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B I O L O G I CA L C O N S E RVAT I O N 1 4 1 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 2 4 9 –2 6 0

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Drastic erosion in functional attributes of tree assemblages

in Atlantic forest fragments of northeastern Brazil

Bráulio A. Santosa, Carlos A. Peresb, Marcondes A. Oliveirac, Alexandre Grilloc,

Cecı́lia P. Alves-Costac, Marcelo Tabarellic,*
Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragment Project, National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA), C.P. 478, Manaus,
AM 69011-970, Brazil
School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK
Departamento de Botânica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE 50670-901, Brazil


Article history: The long-term dynamics of plant communities remain poorly understood in isolated trop-
Received 3 May 2007 ical forest fragments. Here we test the hypothesis that tropical tree assemblages in both
Received in revised form small forest fragments and along forest edges of very large fragments are functionally
31 August 2007 much more similar to stands of secondary growth (5–65-yr old) than to core primary forest
Accepted 18 September 2007 patches. The study was carried out in a severely fragmented landscape of the Brazilian
Available online 5 November 2007 Atlantic forest. Nine functional attributes of tree assemblages were quantified by sampling
all trees (DBH P 10 cm) within 75 plots of 0.1 ha distributed in four forest habitats: small
Keywords: forest fragments (3.4–79.6 ha), forest edges, second-growth patches, and primary forest
Edge effects interior areas within a large forest fragment (3500 ha). These habitats were markedly differ-
Forest regeneration ent in terms of tree species richness, and in the proportion of pioneer, large-seeded, and
Habitat fragmentation emergent species. Age of second-growth stands explained between 31.4% and 88.2% of
Species richness the variation in the functional attributes of tree assemblages in this habitat. As expected,
Trees most traits associated with forest edges and small forest fragments fell within the range
shown by early (<25-yr old) and intermediate-aged secondary forest stands (25–45-yr old).
In contrast to habitat type, tree assemblage attributes were not affected by vegetation type,
soil type and the spatial location of plots. An ordination analysis documented a striking flo-
ristic drift in edge-affected habitats. Our results suggest that conservation policy guidelines
will fail to protect aging, hyper-fragmented landscapes from drastic impoverishment if the
remaining forest patches are heavily dominated by edge habitat.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction rance et al., 2000), understorey (Tabarelli et al., 1999), and

hardwood or old-growth tree species (Michalski et al., 2007).
Habitat loss and fragmentation can drastically alter the struc- Large-seeded trees dispersed by vertebrates, particularly
ture and composition of tropical tree assemblages (Laurance, medium to large-bodied frugivores, appear to be vulnerable
2001). Forest edges and even central portions of small forest to population collapse (Cordeiro and Howe, 2001; Melo et al.,
fragments are expected to exhibit species-poor tree commu- 2006; Terborgh and Nuñez-Iturri, 2006). Other tree functional
nities and may be impoverished in terms of emergent (Lau- groups may also be poorly represented in edge-affected

* Corresponding author: Tel.: +55 081 2126 8945; fax: +55 081 2126 8348.
E-mail address: (M. Tabarelli).
0006-3207/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
250 B I O L O G I C A L C O N S E RVAT I O N 1 4 1 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 2 4 9 –2 6 0

