+ 55.Kxg1 Qb1+ 56.Kh2 Qxe4 and ...d4-d3 with a draw) 53...R1f4 .) ; ] 51.gxf3 (3)
51...Rxf3 52.Rc7+ Kh8 53.Bh6! 'A spectacular counter, which decides the game. But the most
surprising thing is that Kasparov knew about this refutation, having analysed it previously
together with his seconds, but – he simply forgot about it!' (Taimanov)'The world champion
froze, then mechanically replied and turned away from the board and the auditorium...'
(Makarychev) 53...Rxd3 (1) 54.Bxf8 Rxh3+ 55.Kg2 Rg3+ 56.Kh2 Rxg1 57.Bxc5 d3 . Black
resigned, without waiting for his opponent's reply. 'After 58 Be3 White gives up his bishop for
the pawn, when the passed c- and d-pawns cannot be stopped' (Karpov). Times: 3.28–3.27. 1–

A shocking end to the game. But, apparently, the match intrigue demanded such a blunder
from me.

Unexpectedly, Karpov was now a point ahead (12-11), and only a draw separated him from the
cherished crown. It was obvious that the title was almost lost. Even now I shudder when I
recall those first few minutes after the adjournment session, the drive back, and the state of
doom into which I sank. The torment of that evening would have sufficed for an entire match. I
had the feeling that I was looking into the abyss...

The day after this disaster I had White in the final, 24th game, and only a win would do. The
situation at the finish in Seville was a mirror reflection of the conclusion of the 1985 match.
There before the 24th game I held a one-point lead, and to retain his title Karpov needed to
win. He also had White, and he launched an all-out assault, but at a critical moment through
force of habit he chose a more cautious line, then went wrong, and in the end lost the game.
When I was preparing for the decisive battle, I remembered that turning-point. What strategy

should be chosen for White, when only a win would do? The plan for the last game had not
only to take account of my own personal preferences, but also set my opponent the most
difficult problems. And what could be more unpleasant for Karpov than if I were to play in his
own style?

Game 31
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 24th Game, Seville 18/19.12.1987
English Opening A14

1.c4 e6 (not even contemplating plans with ...e7-e5 – Game Nos.27, 29) 2.Nf3 In turn, White
avoids the hackneyed Queen's Gambit. 2...Nf6 (2) 3.g3 d5 (2) 4.b3 [Also avoiding the Catalan
– 4.d4 . The plan with the double fianchetto had always attracted me, although I played it very
rarely. In the given instance this proved to be a psychologically successful and key decision.]
4...Be7 (7)A hopeful sign: from the very first moves my opponent began thinking. 5.Bg2 0–0 (3)
6.0–0 (1) 6...b6 (5) [The alternative is 6...c5 7.Bb2 Nc6 and then 8.cxd5 Nxd5 9.Nc3 (in this
way I once defeated Govashelishvili, 1978) or the more complex 8 e3, as I played against Toro
Sanchez (Dortmund 1980) and Sosonko (Brussels (blitz) 1987). But my opponent preferred to
fianchetto his light-squared bishop.] 7.Bb2 Bb7 8.e3 Nbd7 (16) [8...c5 was stronger – after
9.Nc3 (or 9.Qe2 Nc6 10.Rd1 Qc7 11.Nc3 Rad8 12.cxd5 Nxd5 (12...exd5 13.d4) 13.Nxd5 Rxd5
14.d4 cxd4 15.Nxd4 Nxd4 16.Bxd4 (Vaganian-Karpov, 39th USSR Championship, Leningrad
1971) White has some advantage) 9...Nc6 (but under the influence of the 8th Korchnoi-Spassky
match game (Kiev 1968) the main line became 9...dxc4!? 10.bxc4 Nc6) 10.cxd5 Nxd5 (10...exd5
11.d4) 11.Nxd5 Qxd5 (11...exd5 12.d4) 12.d4! (this was played in the 1960s by Botvinnik).]
9.Nc3 (15) [9.Qe2!? was probably more accurate, with the idea of 9...a5 (or 9...c5 10.d3 and
then Nc3 (Polugayevsky-Petrosian, 1st match game, Moscow 1970)) 10.Nc3 Ne4 11.Rfd1 Bf6
12.d4 , avoiding the exchange of bishops (Botvinnik-Stahlberg, Moscow 1956).] 9...Ne4!
(11)Threatening to exchange a pair of knights, and then also the bishops (after ...Bf6). 10.Ne2
(3) [In order to retain as many pieces as possible, I avoided both 10.Qc2 (Geller-Keres, Riga
1968); and 10.cxd5 (Geller-Kholmov, 37th USSR Championship, Moscow 1969).] 10...a5?! (2)A
rather unKarpov-like move, creating a potential weakness for Black on b6, which in time may
(and will!) become perceptible. 'Karpov waits for White to play d2-d3, in order to definitely
exchange the dark-square bishops. [In a different competitive situation he would possibly have
preferred 10...Bf6 11.d4 c5 with an excellent game' (Makarychev). ; Or 'the immediate 10...c5
, and if 11.d3 , then 11...Bf6 12.Qc2 Bxb2 13.Qxb2 Qf6 ' (Taimanov).] 11.d3 (18) 11...Bf6 (11)
12.Qc2 (10) 12...Bxb2 (2) 13.Qxb2 Nd6 This creates a definite lack of harmony in the placing
of the black pieces, [but here 13...Qf6 is no longer so good on account of 14.Qc2 Nec5
15.cxd5 (not 15.d4? because of 15...dxc4) 15...exd5 16.Nf4 with a slight advantage to White.]
14.cxd5 (1) 14...Bxd5 (5)The correct decision, maintaining a certain symmetry (in order to
meet d3-d4 with ...c7-c5). [' 14...exd5 would have led to more complicated play, but Karpov
was not interested in this' (Taimanov). Indeed, after 15.d4 c5 16.dxc5 bxc5 17.Rfd1 White
would retain some pressure.'I think at that moment few of the world champion's supporters
believed that a miracle could occur. All the more credit to him both for his play, and for the
staggering persistence displayed in such a situation.' (Makarychev)] 15.d4 (35) [Apparently
15.Nf4!? Bb7 16.d4 (16.Nh5 is weaker because of 16...f6!) , was more accurate, since it would
have narrowed Black's choice: 16...c5 17.Rac1 Qe7 (17...cxd4 18.Rfd1!) 18.Nd3 Rac8 (or
18...Ne4 19.Nfe5 etc) 19.dxc5 .] 15...c5 (17) 16.Rfd1 'Outwardly Black's position looks quite
safe, but he has not yet achieved full equality: there are obvious defects in his queenside pawn
structure, and on the d-file there is a perceptible overloading of his pieces.' (Taimanov)
16...Rc8 (22)Black reconciles himself to the exchange of his light-squared bishop for a knight.
[16...Qf6? 17.Ne5 Rfd8 18.Bxd5 exd5 19.Nf4 was bad. ; However, 16...Qe7 suggests itself – in
Informator I recommended answering this with 17.Nc3 (it is better to play 17.Nf4 Bb7
(Makarychev) 18.Rac1 Rfd8 19.Nd3 , when White's chances are slightly better) 17...Bb7

18.Na4 , but after 18...c4! 19.bxc4 (19.Nc3 Rfc8) 19...Nxc4 20.Qb5 Nd6 Black has a good game.;
It is probable that Karpov also considered 16...c4!? – this is justified in the event of 17.bxc4
(17.Nf4 b5 18.Nxd5 exd5 19.Ne5 Nf6 20.a4 b4 21.bxc4 Nxc4; but after 17.Nc3!? White has the
better pawn structure (if 17...b5 , then 18.bxc4 )) 17...Nxc4 18.Qb5 Nd6 .Therefore I would not
especially criticise 16...Rc8. Black did not want to complicate the play and he was seeking clear
equality – but it wasn't there, and the minor problems gradually accumulated. The doubts
which tormented Karpov on almost every move cost him time and created discomfort. Indeed,
White's chance was above all a psychological one.] 17.Nf4 (15) 17...Bxf3 (5) [Now this has to
be played: not 17...Be4? 18.dxc5 Nxc5 19.Qe5 Ncb7 20.Nh5 and wins; while after 17...c4?!
18.Nxd5 exd5 19.Ne5 White's position is simply better.] 18.Bxf3 'A long-range bishop against a
knight lacking a support – this is already a serious, permanent factor.' (Taimanov). It is hardly a
great achievement by White, but he undoubtedly has a small plus. 18...Qe7 19.Rac1 (23)White
calmly completes his development. [19.dxc5!? was interesting, since after 19...Nxc5
(19...Rxc5?! 20.Nd3! Rcc8 21.Rac1) 20.Qe5! (20.b4?! Nc4!) , considerable resourcefulness
would have been demanded of Black: 20...Rfd8 21.Nd5 Qa7 22.b4! Na4! 23.Rac1 Ne8! 24.Rxc8
Rxc8 25.Bg4 Qb8 26.Qxb8 Rxb8 27.Ne7+ Kf8 28.Nc6 Rc8 29.Bf3 Nc3 with equality.; All is also
not so clear after 19.Nh5!? c4 (as pointed out by Taimanov, 19...f6 is weaker in view of
20.Nf4 , 'intending the breakthrough d4-d5' or simply strengthening the position) 20.Rac1 –
after all, Black has weakened himself and a different game begins. I think that, from the purely
practical point of view, the optimal decision was in fact 19 Nh5.] 19...Rfd8 (1) 20.dxc5 (1)
20...Nxc5 [Perhaps Black should have exchanged a pair of rooks by 20...Rxc5!? . In the event of
21.Nd3 (although after 21.Rxc5 Nxc5 22.b4 axb4 23.Qxb4 he would still have had to display
accuracy and patience) 21...Rxc1 22.Rxc1 e5 he has nothing to complain of.] 21.b4 (1)What
else can be done? White at least discloses the weakness of the b6-pawn, by which he creates
additional discomfort for the opponent. 21...axb4 (14) ['In the event of 21...Nce4 there is the
unpleasant 22.Rxc8 Rxc8 23.Qd4! (Taimanov). After 23...Ng5 (23...e5? 24.Nd5) 24.Bg2 Nb5
25.Qxb6 Nc3 26.Qb7! Qxb7 27.Bxb7 Black would have had to fight for a draw in an ending a
pawn down.After thinking over this move, Karpov overtook me in time spent on the clock, and
for the last 19 moves to the control he had just 22 minutes left against my 26.] 22.Qxb4 Qa7
23.a3 Nf5 (5)In a slightly inferior position Karpov looks for the simplest way to initiate
exchanges. [Makarychev and Taimanov recommended the 'consolidating' manoeuvre 23...Ne8
and ...Nf6. However, in my view, after 24.Nd3 the assessment of the position would not have
fundamentally changed: 24...Nxd3 (or 24...Nf6 25.Ne5 Nd5 26.Bxd5! exd5 27.Nd3) 25.Rxc8
Rxc8 26.Rxd3 etc. The position of the knight on f5 has its plus point – its proximity to the
important d6-square.] 24.Rb1 (2) [Here too 24.Nd3 was possible, but I did not want to hurry
with the exchange of my agile knight. 24 Rb1, at the least, forces Black to go in for another
minor concession – to give up the d-file.] 24...Rxd1+ (3) 25.Rxd1 (1) 25...Qc7 (2)Preparing
further simplification. [If 25...Qa5 , then simply 26.Kg2 .] 26.Nd3! (5)'A cunning plan. White
intends a general exchange on c5, in order to obtain a passed a-pawn against a c-pawn
[already a real trump! – G.K.]. Although this is still a long way off, the very fact of offering an
exchange of knights, sharply changing the character of the play, is psychologically very
effective.' (Taimanov). And, indeed, in the ensuing time scramble Karpov began to
overestimate the dangers threatening him and became nervous. 26...h6?! (3)After this move
Black had 10 minutes left. [26...Nxd3 27.Rxd3 was unfavourable for Black (the rook is sharply
activated); but the escape square for the king could have been created by 26...g6!? – with a
light-squared bishop I would have been unable to exploit the weakening of the f6-square, and
the position would have remained almost equal.] 27.Rc1 (2) 27...Ne7 (3) [27...Nxd3? loses to
28.Rxc7 Rxc7 29.Qd2! etc.; In Informator I recommended 27...Nd6 , but then 28.Ne5 is good,
and if 28...f6?! (a new weakening!) 29.-- a), then not 29.Nc6? Nd3!; b), or 29.Nd3
(Makarychev) 29...Nxd3 30.Rxc7 Nxb4 31.Rxc8+ Nxc8 32.axb4 Nd6 with equality; c), but
29.Ng6! f5 (c)or 29...Nf7 30.h4) 30.Nf4 Qb8 31.h4 etc.; ] 28.Qb5 (2) 28...Nf5 (2)In time-trouble
Karpov decides to bring his knight back to d6. [He would still have been under pressure after

28...Qa7 29.Rc3 (but not 29.Nxc5 Qxa3! with equality) 29...Nf5 30.Ne5 Nd6 31.Qb4 .] 29.a4 (4)
29...Nd6 (1) 30.Qb1 With the threat of a4-a5. 'Purely time-trouble play, but very elegant', as
Makary-chev commented. 30...Qa7 (1) [30...Qd8 31.Nxc5 bxc5 (31...Rxc5? 32.Rxc5 bxc5 33.a5!
and wins) 32.Rd1 would have led to the desired position, dangerous for Black, with a passed a-
pawn for White.] 31.Ne5! 'An excellent manoeuvre, which with Black in time-trouble set him
difficult practical problems. In the first instance 32 Nc6 is threatened.' (Taimanov). This is
indeed a critical position. Karpov had already used a lot of time – here he had just three
minutes left (I had twelve), but he failed to find a safe way to draw. 31...Nxa4? (1)Allowing a
decisive combination. ['A fatal mistake. By playing 31...Qxa4 32.Qxb6 Qa3! , Black would have
emerged unscathed: 33.Rd1 Nce4! 34.-- a)34.Nxf7!? Qa2!! 35.Rf1 Rc1! 36.Bxe4 Rxf1+ 37.Kxf1
Nxe4 .' (Makarychev). After 38.Qb8+ Kh7! White is unable to convert his extra pawn because
of the insecurity of his king. ; b)34.Bxe4 Nxe4 35.Qb7 Nd6! 36.Rxd6 Rc1+; c). And if 34.Rd4 ,
then 34...Qc1+ (c)or immediately 34...Nxf2! 35.Rxd6 Qa2!!) 35.Kg2 Nxf2! . However, with your
clock flag about to fall it is unrealistic to find all these sharp moves.; ; It was also acceptable to
play 'again 31...Nf5 ' (Taimanov): for example, 32.Nc6 (32.Kg2 Qa6) 32...Qxa4 33.Qxb6 Nd3!
34.Rf1 Qa3 35.Be4 Kh8 , holding the position.But Karpov instinctively captured the pawn with
his knight, retaining his infantryman on b6. In such situations he always 'just in case' grabbed
material, if he did not see an immediate loss (remember, for example, 26...Nxa2 in the 6th
game of the first match).] 32.Rxc8+ Nxc8 Now I need to penetrate with my queen into enemy
territory – the question is: where it should go to. Karpov tensely awaited my move, preparing
to reply instantly: otherwise he would simply not have managed to make the remaining eight
moves to the time control. I would have stopped to think, but here the chief arbiter Gijssen
suddenly tapped me on the shoulder. Bending over me, he said: 'Mr Kasparov, you must
record the moves'. And indeed, carried away by the play, I had forgotten to write the moves
Rxc8+ and ...Nxc8 on my scoresheet. Of course, the arbiter was obliged to remind me of the
need to observe the rules, but what a moment for this to occur! Had it all turned out
differently, this tap on the shoulder could have become a blow of fate. By arguably following
too strictly the letter of the law, Gijssen almost changed the course of chess history...
33.Qd1?? My nervous reaction was to instantly pick up my queen – and place it on the wrong
square! [I overlooked a clever defensive resource for Black and did not manage to calculate
the consequences of the obvious 33.Qb5! . As it transpired, this would have won by force.
After 33...Nd6 (it is no better to play 33...Kf8 34.Nc6 Qa8 35.Qd3! g6 36.Qd8+ Kg7 37.Qd4+
Kh7 38.Qd7; or 33...Kh7 34.Qe8 Nd6 35.Qd8) 34.Qc6 Nf5 35.Qe8+ Kh7 there are two strong
continuations: 36.Nxf7 (Makarychev) (and 36.Nd7 with the idea of 36...Nc5 37.Nf8+ Kg8
38.Ng6+ Kh7 39.Bh5! – a spectacular mating finish!) ; In Taimanov's opinion, 'the energetic
33.Bh5!? , would also have won the game quickly, for example: 33...-- a)33...Nd6 34.Qd1!; b),
or 33...g6 34.Bxg6! .' ; c)33...f6 34.Bf7+ Kf8 is far more tenacious, and in the event of 35.Bxe6
(c)but he has the more energetic 35.Qh7! fxe5 36.Qg8+ Ke7 37.Qe8+ Kd6 38.Qxe6+ Kc7
39.Qxe5+ Kd8 40.Qe8+ Kc7 41.Be6 b5 42.Qxc8+ Kb6 43.Bd7 , and although the play still retains
some sharpness, it is most probable that Black cannot hold the position) 35...fxe5 36.Qf5+ Ke8
37.Qxe5 (c)37.Bxc8 Qe7 is not so clear) 37...Qe7 38.Qb5+ Kd8 39.Bxc8 Kxc8 40.Qxa4 White
'merely' reaches a queen endgame with an extra pawn.; ] The only virtue of 33 Qd1 was that it
came as a surprise to Karpov. 33...Ne7?? (1) ['Black misses a chance opportunity to retain an
advantage in this titanic duel: 33...Nc5! 34.Qd8+ Kh7 would have relieved him of his problems
(35 Qxc8? Qa1+ and ...Qxe5). As sometimes happens, the chess throne is shaky when its fate is
decided by seconds.' (Taimanov). 35.Bd1 (and also 35.Kg2 f6 36.Qxc8 fxe5 37.Qc6 should lead
to a draw) 35...Ne7 (or 35...f5 36.Qxc8 Qa1 37.Qd8! Qxe5 38.Qxb6) 36.Nxf7 Ng6!
(Makarychev).] For an instant Karpov was one step away from regaining the title of champion,
but his hasty reply promptly deprived him of this chance. 34.Qd8+?! A tempting move, but not
the most correct. [34.Bh5! would have given White every chance of winning: 34...Nc5 35.Bxf7+
Kh7 36.h4! Qc7 37.Qa1 and h4-h5 with a fearfully strong attack. But I played more safely.(Or
37.f4 .) ] 34...Kh7 35.Nxf7 [Here after 35.Bh5?! Nc5! 36.Nxf7 Ng8 37.h4 Qa2 White's

advantage is smaller than in the game.] 35...Ng6 36.Qe8! (1)Undoubtedly the strongest.
[36.Nd6? was incorrect in view of 36...Qe7 37.Qb8 (37.Qa8 Nc5) 37...Qf8! , transposing into a
drawn ending.] 36...Qe7! [In desperate time-trouble Karpov rises to the occasion – 36...Nc5?
37.Bh5! was hopeless for Black: 37...-- a), for example, 37...Qa1+ 38.Kg2 Qf6 39.f4 with the
deadly threat of 40 Bxg6+ Kxg6 41 Ng5+; b)37...Qa2 38.h4; c), while if 37...Qa4 , then 38.Ng5+
(c)or 38.Qxa4 Nxa4 39.Bd1! Kg8 (c)39...Nc5 40.Bc2 and h2-h4-h5) 40.Nxh6+ gxh6 41.Bxa4 with
a won endgame) 38...hxg5 39.Qxg6+ Kg8 40.Qxg5 .; ] 37.Qxa4 Qxf7 38.Be4 Kg8 39.Qb5! (1)An
accurate reply. [The transposition into a queen endgame with an extra pawn suggested itself –
39.Bxg6 Qxg6 40.Qb3 Qg4 41.Qxb6 , which could then have been 'shuffled endlessly' (
41...Qd1+ 42.Kg2 Qd5+ 43.f3 Qd2+ 44.Kh3 etc.). But I intuitively realised that the bishop should
be retained: although it is 'of the wrong colour' (for the h8-square), it may well come in useful
for an attack on the weak e6-pawn, cut off from base.] 39...Nf8 40.Qxb6 Qf6 41.Qb5 (2)
41...Qe7 'The time scramble came to an end, and here the game was adjourned. White's extra
pawn promises him winning chances. But is it possible to breach Black's defences with the play
on a narrow sector of the board?' (Taimanov). My trainers and I studied the various
possibilities of attack and defence, but we were unable to reach a clear verdict. The chances of
a win and a draw seemed roughly equal, although in practice it is far from easy to save such an
endgame against a persistent opponent. However, as it later transpired, Karpov had lost his
belief in a successful outcome and he assessed his chances more pessimistically – only 30% for
a draw against 70% for a loss. Thus I also had a psychological advantage.The ovation which
greeted me when I walked back on to the stage convinced me that my fans were very much in
the majority. The possibility of lengthy manoeuvring, with the aim of provoking some mistake
by my opponent, also made me hopeful. Karpov was depressed by the prospect of a gruelling
defence: I could read this in his eyes when soon after me he came on the stage (obviously
weighing on his mind was the thought that at one point he could have gained an immediate
draw, instead of which he now had to defend such a repulsive position). His doomed
expression showed that psychologically he had already given up the game, and this reinforced
my belief in success. I was in the mood for a lengthy, tenacious fight. 42.Kg2 (9)The sealed
move. [It was psychologically important that I did not play 42.h4 immediately – for the
moment it is better not to advance the pawns and to see what Black will do. Unhurried waiting
strategy became one of the winning factors. In general terms, White's plan is reduced to
placing his e3-pawn on e5 and then if possible exchanging queens, but where will Black place
his g- and h-pawns?] 42...g6 (1)'Play was renewed, and with bated breath the chess world
followed the development of events. The first few moves were made quickly. [Karpov avoided
42...g5 , although most of the commentators thought that this active plan of defence was the
most promising.' (Taimanov). But then Black would have run into 43.f4! , which is not good for
him – say, 43...Qf6 44.Kh3 gxf4 45.exf4 etc.; And if 42...Qf6 43.h4 g5 we were intending
44.h5!? (unexpectedly the pawn moves to a square of the colour of its bishop), and then the
same plan with e3-e4-e5. True, I am still not sure whether this was good enough to win. (But
after the game Karpov said that he was afraid of the exchange 44.hxg5 hxg5 and the
appearance of a weak g5-pawn. Therefore he took the decision to erect something resembling
a fortress on the light squares and to wait. ) ] 43.Qa5 (4) 43...Qg7 (3) 44.Qc5 (1) 44...Qf7 (2)
45.h4 (2)'It is interesting that Kasparov played h2-h4 at that moment when the reply ...g6-g5
was impossible.' (Makarychev) 45...h5? I remember being very surprised when Karpov
weakened his defences so seriously. The point of this move is not clear. Now Black's pawn
structure has lost its flexibility and it contains more targets. The degree of uncertainty has
been reduced, and the play has become more concrete. Sometimes the most difficult problem
in a tense situation is to maintain the tension. A player who is under positional pressure has a
reflex desire to take any decision, even one that is by no means best, if only to 'lift the burden'.
[That is what Karpov did, avoiding the main lines of our analysis, but this was sheer
capitulation, because White was not yet threatening anything and after 45...Qf6 46.Qa7 (46.h5
g5) 46...g5 47.hxg5 hxg5 48.f3 Ng6 it was possible to put up a tenacious defence.'The

arrangement of the pawns on g6 and h5 is the most vulnerable: now the exchange of queens is
unacceptable for Black, and this factor plays a decisive role. Thanks to it White gains the
opportunity to penetrate with his pieces into the opponent's territory.' (Taimanov). And,
therefore, White now has a technically won position.] 46.Qc6 (9) 46...Qe7 (7) 47.Bd3 (2)
47...Qf7 (1) 48.Qd6 (8) 48...Kg7 (2) 49.e4! (1)After a series of preparatory moves I finally
began the advance of my pawn to e5. 49...Kg8 (2) [In Informator I drew attention to
49...Qb7!? (hindering e4-e5). I think that the simplest here is 50.Qa6! : for example, 50...Qc7
(or 50...Qxa6 51.Bxa6 e5 52.Bc4 Kf6 53.f4 Nd7 54.Kf3 when the white king advances into the
opponent's territory, and Black cannot do anything, since he is tied to his weak pawns) 51.Bc4
Kf7 (f6) 52.f4 .] 50.Bc4 (6) 50...Kg7 (2) 51.Qe5+ (2)An exploratory check: will the opponent go
in for the exchange of queens? 51...Kg8 (2) [If 51...Qf6 (the best chance) there would have
followed 52.Qxf6+ Kxf6 53.f4 e5 54.Kf3 Nd7 55.Ke3 Nc5 56.Bd5 and Kd2-c3-c4, winning.]
52.Qd6 (2) [After 52.f4?! Kh7 the weakening of the white king's defences could have told.]
52...Kg7 (1) 53.Bb5 (3)After repeating moves, I now forcibly carry out the plan with e4-e5, and
the bishop heads for c6, to take control of the long diagonal. 53...Kg8 (1) 54.Bc6 Qa7 (23)
55.Qb4! (1)Also an important prophylactic move. [After 55.e5?! Qa5! 56.Be4 (perhaps White
would still have won after 56.f4 , but why voluntarily expose the king? It is better to seize
control of the seventh rank with the queen and play e4-e5 at the most appropriate moment)
56...Qe1 the black queen would have become active.] 55...Qc7 (4) 56.Qb7! 'The mechanism of
threatening to exchange queens operates faultlessly!' (Taimanov). Here I sensed that the win
was not far off. 56...Qd8 [Resistance would have been prolonged, but the assessment of the
position would not have changed after 56...Qxb7 57.Bxb7 e5 58.f4 , when the white king
embarks on an out-flanking manoeuvre – Black's downfall is caused by the weakness of his g6-
and h5-pawns.] 57.e5! (11)Now there will no longer be an endgame with knight against
bishop; White completely controls the situation and Black is practically in zugzwang. Karpov
thought for a long time... 57...Qa5 (45) [The ending after 57...Qd3 58.Be8 Qf5 59.Qf3! Kg7
60.Qxf5 exf5 61.Kf3 Ne6 62.Ke3 is won 'on auto-pilot', since all the black pawns are on light
squares and it is very easy for the white king to break through.] 58.Be8! (1) 58...Qc5 (the only
move) 59.Qf7+ (2) 59...Kh8 60.Ba4 (1)But now things are decided by the manoeuvre of the
bishop to e4, after which the kingside pawns fall. 60...Qd5+ (3) 61.Kh2 (1) 61...Qc5 [Or
61...Nh7 62.Bc2 Qxe5 63.Qe8+ .] 62.Bb3 (2) 62...Qc8 (1) 63.Bd1 (1) 63...Qc5 (1) 64.Kg2
(1)Here the ex-champion thought for 8 minutes...'White cannot be prevented from further and
now decisively strengthening the placing of his pieces, and Karpov conceded defeat. The great
battle was crowned by an unforgettable finale!' (Taimanov). 13 pieces remained on the board
– the last winning factor!Times: 3.39–4.17.['Karpov did not bother to check whether his
opponent would fall into a stalemate trap, and he immediately congratulated Garry Kasparov.
After 64.Kg2 Qd5+ 65.Bf3 Qc5 66.Be4 Qa3 (and if 66...Qb4 , then 67.Bxg6?? (but 67.Kh2 Qc5
68.Kh3! etc. decides matters) 67...Nxg6 68.Qxg6 is not possible in view of 68...Qb7+ 69.Kh2
Qg2+!! . The terrible thing is that at the board I did not see this stalemate! But neither did
Karpov, as otherwise he would have tried to exploit this unique chance) 67.-- a), White cannot
play 67.Bxg6?? Nxg6 68.Qxg6 because of 68...Qf3+!! .; b). He must play 67.Kh3! Qb4 68.f3
Qb8 69.f4 (b)the immediate 69.Bxg6 is simpler – G.K.) 69...Qd8 70.Bxg6 Nxg6 71.Qxg6 Qxh4+!
72.Kg2! , and the black queen runs out of checks' (Makarychev). ; ] 1–0

That was undoubtedly the loudest and most prolonged (roughly 20 minutes) ovation I had ever
been awarded outside of my own country. The theatre walls were shaking, and Spanish TV
interrupted the broadcast of a football match to switch to the conclusion of our duel. I had
done that which Karpov failed to do in 1985: by winning the last game, I had drawn the match
(12-12) and retained my title. Now I could enjoy three quiet years at the chess summit.

As I left the stage of the Lope de Vega Theatre, I embraced Litvinov and joyfully cried: 'Three
years! I've got three years!' Alas, those years until the following title match flew past quickly,
although they also contained a mass of events...

Chapter Two (Part One): At the Peak of my Career: 1988-1989
2.1.1. The Dispute continues
2.1.2. Almost 'The Tournament of my Life'
2.1.3. USSR Champion for the Second Time
2.1.4. Difficult Autumn in Reykjavik
2.1.5. 'Heavy Artillery'
2.1.6. Birthday Present
2.1.7. Missed Opportunities
2.1.8. Fischer's Record is Broken
2.1.9. Sky-high Peak

2.1.1. The Dispute continues

Four-Cycle Match-Tournament in Amsterdam (12-28 May 1988): 1. Kasparov - 9 out of 12; 2.

Karpov - 6½; 3. Timman - 5½; 4. van der Wiel - 3.

Immediately after the Seville match with Karpov I announced my tournament plans: 'I want to
play. I will play as much as I am able. I am reaching the age when I am obliged to try and realise
my full potential, to achieve the maximum I can in the game.'

But apart from this I also had plenty of other obligations, connected in particular with the
international Grandmasters Association (GMA), which was setting up the World Cup, and with
the creation of an independent union of USSR chess players. Engrossed in these various
problems, for nearly five months I did not take part in any competitions, with the exception of
the FIDE knock-out blitz championship in the Canadian city of Saint John (19-20 February
1988), from which I was eliminated in the quarter-final. Tal: 'The world champion was either
tired, or he did not manage to acclimatise - at any event, that confident Kasparov, who a year
ago easily won the blitz tournament in Brussels, was not present here.'

In mid-May I at last plunged into tournament play - and immediately came a clash with Karpov,
with not just one game, but a whole mini-match! Together with Jan Timman and John van der
Wiel, we took part in a four-cycle match-tournament of four grandmasters in Amsterdam,
where we were assisted by our regular trainers: Karpov by Igor Zaitsev, and I by Alexander

Nikitin: 'The idea of the organisers was that the event should as though continue the Seville
match of the two great "Ks" against the background of a contest between the two leaders of
the Dutch team and a kind of USSR-Holland match.' In addition, Bessel Kok, the sponsor of the
match-tournament, was favourably disposed towards Timman and wanted to give him an
opportunity to prove himself in mini-matches with the two strongest players on the planet.

Zaitsev: 'The drawing of lots was highly unusual. About three weeks beforehand, each of the
four was invited to guess the exchange rate of the Dutch Guilder against the American Dollar
on 12th May 1988. The most far-sighted proved to be van der Wiel, who was exactly right -
1.825. Then came Timman, Karpov and Kasparov. It was in this order that they chose their
numbers in the tournament table (more precisely, the world champion had to take what was
left). Once again displaying insight and far-sighted modesty, van der Wiel chose number 4
(within a couple of weeks this "prognosis" of his was also confirmed), Timman chose number 2,
and Karpov, voluntarily condemning himself to two Blacks at the start, selected 3. Kasparov
was left with number 1, to his satisfaction.'

Yes, I took this to be a good sign - it was hard to imagine that the No.1 would remain
unclaimed. But they all had their own reasons: perhaps Timman would not object to finishing
second, while Karpov wanted to have White against me in the first cycle. This next encounter
of the champions was undoubtedly the main intrigue of the match-tournament, and it created
great interest, and not only in the chess world.

In the first two rounds we both defeated van der Wiel and drew with Timman, and in the 3rd
round we drew with each other. In the meantime Timman defeated van der Wiel and finished
the first cycle level with me and Karpov on 2 out of 3. The status quo was not changed by the
drawn 4th round. Then I again met Karpov (so that no one should play three successive games
with the same colour, the organisers interchanged the order of the rounds - the 5th with the
6th and the 11th with the 12th), and my win in this incredibly dramatic game (Game No.2 in
Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009) largely decided the outcome of the entire event. Zaitsev: 'That
day tournament fortune erected a barrier in Karpov's path towards first place.' Nikitin: 'After
this dramatic win Kasparov sharply improved his play and became irresistible.'

Indeed, after receiving this boost, in the third cycle I beat both the Dutch grandmasters, which
further strengthened my leading position. The 7th round game with John van der Wiel opened
the second half of the match-tournament.

Game 32
G.Kasparov-J.van der Wiel, Amsterdam, 3rd Cycle, 7th Round, 21.05.1988
Queen's Indian Defence E12

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.a3 [Remembering our game in Graz (1981), I again, as in the 1st
round, chose my favourite set-up with this particular move order – 4.Nc3 allows 4...Bb4
(Game Nos. 9–11, 18, 20).] 4...Bb7 Reverting to classical lines. [In that earlier game after 4...c5
5.d5 Ba6 6.Qc2 Qe7?! (6...exd5 – Game Nos.32, 68 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I)
, I successfully employed a novelty – 7.Bg5 exd5 8.Nc3! Bxc4 9.e4!; while our 1st round game
went 4...Ba6 5.Qc2 Bb7 6.Nc3 c5 7.e4 cxd4 8.Nxd4 Bc5 9.Nb3 Nc6 10.Bg5 a6 11.0–0–0 Qc7
12.Kb1 0–0–0?! 13.Qd2 (13.Nxc5!?) 13...d6?! 14.f3 h6 15.Bf4 Ne5 16.h4 Kb8 17.h5 with a
stable advantage for White.] 5.Nc3 d5 6.cxd5 Nxd5 7.Qc2 c5 [Later the best reply was deemed
to be 7...Nxc3 8.bxc3 (8.Qxc3 h6!) 8...Be7 9.e4 0–0 10.Bd3 c5 11.0–0 Qc7 (c8); but not
7...Nd7?! 8.Nxd5! exd5 9.Bg5! , which occurred in the 32nd game of my first match with
Karpov.] 8.dxc5! (this is what I was planning to play in that game) 8...Bxc5 9.Bg5 Qc8
[Complete happiness is not promised by any of 9...Be7 10.Nxd5!; 9...f6 10.Bd2; and 9...Qc7
10.Rc1 f6 11.Nxd5 Bxd5 12.e4! (Vyzhmanavin-Novikov, Tashkent 1984).] 10.Rc1 (gradually
creating pressure on the c-file) 10...h6 11.Bh4 a5 [White also has some advantage after
11...0–0 12.Nxd5 exd5 13.e3 (Yusupov-Chernin, Tunis Interzonal 1985).] 12.Na4! (an important
manoeuvre, forcing the b8-knight to take up a passive position) 12...Nd7 13.e4! [Instead of the
restrained 13.e3 (Salov-Timman, Belgrade 1987) – a novelty! Although this idea had already
been briefly mentioned in the Soviet chess press, I had my own analysis, and I was pleased that
at last I was able to make use of it.] 13...Nc7? Confusion. [13...N5f6?! 14.Bxf6! gxf6 (14...Nxf6
15.Nxc5 bxc5 16.Bb5+ Ke7 17.Nd2) 15.Bb5 (e2) was also not good for Black; but after 13...Nf4
14.Bg3! (14.Qd2 g5 15.Bg3 Qc6 , tried by some correspondence players, is unclear) 14...Nh5
15.Bb5 (or 15.Nxc5 it is more difficult for White to retain the initiative.) ] 14.Nxc5! bxc5 [Black
is forced to create weak pawns in his position: 14...Nxc5? loses a piece after 15.b4 axb4
16.axb4 Bxe4 17.Qb2 .] 15.Be2 Ba6 [White is also better after 15...e5 16.0–0 Ne6 17.Bg3 .]
16.0–0 0–0 17.Rfd1 f6 An attempt to restrict White's dark-square bishop by ...e6-e5 and then
activate the c7-knight via e6(b5). [17...Re8?! 18.Bxa6 Nxa6 (18...Rxa6? 19.Qd3) 19.Qa4 is
altogether depressing.] 18.Bc4 Preventing the suggested plan. [It was also tempting to play

18.e5!? f5 (an almost forced reply) 19.Be7 Re8 20.Bd6 Nd5 21.Nh4!; or 18.Bg3!? Bxe2
(18...e5?! 19.Nh4! Ne6 20.Bg4 Nd4 21.Rxd4! is worse) 19.Qxe2 Rf7 (19...e5?! 20.Nh4!) 20.Bd6
with a serious advantage.] 18...Bxc4 [18...Rf7?! 19.Ba2! and Bg3.] 19.Qxc4 Rf7?! [19...Rb8 was
more resilient 20.-- a), in the hope of 20.Rd2 Rf7; b), but here too after 20.Bg3! Rxb2 21.Nd4!
things are not easy for Black: 21...Rf7 (b)or 21...cxd4 22.Qxd4 Rb7 23.Qxd7 e5 24.Qxc8 Rxc8
25.f4 Rf8 26.fxe5 with an extra pawn) 22.Nxe6 Nxe6 23.Qxe6 Qb7 24.h3 (and if 24...Re2 , then
25.Rd5 ).; ] 20.Bg3 e5 (blocking the bishop, but allowing a knight invasion at f5) 21.Nh4! Qe8
[Not 21...Qa6? because of 22.Qxf7+! Kxf7 23.Rxd7+ .] 22.Nf5 Qe6 23.Qe2! The correct
decision: with the queens on White has an obvious advantage, his queen being needed more
on the kingside, where an attack is imminent. [In the event of 23.Qa4?! Rb8! 24.Qxa5 (or
24.Nd6 Nb6 25.Qxa5 Rd7 26.Qa7 Na6! 27.Qxa6 Rxd6) 24...Nb5 25.b4 Nd4 26.Nxd4 cxd4 Black
would become more active and gain some compensation for the pawn.] 23...Rb8 24.Rd6
[24.Nd6! was more forceful, killing the counterplay with ...Nb5-d4.] 24...Qe8 [Not 24...Qb3?!
25.Qg4! , when Black is lost: 25...Kh7 (or 25...Kh8 26.Nxh6! gxh6 27.Rxd7 Qxb2 28.Rcd1 Rxd7
29.Qxd7 and h2-h3) 26.Nxg7! Qxb2 27.Rcd1 Nf8 28.Nf5 Ne8 29.R6d2 Qb6 30.Qh5 .] 25.Rcd1
[25.f4?! Nb5! was premature.] 25...Nf8? Probably the decisive mistake. [25...Kh7? was also
weak in view of 26.Qh5! : for example, 26...Rxb2 (or 26...Nb5 27.f4! Nd4 28.fxe5 Nxe5 29.Bxe5
Nxf5 30.exf5 fxe5 31.Qg6+ Kh8 32.f6 Qf8 33.fxg7+ Qxg7 34.Qe4 with good winning chances)
27.h3 Rb7 28.R6d3! (threatening Nd6) 28...Nb5 29.Rb3 Nf8 30.a4 .; However, 25...Nb5 26.Qg4
Kh8 was more resilient, in order after 27.Ra6 Qg8! 28.Rxa5 Nd4 to continue the resistance a
pawn down.] 26.f4! (now White's attack gathers pace) 26...Nb5 [Black would have lost
ignominiously after 26...Ng6? 27.Qh5! Nxf4 28.Bxf4 exf4 29.Qg6 etc.; But the battle would
merely have been prolonged by 26...exf4 27.Bxf4 Nce6 (after 27...Nfe6 (?), suggested by me
in Informator, 28.Bxh6! is even more effective) 28.Bxh6! gxh6 29.Nxh6+ Kg7 30.Nxf7 Qxf7
31.Rf1 (or 31.R1d3 with rook and two pawns for a pair of knights and a continuing attack.) ]
27.fxe5! (of course!) 27...Nxd6?! 'Reflex' time-trouble play. [However, 27...fxe5 28.R6d5 Nd4
(28...Nd7? 29.Qg4!) 29.Nxd4 cxd4 30.Bxe5 etc. was also hopeless.] 28.Nxd6 Qa4 29.Nxf7 Rxb2
(despair) 30.Nxh6+! Kh7 31.Qh5 Expecting my opponent's immediate capitulation, I relaxed
slightly and made a move which, although not bad, is not the most lethal. [In the event of
31.Qf3!? ; or 31.Qg4! it would all have concluded far more quickly.] 31...g6 32.Qf3 Kxh6 33.Rf1
[In the time scramble for some reason I did not take the pawn – 33.exf6! .] 33...Qd4+ 34.Kh1
Nh7 35.exf6 Nxf6 36.Bf4+ Time, time... [36.e5! Ng4 (or 36...Nh7 37.e6) 37.Qf8+ Kh5 38.h3
would have been immediately decisive.] 36...Kg7 [36...Kh7 37.Bg5! .] 37.Bg5 [And again 37.e5!
would have won on the spot: 37...Ne4 38.Bh6+! .] 37...Rb6 38.Qh3? Some kind of nightmare –
blundering away the e4-pawn! [There was a simple win by 38.Qf4! and h2-h4.] 38...Kg8?
[With his flag about to fall, van der Wiel missed 38...Qxe4! – here I would still have had to
work hard after 39.Qc3 (39.Bh6+ Kh7 40.Bf8+ Kg8 41.Bxc5; 39.Kg1!? Qd4+ 40.Be3 Qe4
41.Qh6+ Kg8 42.Bxc5 Rb2 43.Qg5 Qg4 44.Qxg4 Nxg4 45.Rf8+ Kg7 46.Bd4+ Kxf8 47.Bxb2 , and
the bishop with the extra pawn overcomes the knight) 39...Qd4 40.Qxa5 .] 39.Qc8+ Kg7
40.Qc7+ Nd7 41.Qf4 [Not yet knowing that the first time control had passed, I overlooked the
radical 41.Qd8! Re6 42.Be7! Rxe4 43.Bf8+ Kh7 44.Rf7+ Kg8 45.Rg7+ Kh8 46.Bxc5+ Kxg7
47.Bxd4+ Rxd4 48.h3 with an easy win.] 41...Qc4 42.h3 (a long-awaited escape square!)
42...Qe6 43.Rd1 [43.Bh6+! .] 43...Rc6 44.Bd8! Nb6?! [The dash to the queening square –
44...c4?! 45.Bxa5 c3 did not work because of 46.Bxc3+! Rxc3 47.Rxd7+ Qxd7 48.Qe5+ and
Qxc3; while if 44...a4 , then 45.Ba5 Qe7 46.Bc3+ Kh7 47.e5 Ra6 48.Qc4 Re6 (48...Ra7 49.e6)
49.Qxa4 etc.] 45.Rf1 [Ignoring 45.Bxb6! Rxb6 46.Qc7+ Kh6 47.Rd7 .; But as it was, Black
resigned: he is practically in zugzwang ( 45.Rf1 Nd7 46.Bxa5 ).] 1–0

And the game with Jan Timman played the following day was later called the best in the

Game 33
G.Kasparov-J.Timman, Amsterdam, 3rd Cycle, 8th Round, 22.05.1988
Slav Defence D18

1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.c4 c6 4.Nc3 dxc4 I did not expect from my opponent this solid defence –
Timman was playing the Slav for virtually the first time. I had to tune myself up for painstaking
work with the accumulation of small advantages. 5.a4 Bf5 6.Nh4 [Back in 1981, I played 6.e3
e6 7.Bxc4 Bb4 8.0–0 Nbd7 9.Nh4 (or 9.Qb3 .) ; But later I switched to 6 Ne5 – and achieved
success: 6.Ne5 Nbd7 7.Nxc4 Nb6?! 8.Ne5 Nbd7?! 9.Qb3! (Kasparov-Timman, Riga 1995).]
6...Bc8 7.Nf3 [After some thought I rejected the variation 7.e3 e5 8.Bxc4! exd4 9.exd4 Be7
10.0–0 , which I was then in the process of studying and which came to the fore a few months
later (Kasparov-Tal, Reykjavik 1988; Kasparov-Hübner, Barcelona 1989).] 7...Bf5 8.e3 (reverting
to a well-tried set-up) 8...e6 9.Bxc4 Bb4 10.0–0 Nbd7 11.Qb3 [11.Qe2; or 11.Nh4 (Game
No.97) has also occurred several times in my games.] 11...a5 12.Na2 Be7 13.Nh4 A position
which was familiar to me from the 49th USSR Championship (Frunze 1981). 13...Bg6 [The
alternative is 13...Be4!? 14.Nc3 Nb6 , as Kupreichik played against me, and then also Nikolic
(Reykjavik 1988),(or 14...Bd5 (Beliavsky-Khalifman, 54th USSR Championship, Minsk 1987).) ]
14.g3 [14.Qxb7 Rb8 ( 15.Qxc6? Be4 ) leads to a draw. ; Sometimes White plays the immediate
14.Nxg6 hxg6 15.Nc3 but more often he waits for Black to castle kingside, to avoid opening up
the rook on h8. This is a rather unpretentious set-up: White prepares to meet ...c6-c5 or ...e6-
e5, hoping to exploit the advantage of the two bishops, but Black has a solid position.(Now
after 15.Qxb7 Rb8 the capture 16.Qxc6? is bad because of 16...Rb6 17.Qf3 Qc7 – a double
attack!) ] 14...Qc7 [14...Bh5 comes into consideration, but as yet no one has dared to sacrifice
the b7-pawn.; In Frunze Beliavsky tried 14...Qc8 against me; and Dolmatov – 14...Qb6 , and in
both cases after 15.Nc3 White retained somewhat the better chances.] 15.Nc3 0–0 [15...Bh5
16.f3 is questionable.] 16.Nxg6 hxg6 17.Rd1 (with the intention of Bd2 and Rac1) 17...Bb4 [A
novelty of not the highest quality – the developing 17...Rad8!? is more useful. ; But after
17...e5 (Tukmakov-Beliavsky, also Frunze 1981) 18.Qc2! (threatening Qxg6) 18...exd4 19.exd4
Nb6 20.Bb3 Kh7 21.Re1 White has some pressure. Apparently Black does better to aim for
...c6-c5.] 18.Qc2 [Suddenly 18.Bd2 seemed to me to be too modest, and I began preparing e3-
e4, in order then to develop the c1–bishop to a more active position.] 18...Rad8 [18...Rfd8 ,
not weakening the a5-pawn, was more accurate.; 18...c5!? was also interesting, with the idea
of 19.d5 Ne5! (but not the Informator suggestion 19...Bxc3? 20.dxe6!) 20.Nb5 Qe7 21.d6 (or
21.dxe6 Nxc4 22.Qxc4 Qxe6) 21...Qd7 22.Be2 Qc6 maintaining approximate equality.] 19.Na2!
[It is too early for 19.e4 because of 19...e5 with equality, Gleizerov-Tischbierek, Biel 2011.]
19...Be7 20.Bd2 [20.e4?! e5! .] 20...Qb6 [Now 20...e5?! is dangerous in view of 21.Nc1! and
Nb3 (in addition Qxg6 is threatened); but again 20...c5!? came into consideration – after
21.Nc3 (or 21.Bf1 (e2) 21...Qb6) 21...cxd4 22.Nb5 Qb6 23.exd4 Nb8 White's advantage would
be largely symbolic] 21.Rac1 The first critical moment. 21...Nd5?! Unexpectedly helping the
opponent to carry out e3-e4 (with gain of tempo!) and to seize the initiative. [Black should
have either 'stood his ground' with 21...Rfe8 ; or decided on 21...c5 , since after 22.Qb3 (or
22.Bc3 cxd4 23.Bxd4 Bc5 24.Bc3 Rc8 White's achievements are slight) 22...Qxb3 23.Bxb3 b6
24.Kg2 (24.Nc3 e5!) 24...e5 .] 22.e4 N5f6 [22...Rc8 23.Be2; or 22...Nb4 23.Nxb4 (exchanging the
'bad' a2-knight) 23...Bxb4 24.Be3 Qc7 25.d5 etc. is hardly any better.] 23.Be2! A good,
provocative move. [I wanted to prevent ...e6-e5 by 23.Bf4 , but then after 23...Nb8! Black
becomes somewhat more active. The d2-bishop will be useful on e3!] 23...e5?! Timman
succumbs to the provocation, for the moment not sensing that this advance is merely to the
advantage of the white bishops. [The lesser evil was 23...c5! 24.Be3 Qc6 , with an inferior, but
still defensible position: for example, 25.f3 b6 26.b4 axb4 27.Nxb4 Qb7 etc.] 24.Be3 exd4 [If
24...Qc7 , then 25.d5! is unpleasant.] 25.Bxd4 Qc7 [After 25...c5 26.Be3 and Nc3 the weakness
of the b5- and d5-squares is perceptible.] 26.f4 Thus, White has complete domination of the
centre, to where he only needs to carefully bring up his reclusive knight, after which he will

begin a decisive attack. 26...g5?! In a difficult situation Timman tries to complicate matters,
but this weakening of his king's defences merely hastens the end. 27.e5! Nd5 [27...Ne8
28.Kh1! c5 29.Qe4 was no better; while after 27...gxf4 28.exf6 Bxf6 29.Kg2 Black does not
have serious compensation for the piece.] 28.Qe4! (setting up the attacking Q+B battery with
gain of tempo: at the same time Qxd5 is threatened) 28...N7b6 [28...N5b6 would not have
saved Black in view of 29.Bd3 (the 'lateral' 29.Bh5 gxf4 30.e6! is also strong) 29...g6 30.f5 Nxa4
31.fxg6 Ndc5 32.gxf7+ Rxf7 33.Qg6+ Rg7 34.Bc4+ Kh8 35.Qf5 with a powerful attack.] 29.Bd3
g6 [After 29...f5?! 30.exf6 Nxf6 White wins by both 31.Bxf6 (31.Qe6+ Kh8 32.Bg6 (or 32.Qh3+
Kg8 33.Bxf6 etc) ) 31...Bxf6 32.Qh7+ Kf7 33.fxg5 . I thought that in any case the end was close,
but it all turned out to be not so simple...] 30.f5 f6! Belated resourcefulness. 31.fxg6 f5 32.Qe2
Kg7 [32...Nf4 (?) does not work, in the first instance on account of 33.gxf4 Rxd4 34.Qh5! .; And
if 32...g4 the most accurate is 33.Rf1! .'It appears that Black has succeeded in erecting a barrier
between the white pieces and his king. However, as a result of the clever tactical exchanges
which soon ensue, the last word remains with the commander of the white pieces.' (Zaitsev)]
33.Qh5 [The 'quiet' 33.Bb1!? is also good.] 33...Rh8 34.Qf3 Nf4!? [Not wishing to suffer after
34...f4 35.Be4 Qc8 36.g4 , Timman launches a desperate counter-attack.] 35.Bxf5 Rxd4!
36.Rxd4 Qxe5 37.Re4! Bc5+ 38.Kh1 Qxf5 [If 38...Qxb2 , then 39.Qc3+! Qxc3 40.Rxc3 and wins.]
39.gxf4 Bd6 [The alternatives were also insufficient: 39...g4 40.Qd3!; 39...Rh3? 40.Rxc5; and
39...Nd7 40.Qd3! , when if 40...Rf8 (or 40...Qd5 – 41.Rd1! .) ] 40.Qc3+! Kxg6 41.Qd3! 'After
this Black's temporary counter-initiative dies away and the end is close.' (Zaitsev) 41...Be7
42.fxg5 [The flamboyant 42.Rc5?! was worse in view of 42...Nd5 .] 42...Qd5 43.Qe2 [43.Qc2!
was even stronger.] 43...Rh4 44.Nc3 Rxe4 45.Nxe4 [The endgame after 45.Qxe4+ Qxe4+
46.Nxe4 Nxa4 47.b3 is also won.] 45...Nxa4 46.Rd1 Qe6 47.Qc2! Qf5 48.Qxa4 Qf3+ 49.Kg1
Qg4+ [There is also no perpetual check after 49...Bc5+ 50.Nxc5 Qe3+ 51.Kg2 Qe2+ 52.Kg3 Qe3+
53.Kg4 Qe2+ 54.Kf4 etc.] 50.Kf2 Qf4+ 51.Ke2 Qg4+ 52.Kd3 Bb4 [52...b5 53.Qc2! .] 53.Qc2 Qf3+
54.Kd4 Kg7 55.Ke5! 1–0

This win brought me a double joy - both creative and competitive. As a result it also enabled
me to win my mini-match with Timman, which at that time was not easy, even for the world
champion, and it practically decided the question of the match-tournament winner.

In the next round Karpov had White against me, and this was his last attempt to join the fight
for first place, but things ended in a draw. This was the position after the third cycle: Kasparov
- 6½ out of 9; Karpov - 5; Timman - 4; van der Wiel - 2½. Effectively the fight for the allocation
of the places was already decided. In the 10th round I beat van der Wiel, while Karpov drew
with Timman, and my lead increased to two points.

And then came the concluding duel of the champions, already our 127th encounter. Although
Karpov had achieved a relatively modest objective - finished ahead of Timman in the fight for
second place, the game, as always, was an important one for both of us. I wanted to gain a win
which was not 'dubious' (as in the second cycle), but 'clean' - to show everyone that I could
also play differently.

Game 34
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, Amsterdam, 4th Cycle, 11th Round, 26.05.1988
Caro-Kann Defence B17

1.e4 In Seville I played this only twice, and both times I stumbled against the Caro-Kann, but I
had not given up hope of breaching this 'concrete' defence. [Black effectively has an extra
tempo after 11 c3 compared with the variation 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 e6 5.e3 Nbd7
6.Bd3 Bd6 7.e4 dxe4 8.Nxe4 Nxe4 9.Bxe4 0–0 10.0–0 h6 11.Bc2 (as played long ago by Steinitz
in his matches with Chigorin and Lasker) 11...e5 – here it is White to move, and after 12.Re1

exd4 13.Qxd4 Bc5 14.Qc3 a5 15.a3 Nf6 16.Be3 (16.Bxh6!? gxh6 17.Rad1 is sharper, with an
attack) 16...Bxe3 17.Rxe3 he retains the initiative (Kasparov-Deep Blue, 4th match game,
Philadelphia 1996).] 1...c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7 5.Ng5 [Avoiding 5.Nf3 Ngf6 6.Ng3
e6 , as in our game from the 2nd cycle.; In the 8th round van der Wiel played 5.Bd3 against
Karpov, but after 5...Ndf6! 6.Ng5 Bg4 7.N1f3 Bh5 8.c3 e6 9.Qb3 Qc7 10.Ne5 Bd6 Black
equalised. ; For the 1990 match I also prepared the variation 5.Bc4 Ngf6 6.Ng5 e6 7.Qe2 Nb6
8.Bb3 , which I was able to employ only later (Game No.85).] 5...Ngf6 (6) 6.Bd3 [A fresh idea
for that time (compared with the usual 6.Bc4 ), to which attention was drawn after a fine win
by Geller over Meduna (Sochi 1986).] 6...e6 [6...h6?! 7.Ne6! .] 7.N1f3 Bd6 A solid move, [in
contrast to the incautious 7...Qc7?! 8.Qe2 (threatening Nxf7) 8...h6 9.Bg6! hxg5 10.Bxf7+! Kd8
11.Nxg5 (van der Wiel-Karpov, Amsterdam 1987); or 7...h6?! 8.Nxe6! : for example, 8...Qe7 (or
8...fxe6 9.Bg6+ Ke7 10.0–0 Qc7 11.Re1 Kd8 12.c4! Bb4 13.Re2 (Wolff-Granda, New York 1992),
and everywhere White has powerful compensation for the piece) 9.0–0 fxe6 10.Bg6+ Kd8
11.Bf4 as in Geller-Meduna and also in the memorable game Deep Blue-Kasparov (6th match
game, New York 1997),(11.c4!? .) ] 8.0–0 (7) [The main line later became 8.Qe2 h6 9.Ne4 Nxe4
10.Qxe4 – the modern tabiya of the variation, which I began studying before the 1990 match.
10...-- a). Here my opponent initially played 10...Nf6 11.Qe2 (a)11.Qh4 Ke7!? , Kamsky-Karpov,
Dortmund 1993) 11...b6 12.Bd2 Bb7 13.0–0–0 Qc7 (right up to his 8th match game with
Kamsky, Elista 1996); b), and then 10...c5 ; c), or, most often, 10...Qc7 11.Qg4 Kf8 (c)avoiding
the unclear 11...g5 (Kasparov-Kamsky, Linares 1994); c)or 11...Rg8 (Kasparov-Anand, Linares
1998).At the board I also considered the more aggressive 8 Qe2, but in the end I decided to
castle. The position was new, and in the existing competitive situation I decided to play simply
for a small plus – it is clear that here White cannot gain any serious advantage.) ; ] 8...h6 9.Ne4
Nxe4 10.Bxe4 0–0 (6)In view of Black's intention to attack the centre (by ...c6-c5 or ...e6-e5),
[this is more accurate than 10...Nf6 ; or 10...Qc7 with the idea of ...b7-b6, ...Bb7 and ...0–0–0.]
11.c3!? (5) [Amazingly, 11.c4 e5 12.Bc2 would have led to almost the same position as in my
game with Hübner, where in the end White obtained the same advantageous balance of
forces: bishop against knight with a weak pawn on e6 (Game No.24).True, Karpov would have
had two trumps: my a-pawn would still have been on a2 and, far more important, his h-pawn
would already have been on h6 – a useful move! Therefore here 11 c4 has little point. Of
course, with moves such as 11 c3 not much can be achieved, but even so accurate play is
demanded of Black.] 11...e5 (4) [In the only previous game Bellin-Thipsay (Swansea 1987)
Black switched to passive defence – 11...Qc7 12.Bc2 Re8?! 13.Qd3 Nf8 .; But later equality was
gained by 11...Nf6 12.Bc2 c5 (Smirin-Kharitonov, Podolsk 1990) ; or 11...c5 12.Bc2 (according
to Karpov, 12.dxc5 Nxc5 13.Bc2 Qc7 14.Qe2 is better for White, but after 14...b6! Black is
okay) 12...Qc7 13.Re1 Rd8 (Kamsky-Karpov, Tilburg 1991).The opponent's novelty did not catch
me unawares, since revolving in my mind was the set-up from my aforementioned game with
Hübner.] 12.Bc2 (5) 12...Re8 13.Re1 exd4 (6) 14.Rxe8+ Qxe8 15.Qxd4 Qe7?! (5) [15...Qe2?!
would have led in a roundabout way to the same thing after 16.Bd2! Bc5 17.Qh4 Qe7 18.Qg3!
(18.Bg5 Qe2) 18...Bd6 19.Bf4 Bxf4 20.Qxf4 .; And 15...Be7?! 16.Bf4 (of course, not 16.Bxh6?!
gxh6 17.Re1 Nf8 18.Qe3 Be6 19.Qxh6 because of 19...Qd8! and ...Bf6) 16...Bf6 (Karpov,
Zaitsev) is weak in view of 17.Qd6! Qe7 (17...Nf8 18.Bxh6) 18.Re1 , when Black faces a difficult
struggle for a draw.; However, 15...Bc5! 16.Qh4 Qe7 (not 16...Be7? 17.Qg3) , was better,
maintaining approximate equality: 17.Qxe7 (or 17.Bg5 (a recommendation of Karpov and
Zaitsev) 17...Nf6! with the idea of 18.Bxf6 Qxf6 , intending ...Be6 and ...Re8) 17...Bxe7 18.Bf4
Nf6 19.Re1 Bf8 . But, to all appearances, Karpov also considered 15...Qe7 to be acceptable.]
16.Bf4! (5)The same motifs are evident as in my games with Hübner and Deep Blue: the
exchange of the dark-squared bishops, the development of the queen's rook with gain of
tempo, and the aim of obtaining light-squared bishop against knight with the better pawn
structure. 16...Bxf4 (8) [Black should perhaps have gone into a slightly inferior position with
the bishops on – 16...Bc5!? 17.Qd2 (or 17.Qd3 Nf8) 17...Nf6 , when it is unclear how serious
White's initiative is. However, for the moment Black is still within the zone of equality.]

17.Qxf4 Nf8 [17...Nf6?! is worse: 18.Re1 Be6 19.Nd4 etc.] 18.Re1 Be6 [But not 18...Ne6?
19.Qe4 g6 20.h4! : for example, 20...Qf6 21.h5 gxh5 22.Re3! .] 19.Nd4 Rd8?! [19...Re8! (with
the idea of 20 Bb3 Qd8) was stronger – this recommendation of Karpov and Zaitsev was soon
put into practice: 20.g3 (20.Nf5? is refuted by the amusing 20...Bxf5 21.Rxe7 Rxe7) 20...Qd8
21.Nxe6 (21.Rd1?! Bh3 22.Nf3 Qe7 23.Qd6 Qe2 , and it was now White who had to seek a way
to equalise by 24.Qd3 (Smirin-Khalifman, Moscow 1989)) 21...Rxe6 is correct, and now either
22.Rd1 (22.Rxe6 Nxe6 23.Qe3 (Khalifman)) 22...Qe7 23.b4 and then Bb3. It is probable that this
too is a draw, but Fischer with White would have played on for a long time in an attempt to
win. Thus even after the best defence Black would have faced certain trials.] 20.h4! This does
not signal the start of an attack, but is a link in the strategic plan. White takes away the g5-
square from the opponent and thereby further cramps the movement of the black pieces.
20...Qc5?! (10)Another small concession. Karpov does not sense the danger and he loses time.
[20...Qd6 at once was preferable (Karpov, Zaitsev), and after 21.Nxe6 Nxe6 22.Qe4 Kf8
(22...Nf8!?) 23.g3 Ulibin-Giorgadze, Simferopol 1988; (23.Qh7?! Qd2!) 23...Qe7 White's
advantage would have been rather smaller.] 21.Re3! (15)One of my patent methods: the rook
is threatening to join the attack on the king along the third rank. 21...Qd6 (19) 22.Nxe6 fxe6?
Hanging over the board is the spectre of the 24th game of the match in Seville: Karpov goes in
for the same pawn structure, and with almost the same balance of forces – without the rooks
it would be identical! [Of course, 22...Nxe6 23.Qe4 Nf8 was more resilient (if 23...Kf8? , then
24.Qh7! is unpleasant) . Although after 24.g3 all the same Black's position is worse (White has
gained several tempi and he can attack the f7-point), it is as yet too early to attach a '±' sign.
After the exchange of the heavy pieces the situation will begin to resemble the ending of the
10th game of the 1986 match, where there was also a light-squared bishop against a knight –
true, without the c-pawns. Whom does their presence favour? I think that it gives White
additional possibilities.After 22...fxe6, on the other hand, Black's position is already almost
lost. Karpov was hoping that by placing his knight passively at f8 he would somehow be able to
defend, but why create chronic weaknesses for himself?] 23.Qg4 (9) 23...Qd2 24.Bb3! Kh8 [It
transpires that 24...Qxb2? is bad in view of 25.Rg3! Qb1+ 26.Kh2 Qh7 27.Bc2! Qh8 28.h5 ,
practically forcing 28...g5 29.hxg6 Qg7 (or 29...Rd7 30.Qf4) 30.Bb3 with a decisive advantage
for White.] 25.Re2 Qd6 26.g3 With the weak pawn on e6 the only question is whether White
will succeed in converting his advantage. The main thing is not to rush: this is the most terrible
thing for the opponent, since it is possible for White to alternate between various plans.
26...a6 27.Kg2 [Not rushing with 27.Bxe6?! Nxe6 28.Rxe6 , since after 28...Qd1+ 29.Qxd1
Rxd1+ 30.Kg2 Rd2 Black easily gains a draw in the rook ending.] 27...Re8 28.Re3 Re7 29.Rf3
Rd7 30.Qh5 Exploiting the opponent's forced passivity, White gradually improves the placing
of his pieces. 30...Qe7 31.Qe5 [31.g4!? came into consideration, with the threat of a direct
attack on the king: for example, 31...Kg8 32.g5 hxg5 33.hxg5 g6 34.Qg4 Qd6 35.Rf6 Re7
36.Qe4 (f3), and White has an obvious advantage. But in the fourth hour of play I did not want
to weaken my king's defences and determine the position too much.] 31...Rd8 32.a4 b5 (8)A
questionable decision, typical of Karpov's manner of play in cramped positions: he did not like
being 'squeezed' and he usually sought counterplay even at the cost of strategic risk. Thus here
he weakens the a6- and c6-pawns, since he did not want to allow a4-a5 (after which any
endgame would have been bad for Black). 33.Qe4 (6) 33...Qc7 34.Rf4 (7) [Later 34.axb5 was
suggested with the idea of 34...axb5?! (but the strong reply 34...cxb5! would have made things
more difficult for White: for example, 35.Ba2 Qd7 36.b4 Kg8 37.Bb3 Rc8) 35.Qb4! .] 34...c5
35.Qf3 Qd6 36.axb5 [Again there was some sense in maintaining the pawn tension, to retain
the a4-a5 resource: after 36.Qb7!? Black would have faced a difficult defence. However, even
after the text it is no easier.] 36...axb5 37.Rf7 Rb8?! (6)Maintaining the b-pawn, [but the
lesser evil was 37...c4 38.Bc2 Kg8 39.Rb7 Rd7! 40.-- a), when 40.Rxb5?? is not possible
because of 40...Rf7 ( 41.Qe4 Qd2 ).; b)40.Rxd7?! is unclear: 40...Nxd7! 41.Bg6 Ne5 42.Qa8+
Qf8 43.Bh7+ Kf7 44.Qa7+ (b)44.Qb7+ Kf6 with the threat of ...g7-g6) 44...Qe7 45.Qb8 Kf6
46.Be4 Qd7 .; c). But after, say, 40.Be4 sooner or later Black would have lost a pawn: 40...Qe5

(c)or 40...Rxb7 41.Bxb7 (threatening Qc6) 41...Qd2 (c)if 41...b4 , then 42.Qe4 is possible)
42.Bc6 Qxb2 43.Be8 Qa3 44.Qf7+ Kh7 45.Bxb5 Qa5 46.Bc6 Qf5 47.Qxf5+ exf5 48.Kf3 Kg6
49.Ke3 , picking up the c4-pawn and winning) 41.Qe3! Kf7 42.Rb6 etc.; ] 38.Ra7? [In the heat of
the battle I missed the forceful 38.Qg4! Qe5 39.f4 Qe4+ 40.Kf2 g6 (40...Ng6 41.Qxe6; or
40...Qh7 41.f5! exf5 42.Qf4 etc. does not help) 41.Qf3 Qxf3+ 42.Kxf3 with a won ending.]
38...b4 39.Bc2 [This appealed to me more than 39.cxb4 cxb4 40.Qe4 Kg8 41.Bc4 .] 39...bxc3
40.bxc3 Qe5? [40...Rd8! was more resilient, with the idea of ...Rd7 (and if 41.Bb3 , now
41...Qe5 ). However, Karpov, apparently remembering Seville, did not want to initiate the
exchange of rooks and, being in slight time-trouble, with his last move before the time control
he simply centralised his queen.] 41.Rf7 (13)Again I unhurriedly manoeuvre, assuming that
White's advantage will not run away. [Meanwhile, 41.c4! , the move suggested by Karpov and
Zaitsev, would not only have increased it, but also led to the almost forced win of the c5-pawn,
and with it the game: 41...Rd8 42.Rf7 Kg8 43.Qb7 Qd4 (the queen cannot be maintained on
this square) 44.Qe7! Rc8 (44...Rb8 45.Rf4) 45.Kh2 Ra8 46.Rf4 Qd8 47.Qxc5 etc.] 41...Nh7 (9)
42.Qg4 [Again 42.c4! was strong, with the sequel 42...Qd4 43.Rf4 Qb2 (43...Qd7 44.Qh5!)
44.Bxh7 Kxh7 45.Qe4+ Kh8 46.Qxe6 , and this time White has a won heavy piece endgame.]
42...Kg8 43.Re7? [The correct way was 43.Ra7 Nf8 44.Qf3 , when after 44...c4 45.Qf7+ Kh8
46.Qc7 the c4-pawn is lost, but otherwise White reverts to the plan with c3-c4.] 43...Nf8
44.Qf3 c4! (9)An excellent chance! 'Exploiting the fact that White did not play a timely c3-c4
and has not taken control of the very important d5-square.' (Zaitsev). Karpov is hoping to
exchange his e6- and c4-pawns for the pawn on c3 and gain a draw with two pawns against
three on the same wing. 45.Be4 (8)White has acquired a new target – the c4-pawn, and I
decided to aim for the exchange of rooks, in order to then win this pawn with the bishop and
obtain the 'Seville structure' in pure form. It has to be said that the analogy with the ending of
the 24th game of the 1987 match clearly weighed on both players. [After 45.Ba4 (with the
intention of Re8) 45...Qd5!? Black would have retained better saving chances. ; But it was
possible to begin the pursuit of the c4-pawn while keeping the rooks on – 45.Ra7!? -- a), in
order after 45...Qd5 46.Be4 Qe5 47.Ra4 Rc8 48.Ra6 Qf6 49.Qxf6 gxf6 50.Rc6! to transpose into
a technically won endgame with bishop against knight. ; b). Or 45...Rc8 46.Be4 Rb8 47.Ra4 .; c).
Therefore 45...Rd8!? is a more resilient defence, with the idea of 46.Be4 (c)46.Qf7+ Kh8
47.Qe7 Rc8 48.Qb7 (c)48.Qb4 Qd5+) 48...Rd8 49.Qc7 Qd5+ 50.Kg1 Rd7) 46...Nd7! .; ] 45...Kh8
(6) 46.Bc6 Nh7 (9) 47.Qf7 (6) 47...Nf8 (9) 48.Re8 (11)Achieving the desired exchange – and
reducing Black hopes of eliminating the c3-pawn. [48.Be8 Nh7 49.Qxe6 Qxc3 would have led
to this immediately – after 50.Rc7 (or 50.Bf7 White would have won the c4-pawn, but not the
game. Obsessed by the 'Seville syndrome', I thought that without the rooks White's position
should be won.) ] 48...Rxe8 49.Bxe8 It is clear that the c4-pawn is doomed, and the fact that
the Seville e3-pawn has moved to c3 should seemingly be only to White's advantage.
49...Nh7! (7)A strong move – the knight is activated even at the cost of a pawn. 'Although
Black has managed to get rid of the terrible rook on the 7th rank, nevertheless for the moment
it is only a question of obtaining practical saving chances' (Zaitsev), and Karpov was once again
in time-trouble... 50.Bd7 Nf6 51.Bxe6 h5? Also the 'Seville syndrome': with his pawn on h5 it
becomes unacceptable for Black to exchange queens (it is curious that this important moment
is not mentioned by Karpov and Zaitsev in their commentary). [The best chance was 51...Kh7!
. After 52.Bxc4 (in the event of 52.h5!? Qe4+ 53.Kh2 Qc2 it is possible to exchange the queens,
but after 54.Qg6+ (or 54.Qa7 Qe4 55.Qe3 Qxe3 56.fxe3 Nxh5 57.Bxc4 Kg6 Black retains hopes
of saving the ending a pawn down) 54...Qxg6 55.hxg6+ Kxg6 56.Bxc4 Kf5) 52...Qxc3 53.Qe6
Qd4 the win for White is problematic. ] 52.Bxc4 Qe4+ White's task has become much easier.
[If 52...Qxc3 he wins by 53.Qf8+ Kh7 54.Qc5! (with the threat of Bg8+) 54...Kh6 (or 54...Qd2
55.Qf5+ Kh8 (55...Kh6? 56.Bf7) 56.Bf7 Qd1 (e2) 57.Bg6 , picking up a second pawn) 55.Qg5+
Kh7 56.Bf7 .] 53.Kh2 Kh7? ['The time deficit and the fatigue, caused by having to conduct a
difficult defence, make themselves felt. 53...Qf3 was necessary, after which the world
champion was intending 54.Qf8+! with the sequel 54...Kh7 55.Qc5 Ne4 56.Bd5 Qxg3+! (this

entire variation was given by Karpov immediately after the game) 57.fxg3 Nxc5 58.Bf3! (an
important nuance, to which Kasparov draws particular attention – for a time the black king is
restricted to playing a very modest role) 58...Kh6 59.Kg2 g5 60.c4! (but not 60.Kf2? Na4 61.c4
Nb2 62.Be2 Nxc4 63.Bxc4 gxh4 with a draw – G.K.) . Now Black can play either 60...gxh4, or, as
Karpov suggests, the immediate 60...Kg6, which is probably rather more cunning, since the g5-
pawn covers the f4-square in the event of the white king invading. This would have left Black
with definite practical chances, although the overall evaluation of the endgame is obviously
unfavourable for him.' (Zaitsev)And, indeed, White gradually wins by activating his king and
exploiting the weakness of the h5-pawn: 60...Kg6 (things are not changed by 60...gxh4
61.gxh4; or 60...Na4 61.Kf1! , and it is not possible to give up the knight for the c-pawn) 61.Kf2
Ne6 62.Ke3 Ng7 63.Be4+ (or 63.Ke4 ) 63...Kf6 64.Kd4 Ne6+ 65.Kd5 etc. – Black is unable to
prevent the advance of the c4-pawn to the queening square.By playing 53...Kh7, Karpov
wanted to break out with his king, but after this move White immediately parries all the
opponent's threats.] 54.Qe6! Qf3 55.Qe1 (it is all over: Black is two pawns down) 55...Ng4+
56.Kg1 Qc6 57.Bd3+ g6 58.Qe7+ Kh6 59.Be4 Qb6 60.Qf8+ Kh7 61.Qf7+ Kh6 62.c4 Qa6 (12) ['Of
course, it was also possible to resign, but it is typical for a human player to hope for a miracle.
Suppose White were to play 62...Qa6 63.Qf8+ Kh7 and only now 64.c5? Will not the
stalemating mechanism operate after 64...Qa1+ 65.Kg2 Ne3+ 66.fxe3 a)66.fxe3? Qh1+! 67.Kf2
Qf1+ 68.Kxf1 – stalemate?; b). Alas, on closer examination of this illusion it transpires that
after 66.Kf3! Qd1+ 67.Kf4 Nd5+ (b)67...Qg4+ 68.Ke5 Nc4+ 69.Kf6 with mate) , it self-destructs
by 68.Ke5 Qa1+ 69.Ke6 Nc7+ 70.Kd7 .' (Zaitsev); ] 63.c5 1–0

An interesting game, full of instructive analogies with two of my previous wins - this never
occurred again in my career.

The situation before the last round was highly unusual: I was on '+6', whereas the other
contestants had not more than 50%. Something similar had already occurred with me at the
super-tournament in Brussels (1986), where only Korchnoi, by winning in the last round,
climbed to '+1'. Here with a final effort Karpov reached '+1', and he took 2nd place, 2½ points
behind me.

Nikitin: 'The world champion's victory in Amsterdam was complete and impressive. He won all
three mini-matches, did not lose a single game, scored more wins than all the others put
together, and by a big margin won the prize for the most aggressive player. Garry now has an
optimal manner of play, and the correct approach to preparation. What is evident is his
striving for interesting play in every game, and for intensive work at the board, as Fischer used
to do. Garry has remained above all a creator, a researcher; the main thing for him is the
richness of the play, which (he firmly believes this!) also ensures the necessary number of

2.1.2. Almost 'The Tournament of my Life'

Second World Cup Tournament (Belfort, 12 June - 4 July 1988): 1. Kasparov - 11½ out of 15; 2.
Karpov - 10½; 3. Ehlvest - 9; 4-7. Ribli, Hübner, I.Sokolov and Spassky - 8; 8. Short - 7½; 9.
Speelman - 7; 10-13. Ljubojevic, Andersson, Nogueiras and Beliavsky - 6½; 14-16. Hjartarson,
Yusupov and Timman - 5½.

Two weeks after Amsterdam, Karpov and I again met, when we arrived in the French town of
Belfort for the second stage of the World Cup. The initial tournament in April, in which I did
not take part, was confidently won by my arch-rival (1. Karpov - 11 out of 16; 2. Salov - 10; 3-5.
Ljubojevic, Beliavsky and Nunn - 9½, etc.), and now everyone was awaiting a fierce direct
confrontation between us.

I should remind you that the two-year series of the first World Cup consisted of six big (16-18
participants) super-tournaments with the classical time control: in 1988 - Brussels, Belfort and
Reykjavik, and in 1989 - Barcelona, Rotterdam and Skelleftea. The 25 strongest grandmasters
in the world took part - each played in four of the six tournaments, and the three best results
were added up. One representative of each of the organising countries had the right to play
without his score counting. For the unification of the tournaments the points scored were
always counted out of 16 games (if in fact fewer were played, arbitrary draws were added) and
to these points were added: for 1st place - 17 points, for 2nd place - 16, for 3rd - 15, and so on.
Karpov and I were due to meet twice, and after lengthy discussions the choice fell on Belfort
and Skelleftea - the peak of intrigue, the final stage!

I arrived in Belfort after a short training session in Zagulba (where I was assisted by Gurevich
and Psakhis) and, inspired by my Amsterdam triumph, I was intending to continue my
sequence of successful performances. At the demand of the organisers, semi-forced pairings
were made - such that Karpov and I would play each other as near as possible to the finish. The
pairings had to be made several times, until our game fell in the penultimate, 14th round.

Karpov began with a loss against Sokolov, whereas I won against Yusupov, who suddenly gave
up a pawn in a drawn ending. Then I defeated Nogueiras, drew with Ribli and Hübner, and in
the 5th round with the black pieces I overcame Jan Timman - who later failed in the race, but
in those days was still full of high hopes.

Game 35
J.Timman-G.Kasparov, World Cup, Belfort, 5th Round, 19.06.1988
Grünfeld Defence D82

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Bf4 Bg7 5.e3 c5 6.dxc5 Qa5 7.Qa4+ Qxa4 8.Nxa4 0–0 A fresh
move, which I had already tried against Timman in the fourth cycle of the match-tournament
in Amsterdam. [In the second cycle I chose 8...Ne4 (8...Na6 or 8...Bd7 is also played) 9.f3 Bd7
10.fxe4 Bxa4 11.cxd5 Bxb2 12.Rb1 Bc3+ 13.Kf2 Nd7 14.Rc1 (14.Ne2!?) 14...Nxc5 15.Kf3 Bb4
16.Rc4 Bb5! 17.Rxb4 Bxf1 18.Ne2 Bxe2+ 19.Kxe2 , and White retained slightly the better
endgame.Knowing how my opponent stuck to his opening principles, I was almost certain that
the variation would be repeated.] 9.Nf3 [After the natural 9.Rc1 Bd7 10.Nc3 dxc4 11.Bxc4
Black has not only 11...Na6 (Salov- Korchnoi, Brussels 1988),(but also a promising exchange
sacrifice – 11...Rc8 12.b4 a5 13.b5 a4! 14.Nd5 Nxd5 15.Bxd5 Bxb5 16.Bxb7 Na6 17.Bxa8 Rxa8
18.Ne2 Bb2 , when it is now White who has to seek equality (Rashkovsky-Dvoirys, Elista 1996).)
] 9...Ne4 10.Be5 [Little is promised by 10.cxd5 Bd7 : for example, 11.Bd3 (or 11.c6 bxc6 12.Bc4
c5! 13.Bd3 Bxa4 14.Bxe4 Nd7 15.d6 Rae8 with equality (Dreev-Ivanchuk, London (rapid) 1995))
11...Bxa4 12.Bxe4 Nd7 (Novikov-Lputian, Blagoveshchensk 1988).] 10...Bd7 11.Nc3 Nxc3
12.bxc3 dxc4 13.Bxc4 Rc8 14.Bd4 And here is a novelty. [In our recent Amsterdam game
Timman played 14.Bd5 , but after 14...Bc6 15.Bxc6 Rxc6 16.Bxg7 Kxg7 17.Rb1 Rc7 18.Nd4 Na6
Black did not experience any problems.] 14...e5! The correct reply. [If 14...Nc6 , then 15.Rb1!
e5 16.Rxb7 Be8 17.Rb1 exd4 18.cxd4 with three strong central pawns for the piece. After the
game Timman and I discussed this position and came to the conclusion that it is rather more
pleasant for White.] 15.Bxe5 Rxc5 16.Bxg7 Kxg7 17.Bb3 [Black also has no problems after
17.Nd2 Nc6 18.Bb3 (18.Rc1 Rd8!) 18...Bf5 (or 18...Na5 inevitably regaining the pawn; but not
18...Rxc3 19.Ne4 .) ] 17...Rxc3 18.0–0 White already needs to exercise a certain caution. It was
hardly right for him to take his king away from the queenside, where Black has a pawn
majority and there is the chance of creating an outside passed pawn. [18.Kd2 and Rhc1 was
better; or first 18.Ne5 , trying to exchange the knight for the dangerous black bishop ( 18...Be8
19.Nc4! with equality).] 18...Na6! 19.Ne5 Be8 20.Bd5 Rc7! Black temporarily retreats, in order

to establish his knight on c5 and begin the advance of his a- and b-pawns, whereas White has
no good counter-plan. [The hasty 20...Nc5 would have allowed the exchange of the active
rook – 21.Rac1 Rxc1 22.Rxc1 , and after 22...Rd8! 23.Rxc5 b6 24.Nc6 (or 24.Rc7 Rxd5 25.f4)
24...Bxc6 25.Rxc6 Rxd5 26.g4 it would all have ended in a draw.] 21.Rab1 Nc5 22.e4 Rd8
Prophylaxis against f2-f4, [but the immediate 22...Rac8! was more accurate, not fearing 23.f4
in view of 23...b6 with the idea of ...Na4-c3.] 23.Rfc1 [If 23.f4?! , then 23...Re7 with the threat
of ...f7-f6 is good,(as is 23...f6 24.Nf3 Re7 (my Informator suggestion 24...f5 (?!) is unclear
because of 25.Rbc1) 25.f5 Bf7 26.Bxf7 Kxf7 27.fxg6+ Kxg6 , winning a pawn.) ] 23...Rdc8 [The
immediate 23...b5 was weaker because of 24.Nd3 Rdc8 25.Nxc5 Rxc5 26.Rxc5 Rxc5 27.Kf1
with a probable draw. Here Timman sensed that his position might become worse, and he
grew nervous.] 24.g4 Pseudo-activity, which later rebounds on White. [24.Nc4!? was more
solid.] 24...f6 [It was perhaps more promising to play 24...b5!? 25.g5 f6 26.gxf6+ Kxf6 27.f4 (or
27.Ng4+ Kg5 28.Ne3 Nd3) 27...Na4 .] 25.Nf3 [It was sounder to stabilise the position by
25.Nc4!? Rd8 (25...Nxe4 26.Rxb7 with equality) 26.Ne3 b6 27.f3 , when White is close to
equalising.; But not 25.Bxb7? Rb8! .] 25...b6 26.Nd4 Timman was hoping that the knight
manoeuvre to d4 would give him some counterplay, but in Black's position there are no real
targets to attack. 26...Bd7 [26...Bf7!? .] 27.f3 Nd3! In White's position, on the other hand,
there are weaknesses, and in addition his pawn wedge e4-f3-g4 is stuck on light squares, which
will be uncomfortable in the event of a bishop endgame. But with the rooks on, Black develops
c-file pressure. 28.Rxc7 In view of the fact that, with every exchange, the threat of Black
creating an outside passed pawn on the queenside is strengthened, [28.Rd1!? Nf4 29.Kf2 also
came into consideration.] 28...Rxc7 29.Rd1 Nf4 30.Kf2 Kf8 White's position is continuing to
deteriorate gradually. [After 30...Nxd5 31.exd5 Kf7 32.Kg3 it would have been easier for him
to gain a draw.] 31.Bb3 [If 31.Ke3!? -- a), Timman was afraid of 31...Nxd5+ 32.exd5 Rc5 . In
Informator I evaluated this position in Black's favour on the basis of 33.Ke4 (?) (a)but after
33.Nc6 (b3) things are not so clear) 33...Ke7 .; b). It would seem more sensible to fix the white
pawns – 31...g5 , but then there could follow 32.Ne2 Nxe2 33.Kxe2 (with the idea of h2-h4
and Rh1) 33...Rc2+ 34.Kd3 Rxh2 35.Rc1 and Rc7 with counterplay, apparently sufficient for a
draw.; ] 31...Ke7 32.Ne2?! Getting rid of the annoying black knight merely aggravates White's
difficulties. [If 32.Ke3 g5 did not appeal to him; he should have chosen 32.h4! h6 33.h5!? g5
34.Nf5+ Bxf5 35.exf5 , remaining with a long-range bishop against a knight, shut in on f4.]
32...Nxe2 33.Kxe2 Rc3! [Not 33...g5?! 34.h4! .] 34.h4 h6 35.e5? Forced over the course of the
last fifteen moves to solve small, unnerving problems, Timman got into serious time-trouble
and, cracking under the strain, unexpectedly gave up a pawn. But what should he have done
instead? [Transposing into a bishop ending by 35.Rd5 (or 35 Rd2 g5) 35...Bc6 36.Rd2 g5
37.hxg5 hxg5 38.Rc2? was fatal in view of 38...Bb5+! 39.Kf2 (d2) 39...Rxc2+ 40.Bxc2 Bc4 and
...Kd6-e5; while against the attempt to break through in the centre – 35.Kf2 a5 36.Re1 b5
37.e5 both 37...a4 (and 37...f5 are promising. ) ; Perhaps the best chance consisted in
35.Rg1!? b5 (or 35...Be6 36.Bxe6 Kxe6 37.a4 Ra3 38.h5 g5 39.Rc1! Rxa4 40.Rc7 (c8), hoping to
save the rook endgame a pawn down) 36.g5 fxg5 37.hxg5 h5 38.f4 and f4-f5.] 35...Bb5+
[35...fxe5! 36.Rd5 Rc5 37.Rxc5 would have restricted White's choice.] 36.Kf2 fxe5 37.Rd5
[37.Re1 was more resilient.] 37...Rc5 38.Rxc5 bxc5 39.g5 [39.Ke3 g5! .] 39...hxg5 40.hxg5 Bd3!
The threat is ...c5-c4 and ...Ke6-f5xg5. 41.Bg8 Bf5 42.Bb3 Be6 43.Bc2 Bxa2 44.Bxg6 a5 45.Ke3
a4 0–1

A decent, strictly professional game: by positionally outplaying one of the world's leading
grandmasters in a quiet endgame, I once again demonstrated that my style had become far
more diverse.

With 4 out of 5 I took the lead, but after three draws - with Speelman, Spassky and Hjartarson
(when I had an absolutely won position!) - Jaan Ehlvest moved half a point ahead. The World

Cup tournaments were his finest hour, especially Belfort, where he played with great energy
and invention.

In the 9th round the pursuit of the leader began. Playing Black against Ljubomir Ljubojevic, to
raise my competitive tone I chose one of the most risky Sicilian set-ups.

Game 36
L.Ljubojevic-G.Kasparov, World Cup, Belfort, 9th Round, 25.06.1988
Sicilian Defence B81

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 [More often I used to avoid the Keres Attack with
4...Nc6 .] 5.Nc3 d6 6.g4 Nc6 [The first game of my 1984/85 match with Karpov went 6...h6 ,
but that is what nearly all Ljubojevic's previous opponents had played, and so I had prepared
the plan with kingside castling.] 7.g5 Nd7 8.Rg1 [Soon a more accurate move order appeared –
8.Be3 Be7 9.h4 0–0 10.Qh5! and 0–0–0, not wasting time on Rg1.] 8...Be7 9.Be3 0–0 [Of
course, White's impending pawn storm is very dangerous (I remembered 9...a6 10.h4 0–0
11.h5 , Kasparov-Polugayevsky, Moscow 1979), but Black has counterplay and, besides, in such
sharp positions I felt very much at home. And, incidentally, that was why initially I
underestimated White's offensive potential in the English Attack (6 Be3 a6 7 f3, Qd2, 0–0–0
and g2-g4), regarding it simply as an analogue of the Keres Attack with the inclusion of f2-f3.
But this is a fundamentally different set-up: the f3-pawn reinforces the centre, allowing the g-
and h-pawns to go into battle.] 10.Qd2 [10.h4 is also played; as well as 10.Qh5 , but here this
lunge is no longer so good: 10...g6 11.Qh6 (11.Qe2?! Nxd4 12.Bxd4 Bxg5 , Kudryashov-
Kasparov, Moscow 1979) 11...Nde5 12.0–0–0 f6 13.gxf6 Bxf6 with approximate equality
(Kengis-Murugan, Gausdal 1991).] 10...a6 11.0–0–0 Nxd4 12.Bxd4 b5 13.f4 [13.a3!? ,
Shamkovich-H.Olafsson, Lone Pine 1979.] 13...b4 14.Ne2 [14.Na4?! is weaker in view of
14...Qa5! 15.b3 Bb7 .] 14...Qa5 Stepping on to an unexplored path. [14...e5 15.Be3 exf4
(Espig-Schöneberg, Weimar 1968) 16.Nxf4! is better for White; but consideration should be
given to 14...Bb7!? 15.f5 Qa5 16.f6 Bd8 with double-edged play: 17.Kb1 (or 17.fxg7 Re8
18.Kb1 Bxe4) 17...g6 18.Bg2 Rc8 etc.] 15.Kb1! [After 15.a3?! Rb8 (or 15...e5!? 16.Be3 Rb8 17.f5
Nc5 18.f6 Bd8 19.Qxd6 bxa3 20.b4 a2! 21.Bxc5 Qxc5 22.Qxc5 a1Q+ 23.Kd2 Qb2 the initiative
passes to Black) 16.Kb1 e5 17.Ba7 (17.Be3? Nc5) 17...Rb7 18.axb4 Rxb4 .] 15...e5?! [15...Nc5 is
better, although after 16.Bg2 White's chances are slightly preferable.] 16.Bf2?! [16.Be3 (with
the threat of f4-f5) 16...Nc5 17.Bg2! would have given a clear opening advantage: 17...-- a), for
example, 17...g6 18.f5 gxf5 19.exf5 Bxf5 20.Ng3! Be6 21.Bd5; b)17...Bb7 18.f5!; c), or 17...Be6
18.b3 exf4 , and now 19.Bxf4 (Dvoiris-Sherbakov, Chelyabinsk 1989) (c)but after 19.Nxf4!
Rac8 (c)19...Bxg5? 20.Bf3!) 20.h4 Black has problems) 19...Rac8! is unclear (Stohl).; ] 16...Nc5
17.Qe3?! This finally loses the initiative, [which was still appreciable after 17.Bg2! with the
same threat of f4-f5. With the bishop on f2 Black has more tactical chances, but he does not
equalise with 17...Be6 (or with 17...exf4 18.Nxf4 Bxg5 19.e5! dxe5 20.Bxa8 Bxf4 21.Qd6 Ne6
22.Bb6 Qb5 23.Be4 , when the rook outweighs the knight and pawns) 18.b3 exf4 (18...g6
19.f5!) 19.Nxf4 Na4?! (or 19...Bxg5?! 20.Bf3 f6 21.h4 Bxf4 22.Qxf4 Rac8 23.Bd4 with an attack)
20.bxa4 Bxg5 21.e5! Qxa4 22.Bd5 Bxd5 23.Qxd5 Rac8 24.Qe4 Bxf4 25.Rxd6 g6 26.Bd4! Rc4
27.Rf1! Bh6 28.e6 f5 29.Qe2 .] 17...Be6 18.Nc1 [In the event of 18.b3 g6! White is no longer
threatening f4-f5 and if 19.Qf3 there is the reply 19...d5!? (19...Rad8!? 20.f5? d5!) 20.Rxd5
(20.exd5?! Bf5 – Stohl) 20...Bxd5 21.exd5 e4 .] 18...exf4 19.Qxf4 Rac8 [19...Qc7!? with the idea
of ...a6-a5-a4.] 20.Bd4 [20.Nb3! is safer.] 20...Rfe8 [Black could have immediately launched a
counter-attack by 20...Qc7! 21.Rd2 a5 .] 21.Nb3! Qa4 [Equality would more simply have been
maintained by 21...Qc7!? , almost forcing 22.Bxc5 dxc5 23.Qxc7 Rxc7 24.Bxa6 Ra8 25.Bb5 g6
with excellent play for the pawn.] 22.Bf6?! Showy, but ineffective. [22.h4 Qc6 would have led
to a complicated, roughly equal game – thus the attempt 23.Bxc5 dxc5 24.Na5 is parried by
24...Qc7 (better than 24...Qa4 25.Nc4 , as given by me in Informator) 25.Qxc7 Rxc7 with

equality.] 22...Bf8 23.Rg3?! White continues on his reckless course. [He should have urgently
brought his bishop back – 23.Bd4 , although after 23...a5 (with the intention of ...Qc6) the loss
of time begins to tell and White's position becomes unpleasant.] 23...Qc6 'Emphasising the
weakness of the e4- and c2-squares.' (Polugayevsky). White is forced to exchange on c5.
24.Nxc5 dxc5! (now threatening ...c5-c4 and ...b4-b3) 25.Be5 [25.c4? bxc3 26.Bxc3 Bxa2+! was
completely bad for White (Stohl).; Shutting in the bishop on f6 by 25.e5?! also did not work in
view of 25...c4 26.Bg2 Qb5 27.Be4 b3! with a crushing attack.] 25...c4 26.Bd6 A use has finally
been found for the unfortunate bishop: with its help the d-file is blocked. [If 26.c3 (Stohl) ; or
26.Be2 , then 26...Qa4! is strong.] 26...b3! 27.c3? The final mistake. [White would also not
have been saved by 27.Bxf8? bxc2+ 28.Kxc2 Qa4+ 29.Kc1 c3! 30.Rxc3 Rxc3+ 31.bxc3 Qxa2!
(more accurate than the Informator suggestion 31...Rxf8 ) 32.Bd3 (32.Bd6? Bb3) 32...Bb3!
33.Bb1 (or 33.Re1 Rxf8 34.Qc7 Be6) 33...Qa1 34.Rd3 Ba2 and wins.; The only chance of
prolonging the resistance was 27.e5! bxc2+ 28.Kxc2 – after 28...Qa4+ (28...Qb6!?) 29.Kc1 Rb8
30.Ra3 (30.Bxb8?! Rxb8 31.Qd4 Qxa2 32.Bh3 Bd5! 33.Bf5 g6 34.Bb1 Qa1 35.b4 Qa4! is too
dangerous) 30...Qb5 31.Rd2 Bxd6 32.exd6 Bf5 Black has an obvious advantage, but for the
moment there is no forced win.] 27...Rcd8! [It would appear that Ljubojevic was hoping for
27...bxa2+ 28.Ka1 , but a severe disappointment awaited him.] 28.e5 Bxd6 [Or immediately
28...Rxd6! .] 29.exd6 Rxd6!! (an insidious blow!) 30.Rc1 [The rook is taboo because of the
back rank: 30.Rxd6? Bf5+ 31.Kc1 bxa2; or 30.Qxd6? Bf5+ 31.Kc1 (31.Ka1 Qxd6) 31...bxa2
32.Qa3 Qe4 33.Bd3 Qf4+ , mating.] 30...Qc5 31.Ka1 Red8 32.Re3 Rd1 33.Re1 Rxe1 34.Rxe1
Qa5 35.a3 Qd5 'Strategically it is all over: the white king is completely stalemated.'
(Polugayevsky) 36.Be2 g6 37.h4 Qd2 38.Qf1 [After 38.Qxd2 Rxd2 the creation of a passed
pawn on the kingside is quickly decisive.] 38...Bh3! 39.Qg1 Re8 . 'A typical Sicilian attack,
excellently conducted by Black.' (Polugayevsky) 0–1

Despite this win, I did not in fact catch the leader, who that day defeated Beliavsky. After nine
rounds the positions were: Ehlvest - 7 (!); Kasparov - 6½; Karpov - 5½. And in the 10th round
the attention of the spectators was especially focused on the Karpov-Ehlvest and Kasparov-
Andersson games.

Game 37
G.Kasparov-U.Andersson, World Cup, Belfort, 10th Round, 26.06.1988
Queen's Gambit Declined D36

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 [Earlier against Andersson I employed both 3.Nf3 (Game No.61 in Garry
Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I); and 3.g3 (Game No.2).] 3...d5 [Ulf avoids 3...Bb4 , as he
played against me in Moscow 1981 and later in Skelleftea 1989.] 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Bg5 In this
branch of the 'Carlsbad' White can advantageously develop his king's knight on e2. 5...c6
[5...Be7 – Game No.45.] 6.Qc2 Be7 [6...Na6 7.e3 , as in my games with Ljubojevic (Madrid
(rapid) 1988) and Ivanchuk (Wijk aan Zee 1999), is hardly any better for Black.] 7.e3 Nbd7
8.Bd3 [If 8.Nf3 , then 8...Nh5 9.Bxe7 Qxe7 10.0–0–0 Nb6 11.h3 g6 12.g4 Ng7 13.Bd3 Be6 is
possible, with the intention of ...0–0–0 (Kasparov-Smyslov, 55th USSR Championship, Moscow
1988).] 8...0–0 [Four months later my opponent solved his opening problems by 8...Nh5
9.Bxe7 Qxe7 10.Nge2 g6 11.0–0–0 Nb6 12.Ng3 Ng7 (Kasparov-Andersson, Reykjavik 1988), and
at Barcelona 1989 I changed my move order (6 e3 – Game No.51).] 9.Nge2 Re8 10.0–0 Nf8
11.f3! [This plan of creating a mobile pawn centre stems from an old Botvinnik-Keres game:
11.Rab1 Bd6?! 12.Kh1 Ng6 13.f3! Be7 14.Rbe1 etc. (Game No.43 in Part II of My Great
Predecessors). ; Against Beliavsky (Moscow (rapid) 1987) I tried 11.a3 g6 12.b4 Ne6 13.Bh4 a6
14.f3! Ng7 15.Bf2! h5 16.h3 and also successfully carried out e3-e4.] 11...Be6 [White is better
after 11...c5?! (a typical reaction to the threat of e3-e4) 12.Bxf6 Bxf6 13.dxc5 and Rad1. ; But
11...Ng6 has been more often played 12.-- a), and when it transpired that after 12.e4 dxe4
13.fxe4 Be6 Black is okay ( 14.Rad1 (a)or 14.h3 c5! 15.d5 Bd7) 14...Ng4 ); b)12.Rad1! , came to

the fore: for example, 12...h6 13.Bxf6 Bxf6 14.Bxg6 fxg6 15.e4 g5?! 16.e5 Be7 17.f4 gxf4
18.Nxf4 with the initiative (Kasparov-Barua, Internet 2000).; ] 12.Rae1 [12.Rad1!? is also
popular.] 12...Rc8 Completing the mobilisation of the forces. [The alternative is the immediate
12...N6d7 (Kir.Georgiev-van der Sterren, Lugano 1987).] 13.Kh1 N6d7 [Now if 13...c5 there
would have followed 14.dxc5 and Nd4. I did not expect this from Andersson, since without
particular need he did not like creating an isolani for himself.] 14.Bxe7 Rxe7 [14...Qxe7!? Lutz-
Yusupov, Tilburg 1993.] 15.Nf4 Hindering ...c6-c5 and continuing to prepare e3-e4. [Less was
promised by 15.f4 Nf6 (15...f5!?) 16.f5 Bd7 17.e4 dxe4 18.Nxe4 Nxe4 19.Bxe4 f6; or 15.e4
dxe4 16.fxe4 c5 17.d5 c4! 18.dxe6 fxe6 19.Bxc4 Rxc4 .] 15...Rc7?! The start of an unwieldy
counter-plan of pressure on the enemy centre. [15...Nf6 16.Qd2 Rd7 was more natural (but
not 16...Qd6?! 17.e4 dxe4 18.fxe4 Qxd4? 19.e5 and wins; or 16...b5?! 17.e4 , Bareev-Asrian,
New York 1998) , although after 17.b4 White is ready to mount an offensive on all parts of the
board.] 16.Qf2 Not rushing to determine the position earlier than necessary. [In the event of
16.e4 dxe4 17.fxe4 it would be simpler for Black to defend: 17...Nb6 18.Qf2 Ng6 etc.]
16...Nf6?! (the second link of the dubious plan) 17.e4 'The white pieces are ideally placed – it
is time to carry out the thematic advance.' (Polugayevsky) 17...dxe4 18.fxe4 Rcd7 [The
concluding link of the plan, which is seemingly more appropriate for Black than 18...Ng4
19.Qg1 (a benefit of the move Kh1); 18...Bc8 19.e5; or 18...Ng6 19.Nxe6 Rxe6 20.e5 . But now
White suddenly carries out a breakthrough at the most fortified point.] 19.d5! cxd5 20.Bb5
This attack in conjunction with my 22nd move was apparently underestimated by Andersson.
[After 20.exd5? Bxd5! White simply loses a pawn.] 20...Rc7 [Only practical saving chances
were offered by the sacrifice of the exchange for a pawn: 20...dxe4 21.Bxd7 Qxd7 (21...Bxd7?
22.Nfd5 Re6 23.Nxe4! and wins) 22.Nxe4 Nxe4 23.Rxe4 Bxa2 24.Rxe7 Qxe7 25.Qxa7 Bc4 26.Rc1
Qe4 27.Qf2; or 20...d4!? 21.Bxd7 Bc4! (21...Rxd7 22.Ncd5) 22.Bf5! dxc3 23.Rg1 cxb2 24.Qxb2
and e4-e5.] 21.exd5 Bd7 Hoping to exchange the bishops and neutralise the passed d-pawn. [It
was no better to play 21...Bf5 22.Qxa7 (or 22.d6!? Rxe1 (22...Qxd6 23.Rd1 Qc5 24.Nfd5!
winning the exchange) 23.dxc7 Rxf1+ 24.Qxf1 Qd6 (24...Qxc7? 25.Nfd5!) 25.-- a), when my
Informator suggestion 25.Bc4 is questionable on account of 25...Bc8; b), but after 25.Nh5!
Bc8 (b)25...Ng4?! 26.Qf4! Qc5 27.h3) 26.Nxf6+ gxf6 27.Ne4 Qxc7 28.Nxf6+ Kh8 29.Nd5 Qe5
30.Qxf7 White is a sound pawn to the good.; ) ; 21...Nxd5? 22.Rd1 .] 22.Be2! An important
resource, enabling a pawn to be won: White is threatening both Qxa7, and d5-d6 (the
awkward placing of the black rooks!). [Far weaker was 22.Bxd7 Rcxd7 23.Qxa7 Rxe1 24.Rxe1
g5 25.Nd3 b6 26.Qa3 Nxd5 27.Ne5 Qe8! with a probable draw; and not 22.Qxa7?! Rxc3!; or
22.d6? Rxe1 23.Rxe1 Rxc3! 24.Bxd7 Rc4 .] 22...Rc8 [After 22...Ne4 23.Qxa7 Nd6 (23...Nxc3?
24.d6!) 24.Bd3 Black also has no compensation for the pawn.] 23.Qxa7 For safety's sake I
decided simply to grab material, [although 23.d6!? Re5 24.Qd4! and Nfd5 was also tempting,
with powerful pressure.] 23...b6! Cutting off the queen; [23...Ne4 24.Qd4! – Stohl.] 24.Qa6?!
This could have allowed Black some counterplay. [24.d6! was more accurate: 24...Re5 25.Bf3
Ra5 26.Qb7 (Stohl) 26...Ne6 (or 26...Rb8 27.Qc7) 27.Nxe6 Bxe6 28.Rd1 with an overwhelming
advantage.] 24...Ne4?! An answering error in approaching time-trouble. [24...Ng6! was more
resilient. After this I gave 25.Qd3 in Informator with the evaluation '±', (25.Nxg6 hxg6 26.Bf3
(Stohl) (or 26.Qd3 is stronger, although here too Black's resources are not yet exhausted) ) ,
but after 25...Nxf4 26.Rxf4 b5! things are not so clear. ] 25.d6! By sacrificing his passed pawn
in the centre, in return White creates a pair of connected passed pawns on the queenside, and
Black's position becomes untenable. 25...Nxd6 [25...Re5? 26.Nxe4 Rxe4 27.Nd5 and wins.]
26.Nfd5 [26.Ncd5! and Qxb6 was more forceful, imposing the exchange of queens.] 26...Re5?!
[White's task could have been made more difficult by 26...Re6 27.Qxb6 Qg5 Stohl; (27...Qh4
28.Qf2!) , but after 28.Bf3! Nc4 29.Qf2 the win is merely a matter of time.] 27.Qxb6 Nf5
Equivalent to capitulation. [However, it was also hopeless to play 27...Bc6 28.Qxd8 Rxd8
29.Bf3; or 27...Qxb6 28.Nxb6 Rce8 29.Rd1 R8e6 30.Nxd7 Nxd7 31.a4 etc.] 28.Qxd8 Rxd8
29.Bd3 [Or 29.Bg4!? . In any event, the conversion of the advantage does not present any
great difficulty.] 29...Rxe1 30.Rxe1 Ng6 31.a4 Nd4 32.a5 Kf8 33.Bxg6 hxg6 34.Rd1 Ne6

[34...Re8 35.h3 .] 35.Nb6 Bc6 36.Rxd8+ Nxd8 37.b4 Ne6 38.b5 1–0

This strategically complete game was the second in a series of five successive wins. It enabled
me to again take the lead in the tournament, since that day Ehlvest lost to Karpov. The
situation in the race intensified: Kasparov - 7½ out of 10; Ehlvest - 7; Karpov - 6½.

In the 11th round I had Black against Alexander Beliavsky. Our games always took an
uncompromising course and began with critical disputes in topical opening systems.

Game 38
A.Beliavsky-G.Kasparov, World Cup, Belfort, 11th Round, 27.06.1988
Grünfeld Defence D97

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.Qb3 dxc4 6.Qxc4 0–0 7.e4 Na6 8.Be2 c5 9.d5 e6 10.Bg5
[My opponent decided to catch me unawares with a rare continuation, after being
unsuccessful in the main lines approved in my matches with Karpov (1986 and 1987): 10.0–0
exd5 11.exd5 Bf5 12.Bf4 (if 12.Rd1 ; or 12.Be3 , then 12...Qb6! is good) 12...Re8 13.Rad1 Ne4
14.Nb5 (14.Bd3 Bxc3! 15.bxc3 b5 , M.Gurevich-Kasparov, 55th USSR Championship, Moscow
1988) 14...Qf6 15.d6 (15.Bd3 Bd7! , Ivanchuk-Dorfman, Lvov 1988) 15...Bd7 16.g3 g5 17.Be3 h6
, and it is already White who has problems (Beliavsky-Kasparov, Moscow 1987).And here I did
indeed sink into thought, endeavouring to recall the correct reaction to White's aggressive
plan.] 10...exd5 11.Nxd5 Be6 Natural, [although 11...Qa5+ 12.Bd2 Qd8 is also acceptable,
Farago-Dorfman, Budapest 1988.] 12.0–0–0 (a serious challenge!) 12...Bxd5! It is sensible to
get rid of such a powerful knight. 13.Rxd5 Qb6 14.Bxf6 [If 14.Rd2 Black equalises with the
reply 14...Qc6! : for example, 15.Ne5 Qxe4 16.Bxf6 Qxc4+ 17.Bxc4 Bxf6 18.Nxf7 Rxf7 19.Rd7
Raf8 20.Rxb7 Kg7 21.Rxf7+ Rxf7 22.Bxf7 Kxf7 .] 14...Qxf6 15.e5 Beliavsky made these well-
known moves quite quickly. 15...Qf5! A strong novelty. [15...Qe7 16.Rhd1 is better for White
(Flear-Korchnoi, Lugano 1988), whereas now the harmonious coordination of his pieces is
disrupted, and this clearly disturbed Beliavsky.] 16.Bd3 (this has to be played on account of the
threat of ...Bh6+) 16...Qc8 [16...Qe6! 17.Rd6 Qe7 would have caused White more problems,
but on the other hand after the 'modest' move in the game he begins to lose control.]
17.Rd1?! [In Informator I recommended 17.Rd6 (?!), overlooking the reply 17...Qc7! with the
threat of ...Bxe5 and the better chances for Black.; In fact, equality would have been secured
by 17.Be4! b5 18.Qe2 Rb8 19.Rd6 c4 20.Rc6 , forcing 20...Nc7 .] 17...b5! 18.Qh4 [18.Qxb5?
Nc7 .] 18...Nb4 The counterplay spring quickly uncoils, and White has to be extremely
accurate. 19.Bxg6? A faulty combination! While Beliavsky was considering it, I suddenly sensed
that this was what he would play: it was evident that with every minute his desire was
strengthening to 'display his brilliant combinative mastery'. And to save time I worked out in
advance a five-move variation with a final sacrifice of the black queen... [Of course, it was
essential to play 19.Rd6! c4 20.Be4 (20.Bb1? Nd3+!) , parrying the attack after both: 20...--
a)20...Qc5 21.a3 (a)21.Bxa8? c3!) 21...Nd3+ 22.Kb1 Bxe5 23.Rd7 Bxb2 24.Bxg6! h5! 25.Bxd3;
b), and 20...c3! 21.R1d4! (b)21.a3? c2! 22.axb4 cxd1Q+ 23.Kxd1 Rb8 is bad for White)
21...cxb2+ 22.Kxb2 Qc5 23.a3 Rfc8 24.axb4 Qc3+ 25.Ka2 a5 26.Rd8+ Bf8 27.Rxc8 Rxc8 28.Rd8
Qc4+ 29.Ka1 a4 30.Rxc8 Qxc8 31.Kb2 Qc4 32.Bc2 a3+ 33.Kxa3 Qxc2 34.Qd4 , when things head
for a draw.; ] 19...fxg6 [Not 19...hxg6?? 20.Ng5 Re8 21.Rd7 and wins.] 20.Rd7 Qe8! (the
prelude to a refutation of the combination) 21.Re7 [21.a3 Nc6; or 21.R1d6 Rxf3! was also
unsuitable.] 21...Bh6+! The overloading of the white queen tells. [White would still have had
some chances after 21...g5?! 22.Qxg5 Qg6 23.Qxg6 hxg6 24.Rdd7 Bh6+ 25.Kb1 .] 22.Kb1
[22.Rd2 g5! .] 22...Rd8! (exploiting an unusual weakness of the back rank!) 23.Rd6 [After
rejecting 23.Re1 because of 23...g5! (or 23...Qc6! 24.a3 (24.Qxh6 Rd1+!! 25.Rxd1 Qe4+ with a
smothered mate) 24...g5! 25.Nxg5 Qg6+ 26.Ne4 Nd3 and wins, Beliavsky looked happy with his
position.) ] 23...Qc6! [But here is the surprise: 23...Qc6 24.Rxc6 (or 24.Qxh6? Qe4+!) 24...Rd1# .

After placing my queen on c6, I experienced an enormous amount of aesthetic pleasure, but
the same could not be said about my opponent.] 24.a3 [24.Qg4 Rxd6 25.exd6 Rf6 26.d7 Rd6
27.Re8+ Bf8 28.d8Q Qxe8! would also not have helped.] 24...Rxd6 25.exd6 Qxd6 26.axb4 cxb4
27.Qe4 b3 [In view of 27...b3 28.Qe6+ (otherwise Black has a deadly attack) 28...Qxe6 29.Rxe6
Rc8 30.Re1 Rc2 .] 0–1

That same day Karpov defeated Timman, while Ehlvest made a quick draw with Short. The
leading positions were now: Kasparov - 8½ out of 11, Ehlvest and Karpov - 7½.

In the 12th round I won against Ehlvest, and he dropped out of the fight for first place. And in
the 13th round I gained revenge against Nigel Short for my defeat in Brussels in an English

Game 39
N.Short-G.Kasparov, World Cup, Belfort, 13th Round, 30.06.1988
Sicilian Defence B80

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be3 e6 7.f3 Be7 [7...b5 8.Qd2 Nbd7 9.g4 h6
10.0–0–0 Bb7 11.Bd3 (11.h4!?) 11...Ne5 12.Rhe1 was the sharp position reached in our game
from the first cycle of Brussels 1986; and after 7...Nbd7 8.g4 h6 9.h4 – from our rapidplay
match (London 1987). On this occasion I had prepared a different deployment of my forces.]
8.Qd2 Nc6 9.g4 0–0 10.0–0–0 Nd7 With the idea of ...Nde5 and ...Na5-c4. I should remind you:
at that time I thought the position on the board was simply a Keres Attack with the 'insipid'
move f2-f3, and that Black could do virtually as he pleased. [Thus six weeks later, in the 55th
USSR Championship, I tried 10...Rb8 against Khalifman. ; And it was only after this that I
realised how hard it was to fight against the English Attack by copying the classical methods of
play in the Keres Attack, and I switched to 10...Nxd4 11.Bxd4 b5 .] 11.h4 Nde5 12.Nxc6?! For
this move, made after a long think, Short was strongly criticised: why reinforce Black's position
in the centre? [If 12.Qf2 I was planning 12...Na5 (12...Bd7 is better) , but after 13.Kb1 Nac4
14.Bc1 White's chances are slightly better.; And soon 12.Qg2! also appeared, supporting the
pawn storm with g4-g5, h4-h5 and g5-g6.] 12...bxc6 13.Be2 Rb8 After the exchange on c6
things have become easier for Black: this and his following reply are quite obvious. 14.g5 d5
Black increases his influence in the centre and creates the grounds for various tactical
operations. The weakening of the c5-square is unimportant. 15.Ba7 This routine trick with the
manoeuvre of the bishop to d4 does not bring White any benefits, [although little was also
promised by 15.Kb1 Bb4; or 15.f4 Nd7 16.h5 (f5) 16...Qa5 .; After the logical 15.Na4!? there is
the satisfactory reply 15...Qc7!? 16.h5 (16.f4 Rb4!) 16...dxe4 17.fxe4 Rb4 with counterplay.]
15...Rb7 16.Bd4 Nd7 17.exd5 cxd5! [After 17...exd5 18.Bxa6 Black's compensation for the
pawn is more problematic: 18...-- a)18...Rb8 19.Bxc8 Qxc8 20.h5; b), or 18...Rxb2?! 19.Nxd5!
Rb8! (b)19...Rxa2? is weak: 20.Nxe7+ Qxe7 21.Bc4 Ra4 22.Bb3) 20.Nxe7+ Qxe7 , and here apart
from 21.Bb2 (b)White has the resource 21.Qe3! Qxe3+ 22.Bxe3 with the better endgame)
21...Rxb2! 22.Kxb2 Bxa6 (b)or 22...Qe5+ 23.c3 Bxa6 24.Qxd7 Rb8+ 25.Kc2 Qa5 with equality)
23.Qxd7 Qb4+ , with at least perpetual check ( 24.Kc1 Qa3+ 25.Kd2 Qa5+ ).; ] 18.f4 [After
18.Bxa6 the sacrifice 18...Rxb2! works 19.-- a), with a powerful attack in the event of
19.Kxb2?! Bxa6 20.f4 Qa5; b)19.Bxc8 Rb8; c), so that White has to play 19.Nxd5! Rb8!
20.Nxe7+ Qxe7 21.Bb2 (c)this is now the only move: 21.Qd3?! e5!) 21...Rxb2! 22.Kxb2 Bxa6
23.Qxd7 Qb4+ 24.Kc1 , when Black can force a draw – 24...Qa3+ (c)or retain some initiative by
24...Be2 ) 25.Kd2 Qa5+ .; ] 18...Qa5 A turning-point in the battle. 19.Qe3 This is not yet a
mistake, but it overlooks Black's clever manoeuvre in response. [19.h5! was more energetic:
19...Qa3 (19...Ba3? 20.Nxd5!; or 19...Nb8?! 20.Bd3! is worse) 20.Bb5! Qb4 (20...Qd6 21.Ba4!)
21.a3 Qd6 22.Bd3 (or 22.Bxd7 Bxd7 23.b4) 22...e5 23.fxe5 Nxe5 24.Rdg1 with chances for both
sides.] 19...Nb8! On seeing this move (with the unexpected threat of ...Nc6xd4), Nigel was

unable to hide his disappointment. He became rattled and began to 'flounder'. 20.f5? [Neither
20.g6? hxg6! 21.h5 Nc6; nor 20.h5? Nc6 21.h6 g6 22.Bg7 Rd8 was any good.; Only 20.Qe5! f6
21.gxf6 Bxf6 22.Qd6! , preventing both ...Nc6 and ...Qb4, would have maintained approximate
equality.] 20...Nc6 21.f6 [Not 21.Bxg7? Bc5! and ...Kxg7.] 21...Nxd4 22.Rxd4? This exchange
sacrifice proves to be a fatal mistake. [After 22.fxe7?! Nxe2+ 23.Qxe2 Rxe7 (23...Re8!?) 24.h5
(24.Nxd5? Rb7! 25.Nc3 Qb4) 24...d4 White would have lost a pawn without any
compensation.; However, 22.Qxd4! Bc5 23.Qe5 was more resilient, gaining a brief respite.
23...-- a). Then Black could immediately force the transition into a better endgame – 23...Qc7
24.Qxc7 Rxc7; b), or 23...Qb6 24.Na4 Qd6; c), or continue playing for an attack – 23...g6
24.Kb1 (c)24.h5? Qc7!) 24...Qb6 25.Na4 (c)or 25.b3 Bd6 26.Qd4 Qc7 (c)although 26...Qxd4
27.Rxd4 Be5 28.Rd3 Rc7 29.Nd1 Bb7 etc. is also promising) ) 25...Bd6! 26.Qd4 Qc7 .; ] 22...Bc5
23.fxg7 Rd8! [After 23...Re8?! 24.Rhd1 the win is far less clear, since in the variation 24...Qb4
(24...Bd7!?) 25.b3 e5? (25...Bd7!) , White is saved by 26.Nxd5! .] 24.Rhd1 A semblance of
reinforcement. [If 24.Bd3 there would have followed 24...Qb6 (only not 24...Qb4??
25.Bxh7+!) 25.Bxh7+ Kxg7! (25...Kxh7? 26.Na4) 26.Qe5+ Kxh7 .; Objectively it was better to get
rid of the pin – 24.Qd3 (d2), but after 24...Bxd4 25.Qxd4 Qb6! 26.Qf6 e5! all the same Black
would have won: 27.b3 Qxf6 28.gxf6 Rc7 29.Kb2 Bb7 etc.] 24...Qb4! 25.b3 e5! (a flamboyant
final touch; White suffers decisive loss of material) 26.Qxe5 [Or 26.Rxb4 Bxe3+ 27.Kb1 Rxb4
28.Nxd5 Rd4 29.Nxe3 Rxd1+ 30.Bxd1 Rd4 and wins.] 26...Qxc3 27.Rxd5 Qxe5 28.Rxe5 Ba3+
29.Kb1 Rxd1+ 30.Bxd1 Rd7! 31.Bg4 Rd4 32.Bf3 Kxg7 33.h5 h6 34.gxh6+ Kxh6 35.Ra5 Bb4
[35...Rf4!? .] 36.Re5 [If 36.Ra4 the simplest is 36...Bc3 .] 36...f6 37.Re8 Bf5 38.Rh8+ Kg5
39.Rb8 Ba3 40.h6 Rd2 0–1

Five wins in a row! As for Karpov, in the 12th and 13th rounds he had to be satisfied with
draws, and before the game between us everything was practically decided: with 10½ out of
13, I was leading my rival by two points. However, our games were always keenly contested,
whatever the tournament situation.

What operated here was the factor which I call the 'five victory curse'. The point is that, until
Wijk aan Zee 1999, where I 'bagged' 7 out of 7, five successive wins was always the limit for
me. Even in Tilburg 1989, one of my very best tournaments, after five wins I was quite unable
to play as Black against Sax, and I was saved only by his peaceableness. After five successive
wins I usually 'cracked'! And that is what happened on this occasion. After losing the necessary
concentration, I played what was probably one of my worst games, which in the end proved to
be Karpov's only tournament win against me in the history of our meetings (Game No.6 in
Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009).

Before the last round the fight for first place had unexpectedly sharpened: now Karpov was
just a point behind me. However, in the purely competitive sense the outcome of the
tournament seemed predetermined, since on the last day I had White against Sokolov,
whereas my rival had Black against Spassky.

However, the World Cup stimulated a fight not only for first place, but also for the maximum
result. In addition, a new landmark in my forward advance was Fischer's legendary rating of
2780, and every point brought me closer to the goal. I endeavoured to assess objectively the
standard of my play in Belfort, and I came to the conclusion that it was at a fairly high level,
giving me grounds for aggressive aims in the decisive game. A draw with me would practically
guarantee Andrey Sokolov a place in the top five, and I was expecting to have to overcome a
solid defensive set-up. But surprises began from the very first moves.

