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Lab # 6

Title : Rate of Descension

Hypothesis : The greater the mass of a falling object the faster it falls (greater the Descension rate)

Aim : To determine how the mass of falling objects affect their Descension rate

Apparatus/Materials: Plastic Bag ,String, Tape, measuring tape, Stopwatch, Weights, Scissors

Procedure :

1. Cut the plastic bags diagonally using the scissors.

2. Use tape to attach 40cm of string to each of the four corners of the bag.

3. Tie all the string ends together and add a final piece of 10cm string to the end, this will
hold the weights that will be attached.

4. Attach the 10g weight to the 10cm string.

5. From a length of 416m or 4.16m, release the assembled weight and parachute then using
the stopwatch start recording the time it takes to fall immediately after release.

6. Record the time taken in the table as T1.

7. Repeat steps 6&7 for the remaining weights after attaching them to the parachute.

8. Re-attach the 10g weight to the 10cm string.

9. From a length of 416m or 4.16m, release the assembled weight and parachute then using
the stopwatch start recording the time it takes to fall immediately after release.

10. Record the time taken in the table as T2.

11. Repeat steps 10&11 for the remaining weights after attaching them to the parachute.

12. Use the data collected to fill out the remaining parts of the table.

Controlled Variables: Falling object

Manipulated Variables: Mass of Falling Object

Responding Variables: Descent Rate

Expected Results :

Table Showing The Descension Rate Of A Falling Object of Different Masses

Mass (G) Time Speed

T1 T2 Average Time S= d/t

10g 2.3s 3s 2.65s 1.57ms-1
20g 4.6s 6s 5.3s 0.78ms-1
30g 6.9s 9s 11.4s 0.36ms-1
40 g 9.2s 12s 10.6s 0.06ms-1

Distance = 4.16m

Expected Statement : Based on the expected results, it can be concluded that as the mass of am

Object increases, the rate at which it falls will decrease.

Lab # 7

Title : Salt and Ice

Hypothesis : Adding salt to ice will increase its melting point.

Aim : To test the theory of salt increasing or decreasing the melting point of ice.

Apparatus/Materials: Salt, (2) Petri dishes, timer, marker and paper

2 ice cubes (each made from 50ml of the same water), 2 measuring cylinders.

Procedure :

1. Label each Petri dish using the marker and paper. Label one dish ‘A’ and the other ‘B’.

2. Place one ice cube in each Petri dish.

3. As soon as possible place half teaspoon of salt onto the ice cube in dish B.

4. Set the timer for 5 minutes and observe the amount of water melted.

5. At the end of the 5 minute period, pour the water melted from each ice cube into separate
Measuring cylinders. One cylinder for Petri dish A and one dish for Petri dish B.

6. Record the volume of water of in each cylinder in the table given.

Controlled Variables: Ice Cube

Manipulated Variables: salt

Responding Variables: Altered melting point

Expected Results :

Table showing the Volume of the water melted from the ice cubes under different melting

Ice cube Volume of water melted

A 30ml
B 45ml

Expected Statement: Based on the expected results, it can be assumed that an ice cube with salt
added to it will melt faster than an ice cube without salt, Confirming that Salt does affect the
melting point of ice.

Lab # 8
Title : Thermal Physics

Aim : To determine the specific heat capacity of a metallic ball using the
Method of mixtures.

Materials : Beaker, Heating equipment, Thermometer, Metal Object (on string),

Polystyrene (Styrofoam) Cup, Balance,

Background : When two bodies with different temperatures come into contact, heat
flows from the hotter body into the cooler body until they reach the
same temperature. The final temperature will depend on the heat
capacities of the two bodies. This can be used to find the specific heat
capacity of a material by a technique known as the “Method of Mixtures”.

Diagram :

Procedure : 1.The metal object was suspended in a beaker of boiling water and left
long enough to ensure the temperature of the metal was the same as that of the water. A
measured mass of water was placed into the polystyrene cup and its temperature was recorded.

