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The Bucket List

“How did I end up here?” Dani asked herself sitting on her fluffy pink blanket her grandma got her for
Christmas on the bed as she didn’t want to get the sheet s wet as she just came out of the shower fully
clothed after crying for 2 hours, contemplating if what she did was a mistake. A mistake so big, it may
have changed the entire direction of her future, placing her on a whole new path. “What did I do?”
“What am I thinking!?” “I’m not cut out for this” “this is not who I am” “mom will never forgive me”she
thinks to herself. the decision Dani is in the Process of making will be something she’ll be frowned upon
about ., after all giving up the chance of pursuing your dream just so you can follow the love of your life
all over the world to complete a bucket list is probably the dumbest thing you have ever heard right ?
But to Dani and Dean it was, it is something more . A chance to discover who you truly are while doing
the craziest things you could ever imagined with the love of your life is a once in a lifetime opportunity ,
but the scholarship is now ,and could also be a once in a lifetime opportunity and though Dani wanted
to go to Burkly and pursue her dreams of becoming a lawyer she knew that she had always wanted
more excitement, she felt as though the dream of becoming a lawyer was no longer her dream it was
forced upon her, with siblings before her making partner at the family’s firm . she wanted to go , no she
needed to go as she had doubts about becoming a lawyer and the thought of regret and looking back
and wondering ‘what if ...?’ never sat right with her. No, it was no longer a decision , it was a choice , a
choice that she made and now needs to share with her family .....

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