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ee, OB Ss Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VI — Western Visayas SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAPIZ Banica, Roxas City December 16, 2020 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No 171, s 2020 AVAILABILITY OF SELF LEARNING MODULES QUARTER 2 To: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Program Supervisor (CID) Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Heads of Public Elementary, Secondary and Integrated Schools 1. This is to apprise the field of the availability of Quarter 2 Self Learning Modules (SLMs)/ Learning Activity Sheets from Kinder to Senior High School. 2, Attention is invited on Enclosure 1 containing information related to’ > SLMSILAS printed through public bidding > SLMs/LAS to be printed at the district/school level > Learning Areas without available SLMs/LAS 3. Alll are enjoined to check the link from time to time for additional SLMs/ LASs and in-case there be no available materials teacher made LAS be utilized. 4. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired, . a c satvapOre OCHAVO JR, EdD, CESO V ‘chools Division Superintendent DEC 1 8 2020 Reference: Allotment: To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: LEARNING RESOURCES TEACHING AIDS Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VI — Western Visayas SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAPIZ Banica, Roxas City December 16, 2020 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 17 8 AVAILABILITY OF SELF LEARNING MODULES QUARTER 2 To: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Program Supervisor (CID) Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Heads of Public Elementary, Secondary and Integrated Schools 1. This is to apprise the field of the availability of Quarter 2 Self Learning Modules (SLMs)/ Learning Activity Sheets from Kinder to Senior High School, 2. Attention is invited on Enclosure 1 containing information related to: > SLMSILAS printed through public bidding > SLMsILAS to be printed at the district/school level > Learning Areas without available SLMs/LAS 3. All are enjoined to check the link from time to time for additional SLMs/ LASs and in-case there be no available materials teacher made LAS be utilized. 4. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. spORO. OCHAVO mho, CESOV ‘Schools Division Superintendent DEC 1 8 2020 Reference: Allotment: To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects LEARNING RESOURCES TEACHING AIDS Inclosure No. 1 of Division Memorandum No. 2020 SDO CAPIZ Readiness on Quarter 2 LRs SLMSILAS Submitted for Printing through Public Bidding and those that will be printed by the schools as of December 17, 2020 > oo os es S$ oe a SS ess SE Sp oe Soe se e £ SPOS 10 io was 1284867.88.10) Fipino 1 14 1A8 1 79,10, 120 16) Modes 1,28 28,20, 3, 4,88 | Module Gb o,7, and tobe tah wih 12-mods oe homepage lap 7 Modes 12848687 NONE INOSLMSLAS printed th Medes 12:3 &4 tbe pred by esp P bing bac No SLMSILAS printed thru ‘No available LAS/SLMs as of this sic 8 biing date INS SLMSICAS pad fra Ws avaTABS TASISUMS STS lars 8 biding date PE 3 odes TET No SLMILAS printed tu |fosue + and remaining module o eats 5 being bs payed by choc io SLMGITAS pred tra] Ne avaiable ASTSLS aS TS Te-MLE ‘0 acing dat |SLMs 5, 6,7 and 8 to be printed by |8 ( SLMs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Engtsh ‘ asi Ine eensls as) tn 10 Modes 19 NONE SLM no. 4be printed byte ache Ftipino 2 ° 8 |aosues 123567888 it avaabe ESP, |SLMs 5,6,87 to be printed by the sch 00s if available Music ISLM Nos..6,7,8 8 tbe printed By the ‘Schools if available lars [SLM n0.1,3,4,5,6,7 be printed by the: ‘school if available PE NONE Health [Modules 210 8 be printed F available or teacher-made LAS be prepared & printed if available MTB-MLE Filipino ESP 12 (modules 