2. The metal object was lifted out of the boiling water bath and transferred in to the cold water in

the cup.

3. The highest temperature reached while stirring, was recorded using the thermometer.

4. The necessary measurements were made to enable the specific heat capacity of the metal to be

calculated from the fact that: Heat gained by the water = Heat lost by the metal

Results :

Mass Temperature Specific Heat

Substances Capacity (c)
G Kg Initial Final ____________
Metal Ball 67.43 0.0674 307.15k 376.15k 902.707j/kg

85.27 0.0853 303.15k 376.15kk 674.43j/kg


Specific heat capacity for metal object =
DT= T2-T1 = 376.15k-307.15k=69k
C= 4200j/0.0674kg/69k
C= 903.109j/kg

Discussion : This experiment was carried out to find the specific heat capacity of a metallic
ball using the mixture method. Specific heat capacity is the heat required to raise the temperature
of 1 kilogram of a substance by 1 kelvin.The formula used to calculate the Specific heat capacity
was Q=M C t. Where Q is equal to heat , M for mass and t for the change in temperature
(t2 – t1)

Precaution : 1. The Water should be placed in a container that can retain heat.

2. Ensure the beakers are properly cleaned.

Sources of
Error : 1. Atmospheric temperature (Wind)

Reflection : This method can be used to determine how fast equilibrium can be attained
when 2 different bodies with different heat capacities mix for example utensils used for making
tea or coffee, or cooking vegetables or rice are made of materials of low specific heat. They are
polished at the bottom. So they get heated quicker. For example, copper, aluminium etc.

Conclusion : This experiment was a success in finding the specific heat capacity of the
metallic ball and it was possible due to the procedures carried out and the measurements taken
and after doing the necessary calculations.

Lab # 9
Title : Snell’s Law

Aim : To determine the refractive index of a glass block (Simulation)

Setup :

Materials : Glass block, Optical pins, Protractor, Plain Paper.

Theory : What is refraction?

Refraction is the change in direction of a wave passing from one medium to another or from a
gradual change in the medium. 

 The law of refraction

The law of refraction states that the incident ray, the refracted ray, and the normal to the
Interface, all lie in the same plane.
 Define the refracted angle and the emergent angle.
The angle of emergence is the angle of the light coming out of a medium and
the angle between a refracted ray and the normal drawn at the point of incidence to the interface
at which refraction occurs.

 What similarity is expected between the incident angle and emergent angle?
The angle of emergence is 47 degrees. It is the same as the angle of incidence.
The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of emergence. This is always true, providing that
you are using a glass block with parallel sides.

 Explain how a ray bends as it travels from one medium to another.

The bending of light as it passes from one medium to another is called refraction. The angle and
wavelength at which the light enters a substance and the density of that substance determine how
much the light is refracted. . The bending occurs because light travels more slowly in a
denser medium.

Method : 1.The paper was tacked onto the cardboard

2. The outline of a glass block was drawn and labelled A.B, C and D in the
Centre of the plain paper

3. A normal was drawn to AB and lines of angle s 10,20,30,40,50,60,70 were drawn

4. Two pins were placed on the 10 ray line

5. P and P were placed by looking through the block

6. The block and pins were removed and a line was drawn through the pin marks representing the
emergent ray meeting the glass block
7. A line was drawn to connect to two normals.
8. This procedure was repeated for all the angles
9. The results were tabulated on a graph of sin I against R was plot

Results :

Angle of Angle of Sin I Sin R Refractive index

Incidence Refraction n,
10 degrees 6.65 degrees 0.17 0.12 1.50
20 degrees 13.18 degrees 0.34 0.22 1.50
30 degrees 19.47 degrees 0.50 0.33 1.50
40 degrees 25.39 degrees 0.64 00.43 1.50
50 degrees 30.71 degrees 0.77 0.51 1.50
60 degrees 35.26 degrees 0.57 0.58 1.50
70 degrees 38.79 degrees 0.94 0.63 1.50

Discussion : When light is incident on a surface some of the light is reflected back while
some of it is transmitted and absorbed. A plane mirror is a highly polished surface with minimal
absorption or refraction of light. Nearly all the light is reflected back.

