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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment

SIT194 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling

Deakin University Unit Guide

Trimester 2, 2021

WELCOME ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2
WHO IS THE UNIT TEAM? ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Unit chair: leads the teaching team and is responsible for overall delivery of this unit ............................................. 2
Unit chair details ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Other members of the team and how to contact them .............................................................................................. 2
Administrative queries ................................................................................................................................................ 3
ABOUT THIS UNIT ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Unit development in response to student feedback ................................................................................................... 3
Your course and Deakin's Graduate Learning Outcomes ............................................................................................ 3
Your Unit Learning Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 4
ASSESSING YOUR ACHIEVEMENT OF THE UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES ........................................................................... 4
Summative assessments ............................................................................................................................................. 4
- Summative assessment task 1 .................................................................................................................................. 4
- Summative assessment task 2 .................................................................................................................................. 5
- Summative assessment task 3 .................................................................................................................................. 6
- Summative assessment task 4 .................................................................................................................................. 7
Formative assessment ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Your learning experiences in this Unit - and your expected commitment .................................................................. 8
Scheduled learning activities - campus ....................................................................................................................... 8
Scheduled learning activities - cloud ........................................................................................................................... 8
Note (on-campus learning activities) .......................................................................................................................... 8
Note ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
UNIT LEARNING RESOURCES .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Essential learning resources ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Recommended learning resources ............................................................................................................................. 9
KEY DATES FOR THIS TRIMESTER ..................................................................................................................................... 10
UNIT WEEKLY ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................................................................. 10

12 June 2021
Deakin University, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
SIT194 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling - Trimester 2, 2021


Welcome to SIT194 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling. This unit is available at Burwood, Geelong and Cloud (online).
It is designed to build upon the calculus covered in Year 12 mathematics, and to introduce and apply some of the major
applications of differentiation and integration. All topics covered are relevant to engineering and the physical sciences, and
provide a basis for further studies in mathematics.

It is assumed that you have a thorough knowledge of Year 12 calculus, such as the Victorian Certificate of Education
Mathematical Methods 3/4 or the Deakin unit SIT190 Introductory Mathematical Methods. Students who do not have this
prior calculus experience, in particular those who have studied only Further Maths 3/4, will have great difficulty
completing the assessment tasks, and should enrol in SIT190 before attempting SIT194. If you are unsure as to whether
you have the necessary mathematical background to study this unit, please contact David Tay immediately.

Please note that students enrolled in an Engineering degree are not required to (and cannot) undertake SIT190 as part of
their course as they are deemed to have this level of maths to gain entry into the course.

We hope you will enjoy studying this unit! Although mathematics is challenging, it can be very rewarding, interesting and
helps us to understand the world around us.

Kind Regards,
David Tay (SIT194 Unit Chair) and the unit team

This Unit Guide provides you with the key information about this Unit. For the best chance of success, you should read it very
carefully and refer to it frequently throughout the trimester. Your Unit site (accessed in DeakinSync) also provides
information about your rights and responsibilities. We will assume you have read this before the Unit commences, and we
expect you to refer to it throughout the trimester.

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, you may be learning in a way that is new to you. We appreciate your flexibility
and dedication to learning. For a range of helpful services and resources, please go to study support


Unit chair: leads the teaching team and is responsible for overall delivery of this unit

David Tay

Unit chair details

Campus: Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus

75 Pigdons Road
Phone: +61 3 522 78564

Other members of the team and how to contact them

Details of any other staff will be provided on the unit site at the start of trimester.

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Deakin University, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
SIT194 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling - Trimester 2, 2021

Administrative queries

• Contact your Unit Chair or Campus Leader

• Drop in or contact Student Central to speak with a Student Adviser

For additional support information, please see the Rights and Responsibilities section under 'Content' in your unit site.


This unit includes fundamental techniques in differential calculus and integral calculus for the analysis of functions that occur
in science and engineering problems. Applications studied include approximations to solutions of equations and integrals
and formulation of models to solve science and engineering problems.

Unit development in response to student feedback

Every trimester, we ask students to tell us, through eVALUate, what helped and hindered their learning in each Unit. You are
strongly encouraged to provide constructive feedback for this Unit when eVALUate opens (you will be emailed a link).

In previous versions of this unit, students have told us that these aspects of the Unit have helped them to achieve the
learning outcomes:loud learning modules - active lectures

• cloud learning modules

• active classes (lecture)

The feedback for this unit has remained positive, with no suggestions for improvement.