Game 40
G.Kasparov-A.Sokolov, World Cup, Belfort, 15th Round, 3.7.1988
English Opening A19

1.c4 (after looking through a number of set-ups at home, in the end I chose my Seville weapon)
1...Nf6 2.Nc3 e6 Andrey had not played this since his youth, obviously not wishing to dispute
the sharp variations after 3 e4. But why did he go in for sharp play in the last round? 3.e4 (5)
[Of course, 3.d4 ; or 3.Nf3 is safer, but I had great belief in my powers and I did not hesitate
for long.] 3...c5 (1)Adding fuel to the fire. [I expected the more solid 3...d5 , which my
opponent had once employed. The determination and speed with which the c-pawn was
advanced mark Sokolov out as a subtle psychologist.] 4.e5 Ng8 5.Nf3 (1) 5...Nc6 6.d4 cxd4
7.Nxd4 Nxe5 8.Ndb5 a6 9.Nd6+ Bxd6 10.Qxd6 f6 11.Be3 Ne7 12.Bb6 Nf5 My trainers and I
analysed this topical position before the match in Seville and we had worked out a new idea.
13.Qc5!? [13.Bxd8 Nxd6 14.Bc7 Ke7 15.c5 Ne8; or 13.Qb4 Nc6 14.Qc5 Qe7 15.0–0–0 Qxc5
16.Bxc5 d6 (Korchnoi-Timman, 4th match game, Brussels 1991) leads to an endgame which is
far less attractive than the middlegame as regards playing for a win.] All this was played very
quickly. Each of the players endeavoured to emphasise his confidence – and his knowledge of
the opening variation.White is a pawn down, while Black has a lack of space for developing his
pieces and only dim prospects for their participation in the forthcoming battle. It will be hard
for Black to coordinate his pieces, and only the absence of pawn weaknesses in his position
makes things unclear. 13...d6 (19)White's last move, known from one old game in the 29th
volume of Informator (R.Hernandez-Am.Rodriguez, Havana 1980), apparently came as a
surprise to my opponent. [He rejected the as yet altogether unknown 13...Qe7!? , to which
White could either reply 14.Qa5 (suggested by me in Informator and first tried in Miles-
Y.Grünfeld, Philadelphia 1989), (or go in for the exchange of queens – 14.Qxe7+ (Karpov-Ribli,
Reggio Emilia 1989/90) with sufficient compensation for the pawn.) ] 14.Qa5 Qe7 [14...Qd7!? –
Game No.75.] 15.0–0–0 0–0 16.f4 Nc6 [16...Nf7?! 17.Bd3 was weaker; but later 16...Ng6!?
17.g3 Bd7 was tried.] 17.Qa3 White has almost completed the mobilisation of his forces and
he has created the positional threat of 18 g4, while Black still has little space and no
convenient squares for his pieces. 17...e5 [17...h5!? 18.Bd3 e5 came into consideration,
although after 19.Nd5 Qf7 20.Rhf1 White would retain the initiative: 20...exf4 21.Rxf4 Nfe7
22.Qxd6 Bg4 23.Nxe7+ Nxe7 24.Re1 Rae8 25.h3! (25.Qc7 Ng6) 25...Nc8 26.Qb4 Rxe1+ 27.Qxe1
Nxb6 28.hxg4 Nd7 29.Rd4 etc.] 18.g4! A new move, suggested by Amador Rodriguez, [instead
of 18.c5?! Qf7! , which occurred in the aforementioned Havana game. Now Black's position
becomes extremely dangerous.] 18...Nfd4 (6) [Rodriguez recommended 18...Nh6 19.Nd5 Qd7
with an 'unclear' assessment, but after 20.h3 exf4 (20...Nf7 21.f5!) 21.Nxf4 Nf7 22.c5 a difficult
defence again awaits Black.] 19.Nd5 (3) 19...Qf7 (8)Here Sokolov wasted too much time (and,
incidentally, at the end he was in serious time-trouble). [To convince himself that there was
no choice, two minutes would have sufficed: after 19...Qd7 (not giving up the d6-pawn) 20.f5!
Black cannot extricate himself, and therefore he is forced to return the material for the sake of
counterplay.] 20.f5! (23)The conclusion of Rodriguez's variation with a '±' assessment. But
playing for a bind demands accurate calculation. 20...g6! (to avoid suffocating, Black has to go
in for a sharpening of the play) 21.Rg1?! (3)Craving an attack, [but 21.Qxd6! was both
stronger, and more practical: 21...gxf5 22.Bxd4 Nxd4 (22...exd4 23.Bg2!) 23.Nb6 Be6 (after
23...Ra7 both 24.Bg2! with the threat of Bd5(and 24.Rxd4 exd4 25.Bd3 are good, with
prospects of success) ) 24.Nxa8 Rxa8 25.gxf5 Bxf5 26.b3 , and Black does not have sufficient
compensation for the exchange.] 21...gxf5 22.g5! After making this paradoxical move I began
strolling about while awaiting my opponent's reply. Here the honoured guest of the
tournament, Mikhail Botvinnik, appeared in the hall, and he immediately asked me: 'Which
variation of the Sicilian Defence did you play?' 22...Kh8? (18) [22...Qg7? was altogether bad:
23.Qe3! f4 24.gxf6 fxe3 25.Rxg7+ Kh8 26.Bxd4 Nxd4 27.Rxd4! Rxf6 (27...exd4? 28.Bd3 with
mate) 28.Rxh7+ Kxh7 29.Nxf6+ and Rxd6.; Earlier I thought that 22...fxg5 was also weak in

view of 23.Rxg5+ (23.Bxd4 exd4!) 23...Kh8 24.-- a)24.Qxd6 , and if 24...Be6? (a)but then in the
computer era I discovered the variation 24...Nf3! 25.Rg2 (a)25.Rg3 Nxh2) 25...Be6 with
extremely intricate play) , then 25.Rxd4! Rad8 (a)25...exd4 26.Bxd4+) 26.Qc5! Nxd4 27.Qxd4!
with a spectacular rout. ; b)24.Rxd4!? exd4 25.Qxd6 is more insidious, with the idea of 25...Rg8
26.Rxg8+ Kxg8 27.Bg2! , but after 27...f4 28.Nf6+ Kg7 29.Nh5+ Qxh5 30.Bxc6 bxc6 31.Bxd4+
Kf7 32.Qf6+ Ke8 33.Qxc6+ Kf7 34.Qxa8 Qf5 , after giving up a pawn, thanks to the opposite-
coloured bishops Black retains every chance of a draw.; ] 23.gxf6?! (31)At the moment when I
began thinking about the position (with what to capture on f6?), there was a burst of applause
in the hall and the unoccupied players went up to the board where Karpov was playing
Spassky. Although Karpov's position from the opening had been somewhat inferior, I was in no
doubt that he would save the game. 'A draw there?' I asked Short, who was walking past. 'No,
Spassky blundered a bishop' Nigel replied. [Karpov had suddenly caught me on number of
points scored and my individual triumph in the tournament was in question. After with
difficulty restoring my equanimity and concentration, I resisted the temptation to offer a draw.
However, I decided to act as safely as possible and it was only for this reason that I rejected
the tempting and, apparently, better continuation 23.Nxf6! (after which Stohl gave the
'unclear' 23...Be6 24.Qxd6 (?) (but 24.Bxd4!? Nxd4 25.g6 is far stronger; or the immediate
24.g6! hxg6 25.Qh3+ Kg7 26.Nh5+ Kg8 27.Nf4! exf4 28.Qh6 Ne5 29.Bxd4 Qh7 30.Qxf4 with a
powerful attack) 24...Bxc4 , choosing a quieter path with clear guidelines.] 23...Be6 (3)
24.Qxd6 (2) 24...Bxd5 (7)The only move. [24...Rac8? would have lost ignominiously after
25.Rg7 Qh5 (while after 25...Qe8? the correct reply is 26.Rxb7!) 26.Rxd4! Nxd4 27.Bxd4 Bxd5
28.f7!!; or 24...Rg8? 25.Rxg8+ Rxg8 26.Bxd4! exd4 (26...Rd8 27.Qxd8+! and Bxe5) 27.Re1! Bc8
28.Bd3 .] 25.cxd5 Qxf6 [Not 25...Rad8? because of 26.Bxd8 and Rg7!] 26.Qxf6+ Rxf6 Thus
Black has avoided major problems and is hoping to save an inferior endgame. However, the
long-range bishops and the strong passed pawn in the centre give White grounds for playing
for a win. 27.Kb1! (2)The point of White's idea: wherever the black knight goes, he wins back
the pawn and retains the initiative. 27...Nd8 Not an easy choice. [27...Ne7? would be fatal
after 28.Bc7! Nf3 (28...Ng6? 29.Rxg6) 29.Rg3 e4 30.d6 Nc6 31.d7 Rff8 32.Bc4!; or 27...Nb4?
28.Bc7! (more forceful than my Informator suggestion 28.Bxd4 ) 28...Re8 29.Bg2 (29.Bc4!? –
Stohl) 29...Rf7 (29...Rg6 30.d6!) 30.Bxe5+! Rxe5 31.Rxd4 a5 32.a3 Na6 .; However, there were
two other lines: 27...Na7!? 28.Bc7 (28.Bc5!?) 28...Re8 29.Bc4! (Stohl's variation with 29.d6 Rf7
is more harmless) 29...Nc8 30.Rge1 (or 30.Bxe5 Rxe5 31.d6! Rf8 32.Rxd4 Re4! 33.Rxe4 fxe4
34.d7 Nb6 35.Be6 Rd8 36.Rd1 e3 37.Bg4 , and White has only a minimal plus) 30...Nf3 31.Re3
e4 32.Be2; 27...Nb8!? (getting rid of the annoying bishop on c6) 28.Bxd4 exd4 29.Rxd4 Nd7
30.Bh3 , and again White's advantage is not great, even if equality is still a long way off,Sokolov
quickly decided to block the pawn with a ...Nd8-f7-d6 manoeuvre, but he had overlooked a
venomous reply.] 28.Bc5! (3) 28...Rc8?! (8) [Alas, 28...Nf7? is not possible in view of 29.Rxd4!
b6 30.Be7 and wins. ; Upset by the unexpected deterioration in the situation, Andrey misses a
chance to put up a stubborn resistance after 28...b5 29.Rg3; or 28...b6 with the idea of 29.Be7
(29.Bxd4!? exd4 30.Re1! Nf7 31.Bxa6) 29...Rf7 30.d6 (there is no point in playing 30.Bd6 Nf3
31.Rg3 , as in the game, because of 31...Nb7!; but 30.Bb4!? is better) 30...N8c6 31.Bc4
(31.Bg5 h6!) 31...Rxe7 32.dxe7 Nxe7 33.Rge1 b5! 34.Rxe5 Ndc6 35.Bd5 Rd8 with equality.]
29.Be7 (2)One of the bishops has become rampant, and the other is awaiting its hour. Black is
unable to coordinate his pieces. 29...Rf7 (3) [After 29...Rh6 30.d6 N8c6 31.Bc4 (threatening
Bd5) 31...Rg6 32.d7! Nxe7 33.dxc8Q+ Nxc8 34.Bd5 Black has insufficient compensation for the
exchange.; 29...Rg6 30.Rxg6 hxg6 31.Bf6+ Kg8 32.Bxe5 Nf3 33.Bg3 is also depressing for him.]
30.Bd6! (4) 30...Nf3 31.Rg3 e4 (3) [Possibly the lesser evil was 31...Rd7 32.Rxf3 Rxd6 33.Rxf5
Nc6 34.Bg2 (34.Be2 Nd4 35.Rxe5 Nxe2 36.Rxe2 Rc7 is unclear) 34...Re8 35.Be4 Rd7 36.Rh5 Nd4
. Instead, Sokolov again does not exchange my dark-squared bishop, which is capable of
creating mating threats.] 32.Be2? (3)An error which no one noticed. [After 32.Bf4! Black's
position would have remained critical: 32...-- a)32...h5 33.Rh3 Kg7 34.Rxh5 Rf8 35.Bh3 Kg6
36.Rh6+ Kg7 37.Bg2!; b)32...Rg7? 33.Bh3; c), or 32...h6 33.Be2 Rd7 (c)33...Kh7 34.Rh3) 34.Bxf3

exf3 35.Rxf3 etc.; ] 32...Rf6? (3) [In Stohl's opinion, 32...Rd7 (?) was better, but this would
have lost to 33.Bb4! (with the double threat of Bc3+ and Bxf3) 33...Ne5 (or 33...Nh4 34.Bh5!)
34.Rg5 .; After 32...Rg7 , which is indeed better, I had prepared the following finish: 33.Bxf3 --
a)33...Rxg3 (?) 34.Bxe4! Re3 (a)34...Rg5 35.Be7 Rh5? 36.Rg1!) 35.Bxf5 Rc4 36.b3 etc. ; b).
However, 33...Nf7! is correct: for example, 34.Be7 (b)or 34.Bf4 Rxg3 35.Bxg3 (b)35.Bxe4 fxe4
36.Bxg3 Rd8!) 35...exf3 36.d6 Kg7 37.d7 Rg8 with a probable draw) 34...Rxg3 35.Bxe4 fxe4
36.hxg3 Rc7 37.d6 Rd7 .; ] 33.Bf4! (5) [Alternatively, 33.Be7! Rg6 34.Bxf3 Rxg3 35.Bxe4! Rg7
36.Bxf5 Rxe7 37.Bxc8 and wins. Having miraculously survived, the bishop becomes ferociously
strong. The battle is essentially decided – the mopping-up has begun.] 33...Rg6 [33...Nf7
34.Bxf3 exf3 35.d6! Rd8 36.d7 f2 37.Rf3 etc. was also hopeless.] 34.Bxf3 (2) 34...Rxg3 (1)
[Stohl wrongly attached a question mark to this move: in the event of 34...exf3 35.Rxf3 Black
would have lost his f-pawn and would have been quite unable to cope with the passed d-
pawn.] 35.Bxe4! An example on the theme of bishop domination; [if 35.Bxe4 Rg7 (or if
35...Rg4 – 36.Be5+ Kg8 37.Bxf5) , then 36.Bxf5 is decisive.] 35...fxe4 36.hxg3 Kg7 [36...Nf7?!
37.d6! Kg7 38.d7 .] 37.Rd4 With the fall of the e-pawn Black's last hopes disappear. But in
severe time-trouble Sokolov fights to the last bullet. 37...Nf7 38.Rxe4 Rd8 39.Re7 Rxd5
[According to Stohl, 39...b5 40.d6 Kf8 (40...Kg8 41.Re6!) , was more resilient, but after 41.Ra7!
Nxd6 42.Rxa6 another pawn would soon have been lost.] 40.Rxb7 h5 41.Ra7 a5 (12) 42.a4!
(5)The time scramble was over, and in view of the inevitable loss of the a5-pawn, Black
resigned. 1–0

An interesting game, which had everything - an opening novelty, a complicated middlegame,

some instructive 'questionable decisions' and an elegant finish.

For the third successive time (following the agonising 12-12 in Seville) I finished ahead of my
eternal opponent in a tournament battle. In the second half of the event Karpov defeated his
two main rivals and achieved a brilliant result - 5½ out of 7, but this did not suffice for first
place, only because I scored 6 out of 7, and altogether 'plus eight'! The Belfort tournament
could have been one of the best in my career, had it not been for the painful loss to Karpov...

As everyone expected, the main contenders for the Cup were the 12th and 13th world
champions. After Amsterdam and Belfort my rating approached ever closer to the cherished
2780 mark. Karpov also endeavoured not to fall behind: after beginning the year 1988 at 2715,
he concluded it on 2750, a record high for him.

2.1.3. USSR Champion for the Second Time

55th USSR Championship Premier League (Moscow, 25 July - 19 August 1988): 1-2. Kasparov
and Karpov - 11½ out of 17; 3-4. Yusupov and Salov - 10; 5-6. Eingorn and Ivanchuk - 9½; 7.
Yudasin - 9; 8. Beliavsky - 8½; 9-13. Ehlvest, Smyslov, Gavrikov, A.Sokolov and Vaganian - 8; 14.
Khalifman - 7½; 15-16. Smirin and M.Gurevich - 7; 17-18. Malaniuk and Kharitonov - 6.

Three weeks after Belfort, the star-studded 55th USSR Championship in Moscow was wedged
in between the solid list of international super-tournaments. This was the last in history to
attract the entire cream of Soviet chess. Apart from the participants in the Candidates matches
and talented young players, four world champions of different eras began the event -
Kasparov, Karpov, Smyslov and Tal (true, after the first round the last named withdrew on
account of illness and was replaced by Eingorn), while a fifth, Botvinnik, performed the role of
chief arbiter.

Here too there was a tough battle between me and Karpov for the championship, although, of
course, we also had other rivals - in particular, Valery Salov, Alexander Beliavsky and Artur

Yusupov. By present-day standards the length of the tournament - 17 rounds - was a genuine

Tal: 'Initially it seemed that the tradition "he came, he saw, he conquered" would be observed.
In the first three rounds the clear dictator of fashion, the clear choir leader, was the world
champion. His two wins were highly spectacular and instructive. Moreover, the one over
Ivanchuk had a very curious psychological background...'

Indeed, I started well: after a draw with Yusupov I won prettily against the 19-year-old Lvov
player Vassily Ivanchuk. This was a significant duel: at 25 years of age I crossed swords for the
first time with one of the brightest leaders of the new wave (Ivanchuk, Gelfand, Anand, etc).
Dorfman had once told me about his compatriot: he said that they had a lad who was mowing
down everyone in turn. By the time of our meeting Ivanchuk was already a champion and
prize-winner in many junior championships, the winner of the 55th USSR Championship First
League, a strong New York Open and the Barcza Memorial in Debrecen.

Game 41
G.Kasparov-V.Ivanchuk, 55th USSR Championship, 2nd Round, Moscow 27.07.1988
English Opening A29

1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e5 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.g3 Bb4 5.Bg2 0–0 6.0–0 e4 7.Ng5 Bxc3 8.bxc3 Re8 9.f3!
'Everyone was asking: if Kasparov goes in for a variation (the 2nd and 4th games of the match
in Seville), which is not favoured by opening theory, does this mean that there is something in
it? Various conjectures were put forward, but they were obscure and vague. Ivanchuk
confidently, without a hint of doubt (as indicated by the chess clock), went in for this variation.
Ivanchuk's boldness staggered me: it was clear that "Kasparov & Co." had prepared
something.' (Tal) 9...exf3?! [9...e3 is nevertheless better (cf. Game No.27, note to Black's 9th
move), but Vassily replied without thinking. Incidentally, he prepared for the championship of
the country at a training session with Karpov (apparently the ex-champion needed to stock up
on new chess ideas, with which Ivanchuk was simply overflowing). Noticing that Karpov was
following my game with unfeigned interest, I realised that he was seeking the clearest way to
equalise.] 10.Nxf3 d5 The main move, which had an excellent reputation. [Karpov himself
chose against me the rare 10...Qe7 and after 11.e3 he experienced some problems (Game
No.27). But now he wanted to see what I had up my sleeve. And my reply also followed at blitz
speed.] 11.d4! At last I employed my novelty, prepared for the Seville match, with which my
'searches' in the English Opening began. [Black was happy with 11.cxd5 Qxd5 (but not
11...Nxd5?! 12.e4! , Uhlmann-Smyslov, Hastings 1972/73) – deprived of his pawn base in the
centre, in return he obtained active piece play: 12.d4 (or 12.Nd4 Qh5 13.Nxc6 bxc6 14.e3 Bg4
(Sigurjonsson-Smyslov, Reykjavik 1974; Uhlmann-Makarychev, Amsterdam 1975)) 12...Qh5
(Ribli-Vasyukov, Camaguey 1974).] 11...Ne4! Ivanchuk continued playing at blitz speed,
endeavouring to dishearten me, but that didn't happen! [Apart from the knight move, which is
now the main one, I had also extensively analysed 11...dxc4 12.Bg5; and 11...h6 12.cxd5 , and
everywhere, without taking any great risk, White retained the initiative. Moreover, the
resulting quite unconventional positions were very much to my taste – their dynamic nature
resembled the g2-g3 variation in the Nimzo-Indian Defence, which I had successfully tried in
the second and third matches with Karpov.] 12.Qc2! Trusting in my home analysis, I
maintained the same rapid-fire as my opponent. [The weaker 12.cxd5 Nxc3 13.Qd2 Nxd5
14.e4 Nf6 15.e5 Ne4 16.Qe3 f5 leads to equality (Vaisser-Janjgava, Uzhgorod 1988).] 12...dxc4
[Later 12...Bf5 13.Nh4! was also tried, but why not take the pawn? If Black can manage to
consolidate in the centre, things will be difficult for White. But nevertheless there is a
possibility of disturbing the knight on e4.] 13.Rb1! The key move: by attacking the b7-pawn,
the rook hinders the development of the bishop on c8, and in some cases it is threatening via

b5 to support the action in the centre or on the kingside. [13.Ne5 Nxe5 14.Qxe4 suggested
itself (this was probably also analysed by my opponents), but here Black could have fought for
equality by 14...Ng4 (or 14...f5 15.Qd5+ Qxd5 16.Bxd5+ Nf7) 15.Qf4 f6 .] 13...f5?! (8)A risky
weakening of the king's citadel. [If 13...Qe7 White has the promising 14.Nd2 (Hodgson-
Naumkin, Amantea 1995) (or 14.Ne5 Nxe5 15.Bxe4 Ng4 (g6) 16.Bd5 .) ; 13...f6! is more solid:
14.Ne5! (little is given by 14.Nh4 Qe7 15.Nf5 Bxf5 16.Rxf5 Nd8) , when White is better after
14...fxe5? (after 14...Nxe5! 15.Bxe4 Ng6 (from the early 1990s this variation was tested by
correspondence players) 16.Bxb7 (16.Rf2 c6!) 16...Bxb7 17.Rxb7 c5 18.e3 Qc8 Black has an
acceptable game) 15.Bxe4 Bh3 (or 15...exd4 16.Bxh7+ and Bg6!; 15...h6? 16.Bxh6!) 16.Bxh7+
Kh8 17.Bg6! Qd5 (17...Bxf1? 18.Qf5!; while if 17...exd4? then 18.Rb5! Re5 19.Qe4!! is prettily
decisive; or 17...Re6! 18.Bf5! Bxf5 19.Qxf5 Rf6 20.Qe4 etc) 18.Rf3 exd4 19.Bxe8 Rxe8 20.Qg6
Qe6 21.Qxe6 Rxe6 22.Rf8+ Kh7 23.Rb5! .] 14.g4! (7)On seeing this unexpected move, Vassily
nervously flinched and sank into agonising thought. What I had played was obviously not in his
analysis! It suddenly transpired that Black faced serious dangers, and Ivanchuk's ardent
expression somehow immediately faded. 14...Qe7 (46)A difficult choice. [After 14...Nd6
15.Bg5! (David-Polak, Olomouc 1995); or 14...g6 15.Bf4! (Smirin-Avrukh, Groningen 1996)
White's initiative more than compensates for the pawn deficit. ; He is also better after
14...fxg4 15.Ne5! -- a)15...Nd6 16.Nxc6 bxc6 17.e4; b), while 15...Nxe5? 16.Bxe4 Ng6 17.Bxg6
hxg6 18.Qxg6 is altogether ruinous for Black: 18...Qd7 (b)even worse is 18...Re7? 19.Ba3; b)or
18...Qe7? 19.Rb5 , Lesiege-Zugic, Montreal 2001) 19.Rb5!! (b)but not my Informator
suggestion 19.d5 (?) because of 19...a5!) 19...Re6 (b)Black cannot play either 19...Qxb5?
20.Rf7; b)or 19...Qe6? 20.Qh5) 20.Qh5 Qe8 21.Ba3! with an attack that does not die away even
after the exchange of queens.; ] 15.gxf5 (28) 15...Nd6? Unable to compose himself after such
an abrupt turn of events, Vassily commits a decisive mistake. [The obvious 15...Bxf5 was
necessary, when after 16.Ng5! (the weaker 16.Ne5 Nxe5 17.Rxf5 Ng4! allows Black to
equalise) 16...Bg6 (or 16...g6?! ) 17.Bxe4 Bxe4 18.Nxe4 Qxe4 19.Qxe4 Rxe4 20.Rxb7 Black
merely has an inferior endgame.] 16.Ng5! (8)Now White simultaneously has several strong
concrete threats. 16...Qxe2 [16...h6 17.f6!; 16...Nd8 17.Bd5+ Kh8 18.f6! was fatal, but
otherwise there follows e2-e4.] 17.Bd5+ (7) 17...Kh8 18.Qxe2 Rxe2 19.Bf4 Nd8 (13)Now Black
comes under a spectacular mating attack, [but he would not have saved the game by 19...Bxf5
20.Bxd6 Bxb1 21.Nf7+ and mate in two moves; 19...Nxf5 20.Nf7+ Kg8 21.Nd8+ and Nxc6;
19...Ne7 20.Bf3 Rxa2 21.Bxd6 cxd6 22.Rbe1; or 19...h6 20.Bxd6 hxg5 21.Bxc7 etc.] 20.Bxd6
cxd6 21.Rbe1! Rxe1 22.Rxe1 Bd7 23.Re7 Bc6 [23...h6 24.f6! .] 24.f6! [In view of 24.f6 Bxd5
25.Re8+ Bg8 26.f7 Nxf7 27.Nxf7# .] 1–0

This interesting miniature was the product of one of my best novelties. After this opening
catastrophe Karpov finally learned what had been awaiting him in reply to 10...d5, while
Ivanchuk suffered for about a further six years when playing against me with Black. Tal: 'The
elegance with which Kasparov conducted the attack is impressive. My tastes differ to those of
the prize jury. Kasparov's combination in his game with Smirin was very good, but the meeting
with Ivanchuk... To put it crudely, I too could have done the same against Smirin.'

In the 3rd round I won quite a nice Grünfeld with Black against Gurevich. But then, as Tal put
it, I 'rather lost my way'. My 'white' game in the 4th round with Sokolov affected my fighting
mood. After catching my opponent in a variation of the English Opening (also prepared for
Seville), I emerged a pawn up - and suddenly I simply blundered it away! I then had to fight for
a draw in an inferior position. After this vexing lapse there followed draws with Gavrikov,
Smyslov, Karpov (Game No.5 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009), Malaniuk and Ehlvest!

A series of six successive draws - previously this had occurred with me only in the 47th USSR
Championship (1979), and also in rounds 4-9. It was time to accelerate! In the 10th round I
defeated Kharitonov and reached '+3'. At this point Salov was leading with 7 out of 10, pursued

by the two 'Ks' and Beliavsky on 6½. In the 11th round Salov lost to Yudasin, I shared the point
with Beliavsky, and Karpov beat Gurevich to burst half a step ahead. The battle for the lead
became intense in the extreme.

For the 12th round game with the 20-year-old Belorussian master Ilya Smirin I arrived in a very
fighting mood. Ilya was another talented representative of the new wave, a pupil of the well-
known theoretician and trainer Albert Kapengut. Soon he became a grandmaster, moved to
Israel and played successfully in many Olympiads and international tournaments. Being a
dangerous tactician, Smirin did not appear to be a very comfortable opponent: after all, with
Black he employed my favourite opening - the King's Indian Defence, and I had to fight as
though against myself.

Game 42
G.Kasparov-I.Smirin, 55th USSR Championship, 12th Round, Moscow 10.08.1988
King's Indian Defence E97

1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.d4 0–0 6.Be2 e5 7.0–0 Nc6 8.d5 Ne7 9.Nd2 [In the late
1980s this line supplanted even 9.Ne1 (Game Nos.58, 64, 77), and it was only from the mid–
1990s that 9 b4 came into fashion.] 9...a5 10.a3 Nd7 11.Rb1 f5 12.b4 It was after my games
with Gavrikov and Smirin from this 55th USSR Championship that the rapid development of
this variation began. 12...b6?! This merely creates a new target for White to attack. [12...Kh8!
is better, as I played in the 5th round against Gavrikov, not yet imagining what to do next.
Black's problem is to overcome the crowding of his pieces, and soon I devised the plan with
...Kh8 and ...Ng8, which later became the main line (Game No.80).] 13.f3 f4 Black begins
preparing a typical attack on the king with ...g6-g5-g4, assuming that White's offensive on the
queenside is not so terrible for him. [After 13...Kh8 14.Qc2 the move ...b7-b6 looks to be a
waste of a tempo; and also 13...Bh6 14.Nb3 Bxc1 15.Qxc1 does not eliminate the threat of c4-
c5.] 14.Na4 [14.Nb3 axb4 15.axb4 g5 16.c5 (Bönsch-Vogt, Glauchau 1987); or 14.Qc2 g5
15.Nb5 Rf7 16.c5! bxc5 17.bxc5 Nxc5 18.Nb3 (Dautov-Bokan, Sverdlovsk 1989) comes into
consideration, but I thought that the d2-knight would be more useful on c4.] 14...axb4 15.axb4
g5 16.c5 Nf6 17.cxd6 [Not 17.c6? h5 , when the play is all one way.] 17...cxd6 18.b5 This move
with the threat of Nc4 and Ba3 seemed to be very strong, but Black has an adequate defence.
18...Bd7 19.Nc4 Nc8 20.Ba3 Ne8 The first critical moment. 21.g4! Realising that White's
activity on the queenside has come to a standstill (the manoeuvre of the knight from a4 to c6
or the bishop from a3 to f2 is too slow), and that Black is about to play ...h7-h5 and ...g5-g4, I
decided to try and stifle the opponent's attack. 21...fxg3?! [Annotating the game in Informator,
Nikitin and I considered this capture to be the only move and we condemned 21...h5 in view of
22.h3 hxg4 (?) (22...Rf7 and ...Bf8 was correct, with unclear, double-edged play) 23.hxg4
.Smirin's striving to open the game on the kingside is understandable, but after the removal of
the pawn from f4 White's dark-squared bishop is sharply activated, and in addition e3
becomes a potential transit square for the knight, which is dreaming of reaching f5.] 22.hxg3
g4! 23.Bc1! A timely switching of the bishop to the main part of the battlefield. [After 23.fxg4
Rxf1+ 24.Kxf1 (24.Bxf1 Nf6!) 24...Qg5 25.Kg2 (or 25.Kg1 Qg6! , intending ...Qxe4, ...Nf6xg4 and
...Bh6, the opponent's plan would have been justified) 25...Nf6! 26.Nc3 Nxg4 . Now, however,
Black's attack comes to a halt, whereas his weaknesses and cramped position are perceptible.]
23...gxf3 24.Bxf3 Nf6 [White has the advantage after 24...Rb8 25.Be3 , keeping the b6-pawn
under fire (the Informator recommendation 25.Bg4 (?!) 25...Rxf1+ 26.Kxf1 is less good
because of 26...Nf6! 27.Bxd7 Qxd7 .) ; But 24...Qc7!? is probably better – after 25.Qb3 Bh3
26.Rf2 Nf6 27.Bg5 Ng4 28.Bxg4 Bxg4 29.Rbf1 White's advantage is not so appreciable.] 25.Bg5
[Here too 25.Be3!? ; or 25.Rf2!? is somewhat stronger, and only in the event of 25...h5 –
26.Bg5! .] 25...Ra7 [Again 25...Qc7!? was better.] 26.Rf2 [26.Qb3!? Rb7 27.Qe3 h6 28.Bh4! was
also interesting.] 26...Rb7 27.Rb3 [27.Be3!? .] 27...Ra7?! Incautiously weakening the b6-pawn.

[27...Qe8 would have retained a more or less defensible position: for example, 28.Bxf6 Rxf6
29.Bh5 Qd8 30.Rxf6 Bxf6 31.Bg4 Bg5 .] 28.Rb1 [Doubting whether after the tempting
28.Naxb6!? Nxb6 29.Nxb6 Qxb6 30.Be3 Qa5 (b7) 31.Bxa7 Qxa7 32.b6 White's advantage
would be sufficient for a win, I decided to repeat moves to gain time on the clock.] 28...Rb7
29.Rb3 Ra7?! Was Ilya really hoping to escape with a draw by a three-fold repetition of the
position? 30.Rb4!? 'This rook has carried out an enormous amount of prophylactic work in this
game. Now it simultaneously defends three white pieces, freeing the queen to take part in the
attack.' (Nikitin). [Again 30.Naxb6!? came into consideration, but I was afraid of selling my
advantage too cheaply and preferred to increase the pressure.] 30...Kh8?! [30...Qe8? did not
work because of 31.Naxb6 Nxb6 32.Nxb6 ( 32...Bxb5? 33.Bxf6! and Bh5, winning); but the
passive 30...Rb7 was more resilient.] 31.Qf1! 'A strong manoeuvre, switching the weight of
the battle to the kingside. Though defended many times, the f6-knight suddenly turns out to
be in a desperate position.' (Nikitin) 31...Bxb5?! [It was already too late for 31...Rb7? in view
of 32.Bh5! h6 (or 32...Rc7 (a7) 33.Nab2 with the lethal threat of Rb3-f3) 33.Bh4; while moves
such as 31...Kg8 ; or 31...Ra8 might be described as merely awaiting the execution. And, after
some thought, Smirin decided that it was 'better to die standing than to live on his knees'.]
32.Rxb5 Rxa4 33.Bg2 Everyone approved of this infiltrating move: it is clear that White has
powerful compensation for the pawn. [And only the intervention of the computer brought to
light a far from obvious alternative – 33.Bd1!? Ra1 34.Ne3 , when Black has no satisfactory
defence against the threat of Rbb2 and Ng4 (if 34...h6 , then 35.Bh4 ).] 33...h6 34.Bh4 Qe8!
'Without this move the battle would have lost its point: passive defence was equivalent to
resignation.' (Nikitin) 35.Bxf6! Rxf6 [Alas, if 35...Qxb5? , then 36.Bxg7+ and Rxf8 is decisive.]
36.Rxf6 Qxb5 37.Re6! ['Here none of the watching grandmasters could suggest an effective
continuation of White's attack. I thought that Garry would force a draw by 37.Rf8+ Bxf8
38.Qxf8+ Kh7 39.Qf7+ .' (Nikitin). (And, indeed, 39.Bh3? does not work because of 39...Qc5+
40.Kg2 Ra2+ 41.Kh1 Ra1+ .) ; And the tempting 37.Bh3!? would have been parried by
37...Qc5+ 38.Kh1 Ra1! 39.Qxa1 Bxf6 40.Qf1 Kg7 41.Bxc8 b5! 42.Nxd6 Qxd6 43.Qxb5 Qa3 ,
when in view of the opposite-colour bishops and the open position of his king, White is unable
to convert his extra pawn.] 37...Kg8! [There is nothing else: 37...Rxc4? 38.Qf7! Rc1+ 39.Kh2
and Re8+. ] 38.Bh3? With this plausible move, strangely enough, White squanders his entire
enormous advantage! [I discovered an amazing way to win only with the help of a computer –
38.Bf3! Rb4 (38...Qxc4 39.Be2!; 38...Ra2 39.Be2!; and 38...Ra7 39.Bh5! Re7 40.Kg2! are also
bad for Black) 39.Bd1!! with an irresistible attack on the light squares: 39...Rb1 (or 39...h5
40.Kh1! Rb1 (40...h4 41.gxh4!) 41.Qf3 Qd7 42.Kg2! b5 43.Ne3) 40.Qf3 and then Qh5 (and if
40...Rxd1+ 41.Qxd1 Qxc4 , then 42.Re8+ Kh7 43.Qf3 ).But to mentally find such a line at the
board just before the first time control...] 38...Rxc4? In severe time-trouble Smirin loses
control of the position and overlooks the sudden, uncommonly pretty inclusion of the h3-
bishop in the attack. [38...h5! was essential – it is doubtful whether White has anything
stronger than 39.Ne3 Qxf1+ 40.Bxf1! Rxe4 41.Nf5 Bf8 42.Re8 (or 42.Bb5 Re1+ 43.Kg2 Rc1!
44.Re8 Kf7 , and with accurate defence Black overcomes his slight difficulties) 42...Ne7!
43.Nxe7+ Kf7 44.Rxf8+ Kxf8 45.Nf5 (Stohl) 45...h4 with equality.] 39.Rxh6!! Bxh6 [39...Qc5+
40.Kh1 Rc1 41.Be6# !] 40.Be6+ Kh8 41.Qf6+ [In view of 41.Qf6+ Kh7 (41...Bg7 42.Qh4+)
42.Qf7+ Bg7 43.Bf5+ Kh8 44.Qh5+ Kg8 45.Be6+ Kf8 46.Qf7# . The auditorium erupted in a
storm of applause.] 1–0

This win brought me a special prize 'for the swiftest attack' and enabled me to catch the
leader, Karpov, who had made a quick draw. We were joined by Salov, who defeated
Vaganian. In the 13th round I overcame Yudasin with Black, but both Karpov and Salov also
won their games. The leading trio had 9 points, with Yusupov and Beliavsky on 7½.

In the 14th round came my clash with Salov, which was of colossal competitive importance.
Despite the apparently calm, even course of events, the underlying intensity of the struggle

was very great. In the fifth hour of play I was able to set my opponent some problems, and on
the 40th move, the last before the time control, now deep in the endgame, he made a decisive

Since that day Karpov made a quick draw, for the first time in the tournament I became the
sole leader. But here my traditional 'curse of five wins' told (although in rounds 10-14 I scored
'just' 4½ out of 5): at the finish I did not find the strength to win even one of my three
remaining games (with Khalifman, Vaganian and Eingorn). And as a result Karpov caught me,
by easily winning in the 16th round against his army club-mate Malaniuk.

Mikhail Tal: 'Many are saying: "How badly Kasparov played!". Karpov knew that "+6" would be
sufficient. Incidentally, this was the ex-champion's expected score according to his rating. So
that "only" +6 for the world champion is an excellent advertisement for the championship of
the country! After all, Kasparov did not play worse than in Amsterdam or Belfort. It was simply
that there he didn't have the same opponents. But now everyone was clinging on "for dear
life". The fact that to maintain his rating Kasparov had to score +8 indicates that most Soviet
players are rather under-rated... After all, this was a high result. And the fact that the winners
finished 1½ points ahead of their nearest rivals indicates that on this occasion victory was
gained by them with an obvious superiority.'

Now, according to the regulations, on 22nd August an additional match of four games for the
title of USSR champion between Karpov and me should have begun (and with a score of 2-2 -
play to the first win). And on 19th August the drawing of lots even took place. Karpov drew the
white pieces in the first game, but he did not want to play. After a scandal, described in detail
in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009, this match did not in fact take place. In the autumn the
Plenum of the Soviet Chess Federation (for which read: the State Sports Committee) decided
to award USSR championship gold medals to both grandmasters.

2.1.4. Difficult Autumn in Reykjavik

Third World Cup Tournament (Reykjavik, 1-27 October 1988): 1. Kasparov - 11 out of 17; 2.
Beliavsky - 10½; 3. Tal - 10; 4-5. Hjartarson and Ehlvest - 9½; 6-8. Timman, Sax and Yusupov - 9;
9-11. Andersson, Speelman and Nunn - 8½; 12-13. Nikolic and A.Sokolov - 8; 14. Ribli - 7½; 15-
16. Portisch and Spassky - 7; 17. Korchnoi - 6½; 18. Petursson - 6.

The autumn super-tournament in Reykjavik, with cold and penetrating sea winds, was for
Iceland the most important sporting and cultural event since the time of the legendary
Spassky-Fischer match (1972). This was a kind of battle of the dinosaurs from the classical
chess era: Korchnoi, Tal, Portisch and Spassky himself, plus Karpov's generation - Timman,
Andersson, Ribli, Sax and Beliavsky. The feeling of living chess history was further intensified
when the policeman who in 1972 had guarded Fischer arrived at the new opera theatre, where
we were playing.

There was an incident at the start of the tournament: because of a strike by baggage handlers
at Amsterdam airport, many of the participants lost their suitcases. However, gradually they
turned up - thus my case arrived two days after the start. There were no computers or
internet, there were no entertainments in small, peaceful Reykjavik, (the rapid leap in the
development of Iceland was to occur later), and we simply played chess.

This marathon tournament - 17 games! - went very badly for me. Before the event I was
unable to relax normally and create the necessary reserve of nervous energy. Even so, after

beating Andersson in the 2nd round and Hjartarson in the 6th, at the one-third distance I was
in the leading group: Tal - 4½ out of 6; Beliavsky and Kasparov - 4.

But in the 7th round a disaster occurred: after convincingly outplaying Andrey Sokolov with
Black in a Scheveningen, I first squandered a big advantage, and on the 37th move I left my
queen en prise!

Tal: 'A sensation! The distraught Kasparov was still sitting at the board, when Spassky came up
to console him: "Don't be upset, Garry! These things happen - yesterday I also made a terrible
blunder...". "When I blunder my queen at the age of 50, it will also be nothing terrible", Garry
replied. The favourite's unexpected mishap has imparted a piquant flavour to the tournament
battle. Everyone was expecting one of the world champion's famous spurts, but it has clearly
been delayed.'

This painful defeat was followed by two draws. In my 9th round game with Tal I had an
enduring advantage, but in a pawn endgame with my hasty 34th move I lost quite good
practical winning chances. True, in the 10th round I beat Korchnoi, but then I again stalled,
gaining only draws against Nunn, Spassky and Beliavsky.

It was quite logical that in the first thirteen rounds I managed with great anxiety (mainly
because of missed opportunities) to reach only +2, a pitiful score for my rating and title.
Together with Timman, Nunn and Hjartarson I was half a point behind the leaders - Beliavsky,
Tal and Ehlvest.

At times I felt that I had no strength left, and it was not clear thanks to what I could make a
finishing spurt. But on the eve of the 14th round, friends phoned from Moscow and informed
me of the details of another surprise, which the USSR State Sports Committee had prepared
for me.

Averbakh: 'Exploiting Kasparov's absence from Moscow, on 22nd October the State Sports
Committee hastily arranged an extraordinary pre-election plenum of the Chess Federation, at
which Vitaly Sevastyanov was again elected chairman. The new praesidium also included a
number of supporters of ex-world champion Karpov. In this way the State Sports Committee
once again demonstrated how little account it took of the world champion's opinion.'

The intrigues of my opponents encouraged me. Suddenly I acquired the additional strength
and competitive malice that was so needed. And I found my form!

Game 43
J.Timman-G.Kasparov, World Cup, 14th Round, Reykjavik 22.10.1988
King's Indian Defence E88

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 Up until then Timman had not gained an opening advantage when I
chose the Grünfeld Defence. But here I wanted to avoid his home preparation and I chose the
King's Indian, which was familiar to me from childhood and where there is more risk for both
sides. 4.e4 d6 5.f3 (my opponent's main weapon) 5...0–0 6.Be3 e5 A surprise! [Earlier I played
6...Nc6 , including against Timman (Moscow 1981; Bugojno 1982); while once I surprised
Beliavsky with the gambit 6...a6 7.Bd3 (7.Qd2 Nc6 – Game No.91) 7...c5 (Game No.81 in Garry
Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I).; 6...Nbd7 with the idea of ...c7-c5 is also possible (Game
No.68).] 7.d5 [7.Nge2 – Game Nos.90, 98.] 7...c6 [A more dynamic move than the old 7...Nh5
8.Qd2 f5 , which I later tried against Karpov (Game No.28 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009)
and Timman (Game No.84).] 8.Bd3 [8.Qd2 – Game No.92.] 8...b5?! My first experience in this

variation, which I later repeated against Gulko (Linares 1990). [8...cxd5 9.cxd5 Nh5 10.Nge2 f5
is more solid, as I played against Timman (Paris (rapid) 1991) and Karpov (Game No.36 in
Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009).] 9.cxb5 Timman took the pawn very confidently (he had
already played this), [although the restraining 9.a3! is stronger. Because of this move, which
became widely known after the game Ivanchuk-Piket (Tilburg 1989), in the end I gave up
8...b5.] 9...cxd5 10.exd5 Here I had a serious think: what to do next? [The Encyclopaedia of
Chess Openings of that time assessed the position after 10.exd5 Bb7 and ...Nb8-d7-b6 as
'unclear'. But after 11.Nge2 Black is rather a long way from this assessment: 11...--
a)11...Nxd5?! 12.Nxd5 Bxd5 13.Nc3 Bb7 14.Be4; b), or 11...Nbd7 , and now 12.Bc2 (b)but after
12.0–0! Nb6 (b)12...Nxd5?! 13.Nxd5 Bxd5 14.Nc3 Nb6 15.Bxg6!) 13.Bg5 Nbxd5?! 14.Nxd5 Bxd5
15.Bxf6! Qxf6 16.Bxg6 White has an obvious advantage) 12...a6 13.bxa6 (Timman-Quinteros,
Bled/Portoroz 1979) 13...Bxa6! 14.0–0 (b)14.b4?! e4!) 14...Nb6 15.Bb3 Qc7 is indeed unclear.; ]
However, at the board a reckless idea immediately occurred to me, and after thinking for some
40 minutes I convinced myself that at the least it was interesting and practically correct.
10...e4! At that time this was a little-known continuation. Black unmasks his 'main strength' –
the g7-bishop, and here this fully justifies his insignificant loss. Besides, the audacious pawn
break – into a three-fold attack! – stunned Timman. 11.Nxe4 [Of course, not 11.Bc2? (van der
Sterren-Scheeren, Amsterdam 1980) 11...exf3! and ...Re8.; However, Black had to reckon with
two other possibilities: 11.Bxe4 Nxe4 12.Nxe4!? (nothing is given by 12.fxe4 Qh4+! 13.Kf1 (or
13.Kd2 Bxc3+ and ...Qxe4) 13...f5) 12...f5! (stronger than Stohl's variation with 12...Re8 13.Ne2
f5 14.Bg5!) 13.Nc3 Re8 14.Kf2 a6! with sufficient compensation for the material deficit:
15.Nge2 Rxe3! 16.Kxe3 axb5 17.a3 Qb6+ 18.Kd2 Nd7 19.Kc2 Ba6 etc; 11.fxe4!? Ng4 12.Qd2
(12.Bf4 a6!) 12...f5 13.Nf3 (13.Nge2?! fxe4! 14.Bxe4 Nd7 is weaker) 13...-- , when Black faces a
choice:a)13...Bxc3?! 14.bxc3 fxe4 15.Bxe4 Qe7 (a)my Informator suggestion 15...Re8 (?) is bad
because of 16.Ng5!) 16.h3! Nxe3 17.Qxe3 Bf5 18.0–0! Qxe4 19.Qh6! Qe7 20.Rae1 Qg7
21.Qxg7+ Kxg7 22.Nd4 with powerful compensation for the piece; b)13...Nxe3! 14.Qxe3 f4
15.Qf2 Nd7 16.0–0 Ne5 17.Nxe5 Bxe5 , when 18.Ne2?! (Agdestein-Maki, Gjovik 1985) (b)but
also after 18.Kh1! Qf6 the active play on the dark squares and kingside compensates for the
missing pawns; b)18.Be2 g5!) , is inaccurate in view of 18...f3! 19.gxf3 Bh3 .This all seemed too
risky to Timman and, as usual in his duels with me, he played as safely as possible.; ] 11...Nxd5
12.Bg5 Qa5+ [In my commentary made soon after the game I condemned 12...Qb6 (!?)
because of 13.Qd2 Nd7 14.Bc4 , 'driving the knight from the centre and comfortably
completing development'. But later I went in for this in the aforementioned game with Gulko,
and after 14...N5f6 15.Nxf6+ (15.Nxd6 Ne5!) , with 15...Nxf6 16.Ne2 Re8 I could have gained
full compensation for the pawn (alas, when calculating the variation 17.Bh4 d5 18.Bf2 Qe6
19.Bd3 , I overlooked the strong blow 19...Ne4! ).] 13.Qd2 Qxd2+ (the exchange of queens is
the point of Black's plan) 14.Bxd2! [If 14.Kxd2 the simplest is 14...h6 (but 14...Nd7!? is also
interesting – Black has no reason for complaint) 15.Bh4 Bxb2 16.Rb1 Be5 with equality.]
14...Bxb2 In avoiding the complications, White has been deprived of his material plus. [The
gambit line 14...a6!? 15.Nxd6 Be6 promised only equality, and with my characteristic
optimism I was already hoping for more.] 15.Rb1 [15.Rd1!? Nd7 16.Ne2 was more accurate
(after 16.Nxd6?! Ba3! White is dangerously behind in development) , after which Black can
play 16...N7b6 (16...Ne5? 17.Bh6; or 16...Ba3 17.Bc1 Bb4+ 18.Kf1 N7b6 19.a3 Bc5 20.Nxc5 dxc5
, maintaining approximate equality) 17.Nxd6 Be6 with compensation for the pawn (Razuvaev–
Lautier, Paris 1989).] 15...Bg7 Not seeing any need to defend the 'unappetising' d6-pawn.
[However, 15...Be5!? 16.Ne2 Nd7 also made sense, provoking the weakening f3-f4.] 16.Ne2
White completes his development. [Perhaps 16.Nxd6 should nevertheless have been
preferred, if only to vacate the e4-square for the bishop. After 16...Be6 17.Ne2 Nd7 the play
becomes more lively, but Black's activity is merely sufficient for comfortable equality.]
16...Nd7 Black aims above all to activate his pieces as much as possible (by ...Ne5), and to
restrict the opponent's pieces. [I rejected the obvious 16...Be6 largely because of 17.Ng5 Nd7
18.Nxe6 fxe6 19.0–0 (Muir-Vogt, Bern 1990), fearing that I would not manage to derive much

from this position with defects in my pawn structure.] 17.Nxd6 A responsible move: now
White has to play very accurately. [However, in any case Black has an excellent game: 17.Rc1
Ne5 18.Bb1 a6!; or 17.Bc2 Nc5! and ...Be6. ; I thought that 17.Kf2 Ne5 18.Bc2 was more solid,
with the idea of 18...Nc4 (or 18...Bf5 19.g4!?) 19.Rhd1 .] 17...Nc5 18.Bc2 [18.Bc4?! Nb6 was
inaccurate; but 18.Be4!? was quite suitable.] 18...Be6 19.Ne4 [Despite his extra pawn, White's
position is rather unpleasant – to the problem of evacuating his king is added the
uncoordinated state of his pieces: 19.Kf2?! Rad8 20.Ne4 Nxe4+ 21.Bxe4 Nf6!; or 19.0–0?! Rfd8
20.Ne4 Nxe4 21.Bxe4 (21.fxe4 Nb6!) 21...f5 22.Bc2 Nb6 23.Bg5 Re8! with the initiative.; If
19.a4 there was the good reply 19...Nb6 20.a5 Nc4 21.Nxc4 Bxc4 22.Kf2 Rfe8; and if 19.Rc1 –
19...Rfd8 20.Bb1 Rxd6 21.Rxc5 a6 etc.] 19...Rac8 Imperceptibly Black has gained complete
control over the centre of the board. And Timman flinched in the face of the slowly increasing
pressure. 20.0–0?! Incorrectly taking the king away from the defence of the minor pieces. [If
20.Ng5 there is the simple 20...Bd7; but 20.Kf2 was better; or else a line soon tested in a
correspondence game – 20.a4 Nxe4 21.Bxe4 f5 22.Bd3 Rfd8 , still with roughly equal chances (
23.a5! Nc3! ). But after castling, White's difficulties increase.] 20...Nxe4 21.Bxe4 f5 22.Bd3 [In
Informator I attached a question mark to this move, and in the magazine Shakhmaty v SSSR I
added: 'A serious mistake, with severe consequences. White decided against the exchange
22.Bxd5 Bxd5 , although this was his only chance of retaining equality.' However, in fact this
exchange would have been to the advantage of Black, with his pair of powerful bishops
dominating the entire board: 23.Nc1 (23.Rfc1 Bxa2; or 23.a4 Rc2 24.Rfd1 Ba2 25.Rbc1 Rb2 etc)
23...Bc4 24.Rd1 Rfd8 . Whereas after the retreat of the bishop it is more difficult for him to
capitalise on his advantage.] 22...Nb6! Now all the central squares are under fire by Black, and
it is difficult for the white pieces to find strong points. Both ...Bxa2 and ...Rfd8 are threatened.
23.Nc1?! Awkward prophylaxis. [If 23.Rbc1 , then 23...Rcd8! is unpleasant. ; But it was better
to return the extra pawn by 23.Be3!? Bxa2 (23...Rfd8 24.Rfd1) 24.Rbc1! Rxc1 (24...Rce8 25.Kf2)
25.Rxc1 Rd8 26.Bb1 with decent chances of a draw.] 23...Rfd8 (White's position is
deteriorating step by step) 24.Bg5 Rd7 25.Re1 Kf7?! An imperceptible error. [The modest
25...Bf7! with the same threat of ...Rxc1 would have posed White more problems: 26.-- a),
both 26.Bf1? Bd4+ 27.Kh1 Bc3; b), and 26.Be3?! Na4! are weak; c), and therefore he has to go
in for the variation 26.Re7 Rxe7 27.Bxe7 Nd5 28.Bg5 Nc3 29.Rb4 h6 30.Bd2 (c)30.Bh4?! Nxb5!)
30...Rd8 31.Bxc3 Bxc3 32.Rb1 , still with hopes of saving the game.; ] 26.Be2?! Returning the
favour. [The incautious king move to f7 presented White with a latent tactical resource –
26.Bf1! Bd4+ 27.Kh1 Bc3 28.Nd3! Bxa2 (28...Bxe1?! 29.Ne5+ Kg7 30.Nxd7) 29.Rbc1! Kg7
(29...Bxe1 30.Ne5+ Kg7 31.Rxc8 and Nxd7) 30.Re2! Bb3! , and Black's advantage is altogether
slight.] 26...h6 [If 26...Na4 , then 27.Be3! Nc3 (27...Re8 28.Bf2) 28.Rb4 with the saving idea of
b5-b6. ; The immediate 26...Nd5!? looked tempting – then 27.Nb3 (?) (but there is the far
more resilient 27.Rd1 Nc3 28.Rxd7+ Bxd7 29.Rb3 Nxe2+ 30.Nxe2 Rc2 31.Kf1 Rxa2 32.Bf4 and
b5-b6 with equality) 27...Nc3 28.Rb2 would have encountered the double attack 28...Ne4! .]
27.Bh4 Nd5 Black's pressure is threatening, but White's defensive possibilities are still far from
exhausted. 28.Bd1? With time-trouble approaching, White collapses. ['It should have been
possible to hold on by giving up a pawn: 28.b6 (?!) 28...axb6 29.Bb5 ' I wrote in 1988, but
after 29...Ra7 White's position is unenviable. ; On the other hand, after 28.Nb3! Nc3 29.Rb2
f4 Black's advantage is not so clear. Now, however, a crisis quickly ensues.] 28...Bd4+! An
elegant solution to the problem, [although 28...Nc3 29.Bb3 Bxb3 30.Rxb3 Bd4+! 31.Kf1
(31.Bf2 Bxf2+ and ...Nd1+) 31...g5 32.Bg3 f4 was also sufficient.] 29.Bf2 [There is nothing else:
29.Kf1 Ne3+!; or 29.Kh1 Nc3! and ...g6-g5.] 29...Bxf2+ 30.Kxf2 Nc3 31.Bb3 Bxb3 32.Rxb3 Nd1+!
This knight has had an amazing career! Black's domination in the centre has extended to all 16
squares on the c- and d-files – and has become absolute. Now White is obliged to give up the
exchange. 33.Rxd1 Rxd1 34.Nd3 Rd2+ 35.Ke3 Rxg2 The battle is essentially over. [35...Rxa2!
would have won more simply: 36.b6 (or 36.g3 Rxh2 37.Ra3 Rc7 38.Ne5+ Kg7) 36...Re8+ 37.Kf4
axb6 38.Rxb6 Rxg2 . But in the time scramble I slightly lost my grip and prolonged the game for
another ten moves.] 36.Ra3 Re8+ 37.Kd4 Re7 38.Ne5+ Kf6 [38...Kg7!? .] 39.Nc6 [39.Ra6+ Re6!

.] 39...Rd7+ 40.Kc4 Rc2+ 41.Kb4 Rxh2 42.Ra6 Kg5 43.a4 h5 44.Rxa7 Rxa7 45.Nxa7 [And White
resigned, without waiting for the obvious 45.Nxa7 h4 (or 45...Rb2+ 46.Kc3 Rb1 47.Kc2 h4! .) ]

A difficult win, which was awarded the brilliancy prize. That same day Beliavsky defeated Tal
and became the sole leader - 9 out of 14. Ehlvest and I had half a point less, with Tal and
Hjartarson a further half point behind.

In a time scramble in the next round I scored an equally difficult win over Sax - and I caught
Beliavsky, who drew with Korchnoi. Hot on our heels were Ehlvest and Tal, who beat Timman.

It need hardly be said how enormously important was the clash of the leaders in the 16th,
penultimate round. I had Black against one of my contemporaries - the Estonian grandmaster
Jaan Ehlvest, one of the heroes of the World Cup battles.

Tal: 'That year Ehlvest had completed a course at the Psychology Faculty of Tartu University,
and it was very interesting to see how, in accordance with the knowledge gained, he would
plan his game. With White you can try playing actively, even riskily, but when your opponent is
the world champion, this to a large degree compensates for the white pieces. It was obvious
that in this game Kasparov would not be satisfied with a draw: only a win would do for the
champion! What will be the first move? If 1 e4 there automatically follows 1...c5, while if 1 d4
the Grünfeld or the King's Indian is possible. Jaan had plenty to think about even before the 1st

Game 44
J.Ehlvest-G.Kasparov, World Cup, 16th Round, Reykjavik 24.10.1988
English Opening A28

1.c4 'Kasparov thought for several minutes. He was looking more at the ceiling than at the
board, obviously trying to remember which variation had occurred more rarely than others in
Ehlvest's games.' (Tal) 1...Nf6 2.Nc3 e5 3.Nf3 Nc6 I had not expected Ehlvest to play the English
Opening and in turn I decided to surprise him by improvising: I had not previously employed
the variation with ...e7-e5, ...Nc6 and ...Bb4. However, the Seville match with Karpov had given
me a good knowledge of its subtleties. 4.e3 [After some thought Jaan rejected the usual 4.g3
(Game Nos.27, 41) and chose a set-up where exact knowledge is not required and for some
time White can make solid moves based on general considerations.] 4...Bb4 5.Qc2 0–0
[5...Bxc3 6.Qxc3 Qe7 is steadier, excluding Nd5.] 6.d3?! 'This decision can probably be called
dubious.' (Tal). White rejects any ambitious opening pretentions in favour of simple
development. [Black's immediate castling is risky in view of 6.Nd5! Re8 7.Qf5! d6 (7...Be7
8.Nxe5 Nb4 9.Nxb4 did not gain acceptance, Kasparov-Romanishin, 46th USSR Championship,
Tbilisi 1978) 8.Nxf6+ gxf6 (8...Qxf6 9.Qxf6 gxf6 is also played) 9.Qh5 d5 (9...e4!? 10.a3 exf3 ,
Lerner-Romanishin, Kiev 1978) , when first 10.cxd5 (and then 10.Bd3!? e4 11.cxd5 became
fashionable, with double-edged play) 10...Qxd5 was tried (Keene-Korchnoi, Montreux 1977;
Timman-Portisch, Montreal 1979; Korchnoi-Karpov, Amsterdam 1987).] 6...Re8 7.Bd2 Bxc3 (in
order to play ...d7-d5, Black does not begrudge giving up bishop for knight) 8.Bxc3 d5 9.cxd5
Nxd5 Black has achieved a comfortable Sicilian structure with reversed colours. 'A Sicilian
Defence has nevertheless arisen, but not in the usual version. And it quickly transpired that the
psychological duel had been won by Kasparov.' (Tal). 10.Be2 Bf5! It would appear that this
well-known move, provoking e3-e4, confused Ehlvest. 11.Rd1 [11.e4 is more critical 11...-- a),
with the idea of 11...Nxc3 12.bxc3 Bg4 13.0–0 (Taimanov-G.Kuzmin, 42nd USSR Championship,
Leningrad 1974). ; b). Instead, I was intending to launch into a maelstrom of complications –
11...Nf4!? 12.exf5 Nd4 13.Bxd4 exd4 14.Ng1 Qd5! with very sharp play and good

compensation for the piece: 15.-- b1)15.Qd2 Nxg2+ 16.Kf1 Nh4; b2), or 15.0–0–0 Qxa2 16.Bf3!
(b2)better than 16.g3?! Qa1+ 17.Kd2 Qa5+ 18.Kc1 Re5!) 16...Qa1+! (b2)but not 16...Re5?
17.Qc4!; b2)and not 16...c5? 17.Qc4! , as in a half-forgotten game from the 1985 East German
Correspondence Championship) 17.Qb1 Qa5 , when it is risky to play 18.g3?! (b2)18.Nh3?
Ne2+; b2)while if 18.Be4 , then 18...c5! and ...c5-c4 is strong; b2)18.Qc2! (Stohl) is correct,
forcing a draw by repetition – 18...Qa1+ and ...Qa5) 18...Re5! (Stohl) 19.gxf4 (b2)or 19.Rd2
Re1+ 20.Rd1 Qc5+ 21.Kd2 Re5! and ...Qb4+ with an attack) 19...Rc5+ 20.Qc2 Rxc2+ 21.Kxc2
Qxf5 (the queen and pawns are superior to the rook, knight and bishop).; ; ; Taking me 'at my
word', Jaan decided to avoid such chaos and to maintain the solidity of his pawn chain. If 11.0–
0 , then 11...Ndb4 has been played,(11...Qd6!? , whereas now the knight move to b4 has no
point.) ] 11...a5 Standard Sicilian restriction. [11...Qe7 12.0–0 e4 (or 12...Rad8 with equality
has also occurred.) ] 12.0–0 Qe7 13.a3 [13.e4?! is anti-positional – 13...Ndb4! 14.Qb1 Bg4 .; It
would seem that the move in the game is not necessary, but it is also unpromising to play
13.Qb3 Be6! 14.Qa4 (14.Qxb7?! Na7! and ...Reb8) 14...Qd7 , when White has to lose time
defending against ...Nd4!.] 13...a4 (a thematic move, fixing the opponent's pawn pair) 14.Be1
[Now 14.e4?! is weak in view of 14...Nxc3 15.bxc3 Be6 . To create the threat of e3-e4 Ehlvest
withdraws his bishop to e1 (on d2 the bishop would block the d-file and take away this square
from the knight). ; But this is rather passive, and 14.Rfe1!? ; or 14.Rc1!? ( 14...e4 15.Nd4 with
equality) was more advisable.] 14...Bg6 Maintaining the tension: now White has to forget
about e3-e4. [He would have been quite satisfied with 14...e4 15.dxe4 Bxe4 16.Qc4 .] 15.Qc4
[15.Nd2?! Nf4!; but the 'Sicilian' move 15.Rc1! was better, with the idea of 15...e4 (or
15...Red8 16.Qc5) 16.dxe4 Bxe4 17.Qc5 with equality.] 15...Red8 16.Nd2? Careless. White
directs his knight via the route d2-e4-c5, overlooking Black's reply. [In Informator I
recommended 16.d4 (?!), but here White is slightly worse after 16...e4 (or 16...exd4!? 17.Nxd4
Ne5 18.Qc1 c5 19.Nb5 c4 20.Nc3 Bd3) 17.Nd2 f5 (not 17...Nf4?! 18.exf4 Nxd4 19.Nb1! .) ; The
balance would have been maintained more forcefully by 16.Qh4 (Stohl) ; or 16.h3 .] 16...Nd4!!
A bolt from the blue. Intuitively I sensed that the knight sacrifice was an excellent opportunity
to exploit the extreme congestion of the white pieces. 17.exd4 Nf4 18.Bf3 Rxd4 19.Qb5?
Stunned by such a sharp change of scene, Ehlvest makes a decisive mistake. [19.Qc3! was
essential, although here too Black could have fought for an advantage: 19...-- a)19...Bxd3 20.g3
Nh3+! (a)20...Nd5!?) 21.Kh1 (a)21.Kg2 Rad8 – cf. 19...Rad8) 21...Rad8 22.Bg2 Bxf1 23.Bxf1 Qd7
24.Rc1 Nxf2+ 25.Bxf2 Rxd2 26.Kg1 c6; b), or 19...Rad8 20.g3 (b)20.Rc1?! Nxd3) 20...Nh3+!
(b)my Informator suggestion 20...Rxd3 is unclear because of 21.Qa5!) 21.Kg2 (b)now 21.Kh1?
is not possible on account of 21...Rxd3!) 21...Bxd3 22.Kxh3 Bxf1+ 23.Nxf1 Rxd1 24.Bxd1 Rxd1 ,
and in both cases the rook and pawns are rather stronger than the two minor pieces.; ] 19...c6
20.Bxc6 [To save his queen, White has to return the material: 20.Qb6? Ra6 .] 20...bxc6
21.Qxc6 Qd8! The most accurate reply. Black's heavy pieces achieve coordination and White's
position becomes hopeless. 22.Nf3 Rd6 [22...Rc8!? was equally good.] 23.Qb5 [The white
queen feels very uncomfortable: 23.Qb7? Rb6; or 23.Qc4 (c2) 23...e4! .] 23...Rd5 [23...Bh5! is
quicker.] 24.Qb4 [If 24.Qb7 I earlier gave 24...Bxd3 ,(but the strongest is 24...Bh5! (Stohl)
25.Kh1 e4 , when White suffers a major loss of material.) ] 24...e4 Here many roads lead to
Rome. 25.Bc3 In time-trouble Jaan blunders a piece, [but 25.Nd2 also fails after 25...Qh4!
(with the threat of 26...Ne2+ 27 Kh1 Qxh2+! and ...Rh5 mate) ; or 25.Rd2 Nxd3 etc.] 25...Ne2+

A third successive win! However, still level with me was Beliavsky, who beat Nunn, while Tal,
who made a draw, was now a point behind us. In the last round I was unable to beat Nikolic
with White, but thanks to Beliavsky's unexpected loss to Spassky (who after the opening
offered a draw!) I nevertheless took sole first place. The powerful finishing spurt also enabled
me to maintain my 2760 rating, and to lead Karpov by two points on the sum of the World Cup

Directly from Reykjavik I travelled to Cologne, where I played an exhibition mini-match of four
games with Vlastimil Hort with a time control of 60 minutes each. The prize for my 2½-½
victory was the first car I had ever owned - a Mercedes 300E.

2.1.5. 'Heavy Artillery'

28th World Chess Olympiad (Thessaloniki, 12-30 November 1988): 1. USSR - 40½ out of 56; 2.
England and 3. Holland - 34½; 4-5. USA and Hungary - 34; 6. Yugoslavia - 33½; 7-11. Philippines,
China, Cuba, Argentina and Israel - 33, etc. (altogether - 107 teams). The winning team
comprised Kasparov (8½ out of 10), Karpov (8 out of 10), Yusupov (6 out of 10), Beliavsky (7
out of 10), reserves Ehlvest (4½ out of 7) and Ivanchuk (6½ out of 9).

At the 1988 Olympiad in the Greek city of Thessaloniki the USSR team had far fewer problems
than in 1986 and 1980. On the top two boards Karpov and I scored +13 in twenty games, which
determined our overall success. We were also not let down by the young debutants - Ehlvest
and Ivanchuk, who increased the team's mobility and fighting spirit. In fourteen rounds we
granted our opponents only three drawn matches!

At the start our team defeated Syria (3½-½) and the Philippines (3-1). I joined the battle in the
2nd round and confidently won against Torre with Black. And in the 3rd round came the match
with Argentina, where I was opposed by the 31-year-old Daniel Campora, quite a solid

Game 45
G.Kasparov-D.Campora, World Chess Olympiad, 3rd Round, Thessaloniki 15.11.1988
Queen's Gambit Declined D35

1.c4 Nf6 2.d4 e6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Bg5 Be7 [5...c6 – Game Nos.37, 51.] 6.e3 0–0
[Another way of handling this variation involves 6...h6 7.Bh4 0–0 8.Bd3 b6 (Game No.80 in
Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I),(and also 8...c6 ; or 8...Nbd7 with the idea of ...c7-c5,
as played against me in some simultaneous displays.) ] 7.Bd3 Nbd7 8.Nge2 Re8 9.Qc2 [9.0–0 is
also interesting: 9...Nf8 10.b4!? a6 (10...Bxb4? 11.Bxf6 gxf6 12.Nxd5! Qxd5 13.Qa4) 11.a3 c6
12.Qc2 g6 13.f3 Ne6 14.Bh4 (Kasparov-Short, 15th match game, London 1993) 14...a5!? 15.b5
c5 with double-edged play.] 9...Nf8 [9...c6 10.0–0 Nf8 11.f3 could have led to a position from
my Belfort game with Andersson (Game No.37). Campora chooses a more subtle plan: Black
saves a tempo on ...c7-c6, in order to play ...c7-c5 in one go if the opponent castles queenside.]
10.0–0–0 (after a little thought I nevertheless stuck to my principles) 10...Be6 [Again ignoring
the traditional 10...c6 11.h3 a5 12.g4 b5 etc.; 10...h6 11.Bf4! .] 11.Kb1 (useful prophylaxis)
11...Ng4 This standard exchange of the dark-squared bishops involves a loss of time. [11...Ne4
12.Bxe7 Nxc3+ 13.Nxc3 Qxe7 14.f4 also favours White. ; 11...Rc8!? 12.Nf4 is more consistent,
and now not 12...c6?! (but 12...h6 (to answer Nxe6 with ...Nxe6) followed by ...c7-c5(c6))
13.Nxe6 fxe6 14.f4 (Vladimirov-Klovans, Frunze 1988).] 12.Bxe7 Qxe7 13.Nf4 Nf6 14.f3!
(preparing both e3-e4, and, most importantly, a pawn storm with g2-g4) 14...c5 Black carries
out his intention. [If 14...Ng6?! , both 15.g4 , as given by me in Informator, (and 15.Nxe6!?
Qxe6 16.Nb5 are unpleasant.) ] 15.g4 [Some advantage is promised by 15.dxc5 Qxc5 (Stohl's
move 15...Rac8 is worse in view of 16.g4! Qxc5 17.Qd2) 16.Qf2 (nothing is given by
16.Ncxd5?! Qxc2+ 17.Bxc2 Nxd5 18.Nxd5 Bxd5 19.Rxd5 Rxe3 with equality) 16...Rad8 17.g4 ,
but I wanted to deny Black any definite counterplay.] 15...cxd4 [White also attacks in the event
of 15...c4 16.Bf1 -- a)16...Ng6 17.Nxe6 Qxe6 18.g5 Nh5 (a)or 18...Nd7 19.h4 Ne7 20.e4) 19.f4
Ne7 20.Be2 .; b). As a lesser evil Nikitin suggested 16...Qd6 17.g5 N6d7 18.h4 Rab8 19.-- b1),
when he gave the questionable 19.Nxe6 (?!) 19...fxe6 20.e4 b5; b2)19.h5 b5 20.g6 (Stohl)
20...h6 (b2)or 20...Nf6 is also unclear. ) ; b3). However, the move 19.Qh2! is stronger,

preventing 19...b5 (?) in view of 20 Nfxd5!,(b3)winning a pawn in the event of 19...Bf5+ +(?!)
20.Ka1 Rxe3 21.Ncxd5 Ree8 22.Bxc4; b3)and retaining the initiative after 19...Nb6 20.e4) ; ; c),
but not 16...Qd7? 17.e4! dxe4 18.d5 Bxg4 19.fxg4 Qxg4 20.Nfe2! .; ] 16.exd4 Qd6 17.Qd2 a6
18.Nce2!? 'The cavalry raid on the kingside increases the threats and simultaneously excludes
Black's counterplay on the queenside' (Gipslis). [Campora was apparently expecting the direct
18.h4 b5 19.g5 (?!) (in the event of 19.Qh2! (with the threat of g4-g5 and Nfxd5) 19...Qc6 (or
19...b4 20.Na4 in this case too Black has problems) 20.Rc1) 19...N6d7 20.h5 Nb6 with chances
for both sides (to Stohl's move 21.Qh2 there is the good reply 21...Rad8 ).] After some
thought, I decided to advance not my h-pawn, but my f-pawn, in order to disturb the bishop on
e6, which has cemented together Black's defences. 18...Re7 An attempt to double rooks on
the e-file – it is not easy to suggest a more sensible plan for Black. [For instance, 18...N6d7?! is
premature on account of 19.Nh5! and Rhg1 with an escalating attack.; Even so, 18...b5 (Stohl)
was preferable] 19.Ng3 Ng6 [Alas, if 19...Rae8 , then 20.Nxe6! Rxe6 (20...fxe6 21.g5 N6d7
22.f4!) 21.Nf5 followed by h2-h4-h5 and g4-g5 is strong.] 20.Ng2! This knight retreat came as
an unpleasant surprise to my opponent. [Any exchange of minor pieces would bring Black
considerable relief (thus, after 20.Nxe6 Rxe6 he has the f4-point under control).] 20...Nd7
21.Rhg1 Ree8 Essential. [On this occasion 21...Rae8?! was unsuitable in view of 22.Ne3! Nh4
23.Qf2 f6 24.f4 etc.] 22.Rdf1! Another unforeseen 'quiet' move, which quickly overwhelmed
Campora. [After 22.Nf5 Bxf5 23.gxf5 Ne7 24.Nf4 Kh8! Black's defences are solid. However,
now f3-f4-f5 is threatened, with White sacrificing his g4-pawn in order to open the g-file.;
22.Nh5 Nb6! .] 22...Ngf8? Equivalent to capitulation, [as was 22...Rac8? 23.f4! Bxg4 24.f5 Ne7
(f8) 25.Nf4!; or 22...Nb6? 23.f4! Bxg4 24.f5 Ne7 (f8) 25.Qg5! .; But there was the far more
resilient 22...Ne7 23.f4! Nf6! (23...Bxg4?! 24.h3! Bxh3 25.Rh1 is dangerous for Black) 24.f5
(24.Ne3 Bd7!) 24...Bd7 25.g5 Ne4 26.Bxe4 dxe4 27.Nxe4 Qc6! 28.Ng3 Nd5 when it is hard for
White to convert his extra pawn; or 22...Qb6 , after which I would not have chosen 23.f4?! (on
account of 23...Bxg4 24.f5 Qxd4! 25.fxg6 hxg6 with three pawns for the piece and sharp play),
but 23 Bc2! and then f3-f4.] 23.Ne3! [A dangerous attack would also have been given by
23.Nh5!? Qe7 (23...Ng6 24.h3 and f4-f5) 24.f4! Nf6 (24...Bxg4?! 25.Re1 Qd6 26.Nxg7!)
25.Nxf6+ Qxf6 26.g5 Qd8 27.f5 etc.] 23...Kh8 [23...Qf4?! was weak in view of 24.Nh5 Qh6
25.f4 .] 24.Nh5! Preventing the d7-knight from returning to f6. [However, White also has a big
advantage after 24.f4!? Nf6 (or 24...f6 25.h4) 25.f5 Bd7 26.g5 Ne4 27.Bxe4! (better than my
Informator suggestion 27.Nxe4 dxe4 28.Bc4 Bb5!) 27...dxe4 28.Nc4 Qc7 29.Rc1 etc.] 24...g6
Comparatively best, [unlike 24...f6? 25.Nf5 Bxf5 26.gxf5! Re7 27.Rg4 and Rfg1.] 25.f4! [But
not 25.Nf5? Bxf5 26.gxf5 gxh5 27.Qg5 Ng6! . Now, however, the white pieces are ideally
placed for the landing of a decisive blow and, in the words of Gipslis, 'their strength is literally
doubled'.] 25...gxh5 26.f5 h4 [26...Ng6 27.fxg6 fxg6 28.gxh5 was even worse.] 27.fxe6 fxe6
[27...Qxe6 28.Nf5 .] 28.g5! (opening the way for the knight) 28...Re7 [If 28...Ng6 , then 29.Bxg6
hxg6 30.Qf2 Re7 31.Ng4 Rh7 32.Nf6! Nxf6 (32...Rf8 33.Qe3) 33.gxf6 Rg8 34.Rg4 with an easy
win.] 29.Ng4 [29.g6!? .] 29...Rg7 [After the desperate 29...Qb6 30.Qf4 e5 31.Nxe5 Nxe5 White
would have won by 32.Qf6+! Qxf6 33.gxf6 Re6 34.dxe5 Rxe5 35.f7 Ne6 36.Rg4 Rf8 37.Rfg1 .;
The more resilient 29...e5!? was also hopeless: 30.Nh6! e4 31.Nf5 Qe6 32.Nxe7 Qxe7 33.Be2
etc.] 30.Nh6 Qb6?! This leads to a crushing defeat, [but 30...Qe7 31.Re1! (Stohl) would also
not have saved Black.] 31.g6! hxg6 32.Nf7+ Kg8 33.Qh6! Rh7 [33...Rxf7 34.Bxg6 Rxf1+ 35.Rxf1
Nf6 36.Bf7+ Kxf7 37.Qxf6+ .] 34.Rxg6+ Nxg6 35.Qxg6+ Rg7 36.Qh6 . Mate is inevitable, and
Black resigned. 1–0

A very tense battle with castling on opposite sides. In a game with an opponent of inferior
class there is always the temptation to play quietly, but here I had an enormous desire to play
sharply and brilliantly.

As a result we crushed Argentina (4-0) and the next day also Romania (3½-½), when I won a
sharp King's Indian with Black against Gheorghiu. 'It was the energy and enormous drive of the

world champion that enabled our team to confidently forge ahead after a rather sluggish start,
and to predetermine the final outcome of the event. Kasparov played the greater part of his
games with Black, but he invariably aimed for a win', our captain Sergey Makarychev wrote at
the time. He was echoed by the captain of the USSR women's team, Aivar Gipslis: 'I have never
seen the world champion so determined, convincing, full of ideas and energetic in their

In the 5th round I outplayed Hjartarson with Black in a sharp Sicilian, but my opponent
escaped with a draw, and our team struck the Icelanders a blow with the 'tail': 3 1. But in the
key 6th round match with England it was the champions who had the final word: I
spectacularly crushed Short, and Karpov won against Speelman. Again 3 1!

With a score of 20 out of 24 the USSR team had already drawn away from its main rivals - the
English, by 4½ points. In second place (17½), surprisingly, were the Swedes, who had defeated
the strong Hungarian team 3-1. In the seventh round we probably relaxed somewhat after a
series of convincing victories: our clash with Sweden ended only in a draw (that day I did not
play). But the following day, thanks to my win over Ljubojevic, we were able to beat the solid
Yugoslav team (2½-1½).

After eight rounds the leading positions (USSR - 24½ out of 32; USA and Sweden - 21½;
England, Hungary, Holland - 20½) heralded a gripping battle for the silver and bronze medals.
But first the question of the gold medals had to be conclusively settled, and in 9th round came
the crucial USSR-USA match.

From the press: 'The last few rounds have shown that the fighting spirit of the Americans is
growing. Therefore in the match with them the Soviets put out their strongest team. The tone
was again set by the "heavy artillery" - the world champion and the ex-champion.'

Makarychev: 'Kasparov is famed world-wide as an opening expert. But for the game with the
28-year-old grandmaster Yasser Seirawan he was especially keyed up, remembering the
painful defeat against the leader of the Americans in Dubai. "Today I must decide the game
within 25 moves" the world champion declared, when I called in on him with the "red volume"
of the Yugoslav Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings, which he had requested for preparation.'

Game 46
G.Kasparov-Y.Seirawan, World Chess Olympiad, 9th Round, Thessaloniki 22.11.1988
Queen's Gambit Accepted D21

1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 c5 3.c4 dxc4 4.Nc3!? It was this continuation that I had prepared, [leaving to
one side the set-ups with 4.e3 Nf6 5.Bxc4 e6; or 4.d5 e6 5.Nc3 exd5 6.Qxd5 Qxd5 7.Nxd5 Bd6
8.Nd2 Ne7 9.Nxc4 Nxd5 10.Nxd6+ Ke7 11.Nxc8+ which were well known to my opponent.]
4...cxd4 [If 4...Nf6 there would have followed 5.d5 e6 6.e4 exd5 7.e5 Nfd7 8.Bg5 (little is
promised by 8.Qxd5 Nb6 9.Qxd8+ Kxd8 , Torre-Seirawan, London 1984) 8...Be7 9.Bxe7 Qxe7
10.Nxd5 Qd8 , and here 11.Bxc4 suggests itself (Beliavsky-Seirawan, 2nd match game, London
1984), (but I was planning the fashionable 11.Qc2!? – this would be played against Seirawan by
Yusupov (Rotterdam 1989).) ] 5.Qxd4 An important positional nuance: after the exchange of
queens, because of his somewhat retarded development, Black has problems with the defence
of his queenside. 5...Qxd4 6.Nxd4 Bd7?! A loss of a tempo. [The prophylactic 6...a6?! is also
weak on account of 7.Nd5! .; However, it is better to play 6...e5 7.Ndb5 , when 7...Kd8 (?!)
(but after 7...Na6! 8.e4 Be6 9.Be3 Nf6 10.f3 Bb4 Black is close to equalising (Magerramov-
Sermek, Tilburg 1994)) 8.Bg5+ f6 (8...Nf6 9.Nd5!) 9.Be3 Nc6 10.0–0–0+ Bd7 11.g3 favours
White (Becker-Lokvenc, Vienna 1921); Yasser had already played the text move against

H.Olafsson (Dubai Olympiad 1986), and after 6...Bd7 7.e4 Nc6 8.Nxc6 Bxc6 9.Bxc4 e6 he easily
gained a draw: 10.f3 (also 10.Ke2 a6 11.Be3 Nf6 (Korchnoi-Seirawan, Roquebrune (rapid)
1992) ; or 10.Be3 a6 (Shirov-Anand, Paris (rapid) 1992) does not impress) 10...Bc5 11.Ke2 Nf6
12.Be3 Bxe3 13.Kxe3 .] 7.Ndb5! In our days it is rare to see a novelty as early as the 7th move!
It was devised at an express analysis before the game. Sergey Makarychev, who was alongside,
later recalled: 'The speed of the concrete analytical work was impressive. But I was even more
surprised when two hours later Seirawan did indeed play the difficult variation with 6...Bd7.'
7...Na6 [After 7...Kd8 later White successfully played 8.Be3 (on the other hand, White retains
a solid plus with 8.Na3!? e5 (or 8...Nc6 9.e4 – the insecure placing of the black king is felt)
9.Nxc4) 8...Nc6 9.0–0–0 Nf6 (but 9...Kc8!? 10.h3 h5 11.g3 Nf6 12.Bg2 g6 is more solid) 10.g4!
(Krasenkow) 10...e6 11.h3! (Khalifman-A.Grünfeld, Pardubice 1994).] 8.e4 Nf6 [In the event of
8...e6 9.Bxc4 Rc8 10.Be2 Nb4 11.Nxa7 Rxc3 12.bxc3 Nc2+ 13.Kd2 Nxa1 14.Bb2 (if 14.Nb5 , then
14...Be7 15.f3 Nh6!? is not bad) , it is dangerous to play 14...Bc5?! (but after 14...Nf6 15.f3
Bd6! 16.Bxa1 (or 16.g3 h5 17.Nb5 Bb8 and ...h5-h4 with counterplay for the pawn) 16...Ke7
17.Nb5 Ra8 18.Nxd6 Rxa2+ 19.Ke3 Kxd6 20.c4 Ke7 White has only a slight advantage
(Zakharevich-Vaulin, Yekaterinburg 1997)) 15.Nb5 Bxf2 16.Nd6+ Ke7 (Magerramov-Psakhis,
Groningen 1993) on account of Psakhis's suggestion 17.Ba3! .] 9.f3 A safe restricting move.
[9.Bxc4!? Rc8 10.Be2 Nb4 11.Nxa7! Rxc3!? (11...Rc5 12.0–0!) 12.bxc3 Nc2+ 13.Kd2 Nxa1 14.f3
g6 (Yuferov-Maljutin, Moscow 1989) (or 14...e6 15.Nb5! is more energetic, regaining the piece
and retaining an extra pawn (which, it is true, is difficult to convert). However, I did not want
to allow the opponent even a hint of counterplay) 15.Kd3! .] 9...Bxb5 Exchanging bishop for
knight, in order to gain time for development. [Later 9...e5 10.Be3 (Seirawan was concerned
about 10.Bg5 Be6 11.0–0–0 Be7 (but 11...Bc5! is better) 12.Bxf6 gxf6 13.Kb1) 10...Be6 was
tried, obtaining a position from the note to Black's 6th move with an extra tempo for White(!)
and not fearing 11.Bxa7 (or 11.a3!? ) 11...Bb4 12.Bf2!? .] 10.Nxb5 e5 11.Be3 [Black's position
is also slightly worse after 11.Bd2!? ; or 11.a3!? Bc5 12.Bxc4 Rc8 13.Ke2 but with careful
defence he should be able to hold out.] 11...Bb4+ 12.Kf2 Ke7 13.Bxc4 Rhc8 14.Rac1 Bc5!
(simplifying the play and depriving the opponent of the advantage of the two bishops) 15.Rhd1
There is a temporary defect in Black's position – one of his rooks is tied to the a7-pawn, and
White is looking for a way to exploit this factor. 15...Bxe3+ [After my Informator suggestion
15...Rc6 White would have retained the initiative by 16.Bd5 Nxd5 17.exd5 Bxe3+ 18.Kxe3 Rb6
19.a4 Rd8 20.Rc4 etc.] 16.Kxe3 Ne8 [It was more natural to evict the knight from b5 –
16...Nc7!? with the idea of 17.Nd6 (or 17.Nc3 Rd8; and after 17.g3!? Nxb5 18.Bxb5 White's
only remaining trump would have been the 'Fischer bishop') 17...Ncd5+! 18.Bxd5 Nxd5+ 19.Kf2
Kxd6 20.Rxd5+ Ke6 21.Rcd1 Rc6 with equality (Seirawan). Not seeing how to extract any
benefit from the unexpected retreat of the knight from f6 to e8, I sank into prolonged
thought...] 17.Bb3 [17.Bd5 is parried 17...Rxc1 18.Rxc1 Nb4! , and if 19.Bxb7 , then 19...Rb8
20.Rc8 Rxb7! 21.Rxe8+ Kxe8 22.Nd6+ Kd7 23.Nxb7 Nxa2 with a drawn knight endgame. ; Also
nothing was given by 17.f4 exf4+ 18.Kxf4 Nac7!; but 17.b3? was more shrewd, for the
moment avoiding the exchange of rooks: 17...Nac7 (or 17...Nb4 18.a3 Nc6 19.Bd5 with
persistent pressure) 18.Nxc7 Rxc7 (18...Nxc7? 19.Bxf7!) 19.Rd5 f6 20.Rcd1 .] 17...Rxc1 [Black
also somehow holds on after 17...Nc5 18.Bd5! (18.Rd5 Nxb3 19.Rxe5+ Kf8 20.Rxc8 Rxc8
21.axb3 Rc2 with equality) 18...a6 : for example, 19.Nc3 (or 19.Na3 Nf6 20.Nc4 (20.Rc3!?)
20...Nxd5+ 21.exd5 Nd7 22.f4 f6) 19...Rab8 20.b4 Ne6 21.Bxe6 Kxe6 22.Na4 Nd6 23.Nc5+ Ke7
24.Rd5 f6 25.Rcd1 Rc6 (Seirawan).] 18.Rxc1 f6 Yasser waits to see what White will do. [After
the active 18...Nb4 there could have followed 19.Rc5 (or 19.a3 Nc6 20.Bd5 , retaining some
pressure.) ] 19.a3 [Of course, not 19.Bd5?! Nb4 when Black equalises.; The study-like
19.Ba4!? is more interesting, preventing the e8-knight from escaping to d6: 19...--
a)19...Nd6?! 20.Nxd6 Kxd6 21.Rd1+ Ke6! 22.Bd7+! Ke7 23.Bf5! with the threat of Rd7+ winning
a pawn; b)19...b6? 20.Bb3!; c), or 19...g6?! 20.a3! Nd6 21.Nxd6 Kxd6 22.Rd1+ Ke6 23.b4 with
an obvious positional superiority.; d). However, after 19...Nb4 20.Nc7 Rc8! 21.Bxe8 Nc6
22.Bxc6 Rxc7 and ...bxc6 Black would reach a slightly inferior, but tenable rook

endgame.(d)22...--) ; ] 19...Nd6! [19...Kd8? 20.Be6! – Seirawan.] 20.Bd5! 'Kasparov sacrifices
two minor pieces for rook and pawn, foreseeing that without strong points on the queenside it
will be difficult for the black knights to coordinate their actions.' (Gipslis). 'It is not clear
whether this endgame is won or drawn, but it is not easy for Black to play, and Seirawan
suffers a collapse within literally a few moves.' (Makarychev). 20...Nxb5 [The following alarms
could have been avoided by a far from obvious pawn sacrifice – 20...Rb8!? 21.Nxa7 Kd7!
(21...Ra8? 22.Nc8+!) 22.a4 Nc7 (Seirawan), when even the 'Fischer bishop' would hardly have
helped White to convert his material plus.] 21.Bxb7 Nbc7! [21...Nac7?! was weaker: 22.Bxa8
Nxa8 23.Rc8 Nb6? (or 23...Nbc7 24.Kd3! , and Black cannot avoid the loss of material) 24.Rc5!
a6 (24...Nd4 25.Rc7+ – Seirawan) 25.Rc6 Na4 26.b3 and Rxa6.] 22.Bxa8 Nxa8 23.Rc8 Nb6 [In
Informator I incorrectly recommended 23...N6c7 (?!), overlooking that this was a position
from the note to Black's 21st move ( 24.Kd3! etc). ; But 23...N8c7!? 24.b4 Kd7 25.Rf8 (25.Rg8
Ne8 , cutting off the rook) 25...Ke7 came into consideration, and if 26.Rc8 Kd7 with a repetition
of moves (Seirawan).] 24.Rg8! Kf7 25.Rh8 This agile rook unnerves Black: he has to watch out
both for the attack on his kingside pawns, and for White's threat to create a passed pawn on
the queenside. 25...Nc5 [Missing an opportunity to immediately set up an impregnable
fortress by 25...Nc4+ 26.Ke2 Nxb2 27.Ra8 Nc5 28.Rxa7+ Kf8 and ...Nba4 (Seirawan). However,
it is not yet curtains for Black...] 26.Rb8! Ke7 27.b4 (there is nothing better) 27...Nc4+? The
fatal effect of time-trouble! [It was essential to play 27...Ncd7! 28.Rb7 Nc4+ 29.Kd3 Nxa3
30.Rxa7 Nb5 31.Ra5 (suggested by me in Informator) 31...Nd6 (Seirawan) (or 31...Nd4 , gaining
a draw.) ] 28.Ke2 Nd7 29.Rg8! (an elegant diverting manoeuvre) 29...g5 [Or 29...g6 ; but not
29...Kf7 30.Ra8! .] 30.a4 The surviving a-pawn quickly becomes passed. The threat is Ra8.
30...a5 31.bxa5 Also the result of time-trouble. [Seirawan attached an exclamation mark to
this move, but 31.Kd3! would have led more quickly to the goal: 31...Nb2+ (31...Nd6 32.bxa5
Nc5+ 33.Kc3!) 32.Kc2 Nxa4 33.Rg7+ and Kb3,(or at once 33.Kb3 Kf7 34.Rd8! Ke7 35.Rh8! .) ]
31...Nxa5 32.Ra8 [32.Rg7+ Ke6 33.Rxh7 Nc6 34.g3! and h2-h4 was also good, creating a second
passed pawn on the h-file.] 32...Nc6 33.a5 Kd6 34.g3 [34.a6! Kc7 35.Rh8 was more forceful,
winning the h-pawn followed by g2-g3 and h2-h4.] 34...h5 [Alas, 34...Nc5 35.a6 Ne6 36.a7 Nc7
37.Rf8! Nxa7 38.Rxf6+ and Rh6 was hopeless.] 35.h4? But this is already a serious error.
[35.a6! Kc7 36.h4 gxh4 37.gxh4 Kb6 38.Ke3 and Rh8xh5 was correct.] 35...gxh4 36.gxh4 Nc5!
37.a6 Kc7? Returning the favour (Yasser's time-trouble was more acute). [Black could have
unexpectedly saved himself by 37...Ne6! 38.Rh8 (if 38.Ke3 , then 38...Nc7! 39.Rh8 Nxa6
40.Rxh5 Ke7 41.Rh7+ Kf8 with a draw) 38...Nf4+! (38...Nc7? 39.Rxh5 Nxa6 40.Rh7! and h4-h5)
39.Kf2 (or 39.Ke3!? Kc7 (after 39...Kc5 40.Rb8! Ng2+ and ...Nxh4-g6 Black remains the
exchange down, but he would appear to have a draw) 40.Rf8 Ng2+ (now 40...Kb6? 41.Rxf6 Kb5
is bad because of 42.Rxf4) 41.Kf2 Nf4 42.Rxf6 Nb4 43.Rf7+ Kb8 44.Rb7+ Ka8 45.Ke3 Nxa6
46.Re7 Ng2+ 47.Ke2 Nc5 48.Rxe5 Ne6! – yet another fortress, and this time a fairy-tale one!)
39...Kc7! 40.Rf8 Kb6 41.Rxf6 Kb5 , and the position is a fortress ( 42.Ke3 Ng2+ and ...Nf4).]
38.a7 [The preparatory 38.Ke3! (Seirawan) was more accurate.] 38...Nb7? A final error with
the flag about to fall, [but also after 38...Kb6 39.Rh8 Kxa7 40.Rxh5 Nd4+ (or 40...Kb6 41.Rh8!)
41.Ke3 Nce6 42.Rh8! followed by the advance of the h-pawn White would have won.; Without
waiting for the obvious 38...Nb7 39.Rc8+ and a8Q, Black resigned.; 38...Kb7? 39.Rc8! .] 1–0

An uneven but gripping game. I managed to level my individual score with Seirawan (and to
reach 6½ out of 7!), and our team won this important match: 2½-1½. The same day England
defeated the Swedes 3-1 and finally moved into second place, 3½ points behind us.

In the 10th and 11th rounds the USSR team drew with Hungary (I shared the point with
Portisch) and Holland (without me), and the English slightly reduced the gap. But then we
made a powerful finishing spurt: by beating Denmark 3-1 (I miraculously held out with Black
against Curt Hansen) and Bulgaria (I won against Kiril Georgiev, gaining revenge for my loss in
February in the world blitz championship), we secured first place a round before the finish, and

'for a treat' there we crushed Czechoslovakia 3½-½! That day I did not play, but Karpov
converted a minimal positional advantage in an ending with Ftacnik, with the game finishing at
nearly two in the morning.

The battle for silver and bronze did, indeed, prove dramatic. Before the last round the English
had 33 points, with the Hungarians, Americans and Dutch on 32. After great adventures the
Hungary-USA match ended in a draw. The Dutch unexpectedly took the lead against England -
2-1, and everything was to be decided by the Nunn-van der Sterren game, where Black had an
advantage. But Nunn obtained a draw, and this suited the English: with the same number of
points as the Dutch, they had the superior tie-break score, and they won the silver medals for
the third successive Olympiad! The Dutch received medals for the second time in history (in
Haifa 1976 they took the silver, but then there were no teams from USSR, Hungary, Yugoslavia

I again achieved the best result on board 1 (+7=3) and, taking account of the strength of
opponents, the absolutely best result at the Olympiad. As a result of this busy tournament year
my rating reached the 'pre-Fischer' mark of 2775.

A week after the Olympiad battles I gave a simultaneous display with clocks against the French
team in the Parisian suburb of Évry (4½-1½). Then I took part in an unusual GMA event - a
rapidplay charity match between a team of Soviet grandmasters and a team from the rest of
the world (Madrid, 14-18 December): eight against eight on the Scheveningen system. We won
32½-31½. For our team the best result (5½ out of 8) was achieved by myself and Gurevich, and
for our opponents - Korchnoi. This match was a symbol of the great changes occurring in the
USSR. Indeed, for the first time Soviet chess players were allowed to travel abroad not under
the direction of the State Sports Committee!

2.1.6. Birthday Present

Fourth World Cup Tournament (Barcelona, 30 March - 20 April 1989): 1-2. Ljubojevic and
Kasparov - 11 out of 16; 3. Salov - 10; 4. Korchnoi - 9½; 5-6. Hübner and Short - 9; 7. Nikolic - 8;
8-12. Vaganian, Yusupov, Ribli, Spassky and Beliavsky - 7½; 13. Speelman - 7; 14-15. Hjartarson
and Seirawan - 6½; 16-17. Illescas and Nogueiras - 5½.

The next stage of the World Cup took place in beautiful Barcelona, in the grand hall of the
Royal Palace, where at one time Christopher Columbus was feted when he returned from his
historic voyage. My preparations for the super-tournament were very chaotic - in March 1989 I
got married for the first time, and we celebrated this event in both Moscow and Baku. In
addition, as usual, I had the burden of public responsibilities. And although I arrived in
Barcelona after a training session, with a supply of fresh ideas, I proved to be not altogether
ready for a fierce battle.

After drawing No.1 in the pairing list, in the first round I was free (since the 18th contestant
Mikhail Tal had to miss the tournament through illness), and in the second round I went in for
a sharp opening duel with Ribli in the Vienna Variation of the Queen's Gambit. It appeared that
White had gained an advantage, but with accurate defence Ribli equalised. A drawn endgame
was reached, but just before the time control, in a time scramble, I suddenly blundered and
could have lost by force. Fortunately, my opponent did not notice this: he was fully satisfied
with a draw.

In the 3rd round I had Black against Artur Yusupov, games with whom were always of a crucial
nature. Nikitin: 'The first half of the tournament proved unusually difficult for Garry and was

spent largely in a battle with himself. Many of his games constituted a parade of missed
opportunities. In this respect the most noteworthy was the game with Yusupov.'

Game 47
Yusupov,A - Kasparov,G, World Cup, Barcelona (3), 02.04.1989
King's Indian Defence E92

1.Nf3 Before this we had met three times in tournaments in 1988, invariably at the start, and
each time I had the black pieces. [In Belfort 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 (and in Moscow and Reykjavik –
2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5) 2...g6 3.Nc3 d5 was tested. Now it was the turn of the King's Indian Defence,
which had become my main weapon with Black.] 1...Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 [3.g3 – Game No.66.]
3...Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.d4 0–0 6.Be2 e5 7.d5 [Artur had employed the Petrosian Variation from his
early years, and it was only in the 1990s that he switched to 7.0–0 (cf. Game No.77, note to
Black's 13th move).] 7...a5 [7...Nbd7 – cf. Game No.10 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov
Part I, note to White's 5th move.] 8.Bg5 [8.Be3 – Game No.78.] 8...h6 9.Bh4 Na6 10.Nd2 Qe8
[An alternative is 10...Bd7 11.0–0 Nc5 (Kramnik-Kasparov, Munich (blitz) 1994).] 11.0–0 Nh7
12.a3 Bd7 [In an old game with Veingold (Moscow 1979) I played 12...f5 immediately, but after
13.exf5 (13.f3 Bd7 is steadier, Kramnik-Kasparov, Paris (rapid) 1995) 13...Bxf5 (13...gxf5!?
14.Bh5 Qd7 is not so clear, although in this case the c8-bishop is temporarily shut in) 14.g4!
Bd7 15.Nde4 a4 16.f3 b6 17.Bd3 I experienced some discomfort. ] 13.b3 Mechanically
preventing ...a5-a4; [later both 13.Nb5 ; and 13.Kh1 were played.] 13...f5!? [The main line
with 13...h5 14.f3 Bh6 15.Rb1 was well known to Yusupov and had occurred several times in
his games.] 14.exf5 gxf5!? [14...Bxf5 was considered obligatory and acceptable for Black:
15.g4 (not 15.Nde4? Bxe4 16.Nxe4 Rf4 winning a piece) 15...e4! 16.Rc1 e3 (16...g5!? 17.gxf5
gxh4 18.Ndxe4 Rxf5 , Palatnik-Gofshtein, Iraklion 1992) 17.gxf5 (or 17.fxe3 Qxe3+ 18.Bf2 Qg5
(I.Khenkin-Shirov, Borzhomi 1988)) 17...exd2 18.Qxd2 Nc5 (Yanvarjov-Plisetsky, Moscow
1981).But at the board I devised an interesting idea with an exchange sacrifice, and after a long
think I risked putting it into effect. 'When the demonstrator moved the pawn to f5, I did not
believe my eyes.' (Nikitin). Artur was also very surprised by my choice.] 15.Bh5 Qc8 [The
remoteness of Black's heavy pieces is alarming after 15...Qb8 16.Be7 Rc8 17.Qc2!? and Rae1.]
16.Be7 Re8! 'The world champion's calmness indicated that he had not blundered the
exchange' (Nikitin). An unusual idea: in the King's Indian a rook is far more often given up for
the dark-squared bishop. But here, in the absence of the opponent's light-squared bishop, the
knight on a6 can comfortably establish itself at d3, and also the tactical nuances in the position
are in Black's favour. 17.Bxe8 [17.Bh4 e4!? .] 17...Qxe8 18.Bh4 e4 (the g7-bishop has begun
operating at full strength) 19.Qc2 With the idea of Rae1(d1). [Sharp play also results from
19.Rc1 Nc5 20.Rc2 (20.Qe2 Qg6!) 20...Nf8 21.Ne2 Ng6 22.Bg3 Nd3 (Naumkin-A.Kuzmin,
Moscow 1989).] 19...Qh5 [Now apart from 19...Nc5 , there is the possibility of including the
a8-rook in the battle with gain of tempo.] 20.Bg3 [20.g3?! Nc5 and ...Ng5 is really too clumsy.]
20...Rf8 The threat of ...f5-f4 forces White to determine his pawn structure. 21.Bf4 During the
game we both thought that this move was forced, [but later, in my hotel room, I came to the
conclusion that 21.f4!? (depriving the knight on h7 of the g5-square) was sounder, although
even here after 21...Nc5 22.Rfd1 (given by me in Informator) 22...Re8!? Black has powerful
compensation for the exchange ( 23.Nf1 e3! ).] 21...Qg4! 22.g3 Ng5! Again White faces a
difficult choice. 23.Kh1 [One would like to exchange the annoying knight – 23.Bxg5 (?!), but
after 23...hxg5 Black has a dangerous initiative: 24.Rae1 (or 24.f3 Qh3 (24...exf3!?) 25.Rae1
(25.fxe4? Bd4+! 26.Kh1 f4 27.e5! Bf5 and wins) 25...Bd4+ 26.Kh1 e3 27.Ndb1 f4 etc) 24...Nc5
(24...Qh5!? .) ] 23...Nf3 (threatening ...Qh5) 24.Rac1 (defending the c3-knight, in order to play
Nxf3) 24...Nc5 At last the knight heads for the cherished d3-square. 25.Nxf3 [In the event of
25.Qd1?! Nd3 White would have had to return the exchange and switch to a difficult defence:
26.Nxf3 (26.Rc2? Nfe1! and wins) 26...Nxc1 27.Bxc1 exf3 28.Qd3 Be5 29.Rg1 Qd4 30.Qxd4
Bxd4 31.Nd1 Re8 .] 25...Qxf3+ 26.Kg1 Nd3 27.Qd2 The best move. 'The queen and c1–rook

must defend the knight, and the bishop cannot move because of the deadly ...f5-f4.' (Nikitin).
[After 27.Ne2?! the cool-headed 27...Kh7! is good, with the ideas of ...Rg8, ...Bb2(f6) and
...Be8-h5; while if 27.Qe2?! – 27...Nxf4! 28.gxf4 (28.Qxf3? Nh3+! 29.Kg2 exf3+ 30.Kxh3 f4+
31.Kh4 (or 31.g4 h5 leads to the downfall of the white king) 31...Bf6+) 28...Qxf4 with a pawn
for the exchange and an attack: 29.Qe3 (or 29.f3 e3) 29...Qh4 30.Qg3 Qe7 etc.] 27...Bd4!? 'The
banal "a move in the style of the world champion" is fully appropriate here. Black does not
fritter away his advantage but strengthens his position to the maximum.' (Nikitin). [After
27...Nxc1 28.Rxc1 the position is materially and positionally equal ( 28...h5 29.h4 ), but I
wanted more.] 28.Rc2?! [Again 28.Qe2?! was insufficient on account of 28...Nxf4! 29.gxf4
(29.Qxf3? Nh3+!) 29...Qxf4 , when if 30.Kh1 the most promising is 30...Be8! .; However,
roughly equal chances would still have been retained by 28.Nb5! (Stohl) 28...-- a), with the
idea of 28...Bb6 29.Rc3 (without loss of tempo!); b), or 28...Bxb5 29.cxb5 Rf7 30.Rc4 , when
after 30...Rg7 (b)30...Bc5 31.Rc3!) 31.Be3! Nxf2! 32.Bxf2 Rxg3+ 33.hxg3 Qxg3+ Black has no
more than perpetual check.; ] 28...Kh7! Vacating the g8-square for the rook. 29.h3? [Probably
a decisive mistake (as was 29.Qe2? (d1) 29...Nxf4! ).; It was essential to play 29.Nb5 , driving
away the bishop from d4. Now White would be satisfied with 29...Bxb5?! (or 29...Bc5 (Stohl)
30.Nxc7 Rg8 31.Rc3! with the intention of Rxd3; but with the accurate 29...Bb6! 30.Rc3 Rg8
Black retains the initiative: 31.c5!? Bxc5 32.Nxc7 h5! etc) 30.cxb5 Bc5 (30...Rf7?! 31.Be3!)
31.Qd1! .] 29...Rg8 30.Kh2 Qh5! [Yusupov was expecting 30...Nxf4 31.Qxf4 Qd3 32.Ne2! Be5
a)32...Qxc2? is weak in view of 33.Nxd4 and Nxf5; b)while if 32...Bc5 , then 33.Qd2 Qxb3 (b)or
33...Bxa3 34.Rb1) 34.Rc3; 33.Rd2! Qxb3 34.Qe3! a4 35.Rc1 with chances for both sides. ; The
unexpected return of the queen sets White very difficult problems: the deadly 30...Qh5 31.--
Nxf4! 32.Qxf4 Be5 is threatened.] 31.Nd1? A time-trouble blunder. [It was also bad to play
31.Qd1? Nxf4 32.gxf4 Qh4 33.Qd2 Be8! (more forceful than Stohl's move 33...Bc5 ) ; 31.Qe2?
Qg6; or 31.Rcc1? Nxf4 32.gxf4 (32.Qxf4 Be5) 32...Qf3 33.Rg1 Bxf2 34.Rxg8 Kxg8 and wins. ; The
only way to avoid an immediate rout was 31.Ne2 Bxf2 32.Ng1 , although after 32...Bc5 Black
has a pawn for the exchange and an attack.] 'Here I noticed that the world champion had
suddenly lost his bearings and his ability to calculate. Although he had just four minutes left on
his clock, this was quite sufficient to conclude the attack. But Garry couldn't see anything! He
endeavoured to calculate at least some variations, but his mental computer had stopped. So
he switched to "manual control", and started making moves on general grounds.' (Nikitin)
31...Ne5? How could I forget about the main threat?! [After the simple 31...Nxf4! 32.Qxf4 (or
32.gxf4 Qg6! with a quick mate) 32...Be5 33.Qe3 f4 White would have had to resign.] 32.f3?!
[Stohl rightly condemns 32.Bxe5? Bxe5 33.Qe2 Qg6 34.Kh1 f4 and wins, but he is wrong to
attach an exclamation mark to the text move: after it White is again on the edge of a
precipice.; 32.Rc3! Bxc3 33.Qxc3 was more resilient, after which Black could develop his
initiative by 33...Nd3 (33...Nf3+ 34.Kg2 a4; or 33...Qe2 34.Ne3 Nf3+ and ...Nd2) 34.Qd2 a4 .]
32...Nd3? [It is a pity that I did not find 32...Qxf3! with a won endgame after 33.Rxf3 (and a
spectacular rout after 33.Bxe5 Qxf1 34.Bxd4 f4! 35.g4 Bxg4! 36.hxg4 Rxg4 37.Qf2 Qxd1 38.Rd2
Qxb3! (not 38...Rh4+? 39.Qxh4 Qxd2+ 40.Bf2! e3 41.Qe7+ with perpetual check) ) 33...Nxf3+
34.Kg2 Nxd2 35.Rxd2 Bc5 .] 33.Ne3? A time-trouble comedy of errors! [33.fxe4! was essential,
although after 33...fxe4 34.h4 (or 34.Qg2 (my Informator recommendation) 34...e3! 35.Nxe3
Nxf4 36.Rxf4 Bxe3 37.Re4 Bg5 the chances are on Black's side) 34...Qg6 35.Nb2 (35.Qg2? Bg4)
35...Re8 .] 33...Nxf4 34.gxf4 Bb6?? A complete black-out! [There was an immediate win by
34...Qh4! 35.Qxd4 (35.Qe1 (f2) 35...Qxf4+) 35...Rg3! with unavoidable mate.'The champion's
victory over one of the candidates for the world title could have become a genuine brilliancy.
Alas, at the moment when the wonderful canvas was practically concluded, at the very end of
the round the artist crossed out everything with a few dabs of black paint – and in horror
seized his head in his hands.' (Nikitin)] 35.Qf2! (parrying the attack and retaining the extra
exchange) 35...Qg6?! The dabs continue. [35...Bc5 was more resilient.] 36.Re2! [36.fxe4 fxe4
37.f5 Qg5 38.Re2 Qh5! is not so clear.] 36...Bc5 [And here 36...Qh5! 37.Ree1 Re8 was
preferable.] 37.fxe4 fxe4 38.f5? An error in reply; [38.Qg2! was correct.] 38...Qh5 39.Rd2 Rg5?

It was obviously not my day! [After 39...Qg5! Black could have successfully resisted.] 40.Qf4
Qe8?! [40...Bxe3 41.Qxe3 Bxf5 was essential, although after 42.Rg2! White should be able to
convert his material advantage.] 41.Ng4! . The time scramble was over, and Black resigned. My
only loss against Yusupov, and a most painful one. 1–0

In the 4th round I drew with Seirawan (after missing what appeared to be a certain win), in the
5th I beat Korchnoi (cf. , note to White's 9th move), and then I confined myself to draws with
Hübner and Hjartarson.

Gipslis: 'The battle in Barcelona was notable for its great tension and fervour. The author of
the rapidly changing scenario was undoubtedly the world champion Garry Kasparov. After
stalling at the start he developed full speed, beginning only from the 8th round.'

Before my game with Nigel Short the gap between me and the leaders had already become
critical: Ljubojevic - 5½/7; Short - 4½/7; Yusupov - 4/6; Hübner and Hjartarson - 4/7; Korchnoi -
3½/7; Kasparov and Salov - 3/6.

Game 48
Kasparov,G - Short,N, World Cup, Barcelona (8), 08.04.1989
English Opening A20

1.c4 (I quite often played this against Nigel) 1...e5 2.g3 d6 3.Bg2 g6 [The avoidance of 3...Nc6
allows White to make an unexpected pawn thrust in the centre, changing the character of the
play intended by Black.] 4.d4!? exd4 [After 4...Nd7 the game switches to King's Indian lines;
while in the event of 4...Bg7 Black has to reckon with 5.dxe5 dxe5 6.Qxd8+ Kxd8 7.Nc3 with a
favourable ending for White. And so Short preferred to concede the centre.] 5.Qxd4 Nf6
6.Nc3! The most accurate way to develop the pieces, which I found at the board. [It is pointless
playing 6.Bg5 Bg7 7.Qe3+ Kf8! with the idea of ...h7-h6 ; or 6.Qe3+ Be7!? (Korchnoi-Arnason,
Reykjavik 1987), and the white queen may soon come under attack by the black pieces.]
6...Bg7 [The alternative is 6...Nbd7 ; but not 6...Nc6? 7.Bxc6+ bxc6 8.Bg5 Be7 9.Ne4 and wins
(Gulko-Benjamin, Modesto 1995).] 7.Qe3+ Qe7 [Here avoiding the queen exchange by 7...Kf8
promises White somewhat the better chances: for example, 8.Nf3 Nbd7 9.0–0 h6 10.b3 Kg8
11.Bb2 Kh7 12.Rad1 (Ribli-Mokry, Vienna 1991).] 8.Qxe7+ [The pawn grab 8.Nb5?! Na6 9.Nxa7
is unfavourable because of 9...Be6! 10.Nc6 (10.Bxb7? Ng4) 10...Qd7 11.Nd4 Ng4 12.Qd2 (f4)
12...Nc5 etc.] 8...Kxe7 9.b3!? A strong move and, as it later transpired, a new one. [Earlier
9.Bg5 was played, after which 9...c6 is good; and later – 9.Nh3 Bxh3!? 10.Bxh3 Na6 11.Bg2 c6
12.Rb1 Rhe8 13.0–0 Nd7 14.Bg5+ f6 with equality (Korchnoi-Smyslov, Beer Sheva 1990). ]
9...a5?! This turns out to be both the loss of a tempo, and weakening. [Also nothing was given
by 9...Ne4?! 10.Nd5+ Kd8 11.Rb1 Bf5 (11...Nc3? 12.Bb2) 12.g4 c6 (not 12...Nc3? 13.gxf5 Nxb1
14.f6 Bf8 15.Nf3!) 13.gxf5 cxd5 14.Nh3 gxf5 15.Nf4 with some advantage for White.; 9...c6
10.Bb2 (Arkhipov-Blatny, Kecskemet 1992) (but I was considering the more aggressive
10.Ba3!? a5 (or 10...Ne4?! 11.Nxe4 Bxa1 12.Nxd6! Kf6! 13.f4 and Nf3 with a dangerous
initiative) 11.Rd1) 10...Na6 was better.; As we can see, despite the exchange of queens, it is
still a middlegame position. Therefore the king should have been removed from the centre –
9...Re8! and ...Kf8, not weakening the position and retaining approximate equality.] 10.Bb2 c6
[Again 10...Re8! is better, since 11.Nd5+ need not be feared in view of 11...Nxd5 12.Bxg7
Nb4! 13.Kd2 f6 .] 11.Na4! Probing the weaknesses in the opponent's position and including the
b2-bishop in the play. 11...Be6?! Another small error. [11...Nbd7 and ...Nc5 was correct, not
fearing the doubling of the pawns after Nxc5 and ...dxc5. In this case White's advantage would
be comparatively slight.] 12.Nf3 Nbd7 13.Nd4 Rhc8 [If 13...h5 , then 14.h3 (h4). ; And 13...Nc5
would now allow the unpleasant 14.Nxc5 dxc5 15.Nxe6 , with the perceptible advantage of
the two bishops.] 14.0–0 Rab8 Black has managed to complete his development, but he has

been left without any counterplay and with a weak pawn on d6. White can calmly intensify the
pressure. 15.Rac1 Ne8 16.Rfd1 c5? A fatal weakening of the light squares. [is possible that
initially Short had been planning 16...b5 , but after 17.cxb5 cxb5 18.Nc3 Bxd4 (18...b4?!
19.Ncb5 is worse) 19.Rxd4 White again has two powerful bishops. And yet this was the lesser
evil.] 17.Nb5 (this promises more than the exchange of such a knight for the modest bishop on
e6) 17...Bxb2 18.Nxb2 Nb6 19.Nc3 [19.Rc3!? .] 19...Na8?! An artificial manoeuvre. [19...Rd8
20.Rd2 Nc7 21.Rcd1 a4!? 22.Nbxa4 Nxa4 23.Nxa4 b5 24.cxb5 Nxb5 was more resilient, with
some hopes of holding out a pawn down.] 20.Nba4! (the white knights are completely
dominant) 20...Nec7 21.Rd2 [In Informator I recommended 21.Rd3 , in order to also use the
rook along the third rank, but after this there is a pawn sacrifice – 21...b5!? 22.Nxb5 (or
22.cxb5 c4 23.bxc4 Bxc4 24.Re3+ Kf8 25.b6 Nxb6 26.Nxb6 Rxb6 27.Na4 Rb4 28.Nb6 Rxb6
29.Rxc4 Rb1+ 30.Bf1 d5 31.Rc2 d4 32.Ra3 Rbb8 33.Rxa5 Ne6 34.Rxc8+ Rxc8 with drawing
chances) 22...Nxb5 23.Bxa8 Rxa8 24.cxb5 Rab8 25.Nc3 c4 26.bxc4 Rxc4 .] 21...Bd7 [Now
21...b5? does not work because of 22.cxb5 Nxb5 23.Bxa8! .] 22.Ne4 Ne8 [Black is almost
stalemated after 22...Bxa4 23.bxa4 Ne8 (or 23...Rd8 ) 24.Rb1 .] 23.Nac3 Bc6 [23...b5? was
again bad: 24.Nxb5 Bxb5 25.cxb5 Rxb5 26.Nc3! Rbb8 27.Bxa8 Rxa8 28.Nd5+ and Nb6.]
24.Rcd1 Rd8 25.g4 Starting to set up a bind on the kingside. [My Informator recommendation
25.a4 is hardly any better, since the threat of ...a5-a4 is really not so serious.] 25...Nac7
[Perhaps Black should have tried to sharpen the play by 25...a4!? 26.Nxa4 (26.Rd3!?) 26...Bxa4
27.bxa4 Nb6 , although after 28.Rc1! Nxa4 29.Rd3! with the idea of Re3(a3) his position would
remain difficult.] 26.a4! (denying the opponent even a hint of counterplay) 26...Ne6 27.e3 h6
28.f4 Rd7 29.h4 Rbd8 30.Ng3 The outcome is practically decided: Black has no way of
opposing White's systematic offensive. 30...N6g7 [30...Nf6?! 31.f5; or 30...N6c7 31.g5 is also
not very comforting.] 31.Nd5+ [31.Bh3!? .] 31...Kf8 32.Kf2 Ne6 33.g5 hxg5 34.hxg5 N6c7
35.Bh3! [' 35.Nf6 also looked attractive' (Gipslis), but after 35...Nxf6 36.gxf6 d5 White's
advantage would have diminished.; 35.Nxc7!? Rxc7 36.e4 was tempting, but the move in the
game is more forceful.] 35...f5! [35...Ne6 36.Ne4 was altogether unappealing.] 36.gxf6 Rh7
37.Nxc7 Nxc7?! [Possibilities of resistance would still have been retained by 37...Rxc7! 38.Bg2!
Nxf6 , although after 39.Bxc6 (more accurate than 39.Rxd6 Ng4+ 40.Kg1) 39...Rxc6 40.e4 Ke7
41.e5 Black's chances of saving the game are close to nil.] 38.Bg2 Ne8 [38...Rh2? 39.Kg1! .]
39.Bxc6 bxc6 40.Kg2 (the soundest) 40...Rb8 41.Rd3 d5 [41...Rhb7 would not have saved
Black: 42.Ne4 Rxb3 43.Rxb3 Rxb3 44.Kf3 Rb4 (44...Kf7 45.Nxd6+) 45.Rh1! , and if 45...Kg8 ,
then 46.Rh8+! Kxh8 47.f7 .] 42.cxd5 cxd5 43.Rxd5 Rxb3 44.Ne4! Rxe3 45.Re5! The final touch.
[45.Ng5? was wrong in view of 45...Re2+ 46.Kf3 Rhh2! with a draw.] 45...Rh5!? 46.Re6
[46.Nxc5 Rexe5 47.Nd7+! (avoiding a cunning trap: 47.fxe5? Nxf6! 48.Rf1 Rg5+ 49.Kh3 Rh5+
with a draw) 47...Kf7 48.fxe5 Ke6 49.Kf3 would also have been decisive.] 46...Re2+ [46...Rhh3
47.Ra6!? .] 47.Kf3 Rhh2 48.f7! Rhf2+ [48...Ng7 49.Rd8+ , and mate.] 49.Nxf2 Rxe6 50.fxe8Q+
Kxe8 51.Rc1 1–0

This win made me optimistic. Although I became slightly unwell and in the next round with
Black I was unable to gain more than a draw against the leader Ljubojevic, there was every
indication that I was running into form.

Gipslis: 'These comparative failures could not dampen Kasparov's fighting spirit, and did not
cool his burning desire to win. On the board the world champion created complicated,
dynamic positions, in which he found unusual ways of developing his initiative.'

Noteworthy was the 10th round game with one of the title contenders at that time, the 32-
year-old English grandmaster Jonathan Speelman.