Precaution : 1.Ensure that the angle of incidence lays between 30 and 60 degrees
2. Ensure the glass of stab is clean.
Sources of
Error : Parallax error (Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent
position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or
semi-angle of inclination between those two lines.)

Reflection :
Snell’s Law is a formula used to describe the relationship between the angles of incidence
and refraction, It is used in optical apparatus such as eyeglasses, contact lenses, cameras,
rainbows. There is also an instrument called a refract meter that uses Snell's law to calculate the
refractive index of liquids.

Conclusion : Snell’s law states that sine angle of incidence is directly proportional to
the sine angle of refraction. We can see in the data presented that this law is accurate, as the
angle of incidence increase the angle of refraction also increases.

Lab #10
Title : Series and Parallel circuits

Aim : To investigate current in a series and parallel circuit

Materials : battery, ammeter, voltmeter, connecting wires bulb

Setup :
Circuit Diagram:

Method : 1.The Phet simulation website was visited

2. The circuit diagram was set up as shown with the ammeter at A across
The battery and at positions B, C and D across each bulb and the reading was recorded at each

3. The Voltage was recorded by the Voltmeter

4. The position of the Voltmeter was changed to record the voltage across each bulb

Results :
Ammeter Position Current Reading Voltmeter Position Voltmeter Reading
A 0.45 A 4.50
B 0.45 B 4.50
C 0.45 C 4.50
D 0.45 D 4.50

Part B- Current in Parallel Circuits.

Circuit Diagram

Method :
1. The Circuit was set up as shown is the diagram shown.

2. The current was recorded on the ammeter cross the battery.

3. The current was recorded on the ammeter cross positions A, B, C and D

4. The Voltage was recorded across each resister set up in the circuit

5. The results were placed in the table

Ammeter Position Current Reading Voltmeter Position Voltmeter Reading

A 1.80 A 9.0
B 0.90 B 9.0
C 1.80 C 9.0
D 0.90 D 9.0

Data Analysis :  1.A series circuit comprises a path along which the whole current flows

through each component.

2. Current flows through the electrical wire and is shared equally among the bulbs.

3. unlike the parallel circuit where the amps splits into different branches then combines again
before it goes back into the battery while the voltage is the same across all components.

4. A parallel circuit comprises branches so that the current divides and only part of it flows
through any branch.

5. The value of current leaving the battery and entering junction 1 was 1.80.

6. The current leaving junction 1 was 0.90

7. The value of the current entering junction 2 was 0.90.

Precaution : 1. Ensure each item needed for this experiment is working correctly
2. Re-Test the current and Voltage thrice for accurate readings from the
ammeter and Voltmeter

Sources of
Error : The diagram may not have been set up 100% accurately

Reflection : A series circuit comprises a path along which the whole current flows
through each component. A parallel circuit comprises branches so that the current divides and
only part of it flows through any branch. The simplest example of parallel circuits are

connections to the power grid: every home or factory is in parallel with every other home and

factory. Similarly, all those street lamps are in parallel.

Conclusion :

In the parallel circuit displayed voltages across each of the bulbs were the same and the total
current is the sum of the current flowing through each bulb while in the series circuit every bulb
has to be working in order for it to be complete.

Lab #11
Title : Radioactive Decay

Aim : To demonstrate the radioactive decay pattern of atoms by graphical

means using random process.

Setup :

Materials : Coins, plastic container.

Procedure : 1.The coins were used to represent the number atoms.