If you have any concerns about the Unit during the trimester, please contact the unit teaching team - preferably early in the
trimester - so we can discuss your concerns, and make adjustments, if appropriate.

Your course and Deakin's Graduate Learning Outcomes

Discipline-specific knowledge and appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession
Communication: using oral, written and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and
effect change
GLO3 Digital literacy: using technologies to find, use and disseminate information
GLO4 Critical thinking: evaluating information using critical and analytical thinking and judgment
GLO5 Problem solving: creating solutions to authentic (real world and ill-defined) problems
Self-management: working and learning independently, and taking responsibility for personal
GLO7 Teamwork: working and learning with others from different disciplines and backgrounds
Global citizenship: engaging ethically and productively in the professional context and with diverse
communities and cultures in a global context

Each Deakin course has Course Learning Outcomes which explain what the Deakin Learning Outcomes mean in your
discipline. Learning in each unit builds towards the Course Learning Outcomes.

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Deakin University, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
SIT194 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling - Trimester 2, 2021

Your Unit Learning Outcomes

Each Unit in your course is a building block towards these Graduate Learning Outcomes - not all Units develop and assess
every Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO).

Deakin Graduate
These are the Learning Outcomes (ULO) for this unit. At the completion of this unit,
ULO Learning
successful students can:
ULO1 Apply the method of foundational calculus used to solve problems in a range of real- GLO1: Discipline-
world contexts. specific
knowledge and
ULO2 Utilise mathematical modelling to analyse, model, calculate and validate the results GLO1: Discipline-
associated with solving complex real-life problems. specific
knowledge and
ULO3 Evaluate a mathematical model and recommend refinements or improvements. GLO1: Discipline-
knowledge and
ULO4 Critically evaluate solution approaches and tools used in solving problems. GLO4: Critical
ULO5 Communicate results by showing steps of solution approaches and interpreting the GLO2:
outcomes. Communication
These Unit Learning Outcomes are applicable for all teaching periods throughout the year


Summative assessments

(tasks that will be graded or marked)

NOTE: It is your responsibility to keep a backup copy of every assignment and the materials used to develop/complete it
where possible (e.g. written/digital reports, essays, videos, images). In the unusual event that one of your submissions
becomes corrupted, is incorrectly submitted or otherwise lost, you may be asked to submit the backup copy. Any work you
submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting breaches of academic integrity such as
collusion, plagiarism and contract cheating. You must understand your responsibility to act with honesty and integrity in your
studies as Deakin takes all breaches very seriously. Make sure you read Your rights and responsibilities as a student in this
unit to find out more about academic integrity.

Deakin has a universal assessment submission time of 8 pm AEDT/AEST. A late penalty will apply to assessments submitted
after 11.59 pm AEDT/AEST.

- Summative assessment task 1

Details Problem solving task 1

Brief description of In this assessment task students are asked to individually complete a series of problems
assessment task related to topics covered during the first third of the trimester. It includes written answers
to mathematical problems, including full explanations of how each answer is derived.

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Deakin University, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
SIT194 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling - Trimester 2, 2021

Problem solving strategy, reasoning, and communication of the solution is important in this
task. The intention of the assignments is to assist students in understanding the unit
contents, and to provide feedback on how to prepare a mathematical solution.
Detail of student output This is an individual assessment task. Students will be required to solve problems using
appropriate procedures as required.
To be successful, students are required to prepare a written mathematical solution clearly,
using appropriate wording along with mathematical symbols and notation. Clear and logical
explanation of how a solution is obtained is as important as the solution itself.
Grading and weighting 17% graded
(% total mark for unit) Students will be given a numerical mark.
This task assesses your In this assessment students will be evaluated for:
achievement of these Unit ULO1: Apply and communicate the method of foundational calculus used to solve problems
Learning Outcome(s): in a range of real-world contexts.
ULO2: Describe and apply mathematical modelling to analyse, model, calculate and validate
the results associated with solving complex real-life problems.
ULO4: Critically evaluate solution approaches and tools used in solving problems.
ULO5: Communicate results by showing steps of solution approaches and interpreting the
This task assesses your In this assessment, students will provide evidence of achievement:
achievement of these GLO1: properly using the concepts and tools learned for mathematical modelling
Graduate Learning GLO2: their ability to communicate their workings/ strategies to solve a problem via a
Outcome(s) written report
GLO4: their ability to critically analyse a solution method and justify the strategy used to
solve the problem.
How and when you will Students will receive feedback consisting of a mark, and written comments, generally within
receive feedback on your ten working days after the submission deadline via the unit site. In addition, they receive
work feedback on solving similar problems during practicals and lectures.
When and how to submit Students must submit their response to assignment questions electronically, as specified in
your work the assignment description, to the drop-box in the unit site (accessed in DeakinSync) before
8:00 pm AEST by Thursday 5 August 2021, week 4.