habitats, including species sensitive to habitat desiccation (Galindo-Leal and Câmara, 2003). Habitat loss and fragmenta-
(Ferreira and Laurance, 1997), fire disturbance (Cochrane tion are so striking that 48% of the remaining fragments in
and Laurance, 2002) and competition with vines and ruderal this region are <10 ha and very few are >1000 ha (Ranta
species (Scariot, 2001; D’Angelo et al., 2004). Consequently, se- et al., 1998). Old primary forest fragments surrounded by a
verely fragmented landscapes reduced to archipelagos of homogeneous matrix of sugar-cane plantations offer an
small forest fragments are likely to retain but a small, non- excellent opportunity to examine the long-term effects of
random subset of species from the original source flora (Lau- habitat fragmentation on the functional composition of stabi-
rance, 2001; Tabarelli and Gascon, 2005). However, the extent lizing tree assemblages. Here we ask whether habitat frag-
to which habitat fragmentation depletes plant populations mentation in an Atlantic forest landscape can effectively
and truncates the composition of plant assemblages remains promote functional convergence of tree assemblages between
poorly understood based on either natural or controlled forest edges, old-growth forest and early second-growth
experiments (see Hobbs and Yates, 2003; Aguilar et al., 2006; stands following a known history of slash-and-burn agricul-
Wirth et al., 2007). ture. In particular, we test the hypothesis that tree assem-
One of the most conspicuous features of tree assemblages blages along forest edges and in small forest fragments are
along forest edges is the elevated abundance and richness of much more similar to those of secondary forest stands (5–
fast-growing pioneer species. Pioneer species account for only 65-yr old) than to those of forest interior conditions in an
2–3% of tree species richness in continuous forest plots in exceptionally large fragment. First, we compare nine struc-
central Amazonia, but represent over a quarter of the species tural and functional attributes of tree assemblages in these
richness and three times the abundance in forest fragments four forest habitats, including species richness and the rela-
1–100 ha in size after 13–17 years of isolation (Laurance tive species contribution to different ecological groups of
et al., 2006a). Some pioneers rapidly increase their abundance regeneration strategy, vertical stratification, seed dispersal
in forest edges by over 1000%, although others either remain mode, and seed size. Second, we document levels of taxo-
constant or decline in abundance (Laurance et al., 2006a,b). nomic similarity between habitats based on ordination anal-
Pioneer-dominated tree assemblages or over proliferation of ysis, and identify indicator tree species. Finally, we discuss
pioneers have also been documented in stable Atlantic forest the processes driving changes in tree assemblages within
edges in fragments that are at least 60-yr old (Tabarelli et al., aging forest fragments, and their implications for biodiversity
1999; Oliveira et al., 2004; Grillo, 2005), suggesting that such persistence in fragmented landscapes.
assemblages may be approaching near-equilibrium condi-
tions, rather than represent transient successional stages. 2. Methods
In edge-dominated habitats, proliferation of pioneer spe-
cies occur in parallel with phytomass collapse (Laurance 2.1. Study landscape
et al., 1997), suggesting that assemblages comprised primarily
of old-growth, high wood-density trees have been replaced by This study was conducted at Usina Serra Grande, a large, pri-
second-growth or regenerating vegetation (Gascon et al., vate sugar company located in the State of Alagoas, north-
2000). Indeed, elevated abundance of pioneer species is a typ- eastern Brazil (830 0 S, 3550 0 W; Fig. 1). This landholding still
ical feature of early secondary forests younger than 25–30 yrs retains approximately 9000 ha of forest assigned to a unique
following slash-and-burn agriculture (sensu Uhl, 1987) or biogeographic region of the Atlantic forest, the Pernambuco
other disturbance events such as large treefall gaps (Brown Center of Endemism (Santos et al., 2007). We selected a large
and Lugo, 1990; Tabarelli and Mantovani, 2000; Howorth and (667 km2), severely fragmented landscape containing 109 for-
Pendry, 2006). Rates of forest regeneration and other assem- est fragments (range in size = 1.67–3500 ha), all of which en-
blage-level properties of young secondary forests are largely tirely surrounded by a uniform, stable and inhospitable
affected by environmental constraints on tree species estab- matrix of sugar-cane monoculture. The Serra Grande land-
lishment such as diaspore availability (Nepstad et al., 1996; scape is located on a low-altitude plateau (300–400 m above
Vieira et al., 2006), seed and seedling predation (Uhl, 1987), sea level) containing two similar classes of dystrophic soils
soil infertility (Ganade and Brown, 2002), and competition with high clay fractions: yellow-red latosols and yellow-red
with grasses and ruderal species (Hooper et al., 2005). Early podzols, according to the Brazilian soil classification system
secondary forests are therefore not homogeneous at any spa- (IBGE, 1985). Annual rainfall is 2000 mm, with a 3-month
tial scale (Richards, 1996), but provide suitable habitat for only dry season (<60 mm/month) from November to January. The
a biased and impoverished subset of tree species, particularly predominantly lowland terra firme forest included two physi-
small-seeded pioneers (Aide et al., 2000; Guariguata and ognomic subtypes: evergreen and semi-deciduous forests
Ostertag, 2001; Tabarelli and Peres, 2002; Martı́nez-Garza (Veloso et al., 1991). On a regional scale, the Leguminosae,
et al., 2005). Furthermore, because secondary forests are dom- Lauraceae, Sapotaceae, Chrysobalanaceae and Lecythidaceae
inated by pioneer species sharing a similar set of traits account for most tree species (Grillo et al., 2006).
regardless of their taxonomic affinities (Whitmore, 1991; Rich- Sugar-cane cultivation at Serra Grande, which dates back
ards, 1996; Turner, 2001), these assemblages are expected to to the 19th century, provided the strongest incentive for clear-
sustain only a small suite of tree life-history traits found in ing large tracts of pristine old-growth forests. Only 9.2% of for-
old-growth forests. est cover is left, including the 3500-ha Coimbra Forest – the
The Atlantic forest of northeast Brazil is now reduced to largest and best preserved forest patch in the region. Coimbra
less than 6% of its original pre-Colombian extent with high still retains a full complement of plant species and many of
levels of forest fragmentation going back to the 16th century the vertebrate groups typical of vast undisturbed tracts of
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Fig. 1 – Map of the Usina Serra Grande landscape of northeastern Brazil (A) showing the location of 75 plots of 0.1 ha sampled
to describe structural and functional attributes of tree assemblages in forest edges, small forest fragments, secondary forest
patches and core primary forest interior. The white rectangle in inset (B) is amplified in (C). Dark shaded polygons represent
forest fragments sampled; light-shaded and white areas, represent remaining Atlantic forest remnants that were not
sampled and a uniform matrix of sugar-cane monoculture, respectively.

