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During a one day seminar on Occupational Safety and Health Mr. Zailee Dollah, the Deputy
Director-General highlighted that in the year of 2019, Malaysia recorded 229 occupational
accidents nationwide. These cases were investigated by DOSH. On Wednesday, an inspection was
carried out by Mr. Sammy from Human Resource Department at Yummy-Tummy Kitchen Co.
Mr. Sammy revealed that over four year period (2016-2019), 317 slip and trip incidents had been
recorded, 26 of which resulted in employees receiving a major injury or being off work for over
three days. Despite having good control measures, slip and trip were still happening at the
restaurant and the impact of these accidents was tremendous. The HR Department found itself not
only having to find staff to cover absences but also need to cover the increasing personal injury
claims amounted to RM100,000.00 which had been paid out to settle several claims over the
mentioned period.

a) Explain the process of Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control
(HIRARC) is done at Yummy-Tummy Kitchen Co. [10 marks]

Hazard Identification is a component of HIRARC in determining whether a particular

scenario, material, or thing has the potential to cause harm. It can be anything that can
cause harm or injury to a person. This process is determined to recognize the hazards that
may occurs at the workplace. Another component of HIRARC is the Risk Assessment.
Risk assessment refer to evaluation of possibility that may happen to a person if exposed
to hazard. Risk Assessment have two elements of occurrence, which is the likelihood of
occurrence and severity of occurrence. Both occurrences have 5 significant that have to be
measure in the Risk Assessment Form. The results from the form will indicates the level
of risks that may occurs at the workplace. Therefore, the company that conducted risk
assessment can take action based on the result which risks need to be prioritized and which
are not. The last component in HIRARC is the Risk Control. By conducting the risk
assessment using the form, we can take action to control the risk to reduce the severity.
Risk control is the enforcement of actions that will remove or lessen the chances of a person
being exposed to a danger. There are six components in hierarchy of controls. It includes
eliminate, substitute, isolate, engineering control, administrative. control and personal
protective equipment (PPE).
Based on the case study given, the past record for Yummy-Tummy Kitchen include
317 cases for slip and trip accidents. This indicates that the same mistakes has been done
by the employees. The case study have highlighted that the restaurant have good control
measures but the accidents keep happens. Yummy-Tummy Kitchen has identified the
workplace hazard which is wet floor that causes the slip and trip accidents. However,
without they do not conduct the risk assessment. Without risk assessment the right action
cannot be done. The Yummy-Tummy Kitchen conducted risk control without evaluate the
hazard that probability occurs at their workplace. In consequences, the same accidents keep
To summarize, a company or workplace must do the hazard identification, risk
assessment and risk control once in while to prevent the unfortunate events. By doing so,
the company can be well prepared for any possibility that may happen in the future.

b) Write HIRARC auditing finding based on the case study by using provided form.
[4 marks]

c) Describe two (2) of your findings related to the hazard identification of the work
activity or workplace environment. Provide evidence and scenario to support your
findings. [4 marks]

Based on the case study given, Yummy-Tummy Kitchen is recorded to have 317 accidents
of slip and trip in year 2016 until 2019. 26 of them received major injuries. According to
the record, we can identify the hazard that occurs Yummy-Tummy Kitchen is any activity
that include wet floor. On my point of view, the workers of Yummy-Tummy Kitchen are
lacked of awareness of safety at the workplace. The work activity that resulting the
accidents are mopping the floor and cooking.
Staffs that mopping a particular area do not put the caution sign and someone will
slip in the area because he did not realize the floor was wet. The staffs did not perform their
task efficiently and not being sensitive to actions can endanger other individuals. The
action of not placing a caution sign after mopping is inappropriate. Therefore, it is
important to put a warning sign to inform other people that pass in that particular.
Next, the chefs that cooked used all the variety of liquid that may spill on the floor.
The liquids or grease that spilled on the floor can result a serious injury to a person. In
addition, there was no particular staff to wipe out the mess that make by chefs. anyone
passing the area is likely to fall if they lose balance and do not wear anti -slip shoes. Any
spills on the floor must clean or wipe immediately to prevent someone from slipping and
tripping. Thus, a person must be appointed to take in charge in cleaning the spills when the
chefs is cooking.

d) Write two (2) suggestions how Yummy-Tummy Kitchen can do to further mitigate or
having measure control to improve the slip and trip incidents. Suggestions must be
justified. [4 marks]
• Administrative Control
Yummy-Tummy Kitchen’s manager can do a briefing session before the workers
start their duty once every week to give awareness to the workers that safety is
important. The manager also can organize a safety training for employees,
especially for new comers to educate them about the safety and how to act when
faced a dangerous situation. Hence, the briefing and training that conducted by the
manager can give awareness to the workers and it will make them to more careful
in doing their job.
• Personal Protective Equipment
Yummy-Tummy Kitchen can provide a particular protection to their workers to
prevent major injuries if something bad happen. For example, provide a non-slip
shoes or boots to prevent them from slipping due to wet floor. Besides, the company
can provide the food safe gloves and hair nets to assist workers in preparing food
in a hygienic manner and preventing foreign things from falling into the food. Thus,
by doing this way both workers and customers can prevent themselves from
slipping and food poisonous.

e) Explain how accident occurred at the Yummy-Tummy Kitchen by using Domino

Theory of accident causation? Provide your answer by giving evident from the case
study. [10 marks]

Domino Theory consists of three phase. The first phase known as pre-contact. It refer to
the unsafe act or unsafe environment that may contributed to unfortunate events. The
second phase is the contact. This phase indicate to individual, machinery, or facility
encounters with energy forms or forces that are beyond their physical capabilities to
manage. This is where the incident or accidents happens. Lastly, the third phase is post-
contact. It describe the consequences of the accident or the exposure to energy Physical
harm, disease, production delays, equipment and/or facility damage, and reputational harm.
According to the case study, the environment of Yummy-Tummy Kitchen is not
safe and the employees is lack of awareness about the safety at workplace. Even though
having a good control measure, Yummy-Tummy Kitchen’s employees always involved in
slip and trip accidents. It shown by the past record that in four years, Yummy-Tummy
Kitchen reported 317 case involving slip and trip accident. Due to lack of awareness, the
staffs is inefficient in doing their job, such as not displaying the caution sign after mopping
or not wiping the liquid that spilled on the floor, it will make the workplace is unsafe
environment. The poor actions while doing the job is very improper and inappropriate.
The unsafe acts and unsafe environment obviously will lead to accidents. Person
who did not notice the floor is wet and there are liquids on the floor at cooking area may
slipping when they lost balance. As mentioned earlier, the phase two in Domino Theory is
the contacts between person and the slippery floor. The contacts will lead to phase three. It
will incur the serious injuries to a particular person. Based on the case study, 26 of
employees that involved in slip and trip accidents suffered serious injuries and some did
not work for 3 days. When it stated off from work for several days, it means the accident
cause a serious injuries.
In conclusion, according to domino theory, the accidents happened when the
employees are not aware about their unsafe acts and unsafe environment.

f) Design an innovative info-graphic poster to educate the kitchen’s staff regarding

safety in the restaurant. The info-graphic poster must be fun, practicable and
attractive. [8 marks]


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