- Summative assessment task 2

Details Problem solving task 2

Brief description of In this assessment task students are asked to individually complete a series of problems
assessment task related to topics covered during the second third of the trimester. It includes written
answers to mathematical problems, including full explanations of how each answer is
Problem solving strategy, reasoning, and communication of the solution is important in this
task. The intention of the assignments is to assist students in understanding the unit
contents, and to provide feedback on how to prepare a mathematical solution.
Detail of student output This is an individual assessment task. Students will be required to solve problems using
appropriate procedures as required.
To be successful, students are required to prepare a written mathematical solution clearly,
using appropriate wording along with mathematical symbols and notation. Clear and logical
explanation of how a solution is obtained is as important as the solution itself.
Grading and weighting 17% graded
(% total mark for unit) Students will be given a numerical mark.

12 June 2021 Page 5 of 10

Deakin University, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
SIT194 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling - Trimester 2, 2021

This task assesses your In this assessment students will be evaluated for:
achievement of these Unit ULO1: Apply and communicate the method of foundational calculus used to solve problems
Learning Outcome(s): in a range of real-world contexts.
ULO2: Describe and apply mathematical modelling to analyse, model, calculate and validate
the results associated with solving complex real-life problems.
ULO4: Critically evaluate solution approaches and tools used in solving problems.
ULO5: Communicate results by showing steps of solution approaches and interpreting the
This task assesses your This assignment is hand-written, contains mathematical problems to be solved (GLO1,
achievement of these GLO2, GLO4), and is to be done independently of other students.
Graduate Learning
How and when you will Students will receive feedback consisting of a mark, and written comments, generally within
receive feedback on your ten working days after the submission deadline via the unit site. In addition, they receive
work feedback on solving similar problems during practicals and lectures.
When and how to submit Students must submit their response to assignment questions electronically, as specified in
your work the assignment description, to the drop-box in the unit site (accessed in DeakinSync) before
8:00 pm AEST by Thursday 2 September 2021, week 7.

- Summative assessment task 3

Details Problem solving task 3

Brief description of In this assessment task students are asked to individually complete a series of problems
assessment task related to topics covered during the last third of the trimester. It includes written answers to
mathematical problems, including full explanations of how each answer is derived.
Problem solving strategy, reasoning, and communication of the solution is important in this
task. The intention of the assignments is to assist students in understanding the unit contents,
and to provide feedback on how to prepare a mathematical solution.
Detail of student output This is an individual assessment task. Students will be required to solve problems using
appropriate procedures as required.
To be successful, students are required to prepare a written mathematical solution clearly,
using appropriate wording along with mathematical symbols and notation. Clear and logical
explanation of how a solution is obtained is as important as the solution itself.
Grading and weighting 16% graded
(% total mark for unit) Students will be given a numerical mark.
This task assesses your In this assessment students will be evaluated for:
achievement of these Unit ULO1: Apply and communicate the method of foundational calculus used to solve problems in
Learning Outcome(s): a range of real-world contexts.
ULO2: Describe and apply mathematical modelling to analyse, model, calculate and validate
the results associated with solving complex real-life problems.
ULO3: Evaluate a mathematical model and recommend refinements or improvements.
ULO4: Critically evaluate solution approaches and tools used in solving problems.
ULO5: Communicate results by showing steps of solution approaches and interpreting the
This task assesses your In this assessment, students will provide evidence of achievement:
achievement of these GLO1: properly using the concepts and tools learned for mathematical modelling
Graduate Learning GLO2: their ability to communicate their workings/ strategies to solve a problem via a written
Outcome(s) report
GLO4: their ability to critically analyse a solution method and justify the strategy used to solve
the problem.
How and when you will Students will receive feedback consisting of a mark, and written comments, generally within
receive feedback on your ten working days after the submission deadline via the unit site. In addition, they receive
work feedback on solving similar problems during practicals and lectures.