Atlantic forest, such as large-seeded trees and large frugivo- unreplicated tract of forest at the landscape and regional
rous birds (see Chiarello, 1999; Silva and Tabarelli, 2000; Tabar- scales.
elli and Peres, 2002; Galetti et al., 2006). However, large
mammals such as tapirs and white-lipped peccaries have 2.2. Tree inventories and habitat classification
been extirpated throughout the region due to overhunting
(Silva and Tabarelli, 2000). To ensure watershed protection Trees P10 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) were inven-
and water supply for sugar-cane irrigation, the Coimbra Forest toried in four habitat types: (1) Forest edge: peripheral areas
and most other forest fragments remaining in this landscape within 100 m of the border of the largest fragment (Coimbra
have been strictly protected against disturbances such as Forest). (2) Core area: old-growth forest interior areas of the
wildfires and logging (J.C. Bakker, pers. comm.), which can Coimbra Forest beyond 200 m of the border and showing no
mask fragmentation-related effects (Santos et al., 2006). This detectable edge influence. Our definitions of forest edges
has guaranteed the spatial stability of forest fragment borders and core areas are based on Laurance et al. (2002), who
and consequently the occurrence of both reproductive pio- showed that most edge effects penetrate less than 200 m into
neer and shade-tolerant trees along post-closure forest edges Amazonian forest fragments. (3) Forest gaps: small (<2 ha)
(Melo et al., 2006). Selection of forest sites sampled in this regenerating patches of secondary forests of known age lo-
landscape was based on helicopter overflights and 160 aerial cated within core areas of the Coimbra Forest. Secondary for-
photos which were used to produce a 1:8,000 digital vegeta- est patches consisted of 5–65-yr-old chronosequences created
tion map (see also Section 2.4). Based on these data, a large by the abandonment of slash-and-burn plots following 5–10
set of fragments retained to protect the watershed of 56 small yrs of subsistence agriculture (maize, cassava, beans). The
hydroelectric reservoirs were considered to be unsuitable be- age (yrs) of secondary stands were determined to within a
cause these artificial lakes may affect local microclimatic 6-month error by comprehensive interviews with long-term
conditions. residents and company employees who had long been in
The Serra Grande landscape therefore provides a rare charge of subsistence agriculture at these sites. (4) Small for-
opportunity for Atlantic forest fragmentation studies. It is est fragments: 20 forest fragments ranging between 3.4 and
the best available contemporary scenario because Coimbra 79.6 ha in size, and entirely surrounded by sugar-cane fields.
is the largest remaining Atlantic forest patch in northeast Location of all sites was recorded using a handheld GPS.
Brazil (Tabarelli et al., 2006), and its core areas of undisturbed
forest interior (sensu Harper et al., 2005) can be used as ‘con- 2.3. Functional attributes of tree assemblages
trol’ sites to assess the long-term effects of habitat fragmen-
tation on the structure of tree assemblages. We are aware, To characterize tree assemblages we sampled 75 plots of
however, that the study design was limited by the landscape 0.1 ha (10 · 100 m) in each of the four habitats including: (1)
configuration available to us; the Coimbra Forest does not 10 forest edge plots placed randomly along the 39.9-km
fully represent a ‘continuous forest’ and consists of a single, perimeter of the Coimbra Forest, starting at the forest edge,
252 B I O L O G I C A L C O N S E RVAT I O N 1 4 1 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 2 4 9 –2 6 0

and penetrating perpendicularly 100 m into the fragment; (2) (Silva and Tabarelli, 2000; Tabarelli et al., 2003; Melo et al.,
20 core area or forest interior plots randomly placed at 2006).
>200 m from the Coimbra Forest edge; (3) 25 secondary forest Based on the above categories, scores for nine structural
plots placed within 25 different secondary forest patches (one and functional traits of tree assemblages (hereafter assem-
plot per patch; Fig. 1) located in the Coimbra Forest; and (4) blage attributes) were calculated for each plot as following:
one plot located at the geometric center of each of the 20 (1) stem density per plot; (2) tree species richness per plot;
small forest fragments. We allocated a lower sampling effort and percentage of (3) pioneer species; (4) pioneer stems; (5)
to forest edges (n = 10 plots) because this habitat is expected emergent species; (6) canopy species; (7) understorey species;
to be taxonomically more homogeneous than core areas (8) vertebrate-dispersed species; and (9) large-seeded species.
and forest fragments (see Oliveira et al., 2004; Laurance
et al., 2006a). Between-plot distance across the four habitats 2.4. Explanatory variables
varied from 218 m up to 24,217 m, and the average distance
between all 75 plots exceeded 1000 m. Finally, the distance be- Because a number of patch and landscape-scale environmen-
tween tree plots and the nearest forest edge was 0 m for forest tal variables may contribute to differences in the structure of
edge plots, 200–757.6 m for forest interior plots, 31.8–578.3 m tree assemblages, we consider the effects of soil type, vegeta-
for second-growth plots, and 72.4–248.5 m for plots in small tion type, forest fragment size, distance to the nearest forest
forest fragments. edge, and the amount of forest cover retained in the sur-
All trees P10 cm DBH within each plot were measured and rounding landscape, in addition to the spatial structure of for-
identified to species level. Plant vouchers are available at the est plots sampled. Landscape-scale forest cover is positively
Federal University of Pernambuco, UFP Herbarium, Brazil correlated with overall connectivity between patches (Gorre-
(voucher Nos. 34,445–36,120). All tree species were assigned sen and Willig, 2004) and was quantified as the percentage
to categories describing their regeneration strategy, vertical of forest within a 1-km external buffer set from the perimeter
stratification within each site, seed-dispersal mode and seed of each fragment. Patch and landscape metrics were quanti-
size using: (1) a comprehensive literature review, including fied using two GIS packages (ArcView 3.2 and Erdas Imagine
books, papers, plant monographs, and MSc and PhD disserta- 8.4) on the basis of: (1) three Landsat and Spot images (years
tions (e.g. van Roosmalen, 1985; Lorenzi, 1998; Barroso et al., 1989, 1998, 2003); (2) a set of 160 aerial photos (1:8000) taken
1999; Grillo, 2005; several issues of Flora Neotropica); (2) vou- from helicopter overflights commissioned in April 2003; (3)
cher specimens housed in the eight major herbaria of north- digital vegetation and soil maps (IBGE, 1985); and (4) a soil
eastern Brazil; and (3) a fruit/seed collection (172 samples) map provided by the Usina Serra Grande Agriculture Office.
housed at the UFP Herbarium. These sources were further
supplemented by our own personal knowledge on the life- 2.5. Data analysis
history traits of Atlantic forest tree species (see Tabarelli
et al., 1999; Silva and Tabarelli, 2000; Tabarelli and Mantovani, Differences between forest edge, forest interior, forest gap
2000; Tabarelli and Peres, 2002; Oliveira et al., 2004; Melo et al., and small fragment plots in the relative abundance of trees
2006, 2007). sharing different functional traits were examined using the
Our functional groups of tree species are defined as follow- following complementary approaches. First, between-habitat
ing: (a) regeneration strategy – shade-tolerant species are those differences were tested using one-way ANOVAs followed by
capable of regenerating in the shaded understorey of old- Tukey post hoc comparisons. Second, we used linear regres-
growth forests; and pioneer species are those requiring high- sion models to describe the relationship between the age of
light environments provided by treefall gaps and forest edges second-growth stands within forest gaps and tree assemblage
as viable regeneration sites (Hartshorn, 1978). This group also attributes. Third, general linear models (GLMs) were used to
included large or long-lived pioneer species (sensu Whitmore, detect any effect of explanatory variables on tree assemblage
1989), the adults of which are usually found in the canopy or attributes by first examining the effects of habitat type, soil
emergent stratum of old-growth forests (Swaine and Hall, type, vegetation type and distance to the nearest edge consid-
1983); (b) forest stratification – understorey species consisted ering all 75 plots across the four habitats, and then the effects
of small trees and shrubs flowering and fruiting in the lowest of forest fragment size and surrounding forest cover on tree
forest layer (<10 m); canopy species occurred in the forest assemblages in the 20 small fragments. Forest edge, second-
subcanopy and canopy; and emergent species occurred in the growth and forest interior plots were excluded from the latter
highest forest layer (Wilson, 1989); (c) seed-dispersal mode – GLMs because they were unavoidably placed within the same
vertebrate-dispersed species are those that produce diaspores large fragment (Coimbra Forest). All plots were assigned into
attached to a fleshy pulp, aril, or other features typically asso- two mutually exclusive vegetation types (evergreen and
ciated with vertebrate dispersal agents; and abiotically- semi-deciduous forest) and soil types (yellow-red latosol
dispersed species are those producing winged seeds, plumes, and yellow-red podzol). Finally, we re-examined environmen-
or other wind-dispersal devices that slow the rate of seed fall tal effects on functional attributes of tree assemblages using
or those dispersed entirely by free fall or propelled explosively general linear mixed models (GLMM) to account for the po-
by a fruit that opens suddenly, often triggered by a trip-lever tential lack of spatial independence of tree plots within the
(van der Pijl, 1982); (d) Seed size of vertebrate-dispersed spe- largest forest fragment. GLMMs were fitted to model different
cies – small: 0.6–1.5 cm in length; and large: >1.5 cm in length. habitat, patch and landscape variables which were entered as
All procedures, criteria, and categories used here to assign fixed effects, whereas assemblage attributes were assumed to
tree species to functional groups have been used previously be nested within clusters (fragments) over which the random
B I O L O G I C A L C O N S E RVAT I O N 1 4 1 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 2 4 9 –2 6 0 253