1 and 2 to be printed by| the ‘schools [Mods 1-3 and 7 to be printed by the sch [Remaining modules willbe printed by the sch if available asm 12,3,7,8,9,10,8:2) [Remaining modules willbe printed by the sch if lable [Remaining modules willbe printed by the sch if available INo SLMS/LAS printed thru bidding [SLMS/LAS found in the Ink wil BS printed by the sch 2 (50M 3.2.35,67.8,9,10,11,12,13) Modules 1-8 Pe INo SLMSILAS printed thru bidging [schools niaied will be printed by the| isch INo SLMSiLAS printed thru bidding [schools niated will be printed by th| sch Modules 1-2 Modules 3-8 wilbe printed by the sch ifavailable Health INo SLMS/LAS printed thru bidding [Schools inated will be printed by the ach lMTB-MLE INo SLMSILAS printed thru biasing [Schools iniated will be printed by the| [sch INo SLMSILAS printed thru biasing [schools Inlated will be printed by the| lsch Remaining SLMS/LAS willbe printed by the sch if available [4 (Sums 2,3,4,85) Remaining SLMS/LAS will be printed by the sch if available Remaining SLMS/LAS will be printed by the sch if available LAS 1 Remaining SLMS/LAS willbe printed by the sch if available [4 (SLMs 4,5.6,87) LAS 1.2 & Mods. 5-5 Remaining SUMS/LAS will be printed by the sch if available Remaining SLMS/LAS will be printed by the sch if available Remaining SUMS/LAS will be printed by the sch if available Remaining SLMS/LAS will be printed by the sch if available Remaining SLMS/LAS will be printed by the sch if available Remaining SLMS/LAS will be printed by the sch if available Remaining SLMS/LAS will be printed by the sch if available Remaining SLMS/LAS will be printed by the sch if available INo SLMSILAS be printed thru [SLMS/LAS willbe printed by the sch it available Remaining SLMS/LAS willbe printed by the sch if available ITAS No. 41s to bo printed By the schools (7-2) 5 TAS W be pried by he schoots (19-8) 11 LAS to be printed by the schools (14-5) 9 SLMs/ LAS to be printed by| the schools NONE 2 (siMs182) ILAS 7 &8 foundin the ink willbe printed by the schools No SLMS/LAS printed thru bidding LMSILAS found in the Ink OF [schools iniated will be printed by the| schools 2 (sims Land 3) INo SLMs/LAS printed thru biding [SLMS/LAS Found Ta he Tak oF [schools iniated willbe printed by the| schools INo SLMS/LAS printed thru bidding tipino 30 lap. 5 lesP, 4 Music 6 lars 6 Pe 3 Health 7 JAFA clo Qt 8 LA. clo at 6 H.E clo at 4 icT coat 16 English 4 Science z Math 19 Fuipine 4 lap. 8 ESP, 8 Music a lars 6 Pe 4 Health 2 [SLMS/LAS Tound ia the Tak or [schools iniated willbe printed by the| sch Last (12-1) TT SLMSICAS W avalable it the link or schools iniated will be printed by the sch [s(sims 1.2.45 & 7) Modules were already printed & AFA 8 distributed on 1 [Modules were already printed & LA 5 distributed on Qt Modules were already printed & HE 13 distributed on 1 Modules were already printed & distributed on 1 Sis 1-3 Site 7 Sims 715 15 out of 16 modules are avalable [3 sums be printed "To be developed & printed by the INo SLMS/LAS printed thru sch if there will be NO SLMS/LAS bidding ound in te lnk To be developed & printed by the INoSLMSILAS printed thru [sch there will be NO SLMS/LAS. lars 8 bidding ound in te tink Remaining SLMSITAS be panted TF pe 4 [sims 1-2 available (G3) 2 Remaining SUMSTLAS Be Heath 5 [sims 1-3 printed if available Modules were already printed & JAFA cl0 a1 40 distributed on 1 Modules were already printed & A. cit 14 distributed on a1 Modules were already printed & HE oo a1 16 distributed on Q1 Modules were already printed & lictoo at 13 distributed on 1 [Teams/ CO Link tobe Printed through Public Bidding | Tobe printed by the schools [incited in te SOO jeer | eo (Q2) RS SUS pass Seta Zz bidding printed bythe sch None Remaining SLMS/LAS be printed i Las 1-4 avaliable None No SLMMS/LAS printed tira ‘SLM/LAS inthe lnk of sch inated bidaing be printed by the sch None No SLMS/LAS