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Deakin University, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
SIT194 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling - Trimester 2, 2021

When and how to submit Students must submit their response to assignment questions electronically, as specified in
your work the assignment description, to the drop-box in the unit site (accessed in DeakinSync) before
8:00 pm AEST by Thursday 23 September 2021, week 10.

- Summative assessment task 4

Details Examination (online)

Brief description of Two-hour time release online written examination, requires the solution of mathematical
assessment task problems covering the class material.
Detail of student output This is an individual assessment task. Students are required to write their response to the
exam questions.
To be successful, students are required to prepare a written mathematical solution clearly,
using appropriate wording along with mathematical symbols and notation. Clear and logical
explanation of how a solution is obtained is as important as the solution itself.
Grading and weighting 50% (Students will receive a final mark and grade for SIT194, based on all assessment tasks.
(% total mark for unit) Deakin does not inform students of their exam mark)
This task assesses your In this assessment students will be evaluated for:
achievement of these Unit ULO1: Apply and communicate the method of foundational calculus used to solve problems in
Learning Outcome(s): a range of real-world contexts.
ULO2: Describe and apply mathematical modelling to analyse, model, calculate and validate
the results associated with solving complex real-life problems.
ULO3: Evaluate a mathematical model and recommend refinements or improvements.
ULO4: Critically evaluate solution approaches and tools used in solving problems.
ULO5: Communicate results by showing steps of solution approaches and interpreting the
This task assesses your In this assessment, students will provide evidence of achieving in:
achievement of these GLO1: through properly using the concepts and tools learned for mathematical modelling
Graduate Learning GLO2: through their ability to communicate their workings/ strategies to solve a problem via a
Outcome(s) written report
GLO4: through their ability to critically analyse a solution method and justify the strategy used
to solve the problem.
How and when you will Deakin University will release the final assessment results at the stipulated timeframe.
receive feedback on your Students will receive a mark, which is an indicator of their overall performance in this unit of
work study.

Feedback prior to the exam is provided through the problem-solving tasks. Students should be
able to identify where they need to place effort based on the feedback from these problem-
solving tasks which cover all the topics that students will encounter in the exam. In addition,
the students receive feedback on solving similar problems during practicals and lectures. In
particular, throughout week 11, a revision of all the concepts will be provided, and problems
similar to the ones would appear on the exam paper will be solved and explained in detail.
When and how to submit Students will be required to undertake a timed online assessment during the examination
your work period. It is the responsibility of students to review their examination timetable when it is
released via DeakinSync.

Formative assessment

(for practice and feedback rather than marks and grades)

In addition to the above, you will have a better chance of success in this Unit if you complete these tasks – you will get
valuable experience and feedback.

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Deakin University, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
SIT194 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling - Trimester 2, 2021

Details Formative quiz

Brief description In this assessment task students are asked to individually complete a series of online
multiple-choice questions to identify the prior knowledge areas and skills they are
lacking in. Based on the results of the quiz, students will be directed to further
resources to overcome the gaps in their knowledge.
This task assesses your This online quiz does not contribute to any of the ULOs.
achievement of these Unit
Learning Outcome(s)
When and how to submit your Student will do this quiz before the end of the first week of trimester.
How and when you will Online quiz. Students will receive immediate feedback on the completion of the quiz.
receive feedback on your work

Your learning experiences in this Unit - and your expected commitment

To be successful in this unit, you must:

• Read all materials in preparation for your classes or seminars, and follow up each with further study and research on
the topic;
• Start your assessment tasks well ahead of the due date;
• Read or listen to all feedback carefully, and use it in your future work;
• Attend and engage in all timetabled learning experiences as follows:

Scheduled learning activities - campus

1 x 2 hour live streamed class per week, 1 x 1 hour practical per week.

Scheduled learning activities - cloud

1 x 2 hour live streamed class per week, 1 x 1 hour online practical per week.

Note (on-campus learning activities)

Teaching will be delivered in line with the COVIDSafe health guidelines. Activities may include a combination of on-campus
and online activities. Please refer to the details provided below, and check your unit site for announcements and updates.

Students will on average spend 150 hours over the trimester undertaking learning and assessment activities for this unit. For
campus students, this includes class time as described, designated activities in the practical sessions, assessment tasks,
readings and study time. For cloud students, the time should be divided between online learning activities, discussion,
designated activities in the Bb Collaborate sessions, assessment tasks, readings, and study time.