effects varied. The R package (v. 2.2.0) was used to fit the cies richness, proportion of pioneer stems and pioneer spe-
GLMMs using a logit link function. All response variables cies, and proportion of large-seeded species. Forest edges
(assemblage attributes) fitted a normal distribution (Lilliefors exhibited the largest differences compared to forest interior
tests: Sokal and Rohlf, 1995), but some of the explanatory plots despite the fact that these two habitats were embedded
variables were transformed to stabilize variance, improve nor- within the same large fragment (Coimbra Forest) and sepa-
mality of data and consequently increase the explanatory rated by shorter distances; edge and forest interior plots were
power of models (see Tables 3 and 4). on average 2480.4 m ± 960.2 m apart (n = 200 pairs). Compared
To test the hypothesis that forest edge and small fragment to forest interior sites, forest edges retained only half of the
plots were taxonomically more similar to those of second- total species richness but three times the richness and abun-
growth patches than those in the forest interior of the largest dance of pioneer species, amounting to a highly biased ratio
fragment, we performed a non-metric multidimensional scal- between pioneer and shade-tolerant species.
ing (NMDS) ordination of all 75 plots using their Bray–Curtis The age of second-growth stands explained between 31.4%
dissimilarity matrix of species composition (Krebs, 1989). Spe- and 88.2% of the variation in tree assemblage attributes in this
cies abundance data were sqrt-transformed and standardized habitat, and forest gap age correlated positively with most of
(sensu Clarke and Gorley, 2001) in order to avoid any bias the attributes examined (Table 2). As expected, forest edge
resulting from highly abundant species and differences in and forest fragment plots exhibited tree assemblage attributes
sample sizes (i.e. stem density per plot). To examine the rela- within the range of values shown by either early (<25-yr old) or
tionships between habitat type, vegetation type and soil type mid-successional secondary forest plots (25–45-yr old),
on the species similarity between plots, these variables were whereas forest interior plots exhibited values more typical of
considered as factors in ANOSIM tests (Clarke and Gorley, late-successional secondary forests (>45-yr old) or outside
2001). We also performed a Mantel test with weighted Spear- their range (Fig. 2). This is consistent with the fact that forest
man rank correlation to address the effect of plot location on edges were more similar to early secondary forests in terms of
levels of taxonomic similarity. Straight-line distances be- overall species richness, and abundance and species richness
tween plots were ln-transformed, as suggested by Condit of pioneer, emergent and large-seeded species. GLMs failed to
et al. (2002) and Jones et al. (2006), and postulated by Hubbell’s detect any significant effect of vegetation type and soil type on
(2001) neutral theory. Finally, we performed an indicator spe- any of the structural or functional attributes of tree assem-
cies analysis (sensu Dufrêne and Legendre, 1997) based on two blages across the four habitats. On the other hand, GLMs
groups of tree plots identified by both NMDS ordinations and clearly identified habitat type and distance to the nearest for-
ANOSIM tests: one consisting exclusively of forest interior est edge as the most significant explanatory variables driving
plots and another of forest edge, small fragment and sec- the changes in tree assemblage structure regardless of plot
ond-growth plots. All analyses were carried out using Systat location in the landscape. These two variables combined ex-
(Wilkinson, 1996), Primer (Clarke and Gorley, 2001) and PC- plained between 20.9% and 40.4% of the variation in tree
Ord (McCune and Mefford, 1999). assemblages such as the proportion of emergent species,
large-seeded species and pioneer stems (Table 3). Other patch
3. Results and landscape metrics, such as forest fragment area and for-
est cover in the surrounding landscape, played a minor role.
A total of 5398 live trees and 219 tree species were recorded in This was supported by the GLMMs which consistently pin-
the 75 plots (total area = 7.5 ha) inventoried. Tree assemblages pointed distance to the nearest forest edge and age of forest
in forest edge, small forest fragment and second-growth plots stands as the only significant explanatory variables for all
were significantly different from those in forest interior in functional attributes of tree assemblages (Table 4).
terms of seven of the nine assemblage attributes considered NMDS ordination of tree plots based on species similar-
(Table 1). Major differences included stem density, tree spe- ity and abundance resulted in two consistent and clearly