2. Heads were used to represent a decayed atom and tails to represent an undecayed atom.

3. The coins were placed in the container and shaken and then poured out.

4. The number of tails were recorded as the number of undecayed atoms.

5. The number of heads were placed aside as decayed atoms.

6. The number of undecayed atoms were placed back into the container and the procedure
repeated to obtain at least 10 readings.
7. The results were used to plot a graph of number of undecayed atoms against number of

Results :

of Throws 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
of 50 40 35 25 19 11 5
d atoms

Discussion : The nuclei of a radioactive atoms are unstable ,

they break down and change into a completely different type of atom . It is not possible to
predict when an individual atom might decay. But it is possible to measure how long it takes for
half the nuclei of a piece of radioactive material to decay.

Precaution : 1. Turn off all fans and close all windows

2. Clear the area that the coins will be transferred on to

Sources of
Error : Environmental error.

Reflection : Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus

loses energy by radiation an example of Radiation Decay being used in the real world is
Nuclear power plants operate by heating water to make steam that drives a turbine, generating
electricity. The heat comes from decay of the radioactive material and by nuclear fission, where
a neutron causes a radioactive isotope to split into two smaller isotopes, releasing energy in the

Conclusion : It can be concluded that the radioactive decay pattern of atoms using
Random processes were demonstrated during the experiment.

Lab #12
Title : Rate of Descension

Aim : To determine how the mass of falling objects affect their Descension rate

Apparatus/Materials: Plastic Bag, String, Tape, measuring tape, Stopwatch, Weights, Scissors

Procedure :

1. The plastic bags were cut diagonally using the scissors.

2. Tape was used to attach 40cm of string to each of the four corners of the bag.

3. All the string ends were tied together and a final piece of 10cm string was added to the
end to hold the weights to be attached.

4. The 10g weight was attached to the 10cm string.

5. From a length of 416m or 4.16m, the assembled weight and parachute was released then
the stopwatch was used to recording the time it took to fall immediately after being

6. The time taken was recorded in the table as T1.

7. Steps 6&7 were repeated for the remaining weights after attaching them to the parachute.

8. The 10g weight was re-attached to the 10cm string.

9. From a length of 4.16 m, the assembled weight and parachute was released, and then the
time it took to fall immediately after release was recorded on a stopwatch.

10. The time taken was recorded in the table as T2.

11. Steps 10&11 were repeated for the remaining weights after attaching them to the

12. The data collected was used to fill out the remaining parts of the table.

Mass (G) Time Speed

T1 T2 Average Time S= d/t

10g 2.3s 3s 2.65s 1.57ms-1
20g 4.6s 6s 5.3s 0.78ms-1
30g 6.9s 9s 11.4s 0.36ms-1
40 g 9.2s 12s 10.6s 0.06ms-1

Distance = 4.16m

Discussion : This experiment was carried out to determine how the mass of falling
Objects affect their Descension rate.The word Discension is defined as the act of going
downward; the more mass an object has the faster in falls as gravity is the acting force working
on the object

Precaution : 1. Ensure all the windows are closed

2. Ensure all fans are off

Sources of
Error : Atmospheric temperature (Wind)

Reflection : The Rate of Descension can be used in real life on numerous occasions
One such example is sky diving ; before skydiving e your freefall speed have to be calculated to
determine the rate or speed you will fall at.

Conclusion : It can be concluded that the mass of falling objects affects its Descension
rate as the more mass it has the higher the descension rate.

Lab #13
Title : Rebound Height of a Tennis Ball

Hypothesis : The rebound height of a tennis ball depends on its initial release height

Aim : To determine how the initial release height of a tennis ball affects its
Rebound height

Materials : Tennis ball, meter stick

Procedure : 1.Assemble tennis ball and meter stick

2. Hold ball at a height of 40 cm and measure the bounce height with the

Meter stick.

3. Repeat step 2 with different heights increasing by 20

4. Record the bounce height data for each height on the table

Independent Variables: Initial Height

Expected Results :

Table Showing The Rebound Height Of A tennis Ball When release At Different Heights

Initial Release Height Rebound Height

40 cm 56cm
60 cm 76cm
80 cm 96 cm
100cm 116cm
120 cm 138cm

Expected Statement : Based on the expected results, it can be concluded that the higher the
Initial release height of a tennis ball the higher the rebound

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