Cach25C - Chemistry - Ii: Öpõkuqøn Dû Gßóõà Gßú?

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Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

SECTION A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. What is chelating agent?

öPõkUQøn¨¦ DÛ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

2. List the uses of super phosphate of lime.

`¨£º £õì÷£miß £¯ßPøÍ £mi¯¼kP.

3. What is the secondary structure of protein?

¦μuzvß Cμshõ® {ø» ÁiÁ® £ØÔ GÊxP.

4. What is mutarotation?

©õØÖ _ÇØ] GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

5. What do you mean by Faraday constant?

Faraday ©õÔ¼ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

6. What is the relationship between specific
conductance and equivalent conductance?

\©õÚUPhzxzvÓß ©ØÖ® {¯® PhzxzvÓßPÐUS

Cøh°À EÒÍ ÷ÁÖ£õmiøÚ _¸UP©õP GÊuÄ®.

7. List the biological importance of insulin.

Cß_¼Ûß E°› £¯ß£õmøh GÊxP.

8. How will you distinguish between water soluble

and fat soluble vitamins?

}º ©ØÖ® öPõʨ¤À Pøμ²® øÁmhªßPøÍ


9. Which analgesics are called opiates?

G¢u ÁøP Á¼ {Áõμo ‘Opiates’ GßÖ


10. Define antiseptics.

|a_UöPõÀ¼ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

2 422
SECTION B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

11. (a) What are the functions involves in

hemoglobin? Draw the structure of

ï÷©õU÷Íõ¤Ûß ö\¯À£õk ©ØÖ®

Aø©¨ø£ ÂÁ›.


(b) Write the important structural and

functional differences between DNA and

RNA ©ØÖ® DNA Âß ö\¯À£õk ©ØÖ® Auß

Aø©¨¤ß •UQ¯zxÁzøu ÂÁ›.

12. (a) Define Ostwald-dilution law and list the

limitations of the law.

BìxÁõÀ }ºzu Âv ©ØÖ® Auß Á쮦PøÍ



(b) Describe column chromatography.

SÇõ´ Ásn¨¤›øP •øÓ £ØÔ _¸UP©õP

3 422
13. (a) What do you understand by the term
corrosion? Describe the theory of corrosion.
x¸ ¤izuÀ GßÓõÀ GßÚ? Aøu ÂÁ›.
(b) Define Kohlrausch’s law. How can it be used
to find the degree of dissociation of a weak
÷PõÀμõì Âv GßÓõÀ GßÚ? CÆÂvø¯
£¯ß£kzv Á¼ø©SøÓ¢u ªß£Sΰß
¤›øP Ãuzøu GÆÁõÖ PnUQkÁõ´
14. (a) What deficiency diseases are caused due to
lack of vitamins A, B, B6, and K in human
EnÂÀ øÁmhªßPÒ A, B, B6 ©ØÖ® K
SøÓ£õmhõÀ, GÆÁøP ÷|õUUSøÓ¨£õkPÒ
(b) Sulpha drugs work like antibiotics but they
are not antibiotics. Is this a valid statement
and why? Give one example each for sulpha
drugs and antibiotics.
\À£õ ©¸¢xPÒ ~sq°º Gvº¨¤Pøͨ
÷£õ»÷Á ö\¯À£kQßÓÚ, BÚõÀ AøÁ
~sq°º Gvº¨¤PÒ AÀ». Hß? \À£õ
©¸¢xPÒ ©ØÖ® ~sq°º Gvº¨¤PÐUS
u»õ J¸ Euõμn® öPõk[PÒ.

4 422
15. (a) What are harmones? Give and explain the
name of one male and one female harmones

íõº÷©õß GßÓõÀ GßÚ? Bs ©ØÖ® ö£s

íõº÷©õßPøÍ J¸ GkzxUPõmkhß
_¸UP©õP ÂÁ›.


(b) List the uses of Freon’s and Gammexane.

¨›÷¯õß ©ØÖ® Põö©U÷éß £¯ß£õkPøÍ


SECTION C — (3 × 10 = 30 marks)

Answer any THREE questions.

16. Explain the preparation and applications of DDT.

DDT u¯õ›zuÀ ©ØÖ® £¯ß£õkPøÍ Â›ÁõP


17. What are proteins? Name the compounds obtained

on a partial and complete hydrolysis of proteins.

¦μu[PÒ GßÓõÀ GßÚ? ¦μu[PÎß £Sv ©ØÖ®

•Êø©¯õÚ }μõØ£S¨¤À ö£Ó¨£mh ÷\º©[PÐUS

5 422
18. Define conductivity and molar conductivity of an
electrolyte solution discuss their variation with
ªß£SÎU Pøμ\¼ß PhzxzvÓß ©ØÖ® ÷©õ»õº
PhzxzvÓøÚ Áøμ¯ÖUPÄ®, ©ØÖ® AÁØÔß
©õÖ£õmøh ö\ÔÄhß ÂÁ›UPÄ®.

19. Name the organ of secretion and one principle

function of adrenaline and insulin.
Am›Ú¼ß ©ØÖ® Cß_¼Ûß ö\¯À£õmk
öPõÒøPø¯ Auß _쨦 EÖ¨¦hß ÂÁ›US®.

20. List the important use of each of the following:

(a) Chloramphenicol
(b) Streptomycin
(c) Penicillin
(d) Sulpha pyridine.
¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÔß •UQ¯©õÚ £¯ß£õmøh
(A) S÷Íõμõ®ö£ÛPõÀ
(B) ìmöμ¨÷hõø©]ß
(C) ö£ß]¼ß
(D) \À£õ¤›iß.


6 422

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