Table 1 – Tree assemblage attributes (mean ± SD) in 0.1-ha plots located along forest edges and in small forest fragments,
secondary forest patches, and core forest interior at Usina Serra Grande, Brazil
Assemblage attributes Forest edge Small fragments Secondary forest Old-growth forest ANOVA
(n = 10) (n = 20) patches (n = 25) interior (n = 20)
F p
a a,b b c
Stem density (per 0.1 ha) 59.8 ± 7.5 73.8 ± 25.4 51.6 ± 18.5 101.6 ± 21.7 23.3 <0.0001
Total species richness 18.4 ± 4.5a 23.7 ± 9.6a 20.6 ± 9.8a 36.8 ± 7.3b 16.5 <0.0001
Pioneer species (%) 88.1 ± 7.5a,c 72.6 ± 13.3b 80.5 ± 14.4b,c 41.8 ± 12.7d 43.4 <0.0001
Pioneer stems (%) 93.8 ± 5.6a 78.9 ± 15.6b 85.6 ± 13.8a,b 37.7 ± 16.4c 54.6 <0.0001
Emergent species (%) 9.5 ± 5.5a 15.1 ± 8.7a 16.1 ± 8.1a 27.4 ± 4.8b 17.3 <0.0001
Canopy species (%) 79.6 ± 8.2a 75.6 ± 9.2a 78.1 ± 10.01a 63.2 ± 6.4b 13.6 <0.0001
Understorey species (%) 10.8 ± 6.7a 9.1 ± 4.4a,b 5.6 ± 4.6a,c 9.2 ± 4.5a 3.77 0.014
Vertebrate-dispersed species (%) 83.5 ± 4.2 78.4 ± 9.4 83.3 ± 11.04 83.2 ± 13.9 0.98 0.400
Large-seeded species (%) 9.4 ± 8.1a 27.6 ± 9.7b 20.5 ± 15.01a,b 49.4 ± 11.3c 32.3 <0.0001

Significant differences in post hoc comparisons (Tukey tests) between habitat types are indicated by different letters in a same row, where
effects were significant within analysis of variance. Values in bold denote significant differences.
254 B I O L O G I C A L C O N S E RVAT I O N 1 4 1 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 2 4 9 –2 6 0

Table 2 – Tree assemblage attributes and linear regression equations describing their variation within 25 second-growth
plots placed in 25 spatially independent patches of 5–65-yr-old secondary forest at Usina Serra Grande, northeastern
Assemblage attributes Equations R2 (%) F p
Stem density (ha) y = 18.768 + 1.015x 69.6 52.6 <0.0001
Total species richness y = 3.293 + 0.537x 88.2 51.03 <0.0001
Pioneer species (%) y = 99.88  0.599x 41.3 15.07 0.001
Pioneer stems (%) y = 106.44  0.643x 50.3 23.28 <0.0001
Emergent species (%) y = 5.226 + 0.339x 47.0 15.02 0.001
Canopy species (%) y = 92.5  0.443x 45.3 19.05 <0.0001
Understorey species (%) y = 2.12 + 0.104x 11.7 3.04 0.094
Vertebrate-dispersed species (%) y = 90.56  0.224x 0.09 2.41 0.134
Large-seeded species (%) y = 2.841 + 0.547x 31.4 10.21 0.004

Values in bold denote significant effects.

a Age of secondary forest patches in years.