To achieve the SIT194 learning outcomes, students should begin by noting the important dates and times.

The timetable will be made available before the start of trimester. Please contact the Unit Chair (David Tay) if your timetable
does not show 2 online classes (lectures) and 1 online practical class.

Students are strongly advised to participate in the classes and attend Bb Collaborate sessions. Even though the notes and
class recordings will be made available in the unit site, time spent listening and taking notes during classes reduces the time

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Deakin University, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
SIT194 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling - Trimester 2, 2021

needed to review the material later.

Students should set aside time to read the course material, and review videos, and attempt the problem set exercises and
assessment tasks. All this material is available in the unit site.

The class material is related to the questions found in the practical classes, the exercises, the assessments and the exam.
Completed assessment questions aid in revision for the exam.

For students who have not studied mathematics for several years, any revision of Year 12 Maths, particularly basic algebra,
rules for differentiation and rules for integration will be useful. Any problems or worries can normally be eased by contacting
the lecturer.


At Deakin,

• Lectures are referred to as classes (definition: a general meeting for all students, for which students do not need to
register and where students are engaged through presentations and learning activities)
• Tutorials, workshops and seminars are referred to as seminars (definition: more interactive meetings for smaller
groups of students).
• For the complete list of agreed definitions for learning experiences, see the Course Design and Delivery Procedure.


Your unit learning resources are available in your unit site accessed in DeakinSync.

The texts and reading list for the unit can be found on the University Library via the link below: SIT194 Note: Select the
relevant trimester reading list. Please note that a future teaching period's reading list may not be available until a month
prior to the start of that teaching period so you may wish to use the relevant trimester's prior year reading list as a guide

Essential learning resources

The online materials which includes notes and recorded videos constitute the essential learning resources for SIT194.

The SIT194 problem sets and recorded classes all appear on the unit site and supplement the essential material.

Recommended learning resources

The recommended SIT194 text is "(Single Variable) Calculus; Concepts and Contexts", by James Stewart. Although this text
should be quite useful, it is not essential for the successful completion of SIT194. The text is now available in a 4th edition,
but any edition will suffice.

Suitable reference books for this unit include:

• Apart from the text by Stewart, there are many texts which cover the first eight weeks of this unit. Most of these
have the word calculus in the title, and can be found in the Deakin Library under the 515 classification code
• Any edition of the text Calculus and Analytic Geometry, by G.B.Thomas and R.L.Finney is a useful reference, as it
contains almost all the material in the unit.

Contact David Tay if additional references are required.

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Deakin University, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
SIT194 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling - Trimester 2, 2021

Textbooks, reference books, general books and software may be ordered from the bookshop:

• phone 1800 686 681 (freecall);

• email to; or
• order online from the University bookshop web site at


Trimester begins (classes begin) Monday 12 July 2021

Intra-trimester break (a short break during trimester) Monday 16 August - Sunday 22 August 2021
Trimester ends (classes cease) Friday 1 October 2021
Study period (examination preparation period) Monday 4 October - Friday 8 October 2021
Examinations begin Monday 11 October 2021
Examinations end Friday 22 October 2021
Inter-trimester break (the period between trimesters) Monday 25 October - Friday 5 November 2021
Unit results released Friday 5 November 2021 (6pm)


Week Commencing Topic Assessment activity

1 12 July 2021 Odd functions and even functions, functions and inverses
2 19 July The derivative, implicit differentiation, evaluation of limits, limits at infinity,
L'Hopital's Rule
3 26 July Trigonometric functions and inverse, logarithms, hyperbolic functions
4 2 August Graph sketching, the definite integral, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Problem Solving
Task 1 due
5# 9 August Integration techniques: substitution; integration by parts; standard integrals
6 23 August Partial fractions, Differential Equations, First order differential equations:
separable and linear.
7 30 August Applications of integration: area; volume. Sequences, series, convergence, Problem Solving
ratio test. Task 2 due
8 6 September Power series, MacLaurin series, Taylor series, applications in function and
integral approximations.
9 13 September Multivariate functions: domain and range, level curves and contour lines,
partial derivatives.
10^ 20 September Multivariate calculus: implicit differentiation, chain rules, linearization and Problem Solving
differentials. Task 3 due
11 27 September Revision
#Intra-trimester break: Monday 16 August - Sunday 22 August 2021 (between weeks 5 and 6)
^ AFL Grand Final Eve (University closed) - Friday 24 September (date to be confirmed)

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