printed thre 'SLMEILAS in the link or sch inated Fuipino 10 bidaing be printed by the seh None Remaining SLMSILAS be printed Module 1 & LAS 1 available None No SLMSILAS printed tra ‘SLMGICAS Th the link oF Sh ave bidcing be printed by the sch [None Wo. 8 SLMILAS inthe link oF Sch Mods. 1-7 iniated be printed by the sch [8 (1,2.345,6.7 & 8) INo SUMsiCAS printed tira SLMsiLAS in the ink or sch inated bidcing be printed by the sch None INo SLMSILAS prited tru ‘SUMGILAS inthe ink or son ated bideing beprinted bythe sch [None INo SLMSILAS pated firs SLMGILAS in he ink or soh ated bidcing be printed by the sch |5 (#1.24.5,8.6) English 3 [Sis 183, 1AS2485 None e183) Science 6 LAS 1-8 None None. ath 16 LAS 1-16 None 28,9,10,11,12,19, 814) 7 LAS 1-17 None None [AP 6 LAS 1-6 None None ESP 16 Las 1-16 None: None Musie 6 LAS 18 None None lars 10 LAS 1-10 None None PE 4 LAS 18 None None WSLMBILAS are available pint Heath 13 LAs 1-10 1112813 Animal Production (Pout, swine and] 15 SLMs/LAS in the link or sch inated uminants| ° be printed by the sch tera Crop Production ace] 12 eee ok 'SLMSILAS inthe lnk or sch inated | land Horticulture} Seah ° be printed by the sch Fishery Operations) Sea ee ie (aquacuture and Fst] 16 ereaiste in SLNSIAS ie nk oo nts [capture . ° 3 printed by the sch femoxyno x00 ML tT ro Tad Food Process 6 ° be printed by the sch Food Processing (salting Curing] SLMsILAS in the link or sch inated smoking] 5 ° be printed by the sch F008 Processing (Fermentation ‘SLMSILAS inthe link or sch inated Picking] 5 ° be printed by the sch Food Processing ‘SLMsILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch ‘SEMSICAS in the ink oF 6h mialed be printed by the seh SSLMsILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch ‘SEMSILAS in the link or sch iriaied be printed by the sch ‘SLMsILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch ‘SLMS/LAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch ‘SEMSILAS in the link or sch riated be printed by the sch LLMSILAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch ‘SEMSILAS in the ink oF Sch ated be printed by the sch LMSILAS in the link or sch Taated be printed by the sch ‘SEMILAS in the link or sch lated be printed by the sch ‘SLMSILAS in the fink or Sch inated be printed by the sch SCMILAS in the fink or sch iniated be printed by the sch SEMETLAS in te link or sch inated be printed by the sch be printed by the sch “SLMSILAS in the lnk or sch iniated be printed by the sch "SLMSILAS in the ink or sch iniated bbe printed by the sch “SUMSILAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch (Sugar Concentration} 4 Masonry} 9 ‘Automotive 7 Motoreycle smal Engine| 2 carpentry 10 Domestic Refregiration and Ar Conditioning | Domaac| 2 Tiecieal installation] ‘and Maintenance - em 10 Heectronie Produc] ‘Assembly and| Servicing -EPAs| 2 Plumbing 10 swaw| 10 Caregiving| 5 Cookery| 5 Dressmaking| 4 Front Office] Services| z Handicrat 5 Nail Care| 3 Computer Systems] Servicing} 24 tustration u [technical Drafting Fn [English 2 3(S3,2,3) Tihere wil be additional (AST [should be_printed by the school None 7 (WAS 4,2.45,6,7 and 8) LAS 3 to be printed if avaliable None IS. RemainingSLMs/ LAS be printed 7 (WAS 3a, 1b, 34a,4b,5 &6) [by the schoe! INone l27 RemainingSLMsi LAS be (LAs for MELCNs. 1,234,568 printed by the school if all are In available None BUAS (1,234,567 &8) None None 618s (12,1b, 23, 2b,3a,3b, 4a, 4b, 5a,Sb, 63, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b) NONE ls(wa3%4) |SLMS/LAS in the lnk or sch iniated No SLMS/LAS printed thru bidding [be printed by the sch None No SLMS/LAS printed thru bidding 'SLMSILAS inthe link or sch iniated be printed by the sch None ‘SLMSILAS inthe link or Sch iniated [Science 7 Math uw Fipino 34 lap 5 ESP 16 Music 6 lars 12 Pe 5 Health 1 [English z Science 6 Math 12 ino 37 5 Esp, 16 Music 5 arts 1 Pe 2 Health 4 No SLMS/LA printed thu bidding bepinted by the sch___[None SSLMGILAS in the link or sch iiatod No SLMS/LAS printed thru bidding epinted by the sch [2(#182) 5s (sum #2,356.and7) Remaining SLMS LAS be printed Last by the schoet 5 (sim #123, 48.5) SSLMs (12,945) __|NONE [(4-1) — 15 Remaining SUMS TAS Last be printed by the school Hen Remaining SLMSI LAS be printed GLAS (1106) and module 7_[by the schocl 4 (42.3.4. 