Fig. 2 – Relationships between time of recovery (age, yrs) of 25 secondary forest patches within the Coimbra Forest (forest gap)
and the (a) total number of tree species, (b) percentage of large-seeded species, (c) percentage of pioneer species, and (d)
percentage of emergent species at Serra Grande, Brazil. R2-values are shown for each relationship. The mean (solid line),
median (thin line), 25th and 75th percentiles (boundaries of boxes), and 5th and 95th percentiles (whiskers above and below
box plots) are also indicated for each of these functional attributes for equal-sized plots within (F) small forest fragments, (E)
forest edges and (C) core areas of old-growth forest interior.

segregated clusters: one formed by the 20 forest interior, old- tation type (R = 0.26; p = 0.006) and a stronger effect of habitat
growth plots and another formed by the forest edge, small type (R = 0.54; p = 0.001). Tree community structure in forest
fragment and second-growth plots (Fig. 3a and b). Plot ordina- interior plots was significantly different from that along edge
tion was well supported by low stress levels of 0.16 and 0.13. (R = 0.934; p = 0.001) and second-growth plots (R = 0.79;
In addition, ANOSIM uncovered no significant correlation be- p = 0.001) within the large remnant, despite their relative spa-
tween soil type and degree of taxonomic similarity between tial proximity. Forest interior plots were also significantly dif-
plots (R = 0.092; p = 0.995), but detected a small effect of vege- ferent from those in small fragment (R = 0.79; p = 0.001). This
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Table 3 – Results from generalized linear models applied to five tree assemblage attributes in all four forest habitats (n = 75
plots) at Serra Grande, northeastern Brazil

Assemblage attributes Explanatory variables (p-values)

Habitat type Vegetation type Soil type Distance to edge (log10 x + 1) Whole model R2 (%)

Species richness 0.037 0.519 0.75 0.028 <0.0001 20.9

Pioneer species (%) 0.002 0.598 0.80 0.046 <0.0001 27.3
Emergent species (%) 0.017 0.13 0.66 <0.0001 <0.0001 40.4
Large-seeded species (%) 0.021 0.39 0.67 0.020 <0.0001 23.7
Pioneer stems (%) 0.0001 0.43 0.78 0.042 <0.0001 33.1

Table 4 – Results from generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) examining five tree assemblage attributes across four
different forest habitats at Serra Grande, northeastern Brazil
Assemblage attributes Explanatory variables Estimate (±SE) DF t-Ratio p-Value

Species richness Forest fragment 0.95 (0.36) 17 2.63 0.017

Fragment area (log10 ha) 0.97 (2.89) 17 0.33 0.742
Distance to nearest edge (log10 m) 12.52 (2.45) 52 5.12 <0.0001
Surrounding forest cover 0.05 (0.26) 17 0.18 0.858
Age of stand (sqrt yrs) 1.97 (0.29) 52 6.57 <0.0001

Pioneer species (%) Forest fragment 1.21 (0.76) 17 1.59 0.129

Fragment area (log10 ha) 1.15 (4.6) 17 0.23 0.814
Distance to nearest edge (log10 m)  31.6 (5.6) 52 5.57 <0.0001
Surrounding forest cover 0.35 (0.56) 17 0.63 0.537
Age of stand (sqrt yrs) 4.8 (0.69) 52 6.8 <0.0001

Shade-tolerant species (%) Forest fragment 1.11 (0.66) 17 1.68 0.112

Fragment area (log10 ha) 0.48 (4.07) 17 0.12 0.906
Distance to nearest edge (log10 m) 25.84 (4.93) 52 5.24 <0.0001
Surrounding forest cover 0.067 (0.49) 17 0.14 0.892
Age of stand (sqrt yrs) 3.89 (0.61) 52 6.40 <0.0001

Emergent species (%) Forest fragment 0.47 (0.29) 17 1.6 0.123

Fragment area (log10 ha) 0.64 (1.9) 17 0.34 0.736
Distance to nearest edge (log10 m) 14.8 (1.8) 52 7.9 <0.0001
Surrounding forest cover 0.42 (0.21) 17 1.9 0.063
Age of stand (sqrt yrs) 1.19 (0.22) 52 5.2 <0.0001

Large-seeded species (%) Forest fragment 0.82 (0.59) 17 1.36 0.189

Fragment area (log10 ha) 1.99 (3.6) 17 0.53 0.597
Distance to nearest edge (log10 m) 22.7 (4.4) 52 5.06 <0.0001
Surrounding forest cover 0.13 (0.44) 17 0.29 0.77
Age of stand (sqrt yrs) 2.79 (0.55) 52 5.06 <0.0001

Fig. 3 – NMDS ordination of 75 plots based on Bray–Curtis species similarity coefficients: (a) 75 plots within all four habitats;
and (b) 55 plots located within the Coimbra Forest only. Triangles, open squares, open circles and dark shaded circles
represent plots in small forest fragments (n = 20), forest edges (n = 10), second-growth patches (n = 25), and core areas of
primary forest (n = 20).
256 B I O L O G I C A L C O N S E RVAT I O N 1 4 1 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 2 4 9 –2 6 0

Table 5 – Indicator species analysis (sensu Dufrêne and Legendre, 1997) of tree assemblages recorded in forest edge, small
fragment, and second-growth plots (Group 1); and forest interior plots (Group 2) at Serra Grande, northeastern Brazil

Indicator species Family Regeneration strategy Group Indicator value (IV) IV randomized groups p