Game 49
Kasparov,G - Speelman,J, World Cup, Barcelona (10), 11.04.1989
Modern Defence A42

1.d4 d6 2.e4 g6 (at that time Speelman employed various 'quirky' set-ups) 3.c4 e5 4.Nf3 exd4
5.Nxd4 Bg7 6.Nc3 Nc6 7.Be3 Nge7 In a blitz preparation for the game, in this well-known
position I suddenly wanted to play sharply, and without much thought at the board I boldly
advanced my rook's pawn. 8.h4!? [In my opinion, this move of Bilek's is no worse than the
usual 8.Be2 .] 8...h6?! [8...0–0?! would have been rash in view of 9.h5 . Now if h4-h5 there is
...g6-g5, and in addition the g5-square is taken under control, but the kingside has been
weakened. ; 8...h5 is more popular; or else 8...f5 9.h5 fxe4 10.hxg6 (10.Nxe4 Nf5 11.Bg5 Qd7
12.Nb5!? is also interesting, Hoeksema-Hartoch, Dieren 2005) 10...hxg6 11.Rxh8+ Bxh8
12.Nxe4 , and now not 12...Bf5?! (but 12...d5!? (Kramnik-Mamedyarov, Moscow 2007))
13.Nxf5! gxf5 (13...Nxf5 14.Bg5) 14.Qh5+ Kd7 15.0–0–0 with an attack (M.Gurevich-Speelman,
Antwerp 1993).] 9.Be2! [More accurate than 9.Qd2 f5 .] 9...f5 A typical attack on the centre.
[After 9...0–0 10.Qd2 White is ready to begin storming the king's defences.] 10.exf5?! This
reply suggests itself, but it assists Black's development. [After 10.Nxc6! Nxc6 (10...bxc6
11.Bd4) 11.Qb3 his king would be in great danger – if 11...Nd4 , then 12.Bxd4! Bxd4 13.Rd1
with a powerful initiative.] 10...Nxf5 11.Nxf5 Bxf5 12.Qd2 [12.g4 Be6 was no better.] 12...Qd7
With the obvious intention of castling long. White now has to build up an attack on the
queenside. 13.0–0 0–0–0! Black boldly sharpens the play and intends to launch a counter-
offensive, by sacrificing a pawn with ...g6-g5. At this point Speelman was very happy with his
position. 14.b4! Aiming to get there first! [The seemingly useful 14.Nd5 would have been an
empty threat in view of 14...g5! – if 15.b4? the prosaic 15...Bxa1 and ...Qg7! is now good.]
14...Nxb4 A radical defence against b4-b5. [However, 14...Kb8 15.b5 Ne7! would have been
safer (but not 15...Ne5?! 16.Nd5 .) ] 15.Nb5! Sacrificing the a1–rook for the sake of an attack.
It would appear that this decision stunned my opponent. 15...Nc2? A serious mistake.
[15...Bxa1? 16.Qxb4 was also unsuitable: for example, 16...Be5 (or 16...a6 17.Na7+ Kb8 18.Bf3
c5 19.Qb6 Bc3 20.Nc6+ Kc8 21.Rc1 Rde8 22.Na7+! Kb8 23.Bf4! with a swift rout) 17.Nxa7+ Kb8
18.Bf3 c5 19.Qa3 Qc7 20.g4! .; The knight could have been either withdrawn – 15...Nc6 ,
although after 16.Bf3 White's threats are highly unpleasant; or defended: after 15...c5?
16.Rad1 the weakness of the d6-pawn is fatal; but the unexpected 15...a5! (this move was not
seen by any of the commentators) 16.Rac1 (16.a3?! Nc6) 16...Rhe8 would have maintained
the dynamic balance – White merely has compensation for the pawn.] 16.Bf3! This quiet,
intuitively found move defeated Speelman psychologically: the knight leap to c2 turns out to
be a fatal loss of time. [The frontal attack 16.Qa5? would have been parried not only by my
Informator suggestion 16...Nxe3 (but also by the cool-headed 16...Bxa1! 17.Nxa7+ Kb8 18.Nb5
Qg7 19.Bf3 Kc8 etc) 17.Qxa7 Qc6 18.Qxe3 Qc5 .] 16...d5? Desperation. [There was no
salvation after any of 16...Bxa1 17.Nxa7+ Kb8 18.Rb1! c5 19.Nc6+ Kc8 20.Qa5 Nb4 21.Rxb4; or
16...Nxa1 17.Nxa7+ Kb8 18.Qa5 Be5 (18...c6 19.Nb5!) 19.Re1! (an ambush!) 19...Rde8 (19...c6
20.Bb6; or 19...Qg7 20.Nc6+! Kc8 21.Bf4!! is also bad) 20.Nb5 Qg7 21.Bb6!; 16...Nxe3 17.Qxe3
Rde8 (17...Bxa1? 18.Qxa7 Qg7 19.Qxb7+ Kd7 20.Re1! Rc8 21.Nxd6) 18.Qxa7 Kd8 19.Rad1 c5;
16...c5 17.Nxa7+ Kb8 18.Rab1!; and 16...Qe7 17.Bxb7+! Kd7 (17...Kxb7 18.Nxa7!) 18.Rad1 ,
when Black's days are numbered.; But 16...Rde8! 17.Nxa7+ Kd8 18.Bxb7 Rxe3 19.fxe3 Bxa1
was more resilient, although after 20.g4! White would regain the piece, retaining every chance
of winning.] 17.Bxd5 (the battle is decided: White's attack is irresistible) 17...Nxa1 [17...Qf7
18.Rac1! .] 18.Nxa7+ Kb8 19.Qb4 [19.Qa5!? .] 19...Qxd5 [19...c5 20.Bf4+! would have led to
mate.] 20.cxd5 Nc2 21.Qa5 [Or 21.Nc6+!? Kc8 22.Qa5 .] 21...Nxe3 [21...Nd4 22.Rd1 .] 22.fxe3
Rhe8 23.Nb5 [23.Nc6+!? .] 23...Rxd5 24.Qxc7+ Ka8 25.Qa5+ 1–0

Inspired by this spectacular miniature, in the next round against Beliavsky I risked repeating
the sharp line of the Scheveningen from the 24th game of the 1985 match. This was a very

difficult and nervy game. On the 18th move my opponent improved on Karpov's play,
launching a fierce assault on the kingside. In reply I carried out an experimental counter-stroke
in the centre and could have lost a pawn. But Beliavsky delayed, upon which Black seized the
initiative, in a time scramble sacrificed the exchange, and won with a direct attack on the king.

Finally I joined the leading group: Ljubojevic and Short - 7½/11; Kasparov - 6½/10; Salov - 6/10.
And for the 12th round 'white' game with my rival and contemporary Valery Salov I arrived in
the most fighting mood possible, especially since it was played on the 13th April, my birthday.
To mark the occasion, before the start of play the organisers presented me with a cake with
candles, which I successfully blew out.

Game 50
Kasparov,G - Salov,V, World Cup, Barcelona (12), 13.04.1989
English Opening A34

1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 b6 3.Nc3 c5 [Four months later in Skelleftea, Salov successfully solved his
opening problems in a Queen's Indian Defence – 3...e6 4.g3 Bb7 5.Bg2 Be7 6.d4 Ne4 7.Bd2 Bf6
etc. But here he prefers a 'hedgehog' set-up.] 4.e4 d6 5.d4 cxd4 6.Nxd4 Bb7 7.Qe2!? I didn't
have a deep knowledge of this set-up, but at the board I remembered this original queen
move, introduced by Korch-noi. [White far more often plays 7.f3 ; and sometimes 7.Bd3
(Dorfman-Salov, Nikolaev 1983).] 7...Nbd7 [White's idea is revealed after 7...Nc6 8.Nxc6 Bxc6
9.Bg5 and 0–0–0 (Korchnoi-Gheorghiu, London 1980); or 7...g6 8.g3 Bg7 9.Bg2 0–0 10.0–0
followed by Rd1.; And if 7...e6 the sharp 8.g4!? is possible, (or the quiet 8.g3 Be7 (8...Nc6
9.Nxc6 Bxc6 10.Bg2 Be7 11.0–0 is no better, Kramnik-Adams, Groningen 1993) 9.Bg2 a6 10.0–0
Qc7 11.Be3 Nbd7 12.Rac1 Rc8 13.b3 Qb8 14.Bd2 0–0 15.g4!? (Korchnoi-Csom, Rome 1981).
Instead of this Salov chooses a risky plan where he first develops his queenside.) ] 8.g3 [If 8.g4 ,
apart from 8...h6 (the usual 'Dragon' move 8...g6!? is good.) ] 8...Rc8 [It is nevertheless better
to develop the kingside first – 8...e6 9.Bg2 Be7 etc.] 9.Bg2 a6?! Overestimating the safety of
his king's position in the centre. [Correct was 9...e6 10.0–0 Qc7 (or the immediate 10...Be7 ,
with the idea of 11.e5 Bxg2 12.exf6 Bxf6! 13.Kxg2 Bxd4 14.Nb5 Be5 , not fearing 15.f4
(15.Nxa7 Rc5; or 15.Rd1 0–0) 15...a6) 11.b3 Be7 .] 10.0–0 Qc7?! Now Black heads for the
scaffold – he openly provokes the thematic sacrifice of the white knight. [True, his position was
also worse after superior replies: 10...e6 11.Nxe6! fxe6 12.e5! Bxg2 13.exf6 Qxf6 14.Kxg2 Be7
15.Re1; or 10...g6 11.Rd1 (11.Bg5!?) 11...Qc7 12.b3 e6 13.Ba3! (Salov-Yudasin, St. Petersburg
1997).] 11.b3 e6 12.Nd5! Without hesitation! 'After the inaccuracies committed by Black his
position must be judged to be lost, since the acceptance of the piece sacrifice leads to a
situation where he is completely helpless, and after the retreat of the queen White gains an
overwhelming lead in development. The battle loses its sharpness, but it is very instructive to
follow how Garry develops the initiative granted to him.' (Salov) 12...Qb8 Salov replied quite
quickly – probably on pragmatic grounds: the move ...Qb8 is part of his set-up, and no great
harm from the d5-knight is immediately apparent. [In the event of 12...exd5 13.exd5+ Kd8
(13...Ne5? 14.f4; or 13...Be7?! 14.Nf5 is worse) , I would have played the simple 14.Bb2
(although 14.a4!? is also interesting). It is hard for Black to move anything, while White
prepares an attack with practically no risk.) ] 13.Rd1 The commentators, myself included,
awarded this move an exclamation mark, [although 13.Re1!? was a worthy alternative, with
the idea of 13...g6 14.e5! dxe5 15.Nxf6+ Nxf6 16.Bxb7 Qxb7 17.Qxe5 Be7 18.Bh6 Rc5 19.Qe2
Rg8 20.h4 , when Black cannot breath freely ( 20...Rh5 21.Bg5 h6 22.Bxf6 Bxf6 23.Nxe6! Re5
24.Qg4 etc).] 13...g6 [After 13...exd5?! 14.exd5+ Kd8 15.Nc6+ Bxc6 16.dxc6 Nc5 17.b4 , in the
words of Salov, 'Black's position is tragic'. ; But perhaps after 13...e5 14.Nxf6+ Nxf6 15.Nf5 g6
16.Nh6! (my Informator move 16.Bg5 is worse because of 16...Ng8!) 16...Ng8 17.Nxg8 Rxg8
his suffering would have lasted somewhat longer.The reply 13...g6 rather surprised me: I
hadn't seen any acceptable defence for Black, and suddenly the threat of ...Bg7 and ...exd5 had

appeared. I had to select a way of retaining my advantage.] 14.Bg5!? 'Again very accurately
played' (Salov). Just in case I decided to win a pawn. [14.Ba3!? looked tempting, with the
pretty idea 14...Bg7 (but 14...e5 would have complicated the situation) 15.Nf5! .; In analysis
after the game we also looked at the creative 14.Bh3 Bg7 15.Bxe6!? fxe6 16.Nxe6 Kf7 17.Ng5+
Kf8 18.Ba3 , and came to the conclusion that 'precisely in this case Black would have had a
chance of defending' (Salov).] 14...Bg7 [14...exd5? 15.exd5+ Be7 16.Nc6! Bxc6 17.dxc6 Ne5
18.f4 etc. would have been even more catastrophic than before.] 15.Bxf6! Nxf6 [15...Bxf6?
would have led to a difficult position after 16.Nxf6+ Nxf6 17.e5! Bxg2 (17...dxe5? 18.Bxb7
Qxb7 19.Qxe5 Qe7 (or 19...Ke7 20.Nxe6! fxe6 21.Rd6 is hopeless for Black) 20.Nc6!) 18.exf6
Bh3 . Here Salov and I considered 19.Qe3 (but Stohl's recommendation 19.Qe4! is even
stronger, when 19...h5 (19...0–0? 20.Qh4; and 19...Qa8 20.Qxa8 Rxa8 21.Nc6 , winning
material, are both bad for Black) 20.Rd2) 19...Qb7 20.f3 with a big advantage.] 16.Nxb6 Rd8?
Valery fails to withstand the fierce pressure, and he allows another tactical stroke. [16...Rc7!
was essential, retaining control of the c6-square and threatening ...Bxe4. Then with 17.Na4!
White would have had to begin the patient conversion of his extra pawn, for which Black
would have had some compensation in the form of his long-range dark-squared bishop.]
17.e5! 'This forces a win' (Salov). We both saw this thematic move, but we assessed its
consequences differently. Indeed, my opponent had overlooked something. 17...Bxg2
[17...dxe5 was objectively more resilient: 18.Nc6 Bxc6 19.Bxc6+ Ke7 20.c5! e4! (the only
chance: 20...Qc7? 21.Qxa6 and wins) 21.Qxa6 (to all appearances 21.b4!? is also sufficient)
21...Ng4 22.Rd7+ Rxd7 23.Nxd7 Qc7 24.Rd1! e3! 25.fxe3 Nxe3 26.Rd3 Nf5 27.Qa4! Bd4+
28.Rxd4 Nxd4 29.Qxd4 Qxc6 30.Qxh8 Qxd7 31.Qc3 , and White has a won queen endgame –
31...Qd1+ 32.Kf2 Qh1 33.a4! Qxh2+ 34.Ke1! Kd7 35.b4 Kc8 36.b5 , but what a lengthy
procedure this would have been!Now, however, my task is simplified.] 18.exf6 Bxf6 19.Nxe6! 'I
think it was Reuben Fine who wrote that in such positions a combination is as natural as a
baby's smile.' (Salov) 19...fxe6 [19...Bxa1 20.Nxd8+ Kxd8 21.c5! .] 20.Qxe6+ Be7 21.c5!! ['I have
to admit: at this moment I was still hoping to reach an inferior endgame after 21.Re1 Qb7
22.Qxe7+ Qxe7 23.Kxg2 , in which Black's chances of a draw are very good. The reality proved
much more bleak.' (Salov)] 21...Bb7 [Also after 21...dxc5 22.Kxg2 Black has no defence.]
22.Re1 Qc7 23.c6! The culmination of White's destructive attack. 23...Bxc6 [If 23...Bc8 the
simplest is 24.Qf6 Rf8 25.Qg7 .] 24.Rac1! Rd7 25.Nxd7 [25.Qe3!? was rather more forceful,
but I immediately began the mopping-up.] 25...Qxd7 'This is no longer a defence, but simply a
joke.' (Salov) 26.Qc4! [Black's last hope was for a bad rook endgame: 26.Rxc6 (?!) 26...Qxe6
27.Rxe6 Kd7 28.Rxe7+ Kxc6; or 26.Qxe7+ Qxe7 27.Rxe7+ Kxe7 28.Rxc6 a5 .] 26...Bb7 27.Qc7
Rf8 [Or 27...Bd5 28.Qb8+ .] 28.Qb8+ Kf7 29.Rc7! . And in view of the upcoming major loss of
material, Black resigned. 1–0

This game was judged the best both in the tournament, which brought me a special prize of
1,000 dollars, and in the 47th volume of Informator. 'After playing through it', Valery Salov
wrote at the time, 'again and again I am convinced that it is perceived not as a meeting
between two strong grandmasters, which in the end determined their places in the
tournament table, but more like a textbook example on the theme: "Attack on a king caught in
the centre". Or even worse - simply as a present for the world champion, who that day
celebrated his 26th birthday. Who after this game will believe that Kasparov was in poor form
in Barcelona? What then can be said about me?'

After this third successive win I was already established in the leading trio: Ljubojevic - 8½/12;
Short - 8/12; Kasparov - 7½/11. But here came the traditional slump in my play, the result of
which was three draws - with Vaganian, Nikolic and Nogueiras. Two rounds before the end of
the tournament, my chances of first place had almost evaporated: Ljubojevic - 10½/15;
Kasparov - 9/14; Salov, Korchnoi, Short and Hübner - 8½/14.

In the 16th round Ljubojevic was free, while I was able to beat Illescas with Black (incidentally,
the last two rounds were interchanged, so that at the finish it was Illescas, the home
representative, who was free), and now I was only half a point behind the leader. Close behind
me was Salov, who had beaten Hübner.

And then came the final, 17th round. Ljubojevic, who played splendidly in Barcelona, decided
not to tempt fate and he quickly concluded peace with Short. In a flash Salov and Korchnoi also
agreed a draw. I had White against Boris Spassky. Nikitin: 'Garry had to solve a very difficult
problem. The fact that he came on to the stage with the firm intention of beating Spassky,
against whom he had previously never won, was known, I think, by all the participants.'

Gipslis: 'The game between the champion and the ex-champion proved decisive. All the other
games of the round ended in draws - and in order to catch the leader, Kasparov had to win "to

Game 51
Kasparov,G - Spassky,B, World Cup, Barcelona (17), 19.04.1989
Queen's Gambit Declined D35

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Bg5 c6 [5...Be7 – Game No.45.] 6.e3 [6.Qc2 – Game
No.37.] 6...Be7 [After 6...Bf5 7.Qf3 Bg6 8.Bxf6 Qxf6 9.Qxf6 gxf6 Black has a dreary but
acceptable endgame (an example: Tal-Spassky, Sochi 1973). On this occasion the ex-champion
produced a different idea.] 7.Bd3 Nbd7 8.Nge2!? [White is not in a hurry to play Qc2, as he has
Botvinnik's plan in mind – 8.Nge2 Nf8 (or 8...0–0 9.0–0 Re8 10.f3 which later occurred both in
simultaneous and rapid games of mine; or first 8...h6 9.Bh4) 9.f3 .] 8...Nh5 Played under the
influence of my games with Smyslov (55th USSR Championship, Moscow 1988) and Andersson
(Reykjavik 1988), in which White did not achieve anything from the opening (cf. the notes to
Game No.37). I was expecting this move, since Spassky was being helped by Andersson
himself, who had flown to Barcelona for the end of the tournament. [The relieving move
8...Ne4 also promises White a minimal advantage: 9.Bxe7 Nxc3 (not 9...Qxe7?! 10.Bxe4 dxe4
11.Ng3 , winning a pawn) 10.bxc3 Qxe7 11.Qc2 Nf6 12.0–0 0–0 13.c4 .] 9.Bxe7 Qxe7 10.g4!?
This was my preparation – an immediate seizure of space on the kingside. [The usual 10.Qc2
would have led to a well-known position from the aforementioned game with Andersson,
which went 10...g6 11.0–0–0 Nb6 with roughly equal play.] 10...Nhf6 11.Ng3 [With his queen
on d1, White can manage without 11.h3 .] 11...h6 [Later it became more popular to defend
with 11...g6 12.g5 (12.Qf3!?) 12...Ng8 13.h4 h6 (Yakovich-Grosar, Sochi 1989); or 11...Nb6
12.g5 (12.h3 Be6 is equal, Gelfand-Karpov, Cap d'Agde (rapid) 1998) 12...Ng8 13.h4 g6 and
...h7-h6 (Vyzhmanavin-Kharitonov, Helsinki 1992).] 12.h3 White supports the obstructing pawn
on g4, in order then to decide where to play his queen and what to do with his king. [The
alternative is 12.Nf5 Qf8 (Speelman-Andersson, Reykjavik 1991).] 12...Nb6 13.Qd2 Bd7 [An
important moment: 13...Nc4 14.Bxc4 dxc4 15.e4 would have led to unclear play, but Spassky
did not like such a position with Black – he preferred to have a mobile pawn centre himself.]
14.b3 g6 15.a4 [In Seirawan's opinion, the immediate 15.f3 followed by e3-e4 was more
logical, but I decided first to inhibit the opponent's activity on the queenside.] 15...a5 [Or
15...Nc8 16.f3 .] 16.f3 h5 Black wants to fix the kingside pawns, but I am unsure about the
advisability of this decision. [Perhaps the simple 16...0–0 was better.] 17.g5 Qd6! Beginning a
regrouping, which to me seems correct. [17...Nh7 is passive – after 18.h4 0–0 19.Nce2 there is
scope for the activation of the white pieces, whereas Black's are rather restricted.] 18.Nge2
Ng8 19.e4 Ne7 20.Qf4! Nikitin: 'The decision of a mature Master.' Seirawan also praised this
move – a voluntary exchange of queens! However, there is no other way to fight for even a
slight advantage. 20...Qxf4 [In Informator I condemned 20...Qb4 (!?) because of 21.Kf2 , but
wrongly so: after 21...0–0 Black would have retained the queens and hopes of active

counterplay. But Spassky happily simplified the position, assuming that in the endgame it
would be easier for him playing against me.] 21.Nxf4 0–0 22.Nce2! [But not 22.h4 because of
the undermining move 22...f6! .] 22...h4!? Fixing the h3-pawn and depriving the g5-pawn of
support. [Now 22...f6? would have run into 23.gxf6 Rxf6 24.e5 .; However, 22...Kg7 was
steadier, and if 23.h4 , then even 23...dxe4 24.fxe4 Bg4 , setting up pressure on the pawn
centre.] 23.Ng2 Kg7 24.Kd2 [If 24.Nxh4 Rh8 .] 24...dxe4? Here conceding the centre is a
mistake: without control of the g4-square, the d4- and e4-pawns are invulnerable. [24...f6?!
was also weak: 25.gxf6+ Kxf6 (25...Rxf6? 26.e5 Rf7 (or 26...Rxf3 27.Nxh4 Rxh3 28.Rxh3 Bxh3
29.Rg1 is worse) 27.Rag1!) 26.e5+ Kf7 27.Nxh4 Rh8 28.Ng2 Bxh3 29.Ngf4 Bf5 (d7) 30.Rag1
with an obvious advantage.; Perhaps Spassky was afraid of the bind after e4-e5, but the
benefits of this advance are unclear. Therefore the waiting move 24...Rh8 should have been
preferred: for example, 25.Nef4 Rad8 26.Rac1 Na8 27.Ne3 Be6 with a solid enough position.]
25.fxe4 (now White has an easy and pleasant game: he has acquired the f-file and some good
squares) 25...Rad8 26.Raf1 With the threat of Rf4xh4. [It is probable that 26.Nxh4!? Rh8
27.Nf3 Bxh3 28.Nf4 Bc8 29.Kc3 and Ne5 was even better, with a highly favourable endgame.]
26...Rh8 27.Ne3 Changing plan, [since if 27.Rf4 there is the reply 27...Rh5 .] 27...Rh5 28.Rfg1
Bc8 [28...Be6!?; or 28...Nec8!? was better.] 29.Kc3 Rhh8 30.Nf4 Rd6 [30...Na8? 31.Nc4 b6
32.Rf1 etc. was altogether too passive.] 31.Bc2? A serious delay. [After 31.Nc4! Nxc4 32.bxc4!
White's mobile pawn centre would have become terribly strong: for example, 32...Rhd8 33.d5
cxd5 (33...c5? 34.Rb1) 34.cxd5 Bd7 35.Rb1 b6 36.Bb5 Rc8+ 37.Kd4 Bxb5 38.axb5 and Rhc1.]
31...Na8? As a result of Black's tiring defence and time-trouble, he blunders the a5-pawn. [My
error would have been best exploited by 31...f5! 32.Nc4 (32.gxf6+ Rxf6 is equal) 32...Nxc4
33.bxc4 fxe4 34.Re1 Rf8 35.Rxe4 Nf5 36.Rd1 Rf7 , obtaining a perfectly defensible position.]
32.Nc4 Rdd8 33.Nxa5 Nc7 34.Rf1 As it is said in such cases, 'the rest is a matter of technique'.
My eyes were slightly dazzled by the mass of possibilities. [34.Rg2; or 34.Rh2 was good; as was
34.Nc4 ( 34...b5?! 35.Ne5! ); or 34.Bd3 and Be2. The move played was only slightly inferior.]
34...b5!? Shutting in the knight on a5. After losing a pawn, Spassky as though woke up and
began resisting desperately, looking for the slightest opportunity to make it harder for White
to win. But I, in turn, remembered how once I had failed to win two completely won positions
against the ex-champion (Game Nos.58 and 87 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I),
and I endeavoured to rid myself of any premature thoughts of victory. 35.Rf3 Rhf8 [35...b4+?
36.Kxb4 Rxd4+ 37.Kc3 c5 38.Rhf1 was hopeless for Black. ; However, even the more resilient
35...Ba6!? would not have eased his lot after 36.Rg1! Ra8 37.b4 .] 36.Rhf1 bxa4 37.bxa4 f6 [If
37...f5 White could have replied 38.exf5 (or 38.gxf6+! (as in the previous note). For an instant
Spassky thought that he was gaining counterplay, but this was a mirage.) ] 38.Nxg6! 'After
Black's mistake on the 31st move, Kasparov has literally torn his position to pieces' (Gipslis).
[This stroke is, indeed, both more forceful and much more flamboyant than 38.gxf6+ Rxf6
39.Nh5+ gxh5 40.Rxf6 Ncd5+! 41.exd5 Nxd5+ 42.Kc4! (but not my Informator suggestion
42.Kb2 (?) 42...Nxf6 43.Nxc6 Rd6 44.Rg1+ Kf8 with a probable draw) 42...Nxf6 43.Rg1+ Kf8
44.Nxc6 Rd6 45.Kc5 Rd5+ 46.Kb6 Bd7 (46...Bxh3 47.a5) 47.Bb3 Rd6 48.Rc1 and a4-a5, winning.]
38...Nxg6 39.gxf6+ Kh6 40.Nxc6 Rd6 41.d5 'The four passed pawns more than compensate
White for the sacrificed knight, and in addition the black pieces lack coordination. Spassky
finds the best practical chance: with a counter exchange sacrifice he breaks up the chain of
white pawns in the hope of dealing with them one at a time.' (Nikitin) 41...Rxc6+!? [There was
little comfort in 41...Bb7 42.Nd4 and Nf5+ ; or 41...Ba6 42.Ne7 Bxf1 (42...Nxe7 43.fxe7 Re8
44.Rf6+ etc) 43.Nf5+ Kg5 44.Nxd6 Bg2 (44...Rxf6 45.Nf7+!) 45.Rf5+ Kh6 46.Bd1! , and the
curtain comes down.] 42.dxc6 Ne6 [If 42...Ne5 , then 43.R3f2 Bxh3 (or 43...Nxc6 44.f7) 44.Rh1
Bg4 45.Rxh4+ Kg5 46.Rh1 and wins.] 43.e5!? At the cost of a pawn, White opens the way for
his bishop and denies the opponent any chances of a blockade. [43.Rf5; or 43.Bb3 was also
good. ] 43...Nxe5 [White would have won just as quickly and elegantly after 43...Ng5 44.Re3
Bxh3 (or 44...Be6 45.Kb4! etc) 45.Rxh3! Nxh3 46.e6 , decisively breaking through to the
queening square.] 44.Re3! Ng6 [44...Nxc6 45.Re4! .] 45.f7! (with the terrible threat of Rf6)

45...Ngf4 [If 45...Kg7 the simplest is 46.Bxg6!? Kxg6 47.a5 , when Black's defences crumble.]
46.Bb3 Kg7 47.Re4 Rxf7 48.Bxe6! Nxe6 49.Rxf7+ Kxf7 50.Rxh4 Ke7 51.Rh8 Ba6 52.h4! . It is
not possible to stop all the pawns. 1–0

This was my first ever win against Spassky, after two losses and four draws. The outcome of
the game distressed Ljubojevic, with whom I shared 1st place: I had the better tiebreak and
the organisers awarded me the special prize for the tournament winner. But in the battle for
the World Cup the games with Illescas did not count, and the winner of the stage nevertheless
became Ljubomir Ljubojevic, who achieved the greatest success in his chess career.

Of course, I was happy to have managed to overcome the crisis at the start and to achieve a
solid points reserve before the concluding stage of the Cup in Skelleftea, where I was facing a
decisive direct battle with Anatoly Karpov.

In June, in Rotterdam the penultimate, fifth stage of the World Cup was held; this was due to
give an answer to the question: would Karpov manage to take first place and score a minimum
of 10½ out of 14 against the contestants who counted, in order to catch me before Skelleftea?
This tournament promised to be one of the most brilliant in Karpov's career, but in fact it
probably became the most dramatic. The ex-world champion started excellently - 5 out of 6,
then reached 9½ out of 12 (!), including 9 points that counted. He only needed to make three
draws, but - his strength ran out. As a result of blunders, he suffered three successive defeats -
against Salov, Ljubojevic and Nunn - and conceded first place (1. Timman - 10½ out of 15; 2.
Karpov - 9½; 3. Vaganian - 9; 4. Nunn - 8½, etc.).

During these months I did not play in any tournaments, but in the summer I conducted a
'return match' in Evry - a repeat simultaneous display with clocks against the French team. The
opposition line-up was much stronger: Renet was playing on board 1, and the trainer was none
other than Spassky. However, I won by the same score (4½-1½), beating Renet with White and
Kouatly with Black - in a memorable King's Indian with a positional piece sacrifice.

2.1.7. Missed Opportunities

Sixth World Cup Tournament (Skelleftea, 12 August - 2 September 1989): 1-2. Karpov and
Kasparov - 9½ out of 15; 3-5. Portisch, Seirawan and Short - 8½; 6-7. Salov and Sax - 8; 8-9.
Nunn and Andersson - 7½; 10-12. Hübner, Ribli and Tal - 7; 13. Ehlvest - 6½; 14-15. Nikolic and
Korchnoi - 6; 16. Vaganian - 5.

Before the last, Swedish stage of the Cup, I had two first places and one second (83 points),
while Karpov had one first and two second (80½). Thus Karpov could still achieve overall
success, if he were to take clear first place in Skelleftea and score 11 out of 15 (again '+7'!), and
finish a point ahead of me. This looked an ultra-difficult task, and yet in Rotterdam, after
conducting 12 rounds brilliantly, he had achieved this mark, and if it had not been for the three
losses... It was clear that Karpov's collapse in Rotterdam had practically ensured my victory in
the Cup, provided only that I did not suffer a similar collapse. This thought preyed on my sub-
conscious, and, although my preparation was very good, I involuntarily began thinking that
now the main thing was not to overdo things and not to leave anything en prise.

At the start the ex-champion drew with Black against Sax, while with White I crushed Korchnoi,
who went wrong in the opening. By the will of the pairings (on this occasion there were no
'Belfort experiments'), the arch-rivals met as early as round 2, with Karpov once again having
the white pieces. After choosing the King's Indian Defence I soon seized the initiative (cf. , note

to White's 14th move), but in my opponent's severe time-trouble I missed some excellent
winning chances.

Nikitin: 'This draw did both players a bad service. For a long time Karpov was unable to play a
more or less normal game, under the impression of his opponent's obvious superiority, while
Garry was tormented by his errors on the 35th and 37th moves. In this tournament the world
champion's superiority over his opponents was more obvious than ever before: only in two
games did they worthily withstand the onslaught, whereas in a good dozen games his
advantage varied between '±' and '+-'. But at decisive moments, during the third or fourth
hour, there were short-term (for two or three moves) slumps in the champion's play; his
calculating machine switched off, and his intuition stopped working. He had to spend a mass of
effort, so as not to lose confidence in himself.'

Indeed, on the number of missed opportunities this was one of my record tournaments! Tal:
'Kasparov should have scored a couple of extra points, or perhaps even more.'Fortunately,
Karpov too did not play very brilliantly in Skelleftea: apparently the trauma received in
Rotterdam had not yet healed. Therefore on this occasion we did not have such a tense race
as, say, in the previous year's USSR Championship.

In the 3rd round I met Robert Hübner, and after a mistake by my opponent I already had a
completely winning position by the 20th move, but I was unable to apply the finishing touch.

Game 52
Kasparov,G - Hübner,R, World Cup, Skelleftea (3), 15.08.1989

19.Qg5 White is threatening both Rad1 and Nc5(d4), with a terribly strong attack against the
weakened black king. [19.Qg5 . None of these replies will do: 19...-- a)19...Rae8? 20.Ng4!;
b)19...Qd8? 20.Nf5+ Kh8 21.Ne7 Nd7 22.Nc5!; c), or 19...Bxb3? 20.Qf6+ Kxh6 21.Re4! Bd1
22.f3 Bxf3 23.gxf3 Qh3 24.Rd1! c5 25.Rh4+ Qxh4 26.Qxh4+ and f3-f4-f5.(c)26.--) ; ] 19...f6? [In
his confusion Hübner failed to find the only defence – 19...Be6! , hobbling the knight on h6
and then forcing the exchange of queens: for example, 20.Nc5 (20.Rad1 Nd5) 20...Qd8 21.h4!
Nd5 22.Rad1 (22.g3!?) 22...Qxg5 23.hxg5 , and White has merely a slightly better endgame.]
20.exf6+ Rxf6 21.Re7+ In my surprise I also became somewhat confused and instantly seeing
the tactical stroke with the win of queen for rook and bishop, I was unable to resist the
temptation. [Meanwhile, White had another three (!) ways to win: 21.Ng4 Rf5 22.Qh4! Qd6
(22...Re8 23.Qh3! and Qc3+) 23.Nd4 Rf7 24.Rad1 Qf8 25.Ne6+ Bxe6 26.Rxe6 with the threat of
Qh6+ and Ne5. White has a big advantage, but I had not calculated as far as a clear win,
although after 26...Re8 27.Qh6+ Kh8 28.Rxe8 Qxe8 29.Qc1! the black king is in deadly danger;

21.Nc5 Qd6 22.Re7+ (in my calculations I became obsessed with this variation, which is similar
to the game continuation) 22...Kh8 (or 22...Qxe7 23.Nf5+ Rxf5 24.Qxe7+ Rf7 25.Qe5+ Kg8
26.Re1 with a technically won position, although there is a difficult conversion phase in
prospect) 23.Re6! Rxe6 24.Nf7+ and Nxd6; 21.Nd4! (alas, this leap of the 'reserve' knight to the
critical f5-square was something that I glanced at only fleetingly) 21...Be6 (there is nothing
else) 22.Rad1 Nd5 23.Re5 c6 24.Rde1 (pointed out by Hübner in Informator), and Black can
resign: 24...Bf7 (or 24...Re8 25.Ndf5+ Kf8 26.Rxd5) 25.Nhf5+ Kg8 26.Rxd5 . When after the
game I was shown this possibility, I was horrified.] 21...Qxe7 22.Nf5+ Rxf5 23.Qxe7+ Rf7
24.Qe5+ Kg8 25.Nc5 c6 26.b3?! Again not the strongest move! The exchange of knights, easing
Black's defence, should have been avoided. Then White would have been able to include his
knight in the attack or force its exchange for the bishop. [Hübner recommended 26.Ne4 ,
assuming that after 26...Bxe4 27.Qxe4 Nd5 28.Re1 and b2-b4-b5 Black would be unable to
hold out. ; But the most unpleasant for him was 26.Qc3!? followed by Re1, f2-f3 and Nd3-
e5(f2).] 26...Nd7 27.Nxd7 Rxd7 28.Rd1 [28.h4; or 28.Re1 was also not bad, but in any case the
win is no longer easy.] 28...a5 29.h4 Rf7 30.Rd4 [30.h5! was more energetic.] 30...Rf5 31.Qe1
b5 32.Rd3? The culmination of my imprecise play: now Black gets rid of his weak a5-pawn.
[32.f3 was correct.] 32...a4! (of course!) 33.Re3 axb3 34.axb3 Raf8 35.f3 h5 And White was
unable to breach this fortress – draw on the 61st move. 36.Kh2 R5f6 37.Kg3 Rf5 38.Qd2 Kg7
39.b4 R5f7 40.Qd4+ Kg8 41.Qb6 Kg7 42.Kf2 Kh7 43.Kg3 Kg7 44.Qd4+ Kg8 45.Ra3 Kh7 46.Ra6
Kg8 47.Rb6 Kh7 48.Kh2 Rf4 49.Qe3 R4f7 50.Qc3 Rf4 51.Kg3 R4f7 52.Ra6 Rf5 53.Ra1 R5f7
54.Re1 Rf5 55.Re3 R5f7 56.Qc5 Kg7 57.Kf2 Rf5 58.Qd4+ Kh7 59.Re7+ R5f7 60.Re5 Rf5 ½–½

These painful draws with Karpov and Hübner as though set the tone for my performance in the
tournament. True, in the next round I won with Black against Short, who played too timidly in
a Queen's Pawn Opening, and I caught the leader - Salov (3 out of 4). But then things again

In the 5th round I had a technically won ending against Andersson, but with my hasty 29th
moved I immediately contrived to squander my entire enormous advantage. In the 6th round
came a fighting Sicilian draw with Sax. In the 7th round I completely outplayed Mikhail Tal, and
had a decisive material advantage, but in my opponent's desperate time-trouble I blundered a
piece (apparently, for the first time in my serious games).

Game 53
Kasparov,G - Tal,M, World Cup, Skelleftea (7), 20.08.1989

28...Bxc3? Already a pawn down and with his flag wavering, Tal overlooked my interposed
reply. [28...Qc7 (b6) was more resilient.] 29.Bxe6! Rxd3 30.Qxf7+ Kh8 31.Rxd3 'White's

position is completely won, but I was in such time-trouble that I simply did not manage to
resign.' (Tal) 31...Bf6 [31...Bxb2 was also hopeless: 32.Rd5! (the most energetic) 32...Qe1+
(32...Qb6 33.g4! and g4-g5) 33.Kh2 Rb8 34.Bf5! Qc1 (34...Qxf2 35.Qg6) 35.g3 Qc2 36.Kg2 Qc6
37.Rd7 Qf6 38.Rxb7 .] 32.Rxd8+ [Here too 32.Rd5! Qe1+ 33.Kh2 Rb8 34.Rf5! Bxb2 (or 34...Bh4
35.g3 was more forceful) 35.Qc7 .] 32...Qxd8 33.Qxb7?? A nightmare! [33.b3; or 33.g3 (
33...Bxb2 34.Qxb7 ) would have won easily. ] 33...Qd1+ 34.Kh2 Qd6+ 35.g3 Qxe6 36.b3
(fortunately, for the piece White has three pawns) 36...Qd6 'How I reached the 40 move mark,
I don't know – perhaps it was my Riga blitz training. It was also amazing that in the remaining
moves to the time control I blundered only one pawn – this was sufficient for a draw.' (Tal)
37.Kg2 Bd4 [37...Kh7!? .] 38.h4 Qf6 [38...h5!? .] 39.f4 Qd6 40.e5 Qc5 [40...Qg6 with a draw.]
41.Qxa6 Qd5+ [41...Qc2+!? .] 42.Kh2 Qf3 [42...Bc5!? .] 43.Qc8+ Kh7 44.Qc2+ Kh8 45.Qg2 Qd3!
46.h5 [46.b4 Bc3 47.a3 Kg8 with a draw.] 46...Bc5 , and a draw on the 61st move. 47.e6 Kg8
48.a4 Qxb3 49.Qa8+ Bf8 50.Qe8 Qc2+ 51.Kh3 Qb1 52.Qf7+ Kh7 53.Qg6+ Qxg6 54.hxg6+ Kxg6
55.a5 h5 56.f5+ Kf6 57.a6 Bc5 58.Kh4 g6 59.e7 Kxe7 60.fxg6 Kf6 ½–½

After this dramatic game there followed a short draw with Salov, a good strategic win with
Black against Portisch (Game No.44 in My Great Predecessors Part III), and fighting draws with
Nunn and Ehlvest.

Four rounds before the finish Karpov and I were unhurriedly leading, with just 7 points out of
11. In a tense game from the 12th round with Rafael Vaganian, who two months later was to
become USSR champion, I was able to employ one of my opening ideas for Seville.

Game 54
Kasparov,G - Vaganian,R, World Cup, Skelleftea (12), 26.08.1989
English Opening A33

1.c4 c5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nc3 Nc6 4.d4 cxd4 5.Nxd4 e6 6.g3 Qb6 7.Ndb5 At that time this was a
rare, little-explored move, [and earlier I had employed the usual 7.Nb3 (Game Nos.28 and 30
in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1975–1985).] 7...d5 [If 7...Bc5 there would have followed 8.Bg2! –
White is clearly better after 8...Bxf2+? (and Black also does not equalise with 8...a6?! 9.Nd6+
Ke7 10.Nde4; or 8...d5 9.0–0) 9.Kf1 Ng4 10.Qd6! (as in the source game Lipinski-Schinzel,
Poland 1978).; But after the strongest reply 7...Ne5! Black has no reason for complaint: 8.--
a)8.Bg2 a6 9.Qa4 (a)9.Be3?! Qa5! , D.Byrne-Geller, Moscow 1955) , and now not 9...Bc5?!
(Vaganian-Dvoirys, 56th USSR Championship, Odessa 1989) (a)but 9...Rb8 10.Be3 Bc5 11.Bxc5
Qxc5 12.Qa3 b6! 13.Nd6+ Ke7 14.Qxc5 bxc5 15.Nxc8+ Rhxc8 16.b3 d5 17.cxd5 c4 with equality
(Timman-Alterman, Pula 1997)) 10.Bf4!; b)8.Bf4 Nfg4 9.Qa4 (b)this replaced the earlier 9.e3
a6! of Anand-Leko, Wijk aan Zee 1996) 9...g5! 10.Bxe5 Qxf2+! 11.Kd1 Nxe5 12.Nc7+ Kd8
13.Nxa8 Qd4+ 14.Kc2 Nxc4 , gaining a draw (Carlsen-Dominguez, Linares 2009).Instead of this
Vaganian decided to follow the game Tukmakov-Mikhalchishin (51st USSR Championship, Lvov
1984), but he ran into a novelty.; c)8.Be3?! Qc6 .; ] 8.Bg2!? [The aforementioned game went
8.Be3 d4! 9.Nxd4 Qxb2 (but 9...Bc5! is simpler, practically forcing 10.Na4 Bb4+ 11.Nc3 Bc5
with a draw) 10.Ndb5 Bb4 11.Qc1 (by 11.Bd2!? Nd4! 12.Rc1 Nxb5 13.cxb5 White could still
have fought for an advantage) 11...Qxc1+ 12.Rxc1 0–0 with equality. ] 8...d4 9.Na4 Qa5+
10.Bd2 Bb4 [Also after 10...Qd8 11.e3! e5 (not 11...dxe3?! 12.Bxe3 Bb4+ 13.Nbc3) 12.exd4
exd4 (or 12...a6 13.Nbc3 Nxd4 14.0–0 Be7 15.h3 White retains appreciable pressure) 13.0–0
(H.Olafsson-Gligoric, Palma de Mallorca 1989).] 11.Nc5! The only way! [In the event of
11.Bxb4 Qxb4+ 12.Qd2 Qxd2+ (12...Qxa4? 13.b3 and wins) 13.Kxd2 Ke7 Black would have got
away with a slight fright.] 11...0–0 [11...a6? 12.Nd6+ Ke7 13.Ncxb7; and 11...Rb8?! 12.Nd3 are
weak alternatives.] 12.Nd3! An ideal place for the knight. [After 12.0–0 Bxd2 (12...e5!?)
13.Nb3 Qb6 14.Qxd2 e5 15.Nd6 Qc7 (my Informator suggestion 15...Be6 (?!) is worse because

of 16.f4!) 16.c5 Ne8 17.Nb5 Qe7 18.f4 (18.e3 Be6!) 18...a6 19.Na3 Be6 and ...Bxb3 Black is
close to equality.] 12...Bxd2+ 13.Qxd2 Qxd2+ [If 13...Qd8 , then 14.c5! .] 14.Kxd2 Rd8 15.c5
(with the intention of Nd6) 15...Ne8 16.Na3 And now the knight goes to c4 via a3. [16.f4 f6
17.Rhc1!? with the idea of Rc4 was also interesting.] 16...f6 17.f4 Bd7 18.Nc4 [18.Rhc1!? (then
Rc4 and Nc2) again came into consideration; as well as 18.b4!? at once, with the initiative
after all of 18...Rab8 (18...a6 19.Nc4; and 18...Nc7 19.Nc4 and a2-a4) 19.b5 Ne7 20.Rab1! . The
move in the game allows Black an additional possibility, which Vaganian exploits.] 18...Rab8
19.b4 Ne7 20.a4 Bc6?! Trying to ease the defence by an exchange of bishops. [Even so, the
prudent 20...a6 was preferable, and if 21.Na5 , then 21...Nc6 .] 21.Bf3?! A loss of precious
time. [The simple 21.Bxc6! would have given White an enduring advantage: 21...bxc6 (or
21...Nxc6 22.b5 Ne7 23.Rhb1) 22.b5! cxb5 23.axb5 Rxb5 24.Rxa7 when the passed c-pawn is
very strong.] 21...a6 Reverting to the correct plan. [Both 21...Rbc8?! 22.b5!; and 21...Bxf3?!
22.exf3 followed by Rhe1 and b4-b5 were advantageous to White.] 22.Rhb1 Nc7 23.Nd6
[23.Nf2!? .] 23...Nf5?! [It was better to tackle the d6-knight with 23...Nc8! , since in the event
of 24.Nxc8 Rbxc8 White's advantage is altogether slight. I would probably have had to bring
back my knight – 24 Nc4 and direct the d3-knight via f2 to e4.] 24.b5 [It made sense to spoil
the opponent's pawn chain – 24.Nxf5!? exf5 (isolating and condemning the d4-pawn to its
fate), and only then to carry out the cherished 25.b5 : for example, 25...axb5 26.Bxc6 bxc6
27.Nb4 bxa4 28.Nxc6 Rxb1 29.Rxb1 , and Black faces a gruelling defence.] 24...axb5 A difficult
choice. [The immediate exchange of the bishop looked tempting – 24...Bxf3 with the idea of
25.Nxf5 Bxe2! , when it suddenly transpires that swift pawn breaks do not work: 26.--
a)26.c6?! Bxd3 27.Kxd3 exf5 28.b6 Rdc8!; b), or 26.Ne7+?! Kf7 27.b6 Nd5! 28.c6 Bxd3 29.Kxd3
Kxe7 30.c7 e5 .; c). But after 26.b6! Nd5 27.Nd6 White would nevertheless have retained the
initiative: 27...Bxd3 (c)or 27...Bf3 28.a5!) 28.Kxd3 e5 29.fxe5 fxe5 30.Ke4! (with excellent
compensation for the exchange after 30...Nc3+ 31.Kxe5 Nxb1 32.Rxb1 ).; ] 25.axb5?! Strangely
enough, this natural capture loses White the greater part of his advantage. [25.Bxc6 bxc6
26.Nxf5 exf5 27.Nb4 (transposing into the variation from the note to White's 24th move) ; or
25.Nxb5!? Bxf3 26.Nxc7 was more promising.] 25...Nxd6? A fatal mistake: Vaganian cracks
under the strain of a lengthy defence. [It was essential to play 25...Bxf3 26.Nxf5 Bxe2
(26...exf5? 27.exf3 , and if 27...Nd5 , then 28.Rc1! is strong) 27.-- , and now nothing is given by
eithera)27.b6 Nd5 28.Nxd4 (a)or 28.Nd6 Bf3!) 28...Bxd3 29.Kxd3 e5; b), or 27.Ne7+ Kf7 28.b6
Bxd3 (b)not 28...Ne8? 29.Nc6! and wins) 29.Kxd3 Rd7 30.bxc7 Rxc7 31.Nd5 exd5 with equality.;
c). True, with the opening of the a-file White would have acquired the fantastic resource
27.c6!! Bxd3 (c)if 27...Nd5? , then 28.Ne7+! Nxe7 29.c7 winning the exchange: 29...Bf3 30.Nc5!
etc) 28.Kxd3 exf5 29.b6! Rdc8 30.bxc7 Rxc7 31.Ra6 Kf7 32.Rab6 , but after 32...Ke7 33.cxb7
(c)33.Rxb7 Rbc8 is equal) 33...Rd7 it is not apparent how Black's position can be breached.; ]
26.bxc6! With the elimination of the f3-bishop's opponent, the battle enters the technical
phase: White will inevitably create a passed pawn and win a pawn. 26...Nc4+ 27.Kc1 [27.Ke1!?
was also good: 27...bxc6 (or 27...b5 28.cxb6 Rxb6 29.Rxb6 Nxb6 30.Nc5) 28.Nb4 .] 27...bxc6
28.Rxb8 Rxb8 29.Ra4! A useful interposition, [although also after 29.Bxc6 Rb3 30.Ra7 Nb5
31.Bxb5 Rxb5 32.Rd7 Na5 (32...e5?! 33.c6!) 33.Kc2 Black cannot save the game.] 29...Ne3
30.Bxc6 e5 Desperation. [It would also not have helped to play 30...Rd8 31.Ra7 Ned5 32.Kd2!?
(or 32.Ne1!? Rb8 (32...Kf8 33.Nf3) 33.Nc2 e5 34.Kd2 with a victorious march by the king.) ]
31.fxe5 fxe5 32.Nxe5 Ne6 33.Ra5! Rc8 34.Kd2! (on this occasion I was accurate to the end)
34...Kf8 35.Kd3 Ke7 [35...Rc7 36.Ba4! .] 36.Ra7+ Kf6 37.Nd7+ Kg5 [37...Ke7 38.Nb6+ .] 38.Bf3
Nf5 39.h4+ Kg6 40.Ra6 Kf7 41.Bd5 Re8 42.Ne5+ Kf6 43.Nf3 . And in view of the further loss of
material, Black resigned. 1–0

Thanks to this win I became the sole leader with 8 out of 12, half a point ahead of Karpov.
Nikitin: 'The world champion was very much hoping to win at least one of his three remaining
games - and he was close to victory in all three. First he played a mind-boggling game with
Yasser Seirawan.'

The clash with the ambitious American grandmaster was a crucial one. Remembering our
encounters at the previous two Olympiads, we were both aiming to win!

Game 55
Seirawan,Y - Kasparov,G, World Cup, Skelleftea (13), 27.08.1989
Modern Benoni A65

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Be2 0–0 6.Bg5 At that time Yasser regularly employed
the Averbakh Variation. Although I had 6...Nbd7 (Game No.76 in Garry Kasparov on Garry
Kasparov Part I) and 6...Na6 in my armoury, I decided to reply by taking my opponent's games
into account. 6...c5 7.d5 h6 [7...b5?! – Game Nos.58, 67 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov
Part I.] 8.Be3 [Alburt once chose against me 8.Bf4 e6 (but here there is also 8...Qb6 ) 9.dxe6
Bxe6 10.Bxd6 (Game No.28 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I).] 8...e6 9.Qd2 exd5
10.cxd5 This leads to a fashionable Modern Benoni set-up. [If 10.exd5 Black has more than one
option: 10...-- a)10...Ng4 11.Bxg4 Bxg4 12.Bxh6 Re8+ with sharp play (Podgaets-Bronstein,
Tbilisi 1973); b), or 10...Kh7 11.h3 Re8 12.Nf3 (b)12.Bd3 b5!) 12...Bf5 13.Bd3 (Dydyshko-
Kasparov, Minsk 1978) 13...Ne4 with equality.; ] 10...Re8 11.f3 (3)It is curious that a well-
known position from the Sämisch Variation has arisen, in which instead of the normal Nge2
White has played Be2. 11...h5! [Of course, not 11...a6? (Seirawan-Am.Rodriguez, Toluca
Interzonal 1982) because of 12.Bxh6! , when 12...Nxe4? 13.Nxe4 Qh4+ 14.g3 Qxh6 15.Nf6+ is
bad for Black. ; And after the passive 11...Kh7 White plays 12.a4 (or, most often, 12.g4
(Seirawan-Scheeren, Wijk aan Zee 1983).) ] 12.a4! (2)The prelude to an interesting regrouping.
White has a problem with the development of his g1–knight – if Nh3 there follows ...Bxh3 (for
this reason Black is not in a hurry to play ...Nbd7). 12...a6 (5)Also a logical and useful move.
'This position was on the magnetic set in Garry's room, when he was leaving for the game.'
(Nikitin). [12...Na6 is also not bad, but then the white knight easily comes into play: 13.Bb5
Bd7 14.Nge2 (Seirawan-R.Byrne, Berkley 1984).] 13.a5 (19) [If 13.h4 , then 13...Nh7! ,
forestalling Nh3 and provoking the weakening move g2-g3. ; I had also studied 13.Bg5 Qa5
14.Ra3 Nh7! (14...Nbd7?! 15.Nh3 , Seirawan-Bouaziz, Hamburg 1982) 15.Bf4 Qc7 with
complicated play.] 13...Nh7!? (4)It was this move, which had not yet occurred in grandmaster
play, that I was relying on. [Of course, my opponent was ready for 13...b5 14.axb6 Qxb6 – in
the well-known game Christiansen-Marin (Szirak Interzonal 1987) after 15.Bd1 Nbd7 16.Nge2
Ne5 17.b3 a5 this led to a double-edged battle.] 14.Bd1 (10)The point of White's plan: the
bishop vacates the e2-square for the knight. [If 14.Na4!? Seirawan recommended 14...f5 (?!)
(14...Nd7! is more correct: 15.Nh3 b5 16.axb6 Nxb6 17.Nf2 Nxa4 18.Rxa4 Rb8 19.Nd1 (or
19.Ra2 ) 19...f5 with sufficient counterplay) 15.Nb6 Ra7 , but after 16.Qc2! White's chances
are somewhat better.] 14...Nd7 (4) 15.Nge2 (2) 15...Ne5 16.b3 By parrying the threat of
...Nc4, White blocks the bishop's access to the desired a4-square. [However, 16.Bb3 b5 (b6)
was no better.] 16...Qh4+ (31) [Seirawan was afraid of 16...f5 , judging Black to be better after
17.Bc2 fxe4 18.Bxe4 c4! (another recommendation by Yasser – 18...Nf6 is worse because of
19.Bc2!) , but after 19.0–0 cxb3 20.Bd4 White soon regains the pawn and does not experience
any problems.] 17.Bf2 Qf6 With the transparent threat of ...Qxf3!. 18.Qe3 (8)A rather artificial
manoeuvre. [After the natural 18.0–0 White did not like 18...Ng5! (not 18...Qxf3? 19.Bxc5!; or
the questionable 18...h4 19.f4!? Ng4 20.Be1) , although 19.Be3 (19.Kh1? Ngxf3! and wins)
19...Ngxf3+ 20.gxf3 Nxf3+ 21.Rxf3 Qxf3 22.Nf4 Qxe3+ 23.Qxe3 Bd4 leads to a roughly equal
endgame.; 18.Be3 will also do, inviting a repetition of moves – 18...Qh4+ (Seirawan). (I
thought that the sharp 18...h4?! was acceptable, with the idea of 19.h3 Nxf3+?! 20.gxf3 Qxf3
21.Rg1 Qxh3 , but after the sudden 22.Nf4 Qd7 23.Bh5! White would seize the initiative.) ]
18...h4! (6) 19.h3 (6) 19...g5! 20.0–0 (8) 20...Bd7 (10)Black calmly completes his
development. [Things were unclear after 20...Bh6 (Spassky) 21.Be1 g4 22.f4; or 20...Nf8
(Nikitin) 21.Be1 Bh6 22.Na4 .] 21.Kh1 (5) [Here too 21.Be1!? came into consideration.]

21...Nf8 (the activation of the knight strengthens the dark-square blockade) 22.Bg1 (3)
22...Nfg6 23.Bh2?! (2)This seemingly logical bishop manoeuvre (control of the f4-square!) has
a serious defect. [23.Bc2 was better, and if 23...Nf4 , then 24.Nxf4 gxf4 25.Qd2 .] 23...c4?!
(7)Activity on the wrong wing: here Black has no advantage in force! [Nothing real was
promised by 23...Bb5 24.Bc2 Re7?! 25.Nxb5 axb5 26.f4!; or 23...Bh6 24.Bc2 Nf4?! 25.Nxf4 gxf4
26.Qd2 .; But I could have landed an insidious blow, not noticed by the commentators:
23...g4! 24.f4 (24.hxg4? Nxg4) 24...Nf3! , forcing 25.Rxf3 (25.gxf3?! g3! with an attack)
25...gxf3 26.Qxf3 Bb5 , and although White has knight and pawn for the exchange, his position
is unpleasant.] 24.Rb1 (3) 24...Rac8 [24...Rec8!? .] 25.Qa7! (11)Yasser immediately creates
counter-threats. Nevertheless, the position remains dynamically balanced. 25...Nf4?! (10)Too
slow. [It was time to launch an attack – 25...g4! 26.hxg4 Bxg4! (26...Nxg4?! 27.Bg1) 27.-- with
very sharp play in most of the variations:a)27.Nd4? h3! 28.g3 Nd3 29.Bg1 (a)or 29.Nce2 Rxe4)
29...h2! and wins; b)27.Ng1?! (Seirawan attaches two exclamation marks to this move,
analysing only the reply 27...Nd3) 27...cxb3! 28.Nce2 (b)or 28.Rxb3 Nc4) 28...Bd7 with the
initiative for Black; c)27.Bc2 cxb3! 28.Bxe5 (c)28.Bxb3? h3! 29.fxg4 hxg2+ 30.Kxg2 Qg5!)
28...Nxe5 29.Bxb3 Bd7 30.Qxb7 h3 31.g3 Qg6 with excellent compensation for the pawn;
d)27.Nf4 Bxf3!? (d)27...cxb3 and ...Nc4 is less exacting) 28.Nh3!? cxb3 29.Na4 Nf4
(d)29...Qd8!?) 30.Bxf3 Nxh3 31.Bg4 Nxg4! 32.Rxf6 Rc2! with a pretty draw; e)27.Qg1 Bh5!
28.bxc4 Nxc4 29.Rxb7 Nd2! 30.e5! Rxe5! 31.Bxe5 Qxe5 32.Rf2 Bh6 and here Black has good
play for the exchange.; ] 26.bxc4 (6) [In the event of 26.Bxf4 gxf4 27.Qxb7 (27.bxc4!?)
27...Rb8! 28.Qxa6 Ra8 29.Qb6 Reb8 30.Qd4 Rxa5 Black has sufficient compensation for the
pawn. ; He also has every chance of holding on after 26.Qxb7 Rb8! 27.Qa7!? (27.Qxa6 Qe7!
28.Bg1 Nxh3!) 27...Nxe2 28.Nxe2 Bb5 29.Nc3 cxb3 30.Nxb5 axb5 31.Bxb3 Ra8 etc.] 26...Nxc4
[Seirawan expected 26...Rxc4? 27.Rxb7 Bc8 28.Rc7! with an obvious advantage to White.]
27.Rxb7? (7)Not wishing to exchange the dark-square bishop, [but 27.Bxf4! gxf4 28.Rxb7 Ra8
29.Qf2 Re7 30.Rg1 with the idea of Ba4 would have given White the better chances ( 30...Nxa5
31.Rb4! ).] 27...Nd2! (3) 28.Rg1? (6) [28.Re1? Nxg2!; or 28.Rf2? Ra8 29.Qb6 Nd3 was also bad.
; Therefore 28.e5! dxe5 29.Ne4 Nxe4 30.fxe4 Bb5 31.Bg1 was necessary, going on to the
defensive.] 28...Nxh3!! (10)A cold shower: having miraculously remained alive, this knight
lands a crushing blow. All Black's other replies would have lost, whereas this one wins: the
knight cannot be taken and the trapping of the queen by 29...Ra8 30 Qb6(e3) Nc4 is
threatened. 29.e5!? [The best practical chance (in the event of the mechanical 29.e5 dxe5?!
30.Rxd7 Ra8 (?) 31.Qe3 Nc4 White has the counter-blow 32.Ne4! Qf5 33.Qc3 Nxg1 34.Rc7 ).;
Later, on a flight from Skelleftea to Brussels, I analysed this position with Seirawan, Korchnoi
and Nikitin, and an apparently more resilient defence was found with the sacrifice of the
queen for two minor pieces – 29.Rxd7 Ra8 30.Qb6 Nc4 and now: 31.-- a)31.gxh3 Nxb6 32.axb6
Qxf3+ 33.Rg2 Qxh3! (a)more accurate than 33...Bxc3 , analysed by Seirawan in Informator and
in his book Chess Duels: My Games with the World Champions) 34.Rxd6 (a)or 34.Rc7 Rac8!
35.Ng1 Qe3 36.Bg4 Rxc7 37.bxc7 Qc5! – the queen and pawns should tip the scales in Black's
favour) 34...Bxc3 35.Rc6 Bg7! 36.Ng1 Qd3 37.Bc2 Qb5 38.Rxg5 a5!; b)31.Rf1!? Nxb6 32.Rxd6
(b)32.axb6? Nf4 and wins) 32...Qe7! 33.Rxb6 , and here we only looked at 33...Nf4 (?) (b)with
the elegant 33...Bxc3! 34.Bd6 (b)34.Nxc3 Nf4 and wins) 34...Nf2+! 35.Rxf2 Bxa5 36.Bxe7 Bxb6
37.Rf1 Rxe7 Black could obtain a won endgame) , which after 34.Nxf4 (b)the immediate
34.d6! is even better) 34...Bxc3 (b)or 34...gxf4 35.d6) 35.d6 and Nd5 gives White every chance
of saving the game.; ] 29...Rxe5? 'An impulsive decision, typical of Kasparov's time in
Skelleftea.' (Nikitin). [And, indeed, I was obliged to find 29...Qf5! with the previous threat of
...Ra8. 30.-- a). Neither 30.gxh3? Qxf3+; b), nor 30.Rxd7? Qxd7! will do; c), and the new
possibility 30.e6 does not save White in view of 30...Ra8! 31.exd7 Red8! 32.Qb6 Nc4 . In this
remarkable position White also does not have real compensation for the queen: 33.Rf1 (c)or
33.gxh3 Nxb6 34.axb6 Qxf3+ 35.Rg2 Bxc3 36.Nxc3 Qxc3 37.Rxg5+ Kh8 38.Rh5+ Kg7 39.Bg4
Qe1+ 40.Kg2 (c)40.Bg1 a5) 40...Qd2+ 41.Kh1 a5 , and matters are decided by the modest a-
pawn) 33...Nxb6 34.axb6 g4! .; ] 30.Rxd7 (3) 30...Nxg1 (1) 31.Qxg1?! (1)Yasser wrongly

attaches an exclamation mark to this move. [He should have taken the rook – 31.Bxe5! , and
after 31...Qxe5 32.Qxg1 White would have remained with an extra piece, which, it is true,
would not have brought a win on account of the open position of his king:a)32.Kxg1 g4!
(a)32...Rxc3? 33.Re7!) 33.fxg4 (a)or 33.Re7 Qf5 34.Ne4 gxf3 35.Nxd2 fxe2 36.Bxe2 (a)36.Rxe2
Rc1 is equal) 36...Qf4! 37.Nf3 Rc1+ with perpetual check) 33...Qf6! 34.Qf2 Qxf2+ 35.Kxf2 Bxc3;
b)32.Qxg1! (this is slightly better) 32...h3 33.Ra7! Qf5! 34.Qe3 g4 35.Ng3 Qe5 36.Qxe5 Bxe5
37.f4! Bxf4! 38.Bxg4 hxg2+ 39.Kxg2 Rxc3 , nevertheless achieving a draw.It should be said that
the events took place in a severe time scramble: each player had roughly five minutes left on
his clock.; ] 31...Ree8?! [A sensible retreat ( 31...Re7? 32.Rxd6 Qf5 33.Rc6! was much worse);
but lurking in the position was another combination – 31...Nxf3! 32.gxf3 Qxf3+ 33.Qg2 Qf5!
34.Bxe5 Bxe5 with the double threat of 35...Qxd7 and, most importantly, 35...h3!. Despite his
two extra pieces, White has to give back a rook to try and gain a draw: 35.Ne4 Qxd7 36.Qxg5+
Kf8 37.Qxh4 (or 37.Nf4 (Seirawan) 37...Qb5 38.Kg2 .) ] 32.Rxd6 Qf5 (apart from ...Bxc3, Black
is threatening ...h4-h3, which should guarantee him a draw) 33.Ba4! (2)Finally the bishop ends
up where it wanted to go back in the opening. [If 33.Rc6 , then 33...h3! .] 33...Qd3? Alas, an
incorrect sacrifice, but in my panicky haste I thought it was the only chance. [If 33...Red8?
34.Rxd8+ Rxd8 , then 35.Bc7! was decisive. ; 33...Bxc3 34.Bxe8 Rxe8 35.Nxc3 looked
dangerous (although it would appear that 35...h3! saves Black).; I also did not see any defence
after 33...Re7! 34.Rc6! -- a), if 34...Rce8 (?) 35.d6! etc. ; b). However, it was here that Black
could have maintained the balance – 34...Rxc6 35.Bxc6 -- b1), and now not 35...Bxc3? 36.Nxc3
Nxf3 37.d6!! Re1 38.d7 Rxg1+ 39.Bxg1 Qxa5 40.Bxf3 when White wins; b2), but 35...Nxf3!
immediately, for example: 36.-- b21)36.d6 Rxe2 37.Bxf3 Rd2! 38.Qe3 Bxc3 39.Qxc3 Rd3 40.Qc6
(b21)40.Qb2 Rxf3!) 40...Kg7 41.Be2 (b21)41.Qb7 h3!) 41...Rb3! 42.Bg1 h3! 43.g3 Qe5! 44.d7
h2! 45.d8Q hxg1Q+ 46.Kxg1 Rxg3+ 47.Kh1 Rh3+ with perpetual check; b22)36.Qb6 h3 (b22)or
36...Bxc3 37.Qd8+ Kg7 38.Qxe7 Nxh2 39.Kxh2 Bxa5 40.Qe3 (b22)40.d6 Bb4!) 40...Bc7+ , again
saving the game a piece down) 37.d6 hxg2+ 38.Kxg2 Rxe2+ 39.Nxe2 Nxh2 40.Kxh2 Qe5+
41.Ng3 Qxd6 and ...Be5.; ; ; ] 34.Bxe8 Rxe8 35.Rc6 h3 (2) 36.Bg3? A time-trouble error in reply.
[For many years Seirawan thought he could have won by 36.Qf2 (?!) 36...-- a)36...Re3 (?)
37.Rc8+ Kh7 38.Qg3 (a)or 38.Ng1 ; a)or 38.Bf4! ) ; b), but then he discovered 36...hxg2+!
37.Kxg2 (b)37.Qxg2?! Nxf3 is equal) 37...Nc4! with compensation for the piece. I think that
after 38.Qg3 g4! 39.Bg1 f5 40.Bf2 (b)40.Rxa6 Ne5!) 40...gxf3+ 41.Qxf3 Qxf3+ 42.Kxf3 Ne5+
43.Kf4 Nxc6 44.dxc6 Kf7 45.Bd4 Bh6+ 46.Kxf5 Rc8 and ...Rxc6 Black would have had good
drawing chances.; ; On the other hand, the fearless 36.gxh3! Bxc3 would have led to a win: (or
36...Nxf3 37.Qg2 Nxh2 (37...f5 38.d6!) 38.Kxh2 Qe3 (38...Be5+ 39.Kh1) 39.Rc4! etc) 37.Rxc3!
Qxe2 38.Qxg5+ .] 36...hxg2+ The storm has passed. [Black would also have equalised with
36...Bxc3!? 37.Nxc3 hxg2+ 38.Qxg2 Nxf3 39.Qh3 Nd2 (or 39...Qd4 40.Kg2 g4 .) ] 37.Qxg2 (2)
37...Nxf3 (1) 38.d6 Although by now I sensed that I would save the game, this pawn thrust
concerned me. [Later Yasser suggested 38.Qf2 (?!), but this is weak on account of 38...Qh7+!
39.Kg2 (39.Bh2? Be5) 39...g4 , when White has to overcome some problems: 40.Qf1! Bxc3
41.Rxc3 (41.Nxc3? Re1!! and wins) 41...Qe4! 42.Kf2 Nd2 43.Qd1 Qxd5 44.Qa4! with hopes of
defending.] 38...Re6 [38...Qh7+?! was no longer so attractive in view of 39.Bh2! Nxh2
(39...Be5? 40.d7! and Rc8) 40.Qxh2 Qf5 41.Qg2 Kf8 42.Rc4 , although it is hard for White to
convert his plus. ; But the problems would have been more easily solved by 38...g4! 39.Qf1
Qf5 40.Kg2 Bxc3 41.Rxc3 Qd5 with a draw. ] 39.Qf2 [The transition into an endgame was more
dangerous for Black – 39.Rc8+! Kh7 40.Qf1 g4 41.Qb1 Qxb1+ 42.Nxb1 Rxe2 43.d7 Bf6 , and
here I would have had to work a little to reach the haven of a draw: 44.d8Q (or 44.Nc3 Rd2
45.Ne4 Rd1+ 46.Kg2 Be7 47.Nd6 Rd5 etc) 44...Bxd8 45.Rxd8 Ra2 46.Bc7 Rc2! 47.Bf4 Ra2 .]
39...g4 40.Rc8+ With his flag about to fall, Yasser decided to deprive my queen of the h7-
square. [40.Kg2 was slightly more dangerous, since only 40...Rh6! with the idea of 41.-- Ne1+!
42.Kg1 Nf3+ leads to an immediate draw.] 40...Kh7 (1) 41.Nf4 (37) [The time control was
reached, and my opponent gradually realised that White has nothing: 41.Kg2 Rh6; or 41.Bf4!?
Bh6! .] 41...Rh6+ (1) 42.Kg2 Ne1+! 43.Kg1 [43.Qxe1? Qf3+ .] 43...Nf3+ 44.Kg2 Ne1+ . 'A

grandiose battle! Fantastic chaos! And excellent training material.' (Nikitin) ½–½

In the next round I played without enthusiasm, not greatly believing that I could engage Zoltan
Ribli in a large-scale battle. The Hungarian grandmaster endeavoured to extinguish the
slightest sharpness from the battle, although he did this not altogether correctly. In the fourth
hour of play another rare instance in my games occurred: I did not notice a decisive, very
pretty combinative stroke!

Game 56
Kasparov,G - Ribli,Z, World Cup, Skelleftea (14), 28.08.1989

25...Bd4?? Expecting a peace agreement, for an instant Ribli let his vigilance slip and he
decided to force exchanges in an elegant way. [25...Bc3! 26.Rdd1 Bf6 was correct.] 26.Rxb5
After making this move, without thinking I offered a draw! [Before we had time to sign the
scoresheets, Vaganian rushed up and quietly exclaimed: 'Rook dee eight!' I immediately
understood – after 26.Rxb5 Bxe3 27.Rd8!! (the weakness of the back rank!) 27...Qxb5
(27...Rxd8 28.Rd5!!) 28.Qd6! Bxf2+ 29.Kxf2 Qf5+ 30.Kg1! (30.Kg2? Qd5+!) 30...Qb1+ 31.Kg2
Qe4+ 32.Kh3 Qf5+ 33.g4 Qf1+ 34.Kg3 White would escape from the checks and win: 34...Qg1+
35.Kf3 Qf1+ 36.Ke3 Qh3+ 37.Kd4! e5+ 38.Kd5! Qg2+ 39.Kc5 Qg1+ 40.Kc6 . But, alas, this was
fated not to happen.] ½–½

Nevertheless, before the final, 15th round, I was still half a point ahead of Karpov. I outplayed
Nikolic with Black, but on the 25th move I missed a very real winning chance (again it was
observed by Vaganian), and although I tormented my opponent until the 68th move, in the
end I had to reconcile myself to a draw. But on the same 68th move Karpov overcame the
resistance of the hard-to-beat Andersson - and he caught me at the very last moment.

Nikitin: 'Thus the two eternal opponents, playing in completely different styles, arrived at the
tournament finish with identical results. Each of them fought mainly with himself, and both in
their own way deserved the favour of Caissa: the one for the rich creative content of his
games, and the other for his mighty fighting spirit.'

Of course, for me this '+4' was an indifferent result, but the main thing was that it was
sufficient for victory in the World Cup. After the series of exhausting matches, I had shown
that I was also the strongest in tournament play. The combined lead achieved by me and
Karpov over the other contestants comprised almost a whole tournament (never again would
the world see such an imposing superiority of the 'two Ks'): 1. Kasparov - 83; 2. Karpov - 81; 3.

Salov - 68½; 4. Ehlvest - 68; 5. Ljubojevic - 66½; 6. Nunn - 65½; 7-8. Beliavsky and Short - 63½;
9-10. Hübner and Timman - 57½, etc.

In the World Cup a marked improvement in the financial and organisational conditions was
achieved. These gripping but cumbersome tournaments, each lasting more than three weeks,
went down in history as the last 'monsters' of the classical chess era. After the GMA the
maximum number of contestants in such events became 14 (as in the current FIDE Grand Prix,
which is largely copied from the World Cup), with 10 the most common number. Therefore,
even now, one has to be impressed by the scale of the events conducted then - over the
course of just two years! - and united in a single system: six all-play-all super-tournaments and
four grandmaster qualifying 'Swisses' (Belgrade, Moscow, Palma de Mallorca and Moscow).

Many thought that 'both organisationally and materially the GMA was ready to take over from
the weakening hands of FIDE the conducting of the world championship cycle.' It is a great pity
that this did not happen and that a second World Cup did not take place: in the early 1990s an
internal conflict, skilfully stirred up from outside, led to the break-up of the Grandmasters
Association (details of this are given in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009).

2.1.8. Fischer's Record is Broken!

Double-round super-tournament in Tilburg (14 September - 3 October 1989): 1. Kasparov - 12

out of 14; 2. Korchnoi - 8½; 3-4. Ljubojevic and Sax - 7; 5. Ivanchuk - 6½; 6-7. Agdestein and
Hjartarson - 5½; 8. Piket - 4.

The traditional tournament in Tilburg began just two weeks after Skelleftea. I did not manage
to rest and prepare properly: on returning from Brussels, where the closing ceremony of the
World Cup took place, I set off to the USA on GMA business. But, as is apparent, in the last
stage of the World Cup I 'warmed up' well: in Tilburg I managed to win practically all the games
in which I had winning chances.

Although I arrived at the tournament feeling slightly unwell and without a trainer (Nikitin
managed to get out of the USSR only for the start of the second half), I was in a fighting mood.
I very much wanted to gain revenge for the failure in Tilburg 1981 and, by scoring a minimum
of 11 out of 14, to surpass Fischer's ancient rating record (2780). And at the same time to
finish ahead of the young Vassily Ivanchuk - the triumphant winner of Linares 1989 (ahead of
Karpov!), who by that time was already the No.3 rated player in the world. The expected
rivalry between us imparted a particular colouring to the tournament. Korchnoi predicted
victory for Ivanchuk, and this was also hinted at by Genna Sosonko and Botvinnik: 'If Ivanchuk
is playing in a tournament, I know who will win the tournament, but I myself will not say.' This
infuriated me: had they really forgotten that the world champion could also play quite well? I
had been challenged, and I decided to demonstrate everything I was capable of.

To start with I made a psychologically difficult, but good move: I repacked my bags and moved
from the comfortable, out of town De Parel Hotel, where the participants were
accommodated, to a small family hotel in the centre. By secluding myself, I was able to create
an ideal working atmosphere - I did much analysis, fulfilled the role of trainer myself, and
passionately played chess.

In the first round I was paired with White against the new hope of Dutch chess, the 20-year-old
grandmaster Jeroen Piket (he had replaced Timman, who was preparing for his Candidates
match with Speelman). At the opening ceremony Sosonko asked me whether I was happy with
the pairings, and I replied that I was already thinking what to play against Piket - 1 d4, or more

probably 1 c4. With a laugh Genna enquired: 'But aren't you up to playing 1 e4?' He knew full
well that Piket might employ the sharp Dragon Variation. His 'aren't you up to' comment urged
me on, and the following day I in fact chose 1 e4. When he arrived for the round, Sosonko was
extremely surprised to see on the monitor a smoothly-played Yugoslav Attack (I never played 9
Bc4 either before or after this game!).

Game 57
Kasparov,G - Piket,J, Tilburg (1), 15.09.1989
Sicilian Defence B78

1.e4 The reversion to this move began in the summer, at a regular training session in Zagulba.
For eighteen months I had managed with the material accumulated during my preparations for
the matches with Karpov, especially the one in Seville, where I mainly played 1 c4. And after 1
e4 we had looked only at the main lines of the Ruy Lopez, the Petroff and the Caro-Kann.
However, at this training session I began studying the popular Sicilian set-ups, including the
Dragon Variation. 1...c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 [A surprise: earlier Piket had
nearly always played 5...Nc6 . But I was not too alarmed, since I was already familiar with the
new trends in the Dragon, and I accepted the challenge.] 6.Be3 Bg7 7.f3 Nc6 8.Qd2 0–0 9.Bc4
Bd7 [9...Nxd4?! – Game No.52 in My Great Predecessors Part IV.] 10.h4 The fashion of the
1970–1980s. [Nowadays the flexible 10.0–0–0 Ne5 11.Bb3 Rc8 12.Kb1! is more topical, and if
12...Nc4 , then 13.Bxc4 Rxc4 14.g4! , preventing ...h7-h5: White retains both control over the
centre, and prospects of an attack on the king.] 10...Ne5 11.Bb3 Rc8 12.0–0–0 Nc4 [I had also
studied the radical move 12...h5! , which was introduced into top grandmaster practice by
Miles and Sosonko, and which later, largely thanks to its surprise effect, brought me success in
my world championship match with Anand (1995). For details, see Revolution in the 70s
(pp.104–121).] 13.Bxc4 Rxc4 14.h5 Nxh5 15.g4 Nf6 (one of the best known Dragon tabiyas)
16.Bh6 Following the old game Geller-Korchnoi (4th match game, Moscow 1971). [The
insidious 16.Nde2 (Karpov-Korchnoi, 2nd match game, Moscow 1974) was no longer
considered dangerous for Black in view of 16...Re8! (cf. Game No.67 in My Great Predecessors
Part V). ; This reply is also good after the most subtle move 16.Kb1!? (in the 1990s Anand
played this).] 16...Nxe4! 17.Qe3 [If 17.Nxe4?! Rxd4 18.Qh2 , then, if there is nothing better,
18...Be5 19.Qh4 Rxe4!? 20.fxe4 Qb6 21.c3 Rc8 with excellent play for the exchange.] 17...Rxc3
18.bxc3 Nf6 19.Bxg7 Kxg7 20.Rh2 Continuing Geller's plan. [Little is promised by 20.Qh6+ Kh8!
with the idea of ...Rg8 ; or 20.Ne2 Qa5!; and 20.Nb3 ; or 20.Rh4 (Tseshkovsky-Miles, Wijk aan
Zee 1989) is no better.I had known the Geller-Korchnoi game since childhood: we analysed it in
lessons at the chess section of the Baku Pioneers Palace. At that time, despite his broken
pawns, White's position looked very threatening, but later games showed that without great
difficulty (and in not just one way!) Black could parry the attack, retaining two pawns for the
exchange and a flexible pawn structure.] 20...Rh8 Perhaps not the strongest move, but a
perfectly competent one. [I will mention three other possibilities: 20...Qa5 21.Nb3 (21.Qxe7
Qa3+! and Re8) 21...Qa3+! (Korchnoi played 21...Qxa2?! and after 22.Qxe7 Qa3+?! 23.Kb1
Re8 24.Qxd6 Qxd6 25.Rxd6 he reached a somewhat inferior endgame) 22.Kb1 Re8! , protecting
the base pawn on e7; 20...Rg8 (the most popular) 21.Ne2 Bc6 (but not 21...Qa5? 22.g5 and
Qxe7, Short-Ernst, Subotica Interzonal 1987) 22.Ng3 Kf8 23.c4 (Nunn-Ljubojevic, Amsterdam
1988) (or 23.g5 Nd5 24.Qxa7 Nxc3 25.Rd3 Nb5 26.Qe3 Qa5! with dynamic equality) 23...Qa5!;
20...e5 (the rarest) 21.Nf5+ this gives no more than a draw, (but 21.Ne2 Qa5 is also
unpromising) 21...Bxf5 22.gxf5 Qc7 23.Qh6+ (23.Qxa7?! Qxc3) 23...Kg8 24.Qg5 Kg7! 25.Rdh1
Rh8 26.Qh6+ Kg8 with sufficient counterplay.; If 20...Qc7?! , then 21.Qxe7 Qxc3 22.Qxd6 is
unpleasant.] 21.Nb3 [After some thought I did not find anything promising for White after
21.Ne2 Bc6; or 21.Rdh1 e5!? 22.Nb3 Bc6 with the idea of ...h7-h5 – and I made a new move.]
21...Bc6 This weakens Black's control of f5, which White promptly exploits. [If 21...b6 I
thought that 22.Re1 was very strong (22.Kb2 h5!?) , but now I see that after both 22...e5 (and

22...Re8 23.Qh6+ Kg8 24.Nd2 d5 25.c4 Qc7 26.cxd5 Qc3 Black is quite alright) 23.Qh6+ Kg8
24.Rd2 Qe7 25.g5 Ne8 (25...Nh5!?) 26.f4 e4 .; Even the immediate 21...h5 was not so bad,
since my Informator suggestion 22.g5 (?!) (22.gxh5 Nxh5 23.Qxa7 is better, although even
here after 23...Bc6 it is unclear whether White can gain any real advantage) 22...Nh7 23.f4 has
been successfully parried in practice by 23...Bg4 (23...b6 24.Qd4+ f6 will also do) 24.Re1 e5 (or
24...Re8 .) ] 22.g5 Nh5 23.f4 (with the obvious intention of f4-f5) 23...Re8 [In the event of
23...Qd7?! 24.Nd4 and f4-f5 Black would have been in danger of coming under a dangerous
attack ( 24...Qg4? is weak in view of 25.Qxe7 Qxf4+ 26.Rhd2! ).] 24.f5 Qb6! The activation of
the queen is the correct way of curbing White's aggression. 25.Nd4! Maintaining the tension.
[After 25.Qxb6 axb6 26.Nd4 Bd7 I would have had to forget about an attack and play an equal
endgame.] 25...Qc5 [25...Qa5 was equally safe: 26.Nxc6 bxc6 27.f6+ Kg8 (now 27...Kf8?
28.Rxh5! gxh5 29.g6! is bad for Black) 28.fxe7 Qxa2 with equality.; But not 25...Kg8? 26.Rxh5!
gxh5 27.g6 and wins.] 26.Re1 Bd7! For the moment Piket defends impeccably. [26...Kg8?
would have been met by an unexpected offer to exchange queens – 27.Nxc6! . Had he
declined, Black would have lost: 27...-- a)27...Qa3+? 28.Kd2 bxc6 29.fxg6 hxg6 30.Rxh5! gxh5
31.g6 Qc5 32.Qh6! Qf2+ 33.Re2 Qf6 34.gxf7+ Kxf7 35.Qh7+ Kf8 36.Rg2; b), or 27...Qxc6?
28.fxg6 hxg6 29.Rxh5! gxh5 30.g6 (with the same threat of Qh6) 30...d5 (b)Black is not saved
by either 30...Qg2 31.Rg1; b)or 30...fxg6 31.Qe6+ Kh7 32.Qf7+ Kh6 33.Re6) 31.gxf7+ Kxf7
32.Rf1+ Kg7 33.Qe5+ Kh6 34.Qf4+ Kh7 35.Qf7+ Kh6 36.Rg1 .; c)27...bxc6? 28.Qxc5 dxc5
29.Rh4! etc. was also bad. ; d). However, the forced 27...Qxe3+ 28.Rxe3 bxc6 would also not
have promised Black an easy life: 29.c4! (d)not the inaccurate 29.f6?! e6 30.c4 h6!) 29...Ng7
30.fxg6 hxg6 31.Reh3! (via the third rank the rook breaks into the opponent's position)
31...Nh5 32.Ra3! Ra8 33.c5! with good winning prospects.; ] 27.Qf3 [27.Rf2 Kg8! was unclear.]
27...Bc6?! Previously I attached an exclamation mark to this move, but I overlooked
something. [27...b5? is premature in view of 28.Kb1! (this defence against ...Qxg5+ creates
the threat of Rxe7!) 28...-- a)28...b4 29.fxg6 fxg6 (a)29...hxg6 30.Rf2! Qc4 31.Re4) 30.Rxh5!
gxh5 31.Qxh5; b), or 28...Kg8 29.Rhe2! (b)after 29.fxg6 hxg6 30.Rxh5? gxh5 31.Qxh5 Black
would be saved by 31...Qxc3 – the e1–rook is attacked) 29...Kf8 (b)29...d5 30.Re5) 30.Rh1! Kg8
31.fxg6 -- b1), and now 31...hxg6 32.Rxh5 gxh5 33.Qxh5 is bad for Black (if 33...Qxc3 there is
the decisive 34.g6! ); b2), as is 31...fxg6 32.Rf2 (b2)not 32.Rxh5? gxh5 33.Qxh5 Qd5 with
equality) 32...Qc4 (b2)or 32...Kh8 33.Qf7 Qc4 (b2)33...Qe5 34.Rhf1) 34.Re1! and wins) 33.Rxh5!
gxh5 34.Qxh5 Qd5 35.Rf5! e5 36.g6; ; ; However, after 27...Kg8! Black would have avoided the
immediate tactical threats and retained a defensible position.] 28.Qe3?! [Missing a chance
opportunity to destroy Black's defences with the spectacular 28.Rxe7! Rxe7 (28...Bxf3?
29.Ne6+!) 29.f6+ Kf8 (or 29...Kg8 30.fxe7 Qxg5+ 31.Rd2 Qxe7 32.Nxc6 bxc6 33.Qxc6 and Qxd6
with hopes of converting the exchange advantage) 30.fxe7+ Ke8 (30...Kxe7 31.Re2+ Kf8
32.Qe3!) 31.Qe3! and Re2 with a dangerous initiative.; 28.Nxc6 bxc6! is weaker.] 28...Bd7
29.Qf3 Bc6?! (a tacit draw offer) 30.Qf2?! [In avoiding the repetition of moves, I again did not
see 30.Rxe7! and I played without any concrete aim – simply hoping for the chance possibility
of sacrificing the exchange on h5.] 30...Kg8 [The balance would have been more simply
maintained by 30...Qxc3!? 31.Rxe7 Rxe7 (or 31...Qa3+ 32.Kd1 Rxe7 33.f6+ Kf8 34.fxe7+ Kxe7
35.Nxc6+ bxc6 36.Qd4 – in Informator I assessed this position in favour of White, but after
36...Qxa2 37.Re2+ Kd7 there appears to be no way to gain an advantage ( 38.Qe3 Qa1+ 39.Kd2
Qa5+ etc)) 32.f6+ Kf8 33.fxe7+ Ke8! 34.Nxc6 bxc6 .] 31.Re3 (for the moment defending the c3-
pawn) 31...Bd5? An imperceptible time-trouble mistake: Black cuts off his queen from the
defence of the kingside. [For the same reason it was dangerous to play 31...Qa3+?! 32.Kd2
Qxa2 33.Qe2! ( 33...Nf4? 34.Qg4 Nh5 35.Rxh5! etc.); but the cool-headed 31...Bd7! 32.Qe1
(my Informator recommendation) (32.Qf3 Bc6) 32...d5! would have retained a double-edged
situation.As soon as my opponent placed his bishop on d5, immediately I intuitively sensed
that now the sacrifice on h5 was probably correct, and I did not especially calculate any
variations. Indeed, was it possible to calculate them to the end with the clock ticking
mercilessly away?] 32.Rxh5! [The preparatory 32.Qe2 was also tempting, but you should not

expect too much of a good thing. It should be said that this is a not altogether usual 'Dragon'
exchange sacrifice (as Fischer said: pry open the h-file, sac, sac... mate!): here after the best
defence the king escapes to the queenside.] 32...gxh5 33.Qh4 Qc4? Piket cracks. [Also
33...Bg2? 34.Qxh5; or 33...Kh8? 34.Qxh5 was obviously bad; but he could have played more
strongly: 33...Bc6 34.Qxh5 Bd7 35.Qh3!! (a very pretty, quiet move: after defending the f5-
pawn, White is threatening to switch his rook to the h-file) 35...e6 (35...d5 36.Qh6! e5 37.Rh3
also fails to save Black) 36.g6! fxg6 37.fxg6 h5 (37...hxg6 38.Rg3! Kg7 (or 38...Rf8 39.Rxg6+ Kf7
40.Qh7+ Ke8 41.Rg7! etc. leads to a crushing attack) 39.Qg4) 38.Qh4! Kg7 39.Rf3! Qe5 40.Rf7+
Kxg6 41.Rxd7 Qg5+ 42.Qxg5+ Kxg5 43.Kd2 with a won ending; 33...e5 34.Qxh5 Kf8 (the only
chance: if 34...Qa3+? , then 35.Kd2! Qa4 36.g6! fxg6 37.fxg6 Qd7 38.Nf5! with an irresistible
attack) 35.f6! Rc8 (35...Rd8 36.g6!!) 36.Qxh7 Ke8 37.g6 Kd7 38.Qh3+ Kc7 39.Nb3! Qc4
(39...Bxb3 40.axb3! fxg6 41.Rg3; or 39...Qa3+ 40.Kb1! fxg6 41.Qh7+ Kb8 42.Qe7 , and Black
cannot hold out) 40.g7 Be6 41.Qg2 .] 34.Qxh5 Qf1+ The murderous Rh3 or g5-g6 is threatened,
[and if 34...Rc8 , then first 35.Qh6! . The further resistance is pointless.] 35.Kb2 e5 [35...Bg2
36.g6! .] 36.Qh6! (with the threat of f5-f6) 36...Kh8 37.g6! fxg6 38.fxg6 Re7 39.Rf3! (the
decisive interference move) 39...Qc4 40.Qf8+ 1–0

In the 2nd round I drew with Black against Ljubojevic, and before the 3rd round Sosonko asked
whether I was 'up to' playing 1 e4 again. And I played this against Sax's Sicilian, choosing the
Keres Attack in the Scheveningen - and crushing my opponent in 30 moves.

Nikitin: 'Such a successful change of "opening tune" was unexpected only at first sight. Behind
these results of Kasparov is a great deal of preparatory work, thanks to which he has acquired
colossal opening erudition and, breaking with usual patterns, he no longer remembers a
variation, but simply knows whether or not it is good. Keeping in mind the typical techniques
in different types of positions, he is able to play anything he wants without mistakes and

After a draw with Korchnoi I was leading together with Ivanchuk (3 out of 4). In the 5th round I
had to play Ivanchuk. And when Genna asked his favourite question regarding 1 e4, with a
smile I replied 'Not up to it!' True, after playing 1 d4, from the opening I did not achieve
anything, but Vassily played uncertainly, went wrong on the 35th move, and soon resigned.
After this he literally 'floundered', scoring just half a point in the next four rounds.

Now I was sharing the lead with Korchnoi (4 out of 5), and was very optimistic about my
chances of taking first place. And, indeed, at the end of the first cycle Korchnoi made two
draws, whereas I beat Hjartarson with White and Agdestein with Black. The game with
Agdestein was a critical one for me - before it I said to myself: if I win it, I will do everything
possible to break Fischer's rating record.

It was in this mood that I went along to my 'black' game with Jeroen Piket, which opened the
second half of the tournament. The opening in it was fully predictable.

Game 58
Piket,J - Kasparov,G, Tilburg (8), 24.09.1989
King's Indian Defence E99

1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.c4 Bg7 4.Nc3 0–0 5.e4 d6 6.Be2 e5 7.0–0 Nc6 8.d5 Ne7 9.Ne1 [9.Nd2 –
Game Nos.42, 80.] 9...Nd7 Impeding the typical c4-c5 break. [Later I also tried 9...Ne8 .]
10.Be3 Piket was very fond of this set-up and he gained a number of wins in it, [although
10.Nd3 f5 11.Bd2 was more popular (Game No.64). ] 10...f5 11.f3 f4 12.Bf2 g5 The main tabiya
of the variation. There are mutual flank attacks in prospect, with Black's seemingly the more

dangerous: he has the white king in his sights. But if White can set up a solid defence, his
breakthrough on the queenside followed by play against the exposed black king will be more
important. 13.b4 Straightforward play. [13.Nd3 is rather slow and has long been in the shade:
13...Nf6 14.c5 Ng6 15.Rc1?! (15.a4!) 15...Rf7! 16.Rc2 Bf8! (Game No.29 in My Great
Predecessors Part IV); while after 13.Nb5 (Game No.39 in My Great Predecessors Part V) the
defence 13...b6! was found. ; Later Korchnoi brought to the fore 13.a4 (Game No.77); and
then also 13.Rc1 .] 13...Nf6 14.c5 Ng6 15.cxd6 cxd6 16.Rc1 (with the positional threat of Nb5-
c7-e6) 16...Rf7 17.a4 Bf8! A method of play which is known from the classic games Najdorf-
Gligoric (Mar del Plata 1953), and Taimanov-Najdorf (Zurich Candidates 1953). [But before this
my opponent had only encountered 17...b6 , after which he sacrificed a pawn – 18.a5!? (and
won against Nijboer and Douven, Hilversum 1989); or 17...h5 18.a5 Bd7 19.Nb5 Bxb5 20.Bxb5
g4 21.Kh1 g3 22.Bg1 gxh2 23.Bf2 h4 (23...a6!? , Burgess-Watson, Plymouth 1989) 24.Kxh2 Nh5
and then: 25.-- a)25.Rg1 Ng3 26.a6 bxa6 (a)26...Bf8! with the idea of ...Rh7 and ...h4-h3 is
correct) 27.Bxa6 Bf8?! (a)27...Rb8 is better) 28.Nd3?! (a)28.Qc2! and Bc8! would have given an
obvious advantage) 28...Rh7 29.Be1 h3 30.gxh3 Qh4 31.Nf2 Kh8? (a)31...Be7! and ...Bd8-b6
was essential) 32.Rc8! Rxc8 33.Bxc8 Be7 34.Nh1! Qh6 35.Be6 Nf8 36.Bg4 and White won
(Piket-Paneque, Adelaide 1988); b)25.a6! (an improvement) 25...b6 26.Nd3 Bf6 27.Rg1 Rg7
28.Be1 h3 29.gxh3 Bh4 30.Bxh4 Nxh4 31.Rxg7+ Kxg7 32.Nf2 Kh8?! (b)32...Rc8; b)or 32...Ng3
was more resilient) 33.Ng4 Ng6 34.Qc2! Qh4 35.Rg1 Ne7 36.Bd7! and White won (Piket-
Pieterse, Holland 1989).However, for the moment Black can manage without ...h7-h5, by
supporting the ...g5-g4 advance with his pieces and leaving the h5-square free for his knight.; ]
18.a5 [If 18.Nb5?! , then immediately 18...g4! (the e4-pawn has been left without defence),
when 19.Nxa7? (19.Bxa7? Bd7 20.Bf2 g3! 21.hxg3 fxg3 22.Bxg3 Nh5 etc. is bad for White)
19...g3! .] 18...Bd7! [18...Ne8? is too passive: 19.Nb5! a6 20.Bb6 Qf6 (Novak-Grivas, Athens
1989) 21.Na7! Bd7 22.b5 , and White's attack gets there first.] 19.Nb5?! Going along with
Black's plan. [At the board I was more afraid of the subtle prophylactic move 19.Kh1!? . 19...--
a). As later games showed, in this case after my Informator suggestion 19...Qe8 (?!) White has
the unpleasant 20.Nc2! h5 21.Na3 g4 22.Ncb5 with serious threats; b), and it is better to play
19...Rg7! 20.Nb5 (b)20.Bb5 g4! , D.Gurevich-Gruenberg, New York 1991; b)after Stohl's move
20.Nc2 there is the quite good reply 20...Nh8!? with the idea of ...g5-g4 and ...Nf7-g5) 20...g4
21.Nxa7 (b)21.Nc7 g3!) 21...g3 22.Bb6 Qe8! 23.Rc7 (Burgess-Badea, Prestwich 1990) 23...Nh4!
and ...Qh5 with double-edged play.; ] 19...g4! Only this energetic move is a novelty: Black does
not have time to protect his valuables on the queenside! [19...Bxb5?! 20.Bxb5 g4 (after
20...h5 21.Nd3 g4 22.Qe2 the exchange of the light-squared bishop is also felt) 21.fxg4! Nxe4
22.Bd3 is to White's advantage, when his bishop becomes strong (Brinck-Claussen–Hvenekilde,
Copenhagen 1984).] 20.Nc7 This move suggests itself (20...Rc8? 21 Ne6!). [After 20.fxg4?!
(previously I incorrectly attached an exclamation mark to this move) 20...Nxe4 21.Nc7 Black is
better after both 21...Rc8 (and 21...Ba4!? 22.Qxa4 Rxc7 23.Rxc7 Qxc7 with a promising
middlegame) 22.Ne6 Rxc1 (but not the Informator suggestion 22...Qf6? 23.Rxc8 Bxc8 because
of 24.Qc2! , winning) 23.Nxd8 (23.Qxc1?! Bxe6) 23...Rxd1 24.Bxd1 Re7 25.Bxa7 Nc3 with a
favourable endgame; 20.Nxa7 g3! 21.Bb6 is more interesting 21...-- a), when 21...gxh2+?
22.Kxh2 Qe7 is bad in view of 23.Rh1! Nh5 24.Kg1 Ng3 25.Rh2 .; b). Therefore I recommended
21...Qe7 22.-- b1), after 22.h3? Bxh3! 23.gxh3 Qd7 and ...Qxh3 Black has a decisive attack; b2),
and also 22.Nb5?! Nh5! (the key threat) 23.Kh1 (b2)23.h3? Qh4 and ...Bxh3!; b2)23.hxg3?
fxg3! and wins) 23...gxh2 24.Bf2 Bxb5 25.Bxb5 Ng3+ (b2)or 25...Bh6!? with the idea of ...Bg5-
h4 does not promise White an easy life) 26.Bxg3 fxg3 .; b3)22.Nc6 (Stohl) 22...bxc6 23.dxc6
gxh2+ 24.Kxh2 Be6 and ...Nh5! is also dangerous. ; b4). However, after 22.Bb5! (exchanging
this 'blunt' bishop for its powerful opponent) 22...gxh2+ 23.Kxh2 Nh5 24.Bxd7 Qxd7 25.Nd3
Ng3 26.Re1 Nh4 27.Nf2 Black still has to demonstrate that he has full compensation for the
pawn.; ; c). This can be avoided by 21...Qe8! : for example, 22.b5 (c)or 22.Qc2 Rg7! with very
complicated play and good practical chances against the vulnerable white king) 22...Nh5 (
23.Rc7?! Qd8! ).; ] 20...g3! Black's main trump in connection with ...Nh5. [While the g2-f3-e4-

d5 chain remains unbroken, 20...Ba4? 21.Qxa4 Rxc7 22.Rxc7 Qxc7 is ineffective in view of
23.Nd3 and Rc1, (or 23.Qc2 with the idea of 23...Qd7 24.fxg4! Nxg4 25.Bxg4 Qxg4 26.Nf3 .) ]
21.Nxa8? This resembles panic. White was obliged to accept the pawn sacrifice and seek his
chances in a difficult defence. Had Piket been 10 years older, that is probably what he would
have done. By capturing the rook, White cuts off his king's retreat and condemns it to its fate.
[After 21.hxg3 to fight for an advantage I would have had to make several energetic and exact
moves – 21...fxg3! (after 21...Nh5? 22.g4! the attack comes to a standstill) 22.Bxg3 , when
Black faces a choice: 22...-- a)22...Bh6 – earlier I thought that this was the best reply. 23.-- a1).
In the event of 23.Nxa8?! Nh5! 24.Bf2 (a1)24.Bh2? Be3+) 24...Bxc1 (a1)my previous
suggestion 24...Ngf4 (?) was wrong because of 25.Rc3! , a discovery by correspondence
players) 25.Qxc1 Ngf4 in connection with ...Qg5 and ...Rg7 Black has dangerous threats. ; a2).
But his aggression is curbed by both 23.Rc2 Nh5 24.Bf2; a3), and 23.Ne6! Bxe6 24.dxe6 Rg7
25.Rc2! and although the position remains rather unclear, White's chances are somewhat
better;(a3)Stohl's move 25.Rc3 invites 25...d5!?) ; ; b)22...Nh5! (as recent games have shown,
this is more promising) 23.-- b1)23.Bf2 with another division: 23...-- b11)23...Ngf4 24.Ne6!
(b11)24.Nxa8? is fatal in view of 24...Qg5! 25.g4 Nh3+ 26.Kh2 N5f4 27.Ng2 Qh6! 28.Bh4 Nxg2
29.Kxg2 Qxh4 30.Qe1 Nf4+ 31.Kg1 Qh3 32.Rf2 Qg3+ 33.Kh1 Bh6!) 24...Bxe6 (b11)24...Qf6!? –
cf. 23 Ne6) 25.dxe6 Rg7 26.g4 (b11)or 26.Bc4 Kh8! 27.g4! Rg6 , and both sides have chances)
26...Qf6! 27.Nd3 Be7; b12)23...Bh6!? (the most interesting) 24.Rc3 (b12)24.Rc2 Ngf4!?)
24...Bf4! 25.Nxa8 Qg5! 26.g4?! (b12)if 26.Bc4 , then 26...Qh6! 27.Bxa7 Ng3 28.Kf2 Bg5! and
...f4) 26...Qh6! 27.Nd3 Bh2+! 28.Kxh2 Nhf4+ 29.Kg1 Qh3 30.Ne1 Nh8!! (the charming point of
this unique position: the threat is ...Rf6-h6 and ...Nf7-g5) 31.Qd2 Rf6! 32.Qxf4 exf4 33.Ng2 Rh6
34.Be1 (b12)after 34.Bh4 the knight changes route: 34...Ng6! 35.Be1 Qh2+ 36.Kf2 Rh3 37.Rg1
Nh4! 38.Kf1 Nxf3! and wins) 34...Qh2+ 35.Kf2 Nf7! 36.Rg1 Ng5! and 0–1 (Bobel-Hauff, internet
2009).; ; b2). Apparently 23.Ne6! at once is safer, when Black is okay after both 23...Qf6
(b2)and also the audacious 23...Bxe6!? 24.dxe6 Nxg3 25.exf7+ Kh8! with sufficient
compensation for the exchange) 24.Bh2 (b2)24.Bf2 Ngf4 25.Bc4 Qg6! with approximate
equality) 24...Bh6 25.Rc3 Qh4; b3)23.Bh2? is weak in view of 23...Bh6 24.Rc3 Bf4! .; ; ]
21...Nh5! [A very strong rejoinder, which was underestimated by Piket: he was hoping to
defend after 21...gxf2+ 22.Rxf2 Qxa8 23.Bc4 .] 22.Kh1 To get rid of the g3-pawn, White gives
up his bishop. [The simple-minded 22.Bxa7 would have allowed Black to conclude the battle
with a series of direct blows: 22...Qh4 23.h3 Bxh3! 24.gxh3 (24.Rf2 Bd7!) 24...Qxh3 25.Rf2
gxf2+ 26.Kxf2 (26.Bxf2? Rg7) 26...Qg3+! (my earlier 26...Nh4 (?) 27.Bf1 Qh2+ 28.Ng2 Rg7 is
weaker on account of 29.Ke2! Nxg2 30.Kd3 Ne3 31.Qd2) 27.Kf1 Nh4 28.Nc2 Ng2! and wins.]
22...gxf2 23.Rxf2 Ng3+! (a new wave of the attack: the knight cannot be taken because of
mate) 24.Kg1 Qxa8 The outcome is decided, since now Black has also a material advantage
(the simple ...Nxe2+ is threatened). 25.Bc4 [25.b5 Qd8! .] 25...a6! A very important link in
Black's winning plan: his queen comes into play with decisive effect along the a7-g1 diagonal.
26.Qd3 [A difficult choice: White would also have lost after both 26.hxg3 fxg3 27.Ra2 Qa7+
28.Kf1 Rf4! 29.Ke2 Rh4 30.Nc2 Rh2; and the desperate 26.Nd3 Qa7 (threatening ...Rg7, ...Nh4
and ...Bh3!) 27.Nc5!? dxc5! 28.d6 cxb4 29.Qd5 Nh8! 30.Qxe5 Bg7 31.Qg5 (or 31.Qe7 Ne2+
32.Kf1 Nxc1 33.Qxd7 Qd4) 31...h6! 32.Qd8+ Kh7 33.hxg3 Rf8 .] 26...Qa7 27.b5 Allowing a
pretty finish, [but if 27.Rcc2 , then 27...Be7! and ...Bh4, winning.] 27...axb5 28.Bxb5 Nh1! .
The other knight was dreaming of jumping via h8, but in the end this one jumped to h1! 0–1

This game appealed to both the spectators, and the players. The successful swift attack
reminded me of the days of my chess youth. Happy memories!

Before the next game with Ljubomir Ljubojevic I had 7 out of 8 and was in the mood to fight
not so much for first place in the tournament, as for the conquering of a sky-high rating peak.

Game 59
Kasparov,G - Ljubojevic,L, Tilburg (9), 25.09.1989
Bogo-Indian Defence E11

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Bb4+ (avoiding the main set-ups) 4.Bd2 Bxd2+ 5.Qxd2 0–0 6.g3 [After
6.Nc3 d5 7.e3 Qe7 on one occasion I was unable to breach Andersson's defences (Lucerne
Olympiad 1982).] 6...d5 7.Bg2 Qe7 8.0–0 Rd8 [They began playing this after my win against
Petrosian in the variation 8...dxc4?! 9.Na3! (Game No.69 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov
Part I).] 9.Qc2 [Against Timman (Belgrade 1989) I tried 9.Rc1 c6 10.Qe3 Bd7 11.Nbd2 Be8
12.Nb3 (before this Timman himself played 12.a3 ) 12...Nbd7 13.Na5 Rab8 14.Rab1 , also with
a minimal advantage.] 9...Na6 [Robatsch's rare move instead of the well-known 9...Nc6!?
10.Rd1 (or 10.cxd5 exd5 11.Nc3 .) ] 10.a3!? After the aforementioned game with Petrosian I
understood how to play such positions: the main thing is not to rush and to do everything to
restrict the opponent's active possibilities. 10...dxc4 [After 10...c5!? 11.cxd5 exd5 Black
nevertheless has an isolani.] 11.Qxc4 c5 12.dxc5 Qxc5 [Ljubojevic was hoping that in the
endgame it would be easier for him to equalise than in the 'Catalan' middlegame after
12...Nxc5 13.Nc3 .] 13.Nbd2!? In my opinion, the correct route for the knight: on c4 it has
more of a future. [Nothing real was given by either 13.Qh4 Bd7!; or 13.Qxc5 Nxc5 14.Nc3 Bd7
15.Ne5 Be8 , when Black succeeds in defending ( 16.b4 Nb3 (or 16...Rac8!? ).) ] 13...Bd7 14.b4
Qxc4 [Consistent, at the least: with his 'bad' knight on a6 Black does not even contemplate
14...Qb6 15.Rfc1; or 14...Qh5 15.Ne4 Nxe4 16.Qxe4 Bc6 17.Qf4 .] 15.Nxc4 Bb5 16.Rfc1 White
completes the mobilisation of his forces. [16.Nfe5?! was premature because of 16...Nd5!
17.Rfc1 f6 18.Nd3 Rac8 , when White's pressure evaporates. But now he has a small plus –
mainly thanks to the better placing of his pieces.] 16...Rac8? This obvious move (development
with gain of tempo!) proves to be a serious mistake. [I also considered other continuations:
16...Nd5?! 17.Nd4 (17.e3!?) 17...Bxc4 18.Rxc4 Nb6 19.Rcc1! Nxb4 (19...Rxd4? 20.Bxb7)
20.Nxe6 fxe6 21.axb4 with a persistent initiative; 16...Rab8! 17.e3! (less is promised by
17.Na5!? Bxe2 18.Nxb7! Rxb7 19.Nd4 Rbd7 20.Nxe2 Nc7 21.Nd4 Rxd4 22.Rxc7 R4d7) 17...Nc7! ,
and my Informator suggestion 18.Nd4 (and therefore 18.Nce5!? Ncd5 19.Nd4 Be8 20.Rc5 and
Rac1 is more energetic, retaining pressure on the queenside) , is not so clear in view of
18...Bxc4 19.Rxc4 Nce8 .] 17.Nfe5 [17.Na5!? was also very tempting, but I found another way
of exploiting the poor position of the knight on a6.] 17...b6 [17...Rc7 18.Na5 b6 19.Nac6 was
unpromising. After immediately removing his pawn from the attack on it, Ljubojevic was
planning ...Nb8-c6(d7) and he thought that he was about to solve all his problems.] 18.Bb7!
(the start of an unexpected multi-move operation) 18...Rc7 [There is no choice: after
18...Rb8? 19.Bxa6 Bxa6 20.Nc6 White wins.] 19.a4! Nxb4 [19...Bxc4? 20.Bxa6! .] 20.axb5 Rxb7
21.Nd6! [White has to act energetically, as otherwise his attack with a small army will peter
out: 21.Ra4?! Nbd5 22.Nd6 Re7 23.Nc6?! (23.Rc6 is better) 23...Rxd6 24.Nxe7+ Nxe7 25.Rxa7
Ng6! , and Black is okay ( 26.Rcc7 Nf8! 27.Rxf7? N8d7! and wins).] 21...Re7 22.Nc8! Regaining
the pawn and retaining the initiative. [By pinning his hopes on a far-advanced passed pawn –
22.Nc6!? Nxc6 23.bxc6 Nd5 24.Nb5 a5 25.c7 Rc8 26.Rc6! f5 (26...Nxc7? 27.Rac1) 27.Rac1
(threatening f2-f3 and e2-e4) 27...g5! 28.g4! White could also have condemned Black to an
unpleasant defence.] 22...Ree8? [The rook should not have been moved off the seventh rank –
22...Rb7 23.Nxa7 g5 was more resilient, and after 24.Nac6 (or 24.Rc4 Ra8 (24...Nbd5?!
25.Nac6 and e2-e4) 25.Rc8+ Rxc8 26.Nxc8 Nbd5 27.Nd6 Rc7 28.Kg2 White's advantage is
smaller than in the game) 24...Nxc6 25.bxc6 Rc7 26.Rab1 .] 23.Nxa7 Now the b6-pawn is weak
and the threat of Nac6 has increased in strength – from here the knight will paralyse Black's
defences, and an exchange on c6 will give White a deadly dangerous passed pawn. 23...Nbd5
[Of course, not 23...Nfd5?! 24.e4 Nf6 25.Nac6 Nxc6 26.bxc6 and wins ( 26...Nxe4 27.Nc4! ).;
However, the alternatives were also bad: 23...Ra8 24.Rc4! Re7 25.Ra4 g5 26.Rc8+! Rxc8 (or
26...Re8 27.Rc7! Nbd5 28.Rxf7) 27.Nxc8 Rc7 28.Nxb6; and 23...Rd2 24.Kf1 (threatening Nc4)
24...Ra2 (or 24...Ne4 25.Ra4! Rb2 26.Nac6 , and in each case White wins) 25.Rxa2 Nxa2 26.Rc6!

.] 24.Nac6 Justifiably regarding my position as won, I relaxed and lost the necessary
concentration. [The most correct strategy was to continue restricting the mobility of the black
pieces: 24.f3! Nd7 (24...Ra8 25.e4 Nb4 (or 25...Ne7 26.Ra6! is no better) 26.Nec6!) 25.Nc4 Nc5
(or 25...Ra8 26.e4 Nb4 27.Nd6 Rf8 28.Nc6 Rxa1 29.Rxa1 Nd3 30.Ne7+ Kh8 31.Ra7 N3c5 32.Rc7
, and Black will die from suffocation ( 32...f5 33.Nec8! with the threat of Nxb6)) 26.Ra3! f5
27.Nxb6] 24...Ra8! The only chance. 25.Nc4? And this already an obvious error. [Only 25.Ra6!
(threatening f2-f3 and e2-e4) 25...Ne4 26.Nc4 would have retained real chances of success: for
example, 26...Nec3?! (or 26...Nc5 27.Rxa8 Rxa8 28.Nxb6 Nxb6 29.Rxc5 with an extra passed
pawn) 27.Rca1 Rxa6 28.bxa6 Ra8 29.a7 b5 30.Nd6 Nxe2+ 31.Kf1 Nec3 32.Ke1! .] 25...Ne4?
Continuing the parade of mistakes (and yet previously I attached an exclamation mark to this
move!). [If 25...Nc3? there was an elegant win by 26.Rxa8 Nxe2+ 27.Kf1 Nxc1 28.Ra1! (but not
the Informator suggestion 28.Nxb6 (?) 28...Rxa8 29.Nxa8 Nd3 30.b6 Nc5 31.Na5 , in view of
31...Kf8 and ...Nfd7 with a probable draw) 28...Nb3 29.Ra3 Nc5 30.Nd6 , when 30...Rf8? fails
to 31.Ne7+ Kh8 32.Nxf7+! Rxf7 33.Ra8+ .; However, 25...Rxa1 26.Rxa1 Nc7! would have given
Black every chance of a draw: 27.Na7 (the b5-pawn has to be defended) (or 27.Nd6 Ra8
28.Rxa8+ Nxa8 29.Ne5 Kf8! with the idea of 30.Ndxf7 Ke7 and ...Nc7xb5) 27...Nfd5 28.Ra3 (c1)
28...f5 .] 26.Kf1? [Alas, I again overlooked 26.Ra6! – cf. the note to White's 25th move.]
26...Rxa1 27.Rxa1 Nc7! 28.Na7! With difficulty White seeks a chance to continue the fight.
28...Rd8? A time-trouble error. [28...Nc3?! was also inaccurate: 29.Nd6 Rd8 (or 29...Ra8
30.Rc1! Rxa7 31.Rxc3 Kf8 32.e4) 30.Rc1! N3d5 (30...Rxd6?! 31.Rxc3 Ne8 32.Rc8 Kf8 33.Rb8)
31.Ndc8!; In Informator I recommended the passive 28...Rb8 (?!), but after 29.f3! Nc3 30.Nd6
Ra8 31.Ra3 Nb1 (31...N3d5?! 32.Nc4) 32.Rd3 White holds the initiative ( 32...Rxa7? 33.Nc8! ).;
But by making a simple escape square – 28...g6! , Ljubojevic could have reached the haven of
a draw: 29.Nxb6 (or 29.Ra3 Rd8! 30.Kg2 Rd1 31.Re3 (31.Nxb6 Rb1!) 31...Nc5 32.Nxb6 Ra1!
33.Re5 Rxa7 34.Rxc5 Rb7 35.Nc4 Nxb5) 29...Rb8 30.Nd7 Rb7 31.f3 Nxb5 .] 29.Nxb6 Nc3
30.Ra5! Rd1+ 31.Kg2 Rb1 [If 31...Nxe2 32.Nc4 Rg1+ White could have decided matters not
with my Informator suggestion 33.Kf3 (?!) (but by the accurate 33.Kh3! Nf4+ 34.Kg4 and b5-
b6) 33...Nd4+ 34.Ke4 (34.Ke3? Rd1! with a draw) 34...Nb3 35.b6 on account of the unclear
35...Na6! .; Black would also have lost after 31...h5 32.Nc4 Rb1 33.b6 N7d5 34.Nc8! Nxe2
35.h4! Nd4 (35...f6 36.Ra7) 36.Ra6 Nc6 37.N8d6! , forcing 37...Nxb6 38.Rxb6 Rxb6 39.Nxb6 –
he is not able either to construct a fortress or to exchange all the pawns.] 32.Nd7! Another
unpleasant surprise: because of the weakness of the back rank, [Black does not have time to
capture the passed pawn – 32.Nd7 N3xb5 33.Nxb5 Rxb5 34.Ra7! Ne8 35.Ra8 and wins.] 32...f6
[After other escape squares – 32...g6 ; or 32...h5 , the quickest way to the goal was 33.b6
N7d5 34.Nb5! Nxb5 35.Ra8+ and b6-b7-b8Q, winning the exchange and the game.] 33.b6 N7d5
34.Nc8! Nxe2 35.b7! Rg1+ 36.Kh3 Nef4+!? [The last chance: 36...Nef4+ 37.gxf4?? Nxf4+
38.Kh4 g5+ 39.Rxg5+ fxg5# .] 37.Kg4 h5+ 38.Kf3 . The checks have come to an end, and Black
resigned. 1–0

A fifth successive win - and 8 out of 9! Playing the next day with Black against Sax, I felt
extremely tired, but, fortunately for me, my opponent was peaceably inclined and he accepted
a draw as early as the 16th move. Then, after a free day, I defeated Korchnoi and drew with
Ivanchuk, after missing a chance of gaining an obvious advantage on the emergence from the
opening. I reached 10 out of 12, and at the finish two draws would have sufficed, but again I
defeated Hjartarson and Agdestein.

From the press: 'Kasparov operated like a well-regulated machine. He scored 6 out of 7 in each
half of the tournament, won all seven "White" games and all the mini-matches (three by a
clean score), and employed several novelties. After achieving a phenomenal result for a
tournament of this standard (plus 10!), he exceeded Robert Fischer's rating record by roughly
15 points. To mark this, at the closing ceremony he was crowned with a special wreath.'

From my interview with the magazine New in Chess: 'I feel I've done something very important
for chess. Fischer's name now belongs to the past. His achievements were great, but now an
active chess player has the record. It must help the further development of chess. It's a relief
for chess. The door is open!'

2.1.9. Sky-high Peak

International Tournament in Belgrade (14-28 November 1989): 1. Kasparov - 9½ out of 11; 2-3.
Timman and Ehlvest - 6½; 4-5. Yusupov and Ljubojevic - 6; 6. Hjartarson - 5½; 7-8. Agdestein
and Kozul - 5; 9-10. Nikolic and Short - 4½; 11. Popovic - 4; 12. Damljanovic - 3.

I happily accepted an invitation to the super-tournament dedicated to the 1111th anniversary

of Belgrade, since I have always played successfully in Yugoslavia, and after my Tilburg
triumph, reinforced by a victory in New York over the computer Deep Thought (2-0), I was
experiencing a special mental surge. This tournament was the focus of the chess world's
attention, not only because of the strong line-up (three quarters of the participants had
appeared in the World Cup, and five in the Candidates matches), but mainly because many
were excited by the question as to whether I would be able to exceed my recent rating record
(2793), and achieve the unthinkable mark of 2800. According to preliminary calculations, for
this I would have to score 8½ out of 11.

With the aim of justifying the fans' hopes, I fought under the motto: 'I am going for the
record!' True, in the 1st round I was again paired with Black against Yusupov, and my Grünfeld
produced only a quiet draw on the 22nd move. I scored my first win in the 2nd round, in which
I met one of the 'home' players, the 30-year-old grandmaster Petar Popovic.