8 10) [Remaining SLMS/ LAS be printed 31AS and3 sums [by the schocl s(#1.4.87) SLMSILAS f the nk or Sch iriated No SLMS/LAS printed thru bidding be printed by the sch [2(#1& 2) ‘SLMSILAS h the ink or soh inated No SLMS/LAS printed thr bidding be pinted by the sch__[None. ‘SLMSILAS i the ink or sch inated No SLMS/LAS printed thr bidaing bepintedby the sch [None “SLMSILAS ithe link or sch inated No SLMs/LAS printed thru bdaing beppintedby the sch [None No SLMs/LAS printed thru bidding ‘SLMS/LAS inthe lnk or sch iniated be printed by the sch [5 Core Subjects ‘SLMSILAS in the ink or sch inated lorat Communication | 01-7023 ° be printed by the sch Zamunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated lat Kulturang Pilipino ° be printed by the sch [contemporary Philippine Arts from ‘SLMS/LAS in the link or sch iniated the Regions 16 ° be printed by the sch Information Literacy 0 ’e printed by the sch [General Math 23 0 be printed by the sch Earth and tite Science 10 ° be printed by the sch Philosophy ofthe ‘SLMSILAS in the link oF sch iniated Human Person 0 be printed by the sch Health ° be printed by the sch Understanding [cuture, Society and ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated Potties 6 ous be printed by the sch Earth Seience 3 o be printed by the sch Physical Science 7 oO be printed by the sch ran 19 o be printed by the sch [Subjects nlish for Academic land Professional ‘SLMS/LAS in the link oF sch inated purposes an-10 02.9 o be printed by the sch practical Research 1 10 ° be printed by the sch Fitipino sa Pting ‘SLMS/LAS in the link or sch iniated Larang - Akademi o be printed by the sch tarang -Sining at ‘SLMS/LAS in the link or sch inated bisenyo o be printed by the sch Filipino sa Piing ‘SLMS/LAS in the link or sch inated Larang - Isports o be printed by the sch Filipino sa Piing 'SLMSILAS in the link or sch inated Larang - Tech-Voc o be printed by the sch [rechnologes (E-Tech) 0 be printed by the sch o [SHS Specialized (community ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the seh ‘SLMSILAS in the link oF sch iniated bbe printed by the sch ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch bbe printed by the sch ted ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated bbe printed by the sch ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated ‘be printed by the sch ‘SEMSILAS in the link or sch trialed be printed by the sch LMSILAS Tn the Tink or sch Tate bbe printed by the sch ‘SCMISILAS in the link or sch infated be printed by the sch ‘SUMGICAS Wr Wie ink or Sch Toated bbe printed by the sch ‘SEMSILAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch SCMISILAS in the link or Sch Triated be printed by the sch SLMSILAS in the fink or sch inated be printed by the sch “SUMSILAS in the ink or sch iniated be printed by the sch “SLMBILAS in the ink or sch Tiated be printed by the sch ILMILAS inthe lnk or Sch iniatea be printed by the sch Engagement, soidarity and kizenship 20. Disciplines and ideas in the Applied Socal sciences 7 Disciplines and ideas in the Socal Sciences 3 iniroduction to World Religions and Belief system 8 Philippines Poles land Governance 4 Trends, Networks, and] [critical Thinking inthe 2st Century 16 |creative Nonfiction 5 creative Weting 5 Malikhaing Pagsulat Pre-Caleulus 1s Basic Calculus 03 |General Bio 10 |General Bio 2 3 [General chern 1 16 [General cher 2 3, |General Physics 1 45 General Physics 2 03 Research/Capstone, ‘SLMBILAS in te link or sch iniaTed