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News Report

Based on Julius Caesar

Brainstorming Sheet
Students Name: Laura Jurkovic

Idea for the Article:

Antony speech at Julius Caesar's funeral. Who is really responsible?





By Laura Jurkovic

Place Line:

Antony has spoken at Caesar's funeral. It has been revealed that this has been a

murder. The people want vengeance no matter what length they have to go to.


Who: Cassius, Brutus and a few others have been exposed for being behind the

gruesome murder of the beloved by all Julius Ceasar.

What: What is Antony going to do to those who have wronged him and Ceasar.
Where: Everyone is questioning where the murders occur.

When: When did they start conspiring against Caesar.

Why: The question that has been on everyone's mind is why did they do this, was there

a reason for it or was it out of pure spite.

How: How will Rome continue after Ceasars death?

Brainstorming Sheets continue…

Student’s Name: Laura Jurkovic

Facts/Ideas For the Body:

Talking about the weapon used for murder. Antony speech and its impact on the People.

What the people think of the murders of Caesar.

Name and Information of person #1 interviews:



“Revenge! Let’s go after them! Seek! Burn! Set fire! Kill! Slay! Leave no traitors alive!”

Name and Information of person #2 interviews:



“We’ll listen to him, we’ll follow him, we’ll die with him.”
Other relevant information:

As you can see most people are in agreement with Antony.

Rough Draft
Student’s Name: Laura Jurkovic

In today’s news something very big has happened today. On the day of Julius Caesar's

funeral Antony has spoken and exposed the truth of his death. He was murdered by the

people who were very close to him. Now we can only imagine why the suspects would

murder him, but it doesn’t justify their actions. The people want vengeance for our most

memorable and honourable soldier of Rome. There is no excuse for what these

criminals have done. The murder weapon was none other than Cassius knife. The

citizens of Rome no longer want answers. Antony's speech has moved us all. Now that

we know what really happened to Caesar the city is in a deep mourning. Who can we

now trust if the people with the most power are killing and murdering each other. In

Antony’s speech today he talked about many various different things. We cannot

imagine how he must feel, now that his most trusted soldier who would eventually get

the crown has been murdered by those closest to him. The people are still trying to

figure out what to do with those who are responsible for his death. The aftermath of his

speech is very severe. People are beginning to riot, they are on a rampage, filled with

anger about the news they just heard. We fear that something will happen during this

mad rampage that is currently going on. This by far has been a very sad day for Rome,

we have lost trust in the ones who hold all the power, and most importantly we have lost
the best soldier we ever had. He was truly a kind hearted man who helped Rome

become what it is today.

Good Copy
Student’s Name: Laura Jurkovic

In today’s news something very big has happened today. On the day of Julius Caesar's

funeral Antony has spoken and exposed the truth of his death. He was murdered by

people who were very close to him. Now we can only imagine why the suspects would

murder him, but it doesn’t justify their actions. The people want vengeance for our most

memorable and honorable soldier of Rome. There is no excuse for what these criminals

have done. The murder weapon was none other than Cassius's knife. The citizens of

Rome no longer want answers. Antony's speech has moved us all. Now that we know

what really happened to Caesar the city is in deep mourning. Who can we now trust if

the people with the most power are killing and murdering each other? In Antony’s

speech today he talked about many various different things. We cannot imagine how he

must feel, now that his most trusted soldier who would eventually get the crown has

been murdered by those closest to him. The people are still trying to figure out what to

do with those who are responsible for his death. The aftermath of his speech is very

severe. People are beginning to riot, they are on a rampage, filled with anger about the

news they just heard. We fear that something will happen during this mad rampage that

is currently going on. This by far has been a very sad day for Rome, we have lost trust
in the ones who hold all the power, and most importantly we have lost the best soldier

we ever had. He was truly a kind-hearted man who helped Rome become what it is


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