Game 60
Kasparov,G - Popovic,P, Belgrade (2), 15.11.1989
English Opening A16

1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 Nxd5 5.Qa4+ After discovering in my preparations that my
opponent employed the Grünfeld and that against the 'English' move order he chose a
questionable variation, I decided to try and demonstrate this at the board. 5...Bd7 [Nowadays
5...Nc6!? 6.Ne5 Qd6 7.Nxc6 Qxc6 8.Qxc6+ bxc6 is also fashionable.] 6.Qh4 Nf6 A strange
retreat. [After 6...Bc6 7.Qd4! (7.g3 Bg7 is equal, Korchnoi-Kasparov, Brussels 1987) 7...f6 8.e4
Nxc3 9.bxc3 Qxd4 10.Nxd4 White merely has a slightly better endgame (Kasparov-Kouatly, Evry
(simul') 1988). ; But I considered the most logical to be the exchange 6...Nxc3 , which I had
studied before my matches with Karpov.] 7.e4!? This had not previously been played against
my opponent. [White had unsuccessfully tried both 7.d3 (C.Hansen-Popovic, Dortmund
1988); and 7.Ne5 (Marjanovic-Popovic, Zlatibor 1989); as well as the more aggressive 7.d4 Bg4
(a distinctive version of the 'Grünfeld') 8.Bg5 (8.e4 Bxf3! , Adamski-Popovic, Naleczow 1984)
8...Bxf3! 9.exf3 (9.Bxf6 exf6 is weaker, Gheorghiu-Popovic, Novi Sad 1982; or 9.gxf3 Bg7
10.Rd1 (Panchenko-I.Sokolov, Belgrade 1988)) 9...Bg7 10.Bc4 h6 11.Be3 (Ribli-Popovic,
Subotica Interzonal 1987).] 7...Bg4 With the same idea of 8 d4 Bxf3!. [White is clearly better
after 7...Bg7 8.d4 Bg4?! (8...h6 is stronger) 9.Ne5! Bc8 10.Be3 (Khalifman-Shterengas,
Leningrad 1983). ; If 7...c5 , then 8.e5 Nh5 9.Bc4 is strong; while after 7...Nc6 I had prepared
8.e5 Ng4 (if 8...g5 , then 9.Qxg5 Rg8 10.Qe3 Nb4 11.Qe2!) 9.d4 (9.Be2!?) 9...Nb4 10.h3 Nc2+
11.Kd1 Nxa1 12.hxg4 with sharp, non-standard play, which is what I was after.] 8.Ne5!? And
here is a novelty: White avoids the spoiling of his pawn structure and wants to create a
powerful centre. [8.e5 Bxf3! 9.gxf3 Nd5 is perfectly acceptable for Black.] 8...Be6 9.f4 (the
second link of my plan) 9...Bg7 10.Qf2 The third, key link – and an unexpected one for a
routinely-thinking player: without completing his development, White makes what is already a

third move with his queen, in order to play d2-d4. [The premature attack 10.f5?! gxf5 11.exf5
Bxf5 12.Bc4 would have been refuted by 12...e6! (12...Bg6 13.d4 Nc6 is also possible,
Milanovic-Popovic, Vrnjacka Banja 2005) 13.0–0 0–0 14.d4 Nc6 (or simply 14...Ne4 .) ] 10...0–0
[The immediate 10...Nc6 allows 11.Bb5 .; Without preparatory analysis Popovic did not
venture with the pawn sacrifice 10...c5! 11.Qxc5 Nfd7 12.Nxd7 Qxd7 with quite good
compensation; or the risky 10...Ng4 11.Nxg4 Bxg4 12.f5! Nc6! (12...gxf5?! 13.h3 Bh5 14.exf5 f6
15.d4 is worse) 13.h3! Nb4! 14.hxg4 Nc2+ 15.Kd1 Nxa1 with intricate play – in Informator I
recommended 16.Rh3 (16.Bc4!? is more accurate; or 16.Qc5!? with the idea of b2-b4 and Bb2)
, but after 16...c6! and ...Qb6 Black is perfectly okay (White will have to pay dearly for the
capture of the knight on a1).] 11.d4 Nc6! [It is now dubious to play 11...c5?! 12.d5 Bc8
13.Be2!; or 11...Ng4?! 12.Nxg4 Bxg4 13.Be3 , reinforcing the centre. ; And if 11...Nbd7 , then
12.Be2 (or even 12.Nf3 is good, emphasising the awkward placing of the enemy minor pieces.)
] 12.Nxc6 bxc6 13.h3!? [An ambitious decision: I was not satisfied with a small plus after the
quiet 13.Be2 Ng4 14.Bxg4 (14.Qg3!?) 14...Bxg4 15.Be3 .] 13...Qb8?! This mobilisation plan
(...Rd8, ...Qb4 and ...Rab8) is too slow. [13...Ne8?! is passive: 14.Be3 (14.e5?! f6!) 14...Nd6
15.g4! , and if 15...Nc4 , then 16.Bxc4 Bxc4 17.h4! (more forceful than my Informator
suggestion 17 0–0–0) and h4-h5 with an attack.; However, the natural 13...Rb8!? (not
removing the pressure on the d-pawn) would still have retained almost equal chances: 14.Be3
(14.Bd3?! c5! 15.d5 c6!; or 14.Be2 Rb4 15.e5 Nd5) 14...c5! 15.Rd1 c6 16.dxc5 Qa5 , and
although Black's position is slightly worse, nothing terrible for him is apparent.] 14.Bd3!
[14.Be2 also favours White, since 14...c5 (?) 15.d5 Nxe4 16.Nxe4 Qb4+ , as given by me in
Informator, does not work because of 17.Kf1! Bxd5 18.Nxc5 . However, the move in the game
is stronger.] 14...Rd8 15.Be3 [Not falling for 15.0–0? Ng4! 16.hxg4 Bxd4 17.Be3 Bxc3 18.bxc3
(18.f5? Qxb2!) 18...Rxd3 19.f5 Bc4 with equality.] 15...Qb4 Previously I criticised this move, a
logical one in its own way, [and gave preference to the active 15...c5 16.d5 c4! , but after
17.Bb1! (17.Bxc4? Qb4!) 17...Bc8 (not 17...Bd7?! 18.e5; and especially not 17...Bxd5? 18.exd5
Nxd5 19.Nxd5 Rxd5 20.0–0 Qxb2 21.Qxb2 Bxb2 22.Be4 and wins) 18.0–0 White has a persistent
initiative. He is threatening a2-a4(a3) and Ba2xc4, and if 18...e6 19.dxe6 Bxe6 there is the
impending f4-f5.] 16.0–0 Rab8 [Not 16...Rxd4? 17.a3! (17.Bxd4? Nxe4!) , when the forced
queen sacrifice 17...Qxc3 18.bxc3 Rxd3 is obviously insufficient: 19.e5 (19.Qe2!? Rxc3 (or
19...Bc4 20.Qf3) 20.Bd4 is more subtle) 19...Ne4 20.Qe2 Bc4 21.Bf2 Nxc3 22.Qb2 and wins.]
17.Rab1 Ne8? Catastrophic: Popovic provokes e4-e5, but he is unable to exploit the resulting
weakness of the light squares. [17...Bc4! was essential, and although after 18.Bxc4 (or 18.a3
Qb3 19.Bc2 Qb7 (b6) 20.Rfe1 White has a big advantage, at least Black's pieces are normally
developed) 18...Qxc4 19.Qc2 (f3).] 18.e5 [Shutting the e8-knight and the g7-bishop out of the
game, and at the same time threatening f4-f5 (after the sharp 18.f5!? gxf5 19.d5 cxd5 20.exf5
White would be in danger of selling his advantage too cheaply). It transpires that Black, with
his glaring pawn 'holes', has overestimated the safety of his position and is absolutely
helpless.] 18...f5 [18...c5 19.d5; or 18...Bc4 19.Bxc4 Qxc4 20.Rbc1 was also dismal.] 19.Rfc1 A
sound positional move. [Consideration could also have been given to the sharp 19.d5!? cxd5
20.Bxa7 (or 20.Bc5 Qb7 21.Bxe7 Rdc8 (21...Rd7 22.Ba3) 22.Na4 etc) 20...Ra8 21.Bb5!; but
19.g4! fxg4 20.f5! was best.] 19...Bf8 20.b3 White gradually intensifies the pressure, preparing
Na4 (the natural follow-up to Rfc1), and quite reasonably assuming that he has no reason to
rush. 20...Ng7 [20...Bd5 21.Nxd5! cxd5 22.Rc6 Rb6? 23.Bd2 , trapping the queen.] 21.Na4 Bd5
22.Nc5 [22.Bd2!? Qa3 23.Rc5 .] 22...Qb6 23.b4 e6 24.Na6 [Or 24.Qd2! with the threat of a2-
a4-a5.] 24...Rbc8 25.a4 Qb7 26.Qf1 Qa8 [26...Nh5 27.Kh2 Be7 28.Bc4! .] 27.Bc4 Be4 28.Rb2
Kh8 29.Bd3 Bd5 30.Kh2 Be7 31.Rbc2 Rd7?! Time-trouble! [31...Qb7 was more resilient.] 32.b5
(destroying Black's defences) 32...cxb5 33.Nxc7 Qb7 34.Nxd5 Rxc2 35.Rxc2 Rxd5 36.Bxb5 Rd8
37.Qc1 Qe4 38.Rc3 [38.Rc7!? .] 38...h6? A blunder, [but 38...Qd5 39.Rc7 was also hopeless.]
39.Bc6 . A highly unusual opening battle! 1–0

In the 3rd round I beat Damljanovic, and in the 4th round I spectacularly outplayed Timman,
sacrificing two pieces for a rook, and then also a rook, but in a sharp time scramble I missed a
win, and the game was drawn on the 48th move.

After this I was leading together with Short - 3 out of 4. The very strong Yugoslav grandmaster,
the 39-year-old Ljubomir Ljubojevic, who was a point behind us, arrived for his 5th round game
with me in a most aggressive mood.

Game 61
Ljubojevic,L - Kasparov,G, Belgrade (5), 19.11.1989
Sicilian Defence B96

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 [6.Be2 – Game No.7; 6.Be3 – Game
Nos.39, 100; 6.Bc4 – Game No.99.] 6...e6 7.f4 Qc7 A move which I had tried a few times,
[although already the radical 7...Qb6 was also in my arsenal (Game No.67).] 8.Qe2!? A rare
continuation, but I was ready for it: a month earlier in Tilburg this was played against me by
Ivanchuk. [8.Bxf6 gxf6 is steadier (e.g. Yudasin-Kasparov, 49th USSR Championship, Frunze
1981). ; But in what was then the main line with 8.Qf3 b5 9.0–0–0 b4! 10.e5 Bb7 11.Ncb5
(11.Qh3 dxe5!) 11...axb5 12.Bxb5+ after 12...Nfd7? (but 12...Nbd7! 13.Qh3 b3! is correct – I
found this idea in a joint analysis with Tukmakov (the source game for 'the rest of the world'
was Kosten-Kuligowski, London 1981)) 13.Nxe6! fxe6 14.Qh3 Kf7 15.f5 Be4 16.fxe6+ Kg8
17.Qb3 I suffered a painful defeat at the hands of Krum Georgiev (Malta Olympiad 1980).]
8...Nc6!? [At that time this appealed to me more than 8...Nbd7 9.0–0–0 , transposing into the
7...Nbd7 8 Qe2 variation.] 9.0–0–0 Nxd4 [White is better after 9...Be7 10.Nxc6 bxc6
(10...Qxc6?! is worse: 11.e5 dxe5 12.fxe5 Nd5 13.Bxe7 Nxe7 (or 13...Nxc3 14.bxc3 Kxe7
15.Qg4! Bd7 16.Bc4 with an attack) 14.Qh5! with the idea of Bd3 and Ne4) 11.e5 dxe5
12.Qxe5! (Hracek-Wojtkiewicz, Warsaw (Zonal) 1990).] 10.Rxd4 Be7 In my game with Ivanchuk
I thought about this move for quite a long time, fearing the 11 e5 break, but I came to the
conclusion that things are more or less normal for Black. 11.g3 A novelty! [The prophylactic
11.Kb1 is also possible; while Ivanchuk chose the immediate 11.e5 dxe5 12.fxe5 Nd5 13.Bxe7 ,
and after 13...Nxe7 14.Ne4 0–0 15.Qh5?! (15.Nd6 is equal) 15...Ng6 (15...Nf5!?) 16.Ng5?! h6
17.Nf3 I could have seized the initiative with 17...Rd8! .; The variation 11.g4!? h6 (11...0–0!? –
Stohl) 12.Bh4 g5 (12...e5!?) , is more topical: for example, 13.e5! dxe5 14.Rc4! Qb8 (14...Qa5!?
15.fxg5 Nd7 16.Bg2 hxg5 17.Be1!) 15.fxg5 hxg5 16.Bg3! Nd7 17.Bg2 b5 18.Rc6 (but 18.Rd4! is
stronger: 18...b4 (18...f6 19.Rdd1!) 19.Rxd7! bxc3 20.Rxe7+ Kxe7 21.bxc3 f6 (21...Bb7?!
22.Bxe5 Qa7 23.Bd4 Qb8 24.Rf1! with an attack) 22.Bxa8 Qxa8 23.Rf1 Qb8 24.Qf2 Rf8 25.h4! ,
retaining the better chances) 18...b4 with sharp play (Naiditsch-Swiercz, Budva 2009).]
11...Bd7! Urgent development. [After 11...b5?! 12.Bg2 White is threatening e4-e5: 12...Bb7
(Stohl recommends 12...Rb8 (?!), allowing 13.e5! dxe5 14.fxe5 Nd5 15.Qd2!) 13.Rhd1 0–0
(13...Rc8 14.Kb1) 14.Bxf6! gxf6 (Black has to spoil his pawns: 14...Bxf6? 15.e5 wins) 15.f5 with a
clear advantage.] 12.Bg2 h6 It is useful first to push back the bishop, in order to have the
resource ...g7-g5 and ...0–0–0. Here all my opening anxiety disappeared: Black has a solid
position. 13.Bh4 Bc6 14.f5? [A typical move, but in the given instance inappropriate (as is
14.e5?! Bxg2 15.Qxg2 dxe5 16.fxe5 Qxe5 17.Qxb7 0–0! ).; If 14.Rhd1 I was planning 14...g5!
15.fxg5 hxg5 16.Bxg5 Rxh2 and ...0–0–0. ; 14.Qd2 is more cautious, although after 14...0–0
15.Rd1 (15.Bxf6?! Bxf6 16.Rxd6 Bxc3 17.bxc3 Bd5!) 15...Rad8! and ...b7-b5 Black is also okay.;
14.Rc4!? , which occurred later, is little better: 14...Qb6 15.a3 (Ljubojevic-Xu Jun, Novi Sad
Olympiad 1990) (or 15.e5 Bxg2 16.Qxg2 dxe5 17.fxe5 Nd5! 18.Bxe7 Nxe7 with equality
(Luther-Sadler, Altensteig 1992)) 15...0–0! 16.Rd1 Rac8] 14...0–0 15.Rhd1 [White is not ready
for sharp advances: after 15.g4? there is the counter 15...Nxe4!; while if 15.fxe6? the fearless
15...g5! is possible – in Informator I condemned this because of 16.Nd5 Bxd5 (?!) (but after
16...Nxd5! 17.exd5 Bb5 18.Qd2 fxe6 19.dxe6 Bf6 no particular compensation is apparent)

17.exd5 gxh4 18.Rxh4 with compensation for the piece.] 15...b5! With the obvious threat of
...Rab8 and ...b5-b4. 16.g4 Another pseudo-active move, which was probably played to provide
an escape square for the bishop on h4. [The quiet 16.a3 Rab8; or 16.Kb1 Rab8 is also
unpromising.; Therefore I recommended 16.fxe6 fxe6 (on the other hand, the interposition of
16...g5! would appear to refute the capture on e6: 17.Nd5 (17.Bh3!? Kh8!) 17...Nxd5! 18.exd5
Be8 , and it is unlikely that White will find sufficient compensation for the piece) 17.Bxf6! , but
17...Rxf6! (stronger than my previous 17...Bxf6 ) 18.e5! dxe5 gives Black somewhat the better
chances: 19.Bxc6 Qxc6! (instead of 19...exd4?! 20.Nd5! exd5 21.Bxd5+ Kh8 22.Bxa8 , Hector-
Parligras, German Bundesliga 2009) 20.Rd7 (20.Qxe5 Rf2 21.Kb1 b4 22.Ne4 a5) 20...Rf7 21.Kb1
b4 22.Ne4 a5 , although with his knight on e4 White should not have any particular problems. ]
16...e5?! [16...Nxe4? no longer works – after 17.Bxe7 Nxc3 18.bxc3 Qxe7 the bishop on c6 is en
prise.; But 16...Rab8! was more subtle.] 17.R4d3?! [The sacrifice of the exchange for a pawn –
17.Bxf6? exd4 18.Bxd4 is incorrect in view of 18...b4 19.Nd5 Bxd5 20.exd5 Bg5+ and ...Rfe8. ;
And 17.R4d2?! b4 18.Nd5 is rather weak on account of 18...Bxd5! 19.exd5 a5 with the threat
of ...a5-a4-a3.; 17.Rb4 (!) 17...d5 also looked dangerous for White 18.-- a), if 18.Rb3 , then
18...d4 19.Nd5 Bxd5 20.exd5 Rac8 21.Bxf6 Bxf6 22.Be4 Bh4 followed by ...Qd6, ...Rc5 and
...Rfc8, increasing the pressure. ; b). However, the gambit line 18.exd5! Bxb4 19.Bxf6 Bxc3 is
stronger, with two interesting possibilities: 20.-- b1)20.bxc3 Bxd5 (b1)or 20...gxf6 21.dxc6 Rad8
22.Bd5! – White's position resembles an impregnable fortress) 21.Bxd5 gxf6 22.Bxa8 Rxa8
23.Kb2 maintaining the balance; b2)20.dxc6 Bxb2+ (b2)20...gxf6 21.bxc3 – cf. above) 21.Kxb2
gxf6 22.g5!! Qe7 (b2)22...hxg5 23.Rd7 Qb6 (b2)or 23...Qa5 24.Bd5 and Qh5 leads to perpetual
check) 24.Qh5 and Bd5) 23.gxf6 Qxf6 24.Be4 Rac8 25.Qf2 , and again the powerful passed
pawn compensates White for the exchange deficit.; ; ] 17...b4 18.Bxf6 (there is nothing else)
18...bxc3 19.Bxe7 cxb2+ 20.Kb1 [White would have quickly succumbed to the attack after
20.Kxb2? Qxe7 21.Rxd6 Rfc8 etc.] 20...Qxe7 21.Rxd6? The decisive mistake. [21.f6! gxf6
22.Qd2! Kg7 23.Rh3 Rh8 24.Qxd6 was essential, with hopes of saving an inferior ending.]
21...Rfc8! Intending ...Bb5-c4. 'The difference in the strength of the bishops is now obvious.'
(Gipslis). White's defences are creaking. 22.R1d2 [22.c4 also did not help: 22...Ba4 23.R1d2
Rab8 with the threat of ...Bc2+!] 22...Bb5 [22...Rab8!? with the idea of 23.Qxa6 Bb5 24.Qa3
Bc4 , winning.] 23.Qe3 [In Informator I gave 23.Qd1 Rab8 24.Bf1 as more resilient, but after
24...Ba4! (with the threat of ...Bxc2+) 25.Rxa6 (or 25.R6d5 Kh7) 25...Qb4 26.Bd3 Rc3 White
cannot hold out for long.] 23...Rab8 24.Rb6 [Or 24.f6 Bc4! with the threat of ...Bxa2+!]
24...Bc4! 25.Rd1 [25.Rdd6? Qxd6!; or 25.c3? Qa3! was even worse. ; 25.Rxb2 Rxb2+ 26.Kxb2
Qb4+ 27.Kc1 Rb8; or 25.Rb3 Bxb3 26.cxb3 a5 27.Rxb2 a4 was also hopeless.; 25.Kxb2? Qg5! .]
25...Rxb6 [The alternative was 25...Qc7 26.Rxb8 Bxa2+! 27.Kxa2 Rxb8; or 25...Bxa2+
immediately.] 26.Qxb6 Qa3 27.Qxb2 Bxa2+!? Forcibly transposing into a won rook endgame.
[27...Qe3 was also decisive, threatening ...Qe2, and if 28.c3 – 28...Be2! .] 28.Ka1 (the only
move) 28...Qa4 29.Qxa2 [29.Rd2? Qa5!; or 29.Rc1? Bc4+ 30.Kb1 Rc5 was bad for White. The
rest is clear without any commentary.] 29...Qxa2+ 30.Kxa2 Rxc2+ 31.Kb3 Rxg2 32.Kc4 Rxh2
33.Kd5 f6 34.g5 hxg5 35.Ke6 g4! 36.Rd8+ Kh7 37.Kf7 Rh5 [Or 37...Rb2 (c2). White resigned.]

After then beating Ehlvest and Kozul, I reached 6 out of 7. In my 'white' 8th round game with
Hjartarson I played the opening uncertainly and, after overcoming some difficulties, I gained an
advantage only in the time scramble just before the first control, then I won a pawn - and
missed a pretty win with my incorrect 45th move.

In the 9th round I had another 'Sicilian skirmish' with Nigel Short, which led to a curious

Game 62
Short,N - Kasparov,G, Belgrade (9), 24.11.1989

30...0–0! (another example of late castling – cf. Game No.12) 31.Nb3 Rxc2+! This sacrifice of
the exchange for a pawn is the only way of creating full-scale counterplay. 32.Kxc2 Bf5+ 33.Kc3
exf4 34.Rd2 Protecting the h2-pawn. [White could have maintained equality, albeit not
without some difficulty, by 34.Nd4 Nxh2 (34...Nf2 35.Ra1!) 35.Nxf5 Rxf5 36.Re8+ (or 36.Rd8+
Kf7 37.Rd7+ Kf6 38.Rd6+ Kg5 39.Re7 g6 40.Ree6 etc) 36...Kf7 37.Rh8 Ng4 38.Rd7+ Kg6 39.Rg8 .]
34...Rc8+?! Dubious. Black should not have driven the enemy king towards his own pawns.
[But too little was promised by 34...f3 35.Nc5! Bg6 36.Rf1; or 34...Ne3 35.Nc5! a5 36.h4 .]
35.Kb4 Ne3 36.Rc1! Rxc1 37.Nxc1 f3 38.Kc5?! Time-trouble confusion. [After 38.Nb3! Ng4
39.Nd4 Be4 40.Nxf3! Bxf3 41.Ka5 and Kxa6 it is Black who would have had to save the game.]
38...Ng4 39.Ne2!? With his flag about to fall, Short gives up his knight for the dangerous
passed pawn, [not wishing to suffer after 39.Nd3 Bxd3! 40.Rxd3 , although here too White
would have gained a draw: 40...Nxh2 (or 40...f2 41.Rf3 Ne5! 42.Rxf2 Nd3+ 43.Kb6 Nxf2
44.Kxa6 Nd1 45.Kxb5 Nxb2 46.a4 Nxa4 47.Kxa4) 41.Rd2 Ng4 42.Rd4! (but not immediately
42.Rd1? Ne3 43.Rd2 g5! , when Black wins) 42...Ne5 43.Rd1! and Kd4.] 39...fxe2 40.Rxe2 Kf7
41.Kb6 [In Informator I criticised this 'greedy' move and recommended the safe 41.b4 Bd3
42.Ra2 with a draw. But as yet there is nothing terrible for White.(42.Rg2 Ne5 43.Rg3 will also
do.) ] 41...b4! (a good practical chance) 42.axb4?! [White would unexpectedly have lost after
42.Rd2?! b3! 43.Kxa6 Bc2! 44.a4? Ne5 45.a5 Nd3 etc.; Therefore 42.Rg2! was correct, with an
easy draw.] 42...Bd3 43.Rg2 Ne5 There now commences a lengthy struggle with slightly the
better chances for Black – the win is problematic because so few pawns remain. In my career I
have played far more often with a rook and pawn against two minor pieces, but here we have
an 'exception to the rule'. 44.Kc5 [44.h4!? .] 44...Bb5 45.Kd4 Nd3 46.Kc3 Kf6 47.Rg3 Nf4
48.Rg4 Ne6 49.Kd2 [49.h4!? .] 49...g5 50.Ke3 Kf5 51.Rg3 [The rook would have had more
freedom after 51.Rg2!? Nf4 (or 51...Nd8 52.Rf2+ Kg4 53.Rf8 Nc6 54.Re8) 52.Rd2 .] 51...Nf4
52.Rf3 Ke5 53.Rg3 [53.Kd2!? .] 53...Nd5+ 54.Kf2 Kf5 55.Rf3+ Kg4 56.Rg3+ Kh4 57.Kf3
[57.Rb3?! g4 58.Kg1 Nf4 and ...Nd3.] 57...Nf6 [My earlier optimistic recommendation 57...Bd7
58.Ke4 -- a)58...Nf6+ (?!) is refuted by 59.Kd4! with the idea of 59...Ng4 60.Rg2 Kh3 61.Rg3+
Kxh2 62.Rf3 with a draw. ; b)58...Nxb4 is better, since after the Informator suggestion 59.Ke5
(b)but here too after 59.Rb3! Nc6 (b)or 59...a5 60.Rc3 Bc6+ 61.Kf5 g4 62.Ra3 a4 63.Kf4 White
should be able to hold on) 60.Rb6 a5 61.Rb7) , there is the unpleasant 59...Bb5 (a4).; ] 58.Kg2
Nh5 59.Re3 Nf4+ [59...Kg4!? .] 60.Kg1 A concession. [60.Kf3 was more solid: 60...Bc6+
(60...Kh3 61.Re5!; 60...Nd3 61.Re7! , aiming to exchange the h- and g-pawns) 61.Kf2 Bd7!?
62.Rc3! (not now 62.Kf3 Kh3 63.Re5 Ne6!) 62...Kg4 63.Rg3+ Kf5 64.Rc3 with a probable draw.]
60...Kg4 61.Rg3+ Kf5 62.Rf3 g4 [62...Ke4 was hardly any better: 63.Kf2 Nd3+ 64.Kg3 Nxb4

(64...Nxb2 65.Rf8 Nc4 (d3) 66.Kg4! Ne5+ 67.Kxg5 Nf3+ 68.Kf6 Nxh2 69.Ke6 with a draw)
65.Rf8! etc.] 63.Re3 [Of course, not 63.Rf2? Be2 and wins.] 63...Nd5 [If 63...Nd3 there is
64.Re7! Nxb2 65.Kf2 , aiming to eliminate the g4-pawn.] 64.Rb3 Kf4 [It is hard to believe that
64...Kg5 and ...Kh4 is any more promising.] 65.Kf2 [Not 65.Kg2? Ne3+ 66.Kf2 Nd1+ 67.Kg2 (e1)
in view of 67...Bc4 and ...Nxb2.] 65...Nf6 66.Ra3 Ne4+ 67.Kg2 Be2 [I also studied 67...Nd2 ,
but after 68.Ra1 White has something resembling a fortress.] 68.Rb3 [68.Ra1!? Bb5 69.Rc1 .]
68...Bf1+ 69.Kg1 Bc4 [69...Bb5!? and ...Nd2 was more accurate.] 70.Ra3 Ng5 71.Rc3 Bd5
72.Ra3 Be4?! Losing practically all the advantage, [which would still have been retained by
72...Nf3+ 73.Kg2 Ne5+ 74.Kg1 (f2) 74...Bc4 .] 73.Kf2! Bb7 74.Rd3?! An answering error in the
second time scramble. [The accurate 74.Ra5! Ne4+ (74...Nf3 75.b5) 75.Kg1 Nd6 76.Ra1 (h5)
would have given a fairly simple draw.] 74...Nh3+ 75.Ke1 [Or 75.Kf1 Be4 76.Ra3 Bc6!] 75...Bc6!
76.Rd4+ Kf3 77.Rd3+ Ke4 78.Rg3 Kf4 79.Ra3? With his flag again about to fall, Short loses a
highly important tempo and the h2-pawn. [Only the immediate 79.Rc3 Bb5 80.Rc7 (c8)
80...Ke3 (80...Kf3 81.Rc3+) 81.Rg7 (g8) would have allowed him to fight for a draw.] 79...Bb5
80.Rc3 [80.Rb3? Ng5 81.Kf2 Nf3 82.Kg2 would have run into 82...Bf1+! 83.Kh1 g3 84.hxg3+
Kxg3 and wins.] 80...Ng5 81.Rc8?! [81.Rc7 was more resilient, in order to parry 81...Ke3?!
(after 81...Nf3+ 82.Kf2 Nxh2 83.Rf7+ Kg5 (e4) Black would still have had some work to do) ,
with 82.Re7+! . Now, however, it all concludes quickly.] 81...Ke3! 82.Rh8 [82.Rc3+ Bd3 .]
82...Nf3+ 83.Kd1 Be2+ [83...Kf2! .] 84.Kc2 Nxh2!? [84...Kf2 would also have won, but I had
already seen the final position, in which because of zugzwang White has to allow his opponent
to get rid of his 'bad' rook's pawn.] 85.Rxh2 g3 86.Rh3 [86.Rg2 Kf3 .] 86...Kf2 87.Kd2 g2 88.Rh2
Bb5 89.Rh6 g1Q 90.Rf6+ Kg2 91.Rg6+ Kf1 92.Rxg1+ Kxg1 93.Ke1 Kg2 94.Kd1 Kf3 95.Kd2 Ke4
96.Kc3 Ke3 97.Kc2 Ke2 98.Kc1 Bd3 99.b3 Ke1 100.Kb2 Kd2 101.Ka1 Kc2 102.Ka2 Kc1 103.Ka1
[Or 103.Ka3 Kb1 104.Ka4 Kb2 etc.] 103...Bb1! Zugzwang! [In view of the forced 103...Bb1
104.b5 axb5 , White resigned.] 0–1

Before the resumption of this game I won, again with Black, against Agdestein - and ahead of
schedule I reached the cherished 8½ points, which promised a rating of 2800. But, as is well
known, one's appetite improves during the meal... In the concluding round I was opposed by
the second strongest Yugoslav (now Bosnian) grandmaster, the 29-year-old Predrag Nikolic.

Game 63
Kasparov,G - Nikolic,P, Belgrade (11), 27.11.1989
Nimzo-Indian Defence E35

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Qc2 [I began playing this in 1988, setting aside both 4.Nf3 (Game
Nos.3, 6, 13); and 4.e3 (Game No.26).] 4...d5 5.cxd5 [I already had experience in the variation
5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.Qxc3 Ne4 7.Qc2 – Kir.Georgiev (Thessaloniki Olympiad 1988) and Renet (Evry
(simul') 1989) were unable to hold out after 7...c5 (while Nikolic (Barcelona 1989) went in for
7...e5 8.e3 exd4 9.cxd5 Qxd5 10.Nf3 Qc6 11.Nxd4 Qxc2 12.Nxc2 and held a somewhat inferior
endgame) 8.dxc5 Nc6 9.cxd5 exd5 10.Nf3 . On this occasion I decided to employ a different
plan, which I had successfully tried in Tilburg against Korchnoi.] 5...exd5 [Later the following
line came to the fore: 5...Qxd5 6.e3 (6.Nf3 Qf5! , Beliavsky-Romanishin, Groningen 1993) 6...c5
7.a3 (Kasparov-Nikolic, Moscow Olympiad 1994) (or 7.Bd2 (Kasparov-Anand, both 2nd match
game, New York 1995, and Frankfurt (rapid) 1999).) ] 6.Bg5 [It is rather early for 6.a3?! –
Game No.25 in My Great Predecessors Part IV.] 6...h6 7.Bh4 I had studied this position for
quite a long time, which in the end produced good results. 7...g5 [For some reason Nikolic
avoided the usual 7...c5 (Game No.65) and chose a new, strategically risky continuation.]
8.Bg3 Ne4 9.e3 c6?! Black hopes to calmly complete his development and defend his ragged
kingside, in particular his backward h6-pawn. Alas, the dynamics of the position do not allow
him time for such 'solid' moves. [The correct approach is 9...h5 10.f3 Nxg3 (not including
10...Bxc3+?! 11.bxc3 , Bacrot-Smyslov, 2nd match game, Albert 1996) 11.hxg3 Qe7 – this is the

present-day fashion.] 10.Bd3 Nxg3 11.hxg3 Be6 12.a3 [12.f4 suggested itself, but first I set my
opponent a choice: either to exchange his b4-bishop (which is undesirable), or retreat it, but to
where?] 12...Bf8 In order by ...Bg7 to support the weakened part of the battlefield. [If 12...Bd6
, apart from my Informator suggestion 13.0–0–0 (or, as in the game, 13.f4! ) 13...Nd7 14.Nf3
and e3-e4,(14.f4!? is good.) ] 13.f4! The threat of f4-f5 prevents the natural development of
the knight at d7. 13...gxf4 The g5-pawn cannot be maintained. [After 13...Bg7 14.Nf3 and 0–0–
0 it is difficult for Black to find a useful developing move. ; His defence is also not eased by
13...Bg4 14.Nf3 Bxf3 (avoiding 14...gxf4 15.Ne5!) 15.gxf3 gxf4 16.gxf4 Nd7 17.0–0–0 Nb6
18.e4! etc.] 14.gxf4 Bg4 15.Bf5! [15.Nf3; or 15.Nh3!? would also have given an enduring
advantage. However, I immediately began play aimed at exploiting the weakness of the light
squares and the h6-pawn.] 15...Bxf5 [15...Rg8 16.Bxg4 Rxg4 17.Nf3 Nd7 18.0–0–0 was hardly
any more attractive.] 16.Qxf5 Nd7 17.e4! Qf6 [Also in another endgame – after 17...dxe4
18.Nxe4 Qe7 (otherwise White has a fearfully strong attack) 19.Nf3 Qe6 20.Qxe6+ fxe6 21.Kf2
Black would have faced a difficult struggle for a draw.] 18.Qxf6 Nxf6 19.e5 Now Black is
cramped and the chronic holes on the kingside leave him little hope of saving the game.
19...Nd7 [Or 19...Ng4 20.Ke2 followed by Kf3 and Nge2-g3.] 20.Nge2 Nb6 21.b3 Rg8?! [21...a5
22.a4 f6 was more resilient, at least getting rid of one of the weak pawns.] 22.Kf2 Kd7 [After
22...f6 in Informator I gave 23.e6 (?) (23.Kf3! is correct, with the ideas of g2-g4 and Ng3-f5,
and if 23...a5 , then 24.Na4! Nxa4 25.bxa4 is now strong) , which loses almost White's entire
advantage in view of 23...Ke7! 24.f5 Rg5 25.Ng3 Nc8 26.Rh5 Nd6 27.Rah1 Bg7 etc. ; Therefore
here too 22...a5!? 23.a4 f6 was better, although the inclusion of the moves ...Rg8 and Kf2 is to
White's advantage.] 23.Ng3! Rc8 [The undermining move 23...f6? is ruled out by 24.Nh5 .]
24.Kf3 [Or 24.Nf5!? Rg6 25.Kf3 .] 24...c5?! An active attempt, which merely hastens the end.
25.dxc5 Rxc5 26.Nce2 [26.Nge2! was even better, followed by pressure on the d5-pawn and
g2-g4.] 26...Rc6 [Nothing was given by 26...Rc2 27.a4 Rb2 28.Rhb1! Rc2 29.Rc1 Rb2 30.Rab1
Ra2 31.Nc3 Rd2 32.Rd1 and wins.] 27.Rhc1 [27.Nh5 (f5) ; or 27.a4! was no worse.] 27...Rxc1
[27...Rcg6 28.Rd1!? .] 28.Rxc1 Bxa3 29.Ra1 Bc5 30.Nf5!? [30.Rxa7 would also have won – the
desperate 30...Nc4!? 31.-- a), hoping for 31.Rxb7+ Kc6 32.bxc4 (a)32.Rxf7?? Nd2#) 32...Kxb7
33.cxd5 Rd8 with drawing chances; b), is parried by the accurate 31.Ra2! Ne3 (otherwise Nf5)
32.Ra5! Bb6 (b)32...b6 33.Ra7+ Kc6 34.b4! (b)but not 34.Rxf7?? Nc2! with the threat of ...Ne1
mate) ) 33.Rb5 Rg6 34.f5 Rc6 35.Nf4 and wins.Instead of this excitement I preferred to pick off
the h-pawn and create a powerful pawn phalanx.; ] 30...Ra8 31.Nxh6 Ke6 32.g4 a5 33.Rc1!
Nd7 [If 33...Rc8 the simplest is 34.Nf5 and Rh1–h6+(h7) followed by the advance of the
pawns.] 34.Nc3 [Here too 34.Nf5! with the threat of Ned4+ was simpler.] 34...Ra6 35.Re1
[35.Nf5; or 35.g5 would also have been decisive, but I wanted to exclude even the incorrect
sacrifice 35...Nxe5+ .] 35...d4?! Equivalent to capitulation, [although the alternatives were also
bad: 35...Nb6?! 36.f5+ Ke7 37.e6!; or 35...Bb4 36.f5+ Ke7 37.Nxd5+ Kf8 38.Nxb4 Rxh6 39.g5!
Rh3+ 40.Kg4 Rxb3 41.Nd5 Rb5 42.Nf6! .] 36.f5+ Ke7 37.Nd5+ Kf8 38.e6 [Or 38.Nxf7! Nb6
39.Nc7 and wins.] 38...fxe6 39.fxe6 Nb8 40.Nf5 Nc6 41.g5 . And in view of the inevitable
breakthrough of the e- and g-pawns, Black resigned. 1–0

And so, after finishing 3 points ahead of my closest pursuers, I reached the sky-high rating
mark of 2805 - this was comparable to a long jump of nine metres! Taking inflation into
account, my Belgrade achievement was almost comparable to my 2851 super record, attained
in 1999.

Nikitin: 'To be honest, I didn't believe that Garry could reach 2800 in such a short time. But the
incredible happened: with all his chess and non-chess disadvantages, although burdened with
a mass of problems, a dozen major matters and hundreds of minor ones, after his customary
jocular lamentation about poor health and a complete lack of energy, he already reached the
2800 mark by the end of 1989! I happened to be helping him in Tilburg, and at the time I
suggested discussing preparations for the forthcoming world championship match the

following year. After thinking for about a minute, Garry replied: "Let's wait until I return to
Baku. A couple of months won't decide anything, especially since all the same I will have to
play Karpov." I understood the reason for his unwillingness at that moment to build plans for
the coming year: freed of the need to achieve some vitally important goal, he was playing
easily and, above all, very confidently.'

My appearance in Belgrade coincided with some concerts by the famous cellist and conductor
Mstislav Rostropovich, a fanatical chess enthusiast and a long-standing supporter of Korchnoi.
'Sometimes I even dream chess', said the great musician, 'but I play very badly. No, I tell a lie:
in my childhood I was a champion! True, of the entrance to our block, and this included girls...'
We found time to meet together. Rostropovich showed me his unique Stradivarius cello, and I
showed him a few of my games.

Those months are memorable for the enormous democratic changes in Eastern Europe: the
fall of the notorious Berlin Wall (which, incidentally, I publicly predicted back in 1987), the
'velvet revolution' in Czechoslovakia... The situation also changed in the USSR - one only has to
mention the speeches by the disgraced academic Sakharov at the congress of peoples

The changes also affected Soviet chess. In November 1989, as a counter to the dominance of
the State Sports Committee, an inaugural meeting of the independent Union of USSR Chess
Players was held, and I was elected President. And at a December meeting of the country's
chess players, in place of Sevastyanov the chairman of the Soviet Federation became Vladimir
Popov, a minister in the Russian Federation government. This victory was unexpected: 109 of
the 148 delegates voted against the State Sport Committee's protégé - a terrible blow to the
authorities! Soon Krogius was pensioned off, and the Chess Administration of the State Sports
Committee was altogether done away with (but not yet the influence of the Committee itself).

The chess year concluded with a grandiose GMA qualification tournament and assembly in
Palma de Mallorca, where on 18th December 1989 the Grandmasters Association decided to
take the running of the world championship under its control. It appeared that from that day
the genuine history of professional chess might begin, and yet…

At the very end of December I was voted the top USSR sports person of 1989. In an interview
regarding this I also said that in the forthcoming title match I would like to meet Karpov again:
'After all, I have not once won a match against him convincingly. I think this is the only thing
that I have not yet managed to do in chess'.

Chapter Two (Part Two): At the Peak of my Career: 1990
2.2.1. After the Escape
2.2.2. Match with Psakhis
2.2.3. Fifth Match with Karpov

2.2.1. After the Escape

International Tournament in Linares (17 February - 4 March 1990): 1. Kasparov - 8 out of 11; 2.
Gelfand - 7½; 3. Salov - 7; 4. Ivanchuk - 6½; 5. Short - 6; 6-7. Gulko and Yusupov - 5½; 8.
Beliavsky - 5; 9-11. Spassky, Illescas and Portisch - 4; 12. Ljubojevic - 3.

For me and those close to me 1990 was a critical year and probably the most difficult in my
life. In my native Baku, to where I flew from Moscow on 6th January, there was great unrest: in
connection with the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, anti-Armenian hysteria burst our
everywhere. Two days later my mother and I, with Shakarov and Tsaturian, set off to one of
our regular training sessions in Zagulba.

I will never forget 'black Saturday', the 13th of January. It was a beautiful sunny day and over
the sea there was a rainbow, but in Baku mass pogroms were beginning on an unprecedented
scale - seizures of flats, robberies, rapes and brutal murders. It was impossible to believe this,
but people were attacked and beaten to death with iron bars, burned alive and thrown out of
upstairs windows. Many Azeris saved their Armenian friends from being killed, but others,
seeing the inactivity of the police and the army, were afraid to come to their aid.

My Moscow friends insisted on my immediate return, but I refused to fly out without my
relatives and I racked my brains over how to save them. My aunt Nelli barely escaped the
pogromists who broke into her flat, and a cousin of mine had to be freed from the
headquarters of the Azerbaijan Popular Front. The telephone rang day and night.
Acquaintances begged: 'Save us, save us!' My relatives and friends with their families reached
Zagulba, where about 60 people assembled.

But even there it was not safe. The protection assigned to us by the authorities consisted of
just two KGB officers, armed with pistols, whereas the pogromists had not only knives and iron
bars, but also automatic rifles. At some point the telephone link was suddenly severed, and we
were cut off from the outside world in a kind of trap.

It was then that a headquarters was set up in Moscow to save the 'Kasparov group', directed
by Popov, the chairman of the USSR Chess Federation. He set up a special telephone link with
Zagulba, and Boris Rogatin, the leader of the Soviet sports trades union, gained government
permission to send a special plane to Baku. To fly to Moscow in the usual way was unrealistic,
and not only because of the cancellation of flights and the deficit of tickets: at the approaches
to the airport Azeri patrols were committing outrages. The expense of the rescue operation,
including the admission of the refugees, was borne by the Union of USSR Chess Players and
Moscow business acquaintances of mine.

The night before the flight, friends helped me to travel secretly to my home in Baku. This was a
risky, even reckless step (the house was in the centre of the town), but I very much wanted to
say farewell to my native home, which I was leaving for ever.

Our TU-134 left Moscow during the day on 17th January, and landed in Baku at dusk, at the
very far end of the airfield (although the airport was held by paratroopers, the boarding was
kept secret). It was to there by some half-forgotten track that we also approached - in two
buses and two cars. Nikitin: 'How they managed to avoid meeting the Azeri patrols was a
professional secret of the special forces, who assured Moscow that the safety of the Kasparov
group on the way to the airport would be guaranteed.' The boarding of the plane took no
more than ten minutes: people had escaped from Baku virtually without any possessions.
When everyone had sat down, I counted about a dozen free seats and together with the
assistants I allocated them to mothers with children who were languishing in the waiting hall.

It was late in the evening that we landed in Moscow. Indescribable grief was etched on the
faces of the people who descended from the plane on to the snowy ground. Some were even
led out by hand, and some were in light indoor clothing. The terrible fate of refugees awaited
them, a position in which many thousands of Armenians found themselves. It was easier for
me than for others: my wife Maria lived in the capital. But her small two-room flat in a five-
storey block built in Khrushchev's time could not even accommodate my mother, and I took on
the job of making arrangements for my relations.

'Our flight was like something out of a film', I said at the time to a journalist from the Spanish
newspaper El Pais. 'I picked up 60 people and miraculously saved their lives: travelling to the
airport was a real adventure. Excuse me, but now I am in such a mental state that I am unable
to give a political analysis.' Other words of mine were published in the press around the world:
'That which you have seen on television is nothing compared with what I have had to endure.'

In Moscow, with the help of Politburo member Alexander Yakovlev (who, I should remind you,
saved me from disqualification in the summer of 1985) I obtained a meeting with Mikhail
Gorbachev, and on 20th January, after the belated entry of Soviet troops into Baku, for a long
time I talked to him, explaining how I saw things. Alas, this was in vain. Troops occupied the
city, in order to save not the Armenians (there were none left in Baku), but the communist
regime. This was the plan from the very start... Soon I returned my Communist Party card to
the Azerbaijan State Sports Committee, where I was registered, with a letter explaining why I
was leaving this organisation. Then in the spring I took a very active part in the creation of the
Democratic Party of Russia, and at the end May I was elected its deputy chairman. Thus
unexpectedly - in the year of a world championship match! - my political activity began and
Moscow became our second home.

Strangely enough, a month after the January tragedy I made a worthy debut in the leading
Spanish event in Linares, although I had neither the strength nor the time to prepare seriously
for this popular super-tournament. At last I was able to make the acquaintance of the well-
known organiser Senor Luis Rentero - the owner of the Hotel Anibal, where we played and
lived. Having secured a big prize fund, he imposed on the players an obligatory condition: not
to agree a draw earlier than the 40th move.

In the absence of Karpov (in March he won the final Candidates match against Timman), my
main rivals were considered to be the winner of the previous year's tournament, Vassily
Ivanchuk, the third prize-winner in the World Cup, Valery Salov, and the victor at the recent
GMA qualifying tournament, the 21-year-old Belorussian (now Israeli) Boris Gelfand - against
whom I was paired with black at the start. A gripping battle ensued…

Game 64
B.Gelfand-G.Kasparov, Linares, 1st Round, 18.02.1990
King's Indian Defence E99

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 Without hesitation! 'It was very interesting to cross swords for the
first time with the world champion – especially with White, and in the very first round. I
anticipated a King's Indian Defence – a fighting opening, which was also in my repertoire. And,
indeed, a very tense battle ensued.' (Gelfand) 4.e4 d6 5.Be2 0–0 6.Nf3 e5 7.0–0 Nc6 8.d5 Ne7
9.Ne1 [9.Nd2 – Game Nos.42, 80.] 9...Nd7 10.Nd3 [10.Be3 – Game Nos.58, 77.] 10...f5 11.Bd2
Nf6 12.f3 Kh8 After not much thought I made Geller's flexible move, vacating g8 for the knight.
[Although earlier I played only 12...f4 – and in Reggio Emilia (1991/92) I also played this
against Gelfand, there followed 13.g4 (killing the attack with ...g6-g5-g4) (instead of the usual
13.c5 g5 (Game No.21 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I)) 13...g5 14.b4 h5 15.h3 Kf7
with double-edged play.] 13.Rc1 [If 13.b4 there can follow 13...Neg8 (or 13...c6 (Bareev-
A.Kuzmin, Moscow 1989)) 14.c5 Bh6 (Malaniuk-Gelfand, 56th USSR Championship, Odessa
1989)] 13...c5 Hampering White's offensive. [13...c6 14.Be3?! a6! is also not bad (Gelfand-
Topalov, Amsterdam 1996; Gelfand-Nijboer, Wijk aan Zee 1998). But it was in the variation
with ...c7-c5 that I had prepared something.] 14.g4 Counter-prophylaxis. [This position was
judged to favour White: he succeeded in suppressing the opponent's counterplay on the
kingside and in retaining the initiative on the queenside after both 14.g4 Bd7 (and 14...Neg8
15.Kg2! (Ftacnik-Nunn, Vienna 1986); 14...h6 15.h4!) 15.a3 (Taimanov-Geller, 41st USSR
Championship, Moscow 1973)(or 15.Nf2 (Ftacnik-Geller, Sochi 1977).) ] 14...a6! (an important
improvement) 15.Nf2 [Now if 15.Kg2 (?!) there is 15...b5! – the e4-pawn is rather weak!;
'White does not want to play 15.a4 (if only because of 15...a5 ), and he is forced to spend a
tempo on defence, but after this he does not succeed in securely reinforcing his kingside.'
(Gelfand)] 15...h6! The point of my novelty – counterplay against the weaknesses in the
opponent's position. [15...Bd7 is too sluggish: 16.a3 Neg8 17.b4 (Ftacnik-Ost Hansen, Esbjerg
1982). ] 16.h4 (not wishing to allow 16...fxg4 17 fxg4 g5 and ...Ng6-f4!, Boris goes in for a
forcing variation with a pawn sacrifice) 16...fxg4 17.fxg4 Neg8 (aiming at the h4-pawn) 18.Kg2
Nh7 19.Rh1 Bf6 20.g5! [It is not possible to keep the kingside closed – 20.Kg3?! Bxh4+!
21.Rxh4 Rxf2 22.-- a), when 22.Bxh6? Nxh6 23.Rxh6 Qf8 24.Qd2 Bxg4! is bad for White; b),
while after 22.Qh1 Qf8; c), or 22.Bf3 Bd7!? (c)22...b5; c)or 22...Ng5 23.Kxf2 Nxf3 will also do)
23.Rh1 Rxd2 24.Qxd2 b5 Black has an excellent game.; ; 20.h5? Bh4 .] 20...hxg5 21.h5! White is
essentially forced to give up a pawn, but in return he opens the h-file and gains use of the
strong-point g4. 21...Qe8? [21...Ne7 was much safer, but I did not want to block the f6-
bishop's path to d8 and I was afraid of 22.Bg4 , but needlessly: after 22...Qe8! the situation
would have remained completely unclear.] 22.b4! Again Boris quickly hit on the correct line.
[If 22.Qa4 he looked at 22...b5!? (22...Bd7? 23.hxg6!; whereas I was considering 22...Qf7 )
23.cxb5 Bd7; ' 22.Bg4 would have given sufficient compensation for the pawn, but the
energetic move in the game seemed more tempting to me.' (Gelfand)] 22...cxb4 [If 22...b6 ,
then 23.Qa4! is now very strong: for example, 23...Qf7 (again 23...Bd7? 24.hxg6! will not do;
or 23...Ne7 24.Qxe8 Rxe8 25.Na4 Rb8 26.Rb1 Bd7 27.bxc5 Bxa4 28.cxd6 Nf5 29.exf5 gxf5
30.Be3 with winning prospects) 24.bxc5 bxc5 25.Qc6 Be7 26.Rcf1 .] 23.Na4 Threatening Nb6;
[after 23.Qa4? bxc3 24.Qxe8 Rxe8 25.hxg6 Ne7! 26.Rxh7+ Kg8 27.Rxc3 Nxg6 Black simply has
an endgame with an extra pawn.] 23...Bd8 24.Bxb4 Bd7!? [A tactical trick: 24...Rf6 25.hxg6
Qxg6 26.Bh5 Qg7 27.c5! is really too unpleasant.] 25.hxg6? [Gelfand took me 'at my word' and
rejected 25.Bxd6! because of 25...Bxa4 , although after 26.Qd3! (we hadn't seen this) (the
Informator move 26.hxg6 (?) is weak because of 26...Qxg6! 27.Bxe5+ Bf6 28.Qd4 Bxe5
29.Qxe5+ Qg7 with equality) 26...Rf4 (26...Rxf2+ 27.Kxf2 Bf6 28.Rb1 b5 29.c5 is no better)
27.hxg6 Qxg6 28.Bxe5+ Ngf6 (or 28...Bf6 29.Bxf4 gxf4+ 30.Kf1 Qg7 31.Rb1 the armada of
passed pawns would have promised White every chance of success) 29.Bxf4 gxf4+ 30.Kf1 Qg5
31.Rb1 .] 25...Qxg6 (now the black queen is activated and the d6-pawn is defended – the

storm has passed!) 26.c5? Seemingly a pretty move – but not without reason is it said that
mistakes come in pairs. [26.Bh5! was correct, and in the event of 26...Qf6 (although
26...Rxf2+! 27.Kxf2 Qxe4 would give Black sufficient counterplay: 28.Qf3 Qxf3+ (28...Qd4+!?
29.Kg2 g4 30.Qe2 Bf5! is sharper) 29.Bxf3 Bxa4 30.Bxd6 Ngf6 31.Bxe5 Kg8 with equality)
27.Nd3 g4 (or 27...Nh6 28.Qc2! White has some advantage) 28.Qe2! ( 28...Bxa4?! 29.Rcf1 ).;
26.Bg4?! Bxg4 27.Qxg4 b5! is less good.] 26...g4? It was my turn to be tempted by pretty
threats. [After 26...Ngf6! the e4-point comes under fire and Black seizes the initiative:
27.Bd3? a)27.Qc2?; b), or 27.Nc3? is bad in view of 27...g4 and ...g4-g3; c), and the desperate
piece sacrifice is hardly correct – 27.Bh5?! Nxh5 28.Qxh5 Qxh5 29.Rxh5 Be8! (c)the immediate
29...Bxa4 is less clear in view of 30.c6! bxc6 31.Bxd6 Kg8 32.Ng4 .) ; d). All that remain are
moves with the c-pawn: 27.cxd6 Nxe4 28.Nd3 (d)or 28.Be1 Nxf2 29.Bxf2 Qe4+ 30.Bf3 Rxf3
31.Qxf3 Qxf3+ 32.Kxf3 Bxa4 , and the activity of the white pieces does not compensate for the
lost material) 28...g4 29.Be1 Qxd6 30.Qb3 Rf3! with a powerful attack; e)27.c6 Nxe4 28.Nd3
(e)not 28.Nxe4? Qxe4+ 29.Bf3 Qxb4 30.cxd7 g4; e)or 28.cxd7? Rxf2+ 29.Kg1 Qf7 30.Be1 Qf4!)
28...bxc6 29.dxc6 -- e1), and if 29...Be6 30.c7 Bd5 White saves the game with 31.Kg1! Ng3
32.Nxe5! dxe5 (e1)32...Qe4 33.Bf3) 33.Bxf8 Bxh1 34.c8Q! Rxc8 35.Rxc8 Qe4 36.Bg7+! Kxg7
37.Qd7+ Kh6 38.Qh3+; e2), but after 29...Bc8! Black has the advantage: 30.-- e21)30.c7?! Bb7!
31.cxd8Q?! (e21)31.Kg1 Be7 32.Qc2 g4 33.Nxe5 dxe5 34.Bxe7 Qf7! with crushing threats)
31...Nc3+! 32.Kg3 Nxe2+ 33.Qxe2 Raxd8; e22)30.Bh5 (comparatively the best chance)
30...Qg8! 31.Rc2 (e22)31.Qe2?! g4 32.Qxe4 Bf5 33.Qc4 Be6 and wins) 31...a5 32.Ba3 Nef6 etc;
e23)30.Qe1 Qf5! .; ; ; ] 27.c6! (the only way!) 27...g3 [27...Be8!? .] 28.Nd3 (a cool-headed
reply) 28...bxc6 29.dxc6 Rc8! After making this move, I inwardly rejoiced: Black's position
looked excellent. Gelfand: 'A move of enormous strength, which, frankly speaking, I had
overlooked. [I thought that White had seized the initiative ( 29...Qxe4+? 30.Bf3 ), but the world
champion had seen further. ; Now 29...Rc8 30.cxd7? Rxc1 31.Qxc1 (or 31.Nxc1 Rf2+)
31...Qxe4+ is bad for White. I had to switch to finding a way to save the game.'] 30.Bf3
[30.Bxd6! would have more reliably maintained equality: for example, 30...Qxd6 (30...Qxe4+
31.Bf3 Rxf3 32.Qxf3 Bxc6 33.Bxe5+ Bf6 with further simplification and a probable draw)
31.cxd7 Rxc1 32.Nxc1 Qc6! 33.Nd3 Qxe4+ 34.Bf3 Rxf3 35.Qxf3 Qxa4 .] 30...Rxf3! [Far more
aggressive than the submissive 30...Bxc6 31.Nxe5! dxe5 32.Bxf8 Bxa4 33.Qd6! (33.Qxa4? Rxc1)
33...Qxd6 34.Bxd6 Rxc1 35.Bxe5+ Bf6 36.Bxf6+ Ngxf6 37.Rxc1 Ng5 , reaching the drawing
haven.] 31.Qxf3 Bg4 [It was still possible to fight for an advantage by 31...Bxc6! 32.Nc3 Kg7
33.Qxg3 Ng5 with excellent compensation for the exchange.] 32.Qxg3 Qxe4+ 33.Kg1! Despite
his time-trouble, Gelfand plays accurately. [In Informator I recommended 33.Kh2 (?), not
noticing the strong reply 33...Bf3! 34.Nf2 Qxb4 35.Qxf3 Qxa4 , winning.] 33...Ngf6 [33...Bf3
34.Nf2 Qxb4? (34...Qf5 is equal) 35.Qxf3 Qxa4 was no longer possible on account of 36.Rxh7+!
Kxh7 37.Qf5+ .; And 33...Bf5 34.Bxd6 Qd4+ 35.Qf2 Qg4+ 36.Qg2 Qd4+ would only have led to a
draw.] 34.Bxd6! (White has to hurry: ...Nh5 was threatened) 34...Qd4+ [The capture
34...Rxc6?! 35.Rxc6 Qxc6 was weaker in view of 36.Bxe5! (instead of 36.Nxe5 , as given in
Informator) 36...Qxa4 37.Nf2 Kg8 38.Rh4! .; And the complications after 34...Qxa4 35.Bxe5
(35.c7? Qd4+ and ...Qxd6) 35...Bb6+ 36.Nf2! Rxc6 (36...Kg8 37.c7 is no better) 37.Rxc6 Qxc6
38.Qxg4 Bxf2+ 39.Kh2 Qc2 40.Kh3 would also have ended in a draw.] 35.Nf2 Qxd6 'Black's
activity is very dangerous, although in analysis after the game we were unable to find an
advantage – everywhere White found the only moves to defend.' (Gelfand) 36.Nxg4 Qd4+
[36...Nxg4 37.Qxg4 Bb6+! 38.Nxb6 Rg8 was simpler, with unavoidable perpetual check.] 37.Nf2
[The attempt to squeeze out more – 37.Ne3!? would have been parried by 37...Ne4! 38.Rxh7+
(38.Qh3 Neg5!) 38...Kxh7 39.Qh3+ Kg7 40.Rd1! (an insidious reply!) 40...Ng5! , maintaining
equality: 41.Qd7+ (41.Qg3 Qf4) 41...Qxd7 42.Rxd7+ Kf8 43.Nd5 Ne6 .] 37...Qxa4 38.Qxe5 Rc7
[Black needlessly delays 38...Rxc6 , after which the most accurate was 39.Rxh7+! Kxh7
40.Qh2+ with the idea of 40...Kg7?! (but 40...Nh5! (the last move before the time control!)
41.Qxh5+ Kg7 is correct, with a draw) 41.Qg2+ and Rxc6.] 39.Rh2 In severe time-trouble Boris
played solidly, but passively. [39.Rd1!? Rg7+ 40.Kf1 was more interesting, forcing 40...Qc4+!

(again the last move before the time control!) 41.Qe2 Qxe2+ (41...Qg8 42.Rd6 is more
dangerous) 42.Kxe2 Bb6 with a draw.] 39...Rg7+ [39...Rxc6!? – cf. the note to Black's 38th
move.] 40.Rg2 Bc7 41.Qf5 [Of course, not 41.Qe6? Qf4! .] 41...Qxa2 Forcing the exchange of
the heavy pieces. [White would not have been concerned by 41...Rxg2+ 42.Kxg2 Kg7 43.Qe6
Qf4 44.Rc4 .] 42.Qc8+ Qg8 43.Qxg8+ Kxg8 44.Rxg7+ Kxg7 45.Nd3 ½–½

Gelfand: 'At the closing ceremony this game was declared "the most brilliant in the
tournament" and a prize was awarded - a sculpture weighing roughly 50 kilos. It was
impossible to lift it. Garry, laughing, said to me: "Take it, take it". But I realised that, firstly, I
would be unable to drag the statue home, and secondly, I had absolutely nowhere to put it - it
would take up half the flat, not less. In the end we tossed a coin - and, fittingly, it was the
world champion who won.'

In the 2nd round I won a game of very uneven quality against Short: both of us were only just
running into form. But in the 3rd round I scored quite a good King's Indian win over Portisch,
who aimed only to retain equality and was punished for his passivity.

My next opponent was the ex-world champion Boris Spassky, a person with an inimitable
sense of humour. He arrived for the game in ceremonial dress, with a bow tie and, as he shook
my hand, declared: 'A meeting with the world champion is a festive occasion for any

Game 65
G.Kasparov-B.Spassky, Linares, 4th Round, 21.02.1990
Nimzo-Indian Defence E35

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 [On this occasion, instead of 3...d5 and his 'Carlsbad sufferings'
(Game No.51), Spassky chooses the flexible Nimzo-Indian Defence, hoping to improve Black's
play in the variation which brought me wins over Korchnoi (Tilburg 1989) and Nikolic (Belgrade
1989).] 4.Qc2 d5 5.cxd5 exd5 6.Bg5 h6 7.Bh4 c5 [7...g5 – Game No.63.] 8.dxc5 [One of the
tabiyas of that time (it is rash to play 8.0–0–0? Bxc3! etc – Game No.39 in My Great
Predecessors Part II).] 8...Nc6 [After 8...0–0 9.e3 Nbd7 10.Bd3 Qa5 11.Nge2 Bxc3+ 12.Qxc3
Qxc3+ 13.Nxc3 Nxc5 14.Bc2 Korchnoi found himself in a permanently inferior endgame. ; Black
also had problems in the main line with 8...g5 9.Bg3 Ne4 10.e3 Qa5 11.Nge2 Bf5 (the
alternative is 11...Nc6 12.a3! Bf5 13.Qc1 , Kasparov-Timman, Novgorod 1995) 12.Be5! 0–0
13.Nd4 Bg6?! 14.Nb3 Nxc3 15.Bxc3! (Kasparov-Short, 9th match game, London 1993).] 9.e3 g5
10.Bg3 Ne4 11.Nf3 Qf6 At the time this was considered the best reply, [but then they all
turned to 11...Qa5 12.Nd2 and now 12...Bxc3 (or 12...Nxc3 13.bxc3 Bxc3 14.Rb1 Qxc5!
(14...a6? 15.Bd6 , Glek-Yuferov, Moscow 1989) 15.Rb5 Qa3 16.Rb3 Bxd2+ 17.Qxd2 Qa5
(Spassky-Fischer, 10th match game, Yugoslavia 1992) 18.Qxa5! Nxa5 19.Rb5 b6 20.h4 , when
Black nevertheless has problems (Dreev-Khairullin, Moscow 2009)) 13.bxc3 Qxc3 14.Qxc3 Nxc3
15.f3 Bf5 with an acceptable ending (Korchnoi-Portisch, Amsterdam 1990).; A game played six
months before this, Gelfand-Balashov (56th USSR Championship, Odessa 1989) went 11...Qf6
12.Rc1 Bf5?! (after 12...Bg4 13.Be2 0–0 14.0–0 Bxc3 15.bxc3 Nxc5 Black is comparatively okay)
13.Bd3 h5? , and here White could have landed the powerful stroke 14.Nd4! , since 14...Nxd4
15.exd4 Qxd4 is bad on account of 16.0–0 Bxc3 (16...Nxg3 17.Rfd1!! and wins) 17.bxc3 Qf6
(17...Qxc5 18.Be5!) 18.Bxe4 Bxe4 19.Qb3 etc. ] 12.Bb5! I had prepared this strong novelty the
previous year, and its hour had finally arrived. The effect of it was such that the move 11...Qf6
disappeared from serious use, although, as we will see, the position is still full of life.On
encountering this unexpected bishop move, Spassky sank into painful thought. His elated
mood quickly evaporated. 12...Nxc3?! The first minor concession. [Sounder was 12...0–0
13.0–0 , and now 13...Nxc3?! (but after 13...Bxc3! 14.bxc3 Nxc5 15.Nd4 Bd7 Black is close to

equalising (Lahlum-Gashimov, Tromso 2007)) 14.bxc3 Bxc5 (14...Qxc3? 15.Qa4! Bd7 16.Rac1
Qa3 17.Qc2 is even worse) 15.Nd4 Bd7 16.Qb3 Rad8 17.Be2 (d3) favours White; But not
12...Nxg3? 13.hxg3 .] 13.Bxc6+ bxc6?! A second step towards the precipice: Spassky did not yet
fully appreciate how dangerous his position had become. [13...Qxc6 14.bxc3 Bxc5 was a better
try, although after 15.h4!? g4 16.Ne5 Qa6 17.Rd1 White would have retained the initiative.]
14.a3! g4? And this attempt to sharpen matters proves fatal! [It was essential to play 14...Bf5
15.Qd2 Bxc5 (after 15...Ne4?! 16.Qxb4 Black does not have compensation for the pawn) , and
if 16.Be5! -- a), either 16...Ne4 17.Bxf6 Nxd2 18.Kxd2 Rg8 19.Rhc1 Rg6 with a difficult but not
yet altogether hopeless endgame; b), or 16...Qe7! with chances of holding out after 17.Qxc3 (!)
(b)or creating counterplay in the event of 17.Bxh8 (?!) 17...Ne4 18.Qc1 g4 19.Nd4 Bd7 20.b4
Bd6 21.Nf5 (b)21.Nxc6 Qh4! 22.g3 Qh3) 21...Bxb4+! 22.Ke2 Qg5 23.Ng3 Nxg3+ 24.hxg3 Be7)
17...0–0 .; ] 15.Be5! A knock-out blow. [Apparently Black was hoping to save the ending with
opposite-colour bishops that arises following 15.Nd4?! Bxc5 16.Qxc3 Bxd4!; or 15.axb4?! gxf3
16.Qxc3 Qxc3+ 17.bxc3 fxg2 18.Rg1 Bh3 .] 15...Ne4+ 16.axb4 Qf5 17.Bxh8 gxf3 18.Rg1! I was
terribly proud of this unusual, and at the same time solid move, which does not allow the
opponent any chances of confusing matters. [But the computer suggests White could also have
won with 18.gxf3!? Qxf3 19.Rg1 , when the best reply 19...Bg4 does not help in view of
20.Ra6 (20.b5!?; 20.Be5!?) 20...Nxf2 21.Bd4 Ne4 22.Rxc6 Rb8! 23.Rf1! Qh3 24.Rf4 Qh4+ 25.Kf1
Bh3+ 26.Ke2 Bg4+ 27.Kd3 Qe1 28.Rxh6 Rxb4 29.Rxe4+! dxe4+ 30.Kxe4 Be6 31.c6 Qh1+ 32.Kf4
Qd5 33.Qe4 .; Even the 'wild' 18.g4?! Qxg4 19.0–0–0 is not so bad.] 18...Qg4 [Slightly confused
by my reply, Spassky missed a more resilient defence – 18...fxg2 , and if 19.Rxg2 (I could have
denied the opponent counterplay on the light squares: 19.Qe2!? Qh3 (19...Ng5 20.f4!) 20.f3!
Qh4+ (20...Ng5 21.0–0–0) 21.Kd1 Bh3 22.Kc1 , gradually converting the material advantage) ,
then 19...Qf3 20.Rg1 (20.Rg8+ Ke7 21.Rg1 is no better) 20...Bg4 , transposing into a sharp
position from the previous note. ] 19.Qd1! (a pretty manoeuvre with the simple threat of Qxf3)
19...Ng5 20.Qd4! Ne4 21.Qe5+ Be6 22.Qf4 By threatening the exchange of queens, White
nevertheless picks up the f3-pawn. 22...Qg6 23.Qxf3 [23.Bd4!? .] 23...f6 24.Qf4 Kf7 25.f3 Ng5
26.Kd2! Qf5 27.h4 Qxf4 28.exf4 Nh7 29.g4 . And Black finally resigned. 1–0

This was my last tournament game with the 10th world champion. Our fierce chess battles
concluded with the score +2-2=4.

Thus, I reached 3½ out of 4 - but Gelfand had the same number of points! In the next round 'by
tradition' I was paired with black against Artur Yusupov, a recent semi-finalist in the
Candidates cycle.

Game 66
A.Yusupov-G.Kasparov, Linares, 5th Round, 23.02.1990
King's Indian Defence E69

1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 [On this occasion, instead of 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.d4 (Game No.47),
Yusupov chooses a more solid set-up, guessing that his opponent will be eager to avenge his
painful defeat in Barcelona.] 3...Bg7 4.Bg2 0–0 5.d4 d6 [Earlier in such cases I used to reply
5...c6 and ...d7-d5 ; or immediately 5...d5 (as in our Belgrade game), but now I decided to play
the King's Indian with ...Nbd7, which I had begun preparing for my next match with Karpov.]
6.0–0 Nbd7 7.Nc3 e5 8.h3 [In Linares 1992 our game went 8.e4 c6 9.Be3 , and after 9...Ng4
10.Bg5 Qb6 11.h3 exd4 12.Na4 Qa6 13.hxg4 b5 14.Be7 Re8 15.Bxd6 bxa4 16.e5 c5! 17.b4! cxb4
18.Qxd4 (18.Rb1! is stronger) 18...Bb7 19.Rae1 (19.Rfe1!?) 19...Rac8 20.c5? Qb5 21.Qf4 Bxf3
22.Bxf3 Nxc5 I was also able to seize the initiative.] 8...c6 9.e4 Qb6 [The alternative is 9...Re8 .]
10.c5!? [With this quickly played reply Artur surprised me: at that time 10.Re1 ; or 10.d5 was
usually played. But later it was the sharp 10 c5 that killed many players' liking of the variation
with 9...Qb6.] 10...dxc5 11.dxe5 Ne8 12.Na4 [After 12.Bg5 (e3) White has to reckon with

12...Qxb2; while if 12.Qc2 , then 12...Qc7 (or 12...Nc7 is not bad. ) ; But the most dangerous
line for Black is considered to be 12.e6!? fxe6 13.Ng5 : for example, 13...Ne5 14.f4 Nf7
15.Nxf7 Bd4+! 16.Kh2 Rxf7 17.e5 Nc7 18.Ne4 Nd5 with complicated play – White has full
compensation for the pawn (Shirov-Kasparov, Linares 1993).] 12...Qa6! [If 12...Qb4?! White
has the unpleasant 13.Bd2! Qxe4? (13...Qc4!?) 14.Re1 with a winning attack (which has been
demonstrated more than once since 1983 by the Bulgarian grandmaster Nino Kirov). ; If
12...Qc7 , then 13.e6!? fxe6 14.Ng5 gains in strength (Modr-Karlik, Czechoslovakia 1992).; It is
more difficult to cast doubts on 12...Qb5 and ...Nc7 – this was played against Yusupov by
Dolmatov (12th match game (rapid), Wijk aan Zee 1991), Damljanovic (Belgrade 1991), and
Ljubojevic (Linares 1993).] 13.Bf4 Not a very lethal novelty. [Black's defences are also solid in
the event of 13.Qc2 b6! (13...c4 14.e6! fxe6 15.Be3) 14.Bf4 Nc7 (Soppe-Servat, Argentina
1989). ; And the variation I suggested in Informator, 13.Bg5 b5 14.Nc3 Nc7 15.Be7 Re8 16.Bd6
Ne6! (previously 16...Qb6 had occurred) , was later tested in Hübner-Kasparov (Dortmund
1992), where after 17.a4 (Hübner's recommendation 17.Qd2 (?!) is weak because of
17...Nd4!) 17...b4 18.Ne2 Qa5! and ...Ba6 a double-edged battle ensued.] 13...Nc7 14.Qc2 Ne6
Already here we were both playing spontaneously, and I felt that Black's chances were not
worse: he can contemplate ...b7-b5, ...c5-c4 and ...Ndc5-d3. White has an outpost at d6, but
for the moment he can only establish a rook there, and it is liable to be attacked by Black's
minor pieces. 15.Rfd1 Re8 [15...b5!? 16.Nc3 Re8 (or 16...c4 17.Rd6 Qb7 18.Rad1 Ndc5 19.Bf1
Qc7 is more accurate, with complicated play (Adianto-Wojtkiewicz, New York 1991).) ] 16.Rd6
A blank shot. [White could have tried to exploit my minor error by 16.b3!? with the idea of
Nb2.] 16...Qa5 [Again 16...b5!? was better: 17.Nc3 (17.Rxe6?! Rxe6 18.Nxc5 Nxc5 19.Qxc5 is
hardly correct in view of 19...Qb6 (or 19...Re8 and ...Be6) ) 17...Bf8 18.Rdd1 c4 (or 18...Nxf4
19.gxf4 c4 .) ] 17.Rad1?! This routine developing move hands Black the initiative. [The only
way to fight for it was 17.b3! : for example, 17...Nxf4 18.gxf4 Bf8 (my Informator suggestion
18...Bh6 (?!) is questionable because of 19.Rad1! Qc7 20.Ng5 (or 20.Qd2 ) ) 19.Nb2! Qc7
(19...Bxd6 20.Nc4) 20.Rad1 Bxd6 21.exd6 Qd8 22.e5 with enduring compensation for the
exchange.] 17...Nb6! 18.Nxb6 [18.Nc3 Nc4 19.R6d3 b5 was also unattractive, although this was
the lesser evil.] 18...axb6 19.a3 Qa4 It is clear that White has lost the opening duel: the a8-
rook comes into play on the a-file, the c8-bishop is also thereby 'developed', and, most
importantly, Black is threatening to begin advancing his queenside pawn majority. 20.Qe2?!
[20.Qd2! was more resourceful – in Informator I rated Black's chances very optimistically after
20...Qxe4 (it is better to play 20...Bf8!? 21.Bh6! Be7! followed by ...b6-b5,(after 21...Bxd6
22.exd6 Bd7 23.Ne5 Nf8 24.Bxf8 Rxe5 25.Be7 White has quite good play for the exchange) )
21.Nd4 Qxd4 22.Rxd4 Nxd4 , but for the rook, knight and pawn it is difficult to overcome the
queen. ] 20...b5 (the advance begins!) 21.Qe3 [After my Informator suggestion 21.h4 both
21...b4 (and 21...Nxf4 22.gxf4 Bg4 are strong.) ] 21...b4 22.axb4 Qxb4 23.R6d2 [White is forced
on to the defensive: if 23.b3 , then 23...Ra3 24.R6d3 b6! and ...Ba6.] 23...Ra2 24.Rb1 [24.b3
Ra3; or 24.Qe2 b6! also does not look good.] 24...c4 25.Rc2 [It is already hard to offer White
any good advice – it is not apparent how he can oppose the advance of the black pawns:
25.Bf1 b5 26.Nd4 (26.Qb6 Ra6!) 26...Nxd4 27.Qxd4 g5!; or 25.Rc1 Rxb2 (25...b5 26.Rcc2)
26.Rxb2 Qxb2 27.Rxc4 Nxf4 28.gxf4 Be6 etc.] 25...b5 My usual relaxation in an overwhelming
position. [25...Rd8! was more forceful – after this in Informator I gave 26.Bf1 b5 27.Bg5 as
'unclear', but after 27...Nxg5 28.Qxg5 Qa5 (f8) Black has a clear advantage.] 26.Bh6 [The
exchange of the e6-knight by 26.Nd4 would have done little to ease White's position: for
example, 26...Nxd4 a)26...Nxf4!?; b)or 26...Bf8!? 27.Nxe6 (b)27.Nxc6? Qa4 and wins) 27...Bxe6
28.Qc1 Qc5 , also with winning chances; 27.Qxd4 Qe7 28.Qd6 Bxe5 29.Qxc6 Bxf4 30.gxf4 Qd7!
.] 26...Qc5! [26...Rd8!? .] 27.Qc1 The exchange of queens would have been fatal for White, but
now he loses a pawn. 27...Nd4 28.Bxg7 [28.Nxd4 Bxh6 .] 28...Kxg7 29.Nxd4 Qxd4 30.b3?!
(desperation) 30...Rxc2 31.Qxc2 c3 It is simply not possible to defend against such a passed
pawn. 32.Rd1 [If 32.b4 c5! , creating a pair of connected passed pawns.] 32...Qc5! With the
threats of ...b5-b4 and ...Rxe5. [32...Qxe5?! was inaccurate in view of the reply 33.b4! ,

although even here after 33...Qf6! and ...c6-c5 Black would have retained the advantage.]
33.b4!? Qxb4 34.Rd3 c5 35.Rxc3 (Artur has found a way of getting rid of the c3-pawn, but new
troops move up to replace it) 35...c4 36.f4 Qc5+ 37.Kh2 Qd4 [Again 37...Rd8! with the idea of
38.Qc1 Rd4 was more forceful.] 38.Rf3 b4!? [38...Bb7; or 38...Rd8 would have won without
difficulty, but I was striving for brilliancy.] 39.Qa4! Has Black really blundered, overlooking this
double attack? 39...c3!! (no, it was not a blunder, but precise calculation!) 40.Rxc3 [40.Qxe8
Qd7! 41.Qxd7 Bxd7 with the threat of ...c3-c2 was also hopeless. Although a whole rook down,
Black inevitably queens one of his pawns: 42.-- a)42.Rd3 Be6! 43.f5 gxf5 44.exf5 Bxf5 45.Rf3 c2
46.Rf1 Bd3! (a)simpler than 46...b3 47.Bd5 b2 48.Rxf5 Kf8! (a)but not 48...c1Q? 49.Rxf7+ Kg6
50.Rf6+ with perpetual check) ) 47.Rc1 b3 and ...b3-b2; b)42.e6 Bxe6 43.f5 (b)43.Rf1 b3 etc)
43...Bc4! 44.f6+ Kg8! 45.Bf1 Bxf1 46.Rxf1 c2 47.Ra1 h5 48.e5 b3 49.Ra8+ Kh7 50.e6 c1Q 51.exf7
Qd2+ , picking up the rook.; ] 40...Bd7! 41.Rc4! Bxa4 Transposing into a technically won
ending. [41...Qxc4 42.Qxd7 Re6! was more immediately decisive, but this demanded some
calculating.] 42.Rxd4 Rb8 43.Bf1 [43.Bf3 Bc2 44.Bd1 b3 45.g4 (or 45.Kg2 Bb1!) 45...Rc8! would
also not have saved White.] 43...Bc2! The final precise touch: for the b-pawn White has to give
up his bishop. 44.Bc4 [Of course, not 44.Bd3 b3 45.Bxc2 bxc2 46.Rc4 Rb2 .] 44...b3 45.Bxb3
[Or 45.Rd7 b2 46.Ba2 (46.Bxf7 Kf8) 46...Ra8 47.Rxf7+ Kh8 48.e6 Rxa2 49.e7 Ba4 and wins.]
45...Rxb3 46.g4 Re3 47.f5 gxf5 [Avoiding a little trap: 47...Rxe4? 48.f6+! Kh6 49.Rxe4 Bxe4
50.e6! Bd5 (it is even possible to lose: 50...fxe6? 51.g5+! Kxg5 52.f7) 51.e7 Bc6 52.h4! g5 53.h5
, with a drawing fortress.] 48.exf5 Rxe5 49.Rd2 Ba4 50.Kg3 Re3+ 51.Kh4 Bb5 52.Rd5 Bd3 Since
the h1–square is of the same colour as Black's bishop, he has no problems in converting his
extra piece. [Only he must not succumb to 52...Bf1?! 53.f6+! Kf8 (53...Kxf6? 54.Rf5+; 53...Kg6?
54.Rg5+) 54.Rd8+ Re8 55.Rd1 Bb5 56.Kg5 , prolonging the resistance.] 53.Rc5 h6 54.Rc3 Rf3
55.Rb3 Be2 56.Rb2 [Or 56.Rxf3 Bxf3 57.Kg3 Bd1 58.Kf4 f6 59.h4 h5! 60.g5 Bc2 , winning the f5-
pawn and the game.] 56...Bf1 57.Rh2 Kf6 58.Rh1 Ke5 59.Rh2 f6! 60.Rh1 Ke4! 61.Rh2 Kf4!
62.Rh1 Bg2 63.Rh2 Rg3 [And in view of 63...Rg3 64.Kh5 Rxh3+ , White resigned.] 0–1

After this win I had 4½ out of 5, but Gelfand was still level with me! True, in the next round
both leaders showed signs of fatigue: Boris with White ruined a completely won game against
Short, and I, also with White, was unable to beat Ljubojevic - the game did not go well right
from the opening.

Still, I had finally burst half a point ahead, but in the 7th round I had to play Vassily Ivanchuk
with Black. He was just a point behind me and, of course, was burning with the desire to justify
his reputation as one of the tournament favourites, and at the same time gain revenge for
previous failures.

Game 67
V.Ivanchuk-G.Kasparov, Linares, 7th Round, 25.02.1990
Sicilian Defence B97

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 e6 7.f4 Qb6 [7...Qc7 – Game No.61.]
8.Qd2 [Black is quite comfortable after 8.Nb3 Be7 9.Qf3 Nbd7 10.0–0–0 Qc7 11.g4 (or 11.Bd3
b5 12.a3 Rb8 (Leko-Kasparov, Linares 2001)) 11...b5 12.Bxf6 Nxf6 13.g5 Nd7 14.a3 Rb8
(Topalov-Kasparov, Novgorod 1997).] 8...Qxb2 9.Rb1 [9.Nb3 Qa3 10.Bxf6 gxf6 11.Be2 , which
became fashionable after the 11th game of the Spassky-Fischer match, was a variation that I
tried it in my youth with White, and later it was unsuccessfully played against me by Short (c.f.
Game No.18 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I).] 9...Qa3 10.f5 [10.e5 – Game No.121
in Part II and Game No.67 in Part IV of My Great Predecessors.] 10...Nc6 11.fxe6 fxe6 12.Nxc6
bxc6 13.Be2 [After 13.e5 dxe5 14.Bxf6 gxf6 15.Ne4 , instead of Fischer's 15...Be7 ,(I had
prepared a continuation which was tried back in 1980 by the Danish master Poulsen and
recommended to me in 1986 by Magerramov: 15...Qxa2! 16.Rd1 Be7 17.Be2 0–0 18.0–0 Ra7!

(an example: Vallejo-Kasparov, Moscow 2004).) ] 13...Be7 14.0–0 [14.Rb3 Qa5! .] 14...0–0
15.Rb3 [15.Kh1 Ra7! .] 15...Qc5+ 16.Be3 [The present-day fashion is for 16.Kh1 d5!? 17.e5
Nd7 18.Rxf8+ Kxf8 19.Be3 Qa5 20.Bg4 (Ivanchuk-Grischuk, Dagomys 2010), and here the
analysts recommend 20...Qc7!? with chances for both sides.] 16...Qe5 17.Bf4 [17.Bd4 Qa5
18.Bb6 Qe5 ½–½, Short-Kasparov, Novgorod 1995.] 17...Qc5+ 18.Kh1 Ng4! 19.h3 [19.Bxg4 e5 .]
19...e5 20.Na4 Qa7 21.Bc4+ [21.hxg4 exf4 22.Nb6 Be6 23.Nxa8 Bxb3 24.axb3 Qxa8 is hardly
any better for White (Ivanchuk-Grischuk, Nice (rapid) 2010).] 21...Kh8 22.hxg4 exf4 23.Nb6 All
these well-known moves were made very quickly. [Earlier 23.Nb6 Rb8 had occurred: 24.Rxf4
Bd7 (not 24...Rxb6? 25.Rxf8+ Bxf8 26.Qf2!; or 24...Rxf4 25.Qxf4 Rxb6? 26.Qf7!) 25.Nxd7 Qxd7
26.Rf5! (26.Bxa6 Qe6! is not so clear, Enders-Stohl, Kecskemet 1989) 26...Rxb3 27.cxb3 with a
minimal advantage for White (Spraggett-A.Sokolov, 5th match game, Saint John 1988), which
does not disappear even after the better move from correspondence play – 26...Qa7!?.]
23...d5! A novelty! 'This game demonstrates the direction in which chess thinking is moving. In
the quiet of a player's study, interesting forcing variations are analysed, and new continuations
are found even after the twentieth move.' (Gipslis) 24.exd5 cxd5 Here Vassily thought for the
first time (with what to capture on d5?). From this point both players began thinking for an
agonisingly long time over nearly every move – and in just ten moves they ended up in severe
time-trouble. 25.Bxd5 [White cannot be satisfied with 25.Qxd5?! Bb7 26.Qh5 f3! (my
Informator suggestion 26...Rad8 is weaker because of 27.Bd3 Rxd3! 28.cxd3 f3 29.Kg1! g5!?
30.d4! Bf6 31.gxf3 Bxd4+ 32.Kg2 Bxb6 33.Qh6 Bc5 34.Rd1 Ba8 35.Rd8! with equality) 27.gxf3
Rad8 with a dangerous attack ( 28.Kg2? Rd2+ 29.Rf2 Rxf2+ 30.Kxf2 Be4! ); and 25.Nxd5 Bxg4
26.Nxe7 Qxe7 27.Rxf4 Qe5 is equivalent to agreeing a draw.] 25...Rb8 26.Nxc8 [26.Rxf4? Rxb6
27.Rxf8+ Bxf8 28.Qf2 no longer works because of 28...Rh6+ .] 26...Rbxc8 The resulting position
is objectively close to a draw, but the presence of the heavy pieces and opposite-coloured
bishops imparts a latent tension and sharpness. A 'war of nerves' commences. 27.Rh3!? Eager
to win, Ivanchuk aims to be the first to create threats to the enemy king. [Nothing was given by
the plausible 27.Rxf4 Rxf4 28.Qxf4 Rf8 29.Rb7 (my earlier recommendation 29.Qc1 (?!) is
worse in view of 29...Qf2!; but 29.Qe5 (e3) firmly maintains the balance) 29...Qc5! (29...Qxb7
30.Qxf8+ Bxf8 31.Bxb7 a5 is more tedious, with equality) 30.Rb8! Bd8! 31.Bf7 (but not 31.Rc8?
Qe7 32.Qg3 Qd7 33.Rc5 Be7 and wins – Stohl) 31...Qxc2 32.g5 (not blundering with 32.Qd6?
Qc1+ 33.Kh2 Qc7 and wins) 32...Qc5 (d3) 33.g3 with an obvious draw.; 27.c4 Qd7! .] 27...Qb6!
There is not a lot of choice. [If 27...Qc7 , then 28.Qd4! is unpleasant; while simply making an
escape square with 27...h6 did not appeal to me because of 28.Rxf4 Bg5 (28...Bd6!?) 29.Rxf8+
Rxf8 30.Qe2!? (not 30.Qxg5 Rf1+ 31.Kh2 Qg1+ 32.Kg3 Qf2+ with perpetual check) , and
although after 30...Qd7 Black is not losing, there is no reason for him to concede the initiative.
Therefore I decided to activate my queen.] 28.Re1 [This time the capture 28.Rxf4? is bad
because of 28...Qb1+ 29.Kh2 Bd6 30.Rxh7+ Kxh7 31.Be4+ Kh8 32.Qxd6 Rxf4 33.Qxf4 Qb8!
(Stohl). ; But in later correspondence play 28.Qd3 h6 29.c4 Rce8; or 28.c4 Bg5 29.Qc2 h6 was
tried, in each case with equality.] 28...Bg5 [Another discovery by modern correspondence
players: it is simpler to neutralise the pressure on the e-file – 28...Rce8! 29.Qe2 (29.Re5? Bc5!;
29.Re6?! Qd8!) 29...h6 with equality.] 29.Re6 This looks energetic, [but 29.Re5!? Qf6 30.Qe1
was more unpleasant for Black, when he is forced to defend by 30...h6 (or 30...f3 31.Rxf3 Bf4)
31.c4 Rb8 .] 29...Qd8! [Of course, there is no sense in aiming for a draw and suffering after
29...Qb1+?! 30.Kh2 Qxc2 (30...Qb8? 31.Rxh7+!; or 30...h6? 31.Rhxh6+! leads to mate) 31.Qxc2
Rxc2 32.Be4 and the capture on h7.] 30.c4!? [Ivanchuk does not even think of curtailing the
battle by 30.Rd6 Qxd6 31.Rxh7+ Kxh7 32.Be4+ Qg6 33.Bxg6+ Kxg6 34.Qd3+ with perpetual
check; or 30.Qd3 Bh4 31.Be4 (31.Re5? Qf6!) 31...Qxd3 (31...Rf6!? 32.Re5!) 32.Bxd3 g5 ,
intending ...Rfe8 with equality.] 30...Rb8?! I decided to activate the rook which was keeping an
eye on the c4-pawn. [The nervy 30...f3?! was unfavourable in view of 31.Qd3 fxg2+ 32.Kxg2
Bh4 33.Rf3 Qg5 34.Qd4! – thanks to the energy of White's pieces, his chances are better,
despite the open position of his king. ; However, the immediate blocking of the h-file would
have easily maintained equality: 30...Bh4! 31.Qd3 (c2) (or 31.Qe2 Rb8) 31...Re8 .] 31.Qd3?! A

small favour in return. [Black would have been set more problems by 31.Qe1!? Re8 32.Qe4 h6
33.Rb3 Rxe6 34.Qxe6 Rxb3 35.axb3 Be7 36.Kg1 .] 31...Bh4 [31...h6 was also good, and if 32.c5
(in time-trouble I was afraid of 32.Qg6 with the threat of Be4, but 32...Bh4! would extinguish
the attack: 33.Be4 Qd1+ 34.Kh2 Bg3+ with perpetual check) 32...Rb5 with equality. ] 32.Be4
[The attempt 32.c5 would now be parried by 32...Re8! (32...Rb5?! 33.Qc2!) 33.Rxe8+ Qxe8
34.Be4 Qe7 35.c6 (35.g5 Rd8 and ...Qxg5) 35...g6 36.c7 Rc8 37.g5 Bxg5 38.Bxg6 h6 .] 32...Qg5!?
[With my flag almost about to fall, I poured fuel on the fire, by avoiding the exchange of
queens and a probable draw after 32...Qxd3 33.Bxd3 g5; or 32...Rf6 33.Re5 Qxd3 (or 33...Rd6 )
34.Bxd3 g5 .This was a risky decision: by giving up his h7-pawn, Black exposes his king.]
33.Bxh7?! An instantaneous reply, and not the best. [White is slightly worse after 33.Qd1
Rfe8; or 33.Bf5 Rbe8 .; But 33.Qe2! Rfe8 34.Bd3 (not 34.Bxh7? Rxe6 35.Qxe6 f3! 36.Rxf3 Kxh7
37.Qe4+ Qg6 and wins) 34...Rxe6 35.Qxe6 would in turn have perplexed Black, although there
is 35...g6 36.c5 Kg7 37.c6 Qc5! with equality.] 33...Rfd8?! This natural move does not change
the evaluation of the position, [but, taking into account my opponent's desperate time-
trouble, I missed a definite winning chance – 33...f3! , for example: 34.-- a)34.Rxf3? Rxf3
35.gxf3 (a)or 35.Qxf3 Kxh7 , and White cannot hold out a piece down ( 36.Kh2 Qc5! 37.Qe4+
Kg8 38.Rxa6 Qc7+ 39.Kh1 Bg3 )) 35...Bg3! 36.Kg1 Qc5+; b), or 34.gxf3? Rfd8 35.Qf1 (e2)
35...Kxh7; c)34.Bf5? (an ineffective interference move) 34...Qc1+ 35.Kh2 Qf4+ 36.Kh1 fxg2+
37.Kxg2 Qf2+ 38.Kh1 Rb2 39.Qf3 Rb1+! 40.Bxb1 Rxf3 41.Re8+ Rf8 42.Rxf8+ Qxf8 43.Rxh4+ Kg8
and wins; d)34.Be4! (the only saving move!) 34...f2 35.Qf1 Qxg4 , and in Informator I gave only
the losing line 36.Bf3? (d)overlooking 36.Kh2! (again the only move!) 36...Rf4 (d)36...Rbd8
37.Bd5!) 37.Rg6! (d)not 37.Bd5? Qf5 38.Ree3 g5!) 37...Qh5 38.Bd3 (d)or 38.Re6 with a draw) )
36...Qxh3+! 37.gxh3 Rxf3 38.Re4 (d)38.Kh2 Rbf8!) 38...g5! 39.Kg2 Rg3+ 40.Kh2 Rf8 (...Rg3 is
threatened, and 41.Rg4 (d)or 41.Qa1+ Kg8 42.Re7 f1N+! is hopeless for White) 41...Re3! ).; ]
34.Qc2 This retreat has only one practical drawback: it allows the dangerous ...f4-f3
breakthrough. [After 34.Qf1? Kxh7 35.Qe1 Kg8! the weakness of White's back rank causes his
downfall ( 36.Rxh4 Rb1! ); but he could easily have maintained equality by 34.Qe2!? Kxh7
(34...f3? 35.Qxf3! Kxh7 36.Qg3) 35.Re5 Qh6! 36.Rh5 Rb1+ and ...Rdd1 (Stohl); or 34.Qf5! Rd1+
35.Kh2 Bg3+ 36.Rxg3 fxg3+ 37.Kxg3 Qxf5 38.Bxf5 Rc1 .] 34...f3! (better late than never!)
35.Rxf3? Strangely enough, [in Informator I did not attach a question mark to this move, but
gave only 35.gxf3? Rd2 and wins. ; Meanwhile, with 35.Bf5! White could have forced a draw:
35...Rb2! (but not 35...Rd2? 36.Qb3! fxg2+ 37.Kg1 and wins) 36.Qxb2 Rd1+ 37.Kh2 Qf4+ 38.g3
Rd2+ 39.Kh1! Rd1+ with perpetual check (Stohl). ; 35.Be4 would also have done, but in this
case, apart from the drawing 35...Rb2 ,(Black could have maintained the intensity of the battle
by 35...Rd2!? 36.Qc1 f2 37.Rf3 Kg8 .) ] 35...Rd2 (now White is in a desperate position, but –
the things that happen in time-trouble...) 36.Qe4 [It was equally bad to play 36.Qg6 Rd1+
37.Kh2 Qc1! 38.Re8+ Rxe8 39.Qxe8+ Kxh7 40.Qh5+ (40.Qe4+ g6 41.Rf7+ Kh6 42.g3 Qc3!)
40...Qh6 : for example, 41.Qxh6+ (41.Qf5+ g6 42.Qf7+ Qg7 43.Qe6 Qd4! (rather more accurate
than the Informator suggestion 43...Qc7+ ) 44.Qf7+ Kh6 etc) 41...Kxh6 42.Rh3 Kg5 43.g3 Rd2+
44.Kg1 Kxg4! 45.Rxh4+ Kxg3 .] 36...Rd1+ 37.Kh2 Re1? This tempting exchange of rooks, leading
to the win of the bishop, proves to have a flaw, [as does 37...Bf2? 38.Re8+! (38.Rh3? Rh1+!)
38...Rxe8 39.Qxe8+ Kxh7 40.Rh3+ Bh4 41.Qe4+ g6 42.g3 with a draw. ; Only 37...Qc1! was
decisive, forcing 38.Re8+ (cf. the previous note).] 38.Qf5 [Or 38.Qc6 Rxe6 ,(but not 38...Kxh7?
39.Rxe1 Bxe1 40.Qe4+ Kg8 41.Qe6+! Kh7 42.Qxe1 Qxg4 43.c5 and wins.) ] 38...Rxe6 39.Qxe6
Kxh7 40.Qe4+ g6 [The flippant 40...Kg8? would have led to an unexpected catastrophe after
41.Rf5! .; And in the event of 40...Qg6?! 41.Qf4 and Rh3 (Stohl) White would have regained the
bishop with a guaranteed draw.The natural block with the pawn was the last move before the
time control, but neither player knew this, since we had both long since given up recording the
moves!] 41.Rh3? [In the time scramble Vassily misses the only move 41.Rf7+! , when it is now
Black who has to save the game: 41...Kg8! (but not my Informator suggestion 41...Kh6?
42.Qd4 Rg8 43.g3! Qd8 44.Rd7! Qb8 45.Qd2+! Bg5 46.Qg2 Bh4 on account of the mating line
47.g5+! Kxg5 48.Qd2+ – Stohl) 42.Qe6! Kh8 43.g3 Qh6 44.Kg2 Bg5 45.Qe5+ Kg8 46.Qd5 Kh8

(there is nothing else) 47.Qe5+ with a draw.] 41...Kg7 42.Qd4+ Kg8 43.Qe4 [Or 43.g3 Qf6 .]
43...Qf6! [43...Rd8!? 44.Rb3 Bf2 45.g3 Bc5 would also have been decisive.; But in reply to
43...Qf6 White resigned, after deciding not to look for chances after 44.Rf3 Qd6+ 45.g3 (or
45.Kh3 Kg7! (45...Bg5? 46.c5! with a draw) 46.c5 (46.Kxh4 g5+!) 46...Rh8!) 45...Kg7 46.Rd3
Qe7! (instead of 46...Bxg3+?! 47.Rxg3 , as given in Informator.) ] 0–1

A very complicated game. Ivanchuk, like Gelfand in the 1st round, played sharply for a win
against me - the leaders of the young generation did not tremble before the world champion!
This was the first time I had encountered this approach during more than three years of
tournament play. It was a battle of a different level of intensity, and I had to solve some
fundamentally new problems.

After this win I reached 6 out of 7 and I began to think about further increasing my rating. But
in the 8th round, after initiating risky gambit play in the opening (cf. Game No.43, note to
Black's 12th move), I suffered a disaster in my game with Gulko - and I was promptly caught by
Gelfand, who beat Spassky. And then my winning drive as though evaporated: there followed
protracted draws in favourable endings with Salov and Beliavsky.

Gipslis: 'The joint leadership was maintained to the last day, when Kasparov again
demonstrated his wonderful fighting qualities. He scored the only win (over Illescas) and
secured the first prize - not only eight thousand dollars, but also a Suzuki jeep.'

Ivanchuk: 'It was quite right that the world champion won. I would mention first of all
Kasparov's splendid opening preparation, and also his ability and desire to fight to the end.'

2.2.2. Match with Psakhis

Six-game training match: Kasparov-Psakhis (La Manga, 13-21 July 1990): 5-1.

In the spring of 1990 I was faced with a serious question of how to prepare for the world
championship match. For the first time in many years I was unable to hold my training sessions
in Zagulba. All my life I had regularly prepared in the same place, in familiar surroundings. Daily
runs along the banks of the Caspian Sea, intensive swimming, regular games of football and
tennis - after such training I did not have to fear any physical stress. In an instant I had been
deprived of all this, and I felt completely unsettled.

Before each previous match for the world championship I had determined the necessary level
of work to be one hundred days. On this occasion it was barely possible to scrape together 60
training days, but these were far from those untroubled days that I had previously spent on
the Caspian Sea. Pre-match problems were closely interwoven with other vitally important
problems. The war was waged simultaneously on several fronts. This included help to my
relatives and friends, who were in a calamitous situation. It included the general crisis in the
country, and my involvement in political life. This is what Nigel Short said about this in the
London Independent: 'To launch into the whirlpool of Soviet politics four months before the
start of a match with Karpov - this is crazy! Garry should realise that you can't kill two birds
with one stone'.

There was also the conflict in the Union of USSR chess players, the split in the GMA Board,
problems with the match itself, which was divided between America and Europe, and
troublesome training sessions, held abroad. All this was very difficult and unsettling. I did not
have sufficient time, or nervous energy, or tranquillity.

To this day I am astonished at how, in view of all these factors, I managed to prepare for the
match. In March, in addition, my long-standing trainer Alexander Nikitin, unhappy with the
emergency re-allocation of duties, left the team. Nevertheless, with the help of my mother,
who became my main manager, I succeeded in organising training sessions and in carrying out
a considerable amount of chess work.

The first session took place in March to April at the Trades Union base in Pestov on the
outskirts of Moscow, to where I had occasionally gone to relax since the time of the first match
(1984/85), where the first session of the Botvinnik-Kasparov school was held (1986), and
where I had lived temporarily after the enforced flight from Baku. Alexander Beliavsky joined
me, and we analysed the Ruy Lopez a great deal - in the match for the crown these analyses
came in very useful.

But here it became conclusively clear that it would be impossible to productively carry out all
my preparation in the USSR - I was too often distracted, literally torn into parts by officials
both of the Union of chess players, and of the Democratic Party then being created.
Interrupting the fruitfully begun work on chess, I plunged headlong into the organisation of the
GMA's final qualifying tournament and spent 20 precious days on this. And in May I also had to
find time to fly to Paris and win a rapid chess knock-out tournament. 'I am not even thinking
about Karpov', I said then in an interview. 'Now everyone is joking that the match will be lost
by the one who plays worse. Strictly speaking, neither of us is studying chess seriously at the
moment. I have endeavoured to plan a program of preparation, but in the USSR it is very
difficult to prepare for such a match, and so I will prepare abroad.'

It should be said that, for the first time, I myself had to bear all the financial expenditure for
preparing for the match, since for two years I had had no dealings with the USSR State Sports
Committee. But, following Soviet tradition, my opponent dutifully continued to hand over the
lion's share of his prizes to the State Sports Committee, and the latter paid part of his
expenses. But Karpov too was no longer satisfied with this compulsory system, to judge at
least by a remark of his in an interview given before the match in Der Spiegel: in the Soviet
Union 'for the moment everyone is controlled by people, who take money from honest people
as though they had stolen it.'

My second long training session began on 15th June in the Spanish seaside resort of La Manga,
immediately after a grandmaster rapidplay Swiss held not far away in Murcia and a dramatic
GMA assembly, at which the world championship remained under FIDE control and I resigned
as president (and then I flew to New York for two days: in the interests of the autumn match, I
had to give a TV interview there). At the same time the first session of the international chess
'Kasparov Academy' was also held, and at the opening ceremony I said that for the first time in
ages I was able to think about nothing but chess, and I was beginning intensive preparations
for the match. But in fact in La Manga, which in some ways reminded me of my native Zagulba,
initially I simply tried to recover from the various shocks which had liberally befallen me in the
first half of the year.

Not by accident, my training team comprised people who were well known to me: the strong
grandmasters Mikhail Gurevich, Sergey Dolmatov (he joined us later, since until the middle of
July he was playing in the Interzonal Tournament), and Zurab Azmaiparashvili, as well as two
masters - the novice Gia Giorgadze and the old-timer Alexander Shakarov, who looked after
the opening card index.

Unfortunately, at the summer session a break also could not be avoided: from 3-10 July I flew
on business to Prague and Hamburg. In Prague I took part in a conference 'The peaceful way to

democracy', and I interviewed the well-known dissident Vladimir Bukovsky for the newspaper
Demokraticheskaya Rossiya.

On returning, I did not restrict myself to analytical work, and, remembering the successful
experience of the mid-1980s, I played a six-game training match with the two-times USSR
champion Lev Psakhis, who was by then already an Israeli citizen. He was not chosen
accidentally: Lev had the deserved reputation of being a solid grandmaster with great creative
potential and an active positional style of play. Being 'in debt' to Psakhis since the 49th USSR
Championship (1981), I was eager to gain revenge for that distant loss in our only tournament
game - and in this frame of mind I arrived for the first game.

Game 68
L.Psakhis-G.Kasparov, Training Match, 1st Game, La Manga 13.07.1990
King's Indian Defence E81

1.c4 g6 2.e4 (preventing the Grünfeld, although in any case I was intending to play the King's
Indian) 2...Bg7 3.d4 d6 4.Nc3 Nf6 5.f3 0–0 6.Be3 A slight surprise; [Psakhis usually employed
the set-up with 6.Bg5 c5 (I had not encountered the classical Sämisch Variation for more than
eighteen months and, not wishing to go along with the opponent in the main lines with 6...e5
(Game Nos.43, 84, 90, 92, 98), from the depths of my memory I extracted a rare continuation)
7.d5 .] 6...Nbd7 [6...a6 – Game No.91.] 7.Bd3 [The 3rd game went 7.Nh3 c6 8.Qd2 e5 9.d5
cxd5 10.cxd5 a6 11.Nf2 Nh5 12.Nd3 f5 with double-edged play. ; In my opinion, the main line
with 7.Qd2 c5 8.Nge2; or 7.Nge2 c5 8.Qd2 is more promising, to which Black replies 8...a6
(since after 8...cxd4?! 9.Nxd4 White has an enduring advantage: for example, 9...Nc5 10.Be2
Bd7 11.0–0 a6 12.b4 Ne6 (12...Na4!?) 13.Nb3 Rc8 14.Rac1 etc (Kasparov-Wagner, internet
(blitz) 1998).) ] 7...c5 8.Nge2 [With the bishop on d3 the move 8.d5 loses all its point in view of
8...Ne5 and ...e7-e6.] 8...cxd4 9.Nxd4 e6! 'Black carries out the central break ...d6-d5 and
solves his difficulties.' (Geller) 10.0–0 d5 11.exd5 exd5 12.Bf2 [Or 12.Qd2 Ne5 13.c5 Nfd7 ,
Timman-Smirin, Oviedo (rapid) 1993.] 12...Ne5 13.c5 Nfd7! A new, non-routine manoeuvre.
[13...Nh5 14.Nce2 Qg5 15.Kh1 Bd7 16.Rc1 Rfe8 is also acceptable (Gheorghiu-Sznapik, Prague
Zonal 1985; Razuvaev-Lerner, Moscow 1987), but instead of this Black gives up his weak d5-
pawn, sharply changing the character of the play.] 14.Be2 On encountering a surprise, Psakhis
tries to preserve his bishop and capture in the most convenient way. [The direct 14.Nxd5?! is
unfavourable because of 14...Nxc5 15.Be4 b6!; while 14.Nb3 allows the equalising 14...Nxd3
15.Qxd3 d4 .; A journey by the knight into the enemy position – 14.Ndb5 a6! 15.Nd6 also runs
into 15...d4! 16.Bxd4 (16.Nce4? Nxd3! and ...Nxc5) 16...Nxf3+ 17.Qxf3 Bxd4+ etc; and 14.Nde2
into 14...b6!? 15.cxb6 Nxb6 16.b3 Qg5 .; Black also has good play after the blockading 14.Na4
Nxd3 15.Qxd3 Ne5 16.Qc2 b6!? .; 14.b4?! a5! .] 14...Nxc5 15.Ndb5 b6! It would appear that
Lev underestimated this reply: now White has some problems. 16.Nxd5?! [A difficult choice:
after 16.Qxd5 Bb7 17.Qxd8 Rfxd8 Black has a favourable ending; while if 16.b4 there is the
unpleasant 16...d4! (16...Ne6 17.Qxd5 is equal) 17.bxc5 (17.Bxd4 Ne6 18.Be3 Nc6) 17...dxc3
18.Nxc3 Nd7! .] 16...Bf5!? This reinforcement of the knight base on d3 further unsettles the
opponent. [16...Bb7 suggested itself, and if 17.Nbc3 (17.Ndc3 Ned3 (or 17...Qg5 ) ) , apart
from the variations with 17...Rc8 which I gave in Informator, (the immediate 17...Bxd5!? is
also strong: 18.Nxd5 (or 18.Qxd5 Ned3) 18...Ned3 19.Bxd3 Qxd5 winning a pawn.) ] 17.Nd4
[Things do not look good after 17.Nbc3 Ncd3; or 17.Bxc5 bxc5 18.Rc1 c4!? (18...Nd3 19.Bxd3
Qxd5 20.Bxf5 Qxf5 21.Nd6 Qe6 22.Nc4 Rad8 23.Qa4 Bd4+ 24.Kh1 Rfe8 is also good) 19.Bxc4
Rc8! 20.b3 Nd3 (my earlier preference 20...a6 21.Nd4 Bd3 is unclear in view of 22.Ne2!) 21.Rc2
Nb2 22.Rxb2 Bxb2 23.Qe2 Be6 , when White does not have full compensation for the
exchange.; But the paradoxical quiet move 17.Re1!? , came into consideration: for example,
17...Ncd3 18.Bxd3 Nxd3 19.Ne7+ Kh8 20.Nxf5 gxf5 21.Bh4 Qxh4 22.Qxd3 Rad8 23.Qe2 a6
24.Nc3 Bd4+ 25.Kh1 Rg8 26.Rad1 with hopes of extinguishing Black's slight activity.] 17...Bd3!

18.Bxd3 Qxd5!? [And this unexpected capture was the last straw for my opponent, who was
expecting 18...Ncxd3 19.Nc6! Nxc6 (19...Qd6!?) 20.Qxd3 Bxb2 21.Rae1 (or 21.Rad1 Ne7
22.Qb3 Nxd5 23.Qxb2) 21...Bg7 22.Qb5 Rc8 23.Rd1 Qd6 24.a4 Qa3 25.Rfe1 with quite good
counterplay for the pawn.] 19.Bc2? The worst of the three possible bishop moves, removing
White's control over the c4-square. [Let us consider the other two: 19.Be2?! Rfd8 20.Nb3
(20.Qc2?! Rac8 is extremely risky) 20...Ncd3 21.Bh4 Rd6 22.f4 Nc6 23.Bf3 Qc4 24.Qe2 Rc8
25.Rad1 Ncb4 with a continued initiative for Black; 19.Bb5! , and in the event of 19...a6 (while
if 19...Rfd8 he can hope to achieve equality with 20.Nc6! Qxd1 21.Raxd1 Nxc6 22.Bxc6 Rac8
23.Rxd8+ Rxd8 24.b4 (or 24.Bxc5 bxc5 25.b3 etc) ) 20.Be2 Rfd8 21.Nb3 Nxb3 (21...Ncd3
22.Bxb6) 22.Qxd5 Rxd5 23.axb3 b5 24.Rfe1 White is okay.] 19...Rad8 20.Qe2 [It is no longer
apparent how loss of material can be avoided: 20.Qb1 Ned3! 21.Bxd3 Bxd4 22.Be2 (22.Bb5
Ne6) 22...Qe5!; 20.f4?! Nc4; while after the 'active' 20.b4 two replies are strong: 20...--
a)20...Ned3 21.Bxd3 Bxd4 22.bxc5 Bxa1 23.Qxa1 Qxd3 24.cxb6 axb6 25.Bxb6 Rc8; b), and
20...Nc6 21.bxc5 Nxd4 22.cxb6 (b)22.Rb1 bxc5; b)or 22.Be4 Qc4! 23.Bd3 Qxc5 is no better)
22...Nxc2 23.Qxc2 Bxa1 24.Rxa1 axb6 25.Bxb6 Rd6 (c8) with a technically won ending.; ]
20...Rfe8 An ambush! [After the hasty 20...Nc4? White would have got away with a slight
fright: 21.Be4! Qd7 22.Rad1 Nxe4 23.fxe4 Qc8 24.b3 , almost equalising.] 21.Rfe1 [The
attempt to block the e-file by 21.Be4? is strongly met not only by the Informator suggestion
21...Nxf3+ (but also by 21...Nxe4! 22.fxe4 Qc4 , winning) 22.Bxf3 Rxe2 23.Bxd5 Bxd4! etc.]
21...Nxf3+! 22.Qxf3 Rxe1+ 23.Rxe1 Bxd4 24.Qxd5 Rxd5 The resulting ending with an extra
pawn for Black is of a technical nature. 25.Re2? In time-trouble White gives up a second pawn
and loses, [although 25.b4 Bxf2+ 26.Kxf2 Rd2+ 27.Re2 Rxe2+ 28.Kxe2 Ne6; or 25.Bxd4 Rxd4
26.Re2 f5 27.Kf2 Kf7 28.Ke3 Rd6 was unlikely to help either.] 25...Bxb2 26.Bxc5 (with the faint
hope of exploiting the opposite-coloured bishops) 26...Rxc5 27.g3 b5 28.Kg2 Be5 29.Bb3 a5
30.Rf2 Rc7 31.Re2 Bc3 32.Re8+ Kg7 33.Rb8 a4 34.Bd5 Rc5 35.Be4 [If 35.Rd8 b4 36.Rd7 there
would have followed 36...Rxd5! 37.Rxd5 b3 38.a3 (or 38.axb3 a3) 38...Bb2 .] 35...b4 (with the
threat of 36...b3! 37 axb3 a3, as a result of which my opponent overlooked a double attack)
36.Bc2? [In view of 36.Bc2 Be5 White resigned.] 0–1

After this confident win there followed two very complicated draws. In the 2nd game with
White in a hybrid of the Nimzo-Indian and the Queen's Indian I reached a strategically
dangerous position - my initiative disappeared, but my weak pawns remained (Game No.18,
note to White's 11th move), and I was obliged to save myself. In the 3rd game I again
employed the King's Indian, but then I went wrong and equalised only with difficulty. And it
was only by calmly outplaying my opponent in the 4th game that I achieved a decisive turning
point. In the 5th game I was able to build up a crushing attack with Black, and by the 6th Lev
was demoralised and he yielded without any particular resistance. The three successive wins
produced an unexpectedly resounding match victory (+4 =2), which did not reflect the
intensity of the battle.

The Spanish part of my preparations concluded on 1st August. And the third, September
session was held in the USA, to the north-east of New York, by the Atlantic Ocean - I rented a
villa on the picturesque island of Martha's Vineyard. My helpers lived here in turn, and our
studies were more intensive and prolonged. But the thirty days of work and relaxation were, of
course, very little in order to then successfully endure three months of exhausting struggle...

In view of the lack of time for thorough preparation, I decided that I needed to summon all my
strength and try to crush the opponent at the very start of the match - I was planning, so to
speak, a blitzkrieg. I set myself the aim of striving for the most forceful and complicated play,
with both White and Black, so that Karpov should not have the slightest respite. Thus I radically
changed my approach compared with the previous matches, especially the one in Seville,

where the emphasis was placed on the white pieces, in order to play as solidly and soundly as
possible with Black. I thought that the time had come to engage Karpov in a real battle.

Pinning my hopes on a blitzkrieg, a couple of weeks before the start of play I stopped all chess
activity and simply relaxed, ran, swam, and played badminton and tennis.

2.2.3. Fifth Match with Karpov

World Championship Match Kasparov - Karpov (New York - Lyon, 7 October 1990 - 2 January
1991): 12½-11½.

After the tragic events in Baku in January 1990, I realised that it was impossible to live in the
country and consider myself its citizen - and not try to avert the impending catastrophe. I was
convinced that the following year the political concept 'USSR' would no longer exist, and as a
mark of solidarity with my compatriots who were protesting against the communist regime, I
made a written declaration about my refusal to play the match under the Soviet flag and my
intention to appear under the Russian tri-colour. And on 3rd October at a joint press
conference of the match contestants I once again expressed this view and, anticipating the
opposition of FIDE and my opponent, I specified: 'I am not asking for a large Russian flag to be
displayed - I will simply place a small one on the chess table' (one was urgently stitched by my
mother for this aim).

Naturally, Krogius, the leader of Karpov's delegation, protested, and then the organisers found
a compromise: they removed the flags from the chess table, but on my name-plate was drawn
a white, blue and red square, and alongside Karpov's name - a red square with a hammer and
sickle. It appeared that at this the problem was resolved, but my opponent (in the person of
the State Sports Committee) did not calm down and he began a tenacious battle against the
depiction of the Russian flag on my name-board...

After a confident draw at the start I was in good spirits before the next, 'white' game. For it my
trainers and I had once again glanced over possible replies to 1 e4 and tried to lay traps over
the entire perimeter.

Game 69
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 2nd Game, New York 10.10.1990
Ruy Lopez C92

1.e4 (1) 1...e5 (2) [As it later transpired, Karpov had given up his main move – 1...c6 (Game
Nos.34, 85) for the entire match.] 2.Nf3 Nc6 [2...Nf6 – Game Nos.76, 95.] 3.Bb5 [3.d4 – Game
Nos.70, 71, 81, 88.] 3...a6 [Before the match Beliavsky and I even briefly discussed the 'Berlin
Wall' – 3...Nf6 4.0–0 Nxe4 5.d4 Nd6 6.Bxc6 dxc6 7.dxe5 Nf5 8.Qxd8+ Kxd8 : might not the
opponent be attracted by the early exchange of queens? In Alexander's opinion, it was not in
Karpov's style to go immediately into a slightly inferior endgame. Indeed, the Berlin Wall had
only just been destroyed, and the time to erect it anew had not yet come...] 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0–0
Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0–0 9.h3 Bb7 (2)And so, once again the Zaitsev Variation. [As an
'emergency landing' the ex-champion later chose 9...Nd7 10.d4 Bf6 (Game No.72).] 10.d4 Re8
11.Nbd2 Bf8 12.a4 (2)My favourite plan, [as opposed to 12.a3 (Game No.8) and other moves
(cf. Revolution in the 70s pp.243-256).] 12...h6 [12...Qd7 – Game Nos.50, 57 in Kasparov vs.
Karpov 1975–1985.] 13.Bc2 exd4 (2) 14.cxd4 Nb4 15.Bb1 bxa4 (2)One of two continuations
regularly employed by Karpov. [After this game he was to give preference to the main move
15...c5 , which was tested back in the 1986 match (Game Nos.16, 17, 74).To be honest, after
9...Bb7, 13...exd4 and especially 15...bxa4 I felt pleased, since I had not expected such an

abrupt turn by my opponent in the direction of maximum activity, and, correspondingly,
maximum risk when playing Black – this was a pleasant surprise. And, in addition, it was
precisely in this branch that I had a 'bomb' prepared...] 16.Rxa4 a5 17.Ra3! This was first
played by Sax, and then by me against Beliavsky in the Moscow Interzonal Tournament (1982).
The rook prepares to switch along the third rank to the centre (to e3), or to the kingside (to g3,
after the knight moves from f3). 17...Ra6 An interesting 'symmetric reply': the rook is ready to
come into play along the sixth rank – in variations with ...d6-d5, with ...c7-c5 and the exchange
on c5, or with the e4-e5 breakthrough and ...d6xe5. [Of course, we were expecting this move:
Karpov always played it, avoiding 17...g6 18.Rae3 (Sax-Beliavsky, Moscow Interzonal 1982); or
17...Qd7 18.Nh4 (Ehlvest-Beliavsky, 51st USSR Championship, Lvov 1984).] 18.Nh2 (7) [Two
continuations remained off-screen: both the incautious 18.Nh4?! Nxe4! 19.Nxe4 Bxe4 20.Bxe4
d5 21.Rae3 Rae6 with equality (Timman-Karpov, 1st match game, Kuala Lumpur 1990); and
18.Rae3 a4 19.Nf1 (or 19.Nh4 c5 20.dxc5 dxc5 21.Nf5 (Timman-Karpov, 5th match game, Kuala
Lumpur 1990) 21...g6! (Krogius); 19.Nh2!?) 19...d5 20.e5 Ne4 (Balashov-Karpov, 50th USSR
Championship, Moscow 1983).] 18...g6 An instantaneous reply, which was not surprising: this
move had already been successfully tried by the ex-champion in two games the previous year.
[18...g6 19.-- a). Now after the hasty 19.e5?! dxe5 20.dxe5 (J.Horvath-Razuvaev, Sochi 1987)
Black easily equalises with 20...Nd7 (a)20...Rae6; a)and 20...Qd5 21.Nhf3 Rae6! 22.Rae3 Bc5!
23.exf6 Bxe3 24.fxe3 Rxe3 etc.) ; b)19.Ng4 also promises little in view of 19...Nxg4 20.hxg4
(Klovans-Podgaets, Riga 1988) (b)or 20.Qxg4 c5! 21.dxc5 dxc5 22.e5 Qd4 (b)22...Rd6!?) 23.Qg3
Rae6 with equality (Hjartarson-Karpov, 5th match game, Seattle 1989)) 20...Bc8 , intending
...Bg7, ...d6-d5 and ...c7-c5 (So.Polgar-Liss, Rishon le Ziyyon 1996).; c). White is slightly better,
although Black again has no particular problems after the expansive 19.f4 d5 (c)19...c5 is
interesting, and if 20.d5 , then 20...Ra7! with the idea of ...Ba6 and ...Bg7) 20.e5 Ne4 21.Ng4
c5! 22.Nxe4 dxe4 23.dxc5 Bxc5+ 24.Be3 Bf8 (Ivanchuk-Karpov, Linares 1989).However, I had in
mind a completely different, atypical plan.; ] 19.f3! (2)Finally I had the good fortune to employ
a novelty, which had awaited its hour since the first match (1984/85). The idea of f2-f3 in such
positions was suggested at the time by Timoshchenko. And this idea, when put into effect,
made a strong impression on the experts in the press centre and the numerous commentators
on the match! Razuvaev: 'White strongly supports his central e4-pawn, and three black pieces
– the rook on e8, knight on f6 and bishop on b7 – are left without work.' This also applies to
the rook on a6: in view of its intentions, my strictly prophylactic move proves simply
ideal.Judging by Karpov's reaction, the modest 19 f3 came as an unpleasant surprise, and he
began experiencing discomfort. This was a rare occurrence in our games, when with the first
unexplored move I was able to set my opponent serious problems. It is not surprising that after
this game the variation almost disappeared from tournament play (although, as we will now
see, the situation is still far from clear). 19...Qd7?! (10)The queen will not be best placed at b5.
After deviating from the correct course, within five (!) moves Black ends up in a lost position.
[Meanwhile, he had a choice of three natural continuations: 19...d5 (the thematic move)
20.e5 Nd7 21.f4 c5 22.-- a), and here White should not play 22.e6?! Raxe6 23.Rxe6 Rxe6 24.f5
(Timman), since 24...Ra6 (a)or even 24...Re7 parries the attack) ; b), but 22.Ndf3! cxd4
23.Nxd4 Nc6 24.Be3! Bxa3 25.bxa3 – I found this exchange sacrifice during joint analysis with
Beliavsky and I was very proud of my discovery. After 25...Nxd4 26.Bxd4 there is the threat of
f4-f5, and at the board the black player will find it hard to defend against the direct attack –
provided only that it is a human, not a machine! The position looks extremely dangerous for
Black (and what the mighty bishop on d4 is worth!), despite the computer assessment of
'equal'; ; 19...Bg7 20.Nc4 Bc8! an unexpected move; (immediately after the game Timman and
I gave only 20...Qa8?! 21.d5!) 21.Bd2 (but not 21.Nxa5?! c5!) , and White still retains some
advantage: for example, 21...Nh5 22.Be3! d5 23.Nxa5 c5 24.Nb3 cxd4 25.Nxd4 dxe4 26.fxe4
Rd6 27.Nhf3 Nc6 28.Nxc6 Rxd1 29.Nxd8 Rxe1+ 30.Nxe1 Rxd8 31.Nd3 etc; 19...c5!? (apparently
best) 20.d5 (cutting off the rook on a6) 20...Qe7! with the threat of ...Bxd5. Here Beliavsky and
I analysed 21.Rae3 and Nc4, (but 21.Rf1!? also leads to complicated play, in which, in my

view, White's chances are objectively better: for example, 21...Bg7 22.Nc4 Nh5 (exploiting the
weakening of the g3-square) 23.Ng4!? Ng3 24.Nxh6+ Kh7 25.Ng4 Nxf1 26.Qxf1 Raa8 27.f4 with
the initiative and a pawn for the exchange.I think that Karpov's choice was also influenced by
purely practical considerations: he may have avoided 19...d5 or 19...c5 because the opponent
would certainly have mainly studied these, and, besides, the Modern Benoni-type positions
arising after 19...c5 20 d5 were not to the taste of the ex-champion. However, he
underestimated my 21st move.) ; Seirawan suggested 19...c6 with the idea of 20.Nc4?! d5;
but after this, and after 19...Qb8 , 20.Ndf1 is correct.] 20.Nc4 (21) 20...Qb5 (3)'Karpov takes
his queen to b5, for one thing to cover the a-pawn, but after this White turns his attention to
another weak pawn in the enemy camp.' (Timman) 21.Rc3! (2)The prelude to a rather
harmonious arrangement of the pieces. Now it is hard for Black to carry out the freeing ...d6-
d5 because of Na3 (with gain of tempo!) and e4-e5. 21...Bc8 (10)Karpov goes totally on to the
defensive, but what else was there to do? [21...d5 22.Na3 Qb6 23.e5 Nd7 24.Be3 is clearly
advantageous to White: for example, 24...c5 (or 24...a4 25.f4 c5 (25...Nc6 26.Re2) 26.f5 with a
strong attack) 25.dxc5 Bxc5 26.Rxc5! Nxc5 27.Ng4 .; In the event of 21...Rc6 22.Na3 Qb6
23.Be3 Black is again at a deadlock: if 23...d5 , then 24.e5 Nd7 25.f4 Rxc3 26.bxc3 Nc6 (a6)
27.f5! , breaking through to the king at the cost of the knight on a3.; In these variations, under
the cover of his protected centre, White successfully storms the king's fortress, exploiting the
remoteness of the black queen from the main part of the battlefield. The attempt to bring it
home immediately – 21...Qd7 could have run into 22.Bf4 (with the idea of 22.Be3? d5!
23.Ne5 Qd8! with equality (Timman); 22.Na3!?) , when 22...d5 23.Ne5 Qd8 is no longer so
good in view of 24.Neg4 , with an attack on the h6- and c7-pawns. Besides, it was
psychologically difficult to play ...Qb5-d7 almost immediately after the move ...Qd7-b5.]
22.Be3 (6) 22...Kh7?! (29)The fruit of agonising hesitation. This defence against the threat of
23 Na3 and Qc1 (with a double attack on h6 and c7) hinders ...d6-d5, since after Ne5 the f7-
pawn is attacked. [22...Qb8 was more shrewd, when White could have chosen the equally
shrewd Na3 or the unsophisticated 23.Qc1 d5 (23...Kh7?! 24.Ng4!) 24.Nd2 dxe4 25.fxe4 and
Bf2, maintaining his dominance in the centre.; 22...h5!? 23.Qd2 Qb8 with the idea of ...d6-d5
was also preferable, and if 24.Na3 (24.d5 c6!) , then 24...Nd7 25.Nf1 c5 , nevertheless
agreeing to a 'Modern Benoni' after 26.d5 , although the queen stands worse at b8 than in the
variation 19...c5 20 d5 Qe7.] 23.Qc1 (15)Renewing the threat of Na3. [23.Qd2 was also good.]
23...c6? (3)This weakening of the d6-pawn places Black on the verge of defeat. [However, he
already had a difficult choice: 23...c5 24.dxc5 dxc5 25.Ng4 etc weakens the position too much;
and 23...Rc6 24.Na3 Qb7 25.d5; or 23...Qb8 24.Ng4 (24.Qd2!?) 24...Nxg4 25.hxg4 Bg7 26.Qd2
followed by Kf2 and Rh1 is also unpromising.] 24.Ng4 (19)A typical Spanish manoeuvre, [but in
the given instance 24.Bf4!? was no less strong – and if 24...Rd8 , then 25.e5! Nfd5 (or
25...dxe5 26.Nxe5) 26.Nxd6 .] 24...Ng8?! [Objectively the losing move, but – 'the most natural:
the knight exchange 24...Nxg4 25.hxg4 would have been a serious positional concession, since
after the regrouping Kf2 and Rh1 it would have been even more difficult to defend the h6-
pawn' (Vasyukov). However, after this exchange White at least has no forced way to win: 25...-
- a)25...d5 26.Ne5 (a)there is also the standard 26.Na3!? Qb6 27.e5 followed by f3-f4-f5)
26...dxe4 (a)and therefore 26...Qb7 27.Bf2 is more resilient, with 'simply' an advantage for
White) 27.Nxf7 Nd3 28.Bxd3 exd3 29.Rd1 Be6 30.Ne5 , and Black loses a pawn; b)25...Be6
26.Na3! (b)Timman considered only 26.Kf2 ) 26...Qb8 27.Kf2 Bg7 28.Qd2 , and Black's defence
is difficult: 28...Rh8 (b)or 28...g5 29.d5! Bd7 30.Bd4 etc) 29.Rh1 Kg8 30.Nc4 .; ; 24...Bxg4 is also
insufficient: 25.hxg4 d5 (25...Nd7 26.Bf4!) 26.Na3 Qb8 27.e5 Nd7 28.f4 etc.Here again I
stopped to think. White has an overwhelming position, and, of course, I wanted to find a
decisive continuation of the attack. But I was dazzled by the mass of tempting possibilities. I
immediately saw a sharp variation with a sacrifice of two minor pieces for a rook and pawn,
calculated it, and came to the intuitive conclusion that White's slight material deficit would be
more than compensated by the enormous activity of his pieces.] 25.Bxh6! (16)'A spectacular
move. When I received the moves through Teletext my first thought was that Kasparov had

simply slipped up. Later I realised that in true Kasparov style the World Champion was looking
for ways to translate his positional superiority into an offensive against the black king.'
(Timman) [In the opinion of Timman and other commentators, 25.Bf4!? would have led more
simply to the goal. At the board I saw this move and I realised that it would be too depressing
to reply 25...Qb8 (or 25...Bxg4 26.hxg4; and that after 25...Rd8 there was the breakthrough
26.e5! dxe5 27.Ngxe5 . But I preferred a more unexpected and dynamic development of
events.) ] 25...Bxh6 (2) 26.Nxh6 Nxh6 27.Nxd6 Qb6 28.Nxe8 (4)On seeing that White will lose
his knight on e8, the experts in the press centre took a sceptical view of my combination, and
for some reason they decided that at this point I had offered a draw, and Karpov was deciding
whether or not to play on. Geller even wanted to take bets with Najdorf that peace would now
be concluded, and the normally venturesome Don Miguel would not take him on. 28...Qxd4+
(22) [After a long think Karpov convinced himself that there was nothing better: after 28...Qd8
29.d5! Qxe8 30.d6 (by no means the only move) the avalanche of white pawns supported by
the heavy pieces is bound to sweep away everything in its path. Thus he preferred to eliminate
a dangerous pawn, but now one of the rooks invades the black position along the opened file.]
29.Kh1 Qd8 30.Rd1! (8)I reached this position in my calculation of 25 Bxh6! and I assessed it as
won. Indeed, the coordination of the black pieces is completely destroyed, whereas White's
queen and both rooks are very strong. My intuition did not let me down: later analysis
confirmed the correctness of my assessment. 30...Qxe8 31.Qg5 Ra7 (8) [If 31...Ng8 , then
32.Qh4+! Kg7 33.Rd8 Qe6 34.f4 and wins. ; Timman also rejected 31...Bd7 in view of 32.Rc5
(32.f4 is also good) ; and recommended the 'best defence 31...Qe6 – Black gets ready to chase
the enemy queen from her dominant position as quickly as possible.' However, after 32.Rd8!
nothing comes of this: 32...f6?! (32...Ra7 leads to a position from the game) 33.Qf4 Nf7
34.Qc7 Ra8 35.Bd3! Nxd3 36.Rcxd3 and wins.] 32.Rd8 (3) 32...Qe6 33.f4 (3) 33...Ba6 (13)
[Black would have lost immediately after 33...Rd7 34.f5!; or 33...f6 34.Qc5! Rd7 35.f5! gxf5
36.Rxc8 Rd1+ 37.Kh2 Qxc8 38.Qe7+ Kg8 39.Rg3+ Ng4+ 40.hxg4 fxg4 41.Qxf6 Qd7 42.e5 Rxb1
43.Qg6+ and Qxb1.] 34.f5! (3) [The greedy 34.Qxa5 would have allowed Black a respite after
34...Qe7 (Timman) (or 34...Qf6 .) ] 34...Qe7 (10) 35.Qd2! (4) 35...Qe5 (5)Hoping to maintain
the queen in its central position, but this does not prove possible. [The alternatives were also
hopeless: 35...c5 36.Rg3; 35...Nd5 36.fxg6+ fxg6 37.exd5 Qxd8 38.Bxg6+!; and 35...Ng8
36.fxg6+ fxg6 37.e5 etc.] 36.Qf2! (3)Pretty geometry: with gain of tempo the queen ensures
the invasion of the rook on c5. White is completely dominant, and Black cannot avoid decisive
loss of material. [However, I had a rich choice of ways to win: 36.Rf3 with the idea of f5-f6 was
also decisive; as was the devil-may-care 36.Rg3!? Qxg3 (36...Re7 37.Rg5!) 37.Rh8+! Kg7
(37...Kxh8 38.Qxh6+ Kg8 39.f6 , mating) 38.Qxh6+ Kf6 39.Re8 Nd3 40.Bxd3 Bxd3 41.fxg6 with
an irresistible attack.] 36...Qe7 (2) [Or 36...Rb7 37.Rc5! Qf6 38.fxg6+ , combining mating
threats and the 'gathering of the harvest'.] 37.Qd4 Ng8 [If 37...f6 , then 38.fxg6+ Kg7 39.g4! .]
38.e5 The end is close. Karpov made his last few moves before the time control with his flag
about to fall. 38...Nd5 39.fxg6+ (12) 39...fxg6 40.Rxc6 Qxd8 41.Qxa7+ [41.Rxg6 was more
forceful.] 41...Nde7 42.Rxa6 Qd1+ 43.Qg1 Qd2 44.Qf1 . Here the arbiter was preparing to
produce the envelope for the recording of the adjourned position, but Black resigned. Times:
2.23–2.30. 1–0

This game was voted the best in the 50th volume of Informator. After such a convincing win I
assumed that I was on the correct path, but already in the 3rd game my lack of adequate
preparation for the match was revealed. Emerging unscathed after a recklessly played
opening, I gained a big advantage, but suddenly I began to drift and I missed an excellent
chance to score a second successive win.

