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1741 – 1745 – Plaintiff. 1746 – 1750 – Defendant.

Deepti and Naval were classmates throughout graduation and post-graduation studies.
They both got a lucrative job in the same company, at the same rank in Delhi. Both were hard
working employees but Deepti also had a lot of innovative ideas (which the bosses
appreciated) and a bubbly personality, which made her more popular than Naval. While
working together they fell in love and got married in Delhi in 2010 according to Hindu rites
and rituals. Work and married life – both were running smoothly.

Deepti’s innovative ideas resulted in a lot of profit for the company and as a result she
quickly rose through the ranks in the company. With the added perks, she also had to devote
a lot of time and resources to the company which made Naval feel that his wife wasn’t paying
much attention to him and the household. This opinion of Naval resulted in a lot of arguments
between the two. Deepti felt that if her career is going well then Naval should be supportive
as he is also enjoying the perks that her new rank brings so he shouldn’t begrudge her the
hard work required and should also work hard at his job so he could get promoted as well.

Naval also had to suffer some good natured ribbing from his family and friends about
his wife being his boss which he started to dislike after some time. After a while, Naval
thought it was the ideal time for them to have a baby but Deepti felt that they should wait for
a few years and concentrate on their careers. This led to a huge fight between the two and for
Deepti to evaluate her choices.

She felt that instead of being supportive her husband continued to make comments
about her devoting too much time to work and not concentrating on him and the marriage,
which made her sad because she enjoyed working and wanted to share the joy her success
brought with her husband. Naval felt that Deepti, having tasted success has forgotten what it
is to be left behind and to be a butt of the jokes between family and friends.

After much deliberation Deepti felt that they should take a break for a few weeks and
then discuss their options. Naval was vehemently opposed to it but Deepti left the
matrimonial home in September, 2018. After a few months she conveyed to Naval that she
wanted a divorce but Naval felt that they should work at their marriage. Naval filed a suit for
restitution of conjugal rights in July, 2019. Deepti filed a suit for divorce stating that there are
no chances of reconciliation in September, 2019.

Argue from both sides using relevant provisions of the HMA.

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