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Learn and Talk I – Lesson 33 ©

2016 Acadsoc Limited

Video Games
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 33 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

*If the student knows ALL the vocabularies below, please look for some extra ones.

1. Laptop /ˈlæptɑːp/ [noun]

a small computer that is designed to be easily carried

2. Desktop /ˈdesktɑːp/ [noun]

a computer that is designed to be used on a desk or table: a desktop computer

3. Console /ˈkɑːnsoʊl/ [noun]

a flat surface that contains the controls for a machine, for a piece of electrical equipment, etc.

4. Device /dɪˈvaɪs/ [noun]

an object, machine, or piece of equipment that has been made for some special purpose

5. Addicted /ə'dɪktɪd/ [adjective]

unable to stop doing something that is harmful
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 33 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

Sentence Structure
*Introduce the student the sentence structures listed below.

Question: I am not that into playing video games.

Possible Answer: Nor am I.
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 33 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

*Always elaborate from the student’s answers in order to build an INTERACTIVE CONVERSATION. If the student doesn’t like the questions below,
please construct some extra questions related to the topic. (DO NOT GO OVER ALL THE QUESTIONS)

1. Have you ever played a video game? How good are you at them? Are games good for you or bad
for you?

2. Which of the following devices have you used to play video games: mobile phone, video game
console, desktop computer, laptop or handheld video game console? Why do you prefer using it?

3. Do you, or anyone you know, spend many hours playing video games? Do you know any parents
who are worried about the number of hours their children spend playing video games? What can
parents do in such cases?

4. What were some games that were popular in the past? What kinds of games are popular now?

5. What do you think makes a good game?

Learn and Talk I – Lesson 33 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

Further Reading

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