At a meeting of the appeals committee, which took place after the adjournment session of the
3rd game, my opponent's protest against my appearing under the Russian flag was
conclusively upheld. From then on not only were the miniature flags removed from the chess

table, but even their depictions on our name-boards! There was nothing to be done, but from
the next day I began arriving for play with a Russian badge on my jacket lapel - this was a silent
demonstration on my part.

I again began the next game in an ultra-optimistic key, 'shining' with superficial and devil-may-
care play, but I had to struggle to gain a draw. The crazy 4th game once again, following the
2nd, confirmed that Karpov, like myself, had also decided to fight 'flat out' with Black, not
avoiding sharp play.

In the 5th game there was a comparatively quiet draw. But the 6th took a nervy and very
uneven course. After hastily winning a pawn, Karpov again began playing slightly worse than
me in a complicated middlegame, and White not only extricated himself from a difficult
position, but after time-trouble mistakes by the opponent he could even have set him
insoluble problems. But I also went wrong, and Black saved him-self. This game, as though
developing the pattern of the 3rd and 4th, clearly showed that my play was steadily
deteriorating. Two serious mistakes at critical moments were loud warning signals, which I
failed to heed.

The weight of accumulated negative emotions obviously made itself felt in the 7th game, when
on the 27th move I made virtually the worst blunder of my career, overlooking an elementary
tactical stroke. The match score became equal: 3½-3½. It became clear that my blitzkrieg
strategy had failed.

I very much wanted to get even in the next game, the 8th - and I went along to it with only
victory on my mind! However, in matches for the world championship the desire to win is not
enough - you must also have a good feeling for your condition. It was precisely this quality in
me that was blunted: I didn't yet realise that the terrible blunder in the previous game was not
an accident, but the consequence of excessive nervous tension, which would not go away. And
as a result, the 8th game, which promised to become a brilliant one, almost ended woefully for
me. With difficulty I managed to gain a draw on the 84th move.

Karpov was dismayed, and the psychological initiative appeared to have passed to me. But the
9th game, played the day after the exhausting adjournment session of the 8th, showed that I
was still a long way from emerging from the crisis. Of course, I was happy with a draw: for me
it was the desired result. But the first employment in this match of the Grünfeld Defence
proved unsuccessful - Karpov had an overwhelming advantage and he lost it only on the
threshold of time-trouble.

In the 10th game the condition of the two players at this stage of the match was reflected as in
a mirror: a draw was agreed as early as the 18th move. In the 11th game I reverted to the
King's Indian - the result was a pretty and again very tense draw, which opened a new chapter
both in opening theory, and in the understanding of the laws of play with unbalanced material
(cf. Game No.87, note to Black's 14th move). In the 12th game I was close to a win, but at the
critical moment, alas, I was let down by a sudden rush of indecision, and again I had to be
satisfied with a draw.

Thus the New York half of the match concluded with the score 6-6. It would be unjust for me
to complain of this result, since in the last six games, with the exception of the 11th, I had
played badly.

For intrigue and intensity of the battle, the Lyons half of the match was at least the equal of
the first. It is curious that in our previous matches not one of the 13th games had produced a

definite result. On this occasion too the tradition was not broken. But in my next, 'white' game,
there was a surprise awaiting Karpov as early as the third move - I gave the Spanish a respite!

Game 70
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 14th Game, Lyons 26.11.1990
Scotch Game C45

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 (1) The Scotch Game, which had long been forgotten at the top level
(with the exception of rare experiments by Ljubojevic and Timman), was unexpectedly revived
a century later in a match for the world championship! Here we were helped by the two-week
break – during this time we were able to refresh the treatment of this ancient opening, which
we had begun examining back in the summer in Murcia, and the idea of employing it became
firmly fixed in my mind back in the spring training session in Pestov. And our efforts were not
in vain: in the next ten years I scored a good dozen wins in the Scotch (and another couple in
the romantic Evans Gambit!). 3...exd4 (5) 4.Nxd4 Nf6 (5)The expected reply: this is what
Karpov had twice played against Timman. [Something had also been prepared against Black's
other main move – 4...Bc5 (Game No.88).] 5.Nxc6! [After 5.Nc3 Bb4! 6.Nxc6 bxc6 7.Bd3 d5
8.exd5 cxd5 9.0–0 0–0 10.Bg5 c6 Black is okay, as shown by the entire history of the variation,
from Steinitz-Zukertort (2nd match game, New York 1886) to Deep Blue-Kasparov (5th match
game, Philadelphia 1996).] 5...bxc6 6.e5 Qe7 7.Qe2 Nd5 [After the rare 7...Ng8 (Mieses-
Lasker, Hastings 1895) Sveshnikov has played and recommended 8.b3 ,(but I prefer the
unpretentious 8.Nc3 (d2).) ] 8.c4 (3)At one time there were serious arguments about White's
best eighth move, but in the end the position after 8 c4 became the main tabiya of the
variation. 8...Ba6 (2)After this reply Black had not experienced any problems. [The alternative
is 8...Nb6 (Game No.71).] 9.b3 (1)Back to the sources! [In the 20th century 9.Nd2 had
occurred; or else 9.Qe4 , allowing both: 9...-- a)9...Nb6 10.Nc3 (a)or 10.Nd2 0–0–0 11.c5?!
Bxf1 12.cxb6 Ba6 13.bxa7 Kb7 14.Nb3 f6! (Timman-Karpov, London 1984)) 10...Qe6
(Ljubojevic-Spassky, Montreal 1979); b), as well as 9...Nf6 10.Qe2 Nd5 11.Nd2 (transposing
into the same variation) 11...0–0–0 (b)11...f6; b)or 11...g6 is also not bad) 12.Qe4 Nb6 13.a4?!
d5! 14.cxd5 Bxf1 15.d6 Rxd6 (Timman-Karpov, Amsterdam 1985), and Black has a comfortable
game.After studying these games by Karpov, I hit on a new idea for White with a double
fianchetto, noticing that in this case Black's light-squared bishop is severely restricted. I also
took into account the peculiarities of my opponent's style. Karpov does not like to create pawn
weaknesses in his position, but here, in order to free himself, he would have to undermine my
e5-pawn – and after ...f7-f6 his pawn chain on the kingside would be broken up, while after
...d7-d6 he would have problems with his queenside pawns. In addition, after castling long the
black king does not feel altogether comfortable.Black's counterplay is based on the fact that
the white king has remained in the centre. He needs to act very energetically, and this factor
also seemed to me to be unpleasant for my opponent, since sharp play was not fully in
accordance with his style. And although on this occasion Karpov confidently coped with the
unaccustomed problems, later he experienced serious difficulties in the Scotch and he lost two
games to me – the 16th of the present match, and a year later in Tilburg. Later he even
switched to 4...Bc5 and only many years later did he again revert to the ill-starred (for him)
4...Nf6.; ] 9...0–0–0 (25) [Naturally, we had also examined other possible replies: 9...g6 (at that
time a rare move, which enjoyed a surge in popularity beginning in 1990) 10.f4 – this weapon
was fired a year later (Game No.81; there 9...g5!? is also seen); 9...f6 , and if 10.Bb2 (therefore
I was planning 10.Ba3 , in order after 10...Qxa3 11.exf6+ Kf7 12.Nxa3 Bb4+ 13.Qd2 Rhe8+
14.Be2 Bxd2+ 15.Kxd2 Nxf6 16.f3 to restrict myself to a minimal plus: I thought that it would be
unpleasant for Karpov to defend a position with three pawn islands and a passive bishop on
a6) , then 10...Nf4 11.Qe3 (11.exf6 Nd3+! , Ljubojevic-Ivkov, Bugojno 1978) 11...fxe5 12.Bxe5
Ng6 13.Bxc7 Qxe3+ 14.fxe3 Bc5 15.Nc3 Bxe3 with equality (Sveshnikov). ; 9...Qh4?! – this was
considered the main reply to 9 b3 and was given a '!' in view of 10.a3 (!) 10...Bc5 (?!) (in an

attempt to improve Black's defence after 10 a3, we analysed 10...Nf4 11.Qe4 Ng6 , and here
12.Qxh4 (but I preferred 12.Qe3 ) 12...Nxh4 13.Nd2 is not bad) 11.g3 Bxf2+ 12.Qxf2 Qe4+ 'etc'.
Say, 13.Kd2?! a)13.Kd2 Qxh1 14.Bg2 Qxh2 15.cxd5 cxd5 16.Nc3 , and here apart from 16...Bb7
(Morozevich-V.Ivanov, Moscow 1992),(a)both 16...d4 ; a)and 16...Rb8 are also good. ) ; b). But
at the training session in Murcia I found an important subtlety – 13.Kd1! Qxh1 14.Nd2! , for
example: 14...-- b1)14...f5 15.Kc2! , and Black faces very difficult problems: if 15...f4 16.gxf4
Nxf4 , then 17.Bb2 and e5-e6; b2)14...Nc3+ 15.Kc2 Ne4 16.Nxe4 Qxe4+ 17.Bd3 Qxe5?!
(b2)17...Qg4 18.Bf5 Qh5 19.h4 f6 20.exf6 gxf6 is more resilient, but after 21.Bb2 0–0 22.g4
Qf7 23.Rg1 White's chances are better (as was confirmed in practice)) 18.Bb2 Qg5 19.h4 Qh6
20.Re1+ Kf8 21.Bc3 , and Black is the exchange and a pawn up, but – a unique situation! – he
has no acceptable move. I remember being puzzled as to why Karpov did not play 9...Qh4. Had
he and his trainers really discovered the weak point in the widely-accepted chain of moves? Or
did he intuitively decide to avoid a highly probable nasty trick? A couple of years later the well-
known theoretician Lev Gutman joyfully informed me that he had found a sure way for White
to gain an advantage (13 Kd1! etc) – and indeed, he pointed it out in an opening monograph
which was soon published.; ; ] 10.g3! The point of White's idea is the sacrifice of the e5-pawn.
Previously he had often fought feverishly for its existence and, going on to the defensive, had
lost the initiative. But now, while the opponent spends time on the winning of the pawn,
White plays for a lead in development, aiming to exploit the defects in the enemy king's
shelter and the 'clogged state' of the bishop on a6. [Curiously, in the autumn of 1881 the
diagram position became the subject of heated debates in the press between the strongest
players of that era – Steinitz and Zukertort. It all began with the source game Blackburne-
Zukertort (12th match game, London 1881), where after 10.Qe4?! Nf6 11.Qe2 Re8 (11...Ng4!?
12.f4 Qe6) 12.f4? (12.Bb2 was correct) , Black could have won a pawn by 12...d6! (Steinitz).;
There was an equally heated discussion about 10.Qb2?! Nb6 11.Be2 (11.Be3 Re8 12.f4 f6! is
hardly any better) 11...Re8 12.Bf4 (12.f4 f6! with the idea of 13.exf6 Qe4!) 12...g5 'with great
effect' – a recommendation of Zukertort and Hoffer in Chess Monthly, which was tested in
practice one hundred years later (!): 13.Bg3 Bg7 14.Nc3 f5 (14...Kb8!?) 15.f4 gxf4 16.Bxf4 Bxe5
17.Bxe5 Qxe5 18.0–0? (18.0–0–0 d5!) 18...Qd4+ 19.Kh1 Rxe2! ... 0–1 (Ljubojevic-Seirawan,
Wijk aan Zee 1986). ; 10.Bb2 is more natural – now White is better after 10...Re8 (but
10...Qg5! (Blackburne-Zukertort, 14th match game, London 1881) leads to mind-boggling play;
a recent example is Smeets-Adams (London 2008)) 11.Qd2 Nb6 12.Be2 (Morozevich-Karpov,
Dagomys 2008).] 10...Re8 (13)This obvious, solid move was the one that we looked at in the
first instance. [Two sharper continuations appeared in the next year or two: 10...g5 , and in
the event of 11.Ba3 (Azmaiparashvili), (but 11.Bb2! is better) 11...Nb4! 12.Bb2 Bg7 13.Bg2
(13.Bh3 Rhe8) 13...Nd3+! 14.Qxd3 Bxe5 Black has an excellent game (Macieja-Karpov, 2nd
match game, Warsaw (rapid) 2003).; or 10...f6!? 11.Bg2 fxe5 12.0–0 e4 (or 12...Nf6 13.Nc3!
(13.Ba3 Qe6 suits Black, Morozevich-Huzman, Amsterdam 1995) 13...Qe6 14.Re1 with chances
for both sides) 13.Qd2!? Nf6 14.Qa5 Kb7 15.Bf4! (Pavasovic-Jenni, Leipzig 2002).] 11.Bb2 f6 [By
11...Nb6 Karpov could have transposed into the game Mieses-Teichmann (Hastings 1895), but
in it after 12.Bh3! f6 13.0–0 (13.e6 ) White attained a more favourable position, since the
black knight has voluntarily moved out of play.) ] 12.Bg2 [Only this is a genuine novelty. In the
little-known game Czerniak-Johannessen (Nice Olympiad 1974) after 12.f4? fxe5 13.fxe5 Qg5!
14.Nd2 Bb4 (14...Ne3!? ) Black seized the initiative.) ; I made the bishop move almost without
thinking, since it was the main one in our analysis. But today the immediate 12.Qd2! seems
more promising to me, forcing 12...Nb6 (an achievement by White), and now not
Morozevich's move 13.a4 (but 13.Bh3! and 0–0. Black's position looks extremely dubious: his
king is in danger, and his knight at b6 and bishop at a6 are out of play. It cannot be ruled out
that before the 16th game it was this possibility that did not appeal to Karpov) , because of
13...Qb4! .] 12...fxe5 (6) 13.0–0 (3)Counting on gaining good compensation for the pawn. [In
Informator Azmaiparashvili recommended 13.Nd2 g6 (but Black has two less clear replies –
13...Nf6 ; or 13...h5 (Rublevsky-V.Mikhalevsky, Vilnius 1995)) 14.0–0–0 Bg7 (14...Bh6 15.Kb1)

15.Ne4 with the idea of Qd2-a5.] 13...h5 (9)The start of a series of very good moves. [13...Nf6
was also possible (to which I would have replied 14.Nd2 ), but: 'Karpov has played the opening
very purposefully, won the battle in the centre, and now he is the first to launch an attack.'
(Sveshnikov)] 14.Qd2 (2)The key component in the analysis: White dreams of penetrating with
his queen via a5 to a7 and of creating threats to the black king. [Now 14.Nd2 would have
been unclear in view of 14...h4 15.Rfe1 hxg3 16.hxg3 Qf6! (not Azmaiparashvili's
recommendation 16...Qg5 17.Nf3 Qh5 because of 18.Nxe5 ) and ...Qh6. ) ; But 14.Re1 could
have led merely to a transposition of moves ( 14...Nf6 15.Qd2 – cf. the following note) or to
the regaining of the pawn and a roughly equal endgame.I had spent just 10 minutes on my
opening moves, while Karpov had already used more than an hour. But soon it was my turn to
stop and think.] 14...Nf6 (2) 15.Qa5 (15)Strictly following the plan, [although 15.Re1 came
into consideration: for example, 15...Qc5 16.Nc3 h4?! 17.Na4 Qb4 18.Qxb4 Bxb4 19.Rxe5 with
a somewhat better ending (Dembo-Husari, Budapest 2003).] 15...Bb7! ['After 15...Kb7? 16.Ba3
Qe6 17.Bxf8 Rhxf8 18.Nc3 all the same the bishop cannot be maintained at a6.' (Shirov). Say,
18...e4 19.Rae1! d5 20.Rd1 , and Black is in trouble.] 16.Ba3 [Of course, not immediately
16.Qxa7? because of 16...Qc5 .] 16...Qe6 (12) 17.Bxf8 Rhxf8 (4) ['Karpov played safely –
towards the centre. 17...Rexf8 looked tempting 18.-- a), and if 18.Qxa7 , then 18...Qg4
19.Na3 h4 20.Nc2 Qh5 with a powerful initiative; b), but after 18.Re1! it is not apparent how
Black develops his play, whereas White gains chances on the queenside.' (Sveshnikov)But in
my opinion, 18 Re1? is refuted by 18...Ng4 19.f3 Qd6! .; c). The correct move is in fact 18.Qxa7
-- c1), since if 18...Qg4 White relieves all the threats by 19.Nd2!? h4 20.h3 Qd4 (c1)20...Qe2
21.Nf3! hxg3 22.Rae1! favours White) 21.Qxd4 exd4 22.Nf3 with somewhat the better ending.;
c2). The immediate 18...h4 suggests itself, but then 19.a4! hxg3 20.a5! – at this our Lyons
analysis concluded, with the optimistic conclusion: 20...-- c21), after 20...Rxh2 (?) 21.a6
(Azmaiparashvili) ; c22), or 20...gxh2+?! 21.Kh1 d5 22.a6 White is close to a win.; c23). And
only modern computers have shown that after the cool-headed, truly inhuman move 20...Kd8!
Black would have saved himself: 21.fxg3 (c23)21.Qxb7? Ng4) 21...Ng4! 22.Nc3 Qh6! 23.Rxf8+
(c23)23.h4? g5!) 23...Rxf8 24.h3 c5! 25.Qxb7 (c23)25.Qxc5? d6) 25...Qe3+ 26.Kh1 Qxc3 27.Rf1
Rxf1+ 28.Bxf1 Ne3 (c23)or 28...Qe1 with a draw) ; c24), or even 20...Ne4!? 21.a6 Kd8 .; ; ; ]
18.Qxa7 (3) 18...Qg4! (19)This unexpected defensive resource found by Karpov (19 a4?! Qd4!)
forced me to think for a long time. It is clear that White must develop his knight, but to where?
19.Na3!? (53)Planning Nc2-e3(b4). [Of course, I wanted more than 19.Nc3 (d2) 19...Qd4
20.Qxd4 (or the unclear 20.Qa5 ) 20...exd4 .] 19...h4! (7)'Karpov has no intention of defending
passively and he aims quickly to create threats against the white king' (Geller and Lein). [If
19...Qd4?! White could have played 20.c5! Ne4! (20...Qb4? 21.Nc4; 20...d5? is even worse in
view of 21.Rfd1 Qc3 22.Nc4! , winning) 21.Bxe4 Qxe4 22.Rae1! (22.Nc4 d5!) 22...Qb4 23.Nc4 e4
24.Na5 Rf5 25.Nxb7 Qxb7 26.Qa4 with some advantage.] 20.Nc2 (urgently to the aid of the
king!) 20...h3! (4) 21.Bh1 (2) 21...Ne4! (2)Here I was seized by a slight horror. 'The white king,
surrounded by its own pieces, has suddenly ended up in a mating net.' (Geller and Lein) [Many
commentators remarked that it was bad to play 21...Ne4 22.f3? Nxg3 23.Rf2 (23.fxg4? Ne2#)
23...Qg6 24.hxg3 Qxg3+ 25.Kf1 , but here for some reason they gave only 25...c5 (?) a)or
25...e4 (?) 26.fxe4 Qd3+ 27.Kg1 Rf6 28.Qe3 Rg6+ 29.Kh2 Qd6+ (Geller and Lein), although after
30.e5! Rxe5 31.Rd1! Qe7 (a)31...Rd5+ 32.Rf4!) 32.Qd3 Black does not have sufficient
compensation for the piece; b)25...d6!? is correct, with the idea of ...c6-c5; c)or 25...d5! with
an irresistible attack; 26.Qxc5 Bxf3 27.Bxf3 e4? Suetin, Sveshnikov; (27...Rxf3 is necessary) ,
overlooking 28.Qa7 c6 29.Bxe4 and wins.After gathering my thoughts, I found a way to
neutralise Black's threats with the aid of a desperate march by the a-pawn.] 22.a4! (10)'Each
does his own thing' (Sveshnikov). 'The threat of a4-a5-a6 obliges Black to force matters' (Geller
and Lein). [It is probable that 22.Ne3 was also acceptable, but after 22...Qg6! (if 22...Nc3 , then
23.Qxb7+! Kxb7 24.Bxc6+ and Nxg4) 23.Rad1 Rf6 all the same White's only chance would be
24.a4! .] 22...Nc3 (15)With the obvious threat of ...Ne2 mate. ['Despite approaching time-
trouble, Karpov plays accurately. 22...Nd2 (?) suggests itself, but this would have lost after

23.a5! Nf3+ 24.Bxf3 Qxf3 25.Ne1! ' (Sveshnikov). ; 22...Rf3? was also bad: 23.Ne3! Nc3
24.Rae1 Qh5 (24...Qe4 25.Qa5!) 25.a5 c5 26.a6 Bc6 27.Qxc5 and wins.] 23.Rae1 (10)'The only
way' (Suetin). [And, indeed, 23.f3? did not work because of 23...Ne2+! (23...c5?? 24.Qxb7+!;
or the spectacular 23...Qe4!? ) 24.Kf2 Qg6 (Azmaiparashvili).; However, White had the more
ambitious move 23.Rfe1!? – Azmaiparashvili 23...-- a), he suggested it in Informator, gave the
variation 23...Ne2+ 24.Kf1 Nd4 25.Nxd4 Qxd4 26.Qxd4 exd4 27.Rxe8+ Rxe8 28.Re1 Rf8 29.f4!
g5 (a)or 29...c5 it is hard for White to hope for success) 30.Kf2 gxf4 31.g4 f3 (?) (a)but after
31...c5 32.Bf3 d6 it is hard for White to hope for success) 32.c5! with the better ending.; b).
And besides, Black had the reply 23...Qf5 , leading to double-edged play: 24.Rac1 (b)or 24.a5
Kd8! (b)the 'crazy' 24...Qxc2 25.a6 d5 26.axb7+ Kd7 is also possible, with the idea 27.Qc5 e4!
28.Ra6 Rf6) ) 24...Na2 25.Be4 Qf6 26.a5 Kd8! .; ] 23...Ne2+ (2) 24.Rxe2 Qxe2 25.Nb4! (3)The
only move – and a sudden change of plan: instead of the pawn, it is the knight that is aiming
for a6. 25...d5!? (3) [Here everyone recommended a spectacular continuation suggested by
the computer Mephisto: 25...Rf3! 26.Na6 (26.a5? Rxb3) 26...Kd8! 27.Qxb7 Rxf2! 28.Rxf2 Qe1+
29.Rf1 Qe3+ with perpetual check. But why should Black be thinking only of a draw? The
position is still completely unclear, and Karpov continues fighting for a win.] 26.cxd5 (4) [Of
course, not 26.a5? Qd2! and wins. ] 26...cxd5 (10) 27.Bxd5 (25)A logical capture. [It was bad
to play 27.a5? Qb5!; or 27.Rc1? Qd2! 28.Qc5 Rf7! (Geller and Lein) 29.Nxd5 Kb8! , winning. ;
And in the event of 27.Nxd5?! Qa6! 28.Qc5 Qd6 'nothing is clear' (Tal).Here I had fourteen
minutes left, and Karpov had five.] 27...Bxd5 28.Nxd5 Qc2! 'Not only defending against the
mate, but also keeping the c6- and c1–squares under control.' (Sveshnikov) 29.Qa6+ (2)
29...Kd7 30.Ne3 (1) 30...Qe4! 'But now Black must keep the white knight on a tight rein. By
skilful manoeuvres he restrains White's attack.' (Suetin). [30...Qxb3 31.Rd1+ Ke7 32.Qg6 Rf7
33.Qh5 c6 34.Qxh3 Qe6 would have led to approximate equality, but Karpov did not want to
give up his strong h3-pawn. Instead, he again continues the fight.] 31.Rc1 (2)With the enemy
king exposed, the knight and pawn are quite sufficient compensation for the rook. [Apparently
it was simpler to play 31.Rd1+!? Ke7 32.Rc1 (Azmaiparashvili), (32.Qa5 (Gurevich) ; or 32.Qf1!
Rd8 33.Re1 (Geller and Lein). But I did not want to drive the black king to the shelter on g8.) ]
31...Rb8! (2)With just three minutes left on his clock, Karpov continues playing for a win!
[31...Qf3 32.Qf1 Re6 was perfectly safe.] 32.Qf1! First and foremost White must 'remove the
thorn' – capture the h3-pawn. The unexpected return of the queen provoked applause in the
press centre, but Karpov did not become flustered and with a smile he captured a pawn with
his rook. 32...Rxb3 33.Qxh3+ (2) 33...Kd8 (1) 34.Qh5 (3) [The equalising 34.Rd1+ Rd3
35.Rxd3+ Qxd3 36.Qh4+ Kc8 37.Qg4+ Qd7 38.Qe4 was good, but I wanted to retain my rook.
Here I too had just four minutes left...] 34...Kc8 Safely played. [White would have been set
more problems by 34...Qf3! 35.Qg5+! Qf6 36.Rd1+ Kc8 37.Qg4+ Kb8 , but even here after
38.Rf1 (or 38.Qe2 he should be able to hold out.) ] 35.Qd1! (1)Centralisation with gain of
tempo is the most correct decision. [After 35.Qe2? Rb1! the role of the extra exchange would
have increased. ; Geller and Lein suggested 35.Nc4 'with chances of an attack', but after
35...Qd4! 36.Qe2 Rbf3 37.Rf1 e4 38.Nd2 Qd3 it is only Black who has chances.] 35...Rxe3! In
time-trouble this is the most practical decision, forcing a draw. [35...Rb2? 36.Qd6! would have
been fatal; while 35...Rd3 (Shirov) 36.Qc2; or 35...Rb6 36.a5 was unclear.] 36.fxe3 Qxe3+
37.Kh1 Qe4+ 38.Kg1 Qe3+ 39.Kh1 Qe4+ 40.Kg1 (1) 40...Rd8 (1)Here the game was adjourned,
and I sealed 41.Qc2 . The following day, on White's proposal, a draw was agreed without
resuming. Times: 2.31–2.29. ½–½

This was probably the best of the drawn games in the match (along with the 11th). The
character of the play in the Scotch appealed to me, although I was also disappointed that my
novelty did not produce any real result.

But this was nothing compared with the disappointment felt by Karpov after the 15th game. To
some extent it was a turning-point in the match: a very serious error in opening preparation

placed me on the verge of disaster, but my opponent was unable to achieve an apparently
certain win. What Karpov squandered was not some chance opportunity, but an enormous
advantage, gained for free from the opening, and he did not even manage to adjourn the game
in a better position. This was a very painful lapse, after which the psychological initiative
swung my way.

I began the next game, the 'trademark' 16th (normally in our matches it produced a decisive
result), in an optimistic mood, not even suspecting that it would last three evenings and more
than a hundred moves…

Game 71
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 16th Game, Lyons 1/2/4.12.1990
Scotch Game C45

1.e4 e5 (2) 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 The second act of the fascinating 'Scotch experiment'. 3...exd4
4.Nxd4 Nf6 [4...Bc5 – Game No.88.] 5.Nxc6 bxc6 6.e5 Qe7 7.Qe2 Nd5 8.c4 Nb6 (1) [Instead of
8...Ba6 (Game No.70) Karpov chooses a less common move, which was mentioned back in the
first editions of the famous Handbuch, tested in the late 19th century, and revived in the
middle of the 20th. Its drawback is the passive position of the knight, but it is hard for White to
extract any concrete benefit from this. 8...Nb6 is also played at the present time, including by
some strong players (such as Adams and Karjakin).To be honest, we expected that the
opponent would avoid repeating the dangerous variation for Black from the 14th game, either
in this way or by 9.b3 Qh4 (after which a trap had been prepared – cf. Game No.70, note to
Black's 9th move). After all, Karpov did not know whether the Scotch had become my main
weapon, or was only a temporary interruption between Spanish games, and he is unlikely to
have spent all his time on it when preparing for the game. Most probably he simply looked for
a way of avoiding a potentially unpleasant position.] 9.Nd2 (11)At that time the theory of this
variation was still almost virgin territory. [Later I successfully tried the more modern 9.Nc3
Qe6 (9...a5 10.Bd2) 10.Qe4 Bb4 (10...g6 11.f4 is also played; or 10...Ba6 11.b3 0–0–0 12.Bb2 ,
Kasparov-Adams, internet (rapid) 2000) 11.Bd2 Ba6 12.b3 Bxc3 13.Bxc3 d5 14.Qh4! an
improvement, which I devised in 1993 before the match with Short; (14.Qf3 dxc4 15.Be2 0–0
is equal, Ljubojevic-Spassky, Montreal 1979) 14...dxc4 15.Be2 Nd5 , for example: 16.-- a)16.Bd4
c5 (a)but 16...Qf5 (Morozevich-Piket, internet (blitz) 2000) ; a)or 16...Ne7!? is more accurate)
17.Bxc5 Nc3 18.Bxc4 Qxe5+ 19.Be3 Ne4 20.0–0 Bxc4 21.bxc4 0–0 22.Rfe1 with some
advantage to White (Kasparov-Adams, Sarajevo 1999); b)16.Bxc4 g5! 17.Qd4 (b)little is
promised by 17.Bxd5 Qxd5! 18.Qxg5 Rd8 19.Qg4 h5 20.Qf3 Qxf3 21.gxf3 Rg8 , Stovsky-
Karjakin, Pamplona 2004) 17...Bxc4 18.Qxc4 Nf4 (b)but 18...0–0–0! is stronger (Baklan-Piket,
Bundesliga 2000)) 19.Qxe6+ Nxe6 (b)19...fxe6 20.g3) 20.0–0–0 Ke7 21.Rhe1 Rhd8 22.Rxd8
Rxd8 23.Re4 with the better endgame (Kasparov-Timman, Wijk aan Zee 2000).It was the
novelty of the Scotch positions that created problems for Karpov and other grandmasters. In
the Spanish, play was mainly built on patterns long known, whereas in the Scotch Black
immediately had to make a difficult choice between various ways of developing his pieces, and
initially many were simply dazzled. In any case Black's position is left with defects of some kind,
and therefore he has to seek an acceptable balance of minuses and pluses. Thus, although he
revealed a new idea after 8...Nb6, Karpov did not have a clear-cut equalising prescription and
later he acted largely by intuition.; ] 9...Qe6 (7) [Black has also tried 9...Bb7 ; 9...a5; and
9...d5!? 10.exd6 (suppose White does not capture en passant?) 10...cxd6 11.b3 Bg4! 12.f3
(after 12.Qxe7+ Bxe7 with the idea of ...0–0 and ...d6-d5 Black's activity compensates for his
inferior pawn structure) 12...Be6 13.Bb2 d5 14.cxd5 Nxd5 15.0–0–0 Qg5 (15...a5!? – Beliavsky)
16.h4!? (16.Qa6 Nb4! , Rublevsky-Beliavsky, Herzeg Novi 2000) 16...Qe3 with chances of
maintaining the balance (Rublevsky-Beliavsky, Novi Sad 2000; Fritz-Karjakin, Bilbao 2004).But
Karpov, without delving into all these subtleties, made a solid move with his queen, which at

one time was introduced by Gligoric.; Or 9...d6 , which, however, allows 10.c5!? .] 10.b3
(2)The main line. 10...a5 (6)Quite a good novelty, albeit one criticised by Geller and Lein.
[They, like Spassky in the match bulletin, recommended the tested 10...Be7 11.Bb2 0–0
12.Qe4 (Black can also be satisfied with 12.g3 d5 (Oll-Gildardo Garcia, New York 1997); but
12.0–0–0 is sharper, with the idea of 12...d5 13.exd6 cxd6 14.Qf3 d5 15.Bd3 Qh6 16.cxd5 cxd5
17.Kb1! , creating pressure on the isolated d5-pawn with the threat of an attack on the
kingside (Ivanchuk-Almasi, Monte Carlo (rapid) 2001)) 12...d5 with equality (Bednarski-Gligoric,
Havana 1967). ; Perhaps the clearest way to equalise is 10...Bb4!? 11.Bb2 0–0 12.0–0–0 , and
now in the event of 12...d5 (but 12...Qe7! 13.Kb1 (or 13.Ne4 Re8! (Zelcic-Sermek, Pula 2001))
13...Ba3 14.Bc3 Bb4 is more solid, with equality (Rublevsky-Beliavsky, Vrnjacka Banja 1999))
13.exd6 Qxd6 14.Nf3 (to Anand's suggestion 14.Qe3 there is the sound reply 14...Ba3)
14...Qh6+ 15.Qe3 Qxe3+ 16.fxe3 Re8 (Kasparov-Piket, Dortmund 1992) 17.Nd4! Bg4 18.Be2
Bxe2 19.Nxe2 Rxe3 20.Nd4 White has a slightly better endgame.] 11.Bb2 (10) 11...Bb4?! (16)A
significant inaccuracy. 'The leitmotif of the plan with ...a7-a5 is play against the b3-pawn.
[11...a4 is more logical, securing the post at b4 for the bishop' (Sveshnikov). Spassky also
suggested this, but there were other opinions. 12.-- a). Polugayevsky: 'Possibly, Kasparov
would have simply replied 12.Bc3 .' However, after 12...axb3 13.axb3 Rxa1+ 14.Bxa1 Bb4
15.Qe3 0–0 16.Be2 (d3) 16...d6 Black has a comfortable game.; b). Geller and Lein examined
12.Qe3 Bb4 13.Bd3 (b)if 11...a4 I was later planning to play 12 Qe3 Bb4 13.Be2!? with hopes of
retaining a small plus) 13...d6 (!): 14.-- b1). 'Here 14.0–0? does not work in view of 14...a3
15.Bd4 c5 .; b2). But 14.0–0–0 is advantageous to White: now if 14...a3 the bishop may retreat
to a1,(b2)while after 14...dxe5 15.Qxe5 Black has a difficult ending.' ; b2)However, 14...axb3
15.axb3 d5! is far stronger, seizing the initiative (Fogarasi-Varavin, Kobanya 1992).) ; b3). There
only remains the modest 14.exd6 Qxe3+ 15.fxe3 cxd6 with equality.; ; ] 12.a3! (7)Aiming to
gain the advantage of the two bishops, which is especially perceptible in an open position.
12...Bxd2+ (12) [After 12...Bc5 White has the unpleasant 13.Qe4! with the idea of Bd3 and 0–
0 (Spassky), and if 13...Qh6 , then first 14.Qc2 .; 'Perhaps 12...Be7 would have been better'
(Sveshnikov), but then after 13.Qe3 Black is completely deprived of counterplay on the
queenside ( 13...a4 (or 13...c5 14.a4!) 14.b4! ) and he is left with a 'bad' knight on b6. He would
all the time be faced by precisely those inferior endings which Karpov was in fact aiming to
avoid.] 13.Qxd2 (2)A strategically unusual position has arisen, one which, strangely enough, we
had reached at home in our preparation, since the moves 10...a5 11 Bb2 Bb4 looked quite
natural and predictable. 13...d5? (9)'An impulsive move, indicating a serious failure of nerve.'
(Gurevich). This premature opening of the centre aggravates Black's difficulties. [He had three
more restrained continuations: 13...a4 14.c5 Nd5 15.b4 -- a), and after 15...Ba6 16.Bxa6 Rxa6
17.0–0 and f2-f4 ; b), or 15...0–0 16.Rd1 with the intention of Bc4, 0–0 and f2-f4 White's
chances are better: the knight at d5 looks well-placed, but the a4- and d7-pawns are weak, and
the undermining of the e5-pawn will merely increase the power of the bishop on b2. Black also
has no counter to the opponent's pawn offensive on the kingside. ; c). Therefore Spassky
recommended the blockading 15...f5 , but this too is insufficient in view of 16.Bc4 (c)or
16.Rd1!? (with the idea of 16...Ba6? 17.b5 Bb7 18.Bc4 )) 16...Ba6 17.Ba2! (Geller and Lein).; ;
13...0–0 – the most natural reply: now in the event of 14.a4 a), or 14.f4 Black has more
grounds for 14...d5 .; b). The commentators drew attention to other possibilities for White:
14.c5 Nd5 15.Bc4 Ba6 16.0–0 Rfb8 with counterplay on the b-file (Geller and Lein) (b)or
16...Bxc4!? 17.bxc4 Ne7 with an unclear position) ; c)14.Be2 d5 (?) (c)apparently he should
seek counter-chances after 14...a4 15.c5 Nd5 16.b4) 15.exd6 cxd6 16.0–0 (?!) (c)to say
nothing of 16.Qd4! , when Black is in trouble) 16...a4 17.Qc3 (?) (c)but 17.Qd4 is stronger)
17...f6 'with a complicated game' (Sveshnikov); d)14.0–0–0!? . On c1 the king is very safely
sheltered and, in the opinion of Geller and Lein, 'the threat of the f-pawn's advance places
Black in a difficult position – if 14...Ba6 (d)a pawn storm of the king's fortress is also imminent
after 14...a4 15.c5 Nd5 16.b4 Ba6 17.f4; d)or 14...c5 15.a4 Bb7 16.Bd3 with the idea of f2-f4-f5
(here the knight on b6 is also offside, and after 16...d5 17.exd6 the bishop on b2 is activated),

and again Black has no real counterplay) , there follows 15.f4 (d)or 15.a4 (!)') ; ; 13...Ba6 –
when there follows 14.a4 , but then 14...d5 15.cxd5 Qxd5 16.Bxa6 Rxa6 , and after the
exchange of queens Black merely has a somewhat inferior endgame.] 14.cxd5 (7) 14...cxd5
(9)A difficult choice. [If 14...Qxd5 there is the very unpleasant 15.Qc2! .; Even so, 14...Nxd5
was better, remaining with doubled pawns on the c-file: in the event of 15.Bc4 (Sveshnikov)
(but after 15.Bd3! 0–0 16.0–0 again f2-f4-f5 would have been threatened) 15...Qg6! 16.0–0
Bf5 Black would have halted the opponent's attack.] 15.Rc1 (3)Now White's advantage is close
to decisive. 15...0–0 (21) [15...a4? 16.Rxc7 axb3 did not work because of 17.Bb5+ Bd7 18.Qb4
.; If 15...c6?! both 16.Be2 (and 16.Qc2 0–0 17.Bd3 are strong; as is even the immediate 16.f4
.) ; After 15...Ra7 I suggested 16.a4 in Informator, (but White has the more energetic 16.Bd3!
0–0 17.0–0 a4 18.b4 Nc4 19.Bxc4 dxc4 20.f4 , when he has a powerful attack with opposite-
coloured bishops.Realising that with passive defence Black had little chance of holding out,
Karpov took a decision that was typical for him: he sacrificed a pawn in the hope of 'muddying
the water' – creating counterplay, by exploiting White's lag in development.) ] 16.Rxc7 (10)Of
course! [Geller and Lein recommended the reckless 16.Bd3 (?!) 16...a4 17.0–0 (?) 17...axb3
18.f4 , ignoring 18...Nc4! 19.Bxc4 dxc4 , when it is unclear how White should conduct the
attack: after 20.f5 Qb6+ 21.Kh1 Ba6 22.f6 h6! he gets nowhere.] 16...Qg6 (10) [16...d4
(Spassky) was another dubious recommendation, for example: 17.-- a)17.Qxd4 Qxb3 18.Be2
Be6 (a)18...Ba6? 19.e6!) 19.Rb7 (a)but 19.Bd1! , suggested by me in Informator, is better,
aiming to retain the a-pawn) 19...Rab8 20.Rxb8 Rxb8 21.0–0 Nc4 (a4) 'with excellent drawing
chances' (Geller and Lein); b)17.Bxd4 Rd8 18.Be2 Qxb3 19.0–0! (b)Geller and Lein give only the
unclear 19.Qb2 Qxb2 20.Bxb2 Nd5 21.Rc2 Nf4) 19...Be6 (b)19...Qxa3? 20.Qf4) 20.Qe3 Qxe3
21.fxe3! Nd5 22.Rc5 with an overwhelming advantage for White: he must win the a5(a4)-
pawn, and with it the game.; ; And 16...a4 would have been answered not by 17.Bb5 (?) (but
17.b4! Qg6 18.f3 , reaching a position which could also have occurred in the game) 17...axb3
18.Rc6 Nc4 (Sveshnikov).] 17.f3 (5)'It would appear that with this move White only defends his
g2-pawn and takes control of e4, but in fact Kasparov's idea is deeper and more interesting.'
(Gurevich) 17...Bf5? (1) [17...a4!? (Geller and Lein) 18.b4! Be6 was more resilient, with the
idea of 19.-- Nc4 20.Bxc4 dxc4 , pinning hopes on the opposite-coloured bishops, although
even here White is a pawn up with a big advantage.] 18.g4! (16)In provoking the weakening
advance g2-g4, Karpov underestimated this energetic move, driving the bishop from its active
position. 18...Bb1 [18...Bxg4? 19.Rg1; or 18...Be6 19.Bd3 was completely bad.] 19.Bb5!
(21)Development with gain of tempo (Rc6 is threatened). [My lengthy hesitation was caused
by the mass of tempting possibilities – from 19.Bd4 ; to 19.h4 Rfc8 20.h5 .] 19...Rac8 (4)
20.Rxc8 Rxc8 21.0–0 (3) [The pawn is poisoned: 21.Qxa5? Qh6! . But now White has a
technically won position. However, in anticipation of a quick win, I gradually relaxed my
concentration and stopped looking for the best moves, whereas Karpov, by contrast, began
resisting desperately.] 21...h5 (18) [21...Rc2 would have run into 22.Qd4 Qh6 23.Rf2 , winning
(Gurevich).] 22.h3 (10)The exchange of queens is to White's advantage, [so consideration
should have been given to 22.Qd4!? hxg4 23.Qxg4 Qxg4+ (23...Bf5 24.Qxg6 and Rc1) 24.fxg4
Bc2 (24...Be4 25.Rc1!) 25.Bd4 with a won endgame: 25...Rb8 26.g5! Bxb3 27.g6 fxg6 28.e6 .]
22...hxg4 (7) 23.hxg4 (1) 23...Bc2! Latching on to the b3-pawn. [Again 23...Rc2? did not work
because of 24.Qd4 Qh6 25.Rf2 (Geller and Lein) 25...Rxf2 26.Kxf2 Qh2+ (26...Qh4+ 27.Kg2)
27.Ke1 , when the checks come to an end. ; And after Sveshnikov's suggestion 23...Bf5 , the
simple 24.Rf2 is good.] 24.Qd4!? (7)Powerful centralisation of the queen, preventing
24...Bxb3? in view of 25 e6!. [24.Re1!? was also strong, with the same idea 24...Bxb3? (or if
24...Qe6 , then 25.Ba6!) 25.e6! ( 25...fxe6 26.Qe3 , winning a piece).] 24...Qe6 (by contrast,
the black queen is forced to perform the role of blockader) 25.Rf2 (2) 25...Rc7 (3)Skilful
defence: Black prepares the manoeuvre ...Nd7-f8, reinforcing his king's defences. [After
25...Bxb3 there would not have followed 26.Rh2? (but the spectacular 26.Bd3! , and if 26...g6
27.Qf4! with an irresistible attack: 27...Nc4 (27...Bc4? 28.Bf5!) 28.Bd4 Kf8 29.Rh2 Ke8 (e7)
30.Rh6 etc) 26...Bc4! .] 26.Rh2 (7)This attacking move suggests itself: the rook on the h-file

looks menacing. [In Gurevich's opinion, it was better to set about converting the extra pawn
by 26.Bc3 Bxb3 27.Bxa5 Rc1+ 28.Rf1 Rxf1+ 29.Bxf1 , but after 29...Nc4 30.Bc3 Ba4 31.Bd3 g6
the a3-pawn is dead, and White is in danger of selling his advantage too cheaply.; Whereas
26.Qe3!? (Spassky) 26...Nd7 (26...a4? 27.Qg5 wins) 27.a4 Nf8 28.Bc3 should have brought him
success.] 26...Nd7 (6) [Of course, not 26...Bxb3? 27.Qd3 and wins.] 27.b4 Removing the pawn
from attack. Svesh-nikov, as well as Geller and Lein, rightly thought that this was an inaccuracy,
making the conversion of the advantage more difficult. [White had some other promising
continuations: 27.f4!? -- a), this move with the idea of 27...Qxg4+? 28.Rg2 Qe6 29.Bxd7 Qxd7
30.Rxg7+ Kf8 31.Rg5! , winning; b), it was criticised by me in Informator because of 27...f5 , but
here too after 28.Bd3! Bxd3 29.Qxd3 Nc5 30.Qb5 fxg4 31.Rc2 White is in charge. ; c)27...Bxb3
28.Bxd7 Rxd7 (c)28...Qxd7 29.e6!) 29.f5 Qc6 30.Qe3 Bc2 31.Qh3 Qb6+ 32.Kf1 Qh6 33.Qxh6 etc
is also bad for Black. ; d)27...Be4! 28.f5 Qe7 is more resilient, although after 29.Be2! (with the
threat of f5-f6) 29...Qg5 30.Bd1 Black's defence is difficult; ; 27.Bc4!? Be4 (after 27...dxc4
28.Rxc2 White wins) 28.Be2! 'followed by f3-f4' (Sveshnikov), and if 28...Bc2 , then 29.b4 is
now obviously very favourable; 27.a4! (the most forceful) 27...Nf8 (27...Bxb3? 28.Qd3) 28.Ba3
(28.b4!?) , and 'after 28...Bxb3 (28...Ng6 29.Bd6 Rc8 30.Ba6 Rc6 (or 30...Bxb3 31.Bxc8 Qxc8
32.Qe3) 31.Qa7) 29.Bxf8 (29.Qe3! – G.K.) 29...Rc1+ 30.Kg2 Rc2+ 31.Kg3 Rxh2 32.Bxg7 White
wins.' (Geller and Lein)And, indeed, 27 b4 was one of the errors that delayed the win. But
White's advantage is so great, that it would seem he can allow himself more than one way of
converting it.] 27...axb4 28.axb4 (8) 28...Nf8 (2) 29.Bf1 (1) [Gurevich, along with Geller and
Lein, thought this was another inaccuracy and suggested instead 29.Be2 with the threat of f3-
f4-f5. Then after 29...Bb3 (29...Qe7 30.b5 and wins) , apart from 30.Bd3 ,(White would have
had the resource 30.f4!? , and if 30...Bc4 , then 31.f5 Qe7 32.Qc3! Rc6 (32...Bxe2? 33.Qh3)
33.Bd1 Rb6 34.Qd4! with a winning attack.) ] 29...Bb3! (8) 30.Bd3! (6)Parrying the threat of
...Bc4. Unexpectedly the position has become one where tempi are important, and White has
to play actively, as otherwise the open position of his king will begin to tell.The last few moves
were already made in a time scramble: after them I had ten minutes left to the control, and
Karpov six. 30...Bc4 [Not 30...g6? 31.g5 with the terrible threat of Qh4.] 31.Bf5 [Geller and Lein
gave the variation 31.Bb1 Qa6 (after 31...Qe7 32.Qd2 Ng6 the position is little different from
the one reached in the game; and in addition White has to reckon with 31...f6 ) 32.Qd2 Ba2 (?)
33.b5 Qa4 'with saving chances', but after 34.e6! fxe6 35.Bxa2 Qxa2 36.Rh8+! Kxh8 37.Bxg7+
and Qxa2 there are no chances. ] 31...Qe7 (1) 32.Qd2 Rc6 'A good prophylactic move' (Geller
and Lein). [If 32...Ra7?! White would have won by 33.Rh5! (with the threat of Qh2) 33...Ra6
(33...g6 34.Rh6) 34.Qh2 Rh6 35.Rxh6 gxh6 36.Bc3 etc. ; But 32...Rb7! 33.Bc3 Ra7 (with the
threat of ...Ra2) 34.Bb1 Ra3 was more resilient.] 33.Bd4 [33.Kg2! was more accurate, with the
main threat of Qe1–h1. ; 33.Rh5 ( 33...g6 34.Rh6 ) was also good; as was 33.Rh3 , condemned
by me in Informator because of 33...Qa7+ , but after 34.Kg2 (or 34.Kh1 Ra6 35.f4) 34...Ra6
35.Rh1 and Kg3 Black is in trouble. At any event, the win here is no longer elementary, but
demands accurate calculation and a certain inventiveness. With the help of his two active
bishops, White can combine various threats – both along the diagonals, and along the h-file, as
well as f3-f4-f5 and also in some cases b4-b5.] 33...Ra6 34.Bb1 (1)A time-trouble defence
against ...Ra2 and the best move. [After 34.Qc3 Ne6 (34...Ng6? 35.e6) 35.Bh7+ Kf8 36.Bc2 with
the threat of Rh8 mate, Black holds on with 36...Kg8 37.Be3 Qd7! ( 38.f4? d4 ).] 34...Ra3 [If
34...Ng6 (Sveshnikov) White has the decisive 35.Rh5! Ra3 36.Kf2 Rb3 37.Bc5 etc; while after
34...Ra4 he has the strong reply 35.Bc2! Rxb4 36.Rh5! . We have to give Karpov his due: in an
extremely difficult position he has managed to create counterplay almost literally out of
nothing.] 35.Rh3 (4) [35.Rh5! was stronger: for example, 35...Rb3 (35...Rxf3? 36.Qh2; or
35...Ng6 36.Kf2 Rb3 37.Bc5 Qe8 38.Bc2 Rb2 39.Qc1 Ra2 40.Kg3 – the king has found a
relatively safe shelter, and there is nothing to prevent White from converting his advantage)
36.Bc2 Qxb4 37.Qf2! Ng6 38.Bxb3 Qxb3 39.Qe3 .] 35...Rb3 (1)Sveshnikov condemned this
move, [suggesting instead 35...Ng6 (?) 36.Bxg6 fxg6 37.e6 Ra6 (but not 37...Qxe6 38.Rh8+!
Kf7 39.Qf4+ with mate; or 37...Rd3 38.Qf4 and wins) , but after 38.Qh2! it is time for Black to

resign ( 38...Rxe6 39.Rh8+ Kf7 40.Qb8 etc).] 36.Bc2 Qxb4 (1) 37.Qf2! 'The threats of Qh4 and
e5-e6 (in view of the fact that nearly all the black pieces are on the queenside) give White the
advantage.' (Sveshnikov) 37...Ng6! A brilliant exchange sacrifice in the time scramble.
[37...Ne6 (?) 38.Qh4 Kf8 , given by me in Informator, would have lost to 39.Bxb3 Bxb3
(39...Qxb3? 40.Bc5+) 40.Bf2 (Geller and Lein), then Qh8+ and so on.] 38.e6! (1)A rapid, purely
intuitive reply, without a detailed calculation of its consequences. [After the obvious 38.Bxb3
both 38...-- a)38...Qxb3 39.Qd2; b), and 38...Bxb3 39.f4 are hopeless; c), but I was afraid of the
intermediate move 38...Nf4! , 'when Black acquires counter-chances' (Sveshnikov): for
example, 39.Rh1 Qxb3 40.Kh2 Qd3 41.Ra1 Ba6 42.Be3 Ne2! . Interesting tactical play, but
nevertheless after 43.Bg5! d4 44.Qe1 White would have retained hopes of converting his
exchange advantage.(c)44.--) ; ] 38...Rb1+ The only move; [if 38...Nf4? White gives mate by
39.Rh8+! Kxh8 40.Qh4+ .] 39.Bxb1? (1)At the decisive moment I faltered, and I hurriedly
grabbed the rook. [In the event of 39.Kh2! things would have been difficult for Black: 39...--
a)39...Rc1? 40.Bxg6 fxg6 (a)or 40...Qd6+ 41.Be5! Qxe5+ 42.f4) 41.Qe3!; b). In Informator I
assessed 39...Re1 40.exf7+ Kxf7 as being in his favour, but after 41.Bxg6+ Kxg6 42.Qc2+ Kf7
43.Qf5+ Ke7 44.Kg3! (as being in his favour, but after 39...Rf1 had been played, 44 Qg5+!
would be good) White wins the g7-pawn, and with it the game.; c). And 39...Qd6+ (Gurevich)
40.Qg3 Qxg3+ 41.Kxg3 leads to a won endgame for White – his bishops together with the rook
simply tear the opponent's position apart: 41...-- c1)41...Rc1 42.Rh2! Re1 (c1)or 42...Bb5
43.Bxg6! (to create a passed pawn) 43...fxg6 44.Rb2 Ba6 45.Rb6! Bc8 46.Rd6 Kf8 47.Be3! Ke7
48.Rb6 Rc7 49.Bg5+ Kf8 50.Kf4) 43.exf7+ Kxf7 44.Rh7 Ne5 45.f4 Nc6 46.Rxg7+ Kf8 47.Bf6;
c2)41...Rb8 42.Rh1! (c2)42.Rh5!?) 42...Re8 (c2)42...Nf8 43.e7) 43.Re1 Bb5 44.Rb1 Bc4 45.exf7+
Kxf7 46.Rb7+ Ne7 47.g5! Ba6 48.g6+ Kf8 49.Rc7 (a7).; ; ] 39...Qxb1+ 40.Kh2 (1) 40...fxe6 The
time scramble came to an end, and I immediately realised what I had done: I had squandered
nearly all of my enormous advantage. Again, for the umpteenth time! Here the game was
adjourned. In a state of semi-shock I began considering my secret move, and I soon concluded
that now there were winning chances only in the endgame. 41.Qb2! (13) [Despite all the
negative emotions, common sense suggested to me that with the queens on – say, after 41.f4
Qe4 42.Kg3 e5 43.fxe5 Be2! etc – Black would easily gain a draw.] 41...Qxb2+ The only move:
Bxg7 was threatened, [and if 41...Qe1? , then 42.Qb8+ Kf7 (42...Nf8 43.Rh8+!) 43.Qc7+ Ne7
44.Qf4+ Ke8 (otherwise it's mate: 44...Kg8 45.Rh8+; or 44...Kg6 45.Rh6+) 45.Rh8+ Kd7 46.Qb8
with a winning attack.] 42.Bxb2 As far as I remember, the outcome of our analysis of this
unusual endgame was not especially cheering for White. The position is probably a draw, but
even so it is worth seeking some possibilities of converting the exchange advantage. And we
studied ways of playing with rook and bishop against knight and bishop (with opposite-
coloured bishops), not only with pawns, but even without them (today the computer has
shown that here the stronger side wins). It is not easy for Black to defend, but when the pawns
become immobilised, the fifty-move drawing rule may come to his aid. It is hard to say what
caused it, but the adjournment session went very well for me. 42...Nf4 ['After 42...e5 43.Rh5
(or 43.Bc1 Kf7 44.Kg3 and Rh2) 43...d4 the reply 44.f4? (but 44.Kg3 comes into consideration)
, is bad in view of 44...d3 ' (Sveshnikov).] 43.Rh4 (1) 43...Nd3 44.Bc3 [44.Ba3 d4 45.Kg3 e5 is
no better.] 44...e5 (5)Up to here we played quite quickly. 45.Kg3 (4) 45...d4 (5)Voluntarily
fixing the pawn chain. [The line 45...e4?! 46.fxe4 (46.Rh5 e3!) 46...Nc5! 47.Kf3! favours White;
but 45...Kf7 was not bad.] 46.Bd2 Bd5 (4) 47.Rh5 (2) 47...Kf7 (18)A noteworthy fact: the
resumption had only just begun, and Karpov was already spending considerable time in
thought. [If Black had prevented the rook from going to h8 by playing 47...Bc4 , it would have
invaded his position by 48.Rh1 and Ra1–a7.] 48.Ba5 (3)Trying to approach the e5-pawn with
the bishop, and then to attack the g-pawn with the rook, in order to somehow break up Black's
defensive construction and at an appropriate moment carry out the undermining f3-f4, after
which the remaining black pawns can be dealt with. However, the extremely limited material
greatly hinders White, and without the opponent's 'help' he probably cannot achieve anything.
48...Ke6 (4)For some reason Sveshnikov condemned this natural move, [thinking that 'in the

event of 48...Bb3 49.Rh8 (49.Bc7!? g6) 49...Nc5 50.Rb8 Bd1 Black could have put up a
tenacious resistance.' But after the waiting move 51.Ra8 he has no fewer problems than in the
game.] 49.Rh8 (6) [49.Bc7 (with the idea of 49...g6 50 Rh8) was hardly any better. 49...-- a).
After 49...Bc6 50.Rg5 Kf6 51.f4 a draw can be gained by 51...exf4+ 52.Bxf4 Nxf4 (a)52...g6
53.Ra5 Ke6 54.Bc7 is not so clear) 53.Kxf4 d3 54.Rf5+ Ke6 55.Ke3 Be8! and ...Bg6. ; b). The
outcome is the same after 49...Bc4!? 50.Rg5 Kf6 51.f4 exf4+ 52.Bxf4 Nxf4 53.Kxf4 Be6 54.Rb5
g5+! ( 55.Rxg5 d3 with a draw).; c). But after 49...Kf6 50.f4! (c)in Informator I gave only
50.Rf5+ Ke6 51.Rf8) 50...exf4+ 51.Bxf4 Nxf4 52.Rf5+ Ke6 53.Kxf4 Bb3 54.Rc5 Black has a less
favourable version of the ending bishop and pawn against rook.; ] 49...Nb2?! (6)'At this
moment of the game I assessed White's winning chances at 40 per cent' (Spassky). [' 49...e4?
was weak because of 50.Re8+; but 49...Bc6 was possible' (Sveshnikov); or 49...Kf6 . Karpov's
attempt to transfer his knight to c4 is dubious, since now not only Black's knight but also his
king moves away from the kingside, and White is able to regroup successfully.] 50.Re8+ (3)
50...Kd6 [50...Kf6? 51.Bd8+ .] 51.Bb4+ (6) 51...Kc6 52.Rc8+ [52.Rxe5? Nd3 .] 52...Kd7 [Of
course, not 52...Kb5? 53.Bf8 with the threat of Rc5+ or Bxg7.] 53.Rc5 Ke6 54.Rc7 The black
king has returned to e6, but during this time White has increased his advantage, having sharply
activated his rook and prepared f3-f4. 54...g6 (15)My first achievement: 'Black has not
managed to maintain his pawn on g7' (Sveshnikov). [Perhaps beforehand Karpov had been
intending the gambit line 54...Nc4 (?) 55.Rxg7 d3 56.-- a), with an interesting draw in the
event of 56.Rg6+ Kf7 57.Ra6 d2 (I gave a detailed analysis of this in Informator); b), but here
noticed that after 56.Re7+! Kf6 57.f4! Black is unable to coordinate his pieces and he loses:
57...-- b1)57...e4? 58.f5 d2 59.Kf4 with the threat of 59...-- 60.g5#; b2)57...exf4+ 58.Kxf4 d2?!
despair; (b2)58...Nb6 59.g5+ and Bd2 is hopeless) 59.g5+ Kg6 60.Bxd2 Nxd2 61.Rd7; b3), or
57...d2 58.g5+ Kg6 59.Bxd2 Nxd2 60.Rxe5 etc.; ; ] 55.Re7+ Kf6 56.Rd7 (16) 56...Ba2 [Both
56...Bf7? 57.g5+ Kg7 58.Be7 (Suetin) ; and 56...Be6? 57.Be7+ Kf7 58.Rc7 Nc4 59.Bg5+
(Polugayevsky) are bad for Black; as is 56...Nd3? 57.Rxd5 Nxb4 58.Rd6+ Kg5 (58...Kf7 59.f4)
59.Rb6 Nd3 60.Re6! Kh6 61.Kh4 Kg7 62.Kg5 etc.] 57.Ra7 (22) 57...Bc4 (16)A curious moment.
[After 57...Bd5 Geller and Lein give a seemingly winning variation with the fall of the g-pawn:
58.-- a)58.Be7+ (?!) 58...Ke6 59.Bg5 Nc4 60.Rg7 -- a1)60...d3 61.Rxg6+ Kf7 62.Rf6+ Kg7 63.Ra6
d2 64.Bxd2 Nxd2 65.Rd6 Nf1+ 66.Kf2 Bc4 67.Rd1 Nh2 (?) (a1)after 67...e4! 68.fxe4 Nh2 Black
saves his knight and the game ( 69.g5 Kg6 70.Rg1 Be6 71.Ke3 Ng4+ 72.Kf4 Nf2 )) 68.Kg2 .; a2).
Moreover, 60...Kd6!? 61.Rxg6+ Kc5 62.Be7+ Kb5 63.Rh6 d3 64.Rh1 d2 65.Rb1+ Ka4 66.Bg5 e4!
67.fxe4 Bxe4 68.Ra1+ Kb5 (threatening ...Bc2) 69.Bxd2 Nxd2 etc also leads to a draw.; ; b).
Therefore after 57...Bd5 the correct continuation is 58.Ra6+! Kf7 (b)or 58...Be6 59.Bd2 with
winning chances) 59.g5 .; ] 58.Ba5? (22)A quite understandably long think (a second successive
one of 22 minutes!) at the start of the third time control. I was trying to find the plan that was
the most dangerous for Black. [But as a result, from the several tempting bishop moves (
58.Be7+ ; 58.Bf8; 58.Bd2 ) I chose the worst! ; And yet White also had some cunning moves
with his rook – in particular 58.Rb7!? with the idea of 58...Bd5 (or 58...Nd3 59.Be7+ Ke6
60.Bg5) 59.Rb6+! .] 58...Bd3? (7)Also a serious error, not noticed by anyone. [Sveshnikov gave
two other replies, after which, in his opinion, 'White would have gained a decisive advantage':
58...Be2 (?) 59.Bd8+ (?) (59.Rc7! Nc4 (59...Nd3 60.Bd2) 60.Bb4 Ne3 61.Rc6+ Kf7 62.Bd2 does
indeed retain chances of success) 59...Ke6 60.Ra2 'and wins', but after 60...Nc4! Black forces a
draw: 61.Rxe2 d3 62.Re1 d2 63.Rd1 Ne3 64.Rxd2 Nf1+ and ...Nxd2. ; 58...Nd3 (!) 59.Bd8+
(while if 59.Bd2 , then 59...g5! (for example, 60.Ra4 Bb5 61.Ra8 e4! etc)) 59...Ke6 60.Rg7
(Black also holds on after 60.Re7+ Kd6 61.Rg7 Nf4 62.Ba5 Bd3) 60...Nf4 61.Bg5 'and wins', but
here too after 61...d3! 62.Re7+ Kd6 the position is a draw. Yes, after 58...Nd3 I would possibly
have been unable to breach Black's defences. But since the 49th move Karpov had been aiming
to reach c4 with his knight, which is why he vacated this square by 58...Bd3. However, now
White's long-planned undermining move f3-f4 becomes strong.] 59.f4! (2) [It is not altogether
clear whether there is a win after 59.Bc7 Nc4 60.Ra6+ Ke7 61.Rc6 e4 62.Bb6 Nxb6 63.Rxb6
exf3 64.Kxf3 Bc2 .] 59...exf4+?! (5)If not Black's previous move, then this one was definitely the

decisive mistake! [59...e4? 60.Bb6 was even worse. ; 59...Ke6 essential, after which there is a
choice between 60.Ra8 (and the more forcing 60.fxe5 Nc4! 61.Bc7 Nxe5! 62.Ra5) 60...Nc4
61.Bb4 with quite good chances of converting the extra exchange, although White would still
have had a fair amount of work to do.] 60.Kxf4 (1)The rest is comparatively simple, since Black
inevitably loses one of his pawns – either d4, or g6. 60...Bc2 (1) [60...Nc4 61.Ra6+ Kf7 62.Bb4
will not do; nor the more resilient 60...g5+ 61.Kg3 Nc4 62.Bd8+ Ke6 63.Bxg5 Bc2 64.Rc7 and
wins. ; Suetin and Sveshnikov considered 60...Ke6 to be better, but after 61.Bb6! Kd5 62.Rd7+
Kc6 63.Rxd4 it is time for Black to resign ( 63...Kxb6 64.Rb4+ and Rxb2).] 61.Ra6+ Kf7 (2)
62.Ke5 (5) 62...Nd3+ (13)Here the d-pawn's fate is no longer a consideration, so Karpov tries
to create something resembling a fortress. [62...d3 63.Ra7+ Ke8 64.Ke6 Bb3+ 65.Kf6; or
62...Nc4+ 63.Kxd4 Nxa5 64.Rxa5 followed by g4-g5 and so on was completely hopeless.]
63.Kxd4 Nf2 (1) 64.g5 This move, cutting off the black king, suggests itself and I made it
quickly, not taking the trouble to think, since I was sure that in the remaining time I would be
able to solve all the problems at the board. [But: 'In this position Karpov recommended
64.Rc6! , disrupting the coordination of the black pieces: 64...Ba4 (otherwise a piece is lost)
65.Rc7+ Ke6 66.g5 , when the knight cannot return to its own territory.' (Geller and Lein)]
64...Bf5 (1) 65.Bd2 (2) 65...Ke7 66.Kd5 (1) 66...Ne4 (4) 67.Ra7+ (1) 67...Ke8 (1) 68.Be3
Nc3+ (1) 69.Ke5 Kd8 70.Bb6+ Ke8 71.Rc7 (3) 71...Ne4 72.Be3 Ng3 (6) 73.Bf4 (9)After
arranging everything 'in the proper way', I again began thinking over my moves: it transpired
that it was not so easy to find a decisive plan. 73...Nh5 (5) [In the event of 73...Ne4?! 74.Rc4
Nf2 75.Bg3 the knight becomes a 'non-returner'.] 74.Ra7 (5) 74...Kf8 (1)This retreat initially
stupefied me. I was expecting the king to run to the queenside, whereas on the kingside I was
hoping to checkmate it without any great difficulty.Gradually I calmed down and step by step I
began working out a winning plan, which consisted of three parts: 1) the white bishop is
established on e5; 2) the white king penetrates to d8 and Black's is driven to f7; 3) the white
king breaks through to e7(e8), and Black is either mated or he loses material. 75.Bh2 (6)
75...Ng7 (1) 76.Bg1 (1) 76...Nh5 77.Bc5+ Kg8 (2) 78.Kd6 (12) 78...Kf8 (1) 79.Bd4 (1)With the
intention of Be5. But here I was not yet sure of success, and in order to check everything
properly I decided to drag things out until the time control on move 88 and again adjourn the
game. 79...Bg4 (1)The knight is tied to h5, [as 79...Nf4 merely hastens the end: 80.Bg7+ Ke8
(or 80...Kg8 81.Be5 etc) 81.Re7+ Kd8 82.Bf6 .] 80.Be5 (18)The first part of the plan is fulfilled.
The second, technically more difficult part is carried out by White with exaggerated lack of
haste. 80...Bf5 (1) 81.Rh7 (1) 81...Kg8 (2) 82.Rc7 Kf8 (3) 83.Kc6 (2) 83...Kg8 (4) 84.Re7 (4)
84...Kf8 (3) 85.Bd6 (2) 85...Kg8 (2) 86.Re8+ Kf7 87.Re7+ (2) 87...Kg8 88.Be5 (1) 88...Kf8
(1)Here the game was adjourned for the second time – the only instance of this over our five
matches. 89.Ra7 (54)The sealed move. Of course, I thought about it for no more than a couple
of minutes, and not almost an hour – it was simply that, by the rules of that time, if one of the
contestants wanted to adjourn the game before the expiry of the playing session, he was
obliged to take all the remaining time on his clock.On returning home from the game, I
immediately showed my trainers the plan I had found. The position was not so complicated as
to enlist the help of a computer (such 'help' was reported in the press, but in those years a
machine was not yet capable of solving such a problem – cf. the letter by Frederic Friedel to 64
1991 No.4). It only remained for us to refine the shortest way to the goal in terms of
moves.However, the next day, 3rd December, we were due not to resume this game, but to
play the next one, the 17th. And here, in order to be in the lead before the start of it, I decided
to take my second time-out. This questionable decision had both pluses and minuses. Today it
seems to me that I should have immediately turned up for the 17th game, since the existence
of such an adjourned position would have psychologically affected Karpov more than me.
However, it is easy to criticise myself twenty years later, and at the time I was tired out after
the very difficult adjournment session. Moreover, I was not having an easy time in my 'black'
games.A day later the 16th game was finally concluded.I should remind you that the last pawn
advance had occurred on the 64th move and the fifty-move rule would come into force on the

114th. Thus I had 25 moves left in which to achieve the win, but thirteen proved sufficient, and
on them I spent just four minutes on the clock. 89...Bg4 (7) 90.Kd6 Bh3 (12) [Little would have
been changed by 90...Bf5 91.Ra3! , for example: 91...-- a)91...Ke8 92.Re3 Kf7 93.Kc7 Be6 (a)or
93...Ke6 (to freedom!) 94.Bh2+ Kd5 95.Re7 Bc2 96.Kd8 Ba4 97.Re5+ Kd4 98.Re6 Bc2 99.Ke7 ,
reaching the g6-pawn) 94.Kd8 Bd5 95.Bb2 Nf4 96.Re7+ Kg8 (a)96...Kf8 97.Ba3!) 97.Ra7 Nd3
98.Bc3 Kf8 99.Rd7 Bc4 100.Rd6; b)91...Kf7 92.Re3 -- b1), and 92...Be6 93.Kc7 Ke7 94.Bb2 Nf4
(b1)94...Kf7 95.Kd8) 95.Ba3+ Kf7 96.Rf3 is bad for Black; b2), as is 92...Bg4 93.Kc7 Ke6 94.Bh2+
Kd5 (b2)or 94...Kf7 95.Kd8 Be6 (b2)95...Ng7 96.Re7+ Kf8 97.Bd6!) 96.Ra3 Bc4 (b2)96...Ng7
97.Ra7+ Kf8 98.Bd6+ and Ke7) 97.Ra7+ Ke6 98.Ke8 , winning the g6-pawn or a piece ( 98...Kf5
99.Ra5+ )) 95.Re7 Bf5 96.Kd8 and Ke8-f7 ; b3)92...Bc2 93.Kd7; ; ] 91.Ra3! Bg4 92.Re3 Bf5 (15)
93.Kc7 Kf7 (6) 94.Kd8 (1)The second stage of the plan has been completed. Now the white
king wants to break through to e7(e8). 94...Bg4 (1) [After 94...Ke6 the black king would avoid
perishing in the corner, but would be driven away from its own pawn: 95.Bh2+ Kd5 96.Ke8
Kd4 97.Re1 Kd5 98.Kf7 followed by the switching of the rook to the sixth rank (or to g8) and
Rxg6.] 95.Bb2! An important nuance: in order to drive the king into the corner, the stalemated
knight has to be released. I think that Karpov was taken aback by the rapidity and extreme
precision of my play, and some observers were also surprised (apparently it was this that gave
rise to rumours about 'computer assistance'). 95...Be6 (4) [If 95...Nf4 , then 96.Re7+ Kg8
(96...Kf8 97.Ba3!) 97.Ke8 Ne6 98.Rf7 with unavoidable mate.] 96.Bc3 Bf5 (1) 97.Re7+ Kf8 (1)
98.Be5 (1) 98...Bd3 (2) 99.Ra7 Be4 (2) 100.Rc7 (1) 100...Bb1 101.Bd6+ Kg8 (12)The agonising
think was not about this natural move, but the next one... 102.Ke7 (1)The conclusion of the
third part of the plan.[Black resigned, realising that after 102.Ke7 Ng7 (or 102...Bf5 103.Be5)
103.Rc8+ Kh7 104.Be5 there was no way he would last out without a single capture until the
cherished 114th move. Times: 6.23–5.54.] 1–0

This was not only the most protracted game in our matches, but also the longest game with a
positive result in the entire history of world championship matches.

Thus, after eight successive draws and much suffering, I again managed to take the lead: 8½-
7½. Alas, the following day I suffered a set-back in the Grünfeld Defence, and the scores
became equal. But, although the loss of the 17th game was very painful, I still had the feeling
that as soon as I stopped leaving pieces en prise, the scales would tip in my favour.

In the next 'white' game, reckoning that we had already hoodwinked the opponent enough
with Scotch problems, I decided to revert to the Ruy Lopez, where we had some fresh ideas.
But Karpov again got his novelty in first, for the umpteenth time destroying the myth about my
overwhelming superiority in opening preparation. Incidentally, at this game nearly all the
directors of the Grandmasters Association were present (a meeting and a press conference of
the GMA Board took place in Lyon). In the auditorium one sensed an unusual excitement and
the expectation of something out of the ordinary. Would the extraordinary events of the 1986
match be repeated, when after winning the 16th game I suffered three successive defeats?

Game 72
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 18th Game, Lyons 8/9.12.1990
Ruy Lopez C92

1.e4 e5 (1) 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0–0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0–0 9.h3 Nd7 (1)
[For the fourth and last time, instead of 9...Bb7 .] 10.d4 Bf6 11.a4! (2) 11...Bb7 (1) 12.Na3 (1)
[More promising than 12.axb5?! (6th game); or 12.Be3 (8th game).] 12...exd4 (1) 13.cxd4
Nb6!? (3) [And here is the novelty, of a higher quality than 13...Na5 (12th game), after which I
had prepared 14.axb5! axb5 15.Bc2! b4 16.Nb5! . But now I had to have a substantial think.]
14.Bf4! (46)'Simple, solid play, without any guile, but at the same time thematic. The threat is

15 axb5 axb5 16 Nxb5 with the win of a pawn, and therefore Black must immediately
determine his pawn structure on the queenside.' (Vasyukov)Even so, this is a responsible
decision: White presents his opponent with the advantage of the two bishops. 'An ordinary
player, naturally, would first have played 14 axb5. What distinguishes a world champion is an
ability to take non-routine decisions! A normal person would be simply horrified by the
prospect of losing his "Spanish" bishop!' (Kholmov) [In the event of 14.axb5 axb5 nothing
would be given by either: 15.-- a)15.Bf4 , in view of 15...b4 16.Nb5 (a)16.Nc2 Na5) 16...Rxa1!
(a)Geller and Lein's move 16...Ba6 is not so clear because of 17.e5) 17.Qxa1 Qd7; b), or 15.d5
(14 d5 really is better) 15...Ne5 16.Rb1 (b)or 16.Ra2 c6) 16...Qd7 .; c). Therefore my trainers
and I studied 15.Rb1 Ba6 (c)or 15...Na5 16.Nxb5 Ba6 17.e5) 16.Nc2 Na5 17.Nb4 Nxb3 18.Qxb3
Bb7 19.d5 with a minimal plus for White. But this was not used, since after the present game
the variation with 13...Nb6 practically went out of use.; ] 14...bxa4 (3)The correct reply, [of
course: 14...b4?! drives the knight towards the centre – 15.Nc2 , and after 15...Na5 16.Nxb4
Black has no compensation for the pawn.] 15.Bxa4 Nxa4 None of the experts commented on
this natural and instant exchange, [and only Vasyukov suggested 15...Nb4 16.Bb3 (but after
16.Nc2! a5 17.Bb5 White has an enduring advantage) 16...a5 (½–½ Balogh-Naiditsch, Sibenik
2009).; I noticed that 15...a5 was also dubious because of 16.Bb5! .] 16.Qxa4 In return for his
'Spanish' bishop White has a dynamic pawn pair in the centre and the possibility of pressure on
the queenside. Black is forced to defend patiently, but for the moment he has a comparatively
acceptable game. 16...a5 (1)Also a seemingly logical move – creating a support pillar for the
knight on b4. [16...Qd7? 17.Nc4 (threatening Na5) 17...Rad8 18.d5 favours White; but
16...Qe8 came into consideration: for example, 17.Nc2 (or 17.Qc4 (occupying the place of the
knight) 17...Qd7 with the idea of ...Ne7-g6, and Black's sufferings are only slight) 17...Nd8!
18.Qb3 (b4) 18...Qb5 , approaching equality.] 17.Bd2! (5) [After 17.Nc2 Nb4 18.Qb3 c5 (or
18...Re8 it is hard for White to achieve anything tangible.) ] 17...Re8 (1)Again a sensible idea –
pressure on the centre. [In the event of 17...Ra6 18.d5 Nb4 19.Nc4! Black has more problems:
19...Nd3 20.Re3 Nxb2 (20...Nc5 21.Qc2) 21.Nxb2 Bxb2 22.Rb1 Rb6 23.Rb3 Bf6 24.Bxa5 Qa8!
25.Qa3! Rxb3 26.Rxb3 c5 27.Bc7 Be7 28.Qxa8 Bxa8 29.Rb6 , stealing up on the d6-pawn.;
Polugayevsky recommended 17...Qe8 (with the threat of ...Nxd4) 18.Qb5 (but 18.Nb5! is
stronger) 18...Rb8 (or 18...Ba6 .) ; ' 17...Rb8 suggested itself, in order to answer 18.d5 with
18...Nb4 . However, after 19.Bxb4 axb4 20.Nc4! (20.Qxb4? Bxd5) 20...Bc8 21.Rac1 Bd7 22.Qb3
all the same Black ends up as the defending side [18 Nc2! is even better – G.K.]. Therefore
Karpov prefers to give up a pawn immediately, in order to open the position and gain counter-
chances, exploiting the power of his long-range bishops.' (Kholmov)] 18.d5 (5) 18...Nb4!?
(1)Following the scheme of play planned in home preparation. [In the event of 18...Ne5
19.Nxe5 Bxe5 20.Nc4 Black would have lost a pawn without sufficient compensation: 20...f5?!
(or 20...Bd4 21.Bc3 Bc5! (if 21...Bxc3 22.bxc3 f5 , then 23.Qb3!) 22.Qc2! Qg5 23.Rxa5 Rxa5
24.Bxa5 Bc8 25.Qc3 repulsing the threats on the kingside (true, in this position Black has some
counterplay in the spirit of the Arkhangelsk Variation of the Spanish)) 21.exf5 Bxd5 22.Nxe5
Rxe5 23.Rxe5 dxe5 24.Qg4! etc.] 19.Bxb4 (7) 19...axb4 (1) 20.Qxb4 Rb8 (1)Karpov very
confidently and quickly reproduced the first 20 moves on the board, spending just 16 minutes
on them. But my next move came as such a surprise to him that he thought for a whole hour!
21.Qc4! (9)This paradoxical move (a counter-sacrifice of the b2-pawn!) provoked a furore in
the press centre. [Since 21.Nb5 c5! (Vasyukov) is dubious for White; everyone was analysing
the obvious 21.Qd2!? c6! (pointed out by Spassky in the match bulletin). After this both
Kholmov and Polugayevsky gave only 22.Nc4 cxd5 23.exd5 Rxe1+ 24.Nxe1 (?!), (but after
24.Rxe1! it is more difficult for Black to obtain full compensation for the pawn: now if 24...Rc8
there is both 25.b3 (and 25.Qf4! ( 25...Bxd5? 26.Nxd6 , winning)) ) , after which 24...Rc8! is
possible, with good counterplay. (If 24...h6 ; or 24...Qc7 , then 25.Ne3 is strong; or if 24...Qd7
– 25.b4 .) ] I think that the commentators rather over-praised my queen move to c4 ('a deep
penetration into the secrets of the position', 'a brilliant way of transforming one form of
advantage – material, into another – positional', etc). It deserves a '!' mainly for its surprise

effect and for the fact that I managed to figure out a complicated problem at the board. It
somehow dawned on me that Karpov and his helpers would almost certainly not have looked
at 21 Qc4. And I guessed right! The opponent's reaction exceeded my expectations... 21...Qc8?
(63)A serious mistake, made after an agonising think of record duration (only I thought for
longer in our 1987 match). Its psychological origin is of interest. Why did Black not risk taking
on b2 and fighting with equal material, but instead went in for a difficult and, above all,
unpromising defence a pawn down? [Karpov was probably unsettled by the unanticipated
move 21 Qc4, and after 21...Bxb2 22.Ra2 he imagined all sorts of horrors. And not only he! As
Roshal reported from the scene of events, 'in the press centre at that moment they were
unable to find an acceptable continuation for Black'. 22...-- a). And indeed, 22...Qf6 (?),
hoping for 23.Qxc7 (?) (a)23.Rb1! Ba8 24.Nb5 Be5 25.Ra7 and wins) 23...Rec8 24.Qd7
(Spassky, Vasyukov) 24...Ba6! does not work; b), while after 22...Bxa3?! 23.Rxa3 followed by
Nd4 Black is in a vice (and also the c7-pawn is very weak).; c). In the opinion of Geller and Lein,
'Black's position is not eased in any way' by 22...Bf6 (!) 23.Nb5 Qd7 24.Nfd4! c1)24.Nbd4 is
inaccurate because of 24...Ra8!; c2), as is 24.Ra7 , given by me in Informator, in view of
24...Ba6 (c2)or 24...c5 with equality) ; 24...-- c1). Spassky and Vasyukov also add 24...Bxd4 (?)
25.Nxd4 , and this is indeed bad for Black: Ra7 is threatened, and after 25...Ra8 26.Rxa8 Rxa8
27.Rc1 he cannot breathe. ; c2)24...Ra8? also will not do in view of 25.Rxa8 and Qxc7.; c3).
However, 24...g6! was more or less acceptable, with the idea of 25.Nxc7?! (c3)although after
25.Ra7 White retains appreciable pressure (say, 25...Re7 26.Nc3! Qc8 27.Rb1 ), there is still all
to play for) 25...Rec8 26.Ndb5 Bd8 27.Rc1 Bxd5 28.Qxd5 Rxb5 , equalising. But Karpov thought
it more promising to try for counterplay against the backward b2-pawn – 21...Qc8 and ...Ba6.; ;
] 22.Nd4! (14) 22...Ba6 23.Qc3 The only move, but sufficient. 23...c5?! (3)This attempt to
enliven the play proves unsuccessful, since in the end it merely makes things easier for White.
But what should be done instead? [Geller and Lein recommended 23...Rb6 with the variation
24.Nac2 ('In the event of 24.b4 Qb7 25.Rab1 Black also has nothing to hope for' (Kholmov): for
example, 25...Rb8 26.Qe3 Bxd4 27.Qxd4 , and 27...Rxb4? fails to 28.Rxb4 Qxb4 29.Rb1)
24...Qb7 25.b3 (?) (25.b4! Bb5 26.Ra5 is obviously stronger) 25...Bb5 26.Qd3 c5 27.dxc6 Bxc6 ,
'and it is not at all easy for White to convert his material advantage.' ; Apparently, Black should
have preferred the waiting move 23...Qb7 24.Nac2 (Polugayevsky) 24...Bb5!? (24...Qb6
25.Ra4! and Rea1) , and although after 25.Ra5 Bd7 26.b3 Black's position is also unenviable, at
least he is not losing by force. However, my opponent did not like to 'stand and wait' in
permanently inferior positions.] 24.dxc6 Bxd4 25.Qxd4 Qxc6 26.b4! (8)Getting rid of the
weakness on b2. [It would appear that, when he played 23...c5, Karpov underestimated this
move and was only expecting the quiet continuation 26.Rac1 Qb6 (b7), when Black would
retain chances of a draw, by aiming to exchange his d-pawn for the b-pawn and exploit the
'backwardness' of the knight on a3.] 26...h6 (6) [After 26...Qb6? 27.Qxb6 Rxb6 28.b5! Bxb5 (if
28...Bc8 (b7), then 29.Nc4) 29.Reb1! and Rxb5 the weakness of the eighth rank causes Black's
downfall.] 27.Re3 (1) 27...Re6 (12) 28.f3! (3)The game is essentially decided: White has firmly
supported his e4-pawn, and his extra passed b-pawn has been transformed from a weakness
into a real strength. 28...Rc8 (5) 29.Rb3 (3) 29...Bb5 (12) [If 29...Qa4 the best is 30.Rc3 and
Nc2, quickly centralising the knight.] 30.Rb2! (3) 30...Qb7 (2) 31.Nc2 (3) 31...Qe7 (3) 32.Qf2?!
(9)Again, as had already occurred many times in this match, in anticipation of a quick win my
aim lost its accuracy. 'It is not clear why the queen was withdrawn from its strong position.'
(Geller and Lein) [I wanted to play Nd4 as soon as possible, in order to drive the bishop from
b5 and begin advancing my b-pawn, but: ' 32.Ne3 Qg5 33.Nf5! would have won quickly, for
example: 33...Rc1+ (33...Rg6 34.f4!; and after the more resilient 33...Kh7 ; or 33...Rc4 there is
the strong reply 34.h4!) 34.Rxc1 Qxc1+ 35.Kh2 Qf4+ (35...Re5 36.Rf2) 36.g3 Qe5 37.f4! Qf6
38.Qxf6 Rxf6 39.Nd4 ' (Polugayevsky). (Or 39.Ne7+! and Nd5. ) ] 32...Rg6 (2)Trying to exploit
the opponent's inaccuracy. [The other attempt 32...d5 is hopeless in view of 33.Nd4 Ra6
34.Rd1! Bd7 35.exd5 (or even 35.b5 .) ] 33.Ne3 (11) [Now in the event of 33.Nd4?! Bd7 the
h3-pawn is hanging, and after 34.Kh1 (34.b5! Bxh3 35.Qe3 is stronger, but one does not want

to give up an extra pawn!) 34...d5! 35.exd5 Qe5 36.b5 Qxd5 37.b6 Rb8 Black retains saving
chances.] 33...Qe5 (2) 34.Rbb1 [34.Qd2!? .] 34...Bd7 (3) [After 34...Rb8 (Polugayevsky),
35.Ra7 followed by Nd5 or Nf5 is strong. Here I realised that with the help of inactive
manoeuvres alone the game could not be won, and I forced myself to concentrate.] 35.Ra5!
(3) 35...Qe7 (3) [In the opinion of Geller and Lein, 35...Qd4 36.Rd5 Qb6 was more resilient,
but White would have defended against the threat of ...Bxh3 by 37.g4 (or 37.h4!? and then
continued proceeding towards his goal.) ] 36.Ra7 (3) 36...Qd8 (1) 37.Nd5 (1) 37...Kh7 [Of
course, not 37...Bxh3? 38.Ne7+ .] 38.Kh2 (2)In slight time-trouble I played as solidly as
possible. [38.b5! would have been more quickly decisive, since 38...Bxh3 fails to 39.Nf4 .]
38...Rb8 (1) 39.f4 (1)'An inaccuracy' (Spassky), but in my opinion, although this move is not
obligatory, it does not spoil anything. 39...Re6 [39...f5?! 40.Rc1! fxe4 41.Rcc7 and wins.]
40.Qd4 (2) 40...Qe8! (1)The time control was reached, and here the game was adjourned.
41.Re1! (3) [With this sealed, 'generally consolidating' move I avoided an amusing trap:
41.Nc7? Rxe4 , when the artless 42.Qxd6 (White can play more subtly – 42.Qd3 , but here too
after 42...Qe7! 43.Nd5 Bb5! 44.Qxb5 Qxa7 45.Nf6+ gxf6 46.Qf5+ Kg7 47.Qxe4 Qa4 he loses
nearly all his advantage) 42...Qc8! 43.Na6 (43.Rb3! is nevertheless better) , leads after
43...Bxh3! 44.Nxb8 Qg4! 45.Ra2 Bxg2! 46.Qd7 f5! 47.Rxg2 Qh4+ 48.Kg1 Re1+ to perpetual
check. ; That is also the case after 41.e5 (?) 41...dxe5 42.fxe5 Bc6! 43.Nc7?! (or 43.Qd3+ Kh8
44.Nc7 Qe7 (Polugayevsky), and if 45.b5 , then 45...Bxg2! 46.Kxg2 Rxe5) 43...Rg6! with
equality (Spassky).Now, however, it was possible to find the best way of converting the extra
pawn in calm analysis at home. The adjournment session, which took place the next day, did
not last very long.] 41...Bc6 (1) 42.Qd3! (1)The fruits of our high-quality analysis are
immediately seen: White makes a series of strong, energetic moves. 42...Qf8 (2)A difficult
choice (the fork Nc7 was threatened). 43.Rc1! (20) 43...Bxd5 (1) 44.exd5+! Rg6 (1) 45.Qf5 (2)
45...Kg8 (2) [If 45...Qe8 46.Rxf7 Qe3 White decides matters with 47.Rxg7+! Kxg7 48.Rc7+
followed by 48...Kh8 49.Qxg6 Qxf4+ 50.Qg3 Rxb4 51.Rc6 .] 46.Rac7 Rf6 [46...Rd8 47.b5 .]
47.Qd7 Rd8 (5) 48.Qxd8! Transposing into a rook endgame with the black rook cut off is the
simplest way to win. 48...Qxd8 49.Rc8 (1) 49...Qf8 (1) 50.R1c4! Rf5 (2) 51.Rxf8+ (1) 51...Kxf8
52.Rd4 One can only feel sympathy for the black rook, but there is no way of helping it. 52...h5
(1) [52...g5 53.g4!; or 52...Ke7 53.g4 Rf6 54.b5 Kd7 55.Rc4 h5 56.b6 was equally hopeless.]
53.b5 (2) 53...Ke7 (1) 54.b6 Kd7 55.g4! 'It is all over – the rook is forced to abandon the 5th
rank (where it was attacking the d5-pawn) and the passed pawn cannot be stopped. No, the
Leningrad variation of 1986 did not apply. The spiral of history made a sharp turn.' (Vasyukov)
55...hxg4 (1) 56.hxg4 Rf6 57.Rc4 . Faced with an invasion of the 7th rank, Black resigned.
Times: 2.56–2.34. 1–0

An important win, gained at a moment when the opponent had levelled the score in the match
and was full of optimistic hopes. I again took the lead (9½-8½), but more importantly, I
undermined Karpov's belief in the possibility of regaining the title, although, as was his custom,
he continued fighting with all his might to the very end.

Before the next game the ex-champion took his second time-out. It was clear that he would try
to recoup his losses (in this match we both won only with White), and so I gave up the ill-
starred Grünfeld Defence and reverted to the King's Indian. This proved to be a happy choice.

Game 73
A.Karpov-G.Kasparov, World Championship Match, 19th Game, Lyons 12.12.1990

34...Nc5! An unexpected pawn sacrifice. [Karpov was probably expecting 34...Nxd5 35.Rb5 ,
when after both 35...Nf6 (and 35...Ra5 36.Qb1 (Geller and Lein) (or 36.Qb3 (Averbakh) White
has counterplay) ) 36.Rxb6 (Azmaiparashvili and Giorgadze). Now, however, his task is far
harder.] 35.Rxb6 (1) 35...Nce4! (1) 36.Rc6! (1) ['If 36.Be1 , then 36...Nxd5 ' (Averbakh)
(36...Qc5! 37.Rb3 Ra1 is better, with a sizeable advantage for Black: 38.Bf3 (this defence was
suggested by Speelman) (or 38.Qd3 Qd4! 39.Rb1 Rfa8 etc) 38...Rc1 39.Qd3 Rxc4 40.Re2
Ng3+!?) , but after 37.Rb1 Ndf6 38.Bf3 Qc6 the position is equal.; The following lines were also
insufficient: 36.Bf3 Nxf2+ 37.Nxf2 Qc5! 38.Rb1 (or 38.Rb5 Qd4! 39.Rb1 Rfc8 40.Ne4 Rxc4
41.Nxf6+ Kf7 etc) 38...Ra3 (Azmaiparashvili and Giorgadze).] 36...Qb7 (4) 37.Be1? (2) [In the
opinion of Geller and Lein, this is a 'serious mistake' and 'better was 37.Bd3 (or first 37 c5)
37...Nxf2+ 38.Nxf2 -- a)38...Ra1+ 39.Rg1 ' etc.; b). But here 38...Be3! is stronger: for example,
39.Rxd6 ...Ra1+ was threatened, (b)and if 39.Rg1 , then 39...Ra3) 39...Qb4! 40.Rxf6 (forced,
alas) 40...Rxf6 41.Qe2 (b)or 41.Rg1 Rfa6) 41...Qc5 and White does not have sufficient
compensation for the exchange.; ; It was also not good to play 37.Bf3?! Nxf2+ (Averbakh)
38.Nxf2 (or 38.Rxf2 Ra1!) 38...Ra3!; But 37.c5! would indeed have retained hopes of
equalising: 37...Ra1 (37...Nxf2+ 38.Rxf2!) 38.cxd6 Rc1 39.Qd3 Nxf2+ 40.Rxf2 Rxc6 41.dxc6
Qxc6+ 42.Rf3 Kg7 (or 42...e4 43.Qc4+) 43.Qc4 , and White should hold on.Now, however, Black
acquires real chances of winning.] 37...Ra1 (3) 38.Bf3 (1) 38...Nc5 (2) [The move that suggests
itself, but 38...Rb8 was also interesting; although the best was 38...Qa7! 39.Bxe4 Qa3 , when
White is on the verge of defeat ( 40.Bd3 e4! ).] 39.Bc3 Rc1 (6)Black has a clear advantage, but
here came an unexpected finish, which provoked a great commotion in the chess press.Draw
agreed – on Black's proposal! Times: 2.25–2.19.[It is said that when the clocks were stopped
and we shook hands, in the press centre they decided that Karpov must have resigned. It is
indeed easy to believe this, looking at the final position. After the forced 39...Rc1 40.Qb2
(40.Qa2? Nfe4!) , Black has two tempting possibilities: 40...-- a)40...Qxb2 41.-- a1), and if
41.Rxb2 , then not 41...Na4 (Spassky) (a1)but 41...Nd3! 42.Rg2 (a1)42.Rb3 Nf2+) 42...Ra8!
with the terrible threat of ...e5-e4 (and if 43.Kg1 (a1)or 43.Rc7 , then 43...Ne4! ).) ) 42.Rb3
with equality; a2)41.Bxb2 is more resilient, for example: 41...-- a21)41...Rxc4 , and 'White faces
a struggle for a draw' (Averbakh), but by 42.Be2 (a21)42.Rxd6 is also possible) 42...Rc2 43.Bf1
Rxg2 44.Kxg2 Nxg4 45.Rxd6 he achieves his aim; a22)41...Rb1! 42.Rg1 (a22)42.Rxd6? e4!;
a22)also weak is 42.Ba3 e4 43.Be2 Nfd7; a22)or 42.Bc3 Na4! 43.Rc2 Nxc3 44.Rxc3 Ra8
45.Rxd6 Kg7) 42...Nce4 , and 'Black's chances are to be preferred, despite him being a pawn
down' (Krogius). After 43.c5!? (a22)43.Kg2? Rb8!; a22)while if 43.Rb6 , then 43...Ng3+)
43...Nxc5 44.Ba3 (a22)44.Bc3 Nfe4!) 44...e4 45.Be2 Nd3! 46.Bxd6 Bxd6 47.Rxd6 (a22)or
47.Bxd3 exd3 48.Rxd6 Nxg4! White is probably unable to save himself) 47...Nf4 48.Ba6 (c4)

48...Nxg4!; ; ; b)40...Qa7! (recommended by Azmaiparashvili and Giorgadze; 40...Qa8 allows 41
Rxc5!) 41.Qa2 (b)the only move: 41.Rxd6? Qa4!; b)or 41.Bd2? e4! and wins) 41...Qa4! 42.Qxa4
Nxa4 . This ending is even worse for White than the one examined earlier, and no way of
saving it is apparent: 43.-- b1)43.Ba5 e4 44.Be2 Ra8 45.Bb4 Nb2 and ...Nxd1; b2)43.Bb4 e4
44.Be2 Rb1! 45.Bxd6 (b2)45.Be1 Nb2) 45...Bxd6 46.Rxd6 Nc3 47.c5 (b2)or 47.Rb6 Rc1 and
...Nxe2) 47...Nxe2; b3)43.Bb2 Rb1 44.Ra6 (b3)44.Rc2 Rb8!) 44...e4 45.Bxf6 exf3 46.Rg1 Nc5
47.Ra1 Rxa1 48.Bxa1 Ne4 49.Re1 f2! .; ; ] ½–½

But before the time control at move 40 I was so exhausted that I could no longer delve into the
subtleties of the position, and I was desperate to relieve the burden of the intense pressure as
soon as possible. The very thought of the forthcoming adjournment, an endless night of
analysis and playing on the following day was unbearable for me. My brain was demanding a
rest, and I offered a draw.

However, this story had not only regrettable, but also positive consequences for me: in the
next, 20th game Karpov with Black went in for open play, taking a risk. Well, that day he
himself sowed the wind - and he reaped the whirlwind, allowing me to create the most
brilliant game of the match.

Game 74
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, World Championship Match, 20th Game, Lyons 15.12.1990
Ruy Lopez C92

Razuvaev: 'In the early 1980s grandmaster Lev Psakhis and I were once discussing Kasparov's
style of play. Lev found an interesting and, in my opinion, accurate description. "You see", he
said, "when Tal attacks it is like a storm. Wave after wave, roller after roller. And each one
needs to be endured. But with Kasparov it is a tsunami. The entire board is engulfed, and only
a miracle can enable the opponent to emerge unscathed." Quite nicely said. And here is
another curious observation: the first hurricane came in the 2nd game, and the second in the
20th. The world champion's liking for the magic of numbers is well known.' 1.e4 e5 (5)As far as
I remember, Karpov was not considering playing the Caro-Kann, but was simply slightly late.
2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0–0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0–0 9.h3 Bb7 Again the
Zaitsev Variation, [while 9...Nd7 (Game No.73) is sent off for repairs.] 10.d4 Re8 11.Nbd2 (1)
11...Bf8 (1) 12.a4 h6 (1) 13.Bc2 exd4 (1) 14.cxd4 Nb4 15.Bb1 (2) 15...c5 [Not 15...bxa4 –
Game No.69.] 16.d5 Nd7 17.Ra3 (2) 17...f5 A repetition of the risky variation from the 4th
game. Karpov had decided to engage in a large-scale battle! 18.Rae3 (4) [An attempt to
improve White's play compared with 18.exf5 (4th and 22nd games). ; This line, along with
others, was one that I had analysed with Beliavsky (and he, I remember, disputed the
immediate 18.Nh2 with 18...Qe7!? ).] 18...Nf6 (4)Quite a rapid reply, [although in the earlier
game Timman-Karpov (9th match game, Kuala Lumpur 1990) after 18...f4 19.-- a)19.R3e2 (?!)
19...Ne5 (a)19...Qf6!?) 20.Nf1?! (a)20.Nxe5 dxe5 is equal) 20...Nxf3+ 21.gxf3 Qh4 Black had no
problems(a)21...Qg5+! 22.Kh1 Bc8 is even better, Bezgodov-Yakovenko, Tomsk 1998.) ; b).
However, the rook on e2 is badly placed, and I was planning 19.Ra3! : for example, 19...Qf6
(b)or 19...Ne5 (Timoshchenko-Shapiro, USA 1990) 20.Nxe5!? (b)20.Nf1 Qf6 21.Bd2 was also
studied) 20...dxe5 21.b3 and Bb2, retaining a small plus) 20.Nb3 Ne5 (b)20...Nb6?! 21.Na5 , De
Firmian-A.Ivanov, Chicago 1988) 21.Na5 Bc8 22.Bd2 Bd7 23.Qc1 .; ] 19.Nh2! [An unexpected
novelty (previously 19.Nh2 had occurred), after which for the first time Karpov sank deep into
thought, on seeing that in the event of 19...fxe4?! 20.Nxe4 the threat to the d5-pawn is
ephemeral: 20...-- a)20...Nbxd5? 21.Nxf6+ Nxf6 22.Rxe8 Nxe8 23.Qd3 Nf6 24.Ng4; b), or
20...Nfxd5? 21.Rg3! (the point of my idea) 21...Re6 (b)21...Kh8 22.Bxh6! , and if 22...gxh6 then
23.Qg4 Nf6 24.Nxf6 Rxe1+ 25.Nf1 , mating) 22.Ng4 Kh8 23.Nxh6! with crushing threats. ;
c)20...Nxe4 21.Rxe4 Rxe4 22.Bxe4 Qf6 23.Qh5 Be7 24.Rd1 also favours White.How should

Black respond, in order to restrain the opponent's attacking surge?; ] 19...Kh8?! (23)A
questionable reply: Black wastes a tempo, without solving the problem of his king.
[Annotating this game in Informator, I recommended 19...Qd7!? , and six months later Karpov
played this against me in Amsterdam (Game No.33 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1998-2009) .; True,
the move 19...Kh8 also had its virtues: in our analysis we had not looked at it. We had mainly
studied 19...fxe4 ; and briefly 19...Re5 20.b3 . Therefore here also, after a good think, I
advanced my b2-pawn.] 20.b3! (23)'An important link in White's plan – the bishop is needed
on the long diagonal.' (Krogius). I think that this decision was psychologically unpleasant for
Karpov: the black king has only just taken shelter on h8, and suddenly the bishop takes aim
from b2. 20...bxa4 (20)'After again spending a good deal of time, Karpov did not find anything
better.' (Polugayevsky). [And, indeed, 20...fxe4?! 21.Nxe4 was still dubious, for example: 21...-
- a)21...Nbxd5? 22.Nxf6 Rxe3 (a)22...Nxe3 loses immediately to 23.Qd3) 23.Rxe3! Nxf6 24.Ng4
d5 25.Qc2 and wins; b)21...Bxd5? 22.Nxf6 Rxe3 23.Rxe3 Qxf6 24.Ng4! (b)24.Bd2 , given by me
in Informator, is inaccurate because of 24...Qf7) 24...Qd4 (b)now if 24...Qf7 there is the strong
reply 25.axb5 axb5 26.Bb2 Qh5 27.Rg3!) 25.Bd2 bxa4 (b)25...Kg8 26.Rg3) 26.Nxh6! and wins;
c)21...Nfxd5?! 22.Rg3! (c)in Informator I gave 22.Rf3 Nf6 23.Rxf6 gxf6 24.Ng4 , but this is
unclear in view of 24...Bxe4 25.Rxe4 Rxe4 26.Bxe4 d5) 22...Nf6 (c)not 22...Qc7? 23.Ng4 Re6
24.Nxh6!) 23.Nxf6 Qxf6 24.Bd2! Rxe1+ (c)24...d5? 25.Ng4) 25.Bxe1 Qf7 (c)25...Qe6? 26.Bxb4!
cxb4 27.Qd3 Qg8 28.Ng4 etc) 26.Bc3 Nd5 27.Ba1 with a strong attack; d)21...Nxe4 22.Rxe4
Rxe4 23.Bxe4 , and the long-range white bishops cause Black a mass of problems (as is also the
case after 19...fxe4?! 20 Nxe4 Nxe4 21 Rxe4 Rxe4 22 Bxe4).; ] 21.bxa4 (3) 21...c4? 'Karpov's
striving to sharpen the play on the queenside is readily understandable and explicable.'
(Razuvaev). [But this quickly-played move is apparently wrong, and 21...fxe4!? 22.Nxe4 should
finally have been preferred. 22...-- a). Here it is again dangerous to play 22...Nfxd5?! 23.Rg3!
Nf6 24.Nxf6 Qxf6 25.Bd2! (Geller and Lein); b), but 22...Bxd5! 23.Nxf6 Rxe3 24.Rxe3 Qxf6 has
become possible 25.-- b1), since after 25.Ng4? , there is no time for Nxh6 because of 25...Qa1!
26.Bd2 Ba2! – there is where the nuance lies!; b2). And 'in the event of 25.Bd2 Bg8 (?!) it is
not easy for White to continue the attack' (Krogius). (b2)more interesting is 25...Qf7 26.Ng4;
b2)or 25...Rb8 26.Ng4 Qf7 27.Bc3 , when White has excellent compensation for the pawn, but
the play is still very unclear and double-edged) . However, the bishop retreat (to say nothing of
Geller and Lein's variation 25...Qd4? 26 Nf3, winning) in fact makes things easier for him after
26.Ng4 .; ; ] 22.Bb2 (16) 22...fxe4?! (34)Exchanging at this particular moment loses the battle,
but it is already hard to offer Black good advice. [Thus he cannot be satisfied with 22...Nd3?!
23.Bxd3 cxd3 24.exf5 (Razuvaev) 24...Rxe3 25.Rxe3 and Rxd3.; In the press centre
grandmasters Spassky and Polugayevsky examined 22...Rc8 , and considered it to be the best
defence. Geller and Lein were of the same opinion, since after 23.Qf3! Qd7 (again 23...fxe4?
24.Nxe4 is weak) 24.Bxf6 gxf6 'the c4-pawn becomes dangerous'. But the obvious 25.Rc1 ,
pointed out by me in Informator, would have left White with a stable advantage: 25...Nd3
26.Bxd3 cxd3 27.Rxc8 Bxc8 28.Rxd3 Qxa4 29.exf5 , and Black has a difficult position – 29...Re1+
(or 29...Re5 30.Rb3!) 30.Nhf1 Qd1 31.g4 etc. Here one can probably talk only about practical
saving chances.] 23.Nxe4 (9) 23...Nfxd5 (9) [The other capture 23...Nbxd5? did not work:
24.Nxf6 Rxe3 (24...Nxe3 25.Qh5 and Qg6) 25.Rxe3 and Qc2 (Polugayevsky).] 24.Rg3 (14)'The
strongest and most accurate. ['Deep Thought', a debutant in the press centre, unexpectedly
suggested here the sentimental 24.Qh5 (!?) 24...-- a)24...Nxe3 (?) 25.Qxh6+ Kg8 26.Ng5 and
wins (a)or 26.Nf6+! Qxf6 27.Qh7+ , suggested by Polugayevsky – G.K.) ; b). But the cold human
reply 24...c3! would have repulsed computer imagination.' (Razuvaev). However, after
25.Rxc3! Nf6 (b)25...Nxc3? 26.Bxc3 Nd5 27.Qg6! Nxc3 28.Nf6! and wins; b)25...Re5 26.Qg6 Qe8
27.Rg3 White would retain winning chances) 26.Qg6 Rxe4 27.Rxe4 Bxe4 28.Bxe4 Nxe4 29.Qxe4
d5 30.Qg4 .; c). The clever 24...Re5 did also not bring any relief in view of 25.Bxe5 dxe5
26.Ng4 Qe8 (c)26...Nxe3 27.Nxe5 Qb6 28.a5!) 27.Qxe8 Rxe8 28.Rf3 Kg8 29.Nc3 etc.; ] 24...Re6!
(14)'An important defensive resource' (Geller and Lein). 'With White Karpov likes to play his
rook to the 3rd rank, and with Black – to the 6th. I think that this move was found intuitively.'

(Razuvaev) 25.Ng4? (19)Building up the pressure. Alas, this is an imperceptible but significant
error, after which Black could have equalised. [25.Nf3! , suggested immediately afterwards by
me and Polugayevsky, was correct. 25...-- a). Now in the event of 25...Qd7? 26.Nfg5! White
gives mate: 26...hxg5 (a)or 26...Re7 27.Qh5 c3 28.Bxc3 Nxc3 29.Qg6 etc) 27.Qh5+ Kg8 28.Nxg5
Rxe1+ 29.Kh2; b)25...Qe8? 26.Nxd6! is also fatal; c), so Black has to choose between two knight
jumps: 25...Nf4 26.Nd4! Re5 27.Qg4 Nbd3 (c)27...Nbd5 28.Ne6!) 28.Bxd3 Nxd3 29.Ne6! , and
29...Qe7 (c)and 29...Qf6 30.Bxe5 Qxe5 in view of 31.f4! Qb2 32.Qf5 Nxe1 (c)or 32...Bxe4
33.Qxe4 Re8 34.Qc6 , winning) 33.Nxf8 Qd4+ 34.Nf2) 30.Bxe5 dxe5 , suggested by me in
Informator, is bad because of 31.Qg6! Nf4 (c)31...Qe8? 32.Qf5 Nxe1 33.Nf6!) 32.Nxf8 Rxf8
33.Qd6!; d)25...Nd3 26.Neg5! (d)instead of the routine 26.Bxd3 – an unpleasant surprise)
26...Rxe1+ 27.Nxe1 hxg5 28.Qh5+ Kg8 29.Nxd3 , and there is no way to save the game.; ; Thus,
to all appearances, 25 Nf3 would have won, whereas 25.Ng4 casts doubts (for just one half
move!) on White's advantage.I will explain why I nevertheless played to g4. Firstly, I was in a
fighting mood (Karpov sensed this) and I did not calculate everything to the end, but simply
threw my pieces into the vicinity of the enemy king. And secondly, White's attack looked very
threatening: 25...-- a)25...Nf4? 26.Nef6! Rxe1+ (a)26...Bc8 27.Rxe6 and Qf3!) 27.Qxe1 Nbd3
28.Bxd3 cxd3 29.Nxh6!; b), or 25...Qh4? 26.Nc5! Rxe1+ 27.Qxe1 dxc5 (b)27...Bc6 28.Ne6)
28.Qe4 Nd3 29.Rxd3! cxd3 30.Bxd3 Nf6 31.Qxb7 Re8 32.Bxf6 and wins, to say nothing about
the line which occurred in the game.Here Karpov stopped to think, and for me these were
agonising minutes...; ] 25...Qe8? (17)A fatal mistake. [All the commentators, and the first was
Spassky in the match bulletin, recommended the saving move 25...Nd3! (after the game
Karpov also said that he saw this move, but to his misfortune he decided to take a risk – trying
to exploit the pin on the e-file). 26.-- a). Now nothing is given by 26.Rxd3? cxd3 27.Qxd3 Qh4!
etc.; b). White has to play 26.Bxd3 cxd3 27.-- b1), and here 27.Nxh6? Rxh6 28.Ng5 is incorrect
in view of 28...Qd7 29.Re6 Nf6! 30.Qxd3 Re8 , winning.; b2). Also nothing is given by 27.Rxd3?!
Qe7! (b2)my Informator move 27...Qa5 is worse because of 28.Rf3; b2)as is Krogius's
27...Nb4 because of 28.Rde3) 28.f3 Nf4 with advantage to Black; b3), or 27.Qxd3 Qe7! (b3)but
not Krogius's move 27...Qe8? in view of 28.Nef6! Rxe1+ 29.Kh2 and wins) 28.Qb1 Re8 with
approximate equality.; b4). There remains the recommendation of Geller and Lein: 27.Qd2 --
b41)27...Qe8 (?!) 28.Kh2 ( 28...Rxe4? 29.Qxh6+ Kg8 30.Bxg7! Rxe1 (b41)or 30...Bxg7 31.Nf6+!)
31.Ne5! ); b42), or 27...Qe7 (!) 28.Kh2 , and 'White still has a great advantage'. (b42)I should
add that 28.Nxh6 leads only to a draw: 28...Rxe4 29.Rxe4 Qxe4 30.Nf7+ Kg8 31.Nh6+ Kh7
32.Nf7) . However, this is an illusion: in the second case 28...Rxe4 is now possible, when
29.Qxh6+? (b42)while after 29.Rxe4 Qxe4 30.Qxh6+ Black is saved by 30...Qh7) 29...Kg8
30.Bxg7? (b42)30.Qg6 Rxg4!) , does not work in view of the simple 30...Bxg7 .; ; ; ; Schussler's
recommendation 25...Qd7 (?!) is less good. 26.-- a). This move leaves Black with far more
practical problems, and White with various combinative possibilities – there is 26.Nef6!? Rxf6
27.Bxf6 Nxf6 28.Nxf6 gxf6 29.Qd4 Bg7 30.Qxc4 a5 31.Bf5! Qxf5 32.Qf7 Rg8 33.Qxb7; b), and
26.Qd4 Rc8 27.Nxh6!? Rxh6 (b)27...c3!?) 28.Nxd6 Qxd6 29.Rxg7 Qf6 30.Rxb7; c), as well as
26.Qc1 Nd3 (c)26...Rc8 27.Nxh6) 27.Bxd3 cxd3 28.Nxh6!? . On the whole here White's chances
are better.But 25...Qe8, the move made by Karpov, is even worse, since it allows the capture
on h6. 'It is easy to explain such a mistake with time-trouble approaching. When you are under
a violent attack, you don't want to throw your pieces far forward. On the contrary, the desire
to concentrate your forces in defence is quite natural.' (Razuvaev); ] 26.Nxh6! (5)From this
moment on I carried out a sustained attack. Moreover, I played very quickly – for some reason
I had not a shadow of doubt about the correctness of White's attacking construction. 26...c3
(4) [If 26...Rxh6 White would quickly conclude matters with 27.Nxd6! Qd7 a)27...Qxe1+
28.Qxe1 Rxd6 29.Qe4!; b)or 27...Qh5 28.Rg5! Qxd1 29.Nf7+ Kg8 30.Nxh6+ Kh8 31.Rxd1 c3
32.Nf7+ Kg8 33.Bg6! Ne7 (b)33...cxb2? 34.Rh5 , and mate) 34.Bxc3 Nxg6 35.Bxb4 Kxf7 36.Rd7+
Kf6 37.Rxg6+ and Rxb7; 28.Qg4! Qxg4 29.Nf7+ Kg8 30.Nxh6+ gxh6 31.Rxg4+ Kf7 32.Bg6+ .It
would appear that Karpov was pinning great hopes on 26...c3, thinking that Black was seizing
the initiative. But here came another powerful blow.] 27.Nf5! (2) 27...cxb2 (8) 28.Qg4! Bc8

(1)It is too late the help the king – White has a colossal advantage in force. [Black is not saved
by 28...Nc3 29.Nf6! Rxe1+ 30.Kh2; 28...g6 29.Kh2! Qd7 (29...Kg8 30.Nexd6) 30.Nh4!; 28...Rc8
29.Kh2! Qg6 30.Ng5; or 28...Qd7 29.Kh2! Rh6 30.Nxh6 Qxg4 31.Nf7+ Kg8 32.Rxg4 (and if
32...Kxf7 33.Ng5+ with mate).] 29.Qh4+ Rh6 [In the event of 29...Kg8 , again 30.Kh2 (or
30.Re2 ) , is decisive – Black is in a kind of zugzwang: for example, 30...Ra7 31.Nexd6 Bxd6
32.Nxd6 and wins.] 30.Nxh6 gxh6 (1) 31.Kh2! (13)My patent prophylactic move in the Ruy
Lopez. 'Specially for aesthetes: the king moves away from possible checks and the counterplay
evaporates.' (Razuvaev). [True, 31.Re2 would also have won.] 31...Qe5 [Mating motifs have
appeared: 31...Bg7 32.Nxd6 Qxe1 33.Qxh6+! Bxh6 34.Nf7# .] 32.Ng5 (another sacrifice)
32...Qf6 (2) 33.Re8 (1) 33...Bf5 34.Qxh6+! (1) [34.Nf7+ Qxf7 35.Qxh6+ Bh7 36.Rxa8! would
have led to a quick mate, but I chose a more elegant way with a queen sacrifice.] 34...Qxh6
35.Nf7+ Kh7 36.Bxf5+ Qg6 37.Bxg6+ [Here I still regret that I didn't play 37.Rxg6! Ne7 38.Rxe7!
Bxe7 39.Rg4# mate! 'There were very many coincidences. In the time scramble in the 2nd
game the world champion missed an immediately decisive stroke on g6, and now he captures
on g6 with the wrong piece. However, even as it is, the battle does not last long.' (Razuvaev)]
37...Kg7 38.Rxa8 (1) 38...Be7 (1) 39.Rb8 a5 40.Be4+ Kxf7 41.Bxd5+ . The time trouble came
to an end, and Black resigned (1–0). Times: 1.58–2.28. 1–0

For the first time I managed to crush Karpov with a direct mating attack, without any particular
counter-chances for the opponent. The score became 11-9 in my favour, and to retain the title
of world champion, I only needed to score one more point. But all the four remaining games
were played - and in all of them, as at the finish of the 1985 match, there was a fierce battle.
The reasons for this were Karpov's amazing fighting qualities and my slight relaxation,
although, of course, I tried to master myself. On the evening of 31st December 'from a position
of very great strength' I forced a draw in the 24th game and won the match 12½-11½.

