Lý thuyết tiếng tổng hợp EN57

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Lời chào tới lớp Lý thuyết tiếng tổng hợp EN57.


Xin chào anh chị, Tôi là Nguyễn Thị Toàn, thạc sĩ ngành ngôn ngữ.  Giảng viên Online của
Trung tâm đào tạo E-Learning, Đại học Mở, Hà Nội.

Chào mừng anh/chị đến với diễn đàn môn học Lý thuyết tiếng tổng hợp . Hy vọng qua khóa học,
anh chị có thể hiểu sâu sắc hơn về ngôn ngữ mình đang sử dụng, cũng như ứng dụng ngôn ngữ
trong công việc.

Rất mong anh/chị ngoài việc nghiên cứu, làm bài tập sẽ tham gia tích cực trên diễn đàn để tiếp
cận kiến thức một cách nhanh chóng và thuận lợi nhất.

Xin chúc anh/chị sức khỏe và hoàn thành xuất sắc khóa học!


Quiz on Parts of speech

Bởi ThS. Nguyễn Thị Toàn - Thứ hai, 15/03/2021, 1:16 PM

Good afternoon class. I hope you have read your first module in this course. Here are some
question, please finish and discuss together.

1. Which describes a noun or pronoun?

an adverb
an adjective
a proper noun

2. Which determiner is an article?


3. Determiners come at the beginning of

adverbial clauses
noun phrases
indirect objects

4. Learning the parts of speech helps learners to ________ correctly.

pronounce words
construct sentences
understand accents
5. A pronoun is a word that replaces

an adjective
a verb
a noun

6. Which are capitalized at all times?

proper nouns
compound nouns
possessive pronouns

7. A word that describes an action or state is

a verb
an adverb
a noun

8. Which are prepositions?

be, go, do
but, so, or
by, to, at

9. Which are conjunctions?

be, go, do
but, so, or
by, to, at

10. Which are defined as "words that join or connect parts of a sentence"?


Đáp án


1. an adjective 2. an 3. noun phrases 4. construct sentences 5. a noun 6. proper nouns 7. a verb 8.

by, to, at 9. but, so, or 10. conjunctions

Tuần 2

Practise on Word formation

Bởi ThS. Nguyễn Thị Toàn - Thứ hai, 22/03/2021, 9:32 AM

1. In some countries it's __legal to drink alcohol.

 un
 a
 il

2. She works for a __national company.

 multi
 bi
 uni

3. Oh no! I made a mistake. I'll have to __do all my work.

 over
 re
 out

4. I __slept this morning and was late for work.

 out
 re
 over

5. You can't go into a bar. You're __age.

 over
 under
 sub

6. He's got some great __workers.

 co-
 con
 super

7. I'm sorry, but I __agree with you.

 non
 dis
 under
8. Why don't we meet for __dinner drinks?

 super-
 re-
 pre-

9. She's really __mature for her age.

 im
 un
 over

10. They serve __sized portions of chips in that restaurant.

 over-
 un
 super-

11. Her work is __standard.

 sub
 de
 pre

12. She's a famous scient__

 ism
 ist
 ician

13. My brother is a music__

 ist
 ant
 ian

14. He's a tax account__

 ist
 ant
 er

15. Loyal__ is important for friends.

 ment
 ness
 ty

16. The company has plans for expan__.

 sion
 ity
 ness

17. There's been an improve__ in the situation.

 ness
 ment
 ship

18. That politician is a commun__.

 ism
 ist
 ician

19. He's hope__ that he'll get the job.

 able
 ible
 ful

20. She felt trapped in a love__ marriage so decided to leave her husband.

 less
 ful
 proof

Đáp án

1. In some countries it's __legal to drink alcohol.

 un
 a
 il
 We often use the 'il' prefix before adjectives beginning with 'l'. For example, illegal,
illicit, illiterate (but unlawful, disloyal).

2. She works for a __national company.

 multi
 bi
 uni
 Use 'multi' to mean several or many. A multinational company operates in many

3. Oh no! I made a mistake. I'll have to __do all my work.

 over
 re
 out
 'Re' means 'again'.

4. I __slept this morning and was late for work.

 out
 re
 over
 'Over' means 'too much'. If you oversleep you sleep for too long.

5. You can't go into a bar. You're __age.

 over
 under
 sub
 'Under' means 'not enough'. If you're underage, you aren't old enough. Other examples are
underpaid (not paid enough) or underused (not used enough).

6. He's got some great __workers.

 co-
 con
 super
 'Co' means 'with'. A co-worker is someone you work with.

7. I'm sorry, but I __agree with you.

 non
 dis
 under
 'Dis' is a very common prefix to mean 'not'. For example, disagree, disbelieve, dislike,
8. Why don't we meet for __dinner drinks?

 super-
 re-
 pre-
 'Pre' means 'before'. You can use it with adjectives, verbs and nouns (as in this example.)

9. She's really __mature for her age.

 im
 un
 over
 Use 'im' before some adjectives beginning with 'm'. (Immature, immodest, immaterial.)

10. They serve __sized portions of chips in that restaurant.

 over-
 un
 super-
 'Super' means 'greater'. For example, super-sized, supermarket, supernatural.

11. Her work is __standard.

 sub
 de
 pre
 'Sub' means below. For example, substandard means under the necessary standard.

12. She's a famous scient__

 ism
 ist
 ician
 'ist can show professions: scientist, chemist, physicist.

13. My brother is a music__

 ist
 ant
 ian
 -ian can also show a profession: musician, optician
14. He's a tax account__

 ist
 ant
 er
 -ant also shows a profession: accountant, consultant.

15. Loyal__ is important for friends.

 ment
 ness
 ty
 -ty or -ity are common noun endings.

16. The company has plans for expan__.

 sion
 ity
 ness

17. There's been an improve__ in the situation.

 ness
 ment
 ship
 'ment' shows a change.

18. That politician is a commun__.

 ism
 ist
 ician
 'ist' shows someone who believes in a system. For example, socialist, communist, idealist,

19. He's hope__ that he'll get the job.

 able
 ible
 ful
 'ful' is a common suffix for positive adjectives. If you are hopeful, you have hope. Also
awful, wonderful.
20. She felt trapped in a love__ marriage so decided to leave her husband.

 less
 ful
 proof
 'less' shows the absence of something. Loveless means without love. Other examples:
childless (with no children) or hopeless (a situation where there is no hope).

Tuần 3

Give the phonetic symbol representing the consonant sound described and then supply an
English word containing the sound.


voiced alveolopalatal affricate


aspirated voiceless bilabial stop


alveolar flap


dentalized alveolar nasal


voiceless labiovelar fricative


voiceless labiodental fricative


voiceless glottal fricative or voiceless vowel

đáp án






















tuần 4

Phonetics, phonology – what's the difference?

Bởi ThS. Nguyễn Thị Toàn - Thứ sáu, 2/04/2021, 11:31 AM
Traditionally, phoneticsdeals with measurable, physical properties of speech
soundsthemselves, i.e. precisely how the mouth produces certain sounds, and the
characteris-tics of the resulting soundwaves; while phonologyinvestigates the mental
system forrepresenting and processing speech sounds within particular languages. In
recent years,however, the two fields have increasingly overlapped in scope. For our
purposes, the im-portant point is that linguists (whether they're called phoneticians or
phonologists) haveaccumulated some basic observations about how the speech systems of
human language'work,' and these principles have a good deal to do with the physical
properties of thespeech sounds in question.

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