be printed by the sch ‘SCMSILAS in the link or sch iriated be printed by the sch ‘Agricultural Crops Production NCI ‘grcultural Crops Production NC I ‘SLMSILAS nthe Ink oF Sch inated bbe printed by the sch Bnimal Production {Large Ruminants} Nc} i ‘SLNSILAS n the link or sch inated be printed by the sch ‘Animal production Poultry.Chicken) NC i ‘SLMSILAS 1 the link or sch iniated bbe piinted by the sch ‘Animal Production (Swine) NC ‘SLMSILAS nthe link or sch inated be printed by the sch Aquaculture NC ‘SLMILAS nthe link or sch Inated be printed by the sch Antficial Insemination] {Large Ruminants) Nc} ul ‘SEMSILAS the lnk or sch inated be printed by the sch Astificial Insemination] {swine} NC SLMSILAS nthe link or sch iniated be printed by the sch Fish Products| Packaging NCI ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated be pinted by the sch Food Processing NCI ‘SLMSILAS inthe link or sch Tlated be pinted by the sch Tandscape installation ‘and Maintenance NC ft SLMGILAS inthe link or sch inated be pinted by the sch (Organic Agriculture] cul 'SLMSILAS inthe link or sch iniated be pinted by the sch est Management NC| fi “SLMSILAS inthe link or sch inated be pinted by the sch Biractions and] “Theme Paris Operations with Ecotourism NCI “SEMSILAS inthe link or sch inated be printed by the sch ‘SLMSILAS inthe link or sch iniated be printed by the sch Rericultural Crops] Production NC ‘Animal Health Care] Management NC i ‘SLMSILAS inthe link or sch Tnated be printed by the sch ‘SLMSILAS inthe link or sch inated be printed by the sch Fishing Gear Repair and Maintenance Nc| ul 'SLMS/LAS inthe link or sch iniated be printed by the sch Horticulture NCI SLMISILAS inthe ink or sch ilated be printed by the sch Tutomative Servicing] Nc Plumbing NC ‘SLMSILAS in the ink or och ated be printed by the sch Thielded Metal Are] ‘Welding NC ‘Ratorotive Servicing] cil STMS/LAS in te link or sch ated be printed by the sch ‘SLMGILAS in te link or sch riated be printed by the sch Carpentry NC1 “SLMSILAS in the ink or sch iniated bbe printed by the sch Construction Pantin] neu ‘SUMSILAS in the link or sch iiated bbe printed by the sch Domestic Refrigeration and air conditioning| (oomRAC) servicing} cil "SLMSILAS in the ink or sch inlated be printed by the sch Driving NCI ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch lecical intallaton and Maintenance Nc| | LMISILAS Tn the Tink or sch iatee be printed by the sch Hlecironie Products ‘Assembly and| Servicing NC ‘SLMsILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch (Gas Metal Arc ‘Welding (GMAW) Nc| | ‘SLMS/LAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch Gas Tungsten Ar| Welding (GTAW) NCI 'SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch Masonry NC: ‘Mechatronics Servicing NC ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch ‘be printed by the sch ated ‘SEMSILAS in the link or sch Tiated bbe printed by the sch Motoreycle/Small Engine Servicing NCI ‘SLMSILAS in the link or ech niated be printed by the sch Plumbing NCI 'SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch Shielded Metal Are] Welding neu 'SLMSILAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch Tie Setting NCI "SLNSILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch “SLMBILAS in the lnk or sch inated be printed by the sch Carpentry NC IIMILAS inthe Tink or sch inated be printed by the sch Refrigeration and Air] Conditionin| (Packaged air| Conditioning Unit [PACUI/Commercial Refrigeration Equipment (CRE Servicing NC. Needlecrat| ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniatec be pinted by the sch Macrame/Basketry| MICAS Wr the Tink oF Sch nvated bbe pinted by the sch Fashion Accessories] ‘SEMSILAS inthe link or sch Tata bbe printed by the sch Dressmaking i ‘SLMSILAS inthe link or sch Tatoo ressmalaing i Talloring| Hairdressing | Haledressing i bbe pinted by the sch ‘SEMSILAS inthe link or sch Taateg ‘be printed by the sch 'SEMSICAS inthe Tink or sch Tated be printed by the sch “SUMSILAS in the link or sch inated ‘be printed by the sch ‘SLMBILAS ithe lnk or sch tated be printed by the sch ‘al care ‘SUMSILAS nthe link or sch inated be printed by the sch Barbering NCI SLMISILAS ih the link or sch ifated be printed by the sch Bartending NC. ‘SLMSILAS nn the Tink or sch inater be printed by the sch Bread and Pastry) Production NCii ‘SLMSILAS nthe Tink or sch inated be printed by the sch ‘Caregiving NC1 'SLMSILAS inthe link or sch inated be printed by the sch cookery NCII ‘SEMISILAS in The Tink or sch Tater be printed by the sch Food and Beverage| Services NCI ‘SEMISILAS inthe link or sch Tlated bbe printed by the sch Front Office Services| cul 'SLMSILAS inthe link or sch Tlatea bbe printed by the sch Housekeeping NCI 'SLMILAS inthe link or sch inated be printed by the sch Teal Guiding Services| cul SCMIS/LAS inthe link or sch inated be printed by the sch "Tourlam Promotion ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch Services NCI ‘SLMIS/LAS inthe link or sch inated be printed by the sch Waliness Massage Ne] Commercial Cooking| cu ‘SLMSILAS i the ink or sch rated be printed by the sch Events Management| Services NCI ‘SLMGILAS in the link or sch Fated be printed by the sch Fashion Design| (apparel) NC ‘SLMS/LAS in the link oF sch iniated be printed by the sch Hairdressing NC ‘SLMSILAS in the fink or sch niated be printed by the sch Handicraft (Wooderat Leathercrat} 'SLMSILAS in the link or sch trialed be printed by the sch 'SLMS/LAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch Animation NCI Computer Systems| Servicing NC SCMSTLAS Tr he Tink oF ch tated be printed by the sch Contact Center Services NC "SUMSILAS in the link or sch iriated be printed by the seh Ilstration NC. “SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch ‘Wedieal Transcription] cul “SUMBILAS in the link or sch iriated be printed by the sch "Fechaical rafting NC] i “SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated bbe printed by the sch Computer Programming (Net Technology) NC i “SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch Computer Programming (av NC 'SLMSILAS in the link oF sch iniated bbe printed by the sch Computer Programming (Oracle} Database) NCI ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated bbe printed by the sch ‘SLMsILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch [Special Curricular Programs JArabic Language No MELC Jcraves "SUMSILAS nthe Tk oF Sch Wiaved be printed by the sch "SLMSILAS in the link oF sch inated be printed by the sch Jarave 2 Jaxave s ‘SLMGILAS i the ink or sch inialed bbe printed by the sch larave 4 ‘SUMSILAS in the link or sch riaied be printed by the sch Jaraves LIISILAS inthe link or sch inated be printed by the sch larave 6 LMILAS inthe link or sch Wate bbe printed by the sch stamic Values NoMetc ‘SEMSILAS Tn the link oF sch niated be printed by the sch Joravea 'SLMSILAS in the fink or sch Priated be printed by the sch JaRave 2 LMSILAS inthe link or sch Tlated be printed by the sch Jarave 2 ‘SLMILAS in the link or sch iriated be printed by the sch Joraves Joraves 'SEMSILAS in the fink or sch ievated be printed by the seh SCMISTLAS in the link or sch irvated be printed by the sch Jaraves ‘SLMILAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch 'SLMILAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch lispanese (Nihongo) |crade 7 |crade 8 MICAS Tr the Tink oF Sch Tate be printed by the sch lcrade 9 ‘SEMISILAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the seh Jcrade 10 'SLMSILAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch panish IICAS in the ink or sch iriated be printed by the sch lGrade 7 lcrade 8 ‘SLMSILAS tthe Ink or sch iniated be printed by the sch lcrade 9 “SLMSILAS in the ink or sch riated be printed