Two days later, on 2nd January 1991, the closing ceremony of the match took place, and there
I received my fourth world champion's laurel wreath and a special prize from the jewellery firm
Korloff - an impressively heavy monogram in the form of two interwoven letters 'K', made of
gold, bronze and 1018 black and white diamonds, mounted on a chess board. I soon sold it,
and all the money - 300 thousand dollars, converted into 10 million roubles - went towards the
fund which I set up to help refugees from Baku. This unusual prize was bought by the new
millionaire Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, who at that time had only just appeared on the chess horizon,
but five years later, with the blessing of the Kremlin and Campomanes, he unexpectedly
became FIDE President.

Today, more than twenty years later, after soberly assessing the unprecedented complexity
and drama of the situation prior to the match, I wonder by what miracle my team nevertheless
managed to cope with the challenges of those turbulent times. Despite all the difficulties and
extreme fatigue, I was sustained by confidence in my playing superiority over the opponent (as
in the 1986 match, not once was he able to take the lead).

The fifth match of the 'two Ks' was destined to be my last classical match for the world
championship under the aegis of FIDE and the last in my lengthy battle with Karpov for the
chess crown, although at the start of 1991 this was far from obvious.

Chapter 3: Fall and Rise
3.1. Challenge to the Champions
3.2. One-off Inspiration
3.3. Fruits of Preparation
3.4. Under the Italian Sky
3.5. First Again!
3.6. Dortmund Fever
3.7. An Acquaintance with Asia
3.8. Also the Strongest in Europe
3.9. Hurricane at the Finish

3.1. Challenge to the Champions

International Tournament in Linares (22 February - 15 March 1991): 1. Ivanchuk - 9½ out of 13;
2. Kasparov - 9; 3. Beliavsky - 8; 4-5. Yusupov and Speelman - 7½; 6. Salov - 7; 7-8. Timman and
Karpov - 6½; 9-11. Ljubojevic, Anand and M.Gurevich - 6; 12. Gelfand - 5½; 13. Ehlvest - 3½; 14.
Kamsky - 2½.

As the chess experts had predicted, at the start of the 1990s a farewell was bid to the
generation of the Fischer era and new stars joined the battle with the Karpov and Kasparov
generations. They announced their presence in the summer of 1990 at the Interzonal
Tournament in Manila (1-2. Gelfand and Ivanchuk - 9 out of 13; 3-4. Short and Anand - 8½,
etc), in January 1991 they all won their Candidates matches (Ivanchuk's win over Yudasin was
especially impressive - 4½-½!), and then they challenged the strongest players in the world at
the ninth, traditional tournament in Linares.

It was this event that began the history of annual super-tournaments of fourteen leading
grandmasters - events of the highest category, which the journalists aptly christened the 'chess
Wimbledon'. As the press remarked, 'here, for the first time, the two inseparable "Ks" played
together with both of their "predicted rivals" - Vassily Ivanchuk and Boris Gelfand, while
among the other contestants were only Candidates of the present world championship cycle
and finalists of the second World Cup. The only place "not by ranking" was allotted to the
young Gata Kamsky, and he very much felt the heavy hand of his senior colleagues.'

During the opening ceremony, apart from the usual drawing of lots, the pairings for the
Candidates quarter-final matches were also made. As in the previous cycle, Karpov joined the
proceedings at this stage. I remember how he literally beamed with delight when he 'drew' the
21-year-old Vishy Anand (the other pairings were Ivanchuk-Yusupov, Gelfand-Short and
Timman-Korchnoi). For the first time Karpov had a match opponent who was young enough to
be his son! It seemed improbable that the very talented and promising, but as yet too young
and inexperienced Indian grandmaster would be able to put up a serious resistance against the
great Anatoly Karpov. It would appear that the ex-champion did not imagine what a dangerous
opponent fate had assigned him - but perhaps he began to gain an insight when he lost his
game to Anand with White in the 2nd round.

In the first round I was paired with Black against Ivanchuk. He flew in late in the evening, was
late for the opening ceremony, and the next day he played against me 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 Bb5+.
I thought that it was probably in order to obtain a solid position. But I played uncertainly,
whereas, by contrast, Vassily played very strongly - and his win was fully deserved. As it later
transpired, this game decided the outcome of the battle for first place. For me it was a warning

signal: for the first time in ten years of tournament play I lost not as a result of some oversight,
but because I was outplayed by my opponent.

In the 2nd round I won a very complicated game against Gelfand, and also subsequently points
were gained with great difficulty. Only by the 8th round, after beating Gurevich and Kamsky,
and drawing with Timman, Speelman and Salov, did I reach a more or less respectable 'plus
two'. And here I had Black against Karpov, who had also lost to Ivanchuk and was on just
'minus one': what told on his play was the enormous fatigue that had accumulated after our
match and his January victory in the double-round tournament in Reggio Emilia. But I was
happy with a draw, since without particular exertion I was able to solve my opening problems -
a good sign, after a match that had been so difficult for Black (Game No.32 in Kasparov vs.
Karpov 1988-2009).

That same evening Beliavsky won against Timman, and Ivanchuk against Anand, and the two
leaders increased the gap between them and their pursuers: Beliavsky - 6½ out of 8 (!);
Ivanchuk - 6; Kasparov - 5, etc.

In the 9th round I had White against the formidable Alexander Beliavsky, and to retain chances
of first place in the tournament I had to win 'to order'. The game took place after a free day, so
that each of us had time for preparation. A particular piquancy was added to the situation by
our recent analytical collaboration before my match with Karpov.

Game 75
G.Kasparov-A.Beliavsky, Linares, 9th Round, 8.03.1991
English Opening A19

1.c4 e6 2.Nc3 Nf6 [For some reason my opponent rejected 2...d5 and his customary Queen's
Gambit.] 3.e4 c5 4.e5 Ng8 5.Nf3 [In the quiet variation 5.d4 cxd4 6.Qxd4 Nc6 7.Qe4 d6 8.Nf3
Beliavsky had achieved draws with Black against Seirawan (Lucerne 1989) and Azmaiparashvili
(Amsterdam 1990).] 5...Nc6 6.d4 cxd4 7.Nxd4 Nxe5 8.Ndb5 a6 9.Nd6+ Bxd6 10.Qxd6 f6
11.Be3 Ne7 12.Bb6 Nf5 13.Qc5!? d6 14.Qa5 Up to here this was a repetition of my Belfort
game with Andrey Sokolov, and I was pleased by Beliavsky's choice: White has good
compensation for the pawn, and his active piece play gives him more winning chances than
strict manoeuvring in the classical set-ups of the Queen's Gambit. 14...Qd7!? [But here is a
new move instead of the previous 14...Qe7 – Game No.40.] 15.f4! [15.0–0–0 Qc6 .] 15...Nc6 Of
course, with gain of tempo. [15...Ng4?! 16.Be2!; or 15...Ng6?! 16.Bd3! with the threat of Bxf5
is worse.] 16.Qa3 A critical moment. 16...e5? A mistake, leading to great difficulties on account
of the weakness of the d5-point, whereas it is not possible to exploit the d4-point. [Soon the
correct defence was found – 16...Nce7! 17.0–0–0 Qc6 with sharp play. After 18.Qb3 White
retains pressure, and Black his extra pawn: 18...Bd7 (or 18...0–0 19.Rg1 d5 20.g4 Nd6 21.c5
(21.Qb4 Re8) 21...Nf7 22.Bg2 , L'Ami-Wells, London 2008) 19.Rg1 d5 (19...h5!?) 20.Kb1! (20.g4
Nd6 21.cxd5 Nxd5 is not so clear, Psakhis-A.Greenfeld, Israel 1991.) ] 17.Bd3! [It would appear
that Beliavsky was hoping for 17.0–0–0?! exf4 18.Nd5 0–0 , which is quite acceptable for
Black, and he underestimated my reply, which intends 0–0.] 17...0–0 [17...exf4 is no better:
18.0–0 g5 (my Informator suggestion 18...Ne5 (?) is fatal on account of 19.Bxf5 Qxf5 20.Nd5
Kf7 21.Rxf4 etc) 19.Rae1+ Kf7 20.Nd5 (more energetic than 20.Bxf5 Qxf5 21.Ne4) 20...Ne5
21.Be4 (or 21.g3!? with an escalating attack.) ] 18.0–0 exf4 [It is already not easy to find a
satisfactory move: 18...Nfd4? 19.fxe5 dxe5 20.Bxh7+! .; In subsequent correspondence games
18...Qf7 19.fxe5! (my suggested 19.Nd5 is weaker in view of 19...Nfe7! 20.Qxd6 Bf5) 19...fxe5
was tried, and here I would have preferred 20.Rf2! and Raf1 with an obvious plus.] 19.Rxf4
Nfe7 20.Rd1 Now White concentrates his efforts on eliminating the d6-pawn. The pair of
powerful bishops guarantees him an enduring initiative. 20...Ng6 21.Rff1 Nge5 [21...Nce5

22.Be4 Qg4?! (22...Qf7 23.b3) 23.h3 Qh4 24.Bf2 Qh5 25.Qxd6 was even more dismal for Black.]
22.Be4 Qf7 23.b3 Be6 24.Qxd6 With the threat of Nd5. [The centralisation of the queen is
more appropriate than 24.Rxd6 ; although the immediate 24.Nd5!? also deserved
consideration.] 24...Kh8 25.Qc7?! [The exchange of queens reduces White's domination, which
would have been especially perceptible after 25.Nd5! Rac8 26.h3 Rfe8 27.Rfe1 , when Black
runs out of useful moves: 27...f5 28.Bc2 Bd7 29.Nf4 etc.] 25...Qxc7 [Little was changed by
25...Rfe8 26.Nd5; but 25...Qe8!? 26.Bf2! would have led to a more tense battle.] 26.Bxc7 Rf7
27.Bb6 [27.Bd6!? .] 27...Re8 28.h3 Rd7?! Disheartened by the unsuccessful opening, Beliavsky
had ended up in time-trouble and lost almost without a fight. [Whether good or bad, 28...f5!
was essential.] 29.Nd5 (threatening Nc7) 29...Rc8 [The imprudent 29...Bf7? would have lost
to 30.Bf5! Be6 31.Nc7; but the clumsy regrouping 29...Bg8!? 30.Bf5 Rf7 was a try.] 30.g4 Ng6?!
An unexpected blunder of a pawn; [30...Ne7 was more resilient.] 31.Kh2 Continuing to
intensify the pressure, [although 31.Bxg6!? hxg6 32.Nf4 suggested itself.] 31...Nce5
[31...Nge5!? .] 32.a4 Rd6 33.a5 Nd7? A final time-trouble error, [although after 33...Rd7
34.Rfe1 White has an imposing advantage ( 34...Bxd5 35.cxd5! ).] 34.Nc7! 1–0

Then, in a complicated and error-strewn game I won with Black against Ehlvest, and three
rounds before the finish I finally caught up with my rivals, having scored, like Beliavsky and
Ivanchuk, 7 out of 10.

The 11th round proved to be the turning-point in the tournament race. Beliavsky again ended
up in desperate time-trouble and lost after blundering against Salov. All evening Ivanchuk put
Gurevich's position under pressure, and he adjourned the game with an extra pawn and good
winning chances. And I, in my first duel with the future world champion Vishy Anand, was
ready to employ some lethal opening preparation.

Game 76
G.Kasparov-V.Anand, Linares, 11th Round, 11.03.1991
Petroff Defence C43

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.d4 [Usually I played 3.Nxe5 (Game Nos.50, 100 in Garry Kasparov on Garry
Kasparov Part I), but I prepared this line with Timoshchenko before the Leningrad half of the
third match (1986), although I employed it only in the 10th game of the fifth match (1990).]
3...Nxe4 The most topical line. [Karpov replied 3...exd4 4.e5 Ne4 5.Qxd4 d5 6.exd6 Nxd6
7.Nc3 (7.Bd3!?) 7...Nc6 8.Qf4 Nf5!? 9.Bb5 Bd6 10.Qe4+ Qe7 , but White could have retained
some initiative by 11.Bd2!? and 12 0–0–0 (cf. Game No.17 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009).]
4.Bd3 d5 5.Nxe5 Bd6 This sharp plan, developed by Makary-chev, Dvoretsky and his pupil
Yusupov, was for a long time the main line, [but from the spring of 1992 it almost disappeared
from serious practice, giving way to the plans with 5...Nd7 (Game No.95).] 6.0–0 0–0 7.c4
Bxe5 8.dxe5 Nc6 9.cxd5 Qxd5 10.Qc2 Nb4 11.Bxe4 Nxc2 12.Bxd5 Bf5 13.g4 Bxg4 14.Be4 Nxa1
Black has won the exchange, but his knight is in danger, and he hopes to maintain the balance
by returning his extra material at the right time. 15.Bf4! [The weaker 15.Nc3 allows Black to
equalise by 15...Bh3 (or immediately 15...f5 , Makarychev-Karpov, Oslo 1984) 16.Re1 f5
17.exf6 Rae8! intending ...Rxe4 and ...Nc2 (Tal-Karpov, Milan 1975).] 15...f5 [White is better
after 15...f6 16.Nc3 fxe5 17.Be3 (17.Bg3!?) 17...Bf3 18.Rxa1 Bxe4 19.Nxe4 (Kasparov-Timman,
Paris (rapid) 1991). ] 16.Bd5+! Kh8 17.Rc1 c6 [The attempt 17...Rad8 18.Nc3 b5? does not
work because of 19.e6! .] 18.Bg2! (another accurate move) 18...Rfd8 19.Nd2! [Not 19.f3 Bh5
20.Na3 Rd4 21.Be3 Rb4 with a quick draw (Sax-Yusupov, Thessaloniki Olympiad 1988).; I
studied the well-known variation 19.Nd2 h6 20.h4 Rd3 (Rozentalis-Gelfand, Vilnius 1988)
before the 1990 match, and my assistant Sergey Dolmatov (also a pupil of Dvoretsky) found
the good set-up with 21.Bf1! followed by the sacrifice of the e5-pawn in order to occupy this
square with the knight. The strength of this idea was demonstrated a year later in Timman-

Yusupov (6th match game, Linares 1992): after 21...Rd4 22.Be3 Rd5 23.Rxa1 (Yusupov and
Dvoretsky had only looked at 23.f4 ; 23.f3; or 23.e6 ) 23...Rxe5 24.Nc4 White gained an
enduring advantage and scored an important win.I wanted to catch Anand with this novelty,
but an unpleasant surprise awaited me.] 19...Rxd2!? Vishy chose a line mentioned by
Rozentalis in his Informator notes to his game with Gelfand. Strangely enough, in our analysis
we had not even considered this possibility. 20.Bxd2 Rd8 21.Bc3! [Later it transpired that after
21.Be3 Rd1+ 22.Rxd1 Bxd1 23.Bxa7 Nc2 the most probable outcome is a draw.] 21...Rd1+
22.Rxd1 Bxd1 23.f4? [Alas, at the board I failed to find the correct 23.Bf1! (the end of
Rozentalis's variation with the evaluation 'clear advantage to White'), which was later studied
in detail in correspondence tournaments. After 23...Kg8 24.Bc4+ Kf8 25.b4 Nc2 26.Bb3! Black
would have faced a very difficult defence.] 23...Nc2 24.Kf2 Kg8 25.a4 a5! 26.Bxa5 Nd4 27.Bf1
Bb3 ½–½

The competitive significance of this game was enormous: by not winning it, I also failed to win
the tournament. In the 12th round Ivanchuk quickly beat Gelfand (Boris blundered a piece and
resigned as early as the 18th move), Beliavsky defeated Kamsky, and, after being on the verge
of defeat, I beat Ljubojevic. Then the adjournments took place, and just before the finish the
leading trio looked like this: Ivanchuk - 9 out of 12; Kasparov - 8½; Beliavsky - 8.

In the last round Beliavsky lost to Karpov, I could do nothing against Yusupov and I saved the
game only by a miracle in a time scramble, while Ivanchuk drew with Timman and retained
sole first place. This was his finest hour! After such a triumph the 22-year-old Lvov player was
now firmly recognised in the chess world as the main challenger for the crown.

For the first time in the nearly ten years that had passed since Tilburg 1981, I failed to take or
at least share 1st place. It was not only a matter of the crisis that was natural after a world
championship match, and not only due to my lack of a constant trainer or the growing
pressure of the young wave (Ivanchuk and Gelfand had been joined by Anand). The slump in
my play was also caused by my enormously chaotic Moscow existence, the lack of order in my
life and my involvement in politics.

At that time I outlined my beliefs in an article 'Is it not too much for the champion...', published
in the newspaper Moscow News (1991 No.2):

'I should like at last to explain myself. To those for whom my ideas away from the chess board
seem like the extremism of a young man. To those who, shrugging their shoulders, ask in
perplexity: why does he get involved in politics? In chess he is the leader, the world champion,
and, as the satirist said ironically - a respected person. Perfectly successful and even
independent in comparison with most of his contemporaries. And if he were to stick to playing,
he would add to the achievements of Soviet sport. But instead of this - participation in
democratic rallies, risky political forecasts in the press, and even the refusal to play under the
USSR flag in the last match with Karpov... Is it not too much for a chess player, even if he is the

'I think that the main role in my current views has been played by several factors. The first is
the situation in which I have found myself. After all, the motto "Chess is above politics", widely
propagated in our country for decades, was in fact a screen, behind which the essence was
concealed. The idea of the country's ideologues was that, with their victories abroad and their
titles, sports people should "once again" demonstrate the superiority of the socialist system,
and its successes in promoting the complete development of a person. Chess players, in
particular, were earmarked for demonstrating on the international arena the successes of our
society as regards intellect.

'This political reality arose back in those distant years when Mikhail Botvinnik distinguished
himself in chess. And when in the 1970s the Karpov-Korchnoi confrontation arose, the
situation was politicised in the extreme. The matches for the title of world champion were
played not by two outstanding grandmasters, but by a representative of the foremost ranks of
Soviet youth, enjoying comprehensive state support, against a renegade and traitor, who had
dared to express his dissatisfaction with the existing order in the country.

'Willy-nilly it turned out that, in entering the battle for the supreme title, a chess player
became involved in high-level politics. He had to "conform" to the views of the ruling
structure, and to be a "person of the system". Otherwise the system would not compromise its
principles. And they, alas, were by no means to do with sport. And so it turns out that in our
country the world chess champion is not a title, but a duty, and one that is rather politicised.

'It is said that for a serious politician I spend too much time on chess, and for a chess player -
an unjustified amount on politics. But after all, an ability to assess your actions critically,
analyse a situation and anticipate your opponent's moves is necessary in any matter. If, of
course, you want to achieve something in it. In chess I have achieved. And it is largely thanks to
this that politicians are already listening to my opinion about the developing situation in our
country. It is a pity that for the moment this is only in the West.

'Chess is a black and white game, without compromises. At least, for anyone who wants to
come first. In making this choice I was helped by my character and upbringing. And the battle
for and around the title of world champion helped to determine my attitudes. I began with
democratic changes in the chess world, I was the first to speak out for the democratisation of
Soviet sport, and now I am doing what I can to further this process in society. The title of
champion is not only for the satisfaction of personal ambition. It is to advance and proceed
further. Everything is rapidly changing. In 1985 I criticised the directors of chess, and today I
am publicly disagreeing with the president of the country...'

Incidentally, my autobiography Unlimited Challenge, published in 1989, concluded with these

words: 'I regard 1987 as a turning-point in my life. The publication of my bookChild of Change
and the ensuing rift with the Soviet Sports Committee can really be said to have determined
my relations with the system. Today I am free of illusion; in the words of Robert Jordan in
Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls: "There were fifty years of undeclared war against
fascism ahead, and I had signed on for the duration".'

3.2. One-off Inspiration

Euwe Memorial Tournament (Amsterdam, 2-13 May 1991): 1-2. Salov and Short - 6 out of 9; 3-
4. Karpov and Kasparov - 5½; 5. Korchnoi - 4½; 6-7. Hjartarson and Timman - 4; 8. M.Gurevich -
3½; 9-10. van der Wiel and Ljubojevic - 3.

Two months after Linares, Karpov and I met at the Euwe Memorial - a tournament of ten
grandmasters in Amsterdam. Due to my participation in the turbulent social and political life of
the country (I should remind you: this was the last year of the USSR's existence), I was unable
to run into good form and on this occasion I performed terribly. Moreover, although on the
whole Amsterdam was somewhat weaker than Linares, I found points even harder to come by.

Playing the Sicilian Najdorf against van der Wiel in round 1, after 6 Bg5 e6 7 f4 I chose 7...Qc7
(instead of the critical 7...Qb6) 8 Qf3 Nbd7 (instead of 8...b5) which allowed a forced drawing
variation, and in an attempt to devise something I almost lost. In a better position in the 2nd

round I was unable to finish off Gurevich. In the 3rd round I had a very complicated game with
Short - I gained an advantage, but lost it as time-trouble approached. Something similar
occurred in the next game with Salov. Then I had excellent King's Indian play against
Hjartarson, but Black's initiative, alas, was insufficient for a win.

In the 6th round I played Karpov, who by that time had managed to win one game and
together with Salov and Korchnoi was half a point behind the leader, Short. A win over me by
the ex-champion could have become the springboard for overall victory in the tournament, but
I turned up for the game in a fighting mood, hoping finally to make full use of the white pieces
(incidentally, in Horgen 1995, immediately after the match with Anand, I also began with five
draws, and then lost in nightmarish style with White against Ivanchuk, who in the end became
one of the tournament winners). Karpov as though sensed that there was a large-scale battle
in prospect, and he again chose the very sharp line in the already complicated Zaitsev Variation
of the Ruy Lopez, in which he had suffered a severe defeat in the 20th game of our recent
match. He had prepared an improvement (cf. Game No.74, note to Black's 19th move) and
then, exploiting my uncertain play, he seized the initiative and was very close to a win, but in
desperate time-trouble he allowed me to save the game.

By the 7th round, in which I had to do battle with the uncompromising Viktor Korchnoi, for the
first time I was seriously in contention for the title of 'drawing king'. I had never played worse,
and there were only three more rounds before the finish. Korchnoi was in the mood for a
grand battle, clearly realising that a better chance of beating me might not present itself. I was
also not intending to back out - it was time I won! The choice of opening variation in our duel
was pre-determined.

Game 77
V.Korchnoi-G.Kasparov, Amsterdam, 7th Round, 10.05.1991
King's Indian Defence E99

1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.d4 0–0 6.Be2 e5 7.0–0 Nc6 8.d5 Ne7 9.Ne1 [The fanciful
9.a4 allows Black a comfortable game: 9...a5! 10.Ne1 Nd7 11.Be3 f5 12.f3 Nc5 13.Nd3 b6
14.b4 Nxd3 15.Qxd3 axb4 16.Nb5 Kh8! 17.Qb3 Ng8 (Korchnoi-Kasparov, Barcelona 1989).]
9...Nd7 [A year later as an experiment I employed against Shirov (Manila Olympiad 1992) and
Korchnoi (Debrecen 1992) the risky variation 9...Ne8 10.Be3 f5 11.f3 f4 12.Bf2 h5 13.c5 g5 (cf.
Game No. 40 in My Great Predecessors Part V).] 10.Be3 [Korchnoi's favourite set-up, which
earlier was considered rather slow and less good than 10.Nd3 f5 11.Bd2 (Game No.64), but
which has now become very topical.] 10...f5 11.f3 f4 12.Bf2 g5 13.a4!? [Piket played 13.b4
against me (Game No.58). ; Korchnoi also tried 13.Nb5 (Game No.39 in My Great Predecessors
Part V); but from 1996 he switched to 13.Rc1!? with the idea of 13...Ng6 14.c5! Nxc5 15.b4
Na6 16.Nd3 h5 17.Nb5 Bd7 18.a4 Bh6 19.Rc3 (Piket-Kasparov, Linares 1997; Korchnoi-Cvitan,
Pula 1997).] 13...Ng6 [If 13...h5 , then 14.a5! (Korchnoi-Forster, Switzerland 1994; Korchnoi-
Xie Jun, Prague 1995).; But consideration should be given to 13...a5!? 14.Nd3 b6 15.b4 axb4
16.Nxb4 Nf6 17.Ra3 Bd7 with double-edged play (Yusupov-Kasparov, Yerevan Olympiad
1996).] 14.Nd3 [14.a5! is more energetic – in the 1990s Korchnoi won half a dozen games with
this move.] 14...Nf6 There is no sense in keeping the knight on d7 any longer: the c4-c5 break
is inevitable. 15.c5 h5 With the obvious threat of ...g5-g4. [The alternative is 15...Rf7 ; or
15...Kh8 16.a5 Rg8 (as played by Landa against Korchnoi), for the moment managing without
...h7-h5 and leaving the h5-square for the knight.] 16.h3 A questionable novelty – a weakening
in the place where White is being attacked: now the opening of lines on the kingside will be
even more dangerous for him. [16.cxd6?! is also inaccurate: 16...cxd6 17.a5 g4 18.Nb5 g3!
with a counterattack (Larsen-Torre, Bauang 1973). ; However, 16.a5! g4 17.c6 (Korchnoi-Xie
Jun, Amsterdam 2001)(or 17.a6 bxa6 18.Nb4 is sounder.) ] 16...Rf7 17.c6 This was the idea of

my highly-experienced opponent, but it all turned out rather differently than he had planned...
17...a5! I was terribly proud of this unexpected move, impeding White's offensive. Black also
plays on the opponent's territory (as though to counter-balance 16 h3), hoping later to make
progress on the kingside while White is creating a passed pawn on the a-file. [17...g4? is
incorrect in view of 18.fxg4 hxg4 19.cxb7 Bxb7 20.Bxg4 .; After 17...Bf8 there is the
unpleasant 18.Nb4! (my Informator suggestion 18.Nb5 is weaker because of 18...bxc6) 18...b6
(otherwise cxb7 and Nc6) 19.a5! etc.; And after 17...bxc6 18.dxc6 Be6 19.Nb4 White seizes
the d5-point and the initiative: 19...g4 20.hxg4 hxg4 21.fxg4 Rb8 22.Nbd5! Rxb2 23.Bxa7 Qa8
24.Bf2 Qxc6 25.Bf3 and a4-a5.] 18.cxb7 [The immediate 18.b4 allows 18...b6 19.bxa5 bxa5! ,
when White's activity comes to a standstill, whereas Black calmly prepares an attack by ...Bh6,
...Rg7 and ...g5-g4.] 18...Bxb7 19.b4 [The attempt to play against the c7-pawn – 19.Rc1 Bc8
20.Nb5 g4 21.Qc2 runs into 21...g3! 22.Be1 Bxh3! 23.gxh3 Qc8 , when White is forced to
return the piece – 24.Nf2 (24.Bd1?! Nh4!) 24...Ne8 (not rushing with 24...gxf2+? 25.Rxf2! )
and then ...Nh4 with a comfortable game for Black.) ] 19...Bc8! (to support ...g5-g4) 20.bxa5
Bh6! With the intention of breaking out after ...g5-g4 and ...Bg5-h4. [Here the routine
20...Bf8?! has no point: the d6-pawn does not need defending.] 21.Nb4 [After the game
Korchnoi claimed he could have gained an advantage by 21.a6 . 21...-- a). After 21...Bxa6
22.Nb4 White's position, thanks to his passed a-pawn, is indeed better.; b). But after 21...g4!
22.fxg4 hxg4 23.hxg4 Bg5 he is forced to find almost the only moves to defend: for example,
24.a7 Qf8! 25.Re1 Qh6 26.Rb1 Rh7 27.Kf1 Qh1+ 28.Bg1 Nh4 29.Bf3 Nxg4! 30.Rb8! Nxf3
31.Qxf3 Nh2+ 32.Ke2 Nxf3 33.Rxa8! (b)in Informator I expressed doubts about Black's attack
because of 33.gxf3 (?) 33...Qg2+ 34.Kd1 Qxf3+ 35.Kc2 , overlooking the winning 35...Rxa7!
36.Rxc8+ Kg7 37.Bxa7 Rh2+) 33...Qxg2+ 34.Bf2 Qh3! 35.Rb8! Nxe1 36.Nxe1 Qxc3 37.Rxc8+ Kg7
38.a8Q f3+ 39.Nxf3 Qc4+ 40.Ke1 Qxe4+ 41.Kf1 Qxf3 42.Rxc7+ Kh6 43.Rxh7+ Kxh7 , and the wild
complications end in a draw.; ] 21...g4 22.Nc6 Qf8 23.fxg4? Equivalent to capitulation: in
White's defences there are now yawning gaps, through which the black pieces now inexorably
infiltrate his position. [Korchnoi was probably unnerved by the threatened capture on h3,
which it would appear can be parried by 23.a6! (to decide on such a move on the threshold of
time-trouble is not easy). 23...-- a). If 23...gxh3?! 24.gxh3 Bxh3 the exchange sacrifice 25.a7! is
good: 25...Ne7 (a)or 25...Qg7 26.Kh2!) 26.Kh1!; b). However, Black can sacrifice a piece on h3:
23...g3! 24.Be1 (b)24.Ba7? Bxh3! 25.gxh3 Qc8! 26.Rf2 Rxa7!) 24...Bxh3! 25.gxh3 Nh4 , forcing
White to give up a rook – 26.Rf2 with very sharp, roughly equal play.; ] 23...hxg4 24.hxg4
[After the obviously worse 24.Bxg4? Nxg4 25.hxg4 f3! Black wins.] 24...Bg5 25.Bf3 A vain
attempt to plug the hole. [However, even the slightly more resilient 25.Ra3 did not help in
view of 25...Qh6 26.Nb5 f3! 27.Bxf3 Rh7 28.Bg3 Be3+ 29.Rxe3 Qxe3+ 30.Rf2 (30.Bf2 Qf4!)
30...Qh6! 31.Rf1 Bxg4 32.Bxg4 Nxe4 33.Bh3 Nxg3 and wins.] 25...Qh6 26.Re1 Nh4! The right
way! [The stereotyped 26...Bh4? would have sharply reduced Black's attacking potential:
27.Kf1 Bxf2?! 28.Kxf2 Nxg4+ 29.Ke2 , and White is still afloat.] 27.Bxh4 Alas, White is forced to
give up bishop for knight; [things are altogether catastrophic after 27.Kf1 Nxf3 28.gxf3 Nxg4!
(my earlier 28...Bxg4 is less good because of 29.Qd3) 29.fxg4 (or 29.Bg1 Ne3+ 30.Bxe3 Bg4!
etc) 29...f3 .] 27...Bxh4! In this game the King's Indian bishop has made a brilliant career for
itself! [27...Qxh4? was incorrect: 28.Kf1 Nxg4 29.Ke2 . Now, however, the white king is unable
to break out of the mating net.] 28.g5 A desperate pawn lunge. [If 28.Kf1 Black decides
matters with both 28...Bxe1 (and 28...Nxg4 with the threats of ...Ne3+, ...Bxe1 and ...Rg7: for
example, 29.Bxg4 Bxe1 30.Kxe1 (or 30.Bxc8 Qh1+ 31.Ke2 f3+!) 30...f3!) 29.Kxe1 Nxg4 30.Kd2
Ne3 31.Qe2 Rg7 .] 28...Qxg5 29.Re2 Ng4 [29...Bg3! .] 30.Rb1 Bg3 31.Qd3 (desperation)
31...Qh4 . The threat is ...Ne3 and ...Qh2 mate, so White resigned. 0–1

An impressive rout. This spectacular game was voted the best in the 51st volume of
Informator. At that time this is what happened in my games with Korchnoi: even if I was
performing indifferently in a tournament, against him I played with inspiration and usually I

Karpov also launched a belated pursuit of the leaders, by winning against Timman. But in the
next, penultimate round, I failed to break down the Dutch grandmaster, who played without
any serious mistakes. And although at the finish I beat Ljubojevic, I caught up only with Karpov,
who was unable to beat Short with White. As a result Salov and Short finished half a point
ahead of us.

Whereas Karpov performed significantly better than in Linares, I suffered an obvious slump:
instead of 2nd place with a high score, I shared only 3rd-4th places, winning just two games.
Alexander Roshal gave an interesting commentary on this situation:

'Gradually they have ceased "demanding" only first places of Karpov. With regard to Kasparov,
as yet public opinion is not so compliant. During his first five years as champion, everyone
became accustomed to applauding victory for him at the end of any tournament in which he
played. Kasparov's slight hitch in Linares was put down to Ivanchuk's rapid rise, without which,
it was said, nothing would have changed.

'The Amsterdam tournament has also concluded. Well, what is unusual about the success of
Salov and Short, who are undoubtedly among the strongest grandmasters in the world? In any
event, the discussion again involves Karpov and especially Kasparov. Like the tournament
winners, both the ex-champion and the champion were undefeated. But there is also a
significant difference: at no time was either of the favourites in the lead. Karpov was closer to
success, as indicated by his game with his eternal opponent, and other unrealised possibilities.
It follows that Kasparov's play is the most in need of explanation. Well known are the conflicts
of political life in our country, and the vigour with which the world chess champion takes part
in this life and tries to influence it. And all this is bound to have an adverse effect on Kasparov's
tournament performances. He himself decides what is now more important, but we are
obliged to draw attention to the certain lowering of his chess ambitions, as though he has lost
his appetite for the game.

'Eye-witnesses have also noticed something altogether unexpected - Kasparov's customary

superiority in the openings has disappeared somewhere. It is quite probable that, "being
programmed for Karpov", he has not had time - he has been occupied with other things! - to
readjust to other opponents. And, since now he hardly plays 1 e4, he avoids the forcing
continuations which previously were such favourites.'

3.3. Fruits of Preparation

Double-round Super-tournament in Tilburg (16 October - 5 November 1991): 1. Kasparov - 10

out of 14; 2. Short - 8½; 3. Anand - 8; 4. Karpov - 7½; 5. Kamsky - 7; 6. Timman - 6½; 7. Korchnoi
- 5½; 8. Bareev - 3.

To return to my former level, I needed again to concentrate on chess, and I began looking for a
permanent trainer. From the summer of 1991 I began working with the well-known Moscow
grandmaster Sergey Makarychev - in 1985-86 he had helped Karpov, he had successfully
captained the Olympiad team, and our collaboration lasted about three years.

As a year earlier, I was forced to arrange a lengthy training session outside of the USSR - now
on the west, oceanic coast of the USA, in California. This at least partially replaced my native
Zagulba: without the sea I would have been unable to regain my strength before the new
chess battles. We spent the whole of August and part of September there, enduring from afar
the dramatic events in Moscow associated with the August putsch (appearing on the evening

of 19th August on the Larry King program on CNN, I predicted that it would all be over within
48 hours). At the same time I began preparing the ground for a future world championship
match in Los Angeles, where I found some potential sponsors.

Despite all the anxiety, disorder and intense stress of that time, Makarychev and I managed to
carry out some high-quality analytical work (in particular, to refresh the already half-forgotten
move 1 e4 with new ideas), and its results were soon seen at the October super-tournament in

Meanwhile, the Candidates quarter-final matches in August produced the following results:
Karpov overcame Anand with enormous difficulty, Ivanchuk sensationally lost on the tie-break
to Yusupov, Short beat Gelfand and Timman beat Korchnoi. On returning from my distant
wanderings to Moscow, I commented on events at the chess summit in an interview for the
Sport-Express newspaper:

'In all the Candidates matches the opposite results would have been logical. Anand completely
outplayed Karpov, and for victory all that he lacked was maturity... Short beat Gelfand, but if
Boris had won the 8th game - and it was completely won - everything would have turned out
differently... Short has begun playing better, more calmly and more confidently. Taking
account of his distinctive style, it can be stated: he can look to the future with great optimism.
I think that in the forthcoming Karpov-Short semi-final match it is very important that Short
should absolutely not be afraid of Karpov.

'The Yusupov-Ivanchuk pairing was the only one which really interested me from the
standpoint of creating a great stir in the forthcoming world championship match. Ivanchuk is
now playing stronger than the rest. But for all his obvious virtues, he is too unpredictable. As
the person who persuaded the Americans to fork out for the world title match, I realise that
for quite obvious reasons they would like my opponent to be Short. But for me as a chess
player, my interest in the cycle was significantly reduced as soon as Ivanchuk was eliminated.
Although Ivanchuk is the most dangerous opponent, it is he whom I would have liked to play.
For me this would have been a stimulus to study chess seriously.'

In the meantime, the ex-world champion, having hardly rested after his match with Anand,
was successful in the initial tournament of the second World Cup (Reykjavik 1991): 1. Ivanchuk
and Karpov - 10½ out of 15, etc. Altogether five tournaments were planned, and each
participant had the right to play in three of them. I was due to join the fight in the second
tournament (July 1992), in the third (November 1992) I would face the direct rivalry of
Ivanchuk, and in the concluding, fifth (May 1993) - of Karpov. Alas, at the end of 1991 financial
and organisational problems forced the GMA to give up the further staging of the World Cup,
and Bessel Kok resigned from his presidential post.

In the second half of October, Karpov and I met at a very strong double-round tournament of
eight grandmasters in Tilburg: the champion was playing, as well as all the Candidates, apart
from Yusupov. From the press: 'The average rating of the players reached the highest mark in
the history of chess competitions - 2666! The magnificent eight competitors were well
matched by the organisation of the tournament. Tilburg became a place of pilgrimage for
chess fans from all corners of Holland, with most of the spectators hurrying not into the
playing hall (they did not drop in there for long - to soak up the atmosphere of the
tournament, and see the stars "in the flesh"), but to a special foyer with demonstration
boards. Constantly present there were commentators, spontaneously describing the course of
the play.'

On this occasion I started in my usual style, scoring quite good wins over Timman, whom I
struck with 19...Nxf2! in a King's Indian middlegame, and Korchnoi, who was unable to hold
out in the Exchange Variation of the French Defence - 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 exd5 exd5 4 Nf3 Nf6 5
Bd3 c5 6 0-0! c4 7 Re1+ Be7 8 Bf1 etc. Korchnoi was terribly annoyed by this outcome, and in
the game from the second cycle, wishing to teach me a lesson, he chose an exchange variation
against the King's Indian.

Then came a difficult draw with another rising star - the 17-year-old 'new American' Gata
Kamsky (in Tilburg 1990 he shared 1st-2nd places with Ivanchuk). And in the 4th round I met a
player making his debut in the tournament, the 25-year-old Muscovite Evgeny Bareev, who by
that time was a prize-winner in two USSR championships, had won Hastings 1990/91, taken
second place in Biel 1991, and attained the solid rating of 2680. But the clash with the seven
leaders of the world chess elite was a severe test for him.

Game 78
E.Bareev-G.Kasparov, Tilburg, 4th Round, 21.10.1991
King's Indian Defence E92

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Be2 0–0 6.Nf3 e5 7.d5 a5 8.Be3 [Although Gligoric and
Petrosian played it, to me this move seems inferior to 8.Bg5 (Game No.47). It is good only
after 7...Nbd7 (Kramnik-Kasparov, Moscow (rapid) 1994; Kasparov-Vescovi, Rio de Janeiro
(simul') 1996).] 8...Ng4 9.Bg5 f6 10.Bh4 Na6! (now Black has a comfortable game) 11.Nd2 h5!?
[More active than 11...Nh6 and ...Bd7 (Gligoric-Geller, Belgrade 1970, 2nd round). The
weakening of the kingside did not frighten me: I had studied similar positions a year earlier,
before my match with Karpov.] 12.a3 Bd7 13.h3?! White begins losing precious time. [13.0–0
Qe8 (13...Nc5? 14.b4) 14.h3 Nh6 15.b3 f5 is sounder, with approximate equality (Petrosian-
Geller, Sochi 1977).] 13...Nh6 14.Rb1 (again a non-essential move) 14...Nc5! Of course: White
was threatening b2-b4, cutting off the knight on a6. 15.b4?! [If 15.0–0 the constricting 15...a4
is now possible,(although 15...g5 16.Bg3 h4 17.Bh2 f5 is also not bad. ) ; In ChessBase Wahls
and Anand recommend 15.b3 , although here too after 15...g5 16.Bg3 h4 17.Bh2 f5 the
initiative is on Black's side.] 15...axb4 16.axb4 Na4 (resolving the problem of the 'bad' knight)
17.Qc2 [There is also little joy in 17.Nxa4 Bxa4 18.Qc1 g5! (not my Informator suggestion
18...Be8 19.f3!) 19.Bg3 h4 20.Bh2 (Morovic-Kamsky, Las Palmas 1994) 20...f5! 21.b5 (21.exf5
Nxf5 and ...Nd4) 21...g4 etc.] 17...Nxc3 18.Qxc3 g5 19.Bg3 h4! [19...Qe8 allows time for 20.f3!
.] 20.Bh2 f5 Rarely in the King's Indian Defence is Black 'allocated' such a promising position.
21.c5 As it later transpired, it was only here that we diverged from the well-trodden path. [The
alternatives are no better: 21.Ra1 Rxa1+ 22.Qxa1 g4! (Rogers-Piket, Groningen 1990); or 21.f3
g4! 22.c5 Qg5 23.hxg4 fxg4 24.c6 bxc6 25.dxc6 (Danner-Navrotescu, Budapest 2001) 25...Be6!
.] 21...g4 22.c6 Bc8!? Keeping the light-squared bishops on the board. [In the event of
22...bxc6 23.dxc6 Be6 24.Bc4 it would be easier for White to defend, although after 24...Bxc4
25.Qxc4+ Rf7 26.hxg4 Nxg4 Black would retain some advantage.] 23.hxg4 fxg4 24.cxb7 [Also
after 24.0–0 b6 followed by ...Nf7 and ...Qg5(f6) White would not have solved the problem of
activating his bishop on h2.] 24...Bxb7 25.0–0 Qg5 The critical moment of the battle. 26.Ra1? A
tactical error. [The Informator suggestion 26.g3 (?!) is unaesthetic in view of 26...h3; but
White should have made a solid move, such as 26.Nb3 with the intention of Na5.] 26...Rxa1
[The immediate 26...Bxd5!? was also possible.] 27.Rxa1 Bxd5! [My flamboyant suggestion
27...Nf5 (?!) is, in fact, less effective: 28.exf5 e4 29.Qxc7 g3 30.Rd1! gxh2+ 31.Kh1! h3 32.gxh3
Bxd5 33.Qxd6 Rxf5 34.Nc4 e3+ 35.f3 Kh7 36.h4! , and White has every chance of holding on.]
28.Ra7 [28.exd5? e4 .] 28...Be6 29.Rxc7 Qf6 30.Qe3 Nf7 31.Bc4 Bh6 32.Qe2 Bxd2?! [32...Ng5?
was incorrect because of 33.b5; but 32...Rb8! was more accurate, with the inevitable win of
the b-pawn.] 33.Bxe6 [If 33.Qxd2 , then 33...Ng5 34.Qe2 (34.Bxe6+?! Nxe6 35.Qxd6? g3! and
wins) 34...Ra8 (or 34...Kh8 with an enduring advantage for Black, who is practically playing with

an extra piece.) ] 33...Qxe6 34.Qxd2 Qb3! (an unpleasant invasion for White) 35.Kh1 [35.b5
Ra8! .] 35...Qb1+?! Winning the tasty e4-pawn. [But 35...h3! was objectively stronger: 36.Qc2
(e2) 36...hxg2+ 37.Kg1 (37.Kxg2? Qh3+) 37...Qf3 with the threat of ...Ng5-h3 mate.] 36.Bg1
Qxe4 37.Qc2? [Hoping to save himself in a difficult endgame a pawn down, Bareev does not
notice the paradoxical defensive resource 37.b5! h3 38.f3! gxf3 39.gxf3 Qxf3+ 40.Kh2 , when
the strong passed b-pawn almost compensates White for his material deficit: 40...Qg4
(threatening ...Ng5) (or 40...Kg7 41.Qg5+ (41.b6 Kf6!) 41...Kh7 42.Qg3 with drawing chances)
41.Be3! .] 37...Qxc2 38.Rxc2 d5! Consistent play aimed at restricting the white bishop and king
– the threat is ...d5-d4. Now there is no way of saving the game. 39.b5 [If 39.f3 d4! 40.fxg4?!
there was the decisive 40...d3 and ...e5-e4. ; And the desperate 39.f4 would have been refuted
not only by 39...exf4 (but also by the pretty 39...g3! 40.Rd2 Nd6! 41.Rxd5 (or 41.fxe5 Ne4
42.Rd1 Rf2!) 41...Ne4) 40.Rd2 Rb8 .] 39...d4 40.f3 g3 [40...Rb8!? .] 41.b6 Rd8 [I was proud of
this 'subtle' move and I condemned the 'crude' 41...Rb8 (!) because of 42.Rc6 , although after
42...Kg7 Black would also have won: 43.f4 d3! 44.Be3 Rd8 45.Rc1 e4 etc.] 42.Rc6 [It would not
have helped to play 42.b7 Nd6 43.Rb2 Rb8 44.Rb6 Nxb7 45.Rb3 (45.f4? d3) 45...Kf8!; or 42.Rc5
Rb8! 43.Rb5 (43.Rc6 Kg7 , as in the note to Black's 41st move) 43...Kg7 44.f4 d3 .] 42...Nd6!
43.Rc7 [If 43.Rc5 I saw a straightforward win after 43...Kf7 (while Bareev pointed out 43...Nb7
44.Rxe5 d3 45.Re1 d2 46.Rd1 Rd3! when White is paralysed) 44.Rxe5 Nc4 and ...d4-d3.]
43...Rb8 44.Rc6 Nf5 45.Re6 Ne3! With the threat of ...Nd1–f2+. [White resigned – if 45...Ne3
46.Rxe5 Rxb6 .] 0–1

With a score of 3½ out of 4, I took the lead, but Vishy Anand was only half a point behind. And
in the next round I arrived for the game with him with a great desire to win.

Game 79
G.Kasparov-V.Anand, Tilburg, 5th Round, 22.10.1991
Sicilian Defence B48

1.e4 c5 [Not repeating the Linares choice 1...e5 (Game No.76) – already Anand had an
extensive opening repertoire. I did not imagine that I would encounter the Paulsen Variation,
but from the summer I had an interesting idea stored up in it.] 2.Nf3 Nc6 [After 2...e6 3.d4
cxd4 4.Nxd4 a6 I was also planning 5.Nc3 Qc7 6.Bd3 Nc6 7.Be3 ,(although later in a game with
Movsesian (Prague 2001) I preferred 7.Nxc6 .) ] 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Qc7 5.Nc3 e6 6.Be3 [The
alternative is 6.Be2 a6 7.0–0 Nf6 , and here I employed both 8.Kh1 (against Kengis, Riga
1995), (and also the main line 8.Be3 Bb4 9.Na4 (including against Anand, Frankfurt (rapid)
1999; Linares 2002).) ] 6...a6 7.Bd3 [Nowadays the variation 7.Qd2 Nf6 8.0–0–0 Bb4 9.f3 is
more topical (an example: Kasparov-Ye Jiangchuan, Bled Olympiad 2002).] 7...Nf6 8.0–0 Ne5
[8...b5; 8...Bd6; and 8...Nxd4 9.Bxd4 Bc5 are also played, but the set-up with the knight on e5 is
the most critical.] 9.h3 Bc5 [White was judged to be better after 9...b5 10.f4 Nc4 11.Bxc4 Qxc4
12.Qd3! Bb7 (12...d5 13.e5 Nd7 14.Qxc4 dxc4 15.f5! , Fischer-Petrosian, Santa Monica 1966)
13.a4! Qxd3 14.cxd3 b4 15.Nce2 .] 10.Kh1!? This line, which used to be considered harmless,
was one that I developed together with Makarychev. [More prominent were 10.Qe2 d6 11.f4
Ned7 12.Nb3 (Spassky-Petrosian, 23rd match game, Moscow 1969); 10.Na4 Ba7 11.c4 d6
12.Rc1 , as Tal played against Eingorn (Sochi 1986) and Panno (Buenos Aires 1991); and the
sharp 10.f4 Nc6 11.Nf5 (Durao-Hartston, Praia da Rocha Zonal 1969).] 10...d6 11.f4 Nc6?
Anand made this move almost without thinking – in those years he used to play very quickly.
[Meanwhile, two other knight moves were much better: 11...Ned7 12.-- a)12.a3 b5 (a)12...0–0
13.Qe1! , Kasparov-Ivanchuk, Novgorod 1994) 13.Bxb5!? (a)13.Qe1!) 13...axb5 14.Ndxb5 with
a dangerous initiative (Kasparov-Lautier, Amsterdam 1995); b), or 12.Qe1! Qb6 (b)12...b5?!
13.b4!; b)12...0–0 13.Qg3!) 13.Na4 Qb4 14.Qxb4 Bxb4 15.Nb3 b5 16.Nb6 with the better
ending (Ivanchuk-Lautier, Horgen 1995); c)12.Qf3!? , Tal-Najdorf, Belgrade 1970, 1st round.; ;
11...Ng6 12.Qe1 (the sharp 12.f5!? ; or the quiet 12.Qd2!? is more interesting) 12...0–0 13.f5

(a strategically risky move) 13...Ne5 14.Qh4 -- a), and if 14...b5 I had prepared the
questionable exchange sacrifice 15.Rf3!? with the idea of developing an attack on the g-file. ;
b). However, 14...Bd7 is sounder: 15.g4 (b)here also 15.Rf3!? was analysed) 15...Qb6 16.g5
Nh5 17.Qxh5 Bxd4 18.Bxd4 Qxd4 19.f6 Bc6 , maintaining the dynamic balance (Kasparov-Milos,
Rio de Janeiro 1996).; ; 11...Nxd3?! 12.cxd3 is unfavourable for Black.] 12.e5! This sudden
breakthrough emphasises the lack of harmony in the placing of the black pieces (the c5-bishop
would definitely be better on e7!). 12...Nxe5? Already the decisive mistake. [It was also
obviously bad to play 12...dxe5? 13.Ndb5! axb5 14.Bxc5 Nd4 15.fxe5 (15.b4!?) 15...Qxc5
16.exf6 and Ne4; or 12...Nd7? 13.Nxe6! fxe6 14.Qh5+ Kd8 (14...Kf8? 15.f5!) 15.Qh4+ Ne7
16.Ne4 with a winning attack. ; But there were three other possibilities: 12...Bxd4?! 13.Bxd4
dxe5 (13...Nxd4?! 14.exf6 gxf6 15.f5!) 14.fxe5! , when the following lines will not do: 14...--
a)14...Nd5? 15.Ne4 0–0 (a)15...Nxd4 16.Nd6+!; a)or 15...Nxe5? 16.Qh5! is also weak) 16.Nf6+!;
b), or 14...Nd7? 15.Ne4 Ncxe5 (b)15...Ndxe5 16.Bc5) 16.Qh5! (Goloshchapov-Al.Kharitonov,
Yekaterinburg 1999); c), or 14...Nxe5? 15.Rxf6! gxf6 16.Ne4 Nd7 (c)16...f5 17.Nf6+ Ke7
18.Qe1!) 17.Qe1! b5 18.Qb4 with a decisive attack; d), while after 14...Nxd4 15.exf6 g6 16.Be4
Black will have to suffer; ; 12...Nxd4?! 13.exf6 g6 (if 13...gxf6? there is the decisive 14.Ne4 (or
14.Bxd4 Bxd4 15.Bb5+ and Qxd4 – Stohl) 14...f5 15.Bxd4) 14.Bxd4 (or 14.Qe1! , threatening
Nd5 and Rd1, with an obvious advantage) 14...Bxd4 15.Bb5+ and Qxd4; 12...Nd5! (the most
resilient defence) 13.Nxd5 exd5 14.Nxc6!? (14.Qe1; or 14.c3 is also not bad) , retaining an
enduring initiative after all of 14...bxc6 (14...Qxc6 15.Bxc5 dxc5 16.f5!; 14...Bxe3 15.Nb4 Qc5
16.Qf3! Qxb4 17.Qxe3 0–0 18.f5!) 15.exd6 Bxd6 16.Qh5 .] 13.fxe5 dxe5 14.Bb5+! [White would
have won equally prettily by 14.Ndb5! axb5 15.Bxb5+ , and if 15...Ke7 (at the board I rejected
15...Ke7 because of 15...Bd7 16.Bxd7+ Nxd7 , overlooking the obvious 17.Bxc5 Qxc5
(17...Nxc5? 18.Nb5) 18.Rxf7! (or even 18.Ne4! Qd5 19.Nd6+ Ke7 20.Qh5! with the threats of
Rxf7+ and Rad1) 18...0–0–0 19.Qg4) 16.Bg5! Bd7 (after 16...h6 my Informator move 17.Bh4 is
good, (but 17.Qh5! Rh7 18.Bxf6+ gxf6 19.Rad1 Bd4 20.Qh4 is more forceful) ) 17.Qf3! Ke8
18.Rad1 .] 14...axb5 [If 14...Bd7 15.Bxd7+ Nxd7 , then Stohl's 16.Qf3 is not bad, (but 16.Nxe6!
fxe6 17.Bg5! is far more resounding: 17...g6 (or 17...Be7 18.Bxe7 Kxe7 19.Qg4 Rag8 20.Qb4+
and Black has no defence) 18.Ne4 Qc6 19.Qd3 .) ; In the event of 14...Kf8!? I would have had
to make another sacrifice – 15.Rxf6! , also depriving Black of any saving hopes. 15...-- a). Since
15...gxf6? 16.Bh6+ Ke7 17.Nf5+! exf5 18.Nd5+ is fatal for him; b), one of the captures on d4 is
all that remains: 15...Bxd4 16.Bh6! (b)this move of Stohl's is far stronger than 16.Rxf7+ (?!)
16...Qxf7 17.Bxd4 , which I gave in Informator) 16...gxh6 (b)16...Bxc3 17.Rxf7+! Kxf7 18.Qh5+
Ke7 19.Rd1; b)or 16...Qe7 17.Ne4 and Qh5 is even worse; b)or 16...axb5 17.Qh5 e4 18.Nxb5
Qe7 19.Bxg7+ Kxg7 20.Qh6+ Kg8 21.Nxd4 Qf8 22.Qh5 and Raf1, winning) 17.Qh5 Rg8 (b)if
17...Be3 18.Raf1 Bf4 , then 19.R6xf4! exf4 20.Qxh6+ Ke7 21.Qg5+ Kf8 22.Rd1!) 18.Qxh6+ Rg7
19.Be8! Be3 20.Qxe3 Kxe8 21.Ne4; c)15...exd4 16.Bh6! (c)my Informator suggestion 16.Bf4
(?!) 16...Qe7 17.Ne4 axb5 is weaker, even after the best move 18.Be5!) 16...dxc3
(c)16...axb5?; c)or 16...gxh6? loses to 17.Qh5!) 17.Qf3! (c)now if 17.Qh5? Black is saved by
17...Bd4!) 17...axb5 (c)earlier I recommended 17...Bd4 , missing the winning 18.Bxg7+! Kxg7
19.Rf1 Rf8 20.Bd3! – Stohl) 18.Rf1 Ke8 19.Rxf7 Qc6 (c)or 19...Bd7 20.Qxc3 e5 21.Bxg7 Rg8
22.Qd3! and wins) 20.Qh5! Qd5 (c)20...g6 21.Qe5) 21.Bg5! g6 22.Qh6 .; ] 15.Ndxb5 Qb6
16.Bxc5 Qxc5 17.Nd6+ Ke7 [If 17...Kf8 , then 18.Nce4 Qd5 19.Qf3 and Rad1, winning.] 18.Rxf6!
[This is both stronger and prettier than the prosaic 18.Nce4 Qd4 (18...Qd5 19.Qe1) 19.Qf3
Nxe4 20.Nxe4 (20.Nb5!?) 20...f5 21.Qg3! Kf7 22.Ng5+ and Rad1, which also wins.] 18...gxf6
19.Nce4 Qd4 [19...Qe3? 20.Nf5+!; while if 19...Qc7 (b6) there is the decisive 20.Qh5 Rf8
21.Qh6! .] 20.Qh5 Rf8 21.Rd1! Qe3 [21...Qxb2 22.Qh6 .] 22.Qh4 Qf4 23.Qe1! Ra4 [There is
nothing else: 23...f5? 24.Nxc8+ and Qb4+, mating.] 24.Qc3 Rd4 25.Rxd4 Qf1+ [25...exd4
26.Qc7+ Bd7 27.Nc8+! .] 26.Kh2 exd4 27.Qc5! (the final touch) 27...Kd7 [Or 27...Qf4+ 28.g3
Qe5 29.Nxc8+ , also with mate.] 28.Nb5 Qf4+ 29.g3 [And in view of mate after 29.g3 Qxe4 (or
29...Qe5 30.Nxf6+!) 30.Qc7+ , Black resigned. Such a crushing win against a dangerous rival
gave me great creative satisfaction.] 1–0

As is usual in double-round tournaments, so that no one should play three successive games
with the same colour, the organisers switched some rounds - the 6th with the 7th, and also the
13th with the 14th. In the rearranged round I drew with Short, after missing a win in the
second time scramble, and before my game with Karpov, which concluded the first cycle, I was
confidently leading with 5 out of 6.

But what about my eternal opponent? From the press: 'Many assumed that the tournament
would see a sharp duel between Kasparov and Karpov. This did not happen: the ex-world
champion began in very poor form. What told was fatigue after the first stage of the World
Cup, which concluded literally a couple of days before Tilburg, and the arduous flight from
Reykjavik to Holland. The outcome of the first cycle was uncommonly poor for Karpov: in
seven games he scored six draws and not a single win. After this, of course, he was unable to
fight for first place. But the next brick in the fundamental edifice of duels between Kasparov
and Karpov proved uncommonly attractive.'

Game 80
A.Karpov-G.Kasparov, Tilburg, 7th Round, 25.10.1991
King's Indian Defence E97

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Nf3 0–0 6.Be2 e5 7.0–0 Nc6 8.d5 Ne7 9.Nd2 [9.Ne1 –
Game Nos.58, 64, 77.] 9...a5 10.Rb1 [Of course, not 10.b3?! c5 (Game No.44 in Kasparov vs.
Karpov 1986-87).] 10...Nd7 11.a3 f5 12.b4 Kh8! A useful move, [in contrast to 12...b6?!
(Game No.42). ; Black's objective is to relieve the congestion in his position. He should not
hurry with ...f5-f4, but play ...Ng8, and for the moment keep his other knight on d7, hindering
White's c4-c5 (if 12...Nf6?! , then 13.c5! ). The first time I employed this new plan, which
became the most popular, was against Karpov in Skelleftea (1989).] 13.f3 [Nothing is given by
the gambit 13.c5 axb4 14.axb4 dxc5 etc.; If 13.Qc2 again 13...Ng8 is good (Salov-Short,
Skelleftea 1989),(although there is also the sharp 13...axb4 14.axb4 Nf6 15.f3 g5!? 16.c5 Ng6 ,
abandoning everything for the sake of an attack on the king (Vaganian-Kasparov, Manila
Olympiad 1992).) ] 13...Ng8!? Black manoeuvres with his knights, maintaining the pawn
tension in the centre and retaining the choice between ...f5-f4 and ...fxe4. Makarychev: 'The
world champion's strategic plan probably became the most important contribution by Black to
the theory of the classical variation after the famous game Taimanov-Najdorf (Zürich
Candidates Tournament 1953)'. [The old move was 13...f4 : for example, 14.Nb3?! axb4
15.axb4 g5 16.Bd2?! Ng6 17.Ra1 Rxa1 18.Qxa1 Nf6 19.Qa7 (19.g4 fxg3!) 19...g4! 20.fxg4
(20.Na5 g3!) 20...Nxg4 21.h3 Nh6 22.Be1 Rg8 23.Nd2 Bf6! and ...Bh4 with excellent play for
Black (Ljubojevic-Kasparov, Linares 1993).After 13...Ng8 White must guard the e4-point and
prepare c4-c5. But how?] 14.Qc2 This is the main line. [In Skelleftea Karpov responded
inaccurately – 14.Nb3?! .; Now after c4-c5 White will no longer have the strong manoeuvre
Nd2-c4, and Black gains time to create counterplay: 14.Qc2 axb4 15.axb4 Ndf6! – the knight
begins operating on the kingside, at the same time making way for the bishop on c8 (Game
No.7 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009).] 14...Ngf6 [A month later I successfully played
14...axb4 15.axb4 Ndf6?! 16.c5 Nh5 17.Nc4! Nf4 18.cxd6?! (but 18.Be3! with the idea of b4-b5-
b6 is stronger) 18...cxd6 19.Nb5 Ra6 20.Rb3 fxe4 21.fxe4 Bd7! 22.Nc3?! Ra1 23.Bxf4 Rxf1+
24.Bxf1 exf4 25.Qf2 Nh6 26.h3 Nf7 27.Ne2 Ng5 28.Nxf4? Qf6 ... 0–1 (Khalifman-Kasparov, Paris
(rapid) 1991).; At that time 14...Bh6 was also fashionable – after 15.Nb5 (but 15.c5 ; or
15.Nb3 and c4-c5 is more promising) 15...axb4 16.axb4 Ndf6 17.c5 Nh5! (17...fxe4 18.Nxe4 is
advantageous to White, Ivanchuk-Gelfand, Linares 1992) 18.Nc4 Bd7! both sides have chances
(Dokhoian-Velikhanli, Helsinki 1992).] 15.Nb5 For the moment everything is following a
familiar pattern. [The exchange 15.exf5 gxf5 weakens White's foundations in the centre:
16.Bd3 axb4 17.axb4 Nb6 18.Nb3 Nh5 19.g3 c6! with counterplay. ; But soon a new,

problematic variation appeared: 15.Bd3!? f4 (forced) 16.Nb5 b6 , and this quickly became the
main one. Its author, Ivanchuk, in a game with me (Linares 1992) sacrificed a pawn – 17.c5!?
(Gurevich's move 17.Bb2! with the threat of c4-c5 became more popular (here I prepared
17...Ne8 followed by a counterattack on the kingside, but I did not in fact test it in practice)) ,
and after 17...dxc5 (17...bxc5 (Khalifman-Kamsky, Biel Interzonal 1993) is perhaps safer)
18.bxa5 Rxa5 19.Nc4 Ra8 20.a4 Ne8 I did not achieve full equality. ] 15...axb4 16.axb4 Nh5
17.g3 Ndf6 18.c5! [More energetic than 18.Rb3 fxe4 , when Black equalises (Lobron-Gelfand,
Dortmund 1990).] 18...Bd7 [The alternative is 18...fxe4 19.fxe4 Bh3 20.Rf2 Qd7 (if 20...Ng4 ,
then 21.Rxf8+ Bxf8 22.Nf3 h6 23.Nh4! , Polugayevsky-J.Polgar, 2nd match game, Aruba 1991)
21.c6 bxc6 22.Qxc6 Bh6 23.Nc4 Qg7!? (instead of 23...Bxc1 24.Rxc1 Nxe4 25.Qxd7 Bxd7
26.Rxf8+ Rxf8 27.Nxc7 Rb8 , which after 28.Bd3! and b4-b5 (Ftacnik) gives White an
advantage) 24.Qxc7 Nxe4 25.Qxg7+ Bxg7 26.Rxf8+ Bxf8 is better, with a complicated, roughly
equal endgame.] 19.Rb3! A strong, multi-purpose move: the rook not only aims for c3, but also
defends the kingside. [Before the 1990 match my trainers and I studied 19.c6?! here and
concluded that after 19...bxc6 20.dxc6 Be6 Black has a perfectly acceptable position.; The
culmination of the theoretical duel. After the quiet 19.Rb3 Bh6 (and 19...fxe4?! 20.fxe4 Bh3
21.Re1 Bh6 is inaccurate in view of 22.Nf3!? , Gelfand-Kasparov, Paris (rapid) 1991) 20.Rc3
fxe4 21.fxe4 Bh3 22.Re1 (Epishin-J.Polgar, Brno 1991 and Vienna 1991) White's chances are
somewhat better.The move 19 Rb3, confidently made by my opponent, provoked in me a
surge of emotion, and after some thought I decided to sharpen the play to the utmost with a
daring knight sacrifice.] 19...Nxg3?! [It is interesting that, the following year, after 19...Bh6
20.Rc3 I launched an attack with successive sacrifices against Kamsky (Dortmund 1992):
20...Bf4?! 21.-- a)21.cxd6 -- a1)21...Nxg3? (now this is a blunder) 22.hxg3 Nh5 23.gxf4 Nxf4
(a1)23...Qh4 also fails to save Black after 24.Rf2 Nxf4 25.Bf1 Bxb5 26.dxc7 Qg3+ 27.Rg2 Nxg2
28.Bxg2 Qe1+ 29.Nf1) 24.Bc4! , and White won.; a2). Of course, the cool-headed 21...cxd6!
was essential (threatening of ...Qb6+), when 22.Nc7 Rc8 23.Ne6 Bxe6 24.dxe6 Be3+! 25.Kg2
Rxc3 26.Qxc3 f4 27.Nb3 Bxc1 28.Rxc1 fxg3 29.hxg3 Nxg3! 30.Kxg3 Nh5+ 31.Kg2 Qh4 could lead
to perpetual check.; ; b)21.Rf2 Nxg3! 22.hxg3 Bxg3 23.Rg2 Nh5 with two pawns for the piece,
and an attack.; c). And even so, the attack with 20...Bf4 is dubious in view of 21.gxf4! Nxf4
22.Bc4 : for example, 22...N6xd5 23.exd5 Qg5+ 24.Kf2 Bxb5 25.Bxb5 Qh4+ (c)or 25...c6 26.dxc6
bxc6 27.Ke1 cxb5 28.cxd6 – Black has insufficient compensation for the material deficit) 26.Ke3
Nxd5+ 27.Ke2 . Therefore he apparently has to reconcile himself to the approved 20...fxe4 21
fxe4 Bh3.; ] 20.hxg3 Nh5 21.f4! [The best reply (White loses after 21.Kg2? Nxg3 22.Kxg3 f4+;
while if 21.Rf2 Nxg3 his extra piece is not felt), although it seemed to me that also after it
Black should be okay. But the longer I thought over my 21st move, the more anxious I
became...] 21...exf4?! [Alas, nearly half an hour's calculation did not help me to make the
correct choice – 21...Bxb5! 22.Bxb5 exf4 23.-- a), when 23.gxf4 Nxf4! 24.Nf3 fxe4 25.Qxe4
Qc8! (Khalifman-Kindermann, Munich (rapid) 1991); b), or 23.Bb2 Nxg3 (Beliavsky-Khalifman,
Reggio Emilia 1991/92) gives Black good play.; c). It is stronger to play 23.exf5! Nxg3
(c)23...dxc5!? deserves consideration too) 24.Rxf4 Nxf5 25.Nf3 dxc5 , and here not 26.bxc5
(c)but 26.Qxc5! , and White's extra piece is nevertheless superior to the black pawns: 26...c6
(c)26...Ra1 27.Bf1) 27.Bd3 b6 (otherwise Bxf5) 28.Qc2 Nd4 29.Rxf8+ Qxf8 30.Nxd4 Bxd4+
31.Kg2 cxd5 32.Bb2 etc. True, with only one surviving pawn, it is hard for White to hope for
success) 26...Qxd5 (Rublevsky-Pugachev, Russia 1992).; ] 22.c6! (I underestimated this strong
intermediate move) 22...bxc6 23.dxc6 Nxg3? Now Black's position is close to being lost.
[However, even after the more resilient 23...Be6 24.Bxh5 gxh5!? (but not my Informator
suggestion 24...Bxb3? 25.Nxb3 gxh5 in view of 26.N3d4!) 25.Bb2! fxe4 26.Bxg7+ Kxg7 27.Qxe4
Bxb3 28.Nxb3; or 23...Bxc6 24.Qxc6 Nxg3 25.Rxg3 fxg3 26.Nf3! fxe4 (26...Qe7?! 27.Bd3) 27.Ng5
Rxf1+ 28.Bxf1 Qf8 29.Nxe4 I would have faced a depressing struggle for a draw.] 24.Rxg3 fxg3
25.cxd7 g2 [Of course, not 25...Qh4? 26.Nf3 Qh3 27.Bb2 g2 28.Bxg7+ Kxg7 29.Re1 and wins.
From afar it had seemed to me that the resulting position was not so bad for Black, but this
was an illusion.] 26.Rf3? White has three (!) minor pieces for the rook and pawns, and to be

able to play for a win he needs to retain at least one of his pawns, or, at the worst, the queens,
in order with the support of the minor pieces to attack the enemy king. Black's aims are
directly the opposite. [Thus in the event of 26.Rf2 Qxd7 27.Bb2 (in Informator I recommended
27.exf5 – after 27...c5? (but with 27...c6! Black can still resist) 28.bxc5 dxc5 29.Bb2 White has
a fearfully strong attack) 27...fxe4 28.Nxe4 Rxf2 29.Nxf2 c5! he would succeed in exchanging
White's last pawn and half solve the difficult problem of achieving a draw. ; However, the
strongest was 26.Rd1! with a powerful activation of the pieces. 26...-- a). Now the c1–bishop
is defended, and therefore it is bad to play 26...Qxd7? 27.Qxc7 Qxc7 28.Nxc7 – the fate of the
game is decided by the passed b-pawn. ; b). There is also no point in 26...Qh4?! 27.Nf3 Qh1+
28.Kf2 fxe4 29.Qxe4 and wins; c), while if 26...Rb8?! (with the idea of 27 Qxc7? Bd4+!) there
follows the unexpected 27.e5!! Qxd7 (c)or 27...Bxe5 28.Nf3 Bf6 29.Qxc7 etc) 28.Qxc7 .; d). That
only leaves 26...fxe4 27.Nxe4 Qxd7 28.Kxg2 (d)of course, not 28.Qxc7? Qh3! , forcing a draw –
29.Qxg7+ Kxg7 30.Bb2+ Kh6 31.Bc1+) 28...Rae8 29.Qc4 , but here White retains both the b4-
pawn and the queens, and with them every chance of converting his enormous advantage.; ]
26...Qxd7 [In Informator I recommended 26...Qh4 27.Kxg2 Qg4+ 28.Kf1 fxe4 29.Qxe4 Qxd7 ,
but here the invasion of the knight is unpleasant for Black – 30.Nd4! c5 31.Ne6 Rxf3+
(31...Rfe8 32.Bc4! cxb4 33.Rh3 with a winning attack) 32.Qxf3 Ra1 33.Nb3 Rxc1+ 34.Nxc1 Qxe6
35.b5 and wins.] 27.Bb2 [My earlier recommendation 27.exf5 c6 28.Bb2 (28.Na3 Qe7!) , does
not stand up to criticism because of 28...cxb5 29.f6 (29.fxg6 Rac8) 29...Rxf6! 30.Bxf6 (30.Rxf6?
Qh3) 30...Bxf6 31.Ne4 Be5 , when Black is alright. ; And after 27.Qxc7 Qxc7 28.Nxc7 Rac8 he
would have regained one of the pieces and successfully coped with the passed b-pawn.]
27...fxe4 28.Rxf8+ Rxf8 Another turning-point in the game. 29.Bxg7+? [Speelman was right in
reproaching Karpov for this hasty exchange of bishops and in recommending 29.Nxe4 . And
although after 29...c5?! (apparently the lesser evil was 29...Re8) White's last pawn is
exchanged, he could continue playing for a win, even despite the open position of his own
king: 30.bxc5! dxc5 31.Qxc5 Rb8 32.Bxg7+ Qxg7 33.Nbd6 , and under the threat of a mating
attack I would soon have also had to give up rook for bishop. White would have remained with
two extra knights, but with the queens on (and even without the queens Black would be
hindered by his own pawns).] 29...Qxg7 30.Qxe4 Qf6 [30...c5 was also possible, but it is more
important first to exchange the queens. Equality is already close, although there is an
extremely rare and original balance of forces on the board. It should be borne in mind that the
fantastic endgame looming on the horizon – two knights and bishop against rook – is drawn in
view of the possibility, when no pawns remain, of giving up the rook for the bishop or playing
for stalemate. But Black must play very accurately!] 31.Nf3 Qf4 32.Qe7 [Avoiding 32.Qxf4 Rxf4
33.Nxc7 Rxb4 with a draw.] 32...Rf7 33.Qe6 Rf6 [A draw would immediately have been forced
by 33...g5!? 34.Qe8+ (34.Kxg2?! g4 , winning the knight) 34...Rf8 35.Qe7 g4 36.Bd3 Rf7
37.Qe8+ Rf8 38.Qe7 . But as it is, there is no longer anything that White can do.] 34.Qe8+ Rf8
35.Qe7 Rf7 36.Qe6 Rf6 [Again avoiding 36...g5!? – I was expecting that at any moment a draw
offer would follow. But Karpov suddenly decided to continue the fight.] 37.Qb3!? g5 [The
seemingly tempting 37...c6?! with the idea of 38 Nbd4 g5! (suggested by me after the game)
would have been refuted by the typically computer move 38.Nc7! followed by 38...d5 39.Qc3!
Kg8 40.b5! Rf7 41.b6 (that's progress for you!).] 38.Nxc7 g4?! A sign of time-trouble.
[38...Qc1+ 39.Kxg2 Qxc7 40.Qd5 (or 40.Qe3 Qb7) 40...g4 would have drawn more quickly and
simply.] 39.Nd5 Qc1+ 40.Qd1 [If 40.Kxg2 gxf3+ 41.Bxf3 Qd2+ 42.Kf1 there is the good reply
42...Rf8! 43.b5 Rc8 .] 40...Qxd1+ 41.Bxd1 Rf5 42.Ne3 Rf4 43.Ne1 Rxb4 'So Black has succeeded
in eliminating White's last pawn. But there is still tremendous potential for suffering in the
position!' (Speelman). A valid observation: at this moment I did not definitely know whether I
would be able to hold out with my rook against the armada of minor pieces. 44.Bxg4 h5!
[44...Rxg4? 45.Nxg4 was premature – with pawns on the board, the white knights, supported
by the king, should sooner or later construct a mating net. Therefore I firmly decided to give up
all my pawns – and what would be, would be.] 45.Bf3 d5 46.N3xg2 h4 47.Nd3 Ra4 48.Ngf4 Kg7
49.Kg2 Kf6 50.Bxd5 Ra5 51.Bc6 Ra6 52.Bb7 Ra3 53.Be4 Ra4 54.Bd5 Ra5 55.Bc6 Ra6 56.Bf3 Kg5

57.Bb7 Ra1 58.Bc8 Ra4 59.Kf3 Rc4 60.Bd7 Kf6 The second time control was reached, and the
game was at last adjourned, with both players having used nearly all their time. On arriving at
the hotel, I was not sure that this was a drawn ending, but I quickly found a reliable plan – to
play my king to the dark corner (of the opposite colour to the bishop) and keep my rook at the
other end of the board (to avoid knight forks), while threatening to sacrifice it. White has no
way of breaching this fortress.But upon the resumption Karpov battled on 'to the last bullet'.
61.Kg4 Rd4 62.Bc6 Rd8 63.Kxh4 Today the mighty endgame program Nalimov has ascertained
that two knights and a bishop cannot win against a rook, irrespective of which corner – dark or
light – the king is driven to. 63...Rg8 64.Be4 Rg1 65.Nh5+ Ke6 66.Ng3 Kf6 67.Kg4 Ra1 68.Bd5
Ra5 69.Bf3 Ra1 70.Kf4 Ke6 71.Nc5+ Kd6 72.Nge4+ Ke7 73.Ke5 Rf1 74.Bg4 Rg1 75.Be6 Re1
76.Bc8 Rc1 77.Kd4 Rd1+ 78.Nd3 Kf7 79.Ke3 Ra1 80.Kf4 Ke7 81.Nb4 Rc1 82.Nd5+ Kf7 83.Bd7
Rf1+ 84.Ke5 Ra1 85.Ng5+ Kg6 86.Nf3 Kg7 87.Bg4 Kg6 88.Nf4+ Kg7 89.Nd4 Re1+ 90.Kf5 Rc1
91.Be2 Re1 92.Bh5 Ra1 93.Nfe6+ Methodically confining the black king, although it is also
quite comfortable on the edge of the board. 93...Kh6 94.Be8 Ra8 95.Bc6 Ra1 96.Kf6 Kh7
[96...Kh5 was also possible here; but not the alternative 96...Rf1+ 97.Nf5+ Kh5? 98.Bg2! Rf2
99.Bh3! with the threat of Neg7 mate.] 97.Ng5+ Kh8 98.Nde6 Ra6 99.Be8 Ra8 100.Bh5 Ra1
101.Bg6 Rf1+ 102.Ke7 Ra1 103.Nf7+ Kg8 104.Nh6+ Kh8 105.Nf5 Ra7+ 106.Kf6 Ra1 107.Ne3
Re1 108.Nd5 Rg1 109.Bf5 Rf1 110.Ndf4 Ra1 111.Ng6+ Kg8 112.Ne7+ Kh8 113.Ng5 Ra6+
114.Kf7 After exhausting the 'fifty move' limit, White allows the long-awaited sacrifice.
114...Rf6+ [Draw agreed in view of 114...Rf6+ 115.Kxf6 – stalemate! The longest game of the
tournament and an unforgettable, study-like finish.] ½–½

After the first cycle the leading trio was Kasparov - 5½ out of 7, Anand - 5, Short - 4½.

The entire tournament took place against the background of constant discussions about the
venue for the future world championship match. As a counter to my suggestion of Los Angeles,
a bid from Morocco suddenly appeared. I think that this was another of Campomanes's
intrigues, a game aimed at raising the 'American stakes'. Fortunately, a conflict did not occur:
Rabat soon withdrew its bid - there, apparently, they took account of the world champion's
opinion. But I wonder how chess history would have turned out, if I had nevertheless agreed
with the Morocco variation?

The November FIDE Congress in Berlin approved Los Angeles without any particular discussion,
and in Moscow on 18th February 1992 Campomanes and the organisers signed a 'final'
contract, in accordance with which about 20% of the prize fund was to be allocated to FIDE,
the GMA and a special chess fund. The start of the match was set for 14th August 1993. Who
could have known then, that in August 1992 serious financial and political causes would force
the organisers to pull out of staging the match, FIDE would begin collecting new bids, and this
would be the prelude to extremely dramatic events in the chess world...

During the second cycle in Tilburg I won against Timman and Bareev, and drew with Korchnoi
and Kamsky. Three rounds before the finish it appeared that the question of the tournament
winner was already decided: I was on 8½ out of 11, Anand had 6½ and a slightly better
adjourned position against Kamsky, while Short and Karpov, who had made a spurt, were on
6½. However, in the 12th round I contrived to lose from an excellent position to Anand,
completely wasting a valuable novelty with a queen sacrifice. For an instant it appeared that
Vishy might catch me, but in the 13th round he lost to Karpov, and then, with a blunder on the
99th move, he also lost his adjourned game against Kamsky.

As for me, in the 13th round I drew with difficulty against Short. Thus before the concluding
meeting of the two 'Ks', the destiny of first place was already decided: with 9 out of 13, I was

one and a half points ahead of Karpov, Anand and Short. Nevertheless, our game was just as
competitive as ever.

Game 81
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, Tilburg, 14th Round, 4.11.1991
Scotch Game C45

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4!? Let's see, after our last year's match, what the opponent has
prepared against the Scotch! 3...exd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 [4...Bc5 – Game No.88.] 5.Nxc6 bxc6 6.e5
Qe7 7.Qe2 Nd5 8.c4 Ba6 [8...Nb6 – Game No.71.] 9.b3 g6 To judge by Karpov's rapid reply, my
choice did not come as a surprise to him. [In contrast to 9...0–0–0 (Game No.70); 9...f6; or
9...Qh4?! , the 9...g6 variation was still little-explored.; Four years later Ubilava's aggressive
move 9...g5!? also appeared (Kasparov-Anand, 8th match game, New York 1995). Now the e5-
pawn is in danger (White does not have f2-f4 and in some cases ...Nf4-g6 is threatened). I
replied 10.Ba3 (10.g3 (Kasparov-Nikolic, Linares 1997) ; or 10.h4!? (Palac-Giorgadze, Pula
1997) is more topical) , and after 10...d6 11.exd6 Qxe2+ 12.Bxe2 Bg7! 13.cxd5 Bxe2 14.Kxe2
Bxa1 15.Rc1 0–0–0! I obtained sufficient compensation for the exchange, but not an
advantage.] 10.f4!? A novelty. Analysing this variation before the start of the Lyons part of the
1990 match, my trainers and I concluded that this was the most energetic reply (in the hope of
exploiting the insecurity of the black knight and the bishop on a6). [Later I was also attracted
by other continuations: 10.Ba3?! Qg5 with unclear play (Kasparov-Ivanchuk, Amsterdam 1994),
(but soon it was established that 10...Qh4! is stronger, planning if 11.Bxf8? (and after 11.Bb2
Bb4+ 12.Kd1 (12.Nd2 Nc3) 12...Nf4 Black has no difficulties) , the unexpected invasion
11...Qd4 ) ; 10.Bb2 Bg7 11.Nd2 Nb4! 12.-- a), and here 12.Nf3 c5 13.g3 0–0 14.Bg2 has
occurred, followed by 14...d5! 15.0–0 (Sveshnikov-Kharitonov, Leningrad 1991) 15...Rad8!
(Svidler-Adams, Tilburg 1997); b), while in 1993, trying to find even a hint of an advantage for
White, I spent a long time analysing 12.0–0–0 Nxa2+ 13.Kb1 Nb4 14.Ne4 . But after 14...0–0
Black's defences are solid: 15.Nf6+ (b)or 15.Qf3 Rfe8 16.Nf6+ (b)16.h4 d5 17.Nf6+ Bxf6 18.exf6
Qe4+) 16...Bxf6 17.exf6 Qc5 18.h4 d5 19.h5 g5 etc) 15...Bxf6 16.exf6 Qxe2 17.Bxe2 d6; ; 10.g3
Bg7 11.Bb2 0–0 12.Bg2 Rfe8 (12...Rae8!?) 13.0–0 . Nowadays this is a fashionable set-up,
where Black has played both 13...Bxe5 (and 13...Nb6 14.Re1 d5 (Kasparov-I.Sokolov, Yerevan
Olympiad 1996),(or 14...f6! ) ) 14.Qxe5 Qxe5 15.Bxe5 Rxe5 16.cxd5 Bxf1 17.Kxf1 cxd5 18.f4
with slightly the better chances for White.] 10...f6 By no means the only move. [White has a
small advantage after both 10...Bg7 11.Qf2 (van der Wiel-Beliavsky, Groningen 1994); and
10...Qb4+ 11.Bd2 Qb6 12.Nc3 (or 12.Qf3! ; slightly more accurate than 12.Qe4 f5 13.Qf3 ,
Kasparov-Bacrot, Sarajevo 2000) 12...Bb4 13.Qd3! (but not 13.Qf3 Nxc3 14.Bxc3 Bb7 15.0–0–0
c5 with equality, Gelfand-Karpov, Linares 1992) ; But the most interesting and perhaps the
most promising is the sharp 10...g5!? (attacking the base of the pawn chain as recommended
by Nimzowitsch!): for example, 11.Ba3?! (Motylev-Ivanchuk, Moscow (blitz) 2002) (or 11.fxg5
Bg7 12.Bb2 (Pavasovic-Balinov, Pula 2003) 12...Qxg5 13.Nd2 0–0–0 with double-edged play;
11.f5?! 0–0–0 12.Ba3 d6 is worse) 11...Nb4! 12.f5 (12.Bb2 gxf4 13.Qf2 c5) 12...d5 13.Bb2 dxc4
14.Qe4 0–0–0 , seizing the initiative.] 11.Ba3!? [After 11.exf6 Qxe2+ 12.Bxe2 Bb4+! 13.Bd2
Bxd2+ 14.Nxd2 Nxf4 15.Rf1 Black equalises with 15...Nxe2! 16.Kxe2 Kf7 17.Kd3 Rae8
(Radjabov-Kasparov, Linares 2004).] 11...Qf7?! An incorrect manoeuvre, in my view, although
up to now it has been thought to lead to equality. [In the event of 11...c5 12.g3! fxe5 13.Bg2
c6 14.Bb2 Bg7 15.0–0 (15.fxe5 0–0 16.Nd2 Nc7!) 15...0–0 16.Nd2 Nb4 17.Nf3 e4 18.Bxg7 Qxg7
19.Qxe4 Rae8 20.Qb1 Qc3 21.Qc1 Nc2 22.Rb1 Re2 23.Rf2 Rfe8 24.Bf1! White's chances are
also somewhat better.; 11...Nb4! is correct: 12.Bb2 Bh6! (but not 12...c5 13.Nc3 fxe5 14.a3! ,
as given by me in Informator; or 12...fxe5 13.a3 Nd5 14.Qxe5! Nf6 15.Be2 Bg7 16.Nd2) 13.a3
(13.Nc3 fxe5!) 13...Nd5 14.exf6 (14.g3 0–0 is equal) 14...Qxe2+ 15.Bxe2 Nxf4! 16.f7+ Kxf7
17.Bxh8 Rxh8 18.0–0 Kg7 with full compensation for the exchange (Sutovsky-Nielsen, Reykjavik
(rapid) 2004).] 12.Qd2! [12.exf6+?! Kd8 13.Qd2 Nxf6! favours Black.] 12...Nb6 [12...Ne7 is

hardly any better: 13.Bd3! fxe5 14.0–0 with the initiative.] 13.c5! (an unpleasant tactical
stroke, which unsettles Black) 13...Bxf1 14.cxb6 axb6?! For some reason I sensed that this
move might be made, although it is a step towards the precipice. [Let us analyse two other
possibilities: 14...Ba6 (?) 15.bxc7 fxe5 (15...Bxa3 16.Nxa3 is no better) 16.Qa5 Qxf4 17.Qxa6
Qh4+ 18.Kd1! (otherwise it is a draw: 18.g3 Qe4+; or 18.Kf1 Bxa3! etc) 18...Qd4+ 19.Kc2 Qe4+
20.Qd3 Qxg2+ 21.Nd2 Bxa3 22.Rhf1! with the threat of Qa6, and Black cannot save the game:
22...-- a)22...Ke7? 23.Rae1 d6 24.Qa6 Bb4 25.c8N+! Raxc8 26.Qb7+ and Qxb4; b), or 22...Qd5
23.Qa6 Bb4 24.Rad1 Ke7 25.Qe2! Rhf8 (b)if 25...Bxd2? 26.Rxd2 Qa5 there is the spectacular
ambush 27.Qe1!! Qxa2+ 28.Kc3 Qa5+ 29.Kb2) 26.Nc4 Qe6 27.Nxe5 Bd6 28.Rfe1 Bxe5 29.Qxe5
Rf2+ 30.Kc3 Qxe5+ 31.Rxe5+ Kf6 32.Rde1 , and the c7-pawn quickly decides the outcome; ;
14...Bxa3! (the best reply) 15.b7! Rb8 16.Nxa3 Ba6 17.0–0–0 Bxb7 (17...Rxb7? 18.e6!) 18.Rhe1
0–0 19.Qxd7 fxe5 , and White's advantage in this position is comparatively slight.] 15.e6!!
When, thinking about 13 c5, I saw this elegant stroke, I literally began to shake with
excitement. I can imagine what a shock it must have been for Karpov, who thought that Black
was quite alright. [Indeed, after, say, 15.Bxf8? Bxg2! 16.Qxg2 Rxf8 17.0–0 fxe5 18.fxe5 Qxf1+
19.Qxf1 Rxf1+ 20.Kxf1 Ra5 he has a sufficient number of pawns for the knight. ] 15...dxe6 [In
the event of 15...Qxe6+?! 16.Kxf1 Bxa3 17.Nxa3 0–0 (17...Rxa3? 18.Re1) 18.Nc2 with two
pawns for a piece Black can still play on for a long time, but – without hopes of success.]
16.Bxf8 Rd8! (the only resource that offers any resistance) 17.Qb2! An accurate reply; [after
17.Qf2? Qxf8! 18.Rxf1 Qb4+! 19.Nd2 Qc3 20.Rd1 Rd3! Black's activity would fully compensate
for his material deficit.] 17...Bxg2? After this capture the battle essentially concludes, and the
phase of converting the extra piece ensues. [Only the retreat of the bishop could have made
White's task harder: 17...Ba6 (after this I was intending 18.Bb4! followed by Nd2 and 0–0–0);
or 17...Bd3!? 18.Ba3! g5! , and since 19.fxg5?! (I would have had to make a difficult choice
between 19.Nc3 Qh5; and 19.Nd2 gxf4) , is weak because of 19...Qh5! . In general, these
positions are far more complicated than the one which arose in the game.] 18.Qxg2 Kxf8
19.Qxc6 Rd6 20.Qc3 A solid move 'towards the centre', [although the computer is also not
afraid of 20.Qb7!? .] 20...Kg7 21.Nd2 Rhd8 [If 21...Rd5 (with the idea of 22 0–0–0? Rc5) there
is the good reply 22.0–0 Rhd8 23.Ne4 c5 24.Rf3 (or 24.Rae1 .) ] 22.0–0–0! Qe8?! An
inexplicable oversight: why did Karpov suddenly give up a pawn? [After the natural 22...Qd7
23.Qc2 Rd5 24.Ne4 the conversion would have taken White longer.] 23.Qxc7+ R8d7 24.Qc2
Qb8 25.Nc4! (clarifying the picture as being dismal for Black) 25...Rd5 [Perhaps the ex-
champion had been counting on 25...Rxd1+ 26.Rxd1 Qxf4+ , but here he noticed the simple
27.Rd2! , when both 27...Rxd2 (and 27...b5 28.Nd6) 28.Qxd2 are hopeless.] 26.Qf2 Qc7
27.Qxb6 Qxf4+ 28.Qe3 Qg4 [Also in the event of 28...Rxd1+ 29.Rxd1 Rxd1+ 30.Kxd1 Qxh2 the
outside passed pawn comes into play – 31.a4! . The rest is clear without any commentary.]
29.Rdg1 Qh4 30.Rg3 e5 31.Rh3 Qg4 32.Rg1 Rd1+ 33.Rxd1 Qxd1+ 34.Kb2 h5 35.Rg3 Qh1
36.Qf2 h4 37.Qg2 Qxg2+ 38.Rxg2 g5 39.a4! Kg6 40.a5 e4 41.b4 h3 42.Rg3 Rh7 43.a6 f5 44.Ra3

This heavy defeat was the result of a typical opening disaster. As early as the 10th move
Karpov had to follow an unfamiliar path and faced problems that were new for him. This was
greatly to the credit of the Scotch Game. The resulting irrational positions, without any clear
guidelines, with pieces scattered around various parts of the board, were to my liking,
whereas, on the contrary, they were not to Karpov's taste. In subsequent 'black' games with
me he replied to 1 e4 only with the Caro-Kann or the Petroff.

Although I won the tournament quite easily, by a large margin, I was nevertheless not fully
satisfied with my play, because I was unable to land such a 'blow' as in Tilburg 1989. But it was
still high-quality chess.

3.4. Under the Italian Sky

International Tournament in Reggio Emilia (27 December 1991 - 6 January 1992): 1. Anand - 6
out of 9; 2-3. Gelfand and Kasparov - 5½; 4. Karpov - 5; 5-7. Ivanchuk, Khalifman and
Polugayevsky - 4½; 8-9. Salov and M.Gurevich - 4; 10. Beliavsky - 1½.

The year 1991 had been an uncommonly difficult one for me. It was a tense, crazy period,
involving, apart from appearances in tournaments, my resettlement along with that of my
relatives in Moscow, participation in the stormy political life of the country, endless discussions
regarding the future match for the world championship, and the reorganisation of the USSR
Chess Union, of which I was the head: on 15th December 1991 a meeting was held, at which in
view of the break-up of the USSR it was transformed into an International Chess Union.

It was probably because of this that in events at the end of the year I again under-performed.
First in the Immopar Cup in Paris - a rapid-play knock-out tournament, where I won against
Khalifman (1½-½), Gelfand (2 0) and Bareev (2-0), but lost in the final to Timman (½-1½). And
then I made a comparatively modest result at the Christmas super-tournament of ten
grandmasters in Reggio Emilia.

In my entire career this was my only tournament in Italy. Not without reason it was called a
'meeting of the leaders of different chess eras': in an attempt to compete with Linares, the
organisers had assembled a brilliant line-up. True, playing during the days of the new year
celebrations proved a rather unusual experience.

In the 1st round I was paired with Black against Mikhail Gurevich, one of my helpers in two
title matches (1986 and 1990), and Anand's second in the 1991 Candidates matches.
Incidentally, Vishy's only loss in the tournament was in fact at the hands of Gurevich, which is
not surprising: the latter played very strongly. In 1985 Mikhail became USSR champion, but the
authorities did not allow him to play in the Interzonal Tournament - supposedly the documents
were lost! He had already finished 1st in Reggio Emilia (1988/89) and was close to a triumph in
the Interzonal Tournament in Manila (1990) - he was leading two rounds before the finish but
he cracked under the pressure, losing to Anand and Short. Soon Gurevich moved his
permanent place of residence to Belgium, and now he appears under the Turkish flag.

Game 82
M.Gurevich-G.Kasparov, Reggio Emilia, 1st Round, 28.12.1991
English Opening A21

1.c4 [In this tournament 1.e4 did not occur in any of my 'black' games.] 1...g6 2.Nc3 Bg7 3.g3
Avoiding d2-d4 and the King's Indian, my opponent chooses a quiet version of the English
Opening, which did not come as a surprise to me. 3...e5 4.Bg2 d6 5.d3 [5.e3 f5 6.Nge2 Nf6 7.0–
0 0–0 8.b3 c6 9.Ba3 a5 10.d4 e4 leads to complicated play (Biehler-Kasparov, Frankfurt (simul')
1986).] 5...f5 6.e3 [Also possible is 6.Nf3 Nf6 7.0–0 0–0 8.Rb1 a5; or 6.e4 (this was played by
Reshevsky and Smyslov) 6...Nf6 7.Nge2 0–0 followed by ...c7-c6 and ...Be6 – in this way I
defeated Gruenberg (Hamburg (simul') 1987) and Ljubojevic (Linares 1992).] 6...a5!? [In
Informator I incorrectly gave a different move order – 6...Nf6 7.Nge2 a5 .(After 7...0–0 8.0–0
c6 Black has to reckon with 9.b4!? (Mikhail preferred 9.f4 Be6 (9...a5!?) 10.b3 , Gurevich-
Bukal, Bundesliga 2004) 9...Be6 10.b5 , as Hübner and Ljubojevic (Brussels (blitz) 1987) played
against me. ) ] 7.Nge2 [7.d4!? .] 7...Nf6 8.0–0 0–0 9.b3 c6 I always liked the flexible set-up
without ...Nb8-c6, in which Black retains the option of developing his queen's knight at a6 or
d7. 10.Bb2 [White plays with exaggerated solidity, avoiding any weakening of his position
(such as 10.e4?! Na6 11.h3? f4! 12.gxf4 Nh5! with an attack, Poldauf-Lau, Bad Neuenahr 1991),
and intending to suppress the opponent's activity on the kingside with f2-f4. But I had another

plan.] 10...Na6 11.Qd2 Bd7! Gurevich did not expect this: Black suddenly begins preparing to
seize space on the opposite wing! [11...Be6; or 11...Re8 (Nakamura-Short, London 2011) are
less energetic.] 12.Kh1?! Not only the loss of a tempo, but also a tactical oversight. [It is better
to develop the queen's rook – 12.Rae1 (Serper-Markovic, Arnhem 1989); 12.Rad1 (Kosten-
D.Gurevich, Geneva 1993); 12.Rab1 (Csom-Agrest, Budapest 1997); or even 12.d4 (Bilek-
Groszpeter, Hungary 1993). However, in any case Black has a comfortable game.] 12...Rc8
[With the king on h1 there is no longer any need for the modest 12...Rb8 .] 13.Rae1 The rook
does not really do anything here. [13.Rad1; or 13.f4 is more appropriate.] 13...b5 14.e4?! [On
seeing that after 14.cxb5 cxb5 Black is okay – 15.Nd5 (15.Bb7?! Rc7 16.Bxa6? Qa8+ and
...Qxa6) 15...Nxd5 16.Bxd5+ Kh8 17.Bb7 Rc7 ( 18.Bxa6? Qa8+ and ...Qxa6), Gurevich tries to
justify the move Rae1. ; But from this point of view 14.f4 was more appropriate.] 14...Nc5!
Seizing the initiative: the pawn tension in the centre is clearly to Black's advantage in view of
the more harmonious placing of his pieces. It is hard for White to find an acceptable plan of
further action. 15.cxb5 [If 15.f3 there is the unpleasant 15...fxe4! 16.dxe4 (16.fxe4?! b4)
16...bxc4 (16...Qc7!?) 17.Qxd6 (17.bxc4 Be6!) 17...Nd3 18.Rb1 Ne8 19.Qa3 Be6 .; Apparently
15.exf5 Bxf5 16.Nc1 was the lesser evil, but Mikhail decided to place the other knight on e4
and open the c-file, along which exchanges are possible.] 15...cxb5 16.exf5 Bxf5 [Of course,
not 16...gxf5?! 17.d4! when White gets away with a slight fright.] 17.Ne4 b4 Restricting the
knight on e2. [17...Nd5!? was also not bad, with the idea of 18.Nxc5 dxc5 19.Nc3?! Nb4! .]
18.Rc1 Nfxe4! 19.dxe4 Bd7! Aiming for b5. [Black is also better after 19...Be6 20.Rcd1 a4! (my
Informator 20...Rc6 (?!) 21.f4! Qb6 22.f5 allows White counterplay) 21.Qxb4 (21.bxa4 Qb6!)
21...Rb8 22.Qd2 axb3 23.axb3 Nxb3 24.Qe3 Qb6! etc.] 20.Rcd1 [The d6-pawn is poisoned:
20.Qxd6? Bb5 21.Bxe5 (21.Qxd8? Rfxd8 22.Rc2 Bd3 and wins) 21...Bxe5! (not 21...Bxe2?
22.Rxc5) 22.Qxe5 Re8 23.Qb2 Nd3 24.Rxc8 Nxb2 25.Rxd8 Rxd8 26.Bf3 Rd2 27.Re1 Nd3 28.Ra1
Nxf2+ 29.Kg2 Nd3 with a won endgame.] 20...Bb5 21.Qe3 a4 [It was also tempting to active
the dark-squared bishop – 21...Rf7 , then ...Qf8 and ...Bh6.] 22.Rfe1 Qb6 [22...Rf7! and ...Qf8
with the threat of ...Bh6 was again strong.] 23.Nc1 a3 (tightly fixing the a2-pawn) 24.Ba1
Bd7?! This regrouping is too slow: now the white knight comes into play. [24...Rc6; or
24...h5!? was better.] 25.Nd3 Be6 26.f4! (White has revived!) 26...Rc6 [26...Qb5 27.Nf2! is also
unclear.] 27.Nf2 [Weaker was 27.fxe5?! Nxd3 28.Qxd3 dxe5; or 27.Nxc5?! Qxc5! 28.Qxc5 dxc5
29.f5 Bf7 and ...c5-c4. ; However, consideration should have been given to 27.f5!? Nxd3
(27...Bf7 28.Nf2!) 28.Qxd3 Bf7 (c8), when Black's advantage is comparatively slight.] 27...Nd7!
[Following my Informator suggestion of 27...Qc7 (?!) White maintains the balance by 28.Qd2!;
while Ribli's recommendation in ChessBase of 27...Kh8 (?!) is parried by 28.Bh3 (or even
28.Kg1 .) ; A piece sacrifice looked tempting – 27...Nxb3!? 28.axb3 Qxe3 29.Rxe3 exf4 30.gxf4
Rfc8! with the threat of ...Rc1, but after 31.Nd3 Bxb3 32.Rg1 Rb6 33.e5! Black's advantage
might not be sufficient for a win.] 28.Qd2! The best chance. [After 28.Qxb6 Rxb6 White has a
difficult ending: ...exf4 is threatened, and if 29.Nd3 , then 29...Nc5! 30.fxe5 Nxd3 31.Rxd3 dxe5
etc.] 28...Nc5?! Black marks time – an imminent time scramble gradually begins to interfere.
[28...Rfc8! was far more energetic – in Informator I condemned this move because of 29.Nd3
(?!) (things are also difficult for him after 29.Re2 Rc2 30.Qd3 (or 30.Qe1 exf4 etc) 30...Rc1!) ,
but after 29...Rc2! 30.Qxb4 Bg4 31.Qxb6 Nxb6 32.Rc1 Rxa2 White cannot save the game.]
29.Bh3! Bf7! (not allowing the opponent to achieve complete equality) 30.fxe5?! Instinctively
aiming to simplify the play. But White should not have relieved Black of his weak d6-pawn and
cleared the sixth rank for his manoeuvres. [Again 30.f5!? came into consideration – in search
of winning chances here I would have had to give up a piece: 30...gxf5 31.Bxf5 Nxb3!? 32.axb3
Bxb3 33.Nd3 Bxd1 34.Be6+ Kh8 35.Qxd1 Rf6 36.Qa4 Qa6 37.Qb3 , and here White is still
afloat.] 30...dxe5 31.Ng4 Be6 32.Nh6+ Kh8 33.Bxe6 Nxe6?! Time, time... [33...Rxe6! was far
stronger: for example 34.Kg2 Qc6 35.Qe3 Rd6 36.Rxd6 Qxd6 37.Ng4 Nd3 38.Rf1 Rc8 and Black
remains with an enduring positional advantage.] 34.Ng4 [34.Rf1!? Rxf1+ 35.Rxf1 Nd4 would
also have led to unclear play.] 34...Nd4! 35.Bxd4? This time-trouble exchange of the sleeping
bishop for the powerful knight puts White on the verge of defeat. [It was also bad to play

35.Nxe5? Bxe5 36.Bxd4 Qxd4 37.Qxd4 Bxd4 38.Rxd4 Rc2 , when the outcome is decided by the
a3-pawn: 39.Rxb4 (or 39.e5 Rff2 40.e6 Rxh2+ 41.Kg1 Rcg2+ 42.Kf1 Rxa2 43.Rh4 Rhf2+!
(instead of the Informator suggestion 43...Raf2+ (?) 44.Kg1 Re2 45.Re4! with a draw) 44.Kg1
Rae2 45.Re4 Rxe1+ 46.Rxe1 Rf8 and wins) 39...Rff2; Real saving chances were offered only by
35.Rf1! Rxf1+ 36.Rxf1 Qc5 37.Ne3 Bh6 38.Qd3 Bxe3 39.Qxe3 , when Black is restricted by the
weakness of his own king.] 35...exd4 36.Nf2?! With the vain hope of placing the knight on the
blockading square d3. [36.e5 was more resilient, although after 36...h5! 37.Nf2 (or 37.Nf6 Bxf6
38.exf6 Rcxf6) 37...Rc3! 38.Ne4 Re3 White has almost insuperable difficulties.] 36...Rc3?! [Alas,
in my haste I did not notice the winning 36...Bh6! 37.Qxh6 (37.Qe2 Qc7!) 37...Rxf2 38.Rd2 d3!
39.Rxd3 Rcc2 40.Red1 Rxh2+ 41.Qxh2 Rxh2+ 42.Kxh2 Qf2+ and ...Qxa2.] 37.Nh3?! This panicky
flight of the knight loses ignominiously. [But even the 'planned' 37.Nd3 was fatal for White, for
the reason that his king is not on g2, but on h1: 37...Rf3! 38.Nf4 (38.Qe2 Qf6!) 38...d3! 39.Nd5
Qe6! (39...Qf2 is also interesting; but not my earlier 39...Qd4 (?) in view of 40.Kg2!) 40.Qg2
Qg4 41.h3 Qh5! 42.Nf4 Rxf4 43.gxf4 d2 44.Rxd2 Qh4! and wins.] 37...d3! 38.Nf4 Rc2 39.Qxd3
Rxa2 40.Rf1 Rf2 The last move before the time control. [40...Rb2; or 40...g5 ; or 40...Qf6! with
the new threat of ...Qb2, was rather more forceful.] 41.Rxf2 Qxf2 42.Rd2 [If 42.Ne6 the best is
42...Ra8! , since my Informator suggestion 43.Qd5 will not do, mainly because of 43...Qf3+
44.Kg1 Qxd1+ 45.Qxd1 a2 .] 42...Qa7! 43.Qe2 Bc3 [43...Bh6!? .] 44.Rc2 [Or 44.Ra2 Qf7
(threatening ...Qxb3) 45.Nd5 Qf3+! 46.Qxf3 Rxf3 47.Kg2 Rd3 and wins.] 44...Qf7 45.e5 [45.Nd5
Qf3+! .] 45...Qb7+ [45...Qxb3!? 46.e6 Rxf4! and wins.] 46.Qg2 [46.Ng2 Bb2 and ...a3-a2.]
46...Qxg2+ 47.Kxg2 Bb2 48.Rf2 a2 [48...Rc8 (e8) and ...a3-a2 was cleaner.] 49.Nxg6+ hxg6
50.Rxf8+ Kg7 51.Rf1 Bxe5 52.Kf3 a1Q 53.Rxa1 Bxa1 54.Ke4 Kf6 0–1

Such an opening win did not appear to herald any misfortunes. In my second round game with
Anand I resolutely played 1 e4, but after 1...e6 2 d4 d5 I became anxious: I did not want to
repeat the Exchange Variation, which had worked in my Tilburg game with Korchnoi, and
Makarychev and I had not yet studied the complicated set-ups with 3 Nc3 (Game No.86). And
so I played 3 Nd2, and after 3...c5 4 exd5 Qxd5 I tried the rare 5 dxc5 Bxc5 6 Ngf3 Nf6 7 Bd3 0-0
8 Qe2 followed by 0-0-0, but I did not gain the slightest advantage and in the end I lost.

The day after this saw the 160th (!) serious game in the history of my duels with Karpov. On
this occasion the ex-champion chose the Sämisch Variation against the King's Indian Defence.
In a very sharp, far from error-free battle I gained a decisive advantage, but in the time
scramble I missed a win, and a draw was agreed on the 61st move (Game No.36 in Kasparov
vs. Karpov 1988-2009). To some extent I settled accounts with Karpov for the 'present' which
he made to me in the spring in Amsterdam.

To keep out of harm's way, my 4th round New Year's Eve duel with Vassily Ivanchuk had to be
begun with 1 c4. From the press: 'In Reggio Emilia Kasparov was obviously not in his best form
- he often got into time-trouble and did not display his customary easy play. But the world
champion's class always remains high, and in several games he was successful. Garry's tastes
against his own favourite weapon are demonstrated by the following important game.'

Game 83
G.Kasparov-V.Ivanchuk, Reggio Emilia, 4th Round, 31.12.1991
King's Indian Defence E92

1.c4 Nf6 2.Nf3 [The little subtleties of top-class chess: by 1 c4 White avoids the opponent's
Queen's Gambit Accepted, and by 2 Nf3 he avoids the established variations with 2.Nc3 e5
(Game No.41).] 2...g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 (Vassily's choice surprised me: playing the King's Indian
against a King's Indian player?) 4.e4 0–0 5.d4 d6 6.Be2 e5 7.Be3 Karpov played this five times
in our 1990 match, and I had had time to study the nuances of this variation. 7...c6 [The

fashion nowadays is for 7...Ng4 .] 8.Qd2 [8.d5 Ng4 9.Bg5 f6 10.Bh4 is nevertheless more
promising (Game No.26 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009).] 8...Nbd7 [I myself preferred
8...exd4 (Game No.87), but Ivanchuk is aiming for complicated play with a closed pawn centre.]
9.Rd1?! A strange move, which is unnecessary in the event of d4-d5. [The usual 9.0–0 is
better, with the possible continuation 9...Re8 (or 9...Ng4 10.Bg5 f6 11.Bh4; while if 9...a6 ,
then 10.Rfd1 Re8 11.dxe5 dxe5 12.b4 with the initiative on the queenside (Giorgadze-
Kindermann, Bundesliga 1997)) 10.d5 .] 9...Re8 A novelty! [I was reckoning on 9...exd4?!
10.Nxd4 Re8 11.f3 d5 12.cxd5 cxd5 13.Ndb5! with advantage to White (Speelman-Mestel,
London 1986); or 9...Qe7 10.Bg5!? (Giorgadze-Geenen, Manila Olympiad 1992). But now the
threat of ...exd4 forces White to reveal his intentions in the centre.] 10.d5 [Strictly speaking,
10.dxe5 dxe5 11.0–0 is more logical, but in such positions the control of the open d-file usually
proves illusory.] 10...cxd5 11.cxd5 a6 [This is rather more solid than the typical manoeuvre
11...Ng4 12.Bg5 f6 13.Bh4 h5 (Giorgadze-Dolmatov, Krasnodar 1997). ] 12.0–0 b5 13.Qc2
(White is forced to spend time regrouping) 13...Nb6 [Aiming to complete the development of
the queenside as soon as possible, which looks sounder than 13...Nh5 14.Rfe1 Nf4 15.Bf1 Nf6
(15...Nb6 16.Nd2!) 16.h3 Bd7 17.a3 with a small advantage for White.] 14.a4! [To avoid
variations such as 14.Rc1 Bd7; or 14.Nd2 Ng4 15.Bxg4 Bxg4 16.Rc1 Bd7 (and ...f7-f5) White
urgently opens the queenside – this is where a rook on a1 would have been useful!] 14...bxa4
[14...b4?! was not good in view of the interposition of 15.a5! : for example, 15...Nbd7 16.Na4
Qxa5 17.Nb6! (17.Nd2!?) 17...Nxb6 18.Ra1 Na4 19.Rxa4 Qd8 20.Rxb4 , regaining the pawn with
an obvious advantage.; But 14...Nxa4 was probably more accurate, leaving White only
15.Nxa4 bxa4 16.Qxa4 , transposing into a position from the game.] 15.Nxa4 [A temporary
pawn sacrifice came into consideration – 15.Ra1!? Bd7 16.Nd2 and Rfc1.] 15...Nxa4 16.Qxa4
Threatening both Bb5-c6, and Nd2-c4. 16...Rb8?! Eliminating only the first of the threats.
[16...Bd7 was much stronger: 17.Qc2 (17.Qb4?! Qb8!) 17...Rc8! (my Informator suggestion
17...Qb8 (?!) 18.Nd2 Rc8 is worse because of 19.Nc4) 18.Qb1 a5 ( 19.Nd2 Ng4 with equality).]
17.Nd2! Ng4 Vassily was very much counting on this move when he played 16...Rb8. [If
17...Rxb2 I gave the modest 18.Bxa6 (but 18.Qa3!? Rb8 19.Rb1; or 18.Rb1!? also comes into
consideration) , (when it is too late for 18...Ng4? in view of 19.Bxc8 Nxe3 20.fxe3 Qxc8 21.Nc4
and wins).] 18.Ba7! An unexpected move, after which the position abounds in tactical nuances.
[The diverting 18.Bg5 would have been elegantly refuted by 18...Bd7! 19.Bxd8 Bxa4 etc.; With
his two bishops Black also has no problems after 18.Bxg4 Bxg4 19.Rc1 (or 19.f3 Bd7) 19...Be2
and ...Bb5.] 18...Rxb2 [The alternatives are excessively passive: 18...Ra8?! 19.Bb6 Bd7
(19...Qe7 20.Bb5!) 20.Bxd8 (my Informator suggestion 20.Qa5 is also not bad) 20...Bxa4
21.Ra1 Rexd8 22.Rxa4 Nf6 23.Bd3 Nd7 (otherwise Nc4) 24.b4 with pressure on the queenside;
or 18...Rb7?! 19.Qxa6 Qc7 20.Ra1 Rxb2 21.Qd3 Rb7 (but not 21...Qc2? 22.Nc4! Qxe2 23.Nxb2
Qxb2 24.Rfb1) 22.Qa3! etc.] 19.Bxa6?! [19.Qa3! Rb7 20.Qxa6 Qe7 21.Bb6 Rb8 22.Qa5 is more
accurate, when it transpires that the exchange of the queenside pawns does not yet guarantee
Black a draw, since he is rather short of space and the d6-pawn is weak.] 19...Re7 Ivanchuk
tries to exploit the vulnerable position of the bishop on a7. [The status quo would have been
more simply maintained by 19...Bxa6 20.Qxa6 Qc8! 21.Qa4 Re7 22.h3 Rbb7!; or even 19...Qd7
20.Qxd7 Bxd7 21.Nc4 Rc2 22.Na3 (22.Nxd6?! Ra8! 23.Bd3 Rc3) 22...Ra2 .] 20.Bxc8 Qxc8 21.h3!
[Of course, not 21.Nc4? Rxa7! .] 21...Qa8?! The turning-point: Black does not sense the
danger. [The optimistic 21...Qc2? would have led to the loss of a pawn – 22.Qa6! (my
previous 22.Qa3 (?) is worse because of 22...Rd7) 22...Bf8 (22...Rd7? 23.Rc1; or 22...Ra2
23.Qxd6 Rexa7 24.Qb8+ Bf8 25.hxg4 etc) 23.hxg4 Ra2 24.Qxd6 Raxa7 25.g5; After 21...Bh6?
22.Nc4 Rxa7 23.Qxa7 Qxc4 24.hxg4 Qxe4 25.Qa3! (instead of 25.Qd7 (?) 25...Be3!) 25...Rb4
26.Qa8+ Bf8 27.Rc1 White is also close to a decisive material advantage.; However, 21...Rbb7!
would have maintained the balance, since 22.Qa6 (with the idea of 22...Qd7(?) 23 Bc5!?),
which seemed very strong to me, is refuted by 22...Qa8! 23.hxg4 and now 23...Bf8 (or
23...Red7! and ...Rxa7, when Black trusts in the impregnability of his fortress) 24.Qxd6 Re6!
25.Qb8! Rxb8 26.Bxb8 Re8 27.Bc7 Re7 with a probable draw, despite the power of the passed

d-pawn.] 22.Ra1! Nf6? The decisive mistake! [On seeing that his earlier planned 22...Rbb7?
was bad because of 23.Qc6! (this is much more forceful that my Informator move 23.Bc5!? )
23...Qd8 (if 23...Rec7 there is the insidious 24.Bb6!) 24.hxg4 Rxa7 25.Nc4 Bf8 26.Qxd6 ,
winning the d6-pawn and the game, Ivanchuk became rattled.; It was essential to play
22...Rxd2 23.hxg4 Rb2! (23...Bh6? 24.Rfb1!) 24.-- a)24.Qa3 Reb7 25.Bc5 Qxa3 26.Bxa3 R2b6; b),
when after my Informator recommendation 24.Qc6 Qd8 25.Be3 Black is saved by 25...Reb7!
(b)25...Rb8?! 26.Ra6!) 26.Rfc1 Bf8 (and if 27.Qc8 , then 27...Qxc8 28.Rxc8 Rb8 ). Although
White has clearly more space, the front has become too narrow, and Black has every chance of
holding out.; ] 23.Nc4! Rbb7 24.Be3 By carrying out all his intentions, White has managed to
gain an overwhelming advantage. 24...Qb8? Desperation. [24...Qxa4 25.Rxa4 Rbd7 (Black loses
after 25...Nxe4? 26.Ra8+; or 25...Ne8? 26.Ra8) , was more resilient, but after 26.Ra6 Black is
not helped by any of 26...Ne8? (26...Re8?! 27.Rxd6; or 26...Rd8 27.Bg5! Red7 28.Nxe5!) 27.Ra8
.] 25.Na5! Rb4 26.Qd1 [Or 26.Qa3!? with the same threat of a triple knight fork – Nc6!]
26...Rxe4 27.Nc6 Qf8 28.Nxe7+ Qxe7 29.Ra8+ Bf8 [29...Ne8 30.Qc2 and Qc6!] 30.Qf3
(threatening Bg5) 30...Rxe3 31.fxe3 Nd7 32.Rb1 1–0

After this important win I joined the leading group (Gelfand - 3 out of 4; Kasparov and Anand -
2½) and was hoping to achieve my usual form. But, alas, this did not happen.

True, after a fighting King's Indian draw with Gelfand (cf. Game No.64, note to Black's 12th
move) I managed to win against Beliavsky, who was performing very badly: he found a way,
literally in five moves, of ruining a promising position. After catching Gelfand and Anand, in the
7th and 8th rounds I satisfied myself with 'black' draws against Salov and Polugayevsky, but my
rivals fared no better. Before the finish Anand, Gelfand and I all had 5 out of 8.

From the press: 'In the last round fortune smiled on Anand: despite every effort, Kasparov was
unable to overcome Khalifman's resistance, and Gelfand gained only a draw in a protracted
encounter with Karpov, but Vishy was greatly helped by the "eternally" uncompromising play
with White by Beliavsky, who in the end overstepped the mark and lost.'

That was how 1991, one of the most critical years in my chess career, concluded.

3.5. First Again!

International Tournament in Linares (22 February - 14 March 1992): 1. Kasparov - 10 out of 13;
2-3. Ivanchuk and Timman - 8; 4. Karpov - 7½; 5-7. Anand, Salov and Gelfand - 7; 8. Bareev -
6½; 9-10. Beliavsky and Yusupov - 6; 11. Illescas - 5½; 12. Ljubojevic - 4½; 13-14. Speelman and
Short - 4.

Soon after Reggio Emilia, in January 1992, I continued my tradition of clock simultaneous
displays against professional teams, and by defeating the German team (3-1) in Baden-Baden, I
won what was by then my third car, this time a BMW. And on returning to Moscow I
immediately set off with Makarychev to a training session on the outskirts of the city and
began purposeful preparation for the next Linares tournament. We worked a great deal and,
as it later transpired, very fruitfully. Incidentally, at that session I studied the Evans Gambit for
the first time, but I decided to employ this romantic opening only three years later...

The line-up at Linares 1992 was uncommonly strong: the world champion, a quartet of
Candidates - Karpov, Short, Yusupov and Timman (who were soon due to meet in the semi-
final matches), young stars - Anand, Ivanchuk and Gelfand (participants in the quarter-final
Candidates matches), and so on. This promised a gripping competitive intrigue. I remember
that, in an interview after Reggio Emilia, Anand declared that Kasparov was now only the first

among equals. However, I was burning with a desire to demonstrate that this was not so, and I
arrived in Linares with a great store of ideas and strength.

From the press: 'This year the tournament was an obvious success! It had everything: a
gripping competitive fight with dramatic episodes, important theoretical novelties, and a
wealth of material for psychologists. A triumphant success was achieved by Garry Kasparov.
His uncompromising character forces him always to aim for first place. A year ago Kasparov
finished behind Ivanchuk, and now the champion was eager for revenge. He arrived for the
start extremely composed and excellently prepared. And in the very first round he began
"settling accounts", by repaying Jan Timman for his recent "King's Indian" defeat in the final of
the Paris knock-out rapid-play tournament.'