Tapirira guianensis Anacardiaceae Pioneer 1 82.3 49.4 ± 6.8 0.001

Byrsonima sericea Malpighiaceae Pioneer 1 75.0 41.3 ± 7.5 0.002
Bowdichia virgilioides Fabaceae Pioneer 1 68.7 38.7 ± 7.74 0.003
Schefflera morototoni Araliaceae Pioneer 1 60.9 34.7 ± 7.1 0.006
Ocotea glomerata Lauraceae Pioneer 1 60.9 35.2 ± 7.5 0.007
Brosimum rubescens Moraceae Pioneer 1 56.2 32.7 ± 7.41 0.014
Thyrsodium spruceanum Anacardiaceae Pioneer 1 53.6 34.5 ± 7.8 0.027
Himatanthus bracteatus Apocynaceae Pioneer 1 40.6 26.4 ± 7.3 0.046
Mabea occidentalis Euphorbiaceae s-Tolerant 2 94.6 20.6 ± 6.6 0.001
Virola gardneri Myristicaceae s-Tolerant 2 95.5 17.5 ± 6.2 0.001
Licania belemii Chrysobalanaceae s-Tolerant 2 82.6 17 ± 6.1 0.001
Sloanea obtusifolia Elaeocarpaceae s-Tolerant 2 77.6 12.9 ± 5.5 0.001
Helicostylis tomentosa Moraceae s-Tolerant 2 74 15.6 ± 5.6 0.001
Inga edulis Fabaceae Pioneer 2 72.2 17 ± 6.1 0.001
Tovomita mangle Clusiaceae s-Tolerant 2 69.6 11 ± 4.7 0.001
Pterocarpus violaceus Fabaceae Pioneer 2 63.4 16.6 ± 6.6 0.001

Key indicator species (only eight species with the highest indicator values (IV) are listed for each group) show their regeneration strategy and IV.

was confirmed by a Mantel test which failed to uncover any lags in plant assemblage responses to changes in habitat con-
large-scale spatial effect on the taxonomic similarity across figuration may be far more prolonged (Lindborg and Eriksson,
all 75 plots (q = 0.155; p = 0.95). Finally, the indicator species 2004), particularly for long-lived trees. Additionally, some ef-
analysis underscored the occurrence of eight indicator spe- fects on forest dynamics resulting from sudden habitat reduc-
cies (all of which pioneers) in the floristically cohesive group tion and isolation are expected to become less pronounced
of plots formed by forest edges, small fragments and second- with time (Kapos et al., 1997; Sizer and Tanner, 1999).
ary forest patches (Group 1). In contrast, 32 indicator species Our results indicate that tree assemblages in small frag-
of shade-tolerant trees (from a set of 41 indicator species) ments and along the edges of the largest remaining forest
were evident in the samples of forest interior plots (Group 2, remnant of northeast Brazil are much more similar to those
Table 5). This clearly indicates that the taxonomic segregation in early- to mid-successional secondary forest stands than
between primary, secondary and edge-affected forest habitats to core old-growth forest patches showing no detectable edge
was driven by the occurrence and relative abundance of spe- influence. Both forest edges along a very large remnant and
cies within different functional groups. core areas of small fragments retained only half of the total
tree species richness, and less than one-third of the shade-
4. Discussion tolerant, emergent, and large-seeded tree species found in
primary forest interior plots. Conversely, the total number of
4.1. Patterns and underlying mechanisms pioneer stems and pioneer species increased at least fourfold
in forest-edge and small fragment plots compared to those in
This study shows highly predictable patterns of tree commu- forest interior conditions. Furthermore, forest plots domi-
nity drift in Atlantic forest fragments that have experienced a nated by edge effects shared the same set of indicator pioneer
long but stable history of relaxation over at least 60 years of species, irrespectively of the fragment in which they had been
isolation. Further, tree communities subjected to a post-isola- placed and their location in the landscape. This implies that
tion history of forest disturbance resulting from either edge forest fragment archipelagos in old deforestation frontiers
effects or clear-cutting showed a large degree of functional that are overwhelmingly dominated by small forest patches,
convergence that cannot be explained by soil types, vegeta- as it is typically the case throughout the humid tropics (Ranta
tion types, or the spatial position of the plots sampled. Other et al., 1998; Gascon et al., 2000), may be comprised of no more
neotropical studies have shown that tree assemblages along than a collection of early- to mid-successional secondary for-
forest edges and in small fragments (1–10 ha) become rapidly est stands in terms of their tree life history traits. Should this
and increasingly more impoverished, dominated by a small be true, many floristic trends documented in more recently
set of pioneer species, and are poorly represented in terms fragmented forest landscapes, such as those in central (Lau-
of several ecological groups of trees occurring in undisturbed rance, 2001) and southern Amazonia (Michalski et al., 2007),
primary forest, such as emergent and large-seeded species represent but the first steps towards a more drastic and per-
(BDFF project: Laurance, 1997, 2001; Laurance et al., 2006b). vasive simplification of tree assemblages. Although our study
However, the full extent of this floristic simplification process has failed to monitor forest composition over many decades
remains poorly understood as the small fragments experi- of isolation, it provides what is to our knowledge the first
mentally created in the BDFF study of central Amazonia, set of reliable indicators of the long-term transitions in tree
north of Manaus, have not yet achieved relaxation in their functional groups in a fragmented neotropical forest land-
25-yr post-isolation history (see Laurance et al., 2006a). Time scape and gives support to the notion that severely frag-
B I O L O G I C A L C O N S E RVAT I O N 1 4 1 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 2 4 9 –2 6 0 257