by the sch Jcrade 10 TLMSILAS inthe Tink or Sch Tatea be printed by the sch ‘SLMSILAS in the link or sch miated bbe printed by the sch [Environmental science biotechnology ‘SLMSILAS in the ink or sch nated be printed by the sch Applied Chem IMSILAS inthe Tink or sch Wate be printed by the sch electronics MISILAS inthe Tink or sch Tvated be printed by the sch Research 7 LMISILAS inthe lnk or sch Wiated be printed by the sch JResearch 8 LLISILAS inthe link or sch Wate be printed by the sch lResarch 9 ‘SEMILAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch Research 10 IMSILAS Tn the lnk or sch Tlated be printed by the sch [Grade 4 NoMELC STMISILAS in the fink or sch Iniated be printed by the seh Music loance ‘SEMSICAS a the ink oF ch Triated be printed by the seh visual ars SCMISILAS in the fink or sch inated be printed by the sch. theater arts 'SLMSILAS in te link or sch irvated be printed by the sch “SUMSILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch [erade 5 Imusic loance “SUMSILAS th the ink oF Sch ated be printed by the sch visual ars SLMISTLAS in the link or sch inatec be printed by the sch Ltheater arts ‘SUMSILAS in the link or sch niated be printed by the sch “SEMSILAS in the link or sch riated be printed by the sch [Grade 6 Music bance ‘SCMSICAS Th We ink oF sch inated be printed by the seh visual ans ‘SEMSILAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch [theater Arts SCMSILAS in the fink or sch iavated be printed by the sch "SUWSILAS in the Ink or sch iniated be printed by the sch [Grade 7 LMSILAS tthe Tnik or sch iniated be printed by the sch ‘SEMS/LAS inthe lnk or sch inated be printed by the sch 'SLMSILAS nthe lnk or sch Wlatea ‘be grinted by the sch STMSILAS inthe link or sch ilated be printed by the sch 'SEMILAS inthe link or sch Wiated be printed by the sch ‘SLMSILAS nthe link or sch Wlated bbe printed by the sch SLMSICASTA he Ink oF Sch Water bbe printed by the sch STMS/LAS inthe link or sch ilated be printed by the sch 'SLMSILAS inthe link or sch tiated be printed by the sch ‘SLMGILAS inthe ink or sch IVav6d | be printed by the sch SLMIS/LAS inthe link or sch fated be printed by the sch ‘SUMSILAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch ‘SLMBILAS i he Ink oF sch inated be printed by the sch ‘SLMSILAS in the Ink or sch inated be printed by the sch ILMISTLAS inthe Tink or sch infated bbe printed by the sch ‘SLMSILAS nthe link or sch inated bbe printed by the sch ‘SLMSILAS nthe lnk or sch inated bbe printed by the sch ‘SLMSILAS nthe link or sch fated bbe printed by the sch suse 2 Dance s Visual rts 4 theater ats 5 ia Arts s creative writing 4 leradee usc 8 loance 4 vist ars 6 theater Ans 5 toda Arts 5 creative Wrting 6 lerade haus 8 loonce 4 Visual arts 5 theater Ans 6 Media Arts 1 creative weting 2 (Grade use 2 ‘SCMSILAS a the Ink or sch tiated be printed by the sch ] SUMSILAS ia the Ink or sch inated be printed by the sch ‘SEM/LAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch SLMIS/LAS in the Tink or sch inated be printed by the sch bance 5 Visual arts 6 [theater ans 5 Media Ans 5 creative writing 3 SLMaTLAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch “SUMSILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch [SPS Methods of Conditioning — TLMSTLAS Ta he Unk oF Sch inated bbe printed by the sch ILMSILAS inthe link or sch al bbe printed by the sch lerade7 6 credo s lcrades 6 lerade 10 z ILMILAS in the link or sch inatea be printed by the sch Basic Journalism G4 ‘SCMISICAS in the link or sch inated be printed by the sch licurnaliom fengish) les 6 ‘SUMS/LAS in te ink or sch nated be printed by the sch journalism (Englis) G6 “SLMS/LAS in the link or sch invated be printed by the sch jiournalism (Englis) G7 “SLMSILAS in the link or sch iniated be printed by the sch “SLMSILAS in the link or sch inated bbe 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