Game 84
J.Timman-G.Kasparov, Linares, 1st Round, 23.02.1992
King's Indian Defence E87

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.f3 0–0 6.Be3 e5 [6...Nbd7 – Game No.68; 6...a6 – Game
No.91.] 7.d5 [7.Nge2 – Game Nos.90, 98.] 7...Nh5 [Our November game (2nd match game,
Paris (rapid) 1991) went 7...c6 8.Bd3 (8.Qd2 – Game No.92) 8...cxd5 (8...b5?! – Game No.43)
9.cxd5 Nh5 10.Nge2 f5 11.exf5 gxf5 12.0–0 Nd7 13.Rc1 Nc5 14.Bc4!? a6 15.b4 Nd7 16.a4 Qe8
(my improvement 16...Qh4!? (Game No.36 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009) also does not
completely equalise in view of 17.Qb3) 17.Kh1 (17.a5!?) 17...Ndf6 18.b5 with a small but
enduring advantage for White.It stands to reason that Timman wanted to continue the dispute
in this branch, but I played differently, choosing one of the variations prepared for the 1990
match with Karpov. Here White must play 0–0–0, which for the opponent was more
unpleasant: after all, Timman often played superficially, and with an open king it could lead to
a swift catastrophe. And my psychological reckoning was completely justified!] 8.Qd2 f5 9.0–
0–0 Nd7 [It is rather early for 9...a6?! – Game No.28 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009.]
10.Bd3 Nc5 [If now 10...a6 , then 11.exf5 gxf5 12.Bxf5! Rxf5 13.g4 is strong. ; And after the
traditional 10...Ndf6 11.exf5! gxf5 12.Nge2 White has too easy a game. ; But later my
attention was drawn to the crazy gambit 10...Nf4?! (cf. Game No.98, note to White's 7th
move).] 11.Bc2 a6 An old counterattacking idea of Beliavsky and Mikhalchishin's, which I
decided to test in this game. 12.Nge2 Provoking the reply ...b7-b5. [12.Kb1! was more
accurate, but even so I would have given up a pawn – 12...b5 (12...fxe4?! 13.Bxc5! and Nxe4)
13.cxb5 axb5 14.Nxb5 Ba6! 15.Nc3 Qb8 16.Nge2 Qb4 17.Bxc5 dxc5 18.a3 Qa5 with quite good
compensation (Wang Yue-Cheparinov, Khanty-Mansiysk 2007).] 12...b5 13.b4!? A confidently-
made move, although it is obviously weakening. [Black is no longer frightened by 13.cxb5 axb5
14.Nxb5 (or 14.Bxc5 dxc5 15.Nxb5 Rxa2 16.Bb3 Ra1+ 17.Kc2 Rxd1 18.d6+! Kh8 19.Rxd1 c6!
20.Nbc3 Nf6 21.Ng3 Qb6 etc) 14...Rxa2 15.Kb1 Ra6! .] 13...Nd7 14.cxb5 [My Informator
suggestion 14.exf5 (?!) 14...gxf5 15.Ng3 is weaker in view of 15...Nxg3 16.hxg3 Nb6! .; And
my other recommendation 14.c5 (?!) 14...a5 15.a3 axb4 16.axb4 dxc5 17.bxc5 b4 18.Nb5 is
dubious on account of 18...Ba6 19.Qxb4 Nf4! .] 14...axb5 15.Nxb5 [15.Kb2?! (A.Petrosian-
Beliavsky, Riga 1973) is dangerous in view of 15...fxe4! 16.fxe4 (16.Nxe4 Rb8 and ...Nb6)
16...Nb6 17.Bxb6 cxb6 18.Rhf1 (18.Nxb5 Rf2) 18...Bd7 19.Bd3 Qh4 etc. ; But the attempt, not
mentioned by anyone, to relieve the tension by 15.Bg5!? is far more interesting: for example,
15...Bf6 (15...Qe8?! 16.Nxb5) 16.Bxf6 Qxf6 17.exf5 gxf5 18.Kb1 Nb6 19.Nxb5 .At that time it
appeared that 15 Nxb5 promised White an advantage, but practice did not confirm this
evaluation: Black has real counterplay, which should not be underestimated.] 15...Rxa2
[15...fxe4!? is also good, with the ideas of 16.fxe4 (and 16.Bxe4 Nb6!) 16...Rxa2 .] 16.Nec3 Ra8
[16...Ra6!? .] 17.Kb2 Ndf6 [My Informator recommendation 17...fxe4! 18.fxe4 Ndf6 is more
promising: for example, 19.h3? (Kasimdzhanov-Poldauf, Bundesliga 1999) (or 19.Ra1 Rb8 and
it is rather White who has problems) 19...Bd7! .] 18.Na7 [Although it looks terribly dangerous

to clear the path of the bishop on g7, 18.exf5!? gxf5 19.Na7! and Nc6 came into
consideration.] 18...fxe4! (now necessary) 19.Nc6 Qd7 [After 19...Qe8 the lunge 20.g4?! (but
20.Bxe4! is solid enough) 20...Nf4 21.g5 is now dubious because of 21...N6xd5! 22.Nxd5 exf3 .]
20.g4!? A very optimistic move and perhaps not even a bad one. [If Timman had foreseen all
its possible consequences, he would probably have played 20.Bxe4! Nxe4 21.fxe4 with a
sound and slightly more pleasant position for White. However, he was obviously hoping for
more!; 20.fxe4 Ng4 .] 20...Nf4 21.g5 N6xd5! My opponent did not believe in the correctness of
this sacrifice. On one occasion, in Moscow 1981, in desperation I played against him 17...Nd5?!
– into an attack by two pawns (cf. Game No.51 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I,
note to White's 7th move). It would appear that here Timman relaxed, confident that this was
another desperation sacrifice and that the white king was in a safe position. [21...N6h5 as not
as bad as it appeared to me at the board: for example, 22.Bxe4 (or 22.fxe4 Bb7 23.Na5 (23.b5
Nh3) 23...Ba6 24.Ra1 Qh3) 22...Nh3 23.Ra1 Bb7 . But I sensed that more could be achieved
here, and I landed a blow which decided the game within four moves!] 22.Nxd5 Nd3+! An
abrupt change of scene. This sudden check stunned my opponent. [Other continuations would
hardly have been so effective: 22...Bb7 23.Nce7+ Kh8 24.Bxe4 Qe6!? (24...c6? 25.Nb6) 25.Qc3
c6 26.Nxf4 Rxf4 27.Nxc6 Ra2+ 28.Kb1 Rxe4 29.fxe4 Bxc6 30.Rd5! Ra6 31.Qc4 Bxd5 32.Qxd5
Qxd5 33.exd5 Ra3 34.Bd2 Kg8 35.Kc2 , and the tactical skirmish concludes in an endgame
favourable for White; 22...exf3!? (the most obvious move) 23.Nxf4! Rxf4! (23...exf4+?! is worse
in view of 24.Bd4 , with the terrible threat of Bb3+ and h2-h4-h5) 24.Qd5+ Kh8 25.Bxf4
(25.b5?! Qe8!) 25...exf4+ 26.Kc1 f2! with excellent compensation for the rook: 27.Nd4 Rb8
28.Bb3 Qe8 29.Nc2 Bb7 30.Qe6 Bxh1 31.Qxe8+ Rxe8 32.Rxh1 Bd4 , and the endgame is this
time favourable for Black.] 23.Bxd3?! [In my old commentary I considered this move to be the
decisive mistake and I added: 'It was essential to play 23.Kb1 Rxf3 24.Rhf1 (24.Qc3?! Bb7!) ,
with wild complications, which, as shown by analysis, should lead to a draw after correct play
by both sides.' I had in mind the variations with 24...Rxf1 25.Rxf1 Bb7 (although 25...Kh8!? sets
White rather more problems, and if 26.b5 (or 26.Qc3 – 26...Qh3) ) 26.Nf6+! etc.; In fact there is
the simpler 23.Kb3! Qxc6! – apparently it was this pretty move that concerned Timman, but
after 24.fxe4! (instead of the suicidal 24.Ne7+? Kh8 25.Nxc6 Be6+ 26.Kc3 Ra3+ 27.Bb3 Rxb3+
28.Kc2 Rb2+ 29.Kc3 Rxd2 30.Kxd2 Rxf3) , Black's queen and knight are hanging, and nothing is
given by 24...Nc5+ (so that he must force a draw: 24...Qa4+ 25.Kc3 Qc6+ 26.Kb3 Qa4+)
25.Bxc5! .] 23...exd3 The culmination of the battle. 24.Nce7+? White cracks under the
pressure. The knight should not have been moved from c6: there it was somehow cementing
the position together. [Also bad was 24.b5? Qf7!; or 24.Rc1? Bb7! 25.Qc3 (25.b5 (?), given in
Informator, is fatal because of 25...Bxc6! 26.bxc6 (or 26.Rxc6 Qf7) 26...e4+) 25...Rxf3 etc.; The
only saving chance was 24.Qc3! , for example: 24...-- a)24...Rxf3 25.Qc4 Kh8 26.Ra1 Rxa1
27.Rxa1 Qh3 28.Ra8 Rf8 29.b5 with sharp, roughly equal play; b)24...Bb7!? 25.b5 Rxf3 26.Qc4
Kh8 27.Rxd3 e4+ 28.Rc3! , retaining dynamic equality, not without some difficulty; c)24...Qf7!?
25.Ra1 Bd7 26.Bd2 Qxf3 (c)26...Rae8 27.Nf6+!) 27.Rhf1 Ra2+ 28.Rxa2 Qxf1 29.Nf6+! Bxf6
30.gxf6 Qxf6 31.Ra7 Bxc6 32.Qxc6 Qf2 33.Qc4+ Rf7 34.Ra8+ Kg7 35.Qxd3 Qxh2 36.Qc3 and
Rc8(a7) with a probable draw.; ] 24...Kh8 25.Nxc8 [After the more resilient 25.Qc3!? there was
the decisive 25...c5! 26.bxc5 Qb7+ 27.Kc1 dxc5 28.Qxd3 (or 28.Bxc5 Rxf3) 28...e4 .] 25...e4+
[And in view of 25...e4+ 26.Nf6 (26.Nc3 Qa4) 26...Rxf6 27.gxf6 Bxf6+ , White resigned. An
amazing miniature!] 0–1

My eternal opponent Anatoly Karpov also began the tournament with a win - against
Ljubojevic. In the 2nd round came our next encounter, already the 161st.

Game 85
G.Kasparov-A.Karpov, Linares, 2nd Round, 24.02.1992
Caro-Kann Defence B17

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 Karpov had not played the Caro-Kann against me since Amsterdam
1988, and I was very pleased when he replied 1...c6. [The point was that after his match with
Anand, the ex-champion, accusing his opponent's assistant Mikhail Gurevich (my former
second) of all kinds of offences, stated that against the Caro-Kann Vishy had used the variation
with 3.e5 , which I had apparently prepared for the 1990 match! However, after 3...Bf5 Anand
went 4.Nf3 e6 5.Be2 , but I never played this and had not even looked at it. And now finally I
had an opportunity to show what had in fact been prepared.] 3...dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7 5.Ng5 Ngf6
6.Bc4 [In 1988 I tried 6.Bd3 , which was then only beginning to become popular (Game No.34),
but now I chose a set-up which I had analysed in 1990 with Beliavsky.] 6...e6 7.Qe2 Nb6 8.Bb3
[More dynamic than 8.Bd3 .] 8...h6 [In the 6th round Speelman played 8...a5 against me, which
is a little early because of 9.c3! a4 10.Bc2 a3 11.b3 Nbd5 12.Bd2 Bd6 13.N1f3 (here Speelman
recommended 13.g3 ; and I – 13.Ne4 Nxe4 14.Qxe4) 13...Nf4 , when by 14.Bxf4!? Bxf4 15.g3
Bxg5 (15...Bc7 16.Ne5) 16.Nxg5 Nd5 17.Qd2 I could have retained a slight plus ( 17...Nxc3
18.Nxf7 ). The bold a-pawn has rushed as far as a3, but what is it doing there?] 9.N5f3 c5
[9...a5 – Game No.39 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009.] 10.Bf4 The bishop joins the battle for
the key e5-square. [10.Bf4 -- a). A well-known theoretical position. Before my first match with
Karpov (1984/85), Andras Adorjan, who was then helping me, suggested playing the Caro-Kann
with Black and sacrificing a pawn here with 10...Nfd5?! 11.Bg3 c4 (Kupreichik-Speelman,
Hastings 1981/82), but I was less than enthusiastic, about which I have no regrets.; b). The
main continuation was 10...Nbd5 11.Be5 Qa5+ 12.Nd2 b5! (b)after 12...cxd4 13.Ngf3 Be7
14.Nxd4 0–0 15.0–0! Bd7 16.c3 Qb6 17.Bc2 White's chances are better, Ivanchuk-Anand,
Monte Carlo (rapid) 2000) , and here Beliavsky and I analysed 13.dxc5 Bxc5 14.c3!? Qb6?!
(b)not 14...0–0? 15.Bxd5! Nxd5 16.b4 winning a piece, Anand-Dlugy, Sharjah 1985; b)we
overlooked 14...Bb7! – the potential threat of ...Bxg2 forces 15.Ngf3 , and after 15...Qb6
(Anand-Ivanchuk, Wijk aan Zee 2001) the undermining move 16.a4 loses its strength in view of
16...a6) 15.a4! and now 15...Bxf2+ (b)or 15...bxa4 16.Bxa4+ Bd7 17.Nc4 also with advantage to
White (Ivanchuk-Gulko, Riga 1995)) 16.Qxf2 Qxf2+ 17.Kxf2 Ng4+ 18.Kg3 Nxe5 19.Re1 with the
better endgame.; c). But at the time, when studying the text position during preparations for
the 1990 match, I came to the conclusion that the complicated play with 10...Nbd5 or 10...a6
was not at all in Karpov's style ; d), and that he would probably choose a rarer move – the
quiet, simplifying 10...Bd6 . And I succeeded in anticipating my opponent's choice!; ] 10...Bd6
11.Bg3 This reply seemed to come as a surprise to Karpov: he thought for nearly forty minutes.
What to do next? 11...Qe7 A solid move, which has only one strategic drawback: Black
concedes the e5-point without a fight. On the other hand, Beliavsky and I had not looked at
this line. [The exchange 11...Bxg3 12.hxg3 (Matanovic-Panov, Skopje 1970) merely opens the
h-file for White, without giving anything in return. ; He also has a clear plus after 11...Nh5
12.dxc5 Nxg3 13.hxg3 Bxc5 14.Ne5 (control of the centre!). ; The most natural continuations,
which were also studied at home, were 11...0–0 12.0–0–0; and 11...Qc7 , when 12.dxc5 (but
to me 12.Ne5!? cxd4 13.0–0–0 seemed interesting) 12...Qxc5 13.0–0–0 Bxg3 14.hxg3 Bd7 is
unclear (J.Polgar-Epishin, Geneva (rapid) 1996). Possibly on the basis of this, Karpov
endeavoured to find a less obvious solution.] 12.dxc5 Bxc5 13.Ne5 (I responded in standard
fashion to the opponent's unexpected reply) 13...Bd7 [Now the traditional manoeuvre
13...Nbd7 14.Ngf3 Nxe5 15.Nxe5 Nd7 (15...0–0 16.0–0–0 a5 is somewhat better, but here too
after 17.Ba4! Black does not have clear equality) , would lead after 16.0–0–0 to an enduring
advantage for White.] 14.Ngf3 [14.0–0–0 was also quite possible, but after 14...a5! the
position would have become sharper and Black would have gained real counterplay. On the
other hand, 14 Ngf3 allows him to exchange his knight for the strong bishop on g3 (after
which, it is true, kingside castling becomes dangerous).] 14...Nh5! 15.0–0–0 [15.Nxf7?! Nxg3

16.fxg3 did not work 16...-- a), although not because of the line which I gave immediately after
the game – 16...Kxf7 (?) 17.Ne5+ Ke8 (?) (a)and after 17...Kg8 18.Nxd7 Nxd7 19.Bxe6+ Kf8
20.0–0–0 Nf6 21.Rhe1 – good compensation for the piece) , since after 18.0–0–0! White has a
powerful attack ; b), but in view of 16...Qxf7! 17.Ne5 Qe7! (b)instead of 17...Qf5?? 18.Rf1 Qg5
19.Nf7 and wins) , when Black is better after both 18.Ng6?! (b)and 18.Qh5+ Kd8 19.Ng6 Qg5
20.Qxg5+ hxg5 21.Nxh8 Ke7 22.Ng6+ Kf6) 18...Qf6 19.Nxh8 Qxb2 20.Qh5+ g6! 21.Qxg6+ Kd8
22.Nf7+ Ke7 .; ] 15...Nxg3 [The incautious 15...0–0–0?! could have led after 16.Nxd7 Nxd7
17.Be5! Nxe5?! (17...Nhf6 is better, although here too after 18.Bf4! the two powerful bishops
promise White the advantage ( 18...g5 19.Bd2 )) 18.Nxe5 Nf4 (18...Nf6? 19.Nxf7!) 19.Qc4 to
serious problems for Black. ] 16.hxg3 0–0–0 The first critical position in the game. At this
moment my opponent looked very content. Indeed, it seems that Black has solved all his
problems, and after 17 Nxd7 or 17 Rd3 and Rhd1 with exchanges on the d-file, things will end
in a quick draw. White has a strong knight on e5, but the bishop on b3, running up against the
f7-e6 pawn pair, is in danger of becoming passive.However, White does still have a little time,
since for the moment Black has not overcome a certain lack of harmony in the placing of his
pieces: his knight is obviously unhappy on b6, while the bishop on d7 will be forced, by
retreating to e8, to disconnect the rooks. 17.Rh5! The white pieces behave as though they
have just woken up; full of attacking energy they now turn to the creation of constant threats.
Spassky once informed me of the amusing 'Bondarevsky rule': if for ten successive moves you
attack the opponent's pieces, on the eleventh he will definitely leave something en prise. This
'rule' came in useful for me in my decisive game with Tukmakov at the finish of the 49th USSR
Championship (Game No.67 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I). It also operated in
the present game. [After 17.Rh5 the ex-champion stopped to think, and the contented
expression on his face changed to one of anxiety. The threat is 17...-- 18.Nxf7 Qxf7 19.Rxc5+ ,
and 17...Bd6? is bad because of 18 Rxd6!. Karpov was faced with a psychological problem:
should he or shouldn't he weaken his position? And he decided to avoid moves which would
create long-term weaknesses – in the hope that White's initiative would evaporate and then
Black's two bishops and good pawn formation would begin to tell.] 17...Be8 [Of course, 17...g6
gets rid of the pressure along the fifth rank, but after 18.Rh4 White has a stable positional
advantage, since the opponent's pawn structure on the kingside is hopelessly compromised:
18...g5 19.Rhh1 Be8 (19...Ba4? 20.Nxf7) 20.Rxd8+ Qxd8 21.a4! , and if 21...a5 , then 22.Qe1
Bb4 23.Qe3 Nxa4 24.Nxf7 Bxf7 25.Bxa4 .; There is also not full equality after 17...Rhf8 18.c4!?
Be8 (18...Bd6 19.Nd3 (or 19.Kb1 ) ) 19.Rxd8+ Kxd8 20.Nd3 Nd7 21.Nxc5 Nxc5 22.Bc2 f6 23.Rh1
Kc7 (23...e5?! 24.Nh4) 24.Nd4 Bd7 25.b4 Na6 26.a3 etc.In playing 17...Be8, Karpov apparently
assumed that the problem of equalising had already been solved, and the subsequent constant
'little bites' proved very painful and unexpected for him.] 18.Rxd8+ Kxd8 [18...Qxd8? 19.Nxf7 .]
19.Qd2+ [Nothing was given by 19.Qd3+ (taking away this square from the knight on e5)
19...Kc7 20.Qc3 f6; but a small plus would have been retained by 19.Nd3!? Bd6 20.Ra5 Nc8 (or
20...a6 21.Qe3 (e4)) 21.Qd2! .] 19...Bd6 [It turns out that this is the only move: 19...Qd6?
20.Nxf7+ (20.Nd3 also wins) 20...Bxf7 21.Rxc5; or 19...Kc8 (c7)? 20.Nd3 f5 (20...Bd6 21.Qc3+
and Qxg7) 21.Rh1 Bd6 22.Re1 and wins.] 20.Nd3 Qc7 [20...f6? 21.Ra5!; 20...f5? 21.Rh1
(followed by Re1); and 20...Kc8? 21.Qc3+ followed by Qxg7 were all suicidal; but 20...Bc7 was
acceptable.] 21.g4! An important link in White's plan: the opponent is avoiding pawn
weaknesses, so some must be created for him. The threat of g4-g5 was a particularly
unpleasant one for Karpov: just before he had absolutely no concerns about his pawn
structure, but now suddenly it is about to be disrupted, and it is difficult to prevent this.
21...Kc8 In the end the king has to run away from the centre. [21...f6? 22.Nc5!; or 21...f5?
22.Ng5! would have lost immediately. ; And if 21...Rg8 (preserving the unity of the pawn
chain), then 22.Qe3 Bc6 23.Nd4!? is good.] 22.g5 Bf8 A very solid move. [The clever attempt
22...Bb5? 23.gxh6 Bxd3 24.hxg7 Rd8 (24...Rd8 with the idea of 25.Rh8? Bh7!! 26.Rxh7? (or
26.Ng5? Bg8) 26...Bf4) , would have been refuted by 25.g3! (or 25.Kb1! followed by Rh8.) ; If
22...Kb8 23.gxh6 gxh6 I was intending to play 24.Kb1 (24.Rxh6? Bf4!; also no advantage is

promised by 24.Nd4 e5 25.Nf5 Bf8 26.Ne3 f6 27.Rh4 Bg6 28.a4 h5) , and here Black would have
had to see the move 24...e5! (24...Bc6 25.Rxh6) , with chances of equalising: for example,
25.Ndxe5 (after 25.Nc1! e4 26.Nd4 White would nevertheless have retained some initiative (if
26...Bf4 , then 27.Qe2 )) 25...f6 26.Nf7 Rh7 27.Rxh6 (27.Nxd6 Bxh5) 27...Bf4 28.Qe2 Bxh6
29.Qxe8+ Qc8 30.Qxc8+ Nxc8 31.Nxh6 Rxh6 32.Kc1 , with no more than sufficient
compensation for the exchange. ; Thus, as before Karpov does not want to complicate the play
and create defects in his position. Now if 22...Bf8 23.gxh6 he replies 23...Rxh6 , exchanging his
passive rook and obtaining a draw.] 23.Rh4 [Instead of the objectively better 23.g6!? fxg6
24.Re5 , the rook switches to a different attacking position.] 23...Kb8 [After 23...Be7 24.Rh1 h5
25.Qe3; or 23...Bc6 24.Nfe5 Bxg2 25.g6! White would also have retained some pressure.]
24.a4! (the 'bites' follow first from the right, then from the left) 24...Be7 [Black would like to
coordinate his pieces by 24...Nc8 with the idea of ...Ne7-c6(g6), but after 25.g6! fxg6 26.Nd4
(or 26.Rc4 White has an enduring advantage. ) ; However, 24...Bc6!? 25.a5 Nd7 26.Nd4 Be7
was a worthy alternative – Black is close to equality.] 25.a5 Nd5?! The point of Karpov's
previous move. Black chose the square for his knight without any particular calculation, largely
on general grounds: on d5 the knight 'looks' better placed than at c8. [And yet 25...Nc8 would
in fact have been better – I thought that 26.a6 would give White a dangerous attack, but after
26...Bb5! 27.axb7 Nd6 and ...Rd8 the play is very complicated, and the position, to all
appearances, is one of dynamic equilibrium.However, Karpov obviously did not want to retreat
his knight: having his pieces on the back two ranks for such a long time was probably beginning
to irritate him.] 26.Kb1! Without frittering away his gains, White builds up the pressure.
Strangely enough, after the prophylactic king move he acquires some real threats. In addition,
with the black knight at d5, at an appropriate moment he can exchange his inactive bishop for
it. It is unlikely that the ex-champion was concerned about this exchange. [Thus after the
immediate 26.Bxd5 exd5 27.Nb4 Bc6 28.Nxd5?! (28.Rh5 still retains some advantage)
28...Bxd5 29.Qxd5 Rd8 Black would get away with a slight fright.] 26...Bd8? Short of time on
the clock, Karpov makes another 'solid' move, after which Black's difficulties become
insuperable. It was essential to move the rook off the h-file, creating the threat of ...hxg5.
[True, if 26...Rf8?! 27.Bxd5 exd5 28.Nb4 Bc6? (28...hxg5 is also inadequate: 29.Nxd5 Qd8 (d6)
30.Rd4) , White wins with the attractive 'draughts' combination 29.gxh6! Bxh4 30.Na6+! bxa6
31.Qb4+ , Qxf8+ and hxg7.; Practical saving chances were offered by 26...Rg8 , although after
27.Rc4! Qd8! 28.gxh6 (28.g6!?) 28...gxh6 29.Rd4! White would have retained an appreciable
advantage.] 27.a6! (breaking up the black king's pawn protection) 27...Qa5? Equivalent to
capitulation. Karpov cracked under the strain – he simply lacked the strength to solve small,
unpleasant problems for so long. Remember the 'Bondarevsky rule', which was mentioned in
the note to White's 17th move? Since then the position has not particularly changed – White
has merely advanced his g- and a-pawns. However, by all the time making little threats, within
ten moves he has obtained a winning position. [27...b6? 28.Bxd5 exd5 29.Nb4 was also
hopeless; but 27...bxa6 was far more resilient, for example: 28.-- a)28.Nb4 Qd6! (a)not
28...Nxb4? 29.Rxb4+ Ka8? (a)or 29...Bb5 30.c4) 30.Rc4) 29.Nxd5 exd5 30.Bxd5 Bb6 31.c4 Bc6
32.Bxc6 Qxc6 33.Ne5 Qe6 34.Re4 Kc8 35.gxh6 Rxh6 36.Re1 , and Black's defence is difficult;
b)28.Bxd5! (the most interesting continuation) 28...exd5 29.gxh6! with a powerful initiative,
although considerable energy and resourcefulness are still demanded of White: 29...Bxh4?!
(b)or 29...Rxh6 30.Rxh6 gxh6 31.Qxh6 Bb5 32.Nb4 etc) 30.hxg7 Rg8 31.Nxh4 f6 (b)31...Rxg7
32.Qb4+ and Qf8) 32.Nb4 Qxg7 33.Qxd5 .; c)28.c4?! Ne7! is unclear.; ] 28.Qe2 An infiltrating
move with the threat of Qe5+ and Qxg7. [28.Nb4! was also very strong.] 28...Nb6 [It was also
possible to play 28...Nc7 29.axb7 Bxg5 30.Nxg5 Qxg5 31.g3 Bb5! 32.c4 Bc6 33.Ne5 Bxb7
34.Bc2; or 28...Ne7! (the best chance) 29.axb7 Ng6 30.Rh3 (30.Rh5 Be7) 30...Bxg5 31.Nxg5
hxg5 32.Rxh8 Nxh8 33.Qe3 , and although White should win, there is still some fight in the
position.] 29.axb7 The obvious move, [but 29.Qe4! would have won more quickly, with the
ideas of 29...Qxa6 (29...bxa6 30.Qd4; or 29...Bc6 30.Qf4+ Ka8 31.Qxf7 Bxg5 32.axb7+ Bxb7
33.Qxg7 and wins) 30.Qe5+ and Qxg7.] 29...Bxg5 [29...Bc6 30.Nfe5; or 29...Kxb7 30.Qe4+ Bc6

31.Qf4 Qf5 32.Qd6 also did not help.] 30.Nxg5 Qxg5 31.Rh5! After carrying out an enormous
amount of 'off-screen' work, the rook again moves on to its favourite fifth rank, in order to
strike a decisive blow on the queenside. 31...Qf6 [An amusing variation could have occurred
after 31...Qxg2 32.Nc5 (with the threat of Qe5 mate) 32...Nd7 (32...f6 33.Qd3) 33.Qa6!
(threatening Qd6 mate) 33...Nxc5 34.Rxc5 Qxb7 35.Qd6+ Ka8 36.Qd8+ Qb8 37.Rc8! (and here
the rook has the last word!).] 32.Ra5! (the c5-square is intended for the knight) 32...Bc6
33.Nc5 Bxb7 34.Nxb7 Kxb7 35.Qa6+ Kc6 36.Ba4+ Kd6 37.Qd3+ Nd5 38.Qg3+ [38.Qa3+! was
more forceful.] 38...Qe5 [38...e5 39.Qa3+! Ke6 40.Qh3+ .] 39.Qa3+ Kc7 40.Qc5+ Kd8 41.Rxa7 .
The time scramble came to an end, and Black resigned. This memorable win was judged to be
the best in the 54th volume of Informator. 1–0

The initial pairings proved quite difficult for me: immediately after Timman and Karpov I had to
play in succession against Ivanchuk, Anand and Gelfand. In the first of these games, which was
also very interesting, I, with difficulty, gained a draw. Against my King's Indian Ivanchuk
employed a high-quality novelty and seized the initiative on the queenside (cf. Game No.80,
note to White's 15th move), but I managed to defend, and in the time scramble there was
even a chance of gaining an advantage.

In the 4th round I met Vishy Anand, and this was an especially critical encounter: I very much
wanted to gain revenge for the recent defeats in Tilburg and Reggio Emilia.

Game 86
G.Kasparov-V.Anand, Linares, 4th Round, 27.02.1992
French Defence C18

1.e4 e6 (as expected) 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 [Having lost to Anand after 3.Nd2 , I got down to a serious
analysis of the French. ; Makarychev and I even looked at 3.e5 , but things did not get as far as
employing this move in practice. By the time of the match with Short (1993) I was ready to play
the most complicated variations with 3 Nc3.] 3...Bb4 4.e5 c5 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Ne7 [If 6...Qc7
there could have followed 7.Qg4 f5 8.Qg3 cxd4 (8...Ne7 – Game No.127 in My Great
Predecessors Part II) 9.cxd4 Ne7 10.Bd2 0–0 11.Bd3 b6 12.Ne2 Ba6 13.Nf4 Qd7 14.h4! Bxd3
15.Qxd3 Nbc6 (15...Rc8!? 16.Rh3 Rc4) 16.Rh3! Rac8 17.Rg3 with attacking prospects
(Kasparov-Short, Novgorod 1997).] 7.h4 [The main move 7.Qg4 would also soon appear in my
arsenal, followed by 7...Kf8 (or 7...0–0 8.Bd3 , Kasparov-Short, Munich (blitz) 1994) 8.h4
(Kasparov-Nikolic, Horgen 1994; Paris (rapid) 1994). But on this occasion I decided to test a
comparatively rare – but also aggressive! – continuation.] 7...Nbc6 [The alternative is 7...Qc7
8.Nf3 b6 (or 8...Nbc6 9.h5 h6 (but not 9...f5? 10.h6! , Kasparov-Baude, Zurich (simul') 1988)
10.Bd3 Bd7 (Makarychev-Gruenberg, Sochi 1983).) ] 8.h5 Qa5 [8...h6!? .] 9.Bd2 cxd4 [Later
9...Bd7 10.h6! became fashionable.] 10.cxd4 Qa4 [Anand was relying on well-known patterns –
10...Qa4 11.Bc3 (the harmless 11.c3 Qxd1+ 12.Rxd1 h6 allows equality) 11...b6! 12.h6 (or
12.Nf3 Ba6 (Short-Ivanchuk, Tilburg 1990), in both cases with a good game for Black) 12...gxh6
(Short-Korchnoi, Wijk aan Zee 1987).] 11.Nf3!? 'A novelty in true Kasparov style' (Stohl) – an
unexpected pawn sacrifice. [The other gambit attempt 11.h6 is parried by 11...Qxd4 12.Nf3
Qe4+ 13.Be2 Nxe5! 14.Bc3 f6 (Miton-Shabalov, Stratton Mountain 1999).] 11...Nxd4 12.Bd3
Nec6 [After 12...Nxf3+ 13.Qxf3 Qd4 14.0–0 Qxe5 15.Rfe1 Qf6 16.Qg3 with the threat of Bg5
White has excellent play on the dark squares, although correspondence games in the 1990s
showed that by 16...h6 17.Bc3! d4 18.Bb5+ Bd7 (18...Kf8 19.Rad1!) 19.Bxd7+ Kxd7 20.Bxd4
Nf5! Black nevertheless maintains the balance.; The safest and also most natural move is
12...h6! , nipping in the bud the threat of h5-h6 (recent examples: Nakamura-Shulman, Saint
Louis 2010; Zherebukh-Robson, Moscow 2012). However, the move in the game is also not so
bad.] 13.Kf1! Creating the threat of Rh4. [The rook emerges via the h-file – this was my idea:
White voluntarily gives up the right to castle (if 13.0–0 , then 13...Nxf3+ 14.Qxf3 Qh4! is good).

; 13.h6!? also comes into consideration (Fedorowicz-Yermolinsky, Durango 1992).] 13...Nxf3
[In the event of 13...b6? 14.Rh4 Ba6 15.Nxd4 Nxd4 16.Be3 (c3) 16...Bxd3+ 17.Qxd3 Black loses
a piece. ; Informator I recommended 13...Nf5!? , although here too White retains
compensation for the pawn by playing 14.Bxf5 (immediately 14.h6 ; or 14.Kg1 ) 14...exf5
15.h6 .] 14.Qxf3 b6? [14...h6?; or 14...Nxe5? is also bad in view of 15.Qg3! .; The correct
defence is 14...Qd4! 15.Re1 Nxe5 16.Qg3 Nxd3 17.cxd3 (threatening Rh4) 17...Rg8! (covering
the g7-pawn – this move was not in our analysis!) 18.Rh4 Qb2 19.Bb4 a5 20.Bc5 Qb5 , and
although White's dark-square initiative fully compensates for the material deficit, Black holds
on (De Luca-Brizio, correspondence 1999). But in an unfamiliar position Vishy took me 'at my
word' and quickly made a natural developing move.] 15.h6! [Apparently Black was reckoning
on 15.Qg3? Ba6 16.Qxg7 0–0–0 , giving back the f7-pawn and obtaining a comfortable game.
But now his kingside is crumbling and he is unable to complete his development quickly.]
15...Ba6! Comparatively the best try. [The following alternatives were hopeless: 15...Nxe5?
16.hxg7 Rg8 17.Qh5 (with the threat of Qxh7) 17...Ng4 18.Re1!; or 15...g6? 16.Qf6 Rf8 17.Rh4
d4 18.Be4; as well as 15...Rg8 16.hxg7 Rxg7? (16...Ba6!) 17.Qf6 Qg4 18.g3 , when the threat of
Rh4 forces 18...Rg6 19.Bxg6 Qxg6 20.Rh6 Ba6+ 21.Kg1 Qxf6 22.exf6 and Rxh7, winning.]
16.hxg7 Rg8 17.Bxa6! The fruit of a long think. [17.Rxh7 (?) 17...Nxe5 (as it later transpired,
after 17 Rxh7? the simplest is 17...Qxc2! 18.Bxa6 Qxh7 19.Bb5 0–0–0! (I only looked at
19...Qh1+? 20.Ke2 and wins) 20.Qc3 Qh1+ 21.Ke2 Qh5+ 22.Kf1! Qh1+ with perpetual check -
Stohl) 18.-- a)18.Rh8 (?) 18...Nxf3 19.Rxg8+ Kd7 20.Rxa8 was tempting, but here a cold shower
awaited White – 20...Qd4! , and instead of a win he would have to fight for a draw: 21.Ke2
(a)21.Rxa7+?! Kc6!) 21...Qxg7 22.Rxa7+ Kc6 23.Rxa6 Nxd2 24.Rd1 Ne4 (c4) 25.Bxe4 (c4) etc.;
b). Also nothing was given by 18.Qf6 Bxd3+! 19.cxd3 Qd4! 20.Re1 Qxd3+ 21.Kg1 Qxh7 22.Rxe5
(b)or 22.Bb4 Nf3+ (b)22...Qh2+!?) 23.Qxf3 0–0–0 with equality) 22...Rxg7 .; c). However,
18.Qe3! Nxd3 19.cxd3 Qe4! 20.Qxe4 dxe4 21.Rh8! Kd7 22.Bc3 would still have left White with
chances of success.; ; Queen moves were also blank shots – 17.Qg3? Ne7!; or 17.Qf6? Bxd3+!
(but not Stohl's move 17...Qd4 (?) because of 18.Rc1!) 18.cxd3 Qc2 19.Bg5 Qxd3+ 20.Kg1 Qg6!
.] 17...Qxa6+ 18.Kg1 Rxg7 Hurrying to get rid of the dangerous pawn. [18...Nd4? was bad
because of 19.Qf6 Ne2+ 20.Kh2 with the winning threat of Bg5. ; Black's position is also very
difficult after 18...Nxe5 19.Qh5 Ng6 (19...Nc4 20.Bc3) 20.Re1 0–0–0 21.Qf3! Rd7 (21...Rxg7?
22.Qc3+) 22.Rxh7 Kb7 23.Qc3; or 18...Qc4 (a4) 19.Rxh7 Nxe5 20.Qf6! Qd4 (20...Ng4 21.Qg5!)
21.Re1 Nc6 22.Bg5 (c3) 22...Qxf6 23.Bxf6 and Rh8, but objectively this was a more resilient
defence.] 19.Qf6 Rg8 20.Rxh7 Qb7 21.Bg5?! An annoying error. [21.c4! suggests itself – in
order to target the black king, the centre must be opened. 21...-- a). Black loses ignominiously
after 21...dxc4 22.Bg5 (threatening Rd1) 22...Qe7 23.Qf3! Qc7 24.Rd1 Rc8 25.Qh5 (with the
threats of Rh8 and Rd6xe6); b), or 21...Rd8 22.Bg5 Qe7 23.Rh8 Kd7 (b)23...Rxh8 24.Qxh8+; b)or
23...Qf8 24.Bh6 is also bad) 24.Rxg8! (b)more accurate than 24.cxd5 , as I gave in Informator)
24...Rxg8 25.cxd5 exd5 26.Qxc6+! (Stohl). ; c). And 21...d4 is little better: 22.Bg5 Rc8 23.Rh8!
Rxh8 24.Qxh8+ Kd7 25.Qg7 , winning the f7-pawn and the game.After the premature bishop
sortie the situation could have become more complicated.; ] 21...Nd4?! Carried away by the
idea of ...Ne2+ and ...Nc3-e4, [Anand rejected the less clear 21...Qe7 22.Qf4 -- a), and here not
22...Qc7? 23.Re1 Rf8 24.c4!; b), or 22...Qf8? 23.c4! d4 24.Rd1 , when White wins; c), but
22...Rxg5! 23.Rh8+ Kd7 24.Rxa8 Kc7! (c)my Informator suggestion 24...Rf5 (?) is weak because
of 25.Qa4! , winning) , with some compensation for the exchange, although after 25.c4!
(breaking up the opponent's defences) 25...d4 26.c5! White would retain chances of gradually
converting his advantage.; ] 22.c4!? At last! [However, the prophylactic 22.Kf1! was even
stronger, and only after 22...Rc8 (22...Rf8; or 22...Nc6 – the deadly 23.c4!; while if 22...Nb5 ,
then 23.Rh3! Rg6 24.Qf4 and once again c2-c4. But now Black begins jumping around with his
knight.) ] 22...Ne2+! 23.Kh2 Nc3 24.Rh8 Rxh8+ 25.Qxh8+ Kd7 26.Qh7?! Another error, creating
unnecessary problems for White. [There was a forced win by 26.Qf6! (or 26 Qg7) 26...Kc6
27.cxd5+! (alas, I only considered 27.Qf3 (?!) 27...Ne4 28.cxd5+ exd5 29.Rc1+ Nc5; and 27.Rc1
(?!) 27...Ne4 28.cxd5+ (?) 28...Kb5!) 27...Nxd5 28.Rc1+ Kb5 29.Qf3! (here with 26 Qg7 played

there is 29 Qh7! Ka6 30 Qd3+) 29...Ka6 30.Qd3+ b5 31.a4! Qb6 (or 31...Qd7 32.Rc7!) 32.Rb1 .]
26...Rf8 27.Bh6 Re8 28.Qxf7+ Re7 It is now Black who is a pawn down, but his pieces have
taken up good positions, and for the moment the superiority of the bishop over the knight is
not perceptible. In addition, I was running into time-trouble, whereas Anand still had a mass of
time: he used to play very quickly. 29.Qg6 [29.Qg8!? also came into consideration, since if
29...Qc7 (29...Qc8 is better, but in the endgame after 30.Qxc8+ Kxc8 31.cxd5 Nxd5 (31...Rh7?
32.Rc1) 32.Bd2!? Rh7+ 33.Kg3 White also has every chance of converting his material
advantage) , there is the very strong 30.Bg5! (Stohl, who pointed out this move, parries my
Informator suggestion 30.f4 (?) with 30...Re8! 31.Qf7+ Re7 32.Qg6 Kc8) 30...Qxe5+ 31.f4 Qg7
32.Qb8 Rf7 33.Re1 Ne4 34.Qxa7+ Kc6 35.Qa8+ Rb7 36.Qc8+ Kd6 37.cxd5 exd5 38.Bh4 with an
extra pawn and an attack.] 29...Qb8! 30.cxd5 [30.f4?! Qe8! 31.f5 Qh8! with equality – Stohl.]
30...Nxd5! [Anand is again resourceful: 30...Qxe5+? 31.f4! Qh8 (31...Qxd5 32.Bg5) 32.dxe6+
Rxe6 33.Qg7+! is worse for Black.] 31.Rd1? A time-trouble blunder. [31.Re1?! Qh8! is
inaccurate (Stohl).; After 31.f4! I was also frightened by 31...Qh8!? (31...Qe8 32.f5!) 32.Kg1?
(but 32.Kg3! would have retained the extra pawn and good winning chances) 32...Rh7 , when
White is in trouble ( 33.Bg5? Rh1+ ).] 31...Qxe5+ 32.f4 Qh8 33.f5 Qe5+ 34.Kh1 [Also after
34.Kh3 , the simplest is 34...exf5 35.Qg8 Qe6 . Draw agreed.] ½–½

It was painful not to win such a won position, but what can you do... The initial result - 3 out of
4 against the 'heavyweights' and a share of the lead with Yusupov - was not bad, and before
my 5th round 'black' game with Boris Gelfand, who was half a point behind, I tried to cast off
any negative emotions and take myself in hand.

Game 87
B.Gelfand-G.Kasparov, Linares, 5th Round, 28.02.1992
King's Indian Defence E92

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Be2 0–0 6.Nf3 e5 7.Be3 [Boris more often played 7.0–0
against me – Game No.64.] 7...c6 [If immediately 7...exd4 8.Nxd4 Re8 9.f3 c6 , then 10.Bf2!
(instead of the 'logical' 10.Qd2 ) 10...d5 11.exd5 cxd5 12.0–0 Nc6 13.c5 Nh5 14.g3 Be5 15.Qd2
Ng7 (15...Bh3?! 16.Rfe1 Ng7 17.Rad1! Rc8?! 18.Ndb5 , Kasparov-Carlsen, Reykjavik (rapid)
2004) 16.Rfd1! with some advantage for White.] 8.Qd2 [8.d5 is possibly more dangerous for
Black (Game No.26 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009), but Gelfand chose the move made by
me in Reggio Emilia against Ivanchuk. The opponent was obviously trying to lure me into the
very sharp position from the 11th game of my 1990 match with Karpov...] 8...exd4 [8...Nbd7 –
Game No.83.] 9.Nxd4 Re8 10.f3 d5 11.exd5 cxd5 12.0–0 Nc6 13.c5 Rxe3!? With this sudden
sacrifice I literally stunned Karpov, but Boris was well prepared for it. 14.Qxe3 Qf8! Black is
threatening not only ...Qxc5, but above all ...Ng4. [In the source game after 14...Qf8 15.Nxc6
bxc6 16.Kh1?! (16.Rad1! was better) 16...Rb8 17.Na4 Rb4 it all soon concluded in a spectacular
perpetual check (Game No.18 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009).] 15.Ncb5!? And here is
Gelfand's attempt to refute my variation. Of course, my trainers and I had also looked at this
move, and, as it seemed to us, we had found clear equality. However, things are not so
simple... 15...Qxc5 16.Rac1 [After 16.Nf5? d4! 17.Nfxd4 a6 18.Rac1 Qb6 19.Rxc6 (19.Nd6 Bh6!)
19...bxc6 20.Nd6 Be6 White loses material. ; But Makarychev's recommendation 16.Qf2!? is
slightly more accurate (the source game: L.B.Hansen-Nielsen, Danish Championship 1992),
when after 16...Bd7 , apart from 17.Rac1 ,(White has the resources 17.Nb3 ; and 17.Rfd1 .
However, here too Black has an excellent bishop with a pawn for the exchange and quite
adequate counterplay.) ] 16...Qb6 17.Qf2 Bd7 18.Rfd1 Boris employs a novelty – and runs into
our preparation! [Earlier 18.Nb3 Ne8?! occurred (Fishbein-Rechel, Groningen 1990) (or
18...Bh6 Fishbein-Schandorff, Kerteminde 1991); the endgame after 18...Qxf2+ 19.Rxf2 a6
20.Nc3 Be6 21.Na4 Nd7 is also more or less acceptable for Black) , after which 19.Rcd1! is
good.] 18...Re8 This looks the most dynamic. [The simplifying variation 18...Bh6 (it is a pity to

move the bishop off the long diagonal) 19.Rc3 Nxd4 (19...Nb4!?) 20.Qxd4 Bxb5 21.Qxb6 axb6
22.Bxb5 Rxa2 23.Rb1 (or 23.Rc2 would have been a concession and would have given White a
minimal advantage.) ] 19.Bf1 Bh6 Now, when all the resources have been brought up, Black
cannot delay the start of concrete action. [However, first 19...Nb4! was more accurate,
allowing White only 20.a3 (or 20.b3!? Bh6 21.Rc3 (cf. the note to White's 21st move).) ]
20.Rc3 Nb4! The point of Black's idea. There was a battle for the d4-square, and suddenly he
deviates from it with ...Bh6 and ...Nb4.On encountering a surprise, for an instant Gelfand lost
the thread of the play and offered to go into an ending, underestimating all the dangers
associated with it. 21.Nc2? A serious error, sharply changing the evaluation of the position
(back in 1990 we judged this move to be bad). [First, it was possible to force a draw by 21.a3
Na2 22.Rb3 Nc1! (22...a6?! 23.Nc3) 23.Rc3 Na2 .; And second – to continue the fight for an
advantage: 21.b3!? Nxa2 22.Qxa2 Bxb5 23.Bxb5 Re1+! 24.Rxe1 Qxd4+ 25.Kf1 Qxc3 26.Qxa7
Qxb3 27.Qxb7 Be3 (d2), and White's poorly defended king denies him any hopes of success;
21.Rb3! (a risky but interesting idea) 21...a5! (21...Nxa2?! 22.Nc2! is worse) 22.a4 Bf8! (with
the idea of ...Bc5) 23.Re3 Rc8 24.Nb3 Bc6 with a complicated game in which, in my view,
White's chances are slightly better.] 21...Qxf2+ 22.Kxf2 Nxc2 23.Rxc2 Be3+ 24.Ke1 The only
move. [If 24.Kg3? the most forceful is 24...h6! (24...h6 with the pretty threat of 25.-- Nh5+
26.Kh4 Bg5#) , and White is not saved by either 25.h4 (or 25.f4 Bb6 26.h3 (h4) 26...Bg1!)
25...Bg1! .] 24...Bf4+ [Not rushing with 24...Bg1+! , Black gives two additional checks, in order
later to avoid time-trouble.] 25.Kf2 Be3+ 26.Ke1 Bg1+! 27.Kd2 [White's problem is that
27.Re2? fails to 27...Bxb5 . Was it this that my opponent missed?] 27...Bxh2 Thus, while
keeping his rook on the board, Black has won a second pawn for the exchange. And although
his material advantage is only slight, his playing advantage is obvious: he has two active
bishops and numerous strengthening possibilities, thanks to the extremely weak squares in
White's position. 28.Re1 [28.Nd4!? Bf4+ 29.Kc3 a6 is less clear.] 28...Rd8 29.Kd1 Bf4 30.Nd4
[30.Nxa7? did not work: 30...Ra8 (but not my earlier 30...d4 (?) because of 31.Bc4!) 31.Nb5
Rxa2 32.Bd3 Bg3 33.Rh1 Ra8! with the threat of ...Nh5-f4.] 30...a6 31.Bd3 [If 31.g4 , then
31...h5 (or the preparatory 31...Bg3 ) 32.gxh5 Nxh5 is possible.] 31...h5 Initiating a squeeze on
the enemy kingside. [It also made sense to conclusively weaken the dark squares by
31...Ba4!? 32.b3 Bd7 .] 32.Rc3 h4 (fixing the g2-pawn, which becomes a chronic weakness)
33.Bc2 Bg3 34.Re2 [34.Rh1 Nh5 35.Ne2 d4! 36.Rb3 (or 36.Rd3 Bb5 37.Nxg3 Nxg3 38.Rxh4 Nf5
39.Re4 Bxd3 40.Bxd3 Ne3+ and ...Nxg2 was also not at all promising for White) 36...Bf2
37.Rxb7?! d3! .] 34...Kg7 [After 34...Nh5!? in reply to 35.Rb3 (35.Rd2?! Bf4 36.Re2 Bd6!) ,
there was 35...Nf4 36.Rxb7 Nxe2 37.Nxe2 (37.Kxe2 Re8+ 38.Kd3 Re7!) 37...Bc8 with a sound
extra pawn.] 35.Rb3 Rb8 An unaesthetic move, but Black has no reason to hurry. [I did not
want to allow my opponent any hopes of counterplay in the variations with 35...b5 36.a4 bxa4
37.Rb6 a5 38.Rb7; or 35...Bc8 36.Re7 Kf8 37.Rbxb7! Bxb7 38.Rxb7 .] 36.Rd2 [36.Rb6 Bc7 .]
36...b5! (also seizing space on the queenside) 37.Ra3 Rb6 38.b4?! A purely practical resource,
creating fresh holes in White's position. [38.Ne2 Bd6 39.Rad3 was more resilient.] 38...Bd6
[38...Bf4!? should have been included, in order after 39.Re2 Bd6 40.Rb3 to play 40...Nh5 and
then ...Nf4 with gain of tempo.] 39.Rb3 Nh5 40.Ne2 Be6 41.a3 It is hard to offer White any
good advice. 41...g5?! All in the same unhurried manner, [although 41...Nf4! was stronger:
42.Nxf4 (or 42.Nd4 Be5 43.Nxe6+ Rxe6 44.Re3 f6 with an overwhelming advantage) 42...Bxf4
43.Rd4 Bg5 , threatening ...Bf6 and ...d5-d4.] 42.Nd4 [42.Ke1!? .] 42...Kf6 [42...Bf4!? .]
43.Nxe6! At least getting rid of one of the two bishops. The resulting opposite-coloured
bishops increase White's hopes of a draw. 43...fxe6 44.Bd3 (with the idea of Bf1 – to defend
the g2-pawn!) 44...Nf4?! Another error! [White's defence would have been far more difficult
after 44...Be5! and ...Nf4.] 45.Rc3 d4?! [45...Be5 46.Rc8 is no longer so clear.] 46.Rc8 Nd5
47.Ke2? Already again low on time, Gelfand ruins his game, [missing a real saving chance –
47.Be4! Ne3+ 48.Ke2! Nxg2 49.Rxd4 Nf4+! (49...Bf4 50.Rd3!) 50.Kf1! h3 (or 50...g4 51.Bc6! Be5
52.Rd7 Rxc6! 53.Rxc6 g3 54.Rc8! h3 55.Rf8+ Kg5 56.Rg8+ Kh6 57.Rg4!) 51.Kf2 h2 52.Rh8; In
Informator I gave only the cooperative 47.Re2 (?) 47...Nc3+ .] 47...Bf4 48.Rdc2 Ne3 49.Kf2?!

Desperate resistance: White returns the exchange – if only to avoid losing the g2-pawn.
[49.R2c6 was hopeless: 49...Rxc6 50.Rxc6 Nxg2 51.Kf2 (51.Rxa6? h3 52.Kf2 Ne1!) 51...h3! (my
earlier 51...Ne3 was also good) 52.Bf1 Be3+ 53.Kg3 Nf4 54.Rxa6 (54.Kh2 d3!) 54...Ke5 55.Bxb5
Bg1! 56.Ra7 d3 and wins.; 49.R2c5 Nxg2 50.Rf8+ Kg7 (50...Ke7?! 51.Rh8!) 51.Rcc8 Be3 52.Kd1
Nf4 53.Be4 was objectively more resilient, but here too after 53...Nd5 White would hardly
have managed to hold out.] 49...Bg3+! 50.Kg1 Nxc2 51.Rxc2 Two pawns down, White is not
even saved by the opposite-coloured bishops. 51...g4!? Aiming to create a pair of connected
passed pawns in the centre as soon as possible, in order to conclude the game without an
adjournment and a resumption. 52.fxg4 Kg5 53.Kf1 e5 54.Ke2 Kxg4 [In the heat of the
moment after the game I condemned this 'time-trouble error' and gave a 'clear win' with an
exchange sacrifice – 54...Rf6 55.Bf5 Rxf5 56.gxf5 e4! 57.Rc5 Bf4 58.Rd5 d3+ 59.Ke1 Kf6 60.Kd1
Bg5 (the first zugzwang) 61.Ke1 Bc1 62.Kd1 (62.Kf2 Bd2! 63.Kf1 Kg5 – the second, decisive
zugzwang) 62...Bxa3 63.Rd6+ (63.Kd2 Bxb4+ 64.Ke3 Bc3 65.Kxe4 d2 etc) 63...Kxf5 64.Rxa6 Bb2!
65.Kd2 (65.Rb6 e3) 65...Be5 and wins. Elegant – but not obligatory.] 55.Rc8 Rf6 56.Be4 [And
here I condemned this 'time-trouble error in reply' and suggested 'resisting' by 56.Rg8+ Kf4
57.Re8 . However, after 57...Rc6! 58.Rf8+ Kg5 59.Rg8+ Kh6 60.Rh8+ Kg7 61.Rh7+ Kg8 and
...Rc3 the game concludes.] 56...Rf2+ 57.Kd3 Bf4 [57...Rb2! .] 58.Rg8+ Kh5 59.Bd5 Bg5 60.Ke4
[Little more resistance would have been offered by 60.Rh8+ Kg4 61.Be6+ Kg3 62.Rg8 Rd2+
63.Ke4 Re2+ 64.Kf5 (or 64.Kd3 Re3+ 65.Kd2 Kf4) 64...d3 65.Rxg5+ Kf2 66.Rg7 d2 67.Bb3 e4 and
wins.] 60...Rxg2 . Here the game was adjourned and Gelfand sealed 61.Kxe5 [after which the
simplest is 61.Kxe5 Bf6+! 62.Kf4 (62.Kxf6 Rxg8 63.Bxg8 h3 64.Ke5 h2 65.Bd5 d3) 62...Rxg8
63.Bxg8 d3 , intending ...Bb2xa3. Without resuming the game, White resigned.] 0–1

After this win I reached 4 out of 5 and finally assumed the sole lead. But then I slowed up,
drawing with Speelman (cf. Game No.85, note to Black's 8th move) and Bareev - and I was
caught by Beliavsky and by Karpov, who had won three games in a row. With 5 out of 7, we
were a point ahead of our nearest pursuers - Ivanchuk and Timman. But here the ex-
champion's strength deserted him. In the 8th round he lost to Timman, whereas I overcame
Short, and our paths diverged...

In this tournament Nigel did not play very well: for him the main thing was the forthcoming
semi-final Candidates match with Karpov in April. But our clashes were always of a crucial

Game 88
G.Kasparov-N.Short, Linares, 8th Round, 6.03.1992
Scotch Game C45

1.e4 [Earlier against Short I almost exclusively played 1.d4 (Game No.25) ; or 1.c4 (Game
No.48), but now I was ready once again, as in Tilburg 1991, to battle against his beloved
French. But my opponent replied differently.] 1...e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 Bc5 [4...Nf6 is
not in Short's style – Game Nos.70, 71, 81.] 5.Be3 The main variation from the old opening
guides. [Later I developed the line 5.Nxc6 Qf6 6.Qd2 dxc6 7.Nc3!? and now 7...Be6 (or 7...Ne7
8.Qf4 , which was tested against Topalov (Las Palmas 1996) and Anand (Frankfurt (rapid)
1999); in the end Black began playing 7...Bd4! ) 8.Na4! Rd8 9.Bd3 Bd4 10.0–0 , as in games of
mine with Short (11th and 17th match games, London 1993) and Yusupov (Horgen 1994).]
5...Qf6 6.c3 Nge7 7.Bc4 [The 'newly fashionable' 7.g3 did not attract me.] 7...0–0 [Short
extremely rarely chose the main line – 7...Ne5 8.Be2 Qg6 9.0–0 , when after 9...d5?! (but after
9...d6! White's searches for an advantage came to nothing) 10.Bh5! Qxe4 for the 1990 match
with Karpov I stored up the novelty 11.Nd2! Qd3 (11...Qh4?! 12.Bxf7+!) 12.N4f3! , which
appeared a year later (Sveshnikov-Varavin, Anapa 1991).] 8.0–0 Bb6 At that time quite a
popular line. 9.Nc2!? A novelty, prepared together with Makarychev. White prevents the

freeing advance ...d7-d5 and hopes, after playing f2-f4, to gradually develop pressure in the
centre and on the kingside. In this case the black queen will be uncomfortable on f6 – this is
the place for the knight. [Against the usual 9.Na3 my opponent devised the interesting reply
9...Nxd4!? 10.cxd4 d5! 11.exd5 Rd8 12.Qh5 h6 and ...Bf5 with a comfortable game (Chandler-
Short, 1st match game, London 1991).; Even less good is 9.Kh1?! Rd8! 10.Qh5 h6 11.Nd2 d5!
12.exd5 Nxd4 , and already Black has a slight plus (Kasparov-Kamsky, Tilburg 1991).] 9...d6
10.Bxb6 [10.f4 Be6 11.Bd3 , which occurred later, nevertheless allows 11...d5! 12.e5
(12.Bxb6?! dxe4!) 12...Bxe3+ 13.Nxe3 Qh6 14.Rf3 g6 with approximate equality.] 10...axb6
11.f4 g5?! Rather a wild move – with a pawn from in front of the king! Sometimes also in the
Sicilian the f4-pawn is undermined, in order to win the e5-point, but here this advance is
questionable and it may not give sufficient positional compensation for the weakening of the
king's fortress. [Apparently Short did not like the natural continuation 11...Be6! 12.Bd3 Rxa2
13.Rxa2 Bxa2 14.Nd2 Be6 15.Ne3 , which I had analysed with Makarychev, considering White's
position to be quite promising. Black's extra pawn, especially since it is doubled, is for the
moment not felt, the opponent's forces are cramped, and White can calmly prepare an attack
on the king. That said, after 15...Qh6 (Lastin-Grischuk, Moscow 1996) Black can hope for a
successful defence.] 12.f5 [The drawbacks to Black's plan are more clearly emphasised by
12.Nba3!? Be6 (or 12...gxf4 13.Nb5 (the weakness of the c7-pawn is typical of the set-up with
...Qf6), when the counterattack 13...Ra5! 14.Nxc7 Rg5 is refuted by 15.Qd2! Ne5 16.Be2 Bh3
17.Ne1 Rc8 18.Nd5 Nxd5 19.exd5 Ng6 20.Kh1 – an interesting combinative solution!) 13.Bxe6
Qxe6 14.Nb5 . But I was attracted by playing for a bind.] 12...Ne5 13.Be2 Bd7 [13...d5?! is
weak, not because of my Informator suggestion 14.Nd2 (but in view of the simple 14.exd5!
Rd8 15.Ne3; or 14.Ne3 Ra4 15.b4) , here 14...Qd6! is unclear.] 14.c4! With the intention of
Nc3. [14.Ne3 Bc6 15.Nd2 is more passive: 15...Rfd8 (but not the terrible Informator blunder
15...d5 (?) in view of 16.exd5 Nxd5 17.Ne4 and wins) 16.Bc4 (or 16.c4 h6) 16...b5 .] 14...g4?!
Too ambitious: Short aims for activity on the kingside, but this is not his sector of the board. In
addition, now White acquires a transit point at f4. [It was safer to play 14...Ba4!? 15.b3
(15.Nc3!?) 15...Bc6 16.Qd4! and Nc3 with a small advantage for White.] 15.Nc3 h5 [15...Kh8!?
and ...Rg8 was somewhat better, not conclusively exposing the king: for example, 16.Ne3 Rg8
17.g3!? Qg5 18.Rf4 h5 19.a4! and b2-b4-b5.] 16.Qd2 Kh8 17.Qf4 [Here also 17.a4!? and b2-b4-
b5 is interesting.] 17...Bc6 18.Ne3 Nd7? A fatal weakening of the g4-pawn: Nigel obviously
underestimated the bishop sacrifice, which gives White a decisive attack. [18...Rg8 was
correct, although after 19.a4! Nd7 20.b4 with the threat of b4-b5 Black has a difficult position,
as a result of his reckless strategy.] 19.Bxg4! [19.h3!? gxh3 20.Rf3! Rg8 (20...hxg2? 21.Rh3 and
wins) 21.Rxh3 Kg7 22.Bxh5 is also clearly advantageous to White, but the piece sacrifice is
stronger, and in addition it disheartened the opponent.] 19...hxg4 [It is hard to call 19...h4
'more resilient': White replies 20.Ned5 Bxd5 21.exd5 with the threats of Rf3 and Ne4.] 20.Nxg4
The positional play has concluded, and a mating attack begins. 20...Qh4 [20...Qd4+ 21.Kh1 (or
21.Rf2 with the lethal threats of Qh6+ and Rd1.) ] 21.Rf3 Ng6 22.Qe3! Qxg4 I was already
expecting capitulation, but Short suddenly began resisting fiercely. [After the alternative
22...Kg7 White had four (!) 'roads to Rome': 23.Rg3 with the threat of fxg6a)23.Raf1 with the
idea of 23...Qxg4 24.Rg3 Qh4 (h5) 25.Rh3; b)23.f6+ Nxf6 24.Nxf6 Rh8 25.h3; c), and, finally
23.fxg6 Qxg4 (c)23...f6 (xg6) 24.Rh3!) 24.gxf7 Qh5 25.Rf5! Qh4 26.Raf1! Rh8 27.Rg5+ Kf8
28.Rg8+! Ke7 29.Nd5+ Bxd5 30.exd5+ Ne5 31.f8Q+ Rxf8 32.Rfxf8 Qxh2+ 33.Kf1 Qh1+ 34.Ke2 .; ]
23.Qh6+ Kg8 24.Rh3 [24.Rg3!? was even better: 24...Qxg3 25.hxg3 Nge5 26.Qg5+ Kh7 27.Kf2
Ng6 28.Rh1+ Kg7 29.Qh6+! (I underestimated this resource) 29...Kf6 30.fxg6 fxg6 31.Rh4 and
wins.] 24...Qxh3 [After 24...Nf6 , apart from 25.fxg6 (25.Rf1! is also strong) 25...fxg6 26.Rg3 .]
25.gxh3 Nge5 26.f6 [26.Kh1? f6 .] 26...Nxf6 27.Qxf6 Rae8 28.Kh1! [Vacating a square for the
rook and preventing 28.Kh1 Re6? in view of 29.Rg1+ Ng6 30.Rxg6+ . Black's hopes of setting
up a fortress with rook and bishop for the queen are unfeasible.] 28...Ng6 29.h4! Re6 30.Qg5
Rfe8 31.h5!? [The steady 31.Re1 (f1) was also possible, but I took the direct course.] 31...Re5
32.Qh6 Rxe4! (a desperate chance) 33.Nxe4 Rxe4 34.Kg1 Ne5 [34...Rg4+!? was rather more

cunning: 35.Kf1! (35.Kf2 Rg2+ 36.Ke3! is also possible, (but not 36.Kf1? Ne5 with the idea of
37.Re1? Rf2+!) ) 35...Nf4 (35...Ne5 36.Rc1) 36.a4! and Ra3-g3, winning.] 35.Qg5+ Kh7 36.Qf5+
Kh6 37.Rf1 [37.Rc1!? .] 37...Re2 38.Qf6+ [38.Rf4!? .] 38...Kh7 39.Qg5 Be4 [Not 39...Rxb2 on
account of 40.Rxf7+! Nxf7 41.Qg6+ , Qf6+ and Qxb2.] 40.h6 Bg6 [After the alternative
40...Rg2+ 41.Qxg2 Bxg2 42.Kxg2 Kxh6 43.b3 White would have converted his extra exchange
without any problems.] 41.h4! (the second of the doubled h-pawns also comes in useful)
41...Re4 42.h5 [42.Rf4!? .] 42...Rg4+ 43.Qxg4 Nxg4 44.hxg6+ fxg6 45.Rf7+ Kxh6 46.Rxc7 Ne5
47.Rxb7 Nxc4 48.b3 . An interesting opening and a tense middlegame battle! 1–0

That day Beliavsky drew and fell half a point behind. In our 'battle of the leaders' which took
place in the 9th round he employed a novelty in the 'Seville Variation' of the Grünfeld Defence
with 12 Bxf7+!?, but I gained a draw (cf. Game No.28, note to White's 16th move).

It was time for a finishing spurt, and the 10th round decided the outcome of the event:
Beliavsky lost with White to Yusupov (and 'in despair' he lost all his remaining games), whereas
I was able to crush the 26-year-old 'home' player Miguel Illescas.

Game 89
G.Kasparov-M.Illescas, Linares, 10th Round, 9.3.1992
Sicilian Defence B45

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 [The opponent was apparently expecting 5.Nb5
Nf6 6.N1c3 d6 , transposing into the Sveshnikov Variation, which was his main weapon.]
5...Nf6 6.Nxc6 bxc6 7.e5 Nd5 8.Ne4 Qc7 9.f4 Qb6 10.c4 Ne3 [The character of the play in the
main line with 10...Bb4+ is not to everyone's taste: 11.Ke2 f5 12.exf6 (the old 12.Nf2 Ba6
13.Kf3 Ne7 14.Be3 Bc5 15.Bxc5 Qxc5 is also unclear) 12...Nxf6 13.Be3 : for example, 13...Qd8
14.Nd6+ Bxd6 15.Qxd6 Bb7 16.Kd1 (16.Rd1!?) , and in search of counterplay Black has to
sacrifice a pawn – 16...c5! 17.Qxc5 Be4 (Akopian-Radjabov, Heraklion 2007; Najer-Khairullin,
Plovdiv 2008).] 11.Qd3 Nf5 A logical move: Black plans to occupy the d5-point, keeping ...Bb4+
in reserve. [After 11...Bb4+ 12.Bd2 Ba6 13.Bxb4! Qxb4+ 14.Kf2 Qxb2+ (14...Nd5? 15.Qb3! ,
Chandler-Nunn, British League 1999) 15.Be2 the endgame favours White – 15...Nf5 (as does
the sharp 15...Nxc4 16.Rhd1! Qb6+ 17.Qd4 0–0 18.Nc5 , Macieja-Rogozenko, Bundesliga 2009)
16.Rab1 Qd4+ 17.Qxd4 Nxd4 18.Bd3 .] 12.g4 [12.Bd2!? is probably stronger, since in the event
of 12...Qxb2 13.Rb1 Qd4 14.Qxd4 Nxd4 15.c5 White has powerful pressure for the pawn
(Ivanchuk-Radjabov, Bazna 2009).] 12...Nd4 13.Bg2 [13.b3 Bb7 14.Be3 (b2) allows Black time
for 14...c5 15.Bg2 Rd8! and ...d7-d5.] 13...h5! Gaining control of the f5-point. At that time the
theory of this variation was only just developing, and the players were groping for the correct
path. [13...Bb7 was also played, after which it transpired that the sudden 14.b4!! a5
(14...Bxb4+? 15.Kf1! and wins) 15.Bb2 c5 16.b5 is very strong.] 14.g5 A novelty, hastily devised
before the game. [If 14.h3 , then 14...Bb7 is now completely safe ( 15.b4?! hxg4! ).; 14.Kd1?
hxg4 is clearly bad, when 15.Be3? is not possible on account of the double attack 15...Qxb2 .;
But 14.Kf1!? hxg4 15.Be3 c5 16.b4! is interesting, initiating a tactical fight (Stellwagen-van der
Wiel, Wijk aan Zee 2003).] 14...Bb7?! A routine reply. [I examined two other possibilities:
14...h4 15.Bd2!? (instead of the insipid 15.b3 ) 15...Qxb2 16.0–0 Nf5 17.Rab1 (the Informator
suggestion 17.Bc3?! Qb6+ 18.Rf2 is less accurate) 17...Qd4+ 18.Qxd4 Nxd4 19.Rfd1; and
14...Nf5!? (the most consistent) 15.Bd2!? (15.Ng3 , given in Informator, is weaker because of
15...Bc5!) 15...Qxb2 16.Rb1 Qd4 (16...Qxa2?! 17.0–0 is dangerous) 17.Qxd4 Nxd4 18.Kf2 , in
both cases with good compensation for the pawn and chances of an advantage.] 15.Be3 [Now
the b2-pawn is poisoned (after 15.Be3 Qxb2? 16.0–0 c5 17.Rab1 the bishop on b7 is hanging).;
15.Bd2!? also came into consideration: 15...c5 16.Bc3 Nf5 17.0–0–0 0–0–0 18.Qd2 Qa6 19.b3
d5 20.exd6 Bxd6 (Meier-Socko, Kallithea 2008) 21.Qf2! with an enduring advantage for White.
But the variation in the game seemed prettier to me.] 15...Nc2+ 16.Kf2 Nxe3 17.Qxe3 Qxb2+?

The decisive mistake: with the queens on Black is absolutely defenceless! [Therefore 17...c5?!
is also weak: 18.Rhd1! Rd8 (18...Qxb2+? 19.Kg1 and wins; or 18...0–0–0 19.Rab1 etc) 19.Rd2;
17...Qxe3+! 18.Kxe3 c5 was essential, although after 19.g6! (but not 19.Rhd1?! d5 20.exd6 0–
0–0 with equality) 19...fxg6 20.Rhg1 Rb8 (20...0–0–0? 21.Ng5!) 21.b3 Be7 22.Rad1 Black would
have had to fight for a draw in an inferior ending.] 18.Kg3! (the king gets out of harm's way)
18...Ba6 [An instructive variation goes 18...h4+ 19.Kh3 Bc8 20.Rab1 Qc2 21.Rhc1 Qa4 22.Nd6+
Bxd6 23.exd6 Qa5 24.Be4 , and Black is on the verge of collapse.] 19.Rab1 h4+ 20.Kh3 Qc2
[Not 20...Qa3? 21.Qxa3 Bxa3 22.c5! , when the bishop is trapped: 22...Bd3 23.Nd6+ Ke7 24.Rb3
.] 21.Rhc1 Qa4 22.Qc3! Ba3 [There is no way of saving the game: if 22...Bc8 the simplest is
23.Nd6+ Bxd6 24.exd6 0–0 25.Rb3 with the threat of Ra3; while after 22...Be7 , apart from
23.Nd6+ (or 23.Rb3 ; there is the attractive 23.Bf3!? with the new threat of Bd1.) ] 23.Rc2 Be7
24.Rb3 [For the moment not hurrying with 24.Nd6+!? Bxd6 25.exd6 0–0 26.Rb3 and wins.]
24...0–0 25.Nf6+! [Of course, 25.Nd6!? Bxd6 26.exd6 would also have won, but after a long
think I could not deny myself the pleasure of playing for mate.] 25...gxf6 [25...Kh8 26.Qe1! and
Qxh4+.] 26.gxf6 Bc5 27.Be4! [There would also have been a spectacular finish after 27.Kxh4!?
Rfb8 28.Qg3+ Kf8 29.Bf3 Rxb3 30.Rg2! Ke8 31.Qg8+ Bf8 32.Qxf7+! Kxf7 33.Bh5# – an
interesting mating construction.] 27...Rfb8 28.Kxh4 [28.Qf3; or 28.Rg2+ was more forceful.]
28...Kf8 29.Rg2 Qxc4 [29...Ke8 30.Rg8+ Bf8 31.Rxf8+! Kxf8 32.Qg3 would also have led to mate.
; The end could have been delayed by 29...Rxb3! 30.axb3 Qa3 31.Qg3 Ke8 32.Qg8+ Bf8 33.Rg7
Kd8 34.Bxc6! dxc6 (34...Rb8 35.Qxf7) 35.Rxf7 , and if 35...Ke8 , then 36.Rh7 , nevertheless
mating.] 30.Qxc4 [30.Qg3 would have mated more quickly, but I was carried away by another
variation.] 30...Bxc4 31.Bh7 Bf2+ [Or 31...Ke8 32.Rg8+ Bf8 33.Rxf8+! Kxf8 34.Rg3 .] 32.Kh5
[After the 'spite' check 32.Kh5 Be2+ 33.Kh6 , mate is inevitable, and so Black resigned.] 1–0

The leading trio was now Kasparov - 7½ out of 10; Karpov and Timman - 6. In the 11th round I
beat Yusupov in a King's Indian (cf. Game No.66, note to White's 8th move) and thereby won
against all four Candidates!

In the 12th, penultimate round Salov chose against me the Sveshnikov Variation of the Sicilian,
which Makarychev and I had analysed in 1991. I was ready for a dispute in the sharp line with 9
Bxf6 gxf6 10 Nd5 and from the opening I gained an enduring advantage. But when the
opponent attacked my f4-pawn with his knight, instead of the obvious 21 fxe5 I suddenly
replied 21 0-0-0?! (for other instances of late castling - cf. Game Nos.12 and 62). Ivanchuk, who
was watching the game, froze in astonishment with his mouth agape. Standing up from the
board, I asked him: 'What, is the move against the rules?' Vassily was embarrassed - and he
rushed off. In the end I reached an endgame with an extra pawn, but in the second time
scramble I missed excellent winning chances.

Then at the finish I beat Ljubojevic with Black (cf. Game No.82, note to White's 6th move), and
for the first time in the history of Linares I won the tournament by a margin of two points. So
much for any concept of 'first among equals'!

In April, on the same stage in Linares, the Candidates semi-final matches took place. With the
identical score 6-4 Timman won against Yusupov, and Short - against the great Karpov! This
sensational event provoked a genuine furore in the chess world. The ex-champion was let
down by his nerves and incredible time-trouble. Already in Reggio Emilia and Linares it was
apparent that he was in poor form. This also showed itself in the match with Short... At the
time many thought that this was the end of the Karpov era. No one could have imagined how
chess history would change direction just a year later…

3.6. Dortmund Fever

International Tournament in Dortmund (16-26 April 1992): 1-2. Kasparov and Ivanchuk - 6 out
of 9; 3. Bareev - 5½; 4. Anand - 5; 5-6. Kamsky and Salov - 4½; 7. Hübner - 4; 8-9. Adams and
Shirov - 3½; 10. Piket - 2½.

Although lacking the elite status of Linares, the short super-tournament of the jubilee 20th
Dortmund festival gave an opportunity for talented young players to show their worth. Three
'veterans' - the 43-year-old Hübner, the 29-year-old Kasparov and the almost 28-year-old Salov
were opposed by players whose average age barely exceeded twenty. 'Young lions surround
the leader of the herd' joked a reporter for the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine.

For the first time in a serious event I saw Shirov, Adams and the 16-year-old Kramnik (he
became one of the winners of the open tournament). All three arrived in Dortmund from a
strong junior open in the English town of Oakham, where Shirov brilliantly took first place and
Kramnik shared second. A worthy performance by former pupils of the Botvinnik-Kasparov

In the initial game I was in fact paired with Black against the 19-year-old Riga grandmaster
Alexey Shirov, who was already No.8 in the world rating list. A duel between two King's Indian
players was in prospect, and all the indications were that it would be an uncompromising

Game 90
A.Shirov-G.Kasparov, Dortmund, 1st Round, 17.04.1992
King's Indian Defence E86

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.f3 0–0 6.Be3 e5 [Shirov himself has successfully played
the gambit variation 6...c5!? .; Apart from the move in the game I also tried 6...Nc6 (Game
No.51 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I); 6...a6 (cf. Game No.91); 6...c6 (Game No.8
in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009); and 6...Nbd7 (Game No.68).] 7.Nge2 [7.d5 – Game Nos.43,
84, 92.] 7...c6 8.Qd2 Nbd7 9.0–0–0 The most aggressive plan if White rejects d4-d5; [9.Rd1 –
Game No.98.] 9...a6 One of the tabiyas of the Sämisch Variation. 10.Kb1 It is useful to defend
the a2-pawn and to vacate the c1–square for the knight. [If 10.dxe5 there follows 10...Nxe5! –
an old idea of Geller's (a topical example is Ljubojevic-Timman, Linares 1992). ; The frontal
attack 10.h4 is more dangerous for Black: 10...b5 11.h5 Qa5! 12.Bh6 Bxh6! 13.Qxh6 b4 14.Nb1
Qxa2 15.Ng3 (15.Rd2 Nb6!) 15...Nb6 16.c5! Nc4 17.Rd2 Nxd2 (?) (of course, I had analysed this
ultra-tense game and had prepared a novelty – 17...Na5! 18.cxd6 Nb3+ 19.Kc2 Na1+ 20.Kc1
Nb3+ with perpetual check (Beliavsky-Kasparov, Linares 1993)) 18.Nxd2 Qa1+ 19.Nb1 Be6
(Beliavsky-Timman, Linares 1991), and here, as shown by Beliavsky, 20.Bc4! would have been
decisive ( 20...Bxc4 21.Nf5! ).But Shirov chose a more popular, positional plan, which was also
in Kramnik's armoury.] 10...b5 11.Nc1 Until the mid–1990s this was played automatically, [but
then, largely through the efforts of Graf, the sharp 11.c5!? came to the fore.] 11...exd4! The
correct move: I sensed that Black had a good game, and that the centre had to be opened.
[The old 11...Re8 can be met by either 12.d5 (as in the source game of the variation, Khasin-
Boleslavsky, Gorky 1954),(or 12.dxe5 (Barbero-Schandorff, Copenhagen 1991). ) ; And if
11...Bb7?! , then 12.dxe5 is even more unpleasant: 12...Nxe5 (12...dxe5? 13.g4!) 13.Qxd6
Qxd6?! (13...Nd5! is more resilient) 14.Rxd6 (Kramnik-Remlinger, Gausdal 1992). ; 11...bxc4
12.Bxc4 is also unattractive for Black (Kramnik-Akopian, Oakham 1992).] 12.Bxd4 Re8 Quite
sound, [but 12...b4! was more accurate: 13.Na4 c5 14.Bxf6 (if 14.Be3 , then 14...Ne8 15.h4
Qc7 16.h5 Bb7 17.hxg6 (or 17.b3 Bc6 18.Nb2 a5 – as Makarychev and I established, Black has
good counterplay) 17...fxg6!) 14...Bxf6 15.Qxd6 Be7! 16.Qg3 (16.Qd5?! Ra7) 16...Bh4! 17.Qh3
Be7 18.Qg3 Bh4 19.Qh3 ½–½ (Kramnik-Kasparov, Linares 1993). And although this quick draw
greatly enraged Senor Rentero, after it the variation disappeared from serious tournament

play.] 13.Bxf6?! Played after not much thought. To be honest, the exchange of the important
dark-squared bishop for the knight was something that I did not consider at all – back in my
youth, periodic chess contacts with Gufeld instilled in me the thought that such exchanges
could not be good. But Shirov demonstrates a concrete approach to the solving of problems,
typical of modern chess: he hopes that his extra pawn will outweigh Black's activity.
[Moreover, other attempts do not promise White any particular dividends: 13.Bf2 Bf8 14.h4
(not 14.Nb3?! b4 15.Na4 c5 16.Bg3 Re6 , Meshkov-Petrushin, Kazan 1980) 14...Ne5 (or
14...Bb7!? (with the idea of ...b5-b4 and ...c6-c5) 15.a3 Ne5 , and Black is perfectly alright)
15.c5 (Riazantsev-Sakaev, Linares Open 2001) 15...d5! .; 13.Nb3!? (a more energetic move,
introduced by Sakaev in the same year, 1992) 13...Rb8 (not my Informator suggestion
13...Nb6 because of 14.c5! Nc4 15.Qc1 d5 16.g4; or 13...Bf8! with the intention of ...b5-b4 and
...c6-c5, and if 14.c5 , then 14...dxc5 15.Bxc5 Bxc5 16.Nxc5 Qb6 with equality) 14.Ba7 Rb7
15.Bf2 (Jobava-Smirin, Beer Sheva 2005) 15...Bf8! 16.c5 b4 17.Na4 d5] 13...Qxf6! The right
way! [Strangely enough, with the queens on – 13...Bxf6 14.Qxd6 Qb6 15.Nb3 it is more
difficult for Black to develop his initiative: 15...bxc4 16.Bxc4 Bxc3 (16...Be5!?) 17.bxc3 Ne5
18.Be2 (18.Qd4? c5!; but 18.Rd4!? , a move of Slovakian correspondence players, is good)
18...Rb8 (my Informator 18...Be6 (?!) is worse because of 19.Qc5! Qb8 20.Ka1! Bxb3 21.Rb1)
19.Ka1 Be6 20.Rb1 , and White holds on.] 14.Qxd6 Qxd6 15.Rxd6 Ne5 It is already not so easy
for White to find the correct path. 16.f4?! A pseudo-active move, leading to unnecessary
difficulties. [16.cxb5 axb5 17.a3 (to my Informator 17.Nd3 (?) there is the strong reply
17...b4! 18.Ne2 Bf8) 17...Bf8 18.Rd1 (later this was played by some correspondence players)
was steadier, although after 18...Be6 Black has excellent compensation for the pawn.]
16...Ng4! An unexpected outflanking manoeuvre, with the threat of ...Nf2xe4 or ...Bxc3! and
...Rxe4. [After 16...Nxc4 17.Bxc4 bxc4 18.N1e2! (my earlier 18.e5 is worse in view of 18...Bf5+
19.Ka1 Rad8 ) White would have emerged unscathed.) ] 17.e5 Nf2! 18.Rg1 Bf5+ [Or first
18...b4 .] 19.Ka1 b4! 20.Na4 [20.N3e2? Bf8; or 20.Nd1?! Bf8 21.Rd2 Ne4 was weak.] 20...f6!
This undermining move (with the idea of 21 exf6? Re1!) was obviously underestimated by
Shirov. After the opening of the position it is very difficult for White to coordinate his pieces.
21.e6? Confusion: by returning the pawn, White reconciles himself to an inferior ending. [It
was essential to play 21.g4! Nxg4! 22.Bd3 fxe5! 23.Bxf5 gxf5 24.h3 exf4! 25.hxg4 f3 26.gxf5
(but not 26.Nd3? Rad8!; or 26.g5?! f2 27.Rf1 Re1 28.Rd1 Rxd1 29.Rxd1 Re8 30.Nd3 Bd4 31.Kb1
Re2! etc) 26...f2 27.Rf1 Re1 28.Rd1 Rae8 29.Nd3 Rxd1+ 30.Rxd1 Re2 , when the formidable
passed f2-pawn together with the powerful bishop more than compensate Black for the piece
deficit (also, for the moment the knight on a4 is out of play): 31.Kb1?! (but White can gain a
draw, by exchanging his f-pawn for the potentially dangerous h-pawn and giving up his knight
for the f2-pawn: 31.Rh1 Bd4 32.Kb1 Kg7 33.c5 Bf6 34.b3 Bd4 35.Nb6 Bc3 36.f6+! Kxf6 37.Nxf2
Rb2+ 38.Kc1 Rxf2 39.Rxh7) 31...Rd2! 32.Rf1 Rxd3 33.Rxf2 Rd4 34.Rg2 Kf7 35.Rh2 h6 etc.At the
board both players saw the variations with 21 g4 Nxg4, but to Alexey the passed f2-pawn
seemed too dangerous (White is forced to find the only moves to save himself), and instead of
this he tried at least to slightly block the position.] 21...Rxe6 [21...Bxe6!? (for the moment
retaining both rooks) is also promising: 22.Be2 (or 22.Nc5 (Stohl) 22...Bf8! 23.Rxc6 Rac8
24.Rxc8 Bxc8 25.N5d3 Bf5! 26.c5 Nxd3 27.Bxd3 Bxc5 and ...Bc8! with an enduring initiative)
22...Ne4 (22...Bf8!?) 23.Rdd1 f5 .] 22.Rxe6 [22.c5 Rxd6 23.cxd6 Rd8 and ...Rxd6(or 23...Bf8!?
24.d7 Rd8 and ...Bxd7 was no better for White.) ] 22...Bxe6 23.Be2 f5 24.Nb3 Bf7 25.Na5
[After my Informator suggestion 25.c5 , there is the strong reply 25...Bd5!; and if 25.Bd3 Rd8
26.c5 (Stohl), then 26...Ne4! .] 25...Rd8 Previously I attached an exclamation mark to this
move, [but 25...Re8!? 26.Bf3 Nd3 27.Rd1 Nxf4 followed by ...g6-g5 also came into
consideration, when all Black's pieces, including his two long-range bishops, are extremely
active.] 26.Rf1? In severe time-trouble Shirov makes a decisive mistake. [While correctly
pointing out in Informator that the variation 26.Nxc6? Rd2! was unsuitable – if 27.Bf3 there is
27...Be8! 28.Bd5+ Kf8 and ...Nd1(d3); I overlooked the most resilient defence – 26.Kb1!
(escaping from the corner) 26...Ne4! (26...Rd2 27.Re1 and Nb3) 27.Rd1 Rxd1+ 28.Bxd1 Nd2+

29.Kc1 Nxc4 30.Nxc6 , and although after 30...Ne3 31.Bf3 Bf8 32.b3 Bd6 Black retains the
advantage, White has far more chances of a draw.] 26...Ng4! 27.Rd1 (there is nothing else)
27...Rxd1+ [27...Re8!? .] 28.Bxd1 Ne3! [28...Nxh2?! 29.Nc5! and Nxa6.] 29.Bf3 Nxc4 30.Nxc6
[Things are hopeless for White after 30.Nxc4?! Bxc4 31.Bxc6 Bd4! (threatening ...Bb5) 32.Kb1
Bd3+ 33.Kc1 Be3+ 34.Kd1 Bb5! 35.Bd5+ Kg7 36.b3 Bxf4 37.h3 Kf6 etc.] 30...a5! 31.Nd8 [Alas,
with his king stuck in the 'box' on a1 ( 31.Kb1? Nd2+ and ...Nxf3); White will never be in time:
31.Be2 Ne3! (far more forceful than my earlier 31...Kf8 ) 32.Bf3 Nc2+ 33.Kb1 Ne1; or 31.g3
Be8! 32.Bd5+ Kh8 33.Kb1 Ne3! 34.Bh1 Nf1 35.Nc5 Bxc6 36.Bxc6 Nxh2 37.Bg2 Ng4 with the
threats of ...Ne3 and ...Bd4-f2.] 31...Nd2! 32.Bc6 [If 32.Nxf7 I had two ways to my goal: 32...--
a)32...Kxf7 33.Bd5+ Ke7 34.Nb6 (a)not 34.Bg8 Bd4 , cutting off the knight) 34...Kd6 35.Bg8 Kc5
36.Na4+ (a)or 36.Nd7+ Kc6 37.Ne5+ (a)37.Nb8+ Kd6! , and if 38.Bxh7? , then 38...a4! , mating)
37...Bxe5 38.fxe5 h6 39.Bh7 Kd5 40.Bxg6 Kxe5 , and with his king on a1 White has no saving
chances) 36...Kb5 37.Bf7 Bd4; b)32...Nxf3 33.gxf3 (b)after Stohl's move 33.Nd6 the simplest is
33...Ne1 (h4) 34.g3 Nf3! etc) 33...Kxf7 34.Nc5 Bd4! (b)much stronger than 34...Bf8 35.Nd3 etc
given in Informator) 35.Nd3 Kf6 36.h3 Be3 37.Kb1 g5! 38.Kc2 h5 (b)38...Bxf4 also wins) 39.Kd1
g4 40.fxg4 fxg4 and wins.; ] 32...Bh6 [32...Bd4!? .] 33.g3 Nf1 (beginning the mopping-up)
34.Nb6 [Or 34.Nc5 Nxh2 35.Nd3 Bg7 36.Bg2 (36.Kb1? Nf1 and ...Nxg3) 36...Ng4 and wins. ]
34...Nxh2 35.Nd7 [Also after 35.Bg2 Bf8 the evaluation of the position is obvious.] 35...Bg7!
36.Ne5 Bxe5 37.fxe5 Kf8 38.e6 Be8 39.Bxe8 (at last exchanging bishops, but too late...)
39...Kxe8 40.Nc6 Nf1 0–1

A good start to the tournament. Moreover, in the 2nd round I won unexpectedly easily against
Anand, who on the 16th move - a very rare occurrence! - left a knight en prise (cf.Game No.97,
note to Black's 8th move). It would appear that Vishy faltered psychologically, unable to
withstand the 'burden of leading': before this game he had a better score against me (+2-1=2),
but after it he lost a further three serious games in succession - in Linares (1993 and 1994) and
Riga (1995), and he scored his only remaining 'classical' win against me in the 9th game of our
world championship match (1995).

But from the 3rd round, in which I met the youngest, but already experienced contestant, the
17-year-old Gata Kamsky, my play became extremely feverish. My games with this
representative of an altogether different generation initially went badly for me: after winning
against Gata in Linares 1991, I with difficulty gained two draws with him in Tilburg 1991. And in
Dortmund, thinking only about winning, I clearly overstepped the mark and lost (cf. Game
No.80, note to Black's 19th move). However, soon I became familiar with Kamsky's style of
play and, beginning with Manila (Game No.92), I defeated him three times in succession in
'classical' play.

The next day I won in a Scotch against Piket and took the lead together with Ivanchuk - 3 out of
4. In the 5th round we contested a fighting draw and retained the lead. But in the 6th round
we both suffered a catastrophe: in a complicated King's Indian battle (cf. Game No.66, note to
White's 13th move) I unexpectedly lost to Hübner, although before that I had a score of 6-0
against him with eight draws, while Ivanchuk tragically lost on time against Bareev, who
overtook us on a sharp bend!

In the 7th round, not yet recovered from my previous failure, I achieved nothing against
Bareev in his favourite French Defence and I even had to make a draw 'from a position of
weakness'. Two rounds before the finish my chances of 1st place were miniscule: Bareev,
Ivanchuk and Salov - 4½ out of 7; Anand and Kasparov - 4. In the 8th round Bareev and Anand
were satisfied with draws, Ivanchuk beat Salov and became the sole leader, and I managed to
win with Black against Adams and catch Bareev.

At the finish all the other games were drawn, but I overcame Salov's resistance and as a result
caught Ivanchuk, sharing 1st-2nd places with him. But in general, in view of my nervy and
uneven play (+5-2=2), I did not deserve this. The tournament showed very clearly that, to
successfully oppose the new generation, I needed to be less diverted by extraneous matters
and to work more on my chess.

3.7. An Acquaintance with Asia

30th World Chess Olympiad (Manila, 7-25 June 1992): 1. Russia - 39 out of 56; 2. Uzbekistan -
35; 3. Armenia - 34½; 4. USA - 34; 5-7. Latvia, Iceland and Croatia - 33½; 8-10. England, Georgia
and Ukraine - 33, etc (altogether - 102 teams). The winning team comprised Kasparov (8½ out
of 10), Khalifman (6 out of 10), Dolmatov (6 out of 9), Dreev (4 out of 9), reserves Kramnik (8½
out of 9) and Vyzhmanavin (6 out of 9).

Six weeks after Dortmund came the 1992 Olympiad in Manila, one of the most intriguing in the
history of chess. The global political changes in the early 1990s had led to the break-up of the
two leading chess powers - the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, in place of which twenty new
states had been created. The teams of these countries constituted a considerable force and
threat to the traditional favourites - the ambitious English, Americans, Hungarians and so on.

The press wrote: 'When the line-up of participants in the present Olympiad was decided, with
a dozen teams from the republics of the former USSR and three from the former Yugoslavia
(although without Serbia!), the long-standing leader of the Filipino team Eugenio Torre said:
"To finish 17th here will be the same as 7th in Thessaloniki" (that was the result of the Filipino
team in 1988).'

There were also problems for the young Russian team. Quite recently Karpov and I, who were
playing a match for the title, with an easy conscience had missed the 1990 Olympiad in
Yugoslav Novi Sad, where the USSR team (Ivanchuk, Gelfand, Beliavsky, Yusupov, reserves
Yudasin and Bareev) confidently scored another win. But now the situation had radically
changed: Ivanchuk and Beliavsky were heading the Ukrainian team, Gelfand - the Belarussian
(he did not play in Manila), Vaganian - the Armenian, Ehlvest - the Estonian, and Shirov - the
Latvian... For various reasons none of Karpov, Yusupov, Salov and Bareev appeared for the
Russian team (and Yudasin had emigrated to Israel).

In this situation the Chess Federation Praesidium had no doubts about the quartet of main
players - Kasparov, Khalifman, Dolmatov and Dreev, but there were heated arguments about
the candidates for the reserve places. I insisted on the inclusion in the team of the brilliantly
performing Kramnik, but the worldly-wise trainers objected, referring to his youthful age (at
the end of the Olympiad Vladimir would be just 17 years old). Fortunately, I was supported by
the one of the most prestigious experts - the chairman of the trainers' council, Yuri Razuvaev,
and Kramnik was taken to Manila. As it later transpired, this was a fateful decision.

Before the start, with five debutants in the team, Russia by no means looked the main
favourites, and we anticipated a difficult battle. A first appearance in Asia was a new challenge
for me: I set myself and my colleagues the objective of demonstrating that all the same we
were the strongest! But first we had to reach the Philippines, which at that time was no simple
matter: after the break-up of the USSR the former organisational links had been destroyed.
Even so, the Armenians succeeded in organising a special flight from Moscow to Manila, on
which many of the teams flew. On the way our valiant Ilyushin-86 made two stops - and the
12-hour flight proved to be a very tiring adventure.

But, paradoxically, despite all the problems and the unaccustomed atmosphere, this Olympiad
became one of my most successful, in both the competitive and the creative respect.

In the first two 'limbering-up' rounds I was rested: as it was, Russia easily dealt with The
Philippines 2nd team (4-0) and Switzerland (3½-½). In the 3rd round match with the Dutch I
very much wanted to beat Timman with White, but I instead reached an inferior position, then
repaired matters and in a sharp time scramble I offered a draw. But thanks to Kramnik's win -
the third in succession! - we nevertheless won the match (2½-1½). And then by the identical
score 3-1 we defeated Croatia and Latvia. I won against Cebalo comparatively easily, but in an
ultra-tense King's Indian duel with Shirov (cf. Game No.77, note to Black's 9th move) there
were mutual time-trouble errors, and the last mistake was made by my opponent.

This was how the surprises at the start were described by Sergey Makarychev (he and
Razuvaev were our team's trainers). 'Tell me, who would you have put your money on in the
Kyrgyzstan-France and Uzbekistan-Germany matches? To us the chances seemed roughly
equal. But our western colleagues were unpleasantly startled to see some new Asian teams
successfully competing with them. A few matches concluded sensationally: Latvia crushed
Spain (3½-½) and Lithuania overcame the USA (2½-1½). In the 3rd round the English, who the
day before had whitewashed the Finns, looked extremely insipid in their match with the
Estonians (2-2). And in the 5th round, to judge by the nature of what happened, they
underestimated the Uzbek team, who performed splendidly in Manila. Three of the Uzbeks -
Serper, Nenashev [he later adopted the name Graf - G.K.]and Zagrebelny simultaneously
succeeded in "achieving the impossible". In the match with the English only one of them won,
but no one in the team lost.'

It was the 5th round that first produced a single clear leader: Russia - 16 out of 20; Uzbekistan -
14½, etc. In the 6th round we crossed swords with our unexpected rivals. The situation vividly
resembled a USSR Spartakiad. On top board I was opposed by a three-times Uzbek champion,
the 36-year-old grandmaster Valery Loginov (after returning to Russia in 1995, he also became
three-times champion of St. Petersburg!). Although an enormous rating difference separated
us, at Olympiads this is not so important as in individual tournaments.

Game 91
G.Kasparov-V.Loginov, World Chess Olympiad, 6th Round, Manila 13.06.1992
King's Indian Defence E84

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.f3 We knew that Loginov played the King's Indian, and
that against the Sämisch Variation he employed the line from my games with Timman
(Bugojno 1982) and Spassky (Niksic 1983). And Kramnik advised me once again to go in for this
variation. 5...0–0 6.Be3 a6 [6...e5 – Game Nos.43, 84, 90, 92, 98.; 6...Nbd7 – Game No.68.]
7.Qd2 [Beliavsky once tried 7.Bd3 against me and ran into 7...c5! (Game No.81 in Garry
Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I).] 7...Nc6 8.Nge2 Rb8 [Not wasting time on 8...Re8?! –
Game No.51 in Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov Part I.] 9.h4!? [Another fashionable line is
9.Nc1 e5 10.d5 (the weaker 10.Nb3 exd4 11.Nxd4 Ne5 12.Rd1 c6 13.Be2 b5 allows equality,
Beliavsky-Kasparov, Linares 1990; Beliavsky-Loginov, Azov 1991) 10...Nd4 11.Nb3 (11.N1e2 c5
12.dxc6 Nxc6! , Arbakov-Loginov, Katowice 1992) 11...Nxb3 12.axb3 c5! 13.g4 (or 13.b4 cxb4
14.Na4 Nh5 (14...b5!?) 15.Qxb4 (15.Bb6 Qe7!) 15...f5 with counterplay on the kingside) 13...h5
14.h3 Nh7 15.gxh5 Qh4+ 16.Qf2 Qxh5 (16...Qxf2+ 17.Kxf2 is slightly worse, Razuvaev-Loginov,
St. Petersburg 1998) 17.Be2 f5 .] 9...b5 [9...h5 is more usual, but after 10.Nc1 e5 11.d5 Nd4
12.Nb3 Nxb3 13.axb3 c5 apart from the most popular move 14.Be2 (14.b4!? (Portisch-Nunn,
Szirak Interzonal 1987) 14...cxb4 15.Na4 is tempting, since in contrast to the line with 9 Nc1
Black does not have the resource ...Nh5) , this was also recommended by Kramnik, with the

idea of 14...Nh7?! 15.g4 (or 15.b4!? .) ] 10.h5 e5 I also played this against Timman, [whereas
after 10...bxc4?! 11.g4! Spassky ran into difficulties (Game No.87 in Garry Kasparov on Garry
Kasparov Part I). ; 10...Nxh5? 11.g4 Nf6 12.Bh6 is even more dangerous.] 11.d5 [Of course, not
11.dxe5?! Nxe5! , Mi.Tseitlin-Loginov, Omsk 1985.] 11...Na5 12.Ng3 bxc4 [12...Nxc4 13.Bxc4
bxc4 14.0–0–0 (Tarjan-Nezhni, USA 1982) did not become established at grandmaster level.]
13.0–0–0 Rb4! After confidently playing the opening, Loginov 'fires off' an interesting novelty.
[After my 13...Nd7?! Timman gained a big advantage with 14.hxg6 fxg6 15.Nb1! Rb5?
(15...Nb7 and Na3! ; or 15...c5 16.dxc6 Nxc6 17.Nc3 also fails to equalise) 16.b4! .; Now,
however, Black has created a firm construction on the queenside ( 13...Rb4 14.Nb1 Ra4! ), and
is intending ...Qe7, ...Bd7 and ...Rfb8. If White does not undertake anything, it will not be clear
why he has given up a pawn. But his attack on the kingside involves the exchange of the dark-
squared bishops, which is strategically also to Black's advantage! And nevertheless...] 14.Bh6
Bxh6 [After 14...Bd7 15.Be2 Bxh6 (15...Qb8? is bad in view of 16.Bxg7 Kxg7 17.f4! , which
occurred by transposition in Gheorghiu-Santana, New York 1988; while if 15...Qe7!? (Stohl),
then 16.Rdf1!? with the ideas of f3-f4 and Nd1–e3 is equally interesting) 16.Qxh6 Kh8 17.hxg6
fxg6 18.Rdf1! (18.Nf1 Rg8 and ...Qf8!, Psakhis-Djurhuus, Gausdal 1994) 18...Qe7 19.f4 White
retains the initiative (Seydoux-Gorge, correspondence 2000).] 15.Qxh6 Qe7 [My Informator
recommendation of the move 15...Kh8 (?!) is inadequate in view of 16.hxg6 fxg6 17.Be2 Bd7
(17...Qe7? 18.Qxg6 Rg8 19.Nf5! Bxf5 20.Qxf5) 18.Rdf1! and f3-f4, as in the previous note.]
16.Be2 Bd7 [16...Nd7 (to enliven the play by ...Nc5) also came into consideration: 17.Rdf1! g5
(17...Nc5?! 18.f4) 18.Nf5 Qf6 , transposing into a complicated ending, where after 19.g3 Qxh6
20.Nxh6+ Kg7 (20...Kh8 21.f4!) 21.Nf5+ Kh8 (21...Kf6 22.f4!) 22.f4 exf4 23.gxf4 gxf4 24.Rxf4
Ne5 25.Nd4 White has no more than good compensation for the pawn.] 17.Nf1! With the idea
of g2-g4 and Ne3(g3). [Nothing was given by 17.f4 Rfb8 18.Rdf1 (18.Rd2 exf4 19.Qxf4 Qe5!)
18...Rxb2 19.hxg6 fxg6 20.f5 Ba4! 21.Nxa4 Rxa2 22.Bd1 Nb3+ 23.Bxb3 Rxb3 24.fxg6 Ra1+ with
perpetual check.; If 17.Rd2 , then 17...c6?! (but 17...Rfb8 18.Nf1 leads to a simple
transposition of moves) , is dubious in view of 18.Nf1! Kh8? (18...cxd5 19.Ne3 Be6 is more
resilient) 19.hxg6 fxg6 20.Qxg6 cxd5 21.Ne3! and wins (Lautier-Svidler, internet 2004).]
17...Rfb8 [Not 17...Nxh5? 18.g4 , when 18...Nf6 (as is the desperate 18...Rfb8 19.gxh5 Rxb2
20.hxg6 fxg6 21.Ne3! , winning) 19.Ng3 and g4-g5 is bad.] 18.Rd2 c5? A serious positional
error: by depriving his knight of the c5-square, Black sharply reduces his chances on the
queenside. [The consistent 18...Be8! 19.g4 (or 19.Ne3 Nd7 20.Rh3 Kh8 (20...Nc5? 21.Nf5!)
21.hxg6 fxg6 22.g4 Nc5 23.Rd1 Na4! would have given him good play) 19...Nd7 20.hxg6 fxg6
21.Ne3 (earlier I assessed this in favour of White) 21...Nc5! (Stohl) 22.g5 (threatening
...Nab3+) 22...Bd7 23.Kb1 Qg7; 18...Qf8 19.Qg5! Qe7 20.Qh4 , avoiding the exchange.] 19.Bd1!
Useful prophylaxis. [My opponent was reckoning on the unclear 19.g4 Ba4! , for example: 20.-
- a)20.g5?! , and now not 20...Nxh5? (a)or 20...Ne8?! 21.f4! exf4 22.hxg6 fxg6 23.Rh4
(threatening both Rxf4, and Bg4-e6+); a)but 20...Ng4! 21.fxg4 Qb7 22.hxg6 fxg6 with the
counter-threat of ...Rxb2!) 21.Ng3!; b)20.Ne3 Qb7?! (b)it is possible to go totally on to the
defensive – 20...Qf8 21.Qg5 Qg7) 21.Nf5 Ne8 22.Bf1! Rxb2 23.Ne7+! Qxe7 24.Rxb2 Rxb2
25.Kxb2 Qb7+ 26.Kc1 Qb4 27.Qe3 (d2), and although Black has two pawns for the exchange,
White can hope to maintain his advantage by activating his rook.; ] 19...Ne8?! A passive move,
which accelerates Black's defeat. [19...Be8 20.g4 Qb7? (but 20...Qf8 was more resilient) , was
now pointless in view of 21.Rhh2! , firmly reinforcing the b2-pawn and beginning a decisive
storm on the kingside.; or immediately 19...Qf8 (Stohl), although here too after 20.Qg5 the
play is all one way: 20...Ne8 (or 20...Qg7 21.h6! (now there is little sense in 21.hxg6 fxg6)
21...Qh8 22.Ne3 followed by Rf2 and f3-f4) 21.hxg6 fxg6 22.g3! , threatening Rdh2 and f3-f4.]
20.hxg6 fxg6 21.g4! Qg7 [21...Nf6 22.Ng3 Qg7 23.g5! would hardly have changed anything.]
22.g5 Qxh6 23.Rxh6 It unexpectedly transpires that the exchange of queens has not eased
Black's situation: his pieces are just too badly placed. 23...Ng7 [The attempt to switch the rook
to f7 did not succeed – 23...R4b7 24.Rdh2 Bc8 (24...Bb5 25.a4) 25.Ba4! and wins. ; White is also
clearly better after 23...Nb7 24.a3! Rb6 25.Rdh2 Nd8 26.Rxh7 Nf7 27.Ne3 R6b7 28.R7h4! with

the idea of 28...Nxg5 (or 28...Bb5 29.a4 (and otherwise 29.Nxc4 , Gallagher-Sutovsky, Biel
1996) ) 29.Rg2 .] 24.f4! [White could also have won by 24.Rdh2!? Nh5 (24...Be8 25.f4!)
25.Ng3! (Stohl) 25...Nxg3 26.Rxh7 Nh5 27.Rxd7 Nb7 28.Be2 Rd8 29.Rc7 , but I found the most
effective continuation: the opening of the f-file decides the fate of the black king.; But not
24.Ng3? Nb7! and ...Nd8-f7.] 24...exf4 [If 24...Rf8 , then 25.f5! gxf5 (otherwise Rdh2) 26.Rxd6
fxe4 (26...Bc8 27.Rh2) 27.Rxd7 (or my Informator move 27.Ne3 ) 27...Rxf1 28.Nxe4 c3 29.Nf6+!
Rxf6 30.bxc3 and wins.] 25.Rdh2 Re8 [Things were also hopeless after the more resilient
25...Be8 26.Rxh7 Nh5 27.Rh6 (Stohl) 27...R4b6 28.Bxh5 gxh5 29.Rf2! R8b7 the position of the
knight on a5 is terrible, (but if 29...Nb7 , then 30.e5!) 30.Re6 Bf7 (30...Bd7 31.Rg6+) 31.Rf6
followed by R2xf4 and Ne3(g3)-f5.; 25...Nh5? 26.Bxh5 gxh5 27.Rxd6 .] 26.Nd2!? [The obvious
26.Rxh7 was no worse – say, 26...Re5 27.R2h4 with the threat of Rh8+ and Rxf4+. However,
with such an overwhelming superiority in the quality of his pieces, White has no reason to
hurry.] 26...Reb8 [If 26...Re5 there would have followed 27.Rxh7 Rxg5 (or 27...Kf7 28.Nf3 Re8
29.R2h4 and Rxf4+) 28.Rh8+ Kf7 29.Ra8! .] 27.Rxh7 Rxb2 28.R2h4! (the prelude to the
execution of the king) 28...R2b7 29.Rh8+ Kf7 30.Rxf4+ Ke7 31.Rh7 Rg8 32.Rf6 Be8 33.e5!
After this breakthrough in the centre Black quickly suffers enormous loss of material. 33...Rb6
[33...dxe5 34.Rxa6 .] 34.Nde4 Nb7 35.exd6+ Nxd6 36.Re6+ Kd7 [And without waiting for
36...Kd7 37.Nxd6 Rxd6 38.Ba4+ , Black resigned.] 1–0

As a result we defeated Uzbekistan 3-1. And in the next round we also crushed our inveterate
rivals - the USA team. This key match went very well for us from the very start.

On top board I had Black against the new leader of the American team, Gata Kamsky, and
again, as in Dortmund, I employed my favourite King's Indian.

Game 92
G.Kamsky-G.Kasparov, World Chess Olympiad, 7th Round, Manila 14.06.1992
King's Indian Defence E88

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.f3 [Gata chose 5.Nf3 in Dortmund, but now he prefers
the Sämisch – probably both under the influence of my game with Loginov, and taking into
account the difficulties that I had encountered in this variation.] 5...0–0 6.Be3 e5 [6...Nbd7 –
Game No.68.; 6...a6 – Game No.91.] 7.d5 c6 [After some thought I decided to avoid my recent
variation with 7...Nh5 (Game No.84), for which Kamsky would have certainly prepared.] 8.Qd2
[8.Bd3!? is more promising – Game No.43.] 8...cxd5 9.cxd5 a6 [9...Nbd7 deserves
consideration, with the ideas of 10.Nb5 (10.Bd3 Nc5; 10.Nh3 a6 , as in the 3rd game of my
match with Psakhis (cf. Game No.68, note to White's 7th move); and 10.Nge2 a6 (cf. below))
10...Nc5 11.Rc1 b6 ( 12.b4 Nfxe4! ).] 10.Bd3 [10.Nge2 Nbd7 occurred six times in my games
with a score of +3=3 in Black's favour – details in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1988-2009 (cf. Game
No.36, note to White's 8th move), and in the next volume of Garry Kasparov on Garry
Kasparov.] 10...Nh5 [This is more active but also more risky than 10...Nbd7 : Black
immediately prepares ...f7-f5.; Usually White fights for an advantage by 10...Nh5 11.Nge2 f5
12.exf5 gxf5 13.0–0 , but Kamsky suddenly staggered me with a strange move.] 11.g4? This is
how they played at the dawn of the King's Indian, when it was not yet understood that the
knight should not be driven to f4, since its exchange on this square – even with the loss of a
pawn – gives Black a powerful initiative after ...exf4, thanks to the activation of the bishop on
g7. Such a move by the strong but still very young grandmaster can be explained only by his
lack of King's Indian experience. 11...Nf4 12.Bc2 [12.Bxf4? exf4 13.Qxf4 Qb6 and ...Nd7-e5 is
altogether bad for White, Szmukler-Wexler, Buenos Aires 1978.] 12...b5 13.Qf2 Nd7 14.Nge2
b4! Not missing the opportunity to give the white knight a push. 15.Na4 a5! [15...Qa5?! 16.0–
0–0 was inaccurate, but now ...Ba6 is threatened. 'Sooner or later the f4-knight will have to be
taken, after which the bishop on g7 will become fearfully strong. Of course, in taking this

standard decision Kasparov did not think for long.' (Makarychev)] 16.Nxf4 exf4 17.Bxf4 Ne5
18.0–0–0?! Sending his own king to the scaffold! White is unable to create any dangerous
threats at all on the kingside, as long as the g7-bishop is alive. [Therefore it was also fatal to
play 18.Bxe5?! Bxe5 19.0–0–0 Rb8! and ...Bd7 with an escalating attack.; 18.Nb6? Nxf3+ .; He
should have removed his king to the opposite wing – 18.0–0 , although here too after 18...Ba6
19.Rfd1 (or 19.Rfc1 Bb5) 19...Rc8 20.Rac1 Bb5 Black has an excellent game. In all variations the
knight on a4 is a constant headache for White.; 18.Kf1?! f5! .] 18...Nc4! 19.Be3 Gata can no
longer find anything better than to give up his valuable dark-squared bishop for the knight.
[And, indeed, if 19.Kb1?! there is the sacrifice 19...Na3+! ( 20.bxa3?! Qf6 ); while the attempt
to block the terrible diagonal at the cost of the exchange – 19.Bb3 Bd7 20.Bxc4 Bxa4 21.Rd4 is
unsuccessful because of 21...Qc7! (more accurate than my Informator suggestion 21...Qb6
22.Be3 Qc7) 22.b3 (or 22.Kd2 Qc5 23.Kd3 Bb5! and wins) 22...Bxb3! 23.axb3 a4 . These
spectacular variations merely illustrate the ruinous nature of White's plan.] 19...Nxe3 20.Qxe3
Rb8! (not allowing the knight to go to b6 – the threat is ...Bd7 and ...Qe8) 21.Bb3 It is hard to
offer White any good advice. [Thus he would have lost ignominiously after 21.Kb1 Bd7 22.Rd2
Bb5 23.Rc1 (or 23.b3 Bxa4 24.bxa4 Qe8! 25.e5 b3!! and ...Qxa4) 23...Qd7 24.b3 Bxa4 25.bxa4
b3!!] 21...Bd7 22.Kb1 Qe8 23.Nb6 Bb5 24.Rd2 [24.Rc1 Rxb6! would have led to the loss of a
piece, since if 25.Qxb6? Black concludes prettily with 25...Bd3+ 26.Ka1 (or 26.Rc2 Qe5!)
26...Bxb2+! , mating.] 24...a4?! [Black could have immediately won material and the game with
the subtle 24...Qd8! 25.Na4 Qd7 26.Nb6 Qa7! 27.Nc4 Qa6 , with the threats of ...Bxc4 and
...a5-a4.] 25.Bd1?! [25.Bc4!? Rxb6 26.Qxb6 Bxc4 27.Qxb4 was more resilient, although after
27...Bh6! 28.Rg2 (or 28.Rd4 Be2 29.Re1 Bxf3 30.Qxd6 Bxg4 White cannot withstand the
onslaught of the rampant bishops) 28...Bd3+ 29.Ka1 Qa8 .] 25...Rb7 While preparing ...b4-b3,
Black vacates the b8-square for his queen, [but he could also have decided matters with the
immediate 25...b3! 26.axb3 (26.a3 Qd8! , trapping the knight) 26...axb3 27.Bxb3 Rb7!
threatening ...Qb8; (27...Qd8!?) 28.Nc4 Bxc4 29.Bxc4 Qa4! .] 26.e5 b3! 27.axb3 axb3 28.Bxb3
[If 28.e6 both 28...Qb8 (and 28...Qd8 29.Nd7?! Qa5! 30.Bxb3 Ra7 are good.) ] 28...Qb8 29.Nc4
Bxc4 30.Bxc4 Bxe5 White is still a pawn up, but this is of no importance. If White's king were
on g2 and his pawn on b3, Black would simply have excellent compensation for the pawn in
the form of his dark-square domination. But, alas, the king is on b1, and its execution cannot
be avoided. 31.Qe2 [White also fails to save the game with 31.b3 Rc8 32.Kc2 Rxc4+ 33.bxc4
Rb2+; or 31.Qa3 Ra7 32.Qd3 (32.Qb3 Qa8) 32...Qb4 etc.] 31...Qa7 32.Rc1 Ra8 33.b3 Bf4 34.Kc2
Re7 35.Qd3 Qc5 36.Rb1 Re3 37.Qd4 Ra2+ 38.Kd1 [Or 38.Rb2 Rxb2+ 39.Qxb2 Be5 40.Qa2 (c1)
40...Rc3+ .] 38...Rxf3 [38...Re8!? was more flamboyant: 39.Rbb2 (or 39.Rd3 Qb4 40.Qc3
(40.Rc3 Ree2) 40...Qxc3 41.Rxc3 Rd2+ 42.Kc1 Re1# mate! ) 39...Ra1+ 40.Kc2 Rc1+! .] 39.Qxf4
Rxf4 40.Rxa2 Qg1+ 41.Kc2 Qxh2+ . As he usually did at that time, Kamsky fought on to the very
end. 0–1

An important game. The team supported my success: Khalifman outplayed his former
compatriot from Leningrad, Yermolinsky, and the young Kramnik succeeded in overcoming the
distinguished Seirawan!

The outcome of the match exceeded all our expectations: 3½-½!

The lead over our pursuers increased, but in the next round we faced another important
match with a very dangerous rival - the strong Ukrainian team, which was always among the
favourites at the USSR Spartakiads. The central encounter that day was my game with Vassily
Ivanchuk, who was then rated No.2 in the world.