mented landscapes tend to retain non-random nested-sub- ple, the seed rain within old edges along the perimeter of the
sets of species from the original source flora as postulated Coimbra Forest – the 35-km2 remnant surveyed here – is
by Patterson (1987). markedly reduced for large-seeded tree species (Melo et al.,
Although a dozen or so studies have documented that, at 2006). Low rates of seed delivery may therefore be an addi-
both regional and landscape scales, the distribution and tional force reducing the establishment of large-seeded trees
abundance of several tropical tree species may be affected in forest edges of large patches or anywhere in small patches
by soil type (e.g. Clark et al., 1998; ter Steege et al., 2006), (Chapman et al., 2003; Melo et al., 2007).
edaphic conditions apparently played only a minor role in
the patterns describe here. In fact, there is no empirical sup- 4.2. Forest regeneration vs. degeneration
port for the notion that, at the landscape scale, variation in
the relative contribution of tree functional groups in undis- Although tree assemblages in edge-dominated habitats had
turbed neotropical terra firme forests can be attributed to var- properties similar to those of secondary forest patches sur-
iation in soil properties, whether these are coarsely quantified rounded by large areas of old growth, this does not imply that
using regional scale soil maps, or based on soil samples col- edges and small fragments can support regenerating forests at
lected at each forest plot. Instead, changes in tree assemblage the patch scale. Briefly, forest regeneration, or secondary for-
structure documented here are largely explained by rather est succession, consists of a forest recovery process following
predictable declines or increases in the relative contribution severe perturbation events, which can either be natural (e.g.
of species sharing similar life-history traits, such as seed size, large treefall gaps) or anthropogenic (e.g. forest conversion
dispersal mode and regeneration strategy. Edge effects and for slash-and-burn agriculture) (Brown and Lugo, 1990; Tabar-
synergistic processes that may operate concurrently with for- elli and Mantovani, 2000). In the case of secondary forest
est fragmentation are still the most powerful forces driving patches considered here, which resulted from slash-and-burn
changes in both the taxonomic and functional composition agriculture based on clear-cutting of small patches of old-
of tree assemblages stranded in tropical forest fragments growth forest, forest regeneration is expected to occur through
(Tabarelli et al., 2004; Michalski et al., 2007). a directional sequence of establishment and replacement of
Changes in the functional attributes of tree assemblages seral stages, from the initial colonization stage consisting of
described here probably resulted from a myriad of biotic weedy or scrub-dominated communities to tree-dominated
and abiotic processes that can either favour the establish- communities as described by Richards (1996). Along these ser-
ment and spread of pioneer species, or suppress the recruit- al stages, pioneer plants are replaced by shade-tolerant trees
ment of shade-tolerant and mature forest species, which and the tree assemblage gradually accumulates biomass and
may eventually result in their local to regional-scale extirpa- becomes increasingly more diverse in both taxonomic and
tion. One common feature among most of these processes ecological terms (i.e. higher diversity of plant life-history traits
is that they result from forest-edge creation and the influence irrespective of their taxonomic composition; Richards, 1996;
of the surrounding matrix, rather than erosion of connectivity Guariguata and Ostertag, 2001).
or habitat loss per se (Laurance et al., 2002; Tabarelli and Gas- At the patch scale, however, plant assemblages in small
con, 2005). For example, proliferation of pioneers following forest patches and edges of large patches appear to face an in-
the creation of forest edges is fueled by elevated rates of tree- verse process as more complex, high-diversity assemblages
fall gaps and the collapse of the emergent stratum (Laurance dominated by shade-tolerant trees typical of old-growth for-
et al., 1998, 2006a). Peripheral treefall gaps and edge-related ests (e.g. large-seeded, emergent and hardwood tree species)
microclimatic changes then further promote suitable condi- become impoverished through the gradual replacement of
tions for a striking recruitment and growth of pioneers within these species by a small dominant set of persistent, fast-
100 m of fragment margins (Laurance et al., 2002, 2006a). growing pioneer species that accrue a low biomass due to
It has been postulated that forest fragmentation and the their smaller size and low wood density (Chave et al., 2006).
ensuing creation of forest edges can gradually deplete popula- In sum, we hypothesize that creation of forest edges triggers
tions of shade-tolerant trees in small fragments and near a forest degeneration process, or a retrogressive succession at
edges of large fragments through a myriad of processes the habitat patch scale in which plant communities will re-
affecting most stages of the plant life cycle (e.g. Tabarelli tain gradually fewer species and lower biomass over time.
et al., 2004). Potentially, population collapse in edge-sensitive In small fragments and edge-dominated areas of even the
forest interior species can be caused by: (1) reduced seed flux largest fragments this degeneration process is driven by a
(Benı́tez-Malvido and Martı́nez-Ramos, 2003); (2) increased combination of mechanisms that: (i) facilitate the recruit-
seedling mortality caused by litterfall suppression, patho- ment and growth of pioneers, and (ii) deplete populations of
gens, increased herbivory and treefall damage near forest shade-tolerant trees, which represent the dominant regener-
edges (Benı́tez-Malvido, 1998; Didham and Lawton, 1999; ation guild in tropical primary forests (Whitmore, 1991). In the
Benı́tez-Malvido and Lemus-Albor, 2005; Wirth et al., 2007); long run, theses habitats will tend to retain an increasingly
(3) increased sapling/adult mortality resulting from competi- simplified (degenerated) tree assemblage, which just so hap-
tion with lianas, vines and ruderal species (Pérez-Salicrup, pens to converge (following an inverse species turnover tra-
2001); and (4) increased adult mortality caused by physiologi- jectory) with those of regenerating stands in small
cal stress from desiccation and wind turbulence resulting in secondary forest patches that can still benefit from the input
elevated rates of both uprooting and breakage (D’Angelo of surrounding areas of old-growth forest.
et al., 2004). Furthermore, edge habitat can drastically affect Given current primary forest conversion rates, it appears
seed shadows for different plant functional groups. For exam- inevitable that tropical forests will be transformed into
258 B I O L O G I C A L C O N S E RVAT I O N 1 4 1 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 2 4 9 –2 6 0

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