Game 93
G.Kasparov-V.Ivanchuk, World Chess Olympiad, 8th Round, Manila 16.06.1992
English Opening A35

1.Nf3 [A change of tune: in my three previous victorious games against Ivanchuk I had played
1.c4 ; or 1.d4 . In reply my opponent decided to surprise me with a curious branch of the
English Opening.] 1...c5 2.c4 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.g3 d6 (in order if necessary to defend the c6-
knight with ...Bd7) 5.Bg2 g6 6.d4 cxd4 7.Nxd4 Bd7 Here I stopped to think about my
subsequent plan. 8.e4 [A rare instance of a novelty as early as the 8th move – in a position
where White usually played 8.0–0 (the most natural way, promising White a minimal
advantage) 8...Bg7 9.b3 (or 9.Nc2 ) ; while later, without particular success, he tried 8.Nxc6
bxc6 9.c5 d5 10.e4 dxe4 11.Nxe4 Nxe4 12.Bxe4 Bg7 (Kasparov-Kramnik, 7th match game
(blitz), Moscow 1998).] 8...Bg7 Not a bad move, [but 8...Nxd4! 9.Qxd4 Bg7 equalises more
forcefully: for example, 10.0–0 (or 10.c5 0–0 11.cxd6 Bc6!) 10...0–0 11.Qd3 Ng4 . This may cast
doubts on the idea of e2-e4: White has no positional compensation for the restriction of his
g2-bishop.] 9.Nxc6 Bxc6 [And here 9...bxc6!? deserved consideration – in Informator I put my
trust in 10.c5!? (10.0–0 Qa5!? , Gelfand-Kramnik, Monte Carlo (blindfold) 2000) 10...dxc5
11.e5 (11.0–0 Be6!? , Lerner-Baklan, Ordzhonikidze Zonal 2000) 11...Ng4 12.f4 (12.e6? is weak:
12...Bxe6 (but after 12...0–0 there would have been a very double-edged game in prospect)
13.Bxc6+ Kf8! 14.Bxa8 Qxa8 15.0–0?! (or 15.f3 Bc4 with an attack and a pawn for the
exchange) 15...h5! .) ] 10.Be3! [10.0–0 is inaccurate in view of 10...Nd7! , when the threat of
...Bxc3 forces either the passive 11.Bd2 (or 11.Nd5 , but the knight cannot be maintained on
its proud outpost: 11...0–0 (the immediate 11...e6 is also possible) 12.Qe2 (Grischuk-
Gashimov, Monte Carlo (rapid) 2011) 12...e6! 13.Nb4 Qb6 14.Nxc6 bxc6 with equality.But with
the text, my plan is justified: by developing my c1–bishop at the right time, I have created a
classical Maroczy set-up.) ] 10...0–0 [10...Nxe4?! 11.Nxe4 f5 12.Nxd6+ exd6 (or 12...Qxd6
13.Qxd6 exd6 14.Bxc6+ bxc6 15.0–0–0) 13.0–0 is obviously better for White; And the 10...Nd7
manoeuvre is no longer as strong as before in view of 11.Rc1! (an important move), when the
greedy 11...Nc5?! 12.0–0! Bxc3?! 13.Rxc3 Bxe4? is punished by 14.Bxc5! Bxg2 15.Bd4! Bxf1
16.Bxh8 Bh3 17.g4 and wins.] 11.0–0 Nowadays this is one of the popular lines. 11...a5 [Black
has also tried 11...a6 (Kramnik-Kamsky, Monte Carlo (blindfold) 1995; Kasparov-Carlsen,
Reykjavik (blitz) 2004); 11...Qa5 (Kramnik-Ivanchuk, Nice (rapid) 2008); and 11...Qd7
(Khalifman-Rasulov, St. Petersburg 2011).; But the best resource looks to be 11...Nd7
(nevertheless) 12.Rc1 Qa5!? (instead of the fashionable 12...a5 ) 13.a3 (my Informator
recommendation) (or 13.Qd2 Rfe8 14.b3 Rac8) 13...Nb6 14.Qe2 Na4 , with quite a flexible
position and reasonable equalising chances.] 12.Rc1 a4 After devising the interesting plan with
...a7-a5-a4 and ...Qa5, Ivanchuk obviously decided that in this way Black obtains a very
comfortable game. However, the position is full of tactical nuances, which I begin to exploit.
13.Qe2 [The premature 13.c5?! dxc5 14.e5 (14.Bxc5 Re8 is no better) 14...Qxd1 15.Rfxd1 Ng4
16.Bxc5 Nxe5 17.Bxe7 Rfe8 allows equality. 'But White has no need to force events: there are
still possibilities for improving the coordination of his pieces, while Black will soon experience
all the burdens of his cramped position.' (Makarychev)] 13...Qa5 14.Rfd1 Rfc8?! In making this
over-optimistic move, the opponent allows an unpleasant blow in the centre. [One of the
following continuations would have been far less of an evil: 14...Nd7 15.Nd5! , and here not
15...Bxd5?! (but 15...Rfe8! ) , because of 16.Rxd5! with the threats of Rb5 and c4-c5(16.cxd5
Rfc8 17.Rxc8+ Rxc8 18.Bh3 Rc7 19.Bxd7 Rxd7 20.Rc1 Rc7 21.Rxc7 Qxc7 22.Qb5 , which I gave in
Informator, leads only to a draw after 22...Qc8! .) ; 14...Rfe8! 15.c5! (it would appear that here
too this is the best chance, but the rook is far better placed at e8 than at c8) 15...a3! 16.cxd6
(16.b3?! Nd7! 17.Nd5 dxc5) 16...axb2! (after 16...exd6 17.b3 Nxe4 18.Nxe4 Bxe4 19.Bxe4 Rxe4
20.Qf3 Qe5 21.Rc7 f5 22.Rxb7 White has some advantage) 17.Qxb2 exd6 18.Bd4 Qa3! with
prospects of equalising.] 15.c5! Ne8 Black already has a difficult choice. [He could not be
satisfied with 15...dxc5? 16.e5 Ne8 17.Nd5 Bxd5 18.Rxd5 with the threats of Rdxc5 and Rd7.;

15...a3 would also have been worse than with the rook on e8 16.-- a), after this in Informator I
gave the flamboyant 16.cxd6 axb2 17.Qxb2 Nxe4 (?) (a)but after 17...exd6 18.Bd4 Qa3! Black
holds on) 18.Bxe4 Bxe4 19.d7! Rxc3 20.Rxc3 Bxc3 21.Qxc3 Qxc3 22.d8Q+ Rxd8 23.Rxd8+ Kg7
24.Bd4+ Qxd4 25.Rxd4 with the exchange for a pawn and winning chances.; b). Therefore the
correct reply is 16.b3! : for example, 16...dxc5 (b)or 16...Nd7 17.Bd2! dxc5 (b)alas, 17...Nxc5?
runs into 18.b4! Qxb4 19.Nd5!) 18.Nd5 Qd8 19.Bg5 f6 20.Be3 with an initiative which more
than compensates for the pawn deficit) 17.e5 Bxg2 18.Kxg2 Ne8 19.Nd5 , retaining the
pressure.; ] 16.cxd6 [The immediate 16.Nd5!? was also good.] 16...Nxd6 17.Nd5 Bxd5 18.Rxd5
Rxc1+ [After 18...Qb4?! 19.e5 the reply 19...Nc4? is not possible on account of 20.Rd4! .]
19.Bxc1 Qc7! The best chance; [if 19...Qa6 , then 20.Qd1! with the threat of e4-e5 is strong.]
20.Bf4 Qc4! (this attack on the white pawns forces the exchange of queens) 21.Qxc4 Nxc4 I
think that Ivanchuk was hoping without particular anxiety to gain a draw in a somewhat
inferior endgame. Therefore Black's problems, which suddenly began to snowball, shook him.
22.b3 After driving back the knight, White is pinning his hopes on the activity of his two
bishops and his centralised rook. 22...axb3 [Black's problems would not have been solved by
either 22...e5?! 23.Bg5; or the tempting 22...Na5?! (with the threat of 23...Nxb3! 24 axb3 a3!)
23.bxa4! Nc6 24.Bf1!? (24.Rd7 Rxa4 25.e5 h5 26.Rxb7 Nxe5 27.Bxe5 Bxe5 28.Rxe7 leads to the
win of a pawn, but the opposite-coloured bishops may save Black) 24...Rxa4 25.Bb5 , and after
25...Rd4 (while after 25...Ra8 26.a4 and Rd7 he has an enduring advantage) 26.Bxc6 bxc6
27.Rxd4 Bxd4 28.Kf1 White has an excellent bishop endgame with an outside passed pawn.]
23.axb3 The critical moment of the game. 23...Na5? A by no means obvious mistake. [23...e5?
24.Bg5 h6 25.Bd8! was also weak; but real drawing chances were offered by 23...e6! with the
idea of 24.Rc5 a)24.Rb5 e5! 25.Bg5 Nd6 26.Rd5 Ra1+ 27.Bf1 Bf8 28.f3 (a)28.Rxe5 Rb1! and
...Rxb3) 28...Kg7 etc; b), or 24.Rd7 Ne5! 25.Rxb7 g5! (a sudden tactical trick) 26.Bxe5
(b)26.Bxg5? Ra1+ and ...Nf3+; b)while after 26.Be3 Ra1+ 27.Bf1 h5 28.Kg2 g4 White is
paralysed by the threat of ...Nf3-e1+) 26...Bxe5 27.Bf3 Rb8 , nevertheless reaching the drawing
haven; 24...Na5 25.Rb5 Bd4 26.b4 Nc6 27.Rxb7 Ra2! .] 24.b4 [24.Rb5?! Bd4! 25.b4 Nc4 26.Bf1
Nd6 27.Rd5 Bc3 was unclear, with counterplay. But now Black's position deteriorates.]
24...Nc6 25.b5 Nd4 26.Bf1 After advancing his pawn to d5 and securely defending it with his
bishop, White is threatening to invade with his rook on d7, and as yet the black king does not
have an escape square. 26...h5?! [The spirited 26...g5?! 27.Be3 Nf3+ 28.Kg2 g4 no longer
worked in view of 29.h3! (breaking up the trap) 29...Ne1+ 30.Kh1 Nc2 31.Bc5 .; However, it
was better either to confuse matters somewhat with 26...Nf3+!? 27.Kg2 Ne1+ 28.Kh1 (h3)
28...h5; or to exchange rooks in the hope of saving the difficult minor piece endgame –
26...Ne6!? 27.Be3 Rd8 28.Rxd8+ Nxd8 29.f4 Bc3 etc.] 27.Kg2 Nc2 [In view of the weakening
move ...h7-h5, the variation 27...Ne6!? 28.Be3 Rd8 29.Rxd8+ Nxd8 30.f4 Bc3 did not attract
Black at all, but perhaps it would have enabled him to avoid the worst.] 28.Bd2! e6 [28...b6!?
29.Rd7 e6 was more resilient, although here too after 30.Rc7 (or 30.Bd3 things are most
probably bad for Black.) ] 29.Rc5! Nd4 30.Be3 b6 31.Rc7 (threatening Rd7 or Rb7xb6)
31...Ra1?! This hastens the end, [but also after 31...Rb8 32.Bf4! (with the threat of Rxf7)
32...e5 33.Be3 White completely dominates.; 31...Be5?! 32.Rd7! .] 32.Rc8+ Kh7 33.Rc7
Repeating moves to gain on the clock with time-trouble imminent. 'By the 20th move Kasparov
was already rather short of time and he had less than a minute per move leading up to the first
time control, whereas Ivanchuk had expended his time far more rationally.' (Makarychev)
33...Kg8 34.Rc4! Rd1 [34...e5?! 35.Rc8+ Kh7 36.Rc7 and wins.] 35.Rc8+ Kh7 36.Rd8 (a deadly
pin on the knight) 36...Be5 37.h3?! [There was a simpler win by 37.h4! Kg7 38.Bc4 Bf6
(38...Kf6? 39.Rd7! , as in the game) 39.Rd7 Kf8 40.Bf4 Ke8 41.Rd6 and Rxb6.] 37...Kg7 38.Bc4
Kf6? Also a time-trouble error. [38...Bf6 39.Rd7 Kf8 was essential, although after 40.Rd6 and
Rxb6 White has every chance of converting his extra passed pawn.] 39.Rd7! g5 [Zugzwang:
39...Kg7 40.Bxe6! .] 40.Be2! Nxe2 41.Rxd1 Nc3 42.Rd8 Nxe4 43.Bxb6 Nc3 44.Rg8 Nxb5
45.Bd8+ . A good positional win over a top-class grandmaster. 1–0

As a result we also defeated the Ukrainian team: 3-1. Makarychev: 'The match with the
Ukrainians summed up the battle for Olympic gold, creating a kind of image of a Russian
miracle. The results - 25½ out of 32 (!) and 6½ out of 8 against USA and Ukraine made a strong
impression on "the entire Olympiad". After the 8th round the "adjournment session" for our
team began. The next match, with Georgia, was won only because the opposing team was
experiencing an even more difficult tournament period. However, the 10th round brought the
Russians their only defeat in the tournament - against Armenia (1½-2½). The loss of the image
of a team of super-heroes also had its positive aspects: now it could calmly proceed to the

In the 10th round I drew with Black in a sharp King's Indian clash with Vaganian, but in the
11th I defeated Hjartarson with White, which gave us victory over Iceland (2½-1½). After this
the triumph of the Russian team was not in doubt. I was on 7 out of 8, and the next day I could
have been rested. However, on encountering once again the problem of deciding on the line-
up, I volunteered to play - seeing as our trainers had already 'worked out' the name of my next
opponent and the colour of the pieces.

In the 12th round we faced the Bosnians, and I - their leader Predrag Nikolic, with not only the
team's interests on my mind, but also the battle for the best result on board 1.

Game 94
G.Kasparov-P.Nikolic, World Chess Olympiad, 12th Round, Manila 21.06.1992
Slav Defence D10

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 e5!? At that time the ancient Winawer Counter-Gambit had come into
fashion, not without the help of Nikolic, so that it was quite easy to predict his choice of
opening. And I unearthed a variation in the hope of gaining an analytical advantage over my
opponent in a position that appears harmless, but contains a mass of latent tactical
possibilities. 4.dxe5 [For a long time Black's audacious sortie was rejected because of 4.cxd5
cxd5 5.Nf3 e4 6.Ne5 , but then it transpired that after 6...f6! (6...Be7 is more modest,
Nogueiras-Nikolic, Brussels 1988) 7.Qa4+ Nd7 8.Nxd7 (or 8.Ng4 Kf7! , Wiedenkeller-Engqvist,
Gothenburg 1990) 8...Bxd7 9.Qb3 Bc6 (Lukacs-Janovsky, Budapest 1991), things are not so bad
for him] 4...d4 5.Ne4 Qa5+ 6.Bd2! [It is staggering that this natural developing move was
overshadowed and that everyone played 6.Nd2 : for example, 6...Nd7 7.Ngf3 (or 7.e6 fxe6
8.g3 Ne5!? (instead of 8...e5 9.Bg2 Ngf6 10.Ngf3 , Karpov-Bareev, Linares 1992) 9.Qc2 Nf6
10.Bg2 Be7 11.Nh3?! (Timman-Nikolic, Manila Olympiad 1992), and here 11...Neg4! with the
idea of 12.0–0 Qh5! gives excellent play) 7...Nxe5 8.Nxd4 Nxc4 9.e3 Nxd2 10.Bxd2 Bb4 with
equality (Seirawan-Nikolic, Reykjavik 1991).] 6...Qxe5 It was thought that the complete
relieving of the central situation plus the absence of pawn weaknesses should ensure Black
straightforward equality. In this game I was able to remind my opponent of a half-forgotten
factor – a lead in development. 7.Ng3 Qd6 [A quite rapid and correct reply ( 7...Nf6 8.Nf3 Qd6
comes to the same thing). ; After 7...c5 8.Nf3 Qc7 9.e3 White has more chances of retaining
the initiative (Ionov-Tregubov, Orel 1992; Korchnoi-Schwartzman, Wijk aan Zee 1993).] 8.Nf3
Nf6 9.Qc2! A novelty, which became the main continuation. [In two earlier little-known games
9.a3 ; and 9.e4 were tried.] 9...Be7 [Or 9...Be6?! 10.0–0–0! .] 10.0–0–0 0–0 The first critical
position. 11.e3 [11.Bc3!? suggested itself 11...-- a), with the idea of developing activity in the
event of 11...c5 (which was what Nikolic was intending) 12.e3 Qa6 13.exd4 cxd4 14.Nxd4
Qxa2 15.Ndf5 (a)15.Bd3!?) ; b), or 11...Qf4+ 12.e3! dxe3 13.fxe3 Qxe3+ 14.Kb1 etc.; c). But
11...dxc3!? seemed unclear to me: 12.Rxd6 cxb2+ 13.Qxb2 Bxd6 with decent compensation
for the queen (although later this assessment was disputed by 14.e4 (c)or 14.e3 etc) 14...Bf4+
15.Kb1 . Therefore I chose a different, outwardly paradoxical plan, the outlines of which had
been worked out at home.; ] 11...dxe3 12.fxe3 [This way (or 12.Bc3 Qc7! 13.fxe3 ).; Also

interesting is 12.Bxe3!? Qc7 13.Nf5 with a mini-plus; or 12.Ba5!? (depriving the black queen of
the c7-square) 12...Qe6! 13.Nd4 (13.Bd3!? g6 14.Rhe1) 13...Qe5 14.Bc3 with sharp play
(Nielsen-Hector, Denmark 2008).] 12...Qc7 [The alternative is 12...Na6 13.Bc3 Qc7! (but not
13...Qe6 14.Nd4! Qxe3+ 15.Kb1 with a dangerous initiative for the pawn: 15...Nb4 16.Qa4! .) ]
13.Bc3 Bg4 Natural development, [but 13...c5!? and ...Nc6 is safer (Krasenkow-Morozevich,
Pamplona 1998/99); or 13...Na6!? 14.a3 Ng4 15.Re1 g6! (Krasenkow-Nikolic, Bled Olympiad
2002).] 14.Bd3 Nbd7?! Now White can seize the initiative. [14...g6! with the idea of 15.Bf5
Na6 (Stohl) would have set him far more problems.] 15.Bf5?! [15.Nf5! was more accurate: for
example, 15...Rfe8 (or 15...Bxf5 16.Bxf5 g6 17.Bxd7 Nxd7 18.h4! with chances of an attack)
16.Nxg7! Kxg7 17.Bf5 .] 15...Bxf5? Nikolic fails to find the only defence. [White is also better
after 15...Rad8?! 16.Bxg4 Nxg4 17.Nf5! (instead of the unclear Informator suggestion 17.Bxg7
Nxe3! etc) 17...Bf6 (17...Bc5? 18.Nxg7! and wins) 18.h3 Nge5 19.Rd6 and Rhd1. ; But the
accurate 15...Rfd8! 16.Bxg4 Nxg4 17.Nf5 (here 17.Bxg7? is now obviously weak in view of
...Nxe3 and ...Nxd1 – Stohl) 17...Bf8 would have led to double-edged play and dynamic
equality.] 16.Nxf5 Rfe8 17.Nxg7! To demonstrate the correctness of this sacrifice it is not
necessary to calculate too many variations, and I captured the g7-pawn without particular
hesitation. On the other hand, the crux of the combination – the 'quiet' move 19 h4 –
demanded an incomparably greater expenditure of intellect and energy. 17...Kxg7 18.Qf5 Nf8
[Black would have lost quickly after 18...Kf8? 19.Ng5!; or 18...Kg8? 19.Qg5+ and Nh4!. ; It was
also bad to play 18...Red8 19.Ng5! (19.g4 Kg8 20.Qg5+ Kf8! 21.Rhf1 Ne4 is not so clear)
19...Kg8 20.Rhf1 Nf8 (20...Qb6? 21.Nxf7!) 21.Rxd8 Qxd8 22.Ne4!; or 18...Rad8 19.g4! Kg8
20.Qg5+ Kh8 (20...Kf8? 21.Nh4!) 21.Rhf1 , when Black has no defence: 21...Rf8 (or 21...Rg8
22.Qf5 with the murderous threat of g4-g5) 22.Qh4 .] 19.h4!? One of the deepest and least
obvious moves in my career, which surprised many spectators. [It was possible to regain the
piece immediately – 19.Ng5 Kg8! (19...Qc8? 20.Qf3 h6 21.Rd6! and wins) 20.Bxf6 Bxf6 21.Qxf6
Qe7 22.Rhf1 Qxf6 23.Rxf6 , but in such an endgame it is not easy to convert the extra pawn. I
thought that White could count on more than routine technical work in an ending, and I
decided to retain both the queens, and the initiative. ; 19.g4?! Kg8! is less good.; The following
computer line was even stronger: 19.Ne5! Kg8 20.Rhf1 Red8 21.Rde1! , threatening Ng4: for
example, 21...Qd6 22.Ng4 Ng6 (or 22...N8d7 23.e4!) 23.Bxf6 Bxf6 24.Nxf6+ and Qh5 with a
decisive attack.Although 19 h4 complicated the situation, it staggered my opponent, who was
obviously expecting 19 g4. White simply advances his rook's pawn, not hurrying to regain the
piece!] 19...h6?! I thought that this dubious move was the only defence, but I had failed to
take something into account. [Let us analyse the three other possibilities: 19...Kg8 20.h5! h6
21.Bxf6 Bxf6 22.Qxf6 Re6?! (or 22...Qe7! 23.Qxh6 Qxe3+ 24.Qxe3 Rxe3 25.Rhe1 with the hope
of nevertheless converting the extra pawn in the ending) 23.Qf5! (more accurate than my
Informator suggestion 23.Qc3 ) 23...Qe7 (23...Rae8 24.Nd4!) 24.Rh3 and wins; 19...Rad8
20.Rdf1! -- a), when it is bad to play 20...Qb6? 21.Qg5+ Ng6 22.Nd4; b), or 20...Kg8? 21.Qg5+
Ng6 22.h5 Ne4 23.hxg6! Nxg5 (b)23...fxg6 24.Qxg6+! , mating) 24.Nxg5 f6 (b)24...fxg6
25.Rxh7!) 25.gxh7+ Kh8 26.Rxf6! with a highly spectacular rout. ; c). There is also a strong
attack after 20...Qg3 21.h5! Kg8 22.Bxf6 Bxf6 23.Qxf6 Qg7 24.Qf5! f6 (c)or 24...Rd6 25.Nd4)
25.Rh4 .; d). But after the best move 20...h6! 21.Ng5! Qd7! 22.Bxf6+ Kg8 23.Ne4 Qxf5 24.Rxf5
Nd7 25.Bc3 Bb4 26.Bxb4 Rxe4 27.Rf4 White again has 'only' an endgame with an extra pawn
and winning chances; ; 19...Qb6 20.Nd4! (even better than 20.Rde1!? ) 20...Kg8 (20...Qc5
21.Qf3!) 21.Rhf1 Ne6 22.Qf3 Ng7 23.Nc2 , and in the event of 23...c5 – 24.g4!? (or 24.Rd5!?
with an overwhelming advantage.) ] 20.g4?! An annoying error! [Initially I had been planning
the strongest move 20.Qg4+! for example: 20...Ng6 a)20...Ng6? 21.h5 Qb6 (a)21...Qa5
22.Qg3!) 22.hxg6 Qxe3+ 23.Kb1 fxg6 (a)23...Kf8 24.Qh3!; a)or 23...Rad8 24.Rde1! Qd3+ 25.Ka1
Qxc3 26.gxf7+ Nxg4 27.fxe8N+! Rxe8 28.bxc3 and wins; a)I did not immediately grasp the fact
that the suddenly discovered defence 23...Qxc3!? , which concerned me, did not help in view
of 24.Qf4!) 24.Nh4 (a)24.Qh4 is also decisive) 24...Qg5 25.Qe6 and Rd7 (Stohl) ; b)20...Kh7
21.Ng5+! Kg8 22.Bxf6 h5! 23.Qf5 (f3) 23...Bxf6 24.Qxf6 Qe7! 25.Rhf1 Qxf6 26.Rxf6 Rxe3

27.Rxf7 , and White, who with his h4-pawn has created a powerful outpost for his knight on
g5, should be able to convert his extra pawn.After rejecting 20 Qg4+, I automatically played
'safely' and reconciled myself to the exchange of queens.; c). If 20...Kh8 White has both
21.Qh5 (c)and 21.Ng5 , forcing 21...Kg8 (c)since 21...Bd8? 22.Rxd8!; c)or 21...Qa5? 22.Qf4!
etc. is bad for Black) ) ; ] 20...Qc8! [20...Kg8? 21.g5 and wins.] 21.Qxc8?! [White's position is so
strong, that he could have permitted himself a temporary retreat – 21.Qc2! Kg8 22.g5 , which
promises a fearfully strong attack: 22...-- a)22...Nh5? 23.gxh6 Ng6 24.Ng5 Bxg5 25.h7+! Kxh7
26.hxg5 Qg4 – initially I called this defence 'comparatively best', not noticing the winning
27.Rd4! Qxg5 28.Rdh4; b)22...Ng4 23.gxh6 with two branches: 23...-- b1)23...Bc5 24.Bd4!
(b1)24.Rhg1!? – Stohl) 24...Rxe3 (b1)24...Bxd4 does not help: 25.Rxd4 Rxe3 (b1)or 25...f5
26.Ng5! Re7 27.Rg1) 26.Rg1 f5 27.Rf4! and Rxf5) 25.h7+! Nxh7 26.Ng5! Nxg5 27.hxg5 Bxd4
28.Rxd4 Qe8! 29.Qh7+ Kf8 30.Qh8+ Ke7 31.Qh4! , regaining the piece with an obvious
advantage; b2)23...Qe6 24.Rhg1 Bc5 25.Kb1! Bxe3 26.Rde1 Qe4! (the most resilient) 27.h7+!
Nxh7 28.Rxe3 Qxc2+ 29.Kxc2 Rxe3 30.Rxg4+ Kf8 31.Bb4+ Ke8 32.Rg8+ Kd7 33.Rxa8 Rxf3
34.Rxa7 Kc7 35.h5 Rf2+ (b2)35...Rh3 36.Ra5 and Rf5) 36.Kd3! with winning chances (
36...Rxb2?! is dangerous in view of 37.Bd2! ).; b3)23...f5? 24.Rhg1; ; ; Moreover, 21.Rhg1!?
was also promising, with the pretty variation 21...Qxf5 (21...Kg8 22.Bxf6 Bxf6 23.Qxf6 Qe6!
24.Qxe6 Rxe6 (24...Nxe6 25.h5!) 25.Nd4! Rxe3 26.Nf5 Re6 27.g5! h5! is more resilient,
although here too after 28.Rgf1 White has an obviously better ending) 22.gxf5+ Kh7 (22...Kh8
23.Rd6!) 23.Ng5+! (a second piece sacrifice!) 23...hxg5 24.hxg5 Rad8 25.Rdf1 Rd3 26.Be5 Nh5
27.Rh1 Kg8 28.Rxh5 f6 (the 'booty' has to be returned) 29.gxf6 Bxf6 30.Bxf6 Rexe3 31.Rf4 , and
Black is lost. ] 21...Raxc8 22.g5 N8h7 This endgame is by no means so clear. 23.e4! White
continues to pin his hopes on his initiative and c3-g7, 'the main diagonal of the game'.
[23.gxf6+ Bxf6 24.Nd4 Kf8 25.Rhf1 was also not bad; but not the over-hasty 23.Rd7? because
of 23...hxg5 24.hxg5 Nxg5! 25.Nxg5 Kg6! .] 23...Rcd8? Nikolic cracks under the pressure.
[However, even after the best move 23...Kf8! 24.gxf6 Nxf6 25.Rhg1 Black would have faced a
difficult and thankless defence: 25...Rcd8 (or 25...Red8 26.Rdf1! (my Informator suggestion
26.Bd2 (?) 26...h5 27.Ne5 is weak on account of 27...Bd6 , equalising) 26...Nxe4 27.Bg7+ Ke8
28.Bxh6 etc) 26.Bd2! .] 24.Rdf1 [Again deferring the transition to technical lines – 24.gxf6+
Nxf6 25.Rdf1 Kf8 26.Ne5 (or 26.Nd4 Bc5 27.Nxc6! bxc6 28.Rxf6 Bd4 29.Bxd4 Rxd4 30.b3 etc)
26...Rd6 27.Bd2 .] 24...Kf8 25.gxf6 Bxf6 [25...Nxf6 – cf. the previous note.] 26.e5 Bg7 [26...Be7?
27.e6! and Ne5!] 27.Rhg1 c5 Covering himself against Bb4+. Without the queens and with
material equal, Black continues to remain under attack. 28.Kc2 Re6 29.Rg4 [29.Rg2!?; or
29.b4! b6 30.bxc5 bxc5 31.Rb1 was slightly more accurate.] 29...Bh8 [In the event of 29...h5
30.Rf4 Bh6 (30...b6; or 30...Rd7 was more resilient) , White would have won prettily by
31.Rxf7+! Kxf7 32.Ng5+ Ke7 33.Rf7+ Ke8 34.Nxe6 .] 30.b4! (by opening up the queenside,
White creates new weaknesses in the enemy position) 30...b6 31.bxc5 [Managing without the
preparatory 31.a4 ; or 31.Rb1 .] 31...bxc5 32.Rb1 Ra6 [If 32...Ree8 there follows 33.a4! Rb8
34.Rb5! and wins.] 33.Rb2 Previously I attached an exclamation mark to this move, [but there
was a quicker win by 33.Rb7! Rxa2+ 34.Bb2! (Stohl's move 34.Kb3 is weak because of
34...Rf2!) 34...h5 35.Rg1! , and it is time to give up the knight – 35...Nf6 (since 35...Re8 36.Kb1
Ra6 37.e6! is even worse.) ] 33...Bg7? A final mistake in a difficult position. [33...Ke7? was bad
in view of 34.Rb7+ Ke6 35.Rf4 Rf8 36.Rc7 Rxa2+ 37.Kb3 and Rxc5 (Stohl). ; Soon after the game
I recommended 33...Rb6 (?!) 34.Rb5! Rc8 (34...Rxb5?! 35.cxb5 and wins) , but then 35.a4! is
strong, with the threats of a4-a5, Rg1–d1 and Ne1–d3. ; Black also cannot hold out after
33...Re8 34.Rb5! Rxa2+ 35.Kb3 Re2 (a6) 36.Rxc5; or 33...h5 34.Rg2! with the threat of 34...--
35.Rb7 (b5) 35...Rxa2+ 36.Bb2 .] 34.Rb7! (of course!) 34...Rxa2+ 35.Kb3 Ra6 36.e6! (the
decisive breakthrough) 36...Rxe6 37.Rxg7 . Despite the errors made, this game was awarded
the first brilliancy prize of 50,000 pesos. 1–0

As a result we defeated the Bosnians by our 'favourite' score 3-1, and in the 13th, penultimate
round a 2-2 draw with Israel practically ensured us first place. After a short draw with Psakhis

my score became 8½ out of 10 (85%). The fight for the best result on board 1 was a serious
one: it is sufficient to say that a player by the name of Yang Xian from Hong Kong finished on
10 out of 12 (83.33%). And, to avoid spoiling the picture, I decided to miss the last round, in
which we were paired against England.

My absence provoked the dissatisfaction of the leader of the English team, Nigel Short. A few
days before this, journalists had asked me who would win the forthcoming final Candidates
match - Timman or Short? - and how my next world championship match would end. To the
first question I replied: 'It will be Short'. And, laughing, I made the same reply to the second
question: 'It will be short.' On learning of this from the tournament bulletin, Short took offence
- and on the day of the match with Russia he claimed that I was afraid of playing Black against
him (six months later 'in revenge' I beat Nigel with Black in the European Team Championship).

Instead of me, Khalifman turned out against Short and he easily gained a draw, and the match
itself concluded 2-2.

To the astonishment of the chess world, Russia performed no worse at the Olympiad than the
USSR (Kramnik especially impressed - 8½ out of 9!), England and USA finished outside the
prize-winners, and the silver and bronze medals were won by the hitherto unknown
Uzbekistan and Armenia!

3.8. Also the Strongest in Europe

10th European Team Championship (Debrecen, 20-30 November 1992): 1. Russia - 25 out of
36; 2. Ukraine - 22½; 3. England - 21½; 4. Israel - 21; 5-8. Croatia, Sweden, Germany and
Lithuania - 20½; 9. Georgia - 20, etc (altogether - 40 teams). The winning team comprised
Kasparov (6 out of 8), Bareev (5 out of 8), Kramnik (6 out of 7), Dreev (3 out of 6) and reserve
Vyzhmanavin (5 out of 7).

After the Manila Olympiad, for five months I did not appear in any serious tournaments, but I
successfully flew to Buenos Aires, where in a double-round clock simultaneous I crushed the
Argentine team (9-3), and to Paris, where I won the regular 'Immopar' rapid-play Cup,
defeating Kramnik (1½-½), Polugayevsky (2-0), Kamsky (2-0) and, in the final, Anand (1-1; 2-0).

Then it was time for the European Team Championship, which on this occasion was held in the
Hungarian city of Debrecen. With the emergence of a number of strong new teams, which had
replaced the USSR and Yugoslavia, here, as at the Olympiad, the competition was expected to
be much more intense. In addition, the number of boards had been reduced: at one time, in
Skara 1980, it was eight (plus two reserves), in Haifa 1990 it was six (plus two reserves), and
now it was only four (with one reserve).

The Russian team was again unable to field its strongest line-up: those who declined to play
included Dolmatov and Khalifman, and the participants in the Alekhine Memorial in November
- Karpov, Yusupov and Salov (it was in this year that the last two left Russia: Artur - for
Germany and Valery - for Spain). However, on board 2 there was now Bareev. Our new 'star
striker' Kramnik moved up to board 3, and on the 4th and reserve boards, following the
principle 'leave well alone' we took two more Olympiad players - Dreev and Vyzhmanavin (and
if a second reserve had been needed, it would probably have been the young Tiviakov).

Usually in the 1st round of a 'Swiss' the opponents of the strongest teams are middle-ranking
sides. Therefore I decided to miss the initial match, since from the 2nd round to the 7th such a
possibility might no longer present itself. But that day it had to happen that the pairings came

out the way they did: the opponents - the Swiss team, and the black pieces for Russia on the
odd boards! The decision taken at the team meeting the previous evening had to be revised:
after all, the name and chess reputation of the Swiss leader Korchnoi was incomparably higher
than his current rating and especially than the strength of the team he was heading.

The entire morning was spent in a commotion, which had little to do with chess and especially
little to do with preparations for the forthcoming game: the 'Yugoslav problem' was heatedly
discussed. Under the pretext 'FIDE team', the FIDE president Campomanes unexpectedly tried
to bring in a team from 'central' Yugoslavia, circumventing UN sanctions against this country,
which was at war with its former republics (Yugoslav players had not been admitted to the
Olympiad: the Philippines Ministry of Internal Affairs simply did not issue them entry visas). At
a meeting of team captains, the overwhelming majority of participants presented a united
front for the exclusion of the Yugoslavs. But the draw had already been made, no one intended
to change the pairings for the first round, and a decision regarding the fate of the 'FIDE team'
was deferred for 24 hours.

While I was making my initial moves, rushing through my head was a fragmented mixture of
the most varied chess and non-chess thoughts, preventing me from concentrating properly on
the game. On that dramatic day my favourite King's Indian also misfired - Korchnoi gained an
obvious plus (cf. Game No.40 in My Great Predecessors Part V, note to White's 16th move),
and it was only at the cost of enormous efforts that I managed to confuse my opponent and
gain a draw. By winning all the remaining games, we crushed the Swiss 3½-½.

And within a few hours the participation in the tournament of the 'FIDE team' (who beat
Czechoslovakia 3-1 in the first round) also concluded. At a meeting of team representatives, 28
out of 29 of those present voted for its exclusion. Many were angered in particular by the
hypocritical idea of including Yugoslavia not openly, but under some pseudonym (apparently
money had been offered by the sponsor of the Yugoslav team, the notorious banker Jezdimir
Vasiljevic, who not long before this had splashed out five million dollars on the Spassky-Fischer
'return match'). At any event, its inclusion would have had even more painful consequences:
Bosnia and Croatia were ready to announce their withdrawal from the championship, and a
further 17 teams agreed to take part, since they had already arrived - but only on condition
that they did not play the 'FIDE team'!

Then we confidently overcame Lithuania and Bosnia (each 3-1), matches in which I beat
Rozentalis and drew with Nikolic. The leading positions after three rounds were: Russia - 9½
out of 12; Ukraine and Holland - 8½; England - 8; Armenia - 7½.

In the 4th round one of the central matches of the championship took place: Russia-Ukraine.
And once again I was paired with White against Vassily Ivanchuk.

Game 95
G.Kasparov-V.Ivanchuk, European Team Championship, 4th Round, Debrecen 24.11.1992
Petroff Defence C43

1.e4 [After trying 1.c4 ; 1.d4; and 1.Nf3 against Ivanchuk, I switched to 'serving from the right'.
In reply my opponent chose a very reliable defence.] 1...e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.d4 Nxe4 4.Bd3 d5
5.Nxe5 Nd7 [This variation (as well as 5...Bd6 – Game No.76) was one that I looked at a great
deal with Makarychev – a leading Petroff expert.] 6.Nxd7 [The line with 6.Qe2 faded into the
background after Karpov-Larsen (Tilburg 1980): 6...Nxe5! 7.Bxe4 dxe4 8.Qxe4 Be6! 9.Qxe5 Qd7
10.0–0 (or 10.Nc3 0–0–0 11.Be3 Bb4! and ...f7-f6) 10...0–0–0 11.Be3 Bb4! (Game No.48 in My
Great Predecessors Part IV).] 6...Bxd7 7.0–0 Qh4?! A variation with castling on opposite sides

which was fashionable at that time. [Soon it was deemed dubious, and following the example
of Yusupov 7...Bd6 became topical.] 8.c4 0–0–0 9.c5! g5 10.Be3 [10.Nc3! is more forceful:
10...Bg7 11.g3 Qh3 12.Nxe4 dxe4 13.Bxe4 Bb5 , and here White is better after both 14.Bxg5
(and 14.Bg2 Qf5 15.Be3! Bxf1 16.Bxf1 with excellent compensation for the exchange (Anand-
Ivanchuk, Linares 1993)) 14...Rxd4 15.Bg2 Qf5 16.Qb3 c6 17.Be3 Bxf1 18.Rxf1 (Ivanchuk-Anand,
Roquebrune (rapid) 1992). For many players, White's win in this game killed their desire to
play 7...Qh4.] 10...Re8 At that time the main move. [After the direct 10...f5 they replied 11.f3
f4 (we also analysed 11...Nf6 12.Nd2!?) 12.fxe4 fxe3 13.g3 Qh3 14.e5 with a small advantage
for White. ; But it transpired that 10...Bg7! promises Black equality: 11.Nd2?! (or 11.f3 Nf6
12.Nc3 g4!) 11...f5! 12.Nf3 Qh6 (when 13.Ne5? is weak in view of 13...f4! 14.Nf7 Qe6 ).]
11.Nd2! A novelty that we had prepared. [11.f3 Nf6 12.Bf2 (or 12.Qd2 Rg8) 12...Qh6! 13.Nc3
g4 leads to sharp play, which is what Black is aiming for in this variation (Makarychev-Ye
Rongguang, Belgrade 1988). Therefore White begins with prophylaxis – he changes course with
his knight, avoiding f2-f3 and creating the threat of Nf3.] 11...Bg7 [11...Nxd2 12.Qxd2 does not
altogether equalise; while if 11...f5 there follows 12.Nf3! Qh6 13.Ne5 f4?! (13...Qe6 14.Rc1 f4
15.Bd2 is also unfavourable) 14.Nxd7 fxe3 15.fxe3 Kxd7 16.Qa4+ Kd8 17.Qxa7 with a winning
attack (this was what we had prepared).] 12.Nf3 Qh5?! Making things easier for me: now it is
possible to transpose into a favourable endgame. [12...Qh6 deserved consideration, in order
to answer 13.Ne5 (13.h4 f5!) , with 13...Rxe5! 14.dxe5 Bxe5 15.g3 f5 , with a pawn for the
exchange and an unclear game.] 13.Nxg5 Qxd1 14.Rfxd1 [Certain additional resources were
given by 14.Raxd1!? Nxg5 15.Bxg5 Bg4 (15...Bxd4?! 16.c6!) 16.Rd2 Bxd4 17.Bb5! : for example,
17...Re4 (or 17...Reg8 18.Rxd4 Rxg5 19.f4!? (apart from 19.Re1 ) 19...Rg7 20.c6 , in all cases
with advantage to White) 18.Kh1! (apart from 18.h3 ) 18...Be5 19.f3 Rb4 20.fxg4 Rxb5 21.Rxd5
f6 (after 14 Rfxd1 this would have refuted 18 Kh1) 22.Bxf6 Bxf6 23.Rxf6 Rxb2 24.h4! Rxa2
25.g5 .] 14...Nxg5 15.Bxg5 Bg4 [If 15...Bxd4 White would have retained the initiative by 16.c6!
Be6 17.cxb7+ Kb8 (17...Kxb7?! 18.Bb5! Reg8 19.Rxd4 Rxg5 20.Rc1 is worse for Black) 18.Rd2
Reg8 (18...Be5 19.Bb5 Reg8 20.Be7 etc) 19.Bf4 Kxb7 20.Be2 Bf6 21.Rc1 .] 16.Rd2 Bxd4 17.c6?!
A tempting blow, [but 17.Bb5! was stronger: for example, 17...Re4 (or 17...Reg8 18.Rxd4
Rxg5 19.c6! (19.Re1 is also sensible; but not 19.f4?! Rg7 20.c6 Bf3 21.g3 h5!) 19...Bf3 20.g3 ,
and White's chances are better) 18.h3! (18.Rxd4?! Rxd4 19.Bf6 Rb4 with equality) 18...Bf5 (not
18...Bxh3? 19.Rxd4! Rxd4 20.Bf6 Rg4 21.Bxh8 Rxg2+ 22.Kh1 Rxf2 23.Rg1) 19.Rad1 Rg8 (19...c6
20.Bxc6!) 20.h4 h6 21.Rxd4 winning a pawn.] 17...Be5! [17...Bb6? 18.Bf6! .] 18.Bb5 b6! Again
the best defence. [My Informator suggestion 18...Re6 (?!) is weaker in view of 19.Rxd5
(19.f4!?) 19...Rg8 20.h4 bxc6 21.Ba6+ Kb8 22.Ra5 (d3) etc.] 19.Bh4! (in order to deal with the
excessively active bishop on e5) 19...Rhg8 Here Ivanchuk was already running into severe
time-trouble. [The 'active' 19...d4 (?!) recommended by me would merely have increased
Black's problems after 20.f3 Bf5 21.Kf1! followed by Rad1(e1).] 20.Ba6+ Dislodging the king.
[But the immediate 20.Bg3!? was somewhat stronger; or even 20.Re1!? Re6 (not
20...Bxh2+?! 21.Kxh2 Rxe1 22.f3!) 21.Kf1 Bd6 22.Rxd5 Rxe1+ 23.Kxe1 Be6 24.Rh5 Bxa2 25.Bd3!
Rxg2 26.Bxh7 with slightly the better chances in an open battle ( 26...Kb8 27.Bb1! Rg1+ 28.Kd2
Bf4+ 29.Ke2 Bc4+ 30.Kf3 a5 31.Kxf4 Rxb1 32.Bf6 etc).] 20...Kb8 21.Bg3 Bxg3 [If 21...h5 , then
22.a4 (or 22.Re1 is possible, when 22...Bxg3?! 23.Rxe8+ Rxe8 24.fxg3! is now to White's
advantage.) ] 22.hxg3 Rd8 23.Rd4 Rd6 24.Rc1 Bc8 [24...h5!? .] 25.Bd3 A critical choice: it is
important to retain this strong bishop, but the main thing is that for the moment the black king
remains penned in. [Previously I criticised this move and recommended 25.Bxc8 Kxc8 26.b4
with the optimistic evaluation 'clear advantage to White', but after 26...h5! 27.b5 Rg4 he has
none: 28.Rcd1 a6! 29.a4 (or 29.Rxd5 axb5 30.Rxd6 cxd6 31.Rxd6 Kc7 and ...Ra4 with equality)
29...Rxd4 30.Rxd4 axb5 31.axb5 Kd8! .] 25...Rg4?! After this move Vassily had literally just one
minute left! [25...h5 26.Be2 Rg5 was safer, but even so the position is still within the drawing
zone.] 26.Rxg4 Bxg4 27.f3 [Also nothing was promised by 27.b4 d4 28.b5 Be6; but the
straightforward 27.Bxh7!? d4 28.Bd3 Be6 29.b3 came into consideration.] 27...Be6 28.b4?!
Succumbing to the temptation to play on the opponent's time-trouble, [since no benefits are

apparent from 28.g4 d4 29.b3 Bd5 30.Bb5 Kc8 etc.] 28...d4 29.a4 a5 [The immediate 29...Bb3!
30.a5 bxa5 31.bxa5 Ba4 was also good, with equality.] 30.b5 Bb3 31.Ra1 Kc8 [The equalising
31...h6 32.Kf2 Re6 was more accurate. Now, thanks to such long-term trumps as the better
pawn structure and the far-advanced c6-pawn, I am able to set Black some problems.] 32.Kf2
h6 33.Ke2 Kd8?! [33...Re6+ 34.Kd2 Re5 35.Bc2 Bc4 with the threat of ...Re2+ was better.]
34.Kd2 Ke7 35.Bc2 Bc4 36.Rh1 d3?! A tempting and outwardly spectacular pawn advance with
the flag about to fall, but now the bishop comes under attack along the fourth rank. [Black
should have marked time – 36...Re6! 37.Bd3 Bb3 38.Rh4 Rd6 39.Bc2 Bc4 40.Re4+ Kf8 41.g4
Rd8 (d5), retaining a defensible position.] 37.Bd1 Kf8 [37...f5!? .] 38.Rh4 Centralising the rook
with gain of tempo. [38.g4!? also came into consideration, with the idea of f3-f4, Rh5 and g4-
g5.] 38...Ba2 39.Re4 Rg6 [39...h5?! 40.f4! .] 40.g4 h5?! Another step towards the precipice.
[My old recommendation 40...Rd6 was better – in the event of 41.Re5 (while after 41.Re3 Be6
42.Rxd3 Rxd3+ 43.Kxd3 Ke7 he has every chance of saving the bishop endgame a pawn down
(it is not clear how White can break through: his bishop is tied to the a4-pawn)) 41...f6 42.Re1
Bg8 Black stands firm with the rooks on. The time control was reached, and after calming
down and having a proper think, I found a way of maintaining my initiative.] 41.f4! An
unexpected rejoinder, which in his haste Ivanchuk had overlooked. [41.Rd4 was weaker:
41...Be6 42.gxh5 Rxg2+ 43.Kxd3 Rh2 with counterplay.] 41...hxg4 42.f5 To be followed by the
capture on g4. White has sharply improved his position, by exchanging his doubled pawn and
restricting the black bishop. 42...Rd6 [In the variation 42...Rg5? 43.Bxg4 Bd5 44.Rd4 Bxg2
45.Kxd3 f6 46.Ke3 Rg7 47.-- a), there is the decisive 47.Bh5 Re7+ 48.Kf4; b), but it is simpler to
immediately transpose into a rook endgame by 47.Kf2 : for example, 47...Bh1 (b)or 47...Bd5
48.Rxd5 Rxg4 49.Rd8+ Ke7 50.Rd7+ Ke8 51.Rxc7 Rxa4 52.Rc8+ Ke7 53.Rb8 , and Black cannot
hold out) 48.Bh5! (b)not my Informator 48.Kg1? Bd5!) 48...Re7 49.Rd8+ Kg7 50.Bf3! Bxf3
51.Kxf3 .; ] 43.Rxg4 Bd5 44.Rh4! Reminding Black about the weakness of the c7-pawn. [The
win of the d3-pawn is far more harmless – 44.Rd4?! Ke7 45.g4 f6! 46.Kxd3 Bg8 47.Rxd6 Kxd6
with a drawn bishop ending.] 44...Kg7 45.g3! 'Far from obvious prophylaxis.' (Makarychev).
[Again 45.Rd4?! is harmless, this time in view of 45...Kf6! 46.g4 (or 46.Bb3 Ke5 47.Rxd5+ Rxd5
48.Bxd5 Kxd5 49.Kxd3 Ke5 with a drawn pawn endgame ( 50.g4? Kf4! )) 46...Ke5 47.Rxd3 Be4
with a draw.] 45...Kf6? The decisive mistake! [45...f6? 46.Rd4 and Bb3! was also bad; but one
of two bishop moves was far more resilient: 45...Ba2 46.Rg4+ Kf8 47.Re4 Bd5 (if 47...f6?
48.Bh5 Rd8 49.g4 Bb3 , then 50.g5! fxg5 51.f6 Bf7 52.Bd1! is strong) 48.Rd4 Ke7 49.Rh4! Rd8!
50.Rh6 and g3-g4, retaining chances of success; 45...Bg2! 46.Ke3 d2 47.Kf2 Bd5 48.Rd4 Kf6
49.g4 Ke5 50.Rxd2 , and here either 50...Be4 (or 50...Bc4! 51.Rxd6 Kxd6 52.Kg3 f6 53.Kh4 Bf7
54.g5 fxg5+ 55.Kxg5 Ke7 56.f6+ Kf8 with a draw in view of the weakness of the a4-pawn)
51.Rxd6 Kxd6 52.Bb3 Ke5 53.Kg3 Kf6 (53...f6? 54.Kh4 and wins) 54.Kf4 Bd3 55.g5+ Ke7 .]
46.Rh8! (nevertheless breaking through to the c7-pawn) 46...Ke5 [The best practical chance
was a piece sacrifice – 46...Kxf5 47.Rc8 Bxc6!? 48.bxc6 Rxc6 , although after 49.Bb3 and Kxd3
the conversion would not present any particular difficulty.] 47.Rc8 Kd4 48.Rxc7 (creating an
ultra-powerful passed pawn) 48...Rh6 49.Rd7! Rh2+ 50.Kc1 [Only not 50.Ke1?? Ke3
(Ivanchuk's desperate trap). An unusual technical endgame with pawns fixed on squares of the
same colour as the bishop.] 1–0

This was a key win: the three other games in the match with Ukraine ended in draws, and with
difficulty we overcame our dangerous rivals: 2½-1½. The leading positions were now Russia -
12 out of 16; England and Armenia - 10½; Israel - 10, etc.

The next day we had another super-match - with the English, and it proved to be the most
difficult. My opponent was Short, who had been thirsting to meet me in Manila, but I
outplayed him with Black in a Sicilian, obtained a superior endgame and, despite inaccuracies,
won on the 38th move. Nevertheless we only just saved the match: 2-2.

That same day Armenia defeated Holland (3-1), and Israel crushed Moldova (3½-½), and now
two teams were just half a point behind Russia!

In the 6th round came the match between the gold and bronze medal winners at the recent
Olympiad, which was especially crucial for Russia, since we had lost to Armenia in Manila. On
the top board I was opposed by the highly-experienced Rafael Vaganian.

Game 96
G.Kasparov-R.Vaganian, European Team Championship, 6th Round, Debrecen 26.11.1992
Queen's Gambit Declined D37

1.d4 (when you play this against Vaganian, you can be sure that it will be a Queen's Gambit)
1...Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Nf3 [A rare instance of my avoiding the 'Carlsbad' – 4.cxd5 exd5
5.Bg5 (Game Nos.37, 45, 51). (I very much wanted to test one of the sharpest lines of the
5.Bf4 variation, which I had analysed a great deal and prepared for the fourth match with
Karpov (1987).) ] 4...Be7 5.Bf4 0–0 6.e3 c5 For many years this was the main line, [but
nowadays they often play 6...Nbd7 , not fearing the bind with 7.c5 .] 7.dxc5 Bxc5 8.Qc2 [More
aggressive than 8.Be2 dxc4 (Smyslov-Kasparov, 4th match game, Vilnius 1984); 8.Rc1 Nc6
9.cxd5 exd5 10.Be2 d4!? (Game No.49 in Kasparov vs. Karpov 1986–1987); or 8.cxd5 Nxd5!
9.Nxd5 exd5 10.a3 Nc6 11.Bd3 Bb6 12.0–0 Bg4 13.h3 Bh5 etc (van Wely-Kasparov, Wijk aan
Zee 2001).] 8...Nc6 9.a3 Qa5 10.0–0–0 I had already played this against Khalifman in Reggio
Emilia (1991/92). [Since the times of the Korchnoi-Karpov matches it has been known that
after 10.Rd1 Be7 11.Nd2 e5 12.Bg5 d4 13.Nb3 Qd8 14.Be2 a5! Black has a good game
(Alterman-Kasparov, Tel Aviv 1998).; Black's main reply is 10.0–0–0 Be7 , after which the two
most popular responses are: 11.-- a)11.g4 dxc4! 12.Bxc4 e5 13.g5 exf4 14.gxf6 Bxf6 15.Nd5
Ne7 16.Nxf6+ gxf6 17.Rhg1+ Kh8 , for example: 18.-- a1)18.Qe4 Ng6! 19.Qd4 Qb6! 20.Qxb6
axb6 21.Rd6 fxe3?! (a1)but 21...Bh3! with equality is better (Gelfand-Yusupov, Linares 1993))
22.fxe3 Ra5 23.Kd2 Rf5 , and if I had played 24.Bd5! , Khalifman would have had to fight for a
draw; a2)18.e4 b5! 19.Bd5 Nxd5 20.exd5 b4! 21.axb4 Qa1+ 22.Kd2 Qa6! 23.Qc6 Rd8 24.Kc3
(a2)24.Qxa8? Qc4!) 24...Bb7 25.Qxa6 Bxa6 26.Rd4 Rac8+ 27.Kd2 (a2)27.Kb3 Rxd5!) 27...Bb7
with equality (van Wely-Short, Wijk aan Zee 1997; Anand-Kramnik, Leon 2002); ; b)11.h4!?
dxc4?! (b)but here it is better to play 11...a6 ; b)or 11...Rd8 , Kasparov-Ehlvest, Novgorod 1995)
12.Bxc4 b6? 13.Ng5? (b)both players underestimated 13.Bb5! Bb7 14.Nd2 and Nc4, trapping
the queen) 13...Ba6 14.Nce4 g6 15.Nxf6+ (b)15.Nxf7!?) 15...Bxf6 16.Ne4 Be7 17.Bxa6 Qxa6
18.Kb1 Qb7? (b)18...Rac8 was more resilient) 19.h5! with a powerful attack, which brought
White victory as early as the 24th move (Kasparov-Vaganian, Novgorod 1995).However, on this
occasion Vaganian decided to test a fresh idea, to which the game Gelfand-Yusupov (Linares
1992) had drawn attention.; ] 10...Ne4!? [My trainers and I analysed this move before my fifth
match with Karpov (1990), and we came to the conclusion that in the event of 10...Ne4
11.Nxe4 (I remember Gia Giorgadze wondering what would happy after 11.Nb5 . I replied:
'What sort of ugly move is that? Somewhere off to the left...' But on examination we realised
that Black's centre was beginning to creak, and also that an invasion on c7 was threatened)
11...dxe4 12.Qxe4 Bxa3! 13.bxa3 Qxa3+ 14.Kd2 Rd8+ 15.Ke2 Qb2+ 16.Rd2 Rxd2+ 17.Nxd2 e5
Black has excellent compensation for the piece. For example: 18.Bg5 (Timoshchenko-Mateus,
Cappelle-la- Grande 1992) 18...h6! 19.Bh4 g5 , when 20.Bg3? Bg4+! and ...Rd8 is bad for
White.] 11.Nb5!? a6 [The reckless 11...e5? is weak not only because of 12.Rxd5 (but also in
view of 12.Nxe5 Nxe5 (or 12...Bf5 13.g4 Nxe5 14.gxf5 Ng4 15.b4) 13.Bxe5 Bg4 14.f3 Bxe3+
15.Kb1 Nf2 16.fxg4 Nxh1 17.Bd3) 12...Nf6 13.Rxe5! Nxe5 14.Bxe5 Be7 15.Nc7 .] 12.Nc7 e5
Hoping to achieve good play in the unclear complications. 13.Rxd5!? Makarychev and I had
prepared this (we looked at and revised our 1990 analyses). The unexpected rook capture
unsettled Vaganian, and after an agonising think he made a serious mistake. [The
aforementioned Gelfand-Yusupov game went 13.Nxd5 Nxf2! 14.Ng5 (after 14.Qxf2 exf4

15.Bd3 fxe3 there only remains a colourful perpetual check: 16.Bxh7+! Kxh7 17.Qh4+ Kg8
18.Nf6+! gxf6 19.Qg3+) 14...Bf5! 15.Qxf2 exf4 16.Qxf4 Ne7! 17.Nxe7+ Bxe7 18.Rd5 Qe1+
19.Rd1 Qa5 with a spectacular draw. But there is also another idea...] 13...f5? A pseudo-active
move, leading to a difficult position. [13...Bf5? 14.Nxa8 Ng3 15.e4! Bxe4 16.Bd2!; or 13...Be6?
14.Rxe5! Nxe5 15.Bxe5 Bf5 16.Bd3 is bad for Black. ; 13...Nf6?! is also insufficient: 14.Rxe5!
Nxe5 15.Bxe5 Ra7 16.Bd3 with excellent attacking chances. ; And 13...Nxf2 is no longer so
tempting: 14.Qxf2 Qxc7 15.Nxe5 Nxe5 16.Bxe5 Qb6 (or 16...Qe7 17.Bd4 b6 18.Bd3 retaining
an albeit weak but extra pawn) 17.Bd4 Bxd4 18.Rxd4 Be6 19.Kb1 .; However, 13...Qxc7 (or first
13...exf4) was correct: 14.Qxe4 exf4! (but not 14...f5? 15.Bxe5 fxe4 16.Bxc7 , Alonso-Diaz,
Cuba 1993) 15.Rxc5 fxe3 , and although White wins a pawn, the weaknesses in his position
give Black adequate counterplay: for example, 16.fxe3 (or 16.Bd3 g6 17.Qxe3 b6 18.Rh5!
(18.Rg5 Na5!) 18...Bg4 19.Rh4 Bxf3! 20.Qxf3 Ne5 21.Qg3 Nxd3+ 22.Qxd3 Rad8 23.Qc2 Rfe8
etc) 16...g6 17.h4 Rd8 18.h5 Qb6 and ...Bf5.] 14.Rxe5! Nxe5 15.Bxe5 Ra7? The decisive error!
[15...Bd7? was also unsuitable: 16.Nxa8 Rxa8 17.Bd3 Bc6 (17...Ba4 18.Qe2) 18.Bd4 Rd8 19.Rg1!
and wins.; The last chance was 15...Rb8! . 16.-- a). In the event of 16.Nxa6 bxa6 17.Bxb8 White
is now three pawns up, but 17...Bd7! 18.Be5 Ba4 forces 19.Bc3 Nxc3 20.Qxc3 Qxc3+ 21.bxc3
with a sharp endgame, where Black can seek salvation by 21...Bxa3+ (a)or 21...f4!? 22.Kd2
fxe3+ 23.fxe3 Rb8) 22.Kd2 Rb8 23.Nd4 Rb2+ 24.Kd3 Bb3! with the idea of ...Ba2-b1+; b).
Therefore consideration should be given to the developing 16.Bd3!? Bd6 17.Bxe4 Qxc7 (b)or
17...Bxe5 18.Bd5+ Kh8 19.Nxe5 Qxc7 20.f4) 18.Bd5+ Kh8 19.Bd4 Qe7 20.c5 Bc7 21.Qc3 Bd7
22.h4 with two pawns for the exchange and powerful domination. Nevertheless, after 15...Rb8
some intrigue is still retained, whereas now the battle concludes.; ] 16.Nd5! b6 [If 16...Qd8
White decides matters with the unexpected 17.b4! Bd6 18.Bd4 Ra8 19.c5 and Bc4. All his
pieces quickly join the battle, and Black cannot defend, his centralised knight remaining out of
play.] 17.Bd3 [It was also possible to win the bishop at once – 17.b4 Qxa3+ 18.Bb2 Qa2
19.bxc5 bxc5 20.Bd3 , but I played more solidly.] 17...Bd7 [Black would not have lost so
submissively after 17...b5!? 18.b4! (18.cxb5 is also good) 18...Qxa3+ 19.Bb2 Qa2 , when
accuracy would still have been demanded of White: 20.Ne5 Bd6! 21.Bxe4! fxe4 22.Nc3 Qxb2+
23.Kxb2 Bxe5 24.Kc1 etc.] 18.b4 Qxa3+ 19.Bb2 Qa4 [If 19...Qa2 apart from 20.bxc5 (there is
also 20.Nc3 Nxc3 21.Qxc3 Be6 (c6) 22.bxc5 bxc5 23.Rd1 and wins.) ] 20.bxc5 bxc5 [Or
20...Nxc5 21.Ne5 .] 21.Ne5 Qxc2+ 22.Bxc2 Be6 23.Nf4 1–0

As a result we crushed Armenia 3½-½! The outcome of the tournament was decided.
Makarychev: 'Between the 4th and 6th rounds three important wins were achieved, and very
convincingly, by the world champion. Many even felt that if Kasparov turned out he would win
his game without fail, irrespective of what colour he had, and that the opponents should only
pin their hopes on the remaining boards.'

In the last three matches - with Israel, Hungary and Georgia - we won by the identical score
2½-1½. In the 7th round I was rested, and in the 8th and 9th, realising that fatigue was setting
in, I drew with Portisch and Giorgadze.

That was how my second European Championship concluded. Its three prize-winners - Russian,
Ukraine and England - were a real reflection of the order of chess strength on the continent.

3.9. Hurricane at the Finish

International Tournament in Linares (22 February - 15 March 1993): 1. Kasparov - 10 out of 13;
2-3. Karpov and Anand - 8½; 4. Shirov - 8; 5. Kramnik - 7½; 6-7. Salov and Ivanchuk - 6½; 8.
Beliavsky - 6; 9-10. Bareev and Kamsky - 5½; 11-12. Yusupov and Timman - 5; 13. Gelfand - 4½;
14. Ljubojevic - 4.

As usual, Linares 1993 assembled almost the entire chess elite, including two new stars -
Kramnik and Shirov. Only Short was not playing: three weeks before the start, on 31st January,
he defeated Timman in the final Candidates match (6½-4½) and won the right to fight with me
for the world title. Campomanes promptly announced that the last date for submitting bids to
stage our match was 8th February, but then he granted an extension of two weeks. The first to
submit a bid was Manchester (Short's native city), and Campo hastily declared Manchester to
be the match venue, although FIDE had already received a bid from London with a larger prize
fund than Manchester's 1.7 million dollars.

Of course, Short and I were unhappy about such lack of ceremony - the FIDE President had
taken a decision about the venue and dates of the match, without even consulting the players.
Just before the start of the tournament in Linares, Nigel phoned me and unexpectedly
suggested playing the match outside the framework of FIDE, as in former times right up to
1948. Thinking that Short - at that time the last GMA President - would bring western
grandmasters with him and that we would create a new, effective and professional
organisation, I replied that I had been awaiting such a call for many years, and after some
hesitation I agreed with my opponent's proposal. (Looking ahead, I should say that I
overestimated Short, and the hopes of uniting the efforts of the GMA and PCA were not

And when the tournament was already in progress, on 26th February, Short and I made a
sensational announcement, which was to have far-reaching consequences for the chess world:
'Since FIDE has shown disregard for its own rules and it cannot be trusted to organize the most
important professional chess competition in the world, we have agreed to play our match
outside the jurisdiction of FIDE, under the auspices of a new body - the Professional Chess
Association. We have agreed to donate 10 per cent of the prize fund from this match to
establish this body which is intended to represent chess professionals world-wide and work for
the good of the game.'

This statement, published in Linares, changed the psychological situation in the faction of
leading grandmasters, arousing passions around the chess summit. It appeared to instil Karpov
with new strength: he had lost hope of regaining the crown, and now suddenly, according to
the new FIDE rules, there was a glimmer of a chance... On this occasion the ex-champion
looked refreshed and he played in a fighting manner, seriously competing with me and Anand.

True, both Karpov and I caught very bad colds (I developed a temperature of 38.3 and I was
even taken to hospital, as they were afraid I had pneumonia), and as an exception we were
allowed to miss the 1st round. Joining the battle from the 2nd round, we both began the
tournament with Black: I satisfied myself with a draw against Ivanchuk, after quickly equalising
in a Scheveningen, while Karpov lost on time in a difficult game with Timman.

On the other hand, the adjournment day, when the postponed games took place, was a
victorious one for us: Karpov overcame Salov with White, and I beat Ljubojevic with Black in
my favourite King's Indian (cf. Game No.80, note to Black's 13th move).

But the effects of the illness were still being felt. I adjourned my 3rd round game with Yusupov
in an endgame with the exchange for a pawn and good winning chances. Makarychev and I
spent a long time analysing this endgame, but on the resumption - on the 102nd move! - I
suddenly drove the enemy king out of the corner, and by a miracle Black saved himself (with
the king in the corner White would have won easily thanks to zugzwang). In the 4th round
came a draw with Kramnik - I employed an important novelty with Black (cf. Game No.90, note
to Black's 12th move). In the 5th round I gained a very difficult win with White against Bareev

in the rare Bishop's Opening (1 e4 e5 2 Bc4). And in the 6th came a protracted draw with Salov
in a Sicilian with 2 c3.

At that point there was four leaders on 4 out of 6: Karpov, Kasparov, Anand and Kamsky. Then
Kamsky fell away, suffering a series of losses, and among the remaining three a fierce battle for
victory in the tournament developed. In the 7th round I with difficulty converted an absolutely
won position against Timman, and in the 8th I parried a dangerous attack by Beliavsky by
gaining perpetual check (cf. Game No.90, note to White's 10th move).

Before the five concluding rounds the leading trio looked like this: Anand - 6 out of 8, Karpov
and Kasparov - 5½. I was not in a very good mood, I was not playing well, and I faced a difficult
finish - Anand, Karpov, Gelfand, Shirov and Kamsky! But I managed to summon my will-power
and this stretch of the event became one of the best in my career. My genuine hunting fervour
suddenly came to life - and everything began to work out.

It began with the 9th round game with Anand, which was very important in the competitive
sense. By that time Vishy had already become the main favourite for the next world
championship cycle. In the autumn of 1992 he had won the 'match of future champions'
against Ivanchuk (5-3), and soon after Linares he qualified for both sets of Candidates matches
- from the FIDE Interzonal Tournament in Biel, and from the PCA Qualifying Tournament in

Game 97
G.Kasparov-V.Anand, Linares, 9th Round 8.03.1993
Slav Defence D18

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 (the expected choice: Anand played this against me in Dortmund 1992) 3.Nf3
Nf6 4.Nc3 dxc4 5.a4 Bf5 6.e3 e6 7.Bxc4 Bb4 8.0–0 Nbd7 [That game, an ill-starred one for
Vishy, went 8...0–0 9.Qe2 Nbd7 10.Ne5 Re8 11.Rd1 Qc7 12.Nxd7 Qxd7 13.f3 Nd5 14.Na2 Bf8
15.e4 Bg6 16.Qe1!? f5?? 17.exd5 , and in view of 17...exd5 18.Be2 Black resigned.] 9.Nh4
[9.Qb3 – cf. Game No.33.] 9...Bg6 [Nowadays they more often reply 9...0–0 , not fearing the
exchange on f5: for example, 10.h3 (10.f3 – Game No.106 in My Great Predecessors Part II)
10...Rc8 11.Qe2 Nb6 12.Bb3 Nbd5 13.Bd2 Qe7 14.Rfc1 Rcd8 15.Qf3 Ne4 16.Nxf5 exf5 17.Nxe4
fxe4 18.Bxb4 Nxb4 ½–½ (Kasparov-Kramnik, Paris (rapid) 1994).] 10.h3!? An interesting waiting
move. [No real dividends are given by 10.g3 0–0 11.Qb3 Qb6 12.Nxg6 hxg6 13.Rd1 a5
(Kasparov-Beliavsky, Tilburg 1981).] 10...0–0 A slightly second-rate reply. [Vishy also tried
10...a5 (Karpov-Anand, Monte Carlo (blind 1993); and soon he tried 10...Bh5!? 11.-- a), with
the idea of 11.g4 Nd5 12.Ng2 Bg6 (Topalov-Gelfand, Belgrade 1995) ; b), or 11.Qb3 a5 12.f4
(b)if 12.g4 Black has both 12...Nxg4 (b)and 12...Bg6 13.Ng2 0–0 14.Nf4 e5 with equality,
Sakaev-Kasparov, Rethymnon 2003) ) 12...0–0! (Piket-Anand, Amsterdam 1993), and if 13.g4 ,
then 13...Nxg4 14.hxg4 Qxh4 with equality.; ] 11.Nxg6 hxg6 12.Qc2! Rc8 [Now 12...e5? is not
possible on account of 13.Qxg6; but later they came to prefer 12...Qe7 13.Rd1 (13.a5!?)
13...a5 .] 13.Rd1 [Also suppressing 13.Rd1 c5? in view of 14.d5 .] 13...Qb6?! [A novelty,
provoked by the inconvenience suffered after 13...Qa5 14.Na2 Bd6 15.Bd2 (Portisch-
Hjartarson, Tilburg 1988) ; or 13...Qe7 14.a5! , depriving Black of his bulwark on b4 (Portisch-
Kir.Georgiev, Reggio Emilia 1989/90). But Anand's move has its drawbacks.] 14.e4 This
resembles the position reached after the 22nd move in my game with Timman from
Amsterdam 1988 (Game No.33): here White also has the two bishops and a strong pawn
centre, while Black's freeing advances are hindered. 14...c5?! A positional mistake. [However,
Black's position is also cheerless after 14...Qc7 15.Be3; or 14...Qa5 15.e5 Nd5 16.Ne4; while
my Informator recommendation 14...e5 dangerously strengthens the position of the bishop on
c4 – then 15.Be3 is good, (and also 15.Ne2 exd4 16.Nxd4 , as in a game between German

correspondence players (2008); or 15.dxe5!? Nxe5 16.Ba2 with a small but enduring advantage
for White.) ] 15.d5 (of course!) 15...Ne5 16.Be2 The simplest, [although, as could have
transpired three moves later, it was more accurate to play 16.Bf1! exd5 17.Nxd5 Nxd5
18.Rxd5 Nc6 19.Be3 Nd4 (excluding the resource 19...Ba5 which was available in the game)
20.Qd1 Rcd8 21.Bc4 etc. ; However, 16.a5 Bxa5 17.Na4 Qc7 18.dxe6 Nxc4 19.Qxc4 a6 20.exf7+
Rxf7 21.Nc3 b5 22.Qe2 c4 was far less clear.] 16...exd5 [16...c4 17.Bf4! .] 17.Nxd5 Nxd5
18.Rxd5 Nc6 19.Bc4 [After 19.Be3 Nd4 20.Bxd4 cxd4 21.Qb3 a5 22.Rd1 Rfd8 23.Bc4 Rxd5
24.Bxd5 Rc7 25.e5 Re7 and ...Bc5 Black has merely a somewhat inferior position. Therefore
White builds up the pressure, pinning his hopes on his two bishops, the passive position of the
bishop on b4, and the fact that he effectively has an extra mobile pawn in the centre (since
Black's queenside pawns are blockaded).] 19...Nd4?! [If 19...Na5?! , then 20.Bg5 (as is 20.Ba2
c4?! (or 20...Qe6 21.Bg5 (e3) and Rad1) 21.Rb5 Qd6 22.Be3) 20...Nxc4 21.Qxc4 Qe6 22.Rad1 is
strong.; However, 19...Ba5! (threatening ...Nb4) was more resilient: 20.Qe2 (after 20.Rd1!?
Nd4 21.Qd3 thanks to his strong light-squared bishop he still has quite good prospects)
20...Nd4 21.Qd3 (or 21.Qd1 Rfe8) 21...Nc6!? (again threatening ...Nb4) 22.Qd1 Rfe8 , and
White's advantage is reduced.] 20.Qd3 Rcd8 21.Be3 Rxd5 [There is little choice: if 21...Ne6 ,
then 22.a5! is unpleasant: 22...Qc7 (or 22...Bxa5 23.Qa3 Bb4 24.Qxa7 etc) 23.a6 .] 22.Bxd5
Rd8 23.Qc4 Rd7 24.Rc1 [In the event of 24.Bxd4?! cxd4 25.Qc8+ Rd8 26.Qxb7 Qxb7 27.Bxb7
d3 Vishy would have been saved by the opposite-coloured bishops and the powerful passed d-
pawn. ; 24.Rd1!? was more purposeful – after 24...Qa6?! (or 24...Ne6 25.g3 followed by Kg2,
h3-h4, b2-b3 and so on, Black has a strategically difficult position without any counterplay)
25.Qxa6 bxa6 26.h4! .] 24...Qf6 [The move Rc1 would have been fully justified after 24...Ba5?!
25.b3 Qb4 26.g3! Qxc4 27.Rxc4 ( 27...Nxb3!? 28.Rc2 and wins); but 24...Ne6!? should have
been preferred.] 25.Rd1 Ne6 26.Qb3 After defending his b2-pawn, White intends gradually to
increase the pressure (although at this moment I already had only 15 minutes left for 14
moves). [The opponent's defence would have been eased by the exchange of the b-pawns
after 26.Qb5 Re7 27.Bxb7 Qxb2 28.Bd5; but perhaps 26.b3!? was better, hindering the play
with ...a7-a6 and ...b7-b5.] 26...a5?! By conclusively shutting in his bishop and devaluating his
pawn majority on the queenside, Black deprives himself of his last counter-chances. [26...b6
27.g3 was also depressing; but there would still have been a glimmer of hope after 26...a6!
27.Rd3 Qd8 (or 27...Re7 .) ] 27.Rd3! (with the threat of 28 Bxe6 Rxd3 29 Bxf7+!) 27...Nf4? A
tactical oversight in a difficult position. [After any neutral move – say, 27...Qd8 ; or 27...Re7 –
I would have simply replied 28.g3 , and Black is stymied.] 28.e5! Qf5 [28...Qxe5? 29.Bxf7+!
would have been a tragic finish.] 29.Bxf4 Qxf4 30.e6 Rd8 [If 30...Re7 White wins by 31.exf7+
(and more elegantly with 31.Qc4! Qxc4 32.exf7+! Kf8 33.Bxc4) 31...Kf8 32.Be6 Qc1+ 33.Rd1 .]
31.e7! Re8 The fate of the game is decided: White has an irresistible attack on the king, with
opposite-coloured bishops. However, Anand continues resisting with his customary
resourcefulness, especially since in Linares he had twice escaped with a draw against me
(Game Nos.76, 86). 32.Rf3 [It was simpler to play 32.g3! Qf5 (32...Qf6 33.Rf3) 33.g4 (or the
computer line 33.Rf3 Qb1+ 34.Kg2 Rxe7 35.Qc4! and Bxf7+) 33...Qf4 34.Rf3 Qc1+ 35.Kg2 Rxe7
36.Bxf7+ Kh7 37.Bxg6+! mating.] 32...Qc1+ 33.Kh2 Rxe7 [After 33...c4 34.Bxf7+ Kh8 apart from
anything else there is the elegant 35.Qxb4! .] 34.Bxf7+ Kh7 35.Bxg6+! I made this sacrifice
automatically, expecting immediate resignation. [35.Qd3; or 35.Rg3 would have led more
quietly to the goal.] 35...Kh6! [35...Kxg6 was hopeless in view of 36.Qd3+ Kh6 (36...Kh5?
37.Qh7+) 37.Qd6+ and Qxe7. But now it suddenly seemed to me that the situation had
become unclear, and I became slightly rattled.] 36.Qd5 [36.Bc2!? would also have won without
any problems: 36...-- a)36...Re2 37.Rf8! Qxc2 38.Qg3; b), or 36...Re1 37.h4! c4 38.Qxc4 Bd6+
39.Kh3 Rh1+ (b)39...g6 40.g3) 40.Kg4 Rxh4+ 41.Kxh4 Qh1+ 42.Rh3 Qxg2 43.Qe6+ g6 44.Qxg6+
.; ] 36...Qg5 37.Bf5 [37.Qc4 (d8) was also good, but I instinctively withdrew my bishop.] 37...g6
38.h4! Qf6 39.Bd3?! [The alternative 39.Bc2! was far stronger, since if then 39...Qe5+ 40.Qxe5
Rxe5 there is the immediately decisive 41.Rf7! and g2-g4, weaving a mating net.] 39...Qe5+
40.Qxe5 Rxe5 41.Rf6! [Now if 41.Rf7?! there is the diversion 41...c4! .] 41...c4! (the best

practical chance) 42.Bxc4?! Again delaying the win, [which would have been achieved by
42.Rxg6+ Kh7 43.Bb1; or, more simply, 42.f4! Rd5 43.Rxg6+ Kh7 44.Be4 Rd4 45.Re6+ etc.]
42...Be7! Desperately struggling on in an endgame where he is two pawns down. [I was
expecting 42...Re4? 43.Rxg6+! and Bd3 with an easy win.] 43.Rb6 [43.Rf4! Rf5 (43...Bd6 (c5)
44.Kh3) 44.Rxf5 gxf5 45.Bd3 etc would have been decisive.] 43...Bc5! [43...Re4? 44.Bd3! .]
44.Rf6 Returning to the correct path. [All chances would have been lost after 44.Rxb7? Bxf2
45.g3 Re3 46.Kg2 Bxg3 47.b4 axb4 48.a5 Bd6 49.a6 Rg3+ 50.Kf2 (or 50.Kf1 Ra3!) 50...Rc3! .;
Here, after some thought, Anand realised that if 44.Rf6 Be7 there would now follow 45.Rf4! ,
and he made a last attempt to confuse matters.] 44...Re4!? [There is an interesting winning
method after the exchange of rooks – 44...Rf5 45.Rxf5 gxf5 46.f4! : for example, 46...Kg6
47.g3 Kf6 48.Kg2 b6 49.Kf3 Bd4 50.b3 Bc5 51.h5! Bf8 52.Bd3 Ke6 53.Bxf5+! (the decisive
sacrifice!) 53...Kxf5 54.g4+ , and for the pawn avalanche Black will have to give up his bishop,
but then White's queenside pawns will have their say.] 45.Bd3! [Now after 45.Rxg6+? Kxg6
46.Bd3 Bxf2 47.Bxe4+ Kf6 48.Kh3 b6 Black succeeds in saving his b-pawn and, two pawns
down, in constructing a fortress with the opposite-coloured bishops.] 45...Rg4! [No problems
would have been created by 45...Rxh4+ 46.Kg3 Rd4 47.Rxg6+ Kh7 (or 47...Kh5 48.Bf5 Rxa4
49.f4!) 48.Rd6+ Kg7 49.Rxd4 Bxd4 50.b3 and wins.] 46.Kh3 Be7! 47.Re6! [47.Kxg4 Bxf6 48.b3
was also good enough to win, but why suffer any unnecessary difficulties?] 47...Rxh4+ 48.Kg3
Rd4 49.Rxg6+ Kh5 50.Bf5 [Or 50.Bb1 (c2). In any event, White has avoided all the pitfalls and
is about to begin advancing his passed pawns.] 50...Bd6+ 51.Kf3 Bc5 52.g4+ Kh4 53.Rh6+ Kg5
54.Rg6+ [54.Rh5+!? Kf6 55.Bc2 .] 54...Kh4 55.Be4 Rd6!? 56.Rg7! [Anand was hoping for
56.Rxd6 Bxd6 57.Bxb7 Kg5 with illusory drawing chances three (!) pawns down, although after
58.Bc8 (threatening Ke4) 58...Bc5 59.Bf5 White would have won with the b2-b4 breakthrough.
But with the rooks on it is all far simpler.] 56...Rf6+ 57.Bf5 Rb6 58.Rh7+ Kg5 59.Rh5+ Kf6
60.Bd3 [60.Bc2!? Bd4 61.b3 .] 60...Bd4 61.g5+ Kg7 [After the alternative 61...Ke6 the rooks
can be exchanged without fear: 62.Rh6+ Ke5 63.Rxb6 Bxb6 , and after 64.Kg3 the pawns
advance.] 62.Rh7+ Kf8 63.Bc4 [63.Bb5!? .] 63...Rxb2?! [63...Bxb2 was more resilient.] 64.Rf7+
Ke8 65.g6! [The last spectacular nuance: the g-pawn will cost a piece ( 65.g6 Rxf2+ 66.Ke4! ).]

And so I gained a half point lead over Anand! However, Karpov defeated Ljubojevic and also
moved up to 'plus four'!

In the 10th round, which was played after a rest day, my 162nd encounter with Karpov took
place - a genuine battle for the lead. My eternal opponent came on to the stage in a very
determined mood, but that evening I was on form and something unforeseen occurred,
astounding the participants, the spectators, and the entire chess world.

Game 98
A.Karpov-G.Kasparov, Linares, 10th Round 09.03.1993
King's Indian Defence E86

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.f3 0–0 6.Be3 e5 [6...Nbd7 – Game No.68; 6...a6 – Game
No.91.] 7.Nge2 Karpov made this move quickly – in the 8th round he had used it to defeat
Kamsky, [although before this for many years he played only 7.d5 . Here I wanted to surprise
my opponent with a sacrifice of two pawns: 7...Nh5 (7...c6 – Game Nos.43, 92) 8.Qd2 f5 9.0–
0–0 Nd7 10.Bd3 Nf4?! (instead of the usual 10...Nc5 – Game No.84) 11.Bxf4 exf4 12.exf5 Ne5
13.fxg6 Nxd3+ 14.Qxd3 Bf5 15.gxh7+ Bxh7 , and here we looked at 16.Qd2 (16.Ne4!?) 16...c5
17.Nge2 b5 . In the computer age such play looks crazy, but from the human point of view it is
very interesting and unusual.] 7...c6 8.Qd2 Nbd7 9.Rd1 A rare and objectively second-rate
move. [9.d5; or 9.0–0–0 (Game No.90) are more aggressive. Being well familiar with my style,
in this important game Karpov wanted to exclude risk and sharpness, and therefore he chose a

set-up that was quiet, but not without venom. However, there was something he failed to take
into account.] 9...a6 10.dxe5 [Fundamentally not wanting to play 10.d5 (especially after Rd1),
after which there would have followed 10...c5 (with the threat of ...b7-b5: after the exchange
on b5 the a2-pawn is hanging) 11.Ng3 (or 11.g4 h5! with excellent play for Black: 12.h3 (or
12.g5 Nh7 13.h4 f6) 12...Nh7 13.Bg2 h4) 11...h5! (Evseev-Maslak, St. Petersburg 2000). But,
strangely enough, the pawn exchange in the centre proves less good.] 10...Nxe5! A novelty!
[Karpov was counting on 10...dxe5?! 11.c5 : for example, 11...Qe7 (11...Ne8 12.Nc1 (Gavrikov-
Barbero, Bern 1991); or 11...Qa5 12.a3 , and White has a small but stable plus) 12.Na4 (Suetin-
Uhlmann, Brno 1975). But here there is the possibility of not shutting in the 'King's Indian'
bishop: Black's lead in development and piece activity allow him to give up the d6-pawn.]
11.b3 [It doesn't look good to play 11.Nc1 Be6 12.Qxd6 (or 12.b3 Ne8 (12...Nfd7; 12...b5
13.Qxd6 Nfd7 is also interesting) 13.Be2 b5 , developing play on the queenside) 12...Qxd6
13.Rxd6 Bxc4 .] 11...b5 An interesting moment. 12.cxb5 ['According to Anand, from this point
Karpov does everything wrong. First, he incorrectly opens the a-file for the rook on a8. White
could have subjected Kasparov's novelty to a critical test by 12.c5 ' (Schach Magazin-64). But
this recommendation is dubious in view of 12...d5! with a dangerous initiative: 13.exd5 (or
13.Bg5 h6 14.Bxf6 (14.Bxh6 Nxe4!) 14...Qxf6 15.exd5 (15.f4? Qh4+) 15...Re8 etc) 13...b4
14.Na4 Nxd5 .; 12.Qxd6 Qxd6 13.Rxd6 bxc4 is also unfavourable for White. It was for this
reason that Karpov exchanged on b5.] 12...axb5 13.Qxd6 Nfd7! Unexpectedly Black has
achieved excellent prospects. When before the game I devised the variation with a sacrifice of
two pawns (mentioned in the note to 7 Nge2), my mood immediately lifted – and I wanted to
fight for a win. In fact it proved sufficient to give up only one pawn, in order to obtain a
position with colossal latent energy. On sensing this sudden change, Karpov became rattled.
14.f4? A fatal mistake: White incautiously exposes his king, which is caught in the centre.
[Annotating the game in Informator and New in Chess, I also rejected 14.Nd4? in view of
14...Ra6 with the threat of ...c6-c5 (14...Re8 is perhaps even better.) ; After the awkward
14.Bg1?! I recommended an exchange sacrifice – 14...b4 (but the pressurising 14...Re8! is even
stronger) 15.Na4 Rxa4 16.bxa4 Qa5 17.Bd4 c5 with full compensation; However, White had
several continuations which would have enabled him to retain approximate equality: 14.Qd2
b4 15.Na4 (if 15.Nb1 , then 15...Qa5 16.Nc1 c5 17.Be2 Nc6 and ...Nd4) 15...Rxa4 a flamboyant
sacrifice, (but 15...Nc4!? is no worse) 16.bxa4 Nc4 17.Qc1 Nxe3 18.Qxe3 Qa5 19.Rd2 , and
although Black has obvious compensation for the exchange, White can defend; 14.h4 , and
apart from the unclear 14...h5 (Black can force a draw by 14...b4!? 15.Na4 (15.Qxb4? c5!
16.Bxc5 Nxc5 17.Qxc5 Nd3+) 15...Rxa4 16.bxa4 Nc4 17.Qf4 (17.Qd3 Nb2) 17...Be5 18.Qh6 Bg7
19.Qg5 Bf6) ; 14.Kf2 b4 (14...Re8!?) 15.Na4 (15.Nb1?! Rxa2; or 15.Qxb4?! c5 16.Bxc5 Nxc5
17.Qxc5 Nd3+ 18.Rxd3 Qxd3 is worse for White) 15...Nc4 16.bxc4 Rxa4 17.Rd2 (or 17.Nc1 with
very sharp play.) ; 14.a4 bxa4 15.Nxa4 Rxa4 (15...Qa5+!? 16.Kf2 f5) 16.bxa4 Nc4 17.Qd3 (there
is also 17.Qf4 ) 17...Nb2 (17...Qa5+!?) 18.Qc2 Nxd1 19.Qxd1 Qa5+ 20.Kf2 Ne5! 21.Nf4 f5
22.exf5 Bxf5 'with a very strong attack for only one pawn', I wrote in New in Chess, but after
23.Qb3+ Kh8 24.h4! it is hard for Black to find anything more convincing than 24...Ra8 ,
intending ...Qxa4 with equality.] 14...b4! [Unexpectedly it transpires that 14...b4 15.Qxb4? is
bad because of 15...c5! 16.Bxc5 Nxc5! (a cunning stroke, which is easily overlooked from afar)
17.Qxc5 (or 17.Rxd8 Ned3+!) 17...Nd3+ 18.Rxd3 Qxd3 and wins. After quickly seeing this
combination while considering the move 11...b5, I happily gave up my d6-pawn. And
subsequently I played without especially delving into details and guided largely by intuition.
This was one of those days when everything worked out for me.] 15.Nb1 A difficult choice.
[White is also poorly placed after other replies: 15.Na4 Rxa4! 16.bxa4 (16.fxe5 Rxa2) 16...Nc4
17.Qd3 Nb2 18.Qb3 Nxd1 19.Qxd1 Qa5 20.e5 (there appears to be nothing else) 20...Rd8
21.Qc1 Qxa4 with an overwhelming advantage; 15.fxe5 bxc3 16.Nxc3! (16.e6? fxe6 17.Qxe6+
Kh8) 16...Bxe5! 17.Qxc6 Bxc3+ 18.Qxc3 Qh4+ 19.Kd2! – the best chance, but also insufficient in
view of 19...Nf6! 20.Kc1 Be6! (in previous analyses I only considered the unclear 20...Nxe4?!
21.Qe5 Bf5 22.g3!) 21.-- with decisive threats: a), White is not helped by either 21.Rd4 Rxa2;

b), or 21.Bc4 Bxc4 22.bxc4 Rxa2; c), as well as the defence of the a2-pawn – 21.Kb2 Nxe4
22.Qe5 Rfe8 23.Bd4 f6 24.Qc7 Nf2 25.Bb5 Rec8; d), or 21.Qc2 Nxe4 22.Bc4 (d)22.g3 Qe7)
22...Bxc4 23.bxc4 Ra3! etc.; ] 15...Ng4 16.Bd4 [In the press centre during the game 16.Bg1
Rxa2 was discussed, but here White would also have lost: 17.h3 (17.Qxb4 Re8; or 17.Qxc6
Qh4+ 18.g3 Qe7 is worse for White) 17...Ngf6! (in Informator I analysed only the gambit line
17...Qh4+ 18.g3 Rxe2+!? 19.Kxe2 Qxg3) 18.Qxc6 Re8 19.e5 Qe7 , and the attempt 20.Qd6
Qxd6 21.Rxd6 is parried by 21...Ne4 22.Rd5 (22.Rd4 Ndc5) 22...Ra1 23.Rd1 Nxe5! 24.fxe5 Bxe5
, winning.] 16...Bxd4 17.Qxd4 [It is hard to believe, but White can no longer save the game
even after the 'developing' 17.Nxd4 , for example: 17...-- a)17...Rxa2 18.Nxc6 (a)18.Rd2 Ra1
19.Bd3 Qb6 is also hopeless) 18...Qh4+! 19.g3 Nxh2!! 20.Qd3 Qf6 21.Nxb4 Ne5! with crushing
threats; b)17...Ndf6!? 18.Qxd8 (b)18.Nf5 Qb6) 18...Rxd8 19.Be2 Ne3 20.Nxc6 Rxd1+ 21.Bxd1
Rxa2 22.Nxb4 Nxg2+ 23.Kf1 Ne3+ 24.Ke1 Rb2 and wins.; ] 17...Rxa2 18.h3 [If 18.Qxb4 , then
18...Ne3 19.Rd2 Nc2+ .] 18...c5 A normal, human move, to which an exclamation mark was
previously attached. [But the computer finds another, pretty way to win, which is also the
shortest – 18...Qh4+!? 19.g3 Rxe2+ 20.Kxe2 Qxg3 21.hxg4 Nc5! : for example, 22.Qxc5 (or
22.Rd3 Ba6 23.Rh3 Qxg4+ 24.Ke1 Nxd3+ 25.Rxd3 Bxd3 26.Bxd3 Qxf4 27.Nd2 h5) 22...Bxg4+
23.Kd2 Rd8+ .] 19.Qg1 [If 19.Qd3 Black would win with the elegant 19...Ba6 20.Qf3 (20.Qxd7?
Qh4+ 21.g3 Rxe2+ 22.Bxe2 Qxg3+) 20...Nde5! 21.fxe5 Nxe5 22.Qe3 Nd3+ 23.Rxd3 , and now
not 23...Qxd3 (?) (but 23...Bxd3! 24.Nc1 (24.Nd2 c4! and wins) 24...Bxe4! 25.Nxa2 Re8 26.Qxc5
Bxb1+ 27.Be2 Bxa2 , and White has no defence) 24.Qxd3 Bxd3 25.Nc1! Bxb1 26.Nxa2 Bxa2
27.Bc4 Bb1 because of 28.Kf2! (28.e5 , given by me in 1993, is less good because of 28...Re8!
29.Kd2 Be4 30.Rf1 Re7) 28...Bxe4 29.Re1 with drawing chances.] 19...Ngf6 20.e5 [20.Nd2 Rxd2
21.Rxd2 Nxe4 and wins.] 20...Ne4 Karpov was already in severe time-trouble. 21.h4 [Now the
attempt to bring the queen back into play – 21.Qe3 was too late because of 21...Bb7 , for
example: 22.-- a)22.Nd2 Nxd2 23.Rxd2 Rxd2 24.Qxd2 Qh4+ 25.g3 Qe7 26.Rh2 (a)26.Rg1 Rd8!)
26...Rd8 27.Qd6 (a)or 27.Qb2 c4! 28.bxc4 Nc5 29.Nd4 (c1) 29...Ne4 and wins) 27...Qxd6
28.exd6 Nf6; b)22.Nc1? Qh4+; c)22.h4 Qe7! (c)22...Re8!?) 23.Nd2 (c)23.h5 g5!) 23...Nxd2
24.Rxd2 Rxd2 25.Qxd2 (c)25.Kxd2 Rd8) 25...c4! (again a typical breakthrough: the passed b-
pawn will cost a piece) 26.bxc4 Rd8 , and 27.Qd6 Qxd6 28.exd6 does not save White in view
of 28...Nc5 29.Nc1 b3 30.Nd3 Be4 (xg2).; ] 21...c4! 22.Nc1 A terrible disaster has befallen
White: all of his seven pieces are entrenched on the back rank. [But this could not have been
successfully avoided: 22.Qe3 c3! 23.Qxe4 c2; or 22.bxc4 Qa5 23.Qe3 Ndc5 and wins.] 22...c3!?
A by no means essential, but spectacular rook sacrifice. ['Kasparov is accustomed to finishing
with a flourish, but my modest contribution would be 22...Rb2 .' (Anand). With the prosaic
threat of ...Rxb1, and if 23.Qd4 Black has a whole raft of decisive continuations – 23...Qb6
(23...c3 24.Qxe4 c2; and 23...Nf2 24.Qxb2 Nxh1 25.g3 Nxg3 etc.) ] 23.Nxa2 c2 24.Qd4 [The last
chance of stirring up trouble was 24.Rc1 , but the forceful 24...Nxe5! 25.Rxc2 Bg4! would have
clarified the picture: 26.Nd2 (or 26.Rd2 Nxd2 27.fxe5 (27.Nxd2 Re8) 27...Ne4 and wins)
26...Nd3+ (at the board 26...Qd3!? also appealed to me) 27.Bxd3 Qxd3] 24...cxd1Q+ Here,
because of my carelessness and a mistake by the arbiter, an unpleasant incident occurred.
After placing my pawn on d1, I automatically said: 'Queen!'. But there was no second queen to
hand. If I had been more attentive, I would have said 'Rook!', and placed on d1 with check my
rook which had just been captured on a2. However, as it was, I had to wait for a queen to be
produced. But the arbiter, who apparently had something else on his mind, brought – a white
queen! Here my patience snapped (all this was occurring at the expense of my own time on
the clock) and, leaving my pawn on d1, I started my opponent's clock. At which point Karpov,
in desperate time-trouble (one minute for 16 moves), instantly replied 25 Qxe4!!?. 'You're in
check', I exclaimed in surprise. 'From what? It might be a bishop on d1', retorted Karpov. The
clocks were stopped and the ex-champion demanded that, in accordance with the rules, he
should be given additional time: I had supposedly made an illegal move. Although in fact the
illegal move had been made by Karpov himself! But, being one step away from victory, I did
not bother to argue. The arbiter finally found a black queen, Karpov was given two additional

minutes, and the game continued. 25.Kxd1 [If 25.Qxd1 , both 25...Ng3 (and 25...Qa5 are good.)
] 25...Ndc5! 26.Qxd8 Rxd8+ 27.Kc2 [27.Ke1 Bg4 .] 27...Nf2 [And in this hopeless position (
27...Nf2 28.Rg1 Bf5+ , mating), White nevertheless lost on time.] 0–1

This was probably the most crushing defeat in Karpov's career. Moreover, he did not blunder
anything, but merely fell catastrophically behind in development (after the incautious 14 f4?).
By losing on time 13(!) moves before the control, the ex-champion beat his own anti-record,
established in the 8th game of our 1986 match, when his flag fell on the 31st move (Game

I was happy that at the decisive moment of the tournament race I had been able to create a
minor masterpiece, and I said to the press representatives: 'This win over Karpov is
noteworthy for me. Firstly, in that for the first time after the 24th game of our 1985 match
(when I became champion) I have managed to win with Black. Secondly, the game proved so
fascinating, that it as though served as an excellent present for Robert Fischer, who on that
day, 9th March, reached the age of 50'. Yes, and White's position after the 22nd move was
fully in the spirit of 'Fischer chess'! Need it be said which game was judged the best in the 57th
volume of Informator?

Wins over both rivals enabled me to surge ahead: Kasparov - 7½ out of 10; Karpov and Anand -
6½. But the lead had to be consolidated, and for the next game with Boris Gelfand I arrived in
an ultra-fighting mood. As was the case before the game with Karpov, that day I had the
strange premonition that the battle would not last long...

Game 99
G.Kasparov-B.Gelfand, Linares, 11th Round 11.03.1993
Sicilian Defence B87

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 Preparing for a 'white' game with Gelfand was
simultaneously both easy and difficult: Boris had a very narrow, but finely honed opening
repertoire. In the Sicilian Defence he, like myself, played the Najdorf Variation. 6.Bc4 In those
years this was my universal move. After 5...Nc6 Makarychev and I also prepared 6 Bc4, but,
alas, I was not able to employ the ideas developed in the Velimirovic Attack (6...e6 7 Be3 with
the idea of Qe2 and 0–0–0), since my opponents – Timman (Manila Olympiad 1992), Anand
(Linares 1994) and Kramnik (Horgen 1995) – replied 6...Qb6. 6...e6 7.Bb3 b5 The main line.
[Against Short, who terrorised me with 6 Bc4 in our 1993 match and also later, apart from this I
tried 7...Nbd7 ; 7...Nc6; and 7...Be7 (details in the next volume).] 8.0–0 Be7 9.Qf3 Qc7 [In
addition we studied 9...Qb6 10.Be3 Qb7 , which was also in my opponent's arsenal.] 10.Qg3
0–0 11.Bh6 Ne8 12.Rad1 [In a previous Sicilian duel with Gelfand (Paris (rapid) 1991) I tried
12.Rfe1?! Bd7 13.a4 (instead of 13.Rad1 Nc6 14.Bg5 Bxg5 15.Qxg5 b4 with equality, Oll-
Gelfand, Sverdlovsk 1987) , but after 13...b4 14.Nce2 Kh8 15.Bg5 Bxg5 16.Qxg5 Nf6 17.Ng3
Nc6 18.Nxc6 Bxc6 Black obtained comfortable play.; 12.Kh1 Bd7 13.f4 Nc6 14.Nf3 b4
(Morozevich-Gelfand, Madrid 1996) is hardly any better.] 12...Bd7 Boris has been playing this
set-up all his life! 13.Nf3!? A novelty, involving the pretty idea of a piece attack on the king.
Although at the time it created quite a stir, now I regard it sceptically: Black has a very solid
position. [He is also not frightened by 13.a3 Nc6 14.Nxc6 Bxc6 15.Bf4 Qb7 (Short-Kasparov,
20th match game, London 1993); and 13.Nce2 Kh8 (Lautier-Gelfand, Las Vegas 1999)(or
13...Bf6 (J.Polgar-Karjakin, Benidorm (rapid) 2002).) ; But the logical 13.f4! Nc6 is still the focus
of attention 14.-- a), after this they have played 14.Nxc6 Bxc6 15.f5 Kh8 16.Be3 (a)16.f6!? ,
Ivanchuk-Gelfand, Moscow (blitz) 2008) 16...b4 17.Na4 (a)17.Ne2?! e5) , and here not
17...Rb8? (a)but 17...Nf6! with approximate equality) 18.fxe6 fxe6 19.Rxf8+ Bxf8 20.Rf1 Qe7
21.e5! with crushing threats (A.Sokolov-Gelfand, 56th USSR Championship, Odessa 1989).; b).

Later there emerged 14.Bg5 Bxg5 15.fxg5 Nxd4 16.Rxd4 Qc5 (Morozevich-Gelfand, Istanbul
Olympiad 2000); c), and 14.f5!? Nxd4 15.Rxd4 Bf6 (Morozevich-Kasparov, Astana 2001), (c)or
15...Kh8 (Mamedyarov-Gelfand, 3rd match game, Kazan 2011).) ; ] 13...b4 The most natural
reply, and apparently the most correct: Black immediately begins pursuing the bishop on b3.
[But after his defeat in this game they began seeking other ways: 13...a5 14.a4 b4 15.Ne2 Nc6
(Short-Kasparov, 18th match game, London 1993); or 13...Nc6 14.Bf4 Qb7!? 15.Rfe1 b4 16.Ne2
e5! 17.Bg5! Be6 with sharp play (Kasparov-Gelfand, Moscow Olympiad 1994).] 14.Ne2 a5
15.Nf4 Kh8 [Of course, not 15...a4? 16.Bxg7! and wins.] 16.Bg5 There is nothing else. 16...Nf6
[16...Bxg5?! is dangerous: 17.Nxg5 Nc6 (17...h6? 18.Bxe6! , Erashchenkov-Sjurgirov, Krasnodar
2004) 18.Bxe6! Bxe6 (18...fxe6? 19.Ng6+! Kg8 20.Nxf8 Kxf8 21.Qf3+ Nf6 22.Nxh7+ is bad for
Black) 19.Nfxe6 fxe6 20.Nxe6 Qe7 21.Nxf8 Qxf8 22.c3 (c4), and the rook and two pawns are
rather stronger than the knight.; But 16...Nc6!? comes into consideration. 17.-- a)17.e5?!
Bxg5 18.Nxg5 Nxe5; b), or 17.Bxe7 Nxe7 (Stupavski-Palac, Zadar 2007) is ineffective. ; c)17.Nd5
exd5 18.exd5 is more energetic, although here too Black has no real problems: 18...Nf6 (c)or
simply 18...Bxg5 19.dxc6 Bxc6 20.Nxg5 h6 21.Nf3 Rc8 22.Qf4 Nf6! 23.Rxd6 Ne4 , forcing a draw
by perpetual check – 24.Rxh6+ etc) 19.dxc6 Bxc6 . 16...Nf6 is more risky, but also not bad.; ]
17.Qh4! Building up the pressure. My unusual attacking plan unsettled my opponent...
17...Bb5?? Black's only mistake, but a fatal one. [17...a4? would have been met by the
stunning 18.Nh5! , for example: 18...-- a)18...axb3 19.Nxf6! Bxf6 (a)19...h6? 20.Bxh6 Bxf6
21.Bg5+ Kg8 22.Bxf6 gxf6 23.Ng5! , mating) 20.Bxf6 gxf6 21.Qxf6+ Kg8 22.Ng5! Bb5 23.Qh6
Re8 (a)23...f6 24.Qxf8+!; a)or 23...Rc8 24.e5! dxe5 25.Nxh7 is no better) 24.Qxh7+ Kf8 25.Rxd6!
bxa2 26.Ra1 Ra6 27.e5 Rc8 28.h4! with a victorious march towards the queening square;
b)18...Rg8 19.Nxf6 Bxf6 20.Bxf6 gxf6 21.Qxf6+ Rg7 22.Ng5 Kg8 23.Rd3! axb3 24.Rg3! Bb5
25.Qxg7+! Kxg7 26.Nxe6+ Kh6 27.Nxc7 Bxf1 28.cxb3! Ra7 29.Ne8 Be2 30.Nxd6 , and the black
king is in trouble even without the queens; c)18...Qd8! (the most resilient) 19.Bc4 (threatening
Rxd6!) 19...Ng8 20.Bxe7 Qxe7 21.Qxe7 Nxe7 22.Rxd6 Rc8 23.Bd3 with an extra pawn in a
complicated endgame.; ; It would appear that it was Nh5 which concerned Boris, and he
played 17...Bb5 in order to parry it with 18...Nbd7. But he did not notice the correct defence
17...Nc6! which I pointed out in Informator. 18.-- a). Now nothing is given by either 18.Ba4
Bd8! 19.Rfe1 Rc8 20.Nh5 Nxh5! 21.Qxh5 Ne5; b)18.Nh5 Nxh5! (b)safer than 18...Ng8 , Rudak-
Simantsev, Alushta 2002) 19.Bxe7 Nxe7 20.Qxe7 Rac8! 21.Rxd6 (b)21.e5?! Nf4!; b)21.a4?!
bxa3!) 21...Nf6! 22.Rd4 Bb5 23.Qxc7 Rxc7 , and White loses his bishop on b3, although he gains
fair compensation for it: 24.Ra1 a4 25.Rxb4 axb3 26.axb3 Rc5 27.Ne1 etc.Thus Gelfand's
intuition did not let him down when he chose 13...b4: this active move kills the idea of 13 Nf3,
but only on condition that 16(17)...Nc6 is played.; ] 18.Nd4! A sudden regrouping of the
fighting units: now Black suffers a classic Sicilian catastrophe on the e6-point (it was this that
buried the variation for many years – such is the chess world!). [Another argument against the
panicky 17...Bb5?? is that even the modest 18.Rfe1 Nc6 (18...a4? 19.Bxe6!) 19.Re3! and c2-c4
would have given White an advantage.] 18...Be8 [After 18...Bxf1 there was the decisive
19.Ndxe6 fxe6 20.Bxe6 Nh5 21.Qxh5 Rxf4 (otherwise mate) 22.Bxf4 Nd7 23.Kxf1; and after
18...Bd7 – 19.Rd3! (with the murderous threat of Rh3) 19...e5 20.Nh5! Qd8 21.Nf5 Bxf5
22.exf5 Ng8 (22...Nbd7 23.Ba4!) 23.f6! Bxf6 24.Nxf6 Nxf6 25.Bd5! Nbd7 26.Be4 and wins.]
19.Ndxe6! [There was also a spectacular win after 19.Rd3 Nbd7 20.Rh3 Qc5 (or 20...Rg8
21.Nf5! Bd8 22.Rd1 , but there is no longer any need for all these subtleties) 21.Nf5! exf5
22.Nd5 .] 19...fxe6 20.Nxe6 Qa7 21.e5! dxe5 22.Nxf8 Bxf8 23.Bxf6 gxf6 24.Rd8 Nd7 25.Qg4!
[And in view of 25.Qg4 Bg6 26.Qe6 , Black resigned.] 1–0

In the next found I had a sharp King's Indian skirmish with Shirov (cf. Game No.66, note to
White's 12th move), which at the start of the second time control produced a level endgame
and soon a draw.

Before the last round the leading positions were: Kasparov - 9 out of 12; Karpov and Anand - 8.
At the finish both of my rivals had Black (and in the end they gained draws), while I had the
white pieces against Gata Kamsky and in principle I could have satisfied myself with a draw,
giving me sole first place, but all the same I decided to play for a win.

Game 100
G.Kasparov-G.Kamsky, Linares, 13th Round 14.03.1993
Sicilian Defence B80

1.e4 c5 [Earlier Gata a couple of times employed against me his main move 1...e5 , but here
he played more aggressively.] 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 The opponent's choice
somewhat surprised me, although the Scheveningen had occasionally occurred in his games.
6.Be3 [If 6.g4 there could have followed 6...h6 (Aseev-Kamsky, Barnaul 1988); and if 6.Bc4 –
6...a6 followed by 7.Bb3 b5 8.0–0 Be7 9.Qf3 Qb6 (9...Qc7 – Game No.99) 10.Be3 Qb7 11.Qg3
0–0 12.Bh6 Ne8 (A.Ivanov-Kamsky, 1st match game, Los Angeles 1991). After some thought I
preferred the popular English Attack, which I had already encountered with Black.] 6...a6 7.f3
Nbd7 [A far rarer move than 7...Be7 (Game No.39) ; or 7...b5 (this line will be covered in more
detail in the next volume). But the intriguing factor is that Gata is duplicating my play in my
rapid match with Short (1987).] 8.g4 h6 9.Rg1!? [This interesting novelty is an attempt to get
away from the standard 9.Qd2 b5; and from 9.h4 Ne5 10.Rg1?! Qb6! 11.Qc1?! d5! with
advantage to Black (Short-Kasparov, 6th match game (rapid), London 1987).] 9...Qb6 [Now
9...Ne5?! is weak on account of 10.f4! , since Black loses after 10...Nexg4? 11.Rxg4 Nxg4
(11...e5 12.Rg3!) 12.Qxg4 e5 13.Nf5 g6 14.0–0–0! gxf5 15.exf5 etc.; And the usual 9...b5 10.h4
leads to a position from the 2nd game of my rapid match with Short, which continued 10...g6
(10...Nb6!? 11.g5 Nfd7 is more flexible, Anand-J.Polgar, Linares 1994) 11.g5 hxg5 12.hxg5 Nh5
13.a4! b4 , and here 14.Na2! would have retained the advantage.; 9...g5!? with the idea of
10.h4 gxh4 also came into consideration.(But Kamsky attacked the b2-pawn with his queen by
analogy with my 10...Qb6 (cf. the note to White's 9th move). From the press: 'This idea
belongs to Kasparov himself! On encountering his own invention, he had a serious think and
found a very strong plan, casting doubts on his opponent's entire play.') ] 10.a3! (a typical idea)
10...Ne5 [10...Qxb2? 11.Na4 .] 11.Bf2! Creating the threat of Nxe6. 'This brilliant move was
probably the most difficult decision in the game. The black pieces are thrown back from their
active positions, and White's become excellently coordinated', wrote Sergey Janovsky in the
magazine Shakhmatny vestnik. 11...Qc7 A sensible reply. [It would have been fatal to play
11...Bd7? 12.Nxe6! Qxb2 13.Nc7+ Kd8 14.Bd4!; or 11...Be7? 12.Nxe6! Qxb2 13.Nxg7+! (not
now 13.Nc7+ Kf8!) 13...Kf8 14.Bd4! Nxf3+! 15.Qxf3 Qxa1+ 16.Kd2 Kxg7 17.Qf4!! , winning a
rook down (!): 17...Rg8 (or 17...Kf8 18.Bxf6 Be6 19.g5 Bxf6 20.Qxf6 Rh7 21.gxh6 Rc8 22.Rg3!
Qxa3 23.Qg5 with the decisive threat of Qg8+ and Qxh7) 18.Nb5! .; And the central blow
11...d5?! 12.exd5 Bc5 (12...exd5? 13.Qe2) , would not have equalised in view of 13.Rg3! exd5
14.Qd2 and 0–0–0.] 12.f4 Nc4 [In Informator I recommended 12...Ng6 , but after 13.f5 Ne5
14.Qe2 followed by 0–0–0 and h2-h4 the initiative is also on White's side.; 12...Nc6
(Makarychev) 13.Qf3 b5 (or 13...e5 14.Nf5) 14.Nxc6 Qxc6 15.0–0–0 etc is hardly any better.]
13.Bxc4 Qxc4 14.Qf3 With the obvious intention of 0–0–0. From the press: 'White's lead in
development looks threatening, and Kasparov accurately converts it into a win.' Alas, not
altogether accurately and not without the opponent's help... 14...e5!? [Here the 'only' move
14...b5 was suggested, but after 15.0–0–0 (or immediately 15.g5 hxg5 16.fxg5 Nd7 (h5) 17.g6
White has an obvious advantage) 15...Bb7 (15...Nd7?! 16.e5! d5 17.f5!) 16.g5 hxg5 17.fxg5 Nd7
(h5) 18.g6 . It would appear that 14...e5, to which I attached a question mark, is in fact the
best chance!] 15.Nf5 A critical moment, which was not remarked on in earlier commentaries.
15...Bxf5? A faulty exchange, which sharply increases White's positional superiority. [15...h5!
16.g5 Ng4 was far more resilient, for example: 17.-- a)17.fxe5 Bxf5! (now this forces
simplification favourable for Black) 18.exf5 Nxf2 (a)after 18...Qc6?! 19.Qe2! Nxf2 20.exd6+

Kd7 21.Qxf2 Re8+ 22.Ne2 Qxc2 23.Rg3 Qxb2 24.Rd1 White has a dangerous attack) 19.Qxb7
Rd8 20.e6 fxe6 21.Kxf2 (a)21.fxe6 Be7!) 21...d5 22.Kg2 Rd7 with drawing chances; b)17.Ne3!?
Nxe3 18.Qxe3 exf4 19.Qxf4 Bg4 20.Rg3 Qe6 21.Nd5 Rc8 22.c3 – White presses, but there is still
all to play for.; ] 16.gxf5 d5 This desperate freeing attempt is Gata's idea: otherwise there
would simply have followed 17 0–0–0. 17.fxe5 Not bad, [but there was a quicker win by 17.0–
0–0! d4 (or 17...Rc8 18.fxe5 Nxe4 19.Bd4 Bxa3! 20.Rd3! Nxc3 21.Bxc3 d4 22.Kb1! etc) 18.fxe5
dxc3 19.exf6 cxb2+ 20.Kb1! gxf6 21.Bd4 Rc8 22.Rd2 , when the black king is defenceless.]
17...Nxe4 18.Rg4! (the rook comes into play with considerable effect) 18...h5 [If 18...Rc8?
there is the decisive 19.Rd1! .] 19.Rh4 [It was probably simpler to play 19.Rf4! Qc6 (19...Rc8?
20.Rd1!) 20.Nxe4 dxe4 21.Qxe4 , winning a pawn and the game.] 19...Bc5 [If 19...Be7 apart
from the prosaic 20.Nxe4 (there is the lively 20.f6!? g5 21.Rxe4! dxe4 22.Nxe4 Bf8 23.0–0–0
Rc8 24.c3 with an irresistible attack.) ; And in the event of 19...Rc8 again 20.Rd1! is strong – in
Informator I condemned this because of 20...Bc5 21.Bxc5 Ng5!? (21...Qxc5 22.Nxd5 Qg1+
23.Qf1 is hopeless) , underestimating the reply 22.Qf4 Qxf4 23.Rxf4 Rxc5 24.Rxd5 Rxd5
25.Nxd5 0–0 26.Nb4 and Nd3 with excellent chances of converting the extra pawn.In any
event, White remains with a technically won position.] 20.0–0–0! [There was no reason allow
the harassment of the king after 20.Nxe4?! dxe4 21.Qxe4 Bxf2+ 22.Kxf2 Qc5+ etc.] 20...Bxf2
[The symmetric flight of the king with 20...0–0–0!? was more resilient, although after 21.Bxc5
Qxc5 22.Nxd5! Rxd5 23.Rxd5 Qxd5 24.Rxe4 Re8 25.Qe3 the extra pawn in the heavy piece
ending must bring White a win.] 21.Nxe4 dxe4 22.Qxf2 Rc8 [22...0–0 23.Rxh5 and Rg1 was
suicidal; but with his king in the centre Black is also condemned to a swift loss – say, after
22...Qa2 23.c3; or 22...Rd8 23.Rxd8+ Kxd8 24.Rh3! .; The only way to prolong the resistance
was by a tactical trick: 22...e3!? 23.Qe1! Qc5 24.Qg3 Rd8 (24...e2 25.Rd2!) 25.Rxd8+ Kxd8
26.Qxg7 Re8 27.e6! e2 28.Re4 and wins.] 23.Kb1 (essential prophylaxis before the start of the
mating attack) 23...Rd8 [23...Rh6 24.Qg2! .] 24.Rxd8+ Kxd8 25.Rh3! Qd5 26.Rc3 Kd7 27.Qb6
[27.Qg3; or 27.e6+! fxe6 28.Qg3 was more forceful, but this no longer plays any role.] 27...Rd8
[27...Rc8 28.e6+! .] 28.Rc5! Qd1+ 29.Ka2 Ke8 30.Qxb7 Qg4 [30...Qd7 31.Qxe4 .] 31.e6! fxe6
32.Re5 Qg5 33.h4 Qxh4 34.Rxe6+ [34.Qxg7!? .] 34...Kf8 35.f6 . Vitaly Tseshkovsky: 'An
important theoretical novelty, backed by energetic play, brought Kasparov another win. The
world champion's unconditional success in this tournament gives a conclusive reply to the
question who is who.' 1–0

Yes, the tension over the withdrawal from FIDE did not prevent me from winning the 'chess
Wimbledon' for the second successive year and with the same result +7=6. The finish of 4½
points out of 5 turned out to be my swan song in the capacity of FIDE world champion.

Immediately after the event, discussions continued regarding the forthcoming title match.
Campomanes went back on his word and urgently sought a reconciliation. Through the
intermediary of FIDE, organisers from Manchester even arrived in Linares and expressed their
readiness to improve the financial conditions. We had a chance to 'take a move back', but
Short and Keene, who was lobbying for the match to the held in London, were against any
negotiations with FIDE, and I, in a state of euphoria after my Linares triumph, decided that I
should also be able to win on a second front.

Three days later, 18th March 1993, speaking at a meeting of the Russian Chess Federation, I
explained the reasons why Short and I had withdrawn from FIDE:

'I have spent two years trying to find money for the world title match. Many say that Kasparov
was seeking money for himself. This is not true; I was seeking money for the creation of an
effectively operating chess system. Chess must be dragged to a new level, carrying out a
similar revolution to that which occurred at the turn of the 1960-1970s in tennis and golf.
Tennis has an organisation similar to FIDE: it only sanctions the staging of events, without

having any involvement with them and receiving 3-4% of the prize fund... But FIDE, while
laying claim to more, does not fulfil its main objective, for the sake of which it obtained the
world championship - I have in mind the efficient acquisition of money and (this affects all
grandmasters) the creation of systems which in themselves produce money. Experience world-
wide shows that this can be achieved only by "going out into the open sea". Which is what
Short and I have done. Am I afraid of sanctions on the part of FIDE? No. Take boxing - there
they have many world champions.'

At that time there was also a split in the Russian Chess Federation, linked to the political crisis
in the country, and the upper hand was temporarily seized by the 'forces of revenge',
supported by Karpov. Therefore, with the exit from FIDE, for me a completely new
psychological situation arose: the official title of world champion had allowed me to feel
invulnerable in my confrontation with FIDE, the State Sports Committee and the Soviet
Federation, but now it turned out that with my own hands I had destroyed this defence, built
up by many years of hard labour.

Sanctions were not long in coming. Already on 23rd March FIDE deprived me and Short of the
rights of champion and challenger, and at the same time excluded us from its rating list. By the
same FIDE decree, the right to play a match for the title of champion was granted to Timman
and Karpov (as finalist and semi-finalist in the recent qualifying cycle) and, on receiving their
agreement, it immediately invited tenders for staging the match.

The refusal to play the match under the aegis of FIDE was the worst blunder of my entire chess
career. This decision led to an unexpected revival of Karpov and allowed FIDE to set up a
protracted opposition with the PCA, by having its own 'world champion'. Of course, I should
have agreed to play in Manchester - and only then, after defending the title of FIDE champion,
thought about setting up a Professional Chess Association. I would have saved myself a mass
of nervous energy, and the chess world would have retained a single champion.

Index of Games
Game 1: Hübner.R-Kasparov.G, Training Match 1st Game, Hamburg 1985 ................................. 8
Game 2: Kasparov.G-Andersson.U, Training Match 3rd Game, Belgrade 1985 ......................... 11
Game 3: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, Moscow 1985 ............................ 14
Game 4: Karpov.A-Kasparov.G, World Championship Match, Moscow 1985 ............................ 17
Game 5: Karpov.A-Kasparov.G, World Championship Match, Moscow 1985 ............................ 18
Game 6: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, Moscow 1985 ............................ 22
Game 7: Karpov.A-Kasparov.G, World Championship Match, Moscow 1985 ............................ 25
Game 8: Timman.J-Kasparov.G, Training Match, Hilversum 1985.............................................. 32
Game 9: Kasparov.G-Timman.J, Training Match, Hilversum 1985.............................................. 34
Game 10: Kasparov.G-Timman.J, Training Match, Hilversum 1985............................................ 36
Game 11: Kasparov.G-Timman.J, Training Match, Hilversum 1985............................................ 39
Game 12: Kasparov.G-Miles.A, Training Match, Basel 1986 ....................................................... 42
Game 13: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, London 1986............................ 45
Game 14: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, London 1986............................ 48
Game 15: Karpov.A-Kasparov.G, World Championship Match, London 1986............................ 52
Game 16: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, London 1986............................ 55
Game 17: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, London 1986............................ 58
Game 18: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, Leningrad 1986 ........................ 64
Game 19: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, Leningrad 1986 ........................ 70
Game 20: Kasparov.G-Miles.A, World Chess Olympiad, Dubai 1986.......................................... 72
Game 21: Schmidt.W-Kasparov.G, World Chess Olympiad, Dubai 1986 .................................... 75
Game 22: Hübner.R-Kasparov.G, Brussels 1986 ......................................................................... 78
Game 23: Kasparov.G-Portisch.L, Brussels 1986 ......................................................................... 80
Game 24: Kasparov.G-Hübner.R, Brussels 1986 ......................................................................... 82
Game 25: Kasparov.G-Short.N, Brussels 1986 ............................................................................ 83
Game 26: Kasparov.G-Tal.M, Brussels 1987 ............................................................................... 87
Game 27: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, Seville 1987 ............................ 91
Game 28: Karpov.A-Kasparov.G, World Championship Match, Seville 1987 ............................. 94
Game 29: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, Seville 1987 ............................. 98
Game 30: Karpov.A-Kasparov.G, World Championship Match, Seville 1987 ........................... 102
Game 31: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, Seville 1987 ........................... 103
Game 32: Kasparov.G-Van der Wiel.J, Amsterdam 1988.......................................................... 110
Game 33: Kasparov.G-Timman.J, Amsterdam 1988 ................................................................. 112
Game 34: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, Amsterdam 1988 .................................................................. 113
Game 35: Timman.J-Kasparov.G, World Cup, Belfort 1988 ...................................................... 118
Game 36: Ljubojevic.L-Kasparov.G, World Cup, Belfort 1988................................................... 120
Game 37: Kasparov.G-Andersson.U, World Cup, Belfort 1988 ................................................. 121
Game 38: Beliavsky.A-Kasparov.G, World Cup, Belfort 1988 ................................................... 123
Game 39: Short.N-Kasparov.G, World Cup, Belfort 1988 ......................................................... 124
Game 40: Kasparov.G-Sokolov.A, World Cup, Belfort 1988...................................................... 126
Game 41: Kasparov.G-Ivanchuk.V, 55th USSR Championship, Moscow 1988.......................... 129
Game 42: Kasparov.G-Smirin.I, 55th USSR Championship, Moscow 1988 ............................... 131
Game 43: Timman.J-Kasparov.G, World Cup, Reykjavik 1988 .................................................. 134
Game 44: Ehlvest.J-Kasparov.G, World Cup, Reykjavik 1988.................................................... 137
Game 45: Kasparov.G-Campora.D, World Chess Olympiad, Thessaloniki 1988 ....................... 139
Game 46: Kasparov.G-Seirawan.Y, World Chess Olympiad, Thessaloniki 1988 ....................... 141
Game 47: Yusupov.A-Kasparov.G, World Cup, Barcelona 1989 ............................................... 145
Game 48: Kasparov.G-Short.N, World Cup, Barcelona 1989 .................................................... 147
Game 49: Kasparov.G-Speelman.J, World Cup, Barcelona 1989 .............................................. 149

Game 50: Kasparov.G-Salov.V, World Cup, Barcelona 1989..................................................... 150
Game 51: Kasparov.G-Spassky.B, World Cup, Barcelona 1989 ................................................. 152
Game 52: Kasparov.G-Hübner.R, World Cup, Skelleftea 1989 ................................................. 155
Game 53: Kasparov.G-Tal.M, World Cup, Skelleftea 1989........................................................ 156
Game 54: Kasparov.G-Vaganian.R, World Cup, Skelleftea 1989............................................... 157
Game 55: Seirawan.Y-Kasparov.G, World Cup, Skelleftea 1989 ............................................... 159
Game 56: Kasparov.G-Ribli.Z, World Cup, Skelleftea 1989 ....................................................... 162
Game 57: Kasparov.G-Piket.J, Tilburg 1989 .............................................................................. 164
Game 58: Piket.J-Kasparov.G, Tilburg 1989 .............................................................................. 166
Game 59: Kasparov.G-Ljubojevic.L, Tilburg 1989...................................................................... 169
Game 60: Kasparov.G-Popovic.P, Belgrade 1989...................................................................... 171
Game 61: Ljubojevic.L-Kasparov.G, Belgrade 1989 .................................................................. 173
Game 62: Short.N-Kasparov.G, Belgrade 1989 ......................................................................... 175
Game 63: Kasparov.G-Nikolic.P, Belgrade 1989 ....................................................................... 176
Game 64: Gelfand.B-Kasparov.G, Linares 1990 ........................................................................ 181
Game 65: Kasparov.G-Spassky.B, Linares 1990 ........................................................................ 183
Game 66: Yusupov.A-Kasparov.G, Linares 1990 ....................................................................... 184
Game 67: Ivanchuk.V-Kasparov.G, Linares 1990 ...................................................................... 186
Game 68: Psakhis.L-Kasparov.G, Training Match, La Manga 1990 ........................................... 191
Game 69: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, New York 1990 ...................... 193
Game 70: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, Lyons 1990 ............................ 198
Game 71: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, Lyons 1990 ............................ 202
Game 72: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, Lyons 1990 ............................ 209
Game 73: Karpov.A-Kasparov.G, World Championship Match, Lyons 1990 ............................ 213
Game 74: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, World Championship Match, Lyons 1990 ............................ 214
Game 75: Kasparov.G-Beliavsky.A, Linares 1991 ...................................................................... 219
Game 76: Kasparov.G-Anand.V, Linares 1991 .......................................................................... 220
Game 77: Korchnoi.V-Kasparov.G, Amsterdam 1991 ............................................................... 223
Game 78: Bareev.E-Kasparov.G, Tilburg 1991 .......................................................................... 227
Game 79: Kasparov.G-Anand.V, Tilburg 1991 ........................................................................... 228
Game 80: Karpov.A-Kasparov.G, Tilburg 1991 .......................................................................... 230
Game 81: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, Tilburg 1991 .......................................................................... 234
Game 82: Gurevich.M-Kasparov.G, Reggio Emilia 1991 ........................................................... 236
Game 83: Kasparov.G-Ivanchuk.V, Reggio Emilia 1991 ............................................................ 238
Game 84: Timman.J-Kasparov.G, Linares 1992 ......................................................................... 241
Game 85: Kasparov.G-Karpov.A, Linares 1992.......................................................................... 243
Game 86: Kasparov.G-Anand.V, Linares 1992 .......................................................................... 246
Game 87: Gelfand.B-Kasparov.G, Linares 1992 ........................................................................ 248
Game 88: Kasparov.G-Short.N, Linares 1992 ............................................................................ 250
Game 89: Kasparov.G-Illescas.M, Linares 1992 ........................................................................ 252
Game 90: Shirov.A-Kasparov.G, Dortmund 1992...................................................................... 254
Game 91: Kasparov.G-Loginov.V, World Chess Olympiad, Manila 1992 .................................. 258
Game 92: Kamsky.G-Kasparov.G, World Chess Olympiad, Manila 1992 .................................. 260
Game 93: Kasparov.G-Ivanchuk.V, World Chess Olympiad, Manila 1992 ................................ 262
Game 94: Kasparov.G-Nikolic.P, World Chess Olympiad, Manila 1992 .................................... 264
Game 95: Kasparov.G-Ivanchuk.V, European Team Championship, Debrecen 1992 ............... 268
Game 96: Kasparov.G-Vaganian.R, European Team Championship, Debrecen 1992 .............. 271
Game 97: Kasparov.G-Anand.V, Linares 1993 .......................................................................... 274
Game 98: Karpov.A-Kasparov.G, Linares 1993.......................................................................... 276
Game 99: Kasparov.G-Gelfand.B, Linares 1993 ........................................................................ 279
Game 100: Kasparov.G-Kamsky.G, Linares 1993 ...................................................................... 281


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